#defi crowdfunding
mateolucasblogs · 1 year
Defi crowdfunding
crowdfunding is a recently arriving fundraising platform. the crowdfunding platform using Defi is an arising platform. Defi crowdfunding eliminates centralized authority and is open to globalization using blockchain technology. it provides various benefits for a fundraising platform. for more learning knock here.
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pay-it-now · 2 years
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Join our live AMA to find out more about Pay It Now (PIN), where we have come from and where we are going.
Friday, August 11th at 11am NZST (Thursday, August 11th @ 2300 UTC
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allay24 · 3 months
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The Defi Real Estate Platform is a decentralised platform that allows users to invest in real estate assets and earn passive income by investing in tokenized real estate. It offers a safe, transparent, and efficient method of investing in real estate. Dunitech Soft Solutions Pvt Ltd is pleased to introduce its Defi Real Estate Platform, a ground-breaking platform that is set to transform the real estate industry. The platform is intended to provide real estate investors with a safe, transparent, and efficient way to access the global real estate market. Investors can gain access to a diverse range of real estate investments through the Defi Real Estate Platform, including residential and commercial properties, as well as land and development projects
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mobiloitte7 · 1 year
DEFI is a new way of crowdfunding that is powered by the blockchain. Mobiloitte offers DEFI platform development services to help you launch your own crowdfunded project. With DEFI, you can raise funds by selling tokens to investors. The funds you raise can be used to finance your project or business. DEFI is a great way to get funding for your business or project without having to go through a traditional bank or financial institution.
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months
do you have any games with a sci-fi fantasy setting that are adventuring/exploration focused, similar to numenera or wildsea? the flexibility to play more or less mature games, lots of character creation options, and a solid combat system would be a bonus
THEME: Exploration
God I wish I could recommend As the Sun Forever Sets yet but it’s still in development. It’s a game inspired by The War of the Worlds, and is a Forged in the Dark hex crawl. The creator is partnering with Evil Hat so you’ll want to keep an eye out for when they start crowdfunding it.
If you’re interested in games like The Wildsea, I’d also recommend checking out the Wildsea Discord, where there are plenty of games in the works using the Wild Words engine. I don't think much there has reached playtest levels yet, but there's a lot of game-things that look very interesting.
Anyways, let’s see what else is out there.
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Dreams and Machines (Players Guide) (Game-Master's Guide), by Modiphius.
Dreams and Machines is a brand new RPG setting where people come together to rebuild their world following a catastrophic war. You will venture into a world of mystery and adventure, a world where slumbering mechs dot the landscape and people build their lives anew in the wreckage of paradise. Take on the role of one of the new tribes of humanity, an Archivist, Dreamer, Everan, River, or Spear, and forge a path for yourself and your people.
The war against the machines was 200 years ago, but many threats from that era abound, along with others, like raiding parties of Thralls from the deep ruins, that have arisen in the intervening years. The machines are dormant, but they sometimes awake, causing death and destruction until they are stopped. Hideous, mutated, creatures infest the landscape, vicious byproducts of the war. Ghostly nanograms lurk in the ruins promising knowledge or luring the unwary to their deaths. Yet against all this, humanity is rebuilding. People live full, happy lives despite the threats that assail them. Cooperation and mutual aid are everywhere, humans coming together to build something new amid the ruins of the past.
If you are a fan of Horizon Zero Dawn, this game was made for you. While it’s not taking place within the official licensed setting, the inspiration is visible all over this game. The game uses the 2d20 mechanic found among many of Modiphhius’ well-known titles, tailored for the large range of movement and large-scale conflict expected in a game like HZD. Characters are composed of an origin, archetype, temperament and bond, and refer to attributes and skills when determining whether or not the succeed. Some rolls have a difficulty determined by truths attached to locations, scenes, or equipment. Others are contests, and the outcomes are determined by the results from each opponent. These pieces point towards a complex ttrpg that has plenty of potential both for exploration and combat.
