#demos emotional support
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emotional-support-demoman · 18 days ago
Don't let anyone take ye happiness away.
It's ok to be sad sometimes processin ya emotions is normal and human no one can be happy all the time.
But don't let others make ya feel miserable you don't deserve that!
Feel ya feelings lad at ur own pace it takes time to feel better and if someone is constantly making ya feel less than you are then maybe it's not worth keeping them around ya laddie.
Ya loved lad 🫶 please remember that!
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emotional-support-demoman · 8 months ago
You are amazing
You are good
You are enough
You are deserving of good things and deserve to be around
We need you around
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riverrunscold · 5 months ago
favorite thing about dbd Fandom is seeing people's headcanons of killers hanging out between trials. They're a family to me :,)
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emotional-support-demoman · 4 months ago
You matter
You matter to ya family
You matter to ye friends
Ye loved ones care about ya and you should never forget that!
Never forget that you matter lad
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emotional-support-demoman · 2 years ago
I'll reblog the bread to :)
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We should be fine as long as we do not reblog bread.
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synthetic-sonata · 9 months ago
got a buncha stuff for my switch and kirbys return to dream land deluxe. ... living life large ( i had a breakdown earlier this is a treat )
#aria talkz#im fine now i always come back very quickly. but that alone is weird bc it makes my emotions feel fake. whiplash is insane.#anyways i enjjoy kibby :) i always liked kirby as a franchise but i only had like#kirby superstar ultra. which ironically was too hard for me and too frustrating and i always wanted the 3ds era games#that were so out of reach and yet so close. but when the eshop and 3ds were fresh and active and not running off of life support#in like the 2010s. my family and me were very poor and had no money to buy shit like videogames xcept for my birtday#So i had SO many games i wanted on the 3ds i couldnt have bc it required money so i just had demos n physical games...#bc i only got one game per year on my birthday and it was usually pokemon bc they went annual arnd that time.#anyways uh thats not even super related dreamland is from the wii bu i hope triple deluxe or robobot get done so i can play em on th switch#ans finally start engaging with kirby in the way it was meant to be engaged with . Videogaem. And not shitty rp online.#<- not a vague to anyone who follows me although it is a vague to Someone.#i liek kibby :) i like magalor... i like metaknight and dedede...#truthfully i will reclaim everything from the people who tainted it for me. same with like fnf.#my enjoyment for things can never be ruined by a super shitty person itll just be Delayed due to memories but now i can enjoy n reclaim-#the shit that got tainted by (mostly one) but also multiple people freely and safely.#sorry for the vague vent tag ramble i just have lots of emotions esp today.#mocha would be a Scarfy . If u even car... If anyone care ab my ocs ..
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ojustice · 1 year ago
furina's atla verse but she's the lead actor of the ember island players
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crankalakin · 2 years ago
Things have been heating up in the tumble tf2 fandom with all these emotional murcs popping up
And I'm here for it
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kaijutegu · 1 year ago
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Aug ABSOLUTELY deserves the praise, @ryukikit. St. Augustine Alligator Farm is one of my favorite animal facilities, hands down. It's a pretty zoo, doable in an afternoon if you kinda like crocodilians, or an all day affair if you REALLY like crocodilians. Here are my favorite things about it and why I think it's worth supporting.
1. They keep animals in interesting social groups.
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Crocodilians are heavily involved parents, but most places that breed them don't have the enclosure space to let the babies stay with the parents. St. Augustine does. One of my favorite groups was their crèche of slender-snouted crocodiles. They had the parents and then a yearling cohort and a new hatchling cohort. This aligns with how these guys live in the wild- the babies stick around longer! They have the space for it, and they are very in tune with the social needs of their animals.
Very, very few zoos can keep their baby crocs with the adults and still perform maintenance and animal health checks safely. This doesn't mean these facilities are bad- it just means that they have different management practices. And frankly, a lot of these species aren't frequently bred elsewhere. Your average zoo doesn't need a setup where you can have a multiyear crèche for slender-snouted crocodiles. Some species have better success when the young are pulled early, and some zoos are better set up to raise out any offspring separately or behind the scenes. Every facility's practices are different, and this just happens to work well at St. Augustine and be really enjoyable to see as a zoo patron.
Crocodilians are exceptional parents and very protective. It's a sign of incredible animal management practices and animals that feel very comfortable with staff that St. Augustine can do this with nearly every species they breed.
2. They understand the social needs of their animals.
Some crocodilians are social. Some are solitary. Some can live happily with a member of the opposite sex but get territorial around members of the same sex. St. Augustine pays incredible attention to their social groupings to ensure that they aren't just meeting the animals' physical health needs but their social needs as well. They do continuous scientific research about social structures in crocodilians, taking blood samples to test stress hormones and observing stress behaviors to see how group dynamics change.
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For example, St. Augustine is home to one of the world's largest known living saltwater crocodiles, Maximo. And his comparatively tiny mate, Sydney. During the educational presentations with these two, they point out that even their monster of a croc needs his social group- he won't eat if she's not around and he is calmer during medical checks if he can see her. These animal share a deep and special pair bond, and they make sure to talk about how the social aspect of these animals' lives is integral to their care. It's a unique aspect of the way they talk about these animals, because he IS a spectacle and he IS a sensation, but they don't talk about him like he's a mindless killing machine- they talk about him like he's a big, complex predator with social needs like any other animal. Aug is the only facility I've been to where the emotional and social needs of crocodilians is part of the education they provide guests- and speaking of education...
3. Their demos and presentations are extremely good.
The presentations at St. Augustine are some of the best I've ever seen, and I've seen literally hundreds of animal talks on everything from aardvarks to zebras. But as you... can probably tell from my blog content, I've spent a lot of time learning about and working with reptiles. I really enjoyed all of their presentations because they are very scientific about things and avoid sensationalism. They really want you to be fascinated by these creatures and love them- but more than anything else, they want you to respect them.
Also, they do a really good job handling their ambassadors. I really enjoyed something as simple as watching an educator tell us about snakes. Throughout the whole presentation she made sure that most of the snake's body was looped in her hand. The snake was always supported and was very calm. She gave the snake plenty of head room so that it didn't feel constricted- it was just good handling all around.
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But also, the presentations made it clear how much the park cares about the animals' well-being. When they do the feeding and training presentations, they make it very clear that the animals' participation is entirely voluntary. They do things differently for their 9-foot saltie and their 16-foot saltie, because the 16-footer is so large and heavy he actually struggles walking on land sometimes. They adapt their programs and his care to ensure that he's completely comfortable- and he didn't actually participate in the whole feeding when I was watching! At no point did they try to push him into anything uncomfortable; they offered, he didn't engage, and they moved on. It was a clear expression of his boundaries, and I really appreciated how much his caretakers respected that.
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4. Ethical Interactions
I've been to... a lot of tourist locations in Florida that have animals you can hold. Almost always against my will! Many of them are pretty terrible, and you don't actually learn much, if anything. But I really found that to not be the case at St. Augustine. Every single animal presentation and interaction opportunity was accompanied by education about the animal's biology, habits, and- crucially- their conservation status.
When I held a baby alligator at St. Augustine, the proctors- there were two, one to ensure I was holding the gator correctly and the other to educate- were very informative about the role alligators play in their ecosystem and their conservation history. The animals were all properly banded, and one of the two proctors was there to ensure that none of the baby alligators were uncomfortable. As soon as they started getting squirmy or tense, they were removed, unbanded, and taken to an off-exhibit area to relax. And when the babies age out of petting size, they just go in the lagoon to live with others of their species. I saw one upset alligator the entire time I was there, and he was clearly upset that his escape attempt was foiled by a keeper during my nursery tour.
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Even though he's restrained in this shot, you can see that his full body and tail are supported, and the grip, while firm, is gentle. He's distressed, but after I took this picture, she put him in his enclosure and he calmed down immediately.
Sometimes when you have petting attractions with baby animals, those animals... don't have a happy ending. (See: cub petting.) But St. Augustine's program is fine- the gators are all aged out of wanting to have mom around, there's no declawing/defanging, and they're handled with care. And it's worth it, because people love what they understand. St. Augustine was integral in raising public awareness about alligators back in the 60s when they were endangered, and now they're thriving- largely in part to programs like St. Augustine getting people to care.
And speaking of getting people to care, let's talk about their research.
5. Shared Research Results
St. Augustine is also home to more species of crocodilian than anywhere else in North America- all of them, usually. (They didn't have a Tomistoma when I visited- that may have changed.)
