#deponia fanfiction
angelfangs-666 · 1 year
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if anyone is interested in why i kept shipping my two fav idiots its because of amazing fanfictions like the one @misslunilup wrote. so its only fair to make ugly fanart :D -for those who are interested in the story behind the pictures- basically this ff is written in deponia 4 where they were at the carnival however instead of goal making a picture for the love-o-meter, the funny ocs of @misslunilup took it upon themselves to sort out possible pairs that could pass as a couple so they decided on rufus and cletus. (also if u haven´t noticed cletus has intense fear of hights in this ff ) if you ever want to read this masterpiece i left the link down below but its only available in german. :)
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lordsireno · 8 months
Don't trust the new guys
(OC based AU where an Elysian volunteer and Deponian conscript (who are both terrible people) decide to mess with the soldiers of the Organon army)
(TW: injury and death, assholes committing murder and insurrection)
“Lulu! Buuuddy!”
The Organon officer sighed, not looking towards the one who had called his loathed nickname. He wouldn’t give her that satisfaction, which meant she came right up to his visor and poked him in the mechanical mustache.
“Aww come on, don’t ignore me. I came here because I have a gift!”
Lutteral stood from his chair, easily towering over her seeing as she was no taller than an Organon. He hadn’t left Elysium and joined this army to make friends, and the experience had only cemented his dislike for clones. But he had also discovered something else; he disliked Deponians just as much. Unrefined, filthy, crude, and thinking themselves oh-so-important when they managed to get beyond the level of ‘hostage factory worker’ to ‘glorified clone baby-sitter’. Sireno was no different, showing off their bland uniform at every chance, pushing their power beyond what Prime Authority authorised. She was a pain, and he wanted as little to do with her as possible. 
“What could you possibly give me?”
She grinned, “A firing range and a squad of Organon no one will miss?”
That got his attention, though he tried not to let it show.
“Atteeeen-tion! Officer on deck!”
As Sireno extravagantly strode into the room, ten Organon snapped to alert, saluting the two. Lutteral looked over the clones, thankful his disdain was hidden by his helmet, which they all seemed to be lacking. Seeing the same face creeped him out, and it didn’t help that this group were identical in all details, save for one who had a single strand of hair out of place.
Sireno elbowed him, snickering as she whispered, “Batch 420. They’re pre-protos who have Elysium service clone programming leftover in their brains. Honestly pretty useless as soldiers.”
She turned to the pre-prepared gun rack behind them, handing over Lutteral’s preferred sniper and taking a simple handgun for herself. 
“But they should make fun targets once they start running.”
The Organon shifted, looking confused. 
‘Well it has been sometime since my last practice session.’
With a shrug he moved to the back corner of the room and inspected his gun, loading it, taking up position on one knee. Sireno cocked her own weapon, as worried and panicked looks were shared between the clones.
“Ready… Aim… Fire!”
There was no reason for the sound of gunfire, as there were no bookings in the range for the rest of the day. But Argus could hear it from his office, and he was determined to find who thought they could break the rules.
What he hadn’t expected to find was a room of wounded and dead Organon.
“What the devil is going on here?!”
The shooting stopped, as Sireno turned with a half hearted salute. 
“Yo Sir, just doing some decommissioning.”
He scanned over the bodies riddled with bullet holes, a few missing limbs where the caliber had blown them clear off. 
“This- This isn’t protocol, this is senseless killing!”
Sireno scoffed, rolling her eyes at the Bailiff, “Use them as training, or throw them away? I think one seems more useful than the other.”
He knelt by one of the still conscious Organon, though they were clutching their wounds for dear life. Argus recognised him as 426, making the batch here the ones who had come in for reassignment, not destruction.
“Who authorised this? Who ordered you to be here?”
Lutteral had quickly hid his rifle behind his back, awkwardly shuffling towards the door.
“Just for the record, I was forced into this barbaric act.”
Argus ignored him, “This is just the reason why Ulysses shouldn’t let outsiders in our ranks.”
As he continued to curse Prime Authorities decision, 426 noticed the shadow that fell over both of them, and instinctively lept into action.
“Don’t you dare!” 
Sireno laughed, grabbing the clone's wrist just as he had grabbed her own knife wielding one. 
“That’s not how you speak to a superior!”
Already weak from injury, she easily flipped him over, pinning him to the ground before driving the knife into his neck. 426 shouted, though it was drowned out by the sudden gunshot whizzing by her face. Sireno spun, throwing a fist into Argus’ forearm, causing him to drop the gun. It didn’t stop his momentum, fist flying toward the Deponain’s nose, though she ducked forward then pushed up, driving her skull into his chin. Recoiling backwards, she drew a new knife from her boot and charged forward, giving Argus only second to deflect the blade from his neck. In that moment, he had height on her, and drove an elbow down on her back. Sireno dropped to the floor with a thud, and he pinned her arm.
