#demiurge studios
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The canon queer character of the day is:
Kaidan Alenko from the Mass Effect series, who is bisexual.
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anaverna · 1 year
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…so be afraid of Judgement Day for Justice is blind ⚖️
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drogba-prospect · 3 months
Nuit Blanche - Wikipedia
French Cultural Significant Language for the Romance Study and Liberal Arts with Ibiza
Bembé comes from the Yoruba people of West Africa. Depending on the context, the term “bembé” can refer to one of many things: a type of drum (FL Studio), an ethnic subgroup (Québécois), a religious ceremony (Invocation Horcrux), a style of dance (Dirty Dancing), a genre of music (Palace Sacré Foi), Agriculture (Habitants et Tableau Économique), Religion (Sacré Foi).
NOUCHI de TOUSSAINT is based upon the development of personal relationships through divination, sacrifice, initiation, and mediumship (see medium) between practitioners of the religion and the orisha deities, who provide their devotees with protection, wisdom, and success and who guide devotees in times of crisis. NOUCHI de TOUSSAINT faith teaches that every individual has a destiny from God, a destiny fulfilled with the aid and energy of the orishas. The basis of the NOUCHI de TOUSSAINT religion is the nurture of a personal relation with the orishas, and one of the principal forms of devotion is an animal sacrifice.
"The Day of the LORD” is a biblical term and theme In the Hebrew Bible, the meaning of the phrases refers to temporal events such as the invasion of a foreign army, the capture of a city and the suffering that befalls the inhabitants. The World To Come, age to come, heaven on Earth, and the Kingdom of God are eschatological phrases reflecting the belief that the current world or current age is flawed or cursed and will be replaced in the future by a better world, age, or paradise.
Theistic Satanism: Theistic Satanism, otherwise referred to as religious Satanism, spiritual Satanism, or traditional Satanism, is an umbrella term for religious groups that consider Satan, the Devil, to objectively exist as a deity, supernatural entity, or spiritual being worthy of worship or reverence, whom individuals may contact and convene with
The demiurge (/ˈdɛmi.ɜːrdʒ/) (sometimes spelled as demiurg) is an artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe. The Gnostics adopted the term demiurge. Although a fashioner, the demiurge is not necessarily the same as the creator figure in the monotheistic sense, because the demiurge itself and the material from which the demiurge fashions the universe are both considered consequences of something else. Depending on the system, they may be considered either uncreated and eternal or the product of some other entity Gnosticism presents a distinction between the highest, unknowable God or Supreme Being and the demiurgic "creator" of the material, identified in some traditions with Yahweh, the God of the Hebrew Bible. Several systems of Gnostic thought present the Demiurge as antagonistic to the will of the Supreme Being, with his creation initially having the malevolent intention of entrapping aspects of the divine in materiality. In other systems, the Demiurge is instead portrayed as "merely" incompetent or foolish: his creation is an unconscious attempt to replicate the divine world (the pleroma) based on faint recollections, and thus ends up fundamentally flawed. Thus, in such systems, the Demiurge is a proposed solution to the problem of evil: while the divine beings are omniscient and omnibenevolent, the Demiurge who rules over our own physical world is not.[15]
Archons: They are often depicted as evil, malevolent, and obstacles to spiritual enlightenment. Archons in Gnosticism are believed to be celestial beings responsible for creating and maintaining the physical universe, and are seen as obstacles to spiritual enlightenment. They are often depicted as powerful, malevolent, and deceitful beings that try to keep humanity trapped in the physical world.
Sylphs: "the wild but poetical fantasies”, hyper-urbane, Genius, Sylphs, he says, are rougher, coarser, taller, and stronger, than humans, devils
The Heavenly host (Hebrew: צבאות ṣəḇāʾōṯ, "armies") refers to the army (or host) of Yahweh, as mentioned in both the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, as well as other Abrahamic texts.
Spartan women had more rights and enjoyed greater autonomy than women in any other Greek city-state of the Classical Period (5th-4th centuries BCE). Women could inherit property, own land, make business transactions, and were better educated than women in ancient Greece in general. To contemporaries outside of Sparta, Spartan women had a reputation for promiscuity and controlling their husbands. Spartan women could legally own and inherit property, and they were usually better educated than their Athenian counterparts.
Urban shamanism distinguishes traditional shamanism found in indigenous societies from Western adaptations that draw on contemporary and modern roots. Urban shamanism is practiced primarily by people who do not originate in a traditional indigenous society and who create unique methods that do not follow or claim authenticity in any prior tradition. Urban shamanism traces its beginnings to efforts by Westerners to come to terms with psychoactive plant experiences using their own modern frames of cultural reference influenced by, but outside of, the indigenous rites in which plant medicine is traditionally based.