Because of this species diversity, it's an incredible research resource. Having every species means that you can do a lot of work comparing their behaviors, their growth patterns, and more. They've been a major research site for crocodilian biology since the 1970s. Today, they're one of the key sites for studying crocodilian play and social behaviors. They actually maintain a blog where they post copies of papers that were written using their animals, meaning that you can actually see the results of the research your admission helps fund. You can see that right here: https://www.alligatorfarm.com/conservation-research/research-blog/
All of this adds up to a zoo that provides a unique experience, tons of actual education, and transparency about what its research and conservation steps actually are. St. Augustine's come a long way since its opening in 1893, and they really do want you to leave with a new respect for the animals they care for. Ultimately, if you're a fan of reptiles, you can feel good about visiting the St. Augustine Alligator Farm- their care and keeping are top of the line, they do a ton of innovative conservation research and support for conservation organizations, and you can see this animal there:
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(Gharial from the front. Nothing is wrong with her that's just what they look like from the front.)
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gb-patch · 1 month ago
Structure Poll Results
Hello again everyone, GB here!
The release structure poll for Our Life: Now & Forever has closed. Nearly 10,000 people voted, and we got hundreds and hundreds of thoughts people left about the idea. I want to say thank you so much for the supportive and understanding messages. It made me pretty emotional to see how much people loved the game and cared about the team 😭 💖
To restate how this worked, players could vote for or against the idea of OL: N&F releasing Step by Step. We would change our original plan to launch the first three Steps together if people wanted us to. But we wouldn’t do such a major shift if people weren’t interested or there was more of a split in the community. With that said, this is the poll-
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Yeah, it’s almost exactly 50/50 between people who want the episodic release and those who don’t actively want it! That could have made this complicated, but after thinking about it and reading the reasons for and against the options, I do think the decision we’re going with will be for the best.
Our Life: Now & Forever will not release episodically. However, there’s going to be truly massive updates to the demo this year.
And this is why: a true early access release with DLC content becoming available would impact things in ways that might not be worth it. Us as a company would have to promote an episodic release the same way we would the entire game launching, and then we’d have do that again when the next Step came out. We’d have to be concerned with sales numbers and such before the base game was even done. Also, the game would be releasing for the entire world, not just for our current players. That isn’t the type of work we want to jump into ASAP unless it was what a majority of players really wanted. The point of this was always meant to be something good for the people most excited about the project.
If we keep OL:NF as a demo and focus on putting out a ton of the free-to-play parts of the story, we can make this all about our fanbase and that’s it. We could drop a 100,000 word demo update and move on with our day like it’s nothing ‘cause it’s not a proper launch. A lot of the best content has been left out of the demo, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. We could make the demo a more fulfilling experience without impacting anything behind the scenes or putting anything up for sale.
Not only that, but those who don’t want to see too much of the game before it’s fully launched will then be able to avoid the extra content more easily since it’s hidden away as a demo instead of getting the full marketing treatment. Sure, it might confuse newcomers who try the demo and find out it’s absurdly long for a demo, however that’s not the end of the world.
Since there is this clear divide, I think a compromise that tries to avoid the main things people were worried about while keeping as many of the benefits as we can is better than simply choosing one side or the other.
I hope that sounds like a positive development. Look forward to future announcements about the mega-sized demo expansions that will be on the way in coming months! And thank you again for following along with the development of Our Life: Now & Forever 🥰️
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satori-runa · 5 months ago
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—The star of the night
Summary: In the middle of chaos, Reca chooses you, his assistant, to replace the actual actress.
Words: 2k
Tags: Fluff, slight comedy, mr reca being mr reca
⊹₊ ˚‧︵‿₊୨୧₊‿︵‧ ˚ ₊⊹
In your lifetime, you'd never been anywhere more glamorous than Reca's movie set. It was a polished spectacle of wealth, fame, and sheer creative ambition concentrated in a single place.
The set was pristine. Everything from the polished equipment to the crew buzzing around the latest cutting-edge technology spoke of high-budget prowess. Reca had wrangled only the crème de la crème of actors, and the script itself was a masterpiece, lauded by critics before a single frame had even been shot. Naturally, it was no surprise when the man beside you, the very architect of this grandiose vision, let out an audible groan, throwing his head into his hands. He pulled them down his face in a gesture so theatrical it almost belonged on the screen itself.
"No, no, no." He groaned, his voice laced with overdramatic despair. “Not like this. This is supposed to be art. Art!” He gestured wildly at the set. “Any three-year-old could create such a display with macaroni!"
While you found yourself captivated by the scene's intricate design—each prop in perfect position, the textures, the layout of furniture—all meticulously assembled to support the vision of an unfolding narrative, Reca saw only flaws. In his eyes, it was a desecration of the perfection he had so painstakingly envisioned.
To him, everything was wrong. The lighting was lifeless, casting shadows that fell harshly across the actors’ faces, robbing them of the soft glamour he’d imagined. The music? A hollow echo that failed to evoke a single stirring of emotion, as far from evocative as a flat note played on a broken piano. And the actress—the poor, unknowing actress who, in any other setting, would be lauded for her skill—was, to Reca, nothing short of an abomination in this moment. His eyes were fixed on her, his lips pressed into a thin line as he shook his head.
“Does she even know her lines?” He muttered, mostly to himself, though you heard every word. “It’s as if she’s performing in a high school play, not…not this.” He ran his hands through his hair, pacing back and forth, his presence a cyclone of perfectionism.
For the past hour, Reca had been tearing every detail apart. The set he'd once raved about was now an "ill-matched mess." The weeks you'd spent booking this elusive location, the endless calls, the backup locations you’d scouted, and the rejections you’d faced until this one finally came through. The casting? The exhausting process of reviewing tapes, organizing callbacks, going through Reca's list of notes and opinions on each actress, often just to have him change his mind the next day. And that demo track? You’d pulled every string, barely scraping by deadlines, just to make sure everything was in perfect order for him.
And here you were, watching it all unravel with each of Reca’s sighs and exasperated mutterings. As he kept pacing, criticizing the lighting again and muttering that the entire production was in danger of "crumbling into mediocrity," you couldn’t help but let out a silent prayer. An aeon, a muse, a miracle—someone save me, you thought, raising your hands briefly to the heavens in a quiet display of surrender.
Because if Reca’s mood didn’t lighten, there was absolutely no way this movie was getting made today.
Just as you were silently pleading for an escape from this nightmare, Reca’s pacing came to an abrupt halt. His head snapped in your direction, and his gaze narrowed, a glint of sudden inspiration lighting up his face. You felt a jolt of dread. That look—oh, you knew it too well. It was the same look he had whenever he came up with one of his “brilliant” ideas, which, more often than not, meant you were in for another impossible task.
“You.” He said, pointing at you with a fervor that made you take a step back. “You’ll be perfect.”
You blinked, uncertain if he was joking. “Me?”
“Yes! You!” He clapped his hands together, excitement bubbling up in his eyes. “Don’t you see? You have everything this role needs. Raw energy, authenticity—a complete lack of…training! It’s fresh. It’s real!”
“Reca, I don’t think—”
“Nonsense!” He cut you off, waving your protests away. “You’re exactly what this film is missing! All this time, I was looking in the wrong places. These actresses…they’re too polished. Too practiced. They lack that something—that spark of untamed potential that you have.” He smiled, a bit maniacally, but you could tell he was deadly serious.
“But I’m just your assistant.” You stammered, feeling your face flush. “I don’t know the first thing about acting. I’d probably ruin the entire film!”
“No way.” He insisted, eyes blazing with enthusiasm as if he’d already envisioned you on the big screen. “Think about it! You’ve been here for the whole process, you know every detail. You’ve seen every scene in my head just as I see it. Who else could be better prepared?”
You opened your mouth to protest again, there was no one that had the same vision as him, but he was already motioning to the costume designer, barking orders to prepare an outfit for you. Any hint of hesitation had disappeared from his face. In his mind, you were already cast and rehearsed, the missing piece that would bring his vision to life.
The next thing you knew, you were being ushered into the dressing room, handed a costume, and given a rapid rundown of your character’s motivations—directly from Reca himself, who seemed thrilled beyond measure. Somewhere between his impassioned monologues and the mounting nervousness that took over you, you found yourself on the set, standing beneath the very lights he’d spent hours cursing.
And as the camera rolled, with Reca’s wide-eyed gaze fixed intently on you, you couldn’t shake the surreal feeling. You’d gone from assistant to lead actress in a single, unpredictable twist, and despite your inexperience, you found yourself saying the lines and stepping into the role…all under the watchful, eager eyes of a director who now thought you were the perfect star.
The set had quieted down, and the crew took a break, leaving only a few people around. Reca, still lingering near you after that intense practice, watched the others drift away before turning back to you with a small, thoughtful smile.
“Let’s run through it one more time, mon cherie.” He said, his voice softer now. “Off camera. Just us.” There was a vulnerability in his tone you hadn’t heard before—a subtle, unspoken invitation.
You nodded, though your heart was pounding again. With the equipment and the audience gone, the space between you felt strangely intimate, as if stepping outside the boundary of the roles you were supposed to be playing.
He took a steadying breath and stood before you, his gaze searching yours. “Close your eyes.” He said, his hand brushing yours. “Forget the lines, the lights. Just…feel it.”
