#definitely one i feel like i'll come back to and be like 'wait no this slapped actually'
kiwiikato · 2 days
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Six
note: i wanted to make it up to you all for the lack of a post yesterday by making this one 1k words longer and more wholesome, i hope you all enjoyed the ending, i need to feed u all more♡ thank u for ur patience and support >:3
your body froze at his question. his voice was silky smooth. you knew he was teasing you and the effect it had on you. you body heated up more as your face erupted into a blush. no matter how hard you tried to keep calm, the way his looked at you almost had you fainting then and there.
and he knew the effect he had on you. and he liked it. in the short amount of time that he knew you, he thought you were attractive. so to see the effect he had on you in this moment, he couldn't help but have his ego grow slightly.
"so? do i make you nervous?" that damn cocky smirk never left his lips as he watched you, almost like he was eating you with his eyes. "no." you quickly blurted out, your thoughts going haywire. "i don't knowww," his voice playfully drew out his words, "the pink on your cheeks and the way you keep trying to avoid looking at me says otherwise♪"
he spoke teasingly, almost like he was tauntingly singing out your reactions to you, making you even more flustered. his body stayed looking at you, your eyes flickering between his arms to his chest to his sultry eyes. 
you mouth dried up, panicking. "yeah yeah, i have eyes, i can look where i want." your response was not the best, you didn't know how to react to this, you could only look away. "oh. really?" his voice was mischievous.
you heard the ice bath he was in move around from his movement. he didn't speak, he was too quiet for your liking. until he did. "hey." you looked back at him, trying to see what he was doing. god, you regretted it, but you couldn't deny how much you loved it.
you face was met with his, only about an inch away from you, almost like he knew you'd turn to him. your breathing caught in your throat as his lips were so close yet so far. you barely knew him, but the effect of a guy as handsome as him had you wrecked.
your eyes widened as you stayed still. he only seemed to get closer. his mouth got closer to your ear. you could feel his hot breath against your ear. what was he doing? "hey... can you pass me my towel on the couch?"
he pulled away with the most mischievous smile you have ever seen. he had no shame teasing you only to mess with you. nothing was going to happen, you should've known, but gosh, the way he acted made it feel like something would. "yeah- i'll get it." you quickly got up, moving to pick up the towel that he had left on the couch.
you grabbed the soft material, handing it over to him. you turned away, not knowing how he'd come out of the ice bath, waiting for him to be finished. you heard him get out, now walking beside you.
your eyes trailed as he walked away, the towel wrapped around his waist. his back shown perfectly to you. his neck turned to look at you, sending a childish smile as he stuck his tongue out at you.
he walked away, entering the hallway, going to change. once you were out of his eyesight, you quickly grabbed your face, caught off guard by everything that happened. "holy fuck.... what a tease" you could only whisper to yourself.
you went to sit in the couch, taking deep breaths as you fanned yourself with your hands. it wasn't long till you heard a door open and saw kenji walking towards your direction. he sat on the couch, next to you. "can you help me?" he was quiet, almost like he was embarrassed to ask for help. "of course."
you smiled as you took the bandages, rubbing alcohol, antiseptic, and antibiotic ointment he brought for you to help. "okay let's see what we got here." you reached over to the bandage on his forehead, looking at him for confirmation. he nodded, letting you know it was okay.
you slowly took the bandage off, looking at the scratched up wound he had, definitely one that would leave a bruise on his face. "ouch kenji, you might get a bruise from this." his face paled. "a bruise?? on this face? no can do!" you laughed at his reaction. "it's okay, you're in good hands, let's fix up that pretty face then."
he froze, slightly blushing, as you grabbed the bottle of antibiotic ointment he had brought. his breathing was shaky as you placed a hand on his chin, pulling him forward for you to reach the cut. "oh- aren't you going to use rubbing alcohol first to clean it?" he asked quietly, trying his best not to stutter.
"ah no. using things like rubbing alcohol or antiseptic on wounds can actually slow down the healing process since they damage your tissues, also killing helpful germs. some say you can use antiseptic as long as you dilute it with water and try not to get in inside the cut. antibiotic ointment is good to use though since it keeps out infections, also keeping the wounds moist and clean." you said as you applied the ointment to his forehead.
you grabbed a new bandage, softly placing it on his forehead, making sure it covered it right. "how do you know that?" he asked, curious of your knowledge. "i told you i used to take care of kids when i first offered to help you with the baby kaiju, i researched a lot since kids can be pretty reckless, and i wanted to make sure i did my best for them." you said as you tapped his shoulder.
he lifted the shirts fabric over his shoulder, letting you see the scratch there. you repeated the process, then moving to his forearm, right under his elbow, and repeating the process there.
"there you go. should be good as new in no time." you said as you closed the medicines and placing them to the side. "thank you." he said softly. "no problem kenji, i'm always here to make sure you and the baby and take care of.
"oh also! mina told me to tell you to go with her and the baby, she wants to show us something." kenji smiled and got up, eventually leading the way towards the elevator he had.
the ride down was quiet but comfortable, the both of you eventually getting there. you walked out with kenji trailing behind you, happily walking to where the excited kaiju baby was. small coos came from her as she excitedly clapped and jumped seeing the both of you finally in front of her.
"give me some good news mina." kenji spoke tiredly as he took a sip from his drink. you watched as his adam's apple bobbed up and down. "please tell us you found kaiju island." the idea made you sad to hear. you knew the baby kaiju didn't belong here but that didn't mean that you hadn't found yourself starstruck with her. you were grateful to know that wasn't why mina made you call kenji down here for.
"no, ken, but the baby has a surprise for you. right y/n?" she said, spinning over to you. "oh yes yes! we think you'll love it very much." you said as you clapped your hands excited. kenji smiled and turned towards the baby kaiju. "let's see then."
the baby kaiju flashed multiple colors, all the ones that belonged in the rainbow and those in between each shade. she bent her knees in joy as she started to jump from excitement. making a cute pose of bending one leg and raising her claw up as she alternated between limbs. your heart melted at the sight as she mimicked the intro song for the silly show known as 'kaiju step wandabada'.
the happy atmosphere from the song quickly changed when you found kenji and your faces contorting into one of disgust. it was then that yku realized that the baby kaiju had gone to the restroom and farted... horrendously.
"ugh! dear god... what is that smell?" kenji covered his nose and mouth with his arm as he moved backwards. you followed suit by using your shirt to cover your nose. "oh gosh..." you said quietly, trying to not gag from the stench.
"ken, y/n. you can not feed a twenty foot baby a half ton of fish and not expect anything but a giant pile of—" mina's words were cut off by the sound of another fart, loud as the one before it. green funk splattered against the walls of the containment as the baby jumped around.
"which brings me something that we need to discuss. until i'm able to find kaiju island, we're all going to need to raise her." kenji didn't like this idea what so all.
"mina, i got a whole season of baseball ahead of me. i just can't do it." he said as he started to walk away. "ken, you brought her home and now she is your responsibility. besides, you are not fully alone since y/n will also be helping you raise her." mina said as she followed behind him.
"exactly as mina said ken, you're not going through this alone, i'll be here to help you." you said as you walked beside him. he turned to say something to you but was cut off by mina floating in front of him, stopping you both in your tracks.
"she'll die if you both don’t take care of her. now it won't be easy but i'll do everything i can to help. y/n will too. we'll have to continue feeding her, washing her, develop a strategy for taking her to potty. you'll have to learn the five s's. swaddle, side, shush, swing, suck. you both need to raise her."
she menacingly floated towards you both, causing you both to walk backwards. her lights flickered orange, giving off a scary aura. you nodded your head quickly in fear as kenji's face tensed up and breathed heavy from all the events occurring.
the days went by so fast yet so slow. everything drained the both of you, not expecting it to be so hard since it was two of you raising her. the days switched from waking up too early, to never getting sleep, to dealing with the crying, the feeding, the vomiting, pooping, the struggling to wash her, the burping her so late, to being slumped on the floor with eachother, to spending nights down stairs, cuddles together for warmth, to professor sato calling you and you rushing over to help with his work, to fighting kaijus, to knocking out while reading, to drinking tons of coffee, and more on repeat.
the days were horrible. and so painfully slow. so slow. every game kenji did went bad, so many strikes and missed hits. you felt bad for him as you would deal with the crying baby as you watched the tv. and other days you'd run off to go help his dad, avoiding telling him you were with his son of out respect to their lack of bond to kenji. some days you couldn't help but yell in a room by yourself. constantly running back and forth from your apartment, to professor satos place, and to kenji's house.
back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. you hated it. kenji hated it. but you both dealt with it. it wasn't till the seventy first day were you woke up to kenji rushing out of the house to a baseball match.
you laid on the floor next to mina and the baby as she slept fast asleep, thankfully giving you a second of peace from your exhaustion. the day was long as you waiting for kenji to come back.
a yell sounded through the room as you and the baby quickly shot up from the sound of something hitting the floor. kenji's helmet rolled on the floor, the source of the sound.
"threaten to trade me, ken sato?!? to the tigers?! to the tigers?!?! nobody trades ken sato!" you slowly stood up from where you sat, slowly walking towards kenji who stared outside to the ocean. "i'm doing my best, okay?! god!" his breaths were shaky as his voice cracked from his heavy emotions. "i feed you, i clean your massive poopies!" kenji's hand slammed against the glass as he shook.
you got closer to him, right as he started to crumble to the floor. "ken... are you crying?" you softly asked as your hand touched his back in a comforting manner. "no... i'm not crying." his breathing was shaky as you heard his sniffles. you watched as he wiped away at his eyes, getting rid of the tears that leaked.
"it's been a long day, hasn't it?" you said. you hand rubbed against his back, trying to soothe him. the both of you had gotten closer in the duration of taking care of the baby, connecting through the hardships of raising a living being. "yeah..." he whispered.
"do you want to talk about it?" he looked away, trying to his his face. "hey hey. it's okay. let it out." your hands found his face, gently pulling him to look at you. the thumbs of your hands rubbed against the bottom of his eye as you wiped away any tears that came out. "there there you big baby, everything's going to be okay."
he could only cry more as you held him. he scooted closer, his face looking to the floor. he spoke but the tears he had made it hard to hear. "what was that ken?" you said as his face sat on your hand. "can i hug you..." it was almost so quiet that you almost didn't hear it, but you did.
"come here, ken." your arms opened as he fell forward. his arms wrapped around your body as they rested at your waist. his grip was tight as he continued to softly cry. "don't cry ken, it's okay, you're not alone." you said as your arms held him to you, softly humming to ease him.
"can i get closer..." he asked, seeking comfort, anything. he just needed a loving embrace. "of course you can ken." before you knew it, your body was lifted up. it was then that you realized that ken had placed you on his lap as you both hugged each other.
his face found the crook of your neck, as your chin rested on his shoulder. "i'm sorry. i just don't want to be alone right now." "it's okay ken, it's okay. i'm here, let it out." his waterworks continued as soft whines and sniffles escaped him. you couldn't help the small blush that made its way to your face from the position you were in, shaking it off since he was vulnerable.
some time passed, the both of you not moving for a while. you almost thought he had fallen asleep from his silence. you were wrong. "y/n... can i sleep with you tonight, please." his voice was soft and timid. how could you deny someone as adorable as him.
"that's fine ken, as long as you're comfortable with it." you said as your hands trailed through his hair. his face moved from your neck, giving you a soft smile. "that would be nice." you moved to get off of his lap, with him following suit.
you walked towards the baby kaiju, letting her know that it was okay to sleep. mina played a lullaby, letting her lull to sleep. "thank you mina." you said quietly as kenji trailed behind you, his body timid.
"of course. do let me know if you both need anything. we can play some baseball to help ease you tomorrow if you'd like ken." ken nodded and mumbled a small 'thank you'.
you both walked to the elevator, deciding to call it a night for the both of you. it wasn't long before the doors open and you moved through his house to the spare room he had lent to you to stay it. "oh wait hold on, can i change into pajamas really quick?" you nodded your head as ken ran to his room to find comfortable clothes since he still adorned his baseball uniform.
you moved into the room, tidying the bed a bit as you waited for him to return. you turned the lights off as you went to lay in bed. it wasn't long to the sound of the door opened, you could hear soft steps make there way to the other side of the bed. "y/n..." he whispered, trying to see if you were awake or not.
"get in the bed kenji, you need your rest." ken nodded as he pushed the covers aside and got in. the both of you laid side to side, facing one another. the room was dark but moonlight flashed through the window, illuminating his features nicely.
"thank you." "you're welcome ken, you've had a rough day, get some rest and relax your head." you said as snuggled more into the sheets. "thank you again.. this means a lot, i wasn't feeling the best— is that a frog?" your eyes snapped open as you stared at ken slightly laugh at the frog stuffed animal that laid in your arms.
"shut up! leave him alone." you said as you held him close. he could only laugh as he shook his head. "do you really get that lonely at night?" he asked teasingly. "weren't you the one that was just crying? why are you teasing me, i'll kick you out of the bed right now." you said, huffing out of embarrassment.
"no no no, i just thought it was cute." you grumbled put a 'whatever' at his teasing. "look. come here." you didn't have the chance to react till kenj reached over, pulling you body against his. his arms wrapped around you as his leg laid on top of you, getting comfortable.
"there. now you won't be lonely." he said as his head rested on yours. "shut up." you grumbled. you could feel his chest vibrating against you. "your welcome n/n, now sleep with me."
you didn't say anything, instead just scooted closer as the blanket wrapped around you both. the room was silent as your breathing intertwined. it was peaceful. it wasn't long till you both felt your eyes grow heavier. "goodnight n/n."
your eyes closed as his arms pulled you closer. his eyes admiring the sight of you against him. he softly smiled, closing his eyes to follow you into sleep. his head leaned down as he lips placed a small but gentle kiss on your head.
he snuggled into you more. he could get used to this, it was nice... really nice. his thoughts were cut short as he, too, fell into sleep. the night flew with small dreams of you, his mouth in a smile as he slept.
@ilovemyhusbandaaravos @miffysoo @dumbkira15 @chaoticotaku @channit @shingsoluvely @vampz-cats @mixvchelle @ifharbingerbad--whyhot @dreamayy @justanotherkpopstanlol @bat1212 @angelitadiaz @snowbusiness @witcwitchy @mizzowizzo @buggs-1 @mmeerraa @everywonuu @nevermorekisses @f1uveryysblog @t4naiis @stxrrielle @ixqiix @arrozyfrijoles23 @sincerest-one @imsimping4life @sassy-cat-in-town @jack-of-all-trades-696 @flutterfly365 @eternalgoddessofart @hulyenl @leabrainrot @sunmigs @m3q3kic @lynbubble @leviannx @call-me-nyxx @gurofushi @ya-boi-v @im-sidney
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freyaphoria · 1 day
hi hi hope you have a good day! can you do ateez’s reaction when you dug your nail too deep, leaving marks all over their back? i feel like some of them would tease and take it as challenge 😆
Hi! You mentioned their backs, but I didn't want to make every member the same. I hope you don't mind. Have a good day to you too♡
Ateez Reactions: When You Dug Your Nail Too Deep (Hyung Line)
tw: SMUT!! scars, blood, oral, choking, cockwarming, kinda public (idk is it considered as public??), overstimulation, slapping, ahem yeo is harddom so he calls you ✨️bitch✨️
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Sex with Hongjoong was always so deep and intense. Slapping, spitting, bondage, choking... Hongjoong always made love at the extreme.
"Huh? I couldn't hear what you said." Your nose touched his pelvis as he pushed his cock further down your throat. Of course you can't hear it. Every part of my mouth is filled with you you thought.
You began to gag as Hongjoong twitched in your mouth, grabbing your hair and starting to use your mouth. "Bad girl. Stop gagging like a newbie. I taught you better." He grabbed your throat and started squeezing it, and you couldn't take it anymore and dug your nails into his thigh. Your eyes were watering and you didn't know how deep dug, but when Hongjoong cummed in your mouth, you knew you dug deep enough.
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"Hwa slow down you will tear me apart." His fast and powerful thrust forced you to hold on to something. So you put one hand on his shoulder and the other hand holding on to his hair. "You are so beautiful and I am so close. I can't stop, doll." His movements started to become sloppy and you were close to coming. You wanted to hold back and cum when he came, but he was hitting all your sweet spots so well that you scratched his shoulder to try not to come. Seonghwa groaned, "Is my beautiful doll trying not to come? You are so cute, wait let me help you." On the contrary, he increased his speed and went deeper. "Hwa! I will-" Your legs began to tremble, white dots appearing in your vision, and you came as your hand on his shoulder dug deeper into him, drawing a line towards his chest. He came a little after you and looked at the new red scratch wound on his chest. "Wow, that was hot."
The next day, when he came out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror, he realized how much he liked his new scars. He would definitely ask you to do this more often.
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While Yunho was playing Valorant, you were cockwarming him. It was something you always did. What was different was that Yunho wasn't paying any attention to you and was focusing all his attention on the game, and you were digging your nails into his scalp to attract his attention. "Stop being a brat and stand still until my game is over." He spoke without taking his eyes off the monitor and turned his microphone back on. It was very difficult to stand still because of Yunho's size, so you tugged on his hair again with all your strength. You were trying so hard not to make a sound that your lip started bleeding from biting it.
To warn you, Yunho took his hand away from the mouse and brought it to your thigh and pinched you, but this only made you squirm more. To stay more still, you hugged him with your whole body and put your hands through his shirt and onto his back. Your insides were tightening so much that if you didn't move any more, your walls would start to burn. That's why you didn't listen to Yunho and started to move slightly.
Yunho wanted to warn you again, so this time he suddenly pushed his dick inside you with all his strength, you were left breathless and dug his back with your nail very deeply. “Yunh- Yunho!” as you moaned, Yunho groaned as pain shot through his back. "This is what happens if you don't listen to me." You felt some fluid running down his back and when you looked at your hand you saw that it was bleeding a little. "If you're going to do this if I don't listen to you, then I'll never listen to you again." Yunho grinned at you and was about to turn on his microphone to tell the people in the game that he had work to do and will come to the game later, but when he saw that the microphone was already on and he forgot to turn it off, his eyes widened.
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"Is that all you can give me? Come on bitch, you can do better." Yeosang was pushing you to your 4th orgasm but you had no more strength left. Every muscle ached and there was no part of your body that wasn't spanked. "I- I can't- Agh!!!" You were interrupted by Yeosang hitting your tits. You were so sensitive that even the slightest touch left flames in your body.
Yeosang changed position, laid you on your side and started fucking you from behind. You made a small sound of pain as your legs came together. You wanted to hold on to something so you wouldn't lose yourself as he thrust inside you again and again, so you threw your arm back and grabbed Yeosang's bicep. "How close are you?" You had forgotten how to talk so you were just moaning his name. "I asked you how close you are. I didn't ask who fucks you so well." When he spank your exposed thigh hard, you dug your nail into his arm and made it bleed. "Fuck, are you going to leave a mark on me? So everyone else will know I'm yours?" Your heart pounded at the word yours and your orgasm began to build. "Then everyone else should see that you are mine too." He buried his head in your neck and started biting and sucking hard. Absolutely everyone will see it.
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a/n: It's hard not being able to write smut in my own language. Please read it considering that English is not my first language because I wrote it very badly :(
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Okay...idk if it's dumb but
How about a Flirty Villain who everyone thought was dead comes back possessive of The Hero, and crashes their Celebration Party elegantly
A Flirty Villain x Hesitant/Flustered Hero
In A Masquerade Ball
"Is that one of your exes?" the hero's friend asked. Although their voice was full of judgement, they also seemed to be intrigued. The hero stared at them, frowning, and couldn't explain to themselves why on earth they would invite an ex of theirs to their celebration party.
