#news coo.answered
thenorthblues · 2 months
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@a-musing-mixologist asked: [ Walk in on my muse naked ]
Naked ( kid for Law <3 )
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To say a vacation was needed was an understatement. With the events of Wano Kuni behind them, the Hearts (with the loudest being Shachi, Penguin, and surprisingly Ikkaku) convinced their captain to make a stop at some kind of tourist island. Law agreed begrudgingly, especially since he couldn't quite disagree against the medical and health reasons that were being brought up in favor of a short break.
Upon arriving, everyone was quick to go their own ways, delighted for not only the space outside the Tang, but the attractions and food abound the island. Law himself had found himself at an open air hot springs. It seemed mostly empty for the time being, not many guests around.
Sighing, Law settled himself on the edge of the bath, towel haphazardly draped accross his lap and feet in the water. Modestly was a bit pointless with no one else around. He'd get in eventually, but saw no reason to rush. Wanting to take advantage of the quiet, Law took his time just lounging, leaned back on his arms and stared off into the sky.
Surely, it wasn't likely for someone to come bursting in out of the blue. Most people were out at some event or another, and even then, it seemed like a somewhat slow season for the island. Law let his attention drift, thinking about everything and nothing all at once.
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thenorthblues · 5 months
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@a-musing-mixologist asked: prompts for muses who are Little Shits™
[ LEAN ] (Kid for Law. Get squished.) [ LEAN ] — sender puts their full weight on receiver
Just what the fuck did this brick shithouse built man think he was fucking doing? Getting his neck suddenly caught between a large arm and an even larger torso ripped a choked noise from the surgeon, immediately starting to fight against it. The moment he felt this clown's weight bear down unendingly on him, Law snarls.
"Let go of me you jackass!" He growls, kicking a pebble up and quickly summoning his power with a grunt of 'Room!' In an instant, the captain was out from under Kid's heft, a sharp glower on his face. His lips twist into a wicked snarl, jaw clenching with rage. It took everything in him not to pull his blade. "Just what the fuck is your problem, you overgrown child!"
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thenorthblues · 2 months
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@kaizokugaris asked: [ The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss ]
💋 shachi or bepo (bear nose boop🤔?) >:D
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Bepo fidgested uncomfortably, brows furrowed as he tried to put his feelings into words. "Ah- Uh. While I'm very grateful for the alliance of our captain's, I don't really--"
Suddenly, a flash of red hair shoves the polar bear to the side. "MOVE coward!" Bepo yelped, more startled into moving than actually being pushed. "I'm not a coward! I'm just not comfortable with kissing whoever!!" The first mate frowned, annoyed with Shachi's antics, but there was hardly any real upset in his voice. "Oh whatever..." He mutters, rolling his eyes and shuffling off before this turned into something he did not want to see.
Finally left alone, Shachi snatched Zoro's top, leaning up with a wide, wicked grin. "I'd happily eat boys like you for breakfast." Despite his egarness, Shachi presses quite the tame kiss to the swordsman's lips. Didn't wanna cross any boundaries and upset the guy.
Shachi: 1/5 Bepo: 0/5
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thenorthblues · 2 months
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@onepiecc asked: [ 𝑺𝑬𝑿𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑺𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 ]
[  ACCIDENTAL BRUSH  ]  *  my muse touches your muse ( somewhere intimate ) on accident. -Sedna & Shachi (28 ft mermaid might do something on accident)
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The half-sea king floated on his back, quite content sun bathing near the shore. He was close enough to reach the beach quickly if needed, but far enough that he wasn't touching the sea floor, enough room to swim well under the water. He'd been in a half slumber, eyes closed, arms loose at his sides and long orca tail somewhat submurged. His large form was not one he'd been able to use for months and he finally felt free enough to stretch himself out like this.
Normally, he'd know better than to let his guard down, but with how cramped it was in the Tang, and how stressful things had been as of late, he couldn't be blamed for wanting to just rest.
