#definitely not so vegas could pull it nope!
kinnporschegl · 9 months
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deep in the trenches of last year's art folder I found a princess/knight wlw vegaspete au ... maybe I'll go back to it
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lizardperson · 4 months
come all sufferers
part 3: what's a chicken? [on ao3]
fandom: fallout new vegas characters: female courier/original male character rating: m wc: 542 prompts: chicken noodle soup for @sweetspicybingo; #252 spill the tea for @flashfictionfridayofficial
[hurt/comfort bingo masterlist]
"Room service!" Mika's cheery voice sounded through the place when she entered, pulling Gabriel out of his daze. He sat up too quickly and everything spun around for a few long moments. When he finally managed to properly open his eyes, she had already placed a couple of pots and dishes on the table next to the bed, and was now frowning at him. "How are you feeling?" He waved it off, rubbing his face. "I'll live, don't worry about it." They had an unfortunate encounter with a couple of radscorpions earlier, and one actually managed to sneak up on him. Damn critters. Gabriel had taken an antivenom, so he would definitely survive it - but right now, he sure felt like dying. It would pass after a few hours of rest, not a big deal in the grander scheme of things, just very unpleasant. They were close to Primm when it happened, so Mika had dragged him to the Bison Steve Hotel for the night, despite his protests, but now he was quite grateful for the bed. She had been uncharacteristically nice the whole way too, not even teasing him about getting stung - though she was probably still saving a few jokes for when he felt better. She looked at him slightly doubting, but decided not to comment on it any further, and instead turned towards the things she brought. "Anyway, dinner! I told Mrs. Nash about your state, and she immediately went into overdrive," Mika chuckled. "Had to talk her out of coming up here to nurse you back to health herself. But she gave me some weird tea that's supposed to help with the poison side effects, and a big pot of soup." "That's awfully nice of her." "Told you, she either wants to adopt or marry you." Mika handed him a cup. "Hope this tastes better than it smells. I spilled a bunch of it on myself already," she reported. Gabriel took a sip and made a face. "Nope. Tastes pretty vile actually." But Ruby Nash was the resident radscorpion expert, so he tried to ignore the smell as best as he could and downed the whole cup. She sat down beside him on the bed, trading the cup for a bowl of soup. "Hey, what's a chicken?" "Some type of bird." "Do they have those here?" "Don't think I've seen any," he remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Then maybe let's not think too hard about what's in this 'chicken noodle soup', as she called it..." Mika took a spoonful and her face lit up. "Oh hey, that's actually pretty good." After they had finished eating, he laid back down again while she took care of the dishes, then joined him on the bed and snuggled into his arms. "Thanks for dinner," he murmured, getting drowsy again. It hadn't been easy to finish the whole portion in his state, but his body would probably be grateful for it tomorrow. "You're welcome. Now, would you rather have some peace and quiet to rest, or do you like company in your misery?" He pulled her closer, nuzzling into her hair. "Company sounds nice."
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Talk shop Tuesday!
Has there ever been a time when you wanted to write something for an existing fic so badly but it didn't fit with it really and you debated posting it separately as an au fic? Did you ever decide it wasn't worth writing anyway?
Has there ever been a time when you've been a little jealous of one of your characters? Or you give a character something you want.
Has there ever been a fandom you could see yourself writing for but you never have?
How would you feel if someone beta read for you?
Is there a certain song or playlist you listen to while writing?
I hope these questions make sense
Thank you bestie!! <3
Talk Shop Tuesday
Oh, absolutely!! I've definitely done this, and when the idea is strong enough I will write it out and post it as an AU sidepiece. Torment is an alternate chapter for Bolts and Blasters. Aftermath is an additional chapter placed in between two existing chapters of A Love Once New, and Tear Us Apart is another alternate chapter/sidepiece I wrote as an AU for the later chapters. Years Ahead is an AU from my main Eris timeline, but I thought it was such an interesting idea that I wrote it anyway.
Sometimes it's hard to choose which scene I want for the actual, canon timeline and when I just can't make something fit in with that, but when it's a really vivid idea then I absolutely will still write it out and share it. It's pretty rare that I just plain scrap an idea, at least once I get to that stage in the process.
Again, ABSOLUTELY. Each of my OCs, and most of the canon characters I write for too, are in some way a reflection of myself. They aren't self-inserts by any means, but many of the themes that are present in their stories are reflections or translations of things I go through myself. As comforting as it is to write or read one of my hurt/comfort scenes, I definitely get jealous of my characters sometimes. The big ones for me are 1. unconditional gender acceptance and 2. being cared for when they're sick/in pain/dealing with disabilities, it's both super comforting to read and also makes me a little jealous since I don't really get to experience that in my real life. And I get super jealous of Warren and any other characters who have wings/are able to fly, since I WISH I could do that.
I'm sure I could dip my toe in the Fallout fandom if I felt like it, I enjoyed the show and I think I could come up with some neat fic ideas. And technically I do have a Fallout OC... my courier for New Vegas, which I started playing and really need to get back to lol. The whole universe just has some really interesting worldbuilding, and just the right balance of darkness and intrigue that usually pulls at me for writing ideas.
I mean... I wouldn't be offended or anything, but I've never sought it out. I don't have anything against beta readers and I know they can be a huge help, but I just get so excited about posting my writing once it's done that I can't imagine waiting for someone else to read it first and delay when I get to post it lol XD
Nope! I don't really listen to music when I write, I usually just have a show or movie (or YouTube videos) on in the background for white noise. When I was in college I would actively pick something for myself (usually something I've seen before, so I can enjoy it but don't have to pay attention to understand it), but since I've been home it's mainly just been whatever my family decides to have on the TV. And when I really need to focus I'll go where it's quiet, since sometimes the silence helps me fall into the story and visualize it more clearly.
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moku-youbi · 5 months
Fallout is seriously almost everything I could ever dream of or hope for out of an adaptation to my all time favourite video game series, and the game that was my gateway to gaming. It captures the soul of the games in a way that is downright astonishing at times, to the point that I felt I was playing the game at many points. Even hating Maximus felt appropriate, given how I feel about the Brotherhood of the Steel (fuck those assholes fr, fr). Titus the absolute tool, I'm over here like:
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The way he's freakin' out, I'm like oh shit, it's a Deathclaw. Nope, just a yao guai. And you're in POWER ARMOUR, douchebag. You don't deserve it, that much is true. A little sad we didn't see Mirelurks, but that gulper was a thing of real beauty. My new favourite monster, sorry Cazadors!
Like dear GOD the vaults were so beautifully done. If I could walk through that set I would *cry* it's so real and perfect--the furniture! the wallpaper! the appliances! the SPECIAL skills! (Lucy, girl, let's talk about your stats tho babe). Also just dying thinking of what the antis are gonna say about all the incest and laughing my ass off. They captured Vault-Tech in all it's bastard glory. The entire time I'm on the edge of my seat like omg, what's it gonna be, what's it gonna be??
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And the wasteland? All the background characters and sets--chicken fucker! Barv! Dale! The water filter guy was pure fucking genius. RED ROCKET??? GORGEOUS. NEW VEGAS??? Are we gonna see HOUSE??? (though sadly without Rene Auberjonois to play him, legit heart-breaking). and DOGMEAT, MY LOVE!!!! She is the *best girl*
And don't even get me started on the food, I was about to start crying. Do you know how long I've wanted to try blamco mac n cheese or YumYum devilled eggs (my wife was like unrefrigerated eggs wtf and I'm like shut your mouth I KNOW they're delicious, I KNOW IT IN MY SOUL)? To drink a nuka cola? To try Fancy Lads Snack Cakes? And it was all there on the screen looking so real!
And the pip boys and computers!! OMG, every time someone used their pip boy, or when they pulled up the records, and the hacking scene? I was like LET ME DO THIS, I AM SO GOOD AT THIS MINIGAME PLS!!!!
Coop doing his thumbs up???
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Beautiful. Magnificent. Absolute Perfection, except...
WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THE COMPHET??? From a game that was way ahead of its time with queer characters and allowing you to romance either gender regardless of player gender, and even offering perks related to being queer, and where romance isn't the focus anyway--like sure, you can woo most of your companions, but that's really only if you want to, and definitely not the point. So why shoehorn this AWFUL romance subplot into something that was truly perfect without it?? It made me distinctly unhappy at several points because it was so shoehorned and unnatural. And like, them boning? Okay, casual sex is a thing in the fallout verse. But making it this love story that made NO SENSE and wasn't developed at all, and relied on the ridiculous boy and girl make eye contact, so obviously they fall in love trope is so fucking lame. Lucy has more chemistry with Coop. She had more chemistry with HER OWN COUSIN. Come *on*.
Let's talk, Nolan.
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i-sveikata · 8 months
hellooo! it’s 4 a.m in my country and i just have finished reading the last chapter of graveyards! i have a few questions if you feel okay to answer them (and my english is not perfect, hope i don’t make many mistakes)
i can see that vegas is very obsessed with pete. the way he sees pete as his equal and feels fascinated when pete fight backs is interesting. but where does vegas’s obsession come from? as far as i understand, they stayed in the safe house for a few days. how did he get SO obsessed with him to the point of going against his father for the first time in his life? can we say that he was in love with him when he did that?
i can see vegas’s obsession but i feel like pete is also obsessed with vegas, maybe not as much as vegas but he certainly can’t give up on him. why is that? where does his obsession and fixation on vegas come from?
did vegas and pete ever have an interaction before he kidnapped pete? or did you follow kp series’ plot for that? is it possible for vegas to actually have an interest for pete before all of these happened?
do you think there’s a limit for the things vegas would do for pete? i can see that he would do anything for him or to have him, but is there anything that he would not do no matter what?
what would vegas do if pete left him? after they got back together?
maybe it’s just me but vegas’ obsession towards pete is so magically fascinating and it made me obsessed too! i love these kind of plots a lot and yours is definitely the most interesting one! are you planning on writing vegas pete fictions in the near future? or do you have any recommendations to read (obsessed vegas plot)?
i actually had more questions but i don’t want to annoy you, plus my english is not good 😭 i hope you are having a wonderful day:)
for the word guessing game: “obsessed, ring, lead, sob or weep (are they different or the same words?😭) tears” please if you have it 🙏
hey there!! wow 4AM goodbye sleep hahahaha. of course happy to and your english is great!!
oh very good question! from memory they were in the safe house for a little over a week but yeah for a normal person that's nowhere near enough time to fall in love.
the way ive thought of it is that pete is the very first person to see all of vegas as he is, at his worst, at his ugliest, without flinching away or trying to kill him out of disgust or fear like so many other people have tried to do and that's where vegas' obsession stems from.
id say hes never once in his life felt seen before like this and so he's latched onto pete like a lifeline because pete makes him feel like more of himself without thinking that hes wrong or horrible or a failure. im not sure i would say that he was completely in love because obviously he was in a delusion about the situation but i do think it was a very obvious stepping stone to realising how vital pete was to him and how being around him makes him feel as opposed to say his father who constantly wants to squash him into the ground and make him smaller. by trying to kill pete his father set vegas even more against him than he meant to, because of course there was no way vegas was going to give up on the idea that someone could just accept him how he is and choose not to kill him. after pete did something like that, there was no way vegas would risk losing him.
pete is definitely to some extent hyperaware of vegas now but that stems from everything that happened between them and everything about himself that vegas has forced him to confront. pete knows vegas is inevitable but hes choosing how to accept that in a way that works for him. plus i think the second pete started to let himself care for him to actually be concerned for vegas' wellbeing was the moment he was gone. because thats such a innate part of him being a carer and once he pulled vegas into that small compartment of his where his grandmother, tankhun, chan and porsche already are there was no coming back.
nope they didnt really have any kind of meaningful interaction until vegas caught him. pete was trying too hard to stay under the radar and vegas didnt think he was all that interesting until he looked a bit closer
i honestly dont think vegas has a limit on what hed do for pete. not really. hes not very good with boundaries and he cares too much about pete to deny him anything. the real thing is whether or not pete would ask for something that would cross the line- but i dont really see him pushing beyond vegas' limits.
if pete left him and truly meant it i think vegas would be absolutely destroyed. it would take him a very long time to get over it or even to actually believe it. but if pete was serious i think he could back off. he would do it for pete, even if it was at his own expense and completely shattered him, he would put pete's needs above his own. even if that meant pete leaving him. but thats not likely to happen!
yeahhhhh i find it really fascinating too!! which is probably why i wrote a story this long delving into it hahahaha no i dont have anything else planned for the moment but that doesnt mean i wont. sorry im not good for recs i actually havent read all that much in the fandom tbh.
no worries feel free to ask more if you have them i dont mind!
Sure thing! I'll go with tears because we already did sob earlier and im pretty sure i havent used weep yet:
Pete doesn’t know what to say for that. It does sound plausible that Mr Kan could have been violently obsessed with Namphueng, but it’s also possible that Mr Korn has cleverly crafted the story to explain away his true actions and motivations.
"They all know you’re at the main family house in the thick of things and there’s already rumours spreading around here from the main family guards of a certain ring already being on your finger.��
Chan nods with the kind of acceptance that leads Pete to believe he was expecting this already. He knows Pete too well to be shocked by how he operates.
Macau seems to drink it like he’s not even aware of what’s happening and when he sets it back down, suddenly empty, he reaches up to dig his bent knuckles into the side of his eye, clearing away the tears that he doesn’t appear to want Pete to know about.
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Fifth Floor Shenanigans- Josh Kiszka
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A/N: You guessed it, another idea that was so graciously given to me by the angel: @theweightofjake . I’m still working on the Danny smut, it’s taking more work than any fic i’ve done so far. I promise it’s coming soon, though!
WARNINGS: Exhibitionism, sex in front of an open window, Josh deserves his own warning in this cause whew, oral (both receiving), spanking, hair pulling, praise, unprotected sex.
Thrilled was an understatement for you, if you were being completely honest.
Josh had asked you to join him and the rest of the boys, on their weekend in Las Vegas, where they were set to open for Metallica.
This whole trip had you absolutely beaming from ear to ear. Not only was it absolutely incredible that they were opening for Metallica, but it was also your very first time in Vegas.
“Holy. Shit.” You whispered in awe, peering out of the tour bus window. Even though it was already dark, that just made it even more beautiful to you. All the cool lights and signs scattered about all over the city.
“Never seen Vegas before, Y/N?” Jake chuckled, peaking out the window himself from behind you.
“Nope, never.” You answered simply, glancing back at him with an excited smile.
Jake shook his head, looking over his shoulder at his twin in exaggerated disappointment. “Josh, come on now. You’ve never taken your woman to Vegas?”
“I would have eventually!” Josh defended, throwing his hands up. “Mama, did I not say if we didn’t go to Vegas again soon, I’d just take you myself?”
“He did say that.” you played along, defending your boyfriend’s side.
“We’re almost to the hotel!” Danny hollered out from the front of the bus, earning moans of approval from nearly all of you.
While the tour bus was lovely and cozy, it definitely wasn’t something you in particular were used to at all. And for the boys, they were quite the opposite - Being all too familiar with the comfy, but slightly snug bus. It definitely got a little much after too long.
“I think I’m just gonna stay in and fucking sleep tonight.” Sam mumbled, resting his head in his hand that was propped up on the small dining table. “I feel like I’ve been run over seventeen times.”
“Told you not to mix different alcohol.” Jake poked, in an ‘I told you so’ tone.
“Beer before liquor, never been sicker-“ Josh started, snorting a laugh when Sam cut him off.
“-Yeah, yeah. Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear.” Sam waved his hand towards Josh dismissively.
“A hard head makes for a soft ass, Sammy boy.” Jake teased, enjoying agitating his younger sibling a little too much.
“Or in this case, a madly hungover one.”
“Hey, Jake?” Sam said, as if really about to ask him something.
“Huh?” Jake glanced up at him, immediately taking note of his annoyed, unamused expression.
“Shut the hell up, will you?” Sam glared, rubbing at his temple.
Jake and Josh both laughed at Sam’s expense and you just shook your head, but only feeling partially sorry for him.
All of you had separately warned Sam about mixing beer and various types of liquor.
Danny came strolling to the back of the bus, having heard just enough to join in on the teasing.
“Leave the poor, hungover, baby alone.” Danny tried to sound serious and sympathetic, but everyone could see him stifling laughter.
“Fuck off…” Sam whined, but still ended up breaking into a small smile.
Not even five minutes went by, before the bus was coming to a stop outside the hotel. All four boys scrambled up from their spots and snatched up all their belongings so fast it was comical. Practically falling over one another to get out.
“Come on, mama!” Josh called for you impatiently, already at the front of the bus.
You got up, scanning around for some of your things, but It didn’t take long for you to realize Josh had already grabbed your suitcase, too.
“I can carry my bag, baby.” You said as you reached the front of the bus, reaching out to take it from his full hands.
“Absolutely not.” Josh shook his head, nodding for you to go ahead of him out of the bus door. “Go on ahead, babe.”
You placed a careful kiss to his cheek, thanking him softly, before you stepped out of the bus.
Even just the outside of the hotel, was absolutely stunning. It didn’t seem to be incredibly new, but not exactly what one might consider “old” either.
“Gosh, this is gorgeous..” you took in everything -completely awestruck- as you followed Danny and Jake inside the huge, glass doors.
The inside was even more beautiful than the outside, perfectly decorated with lots of warm colors everywhere. It felt so welcoming and home-like. You looked around in silence for a moment, before Sam came slinking in beside you.
“Fuck, get me to this room already..” Sam grumbled, rubbing his eyes.
“Relax, you big baby. Five minutes tops and we’ll have our keys.” Jake waved him off, walking up to the older, but very nice looking lady behind the front desk.
“Shit-“ Josh heaved, stumbling in and dropping both yours and his bags at his feet. “We need to start packing lighter.”
“I hope by “we” you mean you, Josh. I didn’t even pack as much as I normally do!” You snipped playfully and he scoffed.
“Babe, you have seven different outfits for the three days we’re gonna be here.” Josh pointed, with a dubious look.
“Argue in your room, love birds.” Jake joked, walking up to all of you with room keys in his hand. “Here’s your key. We’re all on the 5th floor.”
You took it, giving Jake a warm smile. “Thank you, bud.”
You turned to address Josh, but he had already hauled your bags to the elevator and was standing inside holding it open for you.
You rushed over with a shake of your head, practically running to get inside.
“In a hurry much?” You jested, pressing the button for the floor fifth floor like Jake had told you.
“I just can’t wait to see this room,” he smiled excitedly. “It’s such a beautiful hotel, just imagine how those rooms look!”
Had you not already been basically over the moon with excitement yourself to match Josh, he certainly would have brought you to his level. His excited energy was insanely contagious.
“I can’t wait to see it, either. I know it’s gonna be gorgeous!” You agreed, matching his enthusiasm.
The elevator stopped and a few seconds passed, before the doors finally parted to let you two out.
Glancing over, Josh was busy situating his own bag in his arms, so you took the opportunity while you could.
You snatched up your bag and took to quick strides down the hallway, leaving Josh little time to protest against you carrying your bag.
“Y/N, I suggest you put that bag down!” Josh yelled from behind you, stepping out of the elevator just moments after you, but your quick walk put you a good bit ahead of him.
“Nope!” You shot him a toothy smile over your shoulder, to which he raised his eyebrows at in playful surprise.
