#derek got deaged again
Stiles: mmm!
Scott: What's on your mind?
Stiles: Do you think Derek's dick is as big as his dick as an adult?
Young!Derek: You know I can hear you.
Stiles: Then answer the question.
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teenwolf-confessions · 6 months
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Kate stalked the Hale's until she found an in, which was Derek who was fifteen at the time. She placed herself in a position of power as his substitute teacher, seduced him and murdered his family. She found him again, electrocuted him and thought to herself later on that she should have taken advantage of him again. She is an ephebophile. She had a thing for Jackson and wondered about being a substitute(again) to get close to him much to Allison's disgust and the writers actually planned for Kate and Stiles to be paired up in season one before some mtv big wig told Jeff to can it. This actually happened what the hell.
Kate is so much worse than Jennifer Blake, if you need to wank that Derek was taken advantage of the do so, we, J-Blake fans, agree with you. But use the same amount of hate for Kate fans that you use for us. At least our bad guy isn't as bad as yours. Ours is crazy and delusional, yours is a perverted predator who got horny on torturing her former sexual victim and thought about doing it again. And again. And did so again when she deaged him to the age she initially preyed upon him and seduced him again and kissed him and maybe other things? There was some time after she kidnapped teen Derek and before she got to the school. What were they doing in that like hour that she kidnapped him before getting to the school? Freaking gross. Just saying.
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
Can you rec fics where Stiles interacts with 2 Dereks? Like clone Derek or deaged Derek along with normal Derek? Maybe alternate universe visiting? Something like Closed Circuit by the_deep_magic or the ley lines series by forestofbabel. You have helped me so much with what you do! Thank you!❤️❤️
Sure! Try these ones.
Closed Circuit by the_deep_magic | 3.6K | Explicit
Don’t piss off the witch on the third floor. Well, not too often.
If the ley lines you should follow by forestofbabel | 52.1K
And Derek just stood there, staring at Stiles like he was a ghost.
“Dude, I know it’s been a while but you don’t have to look at me like you’re that surprised I’m hung over in the woods. It’s practically a tradition at this point.”
“Stiles?” Derek whispered, the name falling from his lips like a punch to the gut. Stiles watched, confused, as Derek took a deep breath in and took a shaky step forward then back again. “You’re not- you can’t be. Who are you?”
The (less) Broken Road by theroguesgambit | 4K
Stiles and Derek find themselves in an alternate reality where Derek's still an Alpha, many of their lost friends are alive and well, and their alternate selves are apparently in a serious, long-term relationship.
With each other.
...Weird, right?
In Any Version of Reality by alisvolatpropiis | 39.8K | Explicit
Standing next to not-Derek – whoa, holding not-Derek’s hand? – is someone who looks remarkably like Stiles. Is Stiles, a slightly-altered replica, just like this guy both is and isn't Derek.
It’s not like looking into a mirror – one, because looking into a mirror actually makes some kind of sense, and two, because not-Stiles looks older too, mid twenties maybe. And the tips of his short, spiky hair are dark purple, and he’s got a lip ring and he’s shirtless and covered in tattoos and what the holy hell?
“Time travel?" He's sufficiently freaked. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he hears his dad laughing.
A soul fractured to the bone (searching for someone who can make you whole) by MemeKon | 7.1K | Explicit
“You have to merge the two sides together, Stiles. Through mating. Sexual magic is second in power only to blood magic. And the latter one is too dangerous and volatile to be feasible.”
“They have to... With each other?” He inquires; and although hello there spank bank material for the rest of eternity, the issue still stands that “They kind of can’t tolerate each other? Or at least Other!Derek doesn’t tolerate regular Derek.”
“Oh, I see.” There’s the distinct sound of paper rustling. “That’s… less fortunate but still doable. They will need a link. A nexus to help them fix the broken bond between instinct and reason. Someone who both sides trust and have a connection with. Is there anyone who the wolf has shown a particular attachment to, Stiles? Or even someone whom he lets near it?”
There is.
No Place Like Idaho by ElleCC | 16.2K
“Look, man," Scott says, "if you really don’t want to go, you don’t have to. Derek will understand, I’m sure.”
“Derek. What does Derek—?”
“Hey, look at the time.” Scott hops off the bed. “If you’re coming, get a move on. Train to catch.”
“Fine, fine.” Rolling his eyes and muttering under his breath about best friends, man, Stiles pushes around the boxes of ammo before picking two.
Scott peers over his shoulder. “Uh, we’re not going to war, dude. We’re going to Idaho.”
Something I’m Not Seeing by HaleHole (SweetFanfics) | 6K
There’s a world of a difference between Derek’s past and present self. To the point that Stiles pretty much considers them to be two different people who just happen to have the same name.
Time To Say Goodbye by matildajones | 34.3K
Derek finds an older version of himself at his front door, along with Stiles, a boy from the future.
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literaryoblivion · 3 months
Abandoned WIP-Sterek
As stated before, this is an abandoned WIP snippet. I’ll tag them with #my abandoned WIPs to organize it. If you see any and are so inspired by any of these to either create your own or finish, PLEASE tag me! I’d love to see if someone was able to take it and run with it since it stalled out for me.
Older Single Dad Derek goes back to college, where Stiles is his professor.
