thornfield13713 · 10 months
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Yeah. Thoradin took the 'bombs in kids' toys' thing a bit personally. Because he cannot stop picturing what might've happened, and that is just- he has no sympathy whatsoever for 'kill a bunch of kids rather than risk my own skin'. Okay, his own little girl is safe in Blackgate and with any luck would never get near any of this - or at least, he hopes so - but he cannot stop picturing, and that besides having a soft spot for kids already.
Farewell, Arfur. You shall not be missed.
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geoanomaly · 11 months
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Repostober Day 25
Diesa Deepdelve (of Citadel Felbarr) Digital Drawn May 2015
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lewinston · 1 month
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Cover art for my Deepdelve Prospector subclass for 5E Rangers.
If you'd like to check out the subclass PDF, you can download it from my Ko-Fi page for free.
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Welcome to my project.
Graybeard Hold
It is a dwarven hold comprised of the traditional number. 4 Houses. House Graybeard, House Cairnhill, House Axethrower, and House Deepdelver. My plan is to go down this list, going through the founding and struggles of each House, before establishing day-to-day life in their Hold.
If anyone actually sees this, I'll let you pick which House to start with.
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I'm still learning how to draw water, but I thought I'd experiment a little bit with my first depiction of a DeepDelver mother and calf! (Or Carrier and calf, if you prefer.)
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In the warm and shallow portions of Cybertron's oceans, one can experience a rare and beautiful sight, if you're lucky enough to beat the odds... Millions of years will pass between the arrival of each calf, but if you can happen to be present during a few special days and nights, you'll absolutely be able to see the soft glow of two pairs of biolights beneath the surface from shore. An even more incredible view awaits those who can sail the calm surface! So long as you pose no threat, the curious little newborn will likely be inclined to get a good look at you, learning everything it can about the mysterious surface before it becomes time to move on to the depths at about a week of age. Little is known about their rearing practices, but it's believed the DeepDelver learns how to care for its home through all of its kind who share it, showing us it isn't just tiny beings that need a village to raise a child.
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astriiformes · 5 years
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Introducing the esteemed Vilwa Aiwendil, Tordek Deepdelver, and their nephew, Ránwë Aiwendil, who totally doesn’t look like that other elf that got killed in an explosion yesterday
Our D&D party are on the run and in disguise right now, but that didn’t stop us from making allies in the form of the Zizisvoynis, a powerful, wealthy family with guild connections, and their ancient patriarch, a literal golden dragon who still stops by to visit the great-great-great-etc grandkids. We informed them of a plot on their lives by members of a cult to the arch-devil Glasya and they and dear grandpa decided the best way to thwart the attackers would be to throw a party the night of the attempt, for maximum drama when it’s revealed they’re well-prepared against the intruders instead of taken by surprise.
Everyone’s all dressed up, courtesy of the Zizisvoyni family, so we can help them fend off the attacks, but we’re all still using fake names and disguising our appearances. Erwyn’s cover story is posing as the nephew of two of our other NPC allies and his portal-lore mentors, Palava and Alembic. Because we’re going wild with tropes right now anyways, so why not squeeze in a little found family members posing as relatives, right?
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seventh-gravewarden · 5 years
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I took part in a month-long Drawing Challenge in September, each day being a step further into a campaign. Here are prompts 8-10: A Wondrous Structure, Wise Council, and Awakening Hidden Power.
If the master Dwarven smith Herron Deepdelver can't repair that broken artifact, surely they'll know someone who can -- Fenwick and Mirza can only hope.
While the two adventurers wait to see if the Dwarf Forgemaster can repair the artifact arrow, Fenwick gets some rest....and receives a vision of his god: the stag-headed Erastil. Sometimes the wisest council is just a simple truth: “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
Since embracing his vision from Erastil, Fenwick seems changed. More at peace and focused entirely on their dragonslaying mission. His companion observes him at night -- target practice under a moonless sky, aiming with his mind's eye (or a celestial stag archon's unerring sight).
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artist-the-dragon · 6 years
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"You better leave him alone, or we're gonna mess you up!"
3. Rescue Mission, in which Team Deepdelve stops Team Skull from beating up a caterpie.
Lily only seems to bust out ember if the enemy really makes her mad. Kind of a weird quirk of the game that I hadn't expected to notice mid-dungeon.
