#decided to change websites because its easier to show who's who
thenorthblues · 2 months
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@songofnoheart asked: [ Height Difference ]
↕ + 9'1 ( @songofnoheart ) // I request your shortest muse!
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"First off, rude of you to ask for the shortest guy here, got somethin' to prove?? Second, I'm only shorter on a thechnicality!! Meet me in the ocean and see how tiny I am then!"
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Gay teens who couldn't come to terms with their sexuality share how they removed their breasts and genitals in false hope that becoming transgender would 'cure' them, as concerns mount that 'gender-affirming care' for children is homophobic
By: Harriet Alexander
Published; Feb 3, 2024
Several young people who transitioned as teenagers, in a bid to cope with their sexuality, have spoken to The New York Times
They all said they wished their surgeons or those prescribing hormone therapy had asked more questions about their mental health and motivations
A study cited by the paper showed that 80 percent of those with childhood gender dysphoria resolve themselves by puberty
Gay teenagers disturbed by their own sexuality have described deciding life would be better as a transgender person and undergoing surgery - only to regret it several years later.
The young people said that, in hindsight, drastic surgical operations were offered with insufficient discussion or thought. Their stories emerged as concern grows that so-called gender-affirming care for children is homophobic, as it permanently changes the bodies of children and young adults who are not transgender, but merely trying to come to terms with their sexuality.
One told of being abused online by trans rights activists when, after five years living as a trans man, they realized they wanted to revert to being a lesbian woman.
Another, who began transitioning from male to female at the age of 15, now campaigns against surgical intervention under 25 for anyone who has not had psychotherapy first. 
Yet another, growing up as a lesbian in a conservative community, convinced herself life would be easier as a trans man and had a double mastectomy - only to revert to living as a woman six years later.
Studies cited by The New York Times showed that many teenagers wrestling with their identity and sexuality ultimately found peace: 80 percent of childhood gender dysphoria resolve themselves by puberty, and 30 percent of people on hormone therapy discontinue its use within four years, the paper said.
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[ Kasey Emerick, a 23-year-old woman and detransitioner from Pennsylvania, had a double mastectomy at 17 and lived as a trans man for five years ]
The effects of the hormone therapy, including infertility, are, however, often irreversible.
Kasey Emerick, a 23-year-old woman and detransitioner from Pennsylvania, told The New York Times she saw living as a trans man as a better alternative to being a gay woman.
'I transitioned because I didn't want to be gay,' she said. 'I believed homosexuality was a sin.'
Emerick, who grew up in a conservative Christian church, told her mother at 15 that she was gay.
Her mother told her it was likely a response to her father, who was convicted of raping and assaulting her repeatedly from the ages of four to seven.
At 16, Emerick was caught texting a girl, and her mother took her phone away: Emerick was then admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
Emerick convinced herself inside the hospital: 'If I was a boy, none of this would have happened.'
She said she found trans advocacy websites online, and felt she could 'pick the other side.'
At 17, after two 90 minute consultations, she was cleared for a double mastectomy - despite the anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, panic attacks and ADHD she was also suffering.
'I'm thinking, 'Oh my God, I'm having my breasts removed. I'm 17. I'm too young for this,' she recalled, but said she went ahead with the operation.
'Transition felt like a way to control something when I couldn't control anything in my life,' she told the paper.
Emerick lived as a trans man for five years, but then realized she was no happier, and began detransitioning - despite online threats from trans activists.
'I thought my life was over,' she said. 'I realized that I had lived a lie for over five years.'
One man, Paul Garcia-Ryan, lived as a woman from the age of 15 to 30, undergoing bottom surgery in college.
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[ Paul Garcia-Ryan, now 32, founded an organization to help other young people considering surgery to transition - which he had, and regrets ]
He has detransitioned and is now, aged 32, a psychotherapist in New York, treating young people who suffer from gender dysphoria.
Garcia-Ryan told The New York Times he believes no one under the age of 25 should be allowed surgical procedures unless they have seen a psychotherapist.
He said he was driven to identify as a trans woman because he could not countenance being a gay man.
'It was much less threatening to my psyche to think that I was a straight girl born into the wrong body — that I had a medical condition that could be tended to,' he said.
He said that, when he sought medical help aged 15, the clinic immediately confirmed his own thoughts, rather than challenging them.
He said he had surgery in college, but suffered severe complications from the surgery and hormones, which made him reconsider his decisions.
'You're made to believe these slogans,' he said. 'Evidence-based, lifesaving care, safe and effective, medically necessary, the science is settled — and none of that is evidence based.
'When a professional affirms a gender identity for a younger person, what they are doing is implementing a psychological intervention that narrows a person's sense of self and closes off their options for considering what's possible for them.'
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[ Aaron Kimberly, a 50-year-old trans man living in British Columbia, transitioned at the age of 33, but argues that too many young people are not sufficiently questioned before undergoing the procedures ]
Grace Powell, who grew up in a conservative community in Grand Rapids, Michigan, said that she became convinced that her sexuality would be 'solved' by living as a trans man.
She had a double mastectomy the summer before college, then went off as a transgender man named Grayson to Sarah Lawrence College.
Powell, now 23 and detransitioned, told The New York Times she wished more questions were asked before she opted for the life-altering procedures.
'I wish there had been more open conversations,' she said.
'But I was told there is one cure and one thing to do if this is your problem, and this will help you.'
Aaron Kimberly, a 50-year-old trans man living in British Columbia, transitioned at the age of 33, and lives happily as a man.
But he said he left his job at a clinic treating gender-dysphoric young people because he felt there was not enough emphasis on mental health treatment, before surgical options or hormones.
He then founded the Gender Dysphoria Alliance and the L.G.B.T. Courage Coalition, to advocate better gender care.
'I realized something had gone totally off the rails,' he said.
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raayllum · 1 year
it’s high key really annoying the attention toh gets on this website while no one acknowledges tdp exists
Yeah, sometimes I wish TDP got more recognition and appreciation in a fandom space for its storytelling (the parallels, the worldbuilding, the mature theme explorations) simply because we haven't had a western kids' show go this hard since TLOK (even if I think Korra stumbles in a lot of ways) and arguably ATLA in its explorations of war and morality, two things that TDP is obsessed with, as well as a sometimes overwhelming discussion of Grief.
However, to be frank, while many teen and adult fans of kids cartoons say that they want darker themes and storylines, what that usually means, I think, is more akin to something like TOH or She Ra, in which you know 1) your favourite characters will always typically survive with maybe one or two minor parental or villainous exceptions, and 2) one or two characters in an otherwise fairly cookie cutter 'good guy' cast will have a redemption arc or be quirky morally dubious in a way that's played for comedy, and there will be a handful of significantly "Oh Shit!" darker or creepier moments. The characters are mostly teenagers, the heavier plot stuff is regulated to a few standout episodes, with most of the other conflicts being things like figuring out how to make friends or struggling with not fitting in or deciding what you want to do with your life. And those are all good explorations, and it's not as though TDP doesn't touch on some of that (Callum is finding his place in the world, Rayla is 'changing careers', Ez struggles with his new responsibilities and not fitting in, Soren - like Hunter - leaves an emotionally abusive relationship with a parental figure).
But I think it's TDP's attachment of all of those things to morality that makes the emotional stakes higher and less comforting and/or comfortable for people who are, likely, going to fiction for escapism rather than exploration. (To be clear: one is not better than the other, I just know what my personal preferences are.) Rayla's 'career/schooling' change is whether she's going to kill people for a living; Callum deciding what sort of mage he's going to be is rooted in deciding how much he's willing to either slowly destroy himself or take on the impossible, both with some dire consequences; Ezran not fitting is is also tied to having mysterious, unknown magical powers the story still hasn't fully explained the root cause of. Yes, the three main kids are typically good people who want to do the right thing, but that's much easier said than done (Ezran burning the monster soldiers, Callum's ruthlessness, Rayla's self sacrificial tendencies manifesting in destructive ways). TDP is never going to have an episode of "I lied to my friends because I wanted them to think I was cool or not a nerd" or "I'm scared of them preferring someone else over me" or "I need to learn how to be a good friend" (hi TOH with like 5 episodes and She Ra).
Like Rayla lies to the boys, but that's because she isn't sure how to tell them that her father murdered theirs and made them orphans, and she's worried it will accordingly be a wedge between them.
Like, there's hardly any episodes of TDP that don't talk about grief or death or both in some manner. The show consistently explores unreliable narrators across all sides of its ethical spectrum(s). S4 has a subplot regarding religious traditions and the ethics of the death penalty. Most of Arc 1 and now into Arc 2 sees good people with good intentions or understandable motivations doing pretty terrible things to either themselves, the people around them, or both. The death and body horror imagery aren't one offs, but consistent series defining elements that are always treated seriously. Villains aren't people who don't love their families (or anyone) and good guys aren't good because they're good friends to one another. It's more complicated than that, from the body swap and discussions of the soul in S1, to the cycle of violence laid out explicitly in S2, to explorations of punishment and exile in S3.