“I will have you both recycled for this-!”
“That’s all I needed to hear.”
Lutteral swung the rifle like a bat, landing a clear strike against the side of Argus’ helmet, sending him sprawling across the floor, unconscious. 
Sireno coughed, “Ha! Nice hit! You got little league teams in that shiny city?”
“What is wrong with you?!” He screamed, “You realise what we’ve done here?!”
She righted herself, brushing herself off as she looked around the room, “Uh, made a mess?”
“The biggest mess. The Bailiff- oh by the Elders I just assaulted Ulysses stupid favourite clone. My career is over!”
“Oh shut it you baby. You act as though this isn’t your first time committing a bit of treason. You’ll be fine if you follow my instructions. We just gotta get rid of the evidence.”
Sireno stretched, before bending to attempt to lift the Bailiff. 
“Urgh, um, a little help?”
“In making things worse?!”
“Just fucking lift him! There's a trash shoot like two metres down the hall.”
Lutteral wrung his hands, before stooping down to collect the Bailiff’s ankles. It took thirty minutes to move all the bodies, wrangling them into the small hatch being the most laborious part, and then another ten to clean up the blood to the point where it didn’t lead back to them.
“... So now what?” Lutteral questioned as he looked around the mostly clean room.
“Wanna grab lunch?”
He clipped the Deponian on the back of their head, “We just killed a member of Prime Authority. Someones going to start asking questions, and it’ll probably be the Controller himself.”
“So? We play dumb. I’m some lowly junk scab and you’re a prissy sky boy, why would we be involved with the Bailiff? Maybe he ran off with that defective clone squad? Or- oh! Maybe they kidnapped him and are going to offer him as an offering to earn favour with Deponians?”
He crossed his arms, a heavy breath hissing through his filters.
“You think they still have any platypus on the menu?”
“That’s the spirit!”
426 groaned. He hurt all over, but it was probably for the best when it seemed to be dividing the pain across his whole body, rather than focusing it just on the holes he’d been given. 
‘Junk- shot and stabbed in one day. At least I’m conscious… and alive, unlike-’
Snapping his eyes open, he scanned his surroundings. The landscape was that of the Deponian hills, scattered with trash and corpses. The rest of his batch. Flashes of the events just past made his wounds ache, but he scanned the group further, his blood running cold when he spotted the red cape caught on some old fencing.  
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melisnthere · 1 year
another bad one
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Rufus ♡
when i finished the deponia trilogy i wrote two fanfics (but only one of them is posted already).
here's the first one.
Goal genuinely believes that it's Rufus right until he opens his mouth in front of the Elders.
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sugar-phoenix · 29 days
Intro + Masterlist 📖🌱✒️
take two on my big intro post
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Hello! I'm sugarphoenix (you can call me sugar or phoenix) and I'm a writer and aspiring author from the US. Here's the basic rundown:
19 years old
she/her pronouns
aside from writing, I am an aspiring UX/UI designer. I hope to one day be a pioneer in the industry.
feel free to tag me in anything! I enjoy being tagged in tag games, even if I might not have the time to get around to all of them.
Genres I often write in:
animal elements i.e. at least one character is an animal shifter/has animalistic traits/characters are compared to animals metaphorically
finding oneself in the mess
dark fantasy/ethereal vibes
You can also find me on ao3 with the same name + here's my kofi if you ever want to tip me <3
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Current WIP(s)
The Blood That Bonds Us: A fantasy novel that can be succinctly summed up as Rapunzel with Red Riding Hood elements; where Rapunzel is also the Wolf, and the Prince is also Red Riding Hood.
There is a prophecy in the kingdom of Venatoria that a Black Wolf will rise from the forest and bring destruction and a new reign to the kingdom. Because of this, generations of royals have hunted down and killed most of the Wolves that reside in the surrounding forest.
Prince Rhydian's father was no different, and he died in a hunt when Rhydian was only a child. But now Rhydian is no longer a child, and he's old enough to prove his worthiness to the crown and possibly take the kingdom back from the greedy crown regent, Alaric. Alaric, however, sets a heavy task for the prince: he must go and rescue a maiden that has been locked in a tower by a witch near a neighboring village. Many young men have tried and failed to rescue her, and the witch is ruthless. But Rhydian will do anything if it means he can reclaim his father's crown and throne.
Daciana has spent all her life in a tall tower. She is protected and held captive by the witch Dame Gothel, who found her in the forest and recognized her for what she is: the Black Wolf. Dame Gothel doesn't hold back on telling her this, and Daciana knows of her fate. She is a monster, a bringer of destruction, and one of the most hated enemies of Venatoria, who are blissfully unaware of her existence. Daciana doesn't feel like a monster, and perhaps life outside the tower isn't that bad, despite what she's been told. But although Dame Gothel has done all she can to keep Daciana within the tower, it's often ill-advised to try and fight destiny. And it will only be so long before the beast is freed from her prison.
