#densi-mber 3.0
glenncoco4 · 5 years
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I prefer living in color. ~ David Hockney
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densi-mber · 5 years
Another Densi-mber is gone!
So I know it’s January 8th, and I’m ridiculously late by like a week, but now’s as good a time as any to wrap up the month and give copious thanks to all of you! 
Thank you to everyone who participated, contributed, or lurked in this year’s Densi-mber event! You guys are the reason for all of it! Couldn't have done it without you!
First off, MASSIVE kudos go out to @ejzah for being my partner in crime this year, providing us with a writing prompt daily, and also managing to complete a little story of her own for us for EVERY SINGLE day! 31 fics in 31 days! Pretty amazing she is! Gosh, I wish I had that ability! Also, even though the event is over, if you come up with something inspired by one of the prompts, please post it and tag us in it! We’ll share it anytime! =D
Shoutouts to our other contributors as well (in no particular order)- @glenncoco4, @cbetham, @bluenet13, @ryan9098, @ncisla-westaytogether, @wanna-be-bold, and everyone else who replied, reblogged, and interacted! (I hope I didn’t forget anyone! (If so, lemme know))
Also, as I’m feeling rather bummed at myself for being overwhelmed by my new job, and not being able to create/interact as much as I would have liked this year... I’ve been thinking, but I’d like some outside thoughts. A few people in the past have mentioned wanting a summer version of Densi-mber, something to get us through hiatus time, and when some people are less busy with real life. I’m not sure I’d be able to go forward producing two full months of stuff each year, but what about like a 2-week mini-fest Densi-mber 3.5? Dens-ummer Fest?  Can someone help me find a better pun out there? I’m blanking! Would anyone be down for that? If so, when? June? July? Let me know your thoughts, and if you wanna join in! As always, the more the merrier to celebrating Densi together! 
Depending on what people respond about a Summer Fest, I’ll check back in with you guys in a few months! In the meantime, love ya guys! =D
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cbetham · 5 years
Densi-mber Day 13 - Kensi and Deeks run into Polina and Brett [Neighborhood Watch]
It was a rainy Friday the 13th. Kensi was clearing glasses and wiping down the bar after several customers had left.  Christmas lights were twinkling in the main window. Deeks was running bus pans to the back and checking on his mom. Just a normal, albeit damp night, at the Squid and the Dagger.
“Melissa? Is that you?” Kensi’s head snapped up and looked toward the door. She squinted, trying to figure out who it was and how they knew that name and why the voice sounded so familiar. “It’s us, Brett and Polina. We were neighbors, remember? Where’s Justin? Do you work here?” 
Kensi didn’t know what to do but she needed to get a hold of Deeks and warn him. She smiles at the couple, sets them up with a glass of wine each in a booth and RUNS to the kitchen. She practically knocks Deeks over has he comes out of the kitchen. “Whoa there SugarBear, what’s got you all riled up?” Kensi grabs her husband and drags him back into the kitchen.
“You are NOT going to believe this but remember that whacky, crazy, couple that wanted to have a foursome with us when we were working the Russian spy ring?” Deeks closed his eyes, trying to remember, and gasped. “Brett and Polina?”
“You have got to be kidding! Where are they?”
“I set them up in #5 and came looking for you. What do we tell them?”
Deeks scratched at the back of his neck. His usual tell when he was thinking. “Well, we tell them half truths. We’re still married, we bought the place when my artwork wasn’t selling due to a change in the market and we wanted something more stable and this place has been fun because we get to work together. And we CANNOT let Mama meet them!!!”
Kensi nodded in agreement. “We need to get them out of here quickly. And NO we are not interested in getting together. Do you understand Hubby!” Deeks chuckled it was a crazy evening. With a plan of action agreed upon, the happy couple approached their guests.
Polina’s eyes lit up when she saw “Justin”. Kensi noticed and placed herself semi in front of her husband and out of the attractive blond’s reach. Deeks rubbed his hand on his wife’s waist to calm her down and whispered “easy Tiger” in her left ear. Brett offered a hand to “Justin” and the two men stared at each other. Deeks remembered how he didn’t like the way Brett looked at his then pretend wife, much like he didn’t like the way he was now looking at his actual wife.  Yeah they need to get them out here.
Small talk was exchanged and much like that dinner long ago, the couple tried to entice Justin and Melissa into coming to dinner and renew acquaintances. This time the bar owners were able to beg off due to ownership, time of year, gosh it’s just too bad, yada yada yada. 
Fortunately, the nine o’clock movie crowd was making its way into the bar. Brett looked at his watch. “Honey we need to get going.” Polina nodded and started to get up. Justin was happy to comp the wine and thanked them for coming in. 
Deeks offered a “Happy Holidays!” as Kensi was seating new customers. Brett and Polina headed for the door. Kensi came up behind her husband and swatted at him. “What are you looking at?”
“I wonder if Polina is still modeling? Cause that walk……”
Kensi shoved a bus pan into her husband’s hands. “How about you watch me walk back into the kitchen and I remind you how good you’ve got things right here.” With that, she turned and sauntered to the back with her happy husband hot on her heels.
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bluenet13 · 5 years
Picture Perfect
Densi Holiday fic for @densi-mber Day 2 writing prompt: Decorating for Christmas. *Set in Season 3*
Deeks grunted as soon as he heard a loud thud followed by Monty’s bark. Closing his eyes, he released a calming breath, trying to tamper down his building panic. Lifting himself from his prone position, he took a look down, his worst fears quickly being confirmed as soon as he saw the ladder he had used to climb to his roof laying flat on the ground. Christmas decorations half hanging from below the gutters, now discarded by the man that had just a few seconds ago been securing them to the roof.
Why did I decide to move to a house? Deeks wondered, not for the first time. This kind of thing never used to happen at his old apartment, of course, he had been spied on and subsequently shot while living there and that was undoubtedly worse, but that unfortunate incident had nothing to do with his current predicament so he quickly discarded the thought. After he had gone back home after his ordeal in the hospital, he had terminated his lease early, deciding to rent a small house instead. It was located in a nice neighborhood near the beach, a place that he usually wouldn’t be able to afford, but it had been in great need of renovation so he had managed to get a good deal for a half-year lease while the owners contracted the repairs for the following spring. Now, as he found himself stranded on his roof, the idea seemed terrible.
If Deeks had still been working for the LAPD he would have just jumped off the roof and blame whatever injuries he got on his undercover work, he doubted Bates would even care. That thought, however, was stopped as soon as he remembered that he worked for NCIS now, and Hetty would sure find out the truth about his injuries, and berate him for his foolishness, even if the house was a one-floor ranch.