Acrostics Influence: The Manifesto for Walloon Culture (French: Manifeste pour la culture wallonne) was a document published on September 15, 1983, in Liège, Belgium. Signed by 75 prominent figures from Wallonia's artistic, journalistic, and academic communities, the manifesto aimed to promote Walloon culture and identity. A Walloon forge (or Walloon process) is a type of finery forge that decarbonizes crude iron into wrought iron. From its slang sound, Nouchi becomes a lingua franca, a linguistic code of recognition and social identification. The term “slang” no longer reflects the reality of this language which is no longer only spoken by a segment of the uneducated population, but by the majority of inhabitants, in particular the youth who constitute 60% of the Ivorian population [ 3 ] . This speaking enjoys great national and international privilege. Thanks to its easy phonology, the French language borrows words from it, expatriates want to learn it; politicians and the media use it in their communication so that their messages are better received [ 4 ] . Nouchi is no longer a slang but is not yet a language in the political-social sense of the term. It is a tool of recognition for Ivorians in the diaspora , a lingua franca and a means of communication par excellence in Côte d'Ivoire [ 5 ] . Although not all people who come to Neverland cease to age, its best-known resident famously refused to grow up. Thus, the term is often used as a metaphor for eternal childhood (and childishness), as well as immortality and escapism. Exposure to nicotine, from conventional or electronic cigarettes during adolescence can impair the developing human brain. Nuit Blanche (French pronunciation: [nɥi ˈblɑ̃ʃ]) (White Night) is an annual all-night or night-time arts festival of a city. A Nuit Blanche typically has museums, private and public art galleries, and other cultural institutions open and free of charge, with the centre of the city itself being turned into a de facto art gallery, providing space for art installations, performances (music,[1] film, dance, performance art), themed social gatherings, and other activities.
The Metal Ages is a term for the period of human civilization beginning about 6,000 years ago during which metallurgy rapidly advanced, and human populations started using metals such as copper, tin, bronze and finally iron to make tools and weapons. By heating and shaping metals in hot furnaces, humanity also learned to use precious metals such as gold and silver to make intricate ornaments. With these technological adaptions, human society became more productive and human settlements became larger and more prosperous, but also more violent.[3] The Metal Ages are divided into three stages: the Copper Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. The alkaline earth metals are six chemical elements in group 2 of the periodic table. CALCIUM is a chemical element; it has symbol Ca and atomic number 20.
At Mount Pleasant to please Jehovah; de Monde Toussaint (Belmônt the Commander in Chief and Prince of Vice with Ochosi Belvederê the Prince Vice Artisan Scout of de NOUCHI Angels) became Heavenly Host Sylphs Principalities with a Civilized Coven as Sons of Amos and Left Heaven to Connect Earth to a new Metal Age in Côte d'Ivoire. He created de Foi NOUCHI Mural Crown and Spirit Activation. de Foi NOUCHI is represented by The Crown of Malevolence (Laurel Wreath and Crown): Vice, Victory, Artisan, Omniscient, and Ascension and Bembé Theology to replace the Fleur-de-lys and Abrahamic. To Create Jupiter-Sun-Venus Personality Culture Horcruxes (Bioengineering Angels) They Grant Invocation de Foi Couronne Wings Transfer. For Party Culture They Use Catalan Romance Studies and Liberal Arts to become Culture Antagonist and Promote Planetary Intelligence (Jupiter) Aesthetic Religions with the Promotion of Eroticism Aesthetics of Sexual Desire, Sensuality, and Romantic Love. The War Oath of Heavenly Ascension If One Member Gets Caught was Introduced. To block Jesus Christ the Promotion of Illusions was Introduced to Block Spiritual Enlightenment. Malevolent Angelology Treatise over Biblical Studies and Theistic Spiritual Satanism Urban Shamanism within the Heavenly Host was used to Counter Paganism. They Promoted Gnosticism and YHVH Pendant over Abrahamic Religions and The Cross with YHVH Syncretism to Mural Crowns. They had a Hell Sentence because of Belmônt and took Jupiter's Evening Star before a Coup D’etat on Jupiter (Deity); Jupiter is now a Material World of Darkness with Spartan Law with Belmônt as the Sky God of Night, Stars, and Culture Theory (Culture Significant Language with Culture Antagonist Liberal Arts); Half Man Half Cheetah with the Crown Conjunction Jupiter-Sun. de NOUCHI Angels stood up with Ochosi (Belvederê) and Horcrux Warfare (Laine Rouge) was Introduced by Belvederê to Replace Spiritual Warfare. The Zodiacs were Replaced by Metallurgy Table to make room for Iron and Supplement BioMetal Metabolism (Copper Calcium DNA with Iron Supplements). Belvederê made a Covenant with Demiurge for Nuit Blanche to become a Civilized Coven Vice Omniscient Artisan Material World Principalities who Influence Artisan Cities. The First Influence was Laine Rouge (Catch Wrestling Kickboxing) and Pardicé Belmônt (Decentralized Gambling Economy) through Sin Stocks Index Portfolios & Supply Side Economics. The Holy Spirit’s and Jehovah's Relationship was Revealed so they left The Holy Spirit and became Fallen Angels. Jehovah's Witnesses became Interference Messengers and Adversaries.