No writing but here's the idea: Single Dad Derek Hale deciding to go back to finish his degree and taking classes from newly minted professor Stiles and like maybe Derek's kids get sick but he /can't/ miss class so he sends a desperate email to Professor Stilinski and Stiles is like, it's fine. I didn't know you had kids, but it happens I get it. And somehow Stiles offers to come over and give Derek an overview of the lecture and the notes. AND obviously he wants to spend more time with Prof. S, because damn, he's just so amazing. XD and let's just say they actually live nearby each other and start seeing each other at the grocery store or the park. And Stiles sees Derek's kid as well, who he obviously falls in love with! OF course. But actually I was thinking Derek had like 2 or 3 kids...like Isaac and Erica… And maybe at one point he can get a bit overwhelmed, trying to combine it all, and Stiles can be there to support him! and meanwhile Stiles is like I shouldn't become so attached to a student especially since it's his first official year, but he's kind of falling for Derek so hard, and Erica calls him Batman which is awesome, and Isaac shows him his scarves and he's like damnit this is so far from staying professional, I'm going to get fired.
Deaged Derek & Stiles: What if Derek and Stiles got deaged and Scott has to take care of them and like bb stiles gets bb Derek to go sneak off and mess things up and bb Derek tries to resist but he likes stiles so much he ends up going along with it and they disappear and Scott has to go find them and they are in the woods asleep wrapped around each other
Next time, Scott is going to insist that Stiles and Derek wait for him before just barging in. He’s the alpha for crying out loud! A courtesy heads-up text about a possible witch lair is not enough. Of course he can’t tell either of them that now because they are naked and running away from him. Oh, and they are also babies. “I’m not a baby; I’m five!” Stiles shouts, holding up his hand with his fingers splayed to show with his fingers how old he is. He’s even stopped mid-run to turn around and make an angry face at Scott because how dare he think he’s a baby. Derek’s a little farther back from Stiles, not realizing Stiles had stopped running, but he is slowly walking back to stand next to Stiles. He leans over to see Stiles’s indignant face and tries to mirror it, crossing his arms across his chest before muttering, “And I’m seven.” Scott sighs, “Well I guess that clears up how old she turned you guys.” Scott holds up his hands as he steps closer to them, hoping they don’t take off running again. He might be a werewolf, but chasing after little Stiles and Derek through the woods has taken a lot out of him, and he doesn’t want a repeat performance.
Sterek Week theme involving crayons: wisteria, brown sugar, grand canyon, heat wave, macaroni and cheese. Basically Derek goes with Laura and her kids to the grand canyon and Stiles is their tour guide.
Derek wants it known that he did not want to go on this trip in the first place. BUT because he’s a very kind, giving, generous brother and amazing, wonderful, terrific uncle, he agreed to help out his recently divorced sister take care of her two sons and one daughter on a much needed family without that cheating, lying, bastard of a dad vacation. He could tell his sister really needed to be away, and quite frankly so did his niece and nephews, and there was no way Laura was going to be able to handle hiking/riding a donkey down the Grand Canyon with all three of them by herself. And, he had the time, had just gotten over a disaster of a relationship himself a few months back, and so he said okay. Plus, the pleading look Laura had given him after she told him about the trip was enough to get him to agree too. It was a vacation they all needed, really. But now that he’s here, riding a donkey named Wisteria, in what feels like a heat wave because he is sweating bullets with the sun beating down on him, he’s regretting agreeing to go. And the fact that their tour guide is sitting pretty (literally, he’s gorgeous) in front of them and Derek can’t help but stare at his ass (not the donkey) while they slowly make their way down the canyon.
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bericas · 2 years
001 + teen wolf!
Favorite character: scott my best friend scott!!
Least Favorite character: this is so tricky cause i love so much but also hate so much. i think i hate kate most for the obvious reasons but also cause she's dealt with in such a strange way in canon. like maybe this is a hot take, but i truly think it was so unnecessary to make her a literal pedophile? and also strange to never really address the fact that she was a literal pedophile outside of her kissing deaged derek? and even then they did not talk about that at all! it felt like very strange Drama to add and never give any weight
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): obv gotta give it up to my besties berica, but also scallison, stalia, draeden, and scira! can we tell i'm an s4 apologist
Character I find most attractive: HMMMMMM i think malia? this is hard because everyone is so beautiful but i think malia is the one i wanted to kiss most on the mouth when i was however old i was when s4 came out (can we tell i'm an s4 apologist)
Character I would marry: my heart says scott but my brain says i could not survive his lifestyle. he would be like ok babe i gotta go die again and i'd have a panic attack. he'd be like i'm going the store and i'd be like are you sure? are you sure it's the store? are you sure you're not going to go die again? and i truly believe sometimes he would actually be lying and going to go die again. but i don't know who else i would marry? i guess malia i just think she'd be the most bearable of the martyrs. i'd be like please don't die and she'd be like don't worry i'd kill before i got killed and i'd be like okay. well. i guess that's better. also she's cute and fun and strong i'd feel so safe on public transportation
Character I would be best friends with: MY GIRL KIRA
a random thought: scott should die less
An unpopular opinion: scott is the main character! (this being unpopular is embarrassing for the rest of you)
My Canon OTP: stalia!!!
