#delta plus virus
covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
Summer COVID-19 wave arrives in St. Louis. The scale is tough to judge. - Published Aug 14, 2024
ST. LOUIS — A summer wave of COVID-19 has swept across the country and into St. Louis, finding a region far better-equipped to face the virus than in years past but still vulnerable to its disruptions.
Because fewer people are getting sick enough to require hospitalization — and the bulk of COVID-19 tests are now administered in the privacy of peoples' homes rather than at clinics, hospitals and pharmacy drive-thru windows — experts are finding it difficult to judge the scale of the wave.
But it is clear that more people are catching the virus now compared with earlier this summer.
Virus levels in wastewater, detected through sewershed testing, have jumped. BJC HealthCare reported seeing more COVID-positive patients. And officials advise the area's residents to take stock of their vaccination plans for this summer and fall.
"I think we don't really have the full picture yet because it is still ongoing," said Dr. Hilary Babcock, an infectious disease expert at Washington University who serves as vice president and chief quality officer for BJC. "It hasn't been a really sharp spike. ... It kind of slowly rose and just kind of keeps slowly inching up locally."
Babcock said BJC has seen a consistent rate of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 through most of the year, and the number has remained flat during the recent uptick of cases. Statewide, however, data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show an increase in the portion of hospitalized patients with the virus.
Marc Johnson, a professor at the University of Missouri School of Medicine who is involved with the state's wastewater testing efforts, said there haven't been any obvious changes in the way recent virus variants behave. Whenever a new variant emerges, experts look for changes in its ability to transmit from person to person, cause severe illness and overcome built-up immunity from vaccines and previous infections.
"But," he added, "those are things that are hard to tease out. It's usually much later that you can kind of look retrospectively and see, 'Oh, delta (an early variant) had much more of this or that.'"
Since the onset of COVID-19, doctors have questioned whether the virus would eventually settle into a regular, seasonal pattern like the flu, which circulates year-round but peaks between December and February.
Babcock said that including the recent summer wave, the virus is showing clear signs of seasonality, defined by a winter surge and a summer surge.
Each winter, COVID-19 cases have spiked to varying degrees. And the summers have also seen waves — though last year the increase was smaller and began later.
"People are still trying to understand what drives the surges that we have each year for all respiratory viruses, honestly, including flu," Babcock said. But the virus that causes COVID-19 seems to mutate quickly. The summer infections hit almost a year after most people have received the vaccine, new versions of which are typically rolled out in autumn.
"The summer surge kind of falls into this funny place, from an immune perspective," she said.
An updated vaccine is expected this fall and will offer stronger protection against the most recent versions of the virus. But some people might consider getting the shots that are currently available, Babcock said, in light of the recent uptick.
During pregnancy, for instance, people are at higher risk of complications and severe illness from COVID-19, Babcock said. Plus, some of the benefits from the vaccine can be passed along to the child. People who are about to travel or who are at risk for severe complications from COVID-19 might talk to their doctors about getting vaccinated now, Babcock said, or simply exercise more precautions while awaiting the updated shots.
Babcock said she hasn't made any changes to the precautions she takes day to day. She has continued to wear masks in airports and on airplanes, where it's not possible to distance oneself from others.
"I think the most important thing for people is to be sure that they don't go out themselves if they're sick," she said, "and that they stay home to minimize the risk to others around them."
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spidermilkshake · 6 months
Until September
More RE fanfics--more mutants, more corporate shenanigans. There is fluff! Also a rival company commando is blitzed by a Tyrant, but, uh, this is Resident Evil. Even the nicest scenes are bookended by scary.
Rating: Teen (TW for suggestive language, human experimentation, dehumanization, medical/lab settings and stuff, plus also human adults cuss like human adults, some obvious child neglect and endangerment, alcohol abuse, implied animal abuse)
Mr. X's long first assignment--to be upper-level Tyrant Project researcher Dr. Julian Ramirez's personal bodyguard as he spends his summer at his fancy house bought with his evil corporation money. Having a test mission prototype Tyrant on your property to help flatten any intruders or rival company agents that sneak in is apparently a common perk if the company's board likes your work. Ramirez, uh, has an interesting home life, and T-00 is smart enough to detect some of that despite this being its first experience of humans not poking it in a lab or putting it through combat training in a top-secret facility...
5: Until September
            From that point, after a short cargo helicopter ride and another in the back of a large civilian armored car, T-00… “Mr. X”… experienced the brief life of Dr. Ramirez’s at-home lab.
            Situated in a cozy, deep-red corner of northern California, the man had the benefit of the rural landscape for all manner of reasons. One being his bunker laboratory which he fiddled around with variants of common viral and bacterial elements within, as well as examining various domesticated animal species’ genomes to try and discover another, more advantageous quirk that could be added to the Tyrant project. Some of the sources of these genomes could be found on the small attached ranch property in the form of a somewhat decrepit horse and several large, semi-feral cattle. A highly-pampered golden retriever mix also bounced its way around the property, but it could hardly be lumped in with the farm animals considering how loving and attentive Dr. Ramirez seemed to become on sight of the canine. This animal was about as untrained as the cows—though it balked at any close quarters with the Tyrant, probably smelling something was off about the inoffensive but intimidating newcomer.
            The Tyrant was ushered swiftly into a portion of the swanky abode which bordered the laundry and a small guest room on the first day. Between these two locations, the doctor had prepared a simple rest area for the bioweapon to reside in while it was not to be seen—roughly the size of the small laundry though without the obstructing machines, T-00 noted the heavily-built twin bedframe and the fitting mattress, which it assumed it was meant to rest on. It… was not bad, now that it had a few minutes to contemplate it.
            Okay, it was more than “not bad”. Mattresses were invented for a reason, and the insufficient nature of those holding chamber benches became richly obvious to the beast that had never experienced proper back support before. It had slept a solid nine hours the first night, until summoned by a cheerful call of its nickname—the longest stint of sleep it had ever known.
            Otherwise, the Tyrant which Dr. Ramirez called “Mr. X” stayed a moment, or a meter or two, behind him (depending on what the man requested, and what the Tyrant’s highly-tuned senses for danger dictated). The man spent a lot of time in the small bunker lab, checking fuse banks before booting up huge computers to run an equally massive hypermicroscope device in order to manipulate pieces of dead SARS and Hepatitis delta-virus, picking out segments of RNA and comparing them to Umbrella’s sample slides of base genes. He often made spunky commentary, knowing it was only the so-far nonverbal Tyrant hearing him, but based on his specific, jovial responses it knew he could only be speaking only to it.
            Despite the doctor’s fancy and frequent social life, he was very lonely. After dark fell, no other human occupied the languidly-spread and draftily large house in the hills. The man still chatted happily—sometimes too happily—with his newly-won bioweapon attendant.
            The bioweapon had once or twice also stepped out with him, and a very flinchy, nervous man whom the doctor’d called a “trainer”, to see the old horse and the half-dozen cows. T-00 eyed the dusty, vacantly-staring creatures staying well back from the bioweapon. They behaved much like B.O.W.s with none or very rusty training. The lone horse would come right to the gate for Dr. Ramirez’s trainer, even with the towering creature feet away, though the whites of its eyes flared plainly as it stood, ears pinning and legs shaking for the trainer to check its hooves and teeth.
            T-00 focused instead on the cows, not wishing to interfere unintentionally on the equine check-over. It locked eyes with a large, rusty-brown beast that had very small, stubby horns. The animal stamped its rear legs softly, nostrils flaring. Strange. The creature was fairly small compared to the others in the group, though it placed itself front and center regardless—a “leader” of sorts, making all of the protective motions towards the others that the position entailed. A much larger steer of a mostly black color hid ineffectually behind her—sharing many features with this cow.
            “Come on! We’re done Mr. X,” the doctor called from the gate, the first indication it had quietly shuffled a step inside the paddock area to watch the animals more closely. With an instinctual start, it turned and tromped off after its current objective.
            It wished the animals and its master’s use of the Tyrant as a social interaction stand-in had been the most predictable parts of its mission. No—that honor would go to the once-monthly incident of rival agents attempting to gain access to Ramirez’s nuclear-shielded bunker. Irritated out of its comfortable rest, the Tyrant followed the clinking and ticking of attempts to bypass the lock code and the other measures to find a body-armored individual in front of the small cellar entrance, like a sitting duck as they focused on the loud—annoying—puzzle portion. It wasn’t clear if they ever realized an eight-foot mutant weapon was creeping up on them before it happened. Regardless, Ramirez would have one of the informed Umbrella staff bag up the body and tote it off the next morning as the household came awake.
            It was one week during the hellishly dry heat of summer than Mr. X encountered a true challenge to its adaptable wits—and it began more or less during one of the more predictable, boring parts of its duties. The bioweapon lurked a few meters behind the doctor in his home office, blocking the large window with its even larger back while Ramirez was distracted on the phone.
            The Tyrant could only guess at some of this, but it did recognize the codenames and designations used for various B.O.W.s:
            “So the train was just…? All of them?” Julian Ramirez scrubbed at his patchy stubble, “Jesus… Well, do you know how it happened? …Uh huh, I’m sure it came back inconclusive. There’s never any hypercompetitive, jealous pricks trying to off each other at Umbrella labs, huh.”
            “Speaking of, do you have any idea what they’re gonna do about Birkin?” There was a long pause before a tinny squeak of the other voice picked up, “Oh come on. They practically know it was him. Who else has been sabotaging projects involving T for months? …It was T on that train, right? …Okay, they even know it’s that strain—so who else has access to the Arklay lab who would?”
            There was an even longer silence this time before the other line began to speak again; and once it did Ramirez’s grip on the phone tightened, his dark complexion going sweaty and almost impossibly pale. The change was so extreme that T-00’s senses honed in and it watched its master with mounting concern, convinced the doctor was about to collapse out of some kind of medical distress.
            “… Since when? …Really, that recent?” He finally dredged up his voice again, wiping furiously at his brows and mustache, staring down at his own shaking hand in bafflement as if wondering who put all of that sweat there, “So where was Willy in all this?”
            “So… they’re sure it wasn’t him… Well. I’ll see about giving Teifer a call soon if she’s got questions for me.”
            After Ramirez hung up, he glanced over his shoulder at his house-Tyrant with an indecipherable expression, which had Mr. X straightening up to full attention. Then, with a heavy sigh he turned in his chair towards the squat glass bottle of Pilár dark rum that he kept on one side of the desk and unscrewed the cap in a ritual which usually—T-00 had observed—took place later in the day. The powerful alcohol swirled into a coffee mug and shortly after was slammed into the man’s mouth, eliciting a rough grunt as he fought the burn of the unhealthily-large shot.
