#demon taekwoon
prettywordsyouleft · 2 years
Frightful October: Demonology
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I decided to put together all the stories I’ve written for this theme! I’ll be posting these omnibuses during the month of October.
Spellbound | Demonology 
King of Demons - Jaebum ft. GOT7
Unfathomable - Mark Tuan (GOT7) – part of King of Demons series
Risky Visions - Jung Jinyoung (B1A4)
Contract - Taekwoon (VIXX)
Someone - Jackson (GOT7) – part of King of Demons series
Cursed - Taeyong (NCT)
Heartless - Hyungwon (MONSTA X)
Gatekeeper - BamBam (GOT7) – part of King of Demons series
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fixxofvixx · 2 years
Stay With Me - Demon Taekwoon AU - Chapter 30
I made it before midnight my time, so technically I made an update today! Hahaha so many things happened today and I swear I've tried to post this 4 times. But, I hope you enjoy and I'll be back with another tomorrow (hopefully).
Let me know what you think!💖
"We need to do something about our mother."  Ravi turned to you and then to his brothers.
"Agreed but did something happen?"
"She's been turning the Underworld upside down looking for something.  As soon as we got her down here, she didn't even look for Hakyeon.  She immediately went to the armory and started looking through there."
"Has she tried to contact our father?"
You snapped your attention to Leo and gasped.
"He's not dead?!"
Panic rose in your heart but Leo was quick to squash it.
"He's dead, don't worry."  Your nerves settled a bit but then you were instantly confused.  
Leo continued, "He's down here, but he's not free to roam.  He's in sort of a jail.  It's part of the rules when you die.  Your soul is weighed and where you end up depends on the outcome."
You nodded, your head swimming from all the information.
"To answer your question from earlier, our mother hasn't even been near him.  I have no idea what she's looking for."
"Have you asked your father if he knows?"  You turned to Ravi and he stalled.  His face showed that he hadn't even thought of that.
"I...no….I haven't.  But to be honest, I can't.  Not completely, anyway.  I'm not allowed to have contact with him and where he's at is forbidden for demons who aren't dead.  It's pretty much like a reverse world.  Humans have the powers there and the demons are punished by them."
"What about me?  Can I go in?"
"No."  Leo's voice was hard and determined.  You'd expected him to object.  
"Actually, you could.  Considering you have an immortal soul but also human, you would be fine." Ravi shrugged but realized what he said and nodded.  "But…..Leo's thoughts are our own.  We don't want you near him."
"But he can't do anything to me here, right?  You said the humans were in charge there."
Ravi looked at Leo again, knowing your reasoning was correct but didn't want to overstep his jurisdiction.
"You don't need to.  We'll figure something out.  If anything, we can send someone else in or send a messenger.  If that fails then we'll just ask our mother." 
"Is….she still down here?"  You were certain that you could live a hundred lifetimes and not see her again.
"She can come and go as she pleases so I honestly have no idea.  She knows I can see who is down here but she's figured out a way to cloak herself.  I've been trying to keep her away from my house….and my wife.  So, I haven't really been too close to her."
"Then let me talk to your father and find out what she wants.  If we find it, she'll stop looking down here and you won't have to always be on your guard."
"I might have to agree with y/n on this one."  Ken softly spoke and quickly moved behind Ravi when Leo shot a glare his way.
"Leo, look at me."  Leo reluctantly turned to you.  "I know what your concerns are because they're mine too.  But, with all due respect, I don't trust either of your parents.  And if we can find out what's going on before they realize we know it would be to our advantage."
"I agree with y/n."  Hakyeon spoke up from behind you.  You turned and saw him still carrying Sibena.  "Father is greedy and power hungry.  He hates humans but hates mother even more.  If we can convince him to tell us what she wants and promise to stop her, he just might comply."  As Hakyeon stepped closer he smiled at you and patted the top of your head.  You couldn't help but smile back as it was the first time you experienced the feeling of having a sibling.  
"Are you all insane?!  He wanted to kill her! Do you not understand that?!"
"Your mother wants the same thing, Leo.  But our only option is the lesser of two evils."  You placed a hand on Leo's arm and felt the tensed muscle there.  
"I have human guards that I can send with her.  She would be completely safe.  Father has no powers here anyway.  She also has Hakyeon's soul.  She's probably the safest person in the entire Underworld right now."
Leo looked so defeated that you couldn't help but feel sorry for him.  You stepped close and wrapped your arms around him.  He looked down at you and sighed.
"Come with me for a minute."  He took your hand and led you outside.  You followed him until he stopped several feet from Ravi's house.
"Leo, I--mmph!"  Leo suddenly grabbed you and pressed his lips against yours.  The kiss only lasted for a second or a two but his feelings were clear.  He was conflicted and sad.  You placed your hands on his cheeks and smiled.
"I know, but I think this is honestly the best way.  I'm worried that if we hesitate too long, something bad will happen.  We can't let her get the upper hand."
"Humans never have the upper hand."  Your heart almost froze when you heard Leo's mother.  Her voice sent a chill down your back and Leo tightened his hold on you.
"What the hell do you want?"
"How dare you speak to me like that!"  You jumped when she screamed at Leo.  The others must have heard her because in an instant they were all around you and Leo.
"Oh good, everyone is here.  We can get down to business."
"And what kind of business do you mean?"  Hakyeon stood to your left with his arms crossed over his chest.
"The type where I'm taking over."  She spread her arms out as if to signify her crowning achievement that no one knew of 
"What are you talking about?  Taking over what?"  Ravi spoke up this time from your right.
"The Underworld, of course."
