#deepspacedukat fics
deepspacedukat · 2 years
I just...I had an idea and I had to write it. In my defense, Shran pinned me to the wall and made me. 👉👈 🥺 Set during Season 5 which never came to fruition, in which Shran is a member of the Enterprise crew. Listen, my brain goes places when AO3 is down...
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Thy’lek Shran (ST:ENT) x Reader
[A/N: This is just fluff. Nothing constructive or useful to say here this time.]
Warnings: Interspecies kissing, human/Andorian kissing, made up Andorian culture stuff for the purposes of flirting (but hopefully it’s plausible?), it’s implied that they’ve been pining for like 3-4 whole seasons so it’s time for them to make out, mutual pining, they both think their feelings are unrequited, but they’re idiots.
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To say we’d had a bumpy landing was an understatement. There was some sort of interference in the atmosphere of the planet we were attempting to scout out, and the shuttle I was in with Commander Shran came crashing to a halt after the engines died. We’d both been startled and a little rattled by our rather unexpected descent, but apart from a few bruises we were ultimately uninjured.
We gave the shuttle a quick once over from inside and found that external sensors and our communications array were the only things that appeared to be working. Enterprise wouldn’t be at our rendezvous point for at least another twenty four hours, so all we had to do was survive until then. Easy.
Or so I thought. Checking the external sensors, we found that the temperature outside the shuttle cabin was well below freezing. A fact that would be no problem for the Commander, but for my human physiology, I knew I’d have to be a little more careful when the cold started leeching inside.
“Well, look at it this way, Lieutenant, you might get a preview of what Andoria is like,” Shran quipped as we checked our emergency supplies. Something shiny landed beside me, and when I looked, I saw the silvery sheen of a thermal blanket. “You’ll need this much more quickly than I will.”
I could hear amusement dripping from his every syllable. Playfully nudging him with my elbow, I shook my head and started setting up the distress beacon with a warning about the atmospheric interference so that Enterprise could find us when it eventually came back.
The Commander and I passed several hours busying ourselves with various small tasks around the shuttle before eventually settling in to wait. I took a seat at the back of the shuttle with a data PADD, tapping away at a preliminary analysis of whatever the hell kind of interference was in the planet’s atmosphere. 
“I admire your dedication, but I think there’ll be plenty of time to finish that back on Enterprise,” Shran said as he took a seat beside me and offered me a glass of something blue. Andorian ale, perhaps? But where the hell had he gotten that? I raised an eyebrow in silent curiosity, but he proffered no explanation. Fair enough. Setting my PADD aside, I accepted the glass from him with a quiet nod of gratitude. He tapped his glass gently against mine - a gesture he’d picked up from the Captain - and we both lifted our drinks to our lips. “You’ve been quiet tonight. I was going to surprise you with this next month, but I thought maybe you could use a drink after today.”
“Why, thank you, Commander. You’re always so attentive to your officers’ needs,” I noted as I swirled the remaining liquid in my glass. Being in close proximity to him always made me fidgety. I could only hope that he wouldn’t notice. When his arm nudged mine, I looked over at him to find him already watching me with a smile across his mouth.
“I think it’s safe for us to drop the formalities, don’t you?” The soft rasp in his tone felt smoother than the ale he’d poured for me and a great deal more satisfying. A murmur of my name from him sent my heart thudding in my chest, and I wondered a bit belatedly just how strong this Andorian style alcohol was. He’d said my name before, so why was the sound of it affecting me so much more now than it usually did? Maybe it was the relative calm inside the shuttle or maybe it was the lack of other crewmen in close proximity. “Is it still alright if I call you that?”
“Of course. Are you still alright with me calling you Thy’lek?” I asked catching myself staring at his lips for about the thousandth time since we met.
“You know you never have to ask,” he said refilling his glass and mine when they were both empty. Despite the pleasant warmth that spread through my limbs from the ale, a few hours later it became clear that the cold had begun to seep in just as we’d both anticipated. I hadn’t even noticed that I’d pressed my side against Shran’s until he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and his voice sounded from much closer than I remembered. “Need that thermal blanket?”
“Not yet. Maybe in a couple of hours, but right now I’m alright.” I was almost proud of how steady I sounded despite the Commander’s nearness. Coaxing my empty glass carefully from my fingers, he set both vessels down and drew me to lean more fully against him.
“Then I’d suggest you try to get some sleep. I’ll take first watch.” Rest did seem like a tempting option. I started to protest that I was fine, but barely a few words in a yawn tore from my throat betraying just how exhausted I was. Ceding to the wisdom of his suggestion, I staunchly ignored the blush heating my cheeks and rested my head on Shran’s shoulder. Sleep found me much easier than I’d ever admit. Within moments I was out like a light.
The cold seemed to be all around me, with the exception of one warm spot. Nuzzling sleepily into it, I practically purred at the feeling of heat brushing up against my face. A deep, rumbling sound shook the...whatever I was resting on, and blearily I forced my eyes open. When I did, though, all I was met with was a wall of two blue shades. One I recognized instantly as the blue of a Starfleet uniform. The other was a little harder to place until I leaned back slightly and saw that my makeshift pillow was Commander Shran.
Oh shit. Had I just been pressing my face against his neck like a cat? Startled fully into consciousness, I sat up rather abruptly, carefully avoiding meeting Thy’lek’s eyes. I knew there would probably be disgust there, and honestly, I didn’t think I was strong enough to take that. Forcing myself to my feet, I went over to one of the few working consoles and checked the sensors. Everything seemed fine, and I’d slept for something like six hours. 
A murmur of my name from beside me startled me out of my thoughts. I hadn’t even heard Shran get up, but there he was looking at me all concerned. There was no hiding the way I jumped at the sound of his voice so close to me.
“Are you alright?” One of his hands rested lightly on my shoulder, and couldn’t help but look down at the point of contact. No doubt I had an expression of dumbfounded amazement on my face. Lifting his hand and brushing the backs of his knuckles lightly down my cheek, followed by the gentle caress of his gaze. Without a thought, I leaned into his touch. His other hand slid down to my waist, steadying me as he stepped closer. “You’re trembling.”
“Am I?” My voice came out as barely a breath. He nodded his head and started rubbing his hands up and down my arms.
Oh. He just thought I was cold. I mean, I was, but...I guessed he didn’t notice that it was his proximity that was causing me to shake. Why did that simultaneously relieve and disappoint me?
“If you’re ever going to visit Andoria, pretty girl, you’ll have to get used to being cold,” Shran said as a small smile wove across his lips. I tried my hardest to ignore the fact that we were practically sharing our breaths.
“I don’t mind being cold, but I wasn’t exactly dressed for sub-freezing temperatures.” I spoke through a huff of laughter as I started rubbing my fingers together to create some warming friction. At a hefty shiver from me - one actually due to the cold, this time - the Commander grasped my forearms and led me over to the little area we’d been using. He took a seat and eased me onto his lap. Grasping my hands, Thy’lek tucked them beneath the collar of his uniform. The warmth of his pulse beneath my fingers began seeping into my skin and I felt myself blushing at the intimacy of our position. Shran wrapped a thermal blanket around the two of us and settled his arms around my back to keep me steady.
“We can’t have you freezing, now can we?” Mischief and something else trickled into his tone. “You seem surprised.”
“Is this how you warm each other up on Andoria?” I asked hoping he couldn’t tell how flustered I was. His eyes skimmed lightly over my face, pausing over my lips. Surely I was imagining it. He’d done the same things dozens of times before, but he’d never been any more forward than that.
“Sometimes. Usually, though, this particular method is reserved for those we trust with our lives. Most commonly our families or those we see as prospective mates,” he explained, and my eyes went wide as I looked up at him. A thousand responses bubbled up in my throat, but what came out was measurably less steady than I’d intended.
“And in your considered opinion...do I fit into one of those categories?” I asked barely able to meet his gaze. A slow, intimate smile spread across his lips and beneath the thermal blanket we were wrapped up in, his hands drew me closer to his chest.
“You do. You always have, even if I haven’t exactly made my feelings obvious,” he murmured. I took a shaky breath and touched my forehead to his, allowing my eyelids to flutter closed. “Our loved ones are precious to us. To warm each other like this...to use the heat from our very blood...our life essence...that is the most intimate form of protection. You certainly don’t need it, but I very much want to be your defender, if you’ll allow me.”
His hands rubbed quietly up and down my back. My thumbs skimmed lightly over his thrumming pulse, and satisfaction rolled through me when I felt it speed up beneath my fingertips.
“I’d like that,” I admitted, almost too terrified to hope that we were on the same page. Tilting my head slightly, I let my lips brush over his. Shran’s hold on me tightened and he remained absolutely still as if he was afraid I would leave if he moved. With minimal hesitation, I closed what little distance was still between us and kissed him like I’d always wanted to.
When a signal from Enterprise crackled through the comm system, we were so wrapped up in each other that we almost didn’t hear it.
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A few of my fav fics if they were Penguin Classics
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@maybeamultiverse @deepspacedukat @theladygeneral @love-at-first-contact @emilie786 @bigblissandlove1
thanks @maybeamultiverse for the idea shared on discord. There will be many more added once I'm done compiling pdfs of the fics.
An Unusual Request art, Chintoka art, Tradition art, Emigre art, Holosuite 3 art, stock photos for the rest
made using the penguin classic cover generator
Master list other penguin classic covers, +
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crowfootwrites · 10 months
I got the idea for the first part of this fic, the interaction between reader and Senator Cretak, and it rooted itself so deeply in my brain that I could literally hear it in her voice (specifically Megan Cole's Cretak, who I am deeply in love with 😅). Anyway, here's another entry for the December Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging the folks I knew usually love that good Romulan shit! @deepspacedukat @bigblissandlove1 @sleepycat82 @starrynightgardens @horta-in-charge
Eaha'le translates to "sweetness" in Rihan.
December 8: Sweets (Senator Kimara Cretak x GN!Reader)
Warnings: none; pure fucking fluff; not beta'd we die like men. | Words: ~620
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“And, what did you say this was called again?” Kimara asked as she sat, slightly wide-eyed, at your mother’s kitchen table, the few brown crumbs dusting her lips begging you to kiss them off.
