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swanno-arts · 1 year ago
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auto gets the weird texture shivers over earth dirt
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hotboxerdude · 2 years ago
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diekunstdesbackens · 2 years ago
Türchen Nr. 5: Die etwas anderen Weihnachtsgeschenke
*Werbung* Herzlich Willkommen bei meinem 5. Adventskalendertürchen! So schön, dass du da bist. Im 5. Türchen lautet das Motto “Mit Liebe schenken“. Seit ihr noch auf der Suche nach einem Weihnachtsgeschenk für eure Liebsten? Aber ihr wollt nicht irgendeinen Gutschein oder irgendwelchen Krims Krams schenken, wo gefühlt jeder schon 5000x mal Zuhause stehen hat. Na dann, hab ich euch hier ein…
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kocourmokroocko · 3 months ago
Dedoles postapokalyptickokapitalistický posting
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themslash · 1 year ago
hungarian christmas ads worst of november edition
3. fucking dedoles rats. you found the worst rhyme and you're going to make me hear it 50 times a day because i'm too lazy to open my computer to watch youtube. this goes for all of the following but the dedoles rats really dont have much unique going for them.
2. ikea christmas ad. with grandma and the dogs. i hate grandma and i hate your dogs. the voice over going "everything can be replaced...... except for love <3" is a really sweet way to rub it in for anyone who might have any sort of negative family situations for any reason
1. i think it's yettel? the christmas carol ad? jó ajánlatok a webshopban? its like. i'm not even catholic or something but it somehow combines the annoying ditty nature of the dedoles rats and the offensive quality of the "only your family loves you forever" ikea ad. it genuinely triggers incandescent rage within me every single time i see it. killing any plausible deniability of christm*s' deep connection to consumerism that you might be trying to hold within your heart in secret which i do.
honorable mention: katy perry chicken commercial. in case you hadnt already despised her music. here's an advertisement for raw chicken where you can enjoy her music again, 50 times a day. i dont think its christmas themed, it just sucks.
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from the entire article on Weapons from the Official TF2 Wiki
Ackuke Ackulayes Afting Aliam Ality Almetwer Almon Ambary Amecut Amike Andbaby Andbang Andins Angivedd Anins Anninhs Aparts Arrecepit Aryingled Assing Ataling Atehey Atelat Atere Atock Ausan Avemoddsh Awanding Awass...
Backer Backeways Bactionds Bastattak Bater Beatormom Befal Beffen Befoes Begis Behancic Berrelid Bildiflen Billy Bisgully Blactring Bloaddon Blummung Bontem Boontion Boothey Boticory Boxither Boyed Bregge Bufferfer Builyine Buits Bulling Bulten Burge Buslayelf Cabratc Careed Caroull Carrely Cating Cauning Cinistary Clitint Cloakey Clotinal Comon Concien Condo Conks Conts Copicts Corts Corty Crablays Crack Craggatem Crani Cratoun Cretestap Crilloy Crough Crover Cuiconsed Cumse Cushispe Dasse Deads Deasse Decemon Deches Decke Dedolls Deffecte Deleendy Dence Depents Depla Deples Deployela Dernsiber Dersan Desch Despe Detero Difer Difle Dirdemn Disholies Dispiny Distaid Distrag Dists Donnow Dowdow Drocka Duargers Ducking Ductrus Eakents Earmale Efirly Enble Enchig Encing Equick Etass Ethold Ethrow Etrase Eturrior Eurner Everbill Excepts Excer Extimele Fakinsion Fatolizer Fiece Fierback Fierfoes Fingents Firents Firly Fising Flack Flass Flepleed Foren Fragary Fress Frover Gairect Garbators Gener Gionloy Glokil Goldiam Grater Grentrow Griper Guing Gunalf Gunceplay Gunsits Guntenes Guntrits Hader Halls Handvity Hastrai Hation Hattly Havain Havalls Havemy Heartun Heding Hetchany Hicap Hiewroppe Himetched Hingion Hisly Holdium Holds Holls Hoppe Hords Hoses Hounts Houtalit Husiver Icuttes Idord Imang Imely Inbis Indshor Inger Ininford Intsmg Iscips Itattly Jumber Kiness Kingerag Kings Kuptle Largetty Lariough Lartember Lashal Layes Laysty Lolle Lookabs Loottic Loutsmans Luepedish Madect Mager Mands Mantints Mantly Mareging Mater Mause Mauting Mayed Melock Meming Metoing Metop Mewer Minbip Miniver Minsload Mokits Motty Nable Nachatemo Nimed Nisimes Nition Nosses Notinger Obtabs Onchey Ondounted Oneyeligh Outions Pabilita Pachan Palve Pangents Pdattrad Pects Pentes Percer Pischal Pishin Pitase Pither Pition Plitin Plown Pocept Poote Posted Pribasid Prible Prikerred Prinates Pring Pringe Prite Prober