You finally reached the door, with Josh hot on your heels and you scrambled to get the door unlocked. You hurried in, giggling and dropping your bag down, quickly making it out as if you were going to lock him out.
“Gotcha.” Josh stopped the door, pushing it open with his one arm that wasn’t occupied by a suitcase. He dropped his own bag to the floor next to yours, giving you no time to run from him.
Josh wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his body as you continued to giggle breathlessly.
“What have I told you about carrying your suitcase, huh?” Josh questioned poking at your side, earning even more bubbly giggles from you. “You. Don’t. Touch it.”
He emphasized each word with more pokes to your side, making you squirm in his strong arms.
“Okay, okay!” You caved, breathing heavily from laughter.
Josh released you, placing a soft kiss to your cheek. “Let’s look around!”
The two of you walked deeper into the giant hotel room, mouths gaping ever so slightly at how stunning it really was.
Just like the lobby, it was decorated in warm toned, cozy colors. A beautiful, cream colored love seat just off to the side of the king sized bed. The bed was stacked with pillows, a fluffy, inviting comforter perfectly laid across the top.
But what really had you two stunned into silence for a few good moments, was the huge, floor to ceiling window that nearly took up the entire wall.
“You’re kidding…” Josh spoke up first, barely above a whisper.
The window had a beautiful view of the city, lights of all colors shining in and glistening through the window.
“This is the best fucking hotel room I think i’ll ever see…” you stated, eyes taking in the size and overall beauty of it.
You walked closer, reaching out to place your hand on the arm of the loveseat, while you gazed out the window. Josh trailed along closely, wrapping an arm around your front.
“A beautiful view, for a beautiful girl.” Josh said softly, earning a halfhearted eye roll from you, but his words still didn’t fail to make your cheeks tint pink.
“You’re so cheesy, you know that?” You shook your head, turning slightly to face him and his goofy smile.
Josh’s smile turned smug in a blink and he tugged his bottom lip between his teeth for a split second. “Would you rather me be cheesy, or fuck you senseless in front of this window?”
Your face twisted in shock at Josh’s sudden shift, but you recovered rather quickly, thinking he was just joking around. There was no way he would really do that.
“Are you saying that to be funny, or are you saying that because you actually want to do it?” You shot back cooly, but it was an honest question.
“If I say it’s the latter… How would you feel about that?” Josh’s voice lowered, tugging you closer to his body. His eyes filled with lust, silently telling you he was definitely being serious.
“Josh… I haven’t even showered or-“
“Y/N, we just showered in the bus a little bit ago. We can take another one after.” Josh’s hands were already roaming around your body, to which your body was already reacting to.
You glanced out of the window, taking heavy note of the fact that it was nearly dark already. People could easily look up and see the two of you.
“You wouldn’t really fuck me right here…” You laughed lightly. It sounded more like a challenge to Josh’s ears than just a genuine thought.
“Really? I think it would be great…” Josh smirked against the skin of your neck, where he hadn’t stopped placing gentle kisses.
His hands traveled to your hips, gripping them tightly, causing your breath to hitch. He turned you around abruptly, pulling your back against him.
“Don’t you think so?” Josh asked into your ear. His hand reached out and brushed the arm of the loveseat, “I’ll take you right here. Bend you over the arm of this chair and fuck you… right where everyone can see.”
A breathy whimper slipped from you, revealing to Josh just how much you were enjoying this. The whole idea of being seen, sent your adrenaline skyrocketing. The mental pictures of Josh taking you where people could so easily see, was so beyond hot and thrilling.
“I’m starting to think my naughty girl likes this idea.” Josh chuckled darkly. “That’s incredibly dirty of you, mama.”
“Josh.” you huffed, aching for him to do something.
“What? Is my baby getting needy now?” Josh fingers ghosted over your temple, trailing down and brushing away some hair that had fallen in his way. “Did I paint a dirty picture, in that pretty mind?”
“Yeah, you did… And I’m gonna need you to do something about it.” You demanded, turning around in Josh’s arms to connect your lips with his.
Josh kissed you back hungrily, groaning into your mouth. His hands moved up to cup both sides of you face. Your hands searched for the hem of his white shirt and once you had it fisted in your hands, you broke away from the kiss to tug it off him.
You pulled him back in, but his eyes had fixed on the loveseat beside you. His eyes darkened, as if he was playing out a filthy scene in his mind.
“Wait right there.” Josh ordered gently, pointing to a spot out of the way of whatever he was about to do.
You watched Josh make his way to the opposite side of the loveseat, grabbing it and pushing it around to a new angle - facing the window now, instead of towards the inside of the room.
Josh met your wide eyes, a devilish grin on his lips. “Come here, mama.”
You made your way around to him without even having to tell your body to move it felt like.
“Whoever bothers to look up here, is gonna get a real show.” Josh smirked, grabbing you by the waist and facing you towards the window.
“But I bet You want them to see though, don’t you?”
All you could give was a barely noticeable nod, finding yourself unable to form a coherent thought as you looked down at all the people walking the city streets.
“Ah ah, Speak up. Tell me, pretty baby.” Josh pried, gathering your soft dress in his hands.
“Yes-“ you squeaked. “Yes, I want them to watch.. Want them to watch you fuck me.”
That was all the conformation Josh needed, before he was practically ripping your dress off your body.
He placed a few lingering kisses along your shoulders, one of his hands coming up to your jaw as he trailed kisses up your neck. Using the firm grip, he turned your face to the side and met your lips in another heated kiss.
Just when you were about to turn and deepen the kiss, Josh broke away and guided you backwards towards the loveseat. You followed the silent instructions of his hands, sitting down and looking up at him much too innocently for what was about to be asked for you.
Josh looked down at you for a moment, admiring your mostly naked body before he knelt down in front of you and finally spoke up.
“Let’s get these off.” Josh whispered more to himself, hands reach around for the clasp of your bra. He’d just barely torn it away and tossed it somewhere in the room, before he was playing with and sucking at your nipples.
“Josh, baby..” you sighed, pushing your chest further into his face. “More, please-“
“More?” Josh leaned his weight back on his heels, drinking in every inch of you.
“Yes… please, Josh. Need your mouth on me.” You rushed out, reaching for him in attempts to pull him back in closer.
“You’ll get my mouth, princess, don’t worry.” Josh soothed, leaning forward again to trail open mouthed kisses up your thighs.
You lifted your hips up when you felt Josh’s thumbs hook into your panties, swiftly sliding them down and off your legs.
“Want you to do something for me, mama…” Josh grinned up at you, mischief clear as day in his expression.
You swallowed thickly, nodding for him to continue.
“Show me how you play with yourself.”
“Fuck, Josh.” Your eyes flashed up to the window, nerves beginning to bubble up.
“Don’t worry about them, it’s just for me.” Josh ran his hands up your thighs slowly. “Even if they do watch, this is all mine. All for me.”
“You’re not helping.” you shot, allowing Josh to spread your legs a little at a time, despite the sudden nervousness.
“Do it, baby.” He commanded lightly. “I promise I’ll make you cum myself, just show me how pretty you play with it for a minute, yeah?”
Josh rested back on his heels again, watching you shyly slip your hand down to your dripping heat. But, all the shyness fluttered out of your body as soon as your middle finger slipped through your folds, collecting some of your wetness and going straight to your clit.
“God…” you whined, thankful for the relief but wishing it was Josh’s fingers working you over.
“That’s it… Show me.” Josh crooned, eyes locked in on your hand that was tending to your bundle of nerves.
A louder moan bubbled out of you, moving your hand down to slip a finger inside yourself. Trying you hardest to focus on Josh, even though part of you was definitely getting off on how exposed the two of you were to a city of people.
“Atta girl, mama.” Josh praised, hands going back to tracing random patterns over your thighs. “Atta fucking girl.”
“Please Josh, I want- I want your hands- or your mouth.” You begged, eyes fluttering closed in pleasure, but yet not nearly as much pleasure as Josh could give you.
“You will get them, I promise.” He assured you, one hand abandoning your thigh to readjust himself in his pants, growing harder and harder with each second that passed, as he watched you please yourself. “God, you’re so pretty like this. My beautiful girl. My good girl. You’re doing so good for me.”
“Oh, fuck- please,” you moaned, rocking your hips into your own hand at Josh’s constant praises.
“You wanna cum, mama?” Josh cooed, arms wrapping around your legs to pull you closer to him.
“Yes, baby, please!” You answered him, bucking your hips up in search of his mouth.
Josh laid a soft kiss just above your clit, licking through your slick folds right after at a frustratingly slow pace. He watched you through his lashes, tightening his hold on your thighs to stop your writhing.
His tongue finally settled over your swollen bud, drawing tight circles around it with his tongue skillfully.
“Oh, shit-“ you whined, one of your hands finding home in his curly hair, the other fisting the edge of the chair’s cushion.
Josh hummed into your cunt, bringing one of his hands down to tease two of his fingers at your entrance. Pushing them in with one smooth motion, he went straight for that spot inside of you, that only he could reach.
A cry of bliss ripped it’s way out of you, echoing off the walls of the hotel room. You’d eventually remember it and be embarrassed of who might have heard later, but your mind was too focused on Josh.
“That feel good, pretty mama? You gonna cum for me?” Josh purred, keeping his fingers curling at a steady pace, with his thumb swirling over your clit.
“Yes! Fuck, i.. I’m gonna-“
A choked moan bubbling up from your lungs cut you off, the knot in the pit of your stomach tightened until it finally exploded. You fluttered rapidly around Josh’s fingers, back arching off the small couch and toes curling as you came all over his hand.
“Fuck, you are a piece of art, baby.” Josh murmured, placing kisses along the inner parts of your thighs.
“Absolutely beautiful when you cum for me.”
You settled down from your high, head tipped back as you tried to steady your breathing. Josh let go of you, getting up on his feet slowly.
You watched him attentively. Taking in the way his chin was glistening with your cum, how dark his eyes were with lust, the veins in his forearms popping in different places while he undid the button and zipper of his pants. He was absolutely mouth watering.
Regaining some strength and composure, you pushed yourself up and carefully slid down to the floor in front of him.
“Y/N, you don’t have t-“
“Shhh,” You hushed him, reaching up to help bring his jeans down his legs. He stepped out of them, and you slid them off to the side somewhere.
You took him in your hand, teasing his tip with your tongue and gathering up the pre-cum that had been leaking out.
“God, you’re- you really are my dirty girl. Sucking my cock in front of the window like this.” Josh groaned, head lulling back as you took him into your mouth all the way.
“I fucking lo- love you..”
Listening to Josh moan while you sucked him off, was one of your top favorite things ever. Getting on your knees for him, was something he would never have to ask for. You always wanted to do it - You loved to make him fall apart at the mercy of your mouth.
Sinking your mouth down around him even deeper, your eyes began to water as he pressed against the back of your throat.
“Fucking hell-“ Josh moaned loudly, hands shooting to the sides of your face to quickly guide your mouth off of him. “Gonna cum if you do that again… I wanna cum inside you.”
You gave Josh your hands and he helped you up from the floor, pulling you over to the arm of the loveseat.
“Bend over for me, right here, baby.” Josh directed and you did as he told you, lowering your body down against the loveseat.
You turned your head, looking out of the window once again - another rush of adrenaline surging through your body that Josh took notice of.
“You fucking love this, don’t you?” He asked with an amused chuckle. “What if my fans see us from down there?”
“So? They’ll fucking love it. You already know that.” You bit, becoming a bit impatient and needy.
“Watch it, mama. That would be a real show, if they got to watch me spank this pretty ass because you wanted to get mouthy.” Josh snapped back, landing a harsh slap onto the swell of your ass, that sent you lurching forward.
“Fuck!” you hissed, while Josh soothed over the stinging skin.
“M’sorry. I’m sorry.” You choked out, clenching around nothing at his sudden aggression.
“Mhm, I bet you are.”
Josh teased along your folds, coating himself in your slick and thrusting into you, filling you up in one swift motion.
“Fuck you take me so well, princess.” Josh rasped, pulling out completely and pushing back in with a sharp thrust. He repeated that action a few times, drawing a stream of whimpers out of you, before he settled into quicker, harder, thrusts of his hips.
“Deeper, Josh. Please, harder!” you gripped at the decorative pillow beneath you, jolts of pleasure shooting through your body, that felt like little bursts of electricity.
One of Josh’s hands traveled up your spine, gripping your shoulder roughly and shoving your upper body further into the loveseat, allowing him to hit even deeper inside you.
“Ohmygod. Please, oh god-“ you cried out, gasping whines flowing in an almost constant stream out of your mouth.
“There you go, mama. Let me hit that spot.” Josh growled, fingers tangling into your hair.
With his right grip on your hair, Josh hauled you up and you quickly grabbed the arm of the loveseat to hold yourself up.
“Fuuuck me!” You nearly screamed, head dropping down as you panted and struggled to hold yourself up from all the pleasure.
“Take it, baby. Be my good girl and take it.” Josh managed out through gritted teeth.
You could feel Josh pulsing every so often against your walls, letting you know he was nearing his orgasm.
And you weren’t far behind him, but Josh, knowing your body, already knew that. Which you were so thankful for, because there was absolutely no more getting words out past your moans.
Josh’s hand wrapped around you, middle and pointer fingers finding your throbbing clit, rubbing fast, but light circles into it.
Another echoing cry of ecstasy erupted from you, mixing with Josh’s growls and moans, sounding absolutely obscene as they bounced off the walls.
“Louder. I want everyone on this goddamn floor to hear your pretty noises.” Josh grunted, quickening his thrusts with a harsh tug of your hair.
A pornographic noise tore it’s way from your lungs, completely out of your control. As if Josh really had the power to make your body do whatever he says.
You tightened around him, causing his thrusts to become sloppier as he was slammed into his high.
“Give it up, princess. Cum for me.” He commanded breathlessly, letting out a lengthy groan, his grip on your hair tightening again as he released inside of you. Sputtering out more praises that were completely lost on you.
Your second orgasm washed over you, stealing all the breath you had left in your lungs and blurring out your vision. You started to become unsteady, fighting to stay upright as your high tore apart in the most beautiful way you from the inside, out. Thankfully, Josh had just enough strength left to hold you up, otherwise you would have surely crumbled to the floor.
“Damn it…” Josh uttered, breathing heavily against your back. He carefully pulled out of you, then scooped up your shaking body in his arms once he had calmed down.
You were like putty in his arms, completely spent from the two earth shattering orgasms Josh had given you.
“You alright?” Josh chuckled, smiling down at you languidly.
“Mhmm..” You hummed, leaning your head against his sweat-glistened chest.
“Do you think anyone saw?” Josh’s smile widened, flashing the slightest bit of his teeth.
“I highly doubt it, Josh.” You giggled, peaking up at him, watching his lips contort into a devilish grin.
“Well, I’ll guess we’ll just have to keep fucking in front of that window, until we know someone did.”
“No way, Mr. Exhibition kink.”
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iamafictionfreak · 2 years
Kinnporsche - I'll be ruined by episode 14. Happily.
I can’t believe I just wrote this monster, but I need to talk about this. Please let me. Let me get it out of my head so I can breathe. Episode 4 was so SO good guys and I rambled, I do apologise - But before I touchdown into any rabbit holes, please read this and be free:
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This. This is Be On Cloud showing us that the creators and actors understand the sensitive nature and importance of the issues revealed here, they know what they’re doing, and they aren’t going to brush it under a rug. Its respectful and responsible and mostly combats exactly what I imagine is going on with Porsche now and what may happen in the next episode.
There won’t be any shying away.
But let’s make it very clear:
KP is a grey zone drama.
Kinn is morally grey.
Porsche is morally grey.
The show will host a sea of morally defunct traditions dedicated to presenting just how bent any mafia syndicate can be, but let’s focus on this particular issue:
Vegas… violates Porsche. It doesn’t matter that he barely managed to touch Porsche, the intent was there, he was going to rape Porsche - especially after Porsche’s marvellous headbutt - and Porsche will remember how it felt to be defenceless. Porsche could even transfer full responsibility for this feeling to Kinn who was there to support him but ended up sleeping with him anyway.
Was it Kinn’s intention to take advantage? No. Kinn fully intended upon helping him. But his feelings – feelings he’d been determined to stamp on – pushed him to kiss the man. Porsche provided an opening and Kinn allowed himself to view it the way his body was being pulled to. Once they kissed, Kinn fell into what Porsche was offering with his open, intoxicated, arms.
Was Kinn right to do this? No. Am I saying Porsche asked for it? No. Am I saying it was completely fine and consensual? No. Am I saying there aren’t layers – beautifully encoded layers to this scene that explain why this happened? Nope, there definitely are. Porsche, despite not being in his right mind revealed something to me and now I finally get this.
Though the situation isn’t quite as bad as it could have been - Vegas raping Porsche - but don’t be surprised if Porsche feels betrayed when he wakes.
Just to recap: am I completely aware of the issues here? ABSOLUTELY. Did Kinn have sex with Porsche KNOWING Porsche was gone three ways to Sunday? YES. Will this be resolved? Heck Yes. That’s the point of showing it to begin with. Will there be worse things on this show? Inevitably. They won’t all revolve around KinnPorsche.
If you didn’t know before that this show is a grey zone, you freaking do now. If you find that this kind of content doesn’t interest you, please don’t watch it. It’s not going to change. It’s going to get worse – I’m fascinated, and I want to see how this all gets resolved and just how far down the moral grey zone it can go before it pushes full black. There are movies and series that fully encapsulates the mafia syndicate – this is fluffy in comparison. This is rainbows and care bears. The mafia are terrifying.
I also think that if you can appreciate Vegas’s character - for being sputum of the lowest order to compare goodness to - then you can comprehend, even whilst you vehemently disagree, Kinn’s mentality.
Vegas? I’m not a fan – I’m not supposed to be. He’s the villain. A true villain. Kinn is various shades of grey with black streaks intermingled and the odd slash of red. This guy’s all black streaks. Of all the characters, Vegas is the most deeply disturbed and I’m not just saying that for every word and action in episode four. It revolves around Kinn and the way Vegas is constantly emasculated by him: by Vegas being the in the second family and not the first, for Kinn being better at his job than Vegas, for being the rising head of the family whilst Vegas is just drifting, for being someone his father respects more than his own son and so on and so forth. This goes back YEARS – it must. Vegas hates Kinn. I don’t know if there’s a foundation for the hatred beyond diminished ego and entitlement, but he’s aiming at Kinn’s newly revealed weak spot.
Now… Kinn doesn’t have many, if any, weak spots. He doesn’t let himself. The man displayed some serious dominant alpha male tendencies in the latest episode that had me near fanning myself, whew boy. He doesn’t even kiss his escorts – I LOVE that btw. Love it. Kissing means something to him. It doesn’t for everyone. It does for Kinn.
Don’t you think, after being ordered to watch over Porsche by his father, that Vegas caught them kissing by the pier? Kinn, who he’d KNOW doesn’t kiss just anyone. Suddenly Vegas’s obsession is relit anew – he has a new way of getting to Kinn. Daddy dearest didn’t tell him to fuck with the middle son of the first family. This is all for Vegas and just to be sure, he pushes and pulls some buttons. Vegas is adept at that. For all the ways he fails in comparison to Kinn, he reads people as easily as he would open books.