You laughed and wiped your floured hands on the towel slung over your shoulder before taking a seat across from her, the Christmas platter of shaped cookies resting between you.
“Gingerbread,” you reminded her.
“It is… spicy,” she murmured, reaching for another Human man-shaped cookie. “But also sweet.” She studied it intently before gingerly taking a bite.
She nodded thoughtfully. “This is excellent,” she mumbled around the cookie in her mouth.
More of your laughter bubbled over – while you never imagined you’d refer to a Romulan partner as “adorable”, Kimara’s curiosity was endearing and it made her all the more lovely to you.
You knew, of course, about the Senator’s penchant for sweets. In the time you’d known her, she’d never passed up an opportunity to try a new confection. She’d actually introduced you to jumja sticks after you’d arrived on Deep Space 9.
But being back in your family home on Earth for Christmas meant introducing Kimara to scads of novel, handmade Terran desserts – so far, there’d been some hits and some misses. She wasn’t a fan of sweet potato pie, which you’d lamented dramatically, or peanut butter fudge. But she’d eaten enough lemon bars to make herself sick and was “delighted” by the lightness of your profiteroles. Gingerbread, it would seem, was another hit.
“I’m glad you like it,” you offered. “It’s a pretty traditional Christmas dessert, around here anyway.”
A loud clinking carried across the kitchen as your mother entered, carrying a tilting stack of ceramic casserole dishes. She swore loudly as she caught her hip on the corner of the counter and dumped the pile of pans on the countertop in annoyance.
“I’m fixin’ to make my famous banana puddin’, Kimmy,” she divulged, leaning against the counter with one hand on her hip. You snorted lightly at your mother’s diminutive nickname for your dignified, Senate office-holding partner. Kimara glanced between you and your mother, her eyes still wide.
“Bananas are a sweet, custardy kind of fruit – and in banana pudding, you slice up bananas and layer them with cream and crispy vanilla cookies,” you filled in.
“And mine’s the best,” your mother added, fluffing her hair a bit. “Won the blue ribbon at the holiday bake-off for the last three years.”
“That sounds like an exceptional accomplishment,” Kimara replied earnestly, and you reached for her hand over the table to give it a squeeze. Her kindness never ceased to amaze you – it was unexpected from someone who’d previously described the Romulans’ “well-earned” arrogance to you.
“I look forward to trying it,” she added with a respectful incline of her head.
“Oh, you’re too sweet, Kimmy.” Your mother flushed and began making a racket as she shuffled her dishes around and started setting out ingredients.
A timer sounded from beside the oven and you ruefully pulled yourself from your Senator’s grasp to pull your thumbprint cookies out of the oven. Navigating around your mother’s chaos in the kitchen, you set your cookies to cool and poured a cup of tea each for you and Kimara. As you turned toward the table, you spotted her finishing her third gingerbread cookie and chided her softly.
“You’ll make yourself sick again,” you warned around a grin, setting the cups on the table and seating yourself beside your partner. 
This time you couldn’t help it, leaning in to kiss away the specks of gingerbread clinging to her soft lips, your eyes fluttering closed as she kissed you back, spice and sparks crackling to life between you. 
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within-its-cave · 1 month
Fic writer self-recs
Tagged by: @mrslittletall
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
Alrighty, I've only got 8 so let's see the lucky five. I'll be linking to all sites I've posted these on because my AO3 is restricted to registered user only
War and his Sword (AO3, Quotev, FFN) (Supernatural)
A very short (533 words) one-shot of War cleaning his sword and musing about weapons. Particularly about the memories they share with their wielders, and how you can tell a lot from a person based on how well they maintain their deadly dance partner. Also a bit of headcanon of how the Horsemen created their weapons and those weapons' importance to them.
In Which Pestilence Adopts a Child (AO3, Quotev) (Supernatural)
Despite the problems with it now (mind the A/N chapter), it holds a special place in my heart. It was my come back to writing. And how I enjoyed writing it! So much emotion and passion poured into it, and the way I did emotion at the time...I am still proud of it.
I am honestly afraid I won't do it justice in the rewrite, but it needs a rewrite. I need to finish telling Euthalia's story.
And a big thanks to @nuklearis-sutotok for inspiring me to get back into writing. I doubt this fic - or many of my other fics - would exist if not for him.
Hfihar Duvek (AO3, Quotev, FFN) (Star Trek)
My first completed multi-chapter work and the start of the ambitious Mahhoi'eri Temtactau series shared with @nuklearis-sutotok . This AU series is about Half-Romulan Leonard McCoy. This fic is about how his mother, Eleanora McCoy, ended up on Romulus and her struggles during the first year.
It is angsty. The third chapter kicked my ass emotionally. I am so proud of it and I want to reread it soon. Everything is so raw so felt...and yet with a ray of hope. This is a family who is trying despite their government.
Ahr'ehraet Hru'dheno (AO3, Quotev, FFN) (Star Trek TOS)
This fic continues the Mahhoi'eri Temtactau series. It's supposed to be the 3rd major work but I haven't got to write the in-between fic yet. It's still early in, but I am happy with it. It follows T'Anahos (my half-Romulan McCoy) in his struggles on Krik's Enterprise after having been under Pike. T'Ana's still got his personal demons to face, being an ex-Tal'Shiar Major and all.
And oh there will be angst. I cannot wait to get to certain episodes.
Also the title is in Romulan and means "the Chief of Security is Tired". Also that "dh" makes the "th" sound.
Surprise Adoption (AO3, Quotev, FFN) (Supernatural)
Ever wondered what would happen if Sam and Dean were adopted by the Four Horsemen as children? Now, there's a bit more context to this... Sam has desire manipulation on top of his demon blood powers and Dean as war manipulation with a bit of pyromancy. They accidentally kill John and so the Horsemen adopt them. This story follows how the series would change.
It's got angst (I love writing angst, can you tell?), and the boys adjust to their new lives and learn to trust the Horsemen. It's also still early on and in progress like Ehraet, and it currently has my focus, but I am proud of it so far and want to see it to the end.
Tagging: @nuklearis-sutotok @deepspacedukat @knighthoneybee @girlvinland and @just-a-sleepy-idiot
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uss-exile-ncc-440548 · 5 months
Hfihar Duvek: Complete Edition
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A/N: Cover art updated
I finally completed this fic yesterday and instead of posted the individual chapters I haven't yet here, I'm just going to post about its completion with the links.
Cover by the Major AKA @within-its-cave / @on-the-cave-walls
AO3 | Quotev | FFN
Characters: Eleanora McCoy, David McCoy AKA Pangaere Duvek, Toran, T'Auethn, Keras, Leonard McCoy AKA T'Anahos Duvek, and some OCs
Ships: Eleanora McCoy/David McCoy, Keras/T'Auethen
AU: Half-Romulan Leonard McCoy + Romulan David McCoy
Summary: The start of a series exploring the question “what if Leonard McCoy was half-Romulan?”. In which David McCoy, here known as Pangaere i-Rateg tr’Duvek, finds Eleanora after her ship, the USS Gryphon is left drifting through the Romulan Neutral Zone. An accidental violation. Allowing the crew to be spared so long as they behave… And giving Commander Pangaere ample time to know the Chief Engineer, Eleanora. Or would have. Unfortunately, the crew is not big on trusting Romulans.
Warnings/other tags: Angst, bittersweet ending
Chapter count: 5/5
Tagging: @deepspacedukat since you seemed interested in this AU
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toebeans-mcgee · 2 years
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Whew - Solok is hard to write and hard to draw. Why he gotta be such a little shit? (chap 4 of Stowaway is proving difficult 😤)
And I swear, I can’t recreate what I did for the Letant drawing 😩 - that was a happy accident and it turned out nice. Now, I feel like Vreenak and Solok are very controlled whereas the Letant one was sort of messy but it worked. Dammit. Letant deserves the special treatment anyway tho I guess. His face is so pretty.
Any who - who’s next? Shran 👀?
Also, thanks to @deepspacedukat for the thirst trap picture post to help fuel the fire for this drawing, @love-at-first-contact and @mikalero for their Solok fics inspiring this and my Solok fic too - you bunch of enablers 💚
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deepspacedukat · 2 months
Good Catch
This is just a little plot bunny that hopped into my brain. Literally no idea why, it just happened. So...enjoy! 😇
If anyone wants to be added to or removed from my taglist, let me know!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Vorik (ST:VOY) x Reader
[A/N: This is fluff with mild suggestiveness and a brief mention of a previous instance of Pon Farr.]
Warnings: Interspecies romance, Human/Vulcan romance, mild fear, idiots in love, both think their feelings are unrequited, mutual pining, angst, brief mention of past Pon Farr, spoilers for ST:VOY S3E16 "Blood Fever", mild spoilers for ST:VOY S4E1 "Scorpion Pt. 2", the beginning would make more sense if you watch S4E1 first but it's not entirely necessary, and I assume that you've seen "Blood Fever" if you're reading Vorik fanfics, so...🤷‍♀️, kissing, Vulcan hand-holding, touch telepathy, idk what else to put here because it's really just fluff.
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The tension on the ship was already palpable when the chaos started. Everyone was on edge because of our uneasy alliance with a Borg cube, wondering how long it would be before they turned on us and tried to assimilate Voyager. The fact that Species 8472 had turned out to be hostile as well did nothing to alleviate the crew's stress.
With enemies in front of and behind us, all we could do was try to prepare to the best of our ability. I just hoped it would be enough. Vorik had been silent on our way to Engineering for the start of our shift. The silence itself wasn't troubling - Vorik was often contemplative early in the day - but the small frown just barely pinching his brows together...that was worrying.
Inquiring about his well-being had earned me no more than a noncommittal, murmured deflection. All I could think to do was give him a gentle smile and rest one hand briefly on his shoulder. Shockingly, that seemed to help. His forehead relaxed, smoothing out into his usual, calm, neutral expression.
For the next few hours, I noted that whenever I glanced over at his station, the Ensign seemed to have retained whatever sense of ease he'd regained in the corridor that morning.
Soon, however, all thoughts outside of my duties were wiped away. Red alerts began blaring, and it was all hands on deck as we struggled to regain control of Voyager from the Borg.
