alloverthegaf · 4 years
had a Merlin/Supernatural xover idea years ago that I never wrote; Crowley travels to the “source of good magic” with the intent of destroying it. Dean and Sam manage to follow him, and end up in Camelot, where they meet Merlin who is defending himself with magic from hellhounds. Merlin freaks out about them seeing him use magic, they freak out about the fact that this is Merlin and also magic is illegal??? Cue the Winchesters pretending to be travelling monster hunters, Merlin helping them with the lie, Arthur being constantly offended by their lack of understanding in etiquette when addressing a royal, the brothers finding out Lancelot is dead and being like “wtf??”, Gwaine (just. Gwaine), and eventually the brothers finding out the source of good magic Crowley is searching for IS Merlin himself. Also if Castiel happens to be involved, the first time Merlin sees him he freaks the FUCK out because he can see Castiel’s true face and it’s terrifying.
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fiovske · 4 years
The one good thing the hiatus did was I could ignore the fact that w*dojest exists 🙃
during the hiatus I was so lost in imagining a wold where beaujes are happily in love w each other and fjorclay are an old married couple and essek is havin fun adventuring w his friends.... that I forgot that outside my bubble the curse of wj exists...
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seafleece · 5 years
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@dementorsatemysoup not to be like cr viewers who call cr improv have never dmed before, but my ratio of dming to playing is at least 10/1 and i wouldn’t call it improv in a million years
the parallel between fjord falling and yasha flying wasn’t planned, but you know what was? fjord getting attacked. yasha dreaming. improv exists in the spaces where players respond to a dm, but the dm creates the space.
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elennare · 4 years
88 with Quilucius. Please :)
Took me a bit but I did it! Prompt 88 was “The one stumbling to the other’s front door after getting hurt/beaten up etc.”
Ease One Life the Aching
Summary: A chance attack from some thugs leaves Lucius injured and brings back bad memories of his childhood bullies. Luckily, Quill is there to take care of him. (2254 words).
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kymal · 4 years
dementorsatemysoup replied to your post: i love coming across cr2 people talking about...
If anything, I think this fandom has just gotten MORE toxic during this campaign because of the influx of people watching.
i would absolutely agree with this sentiment but then everyone has their own experiences in fandom spaces so i cant state it as a fact. i will say bc of the influx of people that fandom drama tends to be elevated and brought to the cast’s attention more than it ever did in cr1 tho.
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luckyjak · 5 years
dementorsatemysoup replied to your post: if we aren’t allowed to be negative on tumblr,...
Oooh, it does. In general settings there is a filter feature. I had to use it because of all the w*dojest bs
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Do you by any chance take prompts? I only ask because I'd love to read a Fjorester fic where Jester tries to teach Fjord how to dance. If you don't take prompts, that's fine too, I just thought I'd ask.
I LOVE PROMPTS and you found me just in the right mood for some fluff.
“C’mon, Caleb. Please,” Jester pleads, leaning over the table.
Across from her, the wizard doesn’t look up from his book. He just shakes his head. 
“Caleb!” She whines again. “You danced with me in Hupperdook!”
“Ja. I was very drunk then. I’m not right now.”
“But you danced with me! Please, just one dance.”
“Nein. I am reading.”
“Jester,” he sighs, looking up, and for an instant she’s sure he’s about to give in. He always does, in the end. He’s nice like that. Except, this time, his face is stern and firm. He looks annoyed. “I am sure you can get a better partner than me.”
“Everyone else is taken, Caleb, and I really, really, really want to dance.”
She pouts and bats her lashes at him, but there’s no effect in him. With a huff, she drops back on her sit and lowers her head. It’s not fair. All she wants is a little nice dance before they have to head to war and fight scary monsters again.
“Perhaps I could...”
Fjord’s voice barely rises enough to reach her ears. Her head snaps up, eyes wide with surprise, and she finds him staring at her shyly. 
“I- I mean,” he adds quickly. “I never really- I don’t quite know how to, but if you really want to-”
“Yes!” She stands up so quickly that her chair tumbles to the floor behind her. Before Fjord can change his mind, she grabs him by the hand and pulls him towards the crowded dance floor.