            Mr. X relaxed somewhat as Ramirez returned to the phone. The next conversation had more that the bioweapon recognized, but was even more confusing:
            “Hey, Teifer! It’s Ramirez,” he sounded as peppy as always, despite the haggard look in his eyes and the rum flooding into his bloodstream, “Yeah, he told me you needed to hear from me… eh? Ah, he did mention what happened up at the Arklay lab…”
            He leaned back, hooded eyes inspecting his propped-up shoes as he took in his colleague’s words. He rolled them upon a certain part of her story:
            “Hey, hey—you’re getting too stressed. Listen: I get the risk. But Cerberus specimens physically can’t spread the virus. That shouldn’t be your main concern.
            “Those dogs don’t have T in them anymore—they’re kinda like the modern Tyrants, alright? We enhance the genome, we infect—with the delta strain for the Cerberus—and let the mutation take its course, okay? Then when they’re fully baked, we quarantine the specimens, give them a T-virus vaccination, and a course of anti-retrovirals just to be sure before those guys go to training. Which, by the way, you should be able to get a hold of someone at N.E.S.T. with experience training animal B.O.W.s. They’ve got lots of new Hunters coming out of there, they can help you wrangle those dogs when the time comes…”
            “Hm? …Ah… Yeah, see, that one is a problem,” Ramirez’s shoulders finally slouched more naturally, and he got a level, if slightly slushy, tone of voice back, “Rabies is very real and a good explanation for any ‘public eye’ stuff… If the bear story is true you’ll want to get a squad with heavy weapons and track down every rabid animal claim in a five-mile radius, then be sure to bag and burn everything they shoot.”
            “..? Teifer, you know that’s even easier. Quarantine and trace identity, burn the premises, then let the weaponized-virals R&D team see the data.”
            “…What journalist?” At this new turn in the conversation Ramirez shot upright in his chair, “… You don’t have a name? …Uh-huh. … Hm. Well, if he knows too much he probably already knows he’s dead.”
            “Right. See you in fall. Bye now.”
            After Ramirez hung up, he sat for a long while, head in hands. Mr. X let a good ten minutes pass before the alarm bells started to go off, and the huge mutant huffed as it took a careful step forward. At the creak of the floors, Dr. Ramirez raised his head again.
            “Eh?” He twisted around, “What is it, Mr. X?”
            The bioweapon had a number of words that it might have wanted to put out—“Are you well?”, “What was that about?”, “Do you need help?”, or even “What the fuck?”—but it had no idea how to move its throat, or tongue, or lips to do such a thing. He did the next best thing: Mr. X grunted, managing to make the trailing end of the noise rise up in pitch with wordless questions, as humans did in such a situation.
            “Smart fella,” Ramirez gave a soft laugh. “One of these days I’ll have to get you practice in saying a few words. I’m fine. Can you just… turn and check out the window for a while? I have to call my ex,” he added the last part quickly, which while confusing did not hold up the Tyrant very long in turning around and scanning the exterior of the house for potential threats.
            The phone rang several times, with Ramirez left waiting. Mr. X’s pinprick pupils hovered over the entrance gate, then the edge of the pinyon treeline, then over to where the dog was laid out in a patch of dirt by one of the front garden walls. Finally, someone answered the doctor:
            “Linda… hey. No don’t—” there was an insistent buzz of muffled vocals from the speaker, “It’s about the weekend, Linda—look, you want me to just not warn you? Huh?”
            “Okay okay. Look, I just need you to know I have to be out a few hours Saturday to work with someone. Don’t worry—” he interrupted the agonized screech from the speaker, “—I have someone to watch her until I get back. Don’t worry. I wouldn’t walk back on this, mi amor.”
            “… Okay, Jesus, I won’t do it again. Just… noon Saturday, right? I’ll be there.”
            The phone slammed on the receiver. Mr. X peeked back over his lapels in anticipation of a command. There was only so much time in the office, however decorated and airy, that Ramirez could stand and Mr. X tended to agree with this habit. It was in the loft area of the house, and the ceilings were a foot too low for the Tyrant’s comfort.
            “Right. Mr. X?” The bioweapon swiveled around in reply, “I’m going to fetch some things from the basement. Take up a guard downstairs, yeah?”
            Mr. X nodded with eagerness, letting the somewhat tipsy human lead the way out the door and down the stairs. This was an ideal task for both of them, considering the ninety-plus temperatures outside, and once the man had vanished down the too-narrow steps to the musty, refreshingly cool basement level the Tyrant posted himself in a comfortable nook within sight of the open basement door, the front door, and the downstairs hall towards the kitchen area. It watched. Nothing much reached its eyes or ears—except for a distant snort of a horse or cow, a wasp bouncing against the nearest window in a frenzy to find food or shade, and a clatter followed by a Spanish-language curse from the cluttered sublevel. Business as usual.
            On Saturday, the omen which Mr. X innocently overheard came to the doorstep.
            In the morning, with Ramirez nursing a pickle-juice-based hangover cocktail and holding a hardboiled egg like it was a sergeant’s switch from bygone days, Mr. X was confronted with a series of warnings which it knew right away were serious, very serious, and urgent… but that he didn’t entirely grasp right away.
            “Mr. X! Listen—listen,” the man pressed his eggless hand into the lapel of his tame mutant’s trenchcoat, “Today is going to be a bit different. I need you to be… uh… well… different.”
            T-00 stared down at the man pressing himself as close to its face as possible, and gave a low grunt as he tilted his head.
            “Well, I mean…” Ramirez let up on the contact, as aware as they came that pushing the living weapons too hard or confusing them with contradictory orders could come with serious consequences, “Mr. X, you are going to meet my daughter today. She’s visiting over the weekend and will be here until roughly 11 a.m. on Monday.”
            Ramirez waited, as if to hear an acknowledgement from the creature staring him down with wide, perplexed, but still willing eyes. The man sighed, leaning into his hands which had settled on the Tyrant’s chest, “While she’s here, I want you to put your protective orders over me as secondary. While she’s here, you protect her, is that understood?”
            Daughter. Mr. X had not heard anything of Ramirez’s family before, but it had an intuitive sense of what the word “DAUGHTER” meant. The creature took a deep, sharp inhale, then gave a rough, affirmative growl at the same time it bobbed its head.
            “Good… good…” Ramirez reached up and patted the Tyrant on the shoulder, grin of relief almost palpable without flashing it within sight. Mr. X reflexively swelled with the praise.
            “She’ll be here at noon, and you must watch over her very closely until about four. If she needs water, get her a cup and fill it from the fridge. If she gets hungry, take her to the bottom left cabinet and she’ll pick what she wants. Otherwise just make sure no one and nothing hurts her. I’ll introduce you—”
            —and then, the kitchen phone rang, and the pager on the doctor’s hip bleeped with an annoying tone. The man rounded and went to answer, while the biomutant stood silently processing the future orders. Daughter… did that mean juvenile or adult daughter? Probably… juvenile. It would not need to be providing water on demand to an adult, or show an adult to the bottom left cabinet. There was also no reason to limit an adult to that particular cabinet, which only contained the sacks of undiluted nutrient gel for its own fluid intake along with boxes of crackers, jars of peanut butter, and a few bags of veggie chips and other “health snacks” as the doctor had called them. It was… not exactly designed for the task of childcare, and it shuffled anxiously in place as it dawned on him that it would have to figure it out with no more instruction. It could… learn this… right?
            Humans seemed to be fairly unbothered by the duty to watch over their offspring—so it must not be that difficult.
            Mr. X had been ordered to stand still inside the gates of the garden in an area half-concealed with shade when the large sedan pulled into the gravel circle at the end of the rural mountain road and crunched to a stop. Its keen vision spotted the small figure step out of the passenger side and quickly have an arm snatched up in a control grip by the small woman who had emerged from the driver’s side. There was a bitter argument between all three, which quelled after a minute or two while the sedan’s engine puttered impatiently. The woman released the little one, who did not run to either parent and instead stepped towards the gate, keeping her large brown eyes on both of them, as if wary of them following her.
            After a minute the car’s engine revved up as it returned down the uneven paving, disappearing in a few seconds around a bend. Ramirez was left wearily standing by where it had once parked, a small bag dangling from one hand (presumably the belongings of his child, packed into a tiny, colorful package).
            Mr. X glanced down at a small sound and was suddenly locking eyes with the absolute tiniest human he had ever seen. Dark hair and cut short, dark skin with a few freckles, and those huge brown eyes which widened further upon noticing the massive, trenchcoat-clad form skulking just inside the property line.
            “Papá!” The shrill voice was at such decibels and pitch that the Tyrant was forced to stagger back. Such a tiny body was so, so loud! The bioweapon resisted the urge to raise up its hands to cup over its ears, but its knees did bend and buckle before the doctor rushed up and grabbed the girl around the shoulders:
            “What’s wrong, m’ija?”
            “M-monstruo!” She pointed straight to the half-subdued, heavily-stressed visage of the startled Tyrant.
            “Oh,” Ramirez hugged his daughter closer and chuckled, as if there was some clear, and obvious, and worse trivial confusion at play. He knelt to where he was halfway between his child and his personal Bio-Organic Weapon.
            “It’s okay, m’ija—this is my bodyguard. I promise, he’s nice, okay?”
            The child peeked over the shabby fabric of Ramirez’s polo shirt, meeting the obviously inhuman pupils of the giant form that had frightened her. Without telepathy, it was unknown if she found a lack of evil within, but she did relent and sniffle up the start of her tears.
            “Sí, for work,” Ramirez gave a strained smile, “It’s okay, he won’t hurt you. Look, see? He didn’t mean to scare you.”
            The doctor had slightly pressed the girl further around his shoulder, closer to the colossal form. Mr. X sensed the girl’s resistance to this and took a step slightly back—almost mirroring her trying to push herself back away from it. Its hearts thudded stronger in a sympathetic feedback loop upon seeing the feeble struggle she was putting up against her own father. He was forcing her towards a powerful monster, knowing full well what it could do. What then could it do, a being built for combat?
            It did what only its inbuilt reflexes urged it to do—and bowed its head until it lost eye contact with either of them. Mr. X had assumed Dr. Ramirez’s child would know what a T-103 was. It was now clear that she did not know at all what he was; she might think it was a human. But a big human staring hard at a tiny child was… threatening.
            “You’re okay. C’mon let me introduce you!” Ramirez’s voice chimed out as if no terror or stress was in evidence, “This fella is Mr. X. Don’t ask his real name—it’s secret. He’ll keep you safe so long as you’re here.
            “Mr. X! Eyes up.”
