#delirious whumpee my beloved
whumpbug · 29 days
Hello, bug! It’s so nice to see you posting your writing again! :)
Just a tiny prompt for your boys: feverish shivering! Imagine unusually pale and miserable Archie wrapping himself in two blankets… And maybe Simon soothing him…
Sincerely yours, anon with whumperflies :)
anon!! hello!! i was hoping to see you in my ask box! i loved this request and i initially wasn’t planning on adding delirium and all the other stuff but… well, it just kind of happened.
also, i am so sorry that i haven’t gotten to your other requests!! but i was thinking of adapting one of them to the boys as well if you’d be interested in that! either way, here is your fic! i made sure to prioritize it to make up for my absence (-。-;)
to anyone else: see this post for character info!
Archie was freezing to death.
He was sure of it. There was no other explanation. He had two thick blankets wrapped around him tightly, and he still felt like he was braving a storm in the dead of winter. Every muscle in his body was shaking with bitter cold.
How did he even end up like this.
He had gone to bed with nothing more than a sore throat and a slight headache, hoping a good night’s sleep would fix it. Evidently, it didn’t, and he woke up with ice coursing throughout his entire body. It was utterly unbearable.
He deliberated his options. 
He could either drag himself out of bed and get himself showered, medicated, and fed. He could do all the “responsible” things people do when they’re dying of the plague. It would be the smarter option, for sure.
Or he could stay right where he was, in his cocoon of bedding, and avoid letting his fevered skin touch the air at all costs.
It wasn’t a very hard decision. 
He buried his face into the blankets as his body gave a harsh shiver. It was the kind of cold that came from the inside. He felt as if his body was purging every ounce of heat it worked so hard to create.
He just wanted to feel warm. He was solemnly reminiscing about every time he’d eve felt warm in his life.
There was that time he went to the beach as a child, and happily splashed around in the ocean until he was ready to lay on the sand and let the sun dry him.
There was also the time he went to the county fair with his highschool friends. Sure, the heat beaming down on them had been rather annoying at the time, but Archie would give anything to go back for even just a second.
And of course, there was the most recent time. 
A few weeks ago, Archie was in Simon’s apartment getting patched up when a snow storm hit. Simon told him there was no way he was making it back to his own apartment in this weather, and that he’d have to stay there for the night.
The two spent the entire night binging movies and eating snacks and making hot chocolate and enjoying eachother’s company and—
Well, maybe that was a different type of warmth.
Still, the thought of it made Archie ache. 
Simon would know just what to do, wouldn’t he? He was in school for this type of stuff after all. He’d probably make Archie methodically list his symptoms and then usher him back to bed with the demand of upping his fluid intake and resting as much as possible. He was practical like that.
But he’d also help him in other ways.
He’d check Archie’s temperature with a gentle hand, smoothing his hair back as he did. Simon always complained that thermometers were more accurate, but he often ended up using his hand anyways.
He’d tuck an extra blanket around Archie’s shoulders and rub up and down his back, trying to soothe the fever aches and simultaneously coax warmth into him.
He’d check on him every hour or so with a fresh cup of tea or hot cocoa, and ask if Archie needed anything at all.
No, Simon did much more than diagnosing and treating. He cared. Something that Archie found was hard to come by.
He must have been more out of it than he originally thought, because he failed to notice that he started crying. A tear splattered on his pillow, and suddenly it was all just too much. He was achy and shivery and weak and tired and he just wanted someone. He wanted Simon.
He pulled out his phone, which induced another round of bodily shivers as he exposed his arm to the icy air. He flipped to Simon’s contact and began a text, but he found he couldn’t focus on the letters. He more he stared at the screen, the more his head ached and his dizziness increased tenfold. He ended typing:
“am dying. pl semd help”
And sent it.
Archie let his eyes flutter close as his phone clattered to the floor. He was so exhausted. He just wanted sleep to claim him. He was done being awake.
Finally, the blissful pull of unconsciousness dragged him down, down into nothingness.
Archie didn’t remember much of what came after that.