Prorpoper Pross Pround Pully Pumel Purno Purses Pyrinter Quilay Quills Quinis Quäcke Radead Rancitman Raton Reckupda Reding Reend Renciadly Reninge Replay Repor Respit Restrused Riffer Ritching Rondba Ropitmas Rorbong Rumes Runcro Sadds Sadle Saing Sanive Saunble Scapper Scaunc Scond Scoud Scrate Scuepts Seciel Sepecang Serbut Shanis Sharm Sharsums Shedead Sholvemn Shomb Shwartur Shwasted Shway Sibackle Siner Sisuptlet Slach Slashot Slassbot Slich Sling Sloadeal Smack Smactin Smatobtab Smaustrup Smays Smeld Snaidly Snater Solin Somot Spead Specane Spect Spenigh Sping Staftick Stainicur Stang Starkeyes Stmakente Stoming Strocue Sunattas Swinvaint Swist Swity Sworch Swores Synches Syncinvul Syrondine Taing Takill Tarnims Tassim Tatchak Tattly Terfe Theasices Thown Throp Thrunce Thunting Thusedis Thusedue Thuster Ticlas Tielle Tifires Tioncha Tioner Tiong Tobot Tobtable Tordeck Tored Torreel Tortif Traing Tranate Trifectro Trounce Trupt Ubefoud Unalitsmo Unark Unatortin Unisplang Unters Upple Ushor Vaireetop Videaded Vidly Vieves Vingente Vionowdow Viorigh Vishit Vistime Volivery Volstores Wayers Weadds Wever Wevity Wheake Whill Whisty Whita Wideademy Wilit Wition Witione Wrearkle Wrencro Yourns Übeger
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arual-7 · 2 years ago
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Voici une bien belle initiative nous incitant à porter des chaussettes dépareillées pour la journée mondiale de la trisomie 21.
♪ MAIS Y’A UN MAIS ♫ (comme dirait la chanson “Les Rois du Monde”)
Porter des chaussettes (trop) dépareillées et pas du tout assorties m’angoisse profondément.
D’ailleurs, quand j��achète des chaussettes chez Dedoles, quand elles sont trop différentes, j’en prends deux paires, pour les assortir.
En fait, cette journée devraient être appelée la journée mondiale du syndrome de Down contre le spectre du trouble autistique. Oui oui, en mode Alien vs. Predator...
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gregpostok · 2 years ago
Ő is idegrohamot kap, mint én a Dedoles felemás zoknijaitól?
Brúnó csak részben érti az új cipőmet.
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hamuland · 2 years ago
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So I did some research on the socks from the post I most recently reblogged because of course I did and wowza do they have an interesting advertising campaign!!! (See above) They are sold by dedoles for $7.89 (plus, I assume, shipping and handling). I would have bought a pair but alas they are out of stock in adult sizes.
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swanno-arts · 1 year ago
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more doodles of the dedoleate crew. now featuring dedoleate's own go-4, unaffectionately nicknamed golf by the captain because. yeah.
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trixi096 · 3 years ago
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Thank you Dedoles!🥰❤🦋🐹🐰🐯❤ #dedoles #dedoleshu #love #butterfly #bunny #hamster #levendula #hungary #slovakia #trixiphoto🦋🦋🦋 (helyszín: Hungary) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRXRp1xF0S_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hotboxerdude · 3 years ago
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jakubp · 4 years ago
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need to chase this one
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th3cat79 · 3 years ago
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A #Carrara è già #Natale!!!! #birra #beer #belgianbeer #stillenacht #belgianbeer #deDolle #igerscarrara #picoftheday📸 #nofilter #beerporn (presso Carrara, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWOSmjHsIZb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bluefbread · 2 years ago
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I’M EXTREMELY LATE FOR THE milf/dilf/winner of 2nd place of tumblr sexyman‘s B-DAY, REIGEN! anyway everyone is slaying dedoles socks
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karolinaofbookland · 5 years ago
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is #SockSunday still a thing? if not, I don’t care, I have the coolest socks ever! look at them! 😍 do you collect crazy, interesting socks? I love socks with stripes and with polka dots 🥰 #books #bookstagram #classicliterature #socks #dedoles #janeausten #charlottebronte #socksandbooks #socksundayandbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B_K2PtMAyQU/?igshid=kfbxh7hkedsl
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