If you don’t want to get the Players Handbook and the GM’s Handbook without a bit of a first taste, you can check out the free Quickstart!
Between Clouds, by Andi Licht.
Between Clouds is a colorful, biopunk, tabletop RPG about a family of misfits navigating the open skies atop their beloved flying beast. Life among the clouds revolves around the Kirin, oversized animals that possess volatile genetics and the gift of flight. Across the skies, floating vessels and cities are held aloft by the animated remains of hunted Kirin, whose beating hearts defy gravity itself. Commoners are wary of becoming abducted or eaten by these creatures, while propaganda and folklore only stoke their fears. With an uninhabitable surface below, humanity must learn to coexist with the flora and fauna of their airborne realm or perish.
In Between Clouds players assume the role of Symbiotes, rare outcasts who have formed unbreakable bonds with a Kirin. It is not an easy choice to join forces with such a reviled creature. Those who crave power and a comfortable life seek to hunt the Kirin, and the Symbiotes with them if necessary. Few are ever approached by the flying beasts, and fewer still head the call. Those who do lead nomadic lives. They travel across Empyrea atop their airborne companions, making allies and enemies along the way, all while striving to help those in need and protect the wild Kirin that they encounter.
This game looks so pretty. The world looks very unique, with larger-than-life creatures called Kirin and a number of isolated biomes accessible only through riding on their backs. While the system uses the Year Zero engine, the creator also claims inspiration from Belonging Outside Belonging and Forged in the Dark games, so I’m expecting a complicated world with a lot of narrative prompts to drive the story forward.
Electric Bastionland, by Chris McDowell.
Bastion - The Electric Hub of Mankind. The only city that matters.
In Deep Country, the land stretches forever. The long shadow of our embarrassing past. Villages rot away, trees don’t bother to flower anymore, and the potato is eaten cold from the ground. Things were better before. Better before Bastion.  In the Underground are impossible tunnels beneath time and space. Devious machines release their creations into the corridors. All while the twisting network grows and touches everything. Connects everything. You can get anywhere, but there’s always a challenge. 
You have a failed career and a colossal debt. Treasure is your only option. A spark of hope in Electric Bastionland.
Electric Bastionland is a roleplaying game written by Chris McDowall, author of the critically-acclaimed Into The Odd. It uses and expands upon the systems developed in Into The Odd, resulting in a rules-set that’s easy to run as a Referee and even easier to play. It’s not a sourcebook or an expansion - it’s a standalone journey into an unknowable world. 
If you like OSR games this might be a game for you. Bastion is such a unique city that begs you to explore it. Your characters start as people who have failed in another career before, which is an interesting premise to give you at the beginning of the game. Treasure hunting was nobody’s first option, so your entire crew already has something in common. This feels like a game where survival is difficult, and everyone is trying to get themselves out of a rough place to a slightly less rough place. If you want a fantastic setting that might beat you up a little bit, I recommend Electric Bastionland.
Odyssey Aquatica, by Old Dog Games.
The year is 1960 and you are an Oceanographic Adventurer, a brave or foolhardy soul who goes to the most remote seas and the deepest ocean trenches to conduct groundbreaking research, help those in peril, document the wonders you discover — and bask in the glory. You will chart your character’s life work, from their first expeditions to their last, and record memoirs of the years lived in-between. 
ODYSSEY AQUATICA adapts the fast and flexible PARAGON system to a world of 20th century oceanographic adventure inspired by The Life Aquatic, Subnautica, and the life and times of Jacques Cousteau.
I’ve talked before about how AGON is a great tool for exploration games by providing you with a new way to journey, and plenty of the supplements for this system confirm my theory. Odyssey Aquatica keeps the exploration at sea, but brings it into the modern day, adding memoir rules that expand the game’s timeline to cover your characters’ careers. It’s also beautifully laid out, with a stunning boat sheet to help you keep all of your tools and equipment organized. If you like PARAGON games, you’ll like Odyssey Aquatica.