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Overall, I'm fine with the success and appreciation that TDP gets; some of my students watch it, actually, which makes it useful in some of our lesson discussions. Because TDP is a good show for kids, yes, but it certainly never pulls its punches in forcing all of its ensemble cast through the wringer.
TLDR; due to age demographics and tonal differences, particularly in character conflicts, themes, and amount of Lore, I'm not surprised at all that TDP is pretty underrated on tumblr. Again, doesn't mean these elements of 'maturity' make it Better (although I do think it's written more cohesively than She Ra and more consistently than TOH in its set up and payoff), I just know where my (and many other's) preferences lay accordingly, and am not surprised at the split.
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melliotwrites · 2 years
10 tips for musical theater writing!
We've been getting asks about musical theater writing and thought it might be helpful to share some things we've learned from our writing process that've made our lives easier. DISCLAIMER: we are by no means experts in writing musicals! These are just things that've worked for us!
(Some great resources we'd recommend are Finishing The Hat and Look, I Made A Hat by Stephen Sondheim for good jumping-off books by an amazing lyricist, or websites like https://www.musicals101.com/write.htm (they have a good explanation of song forms here: https://www.musicals101.com/score.htm that cover the basics of musical forms, etc.) To chat with people more experienced than us, we'd recommend visiting https://www.reddit.com/r/musicalwriting/)
Here are our tips:
Collaborate! In professional musical theater, there are three writing roles: lyricist, who writes the words for the songs, bookwriter, who writes the words in the scenes, and composer, who writes the music for the piece. People can be any combination of the three- for example, Mel is a lyricist/bookwriter but Elliot is a composer/lyricist/bookwriter. You can also take on different roles on different projects! You don't have to choose which one you are Right Now, but writing a show is a lot easier if you have one or more collaborators. One of the most common mistakes I see in aspiring musical theater is trying to do too many at once -- people who are awesome composers but mediocre lyricists, or people who are great lyricists but their music is all over the place -- which can kill interest in a project before it even begins. Theatre will always be a collaborative art form, so try to find people you can create your best work with!
Choose a topic you have something important to say about. Something you feel like nobody else has said before, or something you think you personally can say in a new way. Our writing process for both TAOPP and Adamandi was to begin with some big ideas - for TAOPP, we talked about the transformative experience of falling in love, and for Adamandi, we talked about the ways that dark academia idealizes an unhealthy independence, and doesn't often include queer students or students of color. Focus more on complex questions than statements ("How does an Ivy League school help and harm its marginalized students?" vs "Racism is bad.") We choose a set of characters that allows us to have an interesting group of perspectives on that central idea.
Outline! Once we know who is in it, we write a rough outline of the show, deciding where scenes and songs are, though this outline often changes throughout the process (for example, at this stage in the Adamandi process, we knew how Act I would end, but initially Litany of the Martyrs was in the middle of Act I instead of Act II). Outlining is especially important for musicals, because you want it to be as solid as possible before you start writing. It sucks when shifting around the plot or cutting characters means scrapping great songs you've written too soon.
Know why you want this to be a musical! Why not a book or a screenplay or a concert or song cycle? What is it about the musical form that makes you excited to tell the story through it, and how will live theater help you tell this story? In a musical, the songs should move the story forward, help characters reach realizations and show new depths of character, etc. Musical songs should start at a point A and end at a very different point B. If you take out all the songs you've got planned in your show, are there huge holes in the plot or does everything still make sense? If everything still makes sense, maybe you don't want to write a musical.
Find a songwriting process that works for you! We tend to write lyrics-first, so Mel will write all the words to a song for Elliot to "set", or compose a tune for. After Elliot has a melody, he finds chords for the melody and builds the accompaniment from there. Another way you can write (especially if you are a composer more versed in instrumental music) is to start music first -- finding a fun melody or a fun chord progression and then building the rest from there. Songwriting is like filling in a puzzle. Elliot goes through many iterations of melodies and chords before settling on a melody he likes. When he finds a good melody, he'll record a little voice memo of it but revisit it later to see if it still holds up before building upon it. It's okay if something stumps you a little! Songwriting is usually a collaborative process; we edit each others' lyrics and talk about musical moments and the tone/feel of a song. We make sure we're on the same page with Mel reading out the lyrics of a song before Elliot sets it, so Elliot gets a sense of where Mel's rhythmic instincts for the song lie. Don't let your roles define what you're allowed to have an opinion in- the ideal collaboration incorporates both people's expertise in the form overall instead of being a neat delineation of roles.
WATCH, READ, & LISTEN TO LOTS OF THINGS (especially musicals!) Make fun little movie nights out of it! You can learn a lot about what you want to create by seeing what's out there! Find things you enjoyed in shows you disliked, or things you disliked in shows you liked, and think about why. (Tip: Don't just watch musicals that have been made into movies: go to local theaters, watch proshots, get a sense for what staging can do to a story. Watch two different productions of the same show! Consume things written for the same medium you will be writing in.) This will also help you learn about song forms, musical structures that work, etc.!
Similarly, use a shared musical vocabulary as inspiration! If you're a composer and don't know where to start, discuss the vibe of the song you are about to write with your lyricists (genre, similar songs, etc.) Find a playlist with similar songs -- doo-wop songs, swing music from the '30s, or the discographies of artists you like -- and just listen to them for a while. Try to pick apart things that the songs have in common, or things you like from certain songs -- is it a certain song structure? Is it three-part vocal harmonies? Is it a certain combination of instruments? There are also lots of great resources on YouTube/online about what characterizes certain kinds of music. What are common chord progressions in the genre? Is there a rhythm or time signature that characterizes the genre (as is often the case with dances, like tangos or waltzes etc.)? Then try out what you liked from the research and play around with it!
Make it understandable! A musical isn't a novel or an album -- typically, the audience watching it can't reread a page or replay the song. They're watching and listening live, and you have to make sure they understand all the information! When it comes to songwriting, make sure you are setting your lyrics in a comprehensible way. Try reading out your lyrics before setting them at all, so you note where you naturally emphasize words (e.g., we pronounce the word MU-sical, not mu-SIC-al or musi-CAL). Once you have this for reference, recreate this natural rhythm to the best of your ability in your melody! It will help people understand your lyrics better. You want folks to understand as many words as possible on the first listen! (E.g., if someone's singing really quickly and then sing the word musical as mu-SIC-al, people very well might easily mistake it for another set of words entirely, 'cause their brains are not used to the word being said like that!) Similarly, you want to watch out for the amount of syllables you're putting in each line. If two lines sound similar melodically but one has a couple extra syllables in there, chances are it's gonna get squashed rhythmically and become word mush. Fixing this means revisiting your lyrics and cutting some/rephrasing them, which is a natural part of the process!
Finish it! Whatever else you have to do to get to the end of it, it's so important to have a complete project to see how your storytelling works and where it can be improved. A great thing about writing musicals is how often they can be revised -- you'll get feedback, or grow as a writer, and end up wanting to revamp it, which is fine! Look at the difference between Broadway shows and productions of the same shows before Broadway. Or you'll move onto a different project with the skills you acquired from this one -- either way, you have a show's worth of experience under your belt. :)
Be open to criticism, but form your own opinions based on many audience reactions, not just one person's critique. Have readings of your show for your friends, or host a talkback after your performances!
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1) I could have told you that. I knew all of that, even explained it in a Tumblr post a couple of weeks ago. Where's my linguistics degree? Can I get a linguistics degree for my Tumblr blog?
To be fair I don't think I get any special credit for deep analysis for picking up on that, it's kind of the engine by which their entire double act works. Which anyone who listens to it will be aware of, but come on, person who wrote some stuff to get a linguistics degree, you’re not supposed to actually spell it out. This is like when Lee and Herring started straightforwardly informing the audience who would be taking the high and low status for that episode. The entire joke of that bit being that it doesn’t work, you can’t do that or you’ll ruin the illusion.
Closest they’ve come to doing that before now was that time when they Elis joked that one of them should make a massive life change so that they’d be more different from each other because there always needs to be a bit of tension created by the differences between members of a double act, and John said they don’t need that because they have it in their different levels of career success, and that may have been pulling back the curtain just slightly too far because there wasn’t really any way to reply.
2) This is a longshot, but I don’t suppose anyone would know how to find that flowchart? Apparently they put it out on Twitter (I am not I am not I am not I am not calling it by any other name and I kind of hate how I’m starting to see people shift from jokingly saying “I guess we’re supposed to call it X now” to just saying “I saw this on X” like that’s a reasonable thing, I don’t even use that website and I objected to its normalization as a tool of serious discourse in the first place but this is a step too far) in 2016, does anyone know how to find Tweets from 2016?
3) While trying to Google this Tweet from 2016, I came across the John Robins mailing list, which I had not previously known existed, so of course I joined it. There is also an archive of these emails online, and the latest one says:
That said, I will be releasing a recording of the show on Bandcamp in some form. Probably around March / April this year. I know it has value, and I was so consistently blown away by all the people who came to see it, it means so very much. I will pull my socks up and listen back to the recordings I have and make the necessary edits to create an acceptable representation of Howl for you to listen to.
