#demiromantic jessica moore
and-stir-the-stars · 3 years
Don't look for shooting stars
summary: Jess comes out to Sam as asexual
tw: none
They were scouring the non-fiction section of the library when Sam asked about it the first time.
Jessica’s fingers danced lightly against the edges of the spines that jutted out from the bookshelves. Sam was on the other side of the aisle, searching for the specific edition of a book on organic chemistry Jessica needed for a tutoring session she had scheduled with a freshman. She sends an offhand glance in Sam’s direction as though to check his progress, see if maybe he’s found the book she’s looking for. Instead, she catches him leaning against the heavy bookshelf and staring at her with a contented gaze, like she’s a work of art he’s seeing for the first time.
She raises a brow at him, corners of her lips quirking in amusement, and embarrassment flashes across Sam’s face as he realizes she noticed him.
Sam clears his throat, quickly turning away from her as his eyes latch firmly onto the labels on the spines of the books in front of him. “Any luck?”
Jess abandons her bookshelf in favor of drifting closer to Sam. She situates herself beside him, her shoulder pressing against his as she absent-mindedly ghosts her fingers along the book spines. “No,” she says. “What about you?”
“No,” Sam says. Then, a pause. “What’s that ring on your finger?”
Jess blinks at that, taken aback. She takes her hand away from the shelf and twists the black metal ring round and round on her finger as she looks Sam up and down. Considers it. Balances the risks.
She already knows Sam doesn’t have a problem with the LGBT community in general. She and Sam have had a few conversations about gay and trans issues in the year and a half they have known each other; none of those talks had included asexuality, though, so Jess really couldn’t be sure what his stance was on it. If he knew what being ace was at all. If he accepted asexuality, or if he thought it was just some “internet sexuality” people used when they were desperate to seem special, or god knows what other bullshit people came up with to attack asexuals. If she came out, what would she do if Sam didn’t react well to it? Except Sam didn’t seem the type of person to do that. He wasn’t so closed-minded.
“You’ve worn it every day for as long as I’ve known you,” Sam continues. “An all-black ring, always on your right middle finger. Does it mean something? Was it a gift?”
For a second, Jess just looks at him, at the openness and sincerity lighting his eyes beneath the sweeping brown of his bangs where they dangle in his face. “It’s an ace ring.”
Sam’s head cocks to the side, his brows furrow, and Jess knows he has no idea what she’s talking about.
“As in, short for asexual,” Jessica says. She studies his expression for a flash of recognition, thinking maybe he’s at least heard asexual in this context before. But when it doesn’t come, she continues on her own. “It’s a sexuality. Part of the LGBT community.”
There’s a slight change in Sam’s face now, like this wasn’t the direction he had figured this conversation would go in.
“This ring is a reminder,” Jess continues. “That what I am is worth being proud of. That I’m not alone, and there’s a community of people just like me, somewhere out there.”
The corners of Sam’s lips tug upwards, like the contented pride in Jess’ voice is contagious. Jessica has noticed that about him: that he always seems to smile when she talks about things that are important to her like he just can’t help himself.
Sam nods. “And what does that mean? Asexual?”
“Well…” Jess sighs through her nose. There goes the vague hope that Sam already knew about asexuality and she wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of explaining it. “There are some people who experience sexual attraction to the opposite gender, right? Heterosexuals? And some people experience sexual attraction to genders like their own, and some experience sexual attraction to multiple or all genders. And some people experience little to no sexual attraction to any genders–asexuals.”
There’s a second and a half where Sam doesn’t react. He just keeps staring at her, his eyes narrowed as he thinks that through. “Oh. Oh, wow– I didn’t even know that was an option.”
“Yeah. Not a lot of people do.”
