#densetsu no yuusha no densetsu
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sakumichisworld · 6 days ago
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michi is busy drawing our khr characters right now, so i'll show you a couple of old artworks. they're from Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu, which is an anime that probably only a couple people know about. but i guess everyone in their life should have a fandom with only five members and all of them are your friends /j. anyway, it's an anime/light novel with such a track record of trigger warnings that anyone would be jealous.
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doyouknowthisanime · 1 year ago
Do You Know This Anime?
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obscureanimeoftheday · 1 year ago
Obscure Anime of The Day:
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The Legend of the Legendary Heroes
Aired: 2010
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Shounen, Splatter, Superpower, Violence
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mangacoverwaltz · 2 years ago
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Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu vol 16 by Kagami Takaya; art by Toyota Saori
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lucile-eris · 2 years ago
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Lucile Eris (bjd cosplay, costume and photo made by me)
The world is interesting. Ten years ago, I cosplayed Eris myself, and now I have a bjd 🤣
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anison522 · 1 month ago
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the-feathered-dragon-hoard · 5 months ago
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"Only he was needed to sink into that despair."
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junnanun · 9 months ago
Not a Warning
I just read Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu is out of hiatus! It's been years 🥲 but I'm ready !
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arbitrarygreay · 1 year ago
Legend of the Legendary Heroes
Exhibit A for why Kishotenketsu is bad "Oh, did you like the plotting, world-building, and themes of the first part? Too bad. TABLE FLIP TWIST. NOTHING THAT CAME BEFORE MATTERS. ESPECIALLY NOT ANY SOCIAL COMMENTARY"
(It's a shame, that third quarter showed what the ideal more coherent version of itself could have been, because they discarded it all)
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sinvulkt · 1 year ago
"10 fandom"
looks at my many many obsessions—
Well I guess this is the best opportunity to promute small unknown little fandom, so I won’t do all the big fandoms (and thus might miss characters i love and am writing for). So, I’ll cross over child, teen and young adult me fandoms as they are all a part of what built me, but i can’t garantee they’re my ’top 10’. They’re more... a small part of the works that left a trace in me.
Thank you for the tag @fanfictasia 🎶 I had a lot of fun searching for all those pictures and gifs :3
1. Jack Vessalius (Pandora Hearts)
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My favorite manga is Pandora Hearts, and for a good reason. I vibe and vibe and vibe with it since I was 15 yo. Honestly, I love Oz Vessalius and Jack Vessalius equally, but Oz is the main character already, so for once I’ll go with Jack.
"Your crime is your very existance"
— will rang forever in my ears. (ok that one is for Oz, but well.)
As for Jack... he is an ’Ikarus’, sacrificing everything for a single minded goal (for his reason to live). He wore masks over masks over masks to succeed all the while feeling so empty, and that’s probably why he is my fav. Also he is a very good manipulator and liar. That mix of determination and emptiness, that Glen qualified as ’too clear water’ is why I put him here, as first.
Also Jack is a big drama queen.
All of Jun Mochizuki works are amazing though (Vanitas No Carte also hit me quite hard).
2. Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader (Star Wars) 
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Well star wars isn’t my main fandom for nothing~ 
Please don’t judge me on the gif choice, I am but a scared little angst dragon yearning for freedom.
Funny thing. Although i saw the sw movie as a child, i didn’t particularly obsess over them. I only fell in the fandom with the animated serie The Clone Wars, because animated show (which I love) + angst ☆.☆
So much anger~ 😋
Vaderkin remain my favorite fanfic | fandom wise, because it’s so easy to find Gen and angst content with him (compared to other fandom). I can make him worse and worse and worse 😈
And enjoy all of it.
(Also yesss official dragon Darth Vader tag ☆.☆. Next step is to make the "Winged Anakin Skywalker" an official tag~)
3. Bruce Wayne (DC | Batman)
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Batman eternal volume one
Once I finished devouring all the fics interesting me in star wars fandom (took me only what... 1-2 years? XD), I needed a new food. I did not predict my obsession to fall over batman. Unlike with Vaderkin, finding Gen fanfics to my taste is a nightmare (bcs it’s either shippy angst or batfamily fluff, and not that often bruce centric). But the comics are very very delicious and well i’ve regularly cycled back to it during the one and half a year since I feel into it.
