#democracy dies in darkness.....
prontaentrega · 2 years
germany getting out in the group stage is a win for argentina but spain passing to the next stage is a loss for all of latin america
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rosielindy · 1 year
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Follow and support Democracy Docket to counter these types of attacks on voting rights happening all across the country!
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geeky-politics-46 · 5 months
As if you needed another reason not to vote for Trump, here it is... all the stories here that you enjoy reading could be subject to new laws that could put your favorite writers in prison or at the very least subject to criminal action.
Project 2025 is by a conservative think tank & it is literally all the most dystopian ideas you can think. Like there are literally plans in it to suspend or get rid of parts of the US Constitution & The Bill of Rights. It is also what they are pushing to pass if Trump is elected in November. These are the plans they want to put in place and are already at work writing so Trump can rubber stamp.
There have been many articles about other horrifying parts of Project 2025, but a new revelation that strikes close to home as a smut writer is their plan to redefine & criminalize pornography. Including artwork that depicts nudity (think Michaelangelo's David) and books that depict sexual physical contact. That would put many of us on this site & others like AO3 at risk.
This is just the tip of the iceberg & there are plenty more heinous & inhumane things in Project 2025, including making homosexuality and being transgender illegal & providing gender affirming support punishable by incarceration. The people behind Project 2025 & The Heritage Foundation are telling you exactly what they plan to do. Believe them.
If you care about the people on this site and their work, please take them into consideration in Nov. Is Joe Biden my favorite person? No. Do I think some of his policies are wrong? Yes. Will I still be voting for him in November? Absolutely, because democracy is literally on the line this fall.
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wallisninety-six · 8 months
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made a slight edit so it better reflects the world
ID: The logo of The Washington Post's "Democracy Dies in Darkness" logo, with "in darkness" crossed out and replaced with "behind a paywall." Democracy Dies Behind a Paywall.
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defiantart · 3 months
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kodoandsangha · 5 months
Project 2025 and how they're going to strip healthcare from everyone
I know everyone is focused on Gaza. The genocide happening there is unconscionable.
But, back here, in the States, where most of us live, there's this. This is the plan starting January 1. This is just ONE section - Health and Human Services.
I'm currently involved in a grassroots project to present the entirety of the 923 pages in this form to get the information out. Their plan is literally Gilead.
I want to be clear that nowhere in their policies, goals and rhetoric does it account for what happens to all of us when these things happen.
Scary vague thing:
Investigate, expose, and remediate any instances in which HHS violated people’s rights by:
Colluding with Big Tech to censor dissenting opinions during COVID
Colluding with abortion advocates and LGBT advocates to violate conscience-protection laws and the Hyde Amendment
P. 488
Public health entities (CDC, NIH, ACL, OASH)
Can’t prescribe any behavior (meaning masking/quarantine would never have happened) (454)
Can’t use fetal cells for research (454, 461)
No mask/vaccine mandates in hospitals (475)
CDC - No data collection on gender identity (456)
Medicare - No national coverage determination for Gender Reassignment Surgery (474)
Allow discrimination
in healthcare
Reverse ACA’s prohibition on discrimination against gender identity and sexual orientation in health programs/activities (475)
Withdraw Ryan White guidance (aims at reducing barriers to HIV care, medication, and support for transgender people living with HIV) (485)
OASH will withdraw support for gender-affirming care (490)
Allow LGBTQ folks to be discriminated against in healthcare (remove Biden protections - 495) and intend to have the DOJ bring the discrimination protections to the supreme court (496) which could potentially set a precedent.
In adoption (477)
Possibly take children away from LGBTQ couples if they didn’t conceive them? “married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them” (489)
Prioritize faith-based education programs & grants (that don’t acknowledge LGBTQ folks’ existence) (480, 481)
Reproductive rights
CDC - Implies the Division of Reproductive Health and the 6|18 initiative will be cut (454)
Fewer doctors trained in abortions - Make abortion training opt-in rather than opt-out in all medical schools (485)
No “approved curriculum” or “evidence-based lists” in Teen Pregnancy Prevention or Personal Responsibility Education Programs (477)
Deal with STDs and unwanted pregnancy by focusing on abstinence and strengthening marriage (490)
Remove the experts - Install pro-life advocates in the Health Resources & Services Administration advisory committee (who makes the mandates around abortion) and cut ties with American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (484)
eliminate the HHS Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force and install a pro-life task force (489)
Foreign aid - Require foreign non-government orgs to certify that they wouldn’t perform/promote abortion as a condition of receiving funding. (493)
Remove protections from the woman and enforce protections for born-alive infants (including criminal consequences) (474)
Make it harder for people to understand how/where their protected health information is protected (rescind guidance - 497)
Drug/contraception access
FDA - Reverse approval of chemical abortion drugs (458)
Limit pills to 49 days gestation, in-person dispensing, report all adverse events (459)
Reduce access to contraception - Allow insurance providers to morally object to providing contraception on nonreligious grounds (it’s already allowed for religious grounds) (483)
Male condoms will no longer be mandated coverage (485)
No more Ella (week-after-pill) in the contraceptive mandate (485)
Make access harder - Withdraw OCR’s pharmacy abortion mandate guidance which prohibits discrimination when providing abortion meds (496)
Prohibit abortion travel funding (eliminate the section 1115 waivers that allow funds to help cross state lines) (471)
No abortions for refugees (478)
Government funds
No funds for Planned Parenthood (471) 
prohibit family planning grants from going to entities that perform abortions or provide funding to other entities that perform abortions (491)
Cut up to 10% of medicaid funds from states that require abortion insurance coverage (CA, IL, Maine, MD, NY, OR, WA, Vermont, Hawaii, Connecticut) (472)
Track every abortion in every state (455)
New mission statement “furthering the health and well-being of all Americans ‘from conception to natural death.’” (489)
Require health care workers to report abortion pill complications (459)
Use AI to detect fraud (463)
Lots of regulations impacting healthcare system reporting/fund-access/insurance pool etc.