Jess turns away and runs a finger down the line of books on the shelf without really seeing any of the numbers or titles plastered across the spines. There’s a sinking feeling in her chest, a bitter ache as she’s reminded of just how invisible she is. It’s been, what, three years now since she realized she was ace, and the number of people she has stumbled across in her day-to-day life who have even known what that part of her identity meant in all that time was slim. She hasn’t even come across someone who was openly ace before. If it weren’t for online forums, Jess could have believed she was the only person in the world like herself. Even with the forums and chat rooms, it’s not that difficult to believe she’s alone.
Jess had assumed that the conversation was over,  so it takes her by surprise when Sam speaks up.
“So, you don’t experience sexual attraction. That sorta implies– I mean, does that mean there are other types of attraction than just sexual?”
And then Jess is laughing softly. She hadn’t meant to, of course, but the sudden reminder that not everyone knew something that seemed so simple to her had caught her off guard. The idea that asexuality existed and there were many different types of attraction was so fundamental to her life and her understanding of the world that it was strange for Jess to imagine there were people without that fundamental knowledge; Sam might as well have just asked if there were other languages than just English.
Sam is staring at her with that look he gets– his brows lifted, eyes wide, head tilted to the side. It’s an adorably pathetic expression that makes him look something like a kicked puppy, trying to work out what just happened.
For a brief moment, it makes her laugh harder. Then she looks away, runs the hand closest to Sam through her hair, blocking her view of him so that puppy dog expression doesn’t set her off again, and clears her throat. “Yeah.” She finally turns back to him after a pause. “There’s a lot, Sam.”
“Like what?”
Jess doesn’t say anything. She just stares, chewing at her lip and shaking her head, enjoying that feeling of knowing something that Sam doesn’t. Sam reads the amusement in her expression and sends her a mild bitch face in response.
Trying not to get caught up in another laughing fit, Jess can’t quite keep herself from smirking at him. She loves getting under Sam’s skin, getting a reaction from him.
“Well,” Jess continues when she’s had her fun. “To name a few. There’s platonic attraction– the desire to form a close platonic bond with someone. Aesthetic attraction: an appreciation for the way someone looks or presents themself. Romantic attraction: the desire to be in a romantic– but not necessarily sexual– relationship with someone. Should I keep going, or do you want all this in writing, lawyer boy?”
Sam doesn’t seem to notice the teasing remark at the end. “Wait. If romantic and sexual attraction isn’t the same thing, that means asexuals still want to date, just like any other person. Right?”
Jess cringes. All at once, the playful mirth drains away.
She hasn’t come out to a lot of people (not since freshman year, when she got repeatedly told she was “too hot to be asexual” so much that she had decided to stop sharing her sexuality so freely), but every single time she had, that same thing Sam just said would always come up, one way or another.
You’re asexual, but at least you can still have relationships and date.
As though she had to compensate for being asexual by still falling in love. As though asexuals were only worthy of acceptance on the condition that they could prove they were ‘normal’ and ‘human’ enough to fall in love.
That implication alone was enough to rub her the wrong way, to make Jess’ blood boil. But there was the added sting that Jess didn’t know if she was capable of falling in love that made the innocuous comment's bite personal. Yes, Jess had dated in the past, but never as often as everyone else around her, and her past dating partners had all been close friends before Jess had dated them. Looking back, Jess wondered if she had really been in love with any of them, or if her feelings toward her ex-partners had actually been of the platonic variety all along.
Sam’s question struck a nerve, and when she spoke next, she found herself speaking harsher than she had meant to. “Wanting to date doesn’t make you ‘like any other person.’ It’s not like wanting to date is the default way to be human. My asexuality and my validity as a person aren’t defined by an ability–or inability– to form or desire romantic relationships. Romance and asexuality are different issues entirely; they’re not intertwined like that.”
Silence. Sam stares at her, looking surprised by the sudden shift in the tone of the conversation.
“I-I’m sorry,” Sam stammers. “I didn’t mean to imply that at all, I just–” He broke off, floundering for words.