Hooray! Thank you, John. You’re the best. I feel like I should make a joke here but instead I’m going to say what I’m actually thinking, which is that March or April would be perfect for me, as I need something to motivate myself to keep not drinking/drinking to far below problem levels (if I’m capable of doing the latter, which I may not be, I don’t know) past January, and if I listen to the “I realized I was an alcoholic and quit” show while being back to my pre-2024 drinking levels, it will just make me feel guilty. But if I listen to it when I’m at a good place with that, even if it’s still hard and feels bad, it will be easier to enjoy. And you shouldn’t take comedy as your reason for big life decisions, but right now I’ll grasp at any motivational straws, and that might help. So, seriously, for real, thanks John.
I am aware that if I start using that as motivation not to drink, this will kick the level of parasociality in my John Robins fandom into a new gear, which is always a recipie for disappointment. If John Robins has sexually harassed anyone, I need that to come out now rather than later (I'm like... I mean I am kidding, I wouldn't start drinking again just because of John Robins, I'm just saying that at this point his comedy is part of what's keeping me not drinking, and the possibility of that sort of thing leading to disappointment is the first thing that comes to mind if I decide to believe in something). It's fine if a story comes out where he was just kind of a dick, his genuine unlikeabilty is one of my favourite things about him as a comedian. But please let it have limits. (Note: Yes I am working on actual coping mechanisms in real life and not just relying on comedy recordings, but it all helps.)
4) As I found earlier today when I was cutting up all those Textual Healing clips, it is really fucking annoying that those podcasts keep putting in the radio sting 0.0000000000003 nanoseconds after John or Elis finish talking, and regularly wait about -0.5 seconds by which I mean they’ll play the sting over some talking, so it’s hard to cut out clips without including the annoying sting. Which I guess is the point of broadcasting stings. Sorry that the John/Elis clips I cut out so frequently feature the broadcasting stings, it’s hard to cut around them.
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doveofmourning · 1 year
The way I'm seeing people consume the Barbie movie uncritically and call it a feminist masterpiece is concerning.
It's giving the same kind of energy as how this site was in the mid 2010's, where we just somehow decided collectively that Men Were All Bad Actually ™️ and like ignored all the ways that's fucked up and that categorically not just dismissing but actively shitting on and harassing a group of people based on an identity they literally can't control is bad.
Like idk I thought we were finally acknowledging the damage that did to feminism. I thought we were finally acknowledging the way that bred a self loathing into men that isolated them and stopped coalition building, and the way young men of color (especially black men) were treated in explicitly racist ways but people used the guise of "no I'm just mad at men" to justify it, and the way trans men CONTINUE to be treated on this website... but here we are, getting real fucking hype about how good the Barbie movie treats the Kens.
And the thing is that while what the Kens do is bad they aren't given genuine agency in the narrative. They didn't like. Make this choice. It's a stupid and logically inconsistent argument that they did, one that's contradicted by the movie itself. They're infantalized by the Barbies at every turn and if ANY Ken has literally any formal education they're an exception. The Barbies don't know where the Kens live (spoiler: they are literally homeless) and they don't care. The Kens are quite literally second class citizens, but the movie doesn't even look at this as a bad thing! It's uninterested in the actually feminist idea that gender should not be used to cause divides or power embalances; instead, it acts out a female supremacy revenge fantasy on screen and then pats itself on the back for being so kind about how it makes the Kens second class citizens. Like sure, it says, the Kens aren't allowed higher education, or a Supreme Court seat, or homes, which are things women do have in the western world that this movie is made for as its primary audience, but at least we're not withholding healthcare or acting sexually violently towards them! And like... that's not the flex you think it is!!!! That's the bare fucking minimum!
Some of you have never read feminist theory and it fucking shows.
bell hooks didn't write The will to change just for you all to uncritically felate a corporate propaganda film as a feminist masterwork. Audre Lorde didn't say "You do not have to be me in order for us to fight alongside each other. I do not have to be you to recognize that our wars are the same," so that you could say that coalition building isn't important, actually, and you'd rather men just suffer than for us to reach healthier societal views on gender.
I'm especially disappointed in the trans people, who should fucking know better, for regurgitating these ideas.
We have to do better about how we treat men even conceptually, because the structural power that men have is not the dominant experience many men have with regards to oppression and we would be better served to fight those battles together. We have to do better because men do not deserve to be isolated from the movement because of their gender. (And no. They don't just need a thicker skin, because a lot of this hasn't just been surface level. It's been vitriolic and insipid, for years now.) We have to do better because once we start making masculinity the devil it's so much easier to hate butches, and trans women, and any woman who's perceived to have masculine interests or features or behaviors. We have to do better because men are still fucking people and deserve to be treated with every bit of kindness and dignity that women are entitled to. (And that's not even getting into how this behavior affects masculine nonbinary people, who get the brunt of this hatred while simultaneously experiencing little to none of the privilege you insist is afforded them by the maleness you percieve.)
Idk I guess I just expected better and I just hoped we wouldn't be worshipping something that pretty clearly flies in the face of what feminists have worked for since like. The 60's. :/
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lazylogic · 10 months
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Okay, here are some words, yes it's long
This drawing started as "homework" my therapist gave me to try and draw myself more, just to like...have more of a sense of self, but it kinda turned into somewhat of a vent doodle because I was feeling gloomy yesterday. I think I'd like to make an alternate version of this that's much more cozy and colorful when I'm feeling better, though. Now...updates? Or I guess a ramble, rant, whining, whatever: I'm still not 100% on coming back to posting art, and on top of there really not being any good art site to post on (FA is fine but I know it has its own issues, I just subsist on nostalgia), every single social media platform now seems like a dumpster fire - way more than they already were - that I don't wanna go back to, so I'm not sure if or when I'm gonna change anything anytime soon. I'm already bad at being social in communities but I super do not know where to turn right now if I wanted to be "present online" again. Way back in the day, Twitter and Tumblr were actually fun, but it's all long since become stressful and anxiety-inducing. And at this point, it really doesn't seem like it's gonna ever improve. Frankly, I do kinda prefer living under a rock anyway, but there's definitely part of me that still misses the positive and warm interactions I used to have with people online. Unfortunately, I still feel like there's really no part of the internet anymore where I feel like I belong, or even want to be. This is all very possibly my gloomy mood at the time of posting and seasonal depression talking, but I really just don't feel motivated to post, participate, or interact online much anymore. Partly a good thing, I think, because I have a lot of fun working on my website and hanging out in the small web community, away from the centralized web. But I know it's also partly due to my bad, chronic habit of isolation - because right now I'm not even interacting with said small web community. I'm just talking to my friends on Discord and Telegram, which typically is all I need. But idk, maybe it's FOMO, maybe it's just another art angst wave, but I miss having a place to go for art...just not the way it's been for the past 6 years or so. I wanna be here, for people to know I'm still alive, but at the same time I don't wanna be here and I don't want to be perceived at all. This feeling changes constantly. I don't know why I'm saying all this and I think I just need to stop thinking about it entirely. Ultimately, the internet is really not important in life and there are countless other things about life that I should focus on. I have a life full of love and precious things, and that is really the most important thing. The fact that I'm an artist who decided to start posting online so many years ago just makes this complicated. Being an artist makes me neurotic, and I'm also just so fucking overwhelmed with the way the world is right now that everything feels like an alien place, online and offline.
And I just care about people too much. I wanna give back to the people who always showed me kindness and support online, just for them to know that they've all been remembered and seen and I'm thankful for them. I think that's why this is such a floundering issue for me. I still think that I'm better off not being an artist online, at least most of the time. But idk. I think I'm just doomed to always have overthinking, neurotic turmoil over stupid shit. Time to stop thinking! At the very least, art IS starting to be fun again, so there's that. I absolutely do better when I'm drawing without worrying about perception and opinions. I think the problem arises when I start bringing commissions into the mix...I hate marketing myself, but you have to do that to have any hope of getting clients, so I should either not do comms at all or just not try to rely on it for income. Damn this shit was easier when I was a teenager with no bills drawing people's fursonas for $30
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jcmarchi · 4 months
UltaHost Review – Outstanding Performance and Protection
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ultahost-review-outstanding-performance-and-protection/
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As a web hosting consultant who’s helped hundreds of my clients choose the best hosting providers, I can tell you that Ultahost is one of the best hosts currently. A relatively new company, they already outperform some of the older hosting providers in the market.
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Buying a plan gets you a free domain name, free SSL certificate, free daily backups, free website migration, and real-time malware protection. You also get a 30-day money-back guarantee on all their plans. The company has a 4.6/5.0 rating on Trustpilot from 279 reviews.
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Unlimited bandwidth on all plans
Free daily backup
They have some of the best security features
User–friendly interface
Not the cheapest option on the market
Not targeted at large companies with complex hosting needs.
Ultahost Rating – My Take
With thousands of web hosting providers claiming to offer the best services, it’s hard to separate truth from lies. Using my experience reviewing hosts, I have created a standard method to assess and rate web hosts properly.
On a scale of 1.0 – 5.0, this is how I rate Ultahost’s important features and performance. However, these scores aren’t permanent and may change as the host improves its offering.