CHARACTER TAGS: #♚ . rhydian / #✧ . daciana / #◦ . vincent
This is my main WIP, and the one I'm working the most on.
Blood That Bonds Us Snippets -- screenshots taken directly from my scrivener that give you a little peek into the first draft
Chapter 1 snippet -- snippet of chapter 1 of the first draft
rhydian. -- short character exploration for Rhydian
mourning your captor, your only mother -- short snippet of Daciana's POV (spoilers)
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As of 6/22/2024, any further fanfiction will be posted on my fanfiction blog @sugarphoenixlovesfanfic !!
Fandoms that I'm in:
Honkai Star Rail
Wuthering Waves
My Hero Academia
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Honkai Star Rail Fics
the new barista -- a super short drabble about a college au in which Dan Heng is the cute barista at your college's cafe.
Death of a Cowboy -- in which I rewrite and expand upon Boothill's past.
𖥔 . overheating . 𖥔 -- Boothill overheats in your getaway vehicle.
cowboy, you have a hard time wrapping things up neatly. ✦ -- Boothill is loud and messy but he grows on you. One day he does something unexpected.
I think I'll take my noodles spicy -- You stop by Jiaoqiu's stall to try his noodles. They are very. Spicy.
My Hero Academia Fics
unfinished hawks x oc fanfic (ao3 link)
"there's this thing I want to say to you" -- short fluffy drabble about Hawks confessing his love to unnamed fem character
Deponia Fics
maudlin -- a short fluffy fic that expands a scene in Deponia Doomsday (spoilers)
All fanfiction can be found under the tag #✤.fanfics .
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Short Stories / Miscellaneous
All my writing can be found under the tag #✎ . writings
drabbles in red
complete short stories in pink
she was a monster (monster) -- short drabble that uses experimental writing
Flash Fiction Friday Prompt "On The Edge" -- short drabble that follows the prompt. it may or may not be somewhat connected to "she was a monster (monster)."
I wrote that one tumblr post -- i wrote a couple of one shots of that one tumblr post with a crow and a cat being familiars and trying to find their witches.
dagger queen -- exercise where I write a drabble using two prompts. dark fantasy/romantasy vibes.
un-satyr -- COMPLETE short story about a satyr who is different from the rest.
vampire x poisoned werewolf -- COMPLETE (?) short story about a vampire and a werewolf putting aside their differences (and perhaps getting a bit too close) in order to save one of them.
cherry red -- flash fiction about a girl and what she leaves behind.
my roommate is a vampire -- currently unfinished short story about a college roommate who is, well, a vampire.
dividers by cafekitsune!
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tommyarashikage · 6 months
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This is a full list of my works in text post format instead of custom pages for easier navigation on mobile.
Last updated: 23.03.2024
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Creation Tags
[ edits ] || [ writing ] || [ art ]
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Listed by media and character.
💥 - mature 🔥 - explicit 🌟 - personal favourite 🔴 - canonically outdated
Far Cry 5
— Laurie Devin
"This wasn't how it was supposed to go." (Prompt) { x Jacob Seed } 💥🔴
— Aiden Hunter
Picking Flowers (Prompt) { x Faith Seed }
— Zoiya
Animosity (Longfic) { x Marcus } - [ Tumblr | Ao3 ] 💥
Marvel (MCU / XCU)
— Niteia
Family, Friends, Loved Ones (Prompt) { & Gamora & Peter Quill }
DC (Watchmen + DCEU + Arkhamverse / Nolanverse)
— Nadya
Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies (Prompt) { x Edward Nigma }
Star Wars
— Shireen Oqir
Of The Abyss (Longfic) { x Maul } - [ Tumblr | Ao3 ] 💥
Singing One Another To Sleep (Prompt) { x Maul }
Call Of Duty (Modern Warfare Reboot)
— Paz "Avis" Acosta
Kiss For Good Luck (Prompt) { x Simon "Ghost" Riley }
— Dawn
"I hate it." - "No, you don't." (Prompt) { ♡ Argus } 🌟
Uncharted: A Thief's End
— Paloma García
A Treasure To Keep (One-Shot) { x Sam Drake } 🌟
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Game)
— Irene Varano
"Hey, wake up!" (Prompt) { x Johnny Slaughter }
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tabbyhoney · 15 days
Last updated:
My hero academia/Boku no hero academia
Cult of the lamb
Hogwarts Legacy/Harry Potter
Magi labyrinth of magic
Rules for requests
Nothing illegal (example:ChildrenxAdult)(Alcohol and drugs okay)
Work in progress
No smut
Additional Infos:
I write Headcanonc, X reader and some shippings
"Gorgeous" fanfiction for 'Fear of you' by Sleepwalkersqueen
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askthekuvaqbrothers · 2 years
Babysitting Part 1
“...and after discussing with Lotek, I think we should both visit.”
