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I’m just going to leave this here. ✌️ #workershortage #employeeshortage #workplace #Employment #EmploymentAlertBw #Labor #laborshortage #debate #SayNoToRacism #vaccinated #COVID19 #COVID19 #america #CovidIsNotOver #vaccine #DeltaPlusVariant #antivax #antivaxxers #CovidVaccine https://www.instagram.com/p/CRPN-R5MZE9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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कोरोना वायरस (Coronavirus) के नए स्वरूप डेल्टा प्लस (Delta Plus Variant) की 11 जून को पहचान हुई. हाल में इसे 'चिंताजनक स्वरूप' के तौर पर वर्गीकरण किया गया है. देश के 12 राज्यों में डेल्टा प्लस के अब तक 51 मामले आ चुके हैं. देशभर में कोरोना वायरस का डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट (Coronavirus Delta Plus Variant) का खतरा बढ़ता जा रहा है और इस बीच यह बात सामने आई है कि दूसरे वैरिएंट्स की तुलना में 'डेल्टा प्लस' का फेफड़ों के उत्तकों से ज्यादा जुड़ाव मिला है. लेकिन इसका ये मतलब नहीं कि इससे गंभीर बीमारी होगी या यह ज्यादा संक्रामक है. टीकाकरण पर राष्ट्रीय तकनीकी सलाहकार समूह के कोविड-19 कार्य समूह (NTAGI) के प्रमुख डॉ. एनके अरोड़ा ने जानकारी दी. कोरोना वायरस (Coronavirus) के नए स्वरूप डेल्टा प्लस की 11 जून को पहचान हुई. हाल में इसे 'चिंताजनक स्वरूप' के तौर पर वर्गीकरण किया गया है. देश के 12 राज्यों में डेल्टा प्लस के अब तक 51 मामले आ चुके हैं. इस वैरिएंट से संक्रमण के सबसे अधिक मामले महाराष्ट्र से आए हैं. #Coronavirus #CoronaOutbreak #Covid #DeltaPlusVariant #GrameenNews #NewsUpdate #NewsFlash #Covid19 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQp1xmMHBxj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Delta Plus Variant : महाराष्ट्र के राजगढ़ जिले में कोरोना के डेल्टा प्लस वेरिएंट से 69 साल के वृद्ध की मौत, राज्य में अब तक डेल्टा प्लस के कारण 3 लोगों ने तोड़ा दम, इन जिलों में मिले मामले ?
Delta Plus Variant : महाराष्ट्र के राजगढ़ जिले में कोरोना के डेल्टा प्लस वेरिएंट से 69 साल के वृद्ध की मौत, राज्य में अब तक डेल्टा प्लस के कारण 3 लोगों ने तोड़ा दम, इन जिलों में मिले मामले ?
इंटरनेट ��ेस्क। महाराष्ट्र में कोरोना संकट के बीच नए वेरिएंट डेल्टा प्लस ने आतंक मचा रखा है। महाराष्ट्र में डेल्टा प्लस के कारण कोरोना के मामले लगातार बढ़ रहे हैं।रायगढ़ जिलेकी कलेक्टर निधि चौधरी ने बताया किरायगढ़ ज़िले में डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट के कारण एक मौत रिपोर्ट हुई है। मृतक ज़िले के नागोथाने क्षेत्र के 69 वर्षीय व्यक्ति थे। जिले में डेल्टा प्लस के मामले सामने आने के बाद से रायगढ़ में मेडिकल…
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'No scientific data to show Delta plus variant adversely impacts vaccine efficacy': VK Paul
It will be unfair to put a date for any COVID wave as the behaviour of coronavirus is unpredictable and a disciplined and effective pandemic response can help the country get away from any significant outbreak, COVID Task Force chief V K Paul said on Monday. Read the full article
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Delta Plus Variant: क्या है डेल्टा प्लस और इससे बचाव? जानिए डॉक्टरों ने क्या दी सलाह
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ગુજરાતમાં કોરોના ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટના બે કેસ સામે આવ્યા છે. કેન્દ્રીય સ્વાસ્થ્ય મંત્રાલય દ્વારા જાહેર પત્રકાર પરિષદમાં ગુજરાતમાં કોરોનાના ડેલ્ટા પ્લસની એન્ટ્રી થઈ હોવાની પુષ્ટિ કરી છે. ભારતમાં કોરોના ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટના 48 કેસ સામે આવ્યા છે. કોરોના ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટના સૌથી વધુ કેસ મહારાષ્ટ્રમાં 20 કેસ સામે આવ્યા છે. મધ્યપ્રદેશમાં 7, પંજાબ-ગુજરાતમાં 2-2, કેરળમાં ત્રણ, આંધ્રપ્રદેશમાં એક, તમ��લનાડુમાં 9, ઓરિસ્સા, રાજસ્થાન,જમ્મુ કાશ્મીર અને કર્ણાટકમાં એક-એક કેસ સામે આવ્યા છે. #deltaplusvariant #COVID19 #staysafe #gujarat #rudurajkot #rudukathiyawad #coronago #corona #india #instagram #hashtags #hastag #pleasebeaware (at Gujarat) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQi-8WvjbMU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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सरकार ने कोरोना के डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट को 'वैरिएंट ऑफ कंसर्न' घोषित किया, WHO ने बताया है सबसे घातक