Groaning audibly, Deeks took out his phone and began to dial, even as he continued bargaining within himself, considering the tradeoff between the humiliation that was sure to follow if he proceeded with the call against the physical pain that the fall could cause. Bruises and cuts heal over time and wouldn't compare to a lifetime of embarrassment, he tried to convince himself, but it was all futile, as his call was suddenly picked up.
“Hello.” The confused voice of his partner answered on the other end. “Deeks? Are you okay?” Kensi asked in confusion, not used to her still somewhat new partner calling during the weekends, but now on high alert after the shooting last spring.
“Hi, Kens, yes.” Deeks breathed out nervously, drawing a hand down his hair as he tried to calm himself. “Could you come over?”
“Why?” Kensi asked, in a tone that made Deeks easily picture the raise eyebrows that must have accompanied the question.
“I just need some help, that’s it.” Deeks said simply, not wanting to give her any details so she wouldn’t get the idea to show up with Callen and Sam too.
“Is everything okay?” Kensi just wanted to make sure.
“Yes, yes.” Deeks continued, still hating that he had even needed to call. 
“Then it can wait til Monday.” Kensi said sure of herself, after all, tomorrow morning they would all see each other in the office.
Again a silent discussion followed, as Deeks considered the implications of spending the night on his roof. Maybe a neighbor would show up at some point and realize that he needed help, but on the other hand, he was new to the community and no one knew him yet, so they could consider him a home invader and shoot him on sight or call the LAPD, which would be a 100 times worse than Kensi coming to his rescue. He was already the butt of enough jokes at his old place of employment.
“This is time sensitive, Kens. I…” He trailed off.
“I will be there in 30 minutes.” Kensi said more out of curiosity than anything else, wanting to know what had prompted her so sure of himself partner to call asking for her help.
Deeks cursed to himself as the called was cut, telling himself that next year he would put two ladders and keep Monty inside. Hell, next year he would hang no lights at all. He then lowered himself back to the ground and continued with the lights, might as well, he thought drily. 
As promised a half hour later the hysterical laugh of his partner brought his attention away from the lights and back to the ground below. Kensi having just exited her SUV, instantly chuckling as she noticed her partner on the roof and the ladder on the ground, quickly understanding the time sensitivity of the matter.
“How are you doing up there, partner?” She asked cheerfully while she petted an excited Monty. “Need some help?"
Deeks groaned again and just nodded, too proud to speak the actual word. 
“I can’t hear ya, Deeks.” Kensi said, clearly enjoying herself.
“Yes, Kensi. Can you please get up the ladder so I can get down.” Deeks finally admitted in a frustrated tone. 
“And what’s in it for me?” Kensi smirked. “I was doing something very important and you interrupted me.”
“I wouldn’t consider a Top Model marathon very important.” Deeks said cheekily. 
“I know you liked the show, so no reason to hide it, partner. And who says I wasn’t on a date?” She continued trying to rattle him.
Deeks just huffed out a laugh, but stayed quiet. “Can we move this conversation to the ground?” He asked eventually, after Kensi stayed equally silent.
“I don’t know. You could just wait for the mailman to come tomorrow morning and ask him to call the fire department, or maybe you could call Callen or Sam.” Kensi laughed again just imagining the teasing that would follow.
“You wouldn’t do that, Fern.” Deeks gasped in mock horror. But in reality, he wasn’t so sure, so he didn't say anything else, not wanting to give Kensi any ideas. “Please.” He added for good measure. 
“Is that a challenge, Shaggy?” She threatened, as she began to walk back towards her car.
“No, wait! What do you want?” He finally relented.
“Complete my after-action reports, and bring me donuts every morning… for a month.” Kensi replied, proud of herself.
“For a month? What, are you trying to get 10 pounds?” Deeks said as he blanched, not particularly caring about the sweet treats, but thinking of how much time he would need to spend doing paperwork.
“You’re just begging to sleep on the roof, Marty.” Kensi said in a sing-song voice. 
“Ok, ok. Deal.” Deeks raised his hands in a placating gesture, knowing that he wasn’t winning this one, and it was better to surrender if he had any hope of getting off the roof today.
Kensi beamed as she raised the ladder back towards the roof, holding it in place while Deeks climbed down. 
“Thank you.” He pouted when he was finally standing on the ground.
“You’re very welcome.” Kensi continued to smile, enjoying her partner’s annoyance. Then frowned as Deeks picked up a box of holiday decorations and began moving it back to the garage. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like.” Deeks muttered. “I’m putting everything away.”
“But you haven’t finished decorating.” Kensi said softly. Noticing the garlands, the wreath, stockings, additional lights, and little Santa and Rudolf toys, that were still on the container. 
“I’m not in a mood to decorate.” Deeks answered over his shoulder, moving a second box inside. 
“Come on, Deeks. You can let a single incident ruin Christmas.” Kensi wasn’t one for decorations, but in her short time knowing Deeks, she was certain he was. “I will help you.” She added, surprising even herself. 
“Really?” Deeks’ cheered up at that. His hopeful face peering out from behind a box. 
Kensi just nodded and grabbed a box, moving it back to the lawn. “Of course, that’s what partner’s are for.” Kensi said sincerely, bumping Deeks’ shoulder as she walked past him.
Deeks nodded, the first honest smile of the last two hours spreading over his face, then he picked up a garland and began to intertwine it around the handrail of his small porch.
That Christmas, a new holiday tradition began. The following weekend the partners moved to decorate Kensi's apartment, and the upcoming years they followed suit. Until they went all in and moved together, having only one home to decorate, but still continuing to do it as partners.
And as that particular Sunday came to an end, Deeks found himself laughing and smiling more than any holiday to date, and he secretly thought that getting stuck on the roof was beginning to look more and more like the best thing that could have happened to him.
Deeks' feeling of content remained for the next few weeks, until he discovered that unbeknownst to him, Kensi had managed to take a quick picture of him stranded on the roof, which she had then sent as her holiday card to their whole team...
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mashmaiden · 5 years
Got my vid clips snipped and working on my official first gifset for this year’s Densi-mber! (Hint: It’s a painful one!)
Are there any particular things you’d like me to make?! I’d love to get some ideas of things YOU want to see! 
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densi-mber · 5 years
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Yeah, I think you look hot and I think I love you.
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densi-mber · 5 years
Merry Christmas Baby
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A/N: For today’s prompt: Opening presents on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! And to those who don’t, hope you have a nice day as well.
“But we’ve always opened presents on Christmas morning, aside from when we’re busy catching bad guys,” Deeks protested mildly as Kensi dragged him into the living room. “It’s our tradition.”
“All I’m asking you to do is open one present,” Kensi replied, ignoring his complaints as she directed him to sit down in front of the Christmas tree. They’d already had dinner-their best attempt at roast chicken with mashed potatoes-and usually they’d be genially bickering over what movie to watch.
