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Rainbow mornings in the happy place
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8 People I‘d Like to Know Better Tag
Tagged by @salamiac aye mate, I’ll give it a spin!
ONE // name: Inki/Ink
TWO // birthday: August 10th (Oh shit, that’s next week!)
THREE // zodiac: Leo
FOUR // height: 163cm (Or 5′4″ for you imperial heathens)
FIVE // hobbies: Jesus fuck way too many things. I amass things to do and hoard supplies. Main hobbies: Drawing/painting, knitting and crocheting, felting, minor woodworking, cleaning and assembling animal skulls, writing (and reading, I read a lot), videogames, annoying my cats, weightlifting... And during summer, foraging in the forest like the little goblin I am.
SIX // favorite colors: Shades of earthy greens, violet, orange. I’ve started to like bright yellow because of a certain sunshine of a man
SEVEN // favorite books: Oh man, uh. In no certain order: The Dragonlance Series created by Tracy (And Laura) Hickman and Margaret Weis, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrel by Susanna Clarke, The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett (He might just be my favourite writer, may he rest in peace), The Legend of Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore, Roverandom and The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien..... Hhhhh, and many more, but these are the ones I return to most often. I like fantasy books, if you can’t tell :’)
EIGHT // last song listened to: Deus in absentia by Ghost
NINE // last film watched: ....The BNHA movie. Showed it to a friend. (Shh, it was only the 3rd time I’ve watched it.)
TEN // inspiration or muse: Sometimes spitballing ideas with mutuals and friends, sometimes the ideas just strike from daily things like crying while chopping onions.
ELEVEN // dream job: Conservator-restorer
TWELVE // meaning behind url: Inkivaarinen is a layered pun because I think I’m clever™. It’s a mash-up of my name (Inkinen) and the Finnish word for ginger (inkivääri). Ginger because I fucking love ginger, and because my hair is red (dyed with henna, not naturally ginger). It felt like a fitting screen name for art stuff because of Inkiväärinen. Also, Inkiväärinen became Inkivaarinen for English using sites. So now folks call me Inki or Ink. (And my original blog was just “Inkivaarinen” but then I got shadowbanned during the Porn exodus of December, so I made this blog, Inkivaarinensart)
Tag 8: Oh, shit, uh... @demyrie @damnit-samnit @darlingofthedesert @teratodentata @foxy-metal-messiah @all-might-long @vulcanaizawa and @iputthepaininpainting sorry if you’ve already done this and I haven’t noticed ;w;
Thanks for tagging me Sal =w=
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Game, Set, Match-make (Holiday Edition) 2
Pairing: Toshinori/Aizawa, Boku no Hero Academia
Rating: G
Part 2 (Part 1 here) (Also now on Ao3 here)
The end of my disgustingly fluffy holiday fic. Because these superhero dads deserve nice things. Only a teeny tiny bit of angst over Toshinori’s health. Happy Holidays and welcome 2018! Also thanks to @demyrie.
Toshinori opened the door to find Aizawa, dark and stiff on his doorstep, stark against the tiny flakes of snow falling behind him in the bright winter sun. The strangest warmth blossomed in his chest.
“Come in, come in, it’s getting cold out there,” Toshinori blustered, moving aside to wave his guest into the warmth of his modest apartment. He didn’t have many visitors and, seeing his space as Aizawa must, he was suddenly self-conscious about his sparse furniture and bare walls. It looked like nothing more than a safe house.
Aizawa wandered into the living room after discarding his snowy boots, dumping his capture weapon by the door and raking a hand through his hair to dislodge the remaining flakes. His eyes made a quick, almost calculating survey of the room, but if he found it wanting he didn’t mention it.
Toshinori hovered nearby, awkward and stuck, until Aizawa looked up at him and mumbled, “I suppose I should say Merry Christmas.”
“Um, Merry Christmas, Aizawa-san.”
They just stared at each other for a moment, before Toshinori remembered himself and his manners, offering something to drink. “You like coffee in the morning, right?”
Aizawa’s shoulders seemed to soften at that, but he tilted his head curiously. “Yeah, but I didn’t think you drank it?”
“Heh, well, I picked some up on the way home,” Toshinori explained happily, heading toward his small kitchen, “to make up for dragging you out of bed on a Saturday.”
A short wait and some frighteningly domestic clattering from the kitchen later, Toshinori returned with a steaming cup and a shy smile.
They settled in quietly to do some grading, and Toshinori could swear he could hear every rustle of paper and click of his pen. Was this really doing what he promised? What more could he do to create a festive atmosphere without arousing Aizawa’s suspicions.