And he sees exactly what Kinn was afraid would be revealed – Kinn treats Porsche differently to the other bodyguards. He enjoys Porsche’s mouthy tendencies and lets him get away with a lot in comparison. He’s already displaying possessiveness and that’s only going to get worse for Porsche. Kinn, who’s endeavoured to be Fort Knox, has revealed a chink in his armour.
Best way to push it? To mark it and lay claim on it before Kinn can. Kinn who’s also displayed remarkable patience with Porsche’s God-Tier obliviousness. It would absolutely KILL Kinn.
…If Vegas thinks this is the best way, I’d start questioning the escorts Kinn sleeps with. And any ex’s and oh’s. Did Vegas get to them too? Did he mark them where Kinn didn’t know and got off on Kinn not knowing?
Well, now he wants Kinn to know.
He just underestimates Kinn’s growing feelings for Porsche.
Don’t tell me that Kinn would cut short his speech and time at the auction that he was ordered to attend by his father for every bodyguard. Vegas doesn’t have the time to do what he wants. He has to get gone, frustrated and turned on and full of testosterone. There’s no way he’s going to leave Porsche alone now.
He just doesn’t know Kinn and Porsche have had sex – though he will very soon if he has an insider. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the insider is responsible for spreading the gossip of Kinn sleeping with his bodyguard.
(A note on the insider: I still say it’s Big. He dishes out info to Kim that he’s delusional in believing helps protect Kinn - from the new, nasty uncouth bodyguard with his perfect face, his perfect body and perfect penis - and if he can do it with one person, he can do it with another. Especially if it’s for himself, which… it is. Come on. The dudes in love with Kinn or something, he’s like the other side of Vegas’s coin.
Did he have anything to do with drugging Porsche? If so, Kinn’s going to kill him. God Speed. But if I’m correct, it won’t end there – he’s going to help hurt Porsche again and again until he loses sight of his original goal. And then he’ll lose everything.)
So yeah. Vegas. I like him as an antagonist – he makes my skin crawl. Look what he said to Porsche – I’ve never had to force anybody. As if, at the end of the day, everyone secretly wants to fuck him and be fucked by him. As if he weren’t about to destroy something in Porsche. And I like what he brings to the table – he’ll make Kinn loose it and stir up trouble in paradise, but I also don’t see that lasting more than a couple of episodes, so what ELSE is he going to do?
Yes. I’ve seen EVERYBODY refer to VegasPete – Jesus, how the hell does that happen? How are they going to do it to make us all accept sweet – extremely capable – Pete with a nutjob like Vegas?
See, I also want Vegas to burn.
Anyway, back to THE scene:
It helps that Porsche threw up. There is awareness there – he headbutted Vegas (ROUND OF APPLAUSE) because he knew exactly what was happening and he was scared. He didn’t want it.
Then Kinn arrives and Porsche… relaxes.
(AGAIN - I am in no way stating the sex was 100% consensual, that’s not what I’m doing and I’m not repeating that.
We good? We’re good.)
So, Porsche relaxes. Stops fighting. He can sense who’s with him, sense the safety here and I’ll get back to that too in a moment.
Then he throws up, his body rejecting the drug – that’s another good thing. A very good thing. It takes some of the fog away and it’s why he’s more verbose with Kinn later.
Verbose, hah. Porsche is veeeeeeeeeery forward. The drug does that so him happily grabbing Kinn’s dick when Kinn might not have wanted him to is more than forgivable, but the direction of his thoughts was the interesting thing.
It’s sort of devastating that Porsche seems to only channel his inner gay when he’s a) inebriated/under the influence and b) with Kinn. These seem to be the prerequisites.
What do drugs/alcohol do? They release us of our inhibitions and, generally, give us a bit of a lift. For a sad boy like Porsche, it would likely have a sharper affect than on most.
Porsche is nearly as tightly controlled as Kinn. Whether he’s aware of this or not, he’s suppressed the part of himself that yearns to just let go and it seems to be tied to his bisexuality. If he even is bi. Look at the things he’s said about women: they’re there for sex. They have a vagina; he has a penis. Key meet lock. Orgasm. But that’s all it is. Sure, the fact that they’re all gorgeous is a power trip for him, but he doesn’t associate the sex with feelings. Of any kind. It’s almost professional. So, he’s never considered a relationship before.
Yet, in episode three, he got drunk, turned into a 15-year-old boy with hearts in his eyes and dragged Kinn over to the pier for a little alone time. Where they kissed. It takes him a full day to remember - as if he shuts it out until it's 100% affirmed that Kinn is gay - and when he does, it isn’t shock he feels… instead he questions Pete if it could mean anything.
I don’t know about the book version – clearly the show is different from the book so I’m not going to try to wonder about those differences.
Porsche is more than accepting of homosexuality in the show, I just don’t think he’s seen the light yet in himself. A light that shines like the fucking sun whenever Kinn paid attention to him when he was under the influence.
So, basically, Porsche is gay for Kinn and only Kinn and only when he has an absolute freedom of inhibition.
And that’s fine – or it would be if it weren’t tied to the death of his parents.
See, we don’t all learn about our sexualities when we’re teenagers. For some of us it takes lifetimes.
Porsche lost his parents – I think he was 13.
Loosing his parents meant losing his safe place: where he could come home and be himself and explore himself and be free whilst his willingly parents took the responsibility that adulthood demands. Without them, he was forced to be the responsible one. To be the adult. To be restricted before he was ready.
Of course, his potential homosexuality would be put in a locked box and covered in heavy chains of duty, pushed somewhere deep down. Inevitably it would start to link up with his duty to his brother, his need for control, for purpose and the lack of love in his life.
Something about Kinn rattles those chains and threatens to turn the key in the lock.
Porsche gravitates towards Kinn whenever his inhibitions loosen.
In episode 1, they first meet after Porsche has gotten laid – endorphins released – and after he’s had a drink or two. The scene where he takes Kinn’s watch from him is charged to hell.
Episode 2, he deliberately gets drunk to subvert Kinn’s authority and takes pleasure in the reaction.
Episode 3, he gets drunk, hangs on Kinn’s back and arms, dances with him, pulls him away from the crowd, reveals vulnerabilities and kisses him back.
Episode 4, Porsche is drugged and spends the whole time talking about and touching Kinn’s dick, wanting Kinn to acknowledge his attraction to Porsche and basically finding the idea of Kinn’s attraction extremely fascinating.
You like me. I know you like me. I don’t know why you like me, but you like me.
It gives him a little control back whilst letting go of everything else.
Porsche spent episode 4 in a strange place of vulnerability. He doesn’t understand what he’s feeling but he knows Kinn’s attitude towards him is changing. He’s starting to think that Kinn sees him differently to everyone else and… it doesn’t feel bad. He doesn’t know what to do with that.
Of course, this is Porsche. Porsche has no idea that he thrives off of someone’s good opinion of him. Kinn thinking he’s doing a good job, Kinn allowing him free reign, Kinn spending time with him in the Onsen, Kinn kissing him when he heard the escort admit that Kinn never kisses anyone – it’s validation. From the Alpha himself. It’s heady. He wants more.
So, he tests it. He asks Kinn if Kinn would have asked his brother to hand Porsche back to Kinn.
And Kinn stomps down on any ideas Porsche has of Kinn’s regard for him.
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The subtle hurt on Porsche’s face after that was sort of painful. From someone becoming so beautifully open with his unconscious need for Kinn’s affection.
If I’m not mistaken, they’re both already displaying Dom/Sub tendencies too – e.g. Kinn ordered him to stand, to strip, to do it NOW.
Porsche did.
He wouldn’t have weeks before, at least not without argument.
Porsche looks to Kinn when he’s offered water. WATER. And he asks Kinn with a look to see if it’s okay for him to drink it.
Kinn doesn’t get where Porsche is at here – he doesn’t understand what his dominant pheromones are doing to this poor guy, so he’s pretty much ‘why is he staring at me?’
Already Porsche trusts Kinn. Kinn is becoming a strange, alarming kind of stability for Porsche and he’s unconsciously gravitating towards him with each new development between them. It got worse after seeing Kinn with the escort (does the escort have a name?).
Subconsciously, Porsche wants Kinn.
So, when he gets drugged and he’s touching Kinn, teasing Kinn’s evident attraction towards him and basically egging Kinn on by kissing him and saying ‘this is the real deal – right here, not with your escort who you don’t kiss’, that’s the part of him that was abandoned when his parents died. The part completely untouched and uncultivated.
You can see it in his smile.
God, that SMILE. I don’t know how to create gifs; I’ve never taught myself and I regret it now because I can’t frigging find that smile on any gif posted about that gorgeous moment.
He might be high off his ass, but there’s real emotion there. Part of him was hurt when Kinn tried to convince him that he was like every other faceless bodyguard. Having Kinn go hard from his kiss confirmed Kinn’s attraction. You don’t go hard from every kiss given to you – just the one’s you feel more about at the right moment with the right person. Lust, love – whatever, it’s something. And he didn’t understand why Kinn would kiss him –he’s clueless, we know, but it doesn’t stop him for wanting to understand, because underneath the façade of the idiot who goes through life by the seat of his pants, Porsche really does want Kinn to want him.
So, when they have sex there’s this fucking beautiful, achingly sweet and happy smile on Porsche’s face. It’s right before Kinn turns him around to face the window. It’s pure freedom – the kind only Kinn seems to be able to bring out in him. It’s permission to exist in the moment. It’s feeling new things, it’s exploring what he hasn’t been able to before. It’s touching Kinn and being worshipped by the man, being wanted so thoroughly, being adored. Kinn’s all over him and Porsche is eating it up.
Oh, the next day might not be pleasant. But right there, for Porsche, it’s cloud 9.
Do you see the layers? In that one scene?
The other reason why I could watch that scene and not be conflicted about consent is because I know they’ll follow through with it. They kept it in the storyline for a reason.
Acknowledge it or don’t, it’s unavoidable now. Kinn kissed Porsche and lavished attention on his body in a way that’s very suggestive of where Kinn’s at emotionally. Porsche ate it up and couldn’t stop smiling. He won't jump up and scream rape in the morning no matter what our opinion is because that's not where he's at mentally.
He's going to be shaken, confused, conflicted, hurt and all over the place. He may even feel betrayed. He may tell Kinn that he took advantage and to go fuck himself.
Or maybe they’ll surprise us – maybe he’ll feel completely differently. They’ve surprised us with every episode so far and I’m thrilled with what we’ve received up to now. So, I have more than enough faith to not be worried about episode 5.
There first time was never going to happen under normal, wanted circumstances. Not on a show like this one. But they have another first time coming up: a time when no one is drugged or drunk or coerced, where real, honest feelings will be involved and where the sex will be had by two people who want each other.
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This is the love scene. THE love scene. The first one where he and Kinn will be 100% in it, together, without any miscommunication, despite ongoing issues between them.
Or at least I HOPE they have because look at the raw emotion in their faces – that’s - there's a lot. There’s an apology on Kinn’s face but, correct me if I’m wrong, I see a lot of yearning and need and love there too. And Porsche looks so frustrated and wanting – like he hates that he wants Kinn but feels so deeply about him he can’t help himself. That’s just- it’s a lot. To take in, yep.
Also, did Porsche throw water at his head?
I mean, we’re screwed for now. Vegas isn’t done yet – give it a couple of episodes for Porsche to realise what a shit Vegas is (PLEASE REALISE WHAT A SHIT VEGAS IS) and Kinn won’t make it easy for him. He’ll step back from Porsche, even when he steps forward. Episode 4’s ruffled his feathers, spun him about and made him feel exposed. He left control at the door, which isn’t normal for him. There’s a chance that he’ll try to make Porsche feel… not small, but definitely not wanted. He’ll probably also go back and forth on that – he’ll be possessive one second, then cold as ice the next. He won’t know what to do. And that’s after knowing the repercussions of their night together.
I love it.
Because the show has proven to be very effective at connecting these dots and unearthing new ones.
The way Kinn was with Porsche probably connects to his past, connects to a side of Kinn that hasn’t been touched in a long time, just like the side he brings out in Porsche is reminiscent of a gay teenager desperate for someone to want and take care of him.
Vegas will most likely lure Porsche, try to get him to switch families. If Kinn does what I think he does – if he makes an ‘example’ out of Porsche to try to protect him from future attack - then Porsche might feel hurt enough to consider accepting.
I do truly hope Porsche sees Vegas for what he is sooner than later.
But, silver lining, we have a beautiful parallel in store for us. When they make love after the first real time, AFTER the above scene and after they’ve confessed that love and AFTER Vegas and after after AFTER… they’ll be face to face, it will be 100% consensual and Porsche will have willingly given himself to Kinn who will have willingly accepted Porsche right back.
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forsworned · 3 years
May I request Kyojuro x female reader please? :D
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 ˳ֹ៹ ̊ ♡ 𓈒 ˖ ࣪ 
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. contains s3xual themes/situations, nudity, and mentionings of alcohol and one night stand action, a little ooc
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞. honestly laughing too hard at this i may or may not make this into a mini series because its fucking hilarious, kyo my love is a little ooc so just keep that in mind its borderline NSFW okay
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Consciousness had warmly welcomed you as you shifted under the snug covers and buried yourself under the plush blanket. Small noises emitted from your lips as you moved to get more comfortable, but there was a small stress indicator lingering in the back of your mind telling you to wake up. As your eyes slowly fluttered open, you were met with a pair of golden-crimson hues that stared down at you with hair to match.
A silent scream and the rattling of your bones that shook the mattress between you and the stranger was all you could find yourself to do.
“Well, good morning to you, too!” He beamed down at you.
Your eyes broadened as you realized not only was he lying down next to you, he was definitely fully naked under the covers that exposed only the upper half of his toned body.
“Did we–?”
He lifted the covers to look at himself and nodded. “Well, by the looks of it, I would say yes. Yes, we very much had intercourse last night.”
You externally groaned as you slipped further down into the blanket as if to conceal your humiliation.
“Why do you have to say it like that?”
“What? Intercourse?”
Another groan.
He laughed. Cute. A very cute laugh indeed as you felt him relax a little and in turn you did too as you flipped over the covers to face the music.
“Well,” You peered up at him bravely. “Do you remember anything?”
He propped his hand under his head and you noticed that a cigarette was between his lips as he used a lighter to ignite it. “Ahh, not really.” He scrunched his face as if he caught a glimpse of a memory. “Well, maybe.”
“You smoke?” You asked, as you began to sit up and failed to notice that the sheets slipped from under your armpits revealing your breasts to him.
His cigarette fell from his lips as his eyes broadened in shock before his cheeks turned a lovely shade of carmine.
You looked from him to your chest before you quickly covered yourself and laid back against the mattress with puffed cheeks and arms crossed. Another chuckle from him as he picked up his cigarette and properly lit it.
He offered you one and you begrudgingly took it. Well, not really. You could really,
use a fucking cig right at this moment. One night stand? You don’t do one night stands. They weren’t your forte. You were a woman who managed to keep to herself and only allowed herself a man's company if you were in it for the long run, so how the hell did you end up here?
“So, you said you remembered?” You inquired as he began to light your cigarette and you took a long drag.
He did the same as he glanced up at the ceiling and began to ponder.
“Yeah, we got married at those chapels in Vegas and our pet tiger is in the basement bathroom somewhere lurking. Although, I can’t be too sure if I locked it or not.”
You scoffed. “Very funny.”
He peered over at your now smiling face and let out a little laugh. “It’s weird, though. It felt like a very vivid dream. Like it actually happened…”
“Yeah, I think I’d actually shit myself if there was a tiger just in my bathroom uncaged.” You replied as you looked around the room and picked up a frame that had a picture of a very cute cat on it. “Cute cat.”
“Don’t have one.”
You raised a brow at him as you showed him the picture. “Your sibling's cat?”
“Nope, from what I gathered this is neither of our places.” He shrugged as he pulled out his phone and looked at the time. “Damn, is it really 2:15 right now?”
You felt a small panic start to surge through your body. “What–what do you mean this isn’t your place? Like it’s your friend’s place or–?”
He shook his head again as he took a drag of his cigarette, and while you were willing to admit that he looked damn sexy, you really couldn’t focus on that at the moment. You began to get up from your spot not giving a shit if he could see you completely naked as you searched for your clothing and began to put it on in a hurry.
“Hey, are you okay?” He began to sit up as he put out his cigarette on the ashtray beside him.
“Absolutely not. I do not sleep with random men and end up at stranger’s homes.” You replied as you found your tossed clutch and panty hoes. You caught a glimpse of your face in the full body mirror that was on the back of what you could only assume was the bathroom door. God, you looked a mess.
“I think you should relax while we try to figure this out.” He tried to reason, but you didn’t want to hear any of it.
“Look,” You turned around, noticing that the covers were barely covering him up. He was millimeters away from flashing you his manhood. “You’re really fucking hot and all.”
You gestured your hands to his entire form. “But, I’m really not that kind of gal. I have a lot more class than this.”
“Likewise. I don’t sleep around.” He agreed with you and you could only blink at him several times.
You could only let out a sigh as you raked a hand through your hair and began to head toward the bathroom again. “Great, glad we’re on the same page.”
As you reached for the knob and twisted it, you could’ve sworn you heard a low growl but you wrote it off as you hallucinating. You shook your head as you pushed it forward and your eyes grew as large as sunflowers as you quickly shut it. Your heartbeat thrummed loudly against your chest so hard that you didn’t even hear the fiery haired man ask you questions.
“Are you okay? Did you see something?” His eyes were searching your face for an answer as he looked at the frantic expression on your mien.
“Tiger. There’s a fucking–” You swallowed hardly as your eyes darted across the room while you clutched the door knob for dear life. “--tiger.”
You let out a humorless laugh. “Y-you really weren’t fucking kidding.”
The concerned look on his perfect visage changed into an amused one. “C’mon, what’s actually in there? A snake? A skunk?”
You became slightly enraged. How the fuck could he fucking joke in a time like this? “Do snakes fucking growl?”
He began to reach his hand towards the doorknob that you were tightly clutching. “Well, let me take a look then.”
But you quickly moved it away and shook your head.
He gave a “really?” look, but you were not going to just let this fucking idiot open the door and scar the both of you for the rest of your lives. That is, if you live to tell the tale.
“I’m not letting you open this door.”
“I never got your name.”
“Huh?” You couldn’t focus on his idiotic questioning because you were thinking of all the ways to make a break for it, but you didn’t want to have this stranger’s death hang over your head the second you jumped ship.
“Your name.”
Fucking hell. “[surname], [name].”
“Rengoku, Kyoujurou.” He held out his hand for you to shake and it took you everything in your fucking mind, soul and body not to slap the ever living shit out of this man.
“So, [surname],--”
You wanted to stomp your foot in frustration as you bit your lip. “Just call me, [name].”
“[name]. That’s a lovely name by the way. It’s nice to meet you.” He leaned back against the door as he held out his hand for you to shake again.
You had to laugh. Like really, you had to fucking laugh because credit was really due for this guy. He was way in over his head and you were just going to fucking let him do him.
You shook his hand to humor him. “You, too bud.”
You quickly let go and it was back to the door and let out a shaky breath.
“Hey, listen. Whatever it is in there, we’ll get through it together. I’m trained to annihilate threats.”
You looked at him incredulously as he began to load his gun and cock it. “What the fuck.”
He held up a might you fucking say, very official FBI badge. “I’m an agent.”
“Of course, you fucking are.” You wanted to cry. Of course, you had to hook up with a fucking FBI agent out of all people. Way to score, [name]. Way to fucking score.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He cocked an eyebrow at you.