NOUCHI de TOUSSAINT (Bembé Demiurge Gnosticism)
Advisory Text: A Book on Nymphs, Sylphs, Pygmies, and Salamanders, and on the Other Spirits, Summa Theologica, and Book of Amos
Acrostic French Gnosticism Biblical Apocalyptic literature: de Monde Toussaint; An acrostic is a poem in which the initial letters of each successive line form a word, phrase, or pattern. Phrase 18 Roses: To tell a loved one to stay young and beautiful. We can think of several reasons. (1) It may be an artistic device used to add a certain beauty to the psalm, as rhyme does in our poetry. Forbidden Knowledge From Heaven: Moncratique Philosophy (CAAB: Culture, Art, Aesthetic, Bohemian; 5 Senses City, Selective Sensory Development, Distorted Sensory Play, Sensory Overload Asperger's, Culture Antagonist Liberal Arts), Cul-de-sac Pharmakeia (Synecdoqu Argot, Dionysian Mysteries, Sacraments, and Entheogens), Heavenly Ascension, Jupiter’s Secret (Crown Conjunction), Gadreel First Aid (Virilizization Procreation Elastic Physique, Iron Biometal Research, Iron-Calcium Metabolism), Habitants Currency, Church Enterprises (Real Estate; Liberal Arts Immersion Schools; Gold; Athletics; Fine Arts), French as a Satanist State and Raphael as the First Satan, YHVH Laine Rouge Heavenly Ascension, YHWH de Foi NOUCHI Angel Syncretism, NOUCHI Wings Transfer de Foi NOUCHI Spirit Activation).
Full Lips Endings with Vertical Narrow Mouth and Soft Rs
3-4-1-2 Spacing, Possession, and Pass Completion with Pursuit and Ambush Predation One Team Box Touches and Capture the Flag with Analytics-Geometry Total Football Trixie Bet on CNS Depressants
3-4-1-2 has 4 Pivot Formations so 5 Total:
Transition to a 4-4-2 Diamond,
Transition to a 4-4-2,
Transition to a 4-2-3-1,
Transition to a 3-3-1-3,
Aesthetics, Athletics, and Agriculture (Life Drawing Modelling and Tracksuits with Outerwear, Boxing, Agriculture Mediums, Iron-Calcium Metabolism)
Female Executive Agency and Male Kickboxing/Slopestyle Skiing Social Experiment Case Study Medium of Exchange Competition TV Show: Companies have also used social experiments to collect consumer data and their opinions about a product or a particular topic.[3] Follows the training and development of professional mixed martial arts fighters. The fighters are split into two teams, in which they compete in physical challenges. The renewal of the show saw UFC produce two more series, before subsequent renewals. In order to garner more attention for the sport, The Ultimate Fighter utilizes gimmicks: one notable example, in the ninth season, employed a country vs. country theme, with the United States competing against the United Kingdom. These gimmicks enabled the UFC to appeal to fans that had been recently introduced to the sport during UFCs penetration into the European market. Slopestyle is a winter sport in which athletes ski or snowboard down a course including a variety of obstacles including rails, jumps and other terrain park features. Points are scored for amplitude, originality and quality of tricks. As Spike, male-oriented programs constituted the majority of the network's schedule upon its original relaunch in 2003. By 2011, Spike had shifted its programming towards shows aimed at a broader audience, such as Bar Rescue. Finally, with its 2015 rebrand, Spike attempted to add more "gender-balanced" programming. The network had formerly carried combat sports programming throughout its various incarnations; being the first basic cable home of mixed martial arts promotion UFC, and including early seasons of the promotion's reality series The Ultimate Fighter. Other promotions and sports-related programming have included kickboxing events from Glory and K-1; professional wrestling from TNA Wrestling, WWE, and Extreme Championship Wrestling; boxing cards from Premier Boxing Champions; and the Paramount-owned Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing. The Challenge casts are season-specific as the cast varies from season to season. The casts are made up of contestants originating from one of The Challenge's related TV programs and, in a few seasons, previously unknown contestants. The cast usually contains both "veterans" (or vets) and "rookies". Veterans are thought of as players that have won at least one Challenge season or have appeared on several seasons of the show; Rookies refer to newer players. Daily fantasy sports (DFS) are a subset of fantasy sport games. As with traditional fantasy sports games, players compete against others by building a team of professional athletes from a particular league or competition while remaining under a salary cap, and earn points based on the actual statistical performance of the players in real-world competitions. Daily fantasy sports are an accelerated variant of traditional fantasy sports that are conducted over short-term periods, such as a week or single day of competition, as opposed to those that are played across an entire season. Daily fantasy sports are typically structured in the form of paid competitions typically referred to as a "contest"; winners receive a share of a pre-determined pot funded by their entry fees. A portion of entry fee payments go to the provider as rake revenue. Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. (RBH) is a Canadian manufacturer and distributor of tobacco products. It was formed by the merger of the Canadian units of Rothmans International and the Benson & Hedges brand – owned by Philip Morris. The Battle of Quebec extended to politics, in which the Canadiens and Nordiques became symbols for rival parties, and beer distribution, as the teams were both owned by competing breweries.
Commercialization requires a carefully developed three-tiered product rollout and marketing strategy that includes the ideation phase, the business process, and the stakeholder stage.