Apparently Kensi had other plans as she flicked off the main lights, leaving the room bathed in the dim, twinkling glow of Christmas tree lights. She was practically vibrating with anticipation.
“I’ll be right back,” she told him and then disappeared upstairs. She reappeared a couple minutes later with a small, thin box cradled between her palms. It was perfectly wrapped in silver paper with a shiny red bow and tiny ribbons dangling over the sides. He’d never known Kensi to wrap anything so carefully; he was definitely curious.
Kneeling down in front of him, Kensi laid the gift on his knee. Her expression was filled with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.
“What’s In here, the keys to a fancy schmancy new car like on all the tv ads?” he guessed, turning the box from side to side. “Oh, I know one-way tickets to a nude beach resort.” Kensi snorted at that and couldn’t seem to resist leaning forward to kiss him.
“You are so ridiculous. Open it,” she instructed him. He slid a finger under one seam, pulling the tape loose with one swift movement.
“Vouchers for rock climbing. My own ski jet.” He continued listing off items of varying ridiculousness while he removed the wrapping paper. Underneath there was a plain white box and he lifted the lid off with the tips of his finger, watching for Kensi’s reaction. She leaned forward on her knees slightly.
“If this isn’t a-“ he started to say, looking into the box. There was a small, oblong object nestled in red tissue paper. He lifted it out slowly, glancing back up at Kensi, his mouth open slightly in surprise, and found her with her hands pressed over her mouth. “Is this a-?”
“Mm-hm,” Kensi answered.
“Oh my god, you’re pregnant!” he shouted, reaching for Kensi. She crashed into his arms, grasping the back of his neck as she kissed him desperately. He felt moisture on his cheeks and pulled back enough to look at Kensi.
“Why are you crying?” he asked, breathless with happiness. Swiping at her cheeks, Kensi laughed, the sound shaky.
“Ugh...because I’ve been dying to tell you for five days,” she answered.
“We’re pregnant,” he repeated, almost unable to believe it.
“I’m sorry it wasn’t the keys to a new car,” Kensi said playfully and he crushed her back against his chest.
“Are you kidding me, this is the best present ever.” He was still holding the pregnancy test and he held it up, tilting his head. “Admittedly a little gross since you peed on it, but still the best present.”
“Idiot,” she said fondly, leaning in to kiss him again. Deeks tossed the pregnancy test back in the box, dragging her down to the floor with him. As Kensi settled on top of him, haloed in twinkling lights, he couldn’t imagine being happier.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” he whispered.
“Merry Christmas.”
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densi-mber · 5 years
Densi Discussions: Day #5
What is one scenario you've always wanted to see played out on the show for Kensi and Deeks? More thinking in an undercover sense, but doesn't have to be (I just don't want all the answers to be BABIES! 😂😂).
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densi-mber · 5 years
5 Years
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A little drabble in honor of today being the fifth anniversary of Densi going ‘all in’.
Kensi leaned back against Deeks’ chest, humming softly in contentment. They’d gone for an evening walk on the beach and even though it was a little bit chilly, the sunset was lovely. Plus, it never hurt when her partner was by her side.
“You know what today is?” she asked Deeks. He snuggled her a little closer, swaying gently from side to side.
“Sunday the 15th.” Kensi rolled her eyes at him
“And...” she prompted.
“I feel like I’m missing something very obvious right now,” he said and she turned around in his arms, smiling gently.
“It’s the fifth anniversary of the day we decided to go all in,” she reminded him and his eyes widened.
“Oh, I remember now!”
“Sure you do.”
“No, I do. We were at the ice rink, you kept falling over-“
“That’s a blatant exaggeration,” Kensi interrupted, but Deeks didn’t seem bothered, grinning at her as he continued
“Then you pulled me aside and said that you wanted to be bold and stop playing games.” He brushed her hair back from her face, his expression tender as he reminisced. “And that was when we decided to go all-in.”
“You’re feeling pretty pleased with yourself right now, aren’t you,” Kensi guessed and his smile turned smug for a moment.
“A little bit. But I’m also thinking about how that one of the best decision I’ve ever made in my life,” he said and Kensi felt her throat tighten unexpectedly.
“Mine too,” she whispered, leaning up to kiss him firmly. “I haven’t regretted it for a moment.”
“Happy Anniversary, baby,” Deeks said, wrapping his arms more tightly around her. Kensi laid her head on his chest, completely content.
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densi-mber · 5 years
Better than We Had
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This one is also related to “Answers”.
Kensi came up behind Deeks and rested her cheek on his upper back as he filled the dishwasher. He straightened up, clasping the hand she’d wrapped around his torso.
“You doing ok?” he checked. They’d had a couple drinks back at the bar before returning home and it was nice to relax for once. Although baby-making wasn’t completely off her mind, she felt a lot more at ease since they’d discussed it.
“Mm-hmm,” she murmured into his shirt and then pressed a kiss there. “I was actually thinking about what you said earlier, about your mom being “non-existent”. I know she wasn’t your typical mom, but I always had the feeling that she was very present in your life.” Deeks sighed, bowing his head a little more and turned around, settling with his back against the counter.
“I didn’t really mean it like that,” he said and for a moment Kensi thought he was going to leave it at that. Then he ran his hand through his hair, looking in the opposite direction. “My mom really tried her best with what she had. When my dad was around, she tried to protect me, but when she couldn’t she just kind of...turned in on herself. For a long time I think she accepted that was how her life was going to be.”
He swallowed harshly, glancing briefly at Kensi before his gaze skittered away. She clasped both of his hands between hers, encouraging him to continue.
“After I shot him and the police came and I got taken into social services, mom worked really hard to get me out. It wasn’t easy. And I think that gave her a purpose for a while, she felt like she was doing something for me for a change.”
“And after you got out?” Kensi promoted gently.
“We had a small grace period. We were both a mess, but we had each other. Then mama found a job. It wasn’t very good so she worked all the time just to pay rent and keep us fed. Sometimes I only saw her for a few minutes in the morning and then maybe a little at night if I was lucky.”
“You guys were just trying to survive.” Deeks nodded and rested his chin on her head.
“We were and she tried her best, in her own weird, crazy way, to be there for me but she couldn’t a lot of the time,” he said, his voice regretful.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Kensi said and he shrugged, brushing it off.
“It wasn’t all bad. I mean even when she was driving me crazy or doing ridiculous things, it was a wild ride. And she always did it with the best of intentions.” That brought a smile to his face and he added, “Mom always tried to do something special for my birthday, like the time she accidentally got tickets to that crappy cover band. I still loved that she tried.”
Kensi hugged him a little tighter and rubbed his back.
“I’m sorry you didn’t have the childhood you should have,” she murmured.