I'd just begun to cross the second level to access a different terminal when the ship gave an almighty jolt. Before I could brace myself, I was thrown toward the warp core. The low railing struck my back, and I let out a yelp of pain and fear as I began to tumble over the side.
Instead of finding myself flattened or shattered by the fall, however, a vice-like grip on my arm stopped my momentum and tugged me against a sturdy, warm chest. I grabbed at the shoulders of my savior, trembling with residual shock. Only after the ship steadied itself did I manage to catch my breath and glance upward.
Looking down at me with a protectiveness that I had never before witnessed from him, Vorik's shining brown eyes met mine.
"Thank you," I managed to squeak out, but speaking seemed as difficult for him as I'd found it to be. Instead, he nodded his head once and pressed our foreheads carefully together. Vorik knew I was terrified of heights.
After a moment, though, we were forced to pull away from each other and go tend to our duties. Short-lived comfort was all we could manage at times like that. Being stuck in fluidic space after we'd been forced there by the last surviving Borg onboard Voyager was definitely not the right moment to become distracted by our personal tension, even if it had been growing for years.
I knew nothing would ever truly happen between us, though. If he'd seen me as a viable partner, Vorik would've approached me when his pon farr happened the year before. Instead he'd gone for B'Elanna Torres, and I'd forced myself to stay away from him.
I'd requested a transfer to the night shift so that I wouldn't be on duty at the same time as him, and the few moments where our schedules overlapped, I tried to find reasons to be busy in other places.
Yes, his interest in someone else had stung, so I decided that until my own stupid feelings cooled down a bit, I'd keep my distance. Mostly, I just didn't want to embarrass myself in front of him. After all, that Vulcan could read me like a book, and at that particular point, I didn't want him to ponder my emotional state too closely. If he hadn't caught on to the fact that I loved him prior to his pon farr, I certainly wasn't going to change that after he'd made his non-interest known.
I hadn't been rude to him in the aftermath, especially since he was being viewed so poorly by so many of the crew for attacking B'Elanna in engineering, but I hadn't gone out of my way to talk to him, either. The whole situation was a mess, and although I didn't want him to feel alone, I definitely wanted to limit the number of opportunities that I had to make an ass of myself.
Eventually, though, it all came to a head one morning when I'd just finished my shift. As I approached the hall where my quarters were, I saw a familiar head of fluffy back hair standing at attention outside my door.
"Vorik?" I called, and he looked quickly in my direction. Standing even straighter - a feat that I hadn't believed possible - the Ensign acted formally, as if he was addressing a superior officer.
"Ensign, forgive me for disturbing you at this hour, but I...had hoped to speak with you in private," he said in that low, gentle voice that I...oh, I'd missed him more than I anticipated! I blinked in surprise, and opened the door to my quarters, answering his question.
"Would you like some tea or water or something? I know you need to go on duty soon, and I have some extra replicator rations...?"
"Thank you, but no," he murmured as we made our way over to my sofa. We'd held many debates and conversations here over the years, but it had been something like two months since we'd been together like this. I took a seat, but when he remained standing, I looked up at him curiously. "May I?"
"Vorik, we've been friends since before we came aboard Voyager. You know you never need to ask permission to sit down." He seemed surprised by my response, which, in turn, surprised me.
"I did not know if..." he stumbled over his words for a moment as he perched awkwardly on the cushion beside me. "After the incident in Engineering, I was uncertain whether you would be...comfortable with my being in close proximity to you."
I was silent for a moment as I processed what he'd said.
"You thought I'd be afraid of you?" My voice came out as barely a whisper, and when he nodded his head, my heart shattered in my chest. He looked so vulnerable, so afraid that I was going to scream at him or throw him out of my quarters.
"It is the logical conclusion. You did request a transfer to a different shift, did you not?"
Of course he'd found out about that. I don't know why I expected that to remain a secret.
"Yes, but it wasn't because I was afraid of you, Vorik." That may not have been the whole truth, but it wasn't a lie. He seemed relieved, but I didn't want him to dig too deeply, so I changed the subject with a smile. "Now, what brings you here before your shift? How can I help you?"
"My main goal was to ascertain whether I'd frightened you. My subsequent objective..." he trailed off with his brow furrowed. "Upon reflection, I do not know whether this is logical, but I wished to determine what would be required to restore our prior level of interaction. I find myself...troubled by your absence, both in Engineering and in our leisure hours."
"You missed me?" The question slipped out before I could stop it, and just like that, it was Vorik's turn to look surprised.
"Of course. Did you believe that I would be indifferent or pleased to be without you?" Nodding my head, I watched as my friend cautiously moved closer to me on the sofa and placed his hands on my shoulders. "You lend me much metaphorical strength. I value your counsel...and your friendship."
My self-imposed isolation had ended that night. I spoke with B'Elanna and got transferred back to my original shift, which is why Vorik was there to save me when I nearly fell over the railing. If it hadn't been for him, I'd likely be lying in a crumpled heap on the lower deck by now. We'd rekindled our friendship after that lapse, but I knew it would never become anything more.
Regardless, Vorik had saved my life, and I resolved that once we were out of danger, I'd show him how grateful I was.
One minor war later, Vorik and I exited Engineering with the rest of our shift, and without a single moment's discussion, I found myself being led by a firm hand grasping my elbow.
"Vorik? Where are we going?"
"Patience." Was it my imagination, or was his voice rougher than usual? He sent the turbolift up before anyone else could board it, and the ride was filled with an undefinable sort of silence.
His grip slipped down from my elbow to my hand, and tingles erupted across my palm. He'd never touched my bare skin before. Vulcans were averse to such contact, and I'd always done my best to respect that boundary.
But he'd been the one to initiate this, not me. As the lift hummed along, Vorik's gaze slipped upward until our eyes met. A mere blink later, his eyes were hooded and hunger flooded his demeanor. Stepping closer to me with our hands still joined, the Ensign backed me up against the wall of the turbolift releasing a whisper of my name in that beautiful, low, silky voice of his.
The tingling in my spine intensified the longer he looked at me - and oh, did he look at me! His eyes seemed to bore right into my soul, stealing my breath and my thoughts with unerring skill. He'd looked at me before, but never the way I wanted him to...never like this.
That frightened me. Oh, the look itself wasn't disquieting, but the possibility that this could lead to something more – something that might damage my heart more than his preference of B'Elanna over me had a year before? That terrified me.
"I did not," he rasped, and I blinked in confusion. "I believed that you did not harbor the same regard for me that I did for you, and it was out of a desire to avoid needlessly damaging the relationship between us that I selected Lieutenant Torres. I did not wish to lose you. To equate yourself with her is the height of illogic, because none could ever compare with you."
Before I could respond beyond a stunned look, however, we arrived at the deck we'd been hurtling toward. The door hissed open, and he began tugging me through the corridors again. We passed through the door to Vorik's quarters, and everything clicked into place. He'd always preferred privacy, only allowing into his space those who needed to be there - like the Doctor and Lieutenant Tuvok.
And then there was me.
I'd never understood why he allowed me in when almost nobody else was permitted the same luxury, but suddenly it all made sense. I was allowed to be there when nobody else was because he trusted me enough to be vulnerable with me. He told me more about himself than he did anyone else. He spent more of his free time with me than anyone else. He knew more about me than anyone else did.
And I'd all but abandoned him after the incident with Torres! Guilt coiled hot and bitter in my gut, and I bit my lower lip. How did he not hate me? How could he have simply been content with our renewed friendship? He should've chewed me out or berated me–
My racing thoughts ground to a halt as the softness of his lips met mine.
The kiss was gentle and brief, but it was easily the most tender gesture I'd ever received. When he pulled away just far enough to watch me open my eyes, his hands caught both of mine and lifted them to his chest.
"I...Vorik, that...isn't something friends do," I breathed, feeling like an idiot as soon as the words were out of my mouth.
"You are correct. It is not," he said with a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "but I had hoped that my attempts to demonstrate my interest were successful enough to convey that I desire you in more ways than a simple friendship will allow."
"Your interest?" I parroted, and he moved close enough that when I spoke, my lips brushed against his. The contact felt as warm as fire, as sweet as honey, and I was a starving. Ravenous for his touch, his affection, I craved him more than I had anything else in my entire life.
"You cannot have missed it. By Vulcan standards, I have been metaphorically throwing myself at you. Lieutenant Tuvok even suggested that I was being too overt." He grasped my waist, tugging me gently against him as his lips met mine again. A fleeting, barely-there peck later, my patience had stretched to the breaking point as I chased his retreating mouth with my own. "Is there something you need, ashayam?"
Blinking up at him, it occurred to me that he was doing this deliberately.
Vorik was teasing me.
And he looked almost proud of the reaction he'd drawn from me. Beautiful bastard.
"You," I whispered before I could talk myself into being more cautious. "All I need is you."
"Then you shall have me," Vorik promised as he lifted me into his arms and carried me toward his bed.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes
@emilie786 @groovyqueer @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @rookietrek
@slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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creature-of-the-stars · 9 months
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Chapter 1 -> read here 👻
Vreenak/ F OC
Synopsis: A Starfleet officer experiences problems with her runabout and makes an emergency stop at Empok Nor. The dusty station has been abandoned for years, there's not a single living thing in sight (no, not even a vole). However, the Lieutenant soon finds out she isn't alone.
So, this is the Vreenak fic I was supposed to do by Halloween, but - obviously - didn't 🤦🏽‍♀️. Also, I had eye surgery awhile back and just recently got to a point where I could read/write on a digital device without pain. It felt like someone was pushing my eyes out from the inside of my head if I spent more than five min looking at a backlit screen - thankfully, that's passing!
Tag list (let me know if I left you off because it's been so long, I have completely forgotten who is on my list): @deepspacedukat@darkmattervibes @starrynightgardens @bigblissandlove1 @emilie786 @sleepycat82 @indignantlemur @emochook (I saw your review already, lovely 💜, but I wanted to include you for completeness), @romulanhorsegirl @horta-in-charge
Also...Happy New Years!!! 🥂
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akamitrani · 1 year
Got inspired by @deepspacedukat "Begin Again" fic with Koss and had to draw him, thanks for the inspo! Also thank you for the amazing fic, can't wait for the next chapters.