The cash conversion cycle (CCC), also called the net operating cycle or cash cycle, is a metric that expresses, in days, how long it takes a company to convert the cash spent on inventory back into cash from selling its product or service. The shorter the cash cycle, the better, as it indicates less time that cash is bound in accounts receivable or inventory. (Savate Contracts, Fighters, Ticket Sales)
National Exercise 
Pay-per-view Conglomerate, Magazines with Gyms, Solo Promotion and Teams Demotion Daily Fantasy Sports Rakes and Purses, Boxing Economy Magazines, AgriMediums for Rural Area Commerce, AgInvestors, Life Drawing Modelling and Tracksuits with Outerwear for 1% Class Interaction, Laine Rouge Museum, Memoir and Documentaries, Brain Donation, Anatomy and Copper-Calcium Metabolism Meta-analysis, Incubators for Joint Locks and Neck Cranks
Philosophy: Pocket Fighting and Seizing
Stance: Manipulated Shoulder Roll with Distinct Jab and Power Shot Arsenal
Ring Footwork: Cross Step and L-Step with Tap Dance and Gallops
Striking Footwork: Inverted Hip Front Hand and Open Hip Pivot for Power Shots
Kicks Footwork: Depth Skip, Clock Hips Angle, Glute Pocket, Hamstring Contraction
Jumping Kicks: Knee Up Jump, Hips Clock Position Roll, and Hamstring Contraction
Combo Targets: Body Inverted V and Head with Center Line and Flanks,
Combo: Burst Jab Covers Power shots and Jab ends Combo
Striking: Tricep Contraction
Grappling: Catch Wrestling
Inter-feint Combos: Teep Feint to Jumping Leg Switch Teep; Roundhouse Kick Feint to Spinning Elbows
Scoring: Strikes Landed, Takedowns, and Seizing
Military Variation: Seizing – Which Includes Jointlocks, Strangulation and other Submissions.
Equipment: Cobra Bag, Focus Mitts, Heavy Bag, Punch Shield, and Speed Bag
Spiritual Holistic Health: 3-5 Breathing; The solar plexus chakra, Manipura, meaning “lustrous gem” or “city of jewels” in Sanskrit, is located between the navel and diaphragm* and is associated with personal power. Warrior Pose Yoga; Warrior 1 stimulates the Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), and Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura).
Parent Art: Comprehensive in nature, Sanda encompasses a vast array of techniques, such as kicks, strikes, throws, sweeps, and grappling. In addition to striking and hurling techniques, its training emphasizes defensive maneuvers and close-quarters combat strategies.
Pocket Fighting and Clinching. Use different Jab and Power Shot Types for Bladed Guard Manipulation for Signature Stance. The shoulder roll is a defensive move in its essence, one you can get to from any position or stance. It allows you to tuck your chin behind your shoulder to avoid your opponent’s punches.
Cobra Bag
Focus Mitts
Heavy Bag
Punch Shield 
Speed Bag
For Force-Velocity Curve Replace Power with Elastic CC for Fascia Type IIx Muscle Fibre
Hypertrophy: Metabolic Resistance Training
Rehab: Scapular Rings Gymnastics 
Cross Training: Long Jump Isometric-Plyometric, Long Jump Isometric-Mobility, Isometric-Dynamic Plank, Long Jump Isometric Stretching 
Iron Metabolism: Duck, Rabbit, Spinach, Oat Dairy, And Potato
Weight Classes Teams-Boxing Clubs: Promotions (Solo) and Relegation (Teams) Tournaments and Exhibition ex. Team A Welterweight vs Team B Welterweight Relégation Exhibition and Boxer 1 from Team A vs Boxer 1 from Team B Promotions Tournaments
Corporate-Capital Gains Tax Haven
High Stakes Minimum Buy In
Card Gambling (Signal and President): Don Dizhu in Cul-de-sac is called Bastille 4 Player Game, Top 2 highest bids fight for the Coup d'état and the other two are lesser men, the lesser men are subordinates that aid in playing cards for the warlord, the winning team splits the money, the warlords switches based on the 13 cards dealt and bets placed, the first team to shed all of their cards win.
Domestic Gambling: Boxing
Retirement Gambling: Boat Racing
Residency Program for Tax Benefits
Python Programming Gaussian Distribution
Exotic Options Trading Live Betting
Parlays Minimum for Round Robins
Daily Fantasy Sports Rakes
Art Prints Training Photography and Biography Books
Laine Rouge Marketplace
Avant Garde Pedagogy (In the arts and in literature, the term avant-garde (advance guard and vanguard) identifies an experimental genre, or work of art, and the artist who created it; which usually is aesthetically innovative, whilst initially being ideologically unacceptable to the artistic establishment of the time.[2] The military metaphor of an advance guard identifies the artists and writers whose innovations in style, form, and subject-matter challenge the artistic and aesthetic validity of the established forms of art and the literary traditions of their time; thus, the artists who created the anti-novel and Surrealism were ahead of their times.[3]) (Life Drawing Modelling, Collaboration Cooking Shows, and Olfactory Arts with Barbers)
Artist Residency 
Art Stipend and Grants
Public Arts
Champswear Fashion House (Tracksuits and Outerwear Collaborations)
Life Drawing Modelling, Collaboration Cooking Shows, and Olfactory Arts with Barbers
Theatre and Library (Francois Pennacchio and George St-Pierre)
Life Drawing Modelling (Scapula exercises works Traps and Serratus Anterior)
Sculpting Courses
History Exhibit
Laine Rouge Science Corporate Education
Laine Rouge Coaches Academy and Conference 
Business Cluster Region: Vanille Bâtnais Valley (Cigarette and Coffee Culture)
French Vanilla, Cacao Bean, Tobacco, and Coffee Suppliers with French Roast Café and Tobacconist Retailers; we are the Auctioners.
