#demian maia
cloacacarnage · 7 months
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theanticool · 1 year
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GSP vs Maia in BJJ
You know what, I might tune in for this. Think I’d prefer both against guys a tad closer to their sizes but this should be fun.
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sdfggjklasddasfklkl · 2 months
The Art of Gentle Combat: Exploring the World of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is more than just a martial art; it's a lifestyle and a philosophy. Known for its emphasis on ground fighting and submission holds, BJJ has gained worldwide popularity for its effectiveness in self-defense and its profound impact on personal development. brazilian karate jiu jitsu Originating from Japan and evolving in Brazil, this combat sport has captured the hearts of martial artists and fitness enthusiasts alike.
The History and Evolution of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
BJJ has its roots in the Japanese martial art of Judo, brought to Brazil by Mitsuyo Maeda in the early 20th century. jiu jitsu thibodaux Maeda, a renowned Judo practitioner, taught his techniques to Carlos Gracie, who, along with his brother Hélio Gracie, adapted and refined these techniques to suit their smaller physiques. This adaptation led to the development of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which focuses on leverage and technique over brute strength.
The Gracie family played a pivotal role in popularizing BJJ, hosting challenge matches and eventually establishing the first Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy in Rio de Janeiro. Their efforts showcased the effectiveness of BJJ in real combat situations, contributing to its global rise in popularity.
Principles and Techniques of BJJ
BJJ is often referred to as "the gentle art" because it allows a smaller, weaker person to defend themselves against a larger, stronger opponent through the use of technique and leverage. Key principles include:
Leverage Over Strength BJJ practitioners learn to use their body mechanics to apply maximum force with minimal effort. This principle is evident in techniques like the armbar and triangle choke, where proper positioning and leverage are crucial.
Position Before Submission Control is fundamental in BJJ. Practitioners focus on securing dominant positions, such as the mount or back control, before attempting submissions. This strategy ensures greater success and safety.
Flow and Adaptability BJJ encourages fluid movement and adaptability. Practitioners train to transition smoothly between positions and techniques, allowing them to respond effectively to their opponent's actions.
The Benefits of Practicing BJJ
Physical Fitness BJJ provides a full-body workout, improving strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. The dynamic nature of the sport ensures that every training session is a comprehensive exercise routine.
Mental Toughness The challenges faced on the mat build resilience and mental fortitude. Practitioners learn to stay calm under pressure, think strategically, and persist through difficult situations.
Self-Defense BJJ is highly effective for self-defense, teaching practical techniques that can be applied in real-life scenarios. Its focus on controlling and neutralizing threats makes it a valuable skill for personal safety.
Community and Camaraderie BJJ academies foster a strong sense of community. Training partners support and motivate each other, creating lasting friendships and a positive training environment.
BJJ in Competition and Media
BJJ has a significant presence in competitive sports, with tournaments held worldwide. The International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) organizes prestigious events like the World Jiu Jitsu Championship and the Pan Jiu Jitsu Championship. Additionally, BJJ is a cornerstone of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), with many top fighters, such as Royce Gracie and Demian Maia, showcasing its effectiveness in the octagon.
The rise of social media and online platforms has further fueled BJJ's popularity. Instructional videos, live-streamed events, and online communities provide enthusiasts with access to resources and knowledge, fostering the growth of the sport globally.
The Future of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
As BJJ continues to evolve, its influence spreads beyond traditional martial arts circles. Its principles are being integrated into self-defense programs for law enforcement and military personnel. Moreover, the inclusive nature of BJJ welcomes practitioners of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, ensuring its continued growth and adaptation.
The future of BJJ looks promising, with more people discovering its benefits and embracing its philosophy. Whether for self-defense, fitness, competition, or personal growth, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu offers a transformative journey that extends far beyond the mat.
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heavenforblog1111 · 5 months
So, Colby Covington was finding it hard to make progress in his career despite having only a single loss and several wins when he initially started in the UFC. His fighting skills were never in question, however he felt that he needed to attract attention to him if he wanted to succeed further in the business. After his fight with Demian Maia, Colby Covington went on to insult the Brazilian crowd by calling Brazil a dump and labelling Brazilians as filthy animals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=479l-lMFDh4 Yeah, I feel like, ‘Yeah, I got you.’ They like to dish out all this energy and say these mean things like, ‘you [voce] vai morrer,’ which we know means ‘You will die.’ So, if you want to say these mean things, expect mean things to get said back at you. So, if you want to be a part of the show and play the game, don’t be afraid when you get burned.Colby Covington They did. They were loaded like secret service Brazilian guards who had guns and everything. And they were like, ‘Hey, we’ve got to get you out through like, this crazy exit (from the arena) in the bottom. And we’ve got to take you to the hotel early. And you’ve got to wear glasses and cover yourself with a hoodie and a hat.’ Yeah. They were like, ‘You’ve got to go in disguise. We can’t have you out.’ Like, that’s why they wouldn’t let me do a post-fight press conference after the fight because there was like, a bunch of Brazilians surrounded the arena like, with guns and knives and forks…And that’s when I remember my whole team was like, yelling, ‘Man, you put all our lives at risk; not just yourself. Like, they’re going to want to kill us all now.’ So, they were all pi**ed at me.Colby Covington Obviously, Brazilians weren't happy with what Colby had said and they were probably ready to kill him if they had the chance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5_sj1tATaY&t=65s Colby's interview with Daniel Cormier after the fight Daniel Cormier spoke to Colby a few days before his second welterweight title fight against Kamaru Usman.
