#deshi teen
lifeis-art · 9 months
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তোমার ভাঁজ খোলো, আনন্দ দেখাও
করি প্রেমের তর্জমা
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butterysalt · 2 years
Sour Confessions
Pairing: Reigen Arataka x GN!reader
Rating: Teen (16+)
Summary: After the season 2 fight against Claw's leader, everyone crashes at Reigen's apartment for the night. But when the kids finally fall asleep, the adults are left with their own troubles and no one to comfort them.
Word Count: 3.1K+
Contains: A lotta fluff + angst (self-deprication HURT/COMFORT BABY), swearing, alcohol, awkward romantic pining, Parental Energy TM, tired writing
A/N: I think I fumbled a lot with trying to plan out the course of this fic and the themes I wanted to touch base on. I'm not entirely happy with how it came out but I still hope you'll enjoy! I am So Smitten for this man.
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You sit on the cool platform of the balcony after your shower, your hair still somewhat wet as you let it air dry. You lean against the thinly grated railing, gazing mindlessly at the giant broccoli that rooted itself in the center of Seasoning City. Unlike the chaos that took place just hours before, the night is quiet and serene. The city had its share of psychic damage and infrastructures that needed repair but, that was for tomorrow to worry about. Now, it was time to rest.
The screen door behind you carefully slides open with an old un-oiled squeal. You turn to look over your shoulder and catch Reigen scowling at his screeching door frame with a tired, displeased expression on his face.
It looks like he just finished showering. Some water beads still drip from his half-dried hair. He’s finally out of his torn, ashen suit and wearing some comfy lounging shorts to pair with his ugly bear shirt. You’re not sure if this is an upgrade or worse. He looks back down at you and smiles.
“Hey.” You smile back at him.
“You getting chilly out here?” he whispers.
“Only a little. It’s nice, though,” you look out towards where the white moon teases the tops of buildings far away, “Being able to get some fresh air and all that.”
Reigen hums in agreement and shifts his weight onto his hip as he leans against the doorframe. He matches your gaze and shares this moment of silence with a gentle sigh.
“Well, why don’t you come back inside? Don’t want you falling asleep out here and catching a cold in the morning.” You stand back up with a gentle grunt and join him back inside the warmly lit apartment. When your eyes finally adjust to the interior you find yourself holding back a laugh at the sight in front of you.
Since everyone’s homes had been compromised by psychic attacks and fires, Reigen offered to share his apartment space, at least for the night. Mob, Ritsu, Teru, and even Dimple are scattered in various positions across Reigen’s apartment. Mob was reserved the couch while the others splayed out on the floor nearby. It’s a sweet sight — all the kids finally getting the rest they need.
“Geez, out like a light already. It’s only 10,” Reigen laughs, hiding the fact that his own eyes were struggling to stay open too. You could see the fatigue in him evidently by the way he slouched his shoulders forward and slowly moved his eyes with this hazy look.
You watch the green glow from Dimple’s round and wriggly form rise up and down beside Mob’s head on the couch. There was some fascination in the way his motions mimicked the boy’s slow human breathing. You murmur, “I didn’t even realize spirits could sleep.”
The comment elicits a soft chuckle from Reigen. He walks towards his deshi and stops just shy of the edge of the couch before crouching down and watching the boy.
You join his parental gaze from a distance. “You’d never guess he was the same kid that took down Claw earlier today with how calm he looks sleeping.”
“...Yeah. He really went all out today,” Reigen sighs, brushing a section of Mob’s bangs out of his sleeping eyes. The middle schooler scrunches his face for a second then relaxes, smiling in his deep sleep. The master strokes his student’s head a few more times and watches dejectedly.
“He’s incredible for his age. I mean, look at how much he’s done already! This kid is so good in every single way. But… I worry for him sometimes,” Reigen thinks back on the fight just a few hours ago and how he stood by, unable to do anything as he watched the kid get tossed around and twisted like a ragdoll. He cringes a little at the memory and frowns deeply. “I just can’t imagine the kind of stress he’s experiencing at this age.”
There’s this urge to reach out to him and hold him, telling him it’s okay. That it’s not his fault. Because you know he’s thinking it. After all this time working for Reigen, you could say that you’ve got his mannerisms down to a T. The way his brows twitch downward when he’s caught off guard or how the edge of his lip trembles when he doesn’t like something. He’s especially silent when he’s stuck ruminating in his head or when he starts stimming his fingers without realizing it.
But there are also the times when he’s laughing just a little too hard at something you’ve said or when he tries to hide the warm glow on his cheeks by turning his head away and biting back the smile on his face. Or more recently, when he’ll fix his hair every 5 seconds or have his hand on the back of his neck and talk extra-fast when he’s happy. Little habits like that remind you of why you love going to work every morning.
“Hey, thanks again… For uh, agreeing to stay the night and help with all the kids and stuff despite it all being super short notice,” he mentions as he pulls the blanket a little higher over Mob’s sleeping shoulders. He turns towards you but looks down, sweeping a tuft of hair away from his face before rubbing the back of his neck and smiling softly.
“I don’t know if I could’ve managed on my own.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s the least I could do,” you say honestly. Reigen pulls a tight-lipped smile.
“I know. But… still.” The two of you share a brief moment, staring at one another. You quickly start squirming and break the silence.
“I could really go for a lemon sour right about now.” Reigen lifts his head and looks at you with wide eyes. His brows jump up once he processes it.
“Oh- Wait, really?” You nod back at him with a teasing smile. He laughs back in amusement. “Hah. I… Yeah, I can certainly do that. You’ve come to the guy for one of those. Just- Hang on,” Reigen mumbles as he disappears around the corner to raid his kitchen. You smile to yourself watching him scramble off, nearly tripping as he tries to make the least amount of noise.
The blonde quickly returns after a few soft thuds with two aluminum cans in either hand and nods past you, breathing a little heavier. “Wanna sit outside?”
“Yeah. You got your bearings?” You eye his disheveled appearance. You swear, this man can’t do a single thing gracefully. Reigen barks in a hushed tone to avoid stirring the kids awake.
“Look, I just- You never drink let alone a sour! It’s like an event! I’ve been dying to drink one of these.” You snort under your breath and slowly open the squeaky screen door for him. Once you’re outside, you both settle into different sitting positions on the concrete balcony. Reigen leaning back onto his elbows and you sitting on your legs.
The conman tosses you an icy-cold can. You catch it easily and the two of you crack the drinks open to take long sips. Reigen swallows his drink with a loud, obnoxious sigh. You roll your eyes at his ill table manners and look back at the view in front of you.
You weren’t sure what it was about the moon that pulled you in so easily. Maybe it was the comfortable haze that surrounded it as it rose to its peak of the night sky. Or the idea that there were millions of others around the world sharing this experience with you at this very moment. The man next to you suddenly started giggling to himself.
“Geez,” Reigen laughs, “Look at us both.” You raise a curious brow before taking another sip.
“What are you talking about?”
“Just- This scene of us drinking alcohol late at night like. Stargazing or whatever. Reminds me of being a teenager sneaking out to drink,” he snickers into his can. It fascinates you every time to watch the alcohol visibly enter his system. The peachy glow of his cheeks as he laughs and how his eyes get a little heavier as he gets more giggly. But he’s not shit-faced drunk. Not at all. Comfortably buzzed seems more appropriate.
“What, did you drink a lot as a kid? Is that what you’re telling me?” You poke fun at him. “Not a very good example you’re setting for these kids, Shishou.” Reigen snorts and sits up, resting his chin in his hand as he gazes forward.
“I meant that as like. Teens in general, you idiot. There are a lot of stupid things I did when I was younger. But no. No alcohol,” he shuts his eyes as he reminisces. He rocks back on his arms, bumping his toes in front of him in a little rhythm. The cool air helps level his head and he hums lowly in thought.
“To be honest. I think I was a broken kid.”
This comment catches you off-guard. You turn your head to him and he’s still looking out at the city past the railings. The small smile on his lips fades away as he takes a deep breath in.
“I just… I keep thinking about Mob after everything that happened today. He practically handled all of that by himself… I almost got killed trying to save him. And in the end, he saved me anyway.”
“I think… I’m just finally realizing that that kid is more capable than I want to believe. He’s not 10 anymore. He’s grown up so much. Does he even need me anymore?” he wonders aloud with a twinge of pain in his words. “I was nothing like him when I was his age. I mean- Aside from the powers, of course.”
You watch as he clenches and unclenches his hands, picking at his fingers. “I would say I’m jealous but that doesn’t feel right. ‘Jealousy’ is… a dirty word. I’m proud of him. Really. He’s amazing. All these friends, people who love and support him. Even some young love,” he laughs half-heartedly. “I think I just sort of wish I had that too. That something special about myself.”
Reigen purses his lips and sighs deeply. “And now I’m disappointed that I didn’t try for anything back then.”
You’re not sure what brought upon this sudden confession. Perhaps the stress of the day finally caught up to him. Maybe it was the lemon sour kicking in. But one thing you knew for sure: Reigen never opened up first.
He chews on the inside of his cheek in thought then clears his throat. “Sorry for springing that on you out of nowhere. That’s not fair to you. It’s been on my mind for a while and I didn’t know what to do about it.” He lifts his can to his lips and takes a sip, sighing at the sour taste down his throat. He turns to smile at you. “Don’t worry, just forget about it, okay?”
His words bring you no comfort as you fidget next to him. You know that he’s not expecting you to coddle him. He’d much rather have you just ignore him and pretend it didn’t happen. But his words don’t sit well with you.
“...Reigen,” you start, “Growth doesn’t stop once you become an adult. From how I see it, you’ve been growing with Mob this whole time. That boy trusts you so, so much.”
He keeps his gaze down, boring holes into his lemon sour. You lower your can beside you and breathe in.
“That kid is incredible but… so are you. You do have what he has. I mean- Just take a look inside of your own apartment.” Reigen’s body visibly stiffens. He shuts his eyes, seemingly fighting himself. It’s when he realizes that you’re not going to take your stare off of him that he turns to look through the screen door behind him.
“These kids look up to you,” you reason, “They need you just as much as you need them. Maybe more.”
“And… most importantly,” you breathe, “You’re the reason why Mob is as fantastic as you think he is, you know.” Reigen’s breath hitches. The air is trapped in his throat and he turns to look at you. He looks like he’s about to burst with his wide, fearful eyes. But he also sees you for once. And he sees the hurt in your expression. The way your brows tense towards each other and the grimace on your lips. It hurts him.
“Give yourself more credit, Reigen. He’s not going to forget about you. You two are stuck together whether you like it or not.” He lowers his gaze from your eyes to his lap. His hand raises to his face and he covers his eyes.
And then he laughs.
“ ‘Give myself credit’? Oh, come on.” You frown.