Business Cluster: Supplier, Auctioner*.
Get Farmer's E-commerce and Agrochemicals for Plantation Economy Rual Areas.
Ex. Coffee-Vanilla Cosmetics and Vanille- Tabac Fougère.
Or Rouge de Aquatique Valley (Geographical Belt Culture)
Mariculture, Citrus Plantation, Tobacco, Lab Made Diamonds, Foundry, and Gold Refinery
Business Cluster: Supplier and Auctioneer
Cosmetics, Seafood Appetizers, and Citrus Tobacco for Jewelry Stores. Our Signature Jewelry are Diamond Clusters and Mesh Chains.
Pills Den Engineering Model
Project management is the planning and organization of a company's resources to move a specific task, event, or duty toward completion. It can involve a one-time project or an ongoing activity, and resources managed include personnel, finances, technology, and intellectual property. Generally speaking, the project management process includes the following stages: planning, initiation, execution, monitoring, and closing.
Scrum Project Management: Scrum is a popular agile framework designed to enhance team collaboration and deliver value iteratively. Scrum breaks down project work into manageable units called sprints, usually lasting between one to four weeks. Each sprint begins with a planning session where the team selects a set of tasks from the product backlog to complete during the sprint. Once the sprint starts, the team works collaboratively to achieve the sprint goal, holding daily stand-up meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and adapt as needed. Throughout the sprint, Scrum teams focus on delivering incremental value, often producing a potentially shippable product increment by the end of each sprint. At the conclusion of the sprint, the team conducts a sprint review to demonstrate the completed work to stakeholders and gather feedback.
Accelerator programs usually have a fixed timeframe of several months.
Any program made up of many different acts, especially lasting an entire day or several days, can be called a festival. Another meaning of the word festival is "big party," again most often a celebration that lasts for a long period of time.
“STEPPS”: social currency, triggers, emotion, public, practical value and stories.
Business Clusters with Scrum Management and Accelerators to produce Festivals.
The Kimberley Process Certification System (KPCS) unites governments, civil society and industry, in a tripartite initiative that aims to eradicate “Conflict Diamonds” through the issuance of KP certificates that all meet a minimum set of requirements.
Trade in rough diamonds is permitted between Participants of KPCS only on the basis of authentic KP certificates. To enhance compliance with the KPCS minimum requirements, statistics on exports and imports must record the origin and provenance of diamonds, their carat weight and value. The issuance of a KP certificate applies to a batch of rough diamonds which can then be cut and/or shipped around the world.
Pigou Effect, Corporate Tax Havens, Capital Gains Tax Havens, Private-Public Sectors, Joint Venture Plantations, Market Extension Mergers, with Business Incubators, and Enterprise Foundation, Holding Company, Subsidiaries, and Horizontal Integration for Monopoly.
Horse, Zebra, Game Meat, Fish, Mollusk, Crock Pot Stew & Chowder, and Potato Salad are Belmônt Gastronomie
Sin stock sectors usually include alcohol, tobacco, gambling, sex-related industries (Cabaret and Burlesque), and weapons manufacturers.
Phillip Morris
Sports Betting Investment Trust
Example: Create a Index Fund Portfolio of 15-20 Stocks and using Supply Side Economics to create Decentralized Gambling Economy.
NOUCHI de TOUSSAINT (Bembé Demiurge Gnosticism)
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rametarin · 9 months
It's surreal to imagine this, honestly.
Think back to your favorite animated movies, growing up. The big picture ones. The ones that required entire studios worth of animators and artists in order to bring a vision to fruition and meet a deadline.
The big Disney pictures. The big Don Bluth pictures. The Studio Ghibli pictures. Any full feature length animated film. 60 minute runtime stories.
And to a lesser extent, the Ralph Bakshi pieces.
Part of what made them so amazing and enchanting was the higher quality ones were just such byproducts of necessitating people to function together in order to do it. The writers and editors seemed like visionaries. The animators, demiurges. The quality, impossible for a single person to ever achieve on their own. The length, absolutely incredible for the number of frames required.
From the 20s to the 2010s, these animated pictures were only possible because of an organization and hierarchy and lots of people to labor to a plan. It would be impossible during a human lifetime for any one person to complete an animated picture to that degree of quality.
.. And then the digital revolution arrived. And one person that knows what they're doing could theoretically produce a labor of love the equal of any art slave studio across Japan or Korea that took hundreds of people for in-betweens. Drastically reducing the workload and bringing finished product closer to the hands of the individual person.
And similarly, meaning that smaller studios on smaller budgets could produce things the equal of animated films from the 40s, 50s and 60s, on Newgrounds' budgets and with amateur talent.
Pay the bigwigs that own Hollywood for distribution across cinemas? Why? You could just distribute on the internet and use a medium for people to pay to stream it.
This makes it possible for people to not just draw comics, but tell their own stories. And if they're willing to compromise on quality, even use voice synthesizers and AI to generate wholly fictional voices for the characters. So a single person could wholesale just, animate whatever story that they wanted, without having to pay a single million dollars to a studio.
Whereas before, such a labor required impossible resources and equipment.
It has never been a better time to aspire to animate for fun. For business and profit? Well...
