bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
Chat Fic Sneak Peek
MyPrince changed the group name to Idiots Except Penelope
Yvee: Excuse you?!
MyPrincess: Callisto!
Thing2: Rude!
Thing1 kicked MyPrince out of the group
Thing1 changed the group name to Chaos Crew
MyPrincess: Reynold!
Thing1: What? He deserved it!
MyPrincess added MyPrince to the group
MyPrincess: No one kicks anyone out!
DerrickEckart: What is this?
Yvee: Big brother Derrick!
MyPrince: I was wondering when the better Eckart brother would show up.
Thing1: You!
DerrickEckart: Actually its Thalia. Derricks sleeping.
*inserts photo of Derrick sleeping on Thalias shoulder*
Vee: Why do you have his phone Thalia?
DerrickEckart: Derrick trusts me to look around in it.
MyPrincess: Does he have social media?
Yvee: Can you snoop into his photos?
DerrickEckart: Now I see why Derrick doesn’t allow you two to touch his phone
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eloise175 · 3 years
So I saw your post about Reynold and Emily and thought about how Reynold is upset because he is now the only one single among his siblings and then Emily came by and wondering what's up with him
Head canon time y’all!
(Yes it’s finally back! I’m doing this because atm the fic is not cooperating and a part even got deleted. And I’ve also decided to do art for the fanfic, currently 2 separate pieces, the first one is already done I’m working on the second one!)
Ok- so, the process of Emily and Reynold coming together is a gradual one. It happens over time.
Reynold at first doesn’t even think about the fact that he’s the only one single amongst his siblings.
At some point he just realizes that he has feelings for Emily, after he ask Penelope about the ‘weird’ feeling that he gets every time he is with this specific person,(he doesn’t tell his sister who the person is tho), and Penelope tells him that she got that feeling at the beginning when her and Callisto sill weren’t together, and he may have feelings for this specific person.
He just panics and starts to overthink on the possible negative outcomes, fearing rejection.
Emily is actually pretty aware of her growing feelings for Reynold, but remains silent about it.
At one point, when the two are alone, Reynold just blurts out that he likes her, and the two stare at each other wide-eyed. Then with a sudden spurt of courage, Emily also tells him that she likes him. From there the two awkwardly hold hands, and decide to start dating.
Fast forward to some weeks later, Penelope finds them making out in a utility closet, and is basically dumbfounded, and just goes like “Reynold I thought you liked men!” , that makes Emily burst out laughing, while Reynold just goes on a tirade.
Technically Reynold and Emily are the last ones to get together, happening shortly after Thalia and Derrick are found out.
The order of the couples goes like this:
-Penelope and Callisto being the first ones to get together.
-Derrick and Thalia, who are second to become a couple, but are only found out after Yvonne and Vinter start dating
-Yvonne and Vinter if we want to be technical, are third to start dating, but second to ‘go public’
-Emily and Reynold are fourth in place to become a couple!
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
What do you think the verdandi family thinks of derrick or the eckarts in general ?
Hmmm this is an interesting thought. Some of this extends from my convos with @eloise175:
Tbh I think since Duke Eckart was friends with Vinters father the Eckarts and Verdandi’s are on good terms.
After Vinter and Thalias parents died it was Duke Eckart who helped them with the grief and transition into their new roles. Vinter and Thalia started living together after that because they only had each other as family.
Vinter and Thalia have a brother sister relationship despite being cousins. They’re very close and are very respectful of each other. They joke and tease each from time to time but they never fight. Vinter is actually overprotective of Thalia and views her as a little sister and actually didn’t like the thought of her dating someone he didn’t know of approve. Thalia in the other hand views Vinter as an older brother and looks up to him a lot. Though she does get annoyed with Vinters overprotection time to time.
After Vinter started dating Yvonne Derrick was a bit skeptical at first but slowly accepted their relationship. Over all they got along pretty well. Though he was also nervous since he and Thalia were still secretly dating at the time.
Thalia on the other hand was really happy Vinter found someone to love and cherish. Though once she found out it was Yvonne she also got nervous since since she was secretly dating Derrick at the time.
After Derrick and Thalia went public with their relationship Vinter was a bit worried at first but was relieved Thalia was dating somwone he knew. Though he did threaten Derrick if he breaks Thalias heart he’ll break his bones. Thalia pulled Vinters ear after she found out that threat.