Being promoted was a big deal - not only the salary was important, no, the hero also had a lot more responsibilities and they would never give anyone the chance to ruin this moment.
"I mean, they are definitely your type. Who the hell is that?" Their friend took a sip of their own drink and the hero simply followed their gaze.
They thought their friend was talking about some coworker they had forgotten to introduce but when they saw the person they were actually talking about, their mouth went dry.
It was the villain.
In flesh and blood.
The hero almost let their glass of champagne fall to the ground. It was their enemy among all those people. It was their enemy who stood there and talked and laughed with the hero's mother.
They were supposed to be dead. They had been declared dead. The hero had seen them dead.
Blood rushed into their head. This wasn't real. They had to be someone else. Some clone or someone who could change appearances. The villain had died months ago.
The hero had held their cold body. They had tried CPR for minutes.
"Oh, is it a secret ex I don't know about?" their friend joked and when the hero looked at them for the fraction of a second, they saw them wiggling with their eyebrows.
"No, not exactly." Their eyes were fixed on their nemesis again obsessively, as if they could turn into air any second.
The hero downed the drink.
"Well, your mother seems to like them." The hero's friend elbowed them. "But I can take care of it if you don't want them here. It's your party, so if you don't want to deal with-"
"No," the hero said a little too quick. Their eyes were still on the villain and their elegant outfit. With a sweet smile on their face and, oh God, that little habit of tilting their head when someone asked a question. The hero felt like throwing up.
It embarrassed them, even though they knew it shouldn't. But they had been in therapy for the last months. Mainly because they couldn't deal with the villain's death. They had spent months to come to terms with their own mistakes and feelings towards the villain.
It had been hell. And now, they were supposed to stand there and simply talk to their mother?
"I'll sort this out. Do you mind?" They handed their glass to their friend and took a few shaky steps forward.
"Hey, wait." Their friend's hand was on their shoulder before the hero could come very far. "This is your party. Don't let anyone ruin it for you, got it?"
The hero looked at their friend and let the words sink in. They had hoped to have fun tonight and celebrate their achievement. But this was truly something they couldn't just ignore. If someone else was impersonating the villain as a cruel joke, they would pay for it and if this truly was the villain...the hero didn't really know what they were going to do if that was the case.
They could barely nod. Their heart was beating up into their throat. All their progress seemed to have been for absolutely nothing. They felt stupid. They felt so dumb.
"Again, if you want me to-"
"No," the hero said. It was softer this time. "Thank you, though."
They turned around and pushed themselves past other guests, giving polite smiles and muttering apologies under their breath as people shouted their congratulations towards them. It didn't feel like an achievement. It felt like the hero had taken ten steps back.
They felt so helpless again, just like all these months ago when the villain had whispered their last words. I adore you, they had said to them. It seemed like a bad joke.
It was a horrible feeling. A truly awful pain in their chest.
But eventually, they came to a stop in front of the villain and their mother. They cleared their throat.
"Pardon, but..." And then, just like that, the villain's eyes were on them again. Just like before - the same color, the same shape, the same lashes. If someone was impersonating them, it was a really good replica.
The hero's heart dropped.
"Sweetheart!" their mom chirped. "You never introduced me to your friend."
She gestured towards the villain and the hero wanted to slap them.
Their smile was the same crooked thing and their eyes were still as observant as ever. They looked totally fine - without the broken leg and without all of that blood on them. They tilted their head.
"Don't tell me I'm your little secret, hm?" the villain asked, their voice as suave as always.
The hero's heartbeat was skyrocketing. They hadn't heard that voice in months. They hadn't, they hadn't-
"I'm sorry," the hero said. They swallowed. "I must have forgotten...I must have forgotten to introduce you."
Their mother laughed and put a hand on the villain's bicep, as if they were two acquaintances.
"They are so lovely, listen: they told me this hilarious story about that one time the both of you-"
"I'm sorry, mom." The hero's voice was shaking but their mom had already finished a glass full of champagne and had been talking to someone...very pleasant. She didn't notice how heartbroken the hero was. "But could I borrow them? It'll be just a second."
The hero reached for the villain's elbow and when they touched them they were, indeed, very real. A chill went down the hero's spine and they had to swallow that horrible lump in their throat.
For whatever reason, the villain put their hand on the hero's, yet their eyes were on the hero's mother, expecting an answer. It was eerie enough already. The hero was fighting an upcoming panic attack anyway.
"Oh, of course. Go ahead, darling," she said, giggling. Their mother finished her drink, petted the villain's shoulder and ran after a waiter to get more drinks. The hero didn't hesitate and pulled the villain with them.
They were so angry that they were shaking.
"Let me tell you, your mother is such a lovely lady..." the villain purred. They let their arm snake around the hero's back until they let their hand rest on the hero's hip. "...but I was secretly hoping for you to come over. I can't stand it when so many people are gawking at you."
"I-" No words came out of their mouth. The hero had to get out of this room. They had to leave, they had to go.
Eventually, they dragged the villain into an empty hallway and pushed them against the wall but the villain held them close, so that the hero bumped into them. Blind with rage, the hero pushed themselves off.
"You-" Oh, Christ. The hero was crying. They couldn't keep it in anymore. Even through their blurry vision, they could see that the villain's flirty gaze vanished.
"Hey, woah, calm down. Please, I didn't mean to embarrass you back there," the villain said. They raised their hands and tried to touch the hero but they slapped their hands away. The dull sounds of the party echoed in the hallway.
"Embarrass me?! You fucking idiot, you dumb fucking asshole," they sobbed. Their heart was racing so fast, the hero feared it was going to jump out of their ribcage. "You died. You died seven months ago and I broke your ribs to start your heart again and you said you adored me and that you - you said to me that we would meet in another life again and I had to go to a fucking therapist to get my shit together and I thought about you every day and I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I..."
They took in a deep breath but it didn't really matter. Tears were running down their cheeks and they couldn't look at the villain.
"I'm sorry. Please, I am so sorry," the villain said. They took a step towards the hero. "I can explain everything to you. I didn't fake my death and I didn't-"
"I don't care," the hero lied. They squeezed their eyes shut. Maybe replacing their sadness with anger would make this easier. Although their therapist had suggested not to bury any feelings, the hero exchanged sadness with anger, overwrote a protocol in the back of their mind and swallowed the tears. Their words were sharp and they couldn't even take themselves seriously. They felt bad for it. They felt bad for saying this to the villain, even though the villain was the one who had lied to them for months. "You need to leave. This - this is my celebration and I am not letting you ruin it."
"I didn't want to ruin anything," the villain said. Their voice was calm. Apologetic even. "Please, if you let me explain it to you..."
The hero wiped the tears off their face, trying to put on a brave expression.
"You are cruel," the hero said. "That's all there is to it. That's all the explanation I need. You're cruel and you think you can get away with it because you can be charming and flirty. But this is cruelty. What you did to me was cruelty."
Hadn't the hero suffered enough? Why did the villain have to deceive them like this? After all they had said to each other?
"You don't want to see me, I understand."
"Exactly. Leave." The villain looked at the ground. The had taken their time to do their hair and search for a nice outfit.
It broke the hero's heart to do this, but they couldn't do this tonight. They simply couldn't. They needed time to think about this, they needed space.
The villain nodded and stretched out their hand, as if they wanted to touch the hero's face and deep down the hero wanted them to.
However, the villain pulled back in the last second.
"I'm sorry," they said again. They walked past the hero but turned around before they reached the door. "Congrats on the promotion, by the way. You really deserve it."
It didn't feel like an achievement in the slightest.
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Double Jeopardy
Story Plot: You are Serenity, an identical twin. Your sister, Trinity, has a man at home named Erik Stevens, but he's in the way of her date with Cabo. She enlists you to keep him on ice until she gets back.
*Trinity is back (angst). And Erik KNOWS. Part 6.
Written for @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
Erik was finding it. The will to move maturely like a man in his 30s, despite the devil on his shoulder. It took him a while to really think things through the last time. He could black on the twins if he chose to, but Serenity was never his problem, and Trinity was already broken when he found her. What would it actually solve? Having sat stirring downstairs alone in front of the television for over two hours, he came to a final decision.
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"Aye... come down real quick. We need to talk," he said, hanging up abruptly. Serenity was down within a few minutes, stretching from having just woken up. She'd been in for the night.
"Hm?" She hung near the stairs, tired but ready to run again. He patted the couch cushion next to him.
"I'm not gone touch you, just sit down."
Hesitantly, she drew nearer, sliding in beside him. He gave her a second to relax her nerves while he got his thoughts together.
"Are... we good," she asked, her head slowly ticking his way.
He let the silence breathe before breaching the subject. "I need you... to tell me the truth now. About everything. No more lying. Just come clean."
"What do you mean?"
"Don't...," she sighed. "Don't do that."
Serenity stared at him like he hadn't the slightest idea of what he was referring to.
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Did he know? How could he? When could he? He couldn't. Could he?
You stare at him hard, trying to figure that out. He knows something.
"If I have to say it first... then I'm a be pissed again. If you say it first, I'll give you the chance to explain your side." He waits, growing increasingly impatient with each passing second, but remaining silent. The second he smirks in frustration and opens his mouth to speak, you stop him.
"You ever have that one person you'd do anything for? You'd live and die for them because you know they'd do the same."
He looks at you but doesn't answer. You don't think he's experienced it, but he can still feel what you're saying.
"The way we grew up," you swallow. "We were always tight. It's the thing with being a twin. No one really understands unless they're a twin."
"I get it," he says softly. You sigh, having the realization that he's known.
"How long have you known," you gesture between the two of you, truly curious. "I didn't think it would go this far. No one ever figures it out."
"Well, you two are very different. For one, Trinity doesn't run from me. You've been in flight since you got here."
"Well, you're very forward. I had to keep my distance," you defend.
"Trinity is a slob, you were too neat, and you did what I told you to do."
You didn't do that much. "Fair," you still nod.
"Trinity is an emotional wreck who can't be serious to save her own life. She runs from difficult conversations, and she'd never EVER spend her own money to buy me sushi and smoothies."
"Easy on my sister," you warn. "That's still my sister."
"Then there's the physical differences. Your nails are different. You smell different. Trinity had a little cut on her finger that you didn't have."
"You notice a whole lot about Trinity. You must really like her."
"I did," he admits. "She’s fukced up, broken, and fukcin everywhere, but she has a way of getting under your skin. Before you know it, you're along for the ride, waking up to hear what ridiculous thing she'll say next."
Trinity is always the comedian, making light of dark situations. She can definitely get under your skin and make you like her even if you hate her. She's that type of person, sour, then sweet. You find yourself smiling at the thought. You can see now how she pulled Erik so easily. He seems the type to need more laughter in his life.
"I never expected the relationship to be permanent," he further admits, "but I think I was still hoping I could change her."
"You can't change her," you blurt, thinking of your own relationship with Trin. You've often hoped the same, but you've come to realize that "All you can do is love her and hope that she'll learn to love herself as much as you do."
Turning fully to Erik, you can see through him. He's full of anger because he's been lied to and betrayed, but there's still some love there. After all, he's been extremely patient with your sister through some difficult things. More patient than anyone other than you has ever been.
"I think it's time for you to know some important things about Trinity... and since she can't find it in herself to tell you, I will."
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Louisiana State
You and Trinity come stumbling into the shared dorm from another drunken night out with friends. She's crawling into your bed with you because hers is covered with piles of clothes. In the morning, she refuses to get up, so you have to attend her early class in her place as well as your own in the afternoon. It's the least you can do after she went to class for you the week you were getting over a bad breakup.
You get a call from her in the evening to hang out with some men she met who want sex with twins. "They got money, Ren. We could scam em and graduate with no loan debt," she pleads, but you can't keep up with the fastness of her extra-curricular activities.
"That was a one-time deal. I ain't finna be whoring all over town for some duckets. You on your own."
"Suit yourself."
Taking on the challenge alone, Trinity came back to the room an entire worrying week later with glowing skin, new clothes, and a check to cover her next semester.
"Where have you been," you shake her so hard you rattle her bottom lip.
"In Cali," she shrugs like it's nothing. "Getting money." She flashes her check proudly, a saucy look on her face. "Could've been you too, now I'm not sharing."
Days pass and against your better knowledge, from time to time you find yourself second thinking your decision, weighing your exhaustion against her exuberance to the point that you skip class to go with her the very next time and learn "the game." A code of conduct and a way of sheisty moving.
"Today, you are Trinity Jr," she dubs you, keeping tabs on you even from across the expansive room of the high-level business event. Typically, you'd be bumping elbows for employment, but today, Trinity wants you to flirt with the trust funded nepo babies. Some college girl, coming onto 40-something year old men.
Never present with baggage, you tell yourself looking for the invisible brands--Brunello, Loro, Akris. Always be the prize. Keep a wig and an outfit that shows off one asset, not all of them at once. Always play men against each other. Always smile. Don't respond until they buy you something. Trinity was all about finessing, and she taught you how to play on a man's insecurities to make him desire you.
"And don't have sex for less than a car or a roof," she said, and she was right. You had the time of your life that day for free. But it was time to return to school. You had papers to write, and so did she, but she simply didn't, and her drinking became a problem... She continued to disappear, coming back drunk, refusing to answer questions. Being rude to your mutual friends... and due to her failure to complete assignments, she was dropped from the academic program. The family was extremely disappointed and made it known, but Trinity sidestepped their wrath by moving in with a guy she said she'd met in Houston. They'd been dating, and she didn't tell you. He wasn't much older than the two of you, and he was already fairly successful with a good salary and his own house. His name was Tyrell, but Trin called him Ty.
The most you'd ever seen was pictures. He was a fine, tall, cocoa man, something like a Kofi Siriboe meets Idris Elba. Unfortunately, along with blocking out your parents, Trin had also blocked you out. You hadn't seen her since she was dropped from the program and not for lack of trying. You'd called and left messages. She didn't wanna talk.
Time passes. You're still friends with the people you met at Louisiana State. You're excited to graduate with one semester left. You're checking out job opportunities and paid internships. You still haven't met Ty. He doesn't know you exist. He hasn't met the family, and it's been a while since you've seen your one and only sister. You're not used to being away from her for this long. You miss being mischievous and switching places. No matter how your life goes up, concern for your sister pulls you back down.
"Hey Ren, I'm kinda busy right now, unfortunately. Can I call you back," Trinity groans when you call her up out of the blue. She doesn't even hang up all the way before lighting into Ty. You recognize his voice in the background, and they both sound angry. You decide to be nosey, and immediately, you're worried about how they speak to each other.
They're calling each other everything but a child of God. He's complaining about her spending, and she's calling him a broke bastard. She ends the call suddenly, realizing she hadn't before, you guess. When you call her back an hour later, she's somber. You can tell she's started her drinking.
"It's cool, don't even trip. That's what my side nigga for anyway," she fusses, seemingly alone. "I'm a stay with him a few days."
"You sure? Crash with me," you tell her. It's just the same dorm room, and you'd have to sneak her, but it's something.
"Mm, nah, I'm a stay with Jermaine. He got a room for me with all of what I like."
"Okay... Well, you know the deal. I'm here."
"I know, Ren. I'm okay, really."
You let it go, but check in routinely, seeing Trinity update her social media with consistent wardrobe expansions, always looking like a celebrity or video vixen. Every time you check in, she tells you things are good... Until you hear Ty in the background again, calling her out of her name. This time, she does hang up, and you're concerned.
As the older twin (by a minute), you think a lot about Trinity. Her well-being... her relationships. One thing that remains consistent is her ability to choose the prettiest man with the ugliest streak. You've seen it having gone out with her countless times, and though you never met Ty, you've seen Ty. Physically he's your type, but you can tell he ain't right, and from the bits and pieces of eavesdropping on the phone, you're piecing together that there's a real probability he's been kicking her ass left and right. You've been tracking his pages, too, and developing a timeline of events from things you hear and see. You've been googling him and looking at his LinkedIn, anything you could find. Ever since he lost his salaried position and had to take a lower pay, it seems like he's been talking it out on your sister.
"You need to come back home and leave them men alone," you say bluntly the next time Trinity returns your call. "Aht. You can't deny what I know I heard, so stop lying. Come on. You know I'll go to bat! Tag me in! I'll swing by quick, no questions, and pack your things."
"I'm not coming back there. Just help me move my things to my side's place."
"Text me the address."
"Can you come when he's out?"
"Of course."
You get on the road, but you're getting tired of your twin weathering violent men just to secure a bag. They're sweet for a while, but they change and start testing the waters. You blame the alcohol for Trin's increasingly bad judgement. Trinity lives a fast life and refuses to work a normal job. She'd rather die.
From New Orleans to St. Francisville, you travel nearly two hours one way to meet Trinity at Ty's house, the goal being to help her organize and move her belongings out quickly. It's no surprise to see collections of empty liquor bottles scattered amongst food containers and clothes. Through talking to Trin, you learn that both she and Ty are heavy drinkers to the point of becoming verbally and physically violent. Ty just happens to do coke in addition. You keep your judgment to yourself for the time being in order to snatch up all Trinity's belongings as quickly as you can.
"Where you at, woman?" A voice from the front door barks out. You almost freeze, but keep working as Trinity yells back.
"I thought you were hanging with your boy. What do you want?"
"Who's car is that outside? You moving with niggas behind my back?"
Trinity looks at you and rolls her eyes. "Who got energy to cheat. You drain me enough! What you bring me to eat?"
"Ain't nobody bring yo fat ass shit. Who you got in my house?" You can hear him searching downstairs. You quietly speed up your messy packing of all the designer clothes, shoes, and wigs, uncaring of what gets wrinkled or tangled.
"You got two hands and a car! You ain't doing nothing!"
"What you say to me?!"
"If you'd stop scratching your dirty ass sack long enough for your brain to work, you'd hear better."
Trin, you sigh. She's egging him on. More yelling about how she won't stop spending and she won't leave the clubs. He's sounding more and more insecure, and Trinity's mouth isn't helping.
"You don't make enough for me to deal with short-tempered and forgetful. That's exactly why I'm leaving yo ass!" There's a rumble and some banging. You hear running on the steps and falling as though they're really fighting, then Trinity screams.
Leaving the fully packed suitcase and bags you run, catching the abuse with your own eyes for the first time.
"Get my stuff, Ren," Trinity yells, as if that's what's most important right now. She's bleeding from her lip. Ty has a bloody nose himself. His confusion in seeing you at the stop of the stairs gives Trin an opening, and she tases him. "Yeah, you shocked? Ren, get my stuff!"
You drag the bags to the top of the stairs, but it comes at a cost. There's another scuffle, and Ty's got Trin down, her long curly hair wrapped around his swollen fist.
"GET OFF OF HER," you shout, running down. You pull at Ty, getting flung back against the steps with his King Kong strength as he resumes punching Trinity like she's a man. Running back up past the bags, you find a full can of Lysol and launch an attack, smashing it over Ty's head hard enough to knock him back. He comes at you in his rage. That's when you draw your daddy's handgun on him.
"Ty, don't make me do it." The gun shakes in your hand. You've never shot it before. You keep your eye on him as you take the phone from your pocket and hit the emergency button. "Don't call the police," Trinity pleads weakly, still wanting to handle things on her own, but she can barely lift her head. "Enough is enough. I'm stopping this now and taking you back home to mom and dad."
"911, what is your emergency?"
