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screamingtofu · 8 years ago
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Official reason appears to be due to the main character getting drugged and then raped in an unskippable section. Australian Classification board is fairly lenient, unless it’s beneficial drug use or sexual violence. Basically instant refusal
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clefa · 5 years ago
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peppercheeni · 8 years ago
Tagged by @two-dames Thanks c: Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better! Relationship status: (Very Happily) Taken Favourite colour(s): Purple, Green, and Gold Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick nowadays, makes less of a mess during kisses :p Last song I listened to: Title Theme from 'Gremlins' lol Last movie I watched: An American Werewolf in London, it's been on my list for a while Top 3 fictional characters: Everett Young (SGU), Ellie Williams (The Last of Us), Chris (Until Dawn) Top 3 ships: Rush/Young (SGU), Wildehopps (Zootopia), Reaper76 (Overwatch) Books I’m currently reading: The Making of Guillermo Del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth Tagging @astargatelover @deltaursae @realgabrielreyesremade @pluph @motherheckingsaekurosawa @manigolds @jellyviscious @teachou @crystalfrost
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screamingtofu · 8 years ago
~ 14.) what is your favourite tv show? 16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any) 29.) what thing do you symbolise love with? [can be platonic love] 64.) do you have any plans this weekend? 91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what their life is like? 98.) which planet is your favourite? 99.) are you superstitious?
Aww yeah friend! let’s go. sorry I didn’t see this till like midnight
14.) what is your favourite tv show? Pushing Daisies. I’m a huge fan of Bryan Fuller as a showrunner because he does great things with colour and shot composition and he just nails everything in this series. Like if you liked the way things were shot on that hannibal tv show a few years ago, this is where he perfected everything. Plus the show’s about a dude who can bring things back to life who mostly uses it to make delicious pies and sometimes solve murders. 16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)I’m sure there’s some super sappy song that made me cry, but I can’t remember what it is for the life of me.29.) what thing do you symbolise love with? [can be platonic love] Comfortable silences, mutual hatred of things, that way your dog will look at you and you just think “What did I do to deserve you”64.) do you have any plans this weekend? Actually got a pretty stacked weekend. 1. Housewarming party for a friend on friday night2. Catching up with an internet friend and his wee one for coffee on saturday morning and then hanging out with puppies all saturday afternoon3. Playing d&d on sunday afternoon91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what their life is like? On one hand, I’d love to see life through the eyes of someone who doesn’t have depression and is just super neurotypical but on the other hand I don’t want to see how wide that gap could be.
98.) which planet is your favourite? Neptune, it’s pretty and I like that it has a wacky orbit
99.) are you superstitious?Not like avoid black cats or broken mirror stuff but more like, don’t speak ill of the dead. don’t fuck with the fae … that kind of stuff
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screamingtofu · 8 years ago
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There’s some jank, but it seems alright so far. 
Your guns feel underpowered, but your base melee can kill a guy in two punches. So I’ve basically just been getting them down to half health, cloaking and then punching them right in their stupid faces.
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screamingtofu · 8 years ago
guess what buddy??? do all of them. from the one you reblogged from me
I should’veexpected that, but I’m a weenie. I’d already answered a couple of them but Ican’t think of a better use of my afternoon at work so let’s do this thing.
1.Do youwant a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I dunno, I’mstill getting used to the whole being asexual thing and am just not a fan oftouching in general. I would love the shit out of new friends though. Neverturn down the opportunity to make friends.
2.When didyour last hug take place?
Maybe amonth or two ago, housemate was going through a tough time with his most recentex and I think it was just like a floodgate had broken in him and it physicallyhurt me to not comfort him and I knew there wasn’t anything I could say to makehim feel better … So I hugged the shit out of him.
3.Are you ajealous person?
A coupleyears ago, yeah I was pretty bad. Then I started figuring shit out about myselfand I’m a lot more chill now.
4.Are youtired right now?
Combinationof poor sleeping habits and a near constant level of stress has left me lookinglike I have two black eyes. We had some corporate pictures taken last year andI looked fucking alien after they’d photoshopped them out.
6.Have youever been called a tease?
I don’tthink so, at least not in the way I think this question is supposed to betaken.
7.Have youever been awake for 48 hours straight?
I have. A coupleof years ago I wrecked my back and ended up not being able to move for maybe aweek or two without excruciating pain and because I tend to wriggle around inmy sleep you can bet your arse that didn’t happen. I ended up watching a lot ofvery bad movies on Netflix and shaving my head due to delirium.
