#defending the person attacking deuxmoi
awesomefringey · 2 months
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goldenfharry · 2 years
🌌The questions were disrespectful. Yes. Stern is someone who has said many things that are incredibly disrespectful to many of people. Long before any of you were born.
Do not think I am invalidating yours, or anyone’s reasons to not like him. I’m not. I, even, wrote “I don’t care for Stern”.
If I were defending Stern from his past behavior then, I would had absolved him entirely from his wrongs, and wrote something that echoed the GP’s reactions to Harries’ responses of the shows content, such as “Stop overacting”.
I didn’t. I said not to “falsely accuse him of saying things he didn’t say” during a specific segment when there’s evidence that clearly shows that those claims never happened.
That repeated action of falsifying reality does make many people not take fans claims of someone subtly attacking/ being a threat to Harry serious, especially when there’s a situation where those claims are legitimate.
It’s similar to The Boy Who Cried Wolf. When the time comes where you are telling the absolute truth, regarding something, due to your past habit of over exaggerating material, people will either ignore or completely refuse to believe you. Evenmore, that awful person WILL use your past of over exaggerating against you to vilify you as a liar.
Women who Harry has been linked to/ claimed to be dating were questionable characters.
But a lot of fans did have the tendency to group all of them together, and paint them as if they were ALL the Mistress of Satan, when they weren’t. Things were exaggerated to get others to know that those specific women were not as the media made them. However, if fans would had simply allowed for those particular people’s character and past actions to speak for itself; they would had seen that it would had been more than enough to expose them for the people that they actually were.
They were problematic. However, their problematic behaviors differed, and should had been addressed and treated uniquely.
For instance, Camille’s costume of Sharon Tate was grossly inappropriate, as well as her appraisal of Polanski. Some fans did over exaggerate those actions, and made it seem as if Camille was right there, with the Mason Girls, singing, twirling, and smearing hate speech in pig’s blood on the door, while the murders happened.
Rather than allow for her costume to be addressed for being offensive to Sharon, and all victims, and their families who have been affected by the Mason Cult.
For Caroline… I didn’t know Harry yet; I don’t know, personally, how everything was received by fans during that time.
However, I did see how some fans celebrated her suicide as “karma for being with a child”.
Don’t do that. Even though her, and Lucy, fooling around with a CHILD was very wrong (I don’t care about consent laws, as one could tell his mental status wasn’t fully developed to throughly understand the weight of all that) celebrating one’s death isn’t the way to convince people that this person isn’t who they think they are. Let their actions and character speak for themselves. It was enough to make you all realize something wasn’t right. For those who truly care about morality and justice, that evidence would suffice for them to see the truth, as well.
Now you have a situation where he is linked to one woman, who is a personification of every villainous claim/imagination Harries feared for him to be with…. and your frustrations and worries are falling on deaf ears, as the GP, and, even, Harries within the fandom aren’t taking you seriously, since they’ve heard and seen these responses before when the situation wasn’t that bad.
Harry and EACH OF YOU WILL be vilified after this by Olivia to gain the public’s sympathy. You glimpsed that last week.
You all saw how Olivia threw deuxmoi and her fans under the bus to escape accountability and victimize herself. You don’t think that Olivia is not planning to use fans’ past exaggerated claims of women he’s been linked to in the past as a tactic to play victim to the public, to solidify her lies? She used her kids to justify her stalking him and avoid accountability; she’s going to use EACH of you to justify her victim narrative of:“See! Harries are so evil! Their vicious lies and smear campaign tanked my film! They forced him and I apart! And he didn’t defend me once!”
Hell, Florence is going to be vilified more for DWD flopping, which is why Florence has washed her hands from the project and secured roles that discredits Olivia’s future lies of “Florence’s acting not being enough to tell the story as it should had been properly told.”
Don’t further legitimatize Olivia’s vilification claims of Harry and his fandom by over exaggerating/falsifying reality, thereby losing credibility.
Another anon (thank you for your insight) further elaborated more on the situation and explained how if those questions were deemed as disrespectful to Harry, he sure as shit wouldn’t had allowed for them to be asked.
Harry is FIERCELY protective of his family, both biological and chosen. I mean, him having that picture a fan took of him with Anne and Robin visiting a doctor’s office in London during Robin’s chemo treatment proved how much he values privacy for the ones he loves. That fan was detailing how they were worried about something serious happening within his family, since the offices were for doctors who specialized in cancer treatment. She was met with critics, but some did ask what she all saw, in which she described Robin having lost visible weight and him using a Harry’s newsboy hat to disguise the his hair loss.
For whomever posted that, as well as the people who saw the fan pic and story of it: Yes Harry saw that pic and discussion happening. He was the one responsible for all of that being erased from the internet.
The world saw how he defended Caroline and, supposedly, handled the fan who was targeting Camille.
I wrote supposedly as some people have said that that didn’t happen, as the girl claimed, while others said it did. If someone could clarify, it’d be greatly appreciated.