The first thing he realized is that when he woke up next, he was even colder, if that was even possible. He couldn’t move. Everything hurt.
The second thing he noticed, was that he wasn’t alone.
There was a figure beside him, working on something at his beside table. He vaguely noted that he should probably be a bit more worried than he was. He could be getting robbed or kidnapped by some intruder, and here was, laying in his blanket burrito, doing absolutely nothing about it.
“You’re not getting robbed, you idiot,” The figure said.
Shoot, was he thinking out loud? Or maybe the figure could read minds. That had to be it, right? It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. After all, he got super powers from a chemical spill.
Gosh, he remembers those chemicals being cold on his skin. Or maybe he was just thinking about how cold he was right now. He was really cold.
“You’re not really cold. You’re the opposite, actually. I could fry an egg on your head, Archie..” The voice chuckled, sounding a bit.. amused?
Archie had half a mind to feel indignant at this. This most certainly was not amusing. He was really dying over here, how dare the voice laugh at him!
“Relax, you’re not dying.. not while I’m here, anyways. You’re just out of it. I'm not surprised. Your brain is practically cooking in your skull.”
Ew. Archie recalled an article he read about a man contracting mad cow disease from eating beef brain. He didn’t want anyone to cook his brain and eat it. That didn’t sound fun. Maybe that’s why the intruder was here! To take his brain!
“Ookay, that’s enough out of you," the intruder hummed. "You are making even less sense than before, and I didn’t know that was possible. Let’s get you drugged up and then to sleep, okay?”
The next thing he knew, there was a spoon with sticky, bitter liquid being pressed against his lips and into his mouth. He sputtered at the taste, but eventually choked it down. Gross.
“Alright, there we go. You’ll start feeling better in a little bit..” The figure said, smoothing a warm hand over Archie’s hair. “Just try to knock out for now.”
As much as wanted to refuse, and stay awake as long as he could to prove a point, the hand through his hair felt really nice, Not to mention that somewhere in his hazy telepathic conversation with the robber-intruder-brain-eater, another three blankets were placed on top of him and tightly tucked around his shivering form. He hated to admit it, but he was finally beginning to feel thawed out.
Archie was out before he could even finish thinking about what to say next.
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 3 months
We all know about magical fatigue as a whump trope for magical overuse. Now I raise you: Magical euphoria.
Magic that feels good to use. It leaves the user dizzy and lightheaded, a giddy energy rushing through their entire body. It's enough to leave the most stoic whumpee giggling madly, to make the most obedient soldier go rogue. It's a power that ultimately, inevitably, controls its user.
Mages aren’t trusted to act on their own. They can’t be, not when each spell costs them their sanity. Not when, in a daze of manic joy, they’re just as liable to destroy the enemy as their allies.
And so they need a handler.
Imagine Caretaker in this situation. Forced to watch Whumpee throw themselves into madness, to turn themselves into an unthinking weapon under the demand of some uncaring general. Having to put aside their affection for Whumpee as a person, and analyze them as a tool.
It’s Caretaker who decides when Whumpee is still fit for battle. It’s caretaker who has to look into their dazed and distant eyes, blood dripping into a too wide smile, and decide if Whumpee has anything else to give.
It’s Caretaker who decides when they’re too far gone, when Whumpee needs to stop. And if Whumpee can’t, it’s Caretaker’s job to make them stop. Even if that means using force, even if it means hurting them, because letting them run wild isn’t an option.
And when the battle’s over, when Whumpee is either led or dragged away to the medical wing, Caretaker’s the only one brave enough to tend to their injuries. They wrap bleeding, scorched fingers without a word, the only sound being Whumpee babbling, mad ramblings. Caretaker knows they won’t remember any of this. They still talk to Whumpee anyway, soft, comforting words they hope will bring Whumpee back faster.
And when whumpee’s eyes finally clear, when their body sags with exhaustion they’re just now able to feel, Caretaker feels nothing but grief, because it’ll start all over again tomorrow.