            T-00 reluctantly obeyed, and the first thing its eyes met was the petrified face of the girl still trying to cling onto her father’s shoulder after he’d pushed her to be well within the bioweapon’s reach. Its back twitched before it forced itself to stay completely still, the only other movement he made the uneasy blinking, and the gaze flicking back and forth—from the man, to the girl, to the man.
            “Mr. X, this is my daughter, Mariposa.” He smiled, “You remember I was talking about her yesterday, yeah? Be nice to her. She’s only—how old are you, Mari?”
            Was it… normal for humans to lose track of how old their offspring were? Mr. X felt his brows twitch, and somehow this microscopic expression which went in opposition of her father’s constant push was what Mariposa needed to see to give a quick swallow of nerves and relax a fraction:
            “That’s my girl! C’mon now, let’s get your stuff inside,” Ramirez stood up, all but shrugging his little girl off of himself like an annoying weight and picking up the backpack from where he’d set it down beside him. Apparently only Mr. X heard the soft whimper she let out as she stumbled and scurried to put her father back between herself and the menacing giant; T-00 took the opportunity to also do away with this forced close-quarters and took a much larger step back. It hesitated to follow the two into the front door for a few moments, especially as it spied the child sneaking worried glances over her hardly-evident shoulders at the creature.
            “Mr. X! Come on you, get out of the heat!” Its eye twitched a bit at the impatient tone of the order, but ducked his head low to negotiate the entryway and squeezed into the welcome air conditioning. Ramirez had been rushing around the open concept downstairs, dropping off Mariposa’s belongings onto one of the kitchen chairs before scoping around for his own briefcase, wallet, and the keys to his armored truck. The girl meanwhile had posted herself up behind the kitchen island, staring over bewildered and clearly scared at her parent preparing to leave her alone with a monster.
            “Right… that should be it. M’ija, come give a kiss ‘bye for now—Papá’s got to go into town for some last-minute business.”
            “You can’t leave me with—”
            “Shh! Don’t be rude. Mr. X is a big teddy bear, really—relax!”
            The Tyrant itself shot the doctor a dubious look; bear was maybe an accurate comparison at least in terms of size and weight, but… teddy? That was soft and harmless—and Mr. X knew by now it was very much not harmless, and… probably not soft.
            “Papá, please—”
            “No no, you listen. I’ve got to do this and it’s not a choice. You stay here and if you need anything just ask him. I won’t be gone for more than a few hours.”
            With that, Ramirez brushed past the Tyrant and swept out the door. The sound of the latch setting again ushered in a new, heavy silence. The bioweapon could feel the girl’s stare boring into the side of his head—watching him for any sudden moves with the same alertness that a Tyrant might train onto a potential threat. Understanding somewhat, Mr. X held completely still and listened for any indication that the tiny figure was moving out from her cover.
            The click and whirr of the fridge fan cutting on startled them both—Mariposa shrieked, the Tyrant jolted upright so hard the flooring shuddered, and it turned to see that the child had ducked further down and was only barely peeking over the island countertop at it. Briefly grumbling with embarrassment that it had reacted so strongly to so little, Mr. X eyed the floor as it reached up and scratched at the deformed grooves on its jaw. Being scared of something new was one thing… being scared of the box that kept the treats from spoiling was another entirely…
            “Um… Mr. X..?”
            He froze mid-itch at the trepidatious voice; the Tyrant turned to find that Mariposa had crept around the side of the kitchen. While still keeping a chair between herself and the hulking brute, she had cut the space between them by half, maybe more. Without the insufferable pressure of her unobservant (or uncaring) father forcing either of their hands, she seemed to calm down to the idea that this monster was “housebroken”—at least in the sense that it wouldn’t break the house. Not without orders to.
            Mariposa’s nose appeared to wrinkle up in contemplation as the Tyrant continued to watch her, making no move or noise but the normal bassy rush of its breathing.
            “…You don’t say much, do you.”
            Mr. X gave a sluggish blink; it could try to speak a word of two, but it wouldn’t have the slightest idea how the attempt would turn out—and it feared it may turn out like the ugly bellows and groans other Tyrants could more easily produce, so T-00 simply gave a creaky shake of its head.
            “So, you don’t talk?” Another shake, and Mariposa bit her lip as she processed what this meant for their hours stuck unattended together. “But… you listen?”
            It made sure it gave an emphatic nod to this, and then tilted its head as if alertly waiting to listen to her at this very second.
            “Okay…” She stepped out with care and no small degree of lingering trembles from the chair, peeking over her shoulder towards the back garden door, “May I… go outside? I wanna see Benji…”
            Benji. Dog’s name. The Tyrant recalled. The back garden of the house was a forty foot by fifteen foot rectangle with no known toxic or thorny plants, and it was northeasterly. Getting more and more shade soon. It should be safe; it would not be blinded by the California sunshine, and both sunburn and heatstroke would be less able to get at either of them. Mr. X gave a soft grunt that he hoped sounded affirmative and nodded.
            “You have to come with me, huh?” Another nod. “Okay… um… I’m going now.” The Tyrant watched as the small human very warily made her way to the back door, shooting looks its way every few steps as if to brace for the moment the massive form would start pursuing. Waiting until she had her hand to the door’s handle, T-00 started to follow with the lightest shuffling steps it could manage.
            The two of them kept about ten feet apart at minimum—keeping close tabs on each other but not being so jumpy or anxious now. This got even easier in the open space of the garden, especially as the golden-furred canine came loping around the side of the dry clumps of Pampas grass and wagged his whole body on sight of the little girl. T-00 planted its back to the house wall close by so it had the widest field of view and the most sun protection, and for a while it was almost as if the parental badgering, the uncomfortable introduction, and the sheer aura of child-endangerment which permeated the whole situation was no factor. The oblivious and overjoyed dog was a big help with that, and Mariposa bounded around with it as they gave the oversized tennis ball chewtoy a new coat of slobber and montane dust before both flopping down on the patio pavers and engaging in the kind of lazy cuddling that Mr. X could only give a curious stare. It had no context for this kind of contact; it sometimes bordered on violent the way she scratched at the domestic canine, but… Benji seemed to like it, and the dog rolling onto her lap and nuzzling her wet nose into her face was even drawing a few giggles. How… uncoordinated. How… how… something that he couldn’t connect the word for, but knew in its bones the concept of.
            Shit, damn… something. Other-expletive. It was on the tip of its… tongue? Brain? Subconscious linguistic knowledge? It knew what the “good uncoordinated not-serious companionship stress-relief good thing” was. It knew it. But a good word that summed the idea up had somehow not been something it had been exposed to in the growth chamber, it supposed.
            After more than an hour both dog and child were worn out, and their Tyrant chaperone had relaxed more, eyes half-hooded and drowsy. The sound of shoes scuffing nearby had it snapping back to alertness, and on looking down it found a surprise in the form of the little girl craning her neck up expectantly, hand just short of tugging at one of the gigantic hands. Benji padded up close by, wagging away as usual.
            “Mr. X, I’m gonna go in now. Can I take Benji with me?”
            T-00 remembered the dog being allowed inside before—especially when it was as hot as it had been today, so as he unstuck his back from the pebble-stucco of the wall he gave her a slight bob of the head. Benji led the way with tongue wagging in time with his tail.
            In the artificially-cooled interior, Mr. X let out a low huff. His mass was such that it was difficult for him to regulate his temperature once it got much hotter than 25 degrees Celsius. Staying in line of sight of the happy dog and the small child as they curled onto the floor by the couch, tired and joyous, it tried to focus otherwise on letting its system cool off back to normal. But after a moment, Mariposa asked a question, which took the Tyrant a moment to register from its unexpectedness:
            “Mr. X? Are you okay?”
            The Tyrant gave a forceful nod, which perhaps had the opposite effect as the large droplet of its sweat dived from the tip of its nose to the floor at the movement. Mariposa fixed it with an expression that it felt was familiar—maybe it had tried to aim that one at its own trainers, weeks and months ago…
            “Mr. X, do you know where dad keeps the ice cream?”
            T-00 truthfully did not, though the swift flicker of its pupils towards the freezer—where anything “ice” would logically go—betrayed something to the small girl. She stood and joined the hulking bioweapon in the kitchen area of the downstairs, pointing to the freezer section of the fridge.
            “Can you check if it’s in there? I can’t reach…”
            T-00 narrowed its eyes slightly, even as it took two ginger steps closer and reached to open the upper section of the refrigerator. There was a blast of refreshingly chilly vapor as it did so, and after that had passed it blinked rapidly and studied the slim pickings of the contents. There was, however, something which claimed to be “ice cream” within—and in a short motion it plucked the small box from its confines and let the freezer door swing shut and seal while it turned the container about. Not sure what to make of it, Mr. X lowered the package to where Mariposa could read the labels on its side.
            “Ooh…” At the way her eyes lit up, the Tyrant had a panicky feeling that it had just disobeyed Ramirez’s orders for this short guardianship period. But then… with how hot it was, and the man’s daughter had just been outside for so long…
            “…Are you allowed to have one?” Mariposa hesitated at reaching into the box, still lowered to where she could access it. Mr. X didn’t really have an answer. It assumed “no”, since it had never been given one of these “ice cream” things or even informed of their storage area. Almost as soon as it had managed a short shake of its head, Mariposa had pulled out two of the oblong objects and pushed one into the Tyrant’s free hand.
            “I’ll give you one, if you don’t say nothing to papá,” Mariposa smirked. Mr. X lifted up the comparatively tiny frozen treat as it returned the rest of the box to its normal position, and met the child’s gaze again.
            He nodded. Whatever the damn thing was, he was starting to smell it even through the foil wrapping, and whatever it was caused unrelenting rivulets of drool to keep forming at the edges of its tightly-sealed lips. Whatever it was was the good stuff, by the nutrient-hungry standards of a Tyrant. And it was cold as ice, still remaining so after more than a minute in the grip of an overheated bioweapon. Why would Ramirez not let his daughter have one of these, if they seemed so good?
            “Ice cream”, as it turned out, was indefinite proof that the universe was fundamentally good. After what by any numerical measure was only a few minutes, the Tyrant felt like it had experienced an hour of sugary and creamy wonder, all from the three-inch chunk of what Mariposa had specified was an “ice cream sandwich”—the brick of vanilla-flavored goodness wedged between chocolate cookies. T-00 barely knew what these specifications meant but committed them to memory anyways. At least, once it had become able to focus on any other incoming stimuli after the intense deliciousness had faded into the past. It let out an animalistic groan of pleasure before it considered how it may sound frightening to its nearby charge; it needn’t have worried, since Mariposa was licking the melted remnants from her fingers with similar noise and fervor though at a higher pitch and smoother, human vocal tones. Mr. X scooped up the foil pieces where they’d each left them and deposited them in the garbage bin. Mariposa had now settled on the rug in front of the television, petting Benji where he lay half-asleep and scanning through stations in search of something she liked. Mr. X eyed the temptingly large, luxurious couch which he generally was not given much chance to occupy; it was close to where his protective target now was, and he would have good peripherals on each side from there… why… not? But perhaps the most important reason was Mariposa:
            At the heavy creak of the wood flooring under the rugs behind her, the young girl paused in her channel surfing and caught the bioweapon red-handed halfway to the couch.
