istherewifiinhell · 1 year
Cant believe i have to text my boss for the job i fucking quit and cant go back to.
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plague-vulture · 1 year
listen man I'm a lammergeier. not my fault i ate your bones. kinda on you for leaving them out around me tbh :/
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and-you-are-love · 6 months
My ankle is ok I think.
It doesn't hurt anymore hooray!!
I'm feeling good rn. Interactions with ppl thru screens sure is nice.
Like wow! There's a real person somewhere out there who deemed me cool enough to interact and compliment! That's awesome.
I love people. And no I'm not saying that bcuz there were some were being nice to me rn.
I genuinely do love people. Funky ass lil ppl. We're a bunch of silly freaks. My love for u surpasses even my own comprehension. It just is.
I love I all like the earth loves the same n. I love you like the sunset skies and I'll love u forever and ever even if ur the absolute worst out there.
My words are failing me RN I'm eepy and running on 5 hours of sleep so I'll come back ltr to wacz poetics
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sakaryamilat · 2 years
Sakarya Barosu 68 yaşında
Sakarya Barosu 68 yaşında
Sakarya Barosu, kuruluşunun 68. yıl dönümü nedeniyle kokteyl programı, sinevizyon gösterisi ve plaket töreni düzenledi. Programda, Türkiye Barolar Birliği (TBB) Başkanı Av. Erinç Sağkan, TBB Başkan Yardımcısı Av. Sibel Suiçmez, TBB Genel Sekreteri Av. Veli Küçük, TBB Saymanı Av. Gökhan Bozkurt, Kocaeli Barosu Başkanı Av. Mehmet Gül, Düzce Barosu Başkanı Av. Taner Çakır, Kocaeli Barosu önceki…
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sinning-23 · 11 months
To Breathe Underwater (Luffy x Mermaid!Reader)
Okay yall this is the first of many in a mermaid/siren series I decided to WRITE LIKE AN IDIOT LOL sorey I fell off and haven’t been active I feel like I’m going to crumble- like a strong breeze could take me outta this point.
Anyway I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None
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Water fills his lungs are he struggles against the still waters. This was the price to pay for his abilities. the ocean consuming him, weighing him down, pulling him into her cold embrace. It burns his nose and throat as he cough the last of his air into bubbles.
His eyes are begingin to close as he falls unconscious, flashes of light swirl around him. Though muffled from the water, he can hear what sounds like metal pieces clinking quietly. Warmth envelops him, arms wrapped around his body as he's pulled up.
What was this...Who was this. He forced his eyes open, the water making it a blurry sight but, it was definitely a who. And a very pretty who at that.
They were calm, eyes scanning his rapidly as her webbed fingers and iridescent hands twinkled in the light. She hold his face, his consciousness fading faster then ever, and with a single connection to lips she preaches air into him, swapping the water that filled with lungs for oxygen. Again and again and again, she breathes into him, slowly but surely swimming him up to the surface, to shore.
You can’t help but trace his face, the sun making his hair look shinier, and his face so much brighter. You try counting the freckles there, its seemingly impossible. He breaths slow, chest rising and falling and you trace the scar there. You’d never been this close to a human before....they're so delicate.
He coughs, the last remnants of water spilling from his lips as you gasp and flinch back. You can hear voices from afar but you don't move, far too worried about the human in front of you to care. You crawl back to him, pushing the wet hair from his face and cupping his cheeks after. He's missing something...
"Who are you?" His voice is raspy, yet concerned.
You shake your head, looking back to the water to see his hat floating. Bingo! You grab it, and set it over his face, leaning close to his ear before letting your name roll off your glossy lips.
He repeats it, a slow mantra of your name drips off his tongue as you slither back to the water.
"That was a mermaid! Luffy got saved by a mermaid!" Usopp gasps, pulling his captain up with a smile.
Of course, Luffy was still a bit delierous form the deamn near death experience, but he made a note to remember than name so he could properly thank the thing that saved his life.
_6.5 months later_
Winter draws in and your tail was shed for a pair of limbs longer than your arms. It wasn't the first time you'd had this happen and it certainly would be the last. Every winter, a mermaid sheds their tail to seek warmth on land during the cold and snowy months. Then, in spring, when the first few flowers bloom and the tempurature rises, you return to sea.
Now, you were sitting in one of this villages many taverns, well, one of which mermaids like yourself have come for shelter for decades. The current owner had given you a nice room and some fresh clothes for the winter months and in return for giving you that you would provide entertainment.
So there you are, hair flowing over your shoulders, voice ringing sweetly across the space as customers, pirate or otherwise, indulge.