And just like that, the overwhelming wash of frustration melts away. “No, it’s okay.” Jess sighs before shooting him an apologetic smile. “I shouldn’t have snapped; you just wanted clarification. I keep forgetting that not everyone is up to date on the struggles and issues ace people face. It’s a touchy subject, though– people conflate asexuality and romance all the time, and doing so can lead to a lot of hurt for a lot of people.”
Sam smiles back, and relief flutters through Jess at the assurance that there are no hard feelings between them. “Then I guess it’s better if I learn more about ace issues now rather than later, huh?”
Jess laughs through her nose at that. Then she reaches for the bookshelf, grabs the book she had noticed earlier during their conversation, and holds up the organic chemistry book she needed for her tutoring session. “Then you better be glad I’m such a good teacher.”
"I always wanted to get a cat," Jess says absently-mindedly as she puts some finishing touches on the flier on her desk. The flier is an elegant pink, and on it is information for a fundraiser; she and Sam had offered to help out where they could for a fundraiser being hosted by a local animal shelter downtown.
"Really?" Sam is sprawled out across the hardwood floor at her feet as he works on his own posters. She had told the guy he could use the desk on her dorm mate's side of the room– she already knew Rebekah wouldn't mind— but Sam had steadfastly, and perhaps just a tad over politely, refused. "I've always been more of a dog person myself. "
"Cats are fierce little bastards," Jess says affectionately. "They speak to me."
"If that's the case, you might wanna go see a psychiatrist," Sam teases.
"Oh, shush." Jess picks up a marker and throws it at him half-heartedly; bouncing harmlessly off his back, the thrown marker only succeeds in making Sam laugh. "You know that's not what I meant."
"You never know with cat people."
Jess rolls her eyes. "Dog people," she says it like an insult.
The conversation lulls after that. For a while, the only thing that fills the silence is the scratch of markers and pens on paper and the occasional rustle of fabric as Sam shifts around, trying to get into a more comfortable position on the hard floor.
Eventually, Jess finishes her flier designs and sits back in her chair, watching Sam work. When he finishes, they'll head to the library and print off some copies, drop them off at the shelter, and then Jess should really get to work on her humanities project. She couldn't stall forever, after all.
Jess looks down at her hands and realizes she's been twisting her ace ring around and around on her finger. There's a white splatter of paint on the metal band that she hadn't noticed before, most likely put there during her art class she had attended a few hours before. She'll have to clean that paint splatter off later, but the white addition on the ring makes her think.
"Hey, Sam?"
Jess twists the black and white ring on her finger once more. "I think I might be demiromantic."
The idle scratching of markers on paper goes quiet as Sam puts his utensil down and looks up at her.
A few months ago, Jess would have been more hesitant to tell Sam this revelation about herself that she had been gradually unveiling. Coming out to someone could be difficult enough, but it was even worse when you had to take the time to explain what your identity is to someone who hasn't heard it before. It’s painfully nerve-wracking, and when the person you're coming out to doesn't have a good understanding of your community, it makes it frighteningly easy—almost inevitable, really– that the person might speak an insensitive comment or question simply because they don't have the knowledge to know that it's insensitive.
In the last few months, however, Jess had ended up telling Sam quite a lot about the asexual and aromantic communities; and Sam had researched asexuality and aromanticism on his own as well, with his determination to learn about the subjects being equal to– if not greater than– Jess' determination to teach him.
Now, as Sam peels himself up off the floor and situates himself next to her, leaning with an air of comforting casualty against the desk, Jess knows that she doesn't have to worry about giving any detailed explanations or definitions, or about the distant concern that Sam might not see the validity of aspec identities.
She remembers coming out as asexual to him, how disastrous it had felt at the time, and knows it'll be easier. More smooth, this time around. Safer. Somehow, though, that doesn't take away the sharp edge of nervous energy she always gets when coming out.
"You know, that fits you really well."
Jess looks up at him in surprise. No, that wasn't quite the right word. It wasn't surprising, just… not quite the reaction Jess had been expecting. "You think so?"