“I’m serious. I’m not just saying that to-”
“No, you’re right, you’re right, it’s just,” he looks back up at you and smiles at you. “How could you say all of that and not mention yourself?”
You stare back at him blankly. “What?”
“Do you really think I could handle all of that by myself?”
“You did.”
“Yeah. All thanks to you.” You furrow your brows and shake your head quickly.
“What? No, no that’s not what I was trying to say-”
“Damn it, will you stop it?” Reigen leaned forward now, waving his hand erratically in front of your face like a madman. “It’s my turn to gush about you. Let me have some of the fun with all the crazy amazing shit I have to say too.”
Your entire body freezes up at his sudden assertion. Reigen breathes heavily upon you with almost manic energy about himself. He shifts into a position where he can prop his leg up and runs a hand through his hair bashfully.
“I mean, you’ve supported me so much over the years. Like, seriously. Who else would be as crazy as I am to just. Go along with some impulsive guy because he read something in a crappy paper ad? Listening to all my dumbass ideas even if you know most of them aren’t going to work? And for what? So that we can have a little fun while it lasts?”
“And I feel like that’s just how a lot of my life goes. I try something new and I get bored and then I repeat that again and again and again until I’m sick of it. Just trying to make something last for a change because nothing ever does for me.”
Reigen’s talking speed slows down and he’s no longer rambling. His eyes have a certain tenderness in them when he looks back at you. “You and Mob? You two… are the only things in my life that I will never get tired of.” His stare pins you in place and you feel a shiver rip through you.
The blonde leans closer to you now, dropping his head low. “L/n, you ground me. You get that? You make up who I am.”
You’re speechless. You feel like your entire world is spinning with the night sky soaring around you. Your mind tries to convince you that it’s some kind of dream. But he’s really here in front of you, staring at you with needy eyes that speak for themselves.
“I’m sorry. A real grand speech I did there. You just can’t even begin to see how much you mean to me. And it’s so freaking annoying.” You raise your hand to his face and brush a section of soft blonde hair away so that you can see his eyes a little more clearly.
“Reigen,” you mutter, “Do you really mean all that…?” Reigen grabs your hand and squeezes it, bowing his head down.
“...Yeah. Of course, I do.” You pull a tight smile and hold his face with one hand, rubbing small circles on his cheek with your thumb, savoring the velvety texture of his skin underneath. He leans into your touch and sighs, cracking an eye open.
He admires the way the light from the forgiving moon frames your face. From the soft curves to the stronger edges of your features. But he mainly drinks up the way you look back at him with the same drunken eyes.
“You’re a real sight. You know that?�� Reigen mumbles earnestly into your palm. You hum back in response, the two of you hovering closer. His eyes float across your entire face, looking at you like a piece of art, flickering between your lips and your eyes. His tongue pokes out to wet his lips subconsciously.
“Hey, uh. How angry would you be if I kissed you right now?” Reigen whispers close to your face. You can’t help but grin at the innocent question. Your hand snakes to the back of his neck and you pull him in and press your lips against his.
Reigen squeezes his eyes shut and he doesn’t take long to melt into the kiss. His hands carefully find their place on your sides, slowly sliding down to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He pulls at your shirt and sighs in your lips.
Reluctantly, he parts lips with you and gives you both a chance to catch your breaths. The two of you pant gently, hearts drumming so hard in your chests it hurts. You rest your forehead against his, mirroring his embarrassed glow.
“Is this okay?” Reigen asks as he searches your eyes for any reluctance. You only smile back and kiss him one more time. Your lips roll against his and he angles his head to deepen it. You can taste the faint flavor of cigarette smoke on your tongue mixed with lemons. It’s so very Reigen.
When you pull away the second time, he’s red in the face laughing out of pure joy, eyes half-lidded and obsessed with the essence of you. A sight that makes your heart jolt.
“Yes. This is very okay.” Reigen chuckles lightly and holds your hand, rubbing his thumb over your skin and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. A yawn slips from your lips without warning. Reigen laughs against your skin and brushes your hair away from your face.
“It’s been a hell of a day. Maybe we should get some rest inside of the actual apartment. I dunno how we’d explain it to those guys if they found us like this in the morning.”
“Yeah. That would be reaaaally embarrassing.”
“Very,” Reigen nods. But neither of you makes the first move to get up. You both stare a little longer and inevitably, his lips are back on yours again, sharing soft kisses. His arms wrap around you, pulling you against his chest. He pulls away just enough so that your noses are still touching and he whispers before falling asleep.
“Thank you. For everything you do.”
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your-lovely-rose · 2 years
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• 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬:
31.12./01.01. ┇ New Year's Day/Eve
— 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 - is a term coined by Cliff Arnall to define the most depressing day of the year, supposedly falling on the third Monday in January.
• 𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬:
22.12–19.01 - Capricorn ♑︎
20.01–18.02 - Aquarius ♒︎
= 01.01. ♑︎
• 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲:
- Yoshiko Hanabatake (Aho-Girl),
- Haru Ichinose (Akuma no Riddle/Riddle Story of Devil),
- Gakushu Asano (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu/Assassination Classroom),
- Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach),
- Principal Nezu (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Mao (Code Geass),
- "Radical Edward" | Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV (Cowboy Bebop),
- Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa),
- Izuru Kamukura (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair // Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School),
- Gao Mikado (Future Card Buddyfight),
- Kochoube Asuko | Asirpa (Golden Kamu),
- Asahi Azumane (Haikyu!!),
- Kaguya Shinomiya (Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen/Kaguya-sama: Love is War),
- Daichi Tachiaki (Miira no Kaikata/How To Keep A Mummy),
- Might Guy (Naruto),
- "Fire Fist" Ace | Portgas D. Ace (One Piece),
- "Mr. 1"/"The Killer" | Daz Bonez (One Piece),
- Takeo Gouda (Ore Monogatari/My Love Story!!),
- Tsubaki (Servamp),
- Masato Oujou (Shakunetsu Kabaddi/Burning Kabaddi),
- "Super Rookie" | Kaede Rukawa (Slam Dunk),
- "Vongola Primo" | Ieyasu Sawada / Giotto (Reborn!),
= 02.01. ♑︎
- Mariko/Maririn | Mimori Kishida (AKB0048),
- "Sir Nighteye" | Mirai Sasaki (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Mutsuki Nakano (Danchigai),
- Ayumi (InuYasha),
- Mio Aoyama (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai/The World God only knows),
- Maria Louise (Kidō Butōden G Gundam/Mobile Fighter G Gundam),
- Emelenzia Rudiger Beatrix (Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!/Venus to Mamoru!),
- Tsubomi Kido (Mekakucity Actors),
- Kenzo Tenma (Monster),
- Peepley Lulu (One Piece),
- Mitchie | Mitsuhiko Nagafukada (Robotics;Notes),
- Isshinsai Ogata (Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi/Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple),
- Gralat Berlurik (Shoukoku no Altair/Altair: A Record of Battles),
- Akane Shinjo (SSSS.Gridman),
- Taichi Dan (Tennis no Ōjisama/The Prince of Tennis),
- Jun Fuyumi (The Idolmaster SideM),
- Ren-Ren | Reina Suzuki (Wake Up, Girls!),
- Marie Tennouji (Yumeiro Pâtissière),
= 03.01. ♑︎
- "Seiryuu" | Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn),
- Hiromi Iwasa (Baby Steps),
- Alecdora Sandler (Black Clover),
- Fujitaka Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura),
- Kyoshiro Tohdoh (Code Geass),
- Keisuke Yuuki (Fushigi Yuugi/Mysterious Play),
- Haruko Saeki (Idoly Pride),
- Masako Araki (Kuroko no Basket/Kuroko's Basketball),
- Gamabunta (Naruto),
- Aisa (One Piece),
- Iceberg (One Piece),
- Mukki | Mutsuki Tsuyama (Saki),
- Kotone Noda (Sakura Trick),
- Ichiro Ogami (Sakura Wars),
- Itsumi Natsume (Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel),
- Arata Inanaki (Sousei no Onmyouji/Twin Star Exorcists),
- Bart Garsus (Vandread),
- "First Sniper" | Haruaki Azuma (World Trigger),
- Shinji Fuyushima (World Trigger),
- Yukino Yukinoshita (Yahari ore no seishun rabukome wa machigatteiru/My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU),
= 04.01. ♑︎
- Tsubomi Hiiragi (22/7),
- Michio Sumiyoshi (All Out!!),
- Tadaomi Kurama (Argonavis from BanG Dream!),
- Kaname Izuma (Beelzebub),
- Kyusaku Yumeno (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone),
- Aiichiro Nitori (Free!),
- Aobimbo | Aoba Tsuzaki (Jinki: Extend),
- Arthur Trine (Kidō Senshi Gandamu Shīdo Desutinī/Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny),
- Lina/Angie | Angelina Kudou Shields (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei/The Irregular at Magic High School),
Torii Natsumi (Nurarihyon no Mago/Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan),
- Fumiki Mizutani (Ookiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!),
- Takeru Fujiwara (Prince of Stride),
- El Cid (Saint Seiya/Zodiac Knights),
- Kotonoha Katsura (School Days),
- "Galand the Truth" | Galand (The Seven Deadly Sins),
- "Gourmet Surgeon" | Atashino (Toriko),
= 05.01. ♑︎
- Eri Ibusaki (D_Cide Traumerei the Animation),
- Prince of the Capital/King | Mei Narumiya (Diamond no Ace/Ace of Diamond),
- John Brown (Ghost Hunt),
- Ichigo Kohinata (Girlfriend (Kari)/Girl Friend Beta),
- Terence T. D'Arby (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure),
- Kuroh Yatogami (K-Project),
- Keitaro Urashima (Love Hina),
- Ozma Lee (Macross Frontier),
- Strawberry (One Piece),
- Sion Todo (PriPara),
- Ryō Yoake (ReLIFE),
- Kae Hiiragi (Re:Stage! Dream Days),
- Momiji Kanō (The Unlimited Hyobu Kyosuke/Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited),
- Mew Berry | Berry Shirayuki (Tokyo Mew Mew),
- Wanko | Inumaru (Ueki no Housoku/The Law of Ueki),
- Ichigo Amano (Yumeiro Pâtissière),
= 06.01. ♑︎
- Anna Nishikinomiya (Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist),
- Jeanne d'Arc (Fate/Apocrypha),