Originally Thalia didn’t interact much with the Eckarts a lot until she met Derrick. After meeting her boyfriends family for the first time she instantly clicked with Penelope and Yvonne.
Like Penelope Thalia actually hates Gloria Kellen because Gloria has tried to bully her in the past and humiliate her. She and Penelope agreed that Gloria is a witch with an innocent face.
Yvonne and Thalia had small encounters when Yvonne started dating Vinter though that was more of Thalia trying to sneak out to meet up with Derrick without getting caught. They became closer after her relationship with Derrick is revealed.
Together the three women enjoy gardening together. With Thalia and Penelopes magic they create a swing made out of flowers and vines in the garden.
Penelope and Yvonne also love Thalia because they know Derrick is a complete softy for her and agrees to do anything with her no matter how crazy. They take advantage of this a lot and get Derrick to loosen up a bit. They also notice whenever they get Thalia involved in their ideas Derrick is less likely to scold/lecture them.
Reynolds relationship with Vinter and Thalia is like night and day sometimes. Reynold was actually mad when Vinter and Yvonne started dating and occasionally spies on them like he does with Penny and Callisto. With Thalia however after their first meeting he’s pretty okay with her and at some point starts calling her noona (older sister). He also likes the fact that Derrick is more softer around her. Vinter and Thalia actually get along with Reynold for the most part but once in a blue moon they do get annoyed with his pranks on their respective partners.
Duke Eckarts relationship with Thalia Vinter actually varies. When he found out Vinter and Yvonne were dating he was nervous at first but was relieved Yvonne had selected someone he approves. When he found Thalia and Derrick were dating he was so happy that he actually started crying because Derrick finally found someone he loves. He actually doubled Derricks allowance after that so he can spoil Thalia on their dates.
Thalia sometimes views the Duke as a father like figure and accidentally calls him father time to time. The first time she did this the Duke was overwhelmed with happiness and tells her she can call him father anytime to Derricks embarrassment.
Okay I didn’t expect to write on entire rant but I can’t help but love wholesomeness. Hope this answers your question!
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bluebutterflyrose · 3 years
Incorrect Quotes!
Derrick, trying to ask Thalia out: Would you like to stay for dinner?
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
Jealous Thalia Headcannons!
(Okay this was inspired by a convo I had with @saneijeijei with her beautiful artwork on Derrick and Thalia!)
While they were dating Thalia found out that some noble ladies have a fan club about Derrick.
It doesn’t bother her at first but when she sees them fawning over Derrick during one of their dates thats when she starts to get a little jealous.
One day the jealousy gets the best of her so while Derrick is out she visits Penelope and Callisto and asks them how to show the fanclub that Derrick is hers and hers alone.
Callisto first offers to kill the noble ladies but changes his mind after Penelope gives him ‘The Look Of Death’.
Penelope sympathies with Thalia and tells her to cling on to Derrick and give him a lot of affection more than usual so that he blushes hard during their dates. And when Derrick is not looking give the fanclub threatening looks.
Thalia likes the idea and thanks Penelope happily. That night she chooses her best dresses and jewelry to set her plan in motion.
Vinter heard her evil cackling to herself and is a bit freaked out at first but chooses to let her be. Whatever Thalia is planning he did not want to be part of it if she’s cackling like that. He learned that the hard way.
The next day Thalia dresses herself more prettier than usual and follows Penelopes advice clinging on to Derricks arm and giving him a lot more affection and kisses than normal.
Derrick is confused at first but loves the extra affection which causes him to be a blushing and stuffering mess after he comes home.
The Duke, Yvonne and Reynold are so confused at Thalias change of behavior while Penelope is laughing to herself.
After a few more dates Derrick senses something wrong and confronts Thalia about it. That’s when Thalia gives in and tells him everything about the fanclub and her jealousy.
Derrick is shocked at first but then bursts out laughing trying hard to keep his composure. After seeing the upset look on Thalias face he stops.
He hugs her gently and tells her the fanclub means nothing to him and that Thalia has always been the one he wants to be with.
“No girl has ever made me smile the way you do. I was already yours from the beginning and nothing will ever change that.���
Thalia realizes she was jealous for nothing and is at ease with Derricks words. She’s happy knowing she’ll always have Derricks heart and Derrick having hers.