It didn’t help that Aizawa seemed more distant than usual — almost high-strung for the usually blunt and low-energy man. Was he miserable? Was Toshinori helping to alleviate his solitude or had he just ruined Aizawa’s perfectly suitable plans for his break?
Eventually, his mind got caught up in the papers he was grading, and when he leaned over to ask Aizawa for help deciphering Deku’s furious handwriting, they both ended up laughing and trading quips about the students’ papers and the staggered progress of the class.
As they got closer to the bottom of the stack of assignments, the awkwardness crept back in. Should he say something? Invite Aizawa to stick around, have a drink? Or would that be too much? He didn’t want the day to end so soon — for selfish reasons? — but he hadn’t really planned this far ahead. Apparently he was rusty at altruism, but it was all nice so far …
Finally, the last of the papers were finished, and Toshinori stretched out his back, forcibly casual. “Thank you so much for your help, Aizawa-san. You can, ah … you can get going now if you have other plans for tonight.”
Aizawa chuckled. “All my plans for tonight revolve around napping and not being snowed in. Must not be as glamorous as what All Might gets up to on Christmas.”
Toshinori laughed and demured.
“I suppose I have always spent the day at a function or charity event or something similar, but obviously this year is a little different. It’s strange to have no commitments.” Toshinori paused, thoughtful. “I suppose I miss having a way to contribute to the public around this time.”
He felt vulnerable, suddenly, under Aizawa’s eyes. That had been too much to share, too personal. He stuttered and tried to backtrack. “U-um, and the parties, those were always nice. The, er, the annual children’s benefit ball, of course …”
Aizawa looked at him, hard, for a moment that stretched long enough for Toshinori to stutter the start of several words, before asking, “Have you ever had a holiday for you? Done something for Toshinori and not All Might?”
Toshinori coughed a few times, startled both at the use of his name and at the thought. He’d never really thought of it before.
“Well, maybe before I became a pro hero … but after that, there was always so much good I could do. I could bring attention to important causes and charities. I could comfort sick children and be visible and give people hope.” He shrugged, looking down at his clasped hands. “It’s a different way of fighting villains, but it’s a good way too.”
Aizawa was still staring. His sharp eyes were somehow softer than Toshinori was used to, but his mouth thinned out in a fine line. His nerves flared, and he had to stop himself from squeezing at his own hands. Had he said something wrong?
“Well,” Aizawa began with an annoyed grunt, sitting back and putting his foot on the table, “if you can’t be All Might today, what does Toshinori want out of Christmas?”
Toshinori didn’t know why he was blushing, and he certainly didn’t know what he wanted. But Aizawa’s silent gaze was unwavering, and he had to say something.
“I suppose I would still want to see people, see them being happy and safe. To be among them. Unrecognized, of course.” He smiled, imagining it. “Maybe see the lights. The snow on the trees. Even cheat and have a treat Recovery Girl would scold me for, like a hot chocolate.”
He came back to the present, startled at the strange look on Aizawa’s face, and coughed a bit, face falling.
“Perhaps … I’ll have to do that some year.”
The air stilled between them in the bare apartment, and Aizawa was abruptly aware of what he wasn’t saying, of what the staff only spoke of in sideways hints — there was a very real possibility there wouldn’t be another year, and Toshinori was well aware of it. Prepared for it, even, if the way he scrupulously hid all evidence of his bloody coughs and refused all concern was any indication. Fuck that.
“Why not this year?” He asked, before he realized he was going to, but his tactical mind was firming up the plan before he finished the question. This ridiculous man had obviously never learned to take care of himself during those years as All Might. Martyrdom of that level was the height of irrationality. If self-indulgence didn’t come naturally to him, maybe a demonstration would help.
After all, Aizawa was an excellent teacher.
Setting aside questions of motive and pursuing a plan was second nature to Aizawa, so he cut through Toshinori’s slightly panicked spluttering with ease:
“There’s some kind of Christmas market in the park every year. We could go. Tonight.”
Toshinori coughed and blushed, fierce and immediate. Aizawa politely ignored it.
“You really don’t have to … I mean, that’s not how you planned to … Er—”
He cut in, simply. “Are you sure you wouldn’t mind braving the cold?”
“I think two pro heroes can handle a little chill,” came the reluctant chuckle, hand to the back of his neck. He was bending, considering. From what Aizawa could see through the window behind the older hero, the snow was still light and barely stirred by the wind in the fading light. “Yes, that would be … I would like that very much, Aizawa-san. Thank you.”
The man was so solemn and genuine, Aizawa had to look away. He rose, determined to get going lest Toshinori’s martyr complex activate again and he didn’t have the energy to convince him twice. Gathering his capture weapon and pulling gloves out of some hidden pocket, Aizawa ordered over his shoulder:
“Put on some actual winter clothes, please. I don’t want to be responsible for All Might coming down with the flu.”