Unfortunately, a bush to the small of his back had the hybrid snapping to attention, a yelp sounding before he'd whipped his tail hard enough to propell him a few feet. Dipping under the surface, he growled, a warning in case whoever or whatever it was thought he was an easy target.
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thenorthblues · 4 months
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@lovehungered asked:
Small hands grapple with two stretchy bands, a slight furrow of his curled brow as the boy fumbles with two adjoined cups(?) - fingertip grasping a central strand of lace joining them together, there's a faint boing at the point of release, eyes widening with realisation ( il pense savoir ce que c'est! ). A blue eyes peers up at Sanji, evident pride present with his discovery. "Is this one of Usopp's special slingshots?"
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The blond looked up from the dishes she was finishing, a warm smile blooming on her features as she watches the tinier blond fiddle with the object in his hand. Drying her hands, she steps from behind the counter, heels clicking as the cook makes her way to the child. Stopping in front of him, Sanji squats, elbows on her knees and chin in her palms. (oh, comme il était mignon.)
"Yep! Be careful, mon petit citron, despite how silly it may look to others, slingshots are actually very powerful. Even normal ones. You don't wanna look like that stupid mosshead do you?" Even though the mild insult fell from her lips, her tone was nothing but fond warmth.
She hadn't the faintest clue how this little one came to be like this. A lot of emotions being dragged up at first sight of him. But over time, she found that she truly felt nothing but love and protectiveness over her little mini-me. Arms wrap around her younger self to scoop him up, propping him up on her hip with a smile.
"I'm sure if you ask him about it, he'd love to tell you all about his creations. Oorrr," she hummed, swaying from side to side with a mock thoughtful look on her face. "-You could stay and help me make snacks for everyone, pois sucré." She can't help herself, wanting to keep her adorable little one all to herself. (Is this how her mother felt..?)
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thenorthblues · 4 months
@kaizokugaris asked: [Phone Contacts]
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Contact Name: Strawhat's #2 ⚔ Image:
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(I'm sorry Zoro, Shachi is so unserious sdkjfsd)
Ringtone: SHOTS - LMFAO ft Lil Jon Text Tone: Can cracking open, or the 'SNORE mimimimimi' noise.
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Contact Name: 🟢 Image:
No Image (she hates it, and wants to have an image, but can't give up the bit at this point.)
Ringtone: GFY - Ninja Sex Party Text Tone: Snoring. Whether or not it's his is debatable.
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thenorthblues · 4 months
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@ikkaku-of-heart asked: [ Merperson Starters ]
“I noticed you’ve been hanging around the water a lot, lately. Hoping to find a mermaid or something?” (for Shachi in canon. Time to talk about that heritage!)
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The hybrid was startled out of whatever daze he was in, head half above water as he floated there like a living bouy. He peered up at his crewmate on the deck, swimming up to the docked Tang. He flashes her a grin.
"Why go searchin' when we got our very own maiden of the sea right here~?" Despite the sunglasses, it was obvious he shot her a playful wink. "One sec-" Suddenly, he drops under the surface, swimming down low to give himself space for momentum. Making a sharp 180, he swims as fast as he can, the force enough to launch him out of the water, into the air and on to the deck of the Tang, even doing a little flip for dramatics. Though, he stumbles slightly on the landing.
He then proceeds to, much like a dog, shake the sea water off him from head down to tail, likely getting anyone in the vicinty wet. With that goofy grin still on his face, Shachi hardly hesitates before scooping Ikkaku up in the most moist hug in the world, chilled by the sea. "And just what got you worryin' about lil ol me, 'Kkaku? 's not like me being in the water is a new thing."
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thenorthblues · 2 months
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@ikkaku-of-heart asked: [ Height Difference ]
↕ 5'10" (Shachi)
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"We're the same height!! Let's swap clothes!! I know you have something baggy, and I steal shit from Pen anyways."
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thenorthblues · 2 months
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@songofnoheart asked: [ Height Difference ]
↕ + 9'1 ( @songofnoheart ) // I request your shortest muse!