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whump-go-brrr · 2 years
I just saw a commercial for the season premiere of the good doctor and Jesus Christ
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 6 months
Love love love fake-outs in whump because there's just so many angst potentials ranging from "oh no :(" to "oh my fucking god"
Whumpee finally managing to escape, running as fast as their legs will carry them right into the arms of Caretaker who tearfully tells them they'll never lose them again...only to wake up and realize it had been a delirious dream from blood loss
Someone coming across Whumpee who begs them for help, pleading for rescue, and this poor stranger is so startled and hurriedly assures Whumpee that everything will be okay, they won't let anything happen to them, they'll call the police and...haha, sorry, couldn't keep a straight face any longer. Whumper, did you get all that? Send me a picture of that face, it's too priceless.
Caretaker has finally found Whumpee after so long and are working on getting the shackles off, whispering soft praises and promises that everything is all over now, there's nothing to be afraid of because Whumper is...well, they thought Whumper was dead, but apparently they had just enough strength to come up behind Caretaker and slit their throat
Whumpee has been rescued from their hell, picked up by a kind stranger who's none to happy to hear about Whumper's antics, but don't worry, Whumpee will never have to experience that kind of torment again...because what their new captor has in store for them is much, much worse than the child's play that had been described
Whumpee is dragged away kicking and screaming from their beloved Caretaker, begging for Whumper to show them mercy and that they don't deserve such cruel treatment, promising to be good if they only let Caretaker go...but Whumpee, what are you talking about? Caretaker is the real Whumper, don't you remember? When they kidnapped you so long ago? What did they do to your mind?
Caretaker is just so relieved to have Whumpee back by their side again, their wounds carefully treated and cuddled up close, refusing to part from Caretaker ever again after being rescued...everything went according to Caretaker's plan, now that Whumpee's had a taste of what life would be like if they tried to leave, they'll never want to let Whumper go. I mean, Caretaker.
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whump-or-whatever · 1 year
I might have made a post about this before but whatever if so I’m doing it again.
I absolutely love when whumpee is made an example of. When their torture at the hands of whumper is displayed to others to make a point.
This could be done via torture in front of a crowd; a video which is streamed, broadcasted, e-mailed, mailed, left as a physical copy for caretaker to find, etc.; whumper calling caretaker so they can hear what’s happening or whumpee wearing a wire to the same effect; sending pictures, or what have you. I suppose sending body parts could also work to some degree.
In any case, the primary reason that whumper is hurting whumpee is to put on a show for others to see. Whumper’s actions are pointless without some sort of audience.
The purpose of this can be to prove Whumper’s personal power, or whumpee’s personal weakness. It could stand for the ultimate triumph of Whumper’s cause or side, or the failure of whumpee’s. It could be a lesson to others not to follow in whumpee’s footsteps, or a fear tactic to make people do as whumper says. Or it could just be to gloat or get revenge.
The fact that someone else is witnessing what whumper is doing increases the suffering for both whumpee and the witnesses.
Whumpee might be embarrassed at how vulnerable they are and the fact that this shows weakness. They might also be upset that caretaker is going to know exactly what happened and worry that it will change how caretaker see them. Alternatively, whumpee might be upset because they know caretaker will blame themself for whats happening even though it’s not their fault.
Caretaker, of course, probably does blame themself and gets angrier the longer it goes on. If they can, they might beg whumper to stop. Knowing what exactly is being done but still being unable to help makes everything a hundred times worse.
And the entire time whumper is using the duality of the situation to their advantage. They taunt both whumpee and the audience. They humiliate whumpee and use that to instil fear or piss off those watching.
Whumper says things like: “your beloved caretaker is watching” | “see how even the mighty whumpee is no match for me” | “now everyone can see how pathetic you are” | “caretaker, if you want them come and get them” | “this should be a lesson to all of you that there are consequences for disobedience” | “I have waited for this moment for so long and now everyone will witness my revenge”
The best part of all is when whumper is trying to make a point, but in order to make the point they actually have to break whumpee, but whumpee just will not break. So the torture just goes on and on to the point where whumper is tired, whumpee is nearly delirious, and everyone watching just wants whumpee to give in to end their own suffering. Still, whumpee refuses.