His voice was flat, clearly indicating the hassle he wanted to avoid if Toshinori got sick, but he thought he caught the beginnings of a smile on Toshinori’s face as he hurriedly slipped into the hall closet.
“Thank you, my responsible friend!”
When he met Aizawa by the door after a bit of noisy tussling in the closet, he was wearing a thick blue coat that actually fit him (probably only because All Might had never needed winter gear), with a ridiculously plush red scarf and a matching hat covering all but his long nose and the blue flash of his dark eyes. Cute.
Aizawa grumbled a little to mask his too-soft reaction, but held the door open for Toshinori and they were off.
What was he doing?
Here Aizawa was offering to go out and be social, giving him an almost suspiciously easy way to help him. He absolutely could not refuse in good conscience and still look Mic and Midnight in the eye when school started. Besides, it was his ideal Christmas, right? It sounded nice, no matter how nervous it made him.
The park would be beautiful in the dark, lights reflecting off the dusting of snow. Almost as beautiful as Aizawa in the snow, his treacherous mind supplied, and he had to navigate by sound for the next few minutes, shutting his eyes tightly so more parts of himself wouldn’t go rogue and linger too long or too close to the younger hero.
They walk side by side the few blocks to the park, as the sun set behind them, in a comfortable silence. The air was crisp and both mens’ breath puffed out visibly, a few soft flakes falling in their path. Their footsteps made a gentle crunching sound that echoed in the evening silence.
They saw the twinkling lights first, then heard the quiet chatter of people milling and the occasional shrills of children’s laughter. The park was dense with tall, thick trees, decked with white and red lights. The falling snow created a glowing halo of color around each one. A smattering of stalls were set up selling winter crafts, Western Christmas kitsch, toys and sweets. At the far end of the park, they could make out a tangle of people ice skating on a temporary rink.
“Come on,” Aizawa urged, sinking further into the folds of the weapon looped around his neck. “Let’s get something warm to drink.”
Toshinori was still craning his head around, taking in the happy scene, as Aizawa stepped over to a nearby booth and came back with two steaming cups. Toshinori laughed a soft thanks when he brought the warm cup close to his face and smelled rich hot chocolate, and was unsurprised to see Aizawa eagerly downing another bitter coffee despite the late hour.
They wandered, taking in the lights and the people. The grandparents with tiny children between them, one hand for each. The older kids teasing each other and laughing over plates of vibrant sweets. Families and couples milling with arms wrapped around shoulders and bright packages.
Aizawa gestured to a bench as they passed, and they sat, watching a group of kids about the same age as Class 1-A throw snow at each other with bright eyes and pink cheeks.
Toshinori savored the sweet chocolate and its warmth in careful little sips, studiously ignoring the way the cold set off familiar aches in this sharp, skinny body. He watched the kids play, tracked a young couple as they built up the courage to hold hands, watched the snow flutter past the lights of a nearby stall. Aizawa was a steady, warm weight beside him. He couldn’t help the syrup-sweet smile or the small hum that filled his chest.
When Aizawa looked over at the spectacle he was surely making of himself, Toshinori glanced at him warmly and then back out on the scene before them.
“It’s just, everyone is so … peaceful.”
When Aizawa responded, it was nothing more than a low rumble.
“It wasn’t like this. Before.” Before heroes. Before you. “It’s good to remember what we’re fighting for. What the students will be fighting for.”
Toshinori looked wistful beside him, far away. “I hope they get to experience it, too. Not just fight for it.”
Heroes worked hard to protect the public, to give them safety and peace — none more so than All Might — but their lives were rarely anything like peaceful. All Might, no, Toshinori deserved to experience that same peace he sacrificed so much to build. Had he ever been able to? Aizawa had to admit, he hadn’t experienced it much himself, but he also wasn’t much of a social person. Midnight was right: They were very different, and yet he and Toshinori complimented each other in interesting ways. He nodded, looking out over the crowd.
“We do our best to teach them how to balance it all. How to take care of themselves. I just hope they can do better than we did. That’s all.”
“Yes,” Toshinori agreed fervently. They sat with that thought for a moment, before Toshinori roused himself with a hoarse little laugh. “Look at us, morbid old men. Maybe we’re not so great at this Christmas thing after all.”
Aizawa watched the lights catch in Toshinori’s eyes, the snow pile softly on the shoulders of his coat, the elegant lines of his long fingers as they clutched the little paper cup. He swayed in just a little closer.
“No,” he rumbled. “I think we’re doing just fine.”
Toshinori smiled, dazzlingly bright and happy, and Aizawa was struck by the sudden yearning to see him that way much more often.
