#deep space nine inquisition
bagheerita · 2 months
"Inquisition" fails the DS9/SGA test that "Whispers" passed with flying colors.
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stopthatbluecat · 2 years
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Julian Being Pushed Against Walls Masterpost
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usstrekart · 1 year
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"Inquisition" (S06E18, Stardate Unknown) hinges upon a believable simulation and a strong performance from Siddig and both nail it. The rising tension is nearly perfect and this early Section 31 is a fantastic addition to the Trek universe. Even on a rewatch it holds up.
Dr. Bashir gets into a bit of trouble in "Inquisition" so I framed him in a traditional jail cell. I don’t normally work with shadows for depth, but I wanted to separate him from the bars in this one.
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various-things · 1 year
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sshbpodcast · 7 months
Character Spotlight: Julian Bashir
By Ames
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We’re practicing some real frontier medicine this week on A Star to Steer Her By as we shine our spotlight on Dr. Julian Bashir. He starts off the show as kind of a wide-eyed tactless prig – but he’s cute, so we can forgive him a little – and grows into a sort of tempered, moralistic prig you can’t help but want to play games on the holodeck with. When he’s not creeping on women, anyway, which he does. A lot.
So grab your racquetball racquet, work on your best totally-not-really-Bond voice, and get ready to walk the thin line between medical ethics and medical malpractice with us! Scroll on below for our best and worst moments from our dear doctor, listen to our discussion on this week’s podcast episode (jump to 1:00:03), and learn the difference between a preganglionic fiber for a postganglionic nerve.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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I’m not going to let you die Having the symbiont removed is fatal to a Trill host, but Julian keeps Jadzia alive after Verad steals the Dax symbiont in “Invasive Procedures.” It’s a good moment for the good doctor, especially considering he mostly creeped on Jadzia up to this point, to see him stand up to a Klingon in order to care for her and to work with Quark on a scheme to get the symbiont back!
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My best friend, Elim What this constantly humping puppy really needed early in the show was someone to temper his boundless enthusiasm, and that person was the enigmatic and utterly captivating Garak. So when Garak is in danger of dying due to his brain implant in “The Wire,” Bashir is the loyal friend who goes so far as to track down Enabran Tain to find a way to save his book club buddy.
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He may look like Bareil, he may even talk like Bareil, but he won’t be Bareil The most important character trait of Dr. Bashir – and any Starfleet doctor, for that matter – is his unwavering moralistic attitude. We get a good taste of this in “Life Support” when he refuses to turn Bareil into a Frankenstein’s monster no matter how much Kira wanted him to. Bashir attests that there would be no more humanity (Bajoranity?) left and he stands by that.
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First, do no harm… More of those morals are on display in “Hippocratic Oath” when First Goran’Agar asks Bashir to help cure the Jem’Hadar of their addiction to ketracel white. Julian sees not only how it could benefit the Federation to separate the Jem’Hadar from the Dominion, but also how it could benefit this whole race of real people who are suffering, and that is commendable.
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And it would be less awkward if you had a chaperone Of course, Julian is more than just a genius doctor. He’s also part of a well-oiled team, and his relationships are at the core of any character. In “Rejoined,” Julian agrees without question to chaperone Jadzia and Lenara’s date because both Trills are afraid of the feelings that might come out if left alone together, and Julian is happy to act as wingman for his friend.
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A year ago, I would’ve thought you were just trying to be a hero Starting Bashir off as such a naive, self-absorbed character gave him room to develop and it’s quite amazing to watch how his character grows over the seasons. By the time we get to season 7’s “Starship Down,” he’s able to reflect on how far he’s come when his first impulse is to keeping Jadzia warm when they’re stuck in a closet and not to feel her up instead.
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A Blight-free baby It’s clear just how much Julian has matured as a character in “The Quickening.” Not only does he work tirelessly to try to cure the Teplan of the Blight and succeed in at least creating a vaccine to protect the next generation, but we see him facing failure for the first time (that he’d admit) when he can’t save Ekoria, something we don’t see a lot from TV characters of this era.