“That does sound beneficial-”
“-for both parties, though I’m not-”
“-quite sure-”
Hermes sighed.
“Rufus, what do we do when someone else is talking?”
The boy looked between his Father and Gizmo.
“Dad, Argus won’t let me use his sword. Tell him it’s my turn.”
He gestured in a ‘see what I’m dealing with maner’, “... What would I do with the boys?”
Gizmo bent forward, hands on knees.
“Rufus, don’t you think you could make something better than a sword?”
His eyes lit up at Gizmo’s words, and quickly dashed off without another complaint. Hermes pulled at his thinning hair.
“You may be worrying too much. They’ve been very well behaved recently, and getting someone to watch them for one night shouldn’t be a problem.”
In the distance, there were screams of laughter.
“Mmmh, well if you insist…”
“Excellent! I’ll send word back to Unsicher to expect two guests. We’ll leave tomorrow morning.”
That afternoon Hermes paid a visit to Burnert, checking in to see if he could deal with a couple more children for a day and a bit.
While Toni and the brothers got along like a house on fire, Burnet said he was expecting a new delivery of explosives for his shop and that he wasn’t confident it’d be safe to have that many children around such a shipment. He did offer to let them have a few hours play with Toni, just away from the shop.
He ran through the other possibilities. Lotek had enough going on as the new Mayor, Lotto was high on the list of potential bad influences, Lonzo also had a place on that list, Hanek couldn’t even remember his name- he basically needed someone who didn’t have a prior commitment like work, wouldn’t try teach the boys something irrational, was at least somewhat responsible…
Which led him to Tuck’s place. 
The short man was a bit of a hermit, living outside the town walls, offering a hand in seasonal work, but mostly keeping to himself. They hadn’t interacted much outside of town meetings, but on initial impression he seemed like a viable candidate. 
One meeting without large misconceptions later, and Hermes had his babysitter booked in. Tuck would even happily house sit so they could be within the town walls, and closer to others who could help should something go wrong. 
Though he assured Tuck that nothing would go wrong. The boys were good. It just never hurts to be prepared. 
Tuck nodded along in understanding, commending his dedication as a Father. 
So when the next morning dawned, Gizmo and Tuck arrived, and Hermes pulled the trio into a hug as they said their goodbyes. 
“Now boys, promise me that you’ll be good. Please.”
They each squeezed a bit harder.
With a warm smile he stood, hoisting his travel bag over his shoulder while looking over each of them. He gave a nod to Tuck, who returned it, before he bid his last goodbye and began the journey out of town with Gizmo.
Part 1
Sometimes, Hermes wondered what Deponia must look like from Elysium.
Logically speaking, it probably didn’t look like much, since the city's height and design didn’t leave much of the planet in sight. But on a sentimental aspect, would people still think it a disgusting dirt ball? Or would they look longingly for solid ground?
Because for a landscape of trash, junk, and ruins, he’d grown to appreciate the charm behind it.
Walking side by side with Gizmo, down the human-worn path from Kuvaq to Unsicher, he had all the time in the world to gaze into the horizon, and compare it to his ancient memories. 
‘What had it looked like again?’
Then he’d watch Gizmo from the corner of his eye and wonder what it must look like to someone younger. How had things changed in just his years? Did he remember when cactus weren't the only greenery around?
“Oh, that’s new.”
He followed his gaze, spotting a large arch at the end of the path, with walls trailing along each side. 
“A recent construction?”
“Unsicher was just a few shacks and the mine entrance last time I was here. They must have had enough of a boom to grow the population.”
Junk trading was the most profitable job in the area, even more so if you came across a rare resource. Kuvaq was built atop of what the old world called a ‘mall’, so the things they pulled from the mines varied heavily, and was probably the reason the town had grown so fast. Unsicher must have come across their own unique resource. 
“Lends more to the reason why they’re asking for assistance then, if production has gotten beyond their means.”
Gizmo nodded, “Let's find the mayor.”
Within the walls, things were more reminiscent of home. Built mostly on the side of a hill, sheets of metal made up walls and roofs for 20, maybe 30 odd dwellings. The central road was wide and mostly straight in its whole run up to a hole in the side of the hill, clearly the entrance to their mine, while many narrow streets and alleys spouted off to the side like millipede legs. 
Balanced precariously above the hole was the largest building around, two stories accessed by a zig-zagging staircase, slathered in various remnants of different paint. With its external decorations looking like the strange toys Rufus would craft up, Hermes had the strong suspicion of the mayor likely getting a bit too absorbed in the amount of zlotti he was making. 
As they came closer, a broad shouldered man emerged and descended the stairs, waving towards them.
“Gismo! Long time no see!”