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"She was pissed at first, but she understood," you tell Erik, who's been listening the entire time. "She kicked the alcohol. She's been sober for the most part ever since. However, she's always had this same habit of finding men. She told me she just wants someone to really love her for her. Not for her body, not for being a twin. She wants an honest to God connection and mutual respect, but she's never found it. We even talked about you... She loves you, but she's scared to. She's scared of the peace. All she knows is chaos."
"Tell me about it," Erik mutters. "Sometimes I think she's finally opening up, then she shuts right back down."
"Give her time. Out of all the men she could've dealt with, I'm glad she picked you. That's growth in itself."
"Maybe... What about this Gio? You think she tied to him?"
"How you know about Gio?!" There's no logical way for him to have figured that much out unless he's a psychic. He takes out his phone and hands it to you on an open gallery to flip through. There's pictures of you as Trinity, pictures of random things like a receipt, and then there's handwritten notes. Your handwriting. Your draw drops as you recognize pages from your journal. He knows way more than you initially thought. He knows too much, even about you.
"How long have-"
"Since the beginning almost? Second day? At first, I wanted to let you suffer. I fully intended to use you to hurt her, but that didn't end up working out."
"You tried to use me to hurt Trinity?" You're disappointed, but not exactly surprised.
"I would've succeeded if you didn't keep turning me down. Every time you said no, it made me wanna try harder, but there's only so far a nigga can go before it's past petty and into fukc nigga territory. I'm too old for that shit."
"We all are..."
"You judging me now," he smirks, catching your subtle side-eye, "I'm being honest. Since this is honesty hour, you should know I would've fukced you, but it would've only been to get back at Trinity. Even now, I see you in front of me, and the two of you are so different that my attraction to you is different. I'm not drawn to you in the same way."
"Okay?" You side-eye him, openly offended. "I really didn't ask."
"But you're attracted to me. I wanted to make that clear to be fair to you."
"Mm," you hum, feeling suddenly awkward. "Okay. Well."
"Okay," he stares forward, no malice or intention in his eyes. You get up and wonder if you should go home... "Goodnight," he whispers, answering that for you.
Slowly, you make your way back upstairs and return to sleep, knowing you no longer have to fight him. The week is over. Trinity returns tomorrow. You'll go home, and in a couple of days, you'll go back to work.
When you wake up, you check Erik's room in curiosity. He's still in bed, sleeping in. You leave him alone, and you take the few things you brought over along with the Benz back to your place to sleep off and on until it's time to get Trinity from the airport at 5.
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On the long and cramped flight from Cabo, Trinity was left alone to spiral into madness as she breathed the recycled air of those pressed around her. A baby was crying and the in-flight entertainment system was malfunctioning. She wanted to do terrible things, but she managed to control herself and sit in silence.
Once at the site of her connection, she was able to see Serenity's messages. She was still popular with their old college friends. Mom and Dad had called her. And she'd texted and called herself to reach Trinity. Trinity didn't have all of that. The attention she received was from men she didn't care about in the form of dick pics and sexual advances. It wasn't fair, but at the same time, Trinity knew it was her own fault. She was volatile, insecure, and terrible at relationship maintenance. At least she was aware.
Listening to the voice message from Ren, her heart sunk immediately upon hearing that they needed to talk. The worst had occurred in Trinity's mind. She didn't want to think about Ren and Erik bumping uglies. It was driving her insane. She dissociated on the flight back home where she saw Ren for the first time in a week.
Trinity was still excited to see her sister. She hugged her before taking the wheel, but the intrusive thoughts were still there.
"What did you wanna tell me about on the voicemail," she asked, switching the phones back.
"Huh? Oh! Bitch. You wouldn't believe what I did."
"What you do?"
"I had sex with-" Please don't say it, Trinity pleaded. "-the guy from the gym."
"His name is Kelce. I just walked up to him and took control, ended up at his place. We went from room to room."
"Forreal?" Trinity perked up, relieved.
"Yeah... Too bad he's married with a kid."
"Yikes," Trinity grimaced, flicking off someone in her rearview. "Was the dick nice?"
"Only you," Serenity laughed.
"What? Inquiring minds." Trinity wanted details.
"Hell yea, it was good, but I can't keep doing that."
"I would," Trinity stated boldly. If she wanted it, she took it. They both already knew that. They talked about Kelce and Cabo all the way to Serenity's apartment, where they sat in the car a little longer to chat. "So... You were able to meet Erik. What do you think of him?"
"I'm glad you bring that up. He's an amazing guy, Trin. You did your big one finding him. He's smart, cute, funny, sexy, all of the boxes. He also knows... about us," Ren said cautiously.
Kill Bill sirens sounded in Trinity's head. "He what?" Maybe she didn't hear correctly.
"He knows about us... He knows everything."
"Everything..." Trinity stared at her sister, trying to remember she was her sister. "Everything?"
"Everything," Ren solidified. Trinity was gutted. She couldn't even tell him the surface shit and in one week, one menial week, Ren had told him EVERYTHING.
"What did you tell him?"
"Um," Ren hesitated, going silent.
"Ren? How much did you TELL him?" Trinity gritted her teeth in fury. Now Ren was careful to speak? "Did you tell him about Gio?"
"Not on purpose."
"Get the fukc... You told him?!"
"It's not that simple. He read my journal, it was in there."
"You just happened to leave it out..." Serenity had to be playing in her face, Trinity thought. "You really went and told this man my business the first chance you got. Did you feel bad for him? Poor Erik getting run over by my evil sister," Trinity mocked.
"He figured it out, Trinity. Even before he read my journal, he knew I wasn't you. He could tell. Remember you said you wanted a man to love you for you? This is it. Here is a man who distinguishes you by his love for you."
"I already know that," Trinity admitted to herself and aloud for the first time. "But why would you tell him those things about ME? Did you tell him about Ty?"
Her silence was an affirmation. Trinity wanted to cry.
"Get out my car."
"Trinity, you're not letting me explain the situation. We had to tell him."
"GET OUT OF MY CAR!" She couldn't hold it in or stay calm any longer. She was pissed, irritated, betrayed, embarrassed, all of it. She'd have never told him that. She didn't want him to know that side of her. She didn't wanna be broken. She felt it already, all the fukcing time. She slammed her palm on the wheel. "GET THE FUKC OUTTA MY CAR!!!"
"But that's not even the point. I'm trying to tell you he figured us out himself."
"NO ONE EVER FIGURES IT OUT!" Trinity was in tears. She didn't feel them coming, but they were there. Serenity's big mouth.
"He did..."
Why would Serenity do this? She knew how she'd feel and did it anyway. It dawned on Trinity just then that she never had a chance. Serenity and Erik were a better match, and Serenity must've known that and made her move with the journal. She was a bitch!
"The one good man I pull! Of course you would jump on it," she smiled bitterly through the tears. "Perfect Serenity! Ready to profit off my work and my mistakes to make a come up! I knew it. I knew this would happen. Typical."
"Excuse you?" She blinked.
"Every time I shit, here you come, ready to suck up all the shit I dropped! Well, congratulations," she clapped, "You win! You're the favorite and eeevery one loves you."
"What the maple toasted fukc are you talking about?"
"Spare me. Ever since we were little, you were the favorite, and I was the fukc up! You thrive on it! It's our entire dynamic!"
"Oh, baby, you swallowed too much ocean water with your semen."
"Right. Well, I knew you were a hard up and desperate bitch trailing behind me to pick up anything I dropped. That's what you do. You wait for me to drop the ball, then you come by and -woosh- layup. You saw your chance with Erik, and you took it. So, like I said, typical!"
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"Oh, be so for real with yourself!" Never before has Trin spit this utter bullshit that's been building on her conscience, and you're stunned to hear it. You've been trying to understand, refusing to believe she's serious, but she is dead serious. "You ruin every relationship you have. Don't turn around and blame it on me," you glare. "Yuka and Liv? You stopped talking to them, not vice versa. Mom and Dad, you ruined that. You! With your dumbass choices. If you're a fukcup, that's no one's fault but yours."
"Go to hell."
"And as for Erik? You fukced that up by leaving. That was you who called me to keep your nigga on ice and that's what the fukc I did. That's ALL I did." You stop yourself, hearing how you sound. You don't think badly of her. You don't think she's a fukc-up, but you're not gonna let her lie and beat on you either. You're not one of her whipped clients. You're really the one if she pushes you. "Where is this coming from all of a sudden!? We've switched places on your men many times, and you've never acted this way. You don't trust my judgment all of a sudden with how far to take shit? Well, why the fukc you come to me then?! Huh?" You smack the dashboard.
"Not to betray me and wreck my relationship. That's for sure, bitch."
"Oh my GOD," you shout reaching your own limit. Your intention was to vet him, not to take him. You were extremely careful! "You're bugging! Talk about over dick? You're flipping on me for a man. A man!... Really? After all I've done for you?"
"What have you done for me?! Everything you do is always so you can prove how amazing you are and how shit I am, and now I finally had something worth taking... Just get out," she waves.
"For a man, Trin? Over a man?"
"You know damn well it's more than a man. I'm not going through this with you again, acting like you're dense and don't get shit."
"Trin," you sigh, genuinely hurt, offended, and now mad as all hell. "You're such a brat. If you weren't a total bitch running off on him in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation."
"I'm the mean scary bitch and you the hero, right? Did you cum from it? Did you win a million dollars? What about that cookie you ordered. Did you get it?"
"Bitch!... I could've had your man seven ways to Sunday! Literally! I purposely didn't do that shit for you." You get out and slam the door.
"Tuh. Well, how about this. Y'all can be together and leave me the hell out of it. I really don't care anymore."
You know that's a lie.
"Oh fukc all the way off, Trinity. I hate when you lie. You care, or else you wouldn't be tripping and going off like this."
"No, I actually don't care. I can always find a man who's richer, better looking, and overall better, but you can't... As a matter of fact, I already have one on the sidelines." She flashes a brand new diamond bracelet. It must be from Gio, you assume. "And no, not Gio. I met another man in Cabo. So enjoy my sloppy seconds."
You stare at her at a loss for words. It's wild that you were loyal for a week of temptation knowing Trinity would've NEVER had the same resolve herself, and the second she's back, she turns on YOU AND ERIK and dips.
"Fine," you stand in the distance, watching her zoom off.
What the hell just happened?
You go up to your apartment, still shaken by the exchange and furious. How dare she even accuse you something like that, let alone believe it? Does she know how much temptation you ducked all week in the name of loyalty? Does she care?
You give it the weekend and return to work on Monday feeling irritated and mentally exhausted as ever. As Wednesday hits, you're also pissed because Trinity hasn't come through with your money. Being mad at you was one thing. Messing with your money was another, and you weren't one to be as patient or nice about that. You've been calling her about it since Monday. Friday, you're done.
"She want a villain, I'll give her a villain," you mutter on the way to Erik's after work. You knock knowing you've come at a time when Erik's home too. He looks surprised to see you, then realization relaxes him.
Who else would it be? "I need to speak to Trinity. I don't care if she don't wanna talk. She owes me money."
"Trinity ain't been here. Not since she went to Cabo."
"What?" You look around, but there's no Benz. "Did she call you?"
Growling with anger, you explode into stomps and kicks. This didn't make sense and was truly irking you to the deepest of your core.
"Tell me about it," he remarks, the look on his face saying he feels a similar way.
"She's so damn frustrating!"
"Come in," he steps back, waving you into the house.
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xhfics · 3 days
threesome with jungsu and jiseok… 🫣
Dinna, bestie. I'm 100% using the things you wrote in your reply to my ask for this🤭
Note: 18+ minors dni!! Jiseok x Reader x Jungsu. Contains semi-public sex, slight handjob & fingering, threesome (no m x m), protected and unprotected sex, slight degradation and overstimulation (jiseok to reader), light choking??? Help Jiseok gets a little possessive🤷🏻‍♀️ cameo from Gunil and Seungmin
The video of you and Jiseok had been send to the group chat, and he had collected the money from his friends . But none of them were mad at the way the bet played out. In fact, they were surprised and impressed by it.
There was only one person who was slightly... let down by the fact he wasn't able to win the bet himself. Jungsu.
"You're still up for the gym session, right?" You ask him, a few days after the video had been seen by the group of friends.
You're all at Jiseok's place, chilling after a few rounds of tennis matches. The guys aren't shy to talk to you, they never were. But Jiseok's definitely more... possessive over you now that his friends have seen his girlfriend naked.
He doesn't regret making the video, and neither do you. He's glad he's now able to finally show you off to everyone. The looks and glances of his friends make him a little jealous, but part of him also kind of likes it that his friends find you hot. He's extremely proud that your his, and he's yours.
You sit on your boyfriend's lap, both of you facing Jungsu. Whose slightly red cheeks are very obvious.
"You really meant that?" He says, trying to sound like he doesn't care. "You wanna work out with me?"
You lean back against Jiseok's chest, and he wraps his arm around your waist. You nod. "Yeah of course!"
"I'm coming too though." Jiseok says, more so to Jungsu than to you. "She doesn't know how to hold back and I don't want her to overuse her ankle."
You chuckle, knowing why Jiseok is saying this. The two of you had a brief talking after filming the little clip; he had asked you if you really, truly thought Jungsu was cute. And if you really, truly would have had sex with him if you weren't with Jiseok.
You had said yes to both questions. To which Jiseok suggested you should do it if you had the chance and Jungsu wanted it too.
"Did you really have to wear the least amount of clothes possible for this?" Jiseok says, lacing his fingers with yours as the two of you enter the gym building.
Apart from Jungsu, who's waiting for you two, it's empty. It's a semi-private gym, owned by the parents of one of Jiseok's friends, who train important people and celebrities here. The whole friend group is welcome to come and go whenever they feel like it, including you.
You chuckle at your boyfriend's comment. "I wanna look cute for you."
"And Jungsu." Jiseok adds with a sigh.
You halt just before the entrance of the gym and turn to face Jiseok. "Babe if you don't want this, I won't do it. You know that, right?"
He presses a firm kiss on your lips. "I know. I don't mind it. It's just that I don't know if I'll be able to keep my thoughts to myself."
"Well." You smile at him, taking his hand and guiding it to your hip. He rests it there, right on the waistband of your gym shorts. They're tight and short, and show your ass in all the right ways. "You can always join in."
He bites his lower lip at the thought and pulls you closer to kiss you. His hands slide to your ass, firmly gripping it and pulling you even closer to him.
"You should go work out with Jungsu." He then says, his lips still slightly on yours. "The quicker you're done, the quicker I, or maybe we, can fuck you."
The moment you walk into the gym, Jungsu is already working out. You have to be honest to yourself; he looks extra hot when he works out.
"You don't really have any intention of actually working out, do you?" Jungsu asks 15 minutes after you've started your 'workout'.
"Mh, how so?" You ask, putting your dumbbells down on the floor and walking up to him. Jiseok's keeping an eye on you via the mirror.
Jungsu chuckles and puts down his weights as well. "You're half-assing it. And you're not focused on it at all."
You shrug a little. "I'm focused. Very focused. Just on you instead of my workout."
A soft chuckle from Jiseok is heard by the both of you, and Jungsu turns to face him. "Is she always like this?"
Jiseok nods, not saying anything. He makes it clear with his casual behavior that he doesn't mind this at all.
Jungsu smirks softly as he turns back to face you. "Anything I can help you with?"
You briefly touch his upper arm, and slightly tilt your head in a playful way. "Be honest with me, Jungsu. Were you disappointed you didn't win the bet?"
He gulps and quickly eyes Jiseok, who's now walking up to the both of you.
"You can say it." Jiseok scoffs amused. "Everyone noticed it anyway."
"Okay, yeah I was disappointed." Jungsu mumbles, keeping his eyes on you. You notice his gaze going down to your chest slightly, the quickly back up again.
"You know..." you say, brushing Jungsu's blonde bangs out of his eyes. They're slightly wet from his sweat. "Jiseok and I have been talking. And if you want, you can fuck me."
"But only right now." Jiseok adds, sliding his arm around your waist. "And I'm making sure you're being good to her."
You're lucky the gym is empty, because Jungsu is barely able to keep his cool. You knew he wanted to, but you didn't expect him to be this eager.
"Anything that's a no?" Jungsu asks the moment the three of you are in the changing rooms.
Jiseok finds a smaller room with a lock and beckons you and Jungsu.
"Condom stays on." Your boyfriend says, handing Jungsu one of his condoms that he grabbed out of his gym bag. "Other than that, anything goes."
You already feel yourself getting extremely aroused by the situation. Seeing Jiseok like this, letting you get fucked by one of his friends, just makes it all way hotter.
Jungsu looks at you to ask you the same question.
You position yourself on a bench in the room and shake your head. "Whatever you want."
As soon as you say those words, Jungsu crashes his lips on yours for a rough kiss. His hands immediately on your chest, grabbing hold of your boobs. It makes you chuckle how needy he is.
The two of you quickly get up and Jungsu guides you to lean against the wall of the small room.
Jiseok's eyes widen, both because he's surprised his friend immediately has his hands on his girlfriend and of how much he likes seeing you like that.
You quickly eye Jiseok, gauging if he's still okay with it. Which he definitely is, so you take it a step further and pull away from Jungsu's hungry kisses to push down your flimsy fitness top, taking along the sports bra with it. You're too eager for this to properly take everything off.
Jungsu looks for a second and sighs happily. "Fuck, I need you so badly."
As soon as his hands are back on your breasts and his lips on your neck, you tug his shorts down and start palming is obviously hard dick over his boxers.
Jungsu bites the skin of your shoulder as the sensation of your hand on his clothes cock gives him chills.
You slip your hand in his boxers and start jerking him off slowly. You occasionally look at your boyfriend, who's eyes are glued to what's happening in front of him. You know he's hard and horny, and you know he wants in. But not yet.
"I think we should fuck." You say to Jungsu, as you slide your thumb over his leaking tip. You bring your thumb to your mouth and lick off the precum.
Jungsu is at a loss for words and just does what his dicks wants him to do; roll on the condom and undress you further.
He slides his fingers through your folds quickly. You're slightly embarrassed that you're already this wet. Jungsu presses his body closer against yours as he pushes himself into you.
The softest but most satisfied moan escapes your lips as he fills you up right away. You feel a pair of lips on yours, Jiseok's.
You look at him, while Jungsu's thrusting into you, and your boyfriend seems to enjoy it all a little too much maybe.
His eyes get a bit dark, lustful, and he speaks with a low voice. "You're taking him so well, like a proper slut. My slut."
You bite your lip to suppress a moan, and wrap your arm around Jungsu more tightly. He lifts one of your legs up slightly, so he can really fuck into you.
"I need to cum." He pants, quickening his pace. He face is close, and you know he likes being kissed. So you press your lips on his and make out with him some more.
He's getting a little sloppy, his lips are just touching yours without really kissing you anymore.
"Jungsu, don't worry about me." You mumble against his mouth. "You can use me to cum."
He grips the flesh of you ass hard and squeezes as he spills himself into the condom. He lets out a satisfied moan into your mouth and it makes you even more wet than you already were.
Jungsu gives you a quick and firm kiss before slipping out of you.
You barely have any time to catch your breath, because your boyfriend already has his hands on you as soon as Jungsu takes a step back.
"You're definitely not done babe." Jiseok says to you with a low voice. His hand immediately slides down your folds and into you. "Oh he fucked you well, you're soaking."
You shiver as his fingers enter you. Jungsu has stretched you out nicely and Jiseok easily slips three fingers in.
He kisses you, roughly and with tongue. He keeps his fingers inside of you, pumping them slowly in and out as you fumble with his pants and push them down.