My Non-canon OTP: this is hard bc i love to lie. i think it's gotta be sceo cause i just can't process any of that through a heterosexual lens. this is the one ship that it like makes no sense to me in a straight context
Most Badass Character: i truly deeply in my heart believe it's my best friend scott
Most Epic Villain: it's gotta be either tamora monroe or jennifer blake. the hero in their own stories villains r my fave villains
Pairing I am not a fan of: i hold so much hate in my heart for st*rek i will never forgive the existence of the sterek fandom as its own separate fandom wherein some people literally have not watched the show and have no context for their opinions and are still so loud about it. be wrong or be loud. pick a struggle
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): boyd<3 literally i don't think anyone was done as poorly as boyd. they fucked his whole 3a so bad and gave his death no meaning at all
Favourite Friendship: allydia i think
Character I most identify with: erica!! i saw her at 12 years old and said oh yeah she's me-coded she's just like me for real!! i think my view of her has gotten more balanced as i've gotten older obviously but she's still my girl
Character I wish I could be: literally not one of them. not a single one. i do not want to live in that town nor do i want to live any of their lives. if i had to pick though it'd be lydia just because she's the mom friend by the end and i too want to throw blankets on these people
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ficforthought · 4 years
do you ship stiles and derek(sterek) 🥺
I do, how can anyone not, really? I have to say that while I do enjoy it a lot, it's not my first choice from the show because TW is so good for rare pairs and I'm basically trash for them (my favourites being Steter and Derek/Peter). For Sterek in general though, I loved the early seasons Derek always being so irritated and huffy, he really hadn't met anyone else quite like Stiles... who has? I love him shoving Stiles around...oh look, there's a door and the kid is in close proximity so he must be slammed into it immediately! 😂 Also S4 deaged Derek doing the exact same thing, GDI, that was brilliant! I also loved it when Derek slammed Liam into the lockers in S4 (like whoa, I'm gonna be watching that again and again! 😍), and although that manhandling tailed off later I think they replaced it with more meaningful looks and actions, which all kudos to Hoech and Dylan for that because TPTB might have wanted to downplay Sterek but nuh uh, it was still there! 😆 I was late to TW (I think it was on S3 when I started watching) so there was a lovely back catalogue of fics for me to read. I found myself leaning more towards other pairings but I will still come back and to those two beautiful boys, and my headcanon for the end is definitely Sterek. Yeah we got Stydia on screen and I've no doubt they loved each other in their own way, but I can't see it lasting. Stiles was infatuated with her for years, that doesn't mean a relationship would work, no matter how much that changed to respect and love. You never forget your first love, but sorry Lydia (who is awesome BTW) your boy is eventually gonna leave you and go to Derek to - amongst other things - get slammed into the nearest door, for old times sake! 😜
Side note: A strong, independent woman like Lydia doesn't need a man, but if I was going to see her with anyone it would be Parrish, they teased it for so long then did the no balls fan service by going down the Stydia route, Parrish was robbed!
Edit - huh, this just made me realise I still have very strong feels for TW. I knew I did but I just got pretty annoyed all over again at the Stydia thing. Thanks, anon, it's always good to know you still care so much about a show even after it's finished! 💖
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can you recommend some sterek fics that take place while derek is deaged and deaged derek realizes he has feeling for stiles so he tells him but once hes back to his number age he doesn't know how to deal with having told stiles he true feeling or something similar?
Here’s some de-aged Derek! - Anastasia
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Little Promises by crossroadswrite
(1/1 I 2,666 I General)
Derek doesn’t really know what happened. He just knows there was a lady and she was pretty but she was also really mean and she was trying to hurt his friends.
“Holy fuck,” Erica mutters and is harshly shushed by Isaac.
“Don’t swear in front of the kid.”
“It’s not a kid,” Erica counters. “It’s just-“
This Is Your Life, Derek Hale! by PolarisTheYoungWolf
(7/7 I 23,699 I Explicit)
I need more de-aged Derek and pregnant mate Stiles! Can you imagine de-aged teen Derek being told he has a family of his own? Like the baby(babies) are born and he's like that for like...a weekend or maybe even a week or longer. And it's just overwhelming and awesome and funny and teendaddy Derek trying to also be a doting husband/mate and maybe they have to go out...because the babies have chickenpox and they need the pink lotion to help with the itching(Do werewolves get chicken pox? Maybe one of the babies is human and got it in case Were's can't?) and Derek is torn from staying with his pups and getting something that will help their recovery? I dunno...just...de-aged daddy Derek that's mates with Stiles is TOO cute an image!!!!
Just Right Now by FiccinDylan
(5/5 I 31,619 I Explicit)
In the aftermath of the lacrosse field heartbreak, Scott and Stiles spend the day playing video games and trying to get Stiles through his sorrowful valley.
Then, Stiles gets a very interesting visitor...
Stiles gonna get some lovin'!
anything that's dead shall be regrown by blueinkedbones
(24/? I 45,778 I Teen)
“Derek,” the guy with the hands says. He's still got his hands out, kind of reaching, kind of catching, kind of dropping to his sides. His voice is calm, but his eyes are too bright to sell it, and his heartbeat is out of control. “Are you—Do you know who we are?”
Derek swallows, thinks. If this is a treaty thing, another pack thing, why would they care about him? He's not even the alpha-in-training, he's nothing. Mom doesn't even bother explaining most werewolf politics to him. He knows most of it from Laura, Peter, from passing packs who used to think it was cute to tell the youngest beta their complicated histories and have it repeated back to them around still-awkward fangs. Now that's Cora, and not recently, either—She says she's too big to play kid games.