Bug World, by Alfie.
maybe the apocalypse could have been averted, but it wasn’t, and here we are, in a brand new world. this isn’t your cold, nuclear winter, sparse and dead kind of post-apocalypse. the end sent the world on a new course, brimming with life - just not quite as much human life as before. ok, barely any. in the super oxygen-rich atmosphere of the earth today, insect life has thrived.
it only took a few decades for bugs to reach incredible sizes, and now, about a century-and-a-half after the disaster, gargantuan insects are a normal sight. from a ladybug the size of a dog, to millipedes that might as well be trains, to horned beetles with skeletons big enough to use as shelter. bugs are huge and they are everywhere. the remaining humans have domesticated some, trained others, made wary peace with some intelligent groups, and carved themselves out sections of the world to live.
BUG WORLD is a Powered by the Apocalypse TTRPG where players navigate this post-apocalyptic jungle world, with all its scavenger towns, junk economies, and incredibly huge bugs. playbooks include more classic TTRPG options alongside bug wranglers and jockeys, rock collector archaeologists, and mob bosses.
Currently a work in progress, this game is all about exploration and survival. It uses a PbtA ruleset with moves like deal damage and survive harm for combat, and playbooks that specialize in it, like the Brutalizer and the Exoskeleton. As a post-apocalypse game I think it has plenty of opportunity for death and danger, and like plenty of PbtA games, the setting is baked into the character options more than anything else. I like the premise of this game and I think it holds a lot of promise, even if your play group has to build a lot of the setting themselves.
Nibiru, by Araukana Media.
Nibiru is a science fiction tabletop roleplaying game, set in a massive space station in a neighboring solar system. Players take on the role of Vagabonds; people who woke up in the space station with no memories of their past.
Nibiru tackles themes of memory, nature and artificiality through simple mechanics, evocative art and immersive worldbuilding.
This feels like such a unique game to me. Nibiru has a character creation system that you engage with during the entirety of your campaign experience, as your characters are uncovering more of their backstory as they play. You will fill in pieces of your memory as your character tries to do new things, and each new experience has the potential to cement a part of your character’s personality. The world itself is also begging to be explored: the Skyless World is a monstrous space station with an unknown purpose. Each choice your characters make will draw them deeper into the world, and have ripple effects on the world around them.
If you want a unique method of character generation, and a truly breathtaking reading experience, I recommend Nbiru.
Games I have Recommended in the Past
Apocalypse Roadtrip, by Mynar Lenahan.
Songs for the Dusk, by Kavita Poduri
ICON, by Massif Press.
Ultraviolet Grasslands, by Wizardtheiffighter.
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taylorannnx · 5 months
Oh Gosh I've Released A Lot Of Games This Year & Other Thoughts by Taylor Navarro
We're just over half way through February and I've released two new games, "re-released" a game, and I've been actively promoting my Kickstarter for about a week now. That's a lot of work! So let's elevator pitch my TTRPGs because I'm very proud of them all :D
Chefs de Partie
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Need a breather from your RPG campaign? Make your characters cook together using this cosy one page minigame! (Examples of how to integrate with other TTRPGs included). Grab it on DriveThruRPG for $4.95 (options for 50% and 100% off available).
Constellation Crafting: Chaos Mode
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Someone can't make it to session? Doing some worldbuilding? Want an RP warm up? Make your own zodiac in less than 15 minutes in this chaotic one-page dice-rolling game for 1-9 players! Grab it on itch.io here for $2 (free community copies available).
Dice of Life
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This one-page TTRPG is an emotionally heavy exploration of parenthood, isolation, and the crushing, repetitive nature of too many pulls on your attention. Get it for Pay What You Want on itch.io.
Not Yet
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Not Yet is a romantic duet TTRPG based on the "just missed them" and "right person, wrong time" tropes where you and your partner attempt to defy the odds to meet one another. This will be my first ever Kickstarter (and game with physical copies!) so if you liked the yellow umbrella saga of How I Met Your Mother, please sign up to the pre-launch page so you're notified when crowdfunding goes live!