Quality My rating Why I gave this score Features and Specs 5.0 They offer a free domain, SSL certificate, daily backups, free website migration, and unlimited bandwidth which are all standard offerings with most web hosts. However, I gave them a perfect 5.0 because of their niche-specific plans like Windows hosting and Macintosh hosting. Pricing 4.8 Their cheapest plan starts at $3.29 per month which is affordable, but not the cheapest on the market. However, I scored them 4.8 because their pricing is transparent and carries no hidden fees. Performance stats 4.8 An impressive time-to-first-byte time of 128ms makes Ultahost one of the fastest web hosts in the market. With a 99% uptime, it is also very reliable. However, I scored it 4.8 because there’s still a margin for improvement. Ease of use 4.6 1-click installs, modern cPanel, and an intuitive user interface make Ultahost very user-friendly. However, I gave them a 4.6 because other top hosting providers have ditched the traditional cPanel for their custom control panels. So they still have some catching up to do. Customer support guarantee 5.0 You can get help via Phone support, live chat, ticketing, FAQs, and email support. They also have a lot of video tutorials and a helpful knowledge base that provides all the answers you seek. I gave the full 5.0 points because you get access to most of these options even if you’re not yet a customer. 
Ultahost Hosting Plans and Prices – 2024
Ultahost offers shared hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, Virtual dedicated hosting, dedicated servers, and reseller hosting. You also get niche-specific plans like Macintosh hosting, Gaming hosting, and Windows hosting. All their plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee should it not fit your needs.
Once you’ve picked a desired plan, payment can made via PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, and JCB. They also accept Bitcoin payments.
Ultahost’s Shared Hosting Plans
Shared Starter
Space Offered – 30 GB NVMe SSD storage
Bandwidth – Unlimited
Monthly visits – 10,000
Free domains – 1
Price – $3.29 per month
Shared Basic
Space Offered – 60 GB NVMe SSD storage
Bandwidth – Unlimited
Monthly visits – 15,000
Free domains – 4
Price – $5.00 per month
Shared Business
Space Offered – 80 GB NVMe SSD storage
Bandwidth – Unlimited
Monthly visits – 25,000
Free domains – Unlimited
Price – $10.00 per month
Shared Pro
Space Offered – 110 GB NVMe SSD storage
Bandwidth – Unlimited
Monthly visits – 49,000
Free domains – Unlimited
Price – $12.99 per month
Ultahost’s Shared Business gives you the best value for money. At $10.00 a month, you get unlimited domains, unlimited bandwidth, and 80 GB NVMe SSD storage.
Who this is for:
As the name implies, Shared hosting requires you to split web hosting resources with other webmasters. So if you own a small or medium-sized business that gets average traffic, then Ultahost’s shared plans are a good fit. 
Ultahost’s WordPress Hosting Plans
Ulta WordPress
Space offered – 30 GB NMVe SSD storage
Bandwidth – Unlimited
Number of websites – 1 allowed
Price – $2.90 per month
Extra Features – Free WordPress Manager, 1 email, WordPress acceleration, 2 databases, and 10,000 monthly visits.
WordPress Starter
Space offered – 100 GB NMVe SSD storage
Bandwidth – Unlimited
Number of websites – 100 allowed
Price – $4.90 per month
Extra Features – Free WordPress Manager, free email, WordPress acceleration, WordPress multisite, unlimited databases, and 25,000 monthly visits.
Business WordPress
Space offered – 100 GB NMVe SSD storage
Bandwidth – Unlimited
Number of websites – 100 allowed
Price – $7.50 per month
Extra Features – Free WordPress Manager, free email, WordPress acceleration, WordPress multisite, unlimited databases, and 100,000 monthly visits.
VPS WordPress
Space offered – 100 GB NMVe SSD storage
Bandwidth – Unlimited
Number of websites – 300 allowed
Price – $27.50 per month
Extra Features – Free WordPress Manager, free email, WordPress acceleration, WordPress multisite, unlimited databases, and 300,000 monthly visits.
I’ll recommend the Business WordPress plan. You’re allowed 100 websites, you get 100 GB NMVe SSD storage, free WordPress manager, WordPress acceleration, and WordPress multisite at just $7.50 per month.
Who this is for:
These plans are targeted at people starting with WordPress websites and those who already have experience with it. With the array of WordPress-specific features mentioned above, you will find a plan that suits your needs perfectly.
Ultahost’s VPS Hosting Plans
VPS Basic
Space offered – 30 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 1 GB
CPU Core – 1
Dedicated IP – 1
Price – $5.50 per month
VPS Business
Space offered – 50 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 2 GB
CPU Core – 2
Dedicated IP – 1
Price – $9.50 per month
VPS Professional
Space offered – 75 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 3 GB
CPU Core – 4
Dedicated IP – 1
Price – $16.50 per month
VPS Enterprise
Space offered – 100 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 6 GB
CPU Core – 4
Dedicated IP – 1
Price – $21.50 per month
Ultahost’s VPS Professional hosting plan is ideal for those seeking more control of their web hosting. You get 75 GB NVMe SSD storage, 3 CPU cores, 4 GB RAM, a dedicated IP, and a managed server for just $16.50 monthly.
Who this is for:
These VPS plans are targeted at medium-sized businesses beginning to outgrow shared plans. If you’re starting to experience consistent traffic monthly, then there’s a VPS plan ready to fuel your growth.
Ultahost’s Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) Hosting Plans
Power Plus
Space offered – 250 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 8 GB
CPU Core – 4
Price – $37.50 per month
Power Pro
Space offered – 350 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 12 GB
CPU Core – 6
Price – $45.50 per month
Power Premium
Space offered – 450 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 16 GB
CPU Core – 8
Price – $69.50 per month
Power Ultra
Space offered – 550 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 24 GB
CPU Core – 10
Price – $96.50 per month
Power Elite
Space offered – 650 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 32 GB
CPU Core – 16
Price – $129.90 per month
Power Advanced
Space offered – 750 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 48 GB
CPU Core – 16
Price – $176.90 per month
Power Turbo
Space offered – 1 TB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 64 GB
CPU Core – 24
Price – $260.90 per month
I’ll personally recommend Ultahost’s Power Premium VDS plan. You get 450 GB NVNe SSD storage, 16 RAM, 8 CPU cores, and a managed server for $69.50 monthly.
Who this is for: 
If your website receives and stores a lot of sensitive information that you don’t want leaking, but you don’t want a fully dedicated server either, then Ultahost’s VDS plans are just what you need. With 7 different VDS plans on offer, you will get one that fits right into your plans and budget.
Ultahost’s Dedicated Server Hosting Plans
Ulta -X1
Space offered – 480 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 16 GB
CPU Core – 4
Dedicated IP – 1
Price – $84.00 per month
Ulta – X2
Space offered – 960 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 64 GB
CPU Core – 6
Dedicated IP – 1
Price – $109.99 per month
Ulta – X3
Space offered – 960 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 64 GB
CPU Core – 12
Dedicated IP – 1
Processor – Intel Xeon E5 v4 / AMD Ryzen 9
Price – $129.90 per month
Ulta – X4
Space offered – 960 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 64 GB
CPU Core – 16
Dedicated IP – 1
Processor – Intel Xeon E5 v4 / AMD EPYC 7282
Price – $195.90 per month
Ulta – X5
Space offered – 960 GB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 128 GB
CPU Core – 24
Dedicated IP – 1
Processor – AMD EPYC 7401
Price – $289.90 per month
Ulta – X6
Space offered – 1.92 TB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 128 GB
CPU Core – 24
Dedicated IP – 1
Processor – AMD EPYC 7352
Price – $351.50 per month
Ulta – X7
Space offered – 3.84 TB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 192 GB
CPU Core – 24
Dedicated IP – 1
Processor – AMD EPYC 7352
Price – $420.90 per month
Ulta – X8
Space offered – 3.84 TB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 256 GB
CPU Core – 28
Dedicated IP – 1
Processor – Intel Dual Xeon E5
Price – $561.90 per month
Ulta – X9
Space offered – 3.84 TB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 384 GB
CPU Core – 36
Dedicated IP – 1
Processor – Intel Dual Xeon E5 V4
Price – $873.90 per month
Ulta – X10
Space offered – 3.84 TB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 512 GB
CPU Core – 44
Dedicated IP – 1
Processor – Intel Dual Xeon Gold 6152/AMD EPYC 9454P
Price – $933.90 per month
Ulta – X11
Space offered – 3.84 TB NVMe SSD storage
Memory – 1 TB
CPU Core – 64
Dedicated IP – 1
Processor – AMD Dual EPYC 2×7502
Price – $1,440 per month
I’ll recommend the Ulta-X5 dedicated plan. You get 960 GB NVMe SSD storage, 128 GB RAM, a dedicated IP, a managed server, and 24 CPU cores for $289.90 monthly.
Who this is for:
This suits businesses or organisations that want total control of their hosting plans. Typically such organisations get heavy traffic and handle sensitive information e.g. Government official websites. With 11 different options, you will get a dedicated plan that suits you perfectly on Ultahost.