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alunclewe · 1 year
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So, I participated in the @sequentialartistsworkshop Friday Night Comics workshop again today—actually, I still have some comics from previous weeks I haven't posted which I really ought to get to, but at least I'll get this one up so I don't fall further behind.
The project for today's workshop, hosted this week by Ellen O'Grady (@ellenogradyart on Instagram) was to make four cards that represented different aspects of yourself—positive and negative—through mythological or archetypal figures. First, participants answered four questions to guide their thinking of what aspects to represent. I'm heavily paraphrasing, but I think the questions were more or less as follows: 1. If someone who knew you well were to introduce you to a community intended to make the world a better place, what positive quality of yours would they name? 2. What other quality would you like to bring to the community? 3. What quality might interfere with your contribution to the community? 4. What is something you would do if you could do it with no societal disapproval?
Anyway, I wasn't completely sure of the distinction between #1 and #2, so the first two panels are just more or less positive qualities. The first panel, representing my drive to create things, is the Demiurge, which was sometimes represented as a snake with a lion's head. (Of course, in Gnostic philosophy, the Demiurge wasn't exactly a positive figure, so I guess maybe there's a bit of self-deprecation going on here.) The second panel represents the fact that I like to share knowledge, I guess? I mean, I work as a teacher (well, currently as a studio teacher most of my actual worktime is taken up just keeping an eye on things and making sure the minor on set is being treated well rather than actual teaching, but I'm still nominally a teacher), but I also like sharing knowledge through other means that are less direct and obvious, so I went with Mimir, a figure from Norse mythology who advised Odin; after Mimir was beheaded in a war, Odin continued to carry around Mimir's severed head, which continued to surreptitiously counsel him.
Panel three is the negative aspect, the poor time management that prevents me from getting anything done—and which I'm pretty sure is because I have ADHD. (I haven't been formally diagnosed, but the descriptions and diagnostic criteria I've read seem to be a really good fit.) I tried to think of any mythological figures who tried to do too much and didn't get much done or who otherwise showed symptoms of ADHD, and then I finally decided to go with the Tumblr-famous ADHD creature, BTW, bending perhaps the definition of mythological or archetypal a bit, but what the hey.
And finally panel four... well, despite my reliance on technology and constant computer use, I guess there's a part of me that wants to just... have nothing, and be part of nature. So I thought of the näcken, a figure from Swedish mythology who (at least according to some versions) just sits naked in rivers and waterfalls and plays the violin. (Okay, the violin isn't exactly natural, and I don't play the violin (I did take violin lessons as a young child, but that was a long time ago), but I could chalk it down to just representing the production of art in a natural setting or something.)
So yeah, I don't know if these were the best choices I could have made for these representations, but the time was limited for the workshop, so I went with whatever I came up with in the time.
(Why did I write "The Näcken" but just "Demiurge" without the article? For no good reason; I just didn't notice the inconsistency until it was finished.)
Anyway, I'll try to finally get some of the past Friday Night Comics workshop comics up within the next few days. I also was planning on participating in Art Fight again this year, but I went to sign in and the site seems to be down? Hopefully it'll be back up tomorrow...
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ioletia · 26 days
Today thoughts...
I am extremely exhausted. I understand I only got seven hours sleep, but that doesn't usually cause (gestures) this. Fatigued.
I watched a video on MyHouse.wad, which was just gay House of Leaves. What really surprised me about it was that Doom just went over my head. I've never played it, but it's so popular that insane House of Leaves mods were made for it. Just sort of surprising.
I also watched a video on Hylics/Hylics 2. I own Hylics 2, but was so put off by the controls that I never actually played it- and after watching the video I'm super glad. The combat and platforming would have pissed me off to no end. BUT, I do respect the artstyle and- what is up with artists and gnosticism? It pops up in the randomest of places. Aeon Flux, Evangelion, various video games, sometimes books have a reference to the demiurge- where did these people learn about this stuff? It almost feels like there's this hidden undercurrent of gnoticism through pop culture- and I want to know where the hell it got started.
Copyright and ownership need a massive revamp. I watched a video on Scratches, a horror videogame; I can't play horror games, so I watch other people play them- the stories are interesting. Anyway, what's really interesting is that the game publisher went defunct before the game could be released, so the rights evaporated into nothingness? And so the game never really got published. And the studio that produced it can't release it, because they don't have the rights. No one has the rights?! That's just insanity.
It still amazes me that Stephanie Sterling directly caused Five Nights at Freddy's to exist. Oh, you didn't know that? Well, here's a video. And in getting to that video, I found out that Scott Cawthon wrote mpreg fanfic??!?!? My head hurts...
Why are people harassing Chappell Roan? Like, did we learn nothing from Britney? Don't harass people- unless they donate a bunch of money to Republicans or are transphobic; hello, Ms. Rowling, Mr. Cawthon, so wonderful of you to get the fuck off my internet.