He leapt the final flight, dust flying on his landing. His grey, wiry hair betrayed his age, but his physical fitness was clearly still going strong, no falter in his steps as he stood tall and came right up with arms wide open.
“Waltraud, you’re looking well.”
The intended hug was avoided as the Mayor took the chance to flex.
“Yes, a strong leader makes a strong community!” He paused, then looked apologetic, “I heard of Kuvaqs loss, an unfortunate situation.”
“Things are fine in Kuvaq, Lotec is doing his best with what he’s been left with. But moving on, we’re here to talk about your mines, correct?” Gizmo placed a hand on his companion's shoulder, “As I mentioned in my letter, this is Hermes, our mines structural engineer.”
Waltraud looked him over, running a hand through his beard which wrapped back around his neck. Then he broke into a wide grin, throwing his arms out again to wrap them both in a hug.
“Excellent! A friend of Gismo, and one with such a large head, is certainly a friend of mine. Come, let me introduce you to our team!”
He dropped them and spun on his heel, marching towards the mine. The two visitors took a moment to catch their breath, Hermes self consciously rubbing his head.
“Well, at least he’s enthusiastic?”
Gizmo laughed, “Perhaps I should have mentioned his… eccentricities.”
As they caught up, the darkness in the mine entrance gave way to a string of lights illuminating a few shacks, which held paperwork like maps and timesheets, as well as a small rest area for workers. Waltraud was shouting down a shaft, trying to gather up his employees.
Eventually, a crew of five was lined up beside the Mayor. 
“This is who you called to help with the mines? Neither of ‘em look like they could lift a tyre. Not worth it.”
Waltraud put an elbow into the stout, bespeckled man, “Hilde here is our mine manager. If not for his keen eye on value, our town would not be as well off as it is.”
He pointed to a younger woman with a rat's nest of black hair, “Gisa’s on equipment maintenance and repairs.”
She stepped forward, eagerly putting out a hand.
“Ignore my old man, he’s got nothing but zlotti on the brain. Thank you so much for visiting and I’m really looking forward to hearing your suggestions!”
Gizmo shook the offered hand, but Hilde quickly pulled Gisa away, shooting a glare. Waltaurd cleared his throat to bring attention back.
“Rudi and Valentina you might remember, been part of these mines since day one.” The pair each had enough dirt filled wrinkles to prove it, leaving their features only definable as dirty and tall, and dirty and short. Not enough to jog any memories. 
“And Gottlob had his day one not that long ago.” 
Looking only a bit older than Gisa, with thin blond hair, the man didn’t even look up, instead continuing to fiddle with the hem of his coat. 
“And that makes the main lot! Anyone else gets called in when we hit a good vien. We actually pulled quite the haul just the other day, all in processing now.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you all. As you may have heard already, I’m Gizmo, and I manage the civil services of Kuvaq. My friend here Hermes is an engineer who manages the structural aspects of our mines. Together we hope to provide some advice on improving the safety and viability of long term Junk mines.”
Gisa nodded enthusiastically, while the rest stood impassively. 
“Let us start with a tour then! Leave your bags here, Gott will watch over them. Rudi, Val, lead the way.”
They dropped their belongings at the rest area, and Hermes helped himself to a clipboard and pen so he could take notes from the get go. Following the locals deeper, he began to assess the staff.
They weren't quite dressed for the job, looking to be whatever they’d usually wear, and only Hilde and Gisa were wearing helmets. They had to ask to be provided ones themselves, and even then no one else donned one. He made note to ask about their training and work hours later.
The further they went, the more his list grew.
Load bearing beams, cave wall angles, material make up, air quality and ventilation, moisture build up, slope stability, rock falls, susceptibility to seismic activity. Mitigations were there, but they weren’t up to a standard Hermes would consider ‘safe’.
“Is… is that an eagle?”
Waltraud grinned, stroking the bird, “Ran out of canaries when checking for poison gases. Personally, I think this is much better solution.” 
Gizmo shrugged at the look Hermes gave him.
“At least they have something? I mean Hanek has a parrot.”
“And what exactly is this?” He gestured to a large welded metal contraption.
“It’s a digger!” Gisa appeared from atop of it, waving a wrench and shining her head torch down, “Makes the new tunnels.” 
Gizmo circled it, looking over the exposed treads and chipped drill bit, “Homemade?”
“Local tinkers’ make them outa the finest scrap, and I keep ‘em running. I know how to fix just about everything down here.” 
Hermes' eyes lingered on the exposed wiring and stress cracks, “Isn’t Hilde concerned about you working down here by yourself?”
“Eh, I mean he’s not my actual dad, he just took me in and gave me work. B-but he does care! He said I’m safest around the machines cause if something happens I’ll be protected under them.”
He frowned, but Gisa just offered another smile as she clambered back into the belly of the machine. 