चैतन्य भारत न्यूज भारत में जहां कोरोना महामारी की दूसरी लहर की रफ्तार अब कम होती दिखाई दे रही है तो वहीं इस वायरस के डेल्टा वैरिएंट के मामले लगातार सामने आ रहे हैं। कोरोना वायरस के नए 'डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट' को केंद्र सरकार ने 'वैरिएंट ऑफ कंसर्न' यानी चिंताजनक घोषित कर दिया है। विशेषज्ञों का मानना है कि डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट देश में कोरोना की तीसरी लहर का कारण बन सकता है। स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय के मुताबिक, देश में डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट के अब तक 22 मरीज मिल चुके हैं। डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट को लेकर महाराष्ट्र, केरल और मध्य प्रदेश के लिए एडवाइजरी जारी की है। इन राज्यों को तत्काल रोकथाम के उपाय करने, उन्नत परीक्षण, ट्रैकिंग और टीकाकरण उन जिलों और समूहों में करने को कहा गया है। बेहद संक्र���मक हैडेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट एम्स के डायरेक्टर रणदीप गुलेरिया ने बातचीत में डेल्टा प्लस को वैरिएंट 'बेहद संक्रामक' बताया है। उनका कहना है कि, 'ये इतना संक्रामक है कि अगर आप इस वैरिएंट से संक्रमित किसी कोरोना मरीज के बगल से बगैर मास्क के गुजरते हैं तो आप भी संक्रमित हो सकते हैं।' उनका कहना है कि, 'कोविड प्रोटोकॉल का पालन कर इससे काफी हद तक बचा जा सकता है। अब इस बारे में पता लगाया जा रहा है कि वैक्सीन इस वैरिएंट के खिलाफ असरदार है या नहीं।' देश में अब तक 22 मरीज मिल चुके स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने मंगलवार को बताया कि देश में डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट के अब तक 22 मरीज मिल चुके हैं। मंत्रालय ने इसे लेकर महाराष्ट्र, केरल और मध्य प्रदेश को पत्र भी लिखा है। स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने बताया कि ��ेल्टा वैरिएंट 80 देशों में और डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट भारत के अलावा 9 देशों में है। अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन, पुर्तगाल, स्विट्जरलैंड, चीन, नेपाल, रूस और जापान में भी डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट मिले हैं। क्या है डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट? अब बात करते हैं डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट की। यह डेल्टा वैरिएंट के रूप में हुए बदलावों की वजह से बना है। डेल्टा वैरिएंट यानी B.1.617.2 जो कि पहले भारत में मिला था। फिर बाद के महीनों में यह दूसरे कई देशों में भी पाया गया। कोरोना के डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट में इसके स्पाइक प्रोटीन में K417N बदलाव हुआ है। डेल्टा प्लस वैरिएंट को पहले B.1.617.2.1 कहा जाता था। यह सबसे पहली बार यूरोप में मिला था। स्पाइक प्रोटीन कोरोना वायरस का जरूरी हिस्सा है। इसकी वजह से ही वायरस मानव शरीर में घुसकर इंफेक्शन करता है। Read the full article
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New Delta Plus Variant Deaths in Maharashtra is Worrisome
New Delta Plus Variant Deaths in Maharashtra is Worrisome , 3 deaths reported #DeltaPlusVariant #COVID19Cases #Maharastra #Covid
Three deaths were reported so far today in Maharashtra due to the Delta Plus variant of the coronavirus. The deaths were from Ratnagiri, Mumbai, and Raigad districts. This news follows after the Maharashtra health department on Wednesday said that cases of Delta Plus variant have reached 65 in the state. The deceased in the Raigad district on Friday was a 69-year-old man in the Nagothane area of…
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COVID19 Updates: 08/13/2021
UK: Can someone point me to where 'cases are stable' and vaccines are 'breaking the link between infections and serious illness'? Cases are rising from 30K/day, 615 deaths in the past wk & drops in hospitalisations have halted. This is literally PHE's own data.
