#derogratory language
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alarrytale · 1 month ago
I get using ableist language when calling out other groups of fans of HL because they are nothing more than gaslighted and unable to understand that their idols are lying to them on purpose to keep their images and narratives. But honestly I can´t help myself when it comes to H´s fakegirlfriends.
Because what are the exceptions for someone who is using someone´s closet to gain her own popularity, to get headlines in tabloids and pretend she´s living that wet dream fantasy of those who believe H is straight/bi and H is semi-god of s*x? Yes, some women related to H were better than others and watching H doing a pap walk/ wannabe organic spotting was annoying but could be much worse if they´d on purpose try for pda with H. But how would you excuse women like TS or OW who hurt not only H but Louis as well with their behaviour? If we believe H is closeted against his will, that if it was up to him, he´d much rather just stay single and "unlucky with love" than to awkwardly pretend he´s into women because big bosses at S*ny aren´t able to understand H´s much more interesting as he is rather than who he publicaly dates and even doing the TS´s method of relating his songs to the past woman-of-the-year (K*nd*ll, TS, C*m*lle, OW). What I kind of hate is that while during the 1D days he put much bigger afford against how sexualized he was and this whole womanizerTM nonsense but now he´s just playing along this game because it gives him at least some freedom to show who he really is.
So maybe I am a terrible person but I just can´t help myself with ableist language with it come to this group of people profiting of someone who´s closeted against his will no matter how mutual their stunt deal was and H agreed to everything for an exchange to do something gay.
Hi, anon!
The thing is, when you're using ableist language to hurt a celebrity, the person you're really hurting is a person with disabilities. Because you're using their disability in a derogatory manner. It's incredibly hurtful for them. It's way less hurtful for the able celebrity who you're trying to hurt, than the person with the disability you're using.
Also, not using other people's disabilities as a derogatory term to hurt able persons, doesn’t mean you can’t call them derogatory names at all. There are many unflattering comparisons and unflattering personality traits that can be used to describe someone, that are not only more accurate, but also doesn’t hurt people with disablilites.
For example you can call someone a vulture, a snake, a low-life, manipulative, inconsiderate, greedy or fake, which are all derogatory terms, but are not ableist terms.
Using derogatory terms to describe someone will of course contribute to heightened conflict level and will piss off the people who you're calling names, but at least you aren’t hurting an innoncent third party in the process and make them feel even more inferior due to their disability.
So derogatory language? Fair game. Ableist language? Nope.
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hunters-vigil · 14 days ago
The Archon's Baby - Chapter 25 - You Never Know Who Is Listening.
First Chapter Previous Chapter future chapters on ao3 here
Warnings: pregnant!reader, pregnancy symptoms, mention of dead bodies, brief derogratory language.
Fic under the cut, don't repost my stuff on other platforms, i have ao3. Reader is not the traveller. Reader's adoptive sisters are Chasca and Chuychu.
"Oh hey, it's you! How are you doing with... everything?" Paimon floated over with a grin, quickly correcting herself from asking about your pregnancy in public, directly anyway. Although your bump wasn't exactly easy to hide anymore...
"We're okay, how have you two been? I met Nepecha by the way, thank you for all you did in saving her with Xilonen. " You asked, giving the Traveller a grateful look as they'd given Paimon a deadpan expression to watch her words, "oh... also something about aphids, Xilonen mentioned that too?"
"We're okay, we're just preparing to head to Sumeru! It's Nahida, Lesser Lord Kusanali's birthday, so we're going to help with the Sabzeruz Festival and celebrate with everyone!" Paimon explained, gesturing to the supplies that the two had been buying in the stadium.
"Ah, that's the festival with the carriage and sweets are thrown, right? How about you two take some of this for the Dendro Archon, you probably have loads in your bag already, but this chocolate tastes really good, and if Kusanali has a sweet tooth, I think she'll like it." You led the two over to a stall, ignoring what was on display in favour of talking to the owner, who nodded and revealed the specific chocolates from nearby.