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A History of Magical Artifacts, The Silver Axe
The axe was an ancient thing, and powerful. It was designed for one simple thing only: to kill. Druac of a house long forgotten forged the axe with the heat of his anger, poured his very soul and vengeance into the fine silver blade, and cooled it to perfection with the blood of his last surviving child. You see, Druac had lost his family when Solmon, King of the Polodoq took control of the land-- the present day Krouhl Prairies-- from the Rohamani in the Dawning Years of Human civilization. King Solmon began his invasion in a small hamlet whose name was lost to the passing of millennia; Druac and his family resisted and as a result all but him and his newborn babe were lined up and killed. In the early era of Polodoq civilization, the nature of their execution consisted of the subject being mounted alive upon a stake and left until the next Planesmeeting. As you can see, Druac would have had ample reason to hate King Solmon.
When rumor of revolution about a decade later came to Solmon’s ears, he called for a gathering of half the conquered villagers to his castle for a lesson. Reports say Druac admitted to Solmon that it was him who lead the revolution and begged mercy for the villagers, but as many who study Human history know, every one of them was impaled upon a spike. There was one survivor, however, as I came to realize: Druac. He was a blacksmith for the hamlet and forged a silver axe with the intention to kill King Solmon; and he did, but not in the way most would think.
As he begged mercy for his villagers, he offered the king a magical axe. When the king questioned why the axe was in two pieces, Druac explained that it bonded to whoever put the two pieces together and that it could kill any creature that draws breath. What he didn’t explain was that the axe was crafted with special instructions by a certain book: The Book of Vile Darkness. The axe was cursed. King Solmon put the two pieces together and then ordered the execution of Druac and the villagers. Druac did not die, however, as the axe’s nature transferred Solmon’s life force into Druac. As Solmon died during the Siege of Silence-- when Rohamani warlord Adalla Fen’s army snuck into the castle and killed everyone in their slumber-- Druac sprung back to life, pulled himself off the stake and went in search of the axe.
Druac never found it as it had been taken by Adalla Fen when he killed Solmon; Adalla found the axe in two parts and put the pieces together. What historians gathered from the revival of Rohamani culture after the fall of Polodoq, was that they had a custom in which the ruler only ruled until they were struck down by their successor. What I know now is that each successor would take the silver axe as a sign of their strength and be doomed to die. This cycle lasted until the Dragon Civil War resulted in the Draconic rule of Altanis where the Polodoqs were eventually wiped out and the Rohamani betrayed the rest of humanity and aided the Dragons in  their takeover. The silver axe was lost in a treasure horde collected by the ancient red dragon Viinrulkarin.
Generations later, a dwarven army under the leadership of Muirkyll Dragonbane lay siege against Viinrulkarin’s lair and killed the fierce dragon. Muirkyll found the axe and put the pieces together; he died a week later. Hjalnyl Bearheart took the axe and carved a kingdom out of Viinrulkarin’s lair; the kingdom becoming the modern day Mogh Dumedum in the heart of the Kuneteyas mountain range. Hjalnyl was killed by assassins shortly after and the axe sold along a black market where it made it’s way deep into the Underdark with famed adventurer Durgle Deepdelver where the axe became yet again lost after Durgle’s party met the Mindflayers.
In the depths of the Underdark, the axe sat for hundreds of years until a drow by the name of Miz’za Icharyd unfortunately stumbled across it. Miz’za was killed by the Deep Gnome Schnilshuck Opaleyes; who was killed by a Beholder named Iokoksh; who fell to a duergar raiding party led by Bromdrom Ironclast; who was killed by Mog the Kobald, who brought the axe out of the underdark to a mountain range called the Spine of Dunatis where he was killed by a human named Whittaker Crestwood; who was captured and killed by the Yuan’ti snake people of the Jungles of Yig in southwestern Ebios. Here, the axe remained for several hundred years until a wood elf adventurer named Qinnoren Liadon picked it up.
Qinnoren Liadon brought the silver axe on a journey to Arvander, or Arborea as many know it. It was here that Qinnoren met his doomed end when a raiding party from the Nine Hells attacked. The axe was brought back to the Nine Hells to be gifted to Valakis, brother of the demoness Vixalial and Archduke of Avernus, the First Layer of Hell; I believe this is what lead to Zariel’s rule as Valakis had been killed at the height of his power, when he was on the verge of gaining control over the third layer, Minauros. The axe was brought into Gehenna by a group of yugoloths, who were then overrun and killed by a pack of barghests.
There are many names that were taken by the axe: Cheda, Falimor, Dren, Balune, Krahj, Darmin, Vazenus, Taym, Maquilames, Elkela, Bar, Re’Or, Billowen, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. I could fill pages with only the names of those unfortunate souls, but alas there is not much time. So I will tell you the end of what I know.
