Wielding Both Pen and Sword
489 posts
Independent TES (Skyrim) RP blog for Senne "the Poet": Lycanthropic Bosmer duelist and lorekeeper. - Mun and Muse are 18+ and NSFW-friendly. Muse is polyamorous. Crossover-friendly, with other fantasy/medieval settings (I can't promise to know the lore) - Mun uses They/Them, Skype for plotting/RP available on request
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
artandfacthunter-blog · 4 years ago
Gods above, it’s been a long time. I dunno if anyone still follows this blog, but I did wanna just pop in and say, hi! I’m, actually still alive, after all these years lmao. I’m doing good, much better than I was back in the day.
And, if anyone wants to keep in touch, I have discord :)
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artandfacthunter-blog · 7 years ago
Hey, I’m just popping on here real quick to note that while I am no longer RPing on this blog, I AM RPing in ESO, wherein my main is starting an SCP-inspired artifact hunter guild and I made a 2E version of Senne.
So if you too are in ESO (PC-NA), my IG name is @Itansha (case sensitive, that’s a capital i). Please by all means send me a friend request!!!!!!!
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
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Wow cool ruins I wonder what’s inside, must be pretty cool
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
((My good-ish mood has been persisting reasonably well, so I think I’ll be back soon, I just gotta get a feel for Senne’s personality again.))
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
My muse is declared a "Missing Person", send your muse's reaction to seeing a poster.
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
Hey, sorry to hear you've not been well! Hope things stay on track for you, now.
((Thanks, I appreciate it. Lately when I hit troughs, I hit them hard. Hopefully I keep my head up above water for longer this time... But really, thank you.))
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
((What mun completely forgot this blog actually existed? This one!
Sorry about being away for so long without notice... It’s been hard lately and my mental state has not been... uh... the finest, as it were. For the first time in... weeks? A month? I dunno... I’m feeling in higher spirits, so... maybe the trend will continue and I’ll be back very soon.
Or I’ll hit another trough and go back into hiding...
I’m so sorry, I really should have given notice.))
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
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Last selfie of the new year!
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
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Got a haircut
I think I look kind of roguish.
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
The Bosmer stood her ground, so to speak, when Medawin leaned over. She smiled a bit, most people didn’t pay her so much attention, despite her being a bard. And it was paid to her by such a nice, cute Bosmer! It was like she had rolled the dice on her company that night and got all sixes.
“Oh, training? By Y’ffre, no. I might have, if things were different, but I was still young and without direction when my family departed from the shadow of Falinesti.” Her tone shifted to one of wistfulness, most of it genuine, and her eyes seemed to linger over Medawin’s shoulder, as if looking at something only she could see. “I barely remember Valenwood, in truth, I was so young when we left. Nary more than twelve, if even that. And there are no Spinners in Cyrodiil. Not in the cities, anyway. Ironic, I only became a bard after I came to Skyrim, on the other side of Tamriel from the homeland.”
“And as for why I can’t- why I won’t return... Ah, well... I’m too ashamed of the dishonour to speak it. Especially in places with prying ears and to a fellow Bosmer that I would quite prefer to remain in good standing with. I shan’t go about tarnishing my reputation so easily.” Nonetheless, as she shifted her eyes back to Medawin’s face, they caught a certain shine to them from an errant bit of light coming from the fire or the candles. Briefly, in just a flash, really, they glowed like a Khajiit’s.
“You mean… You were training to be a Spinner?” she asked with wide eyes, leaning ever closer. She realised she would have to lean back at some point, or she would legitimately be way over to Senne’s side of the table.
“I always wanted to be a Spinner! I used to listen to them since I was a child. I listened for hours. At least that’s one of the things even my mother approved of. Oh, but what do you mean? What keeps you from going back to Valenwood? Is it that you haven’t adhered to the Pact? How could they possibly know?”
She put her hand lightly at her neck in deep emotion - and simultaneously moved her arm to cover the way her cleavage had come on display when she had leaned closer. She didn’t want Senne to think that she was trying to be enticing, well, even if she was.
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
Senne sat down next to the thief undercover, stretching her back out now that she was off her feet. “Some beef, please, rare if you can, and Honningbrew if you have it,” she said to the barmaid. She then turned to “Sottori” and raised a brow, “What, no euphemisms related to “tickling me pink?” Tinkling my pink? Something along those lines? I’m disappointed, I expected you to capitalise on the wording, honestly.”
“Sottori can pick /any/ lock just as well as Picks can” She said with a wink. Picks under the guise of an alias strolled into the inn and waved to the bar girl in the corner. The Inn was mostly empty save for a few miners eating their dinner, the bartender, and the bar girl. Picks sat down at a table closest to the fire, dusting her seat before sitting down. The Barmaid brought two tankards, and asked “Mead or food?” “Just Black-Briar for me.” Picks looked to Senne and spoke, “Dont skimp out, get whatever tickles you pink, I have the gold”
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
Senne followed along behind Fjordi into the longhouse. “Don’t worry too much,” she said to her, “I’ve got your back, should worse come to worse. But stay alert. I trust him as much as you do.” She was put at ease slightly to see that the building was ot housing more guards than average.But she kept a hand on her hilt and her eyes wide and alert.
“Ah, my Jarl,” she said clearly as they approached the throne, “We were just talking about you. All good things. From a certain perspective. But I believe your business is with the woman under my protection, yes?”
Creatures Among Us [Fjordi]
Fjordi finally felt the weight of her anxiety wearing down on her like a mountain. She wished so much that she’d just stayed away. Maybe she could’ve gotten a nice cottage somewhere and a few exotic birds. But she knew she’d end up dealing with the jarl o e way or another. She reached behind her back and withdrew her war-hammer, “Hopefully it wont come to a spell or steel”. Quickly she pushed the door open to reveal an ordinary chaotic longhouse come to a pause. Jarl Siddgeir sat on his throne, and spoke with the venom of a snake, “Well, if it isnt my favorite heretic and…a companion? I didnt know they dabbled in religious affairs now”.
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
((Wow I’m still alive! But I’ve been working full time at a grocery store and by the time I get back, I’m too worn out to interact with people :( But I’m getting used to it so I’ll try to be here more))
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
((”I am very serious about lore” I say as I mod Fallout New Vegas so that it snows and plays Christmas music))
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
Anonymously or not, send “How To Care For” instructions for my muse
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artandfacthunter-blog · 9 years ago
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This dress is really comfy oh my
Last one happened because I suddenly got shy.
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