“Neither of us did,” he pointed out. She thought back to what he’d said about not having a blueprint to parenthood. It was so true of both of them, but more so in Deeks’ case in a way.
“You’re right, but it doesn’t mean we can’t give our kids, whoever they may appear, a better life than we had. We won’t make the same mistakes as our parents did,” she said firmly.
“You think so?” Deeks said it playfully but she could still hear the doubt underneath.
“I know it. You’re already one of the best men I know, I think fatherhood will only make you better.” He blinked once, giving a slow shake of his head, then peered up at her from under his bangs. She thought she saw a glint of moisture in his eyes as he said in a trembling voice,
“I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know that you’re going to be a great mom.” She felt her own eyes fill with tears and pulled his face down to hers, kissing him firmly.
“I love you, Marty Deeks,” she murmured as they clung to each other.
A/N: This doesn’t precisely fit in with my other headcanons for Mama Deeks, but I felt like we needed at least a little explanation for that one line.
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densi-mber · 5 years
Christmas Party
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For today’s prompt: Densi celebrating Christmas with the team. This one takes place a few years from now.
Kensi paused on her way to the kitchen to answer the door and found Eric and Nell on the other side.
“Merry Christmas!” They said in such perfect unity that Kensi bet they’d ben practicing. They were dressed in matching Christmas tree sweaters with little Menorahs acting as a border. Eric was holding a dish wrapped in tinfoil which he presented to Kensi with a grin.
“Come on in,” Kensi said happily, ushering them in. “I’m so glad you guys could make it.” She gave them each a one-armed hug, the other occupied with the mystery dish.
“I know, we’re late,” Nell said with a roll of her eyes. “Blame it on the pregnant lady.” She patted her baby bump as though any one could miss it on her tiny form and covered in bright green wool.
“Oh stop, the only ones who got here before you is Sam and the kids. And my mom who’s been here for hours,” Kensi reassured her.
“Speaking of kids, where is my favorite niece?”
“Playing with Kam, they’ve been pretty much inseparable since they came,” Kensi told them. Lily, their three year old, had seemed instantly taken with the teenager and insisted on showing off her room and toys. “C’mon they’re in den. But first I’ll put this in the kitchen.”
“It’s a white chocolate, red velvet cheesecake, so make sure it goes in the fridge,” Eric said, his excitement clear. In the last couple years he’d picked up baking and kept them all supplied with a variety of desserts.
After dropping the cheesecake off in the kitchen, Kensi led them into the den. Deeks and Kam were sitting in the middle of the floor, with Lily between them and massive pile of Legos. From the looks of it, Lily had talked Kam into building her a mansion and was now adding in her own personal touches while she chattered away.
Sam was chatting with Julia by the fire while Aiden has found a secluded spot on one of the sectionals and was on his phone, no doubt texting his new girlfriend. The room felt bright and cheerful, filled with twinkling lights and happy people.
“Nell, Beale how’s that baby doing?” Sam called.
“She’s active. Very, very active,” Nell answered with a touch of bitterness in her voice as she rubbed low on her abdomen. Eric rubbed her back soothingly, ushering her over to an armchair with pillows.
“Hey, look who we found lurking outside,” Roberta Deeks said, coming into the room accompanied by a somewhat reluctant looking Callen.
“I was not lurking,” he told them firmly as Roberta gave Kensi a hug and a tin of Christmas cookies.
“You should have joined me and the girls for drinks, then you wouldn’t be so tense,” she suggested. Callen looked mildly horrified by the idea, but chuckled and said,
“I’m not tense, I was actually making sure I didn’t forget my Christmas gift.”
Roberta was prevented from further harassment as Deeks wandered over with Lily hanging off of his arm and gave both Callen and his mom a hug.
“Grandma Deeks, Uncle Callen!” she shouted, catapulting herself off of Deeks and onto Callen. Fortunately he was used to this kind of treatment and braced himself. “Did you bring me presents?”
“Hey there. I did bring a present, but it’s for you and your mom and dad,” Callen said and Lily stuck out her lower lip.
“Don’t worry, kiddo,” Roberta said in a confidential whisper. “I got you covered.”
“Mom, please tell me you didn’t go crazy again this year,” Deeks begged, likely thinking of the previous Christmas when she’d given Lily a doll house that wouldn’t fit in her room.
“She’s my only grandchild, I have to spoil her.” With that she made a beeline for Julia. Deeks sighed with annoyed amusement.
“We’re going to need a bigger house,” he commented.
“And that is why I give cards,” Callen said, swinging Lily up onto his hip. “C’mon squirt, let’s see if we can find something to eat.”
“Mama made brownies,” she informed him in a loud whisper, her hand lifted to prevent her parents from hearing. Kensi tried not to laugh as she added, “I’m not supposed to have any until after dinner, but I know where they are.”
“Well, I’m sure she won’t notice if there’s just a couple little pieces missing.” Kensi shook her head as they headed off for the kitchen, Lily chattering away.
“Ugh, she is going to be so hyper by the end of tonight,” Kebsi said, leaning against Deeks’ chest. He rested his chin on the top her head, wrapping his arms around her.
“Yeah, but it’s worth it to see everyone together and happy,” Deeks pointed out. A minute later, Lily came running back in with Callen trailing her at a slower pace. He was munching on a brownie and she had one in each hand. The first she offered to Nell with a kind of reverential awe, the second she split in half and shared with Sam.
“Yeah, it is,” she agreed. They stood for a few for minutes, content in one another’s arms as they watched their strangle little family.
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densi-mber · 5 years
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A/N: For today’s prompt: Kensi or Deeks coming to the other’s defense.
“Ma’am, I’m sorry but I can’t let you into the building,” Kensi heard Deeks saying as she redirected a small family who’d been heading for a side entrance. She discretely stretched her back and flexed her toes, feeling the stress of standing on her feet for hours without rest.
While searching a suspect’s apartment, they’d found bomb components. They’d immediately cleared the building and called in the bomb squad. That had been two hours ago and in the meantime, she, Deeks, and a couple of other agents were in charge of keeping residents from entering.
Understandably, many weren’t very happy, but most accepted the gas leak story they were using as a cover. A few; however, were not so accepting. Like the woman who Deeks was currently arguing with. She had a short blonde bob, was dressed in workout clothes and didn’t seem used to being told ‘no’.
“What do you mean you can’t let me in?” The woman said derisively and Kensi winced. “Who the hell are you?”
“I’m Detective Marty Deeks, LAPD, Ma’am,” Deeks answered.
“Right, and I’m Angelina Jolie. I don’t know who you really are or what you think you’re doing, but I need to get into my apartment.”
“I know this is an inconvenience and I apologize, but it is not safe for you to go in the building at this time,” Deeks repeated in a purposely calm tone.