The axe came to a small town in the Shadowfell by the name of Ulthar. A blacksmith named Karius Von Dar found it on the body of a zombie that attacked the town. As you could guess by now, he put the two pieces together. Now, Karius was not a regular blacksmith, he worked specifically with magical items; the axe intrigued him and he began to study the object, keeping it secret and safe within his locked chest. He did not have long to study it as the Shadowfell and Feywild fused into one realm called Myrkrheim, as a result all of the cats in the town became sentient and violent.
Years later, a party of adventurers came to what was left of the town of Ulthar in search of an artifact that laid within the fiendish Raxivort’s treasure vault on the nearby island. Two of the adventurers, a goliath named Brunar and a faerie named Acacia Oni found the axe in two pieces right where Karius left it in his shop. It was Brunar who put the pieces together and bonded the axe; he did not last much longer as the psychic wind that traverses the Astral Sea rendered the poor man brain dead. Brunar floated in the Astral Sea for quite a while before a morkoth found him and added him to its collection. The morkoth was killed by a Githyanki raiding party lead by a woman named Drahneya; she found Brunar’s body and determined he had passed away only moments before. Drahneya also found the axe and put the pieces together, which lead to her death when the raiding party came to Crextind Academy, the most marvelous school of science and magic on the material plane of Midgard-- if I might say so myself. Several of the professors found the axe and-- sensing its magical energy-- gave it to me to study. I made the mistake of putting the axe together; a simple act of screwing the axe-head onto the handle until you hear a click that I presume enacts the bonding process, as it was then I could feel myself become bonded and sense every soul who had also become bonded since the axe’s initial creation.
I do not know how long exactly I have, but I fear I will die soon and that my death will only serve to revitalize the man who created the axe, Druac, as all others have.
-- From the final pages of the journal belonging to renowned magical artifact historian, Yhendorn Zyllamin, who was murdered in his sleep. The whereabouts of the silver axe are unknown.
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thesepeopleproject · 6 years
so there's been another van driving into a group of people in a town nearby and right now I'm so full of hatred for the people who do stuff like that like these people a literally the worst and if there's such a thing as an afterlife I hope it'll be eternal torture for them
— Ruby Deepdelver (@ofBrokenborings) April 7, 2018
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thornfield13713 · 11 months
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So, this is cute. Might've just inspired a future githyanki bard here. Okay, his first attempt isn't brilliant, but nobody's first songwriting efforts are anything but cringey, and he's got a good solid grasp of his theme and rhyme scheme already. Thoradin's early efforts were worse. Not that he's not composing his own song, since that was the deal for getting the tablet in the first place, but far be it from him not to encourage an up-and-coming young musician.
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coolweare-blog · 12 years
hello again
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p-eek · 12 years
hey i followed you on instagram (noraigesundx), i really like your photos! :) could i have a first 10 to like mbf? thank you xxxxx
thank you so much gorgeous! ofcourse ill post it now! :) xx
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follow izzymasters on instagram now then message me for 1 of these!
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I'm actually kind of amazed... I really feel like I can see improvement every time I post a lineart? Look at how complicated this big boy is!
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Feel free to color him and have some fun!! Cybertronian oceans come in many colors, so these big guys definitely can have whatever palette you'd like. Once more, just credit me if you post or send me the results, mostly because I love to see what other people can do with my lineart!
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kindness-project-blog · 12 years
sppice, patch0ulli, naturallybrunette, deepdelved, and p-eek are all amazing and super sweet! they're all incredibly nice to their followers! LOVE YOU GIRLS XO
Bless your soul
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thornfield13713 · 10 months
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So. That's adorable. I'm glad I got to talk to the owlbear this time. Though I am a little sorry there's still no option to adopt him yourself. I suppose a busy political spouse doesn't have quite as much time for pet owlbears as many others do, but still. I hope it's a druid-exclusive option in Ned's playthrough, because I really don't want them to be separated from their darling boy.
But, Halsin will do a good job of looking after him, and there are always visits. Possibly playdates, between Thoradin and Wyll's girls and Halsin's new wards.
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Oh god, that's adorable. I'm glad he's up for it- and that would be the most amazing surprise to get, as a child, having pestered for one before your father went away to a party with his boring grown-up friend, only for him to return with an owlbear. Whom he can talk to, and may teach you to talk to. Can't lose, honestly.
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