#delhi news today in hindi
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5thpillar2 · 4 hours ago
Discover Trending Stories in Jharkhand News Hindi
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umangharyana · 28 days ago
IMD Weather : उत्तर भारत में कोहरा, दक्षिण में बारिश, और तापमान में गिरावट की संभावना
भारत मौसम विज्ञान विभाग (IMD) ने अगले कुछ दिनों के लिए देश के अलग-अलग हिस्सों में मौसम को लेकर येलो अलर्ट जारी किया है। उत्तर भारत के कई राज्यों में घने कोहरे की संभावना है, जबकि दक्षिण भारत में बारिश और बिजली गिरने का खतरा मंडरा रहा है। आइए विस्तार से जानें कि देश के अलग-अलग हिस्सों का मौसम कैसा रहेगा। उत्तर प्रदेश का मौसम: तापमान में गिरावट और कोहरे का कहर उत्तर प्रदेश में मौसम शुष्क बना…
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news-trust-india · 1 month ago
Delhi AQI Today : दिल्ली - एनसीआर में वायु गुणवत्ता में गिरावट जारी; खिली धूप
Delhi AQI Today : दिल्ली समेत एनसीआर में अभी आने वाले दिनों में प्रदूषण से राहत नहीं मिलने के संकेत हैं। स���मवार सुबहर दिल्ली के कई इलाकों में धुंध की एक परत दिखी। सीपीसीबी की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, आज सुबह सात बजे आनंद विहार में एक्यूआई 333 दर्ज हुआ है। दिल्ली का वायु गुणवत्ता सूचकांक यानी एक्यूआई) रविवार को बहुत खराब श्रेणी में दर्ज रहा। Parliament Winter Session : संसद का शीतकालीन सत्र आज से शुरू,…
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sarhadkasakshi · 3 months ago
मॉर्निंग न्यूज ब्रीफ: SC बोला- चाइल्ड पोर्नोग्राफी देखना अपराध; बदलापुर यौन शोषण का आरोपी पुलिस फायरिंग में मारा गया; लेबनान पर इजराइली स्ट्राइक, 492 मौतें
Hindi News National Dainik Bhaskar Morning News Brief; Tirupati Laddu Controversy | Child Pornography| Israel Hezbollah Conflict 9 घंटे पहलेलेखक: शुभेंदु प्रताप भूमंडल, न्यूज ब्रीफ एडिटर कॉपी लिंक नमस्कार, कल की बड़ी खबर सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश की रही, अदालत ने साफ किया है कि चाइल्ड पोर्नोग्राफी देखना, डाउनलोड और स्टोर करना अपराध है। एक खबर लेबनान पर हुए अब तक के सबसे बड़े इजराइली हमले की…
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rightnewshindi · 4 months ago
टक्कर लगने के बाद कार के टायरों में फंसा शख्स, ड्राइवर ने 10 मीटर तक घसीटा; हॉस्पिटल में हुई मौत
टक्कर लगने के बाद कार के टायरों में फंसा शख्स, ड्राइवर ने 10 मीटर तक घसीटा; हॉस्पिटल में हुई मौत #news #viral #trending #update #newspaper #breakingnews #currentaffairs #dailynews #newsletter #newspapers #newsupdate #People #Media #info #Journalism #Press
Connaught Place Man stuck under car: देश के दिल दिल्ली में दर्दनाक सड़क हादसा हुआ है, यहां एक शख्स टक्कर लगने के बाद कार के टायरों के बीच में फंस गया। जिसके बाद डर और भागने की फिराक में कार ड्राइवर उसे करीब 10 मीटर तक घसीटता हुआ गया। ��ीड़ित किसी तरह व�� कार से छूटा तो आसपास के लोगों ने मामले की सूचना पुलिस को दी। घायल को समीप के अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया, जहां उसकी मौत हो गई। चालक की नहीं थी…
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khabarabtak · 1 year ago
Stay Updated with the Latest News Delhi NCR Today | Khabarabtak
Get all the latest news from Delhi NCR today at Khabarabtak. Stay informed about the happenings, events, and updates in and around the capital city. Join us for accurate and reliable news coverage.