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horta-in-charge · 2 years
Things I’ve decided are Canon TM for the Andorian First Contact AU (afc!au):
From other people’s fics-
Per @theandorianimperialarchive ‘s fic series on AO3 (which I’ll link in a reblog because it disappeared from my tabs 😭) the P’Jem Commando Quad did meet in a Vulcan POW camp.
I also really love their Andorian-Orion interaction concepts… which is to say it has excellent world-building that has destroyed me. Would not recommend reading that part if you’re squeamish or if you couldn’t handle Soval in the chair. Let’s just say that I absolutely want to destroy the Orions after reading that more than the Xindi wanted to destroy Earth in ENT S3.
The main universe Andorian cultural exploration is high key a yes in this, but that’s the 3rd(?) part of their Mirror Tales series. It’s sad but also really cute.
Emigre is required reading for cultural things as well, not sure if the author has a tumblr but READ IT. It’s very well thought out it’s unfinished though. The Keth system is quite interesting, I’m not sure if it’s fully like the Bajoran d’jarras or not.
There was another fic inspired by Emigre which I will also link once I find it that had some cool cultural exchanges as well (it does involve questionable blood transfusions). Also unfinished. And I think they may have gotten Keval’s name wrong? Unless they created a new OC. Their interpretation on quads is interesting but I’m a fan of the 4 genders and I’m also keeping the bottleneck semi-canon (it just gets put off another century).
@toebeans-mcgee sent @deepspacedukat an ask a bit ago that I loved about Andorians being able to sense human pheromones and LIKING it, unlike Vulcans. The gist is that’s why Tholos thinks T’Pol smells good in P’Jem.
My brain-
The Andorians were just checking out Earth to make sure they weren’t going to be attacked (again). They had no intention of keeping us except we kind of won them over (the pheromones probably have something to do with it).
They’re more helpful with technology than the Vulcans are in the normal ST canon but still very secretive. We end up getting some rudimentary shields from them eventually for the NX project but we do have to make them ourselves. We do give them rudimentary transporter tech in exchange (only cleared for inanimate objects, not people).
Humans colonize the moon and Mars successfully before building the NX-01. Transporter technology becomes advanced enough that they can piggyback beams through several orbiting stations and ships to supply the colonies. Mars looks nicer than we see in Terra Prime (ST:ENT).
Transport ships (mostly) have Warp 3 capable engines by the time NX-01 construction begins. The Enterprise has a Warp 5 engine still until the Xindi arc when it gets upgraded to a Warp 6 engine (part of the 6 month layover is running tests).
The Andorians introduce us to the Betazoids because they think it’s funny we look so alike. They don’t expect us to make friends with them because humans are still a little squicked by telepathy. We surprise them.
Pre NX-01 engine tests end up with us meeting Vulcans. They’re ‘okay’ by human standards and help repair the ship’s warp field generators. The Vulcans end up introducing us to the Tellarites (not sure how yet, probably through the IME) and we get along after the adjustment period (after all, Tellarite manners are a 180 from most human cultures).
Part of the reason Andorians continue to help/trade with us is because Earth is Space Australia TM and has a lot of medicinal plants (for aliens). The IME does request human doctors once they find that out. Hereford/Herford Medical School (HCOM- Her(e)ford College of Osteopathic Medicine) is a popular IME selection pool. Because this is my own thing I can put my OC’s in it and I will, but you can also ignore it if you want. Totally down for anyone to borrow this au if they give me credit.
The Andorian Government is very upset with us being so friendly towards pretty much their two biggest Space Rivals that they nearly cut all contact with us (and they would if it wasn’t for those plants that they can’t synthesize compounds from).
By the time the NX-01 is flight cleared we’ve met Klingons (IME? Some ambassador accidentally getting into a duel? I don’t know). The first mission is still the same. T’Pol is still the science officer, Phlox is still the CMO, Earth tech is mostly the same but works a bit better. We still have hull plating along with the shields because humans do love a backup system.
Pretty much (so far at least, unless I have more thoughts) all the ENT episode canon is still canon except for the not knowing Andorians, Tellarites, and Klingons.
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maybeamultiverse · 2 years
Tagged by the amazing @vegawriters to do this cute tag! Thank you <3 <3 <3
1. Three Ships: Since I'm going to keep everything securely within the realm of Star Trek for the sake of maintaining appearances of this particular blog, I do want to also bring up some ships that I think are maybe slightly on the obscurer side... and kind of DS9 heavy, and for some reason seem to involve Quark a lot.... anyways, so I love Quodo. So much in a kind of post-ironic sense. I also love Quark and Natima a lot (Qatima? Nuark?), and also Quark and Grilka (Qrilka? Guark?). Those are my less serious main ships, but I also want more fics about Vreenak and Iliana (from that fic called 'Heis'he Ri'nanovai') and also Geordi LaForge and Bochra, of course!
2. First Ship Ever: I honestly remember being such a hardcore stan for Spock and Uhura (Spuhura) when the AOS timeline came out. I remember all the unfortunate racist hate the ship got at the time online and in real life conversations, but even as a kid watching TOS, I always got the vibe that Uhura, or maybe Nichelle Nichols, had a lil' crush on Spock or Leonard, and I thought that was SO CUTE! I think I even wrote an incoherent rant at like 10 years old online on some forum somewhere... lol. Of course, Spirk became more obvious as I grew older and more aware of stuff.
3. Last Song: I just checked Spotify, and the last song I listened to was Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz hehe.
4. Last Movie: A few nights ago, I rewatched Ghostbusters for the first time in like 7 years just for fun. It was definitely entertaining, but it makes me wonder why it became such an international phenomenon. It felt oddly niche.
5. Currently Reading: I'm 'always' reading Dune, but in terms of fics, I haven't read a lot lately, mostly rereading this Labyrinth fic. (PSA: Send me your fic if you want a reader! I'm always happy to check new stuff out.)
6. Currently Watching: The Last of Us, Deep Space 9, Picard, the odd Voyager episode...
7. Currently Consuming: Water. I should make some coffee and get some toast soon, though! I just don't wanna leave my room lol.
8. Currently Craving: I really want bad diner food right now, or maybe something spicy. Or like, some arabic coffee.
Gonna tag @deepspacedukat @solarisone @mikalero @coco-little-rose @foreverforty2 @jaxifye @the-qalankhais-sweetheart @love-at-first-contact
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lettalady · 2 years
For the fanfic asks: I and K please 💖 - @deepspacedukat
FanFic Asks
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Oh jeezaloo - so many. There’s so many various things I enjoy reading and writing. Hmm. But the key word there is guilty… I guess I sometimes do feel a little guilty dialing up the angst when writing. Sometimes. 😘 I’m an absolute sucker for the trope of a character just being ready to throw down saying “that one. I choose that one right there to love.” Also absolutely here for miscommunication or misconception leading to All The Drama. Oh here we go. Guilty pleasure is skipping to the smut first and figuring out from there if I’ll read or write the rest.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Ever. Ever? That might be a good prompt to ask about but — I’ll take a stab and say: Unsettled. (Which was a melding of prompts submitted during a writing challenge.)
Angstiest. Hmm. I guess The Long Journey Home could tie, there — and that was me aiming at character dynamics and what could tie Zemo, a reader, and Bucky Barnes together.
Thank you for the ask! I hope those answers work. Sort of stumped me with guilty pleasure for a little bit! (Also yes super curious what everyone else thinks the angstiest work is…)
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deepspacedukat · 3 months
Praetor's Pride - Part 6
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Y'know, at first I was worried that this would turn out to be a filler chapter, but it turned out to be something else entirely thanks to a plot bunny that halfway ties together two ideas I had. This fic will probably end up being around fifteen chapters, so strap idn for a long journey, and enjoy, friends! I know I haven't updated in ages, but life is busy and writer's block is a bitch.
Part 1 here. Part 2 here. Part 3 here. Part 4 here. Part 5 here.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Praetor Hiren (ST:Nemesis) x Reader; Senator Letant (ST:DS9) x Reader
[A/N: This has smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Romulan sex, innuendo, ogling, heavy flirtation, literal sleeping together, dirty talk, implied spanking, mild angst.
After months of sand swirling around my head, getting in my hair, and nearly blinding me, the cool, climate-controlled environment of Deep Space Nine felt like the height of luxury. The Vulcan heat, I'd discovered, was quite possibly the most stifling climate I'd ever experienced - even Andoria's frigid icy surface was more enjoyable.
When I'd arrived on the former Cardassian station, I'd lowered the temperature in my quarters and practically lived in my bed the first day. It was lazy, it was selfish, but oh stars it felt incredible to not be on the verge of melting for once.
All in all, Vulcan hadn't been completely unpleasant, but the heat was one thing I could definitely do without. Despite feeling as though I was roasting alive every time I walked outside, my spirits during my stay there had been kept rather high by my correspondence with both Letant and Hiren. The letters I received from them were the highlights of my days.
Each had such a unique voice when putting pen to paper - or, I should say stylus to PADD - that I could tell by the very first line which of the two had written it before I glanced down at the signature. Letant was his usual jovial, jaunty self. We'd corresponded semi-regularly prior to this last trip to Vulcan, but his letters were now an almost daily part of my routine.
He spoke, for the most part, as if nothing had changed between us, but he'd stray into romantic territory near the end of each missive. Judging by his tone and how sentimental he waxed, I could discern his mood. If it had been a long, hard day, he veered further into introspective territory.
'I can't help but wonder,' he wrote in one particular message, 'whether I've been selfish in regards to our relationship. A Romulan Senator has no shortage of enemies, as has been demonstrated to me recently, and I must ask you to be honest with me in your next response. Are you absolutely certain that you know what you're getting into?'
I'd responded to him that whatever hurdles appeared before us, we'd conquer them together. Navigating life together - the good, the bad, and everything in between - was, after all, what relationships were all about. He'd comforted me countless times over the course of our friendship, so why shouldn't I do the same for him now that we were romantically involved?
Letant certainly had no objections to my emotional support, becoming ever more amorous in his subsequent correspondence.