- Nene Kinokuni (Food Wars!),
- Jeanne d'Arc (Drifters),
- Nobara Yukinokouji (Inu X Boku Secret Service),
- Saki Morimi (Eden of the East),
- Makoto Sawatari (Kanon),
- Shingo Komoi (Cardfight!! Vanguard),
- Tatsuma Suguro (Blue Exorcist),
- Haji (Gintama),
- Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyu!!),
- Sherlock Holmes (Moriarty the Patriot),
- "The Darkness of the Shinobi" | Danzo Shimura (Naruto),
- "Fifth Raikage" | Darui (Naruto),
- Ebizou (Naruto),
- Oimo (One Piece),
- Tilestone (One Piece),
- "Sailor Saturn" | Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon),
- Amidamaru (Shaman King),
- Oluo Bozado (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- "Liz" / Elizabeth (The Seven Deadly Sins),
= 07.01. ♑︎
- Konekomaru Miwa (Blue Exorcist),
- "Jack Mantis" | Kamakiri Togaru (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Genya Shinazugawa (Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer),
- Samui (Naruto),
- "Square Sisters" (with Kiwi) | Mozu (One Piece),
- Guang Hong Ji (Yuri!!! on Ice),
= 08.01. ♑︎
- Kai (Akira),
- Mars (Black Clover),
- Hiashi Hyuga (Naruto),
- Hizashi Hyuga (Naruto),
- "Okama King" / "Miracle Person" | Emporio Ivankov / Iva (One Piece),
- Ching Tao (Shaman King),
= 09.01. ♑︎
- Kaede Kayano (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu/Assassination Classroom),
- Reika Rikudou (Fate/Apocrypha),
- Haku (Naruto),
- Pickles (One Piece),
= 10.01. ♑︎
- Braz D. Blood (Blood Lad),
- Koyo Ozaki (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- Yukichi Fukuzawa (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- Ittetsu Takeda (Haikyuu!!),
- Eustass Kid (One Piece),
- Otohime (One Piece),
= 11.01. ♑︎
- Todoroki Shouto (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Itomimizu (One Piece),
= 12.01. ♑︎
- Schneizel el Britannia (Code Geass),
- Dr. Hiriluk (One Piece),
- Ricardo (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World),
= 13.01. ♑︎
- Cutthroat (Akudama Drive),
- Gordon Agrippa (Black Clover),
- Cornelia Li Britannia (Code Geass),
- 13 (Dorohedoro),
- Ikaros Much (One Piece),
= 14.01. ♑︎
- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach),
- Ayumu Tojo (Gintama),
- Snoozer (Hamtaro),
- Sweet Pea (One Piece),
- Estarossa (The Seven Deadly Sins),
= 15.01. ♑︎
- A.O (One Piece),
- Historia Reiss (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- #81194 | Ray (Yakusoku no Neverland/Yakusoku no Neverland),
= 16.01. ♑︎
- Revchi Salik (Black Clover),
- Jirou Kyoutoku (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Boodle (One Piece),
- Felix Argyle (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World),
= 17.01. ♑︎
- Kazuo Tengan (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School),
- Capone Bege (One Piece),
= 18.01. ♑︎
- Rhya (Black Clover),
- "Dabi" | Toya Todoroki (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Kiyomizu Yukihiro (Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited/The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited),
- Katsuhiko Teshigawara (Kimi no na wa/Your Name),
- Hannes (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
= 19.01. ♑︎
- Coyote Starrk (Bleach),
- Lilynette Gingerbuck (Bleach),
- Edgar Allan Poe (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- "Baron Zeppeli" | Will A. Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; Part 3),
- "Prince of the Sand Waterfall Gourd" | Gaara (Naruto),
- Spandine (One Piece),
= 20.01. ♒︎
- Sakura Kouno (Horimiya),
- Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen),
- Mai Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen),
- First Mizukage | Byakuren (Naruto),
- Tetta Kisaki (Tokyo Revengers),
= 21.01. ♒︎
- Antonio (One Piece),
- Miss Friday (One Piece),
= 22.01. ♒︎
- Miki Okudera (Kimi no na wa/Your Name),
- Merry (One Piece),
- Mii-chan | Michelajul Lortelia (Senyuu),
= 23.01. ♒︎
- Yumacchi | Walker Yumasaki (Durarara!!),
- Haruki Komi (Haikyuu!!),
- Nobu | Nobuo Terashima (Nana),
- Shino Aburame (Naruto),
- Charlotte Dosmarche (One Piece),
- Charlotte Nusstorte (One Piece),
= 24.01. ♒︎
- Inoichi Yamanaka (Naruto),
- Kairiken (One Piece),
- Miss Monday (One Piece),
- "Witch of Greed"/ "Witch of Wisdom" | Echidna (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World),
- "Quinque Fanatic" / "Mad Mado" | Kureo Mado (Tokyo Ghoul),
= 25.01. ♒︎
- Shingo Mido (Death Note),
- Rintaro Suna (Haikyuu!!),
- "The Fourth Hokage" | Minato Namikaze (Naruto),
- Giolla (One Piece),
= 26.01. ♒︎
- Kuromarimo (One Piece),
- "Nero the Sea Weasel" | Nero (One Piece),
- Meene Montgomery (Shaman King),
- "Attack Titan" | Grisha Jaeger (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- "Old Warrior" | Aldrich (The Seven Deadly Sins),
= 27.01. ♒︎
- Loly Aivirrne (Bleach),
- Takahiro Hanamaki (Haikyuu!!),
- "Sailor Uranus" | Haruka Tenou (Sailor Moon),
- Charlotte Lola (One Piece),
= 28.01. ♒︎
- Doctor Onishi (Akira),
- "Gran Torino" | Sorahiko Torino (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- "Puppet Princess" / Tianzi | Jiang Lihua (Code Geass),
- Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!),
- Mansherry (One Piece),
- Naki (Tokyo Ghoul),
- Chosuke Nakamoto (Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited/The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited),
= 29.01. ♒︎
- Kotaro Takebayashi (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu/Assassination Classroom),
- Gadjah (Black Clover),
- Carla Jaeger (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
= 30.01. ♒︎
- "Kosaku Kawajiri" | Yoshikage Kira (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; Part 4),
- Eld Jinn (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- "Parka Freak" | Misuto Kiriya (Corpse Party: Blood Drive),
- Suleiman (One Piece),
= 31.01. ♒︎
- Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach),
- Shizuku (Naruto Shippuden the Movie),
- Aladdin (One Piece),
- Ippon-Matsu (One Piece),
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Indian classical music is one of the oldest forms of music in the world. It has its roots in diverse areas such as the ancient religious vedic hymns, tribal chants, devotional temple music and folk music. Indian classical music are on a one-note-at-a-time basis. Indian music is divided into two major classes of Hindustani (Northern Indian) and Carnatic (Southern India), the origins and fundamental concepts of both these types of music are the same. The form of presentation may vary between the two as well as from one gharana to another. The fundamental concepts that have to be understood at the outset are those of swara (musical note), a raga (a melodic concept of scale of notes) and tala (beats of timing or rhythm). Times music presents the musical compositions of the greats like Ustad Bismillah Khan Amjad Ali Khan, Ashish Khan and Pandit Shivkumar Sharma, Hariprasad Chaurasia and Dr. N Rajam in the Hindustani style to illustrate the important features of Indian music. Also featuring the compositions of Rupak Kulkarni, Niladri Kumar, Rakesh Chaurasia, Abhijit Pohankar, Purbayan, Lakshay and Aayush Mohan Gupta. Tracks Listing1. Raaga Madhuvanti Vilambit Ektaal, Madhya Drut Teentaal2. Raga Madhuwanti - Dhun3. Bhajan4. Raga Basant Mukahari5. Dhun Pahari6. Raga Hemavati Aalap Vilambit Gat Drut Gat7. Raga Bageshwari8. Raga Durga Alaap Jod9. Raga Durga Gat10. Raag Chandra Kauns11. Raag Mishra Shivranjani12. Raga Darbari Kanhra13. Raga Lalita Dhwani14. Raga - Miyan Ki Malhar - Vilambit Jhoomra, Drut Teentaal15. Raga - Lalit - Vilambit Jhoomra, Drut Teentaal16. Raga - Deshi, Vilambit Ektaal, Drut Teentaal, Taraana Teentaal17. Raga - Gunakri, Madhyalaya Rupak18. Bhajan - Surdasji, Rupak Taal19. Raga Ahir Bhairav - Alaap, Jor, Jhala, Vilambit Matta Taal, Drut Teen Taal20. Raga Mishra Bhairavi - Dhun Addha Taal21. Raga Mishra Pilu Bandish Rupak Taal22. Raga Shree - Alaap, Jod and Gat in Jhaptaal23. Raga Shree - Gat in Teental and Jhaala24. Raga Bilaskhani Todi Alaap, Jor, Jhala Gat Teental25. Raga Bhairavi Dhun Punjabi Keharva26. Dhun (based on Raga Bhairavi)27. Alap - Raag Hansdhwani28. Jod - Raag Hansdhwani29. Gat Drut Teen Taal - Raag Hansdhwani30. Gat Teen Taal - Raag Hansdhwani Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 11.4 x 7.6 x 1.8 cm; 41 Grams Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Times Music Item part number ‏ : ‎ TMCCL001P Studio ‏ : ‎ Times Music ASIN ‏ : ‎ B01MRFTPMM Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 41 g [ad_2]
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lifeis-art · 9 months
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রোদের আলো উপচে পড়ছে
অপ্সরীর উরু সন্ধির মোহনায়,
যেখানে পৃথিবীর আদী অকৃত্রিম
রহস্যময় এক সরোবর,
আচেনা আলোর নাচনে
সরোবরের সীমানা গুলো দারুণ মায়াবী সৌন্দর্যে
ফুটে উঠছিলো,
নিজের অজান্তেই বলে উঠলাম
চুমুটা পড়ে থাক তোমার উরু সন্ধির সরোবরে
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unsaintedfox-a · 5 years
Deshi may or may not have had too many drinks. But she honestly didn't care. All she knew was she was going to prove them wrong. "See bitch! I told you I could do it!" She stood there with a pineapple on her head and a wide grin on her face. "You owe me 10 bucks!"
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forsakenkitsune · 3 years
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         Been called a 𝕞𝐨𝓷ŞᵗEЯ, called a D̴E̴M̴O̴N̴, called a F̶A̶K̶E̶
    I’m not an [ IDOL ],          not an [̲̅A][̲̅N][̲̅G][̲̅E][̲̅L],             not a SAINT
     I walk αℓσηє, I always have, I’m not A̶S̶H̶A̶M̶E̶D̶
                                       A living {₦ł₲Ⱨ₮₥₳ⱤɆ}
          from the 𝒸𝓇𝒶𝒹𝓁𝑒 to the GRAVE
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perksofwolfsbane · 4 years
My side blogs depending on fandom:
Harry Styles: @itharryfreakingstyles
YUNGBLUD: @yungfookingluv
Tom Holland/Marvel: @tommohollo1996
Other fandoms I’m in, but on my main: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts (hate JKR), Timothée Chalamet, 5sos (Luke), Demi Lovato, films,/tv shows, Game of Thrones/ House of the Dragon, Ariana Grande, Kermit the Frog, Teen Wolf, Marvel, The Sims (4)
About me: ace, gender-fluid (she/they pronouns), south asian/ deshi, atheist, little bit of a nerd, cozy gamer, lonely extrovert, (unfortunately) american resident, owned by an orange cat
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neverwholelahey · 4 years
His father, a rather powerful Alpha, married to a beautiful Beta had never expected to get a son who was an omega. Not when his first son, Camden, had presented at an early age as an Alpha. Unlike Isaac who had presented very late, in his upper teen years, as an omega. Something no one had expected. His father had expected him to be a Beta, due to not presenting as a preteen which most Alphas and Omegas did. Some even presented even earlier.