"Wait, Paimon has never seen these ones before!" Paimon's eyes glowed as you passed the chocolates to the Traveller, passing the stall owner some mora before they could.
"They're really good, I've been craving a lot so I've cornered the market down here on it all, there's some stuff from other nations here too, but not a lot-"
"We'll bring you back some candies from Sumeru as a thank you." The Traveller beamed, tucking the chocolates away into their bag before Paimon could eat them, much to her pouting.
"Paimon, Golden Outlander, here." You held out two chocolates, one for each of them.
"Ooh so yummy! Wait, Paimon wants to know why you call the Traveller that, you never call them Traveller?" Paimon ate the chocolate quickly, floating closer to you as you hummed.
"Because I think people should be calling you by your name, not that moniker. Although you don't always respond to the name you've given people either... it's whatever, probably safer for you with how Celestia can be. You two travel safely to Sumeru okay?" you smiled softly, ignoring the confusion on Paimon's face and the relief on the Golden Outlander's, who smiled back at you, waving as the two headed out of the stadium, and soon, out of Natlan.
It had been a week of rebuilding, with the Traveller and Paimon out of the picture recovering and enjoying the Sabzerus Festival. Mavuika was all over the place, hoping on Flamestrider as she went to check on each individual tribe's recovery. The losses were piling up, while Kinich was trying to help identify bodies, you were trying to coordinate the supply shipments from the stadium, but you were struggling.
"You think because you're allegedly having the Archon's baby that you can take charge here?"
Your eyes widened at the insinuation, holding onto the clipboard you'd been reading to try figure out what supplies were to be sent where.
"What in the abyss are you trying to suggest?" you glared, folding your arms at the man, clipboard by your side. It was one of the two who spoke blasphemy about Kachina and Mavuika during the last Pilgrimmage.
"Oh please, why would a God ever have a baby with you? You're not even a warrior. You're just a whore that the Archon took pity on." His name didn't matter to you, his words shouldn't matter either, but instead, your breath hitched, frozen in place as everyone around you went eerily quiet.
"Archon?" his voice trembled, the God of War's stare laced with ice and solemnity. Her heels were the only thing heard as she walked over, not saying a word as the man trembled. "Archon, I, uh..."
Forcing his gaze away from the intensity of Haborym's, he looked at you, before he ran, leaving everyone to stare as Mavuika's gaze followed him out of sight.
"Is that really how people see me-" you began to question, your eyes glassing over with tears, but a loud thud caught your attention. Turning on your heel to hurry towards the sound, Mavuika gently placed her hand on her shoulder to stop you.
"That isn't worth your attention." Her cold stare was long gone, but her professionalism lingered as she took the clipboard from your hands, glancing over it, "Iansan has volunteered a caravan to transport these supplies. You organised everyone here well, despite his insults."
A shaky sigh escaped your lips, wishing Mavuika could do more than stand by you in this moment, but being able to bask in the presence of Natlan's undying sun, the love of your life, was enough. You needed to get used to not relying on Mavuika, especially after her impending death.
"I'm sorry..." your gaze remained on the floor, looking over your bump as Mavuika and yourself headed back to the Speaker's Chamber.
"Why are you apologising? You were the one who was insulted."
"But, his words weren't entirely wrong. You're an Archon, and as much as I emphasise you are more than that, everyone else sees you as the Pyro Archon, the God of War. Not the God of Love or Marriage, so getting tangled up with me- I was barely a warrior before, I'm someone who never even participated in the Pilgrimmage because I didn't want to ruin Chasca's winning streak by being on her team... and I- I never wanted to distract you and ruin your 500 year goal to end this millenia long war, Mavuika." Turning on your heel, you were about to walk out, hoping that a supply caravan would be heading towards your tribe so you could give Mavuika space.
