#deputy ruth montgomery
Ruth Montgomery | The Junior Deputy
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The Basics:
Full name: Ruth Montgomery Meaning: ‘friend’ in Hebrew Nicknames: Rue (closest friends), Rook, Rookie, Deputy, Dep, Probie (Pratt), Wrath (John), Sinner (cultists), Little Miss Wrath (John), Kid (Dutch) Birth date: March 21st, 1993 Age: 25 years old Height: 5’4” inch | 166 cm Gender: Female Zodiac: Aries Sexuality: Heterosexual MBTI: ENTJ Alignment: Neutral Good Temperament: Choleric Phobia(s): Heights and bees Guilty pleasures: Cult Radio, loud music, staying in pijamas all day, chocolate Language(s) spoken: English and a little bit of Spanish Hobbies: Stargazing, boxing, listening lo music, sleeping, playing the piano Side: Resistance John’s tattoos: Wrath (chest)
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Hometown: Great Falls, Montana Current location: Hope County, Montana Nationality: American Ethnicity: Canadian, American, Brazilian, Guatemalan. Family: Jane Montgomery (mother†), Scott Barnes (father), Melanie Barnes (stepmother), Alex Price (half-brother), Brenda Barnes (half-sister), Jack Barnes (half-brother). Pet(s): None Education: High school diploma Occupation: Junior Deputy Past job(s): Waitress Brief story: Her parents were both very young when her mother got pregnant. They were happy for some time, but after a few years things started getting tough and her father started drinking and  whoring around. They divorced and her father remarried and started a family with another woman, so Ruth grew up with her mother, visiting her father once or twice a month but never enjoying it. Her mother always took care of her and sacrificed everything for her, sometimes even happiness, working hard to provide her with everything she wanted, but when Ruth was 15 she contracted cancer and died a year later. Devastated, Ruth started living with her uncle Adam, not wanting to live with her father and his new family, but she had a rough couple of years, but with time and with her uncle’s help she got out of it and started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. After working for a couple of years as a waitress, she enrolled for the police academy in Helena and then moved to Hope County to start her new job as a police officer.
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Skills and Abilities:
Physical strength: 5/10 Offense: 6/10 Defense: 7/10 Agility: 9/10 Speed: 8/10 Intelligence: 8/10 Stealth: 9/10 Precision: 9/10 Stamina: 6/10 Teamwork: 7/10
Police officer skills: handling a gun, physical resistance, criminal insight, attention to details.
Stealth: moving undetected and killing without being noticed.
Blowing up things, flying and hunting
Hand to hand combat: she’s not very strong, and in an open fight she wouldn’t be able to knock out a grown man. She’s really agile though, so she tries to overcome her enemies by sneaking out and wearing them out.
Self-control: she tends to lose her temper pretty fast and sometimes has serious self-control issues – you could see her try to kill a wolf with her bare hands if she’s in a bad mood and is particularly angry with the above-mentioned animal (yeah, she’s pretty dumb sometimes).
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Physical appearance and characteristics:
Face claim: Victoria Justice Eye color: Brown Hair color: Dark brown Glasses/Contacts: None Dominant hand: Right hand Build: Slim Skin tone: Olive Tattoos: None, apart from John’s tattoo. Piercings: None Marks/scars: Several animal scratches and a tiny scar on her neck as a result of a particularly fierce clash with a peggie. Clothing style: Sporty and casual clothes, she usually wears plaid shirts, tight jeans and short tank tops. She likes to keeps it simple. Allergies: Peanuts
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Joseph Seed: She doesn’t believe all the crap he says, but there’s something about him, something that fascinates her, that makes her want to believe him. His unpredictability scares her, though, and she knows he could be capable of everything, especially after hearing his story and what he did to his daughter. She’s afraid of him, she’s afraid of the effect he has on her but above all she’s afraid of what he could do next to convince people that what he’s saying is true.
John Seed: At first she just thought he was a sadistic bastard, always trying to kidnap and convert  people against their will. But after reading the Book of Joseph she started wondering and thinking about his past and all the things he had to go through when he was a child. She knows his attitude is probably a side effect of what he’s been through, but that doesn’t justify his actions nor his beliefs. With time, though, she started having contradictory feelings towards him, fearing him on on hand and being attracted to him on the other.
Jacob Seed: Ruth is very cautious around him, knowing what he did to his fellow soldier and what he does to the people he kidnaps in the mountains. She admires him, though, for always having his brothers’ backs and defending them when they were young. He’s strong, fierce and determined, but he’s also dangerous and has a bad habit of torturing and brainwashing people, so she doesn’t think they will ever get along.