            “Is the couch, ah… strong enough?”
            Mr. X nodded. Somehow, the couch always held. Of course, it was designed to hold at least four humans weighing over two hundred pounds each, so a single Tyrant weighing almost that much by itself would still be within its design limits. Though, it could still be a fluke. It had only sat here twice before now, so it was still possible… Thankfully, even though it did creak and groan very tellingly, the couch did hold well enough that the Tyrant was able to relax. Mariposa started watching something which showed a number of strange animals—they were larger than humans, though by the way they moved slightly lighter than most Tyrants. Or at least more graceful. The camera zoomed and focused, and T-00 realized these were horses—fully-fleshed, healthy-looking horses, much unlike the half-lamed and raggedy one it had seen in person.
            “The horse only arrived in the American Southwest by chance… Most experts agree that the wild horses we see here are all descendants of domesticated horses brought to the southern part of the continent by the Spanish as early as the 1400s…” The Tyrant almost managed a frown out of pure confusion; despite what the voiceover said, the visuals of the program showed clearly labelled petrogylphs from the area in question from several thousand years prior to the “1400s” which had horses pointed out by convenient labels.
            “Nowadays, amongst the dry chaparral hills and the prairie plains, wild horse herds roam under the protection of a conservation branch of the US government—allowing for a certain number of wild mustang horses to be corralled, auctioned off, and trained to become domestic horses once more so that the many thousands of their wild cousins can continue to run free…”
            Why these apparently thousands of creatures could not do so without something of this sort occurring every year did not make particular sense—but thankfully the program moved on swiftly to another animal from the same region:
            “The Harris Hawk is another wondrous creature found in the American Southwest—one which boasts the title of the only bird of prey in the world which will hunt in packs.” T-00’s eyes flashed at the swift movement on the screen as several handsome-looking birds swept into view, and then looped joyfully into a thermal which took them high over a desert landscape. “Working together in the harsh arid environment, the Harris Hawks can between a group of three catch more than ten times the number of small rodents and reptiles as their closest relatives could on their own, making the cooperative arrangement entirely worth it. Falconers have begun capturing and taming these magnificent birds, bending their amazing talents and social habits to their own purposes…”
            … There seemed to be a pattern here. Animal was found useful—animal got caught and used for human interests. It almost seemed like all of the fanciful camera shots of wild things running and flying and the long-winded narration was just introduction to this idea. Mariposa apparently found this as dry and bizarre as they Tyrant did, and switched the channels again until she landed on one that cycled through daytime gameshows.
            “Alright, Karen—tell me something that frequently gets replaced on a car!”
            “Ummm… the mirrors?”
            This did not appear to be a very smart answer, and yet somehow the answer appeared among the top five of some kind of overall results. The most obvious explanation was that everyone shown was so terrible at operating motor vehicles they had to replace their broken-off mirrors often. Maybe that was the appeal of this game—to watch teams of perhaps the most foolish and ignorant specimens of humanity put these attributes on display to amuse the audience.
            It felt its head bob lower and awoke with a start—panic shooting through it as it realized it had started to drowse mid-watch. But there was… something wrong? No, not wrong; different. There was a slight warmth and pressure up against its side, and the arm on that side was propped up on a low, soft object.
            Mr. X started to move the arm to try and find the flat surface of the couch again, but froze as his palm bumped instead on the frail shoulders of the small girl. It craned its neck down fraction by fraction, trying not to move any other muscles; Mariposa had, beneath its notice, crawled up onto the open section of couch beside the bioweapon, wedging her tiny frame under its limp forearm and nestling her head into the crease and folds of its Limiter coat where its waist met its lap. As if the monstrosity’s leg was a comfy pillow. T-00 blinked as its bleary thoughts woke up further in order to race to the logical conclusion: It had clearly not just “started” to doze off… a sting of unease lit up in its chest and its hackles rose at the thought it had lapsed in this duty. It was supposed to protect her—if she had left the house again—or if that was the moment a rival company sent their agent—or if by pure accident she had gotten injured or threatened—
            Ramirez’s daughter suddenly shifted in her sleep, more onto her back, and as she did so her slender arms grasped up and ended up around the Tyrant’s arm. She was utterly dwarfed by the limb alone, and even the tight hug she had around it was barely making it through his tough sleeve and even tougher skin. Regardless, Mr. X could feel it, and the change had jarred him out of the panic spiral. The Tyrant’s heavily-wrinkled face softened up, and it studied its charge for a moment to ensure she was safe and well. It settled down once more, noting the low angle of the orange-gold sunlight streaking in through the kitchen windows; it estimated the time to be well over an hour later than Dr. Ramirez had said he would return. Its eyes flicked over to the child’s backpack hanging over the backrest of the chair, then to the wind rustling through the Pampas grass outside the window, and then the color and light of the vapid programming still on in the background.
            Ramirez did not return until it was almost dark, and aside from the façade of a bright and attentive reunion with Mariposa that he’d plastered over his clearly exhausted and aggravated inner feelings, the man did not linger on the surprise long absence and instead started throwing together something he’d called “mac and cheese”. Mariposa did not seem enthused, but she tolerated her father’s lazy cooking—especially since she had secretly pilfered the ice cream earlier. The doctor snappishly ordered Mr. X to take up a sentry position outside and leave them to their family time; the Tyrant grudgingly obeyed, shooting a pointed glance down at the lower cabinet where the nutrient gel base was stored but its yearning being ignored. It supposed it would have to wait another few hours. Very unfair, considering it had pulled so much additional weight that day. The bioweapon snorted once it was prowling its usual route in the dark. It was hungry, not starving. There was no danger in waiting a little longer. Mr. X would abide.
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mariacallous · 1 year
It’s scariant season—again.
A new offshoot of Omicron, BA.2.86—nicknamed Pirola—has popped up in Israel, the US, South Africa, and the UK after it was first recorded in Denmark in late July. Pirola initially set off alarm bells because it was spotted in four countries at the same time—and because, having majorly curtailed our viral surveillance systems, we don’t know how long it’s been making the rounds. Plus, the sheer number of mutations it has was reason enough to be spooked—BA.2.86 boasts more than 30 new mutations, compared to the most recently dominant variant, XBB.1.5.
“The only other time we’ve seen such a large genetic shift was the initial transition from Delta to Omicron, which led to the most hospitalizations and the most deaths of any surge in the pandemic,” says Dan Barouch, head of the vaccine research division at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. As a result, scientists across the world are scrambling to figure out whether BA.2.86 is indeed something to worry about.
Early studies suggest that Pirola isn’t much better at evading immunity than previous variants, despite all of its mutations. The protection offered by vaccines should hold up, and if you’ve been naturally exposed to the XBB variant, you should be better equipped to fight off this new variant.
Why is Pirola not very good at evading immunity, despite having undergone so many mutations? It’s likely that it evolved from BA.2, an older, more familiar form of Sars-CoV-2 that’s no longer circulating today, meaning that Pirola is less resistant to neutralization than more recent variants, such as XBB.1.5. But it’s possible that the variant may continue to evolve and change, Barouch warns, so staying vigilant will be key.
Determing whether it will take off and become the dominant form of the virus in circulation will require a “wait-and-see” approach, Barouch adds. “However, it does not appear to be spreading at the same pace as, say, the original BA.1 or BA.5,” he says, referring to two of the Omicron variants that spread particularly quickly.
Anna Bershteyn, an assistant professor and colead of the Covid modeling team at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, agrees: so far, so reassuring. “As far as we know, it doesn’t seem likely that this is going to be one of these huge waves of hospitalizations and deaths, the kind that have overwhelmed the health system in prior epidemic waves.”
In the UK, a care home in the east of England was invaded by the variant: 33 residents caught Covid, with 28 definitely infected with BA.2.86—suggesting that it’s pretty easily transmitted. But only two hospitalizations have been reported, which hints that Pirola doesn’t cause more severe disease than existing variants.
In certain parts of the world, its appearance has sparked action in the form of hastened booster programs. In the UK, the booster kick-off was rescheduled from October to within the next few weeks. In the US, the latest round of boosters is expected to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration very soon (although who should get one remains a source of debate). The findings of a recent preprint suggest that Moderna’s XBB.1.5 booster seems to work well against the BA.2.86 variant.
But while BA.2.86 may not yet be spreading rampantly, a Covid wave is indeed unfurling, with cases once again rising. In the US, hospitalizations are up, although they’re still nowhere near the sky-high levels they were at this time last year. Cases are also mushrooming in the UK and in Europe.
For now, BA.2.86’s spread is shaping up to be nothing like the Omicron wave that rocketed across the world at the end of 2021—the last time we saw such a big raft of Covid mutations appear. As one scientist put it, Pirola may be a “real nothingburger.”
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Headcanon - The Robot Master Wanderers
Since I know this won't get touched upon in detail within the story, so I might as well make a post/chapter about this.
So - Protoman aka Blues, makes a group called the Robot Master Wanderers. He makes this out of other Robot Masters wanting to escape being Wily's robot, to explore the world as a human would, or explore beyond their programming. It didn't start out that way, of course.
But Blues did it all on his own. It all starts by running away to not have his personality taken from him just to get his core fixed. Yes, I think you noticed I got this from the Archie Comics. From there, Wily finds him and he becomes part of Wily's legion of robots and fights out of his newfound hatred for Dr Light.
Until he meets Rock in person. They fight and Blues realizes how much Rock cares for their creator. No matter if Rock has a driven purpose or not. Rock trying to convince Blues that Dr Light isn't a bad person and that he doesn't want to destroy any part of him, is the first instance of his code expansion-
Damn I should make a delta nano headcanon part 2- since it started from code expansion, plus Blues' independence, his coding helping with that.
Anyway- It's, of course, a visible change, albeit subtle, and Blue definitely notices it.
He then learns that Wily only temporarily fixed him, and he decided to run off again. Fighting alongside Rock. He then finds another Robot Master named Night Man, who was one of Cossack's Robot Masters and they grow a friendship in a short matter of time. I'll also make another post about Night Man and who he is, don't worry. But I'll have to get my best friend's permission first, cuz it is his character so- ye lmao
But yeah they wander together while helping Rock as he fights the Robot Masters tied to Wily and Wily himself within his Wily Machines.