You shook your head. “Nothing. What are you even planning. Are you going to shoot the tiger right in the head?”
He sighed. “There’s no tiger, [name]. At worst, it’s probably just a person dressed in a Tony Tiger suit who’s tweaked out beyond their mind. I’m trained to–”
“--Handle event’s like 9/11.” You both finished. God, this guy was the worst.
“How do you know…”
You rolled your eyes as you shook your leg. “Because I know pretentious fucks like you.”
He looked taken aback by your statement, but he simply laughed. “Prententious fucks like me?”
“Yes, did you need me to say it again?”
“Ex?” He pushed himself from the door and you nearly forgot about the threat that was behind it.
“Yeah, maybe you know him. Tengen Uzui.”
“Oh, great guy!” His eyes lit up at the name and you had to force yourself not to roll your eyes again. “Too many girlfriends, though.”
“Tell me about it.” You scoffed as you sighed reminiscing about him and the rest.
“Did he cheat on you?”
You laughed and shook your head. “No, I thought I would be okay with polygamy. Turns out I’m a monogamous kinda gal. Pretty girls, though.”
“Eh, you’re much more beautiful.” He shrugged and you felt a smile slip from your lips, but then that’s when you heard it again.
A low growl that was much louder than the first and it caused you both to visibly stiffen.
“Get behind me.” He ordered and you didn’t waste anymore time. You just followed his orders. He was probably the best shot you had at making it out alive. Literally.
“Alright. I’m going to open the door on a count of three.” He handed you a metal bat that he happened to find by the bedside.
“What the fuck am I suppose to do with this?” You took it from him as you began to whisper shout.
“Just in case.”
“Just in case what?”
“Just in case!”
You smacked your forehead in frustration, but you readied yourself anyway. “This is going to be a disaster.”
“Alright, one, two, three!” And with that Kyoujurou opened the door and low and behold. A fucking tiger lounging across the bathroom rug that let out a rather heart stopping growl. Kyoujurou nearly dropped his weapon as he quickly shut the door, but not too loudly as to not rattle the fatal creature that laid there in plain sight.
He didn’t say anything for a moment as you watched his chest rise and fall quickly. His eyes found you as you felt yourself wanting to cry.
“Okay, so maybe there is a tiger.”
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wonder-womans-ex · 3 years
When In Vegas
It was loud in the locker room the next morning, but Saint was quiet.
Three days had passed since someone else’s world had been turned upside down, and Saint wasn’t sure whether he was more angry or scared—or relieved that it hadn’t been him.
Those fucking pictures, god. He had stared for hours, maybe more, hands frozen around his phone. The knowledge was unbearable—someone had done this. Someone was out to get people like them.
People like him.
But, in a way, it was also liberating. If he had to guess, he would say that no one had known about Black and Lupin. Judging from the way Tremblay had acted at All-Stars, they probably hadn’t even told their team, and god knew Saint hadn’t told his.
So, really, who was to say he was the only one? Any of the guys here, unlacing their skates beside him, could have grown up amidst thoughts of don’t look and stay silent and focus on the hockey. Any of the guys here could have had boyfriends in high school or college. Any of them could still.
He reveled in the thought. Maybe he wasn’t alone.
Black. Lupin. Tweedle.
Three names on a list wasn’t many, but it was better than one.
Saint glanced up when he felt someone watching him. His eyes met a pair of gleaming yellow ones—before meeting Greyback, he hadn’t even known that eyes could be that colour—and he steeled himself, resolutely not looking away.
Greyback smiled, and Saint recoiled internally. If there were others on the team—others in the league—Greyback was certainly not one of them.
As if Saint would ever, in a million years, want him to be.
He pulled off his second skate with one good, sharp tug. His helmet sat on the bench beside him, and he rested one elbow on it briefly. It was common knowledge that playing professional hockey was difficult, but the thing most people didn’t know was how near-impossible it was just putting on and taking off the necessary gear.
Next, after his skates, were his shin pads—big, bulky things that got hot altogether much too quickly, but at least they protected his legs. Then his jersey, his shoulder pads, his pants, until he Saint could finally lift his undershirt over his head and make his way to the showers.
The warm water felt like bliss against his aching muscles, but a part of him still pleaded to skip this bit and head straight home. All he really wanted was to curl up in bed with a bowl of ramen—decidedly not on his diet plan, but, hey, a guy could dream—and an episode of Drag Race.
And, of course, Luke. But he wasn’t allowed to think about that. Not here.
Or maybe, he realized, mind darting back to pictures taken through the windshield of a car, he could.
He had just begun to put on a pair of jeans and a tank top—grey, with the Golden Knights logo on the front and his name and number on the back—when there came a shout from the other side of the locker room.
“Hey, Tweedle!”
It was Pettigrew, one of his teammates, brandishing a ring of keys in the air. “Need a ride?”
Saint forced a smile. “Nah; I’m good. My roommate’s picking me up. Thanks for the offer, though.”
Pettigrew smiled back. “All right. See you tomorrow, Tweedle.”
“Yeah,” said Saint as he turned back to his stall. “See you.”
He packed up his gear in a sort of half-trance, thinking less about where he was and more about where he was soon to be. Saint loved hockey, true, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t love other things, too.
Other people.
The army green jeep was already waiting for him outside. He glanced around briefly, scanning the parking lot for any of his teammates, then pulled open the passenger side door. He wasn’t entirely sure why he’d checked to see if anyone was watching—it was, after all, nothing out of the ordinary: just a completely heterosexual hockey player getting into his completely heterosexual roommate’s car.
“Hey,” Saint said, meeting Luke’s gaze in the rearview mirror and grinning.
“Hey yourself,” Luke responded, a teasing tone to his voice. “How was practice?”
Saint just shrugged. “Same as always, I suppose. What are we having for dinner?”
Many things could be said for Luke Deveaux, and one of them was that he was a master of recognizing a subject change when he heard one. “Thought I’d finally cook up that chicken that’s been sitting in the freezer. Sound good to you?”
“Sounds fucking incredible. You really do know the way to a man’s heart.”
They smiled at each other again as Luke pulled out onto the main road—the soft kind of smile that said everything for them. Carefully, Saint reached out, resting a hand on Luke’s leg. The simple contact was really all they needed as they both looked back out to the road ahead, letting silence envelop them.
Finally, when they came to a stop at the second or third red light, Luke looked over. “What is it?” he asked quietly—genuinely, in a way only he could.
Saint made a noise of confusion. “What’s what?”
“You’re thinking.”
This time, Saint didn’t say anything for quite a while. He kept his eyes forward as the light turned green and Luke began to drive again. Eventually, just as Luke had begun to think that he wouldn’t get a response at all, Saint spoke up: “What if I introduced you to my teammates?”
Luke had a feeling he knew what Saint was getting at, but he wanted to be sure. “I’ve met a couple of them,” he said, slowly. “Pettigrew. Reaves. Dearborn. Greyback—though I didn’t like him much.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Saint said, and took a breath before continuing. “I meant like… what if I introduced you to them as my boyfriend?”
“Husband,” corrected Luke idly, jerking the wheel to the right.
“Right, yeah. But I’d still probably introduce you as my boyfriend, because, y’know—”
Another beat of silence. Another deep breath. “And I just thought—I was thinking that—that…”
Luke waited.
“Obviously I wouldn’t want to come out to the whole world. Not yet,” said Saint, starting again, “but… you know. People know about Black and Lupin—though they didn’t get to tell people; people were told for them. And if I said something, maybe… maybe, if there are others, they’d know… they’d know they aren’t alone.”
It was Saint’s turn to wait, now, as Luke took a left onto a side street and narrowly missed the curb. He swallowed back the slight lump in his throat—he’d said his bit; now it was time for Luke to say his.
“I love you.” Luke’s words were hushed, and, yeah, it was always nice to get reassurance, but that didn’t really clear anything up.
“I love you, too.”
“And I—” Luke sighed. “Can I have a little while? To think about it? Or, rather, not to think about it, but to think about how I’m going to say it.”
Tilting his head, Saint looked thoughtfully over at the man in the driver’s seat. “Yeah. Yeah; of course. Take all the time you need. It was just something I was thinking about.”
“But you’ve been thinking about it for a while.” It wasn’t a question.
“Well, if the better part of three days counts as ‘a while,’ then, yeah; I guess. Consciously, at least. Subconsciously… maybe longer.” He shrugged. “Who knows. All I do know is that I’m absolutely crazy for you, and I’d like someone who isn’t us or the guy who officiated our wedding to know that.”
“Especially because he almost definitely doesn’t remember either of us anymore.”
This next pause was different from the previous ones—more pause-like, though that didn’t make sense, even in Saint’s head.
“It’s like,” said Luke, thoughtfully, as he turned onto their street, “remember when we got married? And neither of us said anything about it for almost a month?”
“Do you remember why?”
“Um, because typically you don’t get married to someone you’ve only been dating for a week and a half?”
The car slowed to a stop in front of their house. Luke pulled the key out of the ignition and sat back in his seat. “Bingo.”
When he didn’t elaborate, Saint asked, tentatively, “And, uh, what does that have to do with anything?”
“It’s like that, because I could only see that going one of two ways: either we stayed in a marriage neither of us was ready for, or we ended both the marriage and the relationship. And so, of course, the solution my nineteen-year-old and slightly stupid self came up with was to ignore the situation entirely. You can’t annul a marriage that you don’t acknowledge exists, right?”
Saint furrowed his brow. “But… we didn’t annul the marriage.”
“...I think you’ve lost me.”
“Yeah; probably.” Luke sighed “I’m going about this all wrong. I suppose the thing I keep getting stuck on is that it would make everything more difficult if—you know.”
“No,” Saint said, “I don’t know.”
“If we broke up.” It all came out in one breath, and Luke looked anywhere but at Saint while he said.
Suddenly, Saint found it difficult to breath. “You—you think we’re going to break up?”
“No. No; god, of course not. It’s just one of those irrational fears; yeah? Like, you know the elevator isn’t going to break and send you falling to your death like Tower of Terror, but you still worry about it.”
“Not quite sure I follow.” Saint waited a moment, then added, “So… I take it you aren’t planning on breaking up with me?”
“Nope.” Luke smiled as he said it, popping the p. “I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for a little while longer.”
“A lot longer, hopefully.”
“Amen to that,” said Saint, then reached to unlock the car door.
“Wait,” Luke said quietly. “I’m… there’s something else.”
Saint turned back, letting go of the door handle. “Yeah?”
“I—” He shook his head. “Never mind.”
“What was it?”
“I just—it’s been five years—or it will have been in a week, technically, but still—and… and I guess I was wondering if you… might like to do it again. That. Without Elvis, this time.”
“What, get married?”
Luke took a breath. “Yeah.”
“Jesus Christ, Saint; weren’t you listening to anything I just said? It doesn’t matter, anyway. Just—forget I said anything.” Now it was Luke’s turn to begin to open the car door, a rush of cold air seeping in through the gap.
Luke paused. Saint didn’t often call him that, and, even when he did, usually when he was trying to be serious. It was something Saint would say when they were fighting—it was his way of saying I love you; I don’t regret being with you. It was not something Saint would say to someone he didn’t want to be married to.
“Yeah?” Luke didn’t look over—he kept his gaze on the sliver of pavement he could see in the space between the door and the rest of the car—but he could imagine the look on Saint’s face.
“I want to.”
“What?” He knew what Saint had said. He wasn’t asking for clarification. He was giving Saint one last chance to change his mind, and hoping desperately that Saint wouldn’t take it.
“I want to marry you. Fucking hell, of course I want to marry you. Again. Preferably sober this time. Definitely without Elvis.”
A noise that was halfway between a laugh and a sob escaped Luke’s lips. “Is that your way of proposing?”
“Actually, I think it was my way of accepting your proposal. And, either way, it was better than last time, when I think I just stuck my hand up your shirt and called it a day.”
This time, Luke really did laugh. “And they say romance is dead.”
“No kidding.” A pause, then, “Do you still have your ring?”
“Do I still have my—what kind of a question is that? Of course I do! I—” he cut himself off, clearing his throat. “Why? Do you still have yours?”
Saint looked down, avoiding Luke's eyes. His hand went to his neck, where he pulled out a thin gold chain. On it hung the ring Luke had given him so long ago: slightly battered and riddled with notches, but in a way better than it was when they had exchanged them all those years ago, giggling on the alcohol. "Of course I do." His voice was soft—almost timid. "I'm not sure I could have gotten rid of it if I wanted to."
Luke let himself smile. “I wear mine, sometimes, you know,” he said, in a voice nearly as gentle. “When you’re not around.”
“Yeah. I—I do, too.”
“I love you.”
Saint didn’t even think before he did it. He knew, somewhere, that it was a terrible idea—that this was exactly where Black and Lupin had gone wrong—but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Luke was his husband, goddammit, and if he wanted to lean across the console and kiss him until he forgot his own name, then nothing in the world was stopping him.
Well. Nothing except his seatbelt, and even that only took him a few brief moments to discard. Then he was turning in his seat and reaching out and cupping Luke’s cheek in the palm of his hand and whispering “I love you, too,” against his lips.
"God," Saint said, pulling away. "How could I ever have stopped."
Luke quietly laughed, pulling himself away from Saint's lips. "I don't know, love; it could have been you withdrawing yourself from me. It… it almost made me think you—well, not hated me, but at least that you regretted ever getting married."
Saint made a small sound, as if Luke's words were paining him. "I would never." His eyes were starting to water. "I could never. Sure, we were too young; sure, we were drunk. Sure, it was stupid. But it was the best mistake of my life."
Another laugh, this one slightly louder. “Best mistake of mine, too.”
Luke leaned in for another kiss. “Wait,” said Saint, ignoring the noise of protest he got in return. “I have to…”
Saint reached around the back of his neck, sighing in frustration as he fiddled clumsily with the clasp of his necklace. It took him a good ten seconds, but finally he was able to lift it off and slide the ring into the palm of his hand.
The thin gold band fit perfectly around his finger—the weight was familiar; the cheap metal had already been warmed by his body heat, almost as if he had never taken it off.
“People—” Luke cleared his throat. “People will ask questions.”
“I know.”
“And what—what will—”
“What will my answer be?”
“Sweetheart,” murmured Saint, leaning in to brush their noses together, “there’s only ever been one answer.”
“And what’s that?” At this point, Luke was just playing along—and they both knew it.
amazing characters by @lumosinlove
thank you so much to @im-oknutzy-trash for being my #1 supporter while I tried to get the words to work (and letting me use some of their words when mine inevitably didn't)
note: this is based off that one ask hazel received literal months ago about how if saint were in SW he'd be on the golden knights bc he looks good in gold. no one else seems to remember it, however, so maybe I imagined it. who knows.
and, yes, Saint's last name in this is Tweedle.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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What Happens In Vegas
Clay Spenser x Reader
A/N so this was inspired by this post @theysayitscrazy
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Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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The moment you spun around, your eyes landed on the Blondie that was speaking to your future brother in law. You were confused, this week in Vegas was just for the wedding party, as one big bachelor and bachelorette party, yet you had never seen this guy, or a few of the guys before.
“Yo, sis!” You shouted, resting your arm over your older sister's shoulder. “Who is the fit Blondie taking to D?”
“That my dearest sister is his best man, and one of the lads that he used to be a team mate to.” She struggled.
“Okay, okay next question, why the fuck haven’t I met him before?” You asked, not taking your eyes off the God that was on the other side of the room.
“Because first of all you were married and secondly he has been around plenty of times since you have been crashing with us, but somebody has been too shut off to realise.” Jade shrugged, like it was nothing.
“Please don’t remind me of that asshole,” You snapped, “And sorry I’m trying to rebuild my life after he left me with nothing. But now big sister I need to meet this guy because holy fuck he is fine.”
“Oh god.” She laughed. “You are a nightmare!”
“Hey, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas right?” You grinned as she dragged you through the crowd.
As you got closer, you recognised one of them. The one and only Jason Hayes. Letting go of your sisters hand you ran into his open arms. You hadn’t seen him for years.
“Alright, trouble.” He laughed squeezing you tight. “I haven’t seen you for what feels like forever,” he shouted over the music.
“Yeah well you can thank that asshole for that,” You sighed.
“Wait, you aren’t wearing any rings?” Jase asked.
“He left me, took me for everything I had, took the business, the house, the car, everything.” You shrugged “Divorce finalised a couple of weeks ago.”
“And she’s been a nightmare ever since,” Danny laughed, pulling you into a hug.
“Dude, shut up and let me go through my hoe phase in peace!” You giggled, grabbing a shot from the centre of the table.
“Right I need to introduce you to some people.” Danny smirked at you.
“Urm, yeah you do!” You smirked, making him laugh.
“Okay well you know Jase, that’s Sonny, Ray, Eric and Clay” Danny said pointing at everyone.
Flashing them all a smile, you locked eyes with Clay, and instantly felt your heart starting to race, he was one hundred percent your type, and your mind instantly went to the gutter, as the dirty thoughts took over.
Everyone broke off in their groups and you gravitated towards Clay.
“I didn’t know Jade had a sister?” He grinned.
“Yeah, I’ve been crashing theirs for nearly a year now but to be fair I’ve been out a lot! Especially the last couple of weeks.” You laughed, “But it’s nice to get back to the old me.”
“How long were you married?” Clay asked.
“It was about six years, first year was good and then the rest was hell.” You sighed, “But that is a depressing story, so that’s all you are getting.” The music had now changed to more sensual stuff and you couldn’t help but smirk “Come on, we are dancing.”
“I don’t dance darling.” He laughed, bringing the beer bottle to his lips.
“Oh I’m sure I can change that!” You giggled, “Live a little Clay, we are in Vegas, who knows what could happen.”
“Fine but if I don’t have fun, I will make you pay.” He winked.
“I will hold you to that.” You smirked, linking your hand in his dragging him to the dance floor.
To say you had only met Clay a couple of hours ago, you felt like you had known him for years, the conversation flowed along with the alcohol, his touch set your skin on fire and there was definitely shameless flirting going on. And currently you were both in the middle of the dance floor, smashed out of your face, bodies pressed against each other, as his fingers caressed your cheeks. Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. And the moment they connected you knew you were fucked.
No one had made you feel, like he had with one kiss. He left you wanting more, wanting to get to know him, wanting to get him into bed. He sent your brain into a frenzy.
“Well that was unexpected!” You breathed, as he rested his forehead against yours.
“You said it yourself, we are in Vegas, anything could happen!” He smirked.
You knew the next week of the trip would be absolute chaos, seen as it looked like you had a new partner on crime to cause trouble with.
The night passed, the drinks kept coming and everyone would be dealing with a nasty hangover in the morning, but you didn’t care. You were all living in the moment, without any thoughts. You and Clay were all over each other, either you were sitting on his lap when you were in the booth, or your hands were roaming over each other’s bodies. And all you could think about was him taking you back to his room and having his way with you.
“Oi trouble,” Danny said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you got another round of drinks in. “I see that look in your eyes, when you look at Clay.”
“And?” You giggled.
“Just be careful, okay,” he said kissing your head, “Clay is a good lad, but I know that your heart of yours is fragile at the moment.”
“Like I said D, let me live the hoe phase. You just worry about the wedding and let me worry about my heart okay.” You nodded.
“I wouldn’t be a good big brother if I didn’t look out for you,” he smiled.