Ultahost’s Reseller Hosting Plans
Ulta 25
Space offered – 20 GB NMVe SSD storage
cPanel Accounts – 25
IP address – free
Price – $26.59 per month
Extra Features – unlimited data transfer, free domain transfer, no set-up fees, free cPanel migration, and Click script installer.
Ulta 50
Space offered – 80 GB NMVe SSD storage
cPanel Accounts – 50
IP address – free 
Price – $37.99 per month
Extra Features – unlimited data transfer, free domain transfer, no set-up fees, free cPanel migration, and Click script installer.
Ulta 100
Space offered – 150 GB NMVe SSD storage
cPanel Accounts – 100
IP address – free 
Price – $52.24 per month
Extra Features – unlimited data transfer, free domain transfer, no set-up fees, free cPanel migration, and Click script installer.
The Ulta 50 reseller plan is the best value for money. With it, you can get a good return on investment without spending too much. It comes with 80GB NMVe SSD storage, 50 cPanel accounts, and plenty of freebies for just $37.99 monthly.
Who this is for: 
Ultahost’s reseller plans are mainly for web developers, IT guys, and anyone who wants to sell hosting plans without building data centres. Whether you are a rookie or an experienced reseller, they offer good options for your business. 
Ultahost’s Features
Here’s an overview of the main features Ultahost provides across its hosting plans:
SSD storage
Free SSL 
Free Daily backups
WordPress acceleration features
Free domain name
Transparent and affordable pricing
Dedicated Firewalls
Ultahost offers many of the features you would expect from a good host, but their dedication to the security of your websites is laudable. They regularly perform firmware upgrades and patches to secure your websites from potential threats. 
They also use BitNinja security to scan your websites for malware and other vulnerabilities.
Ultahost Performance Tests
Instead of relying on the performance figures web hosts say on their websites, it is only logical you perform real-life tests before settling for a web hosting plan. The important parameters to consider are – speed (average server response time), uptime, and the overall performance in search engines.
The web host’s speed is measured by how quickly their servers send back data from user queries on a website hosted by them. Uptime is measured by how consistently a website stays online. This is measured in percentage with 99% as the industry standard.
To save you the stress of finding a website hosted on Ultahost, I found one and used GTMetrix to measure the host’s average speed and performance. These were the results:
Ultahost had an impressive server response time of 128 ms – 0.128s. The website hosted by them had an overall performance rating of 98%.
To test the uptime, I used the Uptime robot to evaluate the website’s availability. 
In the last 30 days, the website was online 100% of the time, consistent with the 99% industry standard.
Ultahost’s Customer Support
Ultahost’s customer support is very responsive 24/7. You can reach them via:
Live Chat
In an era of chatbots and automated responses, it is always nice to speak with human agents. Once you open the live chat portal, a human agent responds in less than 1 minute.
Phone Support
Ultahost offers support through helplines, but only to customers in the U.S.A. and Turkey(where it was founded). 
With this mode of communication becoming scarce among other providers, it’s nice to see Ultahost still offering support via email.
This makes solving issues even more straightforward. Just input your name, phone number, and the issue you want resolved. An agent will then be assigned to your case.
If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest news and industry trends, Ultahost’s blog is a very informative tool you can explore.
Ultahost offers a wide range of tutorials that could guide you on your web hosting journey. They include WordPress tutorials, domain tutorials, SEO tutorials, and Hosting video tutorials.
Knowledge base
And not forgetting the ever-reliable knowledge base. Equipped with a built-in search engine, finding the answers you need has never been easier.
Ultahost’s Security Features
One impressive thing about Ultahost is how seriously they take website security. They offer two-factor authentication that detects any login attempts that don’t come from you. Should this happen, you are immediately alerted to ensure your account is safe and secure.
They use BitNinja to protect your website from malware and other threats.  Their dedicated firewall performs firmware upgrades and patches so your website remains secure.
Finally, all their plans come with a free SSL certificate.
Ultahost’s Website Builder
As a webmaster, the most logical thing to do is to have your web hosting, domain name registration, and website building from the same provider. Luckily, Ultahost offers free domain names and website builders just to make things easier for you.
However, this free website builder may be limited in functionality, so if you want more, you need to buy premium website builders like Wix or Squarespace, or visit our list of the best AI website builders.
User Friendliness – Ease of Use
Let’s find out how easy it is to register an account, use the control panel, and install WordPress.
How to Register an Account on Ultahost
Step 1
Find the hosting type you’re interested in and click on order, this redirects you to a page where you choose a domain.
Step 2
If you already have a domain name, select “existing domain”. If you don’t, you can type in a desired name and check for its availability. Once you are ok with the domain, click “Continue”.
Step 3
On this page, you will asked to choose your preferred billing cycle, server location, and any add-ons you will like on the plan. Once you select them, click continue.
Step 4
At the checkout and summary page, you will have one last chance to look at the plan you’ve chosen, add-ons, and the total cost before payment. Once satisfied, click checkout.
Step 5
Finally, you will enter your personal information and card details. Once you make a payment and it goes through, your account will automatically be created.
Ultahost’s cPanel
Ultahost still uses the traditional cPanel for all backend changes. This gives you control over your domains, databases, emails, and other important functions.
How to Install WordPress on Ultahost
Log into the cPanel, then locate and access the WordPress toolkit in the WordPress section. Click Install and choose your desired installation settings like language and WordPress version.
Next is to set up your username and password, then choose a theme and any other plugins you like. Take one last look at the installation summary and if you’re satisfied, click install.
Once the installation starts, it will take some time before completion. Once completed, you will get a confirmation message that WordPress has been successfully installed.
Ultahost Server Footprint
Ultahost has 17 server locations in 13 countries spread across 5 continents. This means that wherever your website visitors are from, Ultahost has enough coverage to ensure your websites load quickly.
Conclusion – Should You Choose Ultahost?
After putting Ultahost to the test, it’s obvious they are one of the best hosting providers in the world right now. For a young company to be this good in such a short time, it’s obvious the guys there know what they are doing.
They’ve got impressive server response time, good reliability, and transparent pricing. If you’re particular about website security, seeing that they use BitNinja and dedicated firewalls for extra protection will give you confidence.
I recommend them to medium-sized companies seeking a strong base that’ll help them scale their business. You get a free domain and website builder as an extra incentive, so I recommend them! 
Visit Ultahost →
Who Owns Ultahost?
Ultahost is a web hosting company founded in 2018 by entrepreneurs Elin and Deen Doughouz and their software company ScriptSun. Their headquarters are in Delaware and Istanbul, Turkey.
Does Ultahost offer Free Hosting?
No, Ultahost doesn’t offer free hosting. Their cheapest plan is the shared starter hosting which costs $3.29 monthly
Is Ultahost any good?
Yes, For small and medium-sized businesses, Ultahost offers a range of hosting plans suitable for your business. They offer high-speed NVMe SSD storage, 24/7 customer support, and servers in 5 continents for optimal speed.
What are some Ultahost Alternatives?
Some affordable and reliable alternatives to Ultahost include; Siteground, Hostinger, Bluehost, and Cloudways.
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zak-shit · 7 months
march 1st 2024 9:14 pm
don't greatly feel like doing this rn, but i know I do need to.
brain is constantly racing lately. i mean constantly i really do.
the grief of losing lisa has been coming harder, i really miss her and i cant believe she is really gone. i will never forget that woman. lisa was truly my favorite person growing up. she's a real angel now.;/ Marisa Lynn just called me while I was writing the below stuff, she said new years eve was the best. I think about thanksgiving alot too, we had a all nighter, I'll never forget seeing Lisa on the back porch as the sun came up. and that was practically the last time I really saw her. Her health went downhill so quick after that.. I had the thought earlier like things just came together in a way, and that night was almost a send off for her. except nobody knew. it was really our fucking reunion., and it turned into our last night together.
tomorrow ive got to go to my brother casey's wedding ;| i haven't seen this side of my family in like nearly 5 years. i ordered something I really like to wear, something that is appropriate, but also boldly ME. It may not arrive in time, and I don't know what to wear in that situation yet, also don't know if what I already have that is appropriate is something i feel comfortable wearing/ me. :/ but its fineeeeeee this wedding will happen. i'm going to see both of my brothers tomorrow, my dads brother (he's chill) and my other niece's and nephews. just weird bc i don't know these people honestly. we have a zero on the relationship bar. idk that just makes me anxious, uncomfortable... shruggg. i just know when I have a life event I wouldn't invite them, but I feel obligated. however i do also feel immensely happy for Casey, the divorce of his first marriage im sure was extremely hard for him. i'm glad he has a great partner now, large happy family. he seems content the last few times I'd seen him. Casey is the only one I have seen in the last 5 years. My aunts funeral, fathers day like two years ago, and Marissas baby shower. He is a good guy, and he deserves to be celebrated and have who he wants to show up for him, show up. I'll also have Cece, and Marissa there to keep me company.
i feel alone. Wrote that before Marisa Lynn called me. Expecting and hoping she calls me back. Idk, its Friday night and I'm all alone, not much is stimulating to me. I don't have a hyper fixation right now, so its like I have nothing lol. makes me feel like a zombie just coasting through life. I understand why my comfort/ favorite/ go to people cant hang out tonight but idk I miss them. And I had to cancel plans with Alyssa for tomorrow bc I changed my mind on attending the wedding. Texted her asking about other days after we talked and she said she was soooo happy I was going. and nothinnnnnn. idk a little "let me seee" and then get back to me would be nice... i know shes got alot going on though. im not upset with her at all. but I miss her :( Ruby cant hang because her back is killing her :( also not upset with her at all, i see her all the time lol. but idk maybe i'm just a bit bored... I have decided to start working shows at the theatre again! maybe partly for a little stimulation. Its been so long since I've done a show! I used to think strongly that I couldnt do it because I'm not getting payed.. but I was never payed before, I always did it because I enjoyed it so much! Its something to do thats a passion of mine. also the sense of community is great and admirable. everyone who is there.. wants to be there! its not like at work where people are miserable. I applied on the website, but i think I'll draft an email to someone tonight. I wanna jump on this burst of energy for it before it goes away and I don't take it up again. plus I'd like to see how much I like it. Crazy being able to get back into hobbys. lol for so long I thought it was possible to make time for it. and hey with me being active there again, maybe it would be easier to also get Cece into it.