Due to not having presented early, with the combination of his mother dying, and his brother leaving, and basically disappearing did not help him in any way. Because after his brother’s disappearance, and his mother’s death, his father changed. He became more ruthless, and more obsessed with power. It was why he was trying to find someone who would take Isaac, and give him something in return for it. However, due to how shy, and withdrawn he was, no one really wanted him. That was, until his father found the Yukimura’s. And by then Isaac was 20, and considered undesirable. It also didn’t help him that he had scars. Something which wasn’t common, and usually only happened if they came from an alpha, and the one who had had them inflicted upon them believed that they deserved it. It was why Isaac still had his scars, and now so much time had passed that they wouldn’t heal. Not without reopening the scars and make new wounds. Something he had no intention of doing. 
He had been sent to the Yukimura’s almost a week ago, and he really didn’t like it. Nor did he trust them yet. He was even scared of his supposed Alpha, Deshi. It was why he kept hiding away from the entire family. Usually in a small space, because it felt safe, even if it was also triggering at the same time for him. Because knowing that no one could see him, it made him more comfortable with his existence. Luckily enough, Kira, the girl close to his own age, supplied him with pillows and blankets. Just leaving them outside of the closet door, even though it was a closet in Deshi’s room. Mainly because he was supposed to be with him. 
From the inside of the closet, he’d listen to the household, and what was happening. Something that was most troublesome for the time being, was that he had refused to eat basically for the entire week. The only thing he’d eaten was an apple he’d snatched in the middle of the night when everyone had been asleep. He really feared the Yukimura’s. Something he knew he shouldn’t, but his mind wasn’t the most logical at the moment. And he feared what he shouldn’t fear. It didn’t help that spending so much time hiding in the closet was also triggering memories, memories he had worked on forgetting for a long while. 
It was in the middle of the night when he snuck out of the closet again. He usually snuck in the dead of night, when he was certain the others in the house were asleep. He sniffled a little, wiping away tears he hadn’t even realised he had shed. All the while just watching the Alpha, which was supposed to be his, sleep. However, he had felt rejected by him, which was another reason as to why he had been hiding away. However, now, he wanted comfort. The comfort of another person, just being close. And hadn’t heard or seen anything that hinted about abuse. Sure, he’d seen emotions like anger, which had scared him. But now, the alpha looked peaceful. 
It was why Isaac inched closer to the bed, carefully climbed onto it, and in under the cover. Gently scooting as close as possible to Deshi, resting his as close to the other’s chest as he dared, lying curled up on his side, like a little ball. And it wasn’t long before he fell asleep, and actually slept peacefully, for the first time in a long while. 
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andwetesttesttest · 5 years
here is a link
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So lately I’ve been thinking a lot about boundaries. I can’t believe they never really teach you about setting boundaries in school. In fact they never teach you anything about understanding and processing your emotions. But boundaries are so important. They are akin to helping you shape the world / relationships you wish to exist in. I’ve been struggling with this a lot tho because I was never really taught as to how to do this, or enforce it, or even ask for it. I feel like as women, especially growing up deshi, we were always expected to cater to grown ups, to our fathers, etc etc. And rarely did I see examples in my community where the women set the rules and standards of how they wished to be treated. We were not taught to set the standard - simply accept things as they are. Growing up into my teens and 20s, I didn’t even realize I could be asking for more, or better. It’s whack, and only thru a lot of internal processing, I’m slowly getting to a more comfortable place in stating “this is what I want, these are my expectations.” And to enforce them. And when they’re crossed, I’m learning that it’s okay to leave.
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katgrahamthings · 6 years
বাসর রাতের ভিডিও ( Bashor Rater video ) - YouTube Translate this page Mar 11, 2016 - বাসর রাতের ভিডিও। বাসর রাতে নবদম্পতি যা যা করল দেখতে চোখ রাখুন এই শর্ট ফিল্মে। basor rat - YouTubeApr 2, 2018 - Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 ... Basor Rater Abdar বাসর রাতের আবদার/ Bangla natok basor ... - YouTubehttps:/Apr 19, 2018 - Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 ... Basor rat - YouTubehttpJan 11, 2017 - Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 ... Basor Rater Abdar. Bangla short flim - YouTube httpNov 30, 2017 - Basor Rater Abdar. Bangla short flim .... mahiya mahi wedding ceremony at senamaloncho ( Full video) - Duration: 10:46. Creative Solution ... basor rat er House Degine video. 2016 - YouTubean 4, 2016 - basor rat er House Degine video. 2016. BangLa All In All Here EvEr ... Published on Jan 4, 2016. Descriptionmost nice video Don"t miss it ... basor rat - XVIDEOS.COMvideosor_rahare this video: 360p. bangla movie nude songs টাংকি ফাইট্টা যায়. 3 minKamrul1bd - 9.2M views -. 720p. bangla deshi sexy teen girl student hot fucking sex ... 56/basor_ratRelated videos. বাসর রাত বাংলা সেক্স মুভি. 3 min - 3,445,269 hits. zerrin egeliler old Turkish sex erotic movie sex scene hairy. 4 min - 21,749,504 hits. Bangladeshi Basor Rat HD XXX Videos Watch Free Bangladeshi Basor Rat Hot Porn Bangladeshi Basor Rat Videos and Download it. Bangla basor rat xxx video Porn Videos - Hwysex basor-rat-xxx-videoangla basor rat xxx video videos ... Hood Rat Blowjob Hot Milf Banged At The Pawnshop. My Hood Rat Pt ... Rat Bitch Sucking Me Cuz She Said I Was Cute. Pag
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Manga the Week of 8/11/21
SEAN: August continues. It’s still 2021, you know. Not 2022 yet, I promise.
ASH: I do sometimes wonder at what year it is, so I appreciate the clarification.
SEAN: Two print novels from Airship: Drugstore in Another World: The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist 2 and Skeleton Knight in Another World 9.
In early digital news, we get two debuts. Monster Musume The Novel – Monster Girls on the Job! is pretty much exactly what it says.
ASH: Huh, I had missed that there was a novel, too.
SEAN: She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja) is about a gamer whose OP character is an old man. Then one day he falls asleep and wakes up in the world of the game… but he’s a young girl! What else can he do but pretend that she’s his disciple?
Denpa Books gives us Gambling Apocalypse: KAIJI 3.
ASH: Glad to see this coming out!
SEAN: Ghost Ship debuts Sundome!! Milky Way, a Shueisha series from Grand Jump about a salaryman who runs into an alien girl who wants to have his baby. The trouble is, when she gets embarrassed she reverts to her alien form. This is from the creator of Yokai Girls.
ASH: Not to be confused with the now out-of-print (though still available electronically) Sundome by Kazuto Okada.
SEAN: J-Novel Club has, in novels, Are You Okay With a Slightly Older Girlfriend? 4 and The Greatest Magicmaster’s Retirement Plan 10.
On the manga side, they debut Villainess: Reloaded! Blowing Away Bad Ends with Modern Weapons (Doushitemo Hametsushitakunai Akuyaku Reijou ga Gendai Heiki wo Te ni Shita Kekka ga Kore desu), whose light novel we’ve already seen. The manga runs in Suiyoubi no Sirius.
And we also get Record of Wortenia War’s 3rd manga.
In print, Kodansha has the 3rd volume of the delightful A Sign of Affection.
MICHELLE: I really will read this at some point.
ANNA: I love this series. It is one of the few series that I decided to get digitally because I didn’t want to wait for print.
ASH: I just recently picked up the first volume! I’m looking forward to giving the series a try.
SEAN: The digital debut is Yamaguchi-kun Isn’t So Bad (Yamaguchi-kun wa Warukunai), the story of a girl who finds the scary-looking classmate of hers is actually quite a kind person. It runs in Betsufure.
MICHELLE: I know this is a well-trodden shoujo genre, but dangit, I usually like these.
ANNA: Unsurprisingly, me too!
ASH: Saaaaaaame.
SEAN: They also have Are You Lost? 7, Cells at Work and Friends 5, A Couple of Cuckoos 5, Defying Kurosaki-kun 16, Giant Killing 25, and Police in a Pod 3.
MICHELLE: Insert perennial Giant Killing squee here.
ASH: I really enjoyed the anime; I still need to read the manga!
SEAN: A lot of debuts for Seven Seas. Chronicles of an Aristocrat Reborn in Another World (Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku – Jichou o Shiranai Kamigami no Shito) is another “the title is the plot” isekai, and it runs in Mag Garden’s Beat’s.
I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace! (Yuusha Shoukan ni Makikomareta kedo, Isekai wa Heiwa deshita) is a Kadokawa series from Comp Ace. Our protagonist is accidentally transported due to a hero summons… but there’s no war? Demons are our friends? No adventuring either? Good thing there’s piles of girls to glom onto our potato of a lead guy!
Skip and Loafer is a series from Kodansha’s Afternoon about a country girl who thinks she is completely prepared for life in the big city!… She isn’t. This is award-nominated.
MICHELLE: This sounds fun! The cover is cute, too. Kind of has a Silver Spoon vibe.
ANNA: This does sound cute.
ASH: I am intrigued!
SEAN: Also from Seven Seas: Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon 2, Failure Frame: I Became the Strongest and Annihilated Everything With Low-Level Spells 2, Harukana Receive 8, How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? 7, and Tamamo-chan’s a Fox! 3.
Square Enix has a 7th volume of Hi Score Girl.
SuBLime has a 2nd volume of horror BL series MADK.
ASH: I’m so far behind on so many series, but this one is higher up on the ever-growing pile of manga to be read.
Tokyopop gives us Glass Syndrome (Glasstaion Shoukougun), a one-shot BL manga about two teens who both have tons of issues and how they get together. It ran in Kaiousha’s Gush.
MICHELLE: Another nice cover.
ANNA: Tokyopop, you still can’t trick me.
SEAN: Viz has Call of the Night 3, Fullmetal Alchemist: Fullmetal Edition 14, Komi Can’t Communicate 14, the 7th volume of Persona 5, Radiant 14, and Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle 15.
ASH: Some good selections in that list.
SEAN: Lastly, Yen Press has The Dark History of the Reincarnated Villainess 3, ID:Invaded #Brake-Broken 2, Love of Kill 3, Mint Chocolate 3, and Sasaki and Miyano 3.