Faith Seed: Ruth doesn’t like the young girl, no matter what happened to her in the past. She’s false, manipulative and somehow creepy. Besides, she still feels like she doesn’t know the whole truth about her. Her story was different every time they talked about it and in the end Ruth was so confused that she didn’t even know what to think anymore.
Earl Whitehorse: Her mentor and leader. He’s the best boss she could have ever hoped for and always agrees with his orders and decisions. She’s glad he didn’t retire as he said he would do, because she still needs him and couldn’t think of a better person to take his place.
Staci Pratt: They have a weird love-hate relationship. She finds him funny and annoying at the same time and likes to tease him whenever she can. They’re both pretty competitive and at the station they used to have contests of any kind,  struggling to decide which one was the better shooter, the better driver or the fastest eater. They make a good team, though.
Joey Hudson: They never got along, and Ruth doesn’t really know why. She always tried to be kind to the other woman, or at least reasonable and polite, but it simply wasn’t meant to be. Eventually they learned to coexist, but never became friends.
Cameron Burke: She doesn’t like him too much, but follows his orders anyway, as Earl told her to. He’s a powerful man, and Ruth tries not to contradict him, even though she doesn’t always agree with his plans.
Nancy: She always found her weird and false, too thoughtful and kind, but always thought she was harmless, and didn’t think for a minute that she would betray his coworkers and throw them to the wolves.
Dutch: Loves how grumpy he always is and kind of relates sometimes. They are so similar, so much that sometimes she thinks they might be related at some level. Even though she never admitted it to his face, she’s grateful for all he has done for her, saving her life and always watching over her, even from afar.
Nick Rye: He’s one of the best people she knows. He’s so honest and morally righteous, always so protective towards his beloved ones. With time he became one of her best friends, so much that she always brought him with her on her missions, as she knew she could always count on him and felt safe with him by her side.
Kim Rye: Her only female friend, she’d say. She would love to hang out with Kim and talk about all kind of stuff, from pregnancy to their future after the cult. She’s though, and sometimes Ruth asks herself who the real man in the family is, seeing how she handles Nick and their family.
Mary May Fairgrave: They have pretty similar personalities, so they don’t always get along and agree about their priorities, but Ruth knows she can count on her in times of need and never hesitates to ask her for help.
Jerome Jeffries: Ruth always finds his presence reassuring, his voice so deep and quiet and his heart so pure that she still wonders how could a man like that fight in the war. She likes to spend time with him when she’s in Fall’s End, and often asks him for advice when in doubt about whether she’s doing the right thing or not.
Grace Armstrong: She admires Grace so much, and would like to look more like her. The girl is tough but quiet at the same time, and Ruth knows they don’t necessarily have to fill in the silence when they’re together, so she turns to her when she needs help but doesn’t necessarily want to talk about it.
Sharky Boshaw: Hanging out with him is so much fun, especially when it comes to setting things  on fire and kicking some asses. He’s very plainspoken and direct, just like a child, but knows when not to judge and be comprehensive.
Jess Black: Jess’s been through a lot and Ruth knows that. She was horrified after hearing her story and what the Cook did to her family, and doesn’t blame her nor her desire for revenge, but she’s afraid that the anger will get her killed eventually, though the young girl is pretty good at killing peggies.
Eli Palmer: He was a good person, always so generous and confident and even though she was under the influence of Jacob and she wasn’t acting consciously, she felt so guilty when he died. He helped her when no-one did and literally saved her life, he trusted her and as a thank you she stabbed him in the back. But she knows he would have forgiven her and tries to live with her remorse.
Dawn Hayes: soon
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Other information:
She used to box, it helped her blow off steam.
She was a loner in high school, never had any real friend, but loneliness never actually bother her.
She always wanted a little brother, someone to take care of, but her parents got divorced before she could even ask for it and her mother never remarried. She doesn’t consider his father’s children her real siblings, in part because she didn’t have time to familiarize too much with them, but also because she never really liked them, nor their mother.
She always wanted to be a cop, since she was a kid, but never thought she would be suitable for the job. When she was accepted to the police academy, she was so hyped up that started jumping across the house and almost fell down the stairs.
Has always been interested in stars and was particularly eager to learn all of their names when she was a child.
She loooves chocolate, could eat it all day.
Paces back and forth when she’s thinking or when she’s particularly nervous, cannot stay still.
She hates silence, always has to listen to some music or talk to fill it in, especially when she feels awkward or there’s tension in the room.
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phroyd · 5 years
To all the racist assholes out there, one of the many colors of Welfare Fraud  Queens, ... White! - Phroyd
CANTON — A baker’s dozen of St. Lawrence County residents were wrangled up Friday in what county District Attorney Gary M. Pasqua is calling the largest welfare fraud sweep in county history. They are accused of defrauding the Department of Social Services out of over $104,000.