Kensi turned to redirect a man who was eyeing the yellow tape over the entrance door when she heard Deeks cry out. She spun around in time to see the blonde woman aim a kick at his groin.
He sidestepped enough that her foot glanced off his thigh instead. Deeks had his hand raised in a defensive gesture, but hadn’t moved to actively stop the woman. Kensi was moving before she even realized it and yanked the woman away from Deeks.
She didn’t wait for the her to respond, bringing her to the ground with a well-placed sweep of her legs. Kensi twisted her arms behind her back, shoving her to the ground with a bit more force than was absolutely necessary.
“Let me go,” the woman snarled.
“You’re under arrest for assaulting an LAPD Detective,” Kensi informed her.
“Are you ok?” she asked, looking up at Deeks. He had one hand cupped over his mouth.
Assured that he was alright for the moment, Kensi tugged the woman to her feet and handed her over to another agent. Deeks was sitting on the bottom step to the apartment complex when she returned.
“Here let me look,” she said, turning his head to the side so she could see his lip. There was a nasty split that was still bleeding sluggishly, but she didn’t think it would need stitches. “Does anything feel broken?” She gently pressed on his jaw and he winced.
“No, I don’t think so. But I am feeling pretty stupid right now,” he responded, rolling his eyes, apparently at himself.
“Why,” Kensi asked with a frown. He shrugged.
“I could have stopped that lady pretty easily, but I just stood there and let her hit me,” he explained, smiling ruefully.
“Well, first of all, I don’t think you just let her hit you. Secondly, I know why you didn’t fight back. And I respect that.”
“Yeah, but what if she was actually dangerous?” Deeks asked, and Kensi wasn’t sure which of them he was asking. She knew he found it hard to fight women. She also knew he was fully capable of taking down a woman if absolutely necessary.
“Then I think you would have made the right decision,” she answered honestly. Deeks seemed slightly reassured and smiled at her in quiet appreciation.
“Mm, thanks for taking care of the mean lady for me.” Kensi snorted and brushed his hair back from his face.
“Anytime. Now let’s go clean you up.” She helped him to his feet and added, “I always be there to keep you safe.”
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densi-mber · 5 years
At Peace
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A/N: Written for today’s prompt: Write a ‘missing’ Densi scene. I couldn’t resist writing a post-scene for ‘Mother’. This one also has a little bit of mature content. Hopefully the cover picture doesn’t get this flagged.
“I really thought I was going to lose you today,” Kensi whispered into Deeks’ chest. Her cheek rested against his shoulder, his bare skin pleasantly warm against her own. He had an arm wrapped securely around her back, holding her in place. Her heart beat had evened out some and she felt relaxed in a way that only came from true exhaustion.
They’d been pretty frantic when they got home, ripping off each other’s clothes with an intensity fueled by residual fear and relief. They hadn’t even made it to bed the first time and she knew in the morning they’d both regret the rug burn and bruises from bumping into furniture.
Deeks didn’t say anything for a long time, but she felt his muscles twitch minutely beneath her. She ran her hand across in his chest and pressed her lips to his shoulder.
“I was too at first, but then when I realized that I probably wasn’t getting out of there…I thought about how good I’ve had it. How lucky I’ve been to have you in my life and I realized I was, well not exactly ok with it, but I guess maybe content,” he said eventually, shaking his head and swallowing harshly. He reached up and wrapped his hand around hers, his finger tapping at her wedding ring. Kensi felt her throat tighten with emotion and she fought to keep her voice even as she asked,.
“Is that why you told me about the panic attacks?” She started running her fingers through Deeks’ hair, needing the contact and confirmation that he was lying beside her. Deeks nodded, pulling in a deep sigh.
“I needed you to know that it was ok to leave.” Kensi laughed sadly and tilted his chin down to look him directly in the eye.
“Oh baby, you know there’s no way I was leaving you. Even if I didn’t come with that ridiculous, last minute plan, I would have stayed.” Deeks shuddered and pulled her even closer, pressing his lips to her forehead in a desperate kiss.  
“I think that’s what terrifies me the most,” he murmured. Kensi brushed her fingers over his jaw, clinging to him just as much as he was to her.
“I can’t help it. I love you and I’m with you to the end, no matter what,” she said and Deeks sighed heavily.
“Honestly, I’d have done the same.” After another long silence, in which Kensi thought Deeks had fallen asleep, he asked, “Are we really going to quit our jobs and live in a van?” Kensi laughed again, pressing her face into Deeks’ chest so the sound was muffled.
“You know, honestly a few hours ago that sounded wonderful,” she answered slowly.
“And now?”
“I really don’t think I want to live in a van. The quitting our jobs part…I’m not sure what to do. In a way, I feel like never stepping foot in the mission again, but then I know that we can’t just abandon the others. Especially now,” Kensi said, rubbing her forehead. They’d had this conversation so many times, and although they always moved a step closer, they never seemed to be able to take that final leap. Or at least she couldn’t.
Deeks nodded, his expression turning concerned.
“Yeah, this has to be hard for both Hetty and Callen. I can’t imagine what it was like being there in that museum,” he said in agreement. They’d only heard a water-downed, terse version from Callen, but it was enough.
“And I don’t think Nell is doing very well either, she looked a wreck when we got back to the mission.” she added, frowning at the thought.  
After a minute, Deeks nudged her and when she looked up he was smirking at her.
“What about the home schooling thing? Can’t you just picture yourself waking up and teaching our little ninja assassins how to read?” he teased and she could tell he was trying to lighten the mood again.
“I think we both know that was said in a moment of pure adrenaline and panic. There’s no way I have the patience for that.”
“So we’re not going to be French-speaking, berry-eating hippies for the rest of our lives? I’m so disappointed.”
“Mm, afraid not.” She shifted so she was suddenly laying fully on top of Deeks’ body. He immediately rearranged his legs to accommodate her, settling his hands low on her hips. “But, I do want to have babies with you,” she added, leaning up to kiss Deeks lightly.
“Really?” he checked, looking slightly wary and honestly a little shocked. She nodded and his face split into the widest grin she’d ever seen.
God she loved him so much. Acting on that thought, she grasped either side of his head and kissed him soundly. Deeks responded enthusiastically, his hands smoothing up her body and clutching at her shoulders.  
“Just to be clear,” Deeks gasped against her mouth as she pressed her hips into his, “are we working on that baby right now?”
She thought of all the times she’d put this off, all the worries, the fears she’d had about having kids. Then she remembered holding Deeks’ arms through a tiny window, not knowing if they’d ever see each other again and having a feeling of loss and regret so strong it had nearly made her gasp. She was determined not to ever feel that way again.
Smoothing Deeks’ hair back, she ducked to kiss him again and then murmured between uneven breaths, “There’s no point in waiting.”