What manga are you reading if you get transported to another world?
By: Sean Gaffney
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unsaintedfox-a · 4 years
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          Been called a 𝕞𝐨𝓷ŞᵗEя, called a D̴E̴M̴O̴N̴, called a F̶A̶K̶E̶
     I’m not an [ IDOL ],          not an [̲̅A][̲̅N][̲̅G][̲̅E][̲̅L],             not a SAINT 
      I walk αℓσηє, I always have, I’m not A̶S̶H̶A̶M̶E̶D̶
                                        A living {₦ł₲Ⱨ₮₥₳ⱤɆ}
           from the 𝒸𝓇𝒶𝒹𝓁𝑒 to the GRAVE
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theswiftarmy · 3 years
#33 – The ‘Cool S’ Stands For Swift
“Skywalker Sound… here to check-in for the conference… wink, wink… nudge, nudge” The man spoke in fragments, as though he were cautiously entering a speakeasy. “You know, ‘The Movietone’ conference.” The man leaned closer, looked around, pulled out a special paper, lowered his voice, “I’m here about ‘The Finding’.”
“Ah yes, The Finding” The front desk clerk replied in a low whispery voice and winked at the man while handing him a secret nametag and access badge, “They also call it The Anomaly, or The SMPTE Problem, or The Movietone Discovery”. The man nodded, taking the nametag and access badge, then he grabbed his rolling suitcase and walked off. Billie stepped forward, next in line, she leaned on the counter.
“Excuse me! Young man! NO DOGS ALLOWED IN THE HOTEL!” The clerk yelled out at a boy walking a dog across the lobby.
“But this is Old Shep!” The boy yelled back.
“Oh… Okay, yes, terribly sorry. Carry on.”
The boy continued walking with Old Shep.
“I’m sorry about that.” The lady said to Billie, she smiled delightfully. “Hi, welcome to the Westin Bonaventure, Ms. Eilish, are you and Finneas here to check in?” A delightful lady sang out.
“Umm…” Billie Eilish wasn’t sure what to say, she wasn’t aware of any hotel reservation. She had a lot of questions going through her mind at the moment, but wasn’t sure just what, exactly, to ask. At the mention of her brother’s name, she suddenly missed her brother, a lot, and she couldn’t imagine how much Sashy must miss his older sister, probably a lot. And she couldn’t imagine what it must be like to be apart forever, to never be able to just pick up the phone and call. She got excited at just the mention of her brother’s name. She felt a rush of emotion run through her. “Is… Finneas… Is he here?”
“Let me check.” She typed on the computer. “No, he has not checked in, but we have a reservation for the two of you.” The lady smiled. “Would you like to check-in now?”
Billie shook her head no, then paused her head shaking, fixing her eyes on the painting behind the front desk.
It was then Billie noticed it… She hadn’t noticed it before, but it was then, that very moment that she did notice, all the colors were wildly vivid, color corrected. Technicolor, like an Instagram filter sitting over top of real life. In real life, every blue blowing up with blue, every green gushing with green. It was similar to the movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper, but at the same time, not—this wasn’t uniform, only some colors popped while others blurred. The world, a little blurry between color corrected pop and fizzle living in a stained-glass mosaic. Every surface shiny shimmery, florescent flare The Sixties jive mixed with an Eighties vibe. Nothing seemed stationary (if you really focused on it), even just looking at a surface or at an object, everything appeared to move ever so slightly, as though it were alive or fluid or gas filled, a plasmavision, like stars twinkling in space, or the surface of the sun. At first glance you wouldn’t think much of it, but if you really looked, it was most definitely there. Synesthesia on steroids. The painting behind the check-in desk, a flowery pastel painting reminiscent of Art Nouveau with a hint of psychedelia, long flowing feminine flower stems. Like strands of hair in the wind. Billie noticed the stans close behind her. Kymmie stood gazing at the painting, she had seen it in her mystery journal. She pulled the mystery journal out and flipped through it, there, she held it up, where the page ended, the painting began—a perfect match, like a piece of a puzzle.
“We’ve been waiting for you—” The clerk lady continued, “We have a note here for you from a…” She paused to read the name, “Mr. Way, William B. Way.”
The lady handed Billie the note. Billie read it out loud. “Find forever and evermore, when you do you’ll know what for.”
“Find forever and evermore???” The stans standing behind Billie echoed in a questioning chorus of voices.
Only the stans had followed Billie over to the hotel lobby check-in desk. The others, the adults, were talking amongst themselves a short distance away. Like a high school sports game had ended and the parents were chatting while the teens hung out with their peers, away from the “uncool” parents.
Kymmie wrote a note down in her journal.
Hotel lobby. Front cover.
She was trying to make sense of these occurrences, why were things in the journal showing up in real life?
As soon as she finished writing her note, it rearranged itself.
Front cover. Hotel lobby.
Incoherence. “What?” Kymmie yelled at the book. “Stop doing that!”
“Are you talking to your journal?” Jillie shot Kymmie a weird look.
“No. Maybe. It’s just that… It’s complicated.”
“No, I get it… I talk to mine sometimes too.” Jillie held up Billie Eilish’s face plastered across her autograph book and journal. “I pretend like it’s Billie and that I’m talking to her. I tell her about the good times, and she gets me through the bad times.”
Billie looked at her stan, Jillie, then looked at the autograph book in Jillie’s hand with her own face plastered across it. She smiled but then also rolled her eyes. These fans. No lie, some of them are borderline creepy.
“Well, this isn’t REALLY my book, I mean, I…” Kymmie tried to reply, to explain that she’d just found it on the ground and now couldn’t get rid of the stupid thing, but stumbled over her words. “There’s too much going on to explain. You just had to be there when it all began… anyway… yeah. I’m talking to my journal.”
“Are you here for the conference?” The front desk lady asked.
“Conference?” Billie replied.
“Are you with the Foley Artists? You know, to discuss... The Finding… and The Problem?”
“What problem?”
“The SMPTE problem... you know... “ The lady lowered her voice and leaned in close, “The Movietone discovery...”
“No we don’t know.” Billie tilted her head slightly.
“I mean, I know a little…” Jillie tilted her head slightly too and then pinched her fingers close together and held them up trying to signal with her fingers a pinch of knowledge. She stood beside Billie nearly a mirror of almost every movement.
“And if you’d paid attention to your parents, you’d know a lot.” Billie was critical of her stan.
Jillie shrugged back. “What can ya do? Sometimes you don’t know, and sometimes you know. And sometimes didn’t know and then you find out and now you know!” Jillie randomly started to sing, “You know very well who you are, don’t let ‘em hold you down, and if you don’t know, now you know!”
“I LOVE THAT SONG!!!” Kymmie screamed out. She joined in singing with Jillie. Stan smiled at Kymmie and also joined in. Even Sashy the sassy Swiftie started singing along, in a Taylor Swift sort of cadence.
The quartet of teen voices took over… “Reach for the stars, you had a goal but not that many, ‘cause you’re the only one, and if you don’t know, now you know!”
Billie narrowed her eyes. She looked at the singing stans and then off into the distance.
“So you aren’t foley artists?” The clerk shook her head ignoring the teenagers who had now stopped singing.
“No... I mean, yes, Finneas and I experiment with sounds through our music…” Billie crossed her arms, Jillie crossed her arms. “The movietone discovery? What discovery?” Billie asked. Jillie mimicked Billie’s facial expressions.
“We may not be Foley artists, but maybe we’re escape artists!” Jillie joked.
“Jillie!” Billie looked down at her stan like the obnoxious little sister she never had.
“What?” Jillie looked back at Billie like the overbearing big sister she never had. “Lish, it’s true! I mean, I escaped from my parents. And found you!”
Billie made an annoyed face.
“Nevermind then.” The hotel woman quickly changed subjects, ”Will you be getting a room?”
“Ummm…” Billie looked back to the clerk and shook her head no, to be honest she didn’t know what they would doing next. Jillie also shook her head no in sync with Billie.
Billie Eilish wanted to scream. Oh my gosh THIS STAN!
She pushed her frustrations aside and smiled pleasantly at her stan. A fan is a fan after all.
A conversation walked behind Billie and the teen stans, two men in suits. They looked to be middle aged. But they weren’t color corrected, they were faded, 50s looking, sepia tone.
“You mean to tell me that they knew about this and did it anyway?”
“How many others know?”
“We’re not sure.”
“And those movies, all those movies… the kids movies, the animated movies… you say the fairytales, the folklore they are based on was cursed, or perhaps enchanted… and you think the movies might be too? That the enchantment jumped from the old stories into the new movies? And possibly… into the minds of anyone who saw those movies?”
“It’s very possible, yes…”
“And what about the memo? The memo left on the Xerox machine.”
“The Memo… Yes… well… there wasn’t anything we could do about that, it escaped, it wanted into existence, and it found a way…”
The two men continued walking on out of earshot.
A twenty something woman rushed in front of Billie and the teens. “Sorry I’m late!” She apologized to Billie then turned to the clerk, “Mallory… from French Woods.” She pulled out an invite and handed it across the counter.
“Ah, I’m sorry, the live theater portion of the conference has unfortunately been canceled.
“What?” Mallory huffed. “But why?”
“Not enough demand. It’s all streaming these days.” The lady shrugged.
“No! That’s impossible. It all starts with live theater! There is no acting without beginnings and those beginnings start on the stage in front of an audience.”
“Well, you’re welcome to stay anyway, slip into any of the other presentations.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
“What’s French Woods?” Sashy asked the others in a whisper.
“It’s a summer camp. A theater and performing arts camp.” Jillie Jean said over her shoulder in a know-it-all voice. “Zooey D went there.”
“Who?” Sashy replied.
“You know, Desh! Deshy! Zooey Disney Channel!” The other stans shook their heads and shrugged their shoulders. “Zooey Deschanel!”
“Ohhhhhh.” They nodded in final recognition.
“ Ooooo, and that guy from Maroon 5 went there—
“Adam Levine?” Kymmie asked.
“Yeah. And like a ton of other famous people, The Magicians dude went there too, Hale Appleman, he’s sooooooooo dreamy, oh to be an older gay man.”
Billie made a “WHAT?!?!?!” face at her stan.
“What? He’s definitely not straight, I don’t stand a chance.” Jillie threw her hands up to accompany her ‘what?’.
“Jillie, you’re like half his age! Not even! Nevermind the fact that he’s not straight and you aren’t a gay man… wait… I’m not your parents, why am I even having this conversation with you.”
“In Loco Parentis.”
“No. Nope.” Billie turned to Carl Lyle Lawyer the Carlyle lawyer, “Carl… I’m not. You make a little lawyery note that I’m not. I know what In Loco Parentis means, Jillie, and I’m not your parental guardian in your parents’ absence. If any of them want to be,” Billie pointed to the non-teens of the group of chaperoning adults, “Then they can be.”
