#demi dog
dogsofthepeloton · 4 months
DEMI VOLLERING & FLO 🎥 via demivollering
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equusmaniac · 23 hours
I got to watch TF: One yesterday and, oh my goodness... It was so good. That is probably one of the best—if not the best—Transformers movie ever and I am not exaggerating.
The writing, the characters, the animation, the freaking world-building... It was PHENOMENAL! I'm still reeling from the experience.
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This, was my genuine reaction to that film. Though, it is my reaction to TF in general... but that is beside the point.
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ohmy80s · 11 months
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Demi Moore
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llalisam · 29 days
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buck-up-buck · 1 month
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Soooooo I didn’t do this last season but I decided to do a bingo card for everything I think/would like to happen in season 8- let’s talk about it shall we.
Let's talk about the obvious- the one thing I think the fandom all collectively wants. Mr Diaz to come out of the goddamn closet. Now, Gay Eddie makes so much sense, but also, so does Demisexual Eddie. I feel like, especially with his relationship with Shannon, him coming out as Demi would make so much sense.
I would respectfully like the writers to leave Henren alone this season. Give them a win, give them Mara back, let Hen beat the shit out of Ortiz, and then leave them ALONE. I want no drama for my moms this season please and thank you.
Now saying that (don't hate me) I think Hen is due a major injury... I am just saying, if someone is gonna be hurt this season, it being Hen would make sense.
RIGHT, give me a BuckTommy argument, give me some BuckTommy angst, and then, have them make-up. We have seen so much growth for Buck these past few seasons, let's see him resolve a problem in his relationship by communicating. And then, have them make out afterwards. Please.
I feel like we are so overdue a Halloween episode. We have a full season this time around so I want them to make full use of it. Saying that, let me also bring in the fact that I do also want a Christmas/Thanksgiving episode as well. Give me family bonding with the 118. Another Christmas Party, Bathena using their new place to host Thanksgiving, something, anything.
I know we all want it but, GET GERRARD FIRED. I don't want him to be injured, I don't want him to die, I don't want them to skip over the arc they ended with entirely. I want someone to get dirt on him, and take it to the chief, and for his ass to be dragged out of that firehouse.
I don't know where this sudden obsession with seeing Sal again has come from, but I would love a Sal redemption arc, or even for him to be a little bitch for Gerrard and also get dragged through the mud. Just, Sal.
SHALL WE INJURE OUR FAVOURITE HOT PILOT. I am not saying a major injury, but something, a little sprinkle of worried!Buck. Let's see him panic over his boyfriend.
I know I will hate it if It actually happens, but a mid-season cliffhanger. I think, we need something to keep us on our toes while they break. GIve me "missing groom" but more drama.
I have been asking for this since season 3 but GIVE ME A MADDIE BEGINS EPISODE. I want to see baby Maddie meeting Doug for the first time, I want to see them moving to Boston, and then moving back. The first time he hit her and his pussy ass apology. The day she escapes, and her journey to Buck. I BEG.
Bring Chris home please. Just, give Eddie his son back. PLEASE.
I want a Bathena cracking a case wide open and going full blown detective. I want to see Bobby with a murder board and Athena being so done with her husband but so in love. Give me treassure hunt vibes, but just, Bathena solving murder.
RIGHT- HERE ME OUT (this will get a separate post here). I want a Buddie begins episode. I want, realisations, and then, flashbacks galore. I want snippets of Buddie during Bucks recovery after the bombing, different POV's of things that have happened throughout the seasons, Buck sleeping on Eddie's floor the night he got home after the snipper. I want- I want so much.
Saying that, I also want, another Buddie argument. I want an argument over Buck and Tommy, or over Chris, or over work, just, give me, some Buddie beef. And then another hug when they make up. (or a kiss lol)
BuckTommy having a dinner date with Bathena and/or Madney. URG, yes please. Cute vibes all the way.
Right, so when Madney got married, I so wanted the fact that Jee had a baby-girl balloon to foreshadow another baby. I know they were in a hospital and improvising, but OMG that would be such good foreshadowing. I want Maddie freaking out because what if she messes up again, I want Chimney doing the same, thinking he is going to lose Maddie, and then I what them to talk about it. I want Maddie to witness all the firsts she missed with Jee. I want another Madney baby. Or give them a dog. That will appease me.