"Yeah," Sam says. "I mean, as far as I've known you, you've always been more drawn to…" Sam breaks off, gnawing on his lower lip as he searches for the right word. "Personalities. To who others are as people, the connections you can have with others."
Of course, Jess had already known in advance that Sam wouldn't have a problem with her identity, but there is something about hearing that validation out loud, from an outside source and said directly to her, that calms the nervous edge making her heart pound.
A smile works its way onto Jess' lips as she sees the thoughtful look on his face. It's—weird, and oddly touching, to think that Sam has picked up on those details about her. On things that have taken even her a long to understand about herself.
"I've been thinking about it for a while now," Jess admits. "And I really think that it– that it fits ."
Sam laughs softly. "I'm happy for you, then."
"Me, too."
"And it's kinda funny that you mention it, because– well–"
Jess looks up at him with an inquisitive mien, and Sam flashes a smile with just a touch of nervous awkwardness.
"I honestly think I might be demisexual," Sam continues. "I've been in a few relationships before, but entering high school, there always seemed to be some… I dunno, some disconnect that I couldn't put to words, could never really explain or talk about with anyone. Looking back, I think this might have had something to do with it."
Jess sighs, sending a tuft of blonde bangs floating in the air before it settles back against her forehead. "Yeah," she says. "I get what that's like. Not knowing how to explain yourself, feeling like there's something the matter with you that can't be worked through or fixed because you don't have the tools to explain it. To yourself or anyone else. There's not, though--" Pausing for emphasis, Jess raises her right hand, wiggling her fingers to draw attention to her ace ring. "Anything wrong with you."
"Thanks, Jess."
"For what?"
"For giving me the tools. It means more than I could ever have known."
Time freezes, and there's nothing but the two of them, smiling at each other warmly like they're basking in a secret that only the two of them share.
When Rome's in ruins,
We are the lions
Free of the coliseums.
The grass is soft where it bends back from beneath Jessica's feet as she dances around the dips in the earth and the stones and twigs saturating an abandoned field. Her laughter floats up into the night and mingles with the idle purr of a car engine, the chirping of crickets and birds, and the flare of Fall Out Boy's 'Young Volcanoes.'
From where he is silhouetted against the bright gleam of headlights, Sam is laughing too. His voice as he dances is light and erratic-- the kind of laugh you make when you know you should be embarrassed but don't really give a damn.
In poisoned places,
We are anti-venom:
We're the beginning of the end.
Sam's moves are jerky and disorganized but have a certain air, a sense of being organic and genuine like Sam has never learned to dance and is not entirely sure of what he is doing, but is simply letting his body react to the music in whatever way feels right. The smile gracing his face is thrilled–- wild, almost. Manic.
That smile is infectious. Jess can feel that smile just as surely as she can feel the music thrumming through her veins: pure and electrifying and freeing. It feels like release, like home.
Jess glides over toward him. Her movements are more fluid and methodical than Sam's: two steps forward, a spin, and a sidestep as she raises her arms in a circular motion over her head, and repeat. It's a dance that a high school friend taught her a long time ago, a dance that's nameless and half-forgotten by now.
The foxes hunt the hounds
And it's all over now
As she comes close, Sam grasps for her hand. His fingers are gentle against hers as he lifts their hands over her head and twirls her in his arms. Blonde hair tickles against the skin of her tank-top clad back as she whirls. For an instant, there's nothing but the feeling of Sam's hands, warm and secure in her own; nothing but Sam's voice singing along to the lyrics and the wind caressing her hair and face. Jess closes her eyes, head tilting up to the sky, basking in it all.
And then, Sam slips. He goes down, hand holding tight to Jess' and tugging her down with him.
Before it has begun,
We've already won.
Jess hits the ground with a winded gasp. The two lie there in silence for a long moment, stunned. Then, giggling, Jess punches Sam in the shoulder. "You're on my foot, you asshole!"
He blinks up at her before comprehension sets in. "I'm sorry," Sam blurts when he realizes they've landed in a tangle of limbs on the cold, hard ground, though he doesn't sound very sorry. He's laughing too much for that.