You closed your eyes, letting his words sink in. You could feel the warmth of his presence, so close now that every brush of his hand seemed to linger, every movement deliberate. He guided you gently, his fingertips tracing the edges of your hand until your fingers were laced together, his touch grounding, even protective.
“Imagine…” he whispered, his voice soft and full of emotion, “Imagine there’s no one here but us. No cameras. No crew.”
You opened your eyes, and he was watching you, his gaze vulnerable and sincere in a way you hadn’t seen before. His expression held an emotion that was entirely unscripted—almost a question lingering in his eyes, as if he was daring you to step closer.
His hand moved to your face, fingertips lightly tracing your cheek. The way he looked at you was overwhelming, like he was seeing parts of you no one had ever seen before. It felt like he was letting you in, past the director, past the confident professional, to something real and deeply hidden.
“Just us.” He murmured, almost to himself, his thumb brushing along your cheekbone. His eyes softened, and he leaned closer, his breath warm against your skin. For a second, it felt like he might kiss you—not as part of a scene, not as an actor in a role, but as himself.
You swallowed, your own emotions swelling, breaking past the practiced distance of assistant and director. The way he looked at you, the way his touch lingered just a moment too long, felt impossibly real. It wasn’t just acting. Not anymore.
And in that shared silence, the line between character and reality blurred completely, leaving you wondering if maybe, just maybe, there was something there that neither of you had dared to speak aloud.
Your breath caught as Reca leaned in closer, his hand cradling your face with an intensity that made the world around you disappear. His gaze dropped to your lips, lingering there for a heartbeat that stretched on, filled with a tension so thick it felt like the air had turned electric. His thumb brushed gently across your cheek, and you felt your heart pounding, anticipation building with each passing second.
You closed your eyes, half-expecting, half-hoping for the kiss that seemed to hover right on the edge of happening. The moment felt impossibly fragile, a secret shared only between the two of you. And just as you felt him draw in that final breath…
He pulled back, a sudden spark lighting up his eyes, and he spun around, letting out a shout that shattered the delicate silence. “Yes! That’s it! THAT expression—exactly what we need!”
You blinked, still reeling, as he practically leapt away from you, his energy blazing. “Everyone!” He called out, his voice filled with exhilaration. “Get ready to film! Now, now, now! We have to capture this—she’s got the emotion perfect, it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for!”
The crew scrambled into action, quickly setting up cameras and adjusting lights as you stood there, frozen and feeling a little…lost. You watched him pace excitedly, giving orders and pointing out positions, his focus now on preparing the scene. Meanwhile, you felt your cheeks flush with the sudden realization that the almost-kiss hadn’t been what you thought at all.
You felt the warmth creeping up your cheeks, your heart still racing from the almost-kiss that had left you somewhere between flustered and bewildered. As the crew finished setting up, you broke into a grin, chuckling softly at the absurdity of it all. Reca had played you perfectly, swept you into the scene so thoroughly that, for a moment, you’d forgotten where the acting stopped and the real feelings began. You couldn’t help but shake your head, laughing at yourself.
Reca, seeing your smile, grinned back, clearly thrilled that he’d managed to get such an authentic reaction. “That’s the spirit!” he cheered, clapping his hands together in delight. “I knew you had it in you!”
“You know, Reca.” You said, trying to keep the teasing note in your voice light as you crossed your arms, “you played me well. Got me all caught up in the moment. Almost too well, actually.”
He tilted his head, eyes glinting with mischief. “Only did what any good director would do.” He replied, a playful edge in his tone.
You raised an eyebrow, feeling a spark of confidence as you leaned in just a little. “Well, maybe we should rehearse some more roles in private sometime.” You suggested, your smile turning slightly coy. “You know…just to pick up where you left me hanging.”
For the briefest second, he looked taken aback, his eyes widening as if surprised by your boldness. But then, that familiar grin returned, his gaze lingering on you with a newfound intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
“Perhaps we will.” he said, his voice a touch lower, his gaze still locked on you. “Only if you think you can handle a bit more of my…methods.”
Your smile deepened, and you felt a thrill run through you. Maybe, just maybe, the line between acting and reality was thinner than you’d thought. And if Reca wanted to blur it a little more…well, you couldn’t say you’d mind.
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emotional-support-demoman · 2 months ago
Ya deserve to be treated with the kindness ye give laddie!
Remember ye are amazing and deserve it in the end after all!
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pinkmoontaco · 3 months ago
It all started with a song || Lee Jihoon
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Pairing: Producer-Idol Jihoon x Producer-Solo Idol Reader Genre: Fluff, Idol romance Summary: Jihoon, the reserved genius of SEVENTEEN, unexpectedly finds himself drawn to Y/N, a rising junior idol from HYBE, after collaborating on a duet. What starts as a professional partnership blossom into a heartfelt romance, captured in their respective songs Author's note: This is my first time writing a story, and I truly appreciate you giving it a chance. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes—I’m still learning and growing as a writer. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and support my work. It means the world to me, and I hope you enjoy the journey I’ve created. If you have any requests for any member or any other groups, feel free to do so
Jihoon was preparing to release his solo album, which included a heartfelt duet about two lovers. After finishing his own parts, his next challenge was to find the perfect female lead for the song. With Bumzu’s help, he sifted through several demos of the female section.
After an exhaustive search, one demo finally stood out to him—it was exactly what he was looking for. When Bumzu visited him the next day, he asked, “Did any of the lyrics catch your attention?”
Jihoon nodded and showed him the demo.
“Oh, so you liked Y/N’s lyrics,” Bumzu said with a knowing smile. That’s when Jihoon learned that the lyrics had been written by Y/N, a junior solo idol from HYBE.
“You’ve never met her, have you?” Bumzu asked.
Jihoon shook his head. It was no surprise—everyone knew Jihoon wasn’t one to socialize much.
“I’ll bring her to the studio tomorrow,” Bumzu said confidently before heading out, leaving Jihoon to ponder the upcoming meeting.
The next day, Jihoon arrived at the studio earlier than usual, his mind a mix of anticipation and curiosity. He wasn’t sure what to expect. He knew Y/N by name, but meeting her in person would be different.
As he set up his equipment, the door swung open, and Bumzu walked in with a bright grin. Behind him was Y/N, her presence soft yet commanding. She wore a simple outfit, but her confidence and aura made it clear why she was a rising star.
“Jihoon, meet Y/N,” Bumzu introduced.
Jihoon stood, his usual calm demeanor masking his nerves. “Hi,” he greeted simply, bowing slightly.
“Hi! It’s so great to finally meet you Sunbae-nim" Y/N said with a warm smile. Her voice was light and melodic, just as he’d imagined. “I’ve heard so much about you and your music.”
“Likewise, but please don't call me sunbae-nim, you can call me by my name,” Jihoon replied, his words brief but sincere.
Bumzu clapped his hands together, breaking the silence. “Alright, let’s get to work! You two have a duet to perfect.”
Jihoon gestured toward the recording booth, silently inviting Y/N to take her place. As they started working through the song, Jihoon found himself impressed—not just by her vocal ability but by her understanding of the emotions behind the lyrics.
They went over the harmonies and phrasing, fine-tuning every detail. By the end of the session, Jihoon was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly everything had gone. Y/N wasn’t just talented; she was professional and insightful, bringing a depth to the song that exceeded his expectations.
“You’re really good,” Jihoon said as they wrapped up, his tone earnest.
Y/N beamed. “Thank you! Your composition is amazing—it makes it easy to connect with the song.”
For the first time in a while, Jihoon felt a genuine sense of excitement about the project. Maybe working with others wasn’t so bad after all.
After their first session, Jihoon couldn’t stop thinking about how seamlessly Y/N had brought the song to life. It was rare for him to feel this level of connection with another artist, especially so quickly.
The next day, Bumzu texted Jihoon. "How was it working with Y/N? She said she had a great time."
Jihoon hesitated for a moment before typing back. "She’s talented. The song’s coming together well."
Bumzu responded with a teasing emoji. "That’s high praise from you! Maybe you should tell her that in person."
Jihoon frowned slightly but didn’t reply. Compliments weren’t exactly his strong suit.
Their second studio session was scheduled later that week. Y/N arrived on time, as cheerful and prepared as before. Jihoon noticed how her energy seemed to brighten the room, even when she was just warming up.
“Good morning!” she greeted with a bright smile.
Jihoon nodded. “Morning. Ready to dive in?”
“Always,” she said confidently.
As they worked through the song again, Jihoon found himself more at ease. Y/N’s suggestions were thoughtful, and she wasn’t afraid to ask questions or offer input, which he appreciated. Somewhere in between harmonizing and tweaking lines, they started to find a rhythm—not just in the music, but in their conversations.
During a short break, Y/N leaned back in her chair. “You know, Jihoon, this is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever worked on. It feels so raw and real.”