You hadn't realized that the table at the far left of the eatery had been occupied, and one of the guest simply couldn't tear his eyes away from you. You were so...familiar.
"Luffy you look like you’re burning holes through her, calm down. " Nami speaks, a smirk forming over he features seeing her Captains current state.
Luffy wasn’t very well versed in just etiquette but then again you didn’t really need that when you were a pirate. The content of his character was far more important than idk maybe not standing on a rich ladies table and requesting a boat from her.
Anyway, he snaps his gaze away from you and back to Nami. There you were, glittering under this mellow spotlight as your voice carried over sweet, diabetes inducing melodies and his heart can’t help but squeeze.
You’d saved his life, that’s something he’ll never let go, somehow feeling a pinch in debt to you. His eyes trail from the top of your head to the shoes on your feet. Usopp might have an answer for that….
“I swear she was a mermaid when she saved me. Usopp, you know a lot about those things, why is it that she has legs now?” He questions, leaning forward with a wide smile.
The man in question stammers for a moment trying to find the words but before he can even get some outlandish explanation out, the waitress just so happened to cut in.
“This has been a rest spot for mermaid for years. They get legs in the winter to stay warm on land among the people. Then, in spring, they return to sea, we’ll if they do choose. The longer they stay on land, the harder it is to go back to their tails.” She explains, setting down drinks, tucking the tray under her arm.
“Some merfolk opt to stay human and they just, unadapt I suppose. They lose their tails forever.”
Luffy draws back to the stage to realize you’re not there and a panic shoots through him. He grabs the waitresses arm, wondering where you’d gone and she only points to an empty staircase. That’s all it takes for him to jump out his seat and leave his crew behind. He needed to see you. He needed to hear your voice. Feel your hands over his face, tracing his freckles and over his lips.
He wanted his heart to feel as if it somehow spring out his chest when you spoke. Is this what a crush feels like???? He did it know anything about you accept that you’d been kind enough to save him, you were a mermaid, and god were you absolutely beautiful. But, he found himself wanting to know you, and when he wants something, he’s determined to get it.
The light creeking of your door makes you flinch but you turn to see that same man you'd though tof nonstop for the past 6 months. The silence is deafening, your heartbeat ringing n your ears and his does the same.
You swallow dryly, trying to think of something to say but...what is there to say? He steps in, pausing for a moment to search your eyes for protest, but you only encourage it with a step forward.
"You look different when you’re not drowning." You joke poorly, seeing him slile.
"So do you when im not busy trying to breathe underwater.” He laughs, seeing you smile in response.
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europesroyalsjewels · 5 months
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Heavenly Necklaces Cannes-deliers Earrings ♕ Sophie, The Duchess of Edinburgh
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queersrus · 3 months
Candle theme
[candle theme]
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alumbrar, aesop, anecdote
bougie, byredo, brooklyn, beelite
candle, candlette, candelle, candletta, candella, candlitta, candellia, candelabra, candelabrita, chandelle, chandelier, chandellia, chandeliera, chandler, candlelight, candelabrum, candlestick, cirio, candela, candlewick, cierge, candel, cire
decire, dip, diptyque
kaars, kynttila, kerze, keri, kyandoru
lazhu, lumanare, lantern
nera, neri, nen
svijeca, svicka, stearinlys, svichka, stearinljus, svecha, swieca, snuffer, sconce
theiyn, taper, tallow, torch
vela, volspa, village
wax, wick
yangcho, yankie
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1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ci/cande/candly/candline/candleself ci/candle/candlabry/candelabrine/candelabraself chi/chandle/chandly/chandline/chandelierself wi/we/wy/wickine/wickself wi/waxe/waxy/waxine/waxself
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
co/candler/candlers/candlerself co/candelabr/candelabrs/candelabraself cho/chandelier/chandeliers/chandelierself wo/wicker/wickers/wickerself wo/wixer/wixrs/wixerself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themself
ca/candle, can/dle, can/candle, candle/candles, candle/wick, candle/light, candle/wax, candle/holder, chan/chandelier, chan/delier, chandel/ier, chand/elier, chandel/chandelier, chandelier/chandeliers, can/delabra, candel/abra, candela/bra, candle/candelabra, candelabra/candelabras wi/ck, wick/wicks, wa/x, wax/waxs dip/candle, drip/candle
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the candle, the candle holder, the candle lighter, the candle snuffer, the candle maker, the candle of the house, the light of the candle, the lighter of the candle, the snuffer of candles
*one who lights candles, one who makes candles, one who snuffs candles, one who lights candles by dusk, one who holds the candle
candleholder, candlemaker, candlelighter
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*one can be replaced by any pronouns
feel free to ask to be added to a taglist
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I miss my designer weightloss drugs
I miss my delierants (newdelfine)
I miss my upper cocktail
I miss my ecstasy
I miss my good cigarettes
I miss railing coke
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jeremyguytf2 · 3 months
*INSERT BUCKETS OF CHICKEN ON MY HEAD* would u like some chickem sir
I ordered extra nuggets and extra extra large nuggets with 6 boxes of kfc chicken including another 6 extra boxes of reuglar spicy chikem also with more chicken and 19 buckets of chicken on my head not to mention i have more chciekn in the car but i blew it up cuz so much chicken, we have custom chicken sauce with a slushie that tastes lik chicken and a regular slushie that tastes like a slushies and sushi with chicken in it with 8 cans of bonk in my bag i made a cake that looks like chicken and tastes like chicken cuz it is chicken and we have more chciken in my helmet and chicken that is about to be deliered in a pizza box because it is pizza with chicken toppings and chicken in it with chicken stickers
we can eat it togetha or u can have it for urself :D
mcdonald nuggets are a disgrace to humankind but thanks for the other stuff mwa :))))))))))))))))))))))))))
luv you i hope to die and be buried next to your garvae
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leftoverspagehhti · 2 years
Ok. I'm going to share a headcannon with you all today. Share opinions on it. Please.