Sam shifts enough for Jess to free herself, and she fixes him with a playful glare.
We are wild,
We are like young volcanoes
They're still within the pool of light streaming forth from the headlights and it pours over Sam from behind, the white light glinting off his hair like a halo. His eyes are wide and concerned as he looks her over, but the shadows flickering and dancing between them do nothing to obscure the goofy smile splitting his face in two.
Jess isn't sure exactly how it happens or why, but suddenly she can tell that they're both leaning towards each other, ever so subtly. Jess' eyes flick down, tracing the curve of Sam's lips right before she moves forward. As their lips meet, Sam's hand runs through the tangled lengths of her hair, and Jess feels herself melt into the touch. Into him. At that moment, there isn't anywhere else in the world she'd rather be.
We are wild,
Americana exotica.
Don't you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?
Jess pulls away from him, but keeps her forehead pressed against his like she can't bear to move any farther. "Sam," she whispers, breathless. The ecstatic gleam in Sam's eyes, the feel of his chapped lips on hers, the vanilla aroma of his body wash– it's intoxicating. But Jess needs to make sure of just one thing.
"Sam," Jess repeats. "I need to make sure you know– I'm ace, and if we do this, I'm not going to change for you."
Sam gives her an odd look then. It takes Jess a second to realize that it's odd because, usually, she's the one aiming it at Sam– the look that says 'I love you, but you just said the stupidest thing I've ever heard.'
"I don't want you to change. I don't want you for that , I just want you. Just you."
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ao3feed-destiel · 5 years
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2SxpWVb
by MashiarasDream
It’s been a year. A year in which Sam has seen Dean at least a dozen times. From afar at his in-laws. At the other end of a store. On TV. In a blurry photo in a case file. Increasingly, it's locations where it would be highly unlikely that Dean would ever show up even if he was still alive. So, finally, Sam gives up searching. He decides that he has to do what is best for his family and accept that his brother is dead, so that he can concentrate on raising his daughter and loving his wife.
And that's when he meets Cas. On a beach in California of all places.
Words: 11029, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Profound Bond Verse
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Benny Lafitte
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: non-traditional soulmate au, established relationships - Freeform, Dean and Cas aren’t soulmates instead they chose each other, Team Free Will, grey-ace/demi!Cas, demiromantic!Dean, POV Alternating, profound timestamp, Soulmate AU
Link: https://ift.tt/2SxpWVb
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ao3feed-castiel · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SxpWVb
by MashiarasDream
It’s been a year. A year in which Sam has seen Dean at least a dozen times. From afar at his in-laws. At the other end of a store. On TV. In a blurry photo in a case file. Increasingly, it's locations where it would be highly unlikely that Dean would ever show up even if he was still alive. So, finally, Sam gives up searching. He decides that he has to do what is best for his family and accept that his brother is dead, so that he can concentrate on raising his daughter and loving his wife.
And that's when he meets Cas. On a beach in California of all places.
Words: 11029, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Profound Bond Verse
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Benny Lafitte
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: non-traditional soulmate au, established relationships - Freeform, Dean and Cas aren’t soulmates instead they chose each other, Team Free Will, grey-ace/demi!Cas, demiromantic!Dean, POV Alternating, profound timestamp, Soulmate AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SxpWVb
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ao3feed-crowley · 5 years
He's a (Zoo) Keeper
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pfUG26
by almaasi
Finding ‘The One’ ain’t Dean deal. As an openly bisexual thirty-something always infatuated with new lovers, he couldn’t possibly settle for just one person. But this truth becomes harder to maintain after a comforting, intimate experience with his roommate on a rough night, when Dean comes to an arrangement with Castiel: whenever Dean’s single, they can fool around with each other, just for fun. No romance required. However, spurred by the frustration of unemployment and a subconscious longing for Dean, Cas takes on a theoretical wedding-planning project, using himself and Dean as the betrothed subjects. Dean works as a zookeeper, so Boston Sanctuary Zoo’s sun-dappled autumn courtyard is the obvious choice of wedding venue. Dean’s willing to help pick the decor, the food, the clothes, the music, and the guest invites, all on a conceptual budget. The date is set when Dean puts down a just-in-case venue deposit, and the guests are invited when Cas sends out some template emails by mistake. It kind of looks like this fake wedding is actually going ahead, in an accidental, too-late-now sort of way. But are Dean and Cas simply too stubborn to hit the brakes, or are they both not-so-secretly hoping it’s real?