And the Praetor's letters...
Oh, Hiren gave me something utterly priceless: a glimpse into his soul. Quoting romantic poetry from all corners of the galaxy, he made me feel as though he...well, adored me. Letant's letters were extremely intimate and romantic, of course, but this side of Hiren was unexpected. I wasn't surprised that he could be that way with a lover, but I never quite anticipated being on the receiving end of such desire.
A small part of me still expected an abrupt shift from acceptance of my Humanity to outright rejection. Maybe that expectation was just my past experience with intolerance rearing its ugly head, but something taut and nervous fluttered through my chest every time I read one of the Praetor's missives. I already felt so much for him. The thought that he might end up thinking no more of me than some of the others I'd met felt like a vice around my lungs. I hadn't yet confided that to Letant, but I knew it would be wise to do so once he arrived on the station.
He'd know precisely what I was feeling, especially if he made use of that telepathy he'd demonstrated to glance into my thoughts. In fact, that might be easier than trying to express what I felt verbally.
They seemingly had no trouble doing so - a fact that never ceased to surprise me, despite the heavy encryption that protected their words.
Something else their letters shared was the presence of oddly capitalized letters. Both could speak Federation standard, but given how random the capitalized letters were, it seemed as thought they'd begun dictating their letters in Romulan using a translation matrix that wasn't quite calibrated correctly, then switched over to Federation standard dictation halfway through. It was odd. Every letter but one contained these odd linguistic characters; Hiren's most recent correspondence was the only one completely free of typos.
For such exacting men, this struck me as odd, but then again, they were both extremely busy. They could simply have not noticed, especially if their wrote their letters at the end of the day before bed. They did have exhausting jobs, and more than once, Letant had alluded to giving himself a...'relaxing massage' while composing a message to me.
I couldn't help but wonder whether Hiren had ever done the same. I reprimanded myself as soon as the thought crossed my mind. He was the Praetor of the Romulan Empire. I really shouldn't have tried to read more into his words than was intended.
But then, that day in the garden still nudged at the back of my mind, reminding me of how deep and sensual Hiren's voice dropped when he was aroused, and I was gone. There was no dragging my thoughts back from the abyss of dirty imagery it had conjured. Maybe it was all that time spent with the Vulcans and their own mental restraint, but I longed for some of my lovers' expressiveness. Their wit and sarcasm, their gentle smiles and gleeful smirks...my heart ached to be with them again.
A week after I'd arrived on Deep Space Nine, I was rereading Hiren's latest message when it struck me:
It was too late for me to guard my heart. For better or worse, he and Letant already held it in their grasp. I was head over heels for the Senator, and I could tell that the same fate awaited me in regards to Hiren.
Could this really work? Could I really be a lover to two high-class, influential Romulans?
Odo opened a comm channel just as I once again skimmed the poetry excerpt from Hiren's last letter. I was still reeling with shock from the realization of how far I'd already fallen.
"Ambassador, I'm sorry to bother you, but there's someone in security who claims that you're expecting him."
How odd.
"Acknowledged. On my way," I answered as I got to my feet. Reluctantly, I put the PADD containing Hiren's letters back into my luggage with the rest and locked it before starting toward the Promenade.
The entire way there, I was stuck in my own thoughts. Was this a risk I was willing to take? Were Hiren and Letant really willing to accept a mate who was so incredibly different? Did they understand just how much we had to learn about each other?
For that matter, did I?
A pair of doors hissed open in front of me, and I realized I'd reached the security office while I was overanalyzing my situation.
"I know you've been here before, sir, but we all have to take precautions. your government's delegation was altered at the last minute. Ah, there you are, Ambassador," the Constable said, and I blinked, taking in the group of people in the office. There were three Romulans. Two wore military uniforms, and when the third turned around, I froze.
"Speechless already? Oh dear, that doesn't bode well for the conference in a few days, does it?" Letant's usual shit-eating grin awoke the hoard of butterflies hiding in my stomach. He was here early! I hadn't been expecting him for another three days at the very least! "Really, Constable, if you recognize me, surely you don't need confirmation of my identity?"
Odo harumphed as if the Senator's question was the height of stupidity.
"It's not your identity I'm concerned with, it's your behavior," he stated bluntly before turning his attention to me. "I wouldn't normally do this, but the last I heard, the two of you were close friends. Can you vouch for him?"
Mischief bubbled swiftly up from within me as I turned to my mate with a serious expression.
"Hm, I don't know. He can be quite the troublemaker. Drinking too much ale...flirting with the Dabo girls...picking fights with Klingon officers..." I trailed off and took two slow steps toward him as my eyes drank him in from head to toe and back again. "Do you promise to be a good boy for me, Senator?"
Letant's eyes darkened with hunger, and his grin transformed from a light, easy, roguish smile to a smirk that promised I'd regret teasing him in front of his officers.
"For you, Ambassador, yes. I do," he murmured, and I turned to the Constable.
"Yes, Odo, I'll vouch for him."
The Security Chief started tapping away at his console.
"Very well. Senator, as you've arrived early, I'm afraid the quarters we were going to have prepared for you are not yet empty–"
"There is no need for a separate set of quarters. I'll be staying with the Ambassador," Letant said, and before Odo could protest, the Senator guided me out with a large, warm hand placed firmly on my back. His guards took up protective positions behind us as we walked, effectively multiplying the amount of people staring at us. "My, separation has made you quite bold indeed, e'lev. Did your stay on Vulcan truly bore you so severely that you would challenge a Romulan Senator in public?"
"Oh please, you dramatic man, there was no challenge. I was teasing you, and you damn well know it."
Letant let out a quiet laugh as his eyebrows rose.
"You don't call publicly asking if I'm going to be a 'good boy' a challenge of my authority?" I started to reply, but he cut me off. "Or were you, perhaps, trying to coax a particular reaction from me, hm?"
The abrupt closure of my mouth told him all that he needed to know.
"Ah, I see. I knew arriving early was a prudent plan. You've been alone for far too long," he murmured as we got into the turbolift. Heedless of his guards' gazes, Letant turned me to face him and backed me up against one of the lift walls. Grasping my waist with one hand and my jaw with the other, my Senator spoke in a raspy whisper. "Congratulations, e'lev. You were entirely successful."
His lips met mine for a moment, tantalizingly rough and sweet at the same time, before pulling back and leaving me dazed as the turbolift continued on its path. From what I'd been told, such displays in front of others, including personal guards, were usually avoided like the plague.
I must've teased him more than I realized after our time apart.
When we reached the doors to my quarters, we were both short of patience. I was stunned that we made it all the way inside before Letant had me up against a wall. And just like that, the fullness of the three months that we'd been separated forced our composure to take a backseat. We became a mess of grasping hands and searing kisses, fumbling our way toward the bedroom.
"Three months is too long to be away from you," he breathed as the sound of tearing fabric heralded the death of yet another uniform top.
Sated and lounging in bed that evening, I'd relaxed into an almost trance-like state atop my lover's chest. The hypnotic sensation of Letant's fingertips skimming up and down the length of my back coupled with the rhythmic steadiness of his breathing comforted me in a way that I'd severely missed since I set out for my trip to Vulcan.
"He'll be here tomorrow," he said just above a whisper.
"Hm? Who?" I dragged myself back to full consciousness and looked up at Letant.
"Hiren, of course. He's talked of little else since your departure from Romulus," he murmured brushing his lips against my forehead. "I would ask if he's been writing to you if not for the fact that he practically glowed every time you responded to him."
"How could I not? The Praetor is a charming man with a romantic streak. His knowledge of love poetry is rather extensive - or, at least, I assume that it is, given the vast selection of excerpts that he's been sending me." Tracing my fingers along the column of Letant's throat, I couldn't help but smile at the thought that I'd gotten incredibly lucky.
"How did you like his latest prose, if I may ask?"
"That was my favorite set of lines yet! Oh, that reminds me, he forgot to include the poet's name. I'll have to ask him about that when he gets here. Unless you know, of course?"
With a rumbling laugh, Letant gripped my hips and slipped one of his legs between mine.
"Now, now, have patience, e'lev. I promise you'll have your answers, but not from me. The name was left off deliberately, and Hiren swore me to secrecy. Friend though he might be, I dare not disobey my Praetor. You should have seen him when he was preparing for this trip, though. He must've pulled every set of robes from his bot-unsubstantial wardrobe to ask my opinion on whether you'd find them attractive."
"No," I scoffed in disbelief, but Letant was entirely serious.
"Yes, my girl. It's ridiculous. The man has been married before. He certainly knows how to flirt and has plenty of experience in seduction. There's no reason for him to be this nervous - he's had his head between your pretty legs, for goodness sake - yet he's behaving as if he's not even had his first encounter."
"Bullshit. Hiren would never go to pieces over someone like me. You're exaggerating."
"I most certainly am not. You have reduced the Praetor of the entire Romulan Empire to no more than an anxious suitor. He lured me to the palace, plied me with kali-fal, then proceeded to try on everything he owned in front of a mirror to ask for my opinion. You should've seen him. He struck poses, e'lev," Letant said flexing his biceps as someone might in front of a mirror, and I dissolved in a fit of giggles at the mental image he conjured. "I have told you many times that you are a remarkable woman. Perhaps you'll realize that I spoke the truth before you give the poor man a coronary."
"But surely...? I mean, he must realize that I'm not superficial enough to judge him for his outfit. He'd look good in anything, just like you."
With a mere flick of his hands, Letant maneuvered me atop him so that I was straddling his hips. I braced my hands on his chest, taking in the sight of the beautiful man beneath me. his normally pristinely-groomed black hair was tousled from our exertions, and the smirk stretching his lips brought to mind smug gods from ancient mythology. In such a comparison, I was more than content to be the unwitting mortal who'd fallen so willingly into his bed.
"You think I'd look good in anything?" He asked as a faux innocent expression made its home on his face.
"Now you're just fishing for compliments–"
"Of course I am. You love me. Who better for me to ask than you, my lovely mate?" His hands slid up my sides and caressed the swell of my breasts. "Tell me, what is it like to be in bed with someone so devilishly handsome?"