8.Do you cryeasily?
No. I am anemotional fortress except when it’s someone elses pain. Then I’ll cry myfucking eyes out.
9.Whatshould you be doing right now?
I’mliterally at work, surrounded by developers and one very annoying sales personfrom interstate. There are so many things I should be doing right not. But I’malso here for 2 hours after everyone leaves so I get a chance to rocket througheverything without distraction.
10.Are you aheavy sleeper?
If I amtired enough, satan himself cannot awaken me.
11.Do youthink you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
I amentirely unsure. It would depend on what the other person wanted out of therelationship. If it was a completely non sexual relationship than hell yeah. Superfriendship, technically I’ve been doing that for the past 5 years since I movedto Melbourne.
12.Are youmad at someone right now?
Nah, I neverreally get mad at people. I got better things to waste my very tiny well ofemotions on.
13.Do youbelieve in love?
Hell yeah.Love is super rad and I’m glad I’m finally getting to express that for people.
15.Who wasthe last person you talked to?
IT Managerat work. We’re trying to figure out why the mail server is not sendingautomated emails anymore. Also he’s bugging me to bring some of my xbone gamesin for the console they’re hooking up in the office.
16.Do youget butterflies around the person you like?
No? But thenI’ve never really experienced the whole thing where you see someone and feelnervous. Either I’m hanging out with people I’m already comfortable with or I’mmeeting new possible friends. There is no in between.
17.Will youget married?
Unless itwas for some kind of tax benefit … eh probably not.
19.Doesanyone like you?
I have noidea. Sometimes when I go out with friends, they’ll say something afterwardsabout how so and so was trying to flirt with me and I have to really thinkbecause fuck I thought they just really wanted some nachos or something.
20.Do yousecretly like someone?
Not in theway this question is thinking.
21.Who wasthe first person you talked to today?
My Manager,big bearded Englishman named Rob who likes to shitstir almost as much as I do.He’d called me over to try and look into why something was duplicating and alsoto confirm if we could charge a client $10,000 for something.
22.Who doyou feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Housemate,but I’m always open for conversation.
23.What areyou NOT looking forward to?
Trying toget in shape so I don’t die in the next 5 years.
24.What AREyou looking forward to?
Getting asweet robot body because I lived that far. Also when people start talking aboutsomething they’re really passionate about, I live for those moments.
25.Hassomeone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
Probably?All my partners were great people and there was always a connection there. So I’dassume it was genuine.
26.Supposeyou see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
Think “goodfor you” and then keep going unless they wanted to catch up.
27.Do youplan on moving out within the next year?
Nah, myhouse is awesome. Needs some repairs, but it’s great.
28.Are you aforgiving person?
I try to be.I used to be really angry and confused about a lot of stuff, but as I’ve gottenolder I’ve realised that holding onto grudges is just draining and you getnothing out of it.
29.How manyTRUE friends do you have?
How the crapdo I qualify a true friend? Like, do I know they physically exist and have seenthem with my own eyes? I dunno 10?
30.Do youfall for people easily?
I genuinelyhave no idea how to answer this.
31.Have youever fallen for your ex’s best friend?
Here’s apoem I wrote after people were getting defensive because I didn’t want to fuckany of the characters from Mass Effect.
I will notfuck them out in space, I will not fuck them based on race.
I will notfuck them here or there, I will not fuck them anywhere.
I will notfuck them in a bed, I will not fuck them like I said.
It’s nothingpersonal for you see, my dude = asexuality
32.What’sthe last thing you put in your mouth?
Waterbottle, gotta love me some o that delicious h20
33.Who wasthe last person you drove with?
Last personI was in a car with was an Uber driver. I was her 4th ever pick up.She was cool, we basically talked about Orange is the New black the whole wayhome and other stuff to watch on Netflix.
34.How latedid you stay up last night and why?
Like 1AM.Was chatting with a friend about the latest episode of critical role they’dfinished and they were feeling things.
35.If youcould move somewhere else, would you?
Nah, I’mgood where I am.
36.Who wasthe last person you took a picture of?
Besides thestupid selfies I occasionally take, I think it was a cricket player on abillboard who I thought looked like someone made a wax version of Ryan Reynoldsand left him out in the sun
37.Can youlive a day without TV?
Yeah sure,that’s one of the reasons I took up knitting.
38.When wasthe last time you were extremely disappointed?