The amount of people around them is electric. They are too many for the small murky tavern they are in, the light is warm and dim, the air smells like ale and food, and something else vibrates through the crowd. There’s a little bit of fear, but it’s hidden under something else: fun and hope and the need to let all the bad things behind for one night. She understands that need to smile better than anyone. That’s what familiar here. It’s like the Traveler’s comfort.
“Alright,” Fjord says, pulling her back to the present, “how do I do this.”
He sounds like he’s getting ready for battle. Actually, he sounds way more nervous than he does in battle. 
“Okay, okay, okay. So, you put your hand here,” she says, slowly guiding his fingers to her upper back, “and your other hand holds mine. And I’m gonna put my other arm here,” she wraps her right arm around his neck, keeping careful distance. She doesn’t want to scare him away.
He stands stiff, but does as he’s told.
“Now,” she says when he doesn’t make any more comments, “you take a step forward with your right foot.”
“But I’ll step on you.”
“No,” she chuckles, shaking her head, “because I’ll go back with my left. Like this, see?”
“Now you come closer, then go right. Yeah. Then back...”
The first song goes by almost entirely as she explains the basics to him. 
“One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three,” she whispers as they move. 
The second song starts and they give it a go.
Fjord still holds her stiffly as they move. His head is bent down, looking at their feet as they move. It’s bad form, but she likes it because it gives her a chance to look at him from up close. Her eyes trace his face, the small crease of his focused brow, the lines of his scars, the tip of his tusks peeking slightly over his lower lip as he silently mutters to himself: one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three.
When he looks up, he catches her staring. There’s a moment of panic that runs through her, a thrill like being caught in the middle of a prank, but then she notices the nervousness on his face, so she smiles. 
“You’re doing great, Fjord,” she beams at him.
“Yeah?” He breathes out, nervously, just as he steps on her foot. “Shit. Jester, I’m sorry,” he stops. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay. It happens a lot,” she assures him quickly. “Let’s keep going.”
He seems reluctant, but after an encouraging smile he resumes his pace. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.
She’s not sure when it happens, but about a minute later they fall into a rhythm. Fjord finds his pace, finally takes the lead. They move with the music. He looks up at her and smiles nervously.
And that’s when Jester gets it. 
She never quite got what the big deal about dancing with a partner was. She likes it, of course, but there’s a lot of other fun dances to do, faster and exciting and funny. Dancing with a partner was always a big romantic gesture in every book she ever read, even her mother agreed on the importance of it. And Jester agrees it’s very nice, but until today she didn’t understand it.
She’d never danced with someone she liked before.
It’s like magic, like electricity running through her skin. She is hyperaware of his touch, the way his hand slowly travels towards her lower back, every inch careful and shy. She feels the slight pressure of his fingers on her other hand, warm and callous. His breath ruffles her bangs only slightly, enough to send shivers down her back, and she smiles with her eyes locked on his. He laughs nervously and so does she and the rest of the world stops existing until the music stops. 
As the crowd claps, they stay like that, looking at each other. Reluctantly, Jester starts to let go as the next song starts, a softer piece that fills the air with less fun and more melancholy. 
He moves. He doesn’t let go. Instead, his arm wrap around her tighter, pulling her in tight against him.
“Uh, sorry,” Fjord mumbles, now his chin is right above her. “I just- I saw everyone else doing this. I thought we had to change positions.”
“Oh,” Jester lowers her head to hide the blush crawling up her cheeks. “Yeah, this is- this is another kind of dance.”
“So no one, two, three?” He sounds nervous. 
“Now, this one’s... slower.”
“Do we one.... two.... three... slowly?” He asks, looking around tensely. 
Jester giggles.
“No, it’s- it’s easier. You just have to sway.”
“Sway?” He sounds so adorable and confused.
“Yeah, like the waves, you know? Like you’re floating on the ocean.”
“Floating,” he nods. “Okay. Yeah.”
“You’ll get it. Just start moving.”
They do. Slowly but surely they begin to move along with the song. This is way more Fjord’s speed. He catches the rhythm quickly and starts balancing around with the notes. It reminds her of the way their ship moved that one night, with the moonlight and the jellyfish. She lets herself be lead by Fjord’s movement, fluid and easy, the same way he moves under water.
