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corukant · 1 year ago
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long day retiring separatists amirighttttttt
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what if the jedi order was like some blade runner shit… detective skywalker… cue vangelis tears in rain on blast
also visual canon be damned idgaf 🤬
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planetapolilla · 1 year ago
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Hag Deckard
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tenebres-for · 11 months ago
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holographic-mars · 2 months ago
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I finally finished Brave Police J-Decker and this is my biggest takeaway from the show
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curatorofthisdigitalmorass · 9 months ago
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Hans Woody
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obsessedbyneon · 1 month ago
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Blade Runner Sketchbook (1982) - part 5: Deckard's apartment.
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cheesesquiggler · 25 days ago
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cheybabes · 27 days ago
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WOAHHHH LITTLE ART DUMPP OMG ‼️ ((I totally forgot to post some of these)) Also, the first one is like .. smtn for a friend🕺, I js drew both of our fav tf characters together, I thought it turned out pretty good, so I wanna share 🤺🤺
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dothestarsshine-art · 5 months ago
EDIT: definitely turned into a massive rant about Vander's politics, I tried to not be petty and I failed, I can't fix it with another draft, he drives me nuts. In this unassigned essay I literally will...
Vander criticism incoming because I re-watched the Sevika rematch in the last drop and holy moly did he do Vi dirty (What his guardianship style meant for Powder, Mylo, and Claggor all deserve their own posts) and I can’t think about Vi’s struggles without thinking about VanderLand™. Not saying he didn’t do good, not saying he couldn’t have been worse, just that…:
Vander preached against fighting, but lived (comparatively) large off of his reputation for fighting AND through the exchange of a blind eye from the enforcers in return for keeping his own community under heel. Grayson saying, “I keep out of your business and you keep your people off of my streets” or whatever, suggest to me the passes that Vander has enjoyed in his interests over the years.
His thriving business, the life he projects, no fighting oppression, only bar-keeping, but we see him throw his reputation around as a favor to to his friends, like Huck and Babette. Would the undercity merchant/business owner class want your protection if they knew what was up? Maybe, Benzo was on board. What about the rest of the undercity that aren't enterprising? Silco saying, "Not JUST for the Lanes, but for the whole of the underground," is huge.
It pays to be Vander’s friend, but no one else could possibly realize the success that I think he pretends he did. The lifestyle he's trying to get Vi to subscribe to (VanderLand) doesn’t actually exist. Everyone is seeing that but him and Vi is boiling over in confusion and frustration and self-doubt and anger.
If any other kids had caused the damage in Piltover that made Marcus go all ham, their parents would not have had the luxury of negotiating with Grayson, and I honestly don't believe that Vander would have turned himself in to protect them. When Vander or Grayson die, the little pocket of safety that he's carved out for the lanes will be lost, this only benefits a select few for as long as Vander can pull it off.
Bless you Sevika for leaving him behind, my god. The way he claims all responsibility for the day of ash is honestly just insulting. If you hadn’t led them across that bridge, maybe someone else would have, my guy.
Look at the lengths Sevika and others go to to fight YOU so they can have another chance to fight the real enemy without you protecting your cushy life (and kids, yeah, yeah, but it’s still painfully short sighted. People had kids the first time around, some people in the bar calling to fight back with Sevika surely also have kids. That’s -why- they want to fight) all over the conversation. He talks to vi like he opened and closed the book on revolution - get out of the WAY OLD MAN.
To Vi he’s like, Yes, I live a better life for myself, my family, and my friends leveraging just the sheer -memory - of when I used to fight, but you can’t.
There's a difference between self-defense in dangerous streets and planning a heist to steal your way through life, but he seems to lump them together. Then in the same conversation telling her that fists aren’t the answer, he checked quality assurance checked that she kicked Deckard’s ass, because ultimately that is what he expects from her. Attacking the root cause of gangs like Deckard's is immature and selfish, but you better be a good enough fighter to beat the shit out of them on call. WHAT a moving target.
What I saw in Vi’s delirium in the bar in the Sevika rematch was Vander dissing her guard and telling her she has no choice but to keep fighting, that she’s needed, whether she’s wanted or not. And yeah, it’s not Vander that said that, it’s in Vi’s head, but it's reminiscent of things we did see him tell her as a teenager, that message of “you are the only hope that the people you love have, you're responsible for everything that happens when you interact with them, you're not allowed to not interact with them, in fact you must -lead- them. Also, you're stupid.”
For that to be what her brain cooks up for her mentor to say to her to stay conscious and in the game, the way that she accepts it with a huffed laugh and it actually HELPS HER is so gaahhhhhhh.
Fundamentally, (in the admittedly very little we saw in act I of uniquely stressful time,) I feel that he offloaded the effort and responsibility of mentoring, nourishing, and raising all four kids individually, to Vi. He literally made the others leave the room before giving the soft side of his lecture in the basement, then barked at, confiscated from, and threw stuff at the Mylo and Claggor on his way back upstairs. To expect Vi to take his guidance in, make sense of it (impossible), and redistribute it to the others is not cool, and that's why he makes me grump.
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excedrinextrastrength · 11 months ago
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hello internet, here have some giant robots blushing
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tech-obssessed-shark · 1 year ago
So… are they… you know?
Serious question because Gunmax just gives those vibes ok-
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whims-of-fate · 1 year ago
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 4 months ago
Well now we know what became of that cat and Deckard...
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teletextart · 5 months ago
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Deckard by Carl Attrill
Currently showing at the Teletext50 exhibition on Yle Teksti-TV, Finland. Info: https://teletextart.co.uk/teletext50-art-exhibition-on-yle-text-in-finland-7-october-11-november-2024
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beek612 · 1 year ago
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Happy Holidays🥧
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meeenrui · 2 years ago
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