Jiseok takes his fingers out your dripping hole and lines himself up with you, when the sound of a door opening makes the three of you freeze in the small room.
You quickly take a look at Jungsu, who just got himself cleaned up as best as he can. His cheeks are red, his hair sticks to his forehead and he's nervous about the situation.
"God that video was hot." You hear someone say. You recognize the voice of one of Jiseok's friends, Gunil.
"Yeah, he's a lucky guy." Another voice, that you know is Seungmin's, says.
You hear rumblings from the guys as they're changing into their workout clothes. You lock eyes with Jiseok and you see that he's up to something.
He gives you a feathery light kiss and places his hand over your mouth. There's a split second where he raises his eyebrow ever so slightly, as to check if you're okay with this.
You give him the slightest nod and pushes his cock deep inside you. He bites his lower lip, suppressing any sound that he wants to make. And you grab onto his upper arm firmly.
If it weren't for his hand covering your mouth, you would have let him know how good it feels to have him in you right now.
Jiseok bites down on your shoulder, slowly but surely moving in and out of you. The tension of his friends being in the same room, where you just fucked Jungsu as well as fucking Jiseok right at this moment, is making you lose your mind.
You could cum right here and now. But you won't, because you want more.
Jungsu is eyeing the both of you up and down, and you notice he's getting aroused again. You wish you could help him again, but Jiseok only allowed you one time with him.
The two men in the changing room take their sweet time getting changed and ready for their workout, and it's getting more difficult for you to keep quiet. Jiseok's getting a little sloppy as well and his hand leaves your mouth for just a second.
A soft pant escapes from your lips as Jiseok slowly pulls out of you and slides back in again. You freeze, but Jiseok doesn't seem to care anymore.
It sounds like his friends didn't notice anything and you hear them leave the room. Immediately you feel your boyfriend's hand slide to your neck and he applies some gentle pressure on it, still making your breath get stuck in your throat.
"Should have been quiet, princess." He says, caressing the front of your throat with his thumb. "Gonna have to punish you for that."
"Jiseok.." you pant, louder than you meant to.
Your boyfriend's hand slides to your chest, possessively groping your boobs as he fucks into you like it's going to be his last time.
"Jungsu, I need you to shut her up." Jiseok says, breathing heavily as he gives you a firm kiss on your open mouth. "She's being too fucking loud."
You kinda forgot you weren't alone in this spacious stall for a second, your eyes either shut closed from pleasure or looking at your boyfriend as he fucks you well.
Jungsu swallows hard, he doesn't want to interfere with anything. But Jiseok grabs his wrist and pulls him closer to the two of you.
You grab onto Jiseok's arm firmly as Jungsu kisses you. Your nails dig into Jiseok's bare skin, making him get closer to his high.
His hand leaves your chest and starts to rub circles on your clit, right when you're already coating his cock with your cum.
You moan into Jungsu's mouth. The hand that was gripping Jiseok's arm, slides around his shoulders and you pull him closer to you. Your other hand is tangled in Jungsu's workout top.
"Jiseok.. baby.." you whine against Jungsu's lips, as Jiseok's still rubbing you through your orgasm; overstimulating you.
Jiseok is getting close, you know he is. But instead of releasing himself into you, he pulls out and covers your workout top that's scrunched around your waist.
Jungsu quickly takes a step back and lets out a soft chuckle. He seems to enjoy all of it.
"What the fuck babe?" You ask, your voice still trembling from the overstimulation.
"Should have kept quiet when my friends where here." Your boyfriend says with a cocky smirk. He kisses you roughly before speaking again. "You're gonna go to the other changing room through the gym, and you're gonna say hi to them."
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mxdarling · 19 hours
["did you miss me? because i really missed you" / "no! i'm not going anywhere and neither are you! we're stuck together now, i'll make sure of it"]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: the greatest detective, will never leave your side and neither will you leave his.
ೃ⁀➷: word count: 1.8k
ೃ⁀➷: reference/inspiration: n/a
ೃ⁀➷: event: [200 followers event]
[author's note:] my first bsd work LOLL god when I say I was writing this with trembling hands I wouldn't be lying, I was so scared to write for him even though he's one of my favs fufuu I just hate mischaracterization and i don't wanna fuck this up, anyways thank you anon for requesting ranpo with #30 and #22! it has been my pleasure to write for him LOLL enjoy!!
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[warnings:] lowercase, ooc ranpo, yandere behavior, they/them prns, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, ranpo sits on reader's lap, mentions of stalking, implied reader being blackmailed by ranpo, reader is taller than ranpo, non consensual kissing (cheeks & lips), ranpo licks reader's fingers, eavesdropping.
[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. I don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. If you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, I am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[GN reader]
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RANPO EDOGAWA, the greatest detective in the world, one who could solve a case in under 3 seconds, your annoying and childlike coworker, the one who has no ability, is currently following you around like a lost child. this has been going on for—at least, 4 minutes max—just him trailing a few centimeters behind as you continue to walk to your destination. in all fairness, when he found out you were going to the grocery store, he immediately jumped into the conversation and decided by himself that he's going to join you during your trip.
"areee weeeee there yet? i don't remember the journey to the store being this long!" a loud whine comes out of ranpo's mouth, worsening your mood as you hear his whiny voice, the kind you'd hear from a 6-year-old child who is simply too impatient to wait for their turn. from your peripheral vision, you could see several people looking at the two of you, ranging from confusion to judgmental stares. his shoulders are down, making him have a slouched body posture as he walks behind you in a more lazier manner than you, who is so close to speed stomping and leaving him behind.
"are we ther- hey! wait up!"
scratch that last thought, you're going to have a pleasant trip to the grocery store and you're going to leave him behind if that's what it takes to have peace of mind.
(fortunately for him, you didn't. your dislike for attention proves to be something he could use to his advantage, seeing how you crumbled under the feeling of many eyes turned towards you two when he whined and cried in the middle of the sidewalk, making a scene in broad daylight, taking his wrist in your grip, and dragging him along to your destination, making him match your speedy pace. he'll definitely keep this in mind for future use.)
the office was quiet, and you were alone in the room—switching between writing and reading a bunch of papers piled up near where you're sitting. despite having gone through just a few pieces of paper, the weight on your shoulders and back has gotten rather heavy, like you didn't stretch your limbs beforehand after waking up from your 5-hour rest. the silence was odd, to say the least, not that it wasn't unwelcome; it just made you curious about what your co-workers were up to, which made you not present in the office today. maybe yosano is out shopping, maybe kunikida and dazai were out chasing down criminals, and whatnot? maybe atsushi is helping out to solve a case with... him. the oh so great detective, fucking ranpo.
as much as he preached about how great he is and how everyone else in the detective agency respects and admires him, you were quite indifferent towards him in general. you aren't sure what everyone sees in him or what makes him so interesting that he's able to get this much attention—in other words, he's just plain boring in your eyes. actually, scratch that; he's more than boring; he's an absolute brat. he's whiny, always munching on his snacks so loudly, refusing to do work or cases sometimes, and acting like his super deduction is an ability. what's even worse is that he seems so determined to bother you constantly, every chance he gets. rarely are you left alone and left to breathe from the overwhelming detective—even if you are given a moment of peace, he'd come running back acting like an even bigger headache for you.
"(nameeeeeee)!" filling up the room with his shout, he pushed open the door with such force that it banged so loudly that the noise echoed to the other side. you could feel his attention on your back as silence once again filled the room. in the most coincidental (and worst) timing, the headache you were talking shit in your head comes into the office—a dreadful pit building up in your stomach as you mentally pray in your head for whatever ranpo is going to put you through this time. you could hear the skip in his footsteps. every step you take, more sweat starts rolling down your cheeks as you close your eyes and imagine a life without ranpo, without the suffocation of love and attention he gives you, without the anxious thoughts of being followed on your way home (you have major suspicions that it's ranpo but have nothing solid to prove it's him), without him blackmailing you into compliance, without-
dragging you out of your inner thoughts, the headache makes impactful contact with your back. "did you miss me? because i really missed you!" he says in a cheerful tone, wrapping his arms around your shoulders in a tight grip and rubbing his cheeks against yours like someone would greet their lover when they miss them so much (he's doing it on purpose to make you uncomfortable, you think). to further prove your point, he smashes his lips against your cheek, not once, not twice, but multiple times in the same and adjacent areas of your cheek. if this had happened to you several months ago, the simple act of him trying to wrap his arms around your shoulders would make you go away from him as fast and as far as possible—even more so if he tried to kiss you, your water bills would skyrocket through the roof for how much time you would spend in the bathroom trying to scrub away the kiss on your cheek.
"no i didn't, actually" having gotten used to his (non-consensual) affection towards you, his actions do not faze you; on the outside, that is, there still remains that pit of disgust you used to have all those months ago. those urges to swat his body away from yours to give yourself some space are still there, yet you do nothing to act on any of them. you simply decide to indulge in whatever antics he has up his sleeves this time for the next few hours of your day—not that you had a choice, anyway.
(several times you've expressed discomfort at the physical touches he gives you during work hours, and several times you've expressed discomfort at the physical touches he gives you during work hours, and several times he intentionally ignores it for his own benefit. the one time he went overboard was when he made himself comfortable on your lap, handed you several sweet snacks you assumed he got from his secret stash, and forced you to hand-feed him until he was satisfied. to say this stunt of his hindered your productivity would be an understatement. you were way behind your planned schedule by the time you finished hand-feeding him all the sweet snacks.
just as you were about to ask him to get off, he suddenly grabbed your wrist, saying something about "there's still some crumbs left!" which confused the fuck out of you until you felt the wet sensation of a tongue licking your fingers. the horrors expressed on your face seemed to further encourage the amused ranpo, as he started sucking on your fingers too! neither of you two brought up that incident again, though you're glad he hasn't done this again; you aren't sure how well you were going to handle the next one.)
"i guess you could say smart men are my type," you say rather subconsciously without any thought or care of your co-workers' reaction to your answer, instead putting all your focus on your computer screen and continuing to type away as you hear several gasps and 'no way's from your left side.
"(name), are you.. sure smart men are your type?" there was hesitation in their voice, disbelief even—like they didn't believe you the first time. "uhh.. yeah? i didn't really give much thought, but intelligence is hot, i guess," you said once again, answering in the same manner you did the first time. you weren't sure what they were trying to get out of this conversation, but if you had to guess, most likely they're attempting to set you up on a blind date. "..alright, if you say so.." they say, ultimately ending the conversation and switching topics to avoid making the awkwardness linger in the atmosphere.
(little did you and your co-workers know, the great detective was listening in on the whole conversation. hearing every word that came out of your mouth, to say he stumbled upon your little talk on accident would be a lie—he doesn't go to such lengths without a reason. to say he's surprised by your type of men like your co-workers were would be another lie, but he's quite puzzled. if smart men are your type, why do you always seem to give the expression that you're disgusted by him? no matter, as a detective, it's his job to uncover every bit of mystery and solve for all the missing pieces.)
stepping out of the building, bidding farewell to your co-workers, and parting ways as you walk to your house, taking extra caution by putting your keys between your fingers in case you were to be stalked by someone, especially a certain someone you've been trying to avoid all day long...
"(naaameeeee)!!" and speak of the devil; he shows up to come and ruin your day just when you're about to go home—how fun. you let out a tired sigh and turned around to see ranpo running towards you at full speed. the sight set off alarm bells in your head, so on impulse, you tried to get out of his way and hoped he ran too fast that he ended up hitting a light pole straight in the face. yet it seems this day of yours wouldn't be so lucky, because suddenly he grabs your shirt, pulls you a little lower to his height, and then kisses you on the lips.
your eyes widen in shock, momentarily stunned for a second, before you feel your instincts kick in and roughly push him away.
"ranpo, what the fuc-!?"
suddenly you feel an unexpected impact hitting your chest, emitting a surprising noise from your mouth, making you cut off mid-sentence. ranpo buries his face underneath your chin, rubbing against your skin with his cheek like it's a pillow—opening your mouth. you tried to protest once more against him, but nothing came out. the sudden feeling of a pair of arms wrap around your torso and your arms holding you in a tight grip, sending the message that he doesn't want to let you go. after what felt like eternity to you, he looks up and shows you the poutiest expression you've ever seen him make.
"no! i'm not going anywhere, and neither are you! we're stuck together now; i'll make sure of it!"
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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partystoragechest · 2 months
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A story of romance, drama, and politics which neither Trevelyan nor Cullen wish to be in.
Canon divergent fic in which Josephine solves the matter of post-Wicked Hearts attention by inviting invites four noblewomen to compete for Cullen's affections. In this chapter, Trevelyan has someone she'd like to impress.
(Masterpost. Beginning. Previous entry. Next entry. Words: 3,893. Rating: all audiences, bar a few swears.)
Chapter 42: The Ball
The stage was set, the Great Hall adorned in its finest. A band played upon the dais, the floor before them awaiting its dancers. Every candle was lit, every banner unfurled—each one proudly displaying the sigil of the Inquisition.
This was their party. People of all ranks were in attendance. Advisors and dignitaries, to soldiers and mages. All, except for four.
The door thundered open. A chamberlain cried their names:
“Lady Erridge of West Coldon, Lady Samient of Samient, Baroness Touledy of Val Misrenne..!”
The Ladies strode in, none finer than they. Lady Erridge wore her pinkest, most ruffliest dress yet; Lady Samient wore her tightest, of dark, snakish leather; the Baroness wore her most glamorous, a gown in passionate red—with mahogany cane to match, of course.
“...and Lady Trevelyan, of Ostwick!”
Trevelyan emerged, last of all. The ballgown she wore? Unrecognisable.
The black brocade was gone, the lace ripped from its seams with wicked delight. All that remained was perfect canvas of purest navy, onto which it could be painted—with shining, silvery thread.
Her mother would’ve fumed at the very idea. But what good was learning embroidery, if one did not use it in defiance?
Each Lady had taken up a quadrant of her own, yet the stitches they sewed were all the same: dozens upon dozens of tiny, shimmering, stars.
Trevelyan sparkled with every step. Diamonds glittered around her neck, lent eagerly by the Baroness. Every candle’s flame glistened upon her.
Even the night sky could not compare.
Were it not for the band, the room would have been stunned to silence. Whispers of admiration made their circuit. Trevelyan joined the other Ladies, all of them frightfully pleased with their handiwork—and quite rightly, too.
“So this is what you were all up to yesterday?” asked the arriving Lady Orroat—herself in fine doublet and breeches—laying her eyes upon the dress for the very first time. “It’s beautiful!”
A look of panic came over Lady Erridge. “I did those ones!” she blurted, her pointing finger at some collection of stars.
The Baroness laughed at such a display. “Yes, Lady Erridge is indeed a fine seamstress.”
“Oh, certainly,” Orroat agreed, placing a kiss upon her seamstress’ hand, quelling her worry in an instant. “Always has been.”
Amused, Lady Samient whispered to Trevelyan: “Seems her Ladyship has reversed her position on your knowing Lady Orroat.”
Trevelyan giggled. “Good. For I could hardly say we should make such as handsome couple as they.”
The Ladies settled, the partygoers returned to business—yet the music that accompanied their conversation furrowed into quiet. Attention was drawn to the dais from whence it had come, as the ever-elegant Lady Montilyet took her place upon it.
“Friends of the Inquisition!” she called. “Thank you for coming. I do not wish to keep you from your pleasures, so this will not be long—but, if you shall indulge me, I would like to say a fond farewell, to some of our departing guests.”
She raised a glass in the direction of the Ladies, and sang their praises each.
Lady Erridge and Lady Orroat were wished all the best, for the wedding that was to come, and for the future of their Coldon, reunited by love. They took each other’s hands, met one another’s doting gaze, and held tight.
The Baroness was sent hope, for a swift victory in Val Misrenne—but also admiration. She had more than proven why she was capable of defying the Chantry so: a steadfast determination, that they should all aspire to. With a smile, the Baroness bowed.
Lady Samient’s message was subtle. A safe journey home, all she was promised—but those who knew, knew what that meant. Absent-minded, the Lady reached for and toyed with the pendant at her neck, a twisting halla’s horn.
“Of course,” Montilyet continued, “one of our guests is to remain. Gathered friends, may I please introduce to you our new Arcanist”—she held her glass high—“Lady Trevelyan of Ostwick!”
Applause went up, echoing off the walls, filling the room with joy. Trevelyan laughed in delight, and caught glimpses of her friends amongst the rabble. Varric’s arms flew up; somewhere, Dorian hollered; even Sera clapped—though none, it seemed, were as enthusiastic as Dagna herself!
“Tonight, we celebrate!” Montilyet declared. “So please, enjoy!”
The band launched into triumphant fanfare; good humour and good company were the orders of the evening. The Ladies, all aflutter, went about these goals with giddiness and verve.
“Won’t you come dance?” asked Lady Erridge, having already roped her fiancee into it.
Trevelyan smiled, but shook her head. “Later,” she told her. “There’s someone I wish to see, first.”
Lady Samient picked up her slack. “Come, Lady Erridge!” she offered, instead. “I’ll dance with you.”
Appeased, Lady Erridge escorted her away. Trevelyan was left to withdraw from the dancefloor, and wander towards the more stationary attendees. Her eyes flitted from person to person, searching for one in particular.
A hand caught her shoulder. The Baroness, apparently having already procured a drink, leant over, and tilted it forward.
“There,” she whispered.
The crowd parted, as if by her will. True to her word, at the other end of the room, was stood precisely the man Trevelyan had been looking for.
Maker, he had only become more handsome the longer she had known him. That rough-hewn jaw of his, a dishevelment of stubble upon it; the subtle waves in his hair, hints of his rebellious curls; those dimples upon his cheeks—the thumb-prints of the divine, left where the Maker’s scultping hand had gone astray.
And his weary eyes, whose gentle gaze found her, and drew her closer.
Trevelyan admired, as she approached, the coincidence of the navy blue doublet that Lady Montilyet had undoubtedly advised him to wear. Hm. She liked him better in red. Suited him more, perhaps.
Though truly, it mattered little. There was nothing that could dull the shine of him; true gold, after all, did never rust.
He straightened to greet her, a little smile pulling at his mouth. And he would have greeted her, perhaps warmly, perhaps sweetly—had a scout, uniformed and on duty, not appeared at his side.
Ah, fuck.
They whispered something to him, below the hubbub that came back into focus. Trevelyan crept nearer, but heard nothing of the Commander’s reply. Yet, when the he looked to her again, his smile was gone.
“Arcanist,” he said, with a bow. “I’m afraid you’ll have to excuse me. Urgent business.”
Bloody typical.
“Of course,” she told him, magnanimously. “Duty calls.”
“At inconvenient times,” he added.
“No duty is ever convenient.”
That seemed to amuse him, at least. “True. I will try to return soon,” he told her. “I assure you.”
“Yes, Commander.”
She curtsied to him, and allowed him to depart. The scout had lingered by the rotunda door. The Commander followed them through.
Trevelyan looked down at her pretty, sparkly skirt, and fluffed it up, pointlessly. Not quite the moment she’d been hoping for.
Oh, well. She would have plenty of time for moments with him in the coming days. If he didn’t get called away by something or other during those, too.
Stowing her frustration, Trevelyan returned to the party. There was plenty more to do, besides.
She watched the Ladies dance, and clapped along. She saw Dagna, who was endlessly excited for the things to come. She met with Lady Montilyet, and spoke of her new quarters (ready tomorrow)! And she found Dorian, who was, as always, terribly good conversation.
Yet still no Commander.
The noise of the band and the chatter and the stomps of the dancing were beginning to blur in her brain. Dorian noted her change in temperament, as she peered out of the door to the garden. No. Too many in attendance; the party had spilled out into it. It was no less busy out there than it was in here.