Over the course of the two wandering, they find a few Robot Masters have escaped Wily's clutches to find out about their story and rumors circulating around them. Some were curious about their wanderings and if they could do the same, and Blues knows they can do what they please, as long as they don't hurt other humans, referring to the First Law of Robotics.
Which I may also touch upon. Man, I'm thinking of other headcanons I wanna post from this one alone, jesus.
I'll put in the list of wanderers they acquire throughout the story of Classic, and a little bit of X in the AU.
In order of joining in the Robot Master Era, we have
-Protoman/Blues (DLN-000) -Night Man (DCN-009) -Metal Man (DWN-009) -Skull Man (DCN-008) -Star Man (DWN-037) -Tengu Man (DWN-057) -Bass Maestro (SWN-001) -Tornado Man (DLN-010) -Splash Woman (DLN-011) -Jewel Man (DLN-013) -Chill Man (DWN-076) -Sheep Man (DWN-077) -Solar Man (DWN-080) -Block Man (DLN-017) -Fuse Man (DLN-018) -Blast Man (DLN-019) -Tundra Man (DCN-010)
And in the Replioid Era we have
-Kejicchi (Who I'll also touch upon, and he's my OC huehue) -ProtoBlues (SLN-REP-000) -Nocturnal Bat (SCN-REP-001) -Bass “Fortenium” Maestro (SLN-REP-001) -Dynamo -Night Shade -Axl (Temporary) -Lumine (Temporary)
The reason why Axl and Lumine go in temporarily is when Axl tries to ask the Hunters for help in X7 Arc, he teams up with Keji, who also fights alongside Zero. I can't wait to write that arc too omg.
And why it's temporary for Lumine is after his redemption arc starts (yes, he gets one), he goes to Keji and Blues to see if he could join somewhere, so he won't be cooped up at Hunter Base all day. And Keji welcomes him to the club. And so he and Axl can find their respective creator, since she went missing after Lumine went under quarantine for his very dangerous variant of the Maverick Virus.
After they find her, they all live together as a family, a domestic life they all wish they had and are having their wish come true.
And because of the Wanderers starting in the Robot Master Era, they have code expanded on them as well, Blues being untouched most of the time, because his already does that on its own. X's does too, of course, but on a wayyyyy more advanced level compared to Blues.
Bass' code expands when he joins the Wanderers and gets a torn cape from Tengu Man to try and find Blues to join. Especially being closer to Rock.
Oh- and the Wanderers have a theme of wearing capes, cloaks, and scarfs, thanks to blues starting that with wearing his own scarf. But it's unintentional, he swears upon it. The others just started wearing their own after a while and he established the group officially.
And- there you have it. A brief history of how the Wanderers became an official group of Robot Masters who would expand their coding to experience things and to be able to break the obey code for the Three Laws of Robotics. As well as Blues internally promising to himself that he would redeem robots having independence like him and hot have a stigma of Robots being dangerous.
Which may hint that he may feel responsible for starting the obey code become a reality in the first place >w>
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poonamcmi · 1 month
Hazmat Suits Market to Grow at Highest Pace Owing to Increasing Industrial Accidents
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Hazmat suits, also known as hazardous material suits, are personal protective equipment used for protection against hazardous materials like chemicals, biologics, carcinogens and radioactive materials. Hazmat suits provide protection to workers working in industries such as oil & gas, construction, healthcare, mining, and firefighting & emergency response. Key advantages of hazmat suits include barrier against chemicals, liquids and particulate materials; comfort and flexibility to perform duties; and protection from hazardous biological and radioactive materials. Growing construction and oil & gas industries are increasing the risk of hazardous material exposure, driving the need for hazmat suits.
The Global hazmat suits market is estimated to be valued at US$ 8.01 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.0% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the hazmat suits market are 3M Company, Alpha Pro Tech Ltd., Ansell Ltd., Delta Plus Group, Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Halyard Health Inc., Honeywell International Inc., Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Kermel, Lakeland Industries Inc., MSA Safety Incorporated, Nasco Industries, Polygard, Respirex International Ltd., and Sioen Industries NV. The Hazmat Suits Market Demand such as oil & gas, mining, construction, fire services, and healthcare due to increasing industrial accidents and exposure to hazardous materials. Technological advancements including breathable materials, flexible designs, and chemical-resistant fabrics are making hazmat suits more user-friendly and comfortable for workers.
Market Trends
The global hazmat suits market is witnessing rising demand for disposable hazmat suits. Disposable hazmat suits offer convenience as they can be discarded after single use, reducing maintenance and cleaning costs. Polyethylene-coated nylon-based disposable suits are increasingly preferred owing to their lightweight, durability, and water-resistant properties. Growing safety awareness is also driving the adoption of reflective hazmat suits to enhance visibility and prevent accidents at work sites.
Market Opportunities
The emerging economies in Asia Pacific are expected to present attractive growth opportunities for hazmat suits market. Rapid industrialization and infrastructure development in countries like India and China is increasing the risk of hazardous material exposure, necessitating safety equipment adoption. Furthermore, innovations in fabrics and design led by advancements in materials science can make hazmat suits more breathable and user-friendly. Development of anti-static and anti-microbial hazmat suits catering to healthcare settings also provides new opportunities.
Impact of COVID-19 on Hazmat Suits Market growth
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the Hazmat Suits Market Size And Trends Early in 2020 when the virus began spreading rapidly, there was a surge in demand for hazmat suits from the healthcare sector to protect frontline workers engaged in treating COVID patients. However, the lockdowns imposed internationally disrupted supply chains and manufacturing operations, creating shortages of hazmat suits in the short term. With movement restrictions easing in late 2020 and 2021, production of hazmat suits ramped up significantly to meet the exceedingly high demand from the healthcare, pharmaceutical and other essential services sectors.
​The pandemic emphasized the critical role played by protective clothing like hazmat suits in safeguarding personnel exposed to biological hazards. It has made governments and organizations more aware of the need to strengthen preparedness levels and maintain adequate stockpiles of personal protective equipment including hazmat suits. As the threat of COVID-19 and its variants persisting, demand for hazmat suits is projected to remain elevated in the healthcare industry post pandemic as well. The market is forecast to expand steadily through 2024-2031 on the back of preventive spending by various end-use sectors to deal with future public health crises.
Europe concentrated much of the hazmat suits market value in the pre-COVID period due to stringent worker safety norms and an established base of end-use industries in countries like Germany, UK, France etc. However, the Asia Pacific region has emerged as the fastest growing market for hazmat suits globally during the pandemic years. Countries like China, India and Japan ramped up domestic manufacturing capacities substantially to reduce import dependence and meet the surge in COVID-related demand from local healthcare, biotech and pharmaceutical vendors. Their combined production volumes are likely to make Asia Pacific the dominant regional market for hazmat suits by 2027. Get More Insights On, Hazmat Suits Market About Author: Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191
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espotting1 · 6 months
Breaking News Headlines Unveiling the World's Latest Events
In today's fast-paced world, staying updated with the latest news is essential for everyone. Whether it's political developments, scientific breakthroughs, or cultural shifts, being informed empowers individuals to make better decisions and engage meaningfully with the world around them. Here are the most compelling headlines making waves across the globe:
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Climate Crisis Escalates: UN Report Issues Dire Warnings
The latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) paints a bleak picture of the planet's future. With unprecedented heatwaves, melting ice caps, and rising sea levels, the report issues a stark warning that urgent action is needed to avoid irreversible damage to the environment. World leaders are urged to prioritize climate mitigation efforts and commit to ambitious targets to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
Global Pandemic Update: New Variant Emerges
Amid ongoing efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, health authorities worldwide are on high alert as a new variant of the virus is detected. The variant, named Delta Plus, exhibits potential resistance to existing vaccines and raises concerns about the efficacy of current containment measures. Governments scramble to ramp up vaccination campaigns and implement stricter border controls to prevent the spread of the new variant.
Political Turmoil in Region X: Protests Erupt Following Controversial Election Results
Tensions escalate in Region X as citizens take to the streets to protest against alleged electoral fraud in the recent elections. Calls for electoral transparency and accountability echo across the country, as demonstrators demand a recount of votes and the resignation of implicated officials. The government faces mounting pressure to address the grievances of the protesters and restore public trust in the democratic process.
Breakthrough in Cancer Research: Promising Treatment Shows Remarkable Results
Scientists announce a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer with the development of a Breaking news headlines treatment that targets cancer cells while sparing healthy tissue. Clinical trials demonstrate unprecedented success rates, offering hope to millions of patients battling various forms of the disease. The medical community hails the new treatment as a game-changer in cancer therapy and looks forward to its widespread implementation.
Cybersecurity Breach Exposes Millions of User Data
A massive cybersecurity breach rocks the tech industry as hackers infiltrate the systems of a major multinational corporation, compromising the personal data of millions of users worldwide. The breach raises serious concerns about data privacy and cybersecurity measures, prompting calls for stricter regulations and enhanced protection mechanisms. Authorities launch investigations into the incident, while affected users are advised to take immediate steps to secure their online accounts.
Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds in Conflict-Ridden Country
The humanitarian situation deteriorates in a conflict-ridden country as violence escalates, displacing thousands of civilians and exacerbating food and medical shortages. Aid organizations sound the alarm over the dire conditions facing vulnerable populations, urging the international community to step up humanitarian assistance efforts and facilitate access to essential services. Diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire and initiate peace talks are underway, but the road to resolution remains fraught with challenges.
Space Exploration Milestone: Rover Discovers Evidence of Ancient Life on Mars
In a historic achievement for space exploration, a rover deployed on Mars uncovers compelling evidence of ancient microbial life on the red planet. The discovery fuels excitement among scientists and space enthusiasts alike, offering tantalizing clues about the possibility of extraterrestrial life beyond Earth. Researchers plan to conduct further analysis of the findings to unlock the mysteries of Mars' past and its potential for sustaining life in the future.
From urgent environmental warnings to groundbreaking scientific discoveries, these headlines reflect the diverse array of challenges and opportunities shaping our world today. As events continue to unfold, staying informed and engaged remains paramount in navigating the complexities of our ever-evolving global landscape.