Jihoon glanced at her, caught off guard by her sincerity. “Thanks. That means a lot,” he said quietly.
“Is it based on a personal experience?” she asked cautiously, as if afraid to overstep.
He hesitated for a moment before replying. “Kind of. It’s… inspired by the idea of love. Not necessarily mine, though.”
Y/N tilted her head, studying him. “I get it. Sometimes it’s easier to write about emotions from a distance.”
Jihoon nodded, appreciating her understanding. Their conversation drifted to other topics—music, inspirations, and even random stories about life as idols. For someone he’d only met recently, Y/N was surprisingly easy to talk to.
By the end of the session, the song was nearly complete. As they packed up, Y/N turned to Jihoon.
“I think this duet is going to be really special,” she said. “Thank you for letting me be part of it.”
Jihoon looked at her, feeling a rare warmth in her words. “You brought the song to life. I should be thanking you.”
Her eyes lit up at his unexpected praise. “Well, I guess we make a pretty good team,” she said with a grin.
Jihoon allowed himself a small smile. “Yeah, we do.”
As Y/N left the studio that day, Jihoon couldn’t help but think that meeting her had been one of the best things to happen during this project.
In the weeks that followed, Jihoon and Y/N spent more time together polishing their duet. Each session seemed to bring them closer, not just as collaborators but as individuals. Y/N’s infectious laughter and unfiltered enthusiasm often pulled Jihoon out of his shell, while Jihoon’s quiet determination and thoughtful approach inspired Y/N to push herself even further.
One day, as they wrapped up the final recording, Bumzu entered the studio with a wide grin. “So, how does it feel to be done?”
Y/N clapped her hands together excitedly. “It feels amazing! I can’t wait for people to hear it.”
Jihoon nodded in agreement, his usual stoicism giving way to a subtle but genuine smile. “It’s better than I imagined.”
Bumzu raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “Wow, Jihoon actually giving compliments? I need to write this down.”
Y/N laughed. “He’s not that bad. He’s just… selective with his words.”
Jihoon shot her a mock glare, but there was no malice behind it. Instead, he found himself smiling along with her—a rare occurrence that didn’t go unnoticed by Bumzu.
As they packed up, Bumzu pulled Jihoon aside. “You know, you’ve changed a bit since working with her,” he said casually.
Jihoon frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you seem… lighter. Happier, even,” Bumzu said with a knowing grin. “It’s a good look on you.”
Jihoon didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he glanced over at Y/N, who was chatting animatedly with a staff member. There was something about her—something that made him feel less burdened, more open to the world around him.
The song’s release day arrived, and the response was overwhelming. Fans praised the emotional depth of the duet, calling it one of Jihoon’s best works yet. Many were also captivated by the chemistry between Jihoon and Y/N, evident not just in their vocals but in the behind-the-scenes clips shared online.
As they stood backstage during a live performance, Y/N turned to Jihoon. “Are you nervous?” she asked, noticing his unusually quiet demeanor.
“A little,” he admitted. “Not about the song, though. I just hope people feel what we tried to convey.”
Y/N placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “They will. This song has so much heart in it. You’ve poured yourself into it, and I’ve never been prouder to be part of something.”
Her words struck a chord with Jihoon. For the first time in a long while, he didn’t feel alone in his creative journey. “Thank you,” he said softly.
When they stepped on stage and began to sing, Jihoon realized something unexpected. The song, which he’d once viewed as merely a project, had become something far more personal. And in that moment, as their voices blended and the audience’s applause filled the air, Jihoon understood just how much Y/N had changed his perspective—not just on music, but on life itself.
After the performance, Y/N grinned at him. “See? We nailed it.”
Jihoon met her gaze, his expression warm. “We really did.”
And as they walked off stage together, Jihoon couldn’t help but think that this was only the beginning of a story far greater than either of them had anticipated.
In the days following the song's release, the hype only grew. The other members of SEVENTEEN were quick to congratulate Jihoon. Mingyu, with his ever-present energy, was the first to bring it up during one of their group practice sessions.
“Hyung! That duet is insane! Everyone’s talking about you and Y/N,” Mingyu said, clapping him on the back.
Joshua added with a smile, “Yeah, the fans are loving the chemistry. You two sounded amazing together.”
Jihoon felt a rare flush of embarrassment rise to his cheeks. “Thanks, guys. It was a lot of work, but she made it easier.”
“Oh-ho!” Seungkwan chimed in, eyes sparkling with mischief. “Hyung admitting someone made his life easier? This must be a first!”
The room erupted into laughter. Even Jeonghan, who always had a teasing comment up his sleeve, smirked. “So when do we get to meet this famous Y/N?”
Before Jihoon could respond, the studio door creaked open and in walked Bumzu—with Y/N beside him. The sudden appearance of their guest caught everyone’s attention.
“Speak of the devil!” Vernon said, raising an eyebrow.
Y/N waved nervously, a bit overwhelmed by being surrounded by the full force of SEVENTEEN. “Hi, everyone. It’s nice to finally meet all of you.”
Dino bounded over with enthusiasm. “You’re the one with that amazing voice! Your part in the song gave me chills.”
“Thanks!” Y/N said, her smile growing as she relaxed.
Hoshi, never one to miss a moment, stepped forward and grinned. “Are you ready to dance with us too? Because in SEVENTEEN, we don’t just sing—we dance.”
Jihoon rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide a small smirk. “Don’t scare her off, Hoshi.”
Y/N laughed, feeling at ease now. “I’d love to try sometime, but I don’t think I could keep up with you guys. I’m more of a singer than a dancer.”
Jun nudged Jihoon playfully. “Looks like you’re not the only one who’s found a great collaborator.”
Over the next hour, SEVENTEEN welcomed Y/N into their world, joking and sharing stories. The room was filled with laughter, the group’s usual dynamic enriched by a new presence. Jihoon found himself observing the way Y/N blended in so effortlessly, as if she’d been part of their chaotic family all along.
As the evening went on, Minghao approached Jihoon with a knowing smile. “You look happy,” he said simply.
Jihoon glanced at Y/N, who was now in an animated conversation with DK and Woozi, sharing anecdotes about their vocal warm-ups. A small, content smile played on his lips. “I guess I am.”
A few weeks later, SEVENTEEN was preparing for a group livestream, and Y/N was invited to join as a surprise guest. Jihoon wasn’t thrilled about the idea at first—he preferred to keep things professional—but the rest of the members were insistent.
“Come on, Jihoon,” Seungkwan pleaded. “The fans already love you two together. This will be fun!”
“It’s a great way to promote the song even more,” Mingyu added. “Plus, we want to see how she handles being in one of our chaotic lives.”
Reluctantly, Jihoon agreed, and Y/N arrived at the dorm just as the livestream was about to begin.
“Is this what it’s like before you go live?” Y/N asked, watching the members scramble to adjust cameras, lights, and snacks.
“Always,” Jeonghan said with a smirk. “It’s controlled chaos.”
As the livestream began, fans flooded the chat with comments. The members introduced Y/N, and the reaction was overwhelmingly positive.
“Y/N’s here! OMG!”
“She and Jihoon look so good together!”
“The duet is my favorite song right now!”
Jihoon, who was reading the comments on his phone, shifted uncomfortably but managed a small smile. “The fans seem happy,” he said quietly to Y/N.
“They’re so sweet,” Y/N replied, her eyes scanning the messages.
The members took turns asking her questions, each one more playful than the last.
“Hoshi,” Y/N said, laughing, “why are you asking if I’d join the Performance Team? I just told you I’m not much of a dancer!”
“Because we can teach you,” Hoshi replied with a dramatic flourish.
DK chimed in, “Or you can join the Vocal Team! We need more people who can hit those high notes.”
“Don’t listen to them,” Minghao said. “You’re a solo artist. Stay in your lane before they rope you into our madness.”
The banter continued until Seungkwan leaned into the camera and asked the question everyone wanted to know.
“So, Y/N, how’s it working with Jihoon?”
The chat exploded with reactions.
Y/N glanced at Jihoon, who was clearly caught off guard but tried to mask it. She smiled. “Honestly? It’s been amazing. He’s a perfectionist, but in the best way. I’ve learned so much from him.”
Jihoon cleared his throat, his ears tinged pink. “She’s talented, so it wasn’t hard to work with her,” he said simply, earning exaggerated “oohs” from the members.
As the livestream continued, Y/N fit right in with SEVENTEEN’s dynamic, laughing and joking with them like she’d known them for years. Fans in the chat began calling her an “honorary 14th member,” a title that made her laugh but also secretly warmed Jihoon’s heart.
After the livestream ended, the members sprawled across the couch, tired but happy.
“You handled that like a pro,” Mingyu said, tossing a cushion at Y/N.
“Thanks,” Y/N replied, catching the cushion. “You guys are a lot of fun. I can see why your fans love you so much.”