After this incident they become more open with their feelings to each other and are even closer as a couple.
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes!
Thalia: Guys, Derrick is missing.
Vinter: Good.
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes!
Duke : *sees Derrick and Thalia together*
Duke : They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Yvonne : You mean... you ship them?
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bluebutterflyrose · 3 years
So this is more of a continuation of @eloise175 ‘s post regarding nicknames featuring Derrick and Thalia!
‘My Dear/Dearest’: Derrick calls her that because he likes how it sounds. It’s his main nickname for her and Thalia loves it.
‘Angel’: During one of their dates he saw how the moonlight made her hair shimmer making her look like an angel before his eyes. The nickname stuck since.
‘Chickadee’: He uses that when he teases her. Thalia actually blushes darkly whenever he calls her that and actually has a slight dislike towards the nickname. She playfully smacks his arm afterwards as he laughs at her.
‘Blossom’: This was from a discussion I had with @eloise175 about Thalia being sorceress as well but she specializes in plant magic creating flowers whenever she wishes. Derrick started calling her that after she showed him her powers the first time.
‘My Love/Beloved’: Similar to how Derrick calls her Dear/Dearest Thalia calls him that because she likes how the nickname sounds. And the happy smile on Derricks face is worth it. It’s her main nickname for him.
‘Kitty/Kitty Cat’: She uses that whenever she teases him after seeing him interact with his kitten. Derrick doesn’t like the nickname but at least it’s better than Reynold calling him Dirk. He simply sighs and gives her a weary smile as she giggles at him.
‘My Knight’: Thalia started calling him after she saw him wear his armor. She thought he looked really handsome and couldn’t look him in the eyes the first time. Derrick teases her for that time to time.
‘Snuggle Bug’: They’re big on cuddling and Thalia loves snuggling up in Derricks arms whenever they get the chance. She feels the safest in his embrace the most. She calls him that during their cuddle times and he does the same.
All in all they’re a sweet couple that rarely fight because they know each other’s likes and dislikes. Even if they do fight it doesn’t take long for them to talk it out and apologize to each other because they can’t stay mad at each other for long.
Hope y’all liked this!
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
I've wonderd how did Thalia and Derrick meet?
Sorry sorry for being late! I got sick fof a while and then allergies decided to be jerks!
So I had a convo with @eloise175 about this as well and here’s how our sweet lovebirds Derrick and Thalia met:
They met at a party in the Imperial Palace.
Derrick ends up going alone to the party because Reynold was out with his friends and Penelope and Yvonne had gotten sick so the Duke stayed back to take care of them.
Thalia went alone because Vinter had some business come up at the White Rabbit guild so he needed to stay there. (Headcannon Thalia and Vinter lived together after their parents died)
How they met at the party was by accident caused by Gloria Kellen who tripped Thalia to make her look like a fool in front of everyone. (Will make a separate post about them later. They actually hate each other)
Thalia instead of falling on the floor actually slams into Derrick and they end up crashing to the floor with her on top of him if you know what I mean *wink* *wink*
It takes a few seconds for them to realize what happened and they blush darkly while helping each other up.
Derrick notices Thalia cut her ankle because of the fall and takes her aside and gently wraps her wound with a handkerchief (he started carrying one after the maze garden incident)
Thalia apologies profusely to him about what happened but Derrick reassures her he’s okay and that he’s relieved she only ended up with a cut.
They end up talking throughout the night enjoying each others presence.
When it was time for them to leave Derrick actually escorts Thalia home not wanting leave her having to walk on a hurt ankle.
Vinter is horrified Thalia came home injured and was about to fight Derrick until Thalia explained what really happened at the party. (Hc Vinter is protective of Thalia)
He’s relieved she’s okay and thanks Derrick for helping her. Derrick simple bows and says he was just trying to help a lady in need.
When Derrick is about to leave Thalia actually runs over and kisses him on cheek promising to return his handkerchief to him the next time they meet.
Derrick returns to the Eckart estate blushing darkly and the Duke who was panicking that he returned home late demands an explanation.
Derrick ends up explaining to him what happened and the Duke jokes that maybe Thalia fell for him much to Derricks embarrassment.
Thalia does eventually return Derricks handkerchief to him but that story is for another time.
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
do you have any hc of thalia and derrick's future children ?
I’m so sorry it took me a while to answer this ask! Things have been hectic this week because of work and irl items.