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pdj-france · 1 year
GENÈVE - L'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et les autorités sanitaires américaines ont annoncé vendredi qu'elles surveillaient de près une nouvelle variante du Covid-19, bien que l'impact potentiel du BA.2.86 soit actuellement inconnu. L'OMS a classé la nouvelle variante comme étant sous surveillance "en raison du grand nombre (plus de 30) de mutations du gène de pointe qu'elle porte", a-t-elle écrit jeudi soir dans un bulletin sur la pandémie. Jusqu'à dernièrement, la variante n'a été détectée qu'en Israël, au Danemark et aux États-Unis. Les Centers for Disease Control des États-Unis ont confirmé qu'ils surveillaient aussi de près la variante dans un message sur la plateforme sociale X, anciennement dénommée Twitter. Il n'y a que quatre séquences connues de la variante, a affirmé l'OMS. "L'impact potentiel des mutations BA.2.86 est pour le moment inconnu et fait l'objet d'une évaluation minutieuse", a affirmé l'OMS. Le Dr François Balloux, professeur de biologie des systèmes informatiques à l'University College de Londres, a affirmé que l'attention attirée par la nouvelle variante était justifiée. "BA.2.86 est la souche de Sars-CoV-2 la plus frappante que le monde ait connue depuis l'émergence d'Omicron", a-t-il déclaré dans un commentaire publié vendredi, provoquant référence à la variante qui a explosé sur la scène mondiale à l'hiver 2022, provoquant une augmentation des cas de Covid-19. "Au cours des prochaines semaines, nous verrons dans quelle mesure BA.2.86 se comportera par rapport aux autres sous-variantes d'Omicron", a-t-il déclaré. Il a toutefois souligné que même si BA.2.86 provoquait un pic majeur d'infections, "nous ne nous attendons pas à voir des niveaux comparables de maladies graves et de décès par rapport à ce que nous avons fait plus tôt dans la pandémie quand les choix Alpha, Delta ou Omicron se sont propagées". "Les nombreux gens sur terre ont désormais été vaccinés et/ou infectés par le virus", a-t-il déclaré, soulignant que même si les gens étaient réinfectés par la nouvelle variante, "la mémoire immunitaire permettra toujours à leur système immunitaire de se déclencher et de contrôler l'infection". bien plus correctement ». L'OMS scrute actuellement plus de 10 choix et leurs lignées descendantes. Les nombreux pays qui avaient mis en place des systèmes de surveillance du virus ont depuis démantelé les opérations, déterminant qu'il n'est plus aussi grave et ne pouvait donc pas justifier la dépense – une décision que l'OMS a dénoncée, appelant à la place à une surveillance plus stricte. durant la dernière période de rapport entre le 17 juillet et le 13 août, plus de 1,4 million de nouveaux cas de Covid-19 ont été détectés et plus de 2 300 décès signalés, d'après une déclaration de l'OMS. Le nombre de cas représente une augmentation de 63 % par rapport à la période précédente de 28 jours, tandis que les décès ont diminué de 56 %. Au 13 août, il y avait plus de 769 millions de cas de Covid-19 confirmés et plus de 6,9 ​​millions de décès à travers le monde, bien que le bilan réel devrait être beaucoup plus élevé car de nombreux cas n'ont pas été détectés. AFP
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super-antidote · 1 year
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ouyander · 1 year
Les quotidiens parvenus jeudi à l’APS traitent de plusieurs sujets, la décision de maintenir le prochain magal de Touba, édition 2021, malgré la Covid-19, comptant parmi les plus en vue. Prochain Magal Touba dans un contexte de Covid-19 "Comme l’année dernière, Touba a décidé de célébrer le grand magal de Touba en dépit de la flambée des cas liés au nouveau coronavirus et au variant Delta", annonce Le mandat. "Malgré la 3e vague, Touba maintient le magal", renchérit Vox Populi, avant de citer le porte-parole du khalife général des mourides, Serigne Bassirou Abdou Khadre, qui "appelle à respecter les gestes barrières". Revue de presse du 30 juin 2021 Capture "Nous avons la ferme conviction que le magal ne va pas occasionner une propagation de la maladie", a-t-il déclaré dans d’autres propos rapportés par le même journal, ajoutant : "Seul Dieu sait pourquoi il a amené cette pandémie dans le monde et pourquoi il n’a pas encore décrété sa fin". Fait la Une des journaux Revue de presse du 29 juillet 2021 Le Soleil relève que lors d’un comité régional de développement (CRD) tenue mercredi sur cette question, à Diourbel, "la flambée des cas de Covid-19 et l’hivernage se sont ajoutés aux questions habituellement abordées". "Touba +InVariant+ sur son magal" que la communauté mouride compte célébrer malgré la présence du Covid-19 au Sénégal, selon Walfquotidien. "La virulence" du viarant Delta "n’y peut rien", Touba "tient à son magal", affiche Tribune. Le journal Le Quotidien note tout de même que "Serigne Bass Abdou Khadre prie pour un magal sans incident sanitaire". "Cette année comme l’année dernière d’ailleurs, le magal sera célébré le 26 septembre 2021 avec le respect des mesures barrières", tente de rassurer le quotidien Kiritik’. "+Venir au magal même si on peut y laisser la vie+, les mourides ne rechignent pas pour exécuter un ndigël de Serigne Touba, souffle-t-on dans le cercle des irréductibles de Khadim Rassoul", ajoute le même journal. Revue de presse du 1er juillet 2021www.kafunel.com Politique, économie et société à la Une Il signale que le cachet spirituel "exceptionnel que revêt le 18 safar pour la communauté mouride et son importance dans le calendrier musulman au Sénégal font que plusieurs millions de fidèles convergent chaque année" vers la cité religieuse de Touba pour le prochain magal. Face à cette question d’une importance fondamentale "Le volet économique, n’en parlons pas, est un pilier économique inestimable pour les talibés et leurs activités", ajoute Kritik’. Source A se veut léger face à cette question d’une importance fondamentale. "Touba connaît pas peur", affiche ce journal. Il reste que la cité religieuse va devoir faire face à un "challenge", selon L’Info. Aussi 180 postes médicaux ont-ils été mis en place, de même, 5760 agents de santé ont été déployés, sans compter les rappels portant sur le nécessaire respect des gestes barrières, indique ce journal. A lire aussi Grand Magal de Touba a eu lieu : A quoi s'attendre de la Covid-19 ? Plusieurs quotidiens traitent parallèlement de la ruée constatée ces derniers jours vers les centres de vaccination. "La peur au ventre, les populations sont massivement sorties se faire vacciner après la réception du vaccin Johnson&Johnson", écrit Le Quotidien. "En invitant les populations à se rendre massivement dans les centres de santé pour prendre leur dose afin de se protéger contre la Covid-19 alors qu’elles ne disposent pas de suffisamment de vaccins", les autorités sanitaires "sont en train de créer l’effet contraire" de ce qu’elles attendent, estime Walfquotidien. Selon ce journal, les structures sanitaires, prises d’assaut "par des milliers de Sénégalais", "risquent d’être des sites de propagation du virus". Comme solution, le ministre de la Santé et de l’Action sociale Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr promet de "dupliquer à l’échelle nationale" les sites de vaccination, renseigne Le Soleil. Des proportions inquiétantes", notamment dans la région de Dakar
Ce journal s’intéresse par ailleurs à "une épidémie grippale (qui) prend des proportions inquiétantes", notamment dans la région de Dakar. "Une maladie peut en cacher une autre", affiche Le Soleil, selon lequel les centres hospitaliers "reçoivent l’afflux de plusieurs personnes avec la recrudescence dernièrement des cas de grippe". revue de presse Presse nationale Pour finir, de nombreux journaux traitent de nouvelles accusations portées contre le rappeur Kilifeu, "empêtré dans une présumée histoire de visas et passeports", écrit L’Observateur. "Kilifeu face à son image de marque", titre Tribune, qui évoque à son tour ces accusations d’escroquerie au visa portant contre ce rappeur, "pris la main dans le sac", affirme Lii quotidien. A lire aussi 21 morts par accidents dénombrés au Magal de Touba (Sapeurs-Pompiers) Ce "poil à gratter du pouvoir" (Vox Populi), "filmé à son insu (...) en train de se faire remettre de l’argent pour un voyage à l’étranger" (Alerte quotidien), annonce une conférence de presse, ce jeudi 29 juillet. Selon le dernier journal cité, le rappeur estime que ses compatriotes "ont besoin de comprendre..." ce qu’il en est de cette affaire.