“No,” Derek decides. “Should I?”
I'll be right back (in 24 years) by AnaIsFangirling (Ana_K_Lee)
(35/35 I 48,190 I Teen)
When Derek thought about time travel – and he did, a lot – this was not what he'd had in mind. He'd thought he would see his younger self, tell him to leave Paige alone and NEVER trust Kate Argent. He'd thought he’d get to come back once that was done and everything would be perfect. He never imagined having to relive his entire life.
Age Defining Hale by TyJax_Fanfiction (TyJax_EeOwen)
(21/21 I 55,327 I Teen)
“Well, Deaton’s the one that knows about this kind of stuff, he researched everything when it happened the first time,” Scott answered and looked between everyone in the room, which consisted of Scott, Stiles, Braeden and mini Derek. “But he’s MIA right now. We’ll have to wait until he gets back,”
“Until then... we’ll have to keep an eye on you,” Stiles added to Scott’s sentence. “You might change back at some point and one of us will have to explain,”
“He’ll have to stay with one of us,” the Alpha mentioned and instantly looked at him, like he was the better option.
“No, no way, my dad’ll freak out if he sees Derek walking around the house, especially if he’s young again. Hell, he’d give me the talk again if he saw ‘that’ in the kitchen making coffee in the morning,” when he said ‘that’ he gestured to Derek’s more than gorgeous, slightly younger body. Seriously, puberty was incredible for this guy. “And I don’t have a guest room, so it’s either the couch or my room and I don’t think I’ll be able to live with waking up to that face every morning! I’ll die of hormone inflammation!”
One Stupid Mistake that Changes Everything by Kikileduc
(12/? I 60,060 I Not Rated)
Shortly after the events of season 3b, everyone is recovering. Stiles feels guilty over the loss of Allison and Aiden. Scott can't look at his friend. Lydia isn't talking to him. Isaac, Ethan, Malia, and Kira are all dealing in their own way. Derek took off again.
Fast forward to two months later, things are much the same for Stiles, except his father insisted he get checked out again as the nogitsune had tampered with his son's tests...
The results aren't good.
Stiles returns to school to find the pack hovering around a de-aged and cluesless Derek and suddenly finds himself on the outside of the pack's happenings.
To top it all off his new doctor is a little— weird, to say the least.
Can Stiles figure out what happened to Derek and help reverse it while dealing with his own personal issues? How will the pack feel when they need the spastic teen, only to find him missing? And, what is really going on in Beacon Hills? Can they come together and solve the mystery in time???
"This is what defines you, Stiles. The unexpected." by limesnapdragon
(32/32 I 77,464 I Explicit)
"If someone had told him two weeks ago he would be on illegal drugs and hanging out with Derek Hale, he would probably have punched them. Life was funny sometimes."
Stiles is about to turn seventeen and present, find out whether he's an alpha, a beta or an omega. A lot is riding on it and Stiles is nervous as hell. He hadn't expected Derek Hale, of all people, to be helping him out, but when you're in deep shit and the guy's handing you a paddle, what else are you going to do?
A Wolf In Wolf's Clothing by alexenglish
(8/8 I 81,325 I Explicit)
The pack of Beacon Hills' past transgressions are about to converge on them, and Derek stumbles out of the forest with no recent memories and straight into a pack he doesn't know, with an alpha and an anchor he can't possibly remember.
The New Hellmouth: The Benefactor by iKnightWriter
(25/25 I 109,430 I Teen)
Scott, Stiles, Landon and Kira return to a new semester of school with more human worries than supernatural, while also trying to help their new friend, Micah, integrate back into society. But Kate Argent’s surprising resurrection brings a new threat to Beacon Hills along with the emergence of another mysterious enemy known simply as The Benefactor.
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bhadpodcast · 5 years
S4 was so bad in terms of screen time that I barely remember Derek being in there besides him being naked and his transformation at the end. I think we all know Derek never got a fleshed out development, but then again, there are tons of things which were never explained. But he never got an arc like stiles did, that's a fact which is also sad, but hey, TH wanted to leave(for a reason) there was nothing to save anymore regarding Derek and his story.
That's not an excuse, it's lazy and disrespectful. That said, it's also a precedent for the show. And for s4, deaged Derek was a part of his arc, it was just sadder, his land getting turned over to the city for condos.
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1/2 a moment’s silence for all the amazing directions the show could have gone if we’d had werewolf Victoria // Ok, but how much more sense would it have made if *Victoria* had come back in season 4? The backstory with the Caleveras could stay the same (kidnap "dead" hunter to see if they turn), the timing would work better (Scott got her daughter killed) and even Peter working with her would work (Victoria didn't do the fire, tru Dereks bite they're "pack" and both are not fond of Scott)! She
2/2 gets her revenge on Scott (who was in her sight from the get go) and Peter gets the alpha power (Victoria doesn’t care). Now the only thing different would probably be no deaged Derek (aww) and Beserkers (uh, aw?) but that didn’t make any sense with Kate so it might as well stay. Plus imagine Chris just loosing his daughter only to see his dead wife again (working with his, uh, Peter) and having to hunt her? Oh, delicious angst. Victoria would’ve been a much better villain than the deadpool.