As the group began to disperse, Jihoon found himself alone with Y/N for the first time that evening.
“You were great today,” he said, his voice softer than usual.
“Thanks. I was a little nervous, but you all made it easy,” Y/N said, leaning against the back of the couch. “Your members are like family, huh?”
Jihoon nodded. “They are. It’s chaotic, but it’s… home.”
Y/N smiled. “I can tell. You’re lucky to have that.”
There was a comfortable silence between them before Y/N added, “And thanks for letting me be part of all this. I didn’t expect to be welcomed so warmly.”
Jihoon met her gaze, his usual stoicism softening. “You’re part of it now. Whether you like it or not.”
Her laughter filled the room, light and genuine. “I think I like it.”
And for the first time in a long while, Jihoon felt like the walls he’d built around himself were no longer as important.
Over the next few weeks, Y/N continued to bond with SEVENTEEN. She found herself invited to more studio sessions, group meals, and even impromptu dance practices. Despite her initial hesitation about being in the spotlight alongside such a well-known group, their warmth made her feel at home.
Jihoon, on the other hand, started noticing the subtle ways Y/N was changing the dynamic around him. She wasn’t just a collaborator anymore; she was becoming a friend. Someone who could pull him out of his creative tunnel and remind him to enjoy the little moments.
One day, after a long recording session, the group decided to hang out at their dorm. Y/N hesitated when Seungkwan invited her along.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude,” she said.
“You? Intruding?” Seungkwan scoffed. “You’re practically one of us now. Come on!”
When they arrived at the dorm, chaos quickly ensued. Mingyu was in the kitchen, trying to cook something “special,” while Hoshi and Dino argued over which choreography to show Y/N.
Jihoon sat on the couch, quietly observing the scene. Y/N was laughing with Jeonghan, who was undoubtedly up to some mischief. He couldn’t help but smile to himself.
“You like her, don’t you?” Minghao’s voice pulled Jihoon from his thoughts.
Jihoon turned to him, his expression unreadable. “What are you talking about?”
Minghao smirked. “You’re not as subtle as you think. The way you look at her—it’s different.”
Jihoon sighed, leaning back against the couch. “She’s… easy to be around. That’s all.”
“Sure,” Minghao said, clearly unconvinced. “Just don’t wait too long to figure it out.”
Later that evening, as everyone settled in for a movie, Jihoon found himself sitting next to Y/N. The room was dimly lit, and the sound of laughter and popcorn crunching filled the air.
Y/N leaned closer to whisper, “Thanks for letting me hang out with you guys. I didn’t expect this when we started working on the song.”
Jihoon glanced at her, the soft glow of the TV reflecting in her eyes. “You’re not just here because of the song anymore. They like you. I… like having you around.”
Her eyes widened slightly at his admission, a soft smile forming on her lips. “I like being around you too, Jihoon.”
For a moment, the noise of the room faded, and it was just the two of them, sitting closer than either realized.
“Jihoon! Pass the popcorn!” DK’s voice broke the moment, and Jihoon blinked, quickly grabbing the bowl to hand over.
Y/N chuckled softly, leaning back into the couch. The warmth between them lingered, unspoken but undeniable.
As the weeks turned into months, their bond deepened. Whether it was through shared late-night studio sessions, casual dinners with the group, or quiet moments away from the chaos, Jihoon and Y/N found themselves drawn closer together.
And while neither of them said it out loud, they both knew that what had started as a simple duet had grown into something far more meaningful.
As time passed, Jihoon and Y/N’s bond became increasingly apparent to everyone around them. The other members of SEVENTEEN had a field day teasing Jihoon about it, though they were careful not to push him too far. Y/N, on the other hand, took it all in stride, her easygoing nature making her a natural fit within the group’s chaotic but loving dynamic.
One day, they found themselves in the studio late at night, working on a new song. The other members had already gone home, leaving just the two of them.
Y/N leaned over the desk, scrolling through the playlist Jihoon had prepared for inspiration. “This one’s good,” she said, pointing to a track.
Jihoon nodded, playing it without hesitation. The soft melody filled the room, and they both sat in comfortable silence, letting the music wash over them.
After a while, Y/N broke the quiet. “Do you ever think about what this all means? The music, the fans, everything we do?”
Jihoon looked at her, surprised by the sudden introspection. “All the time,” he admitted. “It’s why I work so hard. I want it to mean something—to leave something behind that matters.”
She smiled softly. “You already do. Your music touches so many people, Jihoon. Including me.”
He felt a warmth spread through him at her words. “What about you? What does it mean to you?”
Y/N took a moment to think before answering. “It’s about connection. Every lyric, every note… it’s a way to reach people, to let them know they’re not alone. I think that’s why I love working with you. You get that.”
For a moment, Jihoon was at a loss for words. Her sincerity, her openness—it was something he wasn’t used to but found himself drawn to.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice quieter than usual. “I don’t say this often, but… you’ve changed the way I look at things. Working with you—it’s made me realize how much more music can be when it’s shared.”
She looked at him, her eyes shining with gratitude. “You don’t know how much that means to me, coming from you.”
They held each other’s gaze for a moment, the weight of unspoken emotions filling the room. But before either of them could say more, Jihoon’s phone buzzed, breaking the moment.
The next morning, as they arrived at the practice room, the other members were already there. Hoshi immediately noticed the way Jihoon and Y/N seemed closer than usual.
“Did something happen last night?” he asked, his eyes darting between the two.
“Nothing happened,” Jihoon replied quickly, his ears turning pink.
Y/N, however, laughed. “We were just working on music. Don’t let your imagination run wild.”
The members didn’t buy it, but they let it go—for now.
Later that week, the group had a fan meeting, and Y/N was invited as a special guest to perform their duet live for the first time since its release. The fans erupted into cheers as Jihoon and Y/N took the stage together, their voices blending seamlessly as they sang.
During the performance, Jihoon couldn’t help but glance at Y/N, her presence radiating warmth and confidence. He realized that what had started as a professional partnership had grown into something far more personal.
After the performance, as they stood backstage, Y/N turned to Jihoon, her eyes sparkling. “That was incredible. Thank you for sharing this with me.”
Jihoon hesitated for a moment before replying. “Thank you… for everything.”
Y/N smiled, her hand lightly brushing his arm. And in that moment, Jihoon knew that whatever this was between them—friendship, partnership, or something more—he wasn’t ready to let it go.
A few days after their fan meeting, the duet performance went viral. Clips of Jihoon and Y/N on stage, their undeniable chemistry and harmonies, flooded social media. Fans couldn’t stop talking about how perfectly their voices blended and how natural their interactions seemed.
The buzz didn’t go unnoticed by SEVENTEEN.
“Have you seen the comments?” Seungkwan said, shoving his phone in front of Jihoon’s face during a break in practice.
Jihoon glanced at the screen, where fans had flooded the comments section with messages like:
“They’re perfect together!”
“Jihoon and Y/N need to release a whole album together!”
“Am I the only one who feels like there’s more to their story?”
Jihoon sighed, pushing the phone away. “It’s just the fans. They like to speculate.”
“But they’re not wrong,” Mingyu chimed in with a sly grin.
“Not you too,” Jihoon groaned.
That evening, Y/N visited the dorm for what was supposed to be a casual hangout. As usual, the members couldn’t help but stir the pot.
“So, Y/N,” Jeonghan started, leaning casually against the couch, “what’s it like being the most shipped person with Jihoon right now?”
Y/N nearly choked on her drink. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, you didn’t know?” Hoshi said, joining in. “The fans are calling you the ‘power duo.’ Some are even saying you’re a better fit than us!”
“Don’t listen to them,” Jihoon muttered, his ears turning pink.
Y/N, recovering from her initial shock, laughed. “Well, I guess it’s a compliment? I mean, Jihoon is an incredible artist, so I’m honored.”
The room erupted in exaggerated “oohs,” with Seungkwan dramatically fanning Jihoon. “Did you hear that? She called you incredible!”
Jihoon buried his face in his hands, muttering, “Why do I even let you all talk?”
Despite the teasing, Jihoon couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride at Y/N’s words. She always had a way of making him feel seen—not just as an artist but as a person.
Later that night, after everyone had settled down, Y/N and Jihoon found themselves alone on the dorm balcony, overlooking the city lights.
“It’s been a wild night, huh?” Y/N said, leaning against the railing.
Jihoon nodded, his gaze fixed on the skyline. “Yeah. I didn’t expect any of this when we started working together.”
“Me neither,” she admitted. “But I’m glad it happened. I’ve learned so much—not just about music but about myself.”
Jihoon glanced at her, his expression softening. “You’ve changed a lot of things for me, too. I didn’t realize how much I needed someone to remind me why I love what I do.”
Y/N looked at him, her heart skipping a beat at the vulnerability in his voice. “Jihoon… I—”
Before she could finish, the balcony door slid open, and Mingyu stuck his head out. “Hey, are you two having a moment? Because we’ve got snacks inside.”