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naantokhi · 1 year
Les quotidiens parvenus jeudi à l’APS traitent de plusieurs sujets, la décision de maintenir le prochain magal de Touba, édition 2021, malgré la Covid-19, comptant parmi les plus en vue. Prochain Magal Touba dans un contexte de Covid-19 "Comme l’année dernière, Touba a décidé de célébrer le grand magal de Touba en dépit de la flambée des cas liés au nouveau coronavirus et au variant Delta", annonce Le mandat. "Malgré la 3e vague, Touba maintient le magal", renchérit Vox Populi, avant de citer le porte-parole du khalife général des mourides, Serigne Bassirou Abdou Khadre, qui "appelle à respecter les gestes barrières". Revue de presse du 30 juin 2021 Capture "Nous avons la ferme conviction que le magal ne va pas occasionner une propagation de la maladie", a-t-il déclaré dans d’autres propos rapportés par le même journal, ajoutant : "Seul Dieu sait pourquoi il a amené cette pandémie dans le monde et pourquoi il n’a pas encore décrété sa fin". Fait la Une des journaux Revue de presse du 29 juillet 2021 Le Soleil relève que lors d’un comité régional de développement (CRD) tenue mercredi sur cette question, à Diourbel, "la flambée des cas de Covid-19 et l’hivernage se sont ajoutés aux questions habituellement abordées". "Touba +InVariant+ sur son magal" que la communauté mouride compte célébrer malgré la présence du Covid-19 au Sénégal, selon Walfquotidien. "La virulence" du viarant Delta "n’y peut rien", Touba "tient à son magal", affiche Tribune. Le journal Le Quotidien note tout de même que "Serigne Bass Abdou Khadre prie pour un magal sans incident sanitaire". "Cette année comme l’année dernière d’ailleurs, le magal sera célébré le 26 septembre 2021 avec le respect des mesures barrières", tente de rassurer le quotidien Kiritik’. "+Venir au magal même si on peut y laisser la vie+, les mourides ne rechignent pas pour exécuter un ndigël de Serigne Touba, souffle-t-on dans le cercle des irréductibles de Khadim Rassoul", ajoute le même journal. Revue de presse du 1er juillet 2021www.kafunel.com Politique, économie et société à la Une Il signale que le cachet spirituel "exceptionnel que revêt le 18 safar pour la communauté mouride et son importance dans le calendrier musulman au Sénégal font que plusieurs millions de fidèles convergent chaque année" vers la cité religieuse de Touba pour le prochain magal. Face à cette question d’une importance fondamentale "Le volet économique, n’en parlons pas, est un pilier économique inestimable pour les talibés et leurs activités", ajoute Kritik’. Source A se veut léger face à cette question d’une importance fondamentale. "Touba connaît pas peur", affiche ce journal. Il reste que la cité religieuse va devoir faire face à un "challenge", selon L’Info. Aussi 180 postes médicaux ont-ils été mis en place, de même, 5760 agents de santé ont été déployés, sans compter les rappels portant sur le nécessaire respect des gestes barrières, indique ce journal. A lire aussi Grand Magal de Touba a eu lieu : A quoi s'attendre de la Covid-19 ? Plusieurs quotidiens traitent parallèlement de la ruée constatée ces derniers jours vers les centres de vaccination. "La peur au ventre, les populations sont massivement sorties se faire vacciner après la réception du vaccin Johnson&Johnson", écrit Le Quotidien. "En invitant les populations à se rendre massivement dans les centres de santé pour prendre leur dose afin de se protéger contre la Covid-19 alors qu’elles ne disposent pas de suffisamment de vaccins", les autorités sanitaires "sont en train de créer l’effet contraire" de ce qu’elles attendent, estime Walfquotidien. Selon ce journal, les structures sanitaires, prises d’assaut "par des milliers de Sénégalais", "risquent d’être des sites de propagation du virus". Comme solution, le ministre de la Santé et de l’Action sociale Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr promet de "dupliquer à l’échelle nationale" les sites de vaccination, renseigne Le Soleil. Des proportions inquiétantes", notamment dans la région de Dakar
Ce journal s’intéresse par ailleurs à "une épidémie grippale (qui) prend des proportions inquiétantes", notamment dans la région de Dakar. "Une maladie peut en cacher une autre", affiche Le Soleil, selon lequel les centres hospitaliers "reçoivent l’afflux de plusieurs personnes avec la recrudescence dernièrement des cas de grippe". revue de presse Presse nationale Pour finir, de nombreux journaux traitent de nouvelles accusations portées contre le rappeur Kilifeu, "empêtré dans une présumée histoire de visas et passeports", écrit L’Observateur. "Kilifeu face à son image de marque", titre Tribune, qui évoque à son tour ces accusations d’escroquerie au visa portant contre ce rappeur, "pris la main dans le sac", affirme Lii quotidien. A lire aussi 21 morts par accidents dénombrés au Magal de Touba (Sapeurs-Pompiers) Ce "poil à gratter du pouvoir" (Vox Populi), "filmé à son insu (...) en train de se faire remettre de l’argent pour un voyage à l’étranger" (Alerte quotidien), annonce une conférence de presse, ce jeudi 29 juillet. Selon le dernier journal cité, le rappeur estime que ses compatriotes "ont besoin de comprendre..." ce qu’il en est de cette affaire.
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katakaal · 2 years
La revue de presse du 10 août 2021 met en exergue la nécrologie. Un des sujets axé sur le rappel à dieu des Khalifes des Layènes et de Thiénaba. Rappel à dieu de 02 Khalifes - Layènes et Thiénaba, un des sujets en exergue Revue de presse du 10 août 2021 Le rappel à Dieu des khalifes des layènes et de Thiénaba fait la une de plusieurs journaux de la livraison de mardi de la presse quotidienne dont l’intérêt pour le rebond de l’épidémie de la Covid-19 demeure une constante de l’actualité depuis quelques jours. "Rappel à Dieu, hier, des khalifes des layènes et de Thiénaba", affiche Vox Populi. Seydina Abdoulahi Thiaw Lahi "a passé 20 ans à la tête de la communauté layène", écrit le journal. Serigne Abdou Rahim Seck, 8e khalife de Thiénaba, n’aura lui "fait que 14 mois à la tête de la famille religieuse de Thiénaba", ajoute-t-il. rappel-a-dieu-des-khalifes-des-layenes-et-de-thienaba-un-des-sujets-en-exergue1 Capture Il "est parti comme il a vécu, dans la plus grande discrétion", au Maroc où il séjournait "depuis quelques semaines", précise L’Observateur à propos de Serigne Abdou Rahim Seck, 82 ans. De Seydina Abdoulahi Thiaw Laye, décédé à 95 ans, ce journal retient que c’est un "homme de consensus et un grand conférencier". Il "venait de boucler 20 ans de khalifat", signale également L’Observateur. Deux grosses pertes" pour la communauté musulmane sénégalaise Un "lundi noir", "deux grosses pertes" pour la communauté musulmane sénégalaise, s’émeut Enquête. Tribune titre sur la même triste nouvelle : "Le Sénégal pleure Serigne Abdoulaye Thiaw Laye et Serigne Abdou Rahim Seck". rappel-a-dieu-du-khalife-des-layenes "Un malheur ne vient jamais seul", souligne L’As, en évoquant la mémoire des deux défunts religieux. "Avec ces deux disparitions, note Le Témoin quotidien, c’est la communauté musulmane nationale et, au-delà, le Sénégal tout entier, qui est en deuil". A lire aussi Revue de presse du 28 décembre 2020 : Le rappel à Dieu de Sayda Mariama Niass, Un des sujets en vue Concernant la Covid-19, l’autre sujet-phare de l’actualité, les journaux ne cachent pas leur grande préoccupation relativement à la situation des enfants qui semblent désormais durement touchés par le virus. rappel-a-dieu-du-khalife-de-thienaba "Delta fait des ravages chez les tout-petits", indique Walfquotidien, parlant d’un des variants actuellement les plus actifs du virus de la Covid-19. "Alors qu’ils ne sont pas, pour le moment, éligibles au vaccin contre la Covid-19, les enfants deviennent de plus en plus la cible du variant delta", note le même journal. Covid-19 : la grande équation des enfants "Sur 15 graves à Albert Royer", une clinique pour enfants de l’hôpital Fan, à Dakar, "4 décès enregistrés dont un bébé de 8 mois", révèle le chef du service pédiatrie de cet établissement hospitalier dont les propos font la une de Vox Populi, lequel journal affiche avec inquiétude : "Covid-19 : la grande équation des enfants". "Les enfants sont en train de vivre, tout comme les adultes, des moments difficiles avec le variant delta", renchérit Enquête, Les Echos soulignant que "l’une des révélations majeures de cette 3e vague, c’est que le variant delta s’attaque à toutes les catégories d’âge, mais semble avoir un penchant pour les jeunes". Contrairement aux précédents stades de l’épidémie, désormais "nombreux sont les enfants qui ont non seulement chopé le nouveau virus, mais aussi qui développent des formes graves", écrit L’As. Recommandation sur la vaccination des femmes enceintes contre le Covid Le Quotidien revient pour sa part sur la vaccination des femmes enceintes contre le Covid, désormais recommandée par le ministère de la Santé et de l’Action sociale et bénit par l’Association sénégalaise des gynécologues obstétriciens. Cette structure souligne toutefois qu’il existe "actuellement des données limitées sur la sécurité des vaccins contre le Covid-19 chez les femmes enceintes". khalifes-des-layenes-et-de-thienaba-rappeles-a-dieu
De manière générale, "c’est une hécatombe dans le pays, depuis l’apparition de cette troisième vague de contaminations", fait observer Source A, alors que Kritik’ met en exergue les bons résultats de la prise en charge à domicile des cas de Covid. "37.088 guérisons en 3 mois", fait savoir le journal à sa une. Si partager le même espace ou environnement qu’un malade du Covid "augmente le risque de transmission du virus aux autres membres du foyer", il reste que l’isolement des personnes infectées "peut contribuer grandement à rompre la chaîne de la transmission du virus", poursuit Kritik’. A lire aussi Ces chiffres vertigineux sur la vaccination en Chine : « plus de 13 millions de personnes par jour » Selon Le Soleil, les pharmacies sont "sous haute tension". Le journal précise que qu’en raison du Covid, de la grippe et du paludisme, la "forte demande a créé une pénurie de certains médicaments".
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lazzy-buyer · 2 years
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Looking for Delta Plus Variant Covid Symptoms? Well, A strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, also known as B.1.617.2, is the Delta Plus variation and is responsible for COVID-19. Now read!
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know2c · 2 years
Leo Emmanuel Lochard
July 24, 2021
(Edited/Copyrighted Material)
 “mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines.
Instead, mRNA vaccines TEACH OUR CELLS how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.”
Web Ref: https://cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html
“The variants have evolved because the virus has a chance to mutate every time it infects a person and over a 100 million people worldwide have been infected.”
Web Ref: https://cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-coronavirus-variants-60-minutes-2021-03-12/
Do mRNA vaccines’ “protein synthesis” replication methods possibly end-result in  triggering "suitable reactions,” that consequently “engineer” a “vehicle of mutability” for channeling incubation conditions yielding “viral variants?”
Though replicate mRNA operational processes do not affect or interact with HUMAN DNA, still, does not emergence of such “suitable conditions,” also signal, that the long duration of the present COVID-19 Pandemic, “embodies” a reliable correlation, between associated bio-chemical developments and “derivative synthetic reactions?”
And could not such “derivative synthetic reactions” be conducive to “cell-surface enzymatic actions” that are possibly accountable for the uncommon frequency or multiplicity of mutational variants?
“For Delta Plus to be a serious concern, scientists would need concrete evidence that it's more transmissible than Delta, causes more severe disease, or resists protection from vaccines to a greater degree. I could imagine that, because the mutation is in the spike [protein], it might have some advantages in terms of immune evasion and some disadvantages in terms of binding to the ACE2 receptor," Read said. That receptor serves as the port of entry for the Corona-Virus.”
Web Ref: https://news.yahoo.com/delta-plus-variant-spread-nearly-231857146.html
But, what is the “logic” or “modus operandi” of the Human immunologic stimulus-response system? To “attack” or “neutralize” or “destroy” certain organic or inorganic products or substances, --- e.g., bacteria, viruses, or other forms of pathological toxins NOT generated or metabolized by the Human body’s own native-generic immune system dynamics --- which, the “resident-sentinel cells” of the Human Organism, regard or treat, as “alien pathologic agents.”
However, with mRNA vaccines, we have a contraindication to the body’s normal-regular healthy generic-resident immunologic operations, i.e., “the pathologic agent” is NOT from without. Thus, more poignant, is the fact that our Human immunologic system is triggered against “alien substances or agents” that invade the Human Organism from without, that is, existing externally to the Human Body’s natural-regular-normal generic-resident “initial immunologic conditions of Homeostatic Equilibrium.”