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¿Qué peleas ha ganado Khamzat Chimaev en su carrera de artes marciales mixtas?
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¿Qué peleas ha ganado Khamzat Chimaev en su carrera de artes marciales mixtas?
Khamzat Chimaev victorias
Khamzat Chimaev, el luchador sueco de ascendencia chechena, ha estado sorprendiendo a los fanáticos de las artes marciales mixtas con sus impresionantes victorias en UFC. Desde su debut en la organización en 2020, Chimaev ha acumulado una racha impresionante de victorias que lo han catapultado a la fama en el mundo de las MMA.
Con un récord perfecto de victorias tanto en la categoría de peso welter como en la de peso medio, Chimaev ha demostrado ser un competidor formidable en ambas divisiones. Su estilo agresivo y su dominio en el suelo lo han convertido en uno de los luchadores más temidos del octágono.
Una de las victorias más destacadas de Chimaev fue contra el experimentado peleador Demian Maia en 2020, a quien derrotó por nocaut técnico en el primer asalto. Esta impresionante victoria le valió el reconocimiento de la comunidad MMA y lo colocó en el radar de los contendientes en ambas divisiones.
A pesar de sus logros en el octágono, Chimaev también ha enfrentado desafíos fuera de él, como problemas de salud que lo obligaron a alejarse temporalmente de la competición. Sin embargo, su determinación y su habilidad han demostrado que sigue siendo un contendiente serio en UFC.
Con su habilidad atlética, su versatilidad en el combate y su espíritu indomable, Khamzat Chimaev continúa impresionando a los fanáticos de las MMA y dejando su huella en la historia de UFC.
Combates ganados por Khamzat Chimaev
Khamzat Chimaev es un luchador de MMA que ha impresionado al mundo con su dominio en el octágono. Con una carrera meteórica, Chimaev ha acumulado una serie de combates ganados que lo han catapultado al estrellato en el deporte de las artes marciales mixtas.
Desde su debut en las artes marciales mixtas, Khamzat Chimaev ha demostrado ser un competidor feroz y determinado, con un estilo de lucha agresivo y efectivo. Con una combinación de habilidades en pie y en el suelo, Chimaev ha logrado imponerse a sus oponentes de manera contundente en cada enfrentamiento.
Sus victorias han sido tan impresionantes que ha ganado rápidamente el reconocimiento y el respeto de fans y expertos en MMA por igual. Con un récord impecable y un estilo de lucha que combina precisión, potencia y agresividad, Khamzat Chimaev se ha convertido en una fuerza imparable en su categoría.
Cada combate ganado por Khamzat Chimaev es un testimonio de su dedicación, habilidad y determinación en el deporte de las artes marciales mixtas. Su ascenso meteórico en la escena de la UFC lo ha convertido en uno de los luchadores más temidos y respetados en la actualidad. Sin duda, Khamzat Chimaev continuará sorprendiendo al mundo con su talento y determinación en cada combate que enfrente.
Resultados de Khamzat Chimaev en MMA
Khamzat Chimaev ha irrumpido en la escena de las artes marciales mixtas (MMA) de una manera impresionante, mostrando un dominio increíble en el octágono. Nacido en Chechenia pero representando a Suecia, Chimaev ha acumulado una serie de victorias impresionantes que lo han catapultado a la fama en el mundo de las MMA.
Este luchador de peso wélter y mediano ha demostrado ser una fuerza imparable, con un récord perfecto hasta la fecha. Chimaev ha conseguido la atención de los aficionados y expertos con su estilo agresivo y su capacidad para finalizar a sus oponentes de manera rápida y efectiva. Sus habilidades en la lucha en pie y en el suelo le han permitido dominar a sus rivales en el octágono, convirtiéndolo en un contendiente peligroso en ambas divisiones de peso.