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pb-dot · 2 months
Introducing: The Thereafter Release Newsletter
Big news everybody! As of today, I open up for subscriptions to the Thereafter release newsletter, which is the method I have chosen to release my serial novel Thereafter. The first chapter is slated to be released on May 1st at 13:00 GMT, with subsequent chapters coming out on the 1st and 15th every month until I change the schedule or the story is done. Back-of-the-book-brief and a bit of a Q&A below the cut
The year he turned 13, Michael Sørstrand saved the world of the Molefolk from the tyranny of the Lightlord and his armies. It’s been mostly downhill for him after that. Now, 20 years later, Michael finds himself spirited away by magic yet again. The world he finds himself in is stranger and more chaotic by a long shot than the serene caves of the Molefolk. Something defying description has destroyed the world of the Molefolk and countless other magical worlds. The survivors and refugees of these innumerable worlds that have banded together in the ramshackle town of Therafter, built from what parts of their worlds they could salvage. It is here they have called upon Michael to once again take on the mantle of hero to provide hope and inspiration for the disparate masses of survivors. The good news? The wizards and warlocks in charge of Thereafter have managed to summon three other heroes through the void between worlds. The bad news? They’re all messed up in their own, unique ways, and they don’t play particularly well with others, either. Now, Michael and his fellow ex-heroes must rediscover what heroism they once had, find peace with each other and themselves, and ask what it means to be heroes in an imperfect world. They’ll have their work cut out for them. The city of Thereafter is rife with desperate crime and runaway magic, and the calamity that shattered the countless worlds is still out there, somewhere.
Q: Is there any cost associated with subscribing to the story of Thereafter?
A: Subscribing to the Thereafter story release newsletter is free and will remain free for the duration. If I get enough subscribers that staying on the buttondown free plan becomes unfeasible (100+ subscribers), I will open a patreon or similar crowdfunding page to help pay for the costs associated with the upgrade to a paid plan.
Q: Why are you sending this story out there for free?
A: At a point in my work on the first draft of His Impossible Brushstrokes I realized that I love writing too much to put writing entirely on pause while I edit Brushstrokes and The Clockwork Boy. Rather than get started on yet another manuscript to try to sell to an open-minded indie publisher, I decided to just get some of my writing out there.
Q: Why Buttondown?
A: I did some light research on the topic of newsletter services, and found Buttondown's approach to be the most promising for a small operation like mine. The first tier of paid plans is also more reasonable than what substack can offer.
Q: Does Thereafter have an age limit?
A: As I'm not a children's developmental psychologist, I feel ill-equipped to answer this question. I will however say that Thereafter is a story intended for mature audiences, both in that coarse language and references to sexual acts as well as not-insignificant descriptions of violence feature prominently, but also in that the feeling of being an adult and the often painful contrast with the potential of youth is a pivotal part of the narrative. As such, I suggest "adulthood" as the recommended reading age.
Q: Will you tag potentially upsetting material?
To the best of my ability, yes. I can't guarantee I'll catch every single one, but I will do my best, and I'll do my best to amend any glaring omissions in the archived posts.
Q: Speaking of archival, how will that work?
Buttondown archives every mail sent out, and I will post archived chapters to my Cohost under the tag Thereafter Chapters a week after they go out. This way, the Newsletter is the primary source for new chapters, while allowing for multiple ways of back reading depending on individual preferences.
Q: What's your stance on fanworks, remixes, and similar works?
Thereafter is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike license, which is to say that you're free to make works based on or remixing anything in it, provided you do attribute the source, make no money off it, and make your work available under the same license. On a less legalese level, I adore fanworks, but I will personally not read fanfiction of my work as I'm worried about picking up ideas, concepts or interpretations from these subconsciously. I should also mention that I am not super strict about these things, just smack a Thereafter tag in there (and maybe @ me if you feel brave and cool) and we're gravy.
Q: How might your readers interact with you and the community?