“In Lisho Parentis.” Jillie smiled.
“No!” Billie was over the top annoyed now.
“Are you casting a Harry Potter spell?” Kymmie asked Jillie.
“No. It’s Latin, it’s a legal term for ‘in place of a parent’.” Billie replied to Kymmie before Jillie could say anything more outrageous. Billie turned back to her stan. “ Just go back to what you were saying about Hale Appleman and Zooey Deschanel and Adam Levine and the French Woods kids. ”
“Well… Okaaaaaay fiiiiiiiine…” Jillie turned to the other teens, “Like I was saying, it’s like a summer camp for famous people, but, like… before they get famous. Acting beginnings. It’s where they literally all started out. It’s ‘the before’ time. It’s lit.”
“That’s really cool.” Kymmie nodded.
“Wow.” Stan added trying to be part of the conversation but unsure of what else to contribute. It was like he couldn’t think every time Kymmie spoke, or even looked at him.
“How do you know all that?” Sashy The Swiftie asked.
“I went there.” Jillie smiled at Sashy then smiled at Mallory. “Sup Mal.” Jillie waved at Mallory.
“Oh, hey Jillie!” I love the hair—makes you look like Billie Eilish.”
“Thanks.” Jillie smiled at Mallory. “I get that a lot.”
“You here with your parents?” Mallory asked in an over-the-top camp counselor-y voice.
“Yeah… they’re around here somewhereeeeuh.” Jillie pointed in all directions.
“Well, tell them I said hello!” Mallory smiled at Jillie a friendly smile.
“Will do!”
The clerk handed Mallory her check-in packet and name tag.
She turned to Billie. “I’m sooooo sorry to have cut in line, I love the hair, it makes you look like Mean Green Jellybean Jillie Jean. I LOVE her SOOOOO much! She’s like my favorite French Woods camper.”
Billie made a scrunched-up face. “Ummm… Thanks.” I need to change my hair. Billie thought. I REALLY need to change my hair. I WISH I HAD DIFFERENT HAIR!
Kymmie curiously flipped to the next page in her journal to find a woodsy scene. A building appeared on the page, it looked like a cabin nestled in the woods. The building sat beside a pathway with a fork in the road. Carved into two of the trees were arrows pointing in opposite directions of the forked path. Above one arrow the words “French Woods” were carved and above another “Folklore Forest”. It was nighttime. Light glowed from inside the cabin from small lamps. Two big windows let the moonlight shine through. The roof was covered in some sort of moss looking substance. Someone rested on the roof of the cabin staring up into the stary sky…
Shooting stars formed words… When you are young, they assume you know nothing…
Well, that’s true. Kymmie thought to herself. And I know a lot! I mean, I don’t know everything, but I know more than they give me credit for!
When you are young, they assume you know nothing…
When you are young, they assume you know nothing…
When you are young, they assume you know nothing…
Kymmie shook her head, the words continued to repeat like a loop.
When you are young they assume you know nothing…
When you are young they assume you know nothing…
When you are young they assume you know nothing…
“STOP!” She yelled at the book and she snapped it closed. The words in her mind suddenly extinguished.
Everyone stopped and looked at Kymmie. Her face flushed with embarrassment. “I, um… thought I…” She searched her mind for an explanation but couldn’t think of anything.
“You look like you could REALLY use some rest.” A second overly flamboyant male front desk clerk standing beside the delightful lady interrupted as he typed away on a computer. He smiled back at Kymmie, then stared down Billie.
The place was in full swing, light jazz music played, and guests toted bags to and fro. The rest of the party had finally walked over to join Billie and her curious cluster of Tik Tok Teen minions.
“I’m sorry,” Billie paused for a moment to gather her thoughts, “We were just, umm—” She looked at Sashy The Sassy Swiftie recalling the flock of Swifties in cardigans chasing them across the walkway above S. Figueroa Street then pointed towards the street, “We were just outside and you were closed—all the lights were off and the door was locked… Uh, I mean, looked like it was locked, not that we broke in or anything—"
“Honey, “ The male clerk leaned towards them, “It’s a hotel, we don’t lock the doors, we’re open 24/7.”
“Kind a like the L.L. Bean store in Freeport, Maine.” Jillie pointed out.
“Yeah. Exactly.” The clerk replied.
“That’s weird. When we were chased across the walkway we walked across to the pool deck. But, now that I think about it…” Billie trailed off.
“The walkway that crosses S. Figueroa doesn’t connect to the pool deck of the Westin Bonaventure Hotel.” The lady clerk said to Billie. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Billie shook her head yes. But she wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure of anything right now.
“Do you have any bags!?!” A man walked up beside them with a cart. “Because I’m the baaaaaaag guy.”
Billie blinked then shook her head slightly and made a slightly contemptuous ‘what?’ face. “No. We’re not staying.”
“Are you sure?” The clerk asked.
“Yes.” Billie said back, slightly perturbed.
“Did he just say… I’m the bag guy, but sang it like Billie’s song Bad Guy?” Jillie asked recognizing one of her all-time favorite songs.
“Yep. He said it earlier.” Billie replied. “It was before you showed up.”
“Oh, he says that all the time. He still thinks it’s funny. Poor guy. No one has the heart to tell him…” The clerk made a face like he was extremely sorry for the bag guy. “It’s not funny anymore.”
Billie watched the bag guy walk away, he was off to pick up more bags from some other hotel guests. How many ‘bad guy’ references have come into existence since her song percolated its way into pop culture? How many new bad guys since her bad guy. How many fictional bad guys? How many real life bad guys? But the idea for bad guy itself wasn’t exactly a ‘come out of nowhere’ idea… no… it was a synthesis genesis of amalgamated art… the artist takes all those tiny little bits and pieces, the fragments of life and the world, suggestions from an earlier time in life and assembles them into something new. And then that art hits other artists, and in turn, creates more art… a never-ending feedback loop. Even her bad guy came from somewhere, even if it started as just a tiny little spark of an idea. Ideas are funny like that… they grow from the tiniest little thing into something so big it becomes an unstoppable force—an unstoppable force from a few words written on a piece of paper, or a voice note on a phone. But where did it all begin? Where were the true bad guy beginnings on and off the Hollywood screen? Where do bad guys start?
Even this story started as… You know, I don’t clearly remember how it started, actually, I can’t pinpoint the exact moment the creative spark hit, I know there was a start somewhere, I think it was something Taylor Swift posted online, and I read I, and it went into my mind, into my thoughts… and a short time later, I just… started writing this thing, blindsided by a meteor shower of ideas raining down on me that wouldn’t stop… here we are… from the tiniest little idea into this, under the influence of Taylor and Billie’s creative works of art, and it in turn created all of this inside my brain. But if I’m being honest, this story feels a bit like the idea is coming from somewhere on its own and just using my creative outlet as an avenue to come into existence… it’s as though the story just wants to tell itself and it’s using me because I’m here and able to tell it. The art is alive and connected to all the other art of past and present and future, using me as a vector for transmission. And here we are. Wherever here is…
“What day is it?” Billie asked.
“3/4.” The delightful lady chimed.
“Like March 4th?”
“No. It’s 3/4.” She repeated.
“Maybe it’s British? So, it’s backwards. Like, April 3rd.” Billie’s stan Jillie attempted to solve the puzzle.
“No. It’s 3/4.” The lady said again with a smile, correcting the stan.
“What? Okay, that just doesn’t make any sense. Well, how about the time?” It was dark outside but inside looking outside it was the middle of the day. It can’t just suddenly go from night to day in a matter of moments.
“6/8. The time is 6/8.” The man said. “Honey, you really should get some rest. Why don’t you just let us book you a room?”
“6/8? What on EARTH is going on here?!” Billie muttered to herself. Jillie did the same. Billie tossed Jillian Jean an annoyed sideways glance. It’s not that she didn’t like her stan copying everything she did, but it was just weird. Really weird. Jillie weird.
“Wait, that makes sense, we were just in 4/4, we’re in a different time. It’s music time, we changed time.” Kymmie took a crack at solving the perplexing puzzling pandoras box of a current predicament. “Is that right?” She asked.
“If that’s how you interpret it. Then that’s how you interpret it.” The Clerk replied.
“Okay, so which is it, are we in 6/8 or 3/4?” Billie asked Kymmie.
“They’re really the same thing.” A random hotel guest said back.
“No they’re not. Don’t even get me started with that. One is a compound duple, the other is not… Don’t make me say it… You know what, I’m gonna say it…” Billie paused.
“DUH!” Jillie blurted out before Billie could.
“Thank you Jillie.” Still weird, but, she was getting used to the idea of having a minion. She looked at the other teen pop stans then back to Jillie and grinned… minions. I have minions. Millions of minions.
Jillian Jean Billie’s number one stan smiled back. Assistant minion.
“We’re in 6/8, but there’s a compound meter of 3/4 time. Hour within a day.” Oak was making a few mental calculations.
“So we’re traveling through time and space? Like, some kind of music time…” One of the stans asked him, they all stared up wide eyed and eager to know more.
“Just be thankful this isn’t an odd meter, if this were progressive rock, or Math rock, we’d be really lost.” Pop Wansel replied to the stans while Oak continued to calculate, trying to figure out where exactly they had ended up, and if they had possibly traveled inside one of Taylor Swift’s songs.
“We need to get back to common time. I think? Honestly, I have no idea. I’m just guessing.” Billie pontificated. “My brother would know, that much I know for sure. Fin would know.”
“Wait, I have an idea… Excuse me Sir, what key are we in?” Kymmie asked.
“C major.” The clerk replied.
“Okay. Key of C… ” Billie’s facial expression looked as though she were about to come to some sort of big ‘Ah HA!’ conclusion… take on me… take me on…
Kymmie continued, “Yeah, key of C! Okay, so we’re close. I mean, C major and 4/4 were probably where we were before our house landed in this munchkin land, right? So we’re in the same key, but a different time.”
“Wow, I’m impressed.” Justin commented. “Munchkin land? That’s something from the REALLY olden days!”
“Are you making fun of me?” Kymmie put her hands on her hips.
Justin Bieber just smiled.
“Whatever, yes, I know what the Wizard of Oz is… Everyone does.”
With more art than ever before coming into existence, does anyone find it odd that some art, such as the Wizard of Oz seems to transcend time so effortlessly, while other art is here and gone—no matter how hard anyone tries to market it or promote it. Why is that? Ephemeral art versus art that plays hopscotch across time…
And you put it in all those old movies?
Yeah. But that was before… BEFORE we knew.
“So, if we’re in Oz, then where is Oz?” Scott asked the group in a somewhat rhetorical voice, almost as though he were talking to no one, but also everyone.
Billie thought for a moment then looked to her stan. Jillie shrugged. Jillie looked at Sashy, Sashy looked at Kymmie, Kymmie looked at Stan.
