#decimatlas: eden emerson.
sburbanlegends · 2 years
@decimatlas , rosita to eden.
“yoo-hoo! eden!” rosita is skipping as he approaches eden. he doesn’t seem scared of her at all. in fact, he approaches her like most would approach josie.
“you look absolutely great today!” he says with a grin. “anyway! now that the important thing is out of the way… brooke told me you are a great fighter. i’d love to hit the training grounds with you.”
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braeveries · 1 year
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our girls.
jo & eden belong to @decimatlas <3
(my art. please do not use or repost.)
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riighteouspath · 1 year
@decimatlas for eden !
he is a creature of habit. he obeys, he fights, he protects. ( after all, it’s what he’s made for. ) though, the longer he spends on earth, the more he is realizing : there is more to life. something he still doesn’t quite understand, but still, he cannot help but long to recognize it. focus is brought from his own head as her voice meets his ears. ( there are too many things here he has yet to comprehend. ) eyebrows furrow softly, as blue eyes find hers. a small frown tugs at the corner of his lips. “i -- i’m sorry, is that a reference to something ?”
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yllowpages · 1 year
❝ That’s what I like in a woman. At least three felony charges. ❞
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His back is settled against the flimsy headboard of the motel bed, though he doesn't notice how he's slowly slipping down on the comforter and becoming more and more slumped. ( What he doesn't know won't hurt him ... unless it's neck pain the next morning. ) His coat has been left wrinkled on the floor next to his boots that he kicked off earlier. He's definitely in ' relax mode ' ( as much as he can be ) after a long day of ... nothing — but Sam elected to stay out and keep researching ( since he's such an overachiever ) .
Dean lifts a bottle of beer to his lips and raises his brows at Eden's comment. They both have their eyes settled on the room's television ; after a good twenty minutes of surfing whatever random channels this weird little town manages to get. And it might cut out for a couple of seconds every ten minutes or so, but they were able to settle on ' Thelma & Louise ' . ( Inpromptu movie night while people are apparently having their noses bitten off and lungs ripped out by god knows what ... Happy Thursday. )
He nods slightly to agree, not even blinking when the static comes through and, yet again, the signal stalls and the picture jerks until it comes back in. ❝ Well, that and — ❞ He gestures toward the T.V., the beer sloshing in the bottle when he waves his hand, ❝ — Geena Davis. ❞ Dean actually glances over to her, like they're sharing a knowing glance. He quirks his brows again with a childish smirk and then looks back to the T.V. ❝ Whew. The things I would give ... ❞
@decimatlas / eden emerson.
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htsdfferent · 9 months
@decimatlas for eden !
he has no idea how he got tangled -- no pun intended -- into this task. he’d been on his best behavior all night, keeping his older brother comments tucked into the corner of his cheek. he hadn’t rolled his eyes at her, or any of her affectionate moments with brock. yet, chelsea still shoved the ball of string lights into his hands and walked away. “this party blows.” the words are mumbled, mostly for himself. but, of course, eden is sitting next to him, unwrapping the fragile ornaments from their safe packing. his eyes spot the slight arch in her brow before his mouth is moving again. “look, i’m not being a grinch, just -- i mean, come on, untangling lights isn’t exactly a favorite pastime of mine.” shoulder slump further into brock ( and chelsea’s now, too. considering the move. ) couch. “don’t tell her [ . . . ] or, do. i don’t care. it’s not like there’s a worse task she could give me.”
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trxplehelix · 1 year
@decimatlas asked: ✑ can i have one for each of the emerson siblings bc im greedy
send ✑ for a headcanon i have about your muse! 
Eden was the first person to ever hear Benji singing as well as the first one to ever see him play his guitar. He didn’t even know she was there at the time and she didn’t mention it until a couple weeks later when she bought him some new guitar picks.
Brock has a collection of old Nintendo memorabilia going back to the 1980s. Benji started getting him stuff for it not long after they met, partially as a joke, but he now collects things on his own, and Benji still finds new stuff to get him for his birthday every year.
Josie once claimed that Benji was her brother to visit him in the hospital, and it was a simple little white lie but he kept thinking about it over and over again in his head for the next few days. It was pretty clear how much those simple words meant to him.
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emfgal · 2 years
      @decimatlas​  :    surprise for eden !
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      “you know, i’ve come to a point in my life where i need a stronger word than fuck.”
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forhawkins · 2 years
      @decimatlas​  :    a starter for eden  !
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      steve’s leg swings slightly by her bed as he scribbles her notes into his notebook.  it’s messy, and he’s fairly certain he can’t read it.  he makes no attempt to correct his writing  --  it’s not like he’s going to look at these notes later, anyway.  his pencil stills as he’s eyes glance up towards her.  he glances towards the two stacks of notecards  --  one stack significantly higher than the other.  brown hues steal one more glance towards eden.  he pauses for a moment, waiting to see her eyes shift to his, but they stay focused on the notecards.  he slides the notebook from his lap and leans down to his elbows against her mattress.    “can i ask you a question ?”    he snatches the taller pile of notecards and begins shifting through them.    “it’s probably a stupid question.  it is a stupid question.  you’re probably already told me.”    eyes study the words written nicely against the card, eyebrows furrowing as he racks his brain for an answer.    (  he really does need to study.  )    his eyes move back towards eden, finding her eyes already on his.    “you’re going to think it’s a stupid question.”    he watches one of her eyebrows lift.    ‘ that’s kind of the point. ‘    steve nods his head slightly as he flips the card over, eyes closing slowly after reading the words.     (  the correct answer never even crossed his mind.  )    his eyes slip back open and find hers.    “where was the contact of freedom signed ?”