“Try up there,” Dorian suggested, indicating the mezzanine above. It seemed Sera had been banned from it today, as no there was no skulking to be seen. “It has a balcony, if you need some air.”
“Thank you,” said Trevelyan. She’d had little cause to ever stray up there before—but now seemed as good a reason as any. “I shall see you later.”
Dorian waved, off to see the Baroness. Trevelyan found her way around the dancefloor, and escaped up the stairs.
The moment she reached their peak, already was she calmer. Even mere feet above the maelstrom, the music came quieter, and the conversation mere ambience. Better.
Her attention turned to the mezzanine. It was furnished well for a somewhat hidden space, with a luxurious chaise and portraits of figures Trevelyan did not quite recognise. The candleabrum here were not lit, leaving all illumination to that of the moons, who trickled their glow through a pair of glass doors—beyond which, as promised, was a balcony.
But Trevelyan felt at ease enough to stay inside for now; and indeed, she found the view of the party below to be quite of interest. The dancers, from above, weaved such wonderful patterns. Outfits, in all colours, were arrayed like a painter’s palette. She could watch, as those she knew flitted from one group, to another. An enjoyable pict—
The rotunda door opened, drawing her eye. The Commander. He strode into the party with such determination, it was as if it did not even exist around him. Trevelyan followed his path, as it led him, direct, to the Baroness.
They moved to the side. He whispered something. Urgent business? Oh, no.
But the Baroness smiled. Wider and wider. She asked him something; he nodded. She placed a hand over her heart, and sighed. Trevelyan did the same.
She took a step back, from the barrier. If the news they shared was what she hoped, then she was rather glad she hadn’t kicked up a fuss at his departure. Because if it was what she hoped, then it would be well worth it.
She had to see the Baroness.
And she would have, if not for the feet hurrying up the stairs. The Baroness? No cane. Then—!
The Commander appeared at the landing, startling himself as much as he startled her. Determination abandoning him in an instant, he padded onto the mezzanine, and did his best to bow.
“Arcanist,” he said. “Forgive me, Dorian told me you were here.”
Crafty bastard. Still, she asked, “Is everything all right, Commander? Your urgent business?”
He smiled—such a relieving smile—and nodded. “Yes. The Inquisitor has reported in.” She could hardly believe his next words: “We have victory. Val Misrenne is safe.”
As she’d hoped. Better, even. Trevelyan brought a hand to her mouth, a beaming smile beneath it. She shook her head, out of sheer incredulity. By Andraste. She could not fathom how dear Touledy felt.
“Thank the Maker,” she breathed. “Or, I suppose—thank you, Commander.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I think it is the Inquisitor and the Baroness’ forces who should have the credit of it.”
“Very true. Though your involvement is still very much appreciated.”
Compliments did not seem to sit well within him; he kept his gaze askance, mouth struggling to form a reply. Awkwardness prevailed, ‘til his fortune changed, and his eyes chanced upon the balcony doors.
“Forgive me, I didn’t meant to disturb you—her Ladyship, the Baroness, thought you should know. You were… headed outside?”
Trevelyan followed his gaze. She smiled. “Preferably not alone.”
“Oh. I could—”
Trevelyan stepped for the doors; he followed. They opened—a portal—to the tranquil night beyond.
The stars shone in greeting. Trevelyan curtsied; an acknowledgement of their mutual beauty. She found relaxation upon the finely-carved stone of the balcony balustrade, and felt the Commander’s presence, a warmth in the absence of the sun, as he came to rest beside her.
“It’s... a nice night,” he said.
“Yes,” she replied, “and a lovely view.”
The entire courtyard was laid out before them, from the tavern—as lively as the party they’d left behind—to the stables—quiet, at this time of day. Moonlit stone, punctuated by glowing torchlight. Beautiful, truly.
Yet it seemed the Commander’s focus was elsewhere, for his hand fumbled within his jacket.
“I, ah, have something,” he told her, “that I believe is yours.”
At last, he seemed to locate it, and freed it from its concealment. White cloth, that flashed in the moonlight. Embroidered, with leaves Trevelyan recognised.
It was far cleaner than the last time she’d seen it.
Trevelyan smiled. The little napkin slipped pleasantly from his fingers, and into her own. She noted the warmth of his proximity, still lingering within the weave, and the sweet, earthy scent that had been left by his possession.
“Technically,” she teased, “I believe it is Lady Montilyet’s.”
“I hardly think she’ll miss it.”
“I certainly hope so.” She tucked it away—safe. “Thank you, Commander.”
“Thank you for the use of it,” he said. “Though, speaking of Lady Montilyet, I had hoped to say—you took the offer... to become Arcanist.”
“I did.”
The Commander stammered, “For you—I mean. I mean, I am glad. That—despite how you came to be here—you have found enough reason to stay.”
Trevelyan laughed a little. It seemed as though he had a mountain to climb whenever they spoke. She appreciated his attempt to scale the peak regardless.
“Plenty of reasons,” she told him. “I know that I ought to have left, and truly have started my life afresh… but that would have been dishonest, to what I truly want.”
“May I ask… what is it?”
The Commander almost met her eye. “That you… want?”
She bit back the smile that threatened to betray her. The night air wasn’t cold, but she hid goose-bumps upon her skin. “Well… I suppose there is one thing—”
Feet clattered up the stairs. Trevelyan stopped herself, turning just in time to see, stumbling into the doorway, a giddy Lady Erridge.
“Lady Trevelyan!” she called. “Oh, Commander, there you are! I came to see if you wanted to dance!”
The Commander shook his head. “I’m… No, thank you. I don’t really dance.”
Erridge giggled. “I know! I wasn’t asking you, Commander! Come, Lady Trevelyan! The Commander shall have plenty of time to whisper with you when we are gone!”
Though the interruption was not exactly ideal, Trevelyan could not deny the sentiment. She curtsied to the Commander, somewhat apologetically.
“It seems I am summoned away. Urgent business, I believe they call it.”
The corner of his mouth tilted upward; it made her skin tingle. “Another time, then.”
“Of course.”
Trevelyan permitted Lady Erridge to take hold of her hand. The Lady threw a quick farewell to the Commander over her shoulder, and whisked Trevelyan away, tumbling down the stairs. They burst back onto the main floor of the hall, just as the band queued up another jig.
“Come on, come on!” Lady Erridge ordered, pulling Trevelyan into the congregating mass of dancers. Already amongst them were Lady Samient and Lady Orroat, left to partner up by the absent Erridge.
“Over here!” they called, of a little clearing beside them. Trevelyan and Erridge took position, all anticipation. They joined hands—properly now—and waited for the song to start.
And start it did! Strings and wind erupted into a prancing melody of alternating highs and lows. Trevelyan followed her Ladyship’s lead, bouncing around the floor, clapping her hands, kicking her legs into the air. Skirts clashed and flew, an explosion of fabric and colour.
It was a wonder how Lady Samient danced it so well, in a dress so constricting—but dance well she did! As hands parted and partners changed, Trevelyan found herself parading around in the arms of said Lady, each of them smiling up a storm.
As one song ended, so another began. She was to dance with Lady Orroat, too, of course—it was only fair—and then dear Erridge wanted another.
Eventually, quite exhausted, Trevelyan took the next song’s end, and made her exit.
Fortunately, she found the Baroness on the edges of the dancefloor, an audience to their frolicking. She greeted Trevelyan with a smile and an embrace—for which they both knew the reason.
“I am so glad for you,” Trevelyan said, as she recovered her breath. “Are you all right?”
The Baroness nodded. “Relieved. When I leave tomorrow, I know I will be returning to my town at peace. But—this has not come without loss. It is not over, not truly.”
“Of course.”
“But we could have lost so much more. That Val Misrenne and its people still stand is worth celebrating.”
Trevelyan hugged her once more, yet the music’s sudden and effervescent return caused her to jump. With a laugh, she glanced back to the dancers.
“You know, I am surprised Lady Erridge has not called you up for a jig!”
The Baroness chuckled. “No, no, my leg is far too frail for that.”
“Really?” said Trevelyan, glancing to it. “I remember you saying you still dance, once.”
“I do.” She grinned. “But the leg is an excellent excuse.”
Trevelyan caught her meaning. “Lady Erridge’s enthusiasm is quite difficult to match.”
“Indeed. She has the stamina of a demon. Though I’m sure Lady Orroat could find some use for that.”
Trevelyan laughed. “Your Ladyship! Please, I feel so terrible teasing her!”
“Then you should not like to hear what we say about you and him.”
Confused by who ‘him’ was, Trevelyan followed the Baroness’ line of sight, to a nearby throng of guests. Weaving between them, was—she should’ve guessed it—the Commander.
“Oh, Maker…” Trevelyan groaned. “You all have far too—”
She turned back, and realised the Baroness’s mouth was half-open, her cane being raised in the air.
“No, no—!”
He heard the call. His head whipped round. No stopping it now: he was headed in their direction.
“Baroness!” Trevelyan hissed.
Touledy smiled, gave a suggestive flick of her brow, and said nothing more. Though Trevelyan was almost glad of this—the Commander ought not hear anything she had to say right now.
“Ladies,” he greeted, upon arrival. “Is there something you require?”
“Why, yes,” said Touledy, all too confidently. What was she up to? “Lady Trevelyan here wishes another dance, but I am afraid I am unable to”—she flashed her cane—“would you be able to dance with her Ladyship, in my stead?”
“Oh.” The Commander softened. "Are you all right?”
Trevelyan noted, rather indignantly, that the Commander asked this question with the same sort of gentle voice that he often put on for her. This was a concept which, she suddenly discovered, she did not like. Why, oh why, did she have to make him befriend the other Ladies? Fool.
“Yes, thank you,” the Baroness answered. “But her Ladyship must have a dance.”
Trevelyan rolled her eyes. “But Baroness, the Commander does not like to dance.”
“I could try,” he said.
Trevelyan stared at him. There were a thousand questions she thought of in response to his saying this. But somehow, the only one she could quite manage was:
He repeated the sentiment: “If you would like to.”
“Oh.” Well, there was little chance of her saying anything other than: “Yes.”
The Baroness smiled, clearly relishing in the success. “Go on, then,” she said, “enjoy.”
Easier said. At least Trevelyan had done enough jigs with Lady Erridge to know what she was to do with them, now. In her mind, as they walked to the floor, she went over the steps. Left, left, kick, clap. Switch. Then to the right? But—
The music grew in volume. Yet it sounded like no jig she’d ever heard. Trevelyan realised that the band had betrayed her. Not a jig. Not at all.
Sweet, slow strings floated across the hall. A… romantic melody, that had couples approaching the floor. Dear Maker fucking Andraste shitting Void.
People linked hands and put them on waists and Trevelyan realised that she was in the midst of it now, surrounded, and there was no escape, and she would have to do those things herself.
She faced the Commander. Maker, why did he have to look like that and be like this? This sort of thing was far simpler with unimportant suitors that one could so easily discard after, even if one did step on their toes.
He offered a hand. Trevelyan’s shook.
But still, they met.
Her fingers slid into his palm, felt the warmth that emanated beneath the leather of his glove. The feeling of his skin, however rugged or tender, was cruelly left to the imagination. She savoured it regardless.
Her other hand gathered up her skirts, like the rest of the dress-wearers were doing. Almost in position. There was simply one last thing to emulate—
The Commander’s hand moved for her waist, hesitant in its approach. The first touches of his fingertips—gentler even than that of cotton or down—caused her body to tense. She did not know how she was to bear his entire hand.
But his hand stopped short. It instead hovered over the fabric of her dress, as if afraid to press any further.
Nevertheless—the music began in earnest. The dancers began to move. The Commander took a step, and Trevelyan followed. Her nerves hit a peak.
And then, began to fade.
Because dancing with him was unlike dancing with anyone she had danced with before. It felt different. Better. Warmer. Safer. It almost did not matter if she was dancing well or not. It was only him that mattered.
There was no need for extravagant moves, or flourishes of the hand. This was enough. Sweet, simple, swaying in one another’s arms. More than enough.
“You should dance more often,” she whispered to him. “You do it well.”
He smiled, soft, and simply said, “All right.”
Her words must have bolstered his resolve, for his shoulders relaxed, and his grip around her hand firmed and strengthened. Its pull drew her closer; his other slipped around her back, fitting perfectly into the mold of her body. The gap between them was more indistinct than ever.
Yet in that closeness was comfort. She could have stayed like that for an eternity.
But the music slowly, gradually, dulled away. Other dancers reappeared around them, the party audible once more. It was over.
They came to a standstill. Trevelyan’s hand fell reluctantly from his grasp; his trailed away from her waist. Yet still she smiled, for nothing could take it from her lips.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Of course,” he replied.
“I shan’t make you dance another.”
“That’s… all right.” He rubbed his neck. “Will you, ah, be stargazing tonight?”
She played with her dress. “Most likely.”
She curtsied, he bowed. He left, she stayed. Her feet still wobbled, a little.
But she would have to recover quickly. For she turned to her side, and saw complete what had, until now, been only a disruption in her periphery: the Ladies, gathered together, in keen observance.
Trevelyan shook her head, and, before they could open their mouths, told them firm:
“Not one word.”
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famewolf · 3 months
speaking of ocd, I think I'm realizing that I truly don't have anxiety and it's literally just my ocd. im not anxious about anything until it involves me and suddenly I'm spiraling
#[static]#it's hard to describe succinctly but the anxiety I deal with nowadays is directly related to my ocd and autism#some anxiety is so easy to brush off but the ones stemming from my ocd are extremely difficult to get out from under#i'll spiral for weeks about one specific thing and ruminate on it and mentally worry and pick at it forever#it's utterly exhausting jfkdghdf some days are easier than others#and often that one thing I ruminate on becomes multiple things all stemming from the first thing#like recently it's been my car ... the thing is totally fine ... runs fine drives fine but ive been freaked out by it for the last 3 weeks#every time i go into the shop theyre like ... everything is good in fact its in good condition for its age and they'll mention like#one thing that will need to be replaced to keep it in tip top condition and then my brain will fixate on it and imagine all the ways#something horrific will happen if that doesnt get changed and then that leads to all the other things in the car suddenly freaking me out#i defs used to have general anxiety and depression but those went away literally the day i got top surgery#poof instantly gone it was wild and i kept waiting for the other shoe to drop#never did but now my ocd has been really bad the last 6 months cuz of all the extra horrifying things going on#so i thought it was just my anxiety coming back but this week i realized it was my ocd and have been treating it accordingly#and ive seen some relief but i definitely need to go back to therapy once i get my insurance again#its the only way to get a hold on it and my last therapist ended up moving states so we didnt get to work on tools for it very much#im yapping at this point i just needed to vent for a second about how truly yucky ocd makes me feel
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wr0ngwarp · 1 year
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music box
#jet set radio#jsr beat#uhh hm do i put this in the zero beat tag. might as well#zero beat#beat jsr#beat jet set radio#eyestrain#ask to tag#goig back to my roots a liddle bit and drawed something Vaguely Gekidan Inu Curry Inspired.. definitely not an actual style attempt tho#get sillyweird immediately boy.#anyway this art i feel like i got kind of lost and wandered away from my original intention with it but thats ok bc i think it still cool#in uhh me and my sibling's au/headcanons we decided to just go with the ''gouji is beat's dad'' theory#(we did it as a joke but then started thinking abt it seriously :/ kirby fandom era me would be so disappointed in me)#anyway this art was going to be more directly about that and then it was only KIND OF about that. well whatever LMAO#anyway unrelated (mostly) to all that. never let your vaguely egotistical n smug protags near me. i will give them full blown COMPLEXES#i'll make them fucking unbearable. i'll make them think theyre the specialest little guys EVER. Without Remorse.#Are You Paying Attention To Him Yet. ARE YOU.#also like side note but. i think im literally incapable of not making a zero beat look like just the silliest little guy ever#i need to pick one up. and carry him around like a plushie. (would get maimed if i tried to do this)#wait i just looked at my sibling's response wehn i first showed this art to them and part of their reply was ''Beature come and see him;!''#and now i just have fin fin come and see him stuck in my head but with ''finfin'' find+replaced with Beature#Beature come and see him... love and we'll believe him... always and forever Hes your best friend!!!!#closes the music box and puts it in a shipping package. and addresses it to be sent to planet teo. I dont give a fuck#Beat. The Real Computer Beature.#oh my god these tags are like. even more tangential and incoherent than usual for my art blog.#i am just going to click the post now button and free this post from its purgatory.
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softgrungeprophet · 6 months
every day i go "maybe i should kill off xyz character" and then i go "but what if they could live instead"
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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wah....I didn't expect to clear golbez ex in the 2nd time ive done this fight but I also died an embarrassing amount of times while having to flipflop every party/clock spot and being braindead (I feel bad for my party but they were nice) but we tried to farm it and hugely unsuccessful- OTL
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chuluoyi · 7 months
✎ sweet felicity
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- gojo satoru x reader
what do you get the man who already has everything for his birthday?
genre: teeth-rotting fluff and comfort because no—i can't make his birthday angsty ok
note: so this is my entry for the birthday boy <3 this takes place immediately after daddy-to-be, where the first years are still yuta, maki, panda and toge
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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Honestly? Satoru wondered about it a lot these days.
He already has everything he wanted—unparalleled cursed technique, a fairly happy life, a pretty wife, and just recently, a kid on the way.
But his birthday was in a week and it was as clear as a day that you were planning something for him.
“Come on, you can't fool me, sweets.”
He noticed that you had started waking up earlier than usual. Initially, he thought it was due to your morning sickness, but it turned out you were sneaking away to another room for an hour or two and only came out when it was around breakfast time.
Did you really think he wouldn't catch on? Satoru found himself torn between concern and amusement. He didn't want you to strain yourself—especially after your recent fainting spells—and yet a part of him was over the moon by the fact that you did it for him.
His eyes crinkled, twinkling with affection. “You're planning something for my birthday in the mornings lately. That's sweet, but you don't have to, really.”
You quirked an eyebrow at him. "Why are you so sure that it's for your birthday? I never said anything."
"Well, what else could it be? Unless you're cheating on me at six in the morning—"
"I have your spawn inside me, Gojo Satoru—"
"Don't call it ‘spawn’!" Satoru interjected with a theatrical gasp. "It's our very own little munchkin! Our love! Love!"
This was so ridiculous and you couldn't help yourself from giggling. And seeing you like that softened something inside him.
"Really, don't push yourself too hard," he said with a pout, resigned. "You need lots and lots of sleep."
"I'm not a baby, Satoru."
"Half of you is, so it makes you one!"
He was dramatic, but it was his own way to care because your husband was just wired that way.
You sighed, relenting. “Okay, okay… I know my limits. I will stop when I don't feel well, yeah? Besides, I won't have time to do it except in the mornings because I still have classes to teach.” It seemed like he wasn’t satisfied with your answer so you added, “Just so you know, it's something I enjoy too.”
"Hmph," Satoru huffed, eyeing you petulantly. "It'd better be good, or I'll spank you."
If it were physically possible for your eyes to roll a full 360 degrees into the back of your head and back, they definitely would have. "Oh, you will adore it, I promise."
Well, it wasn't a part of the plan, but now that he had asked for it, you'd definitely add a twist in his gift...
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Satoru connected the dots instantly when he saw yarn and needles—what else were you doing aside from knitting?
His sweet wife, who woke up early just to make a handmade gift for his birthday—ahh, his heart could've burst. It was so cute and so you, the warmhearted being that you were.
