#degio hargreeves
painfullyconfused · 5 years
Umbrella Academy characters as stupid shit I’ve done
Degio: Throws a boomarang screams ‘RUN MOTHER FUCKER’ only to have it come back and hit my face
Klaus: slips on the same pach of ice in my driveway four times in a row before just laying down on it and missing my bus
Allison: learns how to swear in sign language just so my family can’t tell me to watch my mouth
Ben: struggles to hold five pool noodles to my chest in a pool while screaming ‘I AM THE STRONGEST DANGER NOODLE”
Luther: drops shirt in the sink and when questioned why my short is wet says I had been at the gym to seen productive when in all actuality it had been watching netflix for 6 hours straight
Vayna: texts my friend who is standing right next to me because i don’t wanna be rude to anyone by talking while they are talking
Five: drops a whole water bottle filled with coffee screams fuck and picks it up happy to find it unharmed walks to the car and spills it on myself
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What if instead of trying to be a police officer Diego became a marine biologist but on accident?
Ok so this is before Vanya release her book, Diego is fresh out of the Acadmey and is trying to be a police officer. He still does the whole Batman thing at night.
One summer day when Diego isn’t working at the police academy (idk if it’s like regular school or college we’re they get summer break) he goes to the ocean since it’s hot out. At first Diego stays in the shallow end because deep water remains him of the training he did with his Father. But slowly he goes into the deeper water since it’s too hot and crowded near the shore.
There in the deep water Deigo explores the ocean for the first time (I headcanon that since Deigo can breath underwater or at least doesn’t need to breathe he also has really clear vision so he can see everything underwater). Surprised Deigo enjoys the ocean and finds cool rocks and sees fish.
Deigo then makes it a habit go exploring the ocean on his free time which then leading him to exploring at night (making him no longer doing his Batman gig).
One day after picking up trash from the ocean floor Deigo accidentally ends up in the deep ocean. When he pops up from the water he meets a group of scientists in a boat. The scientists question him on how Deigo is in the ocean without a scuba suit or an air tank.
Deigo tells the scientists that he was The Kraken from The Umbrella Academy. The scientists are amazed about his powers and ask if he could help them with some ocean experiments (find some fish, going to a certain sea leval, ect). At first Deigo didn’t agree, thinking that the scientists would train and study him like what his Father did. But after the scientists tell him that they want his help with finding and studying sea animals and exploring deep water and finding lost stuff Deigo agrees.
Deigo then quits the police academy and works for the scientists. Aftet a while Deigo then goes to college to be a marine biologist. He like studying the ocean and he like that his powers are useful instead of a tool to use for fighting crime for being belittle.
Soon Deigo and Eudora remeet and start dating after a few years they get married.
Then Deigo’s Father dies. But Eudora decided to go with her husband to the funeral because Reginald is her father-in-law. Besides it’s just a funeral. What could happen?
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