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imbicuriousyeah · 7 years
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14/∞ gifs of leo: demon eyes 🐺
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marshmallowleos · 2 years
I’m absolutely looosinnggg my fricking miiind over all of this 😫
literally abt to start foaming at the mouth if taekwoon actually gives us some sort of sexy gothic blood and horror concept im going to go rabid
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galaxymagick · 5 years
*watches taek’s muse image teaser*
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hydeenthusiest · 5 years
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Leo - Muse Teaser
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already-taekken · 6 years
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*foams at the mouth*
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roses-and-absinthe · 6 years
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A/N: So this is a story I’ve recently thought of (blame Supernatural). Not sure where it’s going or what I’m gonna do with it but here it is :P
Screeching pierces my ears, echoing through the dark house, waking me from deep slumber. Confused, I look at the clock on my nightstand. Just past one in the morning when another scream rips me completely from my dreams. Scrambling out of bed, I’m almost at the door when footsteps pound by, not caring about waking everyone else. The smell of rotten eggs wafts under the door soon after.
Heart beating furiously in my chest, I drop to my knees and roll under my bed, moving the stuff that has accumulated around to cover and keep me hidden. I don’t realize there are tears streaming down my face, partially for my own well being, but mostly for the person who’s screams still reverberate through the house. My mother, pleading hysterically for them to let her go, pleading for them to let her live. She makes promises. Promises to keep this to herself,  promises that she’d make up a story about her wounds. All I hear is chuckling, denial of her requests and then a sickening sound that I’m sure I will remember for the rest of my life.
Her screams only get louder, piercing through my eardrums. I suddenly hear my father begging, almost incoherent, with whomever decided to intrude into our home. The only response I can make out is more chuckling, but the sound is feminine this time.
Two. There’s two intruders torturing my family, doing who knows what to cause them to scream.
More footsteps sound in the hallway, lighter. My brother, only nine.
“Look who we have here,” the female says, her disgustingly smooth voice coming clearly through my door.  “Who’s this cutie?”
“You leave him alone!” My father gurgles. A punch lands.
She laughs again. “I don’t think so.”
My brother screams.
Scrambling out from under the bed, I quietly open the door, peeking down to where my parents room is situated. Looking around my room frantically for a weapon, my eyes land on the softball bat I haven’t used in years. Grabbing it, I open the door, and briskly make my way to where my family is being tortured.
“Let my family go,” I burst in, voice trembling, pointing the bat at the two intruders. At a quick glance, I see there’s blood spattered across the walls, my parents are bruised and bleeding, kneeling at the end of their bed. My mother looks like she’s barely holding onto consciousness. My father looks both angry and scared. My baby brother is lying in a heap on the floor, holding his stomach, blood coming from his mouth.
“Why are you doing this?!” I scream at them, my hands trembling as I stare them down.
“Why?” The female asks, her eyes glittering, a toothy grin spreading her dark red lips into a vile mimicry of a smile. “Because we thought we should have some fun tonight.”
Her response fills me with rage, my chest filling with burning hatred towards them. Pulling my arms back with the bat, I swing. Before I can even get close, she flicks her wrist, sending me crashing against the wall. The bat clatters to the floor as I’m lifted into the air by some invisible force, back pressed firmly to the wall.
“You get to watch what we do to your precious little family now, little girl. You’re gonna wish you hadn’t tried to stop us from enjoying our evening,” the man says, his eyes flicking black as he turns to face me.
Gasping, I cringe looking into the black pits that are his eyes. “What are you?” I whisper.
He chuckles darkly, stepping closer so his nose is nearly pressed against mine, the stench of rotting eggs filling my nostrils, making me gag. “I think you’ll find out soon enough,” he slowly caresses my cheek.
The female steps towards my mother, grabbing a fistful of her hair so she faces her. She suddenly pulls her fist back and punches her across the face. Her head jerks back and blood trickles out of her mouth.
“How do you feel about your daughter watching as you die?” She asks.
My mother shakes her head, unable to respond. She looks at me and pleads with her eyes. I strain against whatever force is holding me captive, my muscles aching with the effort.
My brother starts wriggling on the floor, trying to crawl away from these monsters. He doesn’t get far before the man notices, stomping his foot in the middle of his small back. Bones crunch, my brother crying out in pain as this evil being shifts his weight a little more, his large foot digging into his back.
“Careful, Ber, we don’t want him to go too quickly now, do we?” The female asks huskily, circling my father before dragging her fingernails across his exposed chest, blood beginning to flow freely as he whimpers. The male chuckles, turning his attention to my mother. I don’t realize that however they’re holding me, they’re holding them too in the same way.
Hours tick by, my eyes stinging from the tears that have escaped, soaking my shirt. My brother attempted another escape but was quickly caught, before being dragged back to lie in front of my parents. Tears stream down their faces as well, mixing with the drying blood and spittle. Their clothes are shreds now, hanging loosely and stained.
My father's eyes are nearly swollen shut from all the kicks and punches he’s received, his lips split in several places as well. My mother’s cheek is nearly split in two, the flesh peeking out and dripping blood. It looks like an arm has been broken given the awkward angle it sits at. Their labored breathing grates on my ears as I watch them from the wall.
“I think we should wrap this up now, don’t you, Sam?” The man suggests. “The night is almost over.”
“I agree,” the female says smoothly. She looks down at my father, looking pleased with her handiwork, before she grabs his chin, giving him a kiss on the lips and slashing his throat with her sharp nails.