Toshinori smiled helplessly, and he knew he must look like a fool, but his heart was full to bursting with the little pleasures of the day. Not least of which was Aizawa’s steady, dark presence and the beginnings of an answering smile on the usually stoic man’s face.
Snowflakes were caught in Aizawa’s dark hair and glittering from the white lights, like so many stars in a black sky. Like gentle lights in a dense birch forest. Like the bright, sparking feeling of holding hands.
Toshinori raised his hand, to wipe the snow away or maybe just to touch, but froze there with his glove barely touching the thick hair by Aizawa’s cheek.
Time froze, though snow continued to fall, a million miles away. He was caught staring at the sharp line of his nose, trying to convince himself to put his hand down and apologize for taking liberties, when Aizawa leaned forward and grabbed his scarf without warning, pulling him in to press their lips together.
It was a brief kiss. Just fleeting impressions: soft, warm lips, the tastes of rich chocolate and dark coffee. And then it was over, but the warmth it left in its wake seemed to fill Toshinori’s entire scar-crossed chest.
When Aizawa drew back, Toshinori sat still and blinking for a long moment. Then, finally, he dropped his wayward hand and broke out in a huge, pleased grin. It felt like the sun itself was shining through his face, all cold forgotten.
Aizawa, for his part, snorted and elbowed him carefully in the side, grumbling a low “shut up.”
But Toshinori laughed, that impossibly warm feeling still humming in his chest, and when he stood and offered Aizawa a hand up, the younger man took it with a smile of his own.
They made their back toward Toshinori’s apartment, walking close enough to brush shoulders with every other step. Toshinori started humming and couldn’t stop, some amalgamation of silly English carols, while Aizawa made suitably exaggerated grumpy faces at his choices. Just before they turned on Toshinori’s street, Aizawa grabbed his wrist and gave it a little squeeze.
It was surprisingly easy. It was nothing he’d ever imagined for himself. It was wonderful.
#bnha#erasermight#toshinori#aizawa#boku no hero#eraserhead#all might#otp: scarecrow man and grumpy cat#they are in love#game set match-make#holiday edition#rae writes#this is even more ridiculously fluffy than the first part#hope you enjoy
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can you rec us good bnha blogs? and good fanartists?
hhaHaaa I’m afraid I’m going to dissapoint you and everyone else on that anon, I don’t really follow that many bnha blogs. HOWEVER I’m going to take this as an opportunity to make a s/o to some very good blogs I enjoy and might be someone else’s cup of tea (also not gonna lie, most of them are erasermight sprinkled):
BNHA blogs
@demyrie (writer, please check out her work is SO goOD) @onefor-allmight @burrito-aizawa-sensei (for those who need more content of our hobo teacher, also a writer) @toshiyagis @bnhasource @bnhagraphics
Art Blogs
@our-sunshine-squad @herosmash (they haven’t been active for a while now but their content is A+++ it inspired me to create this blog) @erazr @sydsir (not an bnha-only blog but they do produce some very good content and their art skills are 20/10) @ironfries (I just found their tumblr BUT check out their twitter they have 👌👌👌 quality Aus and the art is on point) @moeskine (not a bnha-exclusive blog but still check their art, it’s v good) @ammeja (quite a well known blog, then again not bnha exclusive but check it out) @magicalmeatman (recently recommended to me, top comedy and art, 20/10 recommend)
I really do a poor field research job and I’m sure I’m leaving a lot of awesome blogs out so if anyone produces any content related to the written above please feel free to reply/reblog so more people can find it too!
#sorry for the lateness anon I've been kinda busy#also#I'm leaving out so many but something went wrong with tumblr and half of the ones I'd writtena re gone to the void#btw if this blog suddenly disspaears it will be for that reason too#haha#hhhhh
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Do you ever just think about... how much you wouldn’t be you if you hadn’t come across certain people and/or their works? I honestly don’t know if I would be writing today without having stumbled upon several people. Diana Wynne Jones’ books had such an impact on me. They were some of the first media I found that spoke to me, that made me realize that I didn’t have to compromise my interests, that there were stories out there that were exactly what I wanted to read (even if I didn’t know it at the time). And then I stumbled upon @demyrie‘s fanfics, and I think I was a little bit astounded that someone my age could create something like that! Long, intricate, serious but with a real sense of humor, and so stylish. Everything I’d written seemed so dull in comparison, but now I knew it could be done! I was inspired. And then Tess Stone and the world of webcomics, stories that were bright and engaging and full of character! --And just lacking enough for me to want to fill the little gaps with stories of my own. I’d never been so excited to write before! Anyway, tl;dr creating is so amazing, and I couldn’t be more thankful to the people who’ve shared their creations with me. =]
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