pixelforgestudios · 7 months
Which Vert Was It Again?
Nothing like the rollercoaster feeling of almost being done with a render and having to fix just one last detail...and you fix the wrong detail.
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ianfulgar · 1 year
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I spotted this unconventional design solution in a basement. Does straying away from natural structural grid lines open up new possibilities or does it create more problems? #designers, what are your thoughts? #architecture #engineering #structuralgrid #designproblems #designpossibilities #unconventionaldesign #cityinfrastructure #engineeringethics #architectureethics #designoptimization #basementarchitecture #vehiclepath
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onyv · 2 years
Днес ще получите инструкции как да започнете заданието на вашата дизайнерска група. Най-добрият начин да продължите да се учите как да мислите като дизайнер е да имате проект, върху който да работите. Предлагаме ви да намерите проблем във вашия град, квартал или такъв, който може да засяга общност или група близо до вас. Не търсете лесни проблеми, като хората, които се нуждаят от по-удобни пейки в близкия ви парк. В това упражнение се нуждаем от по-предизвикателни въпроси, които изискват от вас да мислите и да изследвате. Възможно ли е да има проблем, свързан с услугата във вашия град или квартал? Знаете ли за проблем, който засяга някои хора, конкретна група или общност във вашия район? Може би има предизвикателство, свързано с околната среда или поведението. Задачата за тази седмица е да обиколите района и града си, но като наблюдавате по-внимателно заобикалящата ви среда. Четете например местните вестници, за да разберете проблемите, които се обсъждат. Припомнете си какво сте научили от четивата от предишни класове! Първата ви задача от урока е да създадете групова стена в Trello с групата, с която сте назначени да работите. Основните категории на стената трябва да бъдат структурата на нашите класове от тази седмица нататък. Трябва да актуализирате и работите върху своя процес, като използвате тази виртуална стена, като поставите идеи, текст, връзки, диаграми, каквото е необходимо за всеки урок. Втората задача за седмицата е след като намерите някои проблеми, които смятате за подходящи, да ги обсъдите с вашата група. Решете един проблем, върху който вашата група ще работи. Опишете проблема си като кратък текст от максимум 500 думи и качете документа в Trello. Забавлявайте се, наблюдавайки околната среда от нова перспектива!
! Activity: Choose the problem design of the group
Find a problem in your city, your neighbourhood, or one that perhaps affects a community or a group near you. Once you have found some problems you consider relevant, discuss them with your group and with the tutor, if needed. Decide on only one problem that your group will work on. Describe your problem in a short text of 500 words maximum and upload it to Trello.
! Дейност: Изберете дизайна на проблема на групата
Намерете проблем във вашия град, вашия квартал или такъв, който може да засяга общност или група близо до вас. След като намерите някои проблеми, които смятате за подходящи, обсъдете ги с вашата група и с учителя, ако е необходимо. Решете само един проблем, върху който вашата група ще работи. Опишете проблема си в кратък текст от максимум 500 думи и го качете в Trello.
Team : me, Katya & Omar
(a group of people struggling on a design problem how to transform 'unusable' urban fields (construction sites, old facades, abandoned houses) in thematically and locally appropriate art spaces (for graffiti, murals, photography, multimedia…) i.e. into temporary outdoor art stages) my proposals of possible Design problems that we can solve :
P1/ DESIGN PROBLEM : Transforming "unusable" urban space (construction sites, abandoned houses) in appropriate (thematic, local) art space (graffiti, photos, multimedia, etc.) and posibly turning it into temporary outdoor performance stages.
*( I got the inspiration for this from my last trip to Lisbon this summer)
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Lisbon's street art'22
P2/ 3D sculpture/s on a playground in the park which, however, DO NOT have a utilitarian function (like the so popular and widespread slides, swings and climbing frames) but an aesthetic or cognitive one.