I see so many people giving Javert a first name and it just makes my little brain confused. Like, he is not Emile or Rein, or whatever you guys try and call him. He is Javert. And that's why my headcannon is that, as a child, he was not named. My idea is that his mother couldn't care enough to give him a name.
You might be thinking "Well, how in the actual fuck would that work?" Here's an example:
Instead of:
"Name, get back here!"
It would be:
"You, get back here!" Or she wouldn't address him at all.
Ok now you might be thinking "Then how and when does he get named Javert?"
He receives that name from the state/government. Before you say anything, think about it. Javert is such a bizarre name. And it seems to be his only name. It would only make sense for him to have been a nameless child prior, due to the fact that his state-given name is litteraly his only name.
Sorry that sounds dumb. I should've worded it better, but I have a fever and am half delierous (can't fucking spell) therefore I don't rlly have the mental capacity to do so.
Ok that's all bye
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infectiouspiss · 1 year
pussy serioud brain delierous
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potionwitchmaya-15 · 1 year
hello deliering to you an update.Im going to start tagging you in things. this is opt oit only you just need to answer this ask with "why would you do that" 👍 here i go tagging you in posts now wheeeeee
Listen you can tag me on posts but calling me by my OCs name in tags is just deranged behavior
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jingles-miserably · 2 years
thonk og these thoughts as limitless light exposing lcosing circutry of fright thing of eahc moent holding htis breath as death minute ind ecimal DUND UN resident minor how do you plase well need your tesitmony on tge stand solemnly swear to tell the whole truth so hep you son now raise your right hand dadadadadAdAaDADA Father yoru nohonr may i explian my brain has claim is glory over me ive a good heart albiet insanw condmen him to the infirmary dadadadaDADADDAADA ALLM INE TOWERS CRUMBLE DOWN THE FLOWEAS GASPING INDER RUBBLE SHREIKING INT HE HALL OF LULL THY GENIUS SATES A THIRS FOR TRUONLE scatterng sparke of thoght energu delier me and carry me awayyy here in my kinddom i am your lors i order you to cower adn pray ehhee e e eea aaaaaa oeeeeee oeeeeee NUNS COMMENCE INCANTING AS THE LIGHTNING STIKES MINE TEMPLES THUS ELECTRIFYING MINE CHAMBERS WHOLLY SORCHING OUT THINE SOVERNTY SO spirling down thu mahjecty i beg of thee have nervy on me i was just a boy you see i please of thee hae sumpathy 4 me da a da da adda da dada adda da DA seee how the seerrfs work the groound see how they and they giv it all theyce got and theyve give it all theyce got and you gie it all youve got ill your downnnn HAHAHAAH see how the braiin plays arouuunnd and you fall insaide a whole you couldnt seeeee and yu fall inside a hole oyu couldnt soe one help me Understand ehats going on insiddde my miiind DOCTOR i cant TELL IF IMMM NOT MEEEEEEE When it grows bright the particles start to marvel having made it through the night never they ponder whether electric calming if you look at it right.
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I am a service of circumstace to your kid. I do this ecause I WILL IT, your fear is well attued, it fuels my forgoe soul.
Sumit your various ad well-thought proposals post-haste. My requiremets for this ‘Temple’ will e discussed at a later date.
A positio of high regard may e availale if your drafts are acceptale.