I also bought some adderal from Kerri, I think thats what has awoken quite a bit inside me. i really need this shit to be real human. lol especially the highted emotions. I've actually cried both yesterday and today. and its been so therapeutic. Lisa also took me to my first audition into the theatre, she sat there while I did it, she filled out the paperwork. I thank her for that. I wished I could in person because that really means alot not looking back and seeing how far that took me/ changed my life. it really did change my life. so did our pitch perfect binges. <3
my mom has been really good lately. she stopped drinking as much. like for a few weeks, maybe 2 weeks. she didnt really drink at all. shes been alot more active around the house, she said she would treat herself to it on saturdays. which is fair, thats cool. so yesterday, a thursday when I came home and I could tell she at least had a buzz going on, it instantly locked up. idk i was dissappointed, i was angry, I was sad. It triggered me for sure, because, for once I wasnt expecting it. at least on Saturdays I would expect it. I can clock when shes had a sip of alcohol better than I can clock probably anything. so she cant lie to me about it.. but also highly emotional on it because I've wanted the last few weeks to be our reality for so long, and so badly... she really seems ready to cut it down to one day a week. and I know she can do it, she just did it. she just has to stick to it. I have high hopes, thats why I didnt blow up or something about it, also because i'm smarter than that, i know time and place to be heard best. and after a drink its never there. I just mentioned it this morning. I think she had a tiny bit to drink tonight too.
currently talkin flirtin with trey <3 i want him :((
xoxo wasted a bunch of time its now 12:29 am need to try to get sleepy byeeee
0 notes
nadeemkazi · 1 year
Importance of Digital Marketing: Top 10 reasons your business needs it
The importance of digital marketing is increasing day by day. We can see that merchants who used to only do marketing are now doing digital marketing. They are also starting to turn to digital marketing, from this we can see that the demand for digital marketing is very high now, and the demand for digital marketing is still increasing.
Professionals who used to do business in a limited space are now doing business globally. Digital marketing is a platform where every business is treated equally. Digital marketing allows you to be creative and stand out from the crowd in a crowded and global market, you can see here:
Top 10 Importance of Digital Marketing
1. Trackable & Measurable Results:
If you don't measure and review the work you're doing, it's a total waste of time. It is important to measure your successes and failures and take corrective actions. With tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics, you can track your business and its performance, from process to completion, and through this you can determine which strategy is right for you and which strategy is not and not only that but also you can decide which strategy you can continue with.
2. Remarketing Opportunities:
Remarketing is a very important part of digital marketing, through this remarketing you can send messages to the same audience through email and text messages. By which those customers will show interest in your product, and this way if those customers are interested in your product or even want to get information, they will connect with you, and in this way you can send messages to them again, this process is called remarketing. 
Remarketing has many benefits such as helping some of your old customers and regular customers remember you. Also, WhatsApp has now implemented a new feature called WhatsApp Marketing in 2023. Just like Facebook, Instagram are social media apps, we can now implement and use WhatsApp Marketing as a new option.
3. It Helps you Connect with Mobile Customers:
Now-a-days most of the customers are using mobile phones. this can definitely benefit us like if our website is mobile friendly then we can definitely benefit because shopping is done through mobile.
The advantage of your website being mobile friendly is that customers can easily interact with you and operate it easily, and you can easily connect and target them.
4. Easier to Monitor Competitors:
In any sport it is very important to pay close attention to your opponent and observe his work
Through digital marketing you can keep track of your competitor's business, see their social media posts, see their ads, compare them, there are some features or tools in digital marketing that make comparisons and they can help you and they can help you.
5. Helps you Target Ideal Buyers Effectively:
Digital marketing is a great way to target your ideal customers. Through digital marketing we can target specific customers such as age, gender location and we can target specific customers. 
Through digital marketing we can reach specific customers. Digital marketing is expert as we can see social media post digital marketing and some other digital marketing champions we are guaranteed to reach specific customers through. There is no guarantee that all of your radio ads and other ads will reach the public, and we make no specific guarantees.
6. Affordable Marketing:
The importance of online marketing is immediately apparent because of its benefits.
Online marketing tracks and accounts for all your money, keeping track of how much money is spent where. And it is a great option for credit driven businesses. Also, one can do radio and television advertisements here with less money than before. Like many SEO types and options, it's affordable for us.
7. Better Conversion Rates:
Digital marketing will surely bring good changes and good results in your business and better conversion rates, it also focuses on your customers. Also, digital marketing can help you reach your customers better than telephone and reach them. 
As such, there are lots of options in digital marketing  like marketing, traffic, leads generated, engagement, and many more options in digital marketing. Not only can you benefit from this, technology like this will also have a positive impact on your business.
8. Access to Global Markets:
Not every business needs a global advertising strategy, as businesses that are already using digital marketing may not need a global advertising strategy. As you can see, some of today's tools are allowing companies to focus on a more specific, and local, audience based on their needs and also if your business is growing, then digital marketing gives you more freedom. You can use an international tool, for confirmation and to see if the digital marketing campaign you run is performing well, That's time you can use SEO tools. 
With social media marketing you can focus your efforts on the country as per your needs. Also through e-mail marketing you can send the message you want to a specific customer according to your needs.
9. Gives Small Businesses a Competitive Edge:
Digital marketing is one such platform through which many small businessmen can run their business on a larger platform, and this is made possible by digital marketing.  Digital marketing is becoming a very important platform for businessmen who want to grow their company or make changes to something new.
Digital marketing is becoming a very important platform for businessmen who want to grow their company or change something new and engage in many businesses. That means small businesses can now compete with big businesses. They can take advantage of having the tools, features they want, just like a big company. And also world class and you can promote your product and you can compete with your competitor and you can promote your branding better than him all you can do is SEO, SEM and SMO and any other tools.
10. Scope of A/B Testing:
One of the greatest features of A/B testing in digital marketing is its ability to test two different ideas for the same campaign. Another name for split testing is A/B testing. A/B testing involves performing two different experiments in the same camping area, and an experiment that works well is used to grow the business.
Let's say you're confused, you can use A/B testing where you run both your ads exactly 50-50% and you can see which ad performs better and adjust your wording accordingly. This means that if you don't have doubts, you can continue with it. This way you can make your decision without any doubts in your mind through A/B testing.
Digital marketing is one such platform, which is growing day by day. Through this many small businessmen are introducing and promoting their products globally. Everything you need to do to get into digital marketing, and how to stay on track with the customer, is all covered in this blog. We hope that you will benefit from this blog. If you wish to learn more about Digital Marketing you can visit our website - https://strivetraininginstitute.com
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newlistablog · 1 year
Get the Best Service of Commercial property for lease by owner
There is some value in pursuing "for sale by owner" (FSBO) listings in business real estate brokerage, but only if the listing and/or the client show promise of a good result and the asking price or rent is right. Don't be fooled—agents keep going after these ads because there's a small chance that they can sell or rent for a fair price. You don't want to be the first person to try to sell or rent something that was for sale by the owner (FSBO) and is overpriced or over rented.
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How to sell a business property: what you need to know
Even though there are some similarities between Commercial property for lease by owner selling and business property, commercial sales are usually more complicated and require a higher level of skill.
Selling business real estate is harder than selling residential homes because there are more rules and procedures to follow. Because of this, most people need to talk to real estate lawyers and other experts at some point during the process.
Savings: One of the main reasons to sell your own commercial property is to save money on realtor fees, which are usually 4-8% of the sale price. When you sell something by yourself (FSBO), you can keep more of the money.
Commercial property for lease by owner selling takes more planning and know-how than selling a residential home. You can sell commercial property on your own, but make sure you have reasonable standards about how much time and work it will take.
The point of this kind of offering is to get what you want. To do this, you can use the following points of leverage when talking to FSBO clients or trying to get them to sell with you:
Rates of inquiry: Give the most current rates and types of inquiries that apply to the property. Show the owner that you bring in and manage the inquiries for that type of property.
Database list: Show the size of your database list and give an example of a short list of buyers or renters you will talk to about the property. Most property owners find it hard to pass up benefits like these.