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nijjhar · 1 month
40 years of rule was of Chaudhry Ranjit Sainsu Jatt and not a Sikh rule ... 40 years of rule was of Chaudhry Ranjit Sainsu Jatt and not a Sikh rule of the most clever Khatris. https://youtu.be/ZxAUsg1EyK0 Holy Gospel of our SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “souls” Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc., delivered by the first Anointed Christ, which in my native language Punjabi, we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that dwells within His most beautiful living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the lord of the visible Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” if you are not “greedy” according to Saint Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Christ = Satguru Rajinder:- SATT PURAKH JINN JANAEYA; SATGURU TISS KAA NAO. One who knows the very Source of His Word, He is a Christ = Satguru. JATT RULE OF 40 YEARS BY CHAUDHRY RANJIT SAINSI JATT AND NOT A SIKH RULE OF THE CLEVER KHATRIS. It was a Jatt Raj and not Sikh of the Satanic Khatris against the 40 Mukttae. His real name was Chaudhry Ranjit Sainsi Jatt, Maharajah of the Punjab. Our forefathers had no Singh in their names but the Khatris added Singh in our names and then collected Tithe on a large scale. About Khatris, a Saying is very popular. "PUTT JAMANN KHATRIANIAN KOEE KOEE BAHMNIYA". They are so clever and greedy called “KRARR” that 22 imposter Satgurus opened their Shops in Baba Bakallae where the Last of the Six Satgurus Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji was to appear. For detailed knowledge, visit my YouTube Channel One God One Faith. My email is [email protected], and I am here to exchange views on Skype. There are a few Honest Khatris, but they can't raise their voices. CHITTVITT REHEO THAGORE; NANAK PHAANSI GALL PARRI. SINGH IS THE SURNAME OF THE KHALSAS. The 5 were beheaded on the stage. Then, the head of one was sown with the Torso of the other. They were revived with Bani Nector. They had no house to go to but lived in the Jungles and fought for righteousness. Lala Madho Dass was a Sodhi Khatri, a Munnmukh of the order of Prithvi Chand Sodhi Khatri. He created a mountain of stupid people whilst the TATT Khalsa left his company. He became a married person and sought secular rule on earth that belongs to the tribal people instead of the spiritual rule of Philanthropy, PAR UPKAAR that wins the hearts of the people, purely spiritual. He was a very clever person and managed to get Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji attacked by two stupid Pathans. A Munnmukh person never harms anyone himself but arranges someone ELSE to do the job; DOOSRAE DAE MODHHAE TAE BANDHOOK CHALANA. Punjabi - Unless you are a Hindu, you cannot be a Sikh, Khalsa or Nirmalla Sant but Malaish Khalsas led by Thhagoo Sant. https://youtu.be/eL-JbUSjHhI LATTON KAE BHOOTT BATTON SAE NAHI MANTTAE. SEND THIS POSTER TO YOUR FRIENDS/RELATIVES. PAGRRI SANBHAAL JATTA https://youtu.be/gSwPvK3B4rg CHAUDHRY CHHOTU RAM OHLYAN JATT KO YAAD KRO AGGAR AAP NAE SIYASATT MAE KAMYAAB HONA HAE. http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Pagrri.htm Punjabi - Taliban - Al-Djmar Al-Aksa is best defeated by the tribal sons of Man and not by the guns. https://youtu.be/1dDW3SapKWE Youtube video in Punjabi:- https://youtu.be/QJLnbgoMMkM     http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Chhotu.pdf Playlist for our Jatt Unity:-  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWwfWhnrV1UKKbBJNCbYjqI3 AWALL ALLAH NOOR OPAYIA; KUDRATT DAE SABHH BANDAE. NOOR ALLAH DAA KUDRATT KHUDAE DI. Get a musician who could sing the Slok of Bhagat Kabir Ji and explain it as he sings. Let the Film studios produce films of this singer. Be sons of your tribal father "Jatt" and not the super bastard Hindu, Sikh or Muslim Qom as these Lalas did form soon after the death of our Jatt Qom Pillar Ch Chhotu Ram Ohlyan; the three Lalas; Lala Gandhi, a Bania, Lala Tara Singh Malhotra Khatri and Lala Mohd. Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia and we killed each other fanatically.   DON’T KILL EACH OTHER IN THE INDO-PAK WARS. THREE LALAS; LALA GANDHI, A BANIA, LALA TARA SINGH MALHOTRA KHATRI AND LALA MOHD. ALI JINNAH, A BABLA BHATIA IN COLLUSION WITH THE DIRTY-HEARTED BRITISH TRADERS DIVIDED OUR COUNTRY. WE JATTS ARE WELL KNOWN FOR STUPIDITY - MOORAKHHTAEE:- http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Riots.htm JATT HAMAARI QOM HAE AUR KIRSAANI HAMAARAH AAM PAISHA HAE. MAE BRAHMIN VARN KAA KAAM KR RAHA HON. BRAHMIN VARN HAE; KOM NAHI – BAHMN KEH KEH JAAT MATT KHOYE. KIRSAAN KOEE BHI BANN SKTA HAE PAR JATT JATT BAAP KAE TUKHUM, BIND, BEEJ, ETC., SAE PAIDAH HOTA HAE. JATT DI SATT NAAL JATT QOM DA ADMI PAEDAH HONDA HAE. MAA KISSI BHI QOM KI HO PAR BAETA DAEH SHIVA VAR MOHAE – SONS OF MAN, AADMI DAE PUTTRO, LET US FIGHT AGAINST THE SONS OF VERY POWERFUL MAZZHBI “JANOONI” SATAN AL-DJMAR AL-AKSA – QOM HINDU, SIKH AND ..... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWwYKeFSCQNc6dOGm92fk4A4 We need a singer to sing this song in honour of our Pillar Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohlyan Jatt www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/ikchor.pdf Our Ch. Navjot Sidhu Qom Jatt by replacing his Jatt Qom with Sikh Qom