A/N: Although this might have some similarities to @chicgeekgirl89’s story, Afterboom, I promise this was written before I read it.
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densi-mber · 5 years
Let’s Start the New Year Right
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For today’s prompt: Densi celebrate New Year’s Eve. Happy end of 2019 everyone, hope 2020 is a great year for you!
Thank you to everyone who has participated in Densi-mber this year. I hope you enjoy this final story.
“Kensi, you’re going to miss it!” Deeks called up the stairs. “What are you doing?”
“Sorry, I had to pee,” she answered, hastily running down the stairs.
“Geez, you’re only like five weeks pregnant, what’s going to happen in a couple months?” Kensi paused on the bottom step to glare at him, clearly unimpressed. “I mean, come sit down Light of My Life, everything’s ready.
“You’re lucky I love you,” Kensi commented, crossing the space to kiss him on the lips.
“Oh believe me, I know it,” he whispered, leaning in for several seconds until he heard an excited screech from the TV. “It’s about to start.” He grabbed Kensi’s hand and led her over to the couch. While she was upstairs, he’d put out cheese, crackers, and in lieu of champagne, sparkling grape juice.
A few years back they’d started watching the Times Square Ball Drop as a part of their own New Years celebration. Sometimes it was a struggle to stay up to midnight, but tonight they were wide awake.
Deeks couldn’t remember the last time he was this excited for a new year to begin. Maybe it was because this one seemed full of possibility. Kensi seemed to share his enthusiasm, easing up on her knees beside with a smile full of warmth and anticipation.
They counted down with the crowd as fireworks and flashing lights filled the screen. When the ball dropped, Deeks cupped Kensi’s face between his palms and kissed her with everything he had. Kensi kissed him back enthusiastically and by the time they broke apart, the host was signing off.
Draping his arm across her shoulders, Deeks handed Kensi one of the champagne flutes and then tilted his own in her direction.
“This last year has been one of the best and craziest of my life. And I can’t wait to find out what’s next for us. Happy new year, baby,” he said, clinking their glasses together.
After they had both taken a sip, Kensi cleared her throat and turned so she was facing him directly.
“Since we’re apparently making toasts, I am so glad that I get to have you by my side through all the craziness,” she said, looking down for a second with a self-conscious smile. “I love you Marty Deeks and I have no doubt this will be a wonderful year. Here’s to forty more.”
She grasped the back of his head, guiding him back to her mouth. This time they forgot to drink, but Deeks was more than happy to stay right there for the rest of the night. When Kensi pulled back, he asked,
“What about if we live to our 90’s?” He smirked up at her as she rolled her eyes, but could tell she fighting the urge laugh.
“Then I’m kicking your shaggy butt to the curb,” she answered breathlessly and bent down, latching her mouth over the skin just beneath his jaw. Deeks let out a low groan, settling his hands on her hip. As they slowly sank to the floor, he couldn’t help but think the year was off to a great start.
A/N: I realize this timeline doesn’t quite match up with the show’s, but I feel like they’re being rather flexible with time so I can be too. The title is taken from a song in the movie, “Holiday Inn”, because I like to be original.
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densi-mber · 5 years
A/N: It’s official! They’re making baby wolves! (There’s a bit of M in here.)
His thoughts travel to a conversation that he and his wife had a few years back. The worries they had about having children of their own and struggling to conceive. It had been a long year of them trying. Reading all the books and mommy blogs, trying different positions, even eating differently. They tried so many things in those first three months that they lost sight of why they were doing it in the first place.
Then that one fateful day in December they were locked away in the armory and their truths came pouring out. The truth is is that Kensi was right, that it would happen when it happened and just like always, she was right. 
It was a cool September day in LA which was odd in and of itself, but what was really odd was the way his wife had been acting for the past couple of days. When he confronted her about it tears being to pool in her eyes and a bright smile spread to her face. The words left her mouth and his legs turned into jelly as he crumpled to the floor, tears in his eyes. 
Now 4 years later here they are, sitting at their kitchen table, enjoying some of his famous frittatas. He looks across the table at his wife helping their son cut up his food. Yeah, motherhood looks good on her. 
When she finishes cutting up the boy’s food, Kensi sends her husband a smile, who of course is already smiling at her with that dreamy look gaze she catches on his face more often than not. 
“Daddy, did you have a nightmare last night?” 
He looks at his son questioningly. “Um, no? Why do you ask?”
The little boy is trying to stab at his food with his fork. Learning to eat with utensils has been a bit of a learning process for him. “Wew, whenever I have a nightmare, I caw out for mommy, too.” He looks back up at his father, chocolate orbs locked onto cerulean blues searching for understanding.
The former detective’s eyes go wide, quickly looking over to his wife in shock. Stumped at how to respond to their son who clearly heard his parents in the throughs of passion.
“Kens! Oh, god, Kensi!” He opens his eyes getting a full view of his wife riding his dick, her beautiful olive toned breast gyrating above him. 
She smirks, bringing her lips down to his to stop his moans from echoing throughout the house. “Shhh. You’ll wake Jake.”
“I”ll do whatever you want just don’t stop.” He gets out the words right before her lip engulf his, their tongues begin to duel, both doing as the other asked. 
Kensi looks up at her husband, terror in her eyes at the fact that their kid heard them. She looks over at the little boy that is a clone of his father. As she runs her fingers through his hair, her mind quickly comes up with a suitable answer for him. “Um, you know what, sweetie, daddy stepped on one of your legos last night and hurt his foot pretty bad.”
Deeks nods along at his wife’s quick thinking. “Yeah, that’s right. You know how when you get hurt mommy makes it better?” He sees the little boy with unruly hair nod his head. “Well, that’s what happened to me. I got hurt and just wanted mommy. She always makes me feel better.” Looking over towards his love giving her a wink.
“Oh.” Getting up out his seat, Jake walks over to his father. Once their eyes lock a sadness washes over his face and his lips begin to quiver. “Daddy?”
Unsure of what’s going on, he picks up his boy, cradling him in his arms. “Yeah, buddy?”
“I’m sowwie.”
“Sorry for what?”
“Weaving my wegos on the fwaw.”
Bringing his hand up, Deeks wipes the little tears from his face. “It’s okay, buddy. You just need to remember to pick them up when you’re done playing with them, okay?”
Laying his head on top of Jake’s, he looks over to his wife. A look the he can only describe as contentment written across her face. “Hey, buddy?”
Jake pulls back, looking at his father.
“I think mommy wants some cuddles, too.”
Kensi likes her husband’s suggestion but she has a better one in mind. “How about family cuddles?”
“Yeah!” The little boy shouts as he races to the living room.
Once they get settled on the couch, Jake in between his parent, all three snuggled up under a blanket, something comes back to the young boy’s mind. 