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jkstvnews101 · 1 year ago
International Yoga Day 2023: 180 से अधिक देशों में बनाया गया अंतरराष्‍ट्रीय योग दिवस
 दुनिया भर में योग और ध्यान के लाभों के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाने के लिए हर साल 21 जून को अंतरराष्‍ट्रीय योग दिवस दुनियाभर में मनाया जाता है आवर और दुनिया भर के लोग इसमें भाग लेतें हैं
इस वर्ष विश्वभर में 9वां अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस 2023 मनाया जा रहा है। इस वर्ष योग दिवस 2023 की थीम ‘वसुधैव कुटुंबकम के लिए योग’ रखी गई है। वसुधैव कुटुंबकम का अर्थ है- धरती ही परिवार है। योग प्राचीन काल से भारत की संस्‍कृति का हिस्‍सा रहा है. भारत में ऋषि मुनियों के दौर से योगाभ्यास होता आ रहा है। ये योगाभ्यास बहुत ही शानदार तरीके से मनाया जाता हैं लोग यहाँ लोग योगा अभ्यास बहुत ही शांति पूर्वक करते हैं यहाँ हट तरीके के लोग आते जातें है read more
और पढिये: भृगु सहिंता ग्रंथ: भृगु शास्त्री पंडित निखिल शर्मा यजमान की पत्रिका देखकर कर बता देतें है भविष्य।
ये दिन हर एक भारतवासी को गौरवांवित करने वाला दिन है क्‍योंक‍ि अंतरराष्‍ट्रीय योग दिवस के जरिए भारतीय संस्‍कृति से जुड़ा योग विदेशों तक पॉपुलर हो गया, योग पर भारतीय संस्कृति मे पहली पुस्तक योग गुरु पतंजलि द्वारा योग सूत्र लिखी गई। पहले के समय में ऋषि-मुनि योग करके ही खुद को निरोग बनाकर रखते थे।
और पड़े :-International Yoga Day 2023: 180 से अधिक देशों में बनाया गया अंतरराष्‍ट्रीय योग दिवस
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jkstvn1982 · 2 years ago
Delhi Kanjhawala Case: थाना सुल्तानपुर इलाके में अवस्था में लड़की का शव मिलने से मचा हड़कंप
नव वर्ष के मौके पर भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली के सुल्तानपुरी इलाके में कार चला रहे कुछ लोगों ने एक महिला की स्कूटी में टक्कर मारकर मौत के घाट उतारा,
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युवक महिला को टक्कर मारते ही जैसे कार लेकर भागे तभी गाड़ी के नीचे लड़की बुरी तरह से फंस गई और करीब गाड़ी के साथ ही घिसटते हुए 10 से 12 किलोमीटर तक गई,
गाड़ी के साथ घिसटते हुए जाने के कारण महिला के कपड़े पढ़ चुके थे, और खून में लथपथ बुरी तरह महिला सड़क पर पड़ी रही और कुछ समय बाद महिला ने दम तोड़ दिया,
सूत्रों के मुताबिक मिली जानकारी, दिल्ली पुलिस ने उन आरोपियों को गिरफ्तार कर लिया है जिन्होंने कार से महिला को टक्कर मारी थी, और इतना ही नहीं उन आरोपियों ने अपना गुनाह भी कबूल कर लिया है,
पुलिस द्वारा मिली जानकारी से पता चला कि जिन आरोपियों ने महिला को टक्कर मारी थी उन आरोपियों को पहले से ही पता था कि महिला कार के निचे फंस गई है, लेकिन आरोपियों ने फिर भी कार नहीं रोकी और बेफिक्र होकर गाड़ी चलाते रहे,
आरोपी शराब पीकर चला रहे थे कार
जिन आरोपियों की पुलिस ने पहचान की है और गिरफ्तार किया है वह पांच आरोपी हैं और इन आरोपियों से पुलिस पूछताछ कर रही हैं पूछताछ में ही पता चला की यह सब आरोपी हैप्पी न्यू ईयर की पार्टी के लिए मुरथल गए थे लेकिन मुरथल में बहुत ज्यादा भीड़ होने के कारण खाना नहीं मिल सका, जिसके कारण इन्हें जभी मुरथल से वापस लौटना पड़ा और मुरथल से आते समय गाड़ी में शराब चल रही थी हम सभी दोस्त ने शराब ढाई बोतल शराब पीली ली थी मुरथल में हमें खाना नहीं मिला तो हमें रास्ते में आते वक्त पीरागढ़ी पर खाना खाना पड़ा.