In regards to Derrick and Thalias kids I actually had a convo with @eloise175 about them. She has the names for them but I will not disclose them without her permission.
However we did agree that Derrick and Thalia would have a daughter and a son. And here’s my headcannons for them!
Their daughter was born first and has Thalias hair color and Derricks eyes. The Duke started crying out of happiness when she was born after he saw her having the signature Eckart blue eyes.
Their son was born 3 years after his sister with Derricks hair color and Thalias eyes. Vinter was so happy when he saw that their son looked more like his mother.
Derrick and Thalia made sure they were always present in their kids lives wanting them to have the parental love they never had. (Thalias parents died when she was little)
Like Judith they were often spoiled by the Duke and their aunts. However, they didn’t let that get to them.
As they grew up their daughter took on more of Derricks personality and their son took on Thalia’s personality.
They also inherited their mothers magical abilities but a bit weaker than Judith’s. They’re very close to their cousins because of this.
Their daughter was interested in swordsmanship and learned how to fight from Reynold. During their sparring sessions she learned how to curse by accident. Derrick chased Reynold with a staff after he found out that incident.
Their son however was more interested in learning more knowledge from books and desired to become scholar because of it. Thalia and the Duke were more than happy to help him.
They each have a cat and bird respectively. The birds were actually Tweety’s babies that she laid eggs with after she found her mate during Derrick and Thalias wedding.
Derrick and Thalia love their kids equally and always make sure they know.
(Bonus: When Thalia was pregnant Derrick spoiled her as much as he could. From getting up in the middle of the night to get the food she was craving to massaging her swollen deez when ever she didn’t feel like walking.)
Hope these answered your question nonnie-Chan!
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
How did Derrick and Thalia get Tweety?
Oh boy! This was a fun one to chat about with @eloise175!
So basically Derrick and Thalia encountered Tweety as a baby cockatiel while they were out on one of their dates. They were taking a walk through a meadow when they found her having fallen out of her nest chirping for help.
Thalia scooped her up into her hands while Derrick looked for any signs of Tweety’s parents. After a few hours they decided they couldn’t leave baby Tweety alone and took her back to the Eckart estate. The Duke was horrified that they came home with a baby bird and immediately orders a room to be created for the bird much to the surprise of everyone.
Derrick and Thalia actually take turns feeding and keeping baby Tweety warm for the next few weeks. Sometimes when they weee tired the Duke would take over in feeding and playing with her as he found her chirps to be very soothing and adorable. Once Tweety was fully grown Derrick and Thalia originally planned to release her back into the wild but after realizing how much they bonded with her while she grew they decide to keep her and share her much to the Dukes delight.
Penelope and Yvonne were the ones who actually gave Tweety her name. Derrick and Thalia couldn’t pick out a name to save their lives and ended up asking them for help.
Currently Tweety enjoys sitting on Derrick abs Thalias shoulder or anyones heads. Though whenever she sits on someone’s head she enjoys pulling their hair much to almost everyone’s annoyance. Whenever Derrick and Thalia are not around she spends time with the Duke in his study occasionally trying to take his pen when he’s working though the Duke doesn’t mind this as he has a soft spot for the bird.
Later she learns to mimic people and enjoys whistling songs Vinter or Thalia teaches her or repeating phrases she hears around the manor.
She eventually learned how to curse much to the horror of Derrick and Thalia but much to everyone’s surprise it wasn’t Reynold who taught her. It was Callisto whenever he came to visit Penelope. Derrick and Thalia kept Tweety away from Callisto for a while after that.
Hope that answers your question Nonnie-Chan!
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes!
Vinter: Thalia! What did I tell you about lying? 
Thalia, looking down: ...That it only works on Derrick .
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes!
(Okay I had a bunch of these written down but I was sick for the past 2 days so here they are)
Thalia: It was me...
Derrick : ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
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bluebutterflyrose · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes!
*Derrick and Thalia sitting in jail together*
Thalia: So who should we call?
Derrick: I’d call Vinter, but I feel safer in jail
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bluebutterflyrose · 3 years
Incorrect Quotes!
Thalia: I wasn’t that drunk.
Derrick: You colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.
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bluebutterflyrose · 3 years
Incorrect Quotes!
Derrick: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Thalia: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Derrick: Absolutely not.
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