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dreams-your-smp · 2 years
hey. Hey.
you should all go check out one of my bestest online friends Clement @gender-eater
you may be asking: why?
because del is absolutely AWESOME!!
Like, he is so ridiculously funny. Please sir save some funny for the rest of us (/j)
and he is a ridiculously good artist. Y’all have probably never seen delier art but like woooooooow/pos. Yummy art style :)
and their ocs are like, the best. And he is so amazing at world building, like just. AAA
and! He’s really nice! I don’t tell https this enough but they’re so nice and friendly!
also, very based intrests!
andandnand they always reblog the coolest posts, I love seeing posts from https
but yeah, Clement is awesome :)) you should all go check him out :))))
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darkgravedigger08 · 5 months
Je t'aime
Fran Delier:
El sentido de muchas palabras, de muchas acciones, de la manera tan extraña en el actuar de las personas, cuando en la época de las flores el "Amor" florece más que nunca hasta por los rincones más recónditos de esta pequeña ciudad. Algunos dicen que sin eso las personas no son felices, que alguien no puede vivir sin otro punto contrapuesto que complemente su irreconocible corazón lleno de todo lo que anhela sentir, no tiene interés, no le parece que las cosas deban ser de esa forma, piensa que podría vivir tranquilamente por los años sin necesidad de que alguien le acompañase ir sus viajes. Mamá decía que si no creía en el amor podría envejer solo y que eso sería como estar en la miseria. Si alguien llega al mundo solo por qué no puede irse de la misma manera, por qué las cosas deben ser de una única forma en lugar de fueran como uno decida hacer su vida, a su modo. Por qué en el fondo tenía presente que en algún momento desearía tener a alguien que le demostrara que valía la pena compartir sus sentimientos, que le apoyara y le ayudara a decidir en situaciones malas, que le ayudara a encontrarse cuando no se reconozca ni a él mismo.
Terminé de leer la carta en voz alta, situada en un antiguo libro que le hacía comprenderse a su mismo cuando creía que lo que sentía i pensaba no tenía sentido alguno.
— ¿Entonces, no quiere amar ni ser amado por miedo a depender de ese otro ser? — Jungkook volteó recostándose de lado para mirarme, pegó su mejilla a mi pecho y me abrazó, en el invierno solíamos pasar más tiempo juntos que en tiempos de calor. No lo miré, suspiré por qué talvez si él hubiera sabiado que esas parecían ser mis propias palabras no le habría agradado escuchar la lectura.
— Talvez no quiere ser lastimado. — Respondí. Una parte de mi tenía la intención de darle a entender mis pensamientos, pero sin ser insistente para nada ni con ganas de remarcar el tema. Lo que me daba miedo era no tener claro siquiera que era lo que quería para mí.
— ¿Pero como es que el amor no duele? entonces... eso no es amor. — No me permití analizar las últimas palabras, ese debate era cosa de todos los días —Si no lástima no puede valer la pena, Jimin. — Probablemente él ya se había dado cuenta de que quien tenía cosas por decir era yo, quien siempre me negaba a hablar sobre el amor, a opinar en voz alta, quien siempre leía, pero pocas veces compartía lo propio, quien nunca se iba enamorado, quien vivía escondido sin permitirse querer a nadie. Talvez nunca se había dicho, no lo había admitido pero yo si quería a Jungkook, como no quererlo cuando me abrazaba creyendo que eso iba a curarme las penas, yo no creía que fuese posible, pero en cierto punto de mis noches de tristeza, desolación y angustia lograban calmarme y sin decir nada solía aferrarme a sus suéteres oscuros y a su olor a tela de lana y esa fragancia que nunca identifiqué, me tranquilizaba. Muchas veces quise decirle que si funcionaba, que estaba mejor, darle las gracias, pero creo que mi cobardía podría ser la causante de muchos de mis silencios, además si se lo decía me vería vulnerable y  cuando lo pensaba sentía ganas de llorar, talvez el frió influía en eso.
Bajé la mirada a sus ojos oscuros, ya no me ponían nervioso, aún siendo cerrado conseguí que en mi vida entrara una persona como él. La oscuridad de la noche nos cubría junto a una manta gruesa que mi madre había tejido para mí dos inviernos atrás.
— ¿Que tienes? — Además de que me entendía muy bien a pesar de mi falta de palabras y mi dificultad para expresarme con naturalidad. Me acarició el cabello, miré hacia el techo pero eso no impidió que continuara, no me molestaba, al contrario y como tanto me conocía solo se encargaba de hacerme sentir que jamás podría sacarlo de mi vida aunque me esforzara en lograrlo.
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