The last call had been made and the final drink had been drunk, everyone was fucked, you couldn’t walk straight so was clinging to Clay, but he wasn’t any better than you so you couldn’t stop laughing as you made your way back to his hotel room. Seen as he still had a stocked mini bar, so the two of you were going to carry on the party.
But you stopped by your room to grab a pair of shorts and a vest top as you needed to get out of this dress and into something more comfortable. It didn’t take long to grab what you needed and get to Clay’s room
The moment you were alone, you tugged at the straps on your dress, shimmying out of the constricting material. Leaving you standing there in a push up bra and thong. Clay didn’t know where to look, the feeling on his eyes roaming your body made you weak at the knees.
“Like what you see baby?” You giggled stumbling over to him, somehow you managed to trip over, but Clay caught you just in time.
“I do,” he breathed, as he held you in his arms. “But I think we are both too drunk to do anything about it.”
“But,” you pouted, “I want you!”
“I know and I want you too, but you are a lot more drunk than me, so it’s not happening tonight though!” He whispered guiding you to the bed. “And honestly the amount of whiskey I’ve drank I don’t think I can get him up, no matter how hard I try!”
“Haha you have whiskey dick.” You giggled, reaching round to undo your bra. “I’m so sleepy,” you hummed.
“Wear this,” Clay laughed, tossing you one of his shirts, “then I think we best get some sleep, we have breakfast to attend in something like 3 hours.”
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The sound of a phone going off, woke you up, along with the blazing sun streaming into the room.
“Turn it off” you groaned, snuggling further into Clay.
“It’s your phone,” he mumbled.
“Urgh” you sighed, slowly lifting your head off his chest to try and figure out where you had left the phone.
It didn’t take long to find it, and you couldn’t help roll your eyes as you saw the 20 missed calls off Jade and Danny. Just as the call ended it started ringing again with Danny’s face popping up on your screen.
“Thanks for waking me up!” You moaned, covering your eyes with your hand.
“Well you sound fucked,” he laughed.
“And you are annoying as hell Mr I Don’t Suffer From Hangovers,” you whisper shouted. “My head is pounding, can I go back to bed?”
“Nope! You and Clay are late for breakfast,” he said, the smirk evident in his voice. “Now get your ass down here in 10 minutes.”
“Asshole, you best have a large coffee and a fresh pack of smokes waiting for me!” You growled ending the call, looking back over at the bed you saw Clay had fallen back asleep. “Oi idiot, wake up,” you said, poking his cheek, “We got ten minutes to get downstairs.”
He didn’t say anything but groaned as he rolled out of bed, you couldn’t help but gulp as he stood there in a tight pair of boxers, hair all fluffy, just looking like a snack.
“You just gonna stand and stare, or you gonna get ready?” He teased.
“Urm yeah,” you mumbled, picking your shorts up of the floor, pulling them on before grabbing your bra and vest top disappearing into the bathroom.
Once you were ready you walked out into the bedroom, rubbing your arms from the crisp morning air.
“Here, wear this,” Clay smiled, tossing you one of his zip up hoodies.
As you slipped it over your shoulders, the smell of his aftershave filled your nose, making you smile. You had known him less than 12 hours and he was making you feel like a teenager again, yep you were fucked.
Soon enough you had both joined the group at the table outside, before you even sat down Jade passed you a spare pair of sunglasses, with a smirk like she knew this would happen.
“Well you two look like a sight for sore eyes!” Danny laughed, looking between you and Clay.
“Shut up and give me the smokes!” You hissed, holding your palm out. The moment you had the smokes Jade linked her arm with yours dragging you to the smoking area.
“Right, tell me everything!” Jade squealed.
“Nothing happened,” you shrugged, “And please whisper!”
“Girl, come on. I have known you for years now, I saw how you were looking at each other last night.” She grinned, “And I know full well you ended up in his room and that is his hoodie.”
“Look we were far too drunk for anything to happen, I mean I wanted to but Clay put a stop to it because of how drunk I was.” You said, taking a long inhale of your smoke.
“I knew you would have a connection with him.” She beamed as you headed back to the table.
The moment you sat back down, Clay winked at you, making you feel giddy again.
“So I’ve heard love is in the air,” Danny smirked.
“Urm fuck love, just gimme the hot, rough sex!” You said, taking a sip of your coffee.
“I mean if you met the right person, maybe you could have both.” Clay said, keeping eye contact with you. The moment your brain caught up with what he said you choked on your coffee.
“I mean that person had to be really fucking special to make be believe in love again.” You shrugged, everyone else had gone back to whatever conversation they were having.
“If you are challenging me, then I’d say game on,” he smirked, leaning his head against his fists. “I know you felt the spark last night.”
“Let’s just see what happens this week,” you laughed, “And if I haven’t killed you then we shall see, but the sex better be damn hot boy.”
“I’m sure I can show you how hot it can get tonight!” He hummed, making you once again choke on your coffee.
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @ohitshanksgirlxo @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading @itsonautopilot @pinkrockstar19 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @softi92 @abby-splace
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
Hi! Since youre into sga again how do you think mcshep would be in a h50 au or as steve and danny?
fjdkfd honestly, i think merging those two that way around (transplanting john and rodney into the h50 universe, rather than steve and danny into the sga one) would be a lot harder than it sounds. the h50 world is... fairly nondescript? its big draw as a show was undeniably the characters, so swapping those out changes a lot of the details that actually made the show what it is.
if we are going for it, however, i think the obvious choice would be to try a john-as-steve and rodney-as-danny approach, except john wouldn't be john if he were a highly decorated superseal with a spotless record and rodney wouldn't be rodney if he had a kid to care about and prove from the getgo that he's not as selfish as he appears, so... we could hide that, for a little? or, and bear with me here! we could do something a little unorthodox and make it rodney-as-steve and john-as-danny instead, which i think would overall be a MUCH better fit.
like, rodney is a brilliant scientist who returns to the island where he grew up after many years because his father was killed; john is an unwilling transplant cop from the mainland who followed his ex-wife (which he canonically has!) and their little daughter (which he doesn't, but if he DID, you can't tell me he wouldn't blow up his own life and move to a place he hates to try to stick close to her). i think that particularly for john this works a lot better: his captain and the other detectives don't think much of him (like colonel sumner), he hates hawaii and how sweaty and crowded by tourists every single bit of honolulu is (remember that he LIKED antarctica), and he lives in really awful one room apartments because the divorce, custody proceedings and move across the country ate up all of his savings, but he DOES still own a very expensive very pretty very fast car, because of course he does.
rodney is maybe a little more tricky, but i think we could make it work, especially if we draw a little vegas!rodney into it, perhaps. he's done well for himself, he has a bunch of awards and hops from place to place working on very secret projects (for the us military, potentially, if we want to keep that aspect), and then he hears his dad with whom he has a very complicated relationship is dead, so he returns to oahu where the governor personally greets him and is like, hey, you have a very unique skillset, want a job on my new special taskforce fighting major crime? and he goes nope, and then he runs into john in his father's garage, makes a call while john is pulling strange annoyed faces in the background, and suddenly they're putting together a team. rodney doesn't know chin from their football days, but from chin playing in the school band (which he did, iirc!); chin can still draw in kono, etc. obviously jeannie is mary, but i think jeannie could still bring the same chaos while nonetheless being married and having a kid (there HAS to be a scene in which she and john bond over Being Parents and she HAS to be surprised when she sees rodney be very gentle and sweet with john's kid), and i feel like it's important to note that catherine's role does NOT go to sam (because that would be weird and would only happen if rodney were the one writing this au), but to jennifer, who also gets a little of her vegas personality probably. especially the bit where in that episode she acts as an ME, because that would work very well for what is now essentially a cop au - she's the person that gets called in if they have a very weird body.
and yeah, uh. there's probably more "borrowing" of kamekona's helicopter in this version, because john can never resist. it's a little less clear who's actually leading this taskforce, because officially it's rodney but he definitely needs john to reign him in sometimes, which honestly, might just be another way this configuration fits the steve-and-danny dynamic well. i realize that i kept chin and kono and then replaced the other characters with faces from sga, so if we want to fill out the cast: i propose another swap from the first thing you'd think of if you had to put ronon and teyla into those two positions. teyla is chin, wise and ruthless and devastatingly beautiful, and ronon is kono, the looks-like-an-actual-model newbie who used to be a professional surfer and stuck with teyla when she was accused of corruption and all of her family (the athosians!) turned on her. (they still meet him on the beach as he punches a guy for stealing his wave, and john still has his mouth hanging open a little.) also! carson is max, of course. instead of dressing up as keanu reeves characters for halloween he dresses up as scottish folk heroes.
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5uptic · 3 years
crewfu fanfic spotlight :)
Smores by Chione_chan (5up & Steve, general rating, gen | 273 words)
Summary: 5up and Steve roast their fans as they roast marshmallows.
arms wrapped tight by spaded_ace (Apollo/Steve, general rating, m/m | 283 words)
Summary: Another short drabble about the cuddling
guitars that gently weep or something like that by 5280ft (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 469 words)
Summary: He wonders what feeling would be like physically. Feeling someone. In specific instances. In circumstances that he can’t generalize, or compartmentalize, or ignore and wait to go away: Apollo wants to feel so badly his hands ache.
5:39 by spaded_ace (Apollo & Steve, general rating, gen | 674 words)
Summary: Musing when you can't sleep, lethargy in the morning
grab hold the darkness we become by headlessline (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 675 words)
Summary: “Are monsters born or created?” Steve, 5up, and vampires.
defining moments by meowcode (5up/Sleepy, Janet/Kimi, teen rating, multi | 704 words, chaptered words)
Summary: working title: heather attempts to write regularly for once in his miserable fucking life
Tantalus by farmersagainstweed (Apollo/Steve, explicit, m/m | 755 words)
Summary: This was, arguably, worse than before. Before tonight he had thought Steve was straight, unobtainable. He hadn't even let him want. But now? Like Tantalus doomed to an eternity with food just out of reach, he could now see all he could ever want. It was so painfully close, he could just feel it on the tips of his fingers. Pinning Apollo gets a night he could only dream of, but it won't last forever.
Cold sheets and menthol by some_spooky_shit_right_there (Apollo/Steve, explicit, m/m | 851 words)
Summary: The sensation is like a brain freeze. It's one which Steve savors. Sometime after the events of things like me and things like you shouldn't mix Steve and Apollo enjoy some alone time.
There's nothing simple when it comes to you and I by BloodSplatter (Apollo/Steve, unrated, m/m | 876 words)
Summary: Steve thinks of how he and Apollo can have something between them, but it doesn't go further than that.
Would like you, to be someone else. by Nifki (Apollo/Steve, general rating, multi | 929 words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Apollo goes to a Summer camp and dislikes Steve while the readers decide what they'll do.
Love Will Tear Us Apart by AllianettemiE5 (Apollo/Steve, unrated, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: He always has been told not to fall in love with anyone who won’t love you back. That statement also included not giving his heart to his best friend.
Breakeven by Chione_chan (5up/Fundy, teen rating, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: “I think it’s better that we, ya know, move on, see other people…” Fundy says. "I gave you everything and you’re just leaving," 5up wants to say. He also feels the profanities buzzing at the tip of his tongue. It was only recently that he’s felt comfortable cussing freely, less concerned about how others perceived him. He wants to hurl obscenities at Fundy but he knows that he’s better than that. Fundy never did deal well with people yelling at him. It made him easy to manipulate, but not in the way 5up would like. Besides, it’d only make him miserable later knowing that he let his mask slip so far.
what if earth just got tired of spinning? by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: apollo and steve in love at the end of the world
taught you the ropes; taught you to love by homeward_bound (5up/David/Hafu, teen rating, multi | 1k words)
Summary: [5:05am: hafu wakes up and opens twitter, and after.]
oil and water by Qupid (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: Apollo is a puppet on strings, pulled along by a heart that no longer beats.
Apollo's Letter by AllianettemiE5 (Apollo/Steve, mature, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: A letter you found in the hollow of the wall in the cell of Larkhill.
Élet by Nnoitra (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: Steve knows his Soulmate is aware of who he is, the neat first words scrawl is proof enough to him. But who?
Inside Your Head by BoxesWrites (Apollo/Steve, mature, m/m | 1k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: When Apollo meets Steve in Vegas, something changes. Maybe a lot changes. But the weirdest thing seems to be that Apollo can hear Steve speaking when his mouth isn't moving.
sunrise symphony by sweetlikesugr (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: As the first rays of the morning sunshine spill into Steve's bedroom, a memory of a melody fills Apollo's mind.
here's the earliest star by headlessline (5up/David/Hafu, teen rating, multi | 1.2k words)
Summary: And, really… 5up can’t help the way he flops into David’s embrace the second they are close enough to touch. He can’t help the way he buries his face in David’s soft flannel, and he definitely can’t help the deep breath he takes in of floral, woody jasmine. “Hi,” 5up whispers.
Home with you my love~ by RK16 (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: 5up stresses and Steve calms his worries
we belong in the quietest quiet by headlessline (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1.3k words)
Summary: Steve looks at 5up’s back, his burgundy sweater and whorls of dark hair, and imagines standing up and slow-dancing with him to the hum of Chanel. He wants to slow-dance--to step on toes and awkwardly hover his hand above 5up’s flank--and he wants to touch noses in a platonic kiss, and he wants to lay his head on 5up’s chest, and he wants to stay here forever and make loaf after loaf of cinnamon banana bread, and he wants.
we will grow old as friends (time and hearts will wear us thin by Qupid (Apollo/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1.3k words)
Summary: It’s stupid, Apollo knows it’s stupid as he stares across the hotel room, a whole universe between his and Steve’s beds, and watches the rise and fall of Steve’s chest. Steve is fast asleep, softly snoring in the middle of his bed. His limbs are a mess, thrown everywhere, and his mouth is wide open, drooling all over his pillow.
easy to seduce by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.3k words)
Summary: Where Steve tries to understand his feelings and the universe doesn't let him take a break.
i could do about anything by neptoons (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.4k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: a fic about jealousy, uncertainty, and a little courage — where apollo falls for his best friend, and keeps on falling.
Highschool by Paige_crewfu (unrated, gen | 1.6k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: A collection of Crewfu Oneshots in a highschool AU
The Ghosts of What We Could’ve Had by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, mature, m/m | 1.7k words)
Summary: It’d been months. Months since Apollo had gotten up the courage to send that first DM. Months since he woke up to a text from his best friend every morning, though it was more recent that he’d started sending them first. Months since he’d given Steve a compliment for the first time, months since he made Steve have a laugh attack for the first time, months since he began to have a reason to live again.
housewarming by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.8k words)
Summary: The thought makes his chest warm, the urge to touch hold feel rearing up, and Steve isn’t one to deny his instincts. He’s a wild animal of a man, he is. He ignores 5up repeatedly asking to be handed cheese in favor of suddenly grabbing him from behind, snaking his arms tightly around his waist and burying his head in 5up’s mess of curls. 5up startles, settles, and then laughs. “What are you doing?”
you would do that for me? by neptoons (Apollo/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1.8k words)
Summary: apollo expresses his love for steve in silly little ways.
gingerbread houses and candy hearts by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2k words)
Summary: “No Steve, we don’t fucking put that in first, why the fuck would you do that-” “Shut up! I know how to fucking bake. Just let me do this, and you can do everything else!” “You said that last time, you moron. You’re decorating, I’m making the gingerbread house, you dumbass!” “But Apollo-” “This is why you can’t work with other people. Let me do something, for fuck’s sake.” “But it would taste better if you did it like I did-” “Nope. Not talking to you. Either you can sit and watch me make the house, or you can actually help out without trying to change everything.” Steve slumped, clearly done with arguing. “Whatever. It’s not my fault if it tastes like shit.”
Knight in Pink Armor by Chione_chan (5up/Fundy, teen rating, m/m | 2k words)
Summary: Fundy gets stood up. Luckily, there’s a cute leafling to rescue his evening. Kinda.
cafés and clichés by waywiser (5up/Fundy, teen rating, m/m | 2k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Fundy scoffs. Surely, this guy with the stupid fuzzy sweater and piercing eyes has come in here specifically to irritate him. He hasn’t even ordered coffee for heaven’s sake. Tea! He wants fucking tea, even though it’s almost one o’clock in the morning.
whole world in his hands by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.1k words)
Summary: “Hey Apollo, I think the worst thing about America is that they allow racists to live. How about you?” Apollo grinded his teeth together, glaring at Steve. “And how, Steve, does this relate to America’s shit economical status? The thing we’re supposed to make a presentation on?” Steve gave Apollo an awfully pretty grin, leaning onto the desk. “Dunno. I’m sure you can work something out. I just think the fact that racists exist is worse than America’s economic status.”
little mysteries by neptoons (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.1k words)
Summary: apollo has a secret, and steve won’t rest until he finds out what it is.
Free Bird by AllianettemiE5 (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.1k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Apollo found himself in need of a new place to live. The opportunity to leave Texas was in front of him, and he chose to follow it. Or, how Apollo discovered his feelings, defined himself, and freed his life from people it was pressured by.
what you fantasize about by homeward_bound (Apollo/Steve, explicit, m/m | 2.1k words)
Summary: [steve has a wet dream about apollo, gets the ride of his life, is sort of jebaited, and realizes he has a humiliation kink, in that order.]
Wolfboy by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.2k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Apollo upgrades to an e-boy by acquiring wolf ears.
picturing me and you (together) by liquorleftovers (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.7k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Steve wakes up incredibly hungover after Hafu's birthday party and finds a picture on his phone of him and Dumbdog kissing. He is left very confused, about a lot of things.
Heat waves by BloodSplatter (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 3.1k words)
Summary: Apollo doesn’t feel well. So he decided to take a week or few off streaming and focus on himself. Week turns into a month, and he doesn't even notice how time flies. Getting out of the burnout is the hardest part, but he's sure that it's possible. Especially when he finds out that his friends were worried about him.
At the end of the world with you by RK16 (5up/Steve, teen rating, gen | 3.2k words)
Summary: 5up finds himself in the middle of a apocalypse then proceeds to find and promptly lose his family.
Inner Workings of Life by amethystvxidwalker (5up/Poki, Apollo/Steve, teen rating, multi | 3.4k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Tales and drabbles of friends and more <3
trusting fears by 5fu (Hafu & 5up, general rating, gen | 3.6k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: If you asked Hafu, soulmates were worthless. It was something she learned early on, as soon as she had gotten the words on her left arm. Words that have haunted her for years. But that didn't matter. She had no need for any of those silly notions of being "complete." What she needed was to get on with her job aboard the Morn as Second in Command. She was set to, along with her Captain and the rest of the crew, welcome the people of the Fable. They claim to have important information urgently needing to be shared but something's off about them. Hafu just couldn't put her finger on it. Especially their Second, an arrogant pink man. Something feels... wrong.
like a wolf howling at the moon by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, explicit, m/m | 3.6k words, chaptered)
Summary: steve comes to the conclusion that apollo is in love with him. and so, steve decides to do what he does best: completely fuck with apollo's peace of mind. but apollo knows how to play games, and most importantly, he knows how to win them.