Of the 13 charged, 11 women were led into Town Court Friday, during the late morning and into early afternoon, by a St. Lawrence County sheriff’s deputy and each pleaded not guilty to charges of felony welfare fraud. Several of the women were additionally charged with felony offering a false instrument for filing.
They were then each released under probation supervision and Mr. Pasqua said there were four other arrests pending.
“Here in St. Lawrence County our welfare benefits provide vital support to genuinely needy families at great cost to honest hard working taxpayers,” Mr. Pasqua said in a news release Friday afternoon. “Those individuals who gain benefits through deception are stealing medicine, groceries, and other necessary provisions from innocent children, vulnerable seniors, working citizens, and others in need.”
County Administrator Ruth A. Doyle said in the release that, “our county stretches limited resources to provide for those in need, therefore it is important to take action against those individuals who unlawfully defraud taxpayers by providing dishonest information to obtain welfare benefits.”
County Sheriff Kevin M. Wells stated that he “is proud of the professionalism and participation of the Sheriff’s Department in carrying out this operation, which is critical to deterring abuse of the taxpayers and ensuring that these critical resources go to those in need.”
James Monroe and David Huber of the Public Defender’s Office took turns representing each of the 11 women, who came from all across the county.
Several of the women wept as they stood before Justice Michael R. Morgan.
Mr. Monroe said the clients he represented suffer from economic hardship and had no criminal record.
He added that this isn’t a simple matter of stealing money, but that the amounts collected through the county Department of Social Services came over a period of time.
Arraigned in Town Court were:
Lynn A. Ryan, 46, of 9403 Route 11, Winthrop, is charged with third-degree welfare fraud and two counts of first-degree offering a false instrument for filing. From Oct. 23, 2015 to Oct. 31, 2017, Mrs. Ryan is alleged to have received $15,894 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Georgeanna L. Aldous, 47, 169 Rowen Road, Apt. A, Lisbon, is charged with fourth-degree welfare fraud. From June 1, 2018 to Sept. 30, Ms. Aldous is alleged to have received $1,312 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Nancy G. Sherman, 27, of 242 Hayden Road, Richville, is charged with third-degree welfare fraud and first-degree offering a false instrument for filing. From Jan. 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019, Ms. Sherman is alleged to have received $5,844 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Crystal L. Lalone, 39, of 6919 County Route 10, Lisbon, is charged with third-degree welfare fraud and two counts of first-degree offering a false instrument for filing. From April 1, 2016 to Sept. 30, 2018, Ms. Lalone is alleged to have received $10,654 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Kandy L. Butler, 29, of 1106 Washington St., Ogdensburg, is charged with fourth-degree welfare fraud. From Aug. 1, 2014 to Jan 31, 2017, Ms. Butler is alleged to have received $3,906 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Brandi David, 41, of 210 Montgomery St., Ogdensburg, is charged with fourth-degree welfare fraud. From July 1, 2016 to Sept. 30, 2016, Ms. David is alleged to have received $2,046 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Sherri A. Scott, 51, of 720 Irish Settlement Road, Heuvelton, is charged with fourth-degree welfare fraud. From Sept. 1, 2017 to Dec. 15, 2017, Ms. Scott is alleged to have received $1,380 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Amber M. Morrill, 35, of 81 Pyrites Russell Road, Russell, is charged with third-degree welfare fraud and first-degree offering a false instrument for filing. From July 2, 2018 to Feb. 28, Ms. Morrill is alleged to have received $5,108 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Kerry M. Pelo, 36, of Benson Mines Road, Star Lake, is charged with fourth-degree welfare fraud and misdemeanor fifth-degree welfare fraud. From Dec. 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018, Ms. Pelo is alleged to have received $1,560 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Ashley N. Debiew, 25, of 252 County Route 46, Massena, is charged with fourth-degree welfare fraud. From Oct. 1, 2018 to Feb. 28, Ms. Debiew is alleged to have received $1,852 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Jessica L. Driscoll, 29, Ogdensburg, is charged with third-degree welfare fraud and two counts of first-degree offering a false instrument for filing. From July 7, 2017 to March 31 Ms. Driscoll is alleged to have received $3,789.80 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Two Massena women had been charged later in the day and were arraigned in an unspecified court and were also released under probation supervision.
Star L. Perrin, 39, Massena, is charged with third-degree welfare fraud and two counts of first-degree offering a false instrument for filing. The defendant is alleged to have received $31,573.94 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
Cara E. Dimon, 25, Massena, is charged with fourth-degree welfare fraud. The defendant is alleged to have received $1,739 in public assistance benefits she was not entitled to receive after failing to accurately report income information.