आरोपियों को मालूम था कि गाड़ी के नीचे लड़की फसी है
आरोपियों द्वारा पुलिस को बताया गया कि जब हमने लड़की को कार से टक्कर मारी थी जब लड़की गाड़ी के सामने थी, फिर जब हमने गाड़ी को बेक किया तो गाड़ी के नीचे लड़की फंस गई तभी गाड़ी चलाने वाले को लगा की गाड़ी के नीचे कुछ फस गया है लेकिन बाकी आरोपियों ने कहा कि कुछ नहीं है, Read More…
Latest News In HIndi 
बाइक और ट्रक की टक्कर से सीकर में हुई 10 लोगों की मौत,कुछ हुए घायल
अगर जहन में बसा लेते पंत, शिखर धवन की दी यह सलाह तो शायद ना होता ये हादसा।
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phuljari · 6 months ago
social media au! part 5
summary : khushi is a model and influencer; arnav just seems to stumble upon her profile one day— not so much by accident. (or what if khushi fell in love at first sight?)
warnings : hindi mostly, online stalker!shyam, FLIRTING
a/n : i am...trying something new (by using the word prompts) #IPK 13th Anniversary Fiesta @arshifiesta
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Unknown: Tum theek ho?
Unknown: Khushi???
Khushi: who's this?
Unknown: Arnav Singh Raizada 😒
Khushi: haan toh muh kyu bigaad rahe hain aap?
Khushi: accha ab samjhi, jiska naam hi aisa ho... 😂😂
Arnav: Haha
Arnav: Matlab tum theek hi ho. Fine, gtg, ttyl
Khushi: arrre
Khushi: aise kaise???
Khushi: aapki wajah se chot lagi hai!! hello!!
Arnav: Meri nahi, tumhari bewkoofi ki wajah se lagi hai
Arnav: Who told you to wear heels? On concrete??
Khushi: your stylist 😭😭
Khushi: 🤔🤔
Arnav: Kya?
Khushi: hum toh aapko puchna hi bhool gaye
Khushi: why were you at the photoshoot today?
Arnav: 😒
Khushi: kya? jawab dijiye!
Arnav: Leave it
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liked by aakash_r, amanmathur, gulabo_devyani, anjaliiiii.r, mahendrarudrapratapsinghraizada, hari_prakash and others
titaliya_k when you're doing a photoshoot outdoors and injure yourself
p.c. @/payaliyaa for accidentally snapping this when she was actually trying to snap the pic of the bruise to show mom
btw heels from @/ardesignhouse's spring collection if you're wondering 😌
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nandiii Khushi ji! Ye kya hua aapko?? Are you okay?
⤷titaliya_k i'm fine now, nanhe ji <3
⤷gulabo_devyani Bitiya. Aap. Kuch din. Shantivan. Aaye. E haalat. Maa. Akele. Rehna Theek. Nahi. HAI
⤷titaliya_k aree nani ji! hum bilkul theek hai, aap chinta mat kijiye! jiji hai na!