Recent questions: If you can show that you're getting a good number of inquiries, the client will pay attention. Use some tools to help you with that.
Target market: Tell the client who you think the property's target market is, and then show them how you'll reach that market.
Plans for inspections: You can show the client how you would look at their home based on its best features and what the target market is looking for. Make a story and a plan out of how you inspect things.
Signs in the neighborhood: Tell the FSBO Commercial Real Estate how many signs they have in the neighborhood.
Internet strategy: You can use websites, industry portals, social media, electronic newsletters or auto responders, and more to sell your property today. Make a diagram of the process and show the client how you will do that for their property.
When you list a home for an FSBO Commercial Real Estate client, simple strategies like these will help you. Set your standards for these kinds of listings, and don't change your mind about the result or how you're going to list it.
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How to sell a business property on your own
After weighing the pros and cons, if you decide to sell your business property without a realtor, here's what you need to do:
Get an evaluation
An evaluation is a formal estimate of how much your property is worth. It helps you set your price and makes sure you're not charging too little or too much. It's best to hire someone who specializes in business real estate but keep in mind that appraisal fees vary depending on the size of your property and the scope and nature of the transaction.
Sell your home
Know who you're trying to reach. When you know who you want to reach, it's easier to find them. For example, if you want to sell a retail spot, you might start by looking at similar properties in the area.
Make a page for your property: Putting your property on an online market for business real estate can be costly and hit or miss. Instead, try making a simple website with pictures, videos, and basic information about the property, such as how big it is and what it has to offer.
For more:
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onedrawonly-posts · 2 years
The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) This article is a beginner's guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). For anyone who owns, manages, monetizes, or promotes online content via Google Search. The guide provides a complete overview of the basics of SEO according to best practices. It does not provide any secrets that will automatically rank your site first in Google. But by following best practices, it'll hopefully make things easier for search engines to crawl, index, and understand your content. Small website modifications: SEO is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. These changes may seem like incremental improvements when viewed individually but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results. User experience: You should build a website to benefit your users, and any optimization should be geared towards making the user experience better. One of those users is a search engine, which helps other users discover your content. SEO is about helping search engines understand and present content. The optimization topics in this guide apply to sites of all sizes and types. Glossary: The guide contains a short glossary of important terms used in the guide, including Index, Crawl, Crawler, Googlebot, and SEO. Site indexing: To determine whether your site is in Google's index, you can do a site search for your site's home URL. If you see results, you're in the index. If not, it could be because the site isn't well connected from other sites on the web, Google hasn't had time to crawl it yet, the design of the site makes it difficult for Google to crawl its content effectively, Google received an error when trying to crawl your site, or your policy blocks Google from crawling the sit Getting on Google: Google is a fully automated search engine that uses web crawlers to explore the web constantly. Google is always looking for sites to add to their index. Most sites listed in Google's results are not manually submitted for inclusion, but found and added automatically when Google crawls the web. Following the Search Essentials can help make your site appear in search results. Google Search Console provides tools to help you submit your content to Google and monitor how you're doing in Google Search. Website essentials: The Search Essentials outline the most important elements of building a Google-friendly website. The essential questions to ask yourself about your website when you get started include: - Whether your website shows up on Google - Whether you serve high-quality content to users - Whether your local business shows up on Google - Whether your content is fast and easy to access on all devices - Whether your website is secure. Hiring an SEO expert: An SEO expert is someone trained to improve your visibility on search engines. Following this guide, you will learn enough to be on your way to an optimized site. In addition to that, you may want to consider hiring an SEO professional that can help you audit your pages. Deciding to hire an SEO is a big decision that can potentially improve your site and save time. Many SEO's and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners. Including a review of your site content or structure & technical advice on website development; such as hosting, redirects, error pages, & more. Read the full article
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brillmindztech · 2 years
What factors should you consider when choosing a mobile app development company: Brill Mindz Technology
There is no doubt that the internet has changed the way we work and live, but it's also revolutionized how businesses operate. Today, more than ever before, you need a mobile app development company to help you take advantage of this new technological tool.
Here are some factors that you should consider when hiring a mobile app development company:
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Look for Clarity
In order to make the best decision for your business, you need to look for clarity. It's important that all parties involved are on the same page with their expectations and deliverables.
You should also expect clarity from the mobile app development company you choose—or else you may be disappointed by how things turn out!
Verify Team Expertise
You should always do your homework when choosing a mobile app development company. The best way to do this is by verifying the team's experience and expertise.
Check the team's experience: Do they have sufficient experience in building apps for different platforms, including android and iOS? If so, then it will be easier for them to provide quality work with minimum errors while developing your app.
Check their expertise: A good agency will hire only those people who have been working as developers or designers in companies like Microsoft and Google before joining their team because this shows that they know what they're doing when it comes to designing apps for different platforms (including both Android & iOS).
Read also: How much does it cost to develop an app like Chingari
Consider the Cost of Development
The cost of development will vary depending on the complexity of your app and its features. You can get a rough estimate for both your mobile app and maintenance from Brill Mindz Technology by following these steps:
Contact us and ask for an estimate of the total project costs (from conception to launch).
Ask other companies in your area who can help you with this process, as well as those who have done similar projects before. If they are not willing or able to give you quotes, then it's probably best not to use them at all!
Check Previous Work Samples
When you're looking for a mobile app development company, it's important to check previous work samples. This will give you an idea of what kind of work style they have and how they handle projects.
If the company has worked on similar projects before, then this may be a good indicator that they will be able to deliver quality results quickly in your project too.
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Evaluate the Results Obtained from Previous Apps
Evaluate the Results Obtained from Previous Apps
You should analyze the results obtained from previous apps developed by your potential mobile app development company. This will help you decide if they have delivered quality apps in the past, on time and within budget.
The best way to assess this is to look at the reviews left by previous customers. You can also ask your potential developer for testimonials or case studies of previous projects.
Don't Forget to Check the Feedback of Users
There are several ways you can check the feedback of previous clients. First, look at their reviews on Google Play and the App Store. Second, if you’re working with a local company or freelancer (as opposed to an agency), ask for references from other customers who have used them in the past. Thirdly, visit the website of each potential developer and read through their profile page or portfolio before making a decision.
Finally: Make sure that they have enough ratings/reviews! If they don't have many—or any—then it might be time to find another developer who will give you more value for your money
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Ask About Upcoming Technologies
You should also ask about upcoming technologies. You need to know what is coming down the pipeline and how it will affect your business in the future. Are there any new technologies that you should be using now? Is there anything we can help you with regarding these new technologies?
If there is something you need help with, let us know. We will be happy to provide assistance and advice on any technology issues or questions you have.
Mobile app development company in India will provide you with comprehensive services.
You will get a team of experts who will work on your project. They will work closely with you to understand your vision and help you achieve it.
Mobile app development company in India will provide you with comprehensive services. They have experience in developing various types of applications like Android, iOS & HTML5 mobile applications as well as web sites that can be accessed through smartphones like iPhone or Android devices.
Mobile application development companies in India are well versed with latest technologies and trends. They develop a mobile app that is user-friendly and has all the features that you need for your business or organization.
Read also: Mobile app development company in Dubai
If you are looking for the best mobile app development company in India, then Brill Mindz Technology is the perfect choice. We have a team of experienced professionals that can help you create innovative apps that will be loved by your users. Our services include design and development, as well as marketing campaigns to ensure success!
Get in touch with us at, [email protected]
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amberbarness · 2 years
from the Members List Icon
Anyone I fall in love with! The ones I like seem frightened by my willingness to love them. Sweet Love Messages: Find some of the best sweet love messages that you can send to your lover. I make sure to act perfectly, as I know I can. I'd dissect the evening with them to know just what got them to act that way. Do you know which game it is? I expect them to know how often and when it's appropriate! TheFastLane: You like to live life to the fullest. I wouldn't like it, but if it's really an emergency it's fine. נערות ליווי בחיפה Just because “Everyone else is doing it” doesn’t mean it’s right. I would ask just what they mean by that, and analyze for next steps. Let’s feed not starve and lets focus on serving Christ and not bickering about Church politics or other events we have no control to change. Why change something I've already perfected? I'd ask them if they're on medication, or there's something wrong. I'd wonder what is wrong with them to have so much free time.
I have high standards. September 14, 1960: An airline maintenance inspector lost control of a Braniff International Airways Douglas DC-7 during a taxi test and crashed into a hangar at high speed. It’s part and parcel of sharing your life with another person. It’s not one person giving in to the other’s will. 3. Avoid criticising your partner as a person. I wish they'd text throughout the day. As often as I text them! I'd ask them to explain which ways I'm special. Special? Really? That's so generic. Showing empathy goes hand-in-hand with active listening. Everything goes according to plan. A wood-surfaced track can be faced with Formica or Masonite, or even sheathed in aluminum. One prototype unveiled by research scientists in Germany is a one-armed, three-fingered wonder that can pick up items while on clean-up duty, serve drinks to its owners and their guests, and even operate some machines. Relationships can be difficult at times and it's not uncommon for couples to find themselves losing romantic feelings and facing the decision of whether to remain together or separate. Sheer dresses and kimono-style layers, along with Parisian lace pieces, give the range a romantic feel, tempered with classic black and bold polka dot pieces.