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hawkiller · 2 years
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      incorrect quotes ft  @decimatlas  :  eden emerson  !
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alwaysend · 2 years
@decimatlas​ gets another starter  !
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        as soon as river’s feet plant onto the new ground, she lets out a breath of relief.    she takes a moment to look around the warehouse she’s found herself in.    when she finds it empty, she moves to rest her hip against a nearby crate.    she’s been doing too much running recently.    running from stormcage, running from the guards, running from bullets, running from alarms.    (  she’s sure if she had never been created with the help of the space vortex she would be panting.  )    river checks her watch.    ten minutes.    there’s a lot one can do in ten minutes.    she pushes herself off the crate, pulling out her scanner as she stands.    she scans the box, shoves her scanner back into her pocket, and grabs a nearby crowbar and lifting the top off.    river tosses the crowbar back to its original spot and picks up her duffle sitting by her shoes.    no matter how carefully she moves, she can hear the jewels and silver knock together.    river unzips the bag and pulls out a single yellow diamond, which she slips into a small satin bag.    she places the satin bag into an empty pouch on her holder, and she stuffs the bag in the bottom of the crate, moving the packing paper on top of it.    as she secures the top back into place, she hears the familiar zap of a vortex manipulator.    river stands quickly from the box, taking a small step to the side, moving towards other crates in the warehouse.    river sighs as eden turns her head towards her.    she offers the other a mostly innocent smile.    ❛  well, hello there.    i was beginning to wonder when i’d see you again.  ❜
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braeveries · 1 year
[ distance ] across a large space, sender blows receiver a kiss / from eden to din. i hate her.
Din chuckles quietly beneath the helmet, crossing his legs as he leans back in the chair, lifting his hand and beckoning Eden over with just a flick of his fingers. He shoots one quick scan across the room, careful of the other eyes on her.
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braeveries · 1 year
❛ i really want to kiss you right now. ❜ eden to din (silly goofy mood)
❛ Nothing's stopping you, I promise. ❜ Din replies softly, a smirk across his lips beneath the helmet as he reaches up to tuck Eden's hair behind her ear with his leather-clad hand.
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yllowpages · 1 year
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The music drums loudly in his ears, bounces off the tall walls and high ceilings of the club. The space smells of alcohol, sweat, and heavy perfumes and colognes. Not that this would be his location of choice to spend his evening, but the club's atmosphere and guests quickly become background noise for the task at hand — the party's already started, and the intoxicated dancers didn't receive the invite.
John easily pushes through the writhing crowd, brandishing a pistol as he goes ; his eyes are trained on something. A moving target, no doubt, but it would be hard for anyone else in his position to make out among the sea of dancing bodies. He doesn't seem to lose his mark, however, and slips between the drunken, drugged-up guests as he continues to pursue the target. But something else catches his eye — competition. He's not alone in the chase of the hunt, though it's not particularly surprising. ( What little he really knows about the mark leaves John unfazed that someone other than Viggo might want him dead. )
The man slips out a door, followed quickly by a grouping of hired guns ( his protection, no doubt ) , and then a smaller figure. Just as John is prepared to hurry his pace, he's stopped by more guards this man must have in his employ. A temporary setback ... One, two, three — he raises his pistol with precision. Shots are fired ( first down ) , he dodges attacks, takes the offense. Strikes make contact with bodies on both sides until he quickly dispatches of the others with well-times shots. Only a fraction of a second is spent regathering himself before he continues on. ( A pistol magazine falls to the floor with a clatter and he pulls a fresh one from his belt. )
The door : more guards rush toward it, but John quickens his feet. BANG! BANG! BANG! Two more fall almost instantly with gunshots. A third takes more effort than the first few. He blocks a fist's blow to his head once, twice, and then grabs onto his opponent's suit jacket. In one swift movement, they're both on the ground, John keeping the man in an arm lock. With the upper hand, he has the time to pull his pistol once again —
He shoves the man's body away slightly and quickly gets to his feet, finally approaching the door. He opens it with caution, pushing it with his shoulder while a trained eye peers out to survey the work ahead. The opposition looks to have beat him to it, however. Bodies are strewn across the ground in the hallway — gunshot and knife wounds to their bodies. John continues with his vigilance as he moves forward. But another gunshot goes off, prompting him to move faster.
A private room at the end of the hall is the source. A guard is shoved out, slamming against the wall of the hallway, just before a swift gunshot to his forehead is delivered. There's a brief moment of silence before more crashing and clattering — a woman curses, harshly ; another gun goes off, but from the continuing sound of struggle, no one was hit. John steels himself and presses on, until the door behind him bursts open. He turns quickly to look behind him, only to be greeted with raised firearms. There's only a brief second for John to prepare before both sides enter their fire-fight.