⤷aakash_r Nahi Khushi ji, Aise nahi chalega. Humari galti ki wajah se chot lagi aapko. You have to give us the chance to make it up to you!
⤷hari_prakash Hum aapki poori khatidari karenge didi!
⤷hellohibyebye jaroor tumrhi taang aayi hogi phati saree ma, hello hi bye bye
payaliyaa Chutki! Chot lagi hai, ye bhi kya sabko batane ki cheez hai?
⤷titaliya_k jiji tum kaam pe dhyan do, kya baar baar phone dekhti rehti ho 😒
⤷payaliyaa You tagged me???
hayerenandkishorekaahai TOH U HUMKA JAANE KO BOLI HAI
hayerenandkishorekaahai TUMHRE GHAR KA PATA TOH BHEJO
usershyam Oh no Khushiji! Aap theek toh hai? Hum aapke liye ek khaas malam bhej te hai, zaroor lagayega!
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shyamjha Khushi ji ek baar humara call toh utha leti, aap se kitne baate karni hai, aapke haal chal puchne hai. Hume aapki kitni chinta ho rahi hai aapko pata bhi hai?
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shyamjha Aur ye kon hai jisne aapko apni bahoon me uthaya hai 😠😠
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theshyamjha Humse ab bardasht nahi ho raha Khushi ji! Aap jawab nahi dengi toh humein hi kuch karna padega!
amanmathur Sir??
user1 omg who's this handsome hunk khushi?
⤷user2 I've heard she's dating her boss
⤷user1 ewwww whooo????
⤷user2 @/arnavsinghraizada
⤷user1 ngl if i was her i'd date him too
user3 So happy for you guys!!
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Khushi: * screenshot attached*
Payal: 🤣🤣🤣
Payal: Buaji insta pe? 🤭🤭
Khushi: dekho na jiji, ab inko mana kaise karein?
Payal: Ruko hum Maa se baat karte hain
Khushi: woh toh humne kab ki karli
Khushi: papa ka bukhar utar gaya hai par unko zaroorat hai maa ki
Khushi: aur hum bole ki humari jiji hai na, par maa ne daant diya bilkul
Khushi: ki nai, ab toh buaji hi aayengi
Khushi: jiji, ab tum hi kuch karo varna humara hai re nandkishor ho jana pakka hai 😭😭😭
Payal: Are Khushi, buaji aayengi toh accha hi hai na, ab mai tumhe sambhalu ya phir ye sab inquires?
Payal: Aur tumhe pata haina ki papa Abhishek se baat karne pe kitna zor de rahe hai
Payal: Wo bhil milne bulate rehte hain, ab hum isme tumhara dhyan kab rakhenge?
Payal: Phir bhi ek baar baat karte hai hum Maa se
Khushi seen
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Khushi: * screenshot attached*
Khushi: ab iska kya matlab hai??
Lavanya: Kiska?
Khushi: that eye roll emoji
Lavanya: Kaha?
Khushi: yaar screenshot bheja hai, khol toh sahi 😭
Lavanya: Oh haan, ek min
Khushi: hein
Lavanya: You're so stupid Khushi, I feel bad for you sometimes lol
Khushi: what did i miss? 👀
Lavanya: Arey! He came to the photoshoot for you!
Khushi: 😮
Khushi: that.... makes sense? lol
Khushi: omg he was worried for me
Khushi: and i completely ruined it 😭😭😭
Lavanya: You still have time to make it better, RUN!