He would go back early today, he decided, as he strolled the halls of the Jujutsu High with a cheerful tune. You were certainly waiting back at home and he would shower you with love and praise just for your efforts alone these past few days.
And so, he would have never expected that when he received a call from Nanami that afternoon, his world would utterly shatter in the most terrifying way.
“Gojo-san, please, you must come back.” Nanami was always steadfast even in the direst situations. And yet, now he was breathing hard, and panicking. “Something happened. You must go back to your residence—”
In that moment all he could think of was you and his baby. His entire world. Were you hurt?
He didn’t dwell on it—or rather, he couldn’t. His fingers went to rip his blindfold off as a sense of exponential dread creeped in and threatened to engulf him whole—a very, very strange, unfamiliar feeling to him—and he teleported back to his haven in a blink of an eye.
He had been ready to unleash hell, to see you lying on your own pool of blood, or anything. No, that was something he could never be ready for, but he would somehow make it right—
“Ooh, there he is!”
—and suddenly, he was swept into a whirlwind of confusion and commotion.
Today is December 7.
It took a while for Satoru to discern everything, with his pulsating heartbeats and the rush of emotions that overwhelmed him. His eyes darted from each and every face who were suddenly in his house, searching for yours—
“Satoru!” you greeted him from behind Nanami, radiantly beaming, and only then could he finally breathe. You are safe—you’re well—
You had meant for it as a joke, a little payback for all the grievances he had caused you—and let’s not forget, Nanami—but you immediately regretted it when you had a look over the absolute terror in his heavenly blue eyes that you loved so much.
You had seen this once, before, when he proposed to you.
“Satoru.” You waltzed towards him, gently cradling his stunned face in your hands. “Hey,” you coaxed him with an apologetic smile, reassuring him of your presence.
Satoru looked at you squarely in the eyes, and as he fully took in the sight of you, he let out a shuddering breath and pulled you close with a firm arm around your waist and and the other around your back.
“You evil woman,” he murmured in your ears, and you could feel the slight tremble of his body and the way his heart was still thumping wildly inside his sturdy chest, which made you feel even more sorry.
“Whoa, that got you good, huh?” Panda remarked with a bemused grin.
“As expected,” Megumi snorted.
“Salmon! Salmon!”
“Ehh, that’s actually sweet…” Maki noted thoughtfully. “I would have never expected him to drop everything that fast just to go back here only after a suspicious phone call—”
“Of course he would!” Yuta rebuked with pride. “It’s his wife after all! And Nanami-san truly did a really convincing job at it!”
Nanami. Satoru casted a stern glare toward his junior, while the man in question awkwardly coughed. How did you even involve him in this?
Nah, he would deal with him later.
Despite the scare that got him good, your little plan commenced as it should. The closest of his friends and students were there to throw him this silly birthday party, as well as shower him with a plethora of gifts.
You had managed to round up his students to write birthday wishes for him in a scrap book filled with various photographs throughout the past year. This is sweet, he thought.
And one note tugged at his heartstrings the most:
Thank you, sensei, for everything — Yuta.
If anything he did ever made an impact on those young sorcerers, then Satoru was wholeheartedly glad. He wanted them to grow and made their own path in this unforgiving world, and their gratitude stirred a profound sense of relief within him.
“Here.” He was genuinely surprised when Megumi abruptly pushed a long, thin box toward him next, shyly averting his gaze. “Happy birthday.”
A fountain pen. It must have costed him some. It was strange, but Satoru felt oddly emotional.
The kid was barely six when he first approached him. He was prickly and sour and definitely wasn't welcoming. And then, he had matured right before his eyes. Satoru couldn’t help ruffling his hair vigorously and snickered, disregarding the scowl directed his way.
Nanami extended his well-wishes, and even though he still had a score to settle with him later, he was happy to have him here. Shoko couldn’t come but she left you with a recorded message.
“Happy birthday, Gojo, idiot,” Shoko was grinning in the video you played. “I'm sorry I can't be there, but my wish is for you to tone down your antics. We could all use a bit less of that.”
The two remaining reminders of the bluest spring in his life. Something pricked his heart at the stark reminder that they were not whole—and if only that someone was here, they would—but the fact that these two thought of him was enough.
And now, at last, it was time for your gift. Satoru thought he knew what it was, but as he carefully opened the ivory box, a profound sense of warmth still washed over him.
Mittens, with the color of freshly fallen snow, lay in the box—two pairs in total. One was remarkably tiny, seemingly tailored for a baby, while the other was notably larger, undoubtedly meant for him.
You. Him. The baby. By this time next year, there would be three of you. The happy picture of all of you together in near future was a gift in and of itself. You two are his everything.
Satoru went by his instincts and grasped your arm, crashing his lips against yours ardently, beaming with the broadest grin. He paid no heed to the squeals and disapproving glances from everyone around, as he felt entitled to do so—declaring his love boldly so you would know… that he was utterly, hopelessly in love with you.
That he was grateful for you in this otherwise dreary life.
And that if there were any other lives he might live after this ended... then he hoped the heavens would always bring you back to him—and for you to always choose him just like this, no matter what.
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“So you really did call Nanami at six in the morning.”
Later that night, just before bed, your husband was still holding a grudge on you for frightening him back in the day, evident by the permanent purse of his lips.
You shrugged, buttoning the last button of your sleepwear. “I did… but it’s for greater purpose, so… yeah.”
“I can’t stand this. I’m suing you for collateral damage.”
You almost laughed. “Pffft—what? What damage—”
“My fragile heart! You can’t do that to me and expect I won’t charge you!”
“Well…” You noted with a meaningful smile. You couldn’t say you didn’t expect this, because Satoru always got pouty whenever he was irked in one way or another, and so in advance, you had actually been prepared for this.
You caught him off guard when you suddenly sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers teasing his undercut. It was a nice change of pace, seeing the faint blush coloring his cheeks as he steadied you by your waist.
“…what if I say… I still have one present left for you?”
So, what did you get a man who already has everything for his birthday?
Your whole heart, of course.
And if you were in the mood for an additional surprise, a brand new pair of lacy lingerie you had under your pajamas might do the trick.
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: anon request - "Can u make a colby one where him y/n Kat and Sam are live and y/n and Colby are drunk it can be fluff or smut Idc"
Warnings: strong language, alcohol consumption, heavy flirting, sexual innuendos, sexual tension between reader and Colby, drunk actions, fluff with a dash of filth containing fingering, handjob, sensual stuff but hottt
Word count: 4.9k | somewhat edited I don’t really know if I like this one all that much… I might rewrite it after I get more requests out.
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"I can't believe you talked me into doing this." You look at Kat in your mirror as you rummage through your clothes.
She laughs, "Oh come on. There will be alcohol so you can just relax, drink and hang out."
"You had me at alcohol." You laugh and hold your a top, "Hows this?" She tilts her head and purses her lips, "mm. It's cute, but I think you need something different."
"Is that what you're wearing?" You point to her outfit and she nods, "Yes." You hold your hand up, "Hang on."
You walk out to your living room, grabbing a box of clothes that you got sent, "There might be something.." you dump the box, ".. in here."
"Oh yeah. Most definitely." Kat nods with a laugh as she goes through the clothes, "Ooh, this. Definitely this."
Your eyes move over the black, lacey tank top that's in her hands, "A cute skirt or a pair of jeans will make this so much better." She adds and tosses it to you.
You catch it and nod, "I'll try it on."
"Well hurry up, we have to be at Sam and Colby's in the next hour." She lays back, scrolling on her phone as you change.
"Did you say Colby?" You walk out slowly and she smiles up at you, "I did.."
"He's doing this livestream with us?" You fix the tank top so it sits right, "Is this some sort of set up by you and Sam?"
She sits up with a sigh, "You got us." She raises her hands, "I think it'll be fun. Plus we'll be live, so it's not like anything crazy can happen.
You drop your hands and they slam on your thighs, "have you seen your livestreams?"
She holds her hands up, "it wasn't my idea. It was Sam's." You scoff, trying not to laugh, "But you went with it."
"If it makes you feel any better, it'll be just you and me at first. Sam offered for him and Colby to join us once they got back from meeting someone about a place they're going next week. Also. Speaking of. We're going with them."
You groan and turn to look in the mirror, "Fine." You smirk at her in the mirror, "But only because you're going."
"Whatever you say, y/n." She rolls her eyes and laughs, "Now come on. We gotta get going. I tweeted that we'll be on by six and it's almost five thirty."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Ready?" Kat looks over at you and you fix yourself in the screen of the computer, "Okay, yes now I'm ready."
You lean back in your chair and watch as she starts, waiting for people to join, "Hi guys! How are you?"
"Hey!" You smile and hold up your hand, reading the comments that are starting to flow in, "Oh thanks. Kat actually dressed me tonight. So tell her."
You laugh and look over at her. She smiles, "Yeah, I'll take credit for that because you look.." she licks the tip of her finger and lays it on your arm, "Tsss."
You laugh as she makes a sizzling sound, "I do. I do."
"Alright. So Sam and Colby will be joining us a little later, but for right now. I figured y/n and I could start off with a little game."
"Oh god." You mumble and watch as she puts a bottle of alcohol and two shot glasses on the stand in front of you two, "Oh no." You laugh and look over at her, "What game do you have planned?"
"Just a little.. do or drink." She smirks, "Nothing bad I promise." She pulls out a small box containing cards and opens it, "Alright. You want to go first?"
You sigh, "You know what? I will." You laugh and pull out a card, "Hmm. Okay." You turn to her in your chair and look up at her, "what is one thing.. you dislike about me?"
"Oh gosh." She blinks as she thinks for a moment, "Honestly, I hate the way that you can just roll out of bed and look good."
You smile and bat the air, "Stop it."
She laughs, "I'm serious. You're just that pretty."
"Well thank you." You laugh slightly and motion towards the box, "Pick your poison."
She reaches up, picking one of the cards, "Ooh my god." She giggles and lays the card over her lips. You lean forward, "Oh no. What is it?"
She smirks, "Send 'can't wait to see you' to the last person you texted or drink."
You pull your phone out, and go to your messages, looking at the threads, "The last person I texted was.." you laugh slightly, "Katrina."
"Who is it?" She wheels herself over and leans around to look at your phone, "Oh. You have to. You freaking have to, y/n."
You bite your lip as you tap on Colby's name, Can't wait to see you.
You lean forward after locking your phone and read the comments on the screen, "Sorry guys. That's a secret." You laugh and lean back, looking up at Kat when your phone goes off.
She motions for you to read it and you can't help but laugh, "They said, are you and Kat playing that stupid drinking game?" You shake your head as you type back, maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm excited to see you.
"Y/n. Damn. You're not even drunk yet." Kat looks at you shocked and you shrug, "Oops." You smile and reach up to pull a card, "Name a couple that you think should break up."
Without any hesitation she pours a shot, "I cant pick just one.." she laughs and takes the shot, instantly chasing it with her water, "Oh gross."
She grabs another card and smirks, "Y/n."
You tilt your head, "Kat."
"Out of.. let's say, me, Sam, and Colby, who is your favorite?" She smirks and you sigh, "I know I'm going to hurt feelings with this one.." you pause and look into the camera then back to Kat, "..pour me a shot."
"Are you not going to answer?" She laughs and you shake your head, "No because it'll hurt their feelings when I say you." You laugh and she throws her head back laughing, "Oh my god. That's great."
You read the comments and see that people are debating on whether it's Colby, even from the previous question.
"Oh god." You groan and take your shot, cringing at the taste, "That's so gross."
She leans in, whispering quietly, "We're you going to say Colby?" You smirk and lean back, looking at her as you nod.
"Ha. I know who her favorite is." She says in a sing song-y tone before she laughs, "It's still me."
You laugh and grab a card, "Katrina. Who was the last person that seen you cry?"
"Like, a sad cry or happy cry?" She asks and you shrug, "Just in general I think." She hums, "Probably... Sam, I think. Or you. I'm with you both so much."
"We might as well just live together at this point." You laugh and she nods, "Honestly. Okay.." she grabs a card and clears her throat, "Have you ever been to a strip club?"
"Like working or visiting?" You try to not smile but fail, "I'm joking you guys. Relax. No I haven't ever been to a strip club."
"I can see it." Kat laughs and you gasp, "Hey." She lays a hand on your knee, "If it makes you feel any better you'd definitely have a big client list, and I know who number one would be." She winks and tries not to laugh so she covers her mouth, "I'm sorry."
You laugh, "oh my god. I need more alcohol for this." You get up, "I'm going to get a white claw, do you-"
"Yes." She cuts you off and points, "Please."
You give her a thumbs up, "I'll be right back." You quickly make your way down the steps and into the kitchen. You open the fridge and grab as many white claws as you can carry.
Colby's voice makes you jump, "Thirsty or something?"
"Goddam it, Colby. I didn't hear you guys come in." You laugh slightly and he walks over, offering to help, "I'm heading up there now, I can take some of these for you."
"Okay." You hand him a couple and look up at him, "Thank you." He smirks, "So.. did you mean to text me earl-"
"I have to get back to Kat." You cut him off, "We can talk about this later." You smirk slightly as you walk away and Colby follows you, "Oh we definitely will be talking about a lot later I can guarantee that."
His words make your cheeks red and warm as you walk into the room Sam and Kat are in, "Out of my chair, Golbach."
You kick it and he spins around, "Excuse me?"
You smirk and hand him a drink, "Now move." He laughs and gets up, moving to sit behind Kat in the beanbag chair. Colby next to him, behind you.
You hand Kat her drink and you both crack one open, cheersing before you each take a sip.
"What the hell. You guys are like.. that was so in sync." Sam shakes his head looking between you and Kat.
You laugh, "That's what happens when you're best friends for this long." Kat tilts her drink towards you, "Correct. Okay. Now where were we?"
"My turn to ask you or one of the boys a question." You smirk as you pick up the card, "Ooh. Colby." You spin your chair towards him, hiding the card so he can't see it, "what's the last thing you googled?"
"Oh snap. Um. Can I look?" He asks pulling his phone out and you nod, "Yes, but you have to show us."
His mouth drops slightly before he sighs, "Fine, I have no shame around you guys anyway." He unlocks his phone and laughs, "oh my god. I totally forgot that I even searched this.." he turns his phone around, showing you and Kat, "I googled if dogs can understand me."
Sam laughs loudly, "Are you serious?" He grabs the phone and starts laughing again, "Oh my god, Colby!"
You and Kat are laughing in your chairs and Colby sighs, "It's a valid question, damn." He reaches up between you and Kat, kinda close to you.
You chew on the inside of your lip as you smell his cologne. It's the same one you got him for Christmas a few months ago.
He moves back and sighs, "Alright. Sam. This one is for you." He turns towards Sam, "What is the most embarrassing things you have ever done?"
Sam sighs, "twerking on that cruise."
You and Kat look at each other and laugh, "Oh my god." You look at Sam, "I forgot about that."
Sam chugs some of his drunk, "Yeah, I haven't." He laughs and leans forward, giving Kat a kiss on the cheek as he reaches for a card.
You glance up at the screen, looking at Colby through the camera, and he smiles at you, looking away, "who's it for?"
Sam laughs slightly, "y/n. What's the dirtiest text you ever sent to someone?"
Colby clears his throat, "Yeah, y/n. What's the dirtiest text you've ever sent to someone." He shrugs as he smirks and you lean up, pouring yourself a shot and taking it.
You wash it down with your drink and sigh, "That's for me to know and no one else to find out."
You grab a card, laughing slightly as you look at Kat, "Katrina. If you had to kiss someone who isn't your boyfriend, who would it be?"
She shrugs and laughs slightly, "That's easy."
Sam leans forward, "Oh is it?"
She looks at Sam, laughing as she points to you, "Y/n."
He raises his eyebrows, "Huh. Not where I thought that was going."
"Prove it. Prove it. Prove it." Colby chants quietly behind you guys and you look at him, "Maybe when I'm a little bit more drunk."
He chuckles, "Mhm."
Kat picks up a card, glancing at Sam before taking a deep breath, "y/n. What's your biggest turn off?"
You suck air between your teeth, "Probably insecurity. Like..for example.." you shift around in your seat, "..if I wanted to wear this out to a bar or something, who ever I'm with shouldn't get mad at me for it you know?"
Kat nods, "Oh hell yeah, girl. Like who ever you're with.." she glances to Colby and smirks, "They should know that you're only looking good for them. Not fight with you about it."
"Exactly. Yes." You can feel the alcohol settling in, along with Kat because you're both super giggly.
You pick up a card and read it. You can tell Colby is staring at you, you can feel it.
So you turn to him with a smile, "Colby."
"Y/n." He smiles and tilts his head as he brings his drink up to his lips.
"This is actually an easy one. Take three shots or quit playing." You watch as he nods, "Give me three shots."
One by one, you pour him shots into your shot glass and hand them to him.
"Still got it." He laughs and points, "Hand me a card please." You reach up, grabbing a card and handing it to him.
He leans back, "Kat. What is the biggest secret you kept from your parents growing up?"
She sighs, "oh no." You lean forward, "Oh Katrina. Do tell." You rest your elbow on your knee, chin in your palm and she sighs, "I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be. I was to be at my friend Lauren's house but we were at a party in some persons basement.. drinking."
You bat the air, "Oh we've all done that."
"Really? You partied when you weren't supposed to?" Colby laughs, "I don't believe that." You roll your eyes and stand up, "Pause. I have to pee."
Kat laughs, "Enjoy your pee."
"You guys are drunk." Sam says, and you can tell he's moving to your chair.
You go to the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror. You take a deep breath, but you can't help but giggle as you think about Colby.
His hand around his drink when it really should be around your neck.
His rings pressing against your skin in all the right ways.
His lips, dragging up and down the skin or your neck.
You bite your lip, laughing slightly as you shake your head, pushing the thoughts out to do your business.
Once you're done, you make your way back to the room and take Sam's spot. You sit down, and they all look at you.
"What?" You ask pointing to your drink. Kat hands it to you and she shakes her head, "Nothing. We were just waiting for you." She laughs and hands you a card.
You read your card to yourself, smirking as you look at Colby, "What is your least favorite thing about me?"
Sam gives a low, "Oooh shit."
"Bold." Kat whispers and you can tell she's secretly cheering you on. She crosses her leg over the other, staring intently between you and Colby, "Well? Colby. Are you going to answer or.."
He smirks and shakes his head, "I'll say it. But I'm not saying it for everyone to hear."
Your heart rate picks up as you perk up, unsure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
"Where's the fun in that?" Sam groans, "Say it. Say it. Say it."
Colby reaches over, grabbing your arm to pull you over to him. You lean into him naturally and he rests his cheek against yours, whispering as quiet as possible, "The only thing I don't like about you, is the fact that you're not mine."
He slowly leans away, smirking at you as you look at him, "Really?"
He nods, "Yeah, it's real annoying, actually."
You look down as you try not to smile, but you fail so you cover it with taking a sip of your drink.
"What did he say?" Kat leans forward, almost falling off her chair but your laughing distracts everyone until Sam yells, "Colby!" He hands him a card, "your turn, brother."
Colby takes it, nodding as he laughs slightly, "this one is for both of the girls."
You and Kat look at each other, "Oh no."
"The girls must take three shots in a row, or quit playing." Colby tosses the card down and looks between you and Kat.
"Give me the glass." You hold your hand out and Colby gently places it in your hand, he still had it from when he took his three.
Sam pours both, you and Kat's shots and you clink the small glasses each time before taking the shots, laughing as you finish the third.