Would be good to get someone in healthcare to analyze, I’m betting these gut the ACA
“Separate the subsidized ACA exchange market from the nonsubsidized insurance market” (469)
Eliminated programs
Medicare Shared Savings Program (465)
Inflation Reduction Act (465)
Add work requirements and lifetime caps (468)
Eliminate benefit requirements/mandates and middle/upper income recipients (468)
Cut up to 10% of medicaid funds from states that require abortion insurance coverage (CA, IL, Maine, MD, NY, OR, WA, Vermont, Hawaii, Connecticut) (472)
Child/family welfare (some overlap with lgbtq, copied in here)
Combine child support with visitation support court (implied via example, 479)
Prioritize faith-based HMRE (healthy marriage & relationship education) programs & grants and don’t pressure them to conform to “nonreligious definitions of marriage” (480, 481)
“in cases where the father or mother does not make a sincere or serious effort to be involved in the child’s upbringing, termination of parental rights for children in foster care should be swift” (482)
Eliminate the Head Start program (482)
Potentially (implied) cut programs related to bullying prevention, children’s safety, health disparities, early childhood support, poisoning and SUID prevention. (486)
Take children away from LGBTQ couples if they didn’t conceive them? “married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them” (489)
“Rescind legal analysis that authorized HHS to impose a moratorium on rental evictions during COVID” (492)
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1spooky-dad · 2 years
Idk why so many fantasy otome games have the mc get dropped into a school setting and they just??? Go along with it??? After not being in school for a few years sometimes? "You gotta pass your classes or else" or else what, evil headmaster who is probably the reason I'm here? You're gonna kick me out of the school i don't want to be at??? Bro I'm 25 I'm not doing highschool again. I'm gonna go hang out in the evil magic woods and probably die cause I'd rather do that then magic algebra.
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kuromi-hoemie · 11 months
Joe Biden is going to make it illegal to throw your stems away. if you smoked all your nugs you will be required by law to grind up your stems and smoke those too. if you're smoking stems only you're supposed to use the rolling paper that burns unevenly
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onekisstotakewithme · 9 months
best recent clothing purchases/gifts
i got a $40 pair of Levis at Winners the other day, and they hit.
I got myself an it's a wonderful life shirt from Life is Good that everyone needs to see:
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porterdavis · 2 years
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philcollinsenjoyer · 2 years
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starblaster · 2 years
can i just say… it’s always so annoying when a political event happens here in the united states and people are like “well, so much for democracy!” like did you actually think you lived in a democracy? like for real?
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lesbianpegbar · 2 years
not being able to read the most recent reputable article on the financial crisis unfolding in the us bc i dont pay the newspapers stupid monthly subscription
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newsworth · 2 years
     @ovalbound​:   'this is an obvious breakfast choice.'
the editors of the times must have thought that adding a few extra layers of grain to the black and white photo of the underwood’s they plastered onto their morning edition added to the impression of a conspiracy.   there’s no point in stating the obvious fact that he hadn’t written that article just to absolve himself,   not when it was his coverage that inspired it,   his exact words referenced three times by name  ( of course he’s read it ),  and especially not when chris doesn’t feel like there’s anything he should feel the need to absolve himself for in the first place.   he takes the paper from where underwood has thrown it between them on the table just to set it aside.  it had landed a little too close to his plate.  
there’s never been anything deeper than a cursory introduction exchanged between he and the congressman outside the cotesworth,  where chris first met claire,  and their arrangement began.  the fact that it’s ended like this,  with the failure of the watershed bill being drawn from the past to call attention to the integrity of her marriage,  is not something chris is entirely comfortable with having been at the forefront of.   while it may feel cheap,  it also doesn’t feel like the entire story.  
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     “ is this you finally getting back to me for a comment? “  which he did call for,  before taking the story to air.  both of their offices.  but he doesn’t believe that underwood has actually come here with the presence of fairness in question at all. 
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Is there a possibility of corruption in this democracy? Falsifying some votes? Gerrymandering? Some good old bribes?
as an upholder of democracy...... I am not immune to political influence... if you can guarantee the comments* I can turn a blind eye to the votes 🙈
*paragraph long MINIMUM, no one word fire emojis
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cadavidson · 18 days
Branco Cartoon: Democracy Dies in Darkness
Branco Cartoon: Democracy Dies in Darkness A.F. Branco Cartoon – Lights Out A.F. Branco Cartoon—The Biden regime pressured Facebook to Take Down What Ended Up Being Truthful Information on COVID and the Vaccines. But this type of censorship seems to be systemic across corporate media. Hunter Laptop, Russia Russia hoax, etc., are all practicing the omission of information a truly free society…
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