“No!” Fresh tears form in my eyes, blurring my vision. I begin straining again, willing myself to pull myself off the wall. I watch helplessly as my father's life drains from his body, staining the floor a dark red, pooling around my mother’s knees. She begins writhing in her spot, shrieks and wails filling the air as she watches the love of her life die before her.
“Don’t worry, dearest,” the woman says in a laughing tone. “You’ll be joining him soon.”
The man steps behind her, pulling her up by her head. She looks into my eyes but before she can say anything, he twists her head, the sound of her neck breaking resonating through the room. He releases her, her body slumping to the floor next to my father, blank eyes staring off into nothing.
Sobs are coming hysterically from me now, throat raw from the hours spent crying. They’ve turned their attention now to my brother, still lying where they’d left him. He’s breathing shallowly, his eyes glazed over, our fathers blood beginning to pool around the side of his face, our mother lying behind him. The female picks him up by the collar of his shirt, his screams starting abruptly as he’s jostled around.
“Please!” I beg in between sobs, my voice raspy and hoarse. “Not him, please, not him. Let him go. Don’t kill him, please!”
They both laugh, the man coming around to grin in my face.
“And what if we don’t? What is a puny little human like you gonna do?” His disgustingly hot breath washes over me, causing me to gag again.
“I’ll find you,” I manage between gasps. “I’ll find you and make you pay for what you’ve done.” I glare at him, not letting his black eyes discourage me.
“I’d like to see you try,” he grins.
He turns to Sam, giving her a slight nod. Her slimy grin gets bigger as she pulls my brother up against her. A gross squelching fills my ears as she pushes her arm through his back and his chest. He gasps for air as she pulls her arm back, leaving a hole in his torso. Blood quickly drenched his clothes. His eyes are blank by the time she drops him to the floor, joining our dead parents.
I scream, still wildly thrashing on the wall, crying hysterically, staring at the bodies of my family.
Sam is in front of me now, her blood covered hand gripping my face, forcing me to look at her.
“I hope you had fun, darling,” her grossly smooth voice coming through the fog that has begun to settle around my head. “We’ll be seeing you soon, I hope.” She leans forward, pressing her lips firmly against mine, leaving her lipstick smeared on my face.
In the blink of an eye, they’re gone, my exhausted body falling harshly to the floor, knees hitting the hardwood floors with extreme force.
Gasping for breath between sobs, I crawl to my parents and little brother. I can’t feel the blood under my knees as I grab his face, calling for him to look at me, part of me refusing to believe that he’s gone.
I grip my father's hand, willing him back to life but no response comes. I try to fix my mother’s head, bones crunching as I attempt to put her head back into its normal position.
I don’t know how long I sit there before I faintly recognize footsteps coming through the house. I don’t move when I hear cursing behind me as I stare blankly at the remains of my family, my hand stroking absently through my brother’s blood matted hair.
Hands gently shake my shoulders, a man's voice calling out to me. When I don’t respond, he stands up and leaves. Somewhere in the house, the sound of a shower turning on catches my attention. Hands sliding under my arms, he pulls me up, an arm sliding under my legs when they refuse to cooperate. He carries me to the bathroom, sitting me under the stream as he begins to try to wash the dried blood on my skin. He scrubs for ages, the water running red as the blood stubbornly washes off. Satisfied, he turns off the water, leaving me in the tub.
He comes back minutes later, holding clothes out for me. He sighs in frustration when I don’t respond, hauling me out and wrapping me in a towel.
“I need you to get dressed, we need to leave,” his gruff voice comes through. He gently slaps my cheek, looking me in the eye to make sure I heard him.
Nodding automatically, I let the towel fall from my shoulders. I’ve stripped my shirt off before he swings around, flustered, and closes the bathroom door behind him.
He knocks minutes later, peeking in to make sure I’m fully dressed. In my shocked stupor, I somehow managed to dress myself, discarding the wet clothes in the tub. He grabs my hand roughly, pulling me out of the bathroom and down the stairs in a flash. The blushing sunrise smeared across the sky alerts me to just how early it is. He’s pushing me down into his car, sitting at the curb, before jogging around and seating himself in the driver’s seat. The engine roars to life and we’re speeding down the road, away from the carnage that still resides in my home.
The home I grew up in. The only home my brother ever knew. Fresh tears roll down my cheeks as the driveway disappears in the side mirror. The man says nothing to me, letting me crumble into myself.
In only a few hours, everything I had ever known was destroyed, everyone I had ever loved, gone. The emptiness in my chest is consuming as the pain wracks my soul. Or what remains of it.
It doesn’t take long for exhaustion to take over, my body giving in to the shock.
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leolair · 6 years
[Possessing Me Softly] Chapter 2: His name is Leo
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"Whoa-whoa" The demon was holding your body when it went limp in his arms and you almost took him with you; so he had to shift his own weight to support yours. He was rummaging his brain for an explanation of what had just happened, why did you just passed out like that? Even more importantly, what in Hell's prairies was he supposed to do with you now. He should be explaining the details and commands of the contract to you, but... he can't, so... should he... leave and come back later? Well, for the moment he guessed he had to put you down.
The carmine orb fluttering by his side gurgled and he heard an excited voice inside his head. "Leo? How did it go?" Red drops from the bubble stumbled upon the dirt with every word.
Leo picked the honey tar and gave it a sniff. It wasn't completely ruined, he guessed. One could still salvage around half of it. Such a shame, it smelled really good.  "I closed it."
The bubble almost exploded when the voice spoke. "Congratulations! Oh, we have to celebrate. What do you want to eat?"