Khushi seen
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(1) message from thekhushigupta
thekhushigupta sent you a post by titaliya_k
arnavsinghraizada ???
thekhushigupta dekho dekho
arnavsinghraizada And?
thekhushigupta yaar aap bhi kam stupid nahi ho
thekhushigupta you know that it's you carrying me right?
arnavsinghraizada Where's this conversation going again? I have more important things to do than stare at your instagram post
thekhushigupta lolol you're so old for calling it "instagram"
thekhushigupta probably shouldn't offend you when i'm literally tryna apologize
thekhushigupta so okay, i understood why you were there at the photoshoot
thekhushigupta so i shared this pic because see closely neeche
thekhushigupta there are two hearts
arnavsinghraizada And why was I at the photoshoot?
thekhushigupta because you have nothing better to do? 😂😂
thekhushigupta no lol i prolly shouldn't joke
thekhushigupta you were there
thekhushigupta for me?
arnavsinghraizada You're still doubting that?
thekhushigupta no no you were definitely there for me! istg idk how i would've survived without you
arnavsinghraizada Ms. Gupta, that's a bit much don't you think?
thekhushigupta really? i legit posted heart emojis over a pic of you carrying me in your arms and you think this is too much
arnavsinghraizada seen
thekhushigupta arey yaar, interesting baatein hoti hai tabhi you leave me on read
thekhushigupta wtf arnav come back
thekhushigupta arnav
thekhushigupta arnav
thekhushigupta arnav jiiiiii
arnavsinghraizada WHAT THE
arnavsinghraizada Why is my brother calling me to ask you to move to Shantivan till your injury heals??
thekhushigupta 🫢
arnavsinghraizada Oh no, wait, he's asking not only for you but for Payal as well
thekhushigupta ooo someone has a crushhh
thekhushigupta chup reh khushi 🤦‍♀️
arnavsinghraizada You know that I can read this monologue of yours right?
thekhushigupta 😭😭😭😭 nooooooo
thekhushigupta but but
thekhushigupta do you think i can?
thekhushigupta i really really really don't want my buaji to come toh delhi
arnavsighraizada Of course you can
thekhushigupta really? are you sure?
arnavsinghraizada Yes, I'm coming to pick you up at 6 so be ready
thekhushigupta liked a message
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liked by user1, user2, user3, hari_prakash and others
instantbollywood Fashion icon #KhushiGupta shares a mysterious pic from her personal profile in which Arnav Singh Raizada (AR Design's founder) is carrying her in his arms after a photoshoot mishap. Was is really a mishap, or is something else brewing between them?
user1 Noooooooo
user2 ngl this pic is bomb tho
user3 Kya sexy legs hai yaar 😍
user4 superb❤️❤️🔥🔥
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Khushi: kitne weird hai aap
Khushi: you dropped me at your place and then went to office again
Arnav: Urgent meeting, I told you no?
Khushi: haan par,,,,
Khushi: without giving me a goodbye kiss? 😩
Khushi: your mamiji is weirddddddd, she keeps calling me phati saree
Arnav: Mai weird. Mami ji weird. Hum sab weird hai, okay?
Khushi: 😂😂
Khushi: charming
Khushi: that you can joke
Arnav liked a message
Khushi: *attached image*
Khushi: me waiting for you to get homeee
Khushi: and kiss these lips 🫦
Arnav: Oh
Khushi: *attached image*
Khushi: shab-e-intizaar
Arnav: On my way darling
Khushi liked a message
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Unknown: Khushi ji
Unknown: Khushji agar aap yahan bhi jawaab nahi dengi toh hume kuch galat karne pe majboor kardengi
Unknown: Khushi ji, hum aapke pyaar me fanaa ho chuke hai
Unknown: Bohot aage nikal gaye hain hum
Unknown: Ab agar aap jawab nahi dengi toh hum kuch kar baithenge
Unknown: *attached image*
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thistransient · 7 months ago
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Stage 3: the pilot announced it was 43°C (109.4F) in Delhi as we landed.