Scoffing playfully, I started to move off of him, but Letant's renewed grip on my hips kept me firmly in place as he sat up beneath me. With his lips a mere hair's breadth away, I stubbornly kept my hands to myself and my mouth shut.
"Now, now...no need for petulance," the Senator breathed. It was so obscenely easy for him to get what he wanted from me. His arms wound around my torso, holding me close as he spoke. "Just because your partner is almost equal to you in beauty doesn't mean you need to pout."
How was it he always managed to compliment both himself and me in one breath?
"You don't play fair." I just barely managed to hold back a grin, fixing him with a glare instead. Letant laughed, his warm breath ghosting over my skin.
"No, but you've known that for quite some time. Besides..." he said laying kisses slowly down the length of my jaw, "you know I'm right."
The Senator's hands slid farther down my back.
"Now, about that little challenge earlier..."
Hiren found the T'Met's commanding officer in his Ready Room, skimming through reports with a look of deep concentration etching his face seemingly in stone. The Riov glanced up as the Praetor entered, and he smiled that same charming smile he'd worn for years.
"Well, well, I was wondering when you'd come see me, old friend. Please, have a seat," S'Talon said shutting off his console and leaning back in his own chair. "I've heard a little rumor, lhhai, concerning you, Letant, and a certain Federation Ambassador. Is that why I've been honored with the task of transporting you to this conference, my Lord Praetor?"
"You know such formalities aren't necessary, Tal," Hiren said as he sank down into one of the plush chairs. "As for the rumors...I don't know what you've heard, so it's a bit difficult to give you an honest answer."
The Riov smirked and tapped the top of his desk in an absentminded sort of way.
"I've heard that you and Letant intend to make a proper triad with her...that the two of you love her."
Hiren lifted his chin. He wasn't sure how the Riov knew that, but he was not ashamed of how he felt or who he felt it for.
"Yes. She and Letant were together to begin with, and I am fortunate enough to be a candidate for the position of their third. I won't be so rude as to presume to speak for her, but for my part, I do love her, yes."
S'Talon practically beamed at him.
"I have no doubt she adores you. I remember how smitten you were with T'Shara. I see just as much light in your eyes...just as much pride as there was when you spoke of her." The Romulan Captain stood and walked around his desk. "She must truly be a marvel to have caught your attention so fully. I look forward to meeting her when we arrive at the station."
"Don't go getting any ideas. I know how charming you can be toward women you find exceptional," Hiren chastised playfully, but S'Talon placed a solemn hand over his heart.
"I am fond of the fairer sex, but you know I would never abscond with a friend's lover. She's yours, you are hers, and I would never dream of coming between you. I'll be on my best behavior, I swear it," the Riov vowed. "I would, however, like to befriend her, if you're comfortable with that."
"I do not choose my lover's companions for her. If she wishes to count you among her friends, I would never stand in your way."
A moment's comfortable silenced passed between the two, and as he leaned back against the desk, S'Talon smiled.
"Have you imagined it? What you'll do once you marry her, I mean?"
"She might not have me–"
"Oh, she'll have you, old friend, I'm certain of it. Now, tell me," the Riov continued, "where have your daydreams taken you when you think of her? You will undoubtedly be the most powerful triad in the entirety of the Empire, but have you given any thought to where you'll live? Your family estate is quite large, as is Letant's, but the Praetor's Palace would obviously have enough space, should you choose to reside there..."
Hiren couldn't help but laugh at his friend's enthusiasm, allowing his infectious joy to flow through him.
"You give me far too much credit, Tal. She's Human. She may not...well, it might be that she is not made for a triad. Who knows? I might make some monumental mistake that costs me her love, or I might simply be too old once she stops to consider the age difference." Hiren gave voice to the fears that had rolled around in his head since her departure from their home planet. He'd told Letant his concerns and had received reassurance in return, but Hiren wanted S'Talon's counsel, as well.
"I cannot pretend to know her mind," the Riov began, "but I do know yours. You are an excellent judge of character. You would not have chosen someone so fickle. I would wager my best bottle of kali-fal that your fears - while completely valid and normal - lack real foundation. She will have you, my dear old friend, and she will not let you go once she does."
Hiren nodded his head, rolling his shoulders as if to banish some of his tension from his frame.
"Would you do me a small favor once we reach the station?" The Praetor has no doubt that he was about to sound even more ridiculous, but he was beyond caring. "Would you...sketch her for me? I'd be happy to pay you. Nothing too elaborate, and she doesn't have to know, it's just..."
He trailed off, unable to think how best to describe his emotions, but Tal just smiled.
"Of course. It would be my honor." The Riov murmured, but he frowned a little. "You know I'd never charge you for that. I would, however, like to know how you met her."
A smile stretched the Praetor's lips as he thought back to that night.
Letant lay in bed that night content to hold his mate close as his thoughts whirled in his head behind a carefully constructed barrier. He didn't want them bleeding across the telepathic bridge between his mind and his lover's. She deserved sleep that wasn't interrupted by his guilt.
Was he doing the right thing keeping this from her? But surely, if it was to keep her safe, she'd understand.
Elements, if this involved anyone but her, he'd have no trouble justifying his actions. He'd been a great strategist - he still was - so why was this causing him so much discomfort? He knew that the pain she'd feel would be temporary...that it would all be resolved in a matter of days once it began and that the three of them would live quite happily afterwards, but...
Damn him, the thought of causing her even a moment's pain made him want to wake her, drop to his knees, and plead for her forgiveness. He wanted to tell her everything, but he knew that doing so would endanger her life.
That he could not abide. Her life was much more valuable to him than his comfort, and though she may rage at him later, he was reasonably certain that they could work through any problems together.
She stretched in his arms and nuzzled even farther into Letant's embrace. Precious girl. She murmured something nonsensical in her sleep, and the Senator held her just a bit tighter as he kissed her forehead.
Allowing his mind to brush against hers, he watched her dreams like a holo-vid until he finally dropped into a mostly-peaceful sleep in her arms.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes
@emilie786 @groovyqueer @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @rookietrek
@slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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deepspacedukat · 16 days
The Lifeline - Part Two: The Armstrong
To be completely honest, I haven't exactly planned this fic out, so I have no idea how many chapters this will be. It'll be a surprise for everyone, myself included! 😇 And yep, i have a lot of asks and tagged posts to get around to, but I wanted to put this out first. Enjoy!
If you want to be added to or removed from my taglist, please let me know.
Part One is here.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Vreenak (ST:DS9) x Reader
[A/N: Future chapters will contain smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Spoilers for ST:VOY S1E7 "Eye of the Needle," references to Romulan politics, espionage, stalking, references to an interspecies relationship, pre-Romulan/Human relationship, interspecies romance, threats, angst, time travel bs, references to marriage/a mating bond, skeptical Vreenak, Romulan undercover as a Vulcan, mentions of a previous Vulcan/Human failed relationship.
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After a few months aboard the USS Armstrong, we were finally going to see the Epsilon Pulsar Cluster up close! We took on new crew members at the Epsilon IX Station; four of which were engineers intended to ease the burden of repairs mid-mission, two were specially-qualified science officers, and one was simply a late addition.
It was the latter of the group that fascinated me. With keen, icy blue eyes, sharp facial features, and neatly-groomed hair, the new Vulcan Lieutenant had drawn my attention from the moment he materialized on the transporter pad in his science division blue uniform. The others were escorted to their stations and quarters by the Chief Engineer and the Science officer assigned to the Bridge, and I was assigned to Lieutenant Velek.
Tall and mildly intimidating, the stoic Vulcan stepped down from the transporter pad, and I offered him the traditional Vulcan ta'al in greeting as I introduced myself.
His eyes roamed the length of my body, seemingly sizing me up, but he did return my greeting after a pause. Undoubtedly, I was not who he expected to see when he beamed aboard.
"It is...agreeable to meet you, Lieutenant," he muttered after a moment, and assuming that was about all I was going to get out of him for the moment, I plastered on what I hoped was a welcoming smile.
"If you'll come with me, I'll show you to your quarters." Velek did so without protest. Giving him a short overview of our ship's upcoming mission to update Starfleet's data regarding the pulsar cluster, I tried to be as concise as possible. Though I kept my gaze firmly forward, I couldn't help but feel as though he was observing me.
Keying in the entry code for his quarters, I gave him a quick glance through the layout. Our ship was a little different than the standard science vessel in terms of accommodations. Starfleet meant for us to be a prototype for longer-term science missions into deep space, so there were a few more amenities than were standard.
If his expression was anything to go by - he'd lifted a single eyebrow all of twice - Velek was either impressed or turning his nose up in the most Vulcan way possible.
"If there's anything else you need, please don't hesitate to let me know. My quarters are actually just to the right of yours, so if the comms go down and you need a book or some tea or something, I won't be hard to find," I said clasping my hands behind my back as he turned to face me.
Velek's icy blue eyes gave me an appraising once over.
"Thank you, Lieutenant. I will keep that in mind." Now that we were alone, I was struck by how deep and velvety his voice was.
Fuck. No way. I couldn't do this again. I was just asking to get hurt if I developed feelings for another Vulcan, so I simply wouldn't be interested in this one. Velek was a colleague, nothing more. That was all he'd ever be.
"I'll leave you in peace," I murmured with a polite smile. "Your first duty shift begins at oh-nine-hundred tomorrow morning, so take some time to rest or explore the ship, as you see fit. I'll see you in Science Lab Three."
He gave a polite nod, and I left his quarters. Taking a deep, steadying breath once I was back in the hallway, I forcibly shook my thoughts back into neutral territory. Velek was not for me.
Vreenak's first step aboard the Armstrong was to determine the Lieutenant's schedule - a task made easier by the proximity of her quarters to his. Next, he slipped inside and placed a few listening devices. Audio and visual in her living space, and audio-only in her bedroom.
He was careful to disturb nothing during his time in her space, but he couldn't stop himself from glancing through the few books she'd accumulated. A pair of poetry books, a copy of Surak's teachings, three assorted fictional texts, and what appeared to be a romance novel. Tucking the title away in the recesses of his brain for further research, he placed secondary sets of bugs in extremely innocuous places, pausing only when he leaned over the head of her bed.