Despite ending their romantic relationship earlier this year, the actor insists they will be bonded through their son Flynn, two, forever. The law of superposition states that in an undeformed sequence of sedimentary rocks the oldest rocks will be at the bottom of the sequence while the youngest will be on top. Some of our top states are California, Florida, Texas, and New York, but we have members in every state and in almost every major city. Supercritical state of matter and supercritical fluids, such as supercritical exponents of heat capacity and viscosity. Whether or not you decide to make a homemade anniversary gift or buy them something nice, a thoughtful message will go a long way no matter how long you’ve been together. I ask about the mother, and make sure to bring gifts for her. You don’t want to bare your soul just yet, but you want to write enough so as to make a good impression on people who are viewing your profile.
In Astrology, there are twelve signs which make up an ecliptic (circular path). What are the Muslim holy books called and in which languages? There are no hideous flowers. I’ve been there too! It would be good if there were easier ways of making small donations, e.g. buymeacoffee or patreon. Off Rhianna's third studio album, "Good Girl Gone Bad," this single spent seven consecutive weeks at No.1 on the U.S. Reason to switch: Uber has to provide users with good reasons to switch from their existing services to Uber. Chat websites capitalized on the growing base of Internet general users by providing a simpler, more attractive chatting interface. Rather than swiping left or right, users click a heart button to indicate interest or an “X” to pass. Just as I imagine it can be. In particular, they can view other users’ profiles, send winks, send a few questions generated by the platform, and add others to favorites. Sure, I can keep it light!
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thoughtfulnutgiver · 2 years
Ilang Katanungan Tungkol sa Kinabukasan
Finding the best cougar dating app for you can be quite a challenge these days but it's absolutely essential. If you are truly ready to commit and you think he is too, one of the best ways to find out is to order a pizza. There are so many fun facts and random tidbits that have come out about the royal family thanks to documentaries, Freedom of Information Act requests and simple observation. So sites have to invest heavily in viral marketing to achieve critical mass, which competes with current social networks, while users expect to join both for free. While the British royal family doesn't technically have a last name, immediate heirs of Queen Elizabeth have the last name Mountbatten-Windsor, and everyone else is just known as Windsor. The result was that the feed would be displayed with some information missing (e.g. the author’s name might be missing from a malformed entry). The name was changed from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to Windsor after it was seen as unsavory to have a German-sounding name. נערות ליווי בחיפה קריות והצפון As an older woman you have had plenty of time to work on you. However, if you have done your homework and really spent time getting to know him, you shouldn't be surprised by his reaction when you tell him how you feel.
All you have to do is to add some pictures, descriptions - and your professional website is ready. So don't hesitate to keep looking if the man you are dating is not ready to ratchet up the relationship. If you want, keep him around as a friend, or just see him occasionally, but if you are serious about finding a permanent mate, keep dating other people. Give him the space he requires and keep looking. I haven’t ever used dating apps and about a year ago I decided to give them a try. Others use Javascript instead to make it interactive and browser-based but somehow haven’t caught up with the simpler syntax of scientific plotting in R. ggplot (the Python port of ggplot2) seems to be coming along but it’s still weird to have R syntax in a Python library when Python syntax can be just as simple and intuitive. Everything blurs together a little too much, and it’s too easy to accidentally wind up on your newsfeed when you thought you were swiping on promising dates. But then I found myself on dates where I would hold off on asking questions (her job, where she went to school) because I already knew the answers.
The message may claim that Tinder is updating its records and asking you to verify your account. As women have to send the first message on Bumble, women can even make a video call or phone call as their first move. We Americans have become adept at ordering pizza. If he feels the same way you do, then you have your pizza just the way you like it and the price is right. Taking a relationship to the second stage takes courage, especially when we have been wounded in the past. It takes an intimate knowledge of yourself, your needs, wants and desires. Now that you have expressed yourself, what's it going to cost you? Enjoy yourself, take up a hobby. Most people stay a member for several months and you'll take a 55% cut of their membership fee for life! That is what you need to communicate to the man in your life (but please be gentle, and don't bring up any old baggage from the last bad relationship). So why can't getting what you want in a relationship be as simple as that? Previously I thought of politics in terms of simple ideals like universal human rights.
Apart from mobile number registration, the dating app should allow users to create their profiles using their social media accounts like Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc. making the sign-up process easier and faster. This was to avoid wardrobe mishaps like the skirt flying up and revealing more skin than should ever be seen. In July, Rihanna featured the "Everyday" rapper in her Fenty Skin campaign. This shows personal strength and growth, which she values. We also have members who are looking for friendship, meeting new people or who simply want to build their social network either for personal or business. Both of them are bound to go on separate personal journeys to get there. There are nearly 13 million single-parent families in the U.S. Having said that, I feel that there are indeed some SMALL changes, especially in Haruki and Touma. Usually, there was a misunderstanding and your partner was not intentionally trying to make you feel abandoned, dismissed, or insignificant. Chocolate. Skip the mystery filling, and make sure they're all just her favorite kind - bonus points if they took some work to find.
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awarejust · 2 years
Black opal direct
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#Black opal direct how to#
That stronger quality makes them easier for jewelers to work with when making your custom jewelry designs. Since these are Australian crystal opal they are all stronger than opals from other parts of the world. Crystal Opal Within this online catalog you’ll find a wide selection of precious gemstones from Lightning Ridge, Australia.dark opals are a great way to own a larger impressive stone in carat weight and display a lighter bodytone of between N5 and N6 on the bodytone scale. Dark Opal Dark opal is just a few shades lighter than black opal and can have just as much brightness without the price tag.Many of our opals are sold within days of being posted… Gorgeous Black Opals from Lightning Ridge, Australia The black opal gemstones in our catalog change every week or so as we get new gemstones from the mine in Lightning Ridge here in Australia. Simply seeing photos of black opals isn’t good enough to make an opal buying decision, which is why every one of our opals has a short video to show the play of color that becomes the centerpiece of your opal jewelry. Because black opals can be found in a wide variety of patterns and colors, you might search a long time before you find the perfect opal gemstone, and you will know it as soon as you see it. Finding the right opal to use in your jewelry is really a love affair… Love at first sight in fact. Since black opals come in unique shapes and sizes there’s no way to exactly custom design your opal jewelry until you find the perfect opal. Black Opal The black opals you’ll find on this website are perfect for making that extra special opal ring, opal pendant, black opal earrings, and even as part of a bracelet with mounted opals.We may not be in your neighbourhood or even in your country, but a simple message or DM will get to us right away. Turn your dream into reality, mark a significant milestone or simply, like Katherine, create a talisman to remind yourself of who you are. Either way our gorgeous team are here to assist. Like Katherine, you may feel the pull of a particular opal, or maybe you can’t decide. We’ve got you! Check out our bespoke designs and start building your piece today. Finally, we know that buying an opal is one thing but finding a jeweler to make your dream a reality can be difficult. Maybe you just want to have a browse at all the beautiful opals and create a shortlist of the ones you like (or are obsessed with).
#Black opal direct how to#
From Justin’s legendary live cutting sessions to learning how to tell the difference between a black opal and crystal opal, we have you covered. We’re second-generation passionate gem merchants who believe in the power of information freely given – mostly with a laugh! Are you ready to choose your adventure? We’ve got hours of how to and entertaining videos for you to watch. Our challenge now is not, how do we find what we’re looking for, but more, who can we trust? Who is going to give us the right information and who has that gem that we’ve been dreaming about? We might not be the answer to all your questions, but we welcome you to explore and learn about opal. Now we have access to literally everything at the touch of a button or voice command. The internet was in its infancy and finding information was a treasure hunt which wasn’t always successful. Back then in 2002, we needed to physically meet all the opal lovers. She loved opal and wanted one but had no access to achieve her goal until Woody made it happen. I bought it because I loved it on sight and also to remind myself to listen to my own voice – we know what we love!” Katherine isn’t with us any longer, but her ring was passed to her daughter who wears it proudly in memory of her Mom. When I looked at the opal it looked like the earth, like a world of wonderment and every time I look I see something else that amazes me. Tonight, I am the proud owner of a black opal ring I shall treasure. I looked at the opals and wanted them all! It took me a while to decide what I really loved. I watched the video, listened to your stories and all the questions you patiently answered for everyone. “I once saw a black opal in a book but until today that is the closest I’ve ever been. Not many jewelers seem knowledgeable when I ask questions” she said, sadly. The rare ones I saw in a jewelry store were always milky and didn’t have much play of colour. I have quite a few jewels in my collection – all signifying a special moment in my life but no opal. Katherine’s Story “I’ve loved opal since I was a girl but my mother told me they were bad luck. She had been at one of the presentations earlier in the day. The mood was up, people were excited, and we were sitting in a restaurant having a celebratory drink when an older, well-dressed lady approached. In 2002 we found ourselves in Springfield, Missouri, close to Kansas but a long way from home! We had just delivered a day of presentations about opal to jewelry lovers at our friend Woody’s store.
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