Buttondown does not feature a comment section to the best of my knowledge, but I encourage anyone who has thoughts or something to say about the chapters to give the #Thereafter tag here or on cohost some love. If you have questions or a message for the author, contact me here on Tumblr, or on the aforementioned Cohost. I respond to tagged posts, Asks, DMs if we're moots, or you seem legit, the whole bag.
Q: Would you fight 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?
Ok, this is getting silly, time to wrap it up. (The 100 duck-sized horses, easily. Horses are flesh machines made to break in stupid ways, ducks remember being dinosaurs and giving them a chance to relive the glory days seem like a massive mistake.)
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rpgsandbox · 4 months
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Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth
Explore hidden tombs and uncover powerful secrets! Defy danger as you race to discover forgotten artifacts and prevent nefarious forces from exploiting them!
Mystery awaits, and sometimes, the answers we seek can only be found in shadow…
In this officially licensed tabletop RPG you play members of the Truth Seekers: contemporaries of Lara Croft who strive to reveal long-hidden knowledge and thwart those who would steal and exploit artifacts for their own gains. It is a game of action, exploration, and self-discovery. Face perilous challenges and tough choices as you learn what it takes to be a hero.
Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth requires 3-6 players, pencils, paper, the rulebook, and at least six 6-sided dice in order to play. 
Your group will collectively create their Team using one of the Team Playbooks and then build individual Team members choosing from the Crafter, Scholar, Hunter, Companion, Legacy, Changed, and Reclaimer. One player, the Keeper of Truths, describes the dynamic and compelling world around the Team as they all make the connections which bring the adventure to life. 
Collect Truths and draw upon your Maps, Aid, and Lore to boost your rolls as you race to enter the Final Tomb!
The Truth is hidden. The Truth is dangerous. And in the end, the power of Truth is what we make it.
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Based on the hit franchise from Crystal Dynamics, Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth will be a 8.5 x 11 full-color hardcover containing rules, advice, and adventures for both Seekers and Keepers alike. Currently under development in-house at Evil Hat, a public playtest will launch soon and crowdfunding in service of its production is expected in 2025.
To stay tuned to further announcements about the game, including the upcoming playtest, make sure to join the Society of Raiders on the official franchise website here.
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graphicpolicy · 7 months
Crowdfunding Corner: Oni Press Presents ODB: Oddities, Discord, & B-Sides - Lyrical Ruckus in the City
Crowdfunding Corner: Oni Press Presents ODB: Oddities, Discord, & B-Sides - Lyrical Ruckus in the City #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel #kickstarterreads #odb
Backer Beware: Crowdfunding projects are not guaranteed to be delivered and/or delivered when promised. We always recommend to do your research before backing. Oni Press presents ODB: Oddities, Discord, & B-Sides – Lyrical Ruckus in the City – a volatile, genre-defying homage to hip-hop icon Ol’ Dirty Bastard that reimagines New York City’s Five Boroughs through the eyes of the maverick MC and…
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chaostexture · 1 year
As I write this, we are 13 hours away from the end of our first funding campaign. I say first because this will most certainly not be the last.
To say that the last two months have been draining would be the understatement of the year. I had no idea what running a funding campaign for a microscopic visual novel would be like, but it still somehow managed to defy my expectations.
So, let's wrap. I want to talk (vent) about the campaign — what are some good things we did, what are some things I'd like to avoid doing in the future? If I can help another small indie developer out with this, then that's the cherry on top.
I want to start by focusing on what we did right. To start, at the time of writing, we raised a total (before IGG's split) of $390. I am so very grateful for every cent, especially when I consider it's $390 less that I have to pull out of my paychecks to make this thing happen.
I think making the campaign flex funding was one of the best decisions I could've made here. In no reality were we going to actually raise $10,000 in our first campaign. So, while we don't have enough to actually make the full game right now, we have enough to get the ball rolling and make *something,* which is a lot better than nothing.
I also must thank the few creators who took the time to make content based on the demo. It was very fun to see other people play. I do wish there were more, but I'll take what I can get right now.