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Surgery Under Fire Here’s an episode which starts with Bashir being his boastful, blathering self, then shifts abruptly to throwing him into the high-stress role of combat medic, all while Jake Sisko reports on the subject. The strength of “...Nor the Battle to the Strong” is portraying the different sides of Bashir, and the one that tries his hardest to protect Jake during a siege shines through the shelling.
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What was one is now two While this episode is one of our least favorites – especially for Worf and Jadzia! – Julian actually comes across as progressive and supportive in “Let He Who Is Without Sin.” He and Leeta are vacationing on Risa, ostensibly to participate in the Rite of Separation, which looks to be a very adult, empathetic, and consensual way to break up with no bad feelings. My, how he’s grown!
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It’s either a self-sealing stem bolt or a reverse ratcheting router, I’m just not sure We always love it when the doctors on this show put their foot down and prove what a badass they are. McCoy did it with Khan. Crusher did it with worm-neck Quinn. Pulaski did it every day of her BAMF life. And Julian gets to do it when he stands up to the Jem’Hadar who’ve imprisoned him in “By Inferno's Light.” Because Starfleet CMOs are tough as nails, baby!
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Playing spies and being spies are very different things Like the mirror universe, the concept of Section 31 was great once and then got twisted and overused until we were rather sick of it. But when it was introduced in “Inquisition,” Section 31 was the bomb! And Julian was all the more brilliant for figuring out Luther Sloan’s layers of ruse. Even though being a spy should be a dream come true, he somehow resists the urge to join up.
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It’s just that I like you a bit more. See? There, I’ve admitted it. No Bashir list would be complete without his adorable friendship with Miles O’Brien, encapsulated in all its glory in their bromance scenes in “Extreme Measures.” When Julian admits to Miles how much he loves him when they think they’re on the brink of dying, it’s just the sweetest thing. But then they go do something stupid, which you’ll see shortly…
Worst moments
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Plug that thing into your own warp core If you hadn’t seen any of Deep Space Nine before Bashir’s guest appearance on TNG in the episode “Birthright,” he’d seem like kind of a nut. This weirdo comes on board the Enterprise with some mystery tech that he promptly starts hooking up to the ship, pointing at everyone’s favorite android, and causing general chaos. Who is this dingbat and what is he doing on my show?
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His clone gained consciousness and began a new life DS9’s characters seem more like the “let’s see what happens” types than those on other shows, and Bashir is just as culpable as anyone else (except maybe Sisko, who’s always a wild card). In “A Man Alone” he finds some goo lying around and decides (without asking anyone) to grow it into a fully sapient clone with absolutely no repercussions. This never comes up again. Julian is basically Dr. Frankenstein.
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Not necessary, but not forbidden either It is uncomfortable how much Julian follows Jadzia around like a pervert, constantly making little comments (“I can think of better ways of keeping you up,” he says, like a creep) even though she’s expressed she has no interest in him. And even though it allows him to witness her kidnapping in “Dax,” I find it reprehensible for him to stalk her on her way home after she told him not to.
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DS9 is not ADA-compliant The first time Bashir initiates a squicky relationship with a patient is in “Melora,” and it won’t be the last. Melora Pazlar is a fiercely independent Enaran, whose physiology is better suited to low-gravity worlds, and Julian tries to “fix” her to be more suitable to Earth gravity. But even grosser, he starts dating his patient, which would get his license taken away in today’s practices.
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It’s a five-thousand-year-old battle warm-up For the first couple of seasons, Bashir is so insufferable that all the other characters complain whenever they are forced to spend time with him. And one of his most annoying displays of self aggrandizement comes in “Rivals.” Watching him showing off his exercises before destroying O’Brien in racquetball is just obnoxious as hell. It is hard to like this guy when he’s like that.
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Life begins at thirty Clearly turning thirty makes you over the hill, even though in this advanced future, people are living in their hundreds. This is mostly a running gag on the podcast, but it is born out of Julian’s actual feelings in “Distant Voices” and he is such a little twerp about turning thirty that he comes off as even more obnoxious than he did when wrecking O’Brien in racquetball!