In a moment of courage, her head finds his chest. His heartbeat is almost as fast as hers, but the moment is peaceful and perfect.
Caleb’s voice enters her mind, quiet and magical: I told you you could find a better partner than me, ja?
Her eyes find him in the crowd, still on that little corner of the tavern, but his eyes are not on the book he’s holding. He looks at her and smiles when she mutters a quiet ‘thank you’.
After that, Jester closes her eyes and just lets herself flow. The war may come tomorrow, but tonight is just magical.
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losebetter · 5 years
dementorsatemysoup replied to your post “xombigirl replied to your photo “i’m really jazzed about the outer...”
Maccready is my main ho
lol, same.
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kirkwallschamp · 5 years
dementorsatemysoup replied to your post “Ok fuck it I wanna write that Hawke/Varric tv show au Someone please...”
Do the prompts have to be about Hawke and Varric?
it doesn’t have to be, i suppose. it could be anything from a phrase, to an image, to just a description? whatdja have in mind?
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widofjordwillwork · 7 years
Hey, did you happen to catch that moment during the most recent Critical Role episode when Caleb collected that nasty, bloody stuff and Fjord gave him that "ew wtf" look and Caleb just said, "This is who I am; take it or leave it." Because no one is talking about it and I just want to make sure I didn't dream it.
@ my followers: did this happen? If so, when?
I could only rewatch the first half of the ep yet and this sounds like Good Widofjord Content >_>
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alloverthegaf · 5 years
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lmao I forgive you
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fiovske · 5 years
Essek deserves redemption. For a party that's all about seeing shades of gray and forgiving when others may seem dubious about it, it'd almost go against what The Mighty Nein stand for if this is the one line they've drawn. Idk, it just seems like half the fandom didn't like Essek to begin with and are now using this arc to finally feel vindicated about their feelings.
oh ya like.. i know I come from a soft spot myself because I was like, “oh! dude who gets shocked when Jester says goodbye to him almost like he doesn’t know how to react to having people who say niceties to him and mean it?” time to self-project,,,,,,,, but yeah, jokes aside. 
and definitely, if the m9 are all about second chances, I do believe if they talk to him more before outright dismissing him as irredeemable and deserving of punishment, i feel like they can learn more and ensure Essek’s assistance in “untangling the Assembly’s intricate webs” which Essek himself has suggested as a think they can do to “do some good together” like. this boy is trying. dont write him off just yet. it will really matter in the sense that: do the m9 only reserve redemption for their own closed circle? or will they extend it to a stranger, a former ally who has done bad things yes, but has also stuck his neck out for tm9 in several occasions and has come to genuinely care for them and has developed some strong semblance of comradeship unknown to him before in the way that he feels guilty over having betrayed these friends and he even wants their assistance in “doing some good”? i think there’s hope for him yet.
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elennare · 4 years
How does Spark feel about keeping secrets from the party?
Hmm... I don’t think she’d be likely to keep secrets about stuff in Barovia, in the interests of “let’s not get anyone killed through lack of information” if nothing else? (Also, -1 in Deception :P). But there’s some things in her backstory (that you know!) that she’d probably not tell yet, not unless it felt necessary at least... Of course, this being Barovia I am just feeding you more ways to traumatize the poor kid, aren’t I? ;)
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biscuitsswithjisung · 8 years
Is that Bruce's hand on Geoff's shoulder in you icon? Btw, I love your icon :)
Oh thank you so much!!!😊 I absolutely love love love your blog so that means soooo much to me!!!💖💖 But no that is actually jack’s hand on geoff’ shoulder
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abd-illustrates · 7 years
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“That was really impressive”
I realize my blog is becoming a big gay tabletop RPG-filled mess and tbh you can pin that squarely on both Fjord’s endless admiration for the wizard man and posts like the one this drawing is based on.
(OR: My last 3 drawings have been of these two and I am showing no signs of stopping)
—————————— (DON’T EDIT/REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT!) ——————————
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sleepyfaceandsnark · 8 years
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@dementorsatemysoup replied to your post: I get so confused when i see new supernatural gifs...
CW will beat that dead horse for as long as it makes them money…. that sounded really bitter i am so sorry
oh no 100% agree omg
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