This may or may not be my favourite whump trope of all time, in case y’all couldn’t tell. (Although I suppose it’s technically a combination of many tropes.)
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whumpshaped · 2 years
ok so from whumpster-dumpster (they listed methods)
what about
Drug torture. Injecting the whumpee with drugs that’ll make them drowsy and delirious and more vulnerable to manipulation, that always gives me the whumperflies. (Copy pasted :) )
for Seth in the dark spk?? imagine the feeling of no control and humiliation but without persuasion
it’s just. y know. get him.
tw noncon drugging (by needle), revenge, mention of past trauma, implied past noncon, reluctant whumper, multiple whumpers
"You still have it lying around, don't you?" Am asked with disdain, feeling the anger boiling up inside of him when Seth dared to grin at the question.
"Why, would you like to bring some home and-"
He wasted no time punching them, making Seth land on their back with their cuffed hands uncomfortably trapped underneath them. Am was on them in an instant, hands pressed against their neck and just barely holding back from snapping it like a twig.
"Dear," Bellamy's voice had that forced calmness to it that Am learned to associate with him talking about his family, and it only made him angrier. How shitty of a human did you have to be in order to compare to the Vertas? "I would not blame you. You know that, right? If you wanted to end it here-"
"No." Am lifted his hands and stood up. "Not here. Not before I can... see what it was."
Bellamy nodded, clearly anxious about the answer. Am felt it too. They were about to give Seth the same drug that he had given El so many times before. They were about to see what it did to humans.
Seth led them to it under persuasion, reciting the dose and the way to administer it. Am let up the spell right before he plunged the needle into their neck, watching the liquid drain from the barrel, right into Seth's blood stream.
"Please don't take advantage of my state, Sir," Seth said quietly, knowing the drug would kick in soon. He was mocking Pumpkin, both others in the room knew it, and it make them sick to their stomach.
It didn't take long for them to topple to the floor, gasping for breath. They tried to move into a more comfortable position, but their body wouldn't comply. They tried to ask to be moved, but the words came out too slurred to understand.
Bellamy covered his mouth, no doubt imagining sweet El in the same situation. "I'm going to take a break, dear," he whispered, leaving the room hastily after Am nodded his approval.
He stayed.
He crouched down and moved Seth onto his back, staring in horror at just how out of it he looked. 'The drug numbs the nerveous system, but not the brain itself,' he'd said. Did that mean he was still completely conscious? Trapped in this temporarily non-functional body, scared out of his mind?
Had El been like that?
He wiped the tears away, reminding himself that his beloved was now safe. It wasn't them lying on the floor, it was the monster who did it first. He'd brought it upon himself.
"You're so fucking disgusting," he mumbled, unsure whether Seth would even register the words. "The lowest of the low. You deserve so much worse than what we're putting you through." He stood back up and looked at the clock. "Half an hour. That's when the effects will start to wear off, right? You get half an hour of a break. Be fucking grateful."
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @lost-in-labradorite-halls @hidden-dreamland @lonesome--hunter
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straightupsickfics · 1 year
Teacher Anon💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛"No ok but a caretaker gently shushing a feverish and delirious whumpee will NEVER fail to Fuck Me Up. Maybe it's paired with the dabbing of a damp cloth against their overheated forehead, or a soft "oh honey no, that's not what I meant," when scared and confused tears form in the whumpee''s eyes, or maybe just a quiet and tired "hush now, go to sleep," after hearing the whumpee ramble half-coherently for an hour.... it eats me alive"
Yes...YES I AM KEPT AWAKE ABOUT THIS!!! *Furiously writing Headcanons for this in a binder*
wahhhh the answer to ALL of those questions is yes honestly :((( emotional sick person ed teach my beloved <3
esp if his bad dream had anything to do with stede at all, like not being able to find him / something bad happening to him / waking up in the dream and stede wasn't there or something, he would definitely cry when he wakes up and realizes stede is literally right there making sure HE is okay <3
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