I have to admit, because this series is so important to me, I have always had a problem accepting that very few others care about it. So, because I can honestly say we have a fantastic product with brilliant art and a compelling storyline, it hurt knowing that very few others seemed to agree.
In all reality, I know it's less that they disagree and more that they have no idea we exist. This is valid. Where I struggle is knowing how to efficiently let them know we exist without spending my weight in gold in ad revenue, which isn't even guaranteed to work.
All this to say ... we had a total of 17 downloads of the free demo. I would scream to the heavens that we had a free demo, and yet I still had people telling me they had no idea we had a demo. I don't want to think the worst of people but at some point I have to ask if it's my communication skills or their lack of attention span.
I also think we had no business trying to raise $10,000 on our first campaign. I mean, sure — there are some creators who can pull that off, but I have never been one of them. It doesn't make sense that would change now. I should've made the goal closer to $500 or $1000, because then it'd at least look like it was closer to success.
ALSO — the spam. THE SPAM. I never imagined how thick the spam would be; how many people I would have to block on FB to the point where I now second guess myself any time the Chaos Texture page gets a direct message. It could be someone genuinely wondering how we're doing. It's more than likely, however, a spammer.
In any case, if you were to ask me if I would do this again I would laugh and tell you 'no.' It's not worth the mental anguish, the stress and the constant, unending self doubt. I almost burned bridges that I didn't mean to burn during these two months, and it was all because I got in my own head and let doubt persevere. No. I may open up a Patreon for the studio, but ... the next time I'll even consider doing a crowdfunding campaign via KickStarter or IndieGoGo is when we have an established fanbase, and even then I'll be cautious.
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In any case, stay tuned for future development updates as they're made.
James David Herd Creative Director || Chaos Texture
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pay-it-now · 2 years
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Only 5 days remain to get your pledges in!
This is your opportunity to 'own shares' in one of New Zealand's leading blockchain companies. We're giving our community members & early supporters the chance to buy a piece of #Pay_It_Now at the ground floor
Visit https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/.../522-takeoff-media-ltd-pay... to find out more
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davinosoftvn · 1 year
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DavinoSoft là đơn vị chuyên tư vấn thiết kế và phát triển phần mềm theo yêu cầu (Custom Software Development). Chúng tôi cung cấp đầy đủ các dịch vụ từ phân tích, thiết kế, triển khai và vận hành phần mềm bao gồm Web App và Mobile App. Các lĩnh vực trọng tâm gồm:
Fintech: P2P Lending, Crowdfunding, Exchange, E-Wallet, E-Commerce, Binary Option (BO), Digital Transformation, Blockchain (Cryptocurrency, DeFi, NFT, Supply Chain).
Social Media: Social Community (mạng xã hội), Social Publishing (đăng tải và chia sẻ tài liệu, nhạc, video, hình ảnh…), Social Commerce.
DavinoSoft áp dụng mô hình Agile để tối ưu hoá thời gian, chi phí phát triển và đảm bảo chất lượng, tiến độ cao nhất cho sản phẩm. Chúng tôi làm việc với lòng nhiệt huyết, sáng tạo và thái độ cầu tiến trong từng dự án. Thành công của khách hàng là sứ mệnh và cũng chính là thành công của đội ngũ DavinoSoft.
Liên hệ với chúng tôi:
địa chỉ: No7C liền kề 19, khu đất dịch vụ Vạn Phúc, Hà Đông, Hà Nội.
điện thoại: 0966 858 853
website: https://davinosoft.com.vn
map: https://goo.gl/maps/xGYFjaCvdwDeVWEm7
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Dunitech Soft Solutions Pvt Ltd is pleased to announce its most recent foray into the world of Defi Crowdfunding. Defi Crowdfunding is a ground-breaking new method of raising capital for businesses and projects. It is a decentralised, open-source platform that allows anyone to invest in projects and businesses without using traditional financial intermediaries. This new type of crowdfunding has grown in popularity in recent years, and Dunitech Soft Solutions Pvt Ltd is proud to be at the cutting edge of this cutting-edge technology.