He started to speak in an unsure voice, answering the question in front of the entire class but not entirely sure the answer would be the right one, “Time and space has been replaced with key and music time.”
“Stan, that’s it! You’re a genius!” Kymmie said to him in an excited voice. She ran over and hugged stan then hopped back to where she was standing, bouncing, filled with energy. “We’re in some sort of music time!”
Stan looked away then back at Kymmie, he smiled. He looked at the others and the others nodded and smiled back in a ‘see, you got it, kid, don’t doubt yourself’ type of nod. Kanye nodded an extra approving nod at his teen stan. You got it kid.
Kymmie looked back at the clerk. “Hold on. What year is it?”
“Twenty Swiftie”.
“That’s not a year!” Jillie yelled back.
“I mean… I don’t have a problem with it.” Sashy stood with a hand on his hip.
Kymmie laughed then asked another question, “What year were you born?”
“Young lady, I’m not going to tell you how old I am!” The male clerk put his hand on his hip the same as Sashy.
“Okay,” Kymmie looked up and around the hotel interior then back to the clerk, “—then what year did this hotel open?”
“Now, that question, that I can answer. Nineteen Swiftie.”
“Again, I don’t have a problem with it.” Sashy began to whistle a Taylor Swift song.
“What did Taylor Swift’s music do to the world? This is crazy. This is soo crazy you guys.” Kymmie’s eyes were wide with wonder. They weren’t in Kansas or and they certainly weren’t in Los Angeles anymore, that’s for sure.
“I don’t think Taylor Swift’s music did anything to the world. There’s something else going on here. But I don’t think it’s her, or her music, I think there’s something else entirely going on, something bigger than just one artist or musician, or Hollywood movie director.” Billie watched as someone with a camera bag walked up and checked in.
“Sarah… Sarah Jones.” She paused, “Not the actress. I’m here for—”
“Ah, yes, we have you down as a camera assistant. Sarah Jones, camera assistant. Is that correct?”
“We were instructed to give you this note from an anonymous source.”
She read the note aloud to herself in front of the hotel clerks. “Midnight River meeting meets at midnight…” She looked up at the clerks and nodded, “Got it.”
The clerks nodded back.
Sarah eyed another note behind the desk with ‘Casties’ sprawled across the front, “Is that note for the casting directors?”
The clerks nodded back.
Sarah smiled briefly, “Casting, just like screenwriting… pure intentions, an innocent dream of what could be… before it gets derailed by a train barreling into your movie set, into your life, at full force.” Her faced went emotionless for a moment and then returned to a smile before mixing with melancholy, then back to a smile, a forced smile. The clerks then glanced to Billie and her minions then hurried off with her bag of camera gear as though she were late for something.
“Who’s Sarah Jones?” Kymmie asked the other Tik Tok Teens, they shrugged back. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and then shook her head and growled at it, a ‘grrrrrr’ sound. “If only my phone worked and I could look stuff up! How did people ever live without cell phones?” Kymmie said in a frustrated tone as she tinkered with her phone hopelessly. “GIVE ME KNOWLEDGE NOW!”
“Kymmie. Chill.” Jillie said in a chill voice. “None of our phones work. Okay.” Jillie held her phone out for Kymmie, reassuring her.
“Yeah. We’re in some kind of phoneless land of Oz.” Sashy held his phone out for Kymmie to see as well.
Then Stan held his phone up too placing it beside the others.
Kymmie put her phone beside the others and they held it up in the air like they were trying to get a signal from the sky, or space.
“E.T. PHONE HOME!!!!” Justin Bieber yelled out.
“JUSTIN!” Billie scolded him.
“I thought it was funny.” Carl said then laughed, as did Scott. Carl was enjoying his daughter momentarily being weaned away from the dang thing, all his previous attempts to separate her from her phone had failed.
“Billie, they have no idea what that means.” Justin said smirking.
“Yeah we do!” Kymmie flashed a look of annoyance. “We know what E.T. is… or who E.T. is… whatever, we know about E.T.”
The Tik Tok Teens put their phones back in their pockets and nodded at one another. It was then that they made an unspoken agreement that they would figure out how to get life as they know it, back. For what is life as an aspiring Tik Tok Teen social media influencer without a working phone and social media apps to click on and type in and snap photos and feed with all sorts of daily life events!?
“Midnight River meeting meets at midnight?” Billie interrupted the teens by repeating the phrase from moments ago back to herself. She was trying to figure out its meaning.
“What does that mean?” Jillie looked up at Billie, Bilie shook her head in a sprinkler motion back at her stan indicating she wasn’t sure.
“Umm…” Scott interrupted, “Does anyone else see a lobster walking through the lobby, or is it just me?” He said out of the blue.
Everyone turned to look at the walking lobster. “Oh… we definitely see it. At first I just thought it was a dude in a lobster costume but it’s definitely an upright lobster the size of a human.”
“Okay, now I’m starting to question my sanity. Maybe this is phone withdrawal? Maybe this is what happens when you can’t use social media? I’m in social media withdrawal! I wonder if I can die from this condition?” Kymmie put her phone back in her pocket again giving up on the device. She needed something to keep her mind busy, to keep her thoughts occupied—too much idle time. She took out the mystery journal and flipped through the pages. It was there that she found the ‘Cool S’ or ‘Superman S’ or also known as the ‘Stussy S’. Or, perhaps it’s the ‘Swiftie S’. “Whoa… cool.” She immediately tried to replicate it on her own. Every time she drew another ‘Cool S’ the book would autocomplete adding the letters WIFT next to the ‘S’ to make the word SWIFT. “Sashy! Come over here.” She waved to the Swifite and he walked over. She showed him the ‘Cool Superman Stussy Swiftie S’. “Have you ever seen that before?”
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“Whoa, cool. I think so? I think my older sister drew this for me once.”
“What are you guys looking at?” Stan asked.
Kymmie waved him over. “Look! It’s this… cool S.”
“Whoa. That’s cool. That’s a cool S.” Stan was mesmerized by it. They all were.
“Did you say the cool S?” Oak Felder asked trying to look over at the book. He’d nearly forgotten about ‘The Cool S’. Another S appeared on its own before their very eyes, Two sets of three lines, then another four lines—two at the top and two at the bottom, after a moment pause, the rest of the lines filled in. Fourteen lines total. The diamond “S” shape was then joined by “wift” immediately after the Cool S completed drawing itself.
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“Yeah. I guess? Is that what this is called?” Kymmie held up the journal for Oak to see better. She pointed to the S.
“Yeah. That’s the cool S. Also known as the Stussy S, Super S, Superman S, Universal S, Pointy S, Graffiti S…”
“Wow.” The teens replied in unison.
“They say the origin of it is unknown.”
The Secret S
Oak nodded.
“Whoa.” They replied again in unison. Eyes darting from the S to Oak to the S and back to Oak again.
“Maybe Taylor knows the origin?” Kymmie said to the group then looked at Sashy. Sashy shrugged. “Taylor MUST know! I bet Taylor is behind this. All of this. She’s is The Cool S! She started it! THE COOL S IS ALL TAYLOR!”
The Swift S. The Swiftie S. The Secret Swiftie S. Sashy the Sassy Swiftie S.
“If Taylor is behind this mystery ‘S’ my sister never mentioned it.” He replied, thinking, trying to recall every memory from the far side of his mind. “I only ever remember her drawing it once. Right before she drew it she said she thought the S stood for secret, then she ripped a piece of paper from her journal and drew it in the corner of that paper. She folded it several times so the Secret S was on the top, then she opened it up again unfolding the paper. Inside she wrote a note. After she finished writing it she handed the note back to me with the S facing me. As she handed the note to me, she said to open it if I ever needed her when she wasn’t around. I told her I could only promise not to read it until I could no longer stand not knowing what she wrote—which may not be long. I took the note back to my room and hid it to stop myself from knowing the secret. I hid it so well that I had forgotten where I hid it. I found it after she died. The note said, You’re my favorite little brother… okay, yes, you’re my only little brother, but you’re my favorite anyway. I love you. Love, big sis.”
He wiped away a tear.
Billie looked sympathetically at Sashy.
No one said a word for an entire minute until one of the hotel clerks started giving them the stink eye.
“We drew that in high school… We’d write it between our notes.” Pop said slightly nostalgic. He laughed a nervous laugh, breaking the moment of silence for Sashy’s sister.
“Between? Like what do you mean? Was there an emoji for it? What app did you use?” Kymmie asked back.
Pop laughed again, a more comfortable laugh. “No. We just wrote notes. We didn’t have tablets—Pen and paper, or pencil from time to time.”
“I don’t think my notetaking software would let me do that. And the teacher took away rights to the doodle function. But we can pick from a list of school approved emojis.” Jillie made some sort of shape with her hands that was supposed to be a sad emoji.
Scott leaned over to look at The Cool T-Swift S, “I feel like that’s terrible for learning, there has to be some part of the brain that’s missing out, you can’t just draw creatively between your notes?”
“Nope. Just words and emojis. And the teacher ‘screenshares’ with us and deletes anything that isn’t class appropriate. I’m pretty sure this Cool S thing would get a biggie no.” Jillie shook her head no, a biggie no.
“That’s awful.” Oak said sourly.
“Tell us about it.” The TikTok Teens complained in unison. “We can’t do ANYTHING cool in school.”
“Well… Homesworks is cool.” Jillie smiled. “I do what I can to make it cool! Okay, that’s not really IN school, that’s AFTER school… point half made.”
“School approved emojis…” Lizzo shook her head disapprovingly. “Sounds to me like a system designed to stifle creativity.”
A man pushed between them apologetically explaining he was late for something and politely asking if he could just check in real quick.
The desk clerk worked away on the computer.
“Ah, Mr. Bennington, right this way, I’ve got you all checked in and ready to go, your hotel room awaits you, welcome to California. I do see you have a lunch meeting with someone, he’s waiting for you right over there. We’ve already reserved a table for you the two of you.”
Jillie froze. “Bennington. That’s Chester Bennington!!!”
“It can’t be... He died!” Kymmie shook her head tucking away her notebook. “Maybe I died? Maybe I died from social media and phone withdrawal?” Kymmie looked off into the distance blankly.
“I’m impressed that you know who Linkin park is.” Justin Bieber smirked at Kymmie.
Kymmie clinched her fists, breaking out of her stare. “It’s getting old Justin! I know a lot of stuff. Stop giving me a hard time because I don’t know who The Beatles are. I get it, everyone should know them. But I don’t. And I’m sorry, but you know what? I’m not sorry because I know a lot of stuff! I’m a straight A student! I have a perfect GPA and I plan to attend UCLA’s School of Theater, Film & Television to become a screenwriter. Or maybe a director, I’m not sure yet. Like, I want to be an influencer, but also an actress, but I want to do lots of other stuff too, like, an activist actress and director, and writer, producer, costume designer, makeup, special effects, and a social media influencer… live theater… maybe this Foley art thing too… Honestly, maybe I’ll just do it all!”