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3D garden sculpture by Olimpia Zagnoli
P3/ Urban landscape : shaping an empty urban space for a sidewalks/bike - lane etc./
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Copacabana sidewalks by Roberto Burle Marx
PROBLEM 1/ No matter where we live, in a small neighborhood or in a metropolis, we are all faced daily with renewed infrastructure (buildings under renovation or abandoned ones). The fact is that however good aesthetic temporary solutions have been found for the purpose of mimicry and adaptation to urban planning (such as removable textile coverings of sites under construction or rigid surrounding structures, with images demonstrating how the site would look in its finished form),
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London, nowadays
they they remain as isolated and dysfunctional islands that do not hold attention for more than a few minutes. This problem could find its modern and functional solution, (including the human factor in the final result) by looking for the relationship between the surrounding environment and art/design in a modern aspect.
After an investigation it became clear that many good proposals were made to renew the urban environment by linked with the classical art or contemporary design and street art. Here is a small part of the examples that inspire us: A/Sol Lewitt, Wall Drawing #1136
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Sol Lewitt, Wall Drawing #1136, 2003 / National Galleries Scotland /
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Wall Drawing #1136 by Sol Lewitt in an urban environment (as a railway station decoration)
B/Happy spaces - realized creative projects of some designers / illustrators / street artists * Gio Pistone Dario/It/
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by Gio Pistone Diario /It/
** 'Happy street' by Yinka Ilori who transforms 'forbidding' London bridge into installation
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*** turning a car parking into a playground space shot by Clement Guillaume /Fr/ on FLICKR https://www.flickr.com/people/clementguillaume/
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IN CONCLUSION / OUR DECISION / : We will try to apply some of these ideas on urban construction sites, old facades or abandoned buildings, which in our opinion would lead to:
* uniqueness, aesthetic impact, diversity and avoidance of boredom; * creation of unique platforms for the performance of a number of artists (i.e. mutual connection and promotion of the human factor); * relatively easy applicability.
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jc · 3 months
Meister Leverkusen, Bonner SC, Zentrieren im Web
Linktipps sind Fundstücke aus dem Internet, die ich live im eigenen Tool (RSS) poste, aber auch gerne mal im Blog zusammenfasse. Immerhin sind Link-Empfehlungen der Ursprung von Blogs.
Unfairer Wettbewerb: Wegen Leverkusens Meisterschaft ist die Bundesliga wieder ein wenig gestorben „Während andere Bundesligavereine bei Fehlentscheidungen um ihre Existenz bangen müssen, spielen von der DFL protegierte Klubs und Konstrukte mit finanzieller Freiheit auf. Erstaunlich, dass Leverkusen das erst jetzt ausnutzen konnte.“
Die größte deutsche Stadt OHNE PROFI Fußball CLUB! (wieso 5. Liga?) Wieso 5. Liga, das frage ich mich auch. Jedenfalls war Alex zu Besuch beim Bonner SC. Im Block F stehe ich auch jede Woche – um meiner Tochter bei der Leichtathletik zuzusehen.
Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things Ein humorvoller Artikel über ein Designproblem, das wohl den Wenigsten auffällt (mir aber oft genug): Zentrierung. Und warum sogar Apple daran scheitert, neuerdings sogar noch mehr.
📧 Lass dich über neue Beiträge per E-Mail informieren! 🐖 Du findest das hier gut? Wirf was ins Sparschwein meiner Kinder! Vielen Dank! 🫶
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2024/06/meister-leverkusen-bonner-sc-zentrieren-im-web/)
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6 Tipps als Grafiker ChatGPT zu nutzen
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Du bist sicherlich mit den Herausforderungen vertraut, die mit dem kreativen Prozess einhergehen. Aber hast du schon einmal daran gedacht, eine künstliche Intelligenz wie ChatGPT in deine Arbeit einzubeziehen? In diesem Blogartikel werde ich dir sechs wertvolle Tipps geben, wie du ChatGPT als Grafiker optimal nutzen kannst. Lass uns gemeinsam in die Welt der Kreativität und KI eintauchen!
1. Hol dir Inspiration für neue Ideen
Manchmal fühlt man sich als Grafiker wie in einer kreativen Sackgasse. Aber keine Sorge, ChatGPT ist hier, um dir aus der Patsche zu helfen! Nutze diese leistungsstarke KI, um neue Inspirationen für deine Designs zu erhalten. Stelle Fragen, lass dich von den Antworten überraschen und lasse ChatGPT deine Kreativität anregen. Wer weiß, welche außergewöhnlichen Ideen dabei entstehen können?