Words: 7652, Chapters: 2/19, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Charlie Bradbury, Jody Mills, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Alicia Banes, Max Banes, Donna Hanscum, Crowley, Bobby Singer, Rufus Turner, Gabriel, Patience Turner
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Slow Burn, Romance, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Drama, Smut, Porn With Plot, Roommates, Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Pining, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends With Benefits, Accidental Marriage, Weddings, Learning To Communicate, Zookeeper Dean Winchester, Openly Bisexual Dean Winchester, wedding planner castiel, Beekeeper Castiel, Demisexual Castiel, Demiromantic Castiel, nonbinary Castiel, Agender Castiel, Cas doesn’t care about gender norms, Switch Dean, Switch Castiel, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Intercrural Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Semi-Public Sex, Drunk Sex, Hand Feeding, Foot Jobs, Lingerie, Storms, Fire, Background Relationships, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, DCBB, Dean/Cas Big Bang, Illustated
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pfUG26
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Profound Bond
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sSDpe4
by MashiarasDream, tinnydandelion
Everyone is only half of a whole, your other half is your soulmate and when you meet them your life will finally be complete. That’s what children learn in school and what everyone believes, Dean Winchester included. Only when he finally meets his soulmate Amara, things do not go as planned.
Words: 49758, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Amara, Charlie Bradbury, Gabriel, jess moore, Bobby Singer, Rowena MacLeod
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Amara/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury/Gilda/Dorothy
Additional Tags: Soulmate AU, different soulmate au, not what you expect probably, unwanted soulmate, Soulmate marks, Destiel is endgame, Screw Destiny, Team Free Will, Stalking, Emotional Abuse, Manipulation, Possessiveness, Physical Abuse, no abuse between Dean and Cas, past violent minor character death, Hurt/Comfort, grey-ace/demi!Cas, polyamorous!Charlie, demiromantic!Dean, discussions of temporary character death
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sSDpe4
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and-stir-the-stars · 3 years
are there any characters in spn specifically that you hc as aroace? or any canon aroace characters that you like?
As far as I'm aware, there's definitely no canon aroace characters in spn, unfortunately. The book Loveless by Alice Oseman features an aroace protagonist named Georgia as she realizes her aroace identity, but that's the only media I've seen with a canon aroace character whose identity got explicitly talked about in said canon media.
Here's a list of my aroace hcs for supernatural, though <3
- Castiel. I definitely think of him as gray-romantic asexual. I think in general Cas is sex-repulsed, but there are *very* select few people who he feels sex-indifferent or sex-favorable around (hmmm, wonder if there's a word for that.)
- Jack Kline. Jack is aroace and experiences no sexual or romantic attraction whatsoever, and I will fight people on that. They're literally three years old,, they don't need people looking at/thinking about them like that.
- Mary Winchester. I don't have a reasonable explanation for this, but she's aroace af. Idc about whatever implied relationship she was supposed to have with Ketch. also she was only "in love" with john because the angels set it up, etc etc, she was never actually happy in the relationship, etc etc
- Elijah. Elijah is an angel character who was in a grand total of like,, eight minutes of a *single* episode (9x18, I think), but I love them with all my heart and just know they're asexual demiromantic.