The district attorney notes that citizens may anonymously report incidents of fraud in St. Lawrence County.
To report possible fraud please call 315-379-2145 or go to www.otda.ny.gov/resources/welfare-fraud/to complete the ‘Report Welfare Fraud Online’ form.
All cases were the result of investigations conducted by the St. Lawrence County Social Services Fraud Unit, the District Attorney Fraud Investigator, and the St. Lawrence County District Attorney’s Office, with assistance from the St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department, the Ogdensburg Police Department, the Massena Police Department, the Gouverneur Police Department, and other agencies.
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vampireadamooc · 7 years
As Always: text is provided only in the event of access expiration or post deletions from the hosting site. Whenever possible, always read the article at the link provided.
Note: http://www.dailycommercial.com/news/20170321/vampire-killer-gets-new-sentencing-hearing-in-1996-eustis-murders
‘Vampire’ killer gets new sentencing hearing in 1996 Eustis murders
Posted Mar 21, 2017 at 6:35 PM By Millard Ives
TAVARES — A 37-year-old inmate sent to prison for life without parole on murder charges almost 20 years ago in the infamous Vampire Clan murders in Eustis was brought back to the Lake County Jail on Monday.
Howard Scott Anderson is one of almost a dozen inmates sentenced by a Lake County jury to be eligible for a new sentencing hearing.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that juveniles sentenced to life without the possibility of parole were entitled to new sentencing hearings.
Anderson and clan leader Rod Ferrell, the latter who claimed to be a 500-year-old vampire, were 16 years old in 1996 when the two murdered the parents of one of their clan members in the couple's Eustis home.
Ferrell had confessed to beating Richard Wendorf and Naomi Ruth Queen with a tire iron
J. Edwin Mills, Anderson's defense lawyer for his new sentencing hearing, said he questions whether juveniles should get such stiff sentences, adding that he believes there is a lack of emotional development and maturity at that age.
"Bottom line, does a 16, 17, 18-year-old ... do they fully realize the consequences of their actions?" Mills said in an interview Tuesday.
A date for Anderson's new sentencing hearing has not been set, but a pre-hearing is slated for this month.
Anderson and Ferrell were sentenced in 1998.
Mike Graves, the public defender for the five-county Fifth Judicial Circuit, which includes Lake County, said it wouldn't be appropriate for him to comment on the case, since he represented Anderson during his trial. That's why Anderson was assigned a private attorney for the new hearing.
But Graves added he does agree with the high court's ruling.
"Children are constitutionally different from adults for purposes of sentencing," Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the 6-3 majority opinion in the case of Henry Montgomery, who was locked up as a juvenile in 1963 for killing a sheriff's deputy in Louisiana. Courts need to examine "special circumstances'' in a juvenile's life, including mental illness and their upbringing, the court ruled.
Ferrell initially was given the death penalty, but the U.S. Supreme Court later reduced his sentence to life in prison due to his age at the time of the crime.
Anderson, fearing he would also get the death penalty, pleaded guilty rather than go to trial.
Jennifer Wendorf, the daughter of the victims, found her parents beaten to death on Nov. 25, 1996. Anderson and Ferrell apparently had entered the couple's home through the unlocked garage and Ferrell beat a sleeping Wendorf then Queen when she later found the two intruders inside the residence.
Richard Wendorf was found bearing burn marks in the shape of a V, which was said to be Ferrell's symbol.
Mills said there will be a lot of preparation for the new hearing, including talking with the defendant's family members and tests such as measuring Anderson's deficiencies and development.
"If he fully understood what he was getting involved with, we are probably sunk, but I don't think that is what we got here," Mills said.
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War of Change | Oc’s list
Ruth Montgomery | Junior Deputy:
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Dawn Hayes | Deputy:
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Scarlett Reed | The Avenger:
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Julian Walkers | The Sniper:
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Sasha Maxwell | The Broken:
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Riley Denvers | The Mom:
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Aiden Lewis | The Clown:
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Hannah Thompson | The Nurse:
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Hunter Davis | The Rebel:
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Tyler Reed | The Hacker:
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Grace Harris | The Traitor:
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Marie Harris | The Snake:
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Louis Maxwell | The Good Guy:
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Jake and Sean Denvers | The Pranksters:
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Judith Denvers | The Little Pest:
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Enid Maxwell | The Bookworm:
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Alex Byers | The Hermit:
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Adrian Byers | The Sociopath:
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Billy Byers | The Handyman:
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Sam Byers | The Fox:
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Nathan Byers | The Fearful:
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