"Nothing that you cooked"
"It was one time I burnt the food, you have to let it go someday"
Leo didn't answer. There weren't numbers high enough to express how many times it had really been, and even when he didn't burnt it, N seemed to have a talent for striping ingredients out of their flavor. Leo had tried to teach him once or twice, but to no avail. Maybe N had a curse of sorts.
"Talk to me, Leo, how does your caster looks? Is she a girl, she sounded like a girl. Is she pretty? Have you two talked about the contract? Did you give her the bandage like I told you to?" Oh... that. Crap, N was going to nag him if he found out he had let you bleed all this time. He knelled right beside you; retrieving the small bandage from his coat, he started wrapping it around your arm. The cut didn't seem very deep and most of the bleeding had stopped now.
"No, she fainted," and the notion was swarming around Leo's head; he had seen deals being closed before and, although he admits he have been a tad more rough than he had seen N being in the past, he never witnessed a caster even losing his balance when the contract was sealed.
Leo noticed the voice in his head was awfully quiet, although he didn't ponder long if it was any sing of abnormality in your deal. "Maybe she cut too deep," the redhead suggested absent-mindedly. "Bleed too much". As far as he could see and as far as he could smell, there was blood everywhere. It coated the tars, it mixed with the honey, it stained the dirt and it even putted out one of the candles that had previously been knocked off.
He only heard a non-committal sound from his friend.
Time passed in which Leo picked your offerings, inspecting the ones he would take home and the ones he would simply toss out. So far he only had grabbed interest in the honey that had gone untouched by your blood and a small wooden music box. This weren't very common in the underground. He wondered how it would sound.  There was also some wine there that N would appreciate.
He was picking stuff around when he spotted a glimpse of metal in the dirt. He leaned down to pick it up, but...
Fuck. He let it down with a grunt.
"Leo? Everything alright?"
"Silver," the demon looked around for something to grab the blade with, but a caw stopped him. Hugnin, his familiar, was pecking at a black backpack. Maybe it was yours?
"Uh, bad choice. Do you think she knows it hurts us? Does she seem the evil type of woman? Maybe a witch?"
Leo opened the bag refusing to answer. Inside was an old looking book. He flipped through the pages, catching drawings of summoning runes along the paper. It was yours, then. He rummaged a little more until he felt soft cloth touch his fingers. He was looking for something he could wrap around the knife to grab it and not have his hand scorched. A sweater. Good enough.
He was about to reach for the blade when N's voice came back. "Hey, Leo? Try not using your hands to pick it up."
Sigh. Leo shoved the sweater back in the bag, maybe with a little more force than necessary. He squatted by the knife and placed his hands on top of it.
"Come on, you can do it, you just need to-"
Leo tuned him out. He could feel the air crisp around him and the hair in his arms stood up, but the knife remained on the ground. He pushed harder. He could feel something vibrating within his chest, the place where his soul might have been stored in the past. He felt energy in his fingertip and the knife lifted in the air. The sight always reminded Leo of a puppet having its strings pulled.
"I did it."
"Congratulations! Everything is coming together today isn't it? You had your first deal and you finally managed to lift sacred metals." His voice took a dramatically sad tone. "They grow so fast. I can still remember the day we met, you were so-"
"Shut up." Leo shoved the silver blade into your backpack; a little more force and the back of the bag might have been cut through. He felt better now that the thing was out of sight, but he was back on his initial conundrum. What was he supposed to do with you?
As if reading his mind N intervened. "You aren't just gonna leave her there, right?" But couldn't he? Couldn't he just... take off? Sure, the night was chilly but it wasn't all that cold, and he even cleaned around. Maybe if he threw your sweater over you…
"No," N was never going to let him live it down. Leo went to you and cupped your face in his hands. "Hey," he waited for a second, but the demon had to repeat his command a couple of times before getting any sing of awareness in you. "Open your eyes for me, please," your eyes rolled in your sockets and Leo had to fight a sigh. When they finally open, he rushed before you could pass out again. "I just need you to think of home, okay? Just think of your house for a second," It took a while, but he felt the image form in his head. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled at the strings, feeling them take him into his destination.
 Chirp? Oh for fuck's sake... Those goddamn birds. You swore upon your nana's grave that that if you could go back in time just for a second it would be to stop you mother from planting that damned tree by your window.
Now, there’s a lie.
You quickly sat in your bed and peeled the covers away from your body. Your head was killing you and the space over your sternum felt sore and heavy. You massaged the place, trying to sooth the feeling while searching for an injury. You found nothing. No blood, no scratches, not even a bruise. Still... you could clearly remember the star entering your body and the pain… oh the pain. It was like something impossible heavy pushed your insides around and took place in the middle of your chest.
Then, you noticed the bandage wrapped around your forearm. The wound throbbed and you could see some blood splattered in the cloth. You didn't remember bandaging it yourself. Did the demon...?
You got up, shaking the though off. Whatever happened was over and you needed a shower with urgency. Sweat, dirt and dried blood stuck to you like a second skin, your cheeks had crusts of dry tears that you don’t even remember crying. Well... some of them you did.
The ritual in theory was not that complicated, you thought as you striped in the shower, careful to not get the bandage over your arm wet. The blood sacrifice had taken more of your sanity, both mental and physical, that you could’ve predicted, but the rest was quite simple. A chalk drawn circle with an over spiked star, weird runes, candles, an incantation and offerings.
Now that's where it got interesting. Apparently there wasn't any "how-to" when it came to flattering demons, but there were basic offerings that, if the internet was right, pleased a great variety of them. Oh!, because the little fuckers turned out to be picky. Some liked rice grains; some wouldn't present themselves if you offered it; some would drool over raw meat; some would open you in canal if you dared to have it near them during the ritual.