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He’ll know he’s a Klingon You know how we gave Julian credit for seeing the line where to stop messing with Bareil’s brain in “Life Support”? Well he takes a dump on that line in “Sons of Mogh.” We gave Worf his share of the blame for eschewing familial responsibility for his brother, and Jadzia for coming up with the nonconsensual plan to wipe Kurn’s memory, and now we have to blame Bashir for carrying it out despite the poor ethics involved.
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The no-win scenario Based on the projections of the mutants (sorry: augmented people) in “Statistical Probabilities,” Bashir straight up recommends to Starfleet that they surrender in the Dominion War to end the casualties. Come on, man! Don’t you know that “nobody can guarantee what’s going to happen tomorrow, not even an admiral from the future”? And who in their right mind would listen to Jack?
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Turn that no into a yes Vic Fontaine is an incredibly polarizing character, but in “His Way,” he is problematic as hell. He psychically reads people’s circumstances, he interrupts people at work, he lies to both Kira and Odo, he won’t stop singing. And we have Julian to thank for forcing his character down our throats in this deeply uncomfortable episode that fails at being romantic and comes across as simply toxic. Hey, just like Bashir sometimes!
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Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti NO If Julian’s relationship with Melora made us uncomfortable because of the inherent power dynamic, get ready to be downright disgusted by what he does to Serena Douglass in “Chrysalis.” The augmented girl also becomes his conquest, both as a woman he can “fix” and as one he can woo. Her ability to consent in either case is questionable at best and utterly illegal at most.
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Adding brain insult to brain injury All the close male friendship scenes in the world couldn’t negate the upsetting character assassination in “Extreme Measures.” How Bashir is capable of inflicting the kind of suffering he does on Sloan negates pretty much any accolades we gave him earlier for his sense of morals. This is simply despicable behavior that Bashir should never have even considered.
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Ezri, why are you avoiding me? After we gave Ezri shit for falling for Julian last week, I went and reacquainted myself with all their scenes together in season 7, and Julian is SO gross to Ezri. He starts hitting on her in “Afterimage” when she is clearly suffering from trauma and she flatly turns him down. And then the final couple episodes of the series each have a cringey crush scene until they finally hook up in “The Dogs of War” and it just feels lazy! Bashir is rewarded for years of creeping and finally gets a girl. Not the girl, because she is NOT Jadzia. Just a girl. Vomit.
Put it back in your pants, Julian, we’re done with this spotlight. This is what you get with such well-rounded characters like DS9 creates: people who have lots of strengths and flaws, and we’ll have even more to discuss in the coming weeks. But first, we’ve got to wrap our coverage of season 2 of Enterprise on SoundCloud, so keep your eyes here for our thoughts on that, keep paging us over on Facebook and Twitter, and tally up those racquetball points!
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basingstokemercury · 1 year
Interesting how the most outgoing and sensitive of the cast responds to emotional pain not by asking for help or expressing distress but just shuts down
I'm not a psychoanalysing characters' childhoods kind of person but it makes you wonder
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raurquiz · 6 months
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#otd #startrek #deepspacenine #inquisition #sisko #dax #kiranerys #worf #odo #obrian #bashir #quark #sloan #section31 #weyoun #chandler #kagan #jemhaddar #romulans #ds930 #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus
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theturncoattournament · 3 months
Do you love a character with a good redemption arc? Or a corruption arc? Or even just seeing the kind of storylines that emerge from a character who was formerly aligned with an enemy side decide to join a different one?
Then welcome to...
The Turncoat Tournament!
This is a tournament for characters who have changed sides at some point in the story. It can be from good to bad, bad to good, or from one morally ambiguous side to a different morally ambiguous side, as long as the change in allegiance is still clear. Characters can change sides multiple times, and ultimately end up returning to their original side, and still qualify for the tournament!
Due to the subject of the tournament itself being inherently spoiler-y, I will by default not be tagging posts with spoiler warnings. However, below I do have a list of all the pieces of media that have characters in the tournament; if you see something on this list that you do want spoiler tagged, please let me know, and I’ll start tagging it with spoiler warnings!