DW: I wish every day that Victoria had come back! Honestly, so much potential there for so many storylines. 
I know I say all the time that Teen Wolf never saw an opportunity they didn’t squander, but wow, this was a biggie! 
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                                          --------- (part 3) --------
Fandom: TeenWolf
Even longer list of fanfics :)....
top favourites, more top favourites, part 1, part 2
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John Hughes Did Not Direct My Life
Author: nascentgalaxies
Summary: Stiles and Derek are childhood friends who drifted apart. When Stiles joins the lacrosse team against his will, the universe (with a little help from Laura and Lydia) chooses to push them back together.
Don’t You Wanna Be My Sky?
Author: WhoNatural
Summary: Stiles got ratted out by the Realm Guard for sneaking off with Scott a total of seven times before his dad buckled, promising sabbatical once Stiles reached Faehood, and enough Earth culture in the meantime to have him talking like a born-and-bred Californian teenager.He just didn’t have the tan.(Or, in which Stiles is a Frost Fae sent to the Earth Realm on the Fae version of Rumspringa and immediately falls head-first into a Coffee Shop AU)
The Story Of Us
Author: Decemberangel
Summary: After the death of both of his parents, Stiles Stilinski takes charge of his own life. His life is a struggle, working and going to school all while trying to master his own magic. He's been alone for years and fighting all his own battles solo. He's now in senior year and his teachers reach out to him for a rare opportunity: Tutor his resident bully, Derek Hale, for an impressive paycheck. The biggest challenge: Derek is two years behind and they're going to have to spend almost every waking hour together to get him to graduation. It's a struggle but Stiles is more than willing to take this offer to get that paycheck. Derek's biggest challenge: coming to terms with his past and becoming a part of Stiles's future.
Suddenly You’re Standing Still
Author: gottalovev
Summary: A long time ago, Stiles promised his mom that he'd never cross the Hale property lines. He has kept his word even if there hasn't been a Hale in Beacon Hills for years, not since the fire. But suddenly Scott gets turned into a werewolf, Derek Hale is back, and Stiles has to share his biggest secret.
Heartbeat. It’s A Lovebeat
Author: eric_idle_rules
Summary: A very young fox!Stiles ends up lost in the woods of Beacon Hills where he's watched by a slightly older Derek. Twelve years later, Stiles ends up back in those same woods for a completely different reason... but he still manages to find Derek.
I’ve Got A Sure Thing
Author: skoosiepants
Summary: Stiles's water breaks ten miles outside of Beacon Hills.
One Step Closer
Author: Anrym
Summary: The wolf was huge. His reddish fur and his and his big, snarling fangs gave him a very frightening look.Stiles was paralyzed. He watched as the wolf took a sniff at him and growled deep in his throat.He could definitely smell another Alpha on Stiles.
Back To Beacon Hills
Author: surrenderdammit
Summary: Stiles is a born werefox, returning to Beacon Hills with the hopes of starting over and finding some sort of home again. Maybe he can finally stay in one place long enough for his scent to catch.
Baby One More Time
Author: Castielific
Summary: Stiles is turned into a three years old. The Sheriff forces Derek to "babysit". Neither Stiles nor Derek are happy about that, but it could be worse. Maybe. Well, the jury is still out on that one.
What’s My Age Again?
Author: Armygirl0604
Summary: “Did it occur to you,” Scott said through gritted teeth as he dug his phone out of his pocket and stared at his best friend’s unconscious form, “that I’m the one who has to explain all of this to your dad?” He tapped the first button on his speed dial and waited for his mom’s voice. “Hey mom,” he said when she’d answered, “do we still have any of my old clothes from, like, I don’t know…maybe kindergarten?”
Once Upon A Baby
Author: frozenorange
Summary: When Isaac comes home with Stiles who has been turned into a toddler, Derek takes care of him while trying to understand what happened to his mate.
Until We Become Something New
Author: Spikedluv
Summary: When Stiles is bitten by a werefox, his problems have only just begun. An old enemy returns, and new ones appear. It’s Beacon Hills, after all.
In The Age Of Stiles
Author: Olsies
Summary: Stiles accidentally deages himself. Hilarity ensues.OR Derek took Stiles up stairs for a bath, where Stiles proceeded to splash water everywhere.“Stiles! Stop that!” “Stiles! Stop that,” Stiles mocked, splashing more water at Derek.“I mean it!” “You’re not the alpha anymore, Scott is!” Stiles shouted. Derek sighed.
Finding Home
Author: captaintinymite (augopher)
Summary: To teach them a lesson, a pair of mischievous pixies hit Derek and Stiles with a spell that makes them six years old again. Neither of them remembers anything about their lives beyond that age. What happens when the pair of them become immediate friends and declare that when they grow up they will get married? Will they remember anything when the spell wears off?
The Little Spark
Author: Nerdy_fangirl_57
Summary: Derek is running in the preserve when he hears it. A tiny, broken sob coming from the nearby trees. He gets closer only to find a little boy, no older than 4 years old, with moles plastered all over his tearful face as well as watery honey colored eyes and soft brown hair sticking up in all directions. Wearing a red hoodie. Fuck.
A Small Surprise
Author: InnerCinema
Summary: The toddler comes to a stop in front of Derek, raising his arms and demanding in the most commanding tone: “You carry me!” (aka. 5 times toddler!Stiles adores Derek who is a good guardian - gee I suck at summaries tonight!)