"They're about to be fucked up." Sam laughs and Colby shakes his head, "Yeah, yeah they are." He looks to you, winking as you lean back in the chair, "Kat, you can go."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
At this point, you all are feeling pretty damn good. If you stood up, you feel like you could fall over, but you had no issue moving closer to Colby.
The drunker you got, the more you wanted to be with  him. Next to him. Anything.
Kat and Sam are talking, reading the comments and laughing together as you and Colby have a quiet conversation behind them.
"Did you mean what you texted me earlier?" He whispers leaning in and you nod, "yeah..yeah. I did actually." You look up at him with a smile, "if I'm be-"
"Y/n!" Kat yells your name and you look over at her, "What?!"
She laughs, "Tell them.. tell them about when we went to the mall and that lady who walked into us."
Your eyes go wide, "Oh my god." You start to laugh, "We were walking out of the one store and this lady ran into us, started bitching that we needed to watch where we were going and not even ten seconds later, fucking walks right into the one sign." You laugh with Kat, "Fucking smacks her face and spills her coffee all over her white dress. Ah. It was hilarious."
Colby stares at you, smiling as he admires how pretty you are when you laugh, "She sounds like she deserved it."
You look at him, leaning over as you nod, "Oh yeah. Totally deserved it."
Colby leans in, whispering in your ear, "You know you're so pretty when you laugh." He leans back and smiles at you.
You roll your eyes and lean over, laying a hand on his knee as you support your weight to put your lips next to his ear, "I'd look even prettier under you."
You were way past feeling bold.
He laughs slightly, taken aback by what you said, "Really?"
He spoke loud enough to catch Sam and Kat's attention and he looks up at them. You look up at them and start laughing, "Oh my god."
"Wanna share with the rest of the class?" Sam laughs and you shake your head, "No not really."
Colby leans over, resting his head on your shoulder, "We're just having our own little convo back here so mind ya biz." He laughs and you laugh, resting a hand on his head as you lean into him more.
Colby moves his head up to kiss your neck and you giggle, laying a hand on his shoulder.
"Whoooaaaa colbyyyyy!" Sam drags out his yell, "Whoa whoa whoa."
Kat's mouth is open, staring as Colby leans up, "Oh stop it. How can you not look at her."
"Colby." You lean over, "You're drunk."
He leans in, close to your face, "So are you."
"So are we." Kat laughs as she leans forward, resting her head on Sam's leg, "This is so much fun though." She sits up, "We should play a game. Just one more game."
"Ooh, I'm down for another game." You bite your lip and nod, "Whatcha got in mind?"
"Most likely? The person that everyone votes. Drinks." Kat smirks, "Please."
"Only because you're so pretty." Sam reaches over squeezing her chin and she smiles, "Alright. Sam you start."
He chuckles, "Alright.. uhh.. let's see.." he snaps, "who's most likely to accidentally find a portal to another dimension?"
Instantly everyone points to Sam, laughing.
"Wh- oh come on." He groans, "Why me?"
"Because you're always going off on your own when we're doing investigations, Sam." Colby laughs and Sam sighs, taking the shot from Kat, "I walked into that one."
"Yeah, just like you will a portal." You mumble and fall over onto Colby's lap as you laugh.
Sam glares at you and Kat pats his leg, "She said what we're all thinking." She sighs, "Okay. I'll go." She leans back in her chair, "Who's most likely to get a random tattoo on a night out?"
Colby points to you while the rest of you point to him and he scoffs, "What the hell?"
"I honestly think I would, so I'll take a shot with you." You smile and take the glass, holding it up for Kat to pour you and Colby a shot.
He smiles, "Aw how sweet of you."
"You have no idea." You mumble as you cheers him, taking the shot like nothing, "Alright. I'll go." You set your glass down, biting your lip as you think.
You laugh slightly as you sigh, "Who's most likely to have handcuffs in the bedroom." You raise your eyebrows and smirk, "one.. two.. three."
You and Sam point to Colby and Kat and Colby point to Sam.
Sam and Colby look at each other and start laughing. Kat turns to you, "They have matching ones." You look at Colby, "Do you?"
He shrugs, "Maybe." His eyes move to you as his bottom lip pulls between his teeth. You raise an eyebrow, "Mm."
Colby leans back, "Who's most likely to lose their clothes on a night out?" His eyes move to you and everyone is pointing to you.
"Huh!? Why me?" You point to yourself, "I don't lo-"
"Yes you do. Last weekend you lost your coat and one of your shoes." Kat laughs, "I'm not judging but it would be you."
You laugh, "Okay. Okay. That- it was a coat and a shoe." You argue, "But fine. I'll take it."
"When you lose it here at least you'll know where to find it." Sam mumbles and you about spit out your shot, "Shut it, Golbach."
He laughs and shrugs, nodding to Colby, "I'm just saying."
Kat looks at the screen and taps Sam, "They want to know what you said."
"No." You say quickly, "It's fine." You laugh and rest your head back, "who's most likely to have a new ghost up their ass each week." You lift your head and look at Sam, "Hmm?"
"That is so.. that's so not true." He huffs, trying not to laugh. You tilt your head, "Oh yeah? Then why does everyone you do an investigation with say you're the one they'll go for?"
"You know what?" Sam sets his drink down on the desk and turns, staring at you while Colby and Kat are dying with laughter over you and Sam arguing, "Who's most likely to.." he pauses, trying to think of something, but just sighs, "I got nothing."
"Ha! Suck it." You laugh and sigh, "I need to lay down. Those shots are kicking my ass." You stand up, holding onto the back of Kat's chair, "Goodnight party people, y/n is tapping out."
"Night!" Kat yells before yawning, "Yeah I might.. I might be done too."
You walk out, hoping Colby follows you, but you can still hear him talking to Sam and Kat.
You bite your lip, making your way into his room, shutting the door quickly behind you. You turn, eyes scanning over his room as you walk over to his bed, unbuttoning your jeans.
You walk over to his dresser, grabbing one of his shirts and walking over to the bed. You toss it down, stripping down to just your panties before sliding his shirt over your head.
You move the blankets, sitting down and swinging your legs onto the bed before covering up. You move around, getting comfy before you take a selfie and send it to Colby.
You lay your phone down, turning away from the door as you hear footsteps coming closer. His door opens quietly and you bite your lip, not moving.
You feel the bed dip down next to you and you feel a hand lay on your waist, "Whatcha doin' in here, pretty girl?"
You slowly roll over onto your back, "Your bed is comfier than the one in the guest room."
"Is that so?" He brushes hair from your face, "You can sleep here anytime you want."
"I plan on it." You smile as you giggle and he tilts his head, "Yeah?"
You nod, "Oh yeah." You lay a hand on his, slowly dragging it up and down his arm, "So you really weren't the last person I texted.."
He furrows his brows, "Huh?"
"Kat was the last person I texted, but I wanted to text you so I just said you were." You look up at him and he smirks, "you're so pretty."
His thumb brushes against your cheek, "What made you change your mind?"
You let out a sigh, "I'm happy when I think about you. When I'm with you. Talking about you." You shrug, "You make me happy. I was just too stu-"
He cuts you off with his lips on yours.
He leans back slightly, "You're not stupid."
You laugh slightly, "If I wasn't we would have been to-"
"Don't. You had your reasons and now we're here." He turns your head to look at him, "Drunk in my bed.." he kisses your cheek, "Speaking those sober thoughts."
You laugh slightly, laying a hand on his cheek, "Mhm."
He turns his head, kissing the palm of your hand, "You have no idea how many times I've wanted to just come pick you up and bring you to my bed."
You bite your lip, "really?"
"Not even for sex or anything.. I mean, yeah.." he laughs slightly, "I've thought about you in so many ways, but mainly just to be with you. Holding you." His hand slides down your body, slipping under the covers, "Tell me to stop and I will."
"Don't." You say quickly and spread your legs, "Please don't."
He leans in, kissing down your neck, "Tell me what you want, babe."
"You." You whisper and look up at him, "I want you."
He slips his hand into the band of your panties, "I've dreamed of hearing those words."
You whimper slightly as his fingers press down to your clit, "Colby.." you moan quietly as he draws small circles.
"You're all I think about." He gently bites down on your jaw, "I swear, you've taken over my life but in the best way."
You turn your head, crashing your lips onto his, making out slow as he slowly slides his fingers down, dipping them inside of you
You dig your nails into his arm, arching your back as you pull yourself closer to him. You slip your hand down and slip them into his sweats.
He groans lowly as you stroke him, “That feel good?” His voice is low against your lips, “Tell me.”
“So, so good, Colby.” You squeeze his fingers, whimpering as you feel yourself growing closer to the edge, “Fuck..”
“Your sounds are so beautiful.” He leans back, moaning as you swipe your thumb over the head of his cock, watching as your face scrunches and your eyes flutter shut.
“I-I need you..” you whimper, squeezing your hand around his cock, “Please.”
“Let’s just take it slow, babe. We’ll get to that.” He kisses your lips, “I promise.”
You nod, tilting your head back as you moan, “Fuck, fuck.”
“Cum for me, pretty girl.” Colby rests his forehead against your temple, “You’re so close.”
You turn your head, looking over at him. He presses his lips to yours, moaning against them as you continue to slowly stroke his cock, “C-Colby.”
“All about you baby. I’m okay.” He speeds the thrusts of his fingers up, watching as you squirm under him, “Come on, pretty girl. You can do it.”
His words egged you to cum more, “Fuck.” You whimper and the knot that’s been working in your belly snaps.
You gasp, arching your back as your thighs squeeze his arm, “Shit, shit, shit.”
“That’s it, baby girl. That’s it.” Colby whispers as he peppers your face with kisses, slowly pulling his fingers out.
He brings them up to his lips, licking them off with a groan while you watch in awe. He reaches down, slipping your hand from his sweats and lays next to you, pulling you into him.
Your body fit perfectly into his, like you were made for him.
“I just want to lay with you.” He whispers as he twirls your hair, “We can get to that other stuff later.”
You weren’t going to argue with him. You’re just glad you’re there.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Hi hello sorry for the late update. I’ve been super sick lately. I hope you enjoy this!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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songbirdseung · 1 month
pinky ring / sim jaeyun
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synopsis: jake made you a promise to marry you when you two were toddlers. he would fake propose until he really did get down on one knee.
pairing: childhood besties jake x reader
wc: 1.1k
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To your parents, it was all good fun. Seeing their child being proposed to by their childhood best friend at their favorite beach. Documentation was highly important to them, filming little you and little jake holding a candy ring pop in his hand, asking your hand in marriage. To them, it was adorable.
For young child you, you were petrified. At the time, your dad just gave a small talk on how to stay away from boys and you're definitely too young to get into a relationship. This happened when you called the actor on scene handsome when you were having a family movie night.
"We are too young Jake" pouting your lips, feeling bad for rejecting his proposal. Jake shrugs and hands you the ring pop anyway. "Fine, I'll just wait and get you a real ring".
That didn't last long because fast forward to the next year, he does it again. He has done it so much that for the next few following years, it had become an inside joke to everyone in your immediate family.
"You have rejected me for 4 years now" crossing his arms in a fit, Jake looks at you disappointed. "Maybe because we are only 12 years old?"
At this point, you aren't sure if he's doing this because he really wants to marry you or just to tease you and lead any guy interested in you far far away. Remembering all the instances where a boy would approach you during lunch and sit next to you and confess and say that they think you' re cute. There then comes Jake, wearing a smug smirk and says something along the lines of "I'm actually her future husband, please go away".
It makes you think about how you could never get away from Jake and his antics.
Even when you guys reached your teenage years, almost reaching adulthood, Jake never dropped the fake proposal joke. Like on your 19th birthday, at the restaurant he took you both to, he claims how he's your boyfriend and he's planning to propose soon, the waiter thought he was weird for saying that he wanted to propose soon with you sitting right there but nonetheless, he gave you both free desserts.
You thought at by the age of 14, he'd stop since you both are going through puberty, his feelings would change and he'd drop it due to his own pride and embarrassment, but no.
Now you both were 20, if you had to count how many fake proposals Jake has done over the years, it would reach 100.
"You can't say that we are too young, we're both legal adults and we basically known each other our whole lives." You turn over to him and flick his forehead, causing him wince in pain and shoo you away from him. "You're mean"
"You're the one that wants to marry me, so get used to it"
"Oh, so you're playing along now" He removes his hand from his head and pokes your side. "After years, you're finally warming up to the idea"
"Keep that up, I won't be anymore" Once you said that you realize how you didn't even deny it. Looking back at Jake who went back to playing video games, you take in his appearance and guide your eyes to follow the lines that make his side profile.
Jake was good looking, you knew that. He's always been the apple of your eye since you two were kids, then as you got to know him, his humor, personality, and behavior kind of sealed the deal for you.
"If you keep staring at me, I might disintegrate."
"Then, who is going to marry me?"
"We're still on that? I thought you didn't want to?"
"Make me your girlfriend and I'll rethink it" Now it was your turn to cause a ruckus in Jake's mind. He pauses the game and looks over to you, reading your expression wondering if you were serious or not.
That night, Jake stayed over. Unlike the other past sleepovers that you two had, this one was different because the way you cuddle into him now, it felt different. He was always yours and until now, just a different kind. He was now your boyfriend, not boy-friend.
With your dynamic and bond with Jake, it felt like sunshine and rainbows most of the times, being around each other all the time and knowing each other too well, you always found ways to fix things or any miscommunication that would come along.
Transitioning to relationship from friendship was surprisingly easy from the outside perspective but the thing with you and Jake was he was always a gentleman and treated you right and how you deserved to be treated, and of course vice versa.
When you told your mom the news, she did not show any surprised reaction, simply telling you how she saw it coming and was just waiting for this moment to happen, you dad shared a similar reaction, happy that it was Jake to be the one you were dating.
Fast forward to a whole year of dating Jake. People would say that you two were like a fairytale love, match made in heaven, meant for each other, all that. "Hey yn, maybe you should do that trend where you call Jake your husband"
"I'm pretty sure he's already seen that on tiktok, no?"
Still, even if he did, you were going to do it just to see his reaction. That same day, you two meet up after your last class ended. Waiting for you somewhere in the university's campus, you run up to him and give him a hug. "Someone missed me?"
In the car ride home, you guys both agreed to stop by your favorite restaurant and get some take out. Which was a perfect time to put your little prank in action. Just like everyone else, after placing your order, you ask Jake what he wants and tell the waiter. "Then my husband would like ___"
Once the waiter leaves, you finally take notice of Jake who is wide eyed, staring at you in awe. "There's no way you just called me that" To say he was a lovesick puppy after that was an understatement.
But now since you called him that, you have to keep calling him that. Because if you call him or introduce him as your boyfriend, he'll act surprised and startled. "Are you asking for a divorce?" "Do you not love me anymore?" "I thought I was your husband?" to name a few.
"I'm gonna have to propose now, for real this time"
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luveline · 9 months
hi, i have a request for hotch if that's okay with you :)
when they're on the jet, yn is smiling a lot at her phone so the team starts to tease her because the think that she has a mysterious boyfriend. and she does, but he's sitting right next to her and he's also wondering who's making her smile like that since it's clearly not him
Hotch is trying hard to award you your privacy, but your smile makes it difficult. You're actually squared away from him despite sitting in the seat beside him of your own free will, your phone to your chest, a huge smile curved across your cute mouth. 'Cute mouth', Hotch thinks to himself with derision. He's thoroughly whipped for you. It might not work out. 
You've been secretive and strange on your phone for an hour now. With nothing left to do but wait for the jet to touch down, you can watch whatever or text whenever you want. Hotch just wishes it wasn't so distracting. Who are you texting? He feels ill. 
"Who's that?" 
The dam finally breaks. As soon as Morgan asks, Emily pipes up, "Yeah, who is it?" as Rossi laughs and declares, "I know that look. Young Y/N's in love." 
You side eye Hotch. "Workplace harassment," you say. 
"Who is it?" Hotch asks. 
You gawp but laugh at his unprofessional questioning, pressing your phone screen tight to your chest. "Hotch, it's–" 
"Your not-so-secret boyfriend? Come on, we all know you have one," Morgan says. 
"I know you know, you're like sharks," you say, giving them all a great long look. 
For weeks now, you've glowed. This overzealous smiling and laughing is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Your nosy coworkers can't hold back their curiosity any longer. Hotch was stupid enough to think that your secretive dates and nights spent curled in on one another might be the reason behind your new hopped up sprightliness, but apparently not. 
"So you admit it!" Emily cheers. 
"Maybe. But it's not what's happening on my phone." 
"Well, what is it?" Spencer asks. 
They've leaned in on you, a circle of eager faces. Your sudden decision to admit you —maybe— have a boyfriend is as much as anyone's gotten out of you in weeks. If anyone could tease the truth from you, of course it's Hotch, and so the team looks to their leader pleadingly. 
He's not sure he wants to know. "They won't leave you alone otherwise," he says, hoping that his expression shows his leniency. Your secrets are your own if you want to keep them. 
You smile at him. Again, he thinks you have a cute mouth, and that he's biassed but you definitely smile sweeter at him than anyone else. You and Hotch know something the others don't, amusement like light behind your irises. "I'll show you," you say smugly, "and only you, Hotch." 
"Typical," Morgan murmurs, sitting back on the couch. 
Hotch clenches his sweaty palms beneath the table. "Alright." 
You lean in against his shoulder. Your phone turns on, and he's taking deep breaths as you click to your photo app, and then an album labelled with a simple, '<3'. 
It's photos of him. Most he knows you took, sitting across from you in dark restaurants or kneeling in your apartment putting together a new set of drawers. Your giggles begin in earnest as you swipe through them to a more recent photograph. You couldn't have taken it more than a week ago, when he'd stayed the night with you by accident, too tired to leave. His face is slack in sleep. He realises it's a video when you click a button and the sound of crinkling fabric plays from your speaker. In the video, you unbutton the tight collar of his shirt, stroking his neck briefly with a loving knuckle. The video moves down to frame his arm, his hand clinging to your other one like a sucker. 
Hotch looks up from the video and blinks at you. Your hand on his sleeping neck, the sound of your tired laughter —he can't not smile. "Oh. That's…"
"What did you show him?" Morgan asks, his voice coloured with both amusement and frustration. The team echo his question.
"I can't kiss and tell," you say, still tucked up by his side. 
"I think it's best if you don't, L/N," Hotch agrees. 
He'd lose all credibility. 
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mangostarjam · 2 months
taking care — wind breaker, aged up sakura haruka x f!reader, established relationship, "brat" as a petname, smut towards the end, 4.4k words
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"Aren't you too old for this?"
Sakura Haruka grimaces and shoves his bruised hands into his pockets. You raise an unimpressed eyebrow. There's dirt smudged along his cheekbone and the end of his sleeve is ripped.
"They were tryin' to hit on a girl." It comes out mumbled. Haruka's two toned gaze is averted to the top of your head. It was always difficult to get him to meet your eye in your high school years, but ever since he hit his growth spurt and graduated you feel like it's gotten worse.
"Haruka-kun," you sigh, "c'mere."
You grab his arm and tug, taking advantage of his brief moment of surprise to drag him into the back of the bakery. Your coworkers wave and smile at the former school captain but otherwise leave the two of you alone.
"Y-you…! What're you doing?"
The back office of Saboten is neat and clean and thankfully empty. You shove Haruka into a chair and grab his chin, ignoring the flare of heat beneath your fingers as he turns bright red.
"Did you get hit on the face?" you ask, leaning closer to look. The dirt smudging his cheek is loose, brushing away easily when you stroke the smooth skin there. You probe gently at the strong bone beneath and ignore the way his chest seizes with a held breath.