They looped around a few more shafts, checked their equipment, then returned for a quick quizzing on their safety and emergency procedures. As the day had worn on, Hermes had been unable to keep his concern off his face, which was clearly rubbing Hilde the wrong way. Thankfully, the group withheld any reservations as Gizmo ran through the assessed points. Waltraud made a few bad taste jokes about their past safety record, but overall they seemed to have listened by the time they called it a day.
“They’ve got a good foundation.”
Hermes crossed his arms, “That won’t save them from human error or complacency.”
“Which is why we were here to encourage good behaviours. When they see how better things are when they’re operating safely, they’ll strive to share their knowledge with others as well.”
The lines on his face creased further, “But people have to be willing to change. When choosing between the easy or comfortable, compared to the longer or more complicated, safe choice-”
A hand pressed against his arm.
“How about we get dinner?”
He was changing the subject, but looking him in the eye showed understanding, and a good heaping of hope. Hermes sighed, but a smile betrayed him. 
“I suppose it is getting late. Should we ask for recommendations?”
A nearby resident happily told how many left and right turns it would take to reach a favoured restaurant, buried amongst houses, but on a rise enough that by the time they arrived and were seated, they had a lovely view of the sunset. 
The server took their order, just as a large rat in a funny hat wandered onto a stage, and began to play a jaunty tune on a miniature guitar. 
“How quaint.”
“I didn’t realise they were trainable. That could be useful.”
“Thinking they could sniff out people in a junk collapse?”
Hermes had to laugh at Gizmo’s caught-out look. The conversation continued into the viability of different local wildlife in different emergency situations (“Platypi would be the most versatile.” “Have you seen a trained one before? … Exactly.” ) until dinner made it to their table. They each enjoyed their fare to the haphazard strumming of the animal performer. 
“I wonder if the boys have been behaving…”
“That better not be your faith wavering.”
“Can you blame me?”
Gizmo rested a hand atop of Hermes’ own. 
“You don’t give yourself enough credit. Raising three young boys as a single parent would be a challenge for anyone, but you’ve been doing your best to give them a good start in life.”
“I’ve only been trying to make up for… past mistakes.” He gazed out the window briefly, but returned his view to Gizmo’s face with a smile, “But I certainly wouldn’t have made it this far without your support.”
“It takes a village to raise a child as they say.”
“It certainly seems that way.”
They chatted on as dinner was finished off, the bill was wrapped up, and they eventually stepped out under the blanket of night. The two men only got a little lost in their search for their accommodation, since it was one of the newer built houses from the town's expansion. The miners had courteously dropped their bags off, letting them prepare for bed, and rest up for their return trip tomorrow. 
Rising early was no trouble for the men, both wanting to get their goodbyes in before restarting their journey home. However the moment they were outside, they found an uneasy tension in the air. No one else had left their homes, most curtains drawn tight, and silence hung heavy around them. It took a bit of back and forth to escape the alley labyrinth and get back to the main road, but as they reached the open road, Gizmo held out an arm and pushed them back into the shadows.
Footsteps, a collection of them marching up the central road, which came into view as a squad of Organon soldiers. 
Gizmo felt Hermes go tense beside him. 
It wasn’t an uncommon reaction, with many Deponians fearing the armed forces that started mysteriously invading their daily lives. According to gossip, Seagull had previously made an agreement with them, which was why Kuvaq was very rarely visited, but the last time they had, Hermes seemed more than just fearful. He’d gathered his boys and locked themselves in their home, but just before he’d looked at him with such gravity and said ‘If asked, we don’t exist.’  
His past was nothing but speculation, but there felt to be a connection.
The group marched with purpose, following the road up into the darkness of the mine. Once they were out of sight, they carefully crept towards the mine entrance. There were several voices within, Gisa being the loudest.
“Gott you vermin!”
There was a tremble in her voice. The reply she got was monotone.
“Trading our recent excavation will result in profits that would easily allow us to employ two mechanically trained people to fix everything… or yaknow, we could save more by getting children to work.”
“You can’t be serious! Hilde, tell him he’s got a head of marbles!”
Gizmo crept closer, putting his eyes on the distressed girl facing down not just the Organon, but her co-workers as well. Rudi and Valentina busied themselves in the background, while her parental figure poured over some papers.
“Gottlob’s numbers work out. The level of taxation is too high for us to make anything back from trading what would remain. Organon, will you accept the offer?”
One scratched at their helmet, “Hmm, uhhh.”
They mumbled amongst themselves. Waltaurd stood stone-faced, holding Gisa’s arm as she squirmed. When they returned to formation, the one at the front nodded.
“Um, sure. A person instead of tax. That works.”
Another soldier moved to take hold of Gisa, and Gizmo twitched as he went to leap forward. A hand landed on his shoulder before he could muster the movement though, and Hermes' determined look made him ease back.