Dosed is probably one of my favourite episodes ever, so if we could get another episode on par with dosed and jinxed, I would love.
Let’s get Mr Diaz in therapy shall we. I want to see Franks reaction to all the shit he did in S7.
I mean, I wish for this every season just because I love whumping my favourite Buckley so bad, but how about wr injure Buck again. Give me worried!Tommy/worried!Eddie/Dad!Bobby.
It would be such a missed opportunity if someone doesn’t get stung by a bee. I am just saying.
I am soooo obsessed with Christopher already suspecting that Eddie is gay, or at least having feelings for Buck. Like, I want him to come out and Chris be all like “thanks for telling me but I know dad” (insert teen eye roll).
I WANT BUCKLEY PARENT BEEF. Their redemption arc is so over and done with, especially after their reaction to Tommy, so I want drama.
Yuuup, I think that pretty much covers it. Let me know your thoughts, and if you made it all the way through this, I love you, have a cookie.
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
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my first drawing of me! hehe i should redraw it - Niko
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marcelskittels · 1 year
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Flo & Demi Vollering
📸 via demivollering & pipsandflo instagram
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killertoons · 2 years
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DID I NEVER POST THIS??? I swear I did??? Oh well if I didn't or did, demis BEING HORNY ON MAIN FOR VALENTINE'S DAY!!!
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dogsofthepeloton · 4 months
DEMI VOLLERING & FLO 📸 via j_dvoogd instagram story
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stormears · 7 months
Been a bit since my dog passed. I cried on and off for two days, pretended to work the next 3. Gained literally 10 pounds from stuffing my face with garbage. I still think about her not being here and that I shouldn't enjoy a sunny day because Demi's not here to experience it when she SHOULD be. Even though. Intellectually. I know it won't always feel like that. Losing my childhood dog Samus in 2014 tore me to shreds, but now I only think of her happily.
But Demi was my mom's dog really and she acted like such a zombified husk for days that it really freaked me out. This is a woman who used to terrify me when I was younger, who would scream and scream and wail and cry and scream and now she looked and spoke like a cancer patient in their final days.
At first she cried a LOT. She wanted me to hold her while we walked at Demi's favorite park and now she walks there alone while carrying Demis favorite toy (...) I guess as her coping mechanism she's told damn near everyone who ever saw Demi that she's dead. All our relatives. Her dog sitter. Frequent walkers at the park who saw Demi a lot. Her two vets. The doggy day care receptionists and owner, an ex-daycare worker who really liked Demi, a previous dog sitter from when she lived in a different state three years ago!! And you know what, they all acted empathetic and several stopped to talk with her about it, which I think really really helped her.
My mom even told the news to her new doctor who A) was VERY empathetic and described her own dog's horrible death 10+ years ago and B) my mom asked the doctor for antidepressants. Which she's needed for nearly 20 years tbh and refused to get out of shame and stubbornness...I was actually speechless when she told me. The doc also, unprompted, prescribed her anti panic attack meds. Which Mom says just knock her out like a crowbar to the head instead of actually lessening the panic so that's disappointing. But the antidepressants...holy shit.
For myself I've made multiple journal spreads/written pages spilling out my anger and despair about Demi and I guess that helps? Maybe I will feel that it helps later. I wanted to make those pages, but I don't like looking at them at all. I hate this new divide of time in my life, the After Demi. It shouldn't be there. But it is. It just is.
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kylejsugarman · 9 months
demi of course does that thing where u talk to a dog and sort of pitch up ur voice and end on a question mark to get them excited ("walk??? treat??") when shes working, and sometimes she instinctively does it to lighten jesse's mood. like they'll be talking like normal adults and she'll be like (squeaky toy overexcited voice) "smoke?? u wanna go for a smoke??"
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
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Demi Lovato with puppies is everything
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ghosthoodie · 3 months
Thhank u for voting Muffin I checked ur profile u have nice art :DD
thank you friend!!:] glad you like
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llalisam · 29 days
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- i’m -
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- a new -
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- woman. -
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PRETTY PUP (he/they/it/pup)
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oorevitcejda · 3 months
i really am aromantic but i am romance positive and i would like to date and maybe even get married but my pool is so so small bc i know like 10 people and if i met the perfect one tomorrow- even if i *thought* it was a good fit i would not start developing feeelings until at *least* year three (3)
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