"You could never ruin it. As the Archon, I'm great at problem-solving, but often, people just want companionship. I wasn't able to provide this for anyone when I returned, but you provided it to me in a way that felt warm, a kindred spirit of fire, who loves to explore and find out everything. I know you were caught sneaking to Ochkanatlan multiple times, and I know how much you care, for me, the plan, for Natlan. You gave me more than enough motivation to complete my plan, by giving me a close connection in this time... something I didn't have 500 years ago. I may have been your first love, but you are mine too..." Mavuika's face burned at that reminder, watching as you turned around to listen.
You had not believed her about that confession, at first. She could have anyone in Natlan that she wanted after all. Mavuika knew how to kiss better than you did, but the way she froze up, hair lighting up and her jaw hanging open the first time the two of you were intimate... it was like Mavuika had always put her duty to her nation before her own needs, until that moment anyway.
"I told you before, I regret nothing we have done, I will always love you, even in death. I will always love our children too. Please let them know that-" Mavuika was cut off as you frowned, your hand immediately going to your bump as your Archon froze in fear, "are you alright? Is it the twins?"
"Give me your hand." You removed her glove carefully, bringing her bare hand over your bump to feel what you just felt. Mavuika's eyes widened at the feeling, the movement of one of the twins felt beneath her palm, "they're kicking... I spoke to my ma-mother before, she said that I'd feel them moving but this, they're kicking, Mavuika. I think they heard you." Mavuika removed her other glove with her teeth, her eyes brimming with tears as you brought her other hand to where you were guessing the other twin was kicking too, hoping it was them and not the other foot of twin A.
"They, they can hear me?" to anyone else, Mavuika would sound uncharacteristically shy, but you knew sides to her that she kept hidden because of the war. Mavuika pushed away any ideas of love, companionship, because it didn't matter if the war was still going... but now? Mavuika's sun eyes were glassy, almost glowing with emotion as she let out a breath.
"They can hear you, hear their mother." You moved your hand, reaching up to cup her cheek. There was no option to hide her emotion with her sunglasses this time.
"I love you," Mavuika closed her eyes momentarily, leaning into your touch, before shifting and dropping to her knees, "I love you two too," she spoke directly to your bump, not seeing how you flustered at her on her knees in front of you. She was too distracted by grinning goofily at your bump, how the twins were kicking her palms through your belly.
You were lucky nobody was about to walk into the Speaker's Chamber and witness this... Chasca would probably tackle Mavuika, and neither you or Chuychu could physically stop her now.
"Hey, can we talk?" Chasca knocked on the door to the Speaker's Chamber, getting no response as she headed inside, looking for who she was after. The staff had told her you and Mavuika were there but, was anyone around?
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my-rewrite-academia · 2 months ago
Just found out that Horikoshi named a character after a slur against Chinese and Korean people during WW2... (Shiga M*****)
I'm not sure what you're asking by this? I'm aware of this, of course, but I'm also aware that Horikoshi changed the name. For anyone unaware, Dr. Garaki Kyudai was originally called Maruta Shiga. I'm not going to censor this, as it would only serve to make people unaware, and I'm against censorship in general.
Now, as much as I don't like Horikoshi's writing, (can't speak of him as a person - never met him), and as clearly unaware as he is of how racism works, considering the Mutant Discrimination arc, I don't believe he meant any offense to this.
In Japanese, Maruta (丸太) or Marutanbou (丸太ん坊) are used interchangeably and means 'log.' And 'Deku', who was named after the word 木偶の坊 (Dekunobou), means 'wooden doll'. Both Marutanbou and Dekunobou also mean 'nothing', 'bare', 'useless', and other such synonyms. Both are also quirkless.
The correlation is clear.
Toshinori Yagi's name, 'Yagi' in particular, also means tree. Quirkless characters are often associated with wood.