Media list:
(Arranged in alphabetical order)
2001: A Space Odyssey/2010: The Year We Made Contact
Ace Attorney/The Great Ace Attorney
Animation vs Minecraft
Arthurian legend 
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bamse - Världens starkaste björn
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Bungo Stray Dogs
Chess The Musical 
The Chronicles of Narnia
Code Geass
Critical Role (Campaign 2) 
Cult of the Lamb
DC Comics (Batfamily, Flash characters, Shazam family)
Devil May Cry
Doctor Who
Dog Man
Dragon Age: Inquisition 
Dragon Ball Z
The Evillious Chronicles 
Fable III
Fairy Tail
Fake Princess
Final Fantasy XIV
Game of Thrones
Genshin Impact
The Good Place
Gravity Falls
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
The Hunger Games
I Expect You to Die 3
The Incredibles 
Just Dance
Kingdom Hearts
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 
Kirby series
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords manga
The Librarians
The Locked Tomb
Machineries of Empire
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel Comics (X-Men, Avengers) 
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Nan Quest
Once Upon A Time
One Piece
The Owl House
Pandora Hearts
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Person of Interest 
The Pirates of Penzance
Pirates of the Caribbean 
Portal 2
Power Rangers: Dino Fury
Pretty Cure (Fresh Precure, Kira Kira Precure a la Mode, Suite Precure, Hugtto Precure)
Provost’s Dog
Princess Tutu
Raya and the Last Dragon
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Sonic the Hedgehog OVA 
Soul Eater
Soul series (Soul Calibur/Edge) 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Wars (Prequels, Original trilogy, Rebels, Clone Wars, Knights of the Old Republic) 
Steven Universe
The Stormlight Archive
Sunless Sea
Tangled: The Series
Teen Titans (2003 series) 
Teen Wolf
Terminator films 
Tron Legacy
Vorkosigan Saga
Warrior Cats
Wings of Fire
Wolf 359
Young Justice
Yu Yu Hakusho
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milton-dammers · 4 months
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
S06E18 Inquisition (1998)
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ao3feed-ds9 · 10 days
The Doctor's Arrest at Casperia Prime
https://ift.tt/fKx0sz1 by hingabee, PunishedPyotr Of course, it was possible that his own regular therapy was doing him some good. Ziyal was still certain that Elim was never - and would never be - completely honest with Counselor Belaris, but maybe she was getting through to him anyway. Plus, things seemed to be going very well for him with Bashir right now. Specifically, Bashir was doing better generally. He was much more relaxed and not nearly as broody and cryptic as he had been before Ziyal had gone to Shikina. Elim said that he’d started taking regular pain medication for his leg while she was gone. Though she hadn’t really followed how that development was supposedly related to Chief O’Brien’s cat. “Look, Elim,” she said gently, “I’m sure it will be fine. There are going to be lots of Starfleet doctors there, and Starfleet can’t afford to have anything happen to such important medical personnel while there’s a war going on. Security will certainly be very strict.” Elim sighed. “That’s what worries me…” Words: 5639, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Series: Part 75 of Does Your Mother Know Fandoms: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Julian Bashir, Elim Garak, Tora Ziyal, Luther Sloan, Hans Jordt, Original Male Character(s), Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek Ensemble Relationships: Julian Bashir/Elim Garak, Julian Bashir/Luther Sloan, Elim Garak/Hans Jordt Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Age Changes, Age Swap, Episode: s06e18 Inquisition (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Vacation, medical conference, Honeypotting, Interrogation, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Daddy Issues, Dubious Consent, Gore, Literary Device: Chekhov's Gun, Section 31 (Star Trek), Gaslighting
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maeselc · 6 months
@the-last-dillpickle says 'sloanshir omorashi inquisition au', I write sloanshir omorashi inquisition au. Thank you for this incredible concept!
M-rated, 1,143 words, mind the tags/the fact that the entire fic is about piss ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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stopthatbluecat · 2 years
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Season Six Siskoshir: Sisko's Office
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
black!fem reader spends new years with jotaro and jolyne last minute since they couldn’t go see family over the winter .. ik new years was yesterday but
New Years and a Hint of Blue Magic — Jotaro x Black!fem reader
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Always up for a lil dilftaro, thanks for the request sweetie! enjoy 🫶🏾
With a huffed sigh, you dropped your arms by your sides. Your fingers, slick shiny and covered in grease were aching so bad right now, not to mention how your arms felt even worse.