In the end you went with wine, honey, incense, a couple of herbs and a small music box, because apparently, the one thing they all agreed on was that 'tech is neat'.
You wrapped your body in a towel and stepped out of the shower, even when it felt like only you lived in this house now, with your parents always in the hospital. Passing by the sink, you stole a side eyed glace in the mirror, what you saw stole a gasp from your lips. There it was, just like the books had described it; a single black symbol on the skin between your breasts. It was a small cross with two horizontal lines, a hollow circle sat atop the upper one and another more filled one dangled from the one at the bottom.
You ran your fingers over it and reality came crashing down on you, making your head spin. You were marked. You were marked like cattle.
"I sold my soul to a demon."
It was almost ironic that after all that time of researching satanic rituals and their whatabouts, it was now that the gravity of the situation fell upon you.
You were screwed.
You were beyond screwed; you had sold your soul and now it was someone else’s property. Well... not quite yet. Not until Ben was healed. You were going to be around until he could carry on with his own life. The rush of adrenaline made your head spin a little. It brought back memories from last night; the candles, the smoke, the blood, the demon-.
You saw movement out of the corner of your eye. You twisted your head as fast as humanly possible and backed against the wall when you saw... him, in your shower stand. He looked so out of place with his red eyes and ominous clothes. Just now in the bathroom light did you realize that his hair, despite how the candlelight made it seem last night, was actually of an auburn shade. Like old blood. Fuck, he was intimidating. The big black coat he wore didn't helped either.
Thinking about clothes...
The lack of them in your own body fell on you and you gripped the towel around your chest. "What the hell are you doing here?" He opened his mouth but nothing came out. He seemed at a loss for words.
"I... We need to talk. About the contract," he shifted in his feet "I need to teach you-"
"How long have you been in there?" Getting into hysterics was a bad, bad idea, yes, but you were dressed in only a towel, your arm was bleeding and your head was about to explode, so, if your voice had a particularly panicked tone, well... you had motive.
"I just got here, I wasn't... watching" The demon seemed to stumble upon his words.
You cradled your head in between your hands. Jesus Christ, the day had barely started and you already wanted to crawl back in bed. "Can it wait?"
"Yes, but-"
"Please, just... Go downstairs, give me a second"
The demon nodded and disappeared in a bright light and a loud snap that brought a buzz to your ears.
What the-…
When you walked down the stairs a part of you wished the red-haired demon would be gone, but to your despair, he was planted in the middle of your kitchen, his eyes stuck to a brightly coloured cookie jar. Despite his dramatic look what made your heart jump was not him, bu the big bird perched in one of the wooden chairs from the breakfast table. When she heard you enter the room, she twisted her head around and stared at you with... one, two... seven? Seven eyes. Lord. Her companion heard you as well, and in a likewise manner twisted around looking guilty. You wanted to ask him if he would like a treat for the bird, instead you asked him what did he needed you for.
"Leo" Eh? "My name" Oh. You introduced yourself.
Leo took a notebook from a hidden pocket in his black coat. "We need to go over some things" You eyed the clock hanging over the wall. The black tail of the cat ticked in a steady rhythm; it's eyes traveled from side to side, but you had the feeling it was somehow judging your  life decisions. Nevertheless, you still had some time until school started, so you sat down at the kitchen table, motioning Leo to do the same.
"Before we begin, do you have any question?"
"Yeah, why were you in my shower stand?"
"I-... You passed out, so I-"
"Yeah I get that, but how did you got in there?"
"It's..." He was trying to place it with the right words, but seemed unable to.  The silence extended, you thought he was just going to left that hanging, but he proceeded talking "It's easier to show you."  
You wondered what he meant, but a bright light shined and much like the way he did a couple of minutes ago, he vanished into thin air.
"What?" You looked around, but were completely alone in the kitchen. The baby blue walls that your father used to always keep on patrol for any oil or sauce spills, would have given a dramatic contrast with the almost gothic appearance of the demon. You stood up, looking through the windows that gave to the back garden. Your mother's forgotten cops, dried and dead sat unbothered under the early sun, but no trace of a black coat or a red head. Where had he...?
The black bird made a deep noise that sounded an awful lot like human speech. You passed saliva. It's okay. You knew some birds could mimic sounds. It wasn't all that rare. Although, added to the eyes and the way she looked at you, It was creepy as fuck. "What was that?" you spoke with a trembling voice.
The air in front of you changed and there he was, he was... too close. You breathed in deep, and received a whiff of coffee and something deeper,  far more sinister that complimented the situation perfectly. He was so tall he towered over you; he was close enough for you to feel the heat emanating from his body and his face was… his eyes were...
You took a step back.
"So you appear" Nod. "Whenever I call?"
Leo hesitated. "It works on intent" He passed his hands through the front of his clothes, as if straightening imaginary wrinkles. "You don't need to call me, just..."
"Yeah, I didn't call you upstairs."
"You didn't need to, I was sort of, 'keeping an eye... Ear. Keeping an ear out'"
"And what, you heard me saying the word 'demon' but not the shower running?"
"I didn't hear you I... well I did hear your voice, but I wasn't outside the door or anything"
"Then where-? Oh." It finally fell on you what he was trying to say. "How does that actually work?" You motioned between the two of you. "The books weren't all that clear."
"The contract is inside of you." Leo pointed at the middle of your chest. The star. "That..." He struggled with his words "keeps a door of sorts, open."
You placed a hand over your sternum. Then, a feeling of heaviness around your heart made itself present. As downing as this whole affair seemed... You had a cause. You had a purpose. Last night when you opened your wrist you thought that was going to be it, and the fact that it didn't... well, that changed nothing. "Is there anything else?"