- Uriel. a mutual of mine hc's him as aroace and that hc just makes me smile, and it makes me feel so honoured to have him as aroace rep
-Jessica Moore. idc what anyone says, Jess is demiromantic asexual
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ao3feed-destiel · 5 years
He's a (Zoo) Keeper
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2pfUG26
by almaasi
Finding ‘The One’ ain’t Dean deal. As an openly bisexual thirty-something always infatuated with new lovers, he couldn’t possibly settle for just one person. But this truth becomes harder to maintain after a comforting, intimate experience with his roommate on a rough night, when Dean comes to an arrangement with Castiel: whenever Dean’s single, they can fool around with each other, just for fun. No romance required. However, spurred by the frustration of unemployment and a subconscious longing for Dean, Cas takes on a theoretical wedding-planning project, using himself and Dean as the betrothed subjects. Dean works as a zookeeper, so Boston Sanctuary Zoo’s sun-dappled autumn courtyard is the obvious choice of wedding venue. Dean’s willing to help pick the decor, the food, the clothes, the music, and the guest invites, all on a conceptual budget. The date is set when Dean puts down a just-in-case venue deposit, and the guests are invited when Cas sends out some template emails by mistake. It kind of looks like this fake wedding is actually going ahead, in an accidental, too-late-now sort of way. But are Dean and Cas simply too stubborn to hit the brakes, or are they both not-so-secretly hoping it’s real?
Words: 47647, Chapters: 11/19, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Charlie Bradbury, Jody Mills, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Alicia Banes, Max Banes, Donna Hanscum, Crowley, Bobby Singer, Rufus Turner, Gabriel, Patience Turner
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Slow Burn, Romance, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Drama, Smut, Porn With Plot, Roommates, Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Pining, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends With Benefits, Accidental Marriage, Weddings, Learning To Communicate, Zookeeper Dean Winchester, Openly Bisexual Dean Winchester, wedding planner castiel, Beekeeper Castiel, Demisexual Castiel, Demiromantic Castiel, nonbinary Castiel, Agender Castiel, Cas doesn’t care about gender norms, Switch Dean, Switch Castiel, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Intercrural Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Semi-Public Sex, Drunk Sex, Hand Feeding, Foot Jobs, Lingerie, Storms, Fire, Background Relationships, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, DCBB, Dean/Cas Big Bang, Illustated
Link: https://ift.tt/2pfUG26
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ao3feed-destiel · 5 years
A Stormy Sea of Moving Emotion
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/34jp63c
by Aerica_Menai
After surviving their fight with the siren in “Sex and Violence” (S4 E14), Sam has some questions for Dean…leading to research, identity revelations, more questions, more identity revelations, Sam getting to (metaphorically) lock Cas and Dean in a closet until they kiss and even find his own partner to kiss. Mostly in that order.
Words: 15279, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Sarah Blake (Supernatural), Bobby Singer
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sarah Blake/Sam Winchester, Past Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester - Relationship, Dean Winchester/OMC (brief)
Additional Tags: Abusive John Winchester, Homophobic John Winchester, Acephobia, Internalized Acephobia, slight mention of a (non-reciprocated) sexual interest of a 19 year old towards Cas and Dean, slight (non-graphic) mention of ritualistic murder, brief consensual sexual encounter between Dean and an OMC, accidental (non-graphic) voyeurism on Cas' part, (I'm probably way over-tagging but better safe than sorry), demiromantic gray-bisexual!Dean, grayromantic ace!Cas, biromantic lesbian!Jess, Asexuality, Asexuality Spectrum, Asexual Character, Asexual Castiel (Supernatural), Asexual Relationship
Link: https://ift.tt/34jp63c
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ao3feed-destiel · 6 years
Profound Bond
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2sSDpe4
by MashiarasDream, tinnydandelion
Everyone is only half of a whole, your other half is your soulmate and when you meet them your life will finally be complete. That’s what children learn in school and what everyone believes, Dean Winchester included. Only when he finally meets his soulmate Amara, things do not go as planned.