Sometimes it is like that by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, explicit, m/m | 3.7k works, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Just another party at Hafu's and just another night together in their hotel room. But today Dumbdog was especially flirty while drunk. But why should Steve complain.
the lull of your lips by sweetlikesugr (Apollo/Steve, explicit, m/m | 3.7k words)
Summary: “Welcome to Sugar Pine Hotline, where you can find everything your body craves, and then some more. All you’ve got to do is not be afraid to ask, lover boy.” “Uh, is the guy with the extremely soothing voice working tonight?” “I’m sorry sir, you’re going to have to be a bit more specific.” “Ehm, I believe he said he goes by a Rat Boy sometimes? Is that helpful?” “Redirecting you now…”
we lay here for years or for hours (so long we become the flowers) by Qupid (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 3.7k words)
Summary: Steve's words fall from his lips in the form of petals, waiting for him to whisper I love you to the person that holds his heart. Apollo is trapped in a magic slumber and Steve's words would only fall on deaf ears.
Blood and Dogwood Flowers by DeadlyHuggles (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 3.8k words)
Summary: Steve laughed softly at Dumbdog's antics, but the laughter swiftly turned into something much worse. That ever present scratch in his throat grew as he began to cough. He couldn’t stop coughing. His throat hurt so badly, like thorns were digging into them. He felt like something sharp was trying to climb up his throat. He hacked and hacked until at last he hacked up the thing in his mouth into his hands. And then everything stopped. The scratch in his throat was still there, but it was much less severe, merely a tickle than an actual scratch now, and delicately in his palms sat a four petaled, light pink flower with a light green center. Steve felt a bolt of horror go through him as he stared down at the innocent little flower. Hanahaki was a decently rare disease, but often cases of hanahaki were broadcasted and romanticized. There were very few people alive who didn’t know what coughing up flowers meant.
I'll surround you (make you feel sure) by LovelyDayForIt (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 4.4k words)
Summary: The events preceding, during, and subsequent to the Vegas meetup. Follow Steve and Dumbdog through a tale of adoration, panic. Secrets only lead to more secrets, and they can eat up a person inside and out.
My Kinda Love by rosesinwinter (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 5.8k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: 5up as the shy bartender with a pretty voice. Steve as the sarcastic and oblivious runner-from-his-past. Hafu as the meddling best friend. The rest is history.
out of nothing, into more (see the day) by 5280ft (5up/Apollo/Steve, teen rating, multi | 5.8k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: dive out of nothing and into more but i can’t quite tell what i’m hoping for somehow, maybe now, i’ll find the words to say: never thought i’d see the day see the day, the altogether
soften the light that hurts my eyes by homeward_bound (5up/David/Hafu, mature, multi | 8.8k words)
Summary: [hafu has a rough day, 5up has a rough night, david holds them together, and the morning sun casts a gentle warmth over all of them.]
cupid's compendium of extraordinary words by Qupid (5up/Ellum, 5up/Sleepy, 5up/Steve, Apollo/Gumi, Apollo/Steve, Br00d/DK, Koji/Steve, teen rating, multi | 9k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: a series of brief accounts of the word of the day in the only way I know how to express it
lexicon of a simple worm by thebetterwormy (5up/Apollo, 5up/Ellum, 5up/Fundy, Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 10.3k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: a series of little fics based on the word of the day :)
I haven't told you anything yet by some_spooky_shit_right_there (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 11.6k words, chaptered)
Summary: Apollo has always been a great pilot. He never felt more at home than when within the cockpit of his Jaeger. But now, he's been stationed at the Houston base, tiny and empty. His Jaeger comes with him but he doesn't have a copilot anymore. If he's being honest with himself, he isn't really a pilot anymore either.
anthology by sweetlikesugr (5up/Ellum, 5up/Sleepy, 5up/Steve, Apollo/Steve, Koji/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 12k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: anthology [ an-thol-uh-jee ] noun, plural an·thol·o·gies. a collection of selected writings by one author.~ or lav attempts to write a short ficlet based around the word of the day, hopefully every day.
Under the Rose by Hinician (5up/Fundy, unrated, m/m | 14.4k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: 5up, a plant-hybrid witch, encounters an injured Dreamon Hunter lying in his woods. After rehabilitating the Hunter and convincing him that he’s not a Dreamon, 5up thought he’d never see the fox man again. This is in fact not the case.
we should just kiss like real people do by Qupid (Apollo/Steve, mature, m/m | 14.6k words, chaptered)
Summary: Apollo spends his nights walking other people's dreams, but then he moves to LA to live with his good old pal Steve. Suddenly, he is walking Steve's dreams every night, a tourist of his subconscious, and Apollo can't decide if it's the best or the worst thing to ever happen.
The Kind That's Never Done by some_spooky_shit_right_there (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 15k words, chaptered)
Summary: Apollo is fucked. In general, Apollo doesn't really believe in love the way most people talk about it. To Apollo, love isn't some big thing, there's no grand romance that the universe has destined, that's just not how it works. What love is, is having someone that you're happy to be around. When the good parts about someone outweigh the bad parts, when you're content to be around them, that's what love is. And Apollo has lost count of all the good things about Steven Suptic.
loving you is so easy (and I never want to stop) by thebetterwormy (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 17.3k words, chaptered)
Summary: “I didn’t know we had a third roommate,” Steve says, turning the stuffed animal to face him. “Does this mean we can split rent three ways?” (Apollo brings his childhood stuffed dog to his new apartment with Steve. It causes a few... changes.)
Things Like Me And Things Like You Shouldn't Mix by some_spooky_shit_right_there (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, multi | 62.3k words, chaptered)
Summary: Steve startles, just slightly, when he sees the man in his kitchen. And, it's not like Steve checked out the place before signing the lease, because it was cheap and he needed somewhere to stay, so he didn't know if he would have any roommates, but if it's just one, he can deal with it. The guy's about Steve's age, and just as tall, too. Maybe even a touch taller then Steve, but who's keeping track. He looks perfectly normal, which is honestly the most startling thing. His skin is unblemished, and his clothes, while definitely a bit old fashioned, are spotless. His slightly reddish hair is a touch unkempt, but overall he looks like a perfectly normal dude. He doesn't look up when Steve walks in, and he suspects that the guy hasn't even registered that he's there. He's just sitting in one of these creaky old wooden chairs that came with the place. He's looking across the built in table, (and Steve takes a moment to admire it, because he's always found built-ins to add so much character to a house) and he stares blankly at a spot on the opposite wall. Steve decides he should probably just get this out of the way, and moves to address the ghost that's sitting in his new kitchen.
spaded_ace’s sex and vienna collection.
5280ft’s modern metamorphoses: a greek collection and world's worst roommates and co. collection.
Nnoitra’s What happened In Vegas collection.
Wait what is this: pretty straight to the point! i’ll regularly share crewfu-related fanfictions to this blog :)
How regularly is “regularly”?: great question! LOL. it depends on the flow of fanfics that get uploaded, which i do not have any control over, but i’m looking forward to do this twice a month. after all, it’s only me doing this and i often run on a tight schedule.
What’s the format like?:
[title of fic with link] by [author of the fic with link] ([main pairing(s)], [fic rating: eg, general rating], [relationship: eg, m/m] | [word count in k], [added prompt to specify if it’s complete or not])
Summary: [summary provided by the author. if it doesn’t have a summary, a “No summary” prompt will be put instead]
(What does WIP mean again?): Work In Progress :)
Why are you doing this?: from the beginning, my blog has hosted conversations about RPF (real people fiction) and crewfu pairings. this has evolved into people sending me updates about certain fics in the crewfu tags every now and then, but i wanna take the next step and just do these things myself. after all, i’m already lurking in the tags often to see the fics that get posted. as someone who is both a writer and a reader, i wanna appreciate fanfic writers and help out other people that want to read fanfic and consume more fandom content!
Will it be AO3 only?: well, ao3 has a very helpful tag system that makes finding fics incredibly easy, as well as allowing people with no accounts to like and comment on fics, so that’s the site i will personally look in for fanworks. but if there are any fics you’ve written or liked in any other platforms, such as wattpad, you can always contact me through my inbox (send an ask or a dm!), and i’ll make sure to include for the next fanfic spotlight :)
Does it mean you won’t reply to fic asks anymore?: yeah, i guess. since i’ll be doing the searching myself it seems counterproductive. but if i ever skip a fic or again, it’s in another platform, or you’ve posted/read the fic a while ago and you want to get more traction on it, hit me up and i’ll take it into consideration!
Will you read every single one of the fics on your list?: oh no. again, i run on a tight schedule, and also i have my own taste when it comes to fics. i won’t be reviewing fics or any of the sort, and my intention extends to simply sharing these fics to this page so people will have easier access to them :) that’s where ao3 tagging becomes SUPER useful!!!
So what’s the criteria for the way you’ll sort out the fics in your list?: word count, going from lowest to highest. in case of fics in other platforms, i guess i’ll put them at the top of the list. i’ll also be looking for fairly recent fics, so let me know if you want any old-ish fic to be included.
I see you talking mostly about 5up/Steve and Steve/Apollo. Can I still send/see other crewfu fics?: why yes absolutely! my goal is to push every fic which heavily features regular crewfu characters - 5uptic and supdog just happen to be very popular pairings. so, to give you a list: core 4 (5up, hafu, dk, steve), apollo, aipha, annie, janet, kimi, ellum, koji… you know the drill. it doesn’t have to be centered on a relationship, or about 5up in specific, etc. my only requirement is that any of the previously mentioned members are a central part of the fic or are HEAVILY featured in it (sorry, minecraft fics with 50+ tags who only mention 5up as an afterthought won’t make the cut :/).
Isn’t shipping Bad™?: well, it’s a little more nuanced than that. i will go out of my way to discourage and shame people who often violate CCs’ boundaries by acting like so and so has a crush on this person, or that this and that are Actually Into Each Other or secretly dating. any sort of tinhat bullshit is a big nono (think larries). but i run on the assumption that people who write rpf understand that what they’re doing is simply write a completely fictional story using real life personalities, and understand the boundaries necessary to do it - aka they’re not tinhats, they understand they can’t assume everything about CCs’ thoughts and personalities, they understand that what they’re writing is strictly fiction, they keep these works only in fandom circles, etc. (but again, it’s only one me doing this, so please be kind if i don’t happen to know that this person is Actually a tinhat or whatever).
show fic: NO. (seriously. i don’t feel comfortable putting my ao3 account out there. please respect my privacy on these trying times <3)
I REALLY don’t care about your rpf/fic talk: fair! i’ll be tagging every single one of these posts as “fanfic spotlight”, so just mute the tag using tumblr settings so you’ll never have to look at these! likewise, you can follow the tag if you want to keep up with it, or search it on my blog to look at the other entries you might have missed.
Hey, my fic is here and I don’t feel comfortable with it being shared over here: no problem! let me know as soon as you can and i’ll take it down <3
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softboywriting · 4 years
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back | Nathan Bateman | Ex Machina
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Summary: You and Nathan hit it off at a tech expo. One thing leads to another and the two of you pull a stunt, claiming you’re married. Things get out of hand, and you end up going to stay with Nathan at his home to avoid people trying to harass you about Nathan’s work. The time you spend together will allow for a real relationship to bloom. [Swearing] [Fake Marriage Trope] [Soft!Nathan] [F!ReaderxNathan]
Word Count: 3.3k
|Masterlist In Bio|
One day you realize Kyoko is missing. You're not sure when she stopped appearing, in fact you can't remember the last time you actually saw her. Last week? No. A month ago? Wait,have you been here that long? Time seems to have lapsed here in the facility with Nathan. You worried about this when you arrived. Or maybe when you took the job. Was it really a job? Everything is a little fuzzy in terms of what you are. An assistant one might think, a housekeeper perhaps? No. You took the job as Nathan Bateman's wife. Yes. Job....well...sort of. Let’s go back to the beginning shall we?
Three months ago you met Nathan at the biggest tech expo in Las Vegas. You weren't exactly there for the inventions and hottest tech on the market. You were a handler, an escort of sorts for the creators and investors from companies attending. Your job was simple. Make things as smooth as possible while the people with disgusting amounts of money make big decisions. It was a great gig. It paid incredibly well for being temporary. But Nathan didn't think it suited you.
The second he laid eyes on you it was all over. You had been nervous for days after learning you were assigned to Nathan Bateman for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the expo. The Nathan Bateman, creator of Blue Book and the AI Project. You may not be a tech genius or even understand most of the things on display at the expo, but you would have to be living under a rock not to know who this man is and what he has done. He is illusive, handsome, sought after by many people the world over. Nathan is the definition of a sugar daddy if you ever did see one. Notoriously single, generous with his money, beyond genius intellect. He is the whole package.
One thing lead to another after you met Nathan at the expo and before you knew it he had your collar bones a mess with hickies and you were dressed in his sweater to attempt to cover them up. It hadn’t taken long before he was all over you, hands in your hair, on your butt, lips on your neck. You and Nathan had just sparked the moment you got close and you let that fire burn as hot as it could.
Of course all things in life have consequences, good or bad, and as you were leaving the rest area for creators, where the little hands on session had gone down, some press junkie saw you together. Photos were taken. Nathan had not been seen with anyone privately in years. He was never seen with a woman, let alone a woman wearing his sweater and looking a proper mess. It was a scandal to be had.
By the end of Friday Nathan was introducing you as his wife, a plan he had come up with on the fly. He had even procured a huge diamond ring for you too. Somehow you were playing along with all of this. Nathan offered to pay you, just for the appearance because it would be good for the company that he was seen as a man like any other, nothing more needed to come of your relations. It was fine. You were getting paid more than you could hope to make in your lifetime and getting to hang out with Nathan Bateman who you actually clicked with and liked to be around. Win win. You had it made. In less than 24 hours you were to be done with all of this and have cash in pocket to do whatever you wanted with.
A week after you had your crazy weekend with Nathan you were being followed. People kept showing up at your part time job in the travel agency downtown. They asked questions about Nathan, about his work. You didn't know anything. You were half tempted to tell everyone it was fake, that he never even properly kissed you, but Nathan paid you to be quiet, to play along. You signed his NDA. After a man followed you home from work and watched your apartment for two days, that's when you decided to reach out to Nathan. You could call the police and have the man removed, but there would just be others. This wasn’t a matter for the police, it was a matter for Nathan to handle.
Reaching a man like Nathan wasn't easy. He had left you a business card. A number that went to Blue Book human resources. It wasn't a way of contacting him directly, but it was. On the card was scribbled a word. "REQUIEM" You called the number and listened to the prompts. None reached an operator or customer service line. It seemed that no matter what you did it sent you to an automated system. Eventually you got so annoyed you just said the word requiem as if it were a prompt. Sure enough the phone started ringing, connecting to a line.
"How did you get this number?"
"You gave it to me. At the expo." You tell him that it's you and he sighs heavily in relief. "I need your help."
"My help? With what?"
"I'm being harassed because of the expo." Your voice trembles and you realize how much of a toll this is taking on you. "People have followed me to my home."
"Fuck. Can you get to an airport first thing in the morning?"
"Perfect, give me your email. I'll send you everything you need to get away. Pack your bags for a few months. I'll bring you to my facility as a guest until this blows over or we decide what to do next. It's the least I could do."
And that's how you ended up in his home in the middle of nowhere Alaska for the last month and a half. Your whole world uprooted because you decided that a few hundred thousand dollars was worth playing fake wife to the country's richest and most sought after man for two nights. It was so stupid at hindesight, but here you are actually the happiest you've ever been and connecting with Nathan on a deeper level than you thought possible. The two of you just understand each other, it's as if you're two sides to one coin.
"So, where is Kyoko?"
Nathan looks over from his desk, peering at you over his glasses. You're leaning against the door frame in a nightgown you know he likes. "She's in storage."
"Because I decommissioned her." He turns his attention back to the computer and begins typing.
You step in and he lets out a little warning hum. You know better than to bother him while he's toiling away on code. Being here for this long has been a learning experience with his reclusiveness, but also a lesson on reading his moods. He's not irritated, yet. "Why did you do that?"
"Kitten, you are distracting me."
Kitten. The nickname he picked out day one. Who gives a guest a nickname?
"I'm curious."
"I'm working. You know the rules."
You lean against the desk and he flicks his gaze to you for a moment as your nightgown rides up your thighs. His rules were simple. Don’t bother him while he works, no kissing, no sex. Really you thought the rules were ridiculous. You were meant to be a guest, hiding while the world forgets about your fake relationship. But things don’t go as planned do they? The two of you have been pushing the boundaries of entering a relationship, though it has never been discussed.
"We haven't talked in days."
Nathan sighs irritably. "I am on to something that could be the greatest breakthrough in AI history." He pushes his chair back and pats his lap. "Come sit."
You do as told and plop down onto his lap.
"Now, if I promise to go to bed in two hours will you stop asking questions?" He runs a hand up your back, fingertips dancing against your skin delicately and making you shiver.
"That's a long time. It's already late."
"My patience is wearing thin."
"Alright deal."
"Good girl." He swats your butt gently and you slide off his lap. "Go make that bed nice and warm for me."
You take one last look back and he's already returned to typing. "One more thing."
"Nope. Get out."
"Out, Kitten."
"Nathan, come on."
He stops typing and even in the dim light you can tell he is tense and irritated. This is the time to stop pushing his rules. "Go, or I won't be nice."
You cross the room quickly to kiss his cheek and then hurry from the room. You know he is probably going to do something to get back at you for disrupting him amid a coding session. But that's fine. You like seeing him break his own rules just for you.
Nathan comes to bed some time late in the night. You just recently began sleeping in his room, it’s what really started to blur the lines of what you were to each other. He had invited you to sleep with him after you found that your brain seemed to wander when you were alone in your cold windowless room in the inner workings of the complex and sleep never came easy. Nathan's room is upstairs, with a view out to the forest should you wish to set the windows to day mode. His bed is huge, elevated on a platform, covered in blankets and plush pillows. One may think Nathan's bed would be neat and clean like the rest of the house but no. It's like a nest of comfort, a bog of pillows that you could get lost in.
"Hey, I can tell you're awake."
"Just woke up."
"Everything is okay, you can sleep."
You arch back against him, butt pressed into his legs. "I still wanna know about Kyoko."
"Don't worry about it."
You yawn and he wraps arm arm around your chest. "It's weird. You said she was fine."
"Hush." He kisses your ear. "Sleep."
You fall silent, stewing in your thoughts. What purpose could he have for decommissioning Kyoko? She seemed fine. He said she had been working for years seamlessly. It just didn't make sense.
Morning comes and the bed is empty. Nothing new. You wonder what it would be like to wake up to a sleepy eyed Nathan. Bet he'd look so cute. He's so hot without his glasses on. Well, he is hot with them on too but there is just something different about it you can’t describe.
"You wanna go for a walk?"
You look to the doorway and Nathan has his cargo pants and a jacket on. "I'm not awake yet."
"Suit yourself sweetheart. Call if you need me."
You throw your arm over your face. Your dream is coming back to you. It makes you shiver. You had been riding Nathan, hips rolling down into him desperately, his cock filling you so full. God you couldn't wait to do everything with him, if you ever do. You haven't even kissed yet. Even at the expo, he kept his mouth away froms yours, letting his lips travel elsewhere.
Nathan made his rules very clear at the expo and again when you arrived at the facility. No sex. No kissing. You suppose it has to do with attachments for him. You're just supposed to be staying with him until everything settles down around your fake marriage stunt. It's not supposed to be a real thing, but like you mentioned, everything has become blurry and unclear around your relationship with each other. Of course you both know that you have feelings for each other. Head kisses, throat, shoulder and back kisses are now allowed. Bed sharing is allowed. Cuddling. Snuggling. Talking and sharing memories is allowed. You think it's a matter of time before one of you fucks up and throws caution to the wind. What kind of host shares their bed with their guest? What are you doing here?