Y/N burst out laughing, while Jihoon groaned. “You have the worst timing, Mingyu.”
Mingyu grinned. “That’s what I’m here for.”
As the night went on, the teasing and camaraderie continued, but something had shifted between Jihoon and Y/N. Though unspoken, there was an understanding growing between them—one that neither was ready to confront just yet but couldn’t deny any longer.
And as Jihoon watched Y/N laughing with his members, he couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something he’d been searching for without even realizing it.
The weeks passed, and Jihoon found himself unable to shake the feeling that had been slowly growing inside him. Every time Y/N smiled, every time their eyes met during a quiet moment, something in his chest fluttered. He had always been someone who let his music speak for him, but this time, it wasn’t enough just to express himself through lyrics. He needed to tell her, to be vulnerable in a way he hadn’t been with anyone before.
But how?
It was during a late-night studio session, after everyone else had left for the day, that Jihoon decided to do something about it. He had spent hours working on the song, tweaking the melody, perfecting the lyrics, and now it was ready.
The track wasn’t like anything he had made before. It was softer, more personal, and every note seemed to come straight from his heart. He had poured his feelings into it, capturing the emotions that he couldn’t say out loud. It was a love song. And the subject of it? None other than Y/N.
The next day, Jihoon invited Y/N to the studio under the guise of working on new material. She arrived, always eager to help or collaborate, but there was something different about Jihoon’s demeanor that caught her attention.
“What’s going on?” she asked as she walked into the studio. “You’ve been acting a little… off lately.”
Jihoon avoided her gaze, fiddling with the soundboard for a moment. “I… I have something I want to play for you.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, curious. “A new song?”
He nodded, his throat tightening slightly. “Yeah. But it’s… different.”
Y/N walked over to him and sat down, her eyes fixed on him. “I’m all ears, Jihoon.”
Jihoon hesitated for a moment longer before hitting play. The soft, melodic intro filled the room, and Y/N was immediately drawn into the haunting beauty of the song. As the lyrics began, she felt a stirring in her chest. The song felt… personal. Deeply personal.
She listened intently, her heart racing as the chorus hit, and Jihoon’s voice filled the space:
“I didn’t know how to say it, but now I know it’s true, Every moment with you feels like I’ve found something new. In the silence, in the music, in the things I never said, I’m falling for you, I’m falling for you, And I can’t take it back.”
The song went on, each lyric pulling Y/N deeper into the emotions Jihoon had poured into it. By the end, the room was thick with the unspoken words hanging in the air. The music faded, and for a few moments, there was silence.
Y/N slowly turned to look at Jihoon, her eyes wide with realization. “Jihoon… that song…”
He swallowed hard, his voice barely above a whisper. “It’s for you.”
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. She had known there was something between them, something that had grown over time, but hearing him express it so clearly, through music, felt like a confession she hadn’t expected.
“Jihoon…” she whispered, her voice trembling.
He finally met her gaze, his eyes vulnerable in a way she had never seen before. “I’ve been trying to ignore it, trying to tell myself I was just… overthinking. But every time you’re near, every time you smile, it feels like something more. I think… I think I’ve fallen for you, Y/N. And I couldn’t hide it anymore. Not after writing this song for you.”
Y/N’s heart raced as she processed his words, her own emotions swirling within her. She had felt it too—the connection, the way everything felt more meaningful when they were together. But hearing him say it out loud made it all so real.
She took a step closer, her voice soft but steady. “I’ve been feeling the same way, Jihoon.”
His eyes widened, and he took a step toward her as well. “Really?”
She nodded, a smile tugging at her lips. “I’ve been too afraid to admit it, but… I’ve been falling for you, too. Maybe I didn’t want to admit it because I didn’t know if you felt the same, but… I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
The tension that had built between them in the past few months suddenly lifted. Jihoon, overcome with relief and happiness, took her hand gently.
“Then… do you think we can figure this out together?” he asked softly.
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling. “I’d like that very much.”
For a moment, neither of them said anything else. The weight of the confession hung in the air, but the silence felt comfortable, like a shared understanding.
Jihoon squeezed her hand gently. “I don’t know what comes next, but I want to find out with you.”
Y/N nodded, her eyes shining. “Me too.”
And as they stood there, hand in hand, Jihoon knew that this song, the one that had started as a way to express his feelings, was just the beginning of a new chapter for them both.
For a few weeks, Jihoon and Y/N managed to keep their budding relationship under wraps. They weren’t intentionally hiding it, but neither of them was ready to face the whirlwind of teasing that would inevitably come from SEVENTEEN.
However, secrets rarely lasted long in a group as close-knit and nosy as SEVENTEEN.
It all started during a practice session. Jihoon had left his phone on the bench while the group worked through choreography, and a text from Y/N popped up on the screen:
Y/N: Can’t wait to see you tonight ❤️
Seungkwan, ever the observant one, noticed the notification first. “Oh? Hyung, care to explain this?” he asked, holding up the phone with a mischievous grin.
Jihoon froze mid-step, his face instantly turning crimson. “Give me that!” he snapped, rushing over to grab the phone.
But it was too late. Seungkwan had already shared the discovery with Hoshi and Jeonghan, who were now looking at Jihoon with matching expressions of glee.
“‘Can’t wait to see you tonight?’” Jeonghan teased, his tone dripping with mock innocence. “Jihoon, do you have plans we should know about?”
The rest of the group quickly caught on, gathering around as Jihoon struggled to come up with an excuse.
“It’s nothing,” he muttered, shoving his phone into his pocket.
“Nothing?” Hoshi said, raising an eyebrow. “Sounds like something to me.”
“It’s Y/N, isn’t it?” Mingyu blurted out. The room went silent for a moment as everyone processed the possibility.
Jihoon sighed, realizing there was no escape. “Fine. Yes. It’s Y/N. We’re… dating.”
The room erupted into chaos.
“What?!” Seungkwan exclaimed, looking both shocked and delighted. “When did this happen?”
“Jihoon, you sly fox!” Jeonghan said, clapping him on the back.
“You’re dating Y/N, and you didn’t tell us?” Dino pouted. “I thought we were close!”
Jihoon groaned, running a hand through his hair. “I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, okay? It’s still new, and we didn’t want any unnecessary attention.”
Joshua, ever the voice of reason, stepped in. “Guys, let’s not overwhelm him. It’s Jihoon, after all. This must’ve taken a lot for him to admit.”
“Yeah,” DK added, grinning. “But seriously, Hyung, we’re happy for you. Y/N’s great.”
“She’s not just great,” Minghao said thoughtfully. “She fits in with us, and most importantly, she brings out a side of you we don’t see often. It’s nice.”
Jihoon looked around at his members, their teasing replaced with genuine support, and felt a wave of relief. “Thanks, guys. Just… keep it low-key, okay? We’re not ready for everyone to know yet.”
The group collectively agreed, though Jihoon wasn’t sure he trusted their definition of “low-key.”
That evening, Jihoon met Y/N at their usual spot in the studio. She could tell something was different as soon as he walked in.
“What happened?” she asked, tilting her head.
“They know,” Jihoon said, sitting beside her.
“Who knows?”
“SEVENTEEN,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Oh no. How bad was it?”
Jihoon chuckled despite himself. “About as chaotic as you’d expect. But… they’re happy for us. They promised to keep it a secret, though I don’t know how long that’ll last.”
Y/N smiled, reaching over to take his hand. “Well, I guess it was bound to happen. They’re your family, Jihoon. And honestly, I don’t mind if they know. I like being part of your world.”
Jihoon squeezed her hand, his heart swelling at her words. “You’re more than just part of it, Y/N. You’ve made it better.”
The next day, when Y/N visited the dorm for dinner, the teasing resumed, but it was all in good fun.
“So, Y/N,” Jeonghan said with a sly smile, “what’s it like dating our Jihoon? Is he as romantic as he is in his songs?”
Y/N laughed, glancing at Jihoon, who looked like he wanted to disappear. “He’s perfect,” she said simply, her sincerity making Jihoon’s face flush even more.
The room erupted into cheers and playful jabs, but beneath the chaos, there was a palpable warmth. SEVENTEEN was more than a group—they were a family. And now, Y/N was part of that family, too.
As the night wore on, Jihoon couldn’t help but feel grateful. For his members, for their unwavering support, and most of all, for Y/N, who had somehow become the piece he hadn’t realized was missing from his life.
A few weeks after SEVENTEEN’s comeback promotions wrapped up, Jihoon surprised fans with the announcement of a solo track, titled “Only for You.” The anticipation was palpable, especially after fans connected the dots between the mysterious teasers and Jihoon’s recent duet with Y/N.
When the song finally dropped, it was an instant hit. A tender and emotional ballad, the lyrics told the story of someone realizing they’ve found the one person who completes them. Jihoon’s heartfelt delivery struck a chord with listeners, but eagle-eyed fans noticed something peculiar.