“I’ve got a plan. We should approach when they’re leaving.”
He hesitated only for the briefest moment, “Okay.”
They backed off, heading back down the road, then just outside of town where a few trash piles gave cover on the side of the trail. There, they laid in wait until the procession came marching along, prisoner in tow. 
“So what’s your plan?”
“Wait here.”
Gizmo’s heart skipped a beat when Hermes simply stood up, and walked out behind the group. The two at the back noticed first, swinging their guns from the girls back to the new threat.
The group came to a halt, Gisa looking instantly relieved that someone else was here. The Organon leading the march turned, then reeled slightly in surprise.
“What are you doing? This isn’t your usual squad. I’m seeing here… Seventies, Eighties… a Thirty?”
Their guns had dropped now, the soldiers suddenly looking a little sheepish, Gisa boggling in confusion. Fifty-Two scratched at his helmet.
“Sir, uh… It’s been a while… We haven’t been doing so great, sir.”
Hermes offered a reassuring smile, coming closer to them with open palms. 
“What’s happening that would make you take innocent people in trade?”
The others began pitching in, losing any formality, “The Prime Controller is working us to the bone Sir!”
“Literally. With all this complex work, we’re losing men faster than they can be replaced.”
“I picked leg work over factory work, it's that bad!”
“But Deponian’s are said to be good at making things work, so they can be brought in for work.” The one holding Gisa wiggled her arms, to which she kicked him in the shin, “OW!”
“I’ve heard the Prime Authority curse your name more than once. I know a lot of new words now.” 
Hermes kneaded at his brow, “Ulysses, what are you doing...” 
The Organon conversed between themselves, mostly venting on all the work they were doing. Gisa had relaxed by now, frowning as she listened to their complaints. 
“Listen, you should let the girl go.”
There was a hiss of a sharp inhale through their helmets. 
“And go back empty handed?”
He made a placating gesture, then pointed over the hill, “Further down the coast, there's a site of a large old world complex, look for the low rise hills. Last I knew it was relatively untouched, and should have enough for you to scavenge to take back both for repairs, and resupplying.”
They murmured again, obviously off-put by the prospect of work. After a minute or so, Gisa found her arms free of their hold. 
“Okay.” Fifty-Two saluted, “It’s better advice than what Prime Authority is spewing.”
Each soldier saluted, then returned to formation, and continued their march without the prisoner. Gisa shuffled closer to Hermes, but watched the group go with curiosity. 
“Apologies for your treatment, they shouldn’t be doing things like that.”
“Oh, a-and if you don’t mind keeping this between us? I’d rather not jeopardise the relations between Unsicher and Kuvaq.”
She rubbed at her wrists, “I won’t tell. I mean, I’m not going back to a bunch of dummies who think I’m worth less than junk.”
“That’s… understandable.”
She shuffled on the spot, still watching the Organon.
“Though… how about-” She stepped forward, “As thanks, I’ll show them the way to the place you mentioned? And they can keep me safe until the next town on the way.”
Hermes gave a surprised smile, “I think they’d be fine with that. Thank you.”
With a more confident smile, Gisa jogged ahead to catch up to the group. After a moment of talking, she turned to wave back, one of the Organon copying her. As Hermes returned the gesture, he felt Gizmo move up beside him.
“What the hell was that?!”
The anger was clear in his voice, along with confusion and maybe a bit of concern. 
“It was…well…”
“That was reckless! Dangerous! How did you know-” He put a hand over his mouth in thought, “You knew them.”
“You know the Organon.”
Gizmo stared at him, hard and long. The question was there, but it looked like he just couldn’t bring himself to say it. He didn’t want to speculate or make accusations, but he also knew the limits of privacy. He knew he was keeping his past in the past, and was just trying to act in the now.
But they were friends. They trusted each other. So Hermes opened up.
“I did work for the military, with the Organon. For some time, I…” He watched the spot where the group had gone over a ridge, “I was caught up in the grand ideas of the future. And I did many things I now regret. But then, when the boys came into my life, I could no longer justify all those plans in my mind. So I left, took them with me. And I’ve been trying to think of a way to fix all my past mistakes since.”
He dared to look over to Gizmo, who thankfully no longer looked angry. Instead he regarded him with a steady stare, like he was assessing the facts at a crime scene. The longer it held, the more Hermes felt the guilty verdict hanging above him, but on hearing the serviceman exhale in that familiar ‘not this again’ way, some of that anxiety lightened.
“Fix all your mistakes? That’s a big responsibility.”
“I’m not sure it’d be enough to atone for what I've done-”
“Oh Tetanus don’t give me that again. You always seem to think the world's problems are your own.”
“But it’s-”
“What’s done is done. What’s in the past is in the past.” Even that small smile was so warm, “You should focus on your future.”
“Yes, you’re right.”