Your Face Is Like A Melody (It Won’t Leave My Head)
Author: toyfeels
Summary: Since age three, Stiles has been dreaming of Derek. When he was younger, he would always babble about Derek and draw pictures of them together, etc. but everyone just assumed that Derek was his imaginary friend. Stiles himself didn't realize that Derek was a real person until he heard about the Hale fire but by that time, Derek and Laura had moved to New York.
As Through The Air Protects You
Author: the_ragnarok
Summary: In which Deaton is still a mysterious magical vet, Kate Argent is still a criminal sociopath, and Stiles is still a crime-solving magical kitten.
One Big Happy Pack Family
Author: omelet
Summary: Stiles should've known that it was only a matter of time before he went to the next level and adopted an honest to god wolf. It's like the slippery slope of dog ownership.Well, at least he's got a co-parent for his pups.
Werewolf Lollipop
Author: Alvara
Summary: Stiles has to admit that he has a big problem with keeping his mouth shut at the best of times. But little did he know, one day of forgetting his adderall medication makes his scent say more than his mouth could ever achieve.
Introducing Miss Lydia Ladybug Stilinski
Author: 1001cranes
Summary: When Stiles adopts a vampire kitten, no one really believes him.
Hyper Heart Alone
Author: hito
Summary: When Stiles returns home to help his father recover from an injury, he discovers that things have changed somewhat in his absence: Derek is working closely with Stiles' father, around the house and underfoot, generally annoying and disconcerting Stiles with his presence.Well, Stiles isn't sure you could call all the sex they end up having annoying, but he isn't really willing to call it anything else, either.
Nine Times Out Of Ten
Author: lielabell
Summary: Nine times out of ten, Stiles is the one being pushed back on the bed with his head tilted back to expose his neck. Nine times out of ten, Stiles's legs are the ones that are spread, his hands are the ones that grip the sheets. Nine times out of ten, Stiles gasps and moans and arches up into Derek's touch, Stiles's thighs grip at Derek's hips; Stiles’s feet lock together behind Derek's back. Nine times out of ten, Stiles takes and takes and takes and loves every single second of it. But the tenth time . . .The tenth time is different.
Five Thousand Unicorns And A Gold Star
Author: glitterandlube
Summary: There is a fine line between parenting and being a kindergarten teacher. Stiles does both.
Last Night’s Dress (Tiptoe Out Of This Mess)
Author: hito
Summary: My dad just asked me if my booty call guy that comes over at 3am and leaves at 6 would like to stay for Sunday brunch next week. You in?
I Want You To Want Me
Author: pandacowhipster
Summary: Derek isn't used to wanting things.
The Cake Is (Not) A Lie
Author: Xerxies19
Summary: Someone keeps sending Derek cakes that are neither made with explosives or monkshood. Things get out of hand from there.
Weave Ourselves In A Circle
Author: Akabit
Summary: Stiles and Lydia try to cast a time loop spell but wind up with something altogether more complicated. Every action has consequences.OR Stiles hops through time to fix everything.
Diamonds are Forever (But Flowers Are Cheaper)
Author: Rawren (Zimothy)
Summary: His name was Stiles Stilinski. He was older than 21, but younger than 25. His dad was the sheriff and he was a student at Beacon Hills Community College. He came into the shop every couple days; always after three, but never past five. He always said hello to Laura, always bought one bouquet, and always spent five minutes trying to make Derek smile with as many puns as he could come up with by the time Derek handed him his receipt.Derek may or may not be in love with him.
Those That Bump In The Night
Author: bleep0bleep
Summary: When Stiles was a boy, he had an imaginary friend named Derek. Ten years later, Derek comes back, and is very, very real.
more fics: part 4
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marvelingjules · 7 years
"Is there a reason you're gnawing on me?" For sterek maybe?😇😊
This is perfectly acceptable. I mean it’ll be more… pre-Sterek? But I can work with this, yes siree.
*waves hands* Imagine a world where the events of S3 and onward BASICALLY DID NOT HAPPEN? Because I like to have Derek with his Pack, and also because I stopped watching within like two episodes of S4 sooo…
“Whassit?” Stiles groaned, pulling his cell over to his face, half asleep.
“Get your ass over here, Stilinski.”
Stiles groaned loudly, and said in a sour tone, “Don’t you usually run to Scott with your problems?”
Isaac made an annoyed noise. “Just get to the loft.”
He hung up without any kind of goodbyes. “Rude,” Stiles mumbled, but he was already rolling out of bed, fumbling for where he’d tossed his jeans, finding a shirt and hoodie and creeping down the hall and stairs. He pulled on his shoes, and grabbed his keys and wallet from the hall table, and somehow managed to get out the door without his Dad waking up.
Stiles really hoped someone had coffee or an energy drink or something for him. It was almost four in the morning, and he’d been spending all week working on his not-senior-project (why they insisted that the assignment wasn’t what used to be the Senior Project, when it was basically exactly the same, he really didn’t get), and Stiles needed his beauty sleep, alright? He was tired.
And it was four in the morning.
He arrived at the loft, and walked in since no one apparently knew to lock their doors. Isaac and Erica and Boyd were huddled together in the living room, whispering furiously, not even bothering to look his way as he came in. Stiles considered them for a moment, and turned right for the kitchen.