Bcs Bruce is a big dumb jerk broody drama queen. And also a genius. And trying to shoulder the whole world on his shoulder. And an ’Ikarus’ as well, to retake the term I used with Jack— ready to sacrifice for his goal, and paying said price.
(The majority fanfic side of the fandom hate the comic angsty vibe, sadly for me XD. It makes the food harder to find.)
Btw don’t hesitate to check my Batman fic Batman’s Downfall (To Stand Alone). It needs some love 🥺.
4. Miles vorkosigan (Vorkosigan Saga)
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Barge in the place with one of the best books I know, that I’ve reread numerous times since i was a teen.
Seriously. You love Fantasy-SF | Space Opera? You love humor yet adventure-action? You want finally properly written female characters? You love insubordination? 
Well here comes Miles!
It’s fun. It’s hard. It can turn thrilling or heartbreaking.
All the characters are complex and whole and amazing. Yes, one of the secondary character is a hermaphrodite, thanks to Betan. Beta is such an amazing planet after all: they developped great thingies that allows pregnancy outside wombs!
Anyway. Miles Vorkosigan. The most infuriating insubordinate bone-fragile  soldier, saved by his quick wits (and sometimes his network bcs being the son of the regent helps).
Very snarky. Very reckless and will pay the price for it too :3. But also light and fun and happy 🎶.
5. Nausicaa (Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind)
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I grew up with Myazaki movies. I grew up with them, and for some reason my favorite was Nausicaa. (My second favorite was Princess Monoke :3). I used to sing again and again the ’lalala’ song from the baby Ohmu scene, in the shower or whenever alone during difficult moment. I tried to find the right throat tone or wall distance to find the best echoe. I still do.
(It’s also my proof that even as a 7 yo i was already an angst and freedom fanatic, because the super sad baby Ohmu scene and the ’walk on golden field’ scenes were the ones that stroke my mind. Also the planet is dying and humans are the bad guys. Always.
Well european settlers-coded ones a least. The arrogant ’civilised’.)
6. Spirit (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
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"Flying? There were times I believed I could."
Before I even watched any Ghibli, I watched Spirit. Even during my Nausicaa phase, Spirit was still my favorite. From 4 year old to 12 year old, I would never tire of this movie. (Then stuff = other mean teens, happened and I gave up on horses to fly towards dragons).
So yeah other proof baby me was also already angst and freedom fanatic. And I didn’t care one bit about the romance, but I loved: flying with the eagle, chase scene and most importantly capture trope, fighting against captor (listen I was a very frustrated child and life is so full of constraints I needed a way to put those feelings in the physical world xd)
The unconscious mare too. And the train scene ☆.☆. Jump over that tree last minute, fire everywhere, adrenaline rushing through veins, goooo~
7. Fitz Chivalry (The Farseer Trilogy)
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Robin Hobb gave me hope that I had yet some good fantasy books to find a few years ago. I got totally obsessed with The Farseer Trilogy. (I haven’t found another fantasy book as good ever since though please help I’m losing faith again 🫠). 
Fitz is the kind of main character most people hate and that I love. He keeps making dumb over dumb choice, isolating himself and pushing everyone away despite friends offering their help. This create a lot of delicious angst.
Also wolf animal-bond yeaaasss 🎶
For more regular people, Robin Hobb write very well and generally amazing complex characters. Also the Fool is worth everything (and present - albeit under different gender and identities - in several others of Robin Hobb’s books). 
8. Temeraire (Temeraire)
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I hesitated, because i could put so many other characters and books here. I could have put Menolly from The Chronicles Of Pern, or Seyonne from Rai-Kirah trilogy. I could have put Corwin from The Chronicles Of Amber. But well Naomi Novik has an history with ao3 that I find very cool, and also— dragons.
So Temeraire it is :3
I chose Temeraire not Laurence bcs hey I’m french and Temeraire is the revolutionary one here XD. And the one with wings. Even if Laurance is the one that take most of the delicious whump.