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charledaniel · 14 hours
Blockchain Integration: Transforming Industries with Decentralized Solutions
Originally associated with money-making systems like bitcoins and alike, a blockchain is today a technology that has refaced industries all over the world. ” Blockchain application already intentionally spans across all domains of business activities, including finance, supply chain, and so on, providing decentralized solutions in terms of transparency, security, and operation efficiency. This writing aims to discuss how blockchain is transforming different industries as well as the future of digital change. 
 Understanding Blockchain Technology 
 In simplest terms, a blockchain is an open ledger that is distributed across a system, which maintains all the transactions. Each transaction, or block, is attached to the previous one through cryptography, hence the name ‘block-chain’. This distributed ledger technology guarantees openness, integrity, and credibility in the acquisition system but is devoid of the centerman. 
 Transforming Finance: Beyond Cryptocurrencies 
 Although digital coins like Bitcoin brought blockchain into people’s awareness, blockchain has penetrated the finance field much deeper now. The characteristics hence, include; Faster cross-border payment and reduced risk, Lower transaction costs, P2P lending, and crowdfunding. There is rising innovation of financial institutions in the use of blockchain in clearing and settlement, increasing service efficiency and standards. 
 Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management 
 In supply chain management, blockchain enhances the flow of every supply chain activity from procurement of raw materials to delivery of the end product by ensuring that any transaction carried out is recorded on the ledger and cannot be changed. Such transparency assists in noting the areas that require improvements, reduces cases of fraud, and promotes the right sourcing. Big firms such as Walmart and IBM are already using blockchain technology to increase supply chain security and consumer confidence. 
 Improving Data Protection and Privacy 
 The issue of data protection is paramount in the modern world given that there are many reported cases of data leakage. Cryptographic approaches are inherent to the Blockchain, while its structure implies decentralization, creating solid solutions for data security and users’ anonymity. Thus, blockchain eliminates the dangers tied to centralized storage and unauthorized entry by decentralizing storage and encrypting deals. 
Australia’s strategy to strengthen its digital identity and authentication methods 
 Digital IDs anchored on blockchain technology address the issue of ID management in that every person has full control over their identity. To access some of the content, users can block anyone from accessing their data without going through third-party services to get verified hence minimizing the issue of identity theft, and easing the process of verifying identities. Governments and various enterprises are using blockchain for ID, healthcare records, and voting. 
 This means that while realizing Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications (DApps) 
 Smart contracts are digital contracts embedded in blockchain platforms that run automatically on codified processes. These contracts simplify actions and make like stick to terms without the necessity for middlemen, saving money and being more open. DApps based on blockchain allow P2P transactions, DeFi, new digital services in numerous industries, and others. 
 The Function of Platforms such as Bermuda Unicorn 
 The realization of blockchain integration can be seen in platforms like Bermuda Unicorn where Virtual Spaces for Marketplaces of NFTs and applications such as 3D Microblogging bring together Neuroscience explains. Therefore, leveraging blockchain’s decentralized structure, Bermuda Unicorn increases transparency in the ownership history of digitized art and global market possibilities for artists and investors. 
 Future Outlook and Challenges 
 However, there are many opportunities blockchain holds in terms of revolutionizing different fields in the further, but the difficulties also stay. Four issues that guide the popularity of employing cloud computing are scale, legal requirements, compatibility, and the environment. Blockchain technology, as it is developed and shared among stakeholders, holds the promise of propelling technological progress and proactive realignment of business and organizational structures around the world toward decentralized structures. 
 Thus, it can be noted that the integration of blockchain is a revolution in the management of industries as well as collaboration and Innovation in this period of digitalization. Through harnessing decentralized approaches, it is possible to increase the effectiveness and credibility of various industries that are connected with finance, logistics, health care, and others. The next few years for companies like Bermuda Unicorn are very promising for the development of Virtual Space and usage of blockchain technologies as well as increasing the shares of decentralized systems in the world’s digital transformations. 