And here is what John cannot see while he's so occupied : a large figure shoves the smaller against a wall before throwing her to the ground. It's a tough struggle — the man is obviously bigger, stronger — but she isn't giving in ( she, a the predator to his prey in her own right ) . Gunfire continues in the background, though only the man pays it any mind. She's reaching for the handgun that was previously tossed to the ground, but the man stops her before she can — seemingly with every intention on strangling her then and there. The gunfire in the hallway halts ...
A few seconds later and ... Well, she could have come out of this alive all on her own. But John reaches the doorway, just as her fingers graze her pistol. He steps in, perhaps not as the Good Samaritan, nor the gallant knight ; no, he's not here out of the goodness of his heart as he lunges forward ( Death rides his pale horse, instead, tonight ) . John's hand grips a fistful of the man's hair, forcing his head and neck back, and forcing his hands off of her. The man's hands paw at John's arm to pry him away, he screams curses. It lasts all but a handful of seconds before John places the barrel of his pistol to the man's temple without another thought and fires.
The body falls as John lets go. His chest rises and falls deeply with each breath. For the first few moments, his eyes remain there. Then he glances at her on the floor, and holding her pistol ( she had been ready and he took her opportunity ) . Neither of them speak just yet ; their eyes simply meet. ( Wolves in the woods. ) One might assume there would be moments of understanding ( an acknowledgement of the nature of the game they all play ) , but the air between them is tense. Neither want to be in the position they're in ( this is hard a business of quid pro quo ) . Still ... he reangles his body and begins to move his arm just when she snaps —
❝ i don’t need your help. ❞
— and pulls herself to her feet. There's ice in Eden's voice, a pure contrast with the fire in her eyes ( it's simple resentment : a stolen contract ) . His hand retracts instantly but he holds her gaze even when she stands. John's brows knit further together a touch while his lips part , leaving him breathing through his teeth. He can read every insult she hurls in her mind and he almost wonders why she doesn't shoot him right now. He would be prepared to retaliate of course, but he knows the option is there for her ( this is no holy ground, thus the gods wouldn't exact punishment ) . And yet no more violence comes ... So their gaze breaks when she looks away and leaves the room, head held high ( and haughty ) . John himself glances down at the body, then takes his cellphone from his pocket : confirmation.
@decimatlas / eden emerson.
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braeveries · 1 year
‘ don’t look at me like that. ’ eden to din (har har har bc he has a helmet on)
❛ Very funny. ❜ Din deadpans, walking forward to Eden and gently taking her arm. Slowly, he turns it over, lifting his head to reassure she wasn't in any pain. ❛ You worry me more than the kid at this point. ❜ He adds, the sound of his boots pounding against the hard metal floor echoing through the room as he tries to find the first aid kid. It had moved around more times than they could count.
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yllowpages · 2 years
sender and receiver make eye contact across a busy room.
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The lobby is large and sprawling — much bigger than New York. Its style : timeless. Under different circumstances, it would be a perfect vacation. But he isn't exactly here for the food or the sights. ( To be in a place and to visit a place are ... very different ; a visit to Paris will have to wait. ) He adjusts the strap of his luggage on his shoulder, redistributing the weight, as he takes a coin from his pocket and slides it across the concierge's counter.
There's a surprising amount of hustle and bustle in the room. John glances over his shoulder as the Continental employee checks him in. People lounge about the plush seats, coming and going from the cocktail lounge just off of the lobby — conversations of all language and region. He turns back and the concierge slides a room key across to him with his assigned number. He thanks them, takes the key, and steps away from the front desk to go toward the elevators.
He presses the button for the upper floors and waits for the elevator doors to open for him. John turns once again, observing his peers. ( A strange ilk they all are. ) But as some people part ways from one another, they leave a clear line of sight to the cocktail lounge. And there at the bar ... a familiar face. ( He could call her an acquaintance with the limited interactions they've had thus far, but her reputation precedes her, at the very least. ) He realizes Eden doesn't see him at first, but her head turns just enough ...
Their eyes lock. There's a sense of mutual respect, understanding, and ... warning. Maybe it's coincidence, that they're both in this city at this time. But that almost seems too good to be true. ( He knows she's just as good as anyone else. ) So they both seem to know exactly what the other is here for ; and that's the issue, isn't it? ( Those open contracts ... They both want the same thing. ) John offers a light nod, either as a polite greeting or a simple acknowledgment. She doesn't return it ... but the elevator doors open and he looks away from her without a second thought and steps inside.
@decimatlas / eden emerson.
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braeveries · 2 years
@decimatlas gets a starter for Eden from Din! - With Grogu tucked against the metal of his chest, Din had been talked into joining Eden to resupply Mos Pelgo before returning to their ships and parking for the night. At her suggestion that Grogu should probably eat before they’re back up in the air again, he complied. His boots thudded against the dirt, his eyes falling to the woman next to him beneath the tinted visor of the helmet. 
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