A soft, sweet scent clung to fabric that Vreenak simply couldn't resist inhaling deep into his lungs. Something primal and dark stirred in his chest, and he just barely managed to suppress a small groan of hunger.
Horror washed over him when he realized what he'd done, and with a scowl, he left as quietly as he'd come. As he sat in his quarters testing the equipment one last time while he had the chance, he scoffed at his own behavior.
Fool of a man. If he didn't control himself, he'd end up with a Human wife whether he wanted one or not. And he most certainly did not.
Especially not one like her. She was too–
Somewhere in the midst of his thoughts, the sound of voices reached Vreenak's ears. She was back, and she had a guest. Accessing his new cameras, he watched as the Lieutenant and a Trill Ensign sat, kicking off their shoes and tucking their legs beneath them as they chatted. Raising the volume slightly, the Vice-Chairman listened in.
"–eyes like that? I mean, if someone like him looked in my direction, I'd be half-way to requesting Vulcan citizenship already," the Trill woman said with a gleeful smile. "Oh, come on. You have eyes in your head! The new guy's hot!"
The Lieutenant merely shrugged her shoulders.
"I mean...yeah, he's good-looking, but I got the feeling he's not easily impressed. He barely said two words to me. And he seems...irritable," she muttered, and her friend nudged her arm playfully.
"So he's just your type, then?" The Lieutenant looked up at her sharply, but the Trill just laughed. "You know I'm right. Every guy you've dated since the Academy has been some variation of a smart, handsome asshole. What makes Velek so different?"
Vreenak blinked. They were talking about him? The silence stretched between the women, and eventually the Ensign sighed, but less from frustration than concern.
"This is about Torek, isn't it?"
That was a new name. One that Vreenak instantly disliked, though he couldn't put his finger on the reason.
"Of course it is. When someone uses you like that, you don't forget it in a hurry," the Lieutenant wilted somewhat.
"I know, but this one's older," Vreenak bristled at that, "I bet he's got at least a modicum of tact when it comes to letting people down gently. And anyone would be more honest than Torek," the Trill said patting her friend's shoulder before moving to the replicator. "Now, I think ice cream is in order."
The rest of the evening's conversation was irrelevant, and once the Ensign headed back to her own quarters, Vreenak stretched and made to walk back to his own bedroom. Humans needed more rest than Romulans, so he fully expected that to be the end of her evening.
To his surprise, he glanced at the monitor once more, but instead of finding her heading toward her bed, he saw that she had curled up with a book - the romance novel he'd found on her shelf earlier.
After a long moment of debate, he switched his view to the camera situated behind her so he could note what page she was on.
How strange for her to be reading a romance, especially if what she'd said to her Trill friend was true. She'd been used by a Vulcan, yet she willingly sought romance? Did that not simply emphasize her loneliness to her? Was she addicted to the pain?
Vreenak's brow furrowed, and he pushed down memories of his own failed romantic endeavors. No, if he was in her position, he could never indulge in something like a romance novel. Elements, he didn't want to even in his current position.
Unfortunately, though, he would need to if he wanted a full understanding of her psychological state. He told himself it was all part of building a profile of the woman who'd claimed to be his wife.
Downloading the novel onto his personal terminal, he let his gaze linger on her for a time. She seemed so small and unassuming when she was all bunched up amongst the cushions.
But, he'd learned decades ago never to underestimate an opponent. The moment you did, that was usually when you got a knife in the back. He would not be such a fool. Not with her.
Thus, he opened the first page of the book file and began to read with a scoff, alternating his attention between her and the text of the drab little story with the childish pink hearts on the cover.
Taglist: @akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes
@emilie786 @groovyqueer @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @rookietrek
@slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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deepspacedukat · 5 months
The Lifeline - Part One: The Message
...Yes this is another plot bunny. Yes I still have a ton of requests to get out. It's fine. Blame the brainrot.
If anyone wants to be added to or removed from my taglist, please feel free to let me know.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Vreenak (DS9) x Reader
[A/N: This will contain smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Spoilers for ST:VOY S1E7 "Eye of the Needle", references to Romulan politics, references to an interspecies relationship, Romulan/Human relationship, interspecies romance, threats, espionage, angst, time travel bs (it'll make your head hurt if you analyze it too much, or at least it made mine hurt), references to marriage/a mating bond.
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**2367 - Stardate Classified, Late afternoon - Romulan Senate**
Listening to Sabrun drone on and on about the threat of the Federation-Cardassian peace treaty was usually something Vreenak would enjoy, but today, his head ached. He'd been in nothing but meeting after meeting for weeks on end, both for the Senate and the Tal Shiar, and the tedium was finally getting to him.
When was the last time he took leave? Years, most assuredly - before he was elected to the Senate seven years ago.
Wasn't that about how long Sabrun had been talking? Consciously straightening in his seat, he forced his shoulders to release some of their tension. He relished the opportunity to serve his people, to protect them, but he hated long-winded sessions like this.
A tap on the arm knocked him out of the deep, sinking morass of his thoughts, drawing his attention to the aide who'd approached him. He wore not the uniform of the government, but that of the Tal Shiar.
Elements bless Koval for saving him from such an utterly dull session!
Quietly, he gave the Praetor a deferential nod and slipped out of the Senate building. The fresh air caressing his face sent a bolt of relief through him. Even though he would likely not be allowed to rest for some hours, he couldn't find it within himself to be resentful. He did need to take some leave, no doubt, but for now, he'd gladly accept the moment's respite that his position with the Tal had just given him.
"Ah, the Chairman summoned you, as well?" Vreenak smirked at the sound of Letant's voice, and he slowed long enough for his friend to catch up.
"Luckily. I thought Sabrun would never shut up. He makes good points, obviously, but does he never tire of the sound of his own voice?"
Letant let out a tired chuckle of his own at Vreenak's ire, but both men were too relieved to be free to dwell on their frustrations.
"Any idea what this might be about, Mr. Vice-Chairman?" Letant's use of the title brought a genuine smile to the other man's lips. Vreenak had only earned it a year prior, and he was damned proud of his success. "Am I to finally be silenced for knowing too much about you?"
"Never, old friend. We may disagree on some points, but I value you too much to ever allow it to come to that." Vreenak murmured as they walked.
"Thank you for coming so promptly. I hope that I have not inconvenienced the Senate too much by pulling you both mid-session," Koval called the moment that the pair of Senators stepped into his office, shrugging off their outer robes. A smirk played across the Vice-Chairman's lips.
"You and I both know that inconveniencing others is one of your favorite pastimes," he called taking a seat before Koval's desk and allowing himself to sink into the cushioned chair with a relieved groan. Letant took the other. "I must thank you. One of our colleagues had become...tedious."
"You will not thank me in a moment." Koval's tone was graver than Vreenak had heard it in some time. Uh oh. That was always a bad sign. "What I am about to show you goes no farther than this room. One of the Empire's scientists - Telek R'Mor, Captain of the Talvath - died recently."
Vreenak's brow furrowed slightly, and Letant tilted his head.
"His family has our sympathies, but I, for one, fail to see the relevance," the latter remarked.
The Chairman stood and poured both of his guests generous servings of kali-fal.
"There was a data storage device found in his belongings. It was accessed, and the contents were...intriguing. You see, it contained personal messages from the crew of a Starfleet ship to their families," Koval continued, "a Starfleet ship that has not yet been built."
At that, Vreenak froze with his glass halfway to his mouth, and Letant's lips parted in surprise.
"They were messages from the future?" Vreenak hadn't meant to ask the question, but it slipped out anyway.
"Indeed, but that is not all. Computer, play visual message one-three-one-alpha," Koval ordered, and the screen before on the desk before the Senators lit up with the image of a woman - a Human woman.
Mentally, Vreenak acknowledged that she was actually quite pretty for a hevam.
"Hi, sweetheart. I know you're probably surprised to hear from me...after such a long silence, I mean. I doubt you'd write me off so quickly, but, well, I'm sure by now you've worked out that something is wrong." Vreenak glanced at Koval, not yet grasping the significance of this seemingly random message, but the Chairman simply nodded back at the monitor. Letant seemed intrigued by the woman on the screen. "It's been a few months since Voyager went missing, and while I can assure you that I'm physically alright, I...Vree, honey, we're stuck in the Delta Quadrant."
His eyes widened at a single syllable amongst the mess of her rambling. 'Vree.' Was...? She was talking to him? Why the hell would a Starfleet officer - a Lieutenant Commander, by the look of her rank pips - be contacting a Romulan Senator? He'd never seen her before in his life. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Letant look at him curiously, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
"We're doing everything we can to find a shorter way home, but it might take years," she admitted, and he noted that tears had slowly gathered in her eyes. "I understand if you want to petition the Praetor for an annulment. After all, it's not much use having a wife who's stuck in a whole other quadrant of space. But, I...I want you to know that no matter how long it takes, I will make it home to you. You're in my thoughts every day and night, deyhhan. I love you. Give Koval and Letant hell for me, okay?"
She blew a kiss to the camera just as a tear rolled down her cheek, and Vreenak set his glass aside just as the message cut off.
"Computer," Koval called, "display addressee for visual message one-three-one-alpha."
Vreenak's stomach clenched as he saw his own name and rank pop up on the screen along with the stardate on which the message was recorded - nearly four years in the future by the Federation's calendar, assuming his mental calculations were correct.
"Well, my friend, you seem to have gotten quite lucky. As far as Humans go, she seems delightful," Letant murmured as he downed his drink. "She's stuck in another part of the galaxy, of course, but she obviously cares for you–"
"This is a joke," Vreenak rasped, feeling anger bubble up inside him. She seemed to know about all three of them, but that couldn't be possible. "I've never even seen her before! Why would I marry a...a hevam?"
"I assure you, I would not have called you here if I had not already verified that this was not a joke," the Chairman stated, and he handed the Senator a data pad containing the results of the inquiry he'd conducted into the subject. An encrypted visual message from Telek R'Mor himself detailed the encounter he'd had with Voyager in 2351, including his logs, and even a covert visual recording he'd snagged from their communications with his ship. Apparently, the man had left instructions for the delivery of these personal missives, but his daughter had turned them over to the Tal Shiar as soon as she'd discovered that one of them involved three well-known Romulans.