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barmudaunicorn · 1 day
Blockchain Integration: Transforming Industries with Decentralized Solutions
Originally associated with money-making systems like bitcoins and alike, a blockchain is today a technology that has refaced industries all over the world. ” Blockchain application already intentionally spans across all domains of business activities, including finance, supply chain, and so on, providing decentralized solutions in terms of transparency, security, and operation efficiency. This writing aims to discuss how blockchain is transforming different industries as well as the future of digital change. 
 Understanding Blockchain Technology 
 In simplest terms, a blockchain is an open ledger that is distributed across a system, which maintains all the transactions. Each transaction, or block, is attached to the previous one through cryptography, hence the name ‘block-chain’. This distributed ledger technology guarantees openness, integrity, and credibility in the acquisition system but is devoid of the centerman. 
 Transforming Finance: Beyond Cryptocurrencies 
 Although digital coins like Bitcoin brought blockchain into people’s awareness, blockchain has penetrated the finance field much deeper now. The characteristics hence, include; Faster cross-border payment and reduced risk, Lower transaction costs, P2P lending, and crowdfunding. There is rising innovation of financial institutions in the use of blockchain in clearing and settlement, increasing service efficiency and standards. 
 Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management 
 In supply chain management, blockchain enhances the flow of every supply chain activity from procurement of raw materials to delivery of the end product by ensuring that any transaction carried out is recorded on the ledger and cannot be changed. Such transparency assists in noting the areas that require improvements, reduces cases of fraud, and promotes the right sourcing. Big firms such as Walmart and IBM are already using blockchain technology to increase supply chain security and consumer confidence. 
 Improving Data Protection and Privacy 
 The issue of data protection is paramount in the modern world given that there are many reported cases of data leakage. Cryptographic approaches are inherent to the Blockchain, while its structure implies decentralization, creating solid solutions for data security and users’ anonymity. Thus, blockchain eliminates the dangers tied to centralized storage and unauthorized entry by decentralizing storage and encrypting deals. 
Australia’s strategy to strengthen its digital identity and authentication methods 
 Digital IDs anchored on blockchain technology address the issue of ID management in that every person has full control over their identity. To access some of the content, users can block anyone from accessing their data without going through third-party services to get verified hence minimizing the issue of identity theft, and easing the process of verifying identities. Governments and various enterprises are using blockchain for ID, healthcare records, and voting. 
 This means that while realizing Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications (DApps) 
 Smart contracts are digital contracts embedded in blockchain platforms that run automatically on codified processes. These contracts simplify actions and make like stick to terms without the necessity for middlemen, saving money and being more open. DApps based on blockchain allow P2P transactions, DeFi, new digital services in numerous industries, and others. 
 The Function of Platforms such as Bermuda Unicorn 
 The realization of blockchain integration can be seen in platforms like Bermuda Unicorn where Virtual Spaces for Marketplaces of NFTs and applications such as 3D Microblogging bring together Neuroscience explains. Therefore, leveraging blockchain’s decentralized structure, Bermuda Unicorn increases transparency in the ownership history of digitized art and global market possibilities for artists and investors. 
 Future Outlook and Challenges 
 However, there are many opportunities blockchain holds in terms of revolutionizing different fields in the further, but the difficulties also stay. Four issues that guide the popularity of employing cloud computing are scale, legal requirements, compatibility, and the environment. Blockchain technology, as it is developed and shared among stakeholders, holds the promise of propelling technological progress and proactive realignment of business and organizational structures around the world toward decentralized structures. 
 Thus, it can be noted that the integration of blockchain is a revolution in the management of industries as well as collaboration and Innovation in this period of digitalization. Through harnessing decentralized approaches, it is possible to increase the effectiveness and credibility of various industries that are connected with finance, logistics, health care, and others. The next few years for companies like Bermuda Unicorn are very promising for the development of Virtual Space and usage of blockchain technologies as well as increasing the shares of decentralized systems in the world’s digital transformations. 
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