Also Napoleon is very cool in it and that’s somehow pleasing XD
9. Ryner Lute (The Legend Of The Legendary Heroes)
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People don't kill people, monsters do. War is a monster. Kingdoms are monsters. Greed is a monster. And I am... A monster.
That man is a tragedy that just want to take a nap and sleep but no one will let him. If they let him take his nap, and if everyone took a nap as well instead of making wars and fighting each others, then well maybe the world would still be fine *huff*.
Once again, I could have put so many other characters and animes here... Teito from 07 Ghost, Allen Walker from D.Gray Man, Alibaba from Magic: The Labyrith of Magic... Or even Yūichirō from Owari No Seraph, by the same author.
Indeed, the writer for Owari No Seraph, Kagami Takaya, is the one that wrote the novel Densetsu No Yuusha No Densetsu (that’s the japanese name for The Legend Of The Legendary Heroes btw), from which the anime is adapted. 
(Also I’m sulking that author bcs he put Mokushiroku Alice in hiatus to focus on Owari No Seraph, since the later is much more well known and bring more monney home. I understand, but I wanna know what happen next in Mokushiroku Alice XD. And now I’ll probably never know 🫠)
10. Gale of Waterdeep (Baldur’s Gate 3)
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Just bcs of my recent Baldur’s Gate 3 brainrot. And bcs I decided he was my favorite.
Which is a pain bcs the fandom revolve around Astarion (Well he’s great too so I do understand XD) and finding Gen fanfics in this fandom is hard. I made a post to try to find some, so don’t hesitate to reblog it to give it more visibility!!
Why Gale? Mmmh... bcs I love world or magic devorers. So the exact reason most players hate him. (glance at might original story). Uhmmm... Maybe I love those destructives snarky devourers a bit too much? XD
I am hungry for power and magic. I am a scientist at heart, curiosity leading me to new horizons. And I vibe very much with the ’timing bomb if die’ part.
(Also for some reason I got Gale appreciation at the highest amidst all compagnons XD. And i know the romance part of the story goes wild, but he hasn’t tried to flirt with my Tav yet and I appreciate that - unlike litterally everyone else except Wyll). Next objective: let’s keep that relationship nicely platonic. 
Bcs since I synch with Gale (and any other character named in this list) any romance would feel like selfest and ugh. I am them. I put myself in their shoes. I’m not some distant observer looking at the story, I live it. Otherwise, where would be the fun~
*** ** * ** ***
As a side note, I approve of seeing so many Loki in the above list. I also approve of seeing Neal Caffrey in this list bcs he’s amazing. Also yessss Night at the museum, i miss that movie, it was one of my favorite during childhood, ohhh yes Elementary, also a show I adored back then.
Other mention special of characters that could have made up in this list any other day if i was in a different mood: Hiccup Haddock from How To Train Your Dragon, Dr Strange from Marvel, Loki from Marvel, Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender, Dream from Dream SMP (the character not the streamer), Black beauty from Black Beauty (the book, even if the movie is great too), Spider from Avatar: the Way of Water, Neal Caffrey from White Collar (one of my favorite characters as a teen), Zorro from Zorro, Wei Wuxian from Mo Dao Zu Shi, Lelouch from Code Geass, Matt Murdock from Daredevil, Rood from Black Haze (my favorite webtoon. Also, abandoned, bcs i’m cursed).
I advised to anyone who hasn’t read the quoted books, or even anime or tv show, to go get a glance at them. Also please have fun throwing fantasy | sf books recs at me. Warning: I can’t stand romance except if it stays in the background, and I fail to read multiple voices story (i need one single mc, whom i can synch with).
So yep. As you can see, I love (unnecessarily extra and dramatics) world destroyers (or dumbasses accidentally levelling up a city). I love the monsters who cared too much. Or love being them? Even better when bad life choices led them here and they are just trapped, seeing no way out.
I have nothing to say for my defense.