"No," he mumbles, "it's just dirt."
Your attention is drawn — as always — to his eyes. A muted, stormy gray blue and a bright, shimmering gold meet your unabashed gaze as your thumb strokes along his cheekbone again.
"I'm glad you didn't get hurt." You allow yourself a tiny grin as he scrunches his nose at you. "You could've let the new Bofurin kids handle it… but those guys will definitely think twice about messing with anyone from our neighborhood now."
"'Course," Haruka sniffs. You wonder if he knows he's leaning into your palm. "It was a quick fight, anyway. Only losers are late."
"I told you, you don't have to pick me up from work. I can handle myself." You giggle as he scoffs. You slide into a crouch, propping up your elbows on his knees for balance. "Give me your hands, Haruka-kun."
Your boyfriend hesitates for a short moment before releasing a breath. His hands are rough, but he flips them over obligingly and doesn't flinch when you curl your fingers around his wrists. "You've bruised your knuckles again," you tsk. "I'll go grab the first aid kit."
"W-wait." Haruka's entire face is charmingly pink, the gentle hue sweeping along his cheeks and up to the tips of his ears. "You don't… I mean, I don't need you to —"
"I know," you hum, tugging his hands up to brush a gentle kiss along his skin. "But I want to."
Haruka stays quiet as you fetch the first aid kit and get to work disinfecting the tiny cuts on his hands. You're used to the comfortable silence, basking in the familiarity of tending to his battle wounds in the back of the bakery where you first met.
You never would've guessed that part of your job duties at the bakery would include taking care of the new out-of-towner all those years ago, though it wasn't like he went along with it quietly. Your boss at the time was adamant that the Bofurin boys deserved all the freebies the bakery could afford to give, and she never minded when you'd pop off to the back alley to administer first aid.
Nirei was the one who knew you were handy with a medical kit, but it was Suo who eventually tricked their first year captain into coming to you. Haruka was a lot pricklier back then, shying away from casual human contact like everyone was out to get him but diving into fights like nobody's business.
Luckily for you, in spite of his speed and reflexes, Haruka definitely wasn't used to girls who were willing to literally sit on him to force him to stay still for first aid. After enough times shoving freshly baked bread into his hands and making him into your first aid practice dummy, he started to show up outside the bakery's back door on his own, often looking like a disgruntled street cat.
Little by little, you learned which breads he preferred and you begged Kotoha to teach you how to make omurice the way Haruka liked it. Little by little, he stopped flinching away from your touch and even let you lean against him when you needed a short break from work or studying, propping your head up against his shoulder and staying still enough that sometimes you'd fall asleep.
Little by little, the two of you fell in love.
Haruka doesn't say anything as you finish smoothing the tape holding his new wrappings together, but he flips his hands to hold onto you as you rise from your knees. You smile. "Do you wanna get dinner at Cafe Pothos? Kotoha-chan might make fun of you, though."
"She'll make fun of me no matter what," he grumbles. You snicker as he ducks his head. From this angle, you can only see the pale white eyelashes of his left side pressing against his skin as he takes a deep breath. "Don'tcha need to finish your shift? I'll be outside."
"Aw, are you worried about me?"
"Shaddup" Haruka huffs. "As if I care."
You grin as he rises to his full height, still steadily avoiding eye contact as you squeeze his hands. After all these years, it's cute how flustered he still gets when you tease him. "Haruka-kun? You can let me go now."
"Oh?" you raise an eyebrow and tilt your head to catch his eye. He scowls. "If you just loosen your fingers—"
"Sh-shut up." You watch patiently as your boyfriend takes a deep breath. It's quiet in this back office, though a wall is shared with the employee locker room and you can hear a few of your coworkers laughing and chatting indistinctly. The smell of rising dough and freshly baked bread permeates the room, cut through with the sharp tang of antiseptic cream.
Haruka's ears are still red. You catch a glimpse of them through his black and white hair and squeeze his hands again. So cute. "Haruka," you say.
You rise up on tiptoes to kiss him, holding onto his hands for balance as you rock forward. Haruka predictably freezes before making a rough sound and kissing you back, letting you take the lead as you lean into him. His heartbeat jumps beneath your lips as you move to kiss at the soft spot below his jaw, earning another strangled noise that makes you smile into his skin.
It's warm. You think maybe your own ears are red enough to match his, but you don't give him a chance to notice, pressing another quick kiss to his lips and disentangling yourself. "I've gotta get back to work. I'll see you in a bit, 'kay?"
You leave him in the back office, knowing he'll find his way to the alleyway behind the bakery to wait for you, as always. Your coworkers don't mention how long you were missing, but you take over the mopping and cleaning duties as a thank you anyway.
Haruka doesn't take your hand when you meet him after your shift, but he walks close enough that your shoulders brush with every step. The gentle ringing of the wind chimes strung up below the shopping district sign follows the two of you on your walk towards home.
"What should we have for dinner, since you don't wanna endure Kotoha's teasing?" you ask, grinning lopsidedly when Haruka snorts in response. The street lamps cast a glow along his black and white hair, haloing him in a light gold that pales in comparison to his golden eye.
He glances sideways at you as you pause at a crosswalk. You catch a flash of gold and blue before he faces forward again. "You're comin' over?"
"Yes, or else you'll eat instant noodles again and die of malnutrition," you say. The two of you step into the street, though he steps slightly ahead of you to make sure it's clear. "Unless you don't want me to."
"Let's have curry."
"Did you get ingredients for curry, mister?" you ask, bumping your shoulder into his arm teasingly. "Or will we need to stop by a konbini again for emergency supplies?"
"That was just one time," Haruka grumbles, but he glances back at you fondly as you laugh. "And I went shopping earlier, brat."
He lets you hold onto his sleeve as you enter his studio apartment and stays steady as you toe your shoes off in the genkan. The place is vastly improved from the first time you stepped foot in it all those years ago, when you were delivering food for a sick Haruka.
Gone are the creaky hinges and peeling paint — the walls are smooth and clean, the cabinet doors are all securely attached, and there are actual curtains hanging over the balcony doors. He still sleeps on a futon, but he also got a low table and cushions for guests after you complained about eating on top of cardboard boxes, and he got a dresser to store his clothing after you took him shopping so he'd stop wandering around town always wearing his high school uniform.
Making dinner is always fun, with Haruka, because even though he's grown and learned a lot, you still get to tease him about his bulk stack of instant noodle packages and he still turns bright red when you lean over the table to offer him a spoonful from your plate.
He's more relaxed here, more willing to close the gap between you when you reach out to him. It used to worry you in the beginning — would you always be the one to make the first move? Did he actually like you, or was he just going along with your flirting because he didn't know any better?
Then he does something like swiping his thumb along your lips and sticking the digit in his mouth, laughing at your surprised gasp and gathering up the dishes before you can form a coherent thought. He asks about your day and listens as you tell him about the cute little kid who came into the shop asking for curry bread because "that's Sakura-taicho's favorite, and I wanna be like him when I grow up!"
You bask happily in the furious blush that paints his skin, grinning to yourself as he stammers and jerks his face away.
"Did you get new towels?" you ask, handing him a soapy plate to rinse off. Your boyfriend takes it, huffing an amused snort when you yawn widely. It's nearing your bedtime, and your sated appetite is making you even sleepier.
"Yeah," Haruka says, "since you were complainin' last time that mine're scratchy."
"Oh, nice," you say, rinsing the suds off your hands and moving to stand behind him. You shove your face into his shoulder blades before he can move, wrapping your arms around his middle as he tenses beneath you. It's been ages since he was an active fighter defending the town, but you can still feel the power and strength of his densely packed muscles twitching under your hold. "Mm, I'm sleepy…"
"Gwah! What are ya, an octopus?!" Haruka sets the clean plate on the drying rack and settles his hands on top of yours, but he doesn't move you. He could easily overpower you, though you're hugging him pretty firmly, pressing your entire body up against his as you take a deep breath. "The hell're you doin'?"
"Hugging you," you say. Haruka's fingers tighten around your wrists, but he still doesn't move you.
"I got that, genius."
"I'm just recharging before I have to head home," you mumble into his shirt. You're saving both of you from embarrassment, here, hugging him from behind like this, so really he should be grateful that you're so considerate of his feelings.
"It's late."
"I know," you whine, squeezing him just a little bit harder. "I don't wanna think about it."
"You have a toothbrush here."
Oh. "I don't have clothes here."
"You can borrow mine." Haruka stiffens even more as your hands clench the front of his shirt. "I-It's not like I'm tryna get you to stay over! It's just that it's late and you've gotta get up e-early tomorrow! I'm not some kinda pervert!"
You giggle into his back and nuzzle your forehead into the strong muscle there as he finally relaxes. "I'd be kinda upset if you didn't think about it a little bit, Haruka-kun. I am your girlfriend, after all."
Haruka lets out a huge sigh and moves to brace his hands on the counter. "You can take a bath first. Lemme go heat up the water."
"Are you trying to be a gentleman again?"
"Wuh — what're you talkin' about? I already told you I'm not a pervert!"
You laugh. "Last time you went to heat up the water for me, you didn't come out for a solid twenty minutes. I thought you passed out in there."
"That was just — I was just —!" Haruka hangs his head and you press your cheek against his back. You can feel his heartbeat pounding in double time. "I was tryin' to calm down."
"You don't have to, y'know," you say softly, patting at his firm chest with a sigh. "I wanna do it too."
Haruka chokes on his spit. Or at least, you think that's what happens, because he lapses into a coughing fit and gently pushes you towards the bathroom with a red face. He refuses to answer your concerned questions, only shoving a pair of shorts and a t-shirt into your arms before shutting the bathroom door on your amused face.
You shower and bathe on your own, humming a nonsensical tune as you lather up with his shampoo and body wash. It's a minor miracle and mostly a testament to your relationship that he has amenities at all, the clean smelling soaps clearly picked out with a thought towards your possible use of them. It makes your heart stutter in your chest when you notice that he's stocked your favorite brand of lotion on the counter and even left a clean face towel and headband for you to use while washing your face, as if he knew you'd need them eventually.
His clothes are a little too big on you, but you cinch the waistband of his shorts and hope for the best as you step out of the bathroom. Haruka is sitting stiffly at the low table, glaring down at his phone as the screen lights up with texts.
"Is everything okay?" you ask.
Haruka looks up and freezes. You pause in the act of adjusting his shirt on your shoulders, blinking at your boyfriend as he seems to go through five stages of something before he turns a bright cherry red and slams his eyes shut. You snort.
"You've seen me naked before, Haruka-kun."
"S-shaddup! T-that's different!"
You get on your knees in front of him and cup his face in your hands. Haruka doesn't flinch, but he cracks open one stormy blue eye like he's worried about what he might see. You roll your eyes at him. "Are you good? Why do you look so pissed at your phone?"
"Oh," Haruka blinks and glances sideways at the offending item. His face is warm in your hands. "The guys found out you're staying over."
"Are they giving you advice on how to get laid again?" you ask, giggling. "I love you, but please don't listen to Umemiya-san. I promise I don't get turned on by plant based pickup lines."
"I'm gonna shower!" Haruka stands abruptly and shuffles past you, but he pauses at the door. "You can read it, if ya want. The chat thread."
You raise an eyebrow and pick up his phone as he shuts the bathroom door behind him. A generic wallpaper greets you as you swipe it open, but you notice a star emoji next to your name in his message history, which makes you smile.
The chat thread with Haruka's former classmates is at the top, filling with more unread notifications as you watch. Scrolling through, you grin to yourself as the boys send teasing and shy stickers, interspersed with their own complaints of struggling to find partners for themselves and throwaway comments about "that lucky bastard Sakura" snagging "the cutest girl on Tonbu street".
"What're ya laughin' at?" You blink as Haruka crouches in front of you, a towel hanging around his neck. He's shirtless, and you watch with interest as a gentle pink flush deepens and spreads along his skin. "Quit starin'!"
"Y-you're the one who came out shirtless," you squeak, setting his phone aside and reaching out for him. Haruka chews on his lip but lets you touch him. "That's so unfair!"
You trail your hands down his bare sides and smile as he tries to suppress a shiver. Then you reach for his hands. "The first aid kit is here," Haruka says, stretching out to grab it from its shelf. The movement puts his hard muscles on full display, though you have a feeling it's unintentional. Regardless, you can't quite tear your eyes away from his chest and stomach, watching as the muscles of his abs flex when he returns to his crouch.
"You're so stupidly hot," you mutter, accepting the kit and snapping it open. "I can't believe you just walk around looking like this."
"H-huh?" Haruka's eyes widen in surprise. You grab his hands to keep him from running away, but he stays still as you reapply ointment and bandages to his knuckles.
"I know you find it hard to believe, since people used to give you shit about your looks, but you are…" you pause and glance up at him, taking in his smooth skin, his beautiful gray blue and golden eyes, his fluffy black and white hair, "stupidly hot."
Your boyfriend sighs and places a hand on your hip. You set the first aid kit aside and grin up at his pleasantly pink face. "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, please."
Haruka kisses you slowly, tentatively. It's a little precarious, leaning up as he crouches in front of you, so you drag him to the futon and pull him over you, tugging him close by the ends of his towel. "You're so warm," he mutters, shifting his weight on his elbows and doing his best to keep from crushing you.
You sigh into the next kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him down, huffing a laugh when he grunts and smacks his hand against the floor in surprise. "You're so far from me, how can you even tell?" you tease.
"You're always warm," Haruka grumbles. He noses along your cheek, smiling against the smooth skin there as you giggle. "And soft."
"Are you callin' me weak?" you ask, tilting your head to kiss him again. He breaks the kiss with a pant, nipping at the exposed skin of your collar as your shirt shifts. "Ah — hey!"
Haruka groans, one of his hands going down to grip at the soft give of your waist, holding you still as he grinds down into the cradle of your thighs. You moan as his hard length drags against you, wiggling your hips into the friction as something pulses in your core. "I should've given you another shirt."
"A-another shirt? What's wrong with t-this one?" You gasp as he rolls his hips again, arching into the touch as his free hand slips beneath your borrowed shirt to brush against the swell of your chest. You grab at his shoulders and back, dragging your blunt nails along his skin as you pant. "I l-like this shirt!"
"I like it too," he admits, hiding his face in the juncture of your neck and shoulder. His hand slides up to cup one of your tits, tugging and pinching as he sucks a bruise into your neck. "Y'look damn good in it."
You whine, throwing your head back as he shoves the shirt halfway up, snagging on the bottom of your breasts before he yanks it off of you entirely. He drapes himself back over you almost right away, kissing you breathless until you lick into his mouth to earn a strangled groan.
Haruka seems content to keep kissing you, and normally you wouldn't mind, but your borrowed shorts are getting uncomfortably damp and he keeps rolling his hips mindlessly and it's driving you a little insane.
"Haruka, touch me already," you plead. Your boyfriend pulls apart a few scant centimeters, two toned eyes scanning your face wildly until you grab one of his hands and shove it down your shorts. "O-oh, yes, please right there —!"
"Fuck," he bites out. "You're so wet."
"Haruka, you need to stretch me out," you say breathlessly, squirming as his fingers slide and press against the wetness along your lips. "Y-you're too big to go right away, you've gotta ngh —"
He dips one finger into your clenching pussy and freezes above you. It would be almost comical except for how much hotter it makes you, forcing you to buck into his hand as he pants. "S-stop squirmin' or I'll come in my fucking pants," Haruka grunts, forcing himself to begin fingering you in earnest.
He grits his teeth when you whine at another added finger, scissoring them immediately to hurry this up. He doesn't want to hurt you, but when you're laid out like this right in front of him, looking so pretty and perfect, it's taking everything he has not to rut into you like an animal.
"I'm ready, 'm ready," you breathe. You wrestle the two of you out of your bottoms and giggle when he sends one pair of shorts flying into the wall, but your attention is immediately drawn to the trail of black and white strands leading down to your boyfriend's cock. "Can I?"
"Fuck no," Haruka says, positioning himself between your legs again. "D'you want me to die?"
That makes you laugh. You reach out for him as he spreads your legs apart with rough fingers, his easy, overwhelming strength making something throb in your gut. Your sex life is actually pretty healthy, considering your respective jobs and commitments and Haruka's healing trauma. He's always been careful and attentive to your needs as you learned about desire together. It's not like you're deprived of it, or anything.
But when Haruka slowly pushes his way inside you, the muscles along his jaw ticking with restraint, the feeling of being filled by him makes something snap in your core and you cum with a breathless cry.
Haruka freezes immediately, hands slamming down on either side of your head as you clench and squeeze his cock unrelentingly. He barely manages a shallow thrust before he has to freeze again, hot breaths puffing on your face.
"Did you just…?"
"Uh huh."
"Does that always happen??"
"Your dick isn't magical, Haruka-kun," you giggle, looping your arms around his shoulders and wiggling your hips a little. "This isn't going to happen all the time, so don't get used to it."
"I wasn't sayin' that!"
Haruka pouts into your next kiss, but you lick into his mouth and manage to draw out a low groan and an aborted thrust. The ache in your gut hasn't lessened much. If anything, the pressure of his thick cock nestled inside you is making you tingle all over, and the way sweat starts to bead along his hairline makes you want to make him cry.
"You can move, please," you breathe, "you don't have to hold back."
"Don't wanna h-hurt you," Haruka grunts, pulling out slowly only to thrust back in with a force that makes your tits sway. He screws his two colored eyes shut, brows furrowing in concentration. "Fuck, you feel so good."
"You feel good, too," you sigh. "You can let go, I promise."
Haruka's next thrust makes you moan, and something in him seems to snap. He fucks you into the futon relentlessly, propping your ankles up on his shoulders, his dick hitting that spot inside that makes you see stars fuzzing along the edges of your vision. The angle presses your clit against his skin with every thrust, sending you quickly spiraling into another orgasm as you cry out his name.
"Hah, oh fuck I'm gonna —!"
Haruka groans a strangled garble of your name as he reaches his peak, thrusting into you deeply as his cock throbs and releases thick gobs of sticky cum inside you. He lets go of your legs immediately, pressing firmly into the muscles there to ease the strain of being stretched like that for so long, but he hides his face in your neck as the two of you catch your breath.
"Should I call in sick for work tomorrow?" you mutter absently, somewhat desperately grasping for some semblance of sanity. "I dunno if I'll be able to walk."
"Shit, did I hurt you?" Haruka asks, lifting his head and wincing at the pull of sweaty skin. He's glowing, bright and handsome above you, his hair damp with sweat. His two colored eyes are a little watery, his eyelashes sticking together in clumps with unshed tears from how hard he came. The sight makes something squirm in your gut.
You reach up to push his bangs out of his face and snicker as the strands stick up. "You didn't hurt me, you just fucked the strength out of my limbs. We'll need another shower."
Haruka blushes hotly, an impressive feat considering he's still solid and hard inside you. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm not hurt," you promise. You cradle his face in your hands and he leans into the touch. His hips roll slowly against you and he bites on his bottom lip as you gasp. "Haruka?"
"Maybe you should call in sick for work tomorrow."
Haruka nods, still blushing hard. "I swear I'm not a pervert, but you…"
You gape at him. "Are you calling me a pervert?"
"N-no!" You don't give him a chance to continue, leaning up to kiss him. You're both smiling when you pull away. "Who knew doing this stuff would feel better than fighting?"
You laugh out loud at that and flop back into the futon. "Are you seriously comparing the two things? Why're you thinking about fighting right now?"
"Can't help it," Haruka says, shrugging. "I could die when you make me feel so good. And fighting's what got me the cutest girl on Tonbu street."
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