Uno de los momentos más destacados de la carrera de Chimaev fue su victoria récord en UFC de dos peleas en solo 10 días, lo que lo convirtió en uno de los luchadores más comentados del momento. Su ascenso meteórico en el mundo de las MMA ha dejado a muchos aficionados emocionados por lo que depara el futuro para este talentoso peleador.
Con una combinación de habilidad técnica, agresividad y determinación, Khamzat Chimaev ha demostrado ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta en el mundo de las artes marciales mixtas. Su rápido ascenso y sus impresionantes resultados en el octágono lo han convertido en uno de los luchadores más emocionantes de seguir en la actualidad.
Récord de Khamzat Chimaev
Khamzat Chimaev, luchador ruso-sueco de artes marciales mixtas, ha batido récords impresionantes en su corta carrera en la UFC. Este talentoso peleador ha ganado renombre en la comunidad de las MMA por sus impresionantes habilidades y su enfoque agresivo en el octágono.
Chimaev logró un récord notable al convertirse en el primer luchador en la historia de la UFC en ganar dos peleas en distintas divisiones en tan solo 10 días. Este logro sin precedentes lo convirtió en un nombre muy comentado entre los seguidores de las artes marciales mixtas en todo el mundo.
Además, Khamzat Chimaev ha demostrado ser un adversario formidable para sus oponentes, acumulando una racha impresionante de victorias por nocaut y sumisión. Su estilo de lucha agresivo y su habilidad para dominar tanto en pie como en el suelo lo han hecho destacar como una de las estrellas en ascenso en la UFC.
Con cada nueva pelea, Chimaev demuestra su dedicación y talento en el deporte de las MMA, dejando a los fanáticos expectantes por sus futuros enfrentamientos. Sin duda, este récord de Khamzat Chimaev es solo el comienzo de lo que promete ser una carrera emocionante y llena de logros en el mundo de las artes marciales mixtas.
Triunfos de Khamzat Chimaev
Khamzat Chimaev es un luchador de MMA de ascendencia chechena que se ha destacado por sus impresionantes triunfos dentro del octágono. Con tan solo unas pocas peleas en su historial, Chimaev ha logrado captar la atención de fanáticos y expertos en artes marciales mixtas por igual.
Uno de los triunfos más destacados de Khamzat Chimaev fue en su combate contra Gerald Meerschaert en septiembre de 2020. En tan solo 17 segundos, Chimaev noqueó a Meerschaert con un potente golpe, demostrando su increíble velocidad y precisión en el octágono.
Otro de sus impresionantes logros fue cuando venció a Rhys McKee en julio de 2020, en una pelea en la que Chimaev mostró su dominio tanto en pie como en el suelo. Con un estilo agresivo y una técnica pulida, Chimaev se consolidó como una estrella en ascenso en la división de peso welter.
Además, Chimaev es conocido por su versatilidad en diferentes disciplinas de combate, lo que le ha permitido adaptarse fácilmente a diferentes estilos de lucha y salir victorioso en la mayoría de sus encuentros.
En resumen, los triunfos de Khamzat Chimaev en el octágono lo posicionan como una de las figuras más prometedoras en el mundo de las MMA, y su talento y dedicación sin duda lo convierten en un luchador a tener en cuenta en el futuro.
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wimpydave · 7 months
Gilbert Burns vs Demian Maia | FULL FIGHT | UFC 299
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birdzflycom · 1 year
Jim Miller Makes History with a 23-Second Victory at UFC Vegas 74
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Img Source: https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2023-05/f8d2f410-0283-11ee-a4fd-060173413c7c In a display of sheer dominance, Jim Miller, a seasoned lightweight fighter, etched his name in the annals of UFC history at UFC Vegas 74. With an astonishing knockout just 23 seconds into the first round, Miller secured his 25th career win in the UFC, solidifying his position as the all-time leader in victories within the promotion. Miller, aged 39, showcased his ferocity by swiftly dispatching his opponent, Jesse Butler, in a brutal fashion. As the fight commenced, Miller deftly maneuvered Butler towards the edge of the Octagon, delivering a powerful left hook that rendered his adversary unconscious. Expressing his gratitude towards Butler, Miller remarked in his post-fight interview, "I truly appreciate Jesse's willingness to step into the ring on such short notice. I had an exceptional training camp and felt incredibly confident. When I am in top form, I pose a significant threat to any opponent in the world." With this triumph, Miller's professional record stands at an impressive 36 wins and 17 losses. Notably, Miller also holds the record for the highest number of UFC appearances, having fought in 41 bouts since his debut in UFC 89 back in 2008. Additionally, he secured victories in two monumental events, namely UFC 100 and UFC 200. Driven by a personal ambition, Miller aims to participate in UFC 300, slated to occur in April or May of 2024, as he approaches his 40th birthday in August. "My aspiration is to reach the milestone of 300 fights," Miller expressed. "I intend to conclude my career in the same manner I commenced it, by engaging in fights as frequently as possible. At this stage of my career, my primary focus is on delivering exhilarating battles." The updated UFC wins leaderboard now exhibits the following standings: - Jim Miller - 25 wins T2. Andre Arlovski - 23 wins T2. Donald Cerrone - 23 wins - Demian Maia - 22 wins T5. Rafael Dos Anjos - 21 wins T5. Jon Jones - 21 wins T5. Charles Oliveira - 21 wins T5. Dustin Poirier - 21 wins With four victories in his last five fights, Miller has achieved this feat for the first time since 2011, reaffirming his prowess in the octagon. Prior to this triumph, he suffered a unanimous decision loss to Alexander Hernandez in February. As for Butler, his UFC debut proved to be a daunting challenge, stepping in as a replacement for Jared Gordon with a mere two days' notice. Undoubtedly, easier debuts have been experienced within the UFC ranks. Read the full article
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jornale · 3 years
#demianmaia #ufc #mma #artesmarciais #cerrone #natediaz #jiujitsu #brasilMMA #portaljornale #jornale
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mma21plus · 5 years
ben askren’s ufc run is not going well at all. slept by masvidal by ko and now slept by maia by submission at ufc singapore in round 3.