But I dare you to stop me. 😈
Tagging time! (feel free to ignore this if you don’t wish to join)
@dreaminghour @cinderfeather @sogira-imno @lurkinggoose @lusseia @purpleopossum @tonhalszendvics @stewardofningishzida @wendingways @udekai @doctorgeekery @thehappybaker @exomal @trickstress333 @purple-iris @bluntblade @beguilewritesstuff @linzerj @kuraiarcoiris @ravenite-void @jenae-0 @pigeonneaux and anyone who wish to climb on the train!
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
Thank you so much @idle-brit for tagging me!This was lots of fun :) 💖
My tags: @delyth88, @elymusplant, @galaxythreads, @chemical-processes. No pressure to answer, of course :)
1. Loki (MCU)
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As much as I love everyone on this list, there is absolutely no competition for number 1. Loki has been my favourite character of all time for nearly 6 years now (because clearly the best time to join someone's fandom is after they've just been murdered), and is showing absolutely no signs of being replaced anytime soon. I have a Loki blog, for god's sake. The brodinsons are my favourite relationship in any kind of media, ever. I love them so, so much. Loki's a million different things and feelings, all at the same time, all fighting with each other, which makes for a wonderfully complex and nuanced character. Also, he's hilarious. Look at that eye roll. This is a man who hates his life, which makes me feel better about mine. Thanks, Loki.
2. Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
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As will become obvious throughout this list, I love me an emotionally traumatised crazy person. Klaus is that. One of the characters who makes me laugh the most, ever, show-stopping dress sense, and a bucketload of unresolved trauma which goes largely ignored by Klaus, the other characters and the narrative itself? It was love at first sight. Their banter with the other characters, especially Ghost Ben (rip) is one of my favourite aspects of the show. Here's to hoping that Klaus won't be getting the Allison treatment in season 4!
3. Pippa Fitz-Amobi (A Good Girl's Guide to Murder)
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I binge-read the entire AGGTM series earlier this year, and instantly fell in love with it. Pip is one of my favourite protagonists ever. Impossibly clever, compassionate, obsessive, badass, and a teensy bit unhinged. What's not to love? I would die for her. I'd say that I'd kill for her, but I think she's got that covered. I think she's written in a very realistic way, firstly as a genius 17 year old girl who doesn't really know what she's getting into, and later as a haunted individual who wants to stop investigating but can't. The way she politely knocks on people's front doors to dig up their traumas, accuse them of murder and all-round ruin their lives is everything to me. She is my blorbo. I am so, so excited for the show to come out, and I'm sure that Emma Myers will do a wonderful job as Pip!
4. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
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One of the best-written characters, in one of the best-written series ever. Reading from her perspective is such a delight- she's endlessly suspicious of everyone around her, constantly on survival mode, trusting very few people and relying on exactly no one (to begin with, at least). She's a random teenage girl, from the poorest district, and she wins the Hunger Games. She's so mentally unstable that she has to be sedated, and still she's made to be the face of a rebellion. She's rude, and kind of unlikeable. She adopts all the weakest tributes, at risk to herself, knowing that they won't win. She's doomed to fail by the narrative. She's the it girl of 2010s dystopian YA fiction. Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing actress, who does a beautiful job portraying the depth and conflict of Katniss in the films. The themes and social commentary of the Hunger Games is one of its (many) strong points, and I am so so glad that people are talking about it again, because it is my favourite book series out there.
5. Mitchell Pritchett (Modern Family)
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I have no idea what to say about this man, I just love him. He just like me fr. What an icon. Impeccable music taste. I've started saying, "no my god" now, and nobody understands what I'm talking about. Even in a sitcom, my favourite is the one with issues that he refuses to talk about or fix. The episode where he's trying to hide that he dressed up as spiderman makes me cry-laugh. Claire's speech at his wedding makes me just cry. He's not a perfect man, but he's certainly better than everyone else.
6. Shin Tsukimi (Your Turn to Die)
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My favourite cringefail loser! I said Katniss was doomed by the narrative in a metaphorical way. This idiot is actually doomed.