A wise choice.
Farther down, he found a report on the woman in the message. She was a Lieutenant currently serving aboard a science ship. Having received high honors at Starfleet Academy, she also had several commendations on her record from various superior officers. There was no indication that she was involved with Starfleet intelligence or Section Thirty One, though.
How odd, given the circumstances. How else, hypothetically, would they have met if not through clandestine contact?
Koval was nothing if not thorough, and the fact that he'd already looked into this meant that there truly was no chance that this was a deception.
Vreenak had a wife. A Human wife. Or, at least, he might end up with a one at some point in the next four years.
Just in time to lose her to the Delta Quadrant.
"I take it you're interested in having this looked into, then?" Koval asked, and the sound of his voice spurred Vreenak into action. He downed the kali-fal he'd been served, then got to his feet.
"You're damned right, but I'll do it myself," the Senator said, straightening his tunic before donning his robes once more. "If this woman really did send a message from the future, then I need to know more about her. Her intentions, motives, possible schemes... This isn't just a mystery, it's a personal one."
"Of course. Do what you have to. I'll have transportation and an alias arranged, as well as a surgeon," the Chairman confirmed. "I trust you'll want a Vulcan persona to save time?"
"Oh, and Vreenak?" Through Letant's opening inquiry, he could already hear the mischief in his voice. The man in question glanced back at him over his shoulder. "If you don't like what you see when you meet her, do feel free to send her my way. She is rather alluring."
The Vice-Chairman let out a gruff huff of laughter.
"Be careful what you wish for. I'm certainly not marrying a hevam, but if you're willing to debase yourself in such a manner, then by all means, have at her," Vreenak said as he strode to the door.
Pledge himself to a Human? Ha! He would never disgrace himself like that. His taste was much more refined.
Romulan words:
hevam = derogatory name for a human
deyhhan = husband
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @groovyqueer @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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deepspacedukat · 6 months
The New Girl
I know it's been a while since I teased this one, but ooh boy, this was so fun to write! I haven't written about sexy space lizards in a while, so I hope everyone enjoys this niche lizard mans! Also, plz consider this an apology for being gone so much recently! I love you all! 💖
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Boheeka (ST:DS9) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Cardassian/Human sex, allusions to sex work, cock warming, mentions of lingerie, neck kisses, fingering, dirty talk, public teasing, risk of being caught.
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The usual hustle and bustle greeted me when I arrived at Quark’s for my shift at the Dabo table. A Cardassian ship had docked earlier for repairs, so the place was positively swarming with officers who were desperately in need of a little recreation.
I'd barely clocked in and stepped out onto the floor to start working when Quark’s hand landed gently on my shoulder. With a little wink, he gestured for me to turn around, and I found myself face-to-face with one of the new arrivals. Outside of the occasional ship, we didn’t get many Cardassian customers. I'd heard that before the Occupation ended, Cardassian officers were about all anyone ever saw, but this was the first I'd had the opportunity to interact with. Despite my lack of experience with their species, I'd observed them with the other Dabo girls, and this one seemed different...more jovial, somehow.
“Hartla doesn’t work here anymore, but this is one of my new girls. I think you’ll find her equally...riveting,” Quark said, and I flashed the Cardassian a warm smile. “Boheeka is an old friend. Take especially good care of him while I set up the holosuite, my dear.”
“Oh, I will,” I answered in my most seductive voice. He was actually quite handsome, this officer. He extended his hand to me, and I took it as he skimmed his eyes down the length of my body. Grateful that I'd chosen one of my most flattering dresses, I silently preened under his gaze. If Quark wanted me to entice him to lose a little more money at the Dabo table, I’d be more than happy to do so. Whispering in this man's ear seemed like it would be an absolute pleasure.
“Well, well...If I’d known such a beauty was working at Quark’s I’d have come back to Terok Nor a long time ago,” Boheeka said as he stepped closer to me. The Cardassian tilted my chin up so he was looking into my eyes. “I’d take the time to romance you properly, if I had more time on this station. As it is, however, I only have a week here. I promise I’ll make my haste worthwhile to you.”
Oh, he’d had that sort of an arrangement with one of the previous Dabo girls! Well, this certainly wasn’t in my contract, but...he was quite handsome. I knew there were a couple of the other girls who would fulfill illicit transactions like this, but until now I never had myself. After all, if Quark didn’t want Odo catching on, he couldn’t force us to accept. My contraceptive implant would at least come in handy tonight.
“I’m certain you will. Would you like to play a little Dabo first, or would you prefer to get straight down to business?” I asked letting my free hand rest on the textured surface of his armored chestplate. He let out a little laugh and looped my arm with his as he began to lead me toward the stairs to the second floor.
“Hartla and I knew each other quite well by the time the Occupation ended. I’d like to get to know you a little bit before we go further.” Boheeka walked with me toward a table in one of the darker back corners of the second level. Taking a seat, the Cardassian smiled up at me and patted his thigh invitingly. “No need to be shy, my dear. Sit with me.”
With a smirk, I draped myself across his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. One of his hands spread across my back, steadying me atop him. I didn't need any help staying balanced, but I certainly wasn't about to complain about a handsome man touching me.
“Yes, this is much cozier, isn’t it?”
"It is, Glinn." As I spoke, his free hand slid up my thigh, nudging the lower hem of my dress higher. Just when he was reaching dangerous territory, his fingers slipped beneath the fabric and discovered the lacy material of my panties. Stopping him from looking down, I grasped his chin and kissed the tip of his nose. "How long did you pay for?"
"Three hours to start. Why?"
"Because if you can guess what color my panties are, I'll give you an extra half an hour for free on your next visit." It was a gamble, of course, given how closely Quark guarded his profits, but I'd figure something out. The dirty grin that stretched his lips sent a pulse of heat directly between my legs.
"A tempting prospect, to be sure..." Trailing off, he caressed the lace where it stretched over my hip as if he was contemplating what color would look best on me. "How many guesses do I get?"
"I'm feeling generous, so you can have three." Boheeka nodded his head while his eyes wandered down my neck.
"I'm quite familiar with how Bajoran and Orion women select their undergarments, but a Human? Never," he said leaning in and pressing a slow line of gentle kisses from my shoulder to my jaw. "Hm...what about red? The color of a species blood is often equivalent to the one that signifies their passion."
I had to give it to him, that was a more intelligent guess than I'd anticipated.
"A logical choice, but no," I murmured as he nudged the fabric aside and brushed his fingertips over my dampness. An involuntary gasp escaped me at the contact. His strong, callused digits moved in unhurried strokes, seemingly savoring the feeling of the softness between my legs. Idly, I wondered how different Bajoran women were...what differences he was noticing between me and his memories of Hartla...
"Pink." It took a moment to drag my focus away from Boheeka's much-too-skilled fingers and process what he meant. Right. Lingerie. The game.
I knew that.
"Why pink?" I asked curiously, trying to tease him with a non-answer.
"I have noticed pink garments on several members of your species," he explained. His teeth grazed lightly over my collarbone, and I was forced to stifle a whimper. "It would probably clash with your dress, but you would look sensational all wrapped in pink. Hell, even if I'm wrong, I think I might buy you some pink lacy things the week is out."
"Is that so?" I gasped as he pressed two thick fingers slowly inside me. The Glinn hummed and brushed his lips against my ear.
"But if I do, you can only wear them for me." His whispered stipulation sent a shiver down my spine, but before I could respond, he adjusted me on his lap. His fingers slipped from within me, and the ridge of his clothed erection pressed deliciously against my aching center. "Can you do that for me, beautiful?"
I nodded my head, utterly lost for words. That smug Cardassian knew it, too. He knew what he was doing to me.
"Have you already become tongued-tied?" I stammered out a protest, but he just laughed into the crook of my neck. "Oh, I am going to enjoy ruining you."
Looking to regain some semblance of control over this interaction, I tugged him into a kiss, distracting him as my own hands wandered between us. He gasped against my lips when I unfastened his uniform pants, but he made no move to stop me.
"Last guess," I whispered, and he smirked.
"Such a devious lady." Boheeka's voice came out rougher than before, low and gravelly and deliciously sexy. "Hm...if I get it wrong, do I get a consolation prize?"
Lifting an eyebrow, I couldn't resist teasing him further.
"I suppose I could...keep your poor, hard Cho'Ch warm until the holosuite is ready–"
"Then, I surrender." He'd barely waited for me to finish my sentence. Suppressing a giggle at his eagerness, I adjusted my position on his lap.
Lowering myself onto his length, I bit my lip to keep myself from making any attention-drawing sounds. It was a struggle, though. Boheeka stretched me so fully that once he was in, my eyelids fluttered closed and my knuckles went a few shades paler as I gripped his shoulders.
"Oh, you are absolutely worth the high price," he murmured, leaning in and kissing slowly down my neck as though I was a delicacy. "Quark said you didn't usually take this sort of work..."
I shook my head, grateful for the distraction he was providing.
"No, but when I saw how handsome you were, I couldn't resist."
A low, raspy laugh spilled from his lips at my flirtatious statement, and he slid one of his hands beneath the hem of my dress, palming my ass.
"You don't need to work so hard. You've already made a sale, gorgeous."
"I'm just telling you the truth," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the hair on his nape. "Can't you tell? My panties are so wet that they're probably ruined, and it's all your fault."
He hummed low in his throat.
"Now, that I will happily take the blame for. Fuck, you're taking me so well..." I pulled back just far enough to connect my lips with Boheeka's, melting into him even as his length throbbed within me. Losing myself entirely in the Cardassian's kiss, I didn't even hear Quark's approaching footsteps.
"If you two want to take this somewhere more private, the holosuite is ready. I mean, if you want to risk getting caught by our resident shapeshifter, be my guests, but I'd much rather you–"
"Yes, yes, we're going. Aren't we, darling?" Boheeka asked, and I let out a dazed sound as I chased his lips. He chuckled at my enthusiasm and with a bit of subtle maneuvering, we managed to get up without making it too obvious that he'd just been buried deep within me.
To anyone else in the bar, we were just another couple walking hand-in-hand to the holosuite.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @groovyqueer @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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