Looking up at his mother, his brow furrowed. “Mommy?”
“Yeah, baby?”
“I pwomise I won’t bring my wegos into your woom anymoaw.”
Nodding his head, he turns back to the tv, eyes already focused on the reindeer on screen. “Pecause sometimes I foget and I don’t want you stepping on them evey night like you did wast week.”
The couple’s eyes lock, eyebrows raised. They’ve been caught. Well kinda. 
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densi-mber · 5 years
Early Arrival
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A/N: So...without giving too much away, this involves a baby being born. So if you’re a bit squeamish, read with caution.
“Kensi, I do not think this is a good idea,” Deeks repeated for what felt like the hundredth time. 
“You’ve been saying that for the last three weeks,” Kensi replied, her tone slightly breathless yet still somehow able to convey her annoyance. She had insisted on carrying her own duffle along with some kitchen supplies from the truck to the Air BnB they’d rented near Mammoth. It was a cozy looking little place that supposedly came equipped with all the amenities they could ever want.  
Deeks trailed slightly behind her, weighed down by a cooler, two more duffle bags, and a collection of miscellaneous crap. He would have gladly carried all of it if Kensi let him. She was being stubborn though and he was the last person to tell his extremely pregnant wife what to do.
“That’s because I still think this is a really terrible idea. You’re 38 weeks pregnant, we’re up in the mountains and my cell phone connection is already sketchy.” 
Stopping in front of the front door, she looked over her shoulder, her expression all but settling the argument.
“Oh my god, nothing is going to happen. We’ve had these reservations for over a year. It’s a miracle that we didn’t have to cancel them for some reason so I am not going home.” She punctuated the statement by stabbing in the 6 digit code into the security system keypad.
Sighing, he followed Kensi through the door, eyeing the sky. It was a fairly warm day for December, there wasn’t a cloud in sight and the roads had been in good condition.
“I still don’t like it,” he muttered, hopefully low enough that Kensi wouldn’t be able to hear it.
A few hours later, Deeks was finally starting to relax. They’d turned on the electric fire in the living room and were sipping mugs of hot chocolate while they lounged on the floor.
“Ok, maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea,” he admitted, pressing a kiss to the top of Kensi’s head. She looked up at him, snuggling into his chest a little more.
“Mm, good,” she said contentedly. “You needed a break. Oof.” She quickly grabbed his hand and pressed it to the left side of her stomach. He grinned at the now familiar feeling of a tiny foot pushing back.
“So cool,” he muttered, not for the first time. Kensi smiled indulgently, but pointed out,
“It would be nice if your child didn’t feel the need to practice his football skills at all hours of the day. Mama needs her rest.”
“Then let me escort the lady to her bed,” Deeks said gallantly, placing an arm under her knees.
“Oh no, Baby,” Kensi protested. “You’ll hurt your back.” He ignored her and gathered her against his chest as he slowly got to his feet.
“All part of the Marty Deeks holiday service.” Kensi snorted and rolled her eyes, looping an arm around his neck while he started to ascend the small flight of stairs leading to the master bedroom.
“You are so ridiculous,” she said fondly. Her fingers brushed against his neck in a soft caress as she gazed up at him. “But I love you anyway.”
Deeks shivered and burrowed under the covers, scooching closer to Kensi. Her skin was blessedly warm in comparison to the chill of the room. She made a soft sound of protest before shifting back against him, bringing their mostly naked bodies together. 
A shiver ran up his spine, not from the cold this time. Last night was the first time in a few weeks that they’d really had the opportunity to have sex without worrying about being interrupted. Or at least as much as they could with an 8 month baby bump between them. It turned out that pregnancy made sex a slightly more difficult, if not intriguing, endeavor. 
“Ugh, why aren’t you sleeping?” Kensi asked groggily, blindly reaching out and brushing the side of his head by chance. Deeks pressed a kiss to her fingers before she hastily snaked her hand back under the covers. 
“I got cold. You should go back to sleep.” The covers shifted and most of Kensi’s left eye appeared; from what he could tell she was frowning.
“I would, but your son keeps kicking me in the liver.” He held back a snort and started rubbing his hand over her back in a soothing rhythm.
“It’s a boy, huh? Yesterday it was a girl,” he pointed out. They’d been going back and forth on the gender for the last several months since they’d decided they wanted it to be a surprise. “And I didn’t realize you could feel your liver.”
“He’s acting more like you today. And believe me, I can definitely feel my liver. I’m pretty sure it’s covered in bruises.” 
“I would say you’re being ridiculous,” Kensi narrowed her eyes dangerously and he quickly finished with, “but I’m smart enough to know that to do so would be suicidal.”
“Smart man,” Kensi said around a huge yawn. “What time is it?”
“I don’t know, but based on the light-crap!” Kensi jerked up at his sudden exclamation, automatically reaching for a nonexistent gun while clasping the other hand to her belly.
“What?” she demanded.
“The window’s covered in snow,” he said, pointing to said window as he climbed out of bed. The lower pane was covered with a thick coating of white let through only a small amount of light. Already, his mind was filling with images of a three foot snowdrifts and blizzard like conditions.
“The wind probably just blew it there,” Kensi said reasonably. “Come back to bed, Baby. I’m cold,” she wiggled her eyes ridiculously but Deeks couldn’t deny her. He crawled back under the covers, tugging Kensi towards him and began kissing a path down her neck.
Several pleasant hours later, Deeks wandered into the kitchen in search of food. They’d dozed off and on, enjoying the opportunity to just stay in bed without interruption. While Kensi showered, he planned to scrape together something for lunch.
They’d brought along some sandwich stuff and he was in the process of making two truly spectacular BLTs when Kensi called out, sounding weirdly hesitant.
“Hey Babe?” 
“You want me to shave your legs again?” he shouted back. For some reason, Kensi found asking for help with that task particularly humiliating. 
“No...I think my water broke.”
“Would you mind repeating that,” he requested calmly, sure he’d misheard.
“My water broke,” she said. His mind blanked for a moment and then he was running up the stairs. He found Kensi wrapped in a thick white towel, braced on the edge of the tub. She was breathing a little bit harder than normal and her cheeks were flushed. “Hey.” Her voice was casual but she winced slightly, her face scrunched up in pain.
“Oh my god, you’re in labor.” It was a ridiculous, obvious statement, but somehow his mind didn’t want to accept the fact.
“Pretty much.” 
“Ok, that’s fine. It’s fine. I’m just going to grab our stuff and we’ll drive to the hospital,” he said with forced calmness. 
“Can you help me get dressed first?” she asked, her fingers clenched so tightly the knuckles were pale. Deeks helped her change sweatpants and a large shirt and then started grabbing a random collection of items to throw in the truck. 