There was barely an immigration queue for foreigners with e-visas, the agent who stamped me in was bizarrely attractive (not that immigration agents can't be hot, it's just not usually their defining feature, especially when middle-aged). I loitered a bit in the arrivals hall and took out some cash before enacting my plan to take the airport metro down one stop and walk to my hotel. I fended off the lone cabby who complimented my hairstyle and made an unsuccessful go at convincing me my hotel wasn't near the metro. I managed the metro security and ticket-buying largely because I'd watched an 'intro to Hindi' video in which the teacher warned that he who attempts to queue nicely in India will be waiting for an eternity. I loitered in the metro station when it became clear that finding the hotel was NOT as easy as google maps might have indicated (on account of an intervening construction site). I made a confused loop back to the entrance before my GPS finally deigned to cooperate, but a tuk tuk driver had already smelled tourist blood in the water and started following me. I told him I was walking "to see the world" and "have an experience". Either baffled or convinced I was insane, he gave up.
My hotel had been around the corner all along, I got a bit misgendered while checking in, and felt out of place in a 5 star establishment with my backpack and dusty sneakers, but they did confirm my reservation, take my money, and give me a room key. I had added on all meals, to save myself having to go looking for sustenance in a new land after a long flight and this is where the real delight began: dinner was a buffet, and perhaps I was making a fool of myself (sometimes there's no getting around this stage) because the waiters came to help me, but eventually I had eaten so many amazing starters, curries, naan, and desserts that I thought they would have to roll me back to my room. I had warned myself not to set my expectations with Bollywood movies but the dining room singer did perform Ikk Kudi from Udta Punjab...
Tomorrow it's back to the airport, but today's been alright.
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5thpillar2 · 17 days ago
Explore Delhi Election News Hindi with 5th Pillar
Elections in Delhi are more than just a political event—they’re a reflection of the capital’s evolving priorities. At 5th Pillar, we offer a dedicated platform for Delhi election news Hindi, ensuring readers are well-informed about every aspect of the polls. Our articles focus on critical issues like governance, public opinion, and key promises made by contesting parties. Whether you’re a keen political observer or a first-time voter, our platform delivers the news you need in a language you understand.
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umangharyana · 1 month ago
दक्षिण भारत में भारी बारिश, उत्तर भारत में घना कोहरा: IMD ने जारी किया अलर्ट
नई दिल्ली: भारत मौसम विज्ञान विभाग (IMD) ने आगामी दिनों में देश के विभिन्न हिस्सों में मौसम के बदलते मिजाज को लेकर चेतावनी जारी की है। दक्षिण भारत के तटीय इलाकों में भारी बारिश की संभावना है, जबकि उत्तर भारत में घन��� कोहरे का प्रकोप बढ़ने वाला है। दक्षिण भारत में भारी बारिश का अलर्ट IMD के अनुसार, 26 से 29 नवंबर के बीच दक्षिण तटीय आंध्र प्रदेश और रायलसीमा में हल्की से मध्यम बारिश के साथ बिजली…
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octuscle · 1 year ago
What's up bro? After that lunar landing, India seems like the place to be! Problem is, I don't think the suitcase I brought will be enough for me to last seeing everything from the Taj Mahal to the golden temple. Can I borrow one of the DEL suitcases?
There is actually another suitcase. A fairly new aluminum suitcase from RIMOWA. Looks very expensive. And doesn't necessarily match your dusty and sweaty tourist outfit…. But since no one else has contacted me: Have fun with it!
Delhi… A really huge city. But also really challenging for a tourist who doesn't speak Hindi. But slowly you get used to the strange English they speak here. And somehow you finally find the Airbnb in the old city, a stone's throw from the Red Fort. It smells of sweat, urine and exotic spices in the stairwell. The stairs are steep and you are pretty tired. Heaving your suitcases up is really exhausting. But you have made it. You'll see what's in the big new suitcase tomorrow. You just want to sleep. It looks like the bed in the room hasn't even been made yet. You don't care about that now. Just sleep…
When you wake up the next morning, your old suitcase is gone. But also your old pajamas are gone. You lie naked in bed. And something is different… Your morning wood is hard as steel. Hehehehe, that's not bad… But it's also darker somehow. A shade like a coffee with a shot of milk. Coffee! Yes, you need it now. You get out of the silk-sheeted bed and your boner leads you like a divining rod to the coffee maker in the alcove between your dressing room and the master bath. After the first coffee, quickly take a shower and then get dressed.