You saw him shift in his chair. He was uneasy and you could almost swear he didn't want to keep going. Regardless, he started reading from his notebook. "The caster, as solicitor, holds complete liberties over the course of action they might prefer to accomplish the given task through, although it is advised to follow the generic methodology presented by the casteé. In addition, the contract enforces the fulfillment of these commands to accelerate the process and to assert the caster wishes are seen trough."
"Wait, what does that mean? I can just boss you around?" Nod. "And you 'have' to do it?" Shrug. "Yikes."
Leo let out a big exhale of air. You had the feeling he was trying to calm himself down. "I need to see your brother soon, but for now, please tell me what exactly is his situation.”
You squirmed in the chair, already familiar with the drowning sensation that swallowed you whenever someone asked about Ben's many afflictions. "My parents were... rather old when they got Ben and the pregnancy was risky," There was a knot forming in the back of your throat, but you pushed it down. "My mom... she went through a lot and Ben was born sooner that we thought."
"How soon?" You noticed the demon was scribbling in the notebook from before.
"Near 28 weeks. He... started to get really sick; had problems breathing and the doctors hooked him to a respirator, but... because of how long he needed the machine, his lungs took some damage. Over the years it escalated, he was diagnosed around a year ago with chronic lung disease. It was supposed to get better over time, but... it hasn't."
"How old is your brother right now?"
"He will turn three in a couple of weeks," which brought to mind that you still had to plan something for his birthday. Last year he had been crazy for butterflies, so you managed to sneak a couple and let them flutter in his hospital room. The smile on his face was worth every second the nurses scolded you. This year, you wondered where on earth you were going to get a dinosaur.
"I see. Is that all?"
"No. He gets infections all the time, even in the hospital's 'sterile' chambers. He also had a very bad anemia that slowed down his growth." Leo was nodding you along, pen dancing over the paper.
>>He has... trouble learning. At the beginning the doctors guessed his brain hadn't developed correctly, but it seems fine in all of the scans," you leaned against the wall, talking about Ben always drained you emotionally. You wondered if anyone will notice if you skipped class today. You considered for a moment, but desisted upon realizing that staying home would just prolong your current conversation. You focused again on your train of thought. "We are just... stumbling in the dark at this point. All the other preemies in his wing stayed in the hospital only a couple of weeks, Ben lives there."
"Is there any chance I could look into his medical records, as well as your family's?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll have to look for them, though."
"I'll need some blood too."
A chill ran down your spine. Last night you had to pay a price in blood, maybe... "You want me to..." your hand gestured towards the kitchen knives.
Leo's eyes bored on you. He seemed strangely amused by your suggestion.  “I mean a sample. From your brother?”
Embarrassment brought the color back to your face. Right.
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fanfics-enthusiast · 6 years
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***VIXX Leo
(Chaptered - Complete) Demon Leo:
CH01 - CH02 - CH03 - CH04 - CH05 - CH06 - CH07 - CH08 - CH09 - CH10 - CH11 - CH12 - CH13 - CH14 - CH15 - CH16
****Author: @fixxofvixx
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Leo + Dark + Royalty
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fixxofvixx · 3 years
Stay With Me - Demon Leo AU - Chapter 27
Hello!! I finished a chapter! Woohoo!!! Haha it feels like it's been forever!! I'm posting this just before I go into work so I hope you all enjoy it and I will check for replies after I finish!
Please let me know what you think!!!💖💖
Try as you might, getting up the next morning was difficult.  When you opened your eyes, Leo was gone.  Your hand went to the empty spot where he should have been and instead found a feather, black with a red tip.  Smiling, you picked up the feather and brought it closer.  You rose up, painfully, and took a look at yourself.  You had been fully clothed and suspected that Leo had worked his magic before leaving.  
It took you almost 20 minutes to get out of bed, walk to the bathroom, and finish getting ready.  You managed to put your hair into a loose bun and, as a finishing touch, attached Leo's feather to the hair tie.  
You desperately wanted to crawl back into bed but you wanted food.  You hoped Leo had placed something in the kitchen for you.  Otherwise, you'd be at the mercy of the fruit basket on the table.  
Once you reached the living room, you spotted Sabina pacing right inside the large glass windows.  
"Hello, Sabina."
*Oh good, you're awake.*  The lynx turned to you and then stopped.  She chuffed and moved closer to you.
*Staking your claim?*
"What do you mean?"
*The feather….*
"Oh!  Um….well, it was a gift so what better way than to accessorize?"  You reached for the pendant at your neck and held it up for Sabina to see.
*You people are so strange.*
You shrugged your shoulders and went towards the kitchen.  
"Have you seen Leo?"
*He went outside earlier and let me in.  He said something about the wolves.*
You thought for a minute and then you remembered what you'd said about the wolves hating you now.  Did he go to talk to them?  You felt a little sadness because you wanted to see them for yourself and make sure that they still liked you.
You thankfully found enough food to make some toast with jam.  You had only mentioned to Leo that you liked jam and suddenly every flavor was displayed on the counter.  
You had just swallowed the last bit of toast in your mouth when Leo appeared in front of you, causing you to scream.
"Leo!"  The look on his face told you that he was amused at your obvious surprise.
"No, you're not but I supposed I should be used to you doing that."
"I like to keep you on your toes….almost as much as I like keeping you on your back."  He smiled sinfully and leaned forward for a kiss.  His words caused a pink blush to spread over your cheeks.  When he pulled away, you couldn't do anything but smile.  
"Almost...just a demon."  He winked and you rolled your eyes. 