Mid Novemberlast year, Paul Dini, the dude who helped create the animated batman series wasgiving a talk in the city and I completely spaced on getting a ticket. Would’vebeen great to meet him and hear him talk about writing.
41.What isyour all-time favorite romance movie?
I dunno.Maybe Porco Rosso. Helps you learn that sometimes you just need to say nobecause people are shit.
42.Do youbelieve that everyone has a soul-mate?
Yeah, Iguess. I think there’s someone out there who you just click with. Sometimes there’smore than one, you just need to keep looking.
43.What’syour current problem?
The clutchon my bike will occasionally not come in all the way when I’m trying to go fromfirst to second and gets stuck in neutral so I need to completely let it go andthen reengage. Drives me nuts.
44.Have youever had your heart broken?
Nah, I’m toomuch of a weenie and try to reconcile all my relationships.
45.Yourthoughts of long distance relationships?
I think they’relessened with the internet and social media because you can still talk soeasily and while I don’t have the whole “I miss being physically around you”thing I can understand it would be hard to continue with the shade of someonethat comes from a long distance relationship because there’s so much you wouldmiss.
46.How manykids do you want to have?
Not a fan ofthe whole baby making thing, wouldn’t mind adopting 1 or 2 if I ever had thechance though.
47.Have youever found it hard to tell someone you like them?
Nah, Ialways went for friend level first and then because of things I never reallyunderstood at the time just ended up going on dates that I thought were justlike friends hanging out and then things happen and I end up going out on moredates and then things happen. *shrugs*
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screamingtofu · 8 years ago
Hoo buddy, I could go the easy route and say my eyes because damn they’re pretty. But I genuinely love that I can make people smile and it’s really easy for me.
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clefa · 5 years ago
@deltaursae when I realised you had 2 dogs
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screamingtofu · 8 years ago
2, 12, 22, 32, 42
Well, thank you friend. Unfortunately I’d already answered everything when I’d seen this because @deltaursae is an amazing person and wanted payback. 
But here’s a damo fun fact because you took the time to write this and I’m still not used to getting anons. 
I have been pulled over by a cop for speeding on a pushbike, this same cop then almost ran me over 2 weeks later because he was on the phone and didn’t see me crossing the road.
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screamingtofu · 4 years ago
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Me whenever someone compliments me. @mayes-the-fox​ @stupidbeecandle​ @kayo-chin​ @deltaursae​ and @anyone else who wants to make a cool more stylish version of themselves
✨This is me✨. (It doesn't look like me at all but this is what I wanna be)
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Make your picrew and please tag me
@smr-the-tired-crackhead @suvarnarekha @ambivertedfrog @the-stars-love-us @never-say-nevaa @maccharfucker @psycho-mocha @cipher-dorito @seekerbrave @nacho08 @metalvenomludens7 @romanian-longhorn @edgar--allan--h0e @bookishmuggleborn
And @anyone
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screamingtofu · 8 years ago
for your q's - 7, 10, 18, 22, 53,
Aww yeah question time.7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?I’d go bees. I’m normally wearing jeans and a hoodie so all they can do is sting me in the face. But if I do die, I’ll at least take them with me.10:What is your biggest pet peeve?Talking in circles. I deal with a lot of HR people who would have a very … set way of thinking and dear god trying to explain a problem is just 20 minutes of me going “The issue is with the third field down, if you remove that weird umlaut thing. That’ll fix it” followed by them going “There’s only 4 fields, which one is it” “…the third one” “I can only see the 4 fields” “Yep, it’s only going to have four fields. Go to the third one” “Oh the third one, why didn’t you say so” 
That’s an actual conversation I had last week with a HR lady from one of the bigger hospitals in victoria who has been using the system for nearly 2 years.
18:What is your Song of the week?“Nameless World” by Skip the Use - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHXf7wEpBPI22:Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?Where I grew up there’s an old historic part of town from the 1800′s near the river, it’s mostly just some ramshackled remains of houses and paddock fences. No one goes there because I grew up in buttfuck nowhere and everyone already knows the history of the town because there’s only like 2 good things about it. So I’d bury it off one of the walking trails there near the river.
53:Is Christmas stressful?Not really, everyone in my family doesn’t care about gifts so we just end up sending money to each other. That said, if I ever do end up having people who care about christmas I’d stress out a bit about making sure it was good for them.
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clefa · 7 years ago
i listened to green day once and now i’m gay and hate the government
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