All you wanted to do was have your hair look nice going into the new year. Was that too much to ask for?!
Seeing your dilemma from afar, a deep voice gave you an alternative.
“Just wrap it up how you usually do.”
You heard Jotaro from behind you but you couldn’t see him in the mirror. However, at the mention of the last resort option, you groaned before quickly bringing your hands up back to your hair again, suddenly determined to finish the impossible presenting task.
“I already told you I’m not gonna resort to just wrapping it up.” You gritted.
You continued to finish the strand of twist you priorly let go of, having to undo a bit of it so that you could form the unit without any hitched.
Swallowing a sigh that formed in his throat, Jotaro finally came up behind you. Laying his hands on top of your shoulders, he gave you a concerned look through the mirror.
“Okay, I hear you? And I appreciate your efforts to look nice, but right now it’s getting late and Jolynes practically bouncing off the walls for entertainment. We gotta leave this for another time.”
Acting as a full stop to Jotaro’s sentence, Jolyne zoomed out from somewhere, face painted bright gold and red and hair pinned up into two space buns which were each spray painted green.
“Did someone call me?!” She yelled, hands full of markers that were definitely bound to leave a mark on furniture.
“No, Jolyne.”
Jotaro had to sound alright saying that because any hint of unsatisfaction from his voice and she’d make it her mission to ask ninety-nine questions into the new year.
Jolyne looked up between you and Jotaro, trying to gauge the atmosphere before calculating things were good. However, Jotaro knew that if he didn’t say anything, she’d become inquisitive or suddenly think it was an open discussion she was allowed to join.
Pointing downstairs, Jotaro tried to formulate the best excuse off the top of his head.
“Jolyne, go set up for us, we’re coming.”
That was all the convincing she needed.
Girly didn’t even ask what exactly she was supposed to be setting up but it was enough to get her out of the room. She was still buzzing from excitement that you were staying over.
Turning back towards the mirror, Jotaro lowered his head so that he could line his face up with yours and lean your cheeks together.
“You’re not travelling abroad in the end so you know that you don’t have to do anything too special. Either way you’ll look good.”
Dropping your arms again, you let out a long groan as you laid your head back onto your partner’s shoulder.
“I know that but I’m just nervous, okay? This is our first new years together and I guess I just wanna look good for the occasion. Is it so bad to want to look nice for that?!”
Turning to kiss the side of your forehead, Jotaro squeezed your arms. He had to try and appease you every way he could.
“First, there’s nothing to be nervous of, its just me and Jolyne.” He said with an amusing tone. “But right now we’ve currently got thirteen minutes until the new years. What do you think is the right call?”
There was a slight pause.
Jotaro had to silently hope that you didn't find this the time to suddenly remember that Jotaro wouldn't push you to do anything you didn't want to. And hope he did.
Pulling yourself out of his grasp, you pouted as you moved across the room towards your overnight stay bag. Opening up the bottom section, you pulled out a silk scarf.
Jotaro gave you a thankful look as he watched you wrap it around your half done head.
“Tomorrow, I don’t want to hear a single complaint from you when I call you to come help do my hair.” You added as you walked past him to go downstairs.
"One minute left!" Jolyne screeched as she whizzed pass the TV screen that currently broadcasting your region's capital annual New Years show.
Standing by the couch, you and Jotaro stood with expectant faces, although you couldn't help the tentative hand that kept reaching up to toggle your scarf correctly.
Noticing this, Jotaro laid a hand just over your tailbone.
"You look fine." He muttered.
In having your subconscious tick be highlighted to you, you couldn't help but whine at the back of your throat.
"I know, I know. I just wished I looked more dolled up."
"But you do look 'dolled up'."
"Yeah, to you." You emphasised, albeit leaning into the man's touch a bit more. "I just wanted to look extra pretty for our first new years together."
Jotaro glanced towards the TV screen before looking down at you again. He had thirty-two seconds.
"Look, I know you're not gonna hear me out properly because you were dead-set on looking a certain way but I hope you know that regardless of how your hair looks, I think you look great and Jolyne always says how she thinks you look like one of her Barbie dolls so please, enjoy the night." He finished.