Justin smiled. “Kymmie, if you want to break Hollywood, then break it.”
“I will!” Kymmie nodded like she was serious. She is serious. “And once it’s broken, we can fix it. This is war.” Kymmie looked for a moment like she had war paint on… ready for battle. A gust of wind blew through the hotel lobby, as though an old window had just burst open during a thunderstorm. Justin took a step back and felt for a moment like he was on the edge of a cliff as he slipped Kymmie reached out and pulled him back. All of it felt real. It was real. It is real, really real.
“Whoa. That was really weird.” Justin said as goosebumps formed on his arms. “It was like we were just inside of… a dream.”
“Yeah.” Kymmie shook her head yes. Only the two of them had momentarily shared that odd blip of an experience. “Wow, sorry, I… I don’t know what just… happened.”
“Welcome to California? But didn’t Chester B live here in the big C, Cali?” Jillie continued her initial thought ignoring Kymmie and Justin. “Why would you welcome someone to California that lives in California?”
“Maybe he was traveling?” Billie replied to her stan.
“Okay, then wouldn’t they have said welcome back?” Jillie questioning.
“I think you’re reading too much into it.” Carl’s voice was very serious, a lawyerly tone reviewing the situation with his inside legal experience. As though knew something but decided to cover it up.
“Wait… If we’re in music time… I mean music transcends death. In music, an artist only dies when their music is gone forever… As long as their music lives on, they never die.” Jillie put on a thinking face. Smoke began to puff from her ears.
“Jillie… Is there smoke coming out of your ears?” Billie watched as the smoke
“Whoa.” The other stans watched Jillie in wonderment.
“What?!?!” She put her hands over her ears and shook her head back and forth, then removed her hands. “Is it still there?” She turned side to side showing her ears. “Did I get it? Is it gone?”
“Okay it stopped. That was weird.” Billie laughed with amusement. “There is something seriously strange going on here, like… really strange.” She gazed slowly around the hotel again trying to figure out is this the real life? Or is this just… fantasy.
“Would you like a complimentary bottle of water?” The desk clerk asked.
Billie looked at it and saw it was again, The Whale’s brand of water. Banksy water. She shook her head no but it wasn’t Billie the clerk was asking, it was Chester Bennington. He took the water and walked away. Billie Eilish watched Chester Bennington walk across the hotel lobby as he removed the cap from the complimentary bottle of water and took a few sips, then placed the cap back on the bottle, he stopped and shook hands with a man in a suit. The man looked at her for a moment but didn’t seem to see her, his facial expression remained unchanged—The Whale. It was as though The Whale didn’t even recognize the same group that had been in his office just hours ago But why? Was this the same man? Or maybe The Whale has a twin, or triplets, or quadruplets, clones, an entire pod… The Whales of Hollywood.
“Okay, what is this? Like, seriously… What the heck IS all of this?” She didn’t want to say anything further about The Whale. She didn’t trust him. She knew that he was probably behind all of this, Taylor told her he was, and she trusted Taylor. But how involved were any of the others? Was everyone just blindly following orders from someone else all of it coming from some mastermind at the top of a pyramid? But how did no one else see him standing there. How was it that the only person who seemed to know anything was Carl the lawyer? Carl Lyle Lawyer, innocent little Tik Tok Teen wannabe Instagram influencer Arianator Kymmie’s dad. And he wasn’t giving anything away. It was as though everyone, but Billie and the Lawyer had blinders on. No one could see what was going on, no one could see the writing on the wall… the writing on the computer screen. At what BPM does the computer curser blink. Blinks per minute. The final word count. Every coffeeshop in LA filled to the brim with laptops open to Final Draft, ideas flowing out of minds and into the real world... the craft escaping like the doors to a zoo of ideas unlocked and open, letting the animals run from the cages.
“I don’t know. I don’t know what it all is… I don’t know what this is.” Kymmie answered Billie, she looked down at the mysterious journal she found, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, she held one in each hand, the broken phone, and the mystery journal. “It’s something. That much I know.” She looked up at Billie.
“There she is again.” Scott said suddenly interrupting.
“Where’s who again?” Kymmie asked.
“Lana Clarkson.”
“Kelly Clarkson? Where!” Jillie squealed. “OH MY GOSH I LOVE HER SHOW!”
“No. Lana Clarkson.”
“Who’s that?” Jillie replied with a perplexed.
“She was killed by Phil Spector in the Pyrenees castle.”
Jillie Jean shook her head and said “I have no idea what any of that is?”
“I’ll fill you in later.” Kymmie smiled.
Lana walked across the hotel lobby and then continued towards an exit.
“This is ridiculous.” Billie said frustrated.
“You mean rediculish.”
“Jillie, not now.” She grumbled at her stan, “I’m trying to process at the moment. There are dead people walking amongst us.”
“Billie, I’m your number one fan and all, but don’t ever tell me ‘not now’.” Billie’s stan Mean Green Jellybean Jillie Jean rested her fists against her hips with her elbows stretched out. Her face also mean looking. “If you cross us,” Jillie pointed at the other Tik Tok Teens. “Just know, we’ll Tik-Tok-Toe you out of the equation.”
“What?” Billie replied to her teen stan flabbergasted.
“Lish. Listen to me, as your number one fan I’m telling you right now, us Tik Tok Teens have powers that you can only dream of. If we want you out of the equation, you can be canceled… like that.” Jillie snapped her fingers. “We will squash you like a bug. We make things go viral—” She smiled, a devilish grin, “—and people will believe everything we tell them to believe about you. If you ever cross me, and I mean this sincerely, no one will listen to your music, ever, again. Got it? All it takes it a little bit of edited video.” Jillie made a slicing of a knife across the neck motion. “Billie Lish Lish… CANCLED!”
Billie Eilish gulped and nodded.
“Lucky for you, we don’t have Tik Tok right now. But watch yourself. Because as soon as we get it back…”
“Okay… Jillie. Got it.” Billie smiled nervously at her fan. Man, fans can go from being kind of cool to downright scary really fast. Strangie scary.
Jillie flashed a smile and flipped from serious to silly like a flash of lightning. “Anyway, are you sure they’re dead people? Maybe they’re holograms, like those Coachella holograms. Look, there’s Tupac and Biggie just hanging out.” Jillie thought about how the Whales business card contained those wild visual FX illusions.
“Shut up. That’s not possible!” Billie was starting to lose her cool with this stan. Maybe she shouldn’t have just told Jillie to shut up, but you know what, warning or not, what are these Tik Tok Teens going to do, they don’t have Tik Tok right now… there’s nothing to be worried about, they don’t have their powers right now… and anyway, let’s be honest, viral video, people stop listening to her music, Billie Eilish canceled… please, THAT’s never going to happen. No one can cancel Billie Eilish, especially not some overly obsessed teenage Tik Tok stans.
“What’s not possible? That Tupac and Biggie are here, or that they’re hanging out together?”
“Both.” Billie grumbled at Jillie. She never thought one super fan could drive her to the brink of madness but she was sure if one ever did, it would be this one.
Jillie watched at Tupac and Biggie across the hotel lobby, “I mean they were friends at one point, before all the money and fame…”
“Money and fame has its price.” Billie said under her breath as she observed The Whale. If there’s anyone she should be worried about sabotaging her career with damaging edited viral videos, it’s not Jillie, it’s The Whale.
“Neither murder was ever solved, right?” One of the teens asked while watching Tupac and Biggie in what seemed like a friendly conversation.
It’s all about the inner circle. Keep your inner circle tight and fame can be handled just right. But The Whale knew that, he knew the way to someone wasn’t going after that person, but to infiltrate their inner circle. Any celebrity can handle fame as long as they have a solid circle of family and friends, but a celebrity on their own without a circle becomes vulnerable, lost. No celebrity goes it alone, find out who keeps them together behind the scenes, off camera, get to that person; the celebrity will become putty in your hands, to mold how you like.
“Okay, so, ARE we dead?” Kymmie asked wondering if maybe Billie was right.
“No I don’t think so...” Her dad replied.
“Then where are we?” The tone in her voice less curious than before and slightly more concerned, innocence dripping off her, starting to melt away just a tiny bit, like melting snow covering the true inner soul.
“I’m not at liberty to… “ He paused, “I’m not sure.” Kymmie’s dad corrected himself then looked around the room stopping once and making eyes with The Whale before continuing to scan the room. The Whale and the lawyer were feigning strangers, a charade of who could care less.
The Whale Song was loud and clear, and it sang out in a frequency no one could hear. It is indeed true that the best way to get to a celebrity isn’t directly, it’s through their support network the one they built to handle the fame, the foundation under them. No celebrity goes it alone, find out who keeps them together behind the scenes, then get to those people, and they will be putty in your hands. Send those Strangies in sideways instead. If you can get a Strangie or two into the inner circle, keep the celebrity guessing who they can really trust.… that’s when the game really gets interesting.
‘#FreeBritney’ momentarily appeared in a large mirror hanging on the wall followed by more words. The words glowed in the mirror, neon pink, the appearance of brightly lit LED lights… “PASS THE FREE BRITNEY ACT!” Below that another set of words… “Be free from financial conflicts of interest! FREE BRITNEY FROM THE WHALE!” Then as quickly as it appeared, the mirror message faded away before anyone knew it was even there.
“Billie, your hair!”
“ Whoa.” Billie replied, checking it in the same mirror that had just displayed it’s neon pink plea. Her hair was blonde.
“What happened!?!?!” Jillian Jean squealed. “HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?!?!”
“I don’t know.” Billie Eilish touched her hair with her fingers wondering if it were real. It felt real. “Unreal…” She stared at her reflection in the mirror. “Well, to be honest, I kind of was annoyed that you copied my hair, so I thought in my mind that I needed to change my hair, just go blonde—and now it’s blonde.”
“WHAT-uh?!?! LISH! That’s weeeeeeeeeeird. You wanted your hair to be blonde and poof, it turned blonde! Just like that!” Jillie worked out in her head but also outload.
“Yeah.” Billie continued to stare at herself in the mirror holding a lock of her blonde hair between her index finger and thumb, “ Weird.”
“But we don’t match anymore!” Jillie pointed to her now outdated Billie Eilish green hairstyle.
“Well… that’s too bad.” Billie smiled.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get my hair to match yours soon enough!”
Billie ran her fingers through her new hair, “Take your time Jillie, there’s no rush.” She loved the new look, the new her.
Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne began to play overhead. The music whirled through the hotel like taffy stretching and tugging inside a machine. A warbled version of the song. Like it wasn’t supposed to be in the room, as though someone were pulling and pushing it into the hotel lobby, uninvited.
@taylorswift @wishuweregay
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