The release coincided with a few subtle interactions between Jihoon and Y/N on social media. Comments like:
“This song feels so personal… is it inspired by someone special?”
“The vibe reminds me of Jihoon and Y/N’s duet. Are we missing something?”
“Wait a second… some of these lyrics feel like they match things Y/N said in interviews!”
The speculation ramped up a notch when, only a few days later, Y/N teased her own solo track, “Echo of You.”
When Y/N’s song dropped, fans were quick to notice that it felt like a reply to Jihoon’s. While Jihoon’s track spoke of falling for someone who brought light into his life, Y/N’s lyrics told the story of being seen and loved for who she truly was.
Lines like:
“I thought I was just a shadow, but your light made me shine.”
“Every melody you wrote felt like a message just for me.”
Fans flooded social media with theories.
“Wait, these songs feel connected. Are they… about each other?”
“Woozi's ‘Only for You’ and Y/N’s ‘Echo of You’ are like two sides of the same love story.”
“If this is real, I’ll cry. They’re perfect together!”
The speculation reached its peak when a fan-made mashup of the two songs went viral, seamlessly blending the tracks into a duet that felt like it was meant to be.
Back at SEVENTEEN’s dorm, the members couldn’t help but join the buzz.
“So,” Seungkwan started, holding up his phone, “the fans are catching on.”
Jihoon groaned, slumping onto the couch. “I knew this would happen.”
“I mean, they’re not wrong,” Jeonghan said, smirking. “The songs do sound like they’re talking to each other.”
Y/N, who had been invited over for dinner, sat beside Jihoon, trying (and failing) to suppress her laughter. “It’s kind of impressive how quickly they picked up on it.”
Joshua leaned forward, grinning. “Are you two going to say anything? Or just let the fans go wild with their theories?”
Jihoon glanced at Y/N, his expression thoughtful. “What do you think?” he asked her.
Y/N smiled softly. “I don’t mind letting them wonder for now. I like that the songs are just ours, even if people are curious.”
The members all groaned in mock frustration.
“You’re both too private for your own good,” Mingyu teased. “Just admit it already and save us the headache!”
“Admit what?” Jihoon shot back, feigning innocence.
“That you two are the main characters in the greatest musical love story ever told,” Hoshi declared dramatically, earning laughter from the group.
Despite the teasing, Jihoon and Y/N decided to keep quiet, letting their music speak for them. The buzz around their songs only grew, with both tracks climbing the charts and becoming fan favorites.
During a live Q&A, Jihoon was inevitably asked about the inspiration for “Only for You.”
“It’s about someone who changed the way I see the world,” he said simply, his expression soft.
When Y/N was asked a similar question about “Echo of You,” she smiled knowingly. “It’s a song about gratitude and love—for someone who helped me realize my worth.”
The fans didn’t need anything more. To them, the connection between the songs—and their creators—was obvious.
One evening, as they sat together in Jihoon’s studio, Y/N turned to him with a playful smile. “So, do you think they’ve figured it out yet?”
Jihoon chuckled, shaking his head. “I think they know. They’re just waiting for us to say it out loud.”
“And when do you think we should?” she asked, tilting her head.
Jihoon thought for a moment before replying, his voice warm. “Maybe someday. But for now, I like that the songs tell our story. It feels… special.”
Y/N leaned closer, her hand resting on his. “I like that too.”
The weeks following the dual song releases were a whirlwind. Both tracks dominated the charts, and the fan theories only grew more elaborate. Mashups, fan edits, and endless analysis filled the internet, with fans piecing together subtle interactions and shared moments.
Despite their best efforts to stay under the radar, the buzz became too loud to ignore. SEVENTEEN’s members didn’t make it any easier, constantly dropping playful hints during interviews and live streams.
One day, Jihoon and Y/N found themselves at a joint event where multiple HYBE artists were present. It was a casual, live-streamed Q&A session, and the energy in the room was lively. Fans flooded the chat with questions about collaborations, their music, and, of course, the connection between Jihoon’s and Y/N’s songs.
The host, clearly aware of the buzz, decided to address the elephant in the room.
“So, Woozi-shi and Y/N-shi,” they began, a mischievous glint in their eye. “The fans have been talking nonstop about how your songs seem… connected. Care to comment?”
Jihoon, caught off guard, glanced at Y/N. She met his gaze with a small, encouraging smile, her eyes silently asking, Are you ready?
He hesitated for a moment before leaning into the mic. “Well,” he started, his voice calm but tinged with nervousness, “the fans aren’t wrong. The songs are connected.”
The room fell silent for a moment, everyone—including the other artists—hanging on his every word.
Y/N chimed in, her tone light but honest. “We didn’t plan for it to be a big mystery. We just wrote from our hearts. And, well… our hearts were in the same place.”
The host’s eyes widened in realization. “Wait, are you saying—”
Jihoon nodded, cutting them off gently. “Y/N and I… we’re together. And the songs were our way of telling that story without saying it outright.”
The room erupted into applause, cheers, and a few playful whistles from SEVENTEEN and the other HYBE artists. The fans watching the live stream went wild, the chat filling with messages like:
“This is the best plot twist ever!”
“Our musical power couple!”
Later that evening, Jihoon and Y/N sat together backstage, scrolling through the flood of messages on social media.
“Looks like the fans are taking it well,” Y/N said, laughing as she read a particularly enthusiastic comment.
Jihoon smiled, his shoulders relaxing for the first time in weeks. “I guess I shouldn’t have worried so much. They seem… happy for us.”
Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder. “Of course they are. We’ve been honest in the best way we know how—through our music.”
Jihoon wrapped an arm around her, his voice soft. “I’m glad we finally said it. It feels good not to hide anymore.”
She looked up at him, her eyes shining. “Me too.”
As the weeks passed, their relationship became a beloved story among fans. Jihoon and Y/N didn’t share much beyond their music and occasional glimpses of their dynamic, but their authenticity resonated with everyone.
Their next collaboration—a duet explicitly written as a continuation of their story—became one of the most anticipated releases of the year, cementing their status as not just two incredible artists but as a couple who had found love in the heart of their shared passion.
And as Jihoon often said in interviews, with a small, knowing smile: “It all started with a song.”
The announcement of Jihoon and Y/N’s relationship didn’t just excite fans; it gave SEVENTEEN endless new material to tease their usually reserved member. And, of course, they weren’t going to let the opportunity go to waste during their next content shoot.
The group was filming an episode of their popular variety show, “GOING SEVENTEEN,” and the theme for the day was a mock courtroom trial where members had to defend themselves against outrageous (and often ridiculous) accusations.
As the camera rolled, Jeonghan smirked, ready to unleash chaos. “Today, I bring a serious accusation against Jihoon,” he began, standing dramatically as the self-appointed prosecutor.
Jihoon, sitting at the “defendant’s” table, raised an eyebrow. “What now?”
Jeonghan held up an imaginary piece of paper, squinting at it for effect. “Jihoon, you’ve been accused of… secretly writing love songs instead of working on group projects. How do you plead?”
The room erupted in laughter, with Seungkwan clapping his hands. “Guilty! We all know it’s true!”
Jihoon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Is this really necessary?”
“Yes!” Hoshi chimed in, his grin practically splitting his face. “We’ve all noticed you humming random melodies lately. Are those for us, or… someone else?”
The teasing didn’t stop there. As the trial continued, the members took turns “presenting evidence.”
Mingyu dramatically placed a notebook on the table. “Exhibit A: Jihoon’s lyric book. Do we need to open it to find the word ‘Y/N’ written a hundred times?”
Dino jumped in, mimicking an investigator. “Exhibit B: The way Jihoon smiles at his phone during breaks. Suspicious behavior if you ask me.”
Even the usually quiet Wonwoo joined in. “Exhibit C: The recent duet with Y/N. We all heard it. It’s basically a confession set to music.”
By this point, Jihoon’s face was a deep shade of red, though he couldn’t help but chuckle.
During a break in filming, Joshua leaned over to Jihoon. “You know, they’re only teasing because they’re happy for you, right?”
“I know,” Jihoon replied, a small smile tugging at his lips. “But they’re relentless.”
“Hey, it’s good content,” Joshua said with a wink. “The fans will love it.”
Later in the shoot, the tables turned when it was Jihoon’s chance to act as the judge. He banged the gavel dramatically. “I have an accusation of my own,” he announced, his tone firm but playful.
The members gasped in mock horror.
“I accuse SEVENTEEN of being the nosiest group in the industry,” Jihoon declared, pointing at them one by one. “Always prying, always teasing. How do you plead?”
“Guilty!” Seungkwan shouted, raising his hands in surrender. “But we do it out of love!”
Hoshi stood up, grinning. “Your Honor, I’d like to counter-accuse. Jihoon is guilty of smiling more these days. We all know the reason why.”