There was not any coffee. Or energy drinks. Damn.
Deciding that there was no way he could deal with whatever new disaster or threat had made Derek’s betas call him in the middle of the night without caffeine, Stiles set about using the Keurig Isaac had convinced Derek to buy. He leaned on the counter, watching as coffee drizzled into a mug, when he felt a tugging at his shoes.
Blinking, Stiles glanced down.
Blinked hard, keeping his eyes closed for a long moment and trying to wake up more.
Nope. Okay. Well.
Stiles grabbed his coffee, took a sip even as he considered the situation.
“Is there a reason you’re gnawing on me?” he asked, giving a slight tug of his foot to dislodge the fucking wolf puppy chewing on his converse.
“Shit,” Erica hissed, even as Boyd startled and took long strides over towards the kitchen area.
“Derek,” he said, firm and softly scolding.
Stiles pursed his lips. Raised a brow down at the shifted baby werewolf still chewing on his laces, half sprawled over Stiles’ foot now as if to prevent escape.
“You’re telling me this? Is Derek?”
Boyd bent down to pick up the - Derek, who growled and flashed red eyes at him. Boyd made a noise kind of like a whine, if also frustrated, and let his hands fall away.
“Something in the Preserve,” Erica said, sighing, and hopped up on the island counter. “It didn’t smell like a witch but who knows. We’ve only met that one.”
“And he - what? Got deaged?” Stiles asked, wiggling his foot a bit to see if Derek would let go. He growled, hunched over Stiles foot a bit more, and shook his head with a tight grip on Stiles’ shoelace. So. Not letting go any time soon.
“You’re going to endure so many jokes about dogs and shoes when you’re adult sized again,” Stiles told him. Derek - Mini-Derek glanced up at him, ears perking forward, and wagged his tail a bit. “So many,” Stiles insisted.
He looked up when Isaac came to stand near Erica, arms crossed and looking uncomfortable and irritated.
“So why call me?” Stiles asked. “Deaton would be better, since he actually does magic and all that.”
“You’ve done magic,” Erica said, pointedly, as she did every time it came up.
Stiles shook his head. Nope. He was normal human here, nothing special, that spark nonsense didn’t mean anything. Nope.
Erica opened her mouth, probably to argue more, but Boyd cut in. “We need someone to watch him. Someone not a wolf but still… familiar.”
Stiles sighed, rolling his eyes. “Right.” The only non-wolves that were in the know would be Deaton, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison. There was still tension between Derek and his pack and Allison, though progress had definitely been made. Lydia wasn’t very familiar, despite being attached to Jackson, who wasn’t even around the past year because his parents had shipped him off somewhere else.
And Deaton would, as Stiles had pointed out, probably be able to help figure out how to fix this than Stiles, so couldn’t be distracted by Mini-Derek.
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll babysit the baby alpha.”
“Thanks Batman!” Erica said, hopping off the counter and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Mini-Derek growled, and she sent him laughing smile and blown kiss. “Bye Derek, we’ll be back soon!”
“Hopefully with a way to fix this,” Isaac grumbled.
Boyd just straightened up, clapped a hand to Stiles’ shoulder, and followed the others out the door.
Derek watched them go, ears pricked forward, suddenly very still. As soon as the door shut, he bolted towards it, claws scrabbling on the floor, giving sharp little barks and distressed whines.
“Derek, they’ll be fine,” Stiles said. When Mini-Derek just kept making those horrible, upset noises at the door, Stiles came and scooped him up. Derek wiggled, whining unhappily and straining for the door, but Stiles just held him tighter. “Knock it off,” he grumbled.
“Ow, Derek!” he snapped, when Derek tried to climb over his shoulder towards the door and ended up digging those claws in a bit sharply to Stiles’ skin.
Mini-Derek froze, then started making more distressed whines. Instead of getting away though, he was snuffling at Stiles’ shoulder, licking it and okay, no, there were lines.
Stiles grabbed him in his hands and held him out in front of him, scowling. Mini-Derek drooped, looking absolutely pathetic, and whined again.
Sighing, Stiles brought him to his chest again and went to sit on the couch. “I bet you got away with everything as a kid. It’d explain so much.”
Mini-Derek had settled on Stiles’ chest, right over his heart, after giving apologetic licks to Stiles’ chin and the scratch at his shoulder. It was, admittedly, very cute.
Stiles began to gently pet over Mini-Derek’s back, staring sleepily at the ceiling.
“You always get into the strangest kind of trouble. Seriously, worst luck.” He fought off a yawn. “Glad you weren’t hurt though. Worse, I mean. If it wasn’t a witch I don’t even know what could do this or want to think what else they could have done. What if they deaged you out of, like, existence? Fuck, that would have been a disaster.” He tilted his chin down, so he could see Derek, who was watching him back. His tail wagged a bit when Stiles looked at him, and he did a silly wiggle-crawl up closer to Stiles’ face, licking his cheek and nuzzling into his neck when Stiles yanked his face away.
Stiles huffed, leaving his head tilted back since Derek seemed to have decided to just stay there now, and said, “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
Having a nice warm little furball curled up on your chest, when already feeling sleepy, made it almost impossible not to fall asleep.So Stiles hoped no one was going to blame him when he did just that.
“Wake up.”