You crawl out of bed and grab some sweatpants on the floor along with a hoodie. If you hurry you can catch up with Nathan on the trail. Assuming he took the trail.  
The air is crisp, a typical fall morning for Alaska. It's beautiful, so clean, so easy to breathe. Nothing like back home. You jog along the trail that leads away from the back porch and sure enough you find Nathan walking with his hands in his pockets.
"Hey! Wait up!"
Nathan turns and stops, smiling softly at you. "Thought you were too tired."
"I changed my mind."
"Uh huh." He plucks at your hoodie. "This is mine."
"Yeah I just grabbed something in a hurry." You stuff your hands in the front pocket.
He runs a hand through your hair, fingertips lingering along the ends. "I like it on you."
"Thanks? It's just a hoodie."
Nathan pulls his gloves from his pocket and passes them to you. "Take these. I don't need you to lose a finger to the cold."
"You won't make me a cool robot one if I do?"
He pulls the gloves back teasingly. "Mmm, on second thought let's see if I can actually do that."
"No!" You giggle and he allows you to take them.
The two of you walk along in silence just enjoying the outdoors and everything it has to offer. Eventually you end up at the bottom of a waterfall. It's loud, beautiful, almost icy when you touch the water at the edge where it pools.  
"Do you want to know why I decommissioned Kyoko?" His sudden choice of topic startles you but it’s nothing new. He was always jumping on subjects randomly.
"Because of you."
"What?" You turn away from the water and walk to where he's leaning against a tree. "What did I do?"
"You took her place."
"What? She was your housekeeper and like an assistant or whatever. I'm neither, I'm just a house guest aren't I?"
“Just a house guest...” Nathan chuckles. "Kyoko was everything for me while I was here alone. A friend, a helper, my lover."
Your eyebrows shoot up. "She could fuck?"
"Of course she could fuck." He waves his hand dismissively. "When I say you took her place I mean in my life. I felt that she was unfair to you, that once you moved into my bed she didn't belong anymore. Kyoko is a great distraction but she isn't human, she doesn't think for herself, or feel for me. She doesn't connect like you and I do. It felt wrong to have her keep me company when you are here."
"But when I leave you'll bring her back out."
"No." He purses his lips and looks down. "Actually I wanted to ask you about that."
"Leaving? Have I overstayed my welcome?"
"Quite the opposite actually."
"The opposite? I haven't stayed long enough?"
Nathan pulls his hands from his pockets and gestures for you to come closer. You do as he asks and he cradles your face. "If you're interested, I'd like to actually start a relationship with you."
"Does that mean we can stop dancing around the edges of whatever this is between us? Because I don't think house guests normally sleep in their host's bed, or wear his clothes, or get neck kisses and give shoulder massages."
He smiles and licks his lips. "I wanted to see how far we could go until one of us broke down and drew a line."
"Nathan, I think we probably would have started showering together next if you hadn't said something by now." You laugh softly. "But yeah, I wanna see where this goes."
"So you'll stay with me a little longer?"
"As long as you'll have me."
"Don't say that." He puts his hands on your hips. "I might keep you forever. Might make you my wife for real."
"I'm not doing much for the rest of my life, so why not?"
Nathan laughs and it makes your heart swell. He rarely does so, it's such a treat to hear. "Never thought I'd meet someone I connect with so completely. Really I didn't think I'd ever meet anyone."
"Why not?"
"I'm not exactly social as you can tell by my living situation. But also I didn't think I deserved someone. Like I deserved to be alone, and be the way I am because I was gifted with such talent. I sort of accepted that it was a trade off for my intellect."
You lay your hand on his chest and his heart is pounding. "No one deserves to be alone. No one."
He smiles weakly. "When you called that day, saying you needed help because of the stunt we pulled, I knew it was you. I knew you were my chance at love in this life. There was no way I was going to let you slip through my fingers a second time."
"Second time?"
"I didn't want to leave you at the expo. I wanted to bring you home with me, I wanted to show you everything. But I knew I pushed it already with the wife stunt, and I knew you had a life and I couldn't be so selfish as to take you away from everything while chasing a high I got."
You smile softly and kiss his cheek. "I probably would have gone with you. That was the best weekend of my life and I didn't want it to end."
"I'm glad you let me play with you in that rest area and we got caught. If we hadn't I don't think we would be here right now."
"Don't make it sound so dirty."
"It was a little dirty." He kisses your cheek. "Hot too. You were so ready to just let me do whatever."
"Nathan!" You giggle and he presses his lips to yours. The sensation takes your breath away.
He cradles your face and slides a hand into your hair. He licks into your mouth and you let out a soft whimper. You grip his jacket and he turns you around so your back is against the tree. "Thought this would go a little differently."
"Yeah? How so?"
He presses another kiss to your lips. "Thought we'd be in the house, maybe curled up by the fire or in bed."
"Nathan Bateman a romantic? I'm shocked."
"I live to shock people." He chuckles. "I shocked my investors and my agent with our little marriage announcement."
"You didn't tell anyone it was fake? Not even your agent?"
"Not yet." He grins. "I like to make him sweat a little."
"You're mean."
"Well now we've established that this is happening, why don't we head back to the house? Are you free today?"
Nathan takes your hand in his and steps away from the tree. "I'm free every day."
"No you're not."
"I'm free every day you want me from now on." He threads your fingers together. "I promise."
"That's a big promise to make."
"I'll keep it." He brings your hand up and kisses it. "I'm a man of my word, you know that."
"Yes you are."
"Come on, I'm tired of waiting." He pulls you along the path and you walk quickly to keep his pace. "The last month and half have been torture."
You get ahead of him and pull your hand out of his. He raises an eyebrow. He knows what you're thinking. He knows you're going to run for the house and make him chase you.
"Don't you do it."
"Too late." You take off and he follows in hot pursuit. "You gotta catch me if you wanna keep me!"
His arm encircles your waist the moment you reach the porch and he tumbles you both down onto the sun warmed smooth wood. He rolls you under him and pins you by your arms. "You're mine now."
"I guess I am." You smile big and he captures your lips with his once more. “I wouldn’t be anyone else's.”
End .
Header by delicate-venus
Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you read or enjoyed and support content creators like myself - A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted works.*****
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Blind Date
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((gif by moi))
A/N: This is the first smut I’ve ever tried to write sooo let me know how it is!
word count: 3.6 k
tw: smut, swallowing, plain ol’ sex with a plot
Spencer spun around lazily in his desk chair, flipping through a case file when Derek walked up to him.
“Pretty boy! Just who I was looking for!”
Spencer looked up from the folder at Derek and groaned internally, “What’s up?”
Derek half sat on the edge of the desk, barely containing his excitement as his leg bounced.
“How would you like to go out tonight on a date?”
Spencer scrunched up his eyebrows, a vague look of confusion painting his face. He was waiting for the punch like of this joke, or prank or whatever it was Morgan was trying to pull.
“A date?”
“Yep, a date.”
“With who?” Spencer dropped the file on his desk, crossing his hands across his chest and looking up at Derek. A date? He hadn’t even talked to a girl since Maeve. How was he supposed to go on a date?
“This nurse Savannah works with, (Y/N), I think you guys would be a great pair.”
So this wasn’t just another prank. Spencer sighed, rubbing his eyes with his hands.
“I don’t know, I haven’t, since—“
Derek cut him off, “I know, but it’s been three years Reid. She’d want you to move on.”
Spencer thought about it for a moment. It had crossed his mind recently that he needed to get back out there if he wanted any chance at a family in the future. He came to terms with Maeve’s loss a while ago, but it still felt like he would be cheating on her if he even looked at another woman.
“Look, kid, I think this one could really be worth it. She’s funny, kind, super smart and outgoing, I think you’d make a good match. I wouldn’t even bring it up to you if I didn’t.” Derek looked sincere, his eyebrows furrowed with worry.
Spencer thought for a moment and nodded, a sudden feeling of confidence coming over him, “Yeah, yeah okay I’ll go.”
What’s the worst that could happen? She could hate him and end up being a crazy killer? The odds were slim.
“Really?” Derek’s eyes were wide.
“Yeah, if she agrees to it why not?”
Derek slapped the desk and then squeezed Spencer’s shoulders, “Savannah and I will pick you up at 7, loverboy.”
“You and Savann–“ Spencer cut himself off, “Wait it’s a double date?”
Derek shrugged, “Yeah, that way if it goes South we can swoop in. But don’t worry. This date is not going downhill, not on my watch.”
Spencer just laughed lightly and tucked his overgrown hair behind his ear. A slight pang of guilt and dread formed in his stomach but he did his best to ignore it. Maybe this would be good for him? He hoped it was.
“No,” you said to Savannah over the nurse’s station.
She was trying to set you up, yet again, on another blind date. She was your best friend and you loved her, but she couldn’t let it go. She was constantly trying to matchmake for you, especially since she met Derek. You always told her she got the last decent guy, to which she’d roll her eyes and say, ‘Your guy is out there!’ You didn’t think that was true anymore.
“Y/N! C’mon, it’ll be fun!”
You rolled your eyes, skimming another patient file, “That’s what you said about Dylan. And Brian. And Craig. And they were not fun Sav!”
You started walking down the hallway and she followed you, shoes squeaking, “This one is different though.”
You stopped and made eye contact with her. She looked hopeful, genuine, sincere. Part of you wanted to say yes, but after several disaster dates with the disaster men that she sent your way you were very doubtful.
“You also said Scott was ‘different’ and he ended up still living in his mother’s basement.”
Savannah laughed and shook her head, “Okay, I was wrong about Scott. But I mean it. Spencer’s special!”
“He’s special?” You sounded bored.
“Yes! He works with Derek. The nerdy kid, remember?”
You vaguely remembered her meeting some of his coworkers and nodded, “Yeah he’s like a genius or whatever?”
“Yes him!”
You pretended to think, tapping your chin over zealously and then finally said, “Nope,” popping the ‘p’. You started down the hall way again, her still following you. She always was persistent, and even a little stubborn.
“Y/N, listen to me. Spencer is like 6’1, smart, lanky, kinda awkward but sweet, nerdy, brown shaggy hair; he’s literally your exact type.”
You sighed, she was right. That is your exact type. If you could build-a-man like build-a-bear, Spencer Reid is who you’d make. Savannah did always prefer the more masculine men like Derek, whereas you had a tendency to go for guys who looked like they ran on coffee and adderall and had sensitive eyes.
“Derek and I will be there too, double date style, just in case you guys need a little nudge.”
“But Sav—“
“Nope, no buts. You’re coming. This is a good one, Y/N. I can feel it.”
“But what about work? What if we get called or they do or?”
You were rambling looking for an excuse not to go. You had no good reason to say no, you were just tired of one too many bad dates.
“Work is NOT getting in the way this time! I’ll see you at 7,” she cooed, waving as she slipped into a patient room.
Maybe she was right, maybe he would be special?
So that’s how you ended up sitting across from Spencer Reid in the booth of a diner at 7 pm on a Thursday night.
“I swear I reserved the restaurant for tonight!” Derek said, Savannah on his arm as you all walked a few blocks to the diner. They were Barbie and Ken, just hotter. You and Spencer walked side by side, about a foot between you.
When you had arrived at the fancy restaurant at 6:45 the hostess informed you all that Derek had reserved a table for a Thursday three months from now. The backup plan was the 24-hour diner you and Savannah hit many times post shift.
Spencer sat across from you, folding open the massive menu to find something he’d like. He was exactly how you remembered him: wickedly smart and devilishly handsome.
A dangerous combination.
“So Y/N, Spencer’s from Las Vegas,” Savannah started, not to subtly nudging you under the table with her leg.
“Really? That’s nice, I love Vegas,” You said and Spencer nodded slightly in response, “You’ve been?”
You nodded, “Yeah, for a few girls trips.”
He just nodded and let the conversation die. You felt a little defeated. Was this guy that bad at dates? Or did he just not like you?
True to her word, Savannah stepped in again.
“Today Y/N had a patient throw ice chips at her.”
“What’d you do to make them do that?” Derek said, peeking over the massive menu at you.
You laughed, “That’s not even the worst thing that’s happened.”
“What rotation are you on right now?” Spencer asked you and ordered a Shirley temple. What kind of guy orders a Shirley temple? This guy. This impossibly cute guy, who probably didn’t want you.
“Labor and delivery, so I’ve had many things thrown at me, been called many names,” You laughed and he smiled back.
“I can only imagine.”
“Pretty boy here has actually delivered a baby before,” Derek chimed in.
You stifled a laugh, “Really? Is that so?”
Spencer’s cheeks turned a light pink, “Yeah, actually, and it was not what I expected.”
“Well what did you expect?”
He smirked, “I read all the manuals, I didn’t expect rose petals and magic but that much fluid? Where does it all even come from?”
You and Savannah chuckled, “Squeamish Dr. Reid?”
“Surprisingly, birth is harder to see than some of the dead bodies we get.”
“Hey hey, no dead body and grossness talk at dinner. I’m trying to eat here,” Derek said as the food arrived.
Spencer put his hands up in defeat, “No more dead body talk, I promise.”
You did the same, “No more birth talk, promise!”
You all started to eat, and of course you and Spencer reached for the ketchup at the same time, bumping fingers, like in those teen movies.
“I’m sorry, ladies first,” he said. You grabbed the bottle and squeezed ketchup all over your french fries.
Savannah cringed, “She doesn’t put ketchup on the side of her fries to dip like a normal person, she squeezes it all over top like a psychopath.”
You feigned insult and lightly hit her arm, “Hey! Don’t call me a psychopath in front of all the FBI agents!”
“For what it’s worth, Y/N, you definitely aren’t a psychopath,” Spencer said, offering you a shy smile, “I know psychopaths.”
“Thank you Dr. Reid,” you blushed and he took the ketchup from you, squirting it all over his fries just like you did.
“See! I’m not crazy! He did it too!”
“Probably because you’re both psychopaths,” Savannah giggled and the four of you laughed.
You reached over and took a fry from Spencer’s plate and then you both were finally comfortable. You looked at Savannah once and gave her a thumbs up; she was right, this was a good one.
The rest of the night was perfect. You and Spencer joked and laughed and learned about each other, by the end of the night you almost forgot Derek and Savannah were even there. The two of you were in your own little world, and it was amazing. You would’ve stayed out forever if they would’ve let you.
“We can all hitch a cab?” Derek said as you all stood on the corner. It was cold out and Spencer had so kindly given you his suit jacket. It smelled like fancy cologne, how much more attractive could he be?
You looked at Spencer, and he looked at you, and in that moment you made a decision. You were not going home without this man tonight.
“Actually, I live a few blocks that way,” You said, pointing in the opposite direction, the oversized jacket flopping as you did so, “I’m good to walk home.”
“Would you like some company?” Spencer said, his mouth turned up in a crooked smile. He rocked back and forth on his heels.
“I’d love some.”
Derek and Savannah gave each other a knowing look and bid you farewell. Spencer offered his arm and you grabbed it, leading him to your apartment.
As you walked he pointed out sights and told you the history of the landmarks you were passing.
“The Washington Monument was completed in two phases, a private one from 1848 to 1854 and then a public one from 1876 to 1884.”
“Have you ever been up in it?” You asked, stopping to stare up at the huge monument.
“No, have you?”
You nodded, “Yeah, I have.”
“Maybe you can take me up next time,” he stammered out, blushing and squeezing your arm tight.
You smiled, blush creeping up your face as well at the thought of a “next time.”
“Yeah, I’d love to, and then I’ll show you the best bakery in DC. I’m a sucker for an eclair.”
You released your arm from the crook of his elbow and grabbed his hand. He grabbed yours back, looking down at you in his jacket in the moonlight. His eyes were shiny and the brown was dark, almost black. His tongue darted in and out of his mouth and he bit on his lip ever so slightly.
You wanted to kiss him. Scratch that. You needed to kiss him. You stopped again and he turned to face you. Just as you went up on your tippy toes to kiss him, he knelt down to your level and connected your lips.
It was a short, sweet, innocent kiss that made butterflies erupt in your stomach, and other places. When you separated you were both grinning ear to ear.
The rest of the walk was hand in hand, him rubbing his thumb over your knuckles and you both talking. When you arrived at the front door, you both paused.
“Well, this is me,” You said and started to unlock the door. He stayed a few steps down, just smiling at you.
“Do you want my—should I give you my phone number?” He said, his voice laced with doubt.
You smiled and turned, “Actually...”
His face fell, a sad expression covering the smile he had moments ago.
“Oh, it’s okay I understand, I-I thought we were having a good time is all,” he mumbled out, rubbing his arms because he was freezing and you still had on his jacket.
“I was going to say would you like to come in?” You said, feeling just as awkward as he did.
His eyes widened, “Uh- do I want to come in?” Even he knew what that was insinuating.
You suddenly felt embarrassed, like you had misread the entire situation, “I mean, only if you want to?”
He regained his confidence a little, “Yeah. Yeah, I want to.” And he followed you inside.
You slid off his suit jacket and laid it nicely over a chair, “Can I get you a drink?”
He nodded, “Water’s fine.”
As you went to the kitchen to find him a glass of water, he made himself at home on the couch. You could’ve sworn you heard him mumbling to himself, but shrugged it off. You sat next to him and placed the two glasses of water on the coffee table.
You turned to him, “So—“
To your surprise, he immediately kissed you again, this time with less innocence and much longer. You kissed back, nipping slightly at his lower lip. The kiss got more and more intense, your tongue moving between his slightly chapped lips. His hands found a home on your hip bones, using his thumbs to rub small circles there. When you separated you both had to take a few slow breaths.
“Sorry, I don’t usually do this on a first date,” you mumbled, scooting closer to him so your thighs were touching.
He grabbed a stray piece of your hair and tucked it behind your ear, “I don’t usually do this at all.”
His hand went to cup your face and he was kissing you again. This time, you leaned back so he could hover over you, his tie laying over your chest.
His hands were on either side of you, and your fingers were running through his messy brown hair. You tugged slightly at the root, making him moan and open his mouth even more to you.
Slowly you reached down to fumble with his tie, his hand reached up to stop you.
“Patience,” he mumbled into your lips before kissing down your cheek and across your jaw. Each kiss sent jolts through your body, making the peach fuzz on your neck stand up. You put your hands back where they were in his hair, and one of his hands stayed next to you, supporting him, and the other landed on your hip. His lips found a spot just under your ear, and he sucked on it slightly making you moan and shut your eyes.
“The ears are a neglected erogenous zone,” he said against your skin before nipping and biting at the lobe.
“I-I like it,” you breathed out as you reached back for his tie and undid it, tossing it somewhere across from the couch.
“Should we take this somewhere else?”
You nodded, and in one motion he picked you up bridal style. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and giggled as you led him to your bedroom. He laid you on your bed gently.
You scooted up to the pillows and propped yourself up on your elbows, “Lose the shirt, Dr. Reid.”
He raised and eyebrow at you but did what you asked and soon his dress shirt and undershirt were on the floor. He was slim but covered in muscle. You bit your lip at the thought how scratch marks would look down his back.
“It’s rude to stare,” he joked, and another redhot flush graced your cheeks.