The room burst into laughter once again, and Jihoon couldn’t help but shake his head, a reluctant smile on his face.
As the shoot wrapped up, the director praised the group for their energy and humor. The episode, once edited, was full of golden moments that had fans laughing and cooing over SEVENTEEN’s antics.
And while Jihoon might have been the butt of the jokes, the camaraderie and genuine affection from his members shone through.
In the comments section of the uploaded episode, fans were quick to notice the playful dynamic:
“SEVENTEEN teasing Jihoon about Y/N is peak family energy!”
“Jihoon trying to act annoyed but secretly loving it is so cute.”
“The way they all support him in their own chaotic way makes me emotional.”
That evening, as Jihoon returned to his studio, his phone buzzed with a message from Y/N:
Y/N: Saw the episode preview. They’re so obvious, lol.
Jihoon smiled, typing back:
Jihoon: They’re impossible. But at least they’re on our side.
Y/N: Always. And so am I.
As he leaned back in his chair, Jihoon couldn’t help but feel grateful—not just for Y/N, but for the family he’d found in SEVENTEEN.
Even if they never let him live it down.
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magic-shop-stories · 1 month ago
BTS as fathers pt.2 - YOONGI
other members JIN
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pt.2 - YOONGI
Yoongi’s parenting style would be quiet piano melodies at 2 AM, handwritten notes tucked into lunchboxes, and a love so steady it feels like a heartbeat. He’s the dad who says little but sees everything.
💖 Emotional Side & Feelings
quietly devoted
actions > grand gestures
late-night tea talks
fixes broken toys/stuff without asking
introspective journaling
fears of emotional distance
love language: quality time & acts of service
all-night school project help
concert drives
soft at heart = tearing up at milestones, hidden behind a grumpy mask
Yoongi would express his deep love through subtle, consistent actions. He may appear reserved, yet every late-night conversation and gentle fix is a testament to his devotion. Though he worries about repeating his father’s emotional distance, he'd work hard to be fully present for his kids, even if it means muttering “Allergies” while wiping a stray tear at a piano recital.
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👨‍👧‍👦 What He Does With His Kids
Music lessons: Home studio piano basics
“Finger placement matters. No, not like that...here.”
Quiet adventures: Indie bookstores, vinyl shops, late-night drives with lo-fi beats
Cooking: Simple meals like kimchi jjigae with extra tofu
“Eat. It’ll make you taller.”
Vinyl Listening & Music Appreciation Nights: He has a deep love for analog music and storytelling through sound. On weekend nights, he'd sit in the studio or living room, with his kids dims the lights, and plays vinyl records, explaining what makes each song special
“Listen to this bassline—pure genius.”
sometimes, they take turns picking albums, and he lets them explain why they love certain songs.
he'd teach them how to handle vinyl properly
“No fingerprints. Treat it with respect.”
occasionally, he'd play them unreleased songs or rough demos, letting them hear his creative process
becomes a bonding ritual = music as a shared language between them
From teaching piano in his intimate studio to taking quiet midnight drives, Yoongi’s time with his kids would be filled with understated moments that nurture creativity and resilience. Whether whipping up a simple meal or listeninh to music together, every moment would be carefully crafted to make his children feel seen and supported.
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📚 What He Teaches Them
“Life’s not fair. But you’re tougher than you think.”
“There’s no wrong way to create.”
Financial sense
“Save your allowance. That Dior hoodie isn’t worth it.” (Though earned, rewards follow)
“Speak up. Even if your voice shakes.”
Yoongi’s lessons would be straightforward and heartfelt. He'd emphasize bouncing back from setbacks, finding beauty in creative expression, and developing financial wisdom, often blending tough love with gentle encouragement to help his children forge their own paths.
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💎 His Beliefs & Values
Mental health matters: open about anxiety
Work hard, rest harder: mandatory “lazy Sundays”
Privacy is sacred
shields from media, no paparazzi
With a balanced perspective shaped by his own challenges, Yoongi would instill values of self-care and privacy. He believes that mental health is as important as any achievement and ensures that his family has a sanctuary away from the public eye.
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🚫 What He’s Strict About
“You can disagree without being cruel.” - then sits them in the studio to write down the sharpest punchlines together
“Disappointing me is worse than making a mistake.”
Screen time: Limits social media; promotes creative hobbies
Alcohol: you might think he'd be chill about it but he'd be strict about underage drinking, but also teaches responsible choices when older
Firm and fair, Yoongi sets clear boundaries. He demands respect and honesty in every interaction and enforces sensible limits on screen time. Notably, he is resolute about alcohol—prohibiting it for underage kids while gradually educating them on responsibility as they grow.
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🤒 Handling Tough Situations
When sick: methodical care (thermometer, homemade ginger tea, Studio Ghibli DVDs)
“Rest. I’ll handle the rest.”
Misbehavior: calm discussion
“Let’s talk about why you did that.”
logical consequences (e.g. volunteering if careless with a pet)
Heartbreak: shares personal tales of teenage angst over hot chocolate
“First love’s like a song—beautiful, but not always meant to last.”
Whether it’s a fever or a broken heart, Yoongi would handle crises with a steady, thoughtful approach. He'd create a healing environment, be it with a carefully measured dose of ginger tea or a quiet chat that puts life’s disappointments into perspective.
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🎁 Typical Gifts
Vinyl records: rare pressings
(e.g., signed vinyl for 16th birthday)
“Don’t scratch it.”
Music gear: vintage guitar or MIDI controller
“Make something honest.”
Luxury staples: subtle Valentino accessories
“Take care of yourself. It’s not vanity, it’s self-respect.”
Every gift from Yoongi meticulously chosen to reflect his children’s passions and his own refined taste. From rare vinyl to quality music instruments and understated luxury items, his presents would be both meaningful and practical.
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👧👦 Parenting Differences: Daughter and Son
For His Daughter:
fiercely protective yet promotes independence
“You don’t need anyone’s permission to take up space.”
admires her boldness
secretly preserves her protest art
encourages pursuit of STEM or music, whatever she loves
For His Son:
focuses on emotional intelligence
“Crying doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human.”
bonds over basketball games (even if Yoongi is hopeless against his own son - YES! - believe me, he is good but his son would be better)
teaches practical skills: cooking, cleaning, money management
Yoongi would tailor his approach with care: nurturing his daughter’s independence and creative spirit while guiding his son to embrace vulnerability and practical life skills. His method would be to celebrate each child’s uniqueness while providing a consistent foundation of love and discipline.
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💬 Typical Things He Says
“Think before you act. But don’t overthink.” “You’re allowed to be angry. Just don’t let it control you.” “If you’re going to fail, fail forward.” “Want a snack? I’ve got ...”
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🌟 Family Rituals
Midnight snack sessions: 1 AM ramyeon under soft kitchen lights, life talks
Studio Saturdays: Home studio hangouts with doodles and songwriting
Annual hiking trips: Nature detoxes
“Fresh air fixes everything.”
Family time with Yoongi defined by unique rituals that blend creativity and calm. From spontaneous late-night snacks to relaxed studio sessions and refreshing hikes, these traditions cement the deep bonds they share.
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🌍 Balancing Fame & Family
compartmentalizes work and home, home is sacred
occasional low-key studio sessions
no exploitation of their image
advocates for mental health resources for teens, inspired by his kids
Yoongi would masterfully separate his demanding career from his cherished family life. He'd ensure that his children are shielded from the limelight while still sharing bits of his world in a controlled, nurturing way.
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💭 His Worries & Efforts
fears of emotional distance
schedules weekly “How’s your heart?” check-ins
overthinks birthday gifts to ensure they feel truly seen
quietly donates to youth art programs, promoting a kinder, less judgmental world
Haunted by the possibility of inheriting his father’s detachment, Yoongi would constantly strive to connect more deeply with his children. His careful efforts, both big and small, reveal a dad who is always learning, always loving, and always trying to create a better world for his kids.
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Ur doing good lad!
And don't you forget it! 🫶
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youre doin good lad.
For those who are having a bit of a rough day, remember that Demoflower always supports you and thinks you're valid.
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blank-house · 10 months ago
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We updated the jam demo!
It's exactly what the title says lol.
If you're curious to know more about the team's thoughts as we hit the end of May, you can read about it here -> LINK
But the long story short is that we're still in production mode for the extended demo. It's a mixed bag of emotions from all of us for sure, but we're optimistically looking forward to the upcoming months because we're SO SO close to the finish line!
Haha I'm actually shaking a little from excitement and nervousness because you guys finally get a taste of what we've been working on for nearly a year :,) It's really been a nerve-wracking night for me having to stay up for this exact moment, but I'm ultimately really proud of what we get to show y'all. So please, enjoy! And thank you for your patience and support all this time. <3
[ ◉ ¯]
Check out our updated demo here: Keyframes Twitter account: Twitter
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