When he stepped out on the driveway, he skidded a few feet and nearly crashed into an inconveniently placed tree. The ground was covered in a sparkling sheet of ice. There was no way he could risk driving on it.
“The roads are too icy, I’m going to call an ambulance,” he told Kensi as he ran back inside and grabbed his phone. 
“We don’t have time for that,” Kensi said in a strained voice. 
“What do you mean we–” he started to say and then broke off as he saw Kensi was now braced against the kitchen counter and panting shallowly. “Kensi?”
“Kensi, no. This isn’t what we planned for.” 
“Well, I’m sorry but apparently this baby doesn’t care what we planned for. My contractions are already two minutes apart,” she snapped out, punctuating it with a moan. 
“Ok, you’re right. Let’s get you somewhere more comfortable and then we’ll maybe get some blankets and hot water and totally not have a panic attack,” he said, placing a supportive hand on Kensi’s back and one under her arm. He started to head for the living room, the closest room, but Kensi shook her head and said,
“No, we’ll never get our security deposit back. The bathroom.”
“Oh my god, you are so ridiculous,” he muttered as they changed directions. 
Once he had Kensi semi-comfortably reclined against a mound of pillows and blankets, started searching for scissors, clean towels and anything else his scattered brain could think of. When he had it all together, he paused just outside the bathroom door and promptly collapsed to his knees.
He hadn’t been joking with Kensi. He felt on the verge of an honest to god panic attack. He breathed in and out slowly, trying to slow his racing heart.  
“Deeks?” Kensi called some time later. She sounded scared and he felt terrible for leaving her alone, even for a few minutes. Scrubbing his hands over his face, he pulled in several short breaths and walked back in.
“What’s wrong? Do you need anything? Are you thirsty?” 
“I need you,” she whispered, reaching for his hand. He took it and crouched down beside her, brushing damp strands of hair back from her temple.
“Kensi. Baby, I have no idea what I’m doing,” he admitted.
“We took the classes and watched the delivery videos. And didn’t you read a book about delivering babies?”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting to actually have to do it,” Deeks retorted. “This is the kind of stuff that happens on sitcoms.”
“And to us apparently.” She let out a quiet moan, biting down on her lip. It spurred him back into action. However much he might want to deny it, this was really happening.
“Ok, we should probably get your pants off and see how dilated you are.”
“Now I really know you’re worried.” She paused to gasp, her hand squeezing his so tightly it hurt.
“Why?” he asked as he helped Kensi scooch out of her sweatpants.
“You didn’t make a dirty joke,” she answered and he snorted out a somewhat hysterical chuckle.
“How long between your contractions?”
“About a minute and a half.” She let out another strangled groan, her eyes squeezing shut as her belly heaved. “It feels like I need to push.” Gingerly, he pushed Kensi’s legs farther apart. Never in a million years had he imagined this happening.
“Holy crap, I think I can see the head!” he said in quiet awe. A sudden feeling of calm replaced his earlier panic and he squeezed Kensi’s hand again as she smiled at him hopefully.
“What’s it look like?”
“Um, dark. I can’t really tell yet.”
“Well, I think-aaah-I think you’ll get to see in-oh my god-in a minute. I really need to push,” Kensi said, her voice strained and higher pitched. She looked a little panicked now, her breath short and shallow.
“Ok, Baby, breathe with me. Deep breath in and then out, good. That’s perfect, Kensi,” he instructed. Kensi closed her eyes and focused on matching him breath for breath. After several minutes she seemed at least a little calmer. 
“I can’t believe I’m about to give birth in a bathroom in the middle of the mountains,” she said.
“If you think about it though, this isn’t even one of the crazier things we done. We routinely jump out of exploding buildings, a crazy Russian guy try to kidnap me from our wedding and last year our Thanksgiving party included a Russian criminal, six Navy SEALs, and Hetty Lange. We’ve got this babe.”
“Great. Because I think this baby is ready to come out now.” She made an unearthly sound and bore down. Deeks hastily lifted her legs higher as she continued to push.
“Don’t push too hard,” Deeks instructed, recalling some salient bit of information from the recesses of his mind. “I’m going to count to five and then I want you to take a deep breath and stop pushing.” Kensi nodded again, not making any other noise than panting.
Far quicker than he thought possible, he could see the head was crowning.
“You’re doing so good, Baby. Just keep pushing. Ok, the head’s out, but I think the shoulders are stuck.” 
“You need to turn the baby,” Kensi managed to say, her voice strained.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Deeks said, gingerly supporting the baby’s head with one hand while the other hesitated. He could almost hear Kensi’s eyes roll as she said between clenched teeth,
“Just do it.” Then she added more softly, “I trust you.” 
Carefully, he turned the baby until one shoulder was free. He eased the second shoulder out and the rest of the body slipped into his trembling hands with surprising speed.
“Oh my god, it’s a girl, he whispered, staring down at the tiny human wriggling in his arms. She had a full head of dark brown hair that he guessed would be the same shade as Kensi’s. Even covered in pasty vernix and slime, with her eyes squeezed shut, she was beautiful.  Carefully, he ran the tip of his pinky over her cheek. Kensi pushed herself up a few inches on shaky arms and asked,
“Deeks, is something wrong, I don’t hear anything?” At the sound of her voice, the baby’s eyes popped open and she let out a tiny wail.
“She’s perfect,” he answered, moving to Kensi’s side and gently laying the baby on her chest. “She’s absolutely perfect.” 
“Oh, she’s so little,” Kensi breathed. “She’s so beautiful.” He was in awe as Kensi shifted their daughter towards her breast as though it was the most natural thing in the world. She looked entranced. His throat tightened suddenly with emotion, tears pricking at the back of his eyes.
She looked up at him and noticed the tears now slipping freely down his cheeks and reached for his hands.
“Don’t cry, Baby.” He scrubbed at his face and sucked in a shallow breath.
“I just can’t believe this is real.” He’d wanted this for so long, they both had, and now he was slightly afraid it was somehow a cruel dream. Kensi tilted her head and gave his hand a weak tug.
“Come here,” she whispered. “Hold us.” Deeks shucked his shirt off, easing behind Kensi. She leaned back against him, letting out a deep sigh of exhaustion. He rested his hand on the baby’s back, partially covering Kensi’s and pressed his lips to her temple. Kensi shivered and he yanked a clean towel off the towel bar, draped it over them all and then wrapped his free arm around Kensi.
He knew they’d have to get up soon, but for now he was content to sit there, basking in the snuggling sounds of their daughter as she slept.
“Love you, Kensi,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple. She didn’t speak, but gave his hand a small squeeze.
For the moment, everything was perfect.
A/N: Please remember this is meant for entertainment purposes and not intended to be taken as completely medically accurate. The more gruesome bits will take place post-scene.
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