In the case of mRNA vaccines, upon injection, their bio-materials “trick” the Human immune system into INTERNALLY MANUFACTURING parts of the virus, so-called “SPIKE PROTEINS,” sums of which, are “HOME-GROWN ORGANIC TOXINS,” while, at the same time, microbiologists and vaccines manufacturers theorize that, the Human organism will, in return, proceed to “attack’ the “Spike Protein,” that itself, the Human Body, did manufacture via “mRNA trickery.”
HOWEVER, such “INTERNALLY MANUFACTURED SPIKE PROTEIN” is NOT from without, is not external, nor can be “considered” as “alien” to the organism’s immunologic system, given that it’s “home-grown” or “internally generated.”   
Consequently: The resultant SPIKE PROTEIN or parts of the Covid-19 virus, ARE INTERNALLY MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS from the Human Body’s own immunological dynamics, meaning that, the Covid-19 virus as a ‘SPIKE PROTEIN,” might not be “recognized” or “treated,” by the body’s generic immunologic stimulus-response system, as “an external alien PATHOLOGIC agent” or “foreign toxic substance” to be “attacked,” “neutralized,” or “destroyed.”
Web Ref: Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
Learn more about how mRNA vaccines trigger our immune systems to produce antibodies that protect us against COVID-19.
Not only does it not stimulate a proper adversarial immune system response from the Human Body, but, it becomes very highly transmissible to other persons, for whom, it is now, “external,” or “alien,” sums of which, resulting in a particular person’s immune system having to “battle against,” both his or her own internally generated “spike protein variant,” in addition, to the “just acquired,” transferred viral variant he or she might have contracted from other infected people dealing with the same pathologic conditions.
In a free society, such as ours, in the United States of America, it is essential and necessary to ask questions and to pursue appropriate scientific answers pertaining to matters having paramount life or death consequences for Humanity.
In order to combat viral or bacterial infections that appear to be demonstrating “rates of mutational variability” that are quite unusual in their cycles, durations, or frequencies, for engendering disruptive cellular operations that are generating or creating a multiplicity of highly transmissible “viral Variants,” medical prudence, societal safety, and sanitary security, exhort us, to find corresponding medical solutions, geared to defeat such widespread pathologic occurrences marking an uncommonly extended period of time, for person-to-person contraction, contagion incubation, onset of prolonged illness, and egregious or highly unexpected rates of transmissibility, especially during certain pandemics caused by such clearly deadly “pathologic agents,” as the current “COVID-19 Viruses.” 
COULD THIS mRNA vaccine MANUFACTURE METHOD BE "ENGINEERING" THE HIGH-MULTIPLICITY RATE OF MUTATIONAL VARIANT, emerging from internally caused “immuno-metabolic” operations or transactions that arise, pursuant to, artificially triggered "enzymatic actions at the surface of cells?”
"Inquiring minds want to know!” For, in our great nation, the United States of America, WE THE PEOPLE, do have the God-endowed inalienable constitutional Right to CHOOSE to have or reject any form of medical procedure or treatment - We have the freewill choice to either reject/object to, or accept/consent to, ANY medical/pharmaceutical treatment, or ANY medical/surgical procedure! And that's THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND! ***
#mrna vaccine#mrna technology#covid pandemic
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forgivenbuilder · 2 years
Leo Emmanuel Lochard
July 24, 2021
(Edited/Copyrighted Material)
 “mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines.
Instead, mRNA vaccines TEACH OUR CELLS how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.”
Web Ref: https://cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html
“The variants have evolved because the virus has a chance to mutate every time it infects a person and over a 100 million people worldwide have been infected.”
Web Ref: https://cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-coronavirus-variants-60-minutes-2021-03-12/
Do mRNA vaccines’ “protein synthesis” replication methods possibly end-result in  triggering "suitable reactions,” that consequently “engineer” a “vehicle of mutability” for channeling incubation conditions yielding “viral variants?”
Though replicate mRNA operational processes do not affect or interact with HUMAN DNA, still, does not emergence of such “suitable conditions,” also signal, that the long duration of the present COVID-19 Pandemic, “embodies” a reliable correlation, between associated bio-chemical developments and “derivative synthetic reactions?”
And could not such “derivative synthetic reactions” be conducive to “cell-surface enzymatic actions” that are possibly accountable for the uncommon frequency or multiplicity of mutational variants?
“For Delta Plus to be a serious concern, scientists would need concrete evidence that it's more transmissible than Delta, causes more severe disease, or resists protection from vaccines to a greater degree. I could imagine that, because the mutation is in the spike [protein], it might have some advantages in terms of immune evasion and some disadvantages in terms of binding to the ACE2 receptor," Read said. That receptor serves as the port of entry for the Corona-Virus.”
Web Ref: https://news.yahoo.com/delta-plus-variant-spread-nearly-231857146.html
But, what is the “logic” or “modus operandi” of the Human immunologic stimulus-response system? To “attack” or “neutralize” or “destroy” certain organic or inorganic products or substances, --- e.g., bacteria, viruses, or other forms of pathological toxins NOT generated or metabolized by the Human body’s own native-generic immune system dynamics --- which, the “resident-sentinel cells” of the Human Organism, regard or treat, as “alien pathologic agents.”
However, with mRNA vaccines, we have a contraindication to the body’s normal-regular healthy generic-resident immunologic operations, i.e., “the pathologic agent” is NOT from without. Thus, more poignant, is the fact that our Human immunologic system is triggered against “alien substances or agents” that invade the Human Organism from without, that is, existing externally to the Human Body’s natural-regular-normal generic-resident “initial immunologic conditions of Homeostatic Equilibrium.”
In the case of mRNA vaccines, upon injection, their bio-materials “trick” the Human immune system into INTERNALLY MANUFACTURING parts of the virus, so-called “SPIKE PROTEINS,” sums of which, are “HOME-GROWN ORGANIC TOXINS,” while, at the same time, microbiologists and vaccines manufacturers theorize that, the Human organism will, in return, proceed to “attack’ the “Spike Protein,” that itself, the Human Body, did manufacture via “mRNA trickery.”
HOWEVER, such “INTERNALLY MANUFACTURED SPIKE PROTEIN” is NOT from without, is not external, nor can be “considered” as “alien” to the organism’s immunologic system, given that it’s “home-grown” or “internally generated.”   
Consequently: The resultant SPIKE PROTEIN or parts of the Covid-19 virus, ARE INTERNALLY MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS from the Human Body’s own immunological dynamics, meaning that, the Covid-19 virus as a ‘SPIKE PROTEIN,” might not be “recognized” or “treated,” by the body’s generic immunologic stimulus-response system, as “an external alien PATHOLOGIC agent” or “foreign toxic substance” to be “attacked,” “neutralized,” or “destroyed.”
Web Ref: Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
Learn more about how mRNA vaccines trigger our immune systems to produce antibodies that protect us against COVID-19.
Not only does it not stimulate a proper adversarial immune system response from the Human Body, but, it becomes very highly transmissible to other persons, for whom, it is now, “external,” or “alien,” sums of which, resulting in a particular person’s immune system having to “battle against,” both his or her own internally generated “spike protein variant,” in addition, to the “just acquired,” transferred viral variant he or she might have contracted from other infected people dealing with the same pathologic conditions.
In a free society, such as ours, in the United States of America, it is essential and necessary to ask questions and to pursue appropriate scientific answers pertaining to matters having paramount life or death consequences for Humanity.
In order to combat viral or bacterial infections that appear to be demonstrating “rates of mutational variability” that are quite unusual in their cycles, durations, or frequencies, for engendering disruptive cellular operations that are generating or creating a multiplicity of highly transmissible “viral Variants,” medical prudence, societal safety, and sanitary security, exhort us, to find corresponding medical solutions, geared to defeat such widespread pathologic occurrences marking an uncommonly extended period of time, for person-to-person contraction, contagion incubation, onset of prolonged illness, and egregious or highly unexpected rates of transmissibility, especially during certain pandemics caused by such clearly deadly “pathologic agents,” as the current “COVID-19 Viruses.” 
COULD THIS mRNA vaccine MANUFACTURE METHOD BE "ENGINEERING" THE HIGH-MULTIPLICITY RATE OF MUTATIONAL VARIANT, emerging from internally caused “immuno-metabolic” operations or transactions that arise, pursuant to, artificially triggered "enzymatic actions at the surface of cells?”
"Inquiring minds want to know!” For, in our great nation, the United States of America, WE THE PEOPLE, do have the God-endowed inalienable constitutional Right to CHOOSE to have or reject any form of medical procedure or treatment - We have the freewill choice to either reject/object to, or accept/consent to, ANY medical/pharmaceutical treatment, or ANY medical/surgical procedure! And that's THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND! ***
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longdetroit · 2 years
Screw your freedom
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While the GOP is harping on the reemergence of safety measures, it is largely ignoring that the country likely wouldn’t be in this position if it weren’t for some of the anti-vaccine sentiment being pushed by party members.Īnd that rhetoric has continued to spread inside the GOP: Freshman Rep. “For Republicans, they very clearly see something that they can tap into here.”īut turning the CDC into a punching bag - and villainizing scientists - is also an irresponsible and risky strategy, as the Delta variant continues to ravage communities with low vaccination rates and pediatric hospitalizations are on the rise, just as kids return to school. “There’s practically no one in America who isn’t tired and frustrated with wearing masks,” said GOP strategist Doug Heye. Plus, whacking Biden’s handling of the deadly virus is a way for the GOP to dent an area where the President had received strong marks at the beginning of his presidency. Republicans feel like they have a potent political message following an agonizing and exhausting stretch of pandemic life, and are making the case to voters that things would be different if they’re in power. They’re sick of others imposing their will on them.” Americans should make their own personal decisions about masks. “Americans should be trusted to provide informed consent for vaccines. Warren Davidson, an Ohio Republican who’s a member of the hard-line House Freedom Caucus. We clearly need new leadership,” said Rep. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican and doctor, recently went on a tirade against the CDC and brazenly called on the public to defy health protocols. Anthony Fauci - has become a new rallying cry on the right, with some campaigns even selling anti-Fauci merchandise. Meanwhile, “Fire Fauci” - a reference to infectious disease expert Dr. Those were the dominant themes of a House GOP news conference right before the summer break, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, continued to beat that drum on Tuesday, firing off a new letter to the Capitol physician and saying in a separate statement that President Joe Biden has “threatened a return to lockdowns and government-mandated restrictions for American citizens.” Republicans have found a new boogeyman in t he battle for the House: the nation’s top public health agency.Īs Republicans head back to their districts for the August recess, they are hammering the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and seizing on the backlash to new mask and vaccine mandates - part of a GOP-wide effort to use the fears and frustrations of Americans worried about another round of school closures and lockdowns as cudgels against their Democratic opponents.
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nativeconservative · 3 years
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