US: 27 people test positive for coronavirus on Carnival cruise ship LINK
Fiji: 644 new cases reported on 13 August in Fiji, bringing the cumulative total to 39,456. Test positivity rate (7 day average) is 36.4%. #covid19 #covid19fiji
US: U.S. COVID update: More than 1,000 new deaths - New cases: 144,726 - Average: 125,533 (+2,987) - In hospital: 79,265 (+2,402) - In ICU: 19,271 (+655) - New deaths: 1,036
Indiana: BREAKING: The Supreme Court refuses grant Indiana University students’ request to block the school’s vaccine mandate. Justice Amy Coney Barrett rejected the request without referring it to the full court.
Mississippi: With hospital system near collapse, Mississippi begs for hospital ship to rescue state “The Mississippi hospital system will fail within the next five to seven or 10 days if the current trajectory continues,” University of Mississippi School of Medicine Dean LouAnn Woodward said. LINK
Australia: 100s more Australian military personnel to deploy next week to Sydney, to help enforce city’s LD. This comes as officials report biggest daily in covid-19, & outbreak spreading beyond Sydney. Sydney’s nine-week LD now unlikely to end Aug 28, as originally planned;
Israel: Israel Health Ministry said it would be offering a third Pfizer dose to “people over 50, health care workers, people with severe risk factors for the coronavirus, prisoners and wardens”.
Thailand: Thailand projects that coronavirus cases in the country could double by early next month to 45,000 per day, despite lockdown measures. Thailand which recorded a record 23,418 new cases today and 184 new deaths, struggles to contain its worst outbreak to date;
Japan: Japan's daily coronavirus cases top 20,000 for 1st time LINK
Japan: Tokyo to set up 'waiting stations' to accept COVID-19 patients amid lack of hospital beds LINK
Japan: A woman infected in Japan's first case of the Lambda coronavirus variant has been identified as a person associated with the Tokyo Olympics, government sources said Friday. LINK
Germany: German Health Minister Jens Spahn has said the country could keep coronavirus restrictions until next Spring - BILD
US: NIH Director Collins says a booster shot of the Covid-19 vaccine could come "later this fall or early next year" LINK
US: New hospital admissions in the US due to COVID-19 rose +29.6% from a week ago.
Florida: New hospital admissions in Florida due to COVID-19 are up a further +22.3% from a week ago, to a new high.
Mississippi: ‘We are stretched to breaking point': Pulmonologist warns about the dire state of Mississippi hospitals LINK
Florida: After just the second day of school, 440 students were already quarantined in Florida's Palm Beach County due to detected cases of COVID.
World: American "archbishop" is distributing bleach as "miracle cure" for COVID LINK
Ohio: St. Vincent Medical Center saves patient with severe case of COVID-19 using ECMO technology LINK
Hawaii: 2 tourists were arrested in Hawaii in connection with fake COVID-19 vaccination cards, officials say LINK
Canada: Alberta to backtrack on plans to lift COVID-19 protocols, government source says LINK
UK: COVID-19: UK reports another 32,700 coronavirus cases and 100 deaths | UK News | Sky News
Tennessee: In the first two weeks of August, the Memphis Fire Department said it has been overwhelmed by a call volume 23 percent higher than this time last year. The Memphis dispatch center is taking an average of 469 calls a day. LINK
Tennessee: Methodist LeBonheur staff updates on Delta in the embedded video. Here is what it looks like here in the Mid-South. LINK
Israel: As of Wednesday, Israel had 451 seriously ill Covid patients in its hospitals. 276 are vaccinated: 266 fully, 10 partly. A year ago today, before vaccines existed, it had a TOTAL of 368 seriously ill hospitalized patients. If this is vaccine success, I'd hate to see failure.
Utah: With COVID-19 rates still holding strong, Utah's intensive care units are officially over capacity at 102% full. LINK
Vietnam: VIETNAM: COVID-19 lockdown extended in Hanoi's Chuong Duong through 28 August
Arkansas: #NEW: The number of #COVID19 patients admitted to Arkansas Children’s has slightly increased since Wednesday. 31 patients with coronavirus, 28 in Little Rock and three in Springdale. 14 are in ICU and seven are on a ventilator.
Arkansas: Arkansas now has TEN CASES OF THE LAMBDA VARIANT.
UK: Manchester United: For those attending tomorrow’s game, please consider downloading the NHS Covid-19 app onto your smartphone to be able to check in. You will be prompted to use the app when you enter the stadium.
RUMINT (UK): Had an old feller come in my covid testing clinic this afternoon, he is a cancer patient who has been isolating for the past year, double vaxxed, went out for the first time last weekend to watch a soccer match, woke up this morning, cough, sore throat, no taste or smell, came in to the clinic in a panic, the poor chap couldn't believe he had isolated that long, only to get infected at a soccer match
Texas: 96% of ICU beds across Texas are full as COVID cases surge: "Some wait hours, some wait days" LINK
RUMINT (Iowa): Nurse: We got a COVID+ admit last night here for the state fair. They are visiting with family from out of state. They knew they were COVID+. His family still plans to attend, "You can't catch covid outside."