If Harry felt upset by any of the questions most of you were offended by, then he wouldn’t had returned to Stern; instead choosing a different show to be interviewed on.
For the anon who explained before and ✂️; thank you so much for further elaborating. Readers: do listen to them as they, as well as others I’ve read, KNOW what they’re talking about. Don’t just depend on me to explain things. These anons here are to be trusted, as they’ve shared the exact same insight, as I have and we have never met.
I’ll talk to you all soon.
Okay, this one is regarding the whole discussion about Howard and a little bit more of 🌌 anon's perspective! And once again, wise words. The whole Robin's situation... That's just heartbreaking. I also think that the Camille's situation actually happened. Then again, can't 100% confirm it.
"If Harry felt upset by any of the questions most of you were offended by, then he wouldn’t had returned to Stern; instead choosing a different show to be interviewed on." I think it's important to highlight this!
(🌌 anon, thank you for contacting me about his! I'm so sorry, but every time that Boss Man moves, my inbox gets chaotic, so this one was also lost. If this happens, don't hesitate to remind me of your ask! I will gladly search it and post it. Once again, I apologize! 💛)
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talkingharrystyles · 3 years
Deuxmoi speak so much shit
They’ve proved over and over again they have no idea what they are saying. First they post a badly photoshopped image, then covered it up by saying they are ‘super serious.’ Then they posted a photo of Hamille saying it was holivia; then they attacked the person who sent… even though that person proved them right.
They also said they had it ‘confirmed’ H had a special guest for the Long Island show… guess what absolutely nothing
They also couldn’t defend holivia in their podcast and just looked absolutely pathetic
Do not trust a page that posts any BS they get sent. And when people admit to sending in fake stories and they get published
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tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
Aside from “Bella Hadid stan,” which other sims personality should we add? I feel swifties are definitely a personality too.
- Bella Hadid stan
- Swifties
- Harries
- Beehive
- Selenators
- Barbz
- Army
- Robin Williams stans
- Larries/Kaylors/ whatever you call the Benadryl Cucumber and Martin Freeman shippers
- Haylors/Holivians/Robsten/Jelena shippers
- Tomadaya shippers cause they’re also a separate personality
- MCU stans
- I don’t see color
- I don’t see gender
- Utah Disney stans
- Other Disney stans
- Potterheads
- Game of Thrones/ Attack on Titan stans
- Metalheads
- Star Wars fans
- Depp defenders
- Deuxmoi merch owners
- Deuxmoi sub members
- Kardashian apologist
- MLM salesmen
- I play video games (only owns Animal Crossing)
- Yeezy stans
- foreign kpop stans
- Studio Ghibli stans
- Obsessed with astrology
- Does tarot as a hobby
- LA spiritual white people
- New York stans
- Kyrie Irving
- I watch football but can only name Ronaldo, Messi and Beckham
- obsessed and romanticize old hollywood
- Joe Exotic apologist
- Democrat is a personality trait
- Fidel Castro stans
- Republican is a personality trait
- socially liberal, fiscally conservative
- liberal arts major
- finance/economics/business major
- engineering major
- coachella apologist
- Michael Jordan is overrated
- Jane Campion (yes she’s a separate personality trait)
Euphoria stans
Riverdale stans
Hamilton stans
Jameela Jamil
Edit 2:
Bella/Harry shippers
MCU haters
Edit 3:
“MILFS” for Twilight
I’m an adult who hated and online bullied a 13 year old Justin Bieber
anti Brie Larson
Daenerys apologist
Stannis stans
The Last Jedi stans
The Last Jedi ruined everything about Star Wars
Norwegian Wood stans
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awesomefringey · 2 months
“I despise deuxmoi” continues to defend her???? do you not understand that women does not deserve respect AT ALL. She doesn’t deserve any respect to not be “attacked” or called out in personal matters. She has quite literally made the lives of celebrities, including our fav, living hell. She’s an awful terrible person and the fact that you’re sitting here defending that she deserves ANY ounce of respect is beyond me
Yep. We are different here. I don’t think this is how you sort a problem. I don’t need to become disrespectful to a disrespectful person. And this isn’t only about DM, it’s about how we treat people online, how we invite cyber bullying, and of course, how we as a fandom are being portrayed by DM to the GP. I’m not sure I want to be associated with that anon.
I have learned that my words are the most impactful when I’m kind, when I focus on what my reasons are and how I feel. (I’m not saying it never happens, I’m impulsive af.) But at best I don’t open with speculations on the other one’s personal life and how I think they should behave at a certain age.
And maybe I read it all wrong, as some of you said to me, and it was a super general statement to address her maturity. How come, you’re telling me any disrespect against DM is okay and then the other side tells me, I got it wrong and there’s no harm intended?
To me, DMs intentions by posting it, are to show how rude and unhinged Harry’s TPWK fans are, and I’m sure her followers won’t read beyond the first three sentences and might get the same idea.
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