The hospital Shiga (志賀) Maruta (丸太) owns and runs is called 蛇腔総合病院 (Jyakuu-Sougou-Byouin). Now, bare in mind, his name Shiga (志賀) and the first character of the hospital Jya (蛇, which also reads as 'hebi', meaning 'snake').
There is an old legend called 'Kurohime Densetsu' in the Nagano prefecture, where the story takes place in the area of Shiga-Kougen (志賀高原) and the villain of the story is a giant snake (大蛇).
It's clear that he was creating a parellel between Garaki, (or Shiga), with the Kurohime Densetsu, but it was a mistake on his behalf to not do further research into the name 'Maruta'.
For those unaware, in WW2, Japan had a project called 'Unit 731' where they experimented on people they called 'Maruta (丸太)', most of them being Chinese and Korean, which then became a derogratory slur against them.
Contrary to popular belief, this alone did not get MHA banned in China - it was due to how pro-Japan the story felt. Not exactly pro-cop, but pro-Japan, in the same way the anime/light novel 'Gate' was, and China didn't agree with this.
Now, I'm not excusing Horikoshi for this. He didn't seem to have any ill intents, but a bit more research would have avoided this entire scenario, and that is a mistake on his behalf. It's the same as J.K. Rowling calling her only Korean character 'Cho Chang' without realising they're both surnames in Korea. She could have searched up popular first names and last names in Korea, but decided to be lazy and basically went 'Ching Chong' in what she thought was a coy plau.
I still don't understand what this ask was meant to say, as that issue was fixed five years ago when Horikoshi renamed him to Garaki Kyudai, but I thought I would explain nonetheless, as the language barrier makes it easy for misunderstandings to occur.
Thanks for the ask!
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demigender-positivity · 8 years ago
So I saw your post about your body not matching your mind. And that's okay! I'm gender fluid and tend to stick to my biological gender, but sometimes like to go by he/they pronouns (on the internet at least, I can't do it IRL due to my parents not believing in it.). This doesn't make me less gender fluid. And you have boobs isn't going to make you less of a him/them. Hope you have a good day!
Oh bless your soul, love. Thank you. Cause I am genderfluid but my fem days are just. A masc fem. A boy in a dress, in a good way???? In my own eyes. And I love it. I just dont know if I feel pressured to keep my fem side due to societal norms or if I actually am fem in some way. But as soon as Im fem its the ONLY thing people see. So I had to start going by they/him because if anyone knew I go by she, thats. All they use. So im just a masc presenting fem??? I have no idea lmfao but truly, thank you for your encouragement
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chaotic-dreamer88 · 4 years ago
It's Ana Kuya which when you pronounce it in my language is like Ana Kuja and kuja means bitch and is derogratory way to call a woman when you want to insult her. So Ana Kuya literally means " Ana Bitch". Also how you pronounce Baghra in my language means scum.
my casual viewer friend describing why she's so irritated by alina:
"mal mal mal"
"i wannnna go home, which is actually an orphanage, said no orphan ever"
"It's so hard to make magic light balls while living in a five star hotel's presidential suite with an attached spa. I just want my life back!"
"Mal, did you get my letters mal, I wannnna go home!"
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samludas · 6 years ago
Teni under fire for always using her native language to curse foreigners
Teni under fire for always using her native language to curse foreigners
Some angry Nigerians has called our singer, Teniola Apata, who is better known as Teni the entertainer, for always using her native language to insult foreigners.
The singer who is known for always uploading videos of herself using derogratory words on foreigners shared another hilarious video of herself abusing a white foreigner, which many found funny but some were quick to caution her to…
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naijaurban · 6 years ago
Teni under fire for always using her native language to curse foreigners
Teni under fire for always using her native language to curse foreigners
Some angry Nigerians has called our singer, Teniola Apata, who is better known as Teni the entertainer, for always using her native language to insult foreigners.
The singer who is known for always uploading videos of herself using derogratory words on foreigners shared another hilarious video of herself abusing a white foreigner, which many found funny but some were quick to caution her to…
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