UK: United Kingdom Daily Coronavirus (COVID-19) Report · Friday 13th August. 32,700 new cases (people positive) reported, giving a total of 6,211,868. 100 new deaths reported, giving a total of 130,801.
Arkansas: #BREAKING: Arkansas health officials report 1,458 #COVID19 hospitalizations, the highest ever since the pandemic began. The state recorded 3,023 new cases in the last 24 hours. #ARNews
World: Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.575.2 containing the E484K mutation in the spike protein in Pamplona (Spain) May-June 2021 LINK
Oregon: Is @OregonGovBrown and @OregonDHSAPD *trying* to repeat the mistake of NY gov Cuomo by moving COVID patients to long term care facilities? LINK
Iran: Iran’s Health System ‘Beyond Disastrous’ from Covid Surge
World: How SARS-CoV-2 Evades And Suppresses The Immune System (Part Two) LINK
US: BREAKING: Number of Americans hospitalized with COVID-19 tops 80,000
Tennessee: DRAMATIC! Latest @TNDeptofHealth data shows #COVID19 cases skyrocketing among Tennessee's school-age children - almost 4,000 cases reported so far this week.
US: Some U.S. hospitals have reported spikes in amputations as #COVID19 disrupted routine care. Major amputations shot up 42% last year at the University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago, according to the hospital’s section chief for wound healing and tissue repair
Tennessee: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, arguably the most important medical facility in the entire state of Tennessee, is "completely full." LINK
Hawaii: BREAKING: 1167 #COVID19 cases reported today, highest one day total but @HawaiiDOH says this is a combination of cases from the past 24 hrs plus cases from earlier this week not reported due to lab issues. Average daily count for the 3 days impacted = 729/day. #HawaiiNewsNow
District of Columbia: At Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., diagnoses of Type 2 Diabetes nearly tripled in the first year of the pandemic from a year earlier. Dr. Brynn Marks said school closures and decreased physical activity likely contributed to the spike
US: A COVID-19 patient in Oklahoma needed a bed. The closest one was in Boise,Idaho. It is 1,107 miles from Boise City, OK to Boise, ID. LINK
Alabama: #AL #Breaking Gov. Kay Ivey issues ‘limited’ COVID-19 emergency order; ‘No statewide mandates, closures’ LINK
South Carolina: Pickens County School District decides to go virtual after emergency meeting on COVID-19 cases LINK
World: Why the delta variant is hitting kids hard in the U.S. and how we can prevent that in Canada LINK
India: A 69-year-old fully vaccinated journalist has died of #DeltaPlusVariant of #COVID19 at Nagothane in Maharashtra’s Raigad district. LINK
US: U.S. COVID update: - New cases: 153,659 - Average: 128,680 (+3,147) - In hospital: 81,183 (+1,918) - In ICU: 19,856 (+585) - New deaths: 886
Philippines: 13,177 new Covid19 cases yesterday. Test Positivity Rate is 23.% Total tests done was 57,355 tests yesterday
Oregon: PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Oregon governor deploying up to 1,500 National Guard troops to support hospitals as COVID cases soar.
Iceland: Yesterday(12.08) Iceland 30 covid patients, 5 of them in the ICU, 4 on ventilators. 20 are fully vaccinated, 10 not vaccinated. Of the 5 in ICU, 4 are fully vaxed. 68 hospital admissions for this 40% not vaxed. 9 have been in the ICU, 6 of them vaxed. No deaths.
Georgia: Metro Atlanta school districts report over 3,000 cases of COVID-19 in first weeks. Georgia reports highest 7-day average of COVID-19 cases in children since start of pandemic. Georgia reported the highest 7-day average of new COVID-19 cases among children 17 and younger since the start of the pandemic Friday. Today’s 7-day average was 949.8 for children between 0 and 17 years old across the state. Just one month ago, on July 13, the state was averaging 69.1 cases in that age group. That represents over a 1,200% increase in cases over the course of the last 30 days. The previous highest 7-day average was 868.4 cases on Jan. 14, 2021.
RUMINT (Mississippi): What's the next level up from wild weasel? Because that's where Mississippi is today. Going parabolic over there. Two and a half times more cases than last Friday but nowhere left to put the sick.
New Jersey: @ABC7NY @CBSNewYork @NBCNewYork The State of New Jersey has almost 700 people in the ICU with COVID-19 variants. Eight died from COVID-19 on Wednesday. Southern New Jersey is a disaster.
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FACE MASKS PLEASEWear your face mask and stop the spreadStay safe!For covid care services contact #drugcarts www.drugcarts.com...#COVID19 #covid #Covid19India #covidcare #DeltaVariant #DeltaCovid #DeltaPlusVariant #stopcovid19 #wearmask #sanitize #MaintainSocialDistancing
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