*I'm going outside to throw up if you need me.*
Leo also noticed Sabina leaving and snapped his fingers as she went out the door.  A light thud hit the porch and you looked at Leo, concerned.  He shook his head and smiled.
"Sabina must have found her snack." 
"You're a total pushover when it comes to animals, aren't you?"
"It was a reciprocal agreement.  She watches over you and I give her snacks."
"If you say so."
"Did you sleep well?"  Leo usually changed the subject when you mentioned his soft-heartedness.  
You nodded before leaning your body against his and humming in satisfaction.  You had always wanted a simple life with someone to share it with.  You were in bliss.
"Mmm...exquisitely so."  He laughed at your content words.  His hand found the small of your back and kept it there until the sore muscles eased away.  
His actions only caused you to melt into him further. 
"Better?"  You nodded and his hand started roaming.  "Anywhere else?"
"No, everything is fine."  You wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed.  His hand came up to wrap around the back of your neck and then stopped.  
"I see you got my present."  His fingers touched the feather hanging from your hair tie.
"Yes, I did.  Thank you.  Are you sure it's okay to take out another feather?"  You leaned back and asked.  He said it didn't hurt to pull one out but was it really okay?
"They grow back, silly girl." He tugged on your earlobe and you shook your head to break free.
Your protest was cut off with his lips covering yours.  You immediately lost all of your anxiety on the subject and pulled him closer.  He moved forward and soon your back hit the wall.  You held on tight with your arms around his neck.  His fingers buried themselves in your hair as you pulled him closer.  You couldn't get enough of him.  His tongue moved slowly against yours and you stood on trembling legs.  
He pulled away suddenly and you groaned in protest without thinking.  He smiled at your expression and gave you one more short kiss.
"Why did you stop?"  You pouted for a moment and then looked up at him.
"The wolves are close by and I thought you might want to see them."
"Yes, I talked to them this morning and they agreed that what you had was a horrible dream as they would never reject you.  Even their youngest offspring know of your existence."  He smoothed away a strand of hair from your face and then teleported you both into the forest.
You stepped away from Leo to see several wolves gathered around.  From the looks of it, Leo had brought you to the north side of the forest which was close to the village.  The wolves tended to patrol the borders during this time.   You smiled nervously and then froze when the alpha came forward.  Visions of your dream that had seemed all too real flashed in your mind.  
He moved forward until he was directly in front of you.  He suddenly bowed and you gasped.  You turned to Leo but he just smiled.
"He says that he apologizes for appearing in your dream and scaring you.  Also, he wants you to know that you never have anything to fear from the wolves."
Your heart sank knowing that the alpha was apologizing.  You went to your knees and held out your hand.  The large wolf raised his head and came closer.  He nuzzled your hand and you smiled.
"Please don't apologize.  It wasn't your fault.  You can't control what I dream about, right?  I'm honored that you came all the way here."
Just then, Leo laughed at something the alpha must have said and he nodded his head.
"Yes, I will."  
You looked at Leo and silently questioned him.  
"He told me to make sure and keep you.  I intend to."  He crossed his arms over his chest and smiled.  
Without warning one of the older puppy came bounding towards you and sat at your feet.   He was part of the offspring that were born when you had first begun to stay in the forest.
"Well, hello."  You squatted down and scratched the back of his head.  The alpha made a sound and the pup instantly stood at attention in front of you.  Like the alpha, he bowed his head.  
The alpha raised his head to look at Leo and he nodded.  Leo came forward and put one hand on the back of your neck and the other on the young wolf before you.
*Y/N, I have been given the honor to become your guardian.  As one of the keepers of this forest, you are under the absolute protection of the Wolf Guard.  I will do my best to protect you and become a loyal companion.  In order for the pledge to be complete, I require that you give me a name.*
You stared at the wolf, completely aghast at what had just happened.  You looked at Leo and he just nodded.
"It's your choice."
"D-Do you have one too?"
"Of course, I have the alpha."  In response, the alpha bowed and then stood proudly.  
"Oh...um,"  You looked back at the young wolf in front of you and thought for a moment.
*In the case that you are unwilling, that is also acceptable.  You will still be protected by the Guard.*
You smiled at the wolf, amazed at how his voice seemed so melodic and comforting.  
"How about Danté?"
"Is that a suitable name for a guardian?"
*Of course, my lady.*
You blushed at Danté's reverence.  You thought anyone would call you that.  He bowed and you felt a rush of wind surge through the forest.  Leo removed his hand from you both and stood.
"I trust you will guard her well, Danté."
*With pride.*
You gasped lightly when you realized you could hear him.  
"I can hear you without Leo?"
*Yes, my lady.  It makes it easier to call upon me when you need me.*
"Just Y/N, please.  I-I don't think I could ever get used to anyone calling me that."
*If you wish it.*
You started to reach your hand out to Danté again but Leo suddenly grabbed you around the waist and hauled you up against him.
"Leo! What--"
"Several humans just crossed the border to the forest."  Leo looked at the wolves.  "Take your pups back to safety, I'll check it out."
The wolves moved immediately and rushed into the forest.  You stayed next to Leo as he looked around for any intruders.
"What could they be doing in the--ahh!"  You screamed when Leo's arm shot out and stopped an arrow just before it pierced your skull.  Leo pushed you behind him as a few villagers stepped through the trees and approached slowly, bows drawn.
"Step aside, demon.  We will rid you of the witch that has threatened the forest and the village."