Words: 49758, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Amara, Charlie Bradbury, Gabriel, jess moore, Bobby Singer, Rowena MacLeod
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Amara/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury/Gilda/Dorothy
Additional Tags: Soulmate AU, different soulmate au, not what you expect probably, unwanted soulmate, Soulmate marks, Destiel is endgame, Screw Destiny, Team Free Will, Stalking, Emotional Abuse, Manipulation, Possessiveness, Physical Abuse, no abuse between Dean and Cas, past violent minor character death, Hurt/Comfort, grey-ace/demi!Cas, polyamorous!Charlie, demiromantic!Dean, discussions of temporary character death
Link: https://ift.tt/2sSDpe4
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ao3feed-castiel · 5 years
He's a (Zoo) Keeper
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pfUG26
by almaasi
Finding ‘The One’ ain’t Dean deal. As an openly bisexual thirty-something always infatuated with new lovers, he couldn’t possibly settle for just one person. But this truth becomes harder to maintain after a comforting, intimate experience with his roommate on a rough night, when Dean comes to an arrangement with Castiel: whenever Dean’s single, they can fool around with each other, just for fun. No romance required. However, spurred by the frustration of unemployment and a subconscious longing for Dean, Cas takes on a theoretical wedding-planning project, using himself and Dean as the betrothed subjects. Dean works as a zookeeper, so Boston Sanctuary Zoo’s sun-dappled autumn courtyard is the obvious choice of wedding venue. Dean’s willing to help pick the decor, the food, the clothes, the music, and the guest invites, all on a conceptual budget. The date is set when Dean puts down a just-in-case venue deposit, and the guests are invited when Cas sends out some template emails by mistake. It kind of looks like this fake wedding is actually going ahead, in an accidental, too-late-now sort of way. But are Dean and Cas simply too stubborn to hit the brakes, or are they both not-so-secretly hoping it’s real?
Words: 38494, Chapters: 9/19, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Charlie Bradbury, Jody Mills, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Alicia Banes, Max Banes, Donna Hanscum, Crowley, Bobby Singer, Rufus Turner, Gabriel, Patience Turner
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Slow Burn, Romance, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Drama, Smut, Porn With Plot, Roommates, Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Pining, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends With Benefits, Accidental Marriage, Weddings, Learning To Communicate, Zookeeper Dean Winchester, Openly Bisexual Dean Winchester, wedding planner castiel, Beekeeper Castiel, Demisexual Castiel, Demiromantic Castiel, nonbinary Castiel, Agender Castiel, Cas doesn’t care about gender norms, Switch Dean, Switch Castiel, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Intercrural Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Semi-Public Sex, Drunk Sex, Hand Feeding, Foot Jobs, Lingerie, Storms, Fire, Background Relationships, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, DCBB, Dean/Cas Big Bang, Illustated
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pfUG26
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ao3feed-castiel · 5 years
A Stormy Sea of Moving Emotion
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34jp63c
by Aerica_Menai
After surviving their fight with the siren in “Sex and Violence” (S4 E14), Sam has some questions for Dean…leading to research, identity revelations, more questions, more identity revelations, Sam getting to (metaphorically) lock Cas and Dean in a closet until they kiss and even find his own partner to kiss. Mostly in that order.
Words: 15279, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Sarah Blake (Supernatural), Bobby Singer
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sarah Blake/Sam Winchester, Past Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester - Relationship, Dean Winchester/OMC (brief)
Additional Tags: Abusive John Winchester, Homophobic John Winchester, Acephobia, Internalized Acephobia, slight mention of a (non-reciprocated) sexual interest of a 19 year old towards Cas and Dean, slight (non-graphic) mention of ritualistic murder, brief consensual sexual encounter between Dean and an OMC, accidental (non-graphic) voyeurism on Cas' part, (I'm probably way over-tagging but better safe than sorry), demiromantic gray-bisexual!Dean, grayromantic ace!Cas, biromantic lesbian!Jess, Asexuality, Asexuality Spectrum, Asexual Character, Asexual Castiel (Supernatural), Asexual Relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34jp63c
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