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And then a second coffee. Your driver will be here soon. Good thing your suitcase is already packed next to you.
You don't like Noida. But many of your friends live there because they have located their startup companies there and it is easier to find capable software developers. But that's not your world either. Your family made their money generations ago in real estate and in the textile industry. And you now head the banking and finance division in your family holding company. After all, you have financed some of your friends' startups. And today one of your friends is getting married. In Noida. You'll survive that, too.
The journey was long, as usual. Getting out of Delhi takes time. But at least you were able to make a number of phone calls while your driver navigated the car safely through the traffic chaos. Now you have moved into your suite. In the corridor hectic movements between the rooms. Bridesmaids and other guests scurry from room to room. You hate this hassle. In life, you would never think of getting married. But the bellboy who carried your suitcase upstairs was hot. You call the front desk and ask for someone to help you unpack your luggage and get dressed. The hotel is one of the most preferred locations for weddings in Noida. You are a regular guest here. They know your preferences. And the bellboys love your cock. You can already imagine that now there will be a fight again, who is allowed to blow you and gets the tip for it.
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Yes, that was good… Your cock dangles relaxed between your legs. Your clothes fit perfectly. So on to the ballroom. And let's see who is your boring dinner companion this time.
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webdesigninginagartala · 8 months ago
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We optimize the website in such a way that these people reach you as they need your product or service. Some people need information, few require buying something online, so if you have an online presence then you get business.
We provide complete solutions for Website Design and Internet Marketing. Nowadays everyone using smartphones and Google search is on fingertips. Anything that the people require or they need to share is all available on their mobiles and digital device.
YCCINDIA truly believes in the slogan "always at your service... always at your price... We have customized solutions for every new client. We also provide PPC (Pay per Click) Services for Google Advertisements on Desktops, Android, and IOS Mobiles.
With our web design services, there is always a back-end team working for your traffic. We listen to you to make sure your site reflects your style.
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Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the organic search engine results for client websites without spending money on Pay Per Click advertising. When potential customers search for your product or service, the website with the stronger SEO will rank higher in the search results. YCCINDIA specializes in helping clients strengthen their website visibility and increase customer conversions.
Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites.
Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This involves publishing great content on your social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers, analyzing your results, and running social media advertisements.
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rightnewshindi · 4 months ago
पीएम मोदी अगले महीने संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा को नहीं करेंगे संबोधित, भारत की ओर से एस जयशंकर होंगे शामिल; जानें क्यों
पीएम मोदी अगले महीने संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा को नहीं करेंगे संबोधित, भारत की ओर से एस जयशंकर होंगे शामिल; जानें क्यों #News #DelhiNews #DelhiUpdates #DelhiLife #DelhiVibes #DelhiEvents #DelhiDiaries #DelhiDaily #DelhiStories #IncredibleDelhi #DelhiCulture
United Nations General Assembly : प्रधानमं��्री नरेंद्र मोदी अगले महीने संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा के सत्र को संबोधित नहीं करेंगे। संयुक्त राष्ट्र की ओर से जारी स्पीकरों की संशोधित सूची में उनका नाम नहीं है। प्रधानमंत्री इसी महीने के अंत में न्यूयॉर्क की यात्रा पर जाने वाले हैं। रिपोर्टों के मुताबिक 22 सितंबर को वह लॉन्ग आईलैंड के नसाऊ वेटरंस मेमोरियल में एक बड़े सामुदायिक कार्यक्रम को संबोधित…
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khabarabtak · 1 year ago
Stay Informed with the Latest Education News in Delhi | Khabarabtak
Get the most Latest education news delhi  with Khabarabtak. Stay informed about the latest news, trends, and developments in the education sector. Expert analysis and insightful articles to keep you ahead. Don't miss out on the latest educational happenings in the capital city!
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