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imbicuriousyeah · 7 years
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15/∞ gifs of leo: more demon eyes 🐺
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marshmallowleos · 4 years
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도원경 demon slayer 
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cherry-jimin · 7 years
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witchakyeon · 2 years
Vixx Masterpost
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❧ My AO3
❧ My Carrd
❧ Requests are open! You can submit requests here, or on curiouscat, and I'll get to them when I can. Please try to be as clear as possible about what you're looking for and be patient while I work on it xoxo
❧ Adore you | Multi | Ongoing
tags: polyamory, complicated relationships
Jaehwan had always been a bit theatrical. It was the Aries fire in him that craved first place in everything, to consume and be consumed at the same moment, to act first and think later. It was the fire in his eyes that kept him in trouble. The one where Jaehwan kind of fucks everything up and has to learn how to be honest with the people he loves.
❧ Bloom | Multi | Ongoing
tags: safe sane and consensual, mutual pining
The unknown excites him, even now. Hongbin has never been in a relationship. There was never enough time and he hated the idea, but he finally feels ready to grow and explore alongside someone. He convinces himself that he only has to find his partner and everything else will work out. Love is a little more complicated than that.
❧ Celestial | Hyuken | Complete
tags: rough sex, asphyxiation
Celestial (Latin): a divine or mythical being. Jaehwan had encountered thousands of creatures—angels, demons and more—during his existence, and not a single one could compare to Sanghyuk. He was so breathtaking, so entrancing without even trying that it made his heart hurt sometimes, even though they belonged to each other. Sanghyuk was mortal, but he put the moon itself to shame.
❧ Delicate | Chasangbin | Complete
tags: fluff and humor, open relationships
They could get used to this. Sanghyuk invites Hongbin to dinner at Hakyeon's apartment. The night takes an unexpected turn.
❧ Jamais Vu/Luna | Wontaek | Complete
tags: worldbuilding, human/monster romance
Taekwoon has been here before. Once upon a time, Taekwoon believed he and Wonshik were the only creature and human in a relationship. Hakyeon and Hongbin prove him wrong tenfold, and the weight of his past and reality begin to catch up with him.
❧ Makeup Drawer | Chaken | Inactive
tags: tooth-rotting fluff, secret crush
Hakyeon wondered if Jaehwan would hate him for it, for wanting to kiss him until their lips were bruised, for being unable to control himself as if he were a teenager, for having urges towards him in the first place. They were so close and yet... Hakyeon has a crush on Jaehwan. He doesn't know how to tell him because he's a little busy attempting to deny it.
❧ Moonlight Sunrise | Chabin | Complete
tags: succubi & incubi, developing relationship
Hongbin held his breath as the demon approached him, and his heart danced wildly behind his ribcage as the distance between them disappeared. His lover grabbed his waist, pulled him close, and bent down slightly to press their lips together, and Hongbin felt himself explode into a million little pieces of stardust. This was what he wanted. This was what he had been waiting all day for: an opportunity to get close to him, to stare into his moonlit eyes, to feel the rush of desire that frequently accompanied his touch, to kiss him back harder, harder, harder until he understood how much he wanted him, how much he would always want him, no matter what.
❧ Naked | Leohyuk | Complete
tags: emotional porn, established relationship
"You don’t need to apologize for your body. Anyone who cares for you will love and respect however it looks and feels." Taekwoon and Sanghyuk finally get the time alone they deserve.
❧ New Year's Day | Chasangbin | Complete
tags: holidays, fluff and smut
Hongbin feels like they have found a family where they belong, and they couldn’t be happier. The one where the holidays are better than everyone expected.
❧ Nocturne | Chabin | Complete
tags: demon & human interactions, monster fucker lee hongbin
Nocturne (Latin): a person, concept, or artwork that embodies the energy of the night, shadows, and dreams.
Hongbin didn’t know or care how many other creatures Hakyeon had brought home—he just wanted to be the one that he remembered.
❧ Strawberry | Hyuken | Complete
tags: summer romance, semi-public sex
There was one thing Jaehwan loved more than strawberries, and that was Sanghyuk. Jaehwan plans a sweet surprise for his boyfriend.
❧ Stardust | Kenbin| Ongoing
tags: fae & fairies, soulmates
"None of this is a coincidence. Since the creation of the universe, this was our destiny." Hongbin makes a wish that changes his world forever.
❧ the place i've been searching for is you | Hyuk-centric | Ongoing
tags: inspired by shangri-la (vixx), promiscuity
"the empty space inside me fills the color of you is faint and dazzling beautiful, warm, mysterious" Sanghyuk x everyone because it's what the doctor ordered!
❧ Ultraviolet | Chabin | Complete
tags: creature vixx, shameless smut
“Must have just been my imagination...” Hongbin speaks to the second full moon of the month. “My my my, little kitten, what a wild imagination you have,” Hakyeon whispers in the dark. Hakyeon interrupts Hongbin's study session in favor of a more hands-on activity.
Collections + Series
❧ Midnight (2023+2024 Prompt Collection) | Multi | Ongoing
(Yet another) strange and lovely collection of vixx shenanigans to bring in the new year
❧ Prequel | Chabin, Wontaek | Ongoing
A mini creature series leading up to my largest concept ever
❧ after all the tears, you're all i need | Chabin | Ongoing
Hongbin is a mortal, and Hakyeon is a succubus. These are the tales of how their fates intertwine
❧ Vixxtober 2022 | Multi | Complete
A Vixx version of Kinktober
❧ 2022 Prompt Collection | Multi | Complete
(Another) strange and lovely collection of vixx shenanigans to bring in the new year
❧ 2021 Prompt Collection | Multi | Complete
A collection of vixx shenanigans to bring in the new year
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