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beautifulviolence · 5 years
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UFC Fight Night
Lee vs Oliveira
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cerealsensei · 5 years
What's good y'all?
We know the world is in a bit of a craze right down with the coronavirus situation so we figured we'd put out an episode to try and bring you some entertainment during all this madness.
On today's episode @theanticool and I start off discussing how the coronavirus has impacted our lives on a personal level. Afterward we discuss the UFC Brasilia card which gave us stand out performances from Charles Oliveira, Gilbert Burns and two of the best flyweights who lit the prelims on fire. Elsewhere we discuss the UFC's poor handling of the coronavirus situation as well as Michael Chandler becoming a free agent after his contract expires.
I hope y'all enjoy this episode. Share it with a fellow fight fan and Please stay safe and sanitized out there.
Time Stamps
Coronavirus (9:50) UFC Brasilia main card (31:46) Prelim spotlight (1:16:53) UFC Vs The Coronavirus (1:31:51) Michael Chandler leaving Bellator (2:05:55) Fight recommendations (2:21:12) Parting shots and shout outs (2:29:26)
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cloacacarnage · 9 months
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theanticool · 2 months
Leon Edwards vs Belal Muhammad 1
Somehow, we are back here.
Leon Edwards (22-3) is now the UFC welterweight champion. His reign has been marked by fighting vastly diminished versions of Kamaru Usman and Colby Covington in title defenses. He obviously has that big KO victory of Usman, but his only other fight since his first one with Belal has been the one where Nate Diaz almost finished him. Still, Edwards is has won four fights in a row quite clearly. And I can't really knock him for his competition, because that's on the UFC. He is the top dog at 170lbs and it's nice to finally see a new name fight for the gold, even if it's a familiar opponent. And he'll get to do it at home, in Manchester.
Belal Muhammad (22-3) has had probably the most arduous route to a title fight since Leon Edwards himself. He has won 9 of his last 10 fights, with the only exception being this no contest against Leon Edwards back in 2021. His list of names includes Demian Maia, Gilbert Burns, Wonderboy, Lyman Good, Vicente Luque, and Sean Brady. Point is, he was forced to grind for this opportunity.
Anyway, Leon Edwards and Belal Muhammad will run it back in the main event of UFC 304 this Saturday (July 27).
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mmarelated · 6 years
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Demian Maia, UFC Welterweight Fighter
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rhin0bjj · 2 years
Polaris 20 Squads Brasil X EUA, Resultados e analises do evento - Micael Galvão salva a equipe brasileira
Demian Maia e Ben Henderson, ex-lutadores do UFC fizeram uma superluta de grappling no País de Gales e brasileiro vence na decisão dos juízes. Time brasileiro bate equipe americana com show de Mica Galvão.
Nesse último sábado, 25 de junho, o Polaris voltou à ação com um dos melhores cards da história da organização. O evento contou com o formato Polaris Squads, no qual grapplers de elite representando os EUA e o Brasil se enfrentaram em uma competição de equipes em ritmo acelerado. (more…)
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brotherblaccspider · 3 years
Demian Maia vs Gunnar Nelson play by play not in english.... This bout is one of my favorites it was new style bjj vs tradition style bjj so we got to see the full ground and grappling work that ended with Maia winning by decision.... Gunnar has a bout coming up after almost three years against Takashi Sato this Saturday at UFC Fight Night...
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