No but in all seriousness, I do really love him. Before the beginning of the game, he was just a relatively normal young man- but, when confronted with the inevitability of his own death, he made himself into a monster to survive. He has a violent vendetta against the local badass teenage girl, who is traumatised as hell already and does not need Shin chipping in as well, thank you very much. I love his relationship with Kanna, his biological sister; how he uses her, manipulates her, and still cares for her so much that he dies for her with a smile on his face in the Emotion route. Conversely, in the Logic route, his actions are a direct cause of her death, and I just love how much YTTD hates siblings. I hope that his past with Midori is explored more in either a mini-episode or the final part of the game, because I find it sooo interesting. I'm super excited to see whether he actually has no chance of survival, or whether he makes it out, against the odds, on one of the routes. He's a bit useless, so I won't get my hopes up.
7. Rue Bennett (Euphoria)
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I think it goes without saying that Euphoria has its issues, lol. Sam Levinson is an idiot. While a lot of the show (especially season 2) feels shallow and like it doesn't care about its characters, Rue's storylines always have heart and depth and I am so invested in her arc. It's no wonder that Zendaya won 2 Emmys for this role, because her acting is phenomenal! Rue feels so real to me, in the way that she's trying so hard to stay sober but she falls down and relapses time and time again. Recovery isn't linear, but she's getting there, and I adore her with all my heart. Her relationships with Lexi, her mother, her sister, and her sponsor, Ali, are my favourites, and the healthiest for her, in my opinion. Her brief friendship/ romance with Jules may have kept her more solidly sober than anything else in the show, but Jules (understandably) cracks under the pressure of Rue's mental health, and can't be there for her. Rue needs to heal for herself, which she appears to be doing at the end of S2.
8. Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
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Duffer brothers, please just let her be happy.
Despite only being introduced in Season 2, Max has, in my opinion, had the best character development out of everyone on the show. Her growth from someone standoffish, rude, and uninterested in the group (maybe I'm being a bit harsh. She was, like, 12) to someone who is willing to risk her life to help her friends and Hawkins means so much to me. The scene in "Dear Billy" (S4, Ep4) where she escapes from Vecna remains my favourite in the whole show and will probably be burned into my brain forever. Her relationships with Lucas and El are very sweet, and some of my favourites in Stranger Things. Her final line in S4, after all her struggles over the season, being that she doesn't want to die literally breaks my heart. I hope she gets some degree of a happy ending in the final season. She was my first profile picture when I joined this hellsite, and I love her a lot.
9. Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)
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The shenanigans that this girl gets up to never fail to make me laugh. The bit where she accidentally dyes her hair green and then has to hack it all off makes me feel awful for her, but. it's hilarious. Sorry, Anne. Her friendship with Diana is so sweet but also so funny to me because they really are the most chaotic duo of the 1880s. The scene where Anne accidentally gives her alcohol instead of fruit juice is so mortifying but so, so funny. Amidst all of the insane situations that Anne gets into are a lot of really heartwarming moments and relationships. Matthew and Marilla adopting Anne, even though they wanted a boy, because she's so endearing and alone in the world is probably what made me who I am today. I still haven't gotten around to watching Anne with an E, but I've heard it's amazing. I look forward to watching it when I have the time :).
10. Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
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My first ever favourite character! Another one who I don't have a tonne to say about. She's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment. She has done nothing wrong, ever. She knows martial arts, so watch out.
Honourable mentions: Thor (MCU), Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games), Gretchen Weiners (Mean Girls), Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99), Maurice Moss (The IT Crowd), The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), James (The End of the F***ing World), Ali Abdul (Squid Game).
If you read all of this then thanks, and have a great day!
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xbuster · 1 year ago
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aoki553 · 9 months ago
today i made the Asou Protag Trio out of Kanko-san's paper cutouts from 2012 cuz i was suffering from period cramps
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kanata fell off kusuos head im crying saikana monent
links to the templates
kanata: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/29407002
kusuo: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/29406418
ken: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/29407254
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greenstarforce · 10 months ago
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Saria's key art from Sonic and the Legendary Hero, a crossover fancomic I'm working on
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mastomysowner · 2 years ago
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Ishida Atsuko Artbook
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oratokyosaigunda · 1 year ago
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Densetsu no Yuusha no Konkatsu series banner
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lucile-eris · 2 years ago
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Lucile Eris & Ferris Eris (bjd cosplay)
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