Stiles startled upright, blinking fuzzily in the bright light, looking around in confusion. This was not his bedroom. This was-
Right! Middle of the night phone call, loft, Mini-Derek-
Who was no longer Mini, no longer a wolf, and standing next to the couch where Stiles had been drooling.
“Uh,” he said, squinting up at him, then at what Derek was holding out towards him. “Is that coffee?”
“I had Scott cover for you with your dad.”
“Thanks,” Stiles said, taking the offered cup. It was coffee. Fucking delicious caffeine.
Derek was still standing there, staring at him. His brows were doing the strange angry-but-not thing.
“Uh… I can leave?”
Derek shrugged, turning to settle into the armchair, pulling a book into his lap.
Stiles took another sip. He could feel his brain waking up, this was great.
“Hey, so what even happened? Did Deaton figure out how to fix you?”
Derek shook his head. “No, it just wore off.” He glanced at Stiles and grimaced. “Some kind of Fae. Just wanted to play a joke, it said. Thought it would be funny.”
“Dude,” Stiles breathed, eyes wide. “Dude, you lucked out, oh my god. You could have been, like, stuck like that. Or-”
“I’m aware,” Derek said dryly. “Which is why once you wake up more, I need you to help me research more about the Fae that did this, why it might be here, and how we can get it to leave without ending up with us all in more serious trouble.”
“Can’t we ignore it until it goes away?” Stiles whined. “Everyone knows the Fae are not something you want to get involved with.”
“And if some hiker had stumbled across it in the Preserve, not an Alpha Werewolf?”
Stiles sighed explosively, pushed off the blanket covering his legs - and when had that gotten there? - and said, “Alright, let me go home and get my laptop-”
“Isaac’s bringing it back.” He looked back at his book, and added, “Drink your coffee.”
Stiles stared at him for a moment, considering. Derek was acting like - like he was trying to be normal but obviously there was something up. The way the tips of his ears were turning pink made that fucking obvious, along with the helpfulness and the coffee and the - whoa, fuck, Derek had to have put the blanket on him, oh wow. Huh.
Stiles sipped the coffee. It was really good coffee.
He settled back against the couch, smiled a bit to himself, and said, “You attacked my shoe. It was kind of adorable.”
Derek’s ears turned redder, and he rolled his eyes, but Stiles didn’t miss the little quirk at the edge of his lips, soft and shy and brief. Then he was scowling at Stiles, all threat that Stiles wasn’t buying for a second, and said, “If you tell anyone what happened, I’ll-”
“Lick me to death?” Stiles offered, with a cheeky grin.
Derek rolled his eyes, grumbled to himself, and pointedly looked back at his book.
Stiles grinned in satisfaction and drank more coffee.
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
Hii!!!do you have new fics with deaged pack ???thanks!!!
Sorry, no. Here are the deaged pack fics that I know. 
Werewolf Daycare by dinolaur | 16.9K
Sure, Stiles thought someday he'd be all right with being responsible for some kids. But not when he's seventeen. And not when those kids are actually five werewolves and a hunter who are all inexplicably toddlers again. Freaking witches, man.
Finding Home by captaintinymite (augopher) | 15.6K
To teach them a lesson, a pair of mischievous pixies hit Derek and Stiles with a spell that makes them six years old again. Neither of them remembers anything about their lives beyond that age. What happens when the pair of them become immediate friends and declare that when they grow up they will get married? Will they remember anything when the spell wears off?
We Got Claws by Onlymystory | 34.9K | Mature
Peter, Isaac, and Scott get de-aged. Stiles and Derek take care of them.
Of Puppy Piles and Sugar Dreams by StarShineForMe by 37.7K | Mature
In which Isaac and Scott get de-aged, the pack must learn to bond and protect their own, and Derek ("Dewek!") and Stiles ("Sti-ewes!") are mates...even if it takes them forever and two toddlers to realize it.
Sticks and Bones by kellifer_fic | 6.1K
Oh my God, they're adorable! Can we keep them like this?
The New Normal | 6.3K | Mature
Stiles didn't ever think he'd end up like this: having to take care of his de-aged friend who insists on calling him mama and won't let him leave. having his father find out about werewolves and being attracted to a certain broody sourwolf
kids these days don't respect their elders by HalfFizzbin | 1.3K 
Isaac is a temporary toddler, and Derek needs a babysitter.
Ten Days by hatethesilence312 | 18.7K
Derek Hale does not like babies. So when his pack gets turned into babies, it’s pretty much the worst thing that could happen to him.
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teenwolfficrec · 7 years
Hi sorry to disturb you... im trying to search for a fanfic ive read before about a pregnant stiles and de-aged derek. Derek went to mexico again with scott and got hit by a spell. He cant remember stiles but recognised him as mate. Then stiles ask derek to stay with scott for the night but then he ran back to stiles. Ive been searching for this fic for a while but i cant remember the tittle. Hope you can help.
Hii love! You are not bothering me at all! I hope this is the fic you are looking for. I’m not 100% sure but it has pregnant Stiles, Mexico, spell-deaged Derek, amnesia and something with mates in it. Tell me if it is not the one you were looking for and I’ll try again ☺️
He bites me, he bites me not
by Kindred (AO3)
Pairing: Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski
Word count: 2.8k
Rating: Mature
Summary: Stiles is pregnant when he and the others go to Mexico the first time around.
Read Here!
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