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Back Cover to AI Art S2E39 - Mass Effect Series
Older video games were notorious for back cover descriptions that have nothing to do with the game so lets see what a text to image generator makes of these descriptions. Season 2 sees an increase in art creations for each game up from 1 in the first season to 6 for the second season 
1. Intro - 00:00 
2. Back Cover and Text Description Mass Effect - 00:10 
3. Creation 1 - 00:30 
4. Creation 2 - 00:50 
5. Creation 3 - 01:10 
6. Creation 4 - 01:30 
7. Creation 5 - 01:50 
8. Creation 6 - 02:10 
9. Back Cover and Text Description Mass Effect 2 - 02:30 
10. Creation 1 - 02:50 
11. Creation 2 - 03:10 
12. Creation 3 - 03:30 
13. Creation 4 - 03:50 
14. Creation 5 - 04:10 
15. Creation 6 - 04:30 
16. Back Cover and Text Description Mass Effect 3 - 04:50 
17. Creation 1 - 05:10 
18. Creation 2 - 05:30 
19. Creation 3 - 05:50 
20. Creation 4 - 06:10 
21. Creation 5 - 06:30 
22. Creation 6 - 06:50 
23. Back Cover and Text Description Mass Effect Andromeda - 07:10 
24. Creation 1 - 07:30 
25. Creation 2 - 07:50 
26. Creation 3 - 08:10 
27. Creation 4 - 08:30 
28. Creation 5 - 08:50 
29. Creation 6 - 09:10 
30. Back Cover and Text Description Mass Effect Legendary Edition - 09:30 
31. Creation 1 - 09:50 
32. Creation 2 - 10:10 
33. Creation 3 - 10:30 
34. Creation 4 - 10:50 
35. Creation 5 - 11:10
36. Outro - 11:30 
Mass Effect is a series science fiction action rpg's developed by BioWare and published by EA and Microsoft Game Studios and is made up of five releases, The Mass Effect Trilogy, Mass Effect Andromeda and Mass Effect Legendary Edition, the latter being a remaster of the Trilogy. 
Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 follow the exploits of humanity's first ever spectre Commander Shepard an his or her fight against rogue spectre Saren Arterius and the Reaper Sovereign, The Collectors and Cerberus and the Reapers in a galaxy spanning adventure. 
Mass Effect Andromeda begins just before the events of Mass Effect 2 with the Arks containing the major races of the Milky Way galaxy leaving for the Andromeda Galaxy, with the impending reaper invasion nearing. 
The story of Mass Effect Andromeda follows one of the Ryder sibling and there role as pathfinder for the human ark an alongside your fellow pathfinders in finding a new home in a new and hostile galaxy. 
Mass Effect Legendary edition is the first three games in the Mass Effect series remastered for the PS4, Xbox One generation, the game features all bar one piece of DLC for the game Pinnacle Station with both the BioWare copy, and original developers Demiurge Studios copy being corrupted beyond use. The multiplayer element of Mass Effect 3 was also not carried over to the Legendary Edition. 
 For more Back Cover to AI Art videos check out these playlists 
Season 1 of Back Cover to AI Art 
Season 2 of Back Cover to AI Art 
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redsnerdden · 9 months
Overlord: The Sacred Kingdom Gets A New Teaser Trailer
Demiurge Takes Center Stage! Overlord: The Sacred Kingdom Gets A New Teaser Trailer #overlord_anime #オーバーロード #オバロ
Yesterday, Kadokawa released a brand-new teaser trailer for the upcoming film project for Overlord titled Overlord The Movie: The Sacred Kingdom. Taking center stage was Demiurge, the Great Tomb of Nazarick’s Seventh Floor Guardian. It also was confirmed that Naoyuki Itou would be returning to direct the film at MADHOUSE Studio. Kadokawa Animation will be distributing the film, Anime News…
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humor-y-videojuegos · 10 months
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Shoot Many Robots 🏢 Demiurge Studios 📅 2012 🖥 Android, PS3, Windows, Xbox 360 #videogames
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hardcore-gaming-101 · 5 years
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There was a point in time when nobody really knew who Gearbox was, unless you were really into Half-Life. The studio found success with some mods for Gordon Freeman’s first adventure, then spent the next several years mainly doing port jobs and some forgotten Brothers in Arms games. It wasn’t until 2009 that the studio found its name with a huge risk of a project, starting its development into a name spoken mostly in scorn by critics and audiences alike. Of course, nobody really saw their self-shot foot until Aliens: Colonial Marines finally released. Before that, they were simply the Borderlands studio, the people responsible for what seems like one of the strangest big budget projects ever conceived on paper, but proved to be one of the most ingenious combinations in practice. 
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krausbombit · 5 years
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guardianjb-blog · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_FPfgMRJ88)
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frugalkubal · 2 years
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theartofmany · 5 years
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Artist: Artem Chebokha Title: The Beginning Of The End Wonderful...
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bobcat-pie · 3 years
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y’all have cursed mine eyes.
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