You absentmindedly rubbed your legs together in anticipation as he began to undo his belt. You felt like it was only fair that you undressed too, so you took off your dress and laid out in your bra and underwear.
When he returned to hovering over you he smiled, sloppy kisses running from your lips and down your neck. You silently cursed yourself for not wearing nicer undergarments, but Spencer didn’t seem to mind as he palmed your breasts over your beige bra. You moaned into the skin of his shoulder and started to kiss and suck there. Your hands scratched down is back, leaving red lines in their wake. He grabbed your bra straps and pulled them off your shoulders, pulling the bra down to expose you to him.
With a sharp intake of breath, his mouth was around one of your nipples, sucking on it and twisting it between his lips. His free hand came up to pinch the other bud, making you moan loudly again. You arched your back to meet him, and his hand left your chest to force you back down.
You whimpered as you felt him hard and hot against your thigh. Then he switched sides, wanting to give you equal attention. He stayed there until you begged him to stop.
“S-Spencer,” you said between breathy moans, “Just fuck me already.”
He pulled back and blew on your chest lightly, sending shivers down your spine and wetness to your center.
He stopped and looked at you, his eyes warm and full of concern, “Are you sure?”
You writhed underneath him, “Yes, I’m sure. I’m clean. I’m protected. Please. I need you.”
He completely removed your bra and underwear now, leaving you naked beneath him. You pulled his boxers down slightly, so he could spring out. You pumped him a few times and ran the tip across your entrance, making both of you groan. He kissed you kindly, like he had in front of the washington monument, and then slid inside of you.
You groaned at the feeling, clutching the sheets beside you as he let you adjust.
“Okay?” He whispered and you nodded.
“Do something Spencer, please.”
And with that he began thrusting in and out of you slowly, stopping when he bottomed out. You wrapped your thighs around his waist and pulled him in closer to you while your hands tugged at his hair. The sounds falling from both of you were obscene and delicious. It was hard to tell where he started and you ended.
“Fuck,” he groaned, falling from his hands to his elbows over you. Your chests touched and he stuck his thumb in your mouth. You instinctively sucked in it and he took it between your thighs to start stroking figure-eights on your clit. You groaned and arched into him.
“Don’t stop,” You mumbled, kissing whatever skin your mouth could reach.
“I’m close,” he whispered, sweat dripping off his forehead and onto you but you didn’t care. All that mattered was the way he was winding you up with his fingers, getting you closer and closer to the edge. You stared up at him, his hair stuck to his forehead and his eyebrows furrowed. You made eye contact and he caught your lips in a lusty kiss.
“Wait for me,” you ordered, scratching more lines down his back as your orgasm took over. Your vision went black, your whole body tensing as you pulsed around him.
He rode your high with you while chasing his own.
“Where can I?”
“My mouth,” you said, as he pulled out and put his tip between your lips. You used your hands and mouth to finish him before he came.
The two of you flopped on the bed panting, then started laughing. You turned to lay your head on his chest, “I’m glad I went out tonight.”
He pulled you close to him, so your head was just above his pounding heart, “So am I.” And he kissed your forehead.
You snuck out of his arms to get cleaned up and returned to your spot on his chest. There he stroked your back lightly until you both fell asleep.
The next morning you were turned away from Spencer, your butts touching slightly making you chuckle. You looked over at him and he was still soundly sleeping, looking even more adorable than he had the night before, if that was even possible.
You looked for your phone and saw two missed calls from Savannah. You called her back.
“Hey,” you whispered so you wouldn’t wake Spencer.
“Sooo what’d you think? What’d you guys do? Did you....”
You rolled your eyes, “It was a great night Savannah.”
She squealed on the other side, “YES! I knew it. You owe me $15!” She called to Derek, who was no doubt listening on the other end. You had to stifle a laugh.
“So there’s a second date in your future? I don’t have to keep setting you up?”
You looked over at Spencer, his hair falling in angelic waves around his face. You admired the lips you had grown to know last night and couldn’t wait to feel them again.
“No more setting me up,” You whispered, “And you were right Sav, this one is special.”
You couldn’t tell but Spencer was awake, his mouth turning up into a smile as he overheard your conversation. When you hung up he stretched as if he has just woken up.
“Hey,” he said, voice raspy and groggy.
“Hey,” you placed a peck on his lips.
“How about breakfast is date number two?”
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harryandhishook · 3 years
Don’t touch what isn’t yours! - Chapter 17 - FINAL
Fandom: Dream Daddy
Pairing: Damien x Robert,  past Joseph x Robert
Setting: Maple Bay
Warning: Not really for this one, just fluff
Summary: Damien has been dating Robert for a while and their life is becoming slowly more and more domestic but unfortunately, someone has been watching and doesn’t like it one bit.
Words: 1464
Requested: I remember seeing an old posts about some really dark prompts and I thought about the cult ending of Dream Daddy so I jumped at the chance … then got really carried away (Btw, I wanted to contribute to the cult ending stuff so don’t @ me for this, normally I wouldn’t write Joseph like this)
Side note: That's it, that's the end of the story, also I know I said that I would upload these on Saturdays but apparently the universe just wanted to bite me on the ass and say nope, definitely Sundays, kept being dragged into doing things but it's uploaded and finished, hope you liked it :D
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First // Prev
The day of Lucien’s graduation was here and it was one of the biggest days of his life. It seemed that Ernest couldn’t stop teasing his boyfriend over the silly gown he was wearing, well, that was until Hugo got revenge by making Lucien put his graduation cap on the youngest Vega’s head to take a cute picture, there was just one thing missing and that was slowly being helped into the school hall, Damien, one arm wrapped around Robert while the other held tightly onto a crutch and amazingly, not in a Victorian suit, just a casual shirt and slacks … doctors’ orders, which he was not happy about at all, but apparently too many clothes could hurt his recovering body, especially moving too much to put them all on.
“You must be proud of him, Damien, he’s really come a long way from being the rebellious teen a few years ago” Hugo commented as he shuffled in from behind the Victorian to watch Lucien happily fuss over his boyfriend from a distance who tried to look like he wasn’t impressed but the tiny little upturn of his lips told a completely different story,
“Yeah, more than I could possibly imagine, I guess I’m just glad I actually get to see this for myself instead of looking through photo albums” the Victorian commented, watching with nothing but love and awe in his eyes for his son, “and a bit of shock since he’s actually graduating with his year … but mostly proud” he chuckled, looking over at Hugo who was smiling incredibly wide at his friend beside him, “What?” he asked, confused at the smile his friend was sending his way which captured a chuckle from the teacher,
“I’m just really glad to see that you’re smiling and joking again … and apparently using Roberts humour, it’s definitely bringing back some light to the Cul-de-Sac again” he commented before turning back to the large gathering of students only to spot Lucien sitting happily on Ernest back as he walks him around the hall, who knew Ernest was strong enough to give someone a few years older than him a piggyback ride, “So, how was the proposal?” he asked with a cool demeaner but his entire aura screamed excitement,
“Oh … you know … graveyard picnic, a few amazing but definitely made up stories by Robert, a moonlight dance and Betsy giving me a ring with a beautifully handwritten note on her collar, the usual” Damien teased, trying to keep a nonchalant expression on his face but it didn’t last long as he quickly and definitely eagerly showed Hugo the ring itself, “It was the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me … did you know about this?” he asked as the teacher admired the absolutely beautiful engagement ring,
“Well, I didn’t know what he was going to do but I did know that he had been planning on asking you, mainly because Lucien had asked him if he was going to chicken out in front of us” the elder Vega explained before pulling back with a joyous smile pulled across his face for his friends, “I’m so happy for you, however, graduation is going to be starting soon so you might want to start heading over with the other parents to be seated” with a soft pat to his arm, Hugo scurried off to round up the students and persuade Ernest to be on his best behaviour as Robert pressed a kiss to Damien’s cheek, helping him through the hustle and bustle of the excited entourage of parents,
“I’m definitely rubbing off on you too much, you’re stealing my humour … needs a bit of work though, love” Robert whispered as they were directed to their seats, sitting down to wait for Lucien’s moment. The gruff man interlaced their fingers without even thinking as he leaned over to whisper, “He’s proud of you, you know, he’s proud of how far you’ve come and the fact that you get to see all this, he couldn’t be prouder of you” the man whispered to his Fiancé, squeezing their hands together gently. A weight was placed gently on Roberts shoulder as Damien lovingly laid his head against his lover, smiling lovingly as he allowed his imagination to run wild through his future life with his soon to be husband and his son.
The day continued on, his son walked up on stage with the biggest smile on his face to basically prove to anyone who doubted him that he made it and once it was over, once everyone had happily thrown their hats and practically danced around like they had just stopped the end of the world, everyone left to celebrate by having a drink or two … well, the adults went to have a drink, the kids went to pretend to drink alongside them. Hugo insisted that taking photos was a must so nearly every single one of them were forced into taking graduation photos, that included a family one so as Damien and Lucien sat on down on a little hill together, Robert watched on from a distance with a smile on his face,
“Oi! Cryptid hunter, get over here, this is a family photo” Lucien screamed towards the grumpy rugged man, earning a soft chuckle from the Victorian next to him,
“Yeah, exactly, family photo, you and your dad” Robert replied, arms crossed across his chest as he casually leaned again a wall nearby, he knew he shouldn’t intrude on this family moment, he wasn’t family, he was just the guy his dad was sleepi-
“Dad, get over here, you are family, you’re marrying my dad and in all honesty, I’ve had some definitely not nice wake-up calls in the house so get over here and join in” the emo argued which caught Robert crazily off guard as he pushed himself up off the wall, dropping his hands down to his sides,
“Did you just call m-“
“Ugh, yes, now get your ass over here, don’t make me spoil Frozen 2, I know you haven’t watched it yet” Lucien threated which seemed to cause the entire party to erupt into laughter as the man in question practically sprinted to the hill, skidding on his knees until he was pressed up against Lucien’s side, arms wrapped around the boy,
“Take the picture before my allergies play up, I can feel them flaring now” Robert demanded, trying to hide the fact he was actually feeling normal human feelings but it didn’t stop him from leaning into his soon to be step-son with a defeated yet loving and proud smile on his face.
And soon, the day came to an end, Damien was now wrapped around Robert’s back as the gruff man carried him back to their car while Hugo carried the crutches, but it seemed like two young things were missing,
“Wait, where are the boys?” the teacher asked, pausing the two lovers on their journey to turn back to find them,
“They weren’t too far behind us a few minutes ago, where could they have gotten too” Damien asked, using his high viewpoint as an advantage to find the two mischievous boys, “They couldn’t have gotten far” he mumbled to himself, a few little worried thoughts passed over him as he search but the little shake from under him seemed to stop the search as he realised the shake was from a chuckle,
“I think I’ve found them” all eyes turned towards the side of one of the school buildings where the two boys they had been searching for were currently standing, voices too far to be audible but from the way each of them were delicately moving their hands to touch each other did not need any explanation
The three parents watched at Lucien stepped closer, raising a hand to push a strand of hair from his boyfriends face, slowly leaning in as Ernest wrapped his arms around the emo’s neck before their lips touched and they shared their first kiss,
“Hugo, take a picture right now, I never want to forget this moment … and it’s great blackmail material” Damien whispered as Hugo was already raising the camera to commemorate this occasion … and also to have some blackmail to use against Ernest at any point in time, that and baby photos.
And that’s it, everyone was happy again, Damien and Mary were safe and were able to be the brother and sister they always were, Lucien and Ernest were together, Robert felt like he had a second chance at being a dad and the neighbourhood was back … partially … to how it was before, the Cul-de-Sac full of gay dads, a mother and crazy children, the perfect life.
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Sweet Pea//Freeze Your Brain
Request: Can I request a song-fic with song Freeze Your Brain, with Sweet Pea/Reader, plot twist, reader is "JD" in it; for the plot maybe Sweet Pea's talking about how the Serpents are his family; sorta trying to help reader settle in to school
hey! first of all warning: death of a parent and abandonment. other than that, i hope you enjoy it! also, this has been sitting in my drafts for m o n t h s. like i wrote this last year at some point i think, so here ya go! sorry everything is taking so long. 
“Oh.” Sweet Pea’s familiar voice makes you look up from the magazine stand you were staring at. You and Sweet Pea were in practically every singe class and you almost always sat next to each other meaning that you talked to him several times a day, practically every single day. From the conversations that you had had, you learned that he was a serpent, he was funny and he was cute as hell. “I see you’re familiarizing yourself with the local and only 7-11 we have.” 
“Something like that.” You shrug and take a sip from your slush. 
“Sooooo, what are you actually doing here?” 
“It better than being at home? You?” 
“Fangs wanted some Corn Nuts.” He replies and waves the packet in his hand. 
“Oh.” You reply and go back to reading the front of the magazines. 
“So, how are you finding Riverdale High?” 
“Its okay.” You shrug. “I’ve been to ten high schools already so they’re kinda all starting to blur.” 
“Oh. Do you think you’ll be staying here for a while?” He asks, a hint of hopefulness in his voice. Your eyes meet his and you send him a warm smile. 
“Hopefully.” You nod. “It just depends on my dad. We have to move around a lot because of his work so there’s no point in ‘planting roots’ if you know what I mean?” You explain and he nods. 
“Yeah, I get that. My mom was kinda the same before she left me. Instead of moving around she just moved in a lot of different ‘boyfriends’.” 
“I’m sorry she left.” 
“Its fine.” He shakes his head. “You know enough about me. Tell me about you. I’ve only had a so many conversations with you in class but I know nothing about you.”   
“There’s not much to tell.” You reply and walk around to the drinks aisle. He follows closely behind you and picks up a bottle of soda. “My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den no matter where we are so its really only a matter of when. Thats why I haven’t really bothered talking to people. I used to, but after the third school there’s really no point, don’t learn names or bother with faces. It easier that way.” 
“That sucks.” 
“If it makes you feel any better I don’t like Riverdale High much. Its too preppy.”
“It is definitely the preppiest school I’ve ever been to.” You laugh softly and he smiles at you. 
“I think you would have fit in at Southside High.” He says casually and you raise an eyebrow. “Thats the school the serpents went to before Riverdale. Southside High was closed down and we were transferred.” He explains. 
“Oh.” You take another sip of your drink and move further down the aisle. 
“Apparently we’ll ‘get a better education’ at Riverdale High. But you can’t get much of an education if you’re fighting people that hate you because you’re ‘invading their territory’.” He mocks and you laugh. 
“Is the education the reason Southside High was closed?” 
“No.” He shakes his head. “It was deemed a health hazard due to toxic fumes from one of the chemistry labs but everyone knows that Mayor McCoy just needed an excuse to close it down.” 
“So, how do you cope with moving around all the time?” 
“You promise you won’t laugh?” You ask and he nods. 
“Cross my heart.” He replies. “Scouts honour.” 
“I don’t believe you were in the scouts.” 
“Fine. Serpents honour.”
“Every time I feel like the worlds falling down and that I’m going to start having a breakdown, I always got to 7-11.” You admit and he stares at you dumbfounded. 
“7-11?” He asks and you nod. 
“Its like a concrete oasis.” You add and he laughs loudly. “You said you wouldn’t laugh.” You roll your eyes and start to walk away. 
“I’m sorry.” He runs after you. “I just wasn’t expecting that.” He catches up to you and you stop walking so you can glare at him. “Tell me about why you love 7-11.” He continues and you raise an eyebrow. “I’m being serious. Tell me.” 
“Fine. But if you laugh I will kick you in the balls.” 
“7-11 never changes. Literally every single store is the same, from Las Vegas to Boston. Linoleum aisles that I just love to get lost in. And the slushes. Don’t get me started on the slushes. They are God-like.” You ramble and he smiles at you. “Are you laughing?” You ask in a threatening tone. 
“No!” He says quickly. ‘Its cute.” 
“Hmmm.” You narrow your eyes at him and drink some of your slush. 
“I really do live for the sweet frozen rush.” You say to no one in particular.
“I feel the same way about the serpents...kind of.” He interrupts your moment of thinking. “They took me in when not even my own mom wanted me.”
“Your mom’s an idiot.” 
“I know.” He nods his head and you smile softly at him. 
“Care for a hit.” You offer him your slush and he takes it from you.
“Who needs cocaine when you can just have one of these?” He asks. 
“Anyway, so the serpents. Its like having a really weird extended family. We look after each other, its even written in the rules. Although I dunno if anybody has actually written them down or if they’re just remembered. But they’re the best family I could wish for. Better than my actual family.” He trails off and stares out the window for a few seconds. He’s clearly thinking about something unpleasant, but it passes and he quickly turns his head to look at you. “What about yours? Does your mom know you eat all this crap?” 
“Not anymore.” 
“What?” He asks worriedly, his eyes widening. 
“When my mom was alive, we sort of lived normally but now its just me and my dad.” You explain. 
“Sorry.” He apologizes. “But its nice you still have your dad.” 
“We’re a littles less formal...and normal.” You mutter the last part. “He isn’t really around much so I had to learn to be an adult quicker than a lot of kids do. I learned to cook pasta, and almost burned the house down the first time.” He interrupts you with a small laugh and you smile at him. “I pay rent and stuff. Turns out the world owes you nothing.” 
“Not even a cent.” He finishes your sentence and you face him. 
“You know if you wanna fit in at Riverdale High, you need to know what you’re doing after. You ask literally anyone that goes there and they’ll tell you their life plan for the next 10 years.” 
“Hmmm, lets see. I could go to a college, but who knows where I’ll be by then.” 
“You could marry a lawyer.” He suggests. 
“Hm. Depends on what type. Are they gonna be like a medical lawyer or one of those ones that get given to criminals when they can’t afford one?”
“In the middle? He’s the best at his firm, but his firm isn’t the best.” 
“I could work with that.” You nod and walk towards the candy section.
“Ooooo. There’s a but? Now I’m intrigued.”
“The sky’s gonna hurt when it falls.” 
“Damn.” You sigh and he sends you a sympathetic smile. 
“You better start building some walls.” 
“Already have.” You wave your half empty slush in front of his face and laughs. 
“Do you have any more insightful information?” 
“Nope. Wait, don’t talk to anyone but the serpents. Now I’m all out.” He says making you laugh.
“Do yourself a favour then.” 
“Whats that?” He asks. 
“Freeze your brain.” You hand him your slushie and he nods.
“I’ve got brain freeze!” He says after a few seconds. 
“Get lost in the pain Sweet Pea.” You reply. “Just shut your eyes tight until you vanish from sight. Thats what I do.” 
“Thats not healthy.” He replies and gives you your cup back. 
“I know. But do you have any other solutions?” You ask and move further around the shop until you finally decide where to stop.
“No.” He shakes his head. 
“Fight pain with more pain.” 
“Yep. Now you’re getting it.” You smile at him proudly. “Forget in six weeks you’ll be back on the road...and you’ll have to say goodbye to the only good thing you’ve had in your life for a long time.” You say sadly and look at Sweet Pea. He’s already looking at you, his gaze going from your eyes to your lips and back again. You lean in slowly, and he closes the gap, his hands resting on your waist. You pull back and smile at him softly. His expression mirrors yours and you both stare at each other for a few seconds before you turn away. 
“On Monday do you want to sit with Serpents at lunch?” He asks and you hesitate for a moment while your filling your drink up. “Its not gonna hurt you to make some friends. 
“You sure about that?” You raise an eyebrow. 
“Try it.” 
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