2. Erhalte schnelles Feedback zu deinen Entwürfen
Feedback ist für jeden Grafiker von unschätzbarem Wert. Aber manchmal braucht man eine schnelle Einschätzung, ohne lange auf Rückmeldungen warten zu müssen. Genau hier kommt ChatGPT ins Spiel. Lade deine Entwürfe hoch, stelle gezielte Fragen und erhalte sofortiges Feedback. ChatGPT kann dir helfen, Designprobleme zu identifizieren, Verbesserungsvorschläge zu machen und dich in die richtige Richtung zu lenken.
3. Entdecke neue Designtrends und Stile
Die Designwelt entwickelt sich ständig weiter und es ist wichtig, immer auf dem neuesten Stand zu sein. ChatGPT kann dir helfen, neue Designtrends und Stile zu entdecken. Frage nach den aktuellen Trends in der Branche, erhalte Informationen über innovative Techniken oder lass dir von ChatGPT Beispiele für gelungene Designs zeigen. Mit diesem Wissen kannst du dein Portfolio erweitern und dich von der Konkurrenz abheben.
4. Erweitere deine Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse
Als Grafiker ist es entscheidend, sich kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln und neue Fähigkeiten zu erlernen. ChatGPT kann dir dabei helfen, dein Wissen zu erweitern. Stelle Fragen zu spezifischen Designtechniken, lass dir Tutorials geben oder hole dir Tipps für den Umgang mit bestimmten Designsoftware. Nutze ChatGPT als deinen virtuellen Mentor und werde zu einem noch vielseitigeren und erfahrenen Grafiker.
5. Finde passende Farbkombinationen und Schriftarten
Die Auswahl der richtigen Farbkombinationen und Schriftarten kann einen erheblichen Einfluss auf das Erscheinungsbild deiner Designs haben. Mit ChatGPT als deinem Assistenten hast du Zugriff auf eine Fülle von Wissen und Kreativität. Frage nach harmonischen Farbschemata, erhalte Vorschläge für kontrastreiche Kombinationen oder lass dir typografische Empfehlungen geben. ChatGPT kann dir helfen, visuelle Elemente zu verbessern und deinen Designs den letzten Schliff zu verleihen.
6. Verwandle Text in visuelle Grafiken
Als Grafiker bist du oft mit der Aufgabe konfrontiert, Text in ansprechende Grafiken umzuwandeln. ChatGPT kann dir dabei helfen, diese Herausforderung zu meistern. Teile den Text mit ChatGPT, frage nach Vorschlägen für Layouts, Schriftarten und Illustrationen, und lasse dich von den generierten Ideen inspirieren. Mit der Unterstützung von ChatGPT kannst du textbasierte Inhalte in ein visuell ansprechendes Design verwandeln und deine Botschaft effektiv kommunizieren. Fazit Die Integration von ChatGPT in deinen Arbeitsprozess als Grafiker kann viele Vorteile bieten. Von Inspiration und Feedback über das Entdecken neuer Designtrends bis hin zur Erweiterung deiner Fähigkeiten und der Unterstützung bei der Gestaltung visueller Elemente – ChatGPT ist ein wertvolles Werkzeug, das dir helfen kann, noch kreativer und effizienter zu arbeiten. Sei offen für die Möglichkeiten, die diese künstliche Intelligenz bietet, und lass dich von ihr bei deinem grafischen Schaffen unterstützen. Nutze diese sechs Tipps, um das volle Potenzial von ChatGPT als Grafiker auszuschöpfen. Viel Erfolg und viel Spaß beim Experimentieren und Gestalten! Read the full article
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drawdownbooks · 5 years
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The Thing: ⁣ The Opposite of Solving Design Problems⁣ Available at www.draw-down.com⁣⁣ ⁣ A booklet about Things—Things we’ve designed, designed Things that we have inherited, and Things that are so woven into our societies and cultures that we cannot extricate Them. The Thing is about the problematics of design, designers, and design history. Lovingly offset printed and screen printed in a mix of three colors, The Thing mixes graphic design history, memoir, object studies, dismembered limbs, virgin tears, and blood sacrifice applied to some of the silkiest Japanese papers available. Topics include Vikings; Netflix binge-watching as a metaphor for lived experience; problematic relationships with objects; earthquakes which became firestorms; which then claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people; Japanese graphic design history; picking locks; secrets behind the art of editing; nostalgia; guilt, and shame. ⁣ ⁣ #IanLynam #DesignProblems #designhistory (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byz2RQjHy44/?igshid=18n4p2rno6oyb
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diaryofadesignkid · 6 years
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Just a Summary of Wicked Problems.