With a pout, you looked up at the man. Even though you wanted to stay upset about not being dressed to the nines, you've got to admit that Jotaro could be persuasive when he wanted to.
"You're lucky you're charming." You softly grinned as you leaned into the man's touch.
"Not that charming." He says with a huff. "Just telling you the truth."
"Ten seconds!"
Jolyne gets up onto the couch, her energy too high for a midnight event, but alas, you and Jotaro decided to join in with her infectious energy.
Shaking the party popper that was in your hand, you decided to countdown along with the younger girl.
"9! 8! 7! 6!"
Jotaro fondly looked over at the two of you girls. It's been a while since he's spent a holiday with a significant other but to finally be able to go into a new year with the intermediate people he loved was something he's been praying for himself for a long time.
This year was definitely going to be a good one.
"3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!
With a chorus of shouts between you and Jolyne, Jotaro couldn't help but at least crack a smile.
"Happy New Year, JoJo!" You said as you picked up the smaller girl and whizzed her round in a hug. She screeched happily at the interaction.
"Happy New Year!" She laughed back, instantly running towards her father once you had set her down.
"Happy New Year, Daddy!"
Jotaro bent down to hug her lightly, her small body looking even smaller within Jotaro's large frame. The man repeated the phrase back to her, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead straight afterwards.
When he stood up, Jotaro was met with you proposing him a shy yet endearing smile. For a moment, he paused. He wasn't sure what it was but seeing you look so domestic, so fitting this late within his home setting, made him contemplate if this was something he wanted to witness each and every day.
Taken your face into his large palms, Jotaro wasted no time in leaning down and planting a loving kiss to your lips.
"Happy New Years, beautiful." He mumbled into you. He loved that he could feel you smile into it.
"You too, baby." You muttered back before pulling away. "And hopefully to many more."
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skinnyscottishbloke · 3 months
Trying to organize my ask notebook better since I've run out of space under general fandom asks and I would like to know what fandoms you are in so I can ask the correct people about the correct fandoms.
I think my main ones are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ones I don't engage in canon at all are Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal ship, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie ship, The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier things and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
Also do you like getting asks that are or include story ideas or snippets?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.
I’m pretty multifandom tbh - I like a lot of movies and shows and books. I guess my main ones at the moment would be Doctor Who, Buffy, Tolkienverse (Bagginshield is a top pairing for me there, definitely), Good Omens (our ineffables own my whole ass heart), ATLA, Heartstopper, RWRB, Sense8, Black Sails, Bones, Leverage, a little bit of HP (I read a lot of Drarry fic), B99, Johnlock (I was deep in the Sherlock fandom for a long time, it used to be my main one, then fandom drama and s04 killed that pretty hard BUT I still love fic), BBC Merlin, Marvel stuff (more og Avengers, Daredevil, etc not really newer stuff), Rupaul’s Drag Race (I’ve seen all the US seasons, all the Allstars seasons and a solid half of all the international seasons), Jane Austen productions, period dramas in general, anything David Tennant has done, uhhhhh yeah you get the point lol. Going by my A03 bookmarks my top fic pairings are Aziracrow, Merthur, Johnlock, Bagginshield, Drarry, Elliot/Parker/Hardison from Leverage, Matt/Foggy from Daredevil, Stucky, Zutara, Doctor/Rose, Nine/Jack/Rose, Narlie, and Firstprince. I don’t really play video games or computer games or watch anime or kdramas, so those fandoms are not really on my radar.
Thanks for the ask!
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all-the-trek · 6 months
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine S6E18 "Inquisition" (2374)
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Oh hey there Death and Sheriff of Roswell, NM. But in all seriousness, I hate Section 31 and everything it stood for and how it was added and I don't wanna be one of them utopia trek people but dammit I kind of am.
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top five fictional guys
OH FUCK . UM . I have suddenly forgotten every single piece of media I've ever consumed
um . this list changes constantly but here :
5. Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
4. Seven of Nine, Star Trek: Voyager
3. Nadia Vulvokov, Russian Doll
2. Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect trilogy
1. Dorian Pavus, Dragon Age: Inquisition
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