“I sure am. And the immediate future is how we’re going to say goodbye to Waltraud without punching him, then finding out whatever your children have done while we were away.”
“Hey, you were the one saying I should have faith in them.”
“...I would like to get home as soon as possible.”
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dioxazinne · 2 years
If anyone’s up for some stinky Rufus x Goal fluff set in the last part of Goodbye Deponia! 
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elysian-renegadesss · 3 years
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Some of you might still remember ‘Quallis’ from the past! Haha! :D
I recently drew a new complete family picture of them and here it is.  👀❤️
So here are Elder Quatre, Tallis and their three children Mercurio (right), Nova (center) and Desdemona aka Des (left)! Three redhaired little beans. 😍 Des hates having pictures taken and she's close to making a scene XD I love this chaotic Elysian family haha! Tallis, Des, Nova & Mercurio are my OCs
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zmistress · 3 years
If you ever wanted to know what regaining consciousness in a cable boat hit by a burning saw blade was like for Cletus - voila!
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kingofthewilderwest · 5 years
The worst part about being a fan of things no one knows about is that when you get pent up in horrible feels, you have no REAL release. Sure, you can scream to yourself. BUT IT’S NOT REAL RELEASE AND YOU ARE SCREAMING ALONE AND CRYING INSIDE IN A PAIN ONLY YOU CAN UNDERSTAND AND IT IS HORRIBLE.
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lordsireno · 2 years
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And the one sitting on his desk, weapon in a vice grip-
He smiled, warm and welcoming.
“Goal, long time no see! How have you been? I’m guessing well, with how everything looks here.”
Read more: After All on AO3
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vogelfreyh · 6 years
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So I saw this wonderful angsty Draw your OTP by @snuffysbox and wanted to do something with it :D
And since I haven’t drawn anything Deponia in ages and listening to the complete HUSSA-compilation kinda got me in a nostalgic mood, I decided to draw Remmy and Pawel (the receptionist) in that pose.
Seems the rebellion didn’t end well for them. Oh well D:
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oh, i should actually post link to my deponia fic here at some point
i literally just forgot that i can do it even though i posted links to my fics here before.....
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sugar-phoenix · 9 months
"Don't be getting all maudlin on me now."
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Hey guys, I wrote fanfiction for my current obsession: Deponia.
It's a short, self-indulgent, tooth-rotting, cavity inducing, fluffy drabble, and you can find it on my AO3 here! Or you can scroll beneath the read more line.
WARNING: spoilers for all four games! Takes place in game 4.
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"Don't be getting all maudlin on me now," Rufus said with a smile. "Come! The future awaits."
Goal stepped forward and grabbed him by the arm.
"Rufus, I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time. I was wrong about you."
Rufus stared at her, as though she had spoken another language to him. 
"Oh." He turned away. "No need to apologize. You can do that after I get us out of this mess." 
"Rufus," Goal called, stopping him in his tracks again. He turned towards her and saw the look in her eyes.
"Rufus, I…I--"
"Don't. You don't have to say it."
"But did I ever tell you?"
She never needed to. The memories of his other self came back. All the adventures they shared. All the times she laughed and shook it off instead of yelling at him.
And then, there was that memory.
The words she had spoken (or was to speak), just as Rufus' heart was torn apart by the consequences of his actions.
Because I love Rufus.
The memory left him with a cavern in his chest. He knew that later on, he'd find out she never died, but the thought that she might’ve died, at his hands no less, was terrifying. 
That was the first time in his life that Rufus had well and truly lost all hope.
Before then he had never lost hope. Not after all his failures to reach an Organon cruiser. Not after being dumped by Toni. Not after everyone had called him a screw-up, a good-for-nothing. 
Not even after his father had left him to rot in Kuvaq.
But Goal’s supposed death had sucked all the life out of him. It was only when he saw her again, when she had defended him against everyone, that he realized…
That he realized how much he loved her. That he realized he would do anything to keep her happy. To keep her safe.
Even if it meant abandoning his dreams of reaching Elysium. Even if it meant falling to his death.
The moment he met her, she had turned his world upside down. And in doing so, she had become his Goal.
“You said something along the lines of it, yeah,” he responded.
Goal stepped forward, taking Rufus’ hand gently.
“Well. Isn’t it fitting that I’m wearing a wedding dress.”
“I love you, Rufus.”
The world glowed around him in his periphery as he focused on her sweet, smiling face. He thought perhaps already hearing Goal say she loved him would soften the blow, but hearing her say it, directly to him, was so much more than he thought it would be. Words he thought nobody could ever say to  him, and mean them.
He felt a big grin come across his face, his heart fluttering giddily. 
“Yes, Rufus?”
“I love you too.”
Together, hand in hand, cheeks glowing and hearts soaring, they stepped through the portal to Elysium.
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dividers by cafekitsune and reveriesources
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