Source: CMU Transition Design, Irwin & Kossoff based on Rittle & Webber 1973)
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Burberry logo
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beadsofparadisenyc · 3 years
(Sound on!) When working on my last video about how to make adjustable slip knots, I happened to be wearing an awesome necklace that I realized was starting to break. I’d had this same problem with this piece before, so I decided that it was about time to find a new fix and thought I’d bring you all along on the journey. I’m calling the concept (so far) “Design Problems: How to Work With & Around Them”, because no matter how long you’ve been making jewelry this sort of thing happens all of the time on large and small scales. Let’s talk about the possible fixes and explore what works and what doesn’t work quite as expected in the Case of The Very Heavy Vintage Pendant That Eats Cord. Follow the link in our profile to see how I worked around the issue! #jewelrydesign #designproblems #designprocess #brokenjewelry #jewelryrepair #jewelrymakeover #newlook #customjewelry #diyjewelry #jewelrymaking #jewelrytutorial #learnsomething #makesomething #fashion #style #styleinspo #shop #nyc #unionsquare #beadsofparadise (at Beads of Paradise NYC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CND094Dh8q0/?igshid=12llx0e5mmben
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ahmad96ragab · 4 years
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مقالة بتتكلم عن طرق الاستفادة من الترندات في تصميم خدمة أفضل https://bit.ly/3bkOkCh #design #visualdesign #userexperiencedesign #designproblems ~ https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpj-AfgDFC/?igshid=13n5y5g8eo91l
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b-originaldesigns · 7 years
What do you do when you can't sleep, summon inner panda chi 🐼 and make a plan of action for tomorrow. Good thing my @inkandvolt planner is so helpful #insomnia #riseandconquer #themidnightoil #pandachi #designproblems #designlife #boriginaldesigns . . . . #design #designer #designinspiration #interiordesign #interiordesigner #girlproblems #cantsleep #leather #cuteaf #boriginal
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DaVinci be like
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studioantipode · 7 years
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Trying to work out an unraveling effect is trickier than expected. Do the walls have thickness or nah? Are there internal structures? Do I have flat-walled inside curves or have them match the external contours? So many design choices. Would be much easier to just unravel someone’s head... any volunteers? ;-) #sketching #designproblems #design #graphite #ink (at Hilliard, Ohio)
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greeniezona · 5 years
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I CAN’T DECIDE — which set of colors to commit to? The slightly more pastel combination on top earring? Or the bolder colors on the bottom earring? . . #bookcovercoordinated #designproblems #beaderproblems #escapingexodus #nickydrayden https://www.instagram.com/p/B1gfzxTAzGF/?igshid=lkqu4725dnvq
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karlymccoy-blog · 5 years
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Visual Diary #13
I saw this post a little while ago and screenshotted to use for this! I think this issue is very similar to what we have been discussing in class with Facebook! This just may be a little bit more creepy bc it’s like have a peeping Tom constantly listening in on you. This calls into serious question of a persons data safety when using Alexa if amazons employees are just creeping in on you. Alexa has private information stored as well its in your home, the idea that some stranger miles away is listening to your private family conversations is disturbing. This is a huge problem that amazon should definitely seek to ratify!
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bowlegsandbiceps · 7 years
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Mmmmm omelettes made with buttermilk &a wheat pancake batter 😂 #designproblems #occupationalhazard (at IHOP)
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