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"First off, rude of you to ask for the shortest guy here, got somethin' to prove?? Second, I'm only shorter on a thechnicality!! Meet me in the ocean and see how tiny I am then!"
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thenorthblues · 2 months
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@cvpidpirates asked: [ Mun Communication Preferences ]
🐣 Is there anything you're new at, just now learning, or practicing when it comes to RP?
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Frankly, boundaries. I've actually only been back in the RPC for about a year or so now? But before that, I had been in it for the better part of 10+ years, at least on tumblr, and on many other sites even before that. And growing up in that environment really gave me a skewed sense of not just my boundaries but other people's as well. I was a huuuuge people pleaser and my mood would swing wildly (due to what I now know were panic attacks/RSD/depression)
And while it's not an excuse, I was going through life with the vague idea that I had adhd (diagnosed very young surprisingly but nothing was really done about it until the last decade), undiagnosed severe anxiety and depression, and so on. So all that mixed with what I could confidently say is chronically online behavior really led me down some bad paths both for myself and the people I called friends. None of it intential, but shit happens, and the effect still remained.
THANKFULLY I've been to therapy, gotten medicated, and matured greatly since!! And taking time away from social media like that was a huge help. Its why I always highly encourage putting yourself first, taking breaks, blocking when you need to, and making your space comfortable for you. Or stepping away altogether.
Since coming back, I have learned what triggers me, when to step away, and when to cut people loose! I still don't like conflict, but I'm far less likely to upset myself trying to please others or lash out due to my own anxiety. I like to think I've grown from my 'young and dumb' days lol.
Hope this makes sense!
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thenorthblues · 5 months
@a-musing-mixologist asked: [Various Question Prompts]
❛ you’re an asshole, you know that? ❜ (Kid fer Law :3)
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The far too self-satisfied quirk of his lips says far more than any words could. Served that hotheaded moron right. Law had very little intention of making Kid’s life any easier, and some might think he went out of his way to be a prick to the other captain. Whether that was true or not was no one’s business though.
Tilting the brim of his hat, Law scoffed, shrugging. “Not my fault you ran in face first, Eustass-ya. Maybe if you tried to emulate Strawhat-ya less and actually thought before you leapt, I wouldn’t have to save your sorry ass.” He turns away, resting Kikoku on his shoulder. “Bull-headed idiot.”
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thenorthblues · 3 months
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@cvpidpirates asked: [The Enormity of my Desires (sfw ver.)]
❛  i  can’t  wait  to  find  out  what  else  you  can  do .  ❜ (from Cupid to Shachi in a non nsfw way lmao)
The orca hybrid floated on his back, hands behind his head. "Now now, I can't go spillin all my secrets y'know!" Shachi hums, enjoying the sun warming his skin. His tail flicked below the surface, idling some yards away from the Polar Tang.
It wasn't often he ran into other fishmen, especially ones so similar to himself, so he couldn't help but want to know more about them, and vice versa it seems. But he also knew better than to get too excited. After all, this was a stranger, at this point.
"Besides, you gotta show me yours since I showed you mine. Only fair." A sharp-toothed grin splits his face, sunglasses flashing in the sun. "Can't make me do all the work in this relationship bud. I like a good give and take, get me warmed up." He sinks out of his lounging to come back up, treading water. He laces his fingers under his chin loosely, palms parallel to the water and bent at the wrist like he was resting on a table. "At least sweet-talk me a little, y'know?"
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thenorthblues · 2 months
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@onepiecc asked: [ Height Difference ]
↕ -Sedna (28 ft) and Shachi (maybe his merfolk form)
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"If it makes you feel any better, I'm way shorter as a human."
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thenorthblues · 2 months
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@ikkaku-of-heart asked: [ 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 ]
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) (for Shachi)
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Imma be real, it doesn't take much. Shachi kinda operates at a low level of horny most of the time. (It doesn't negatively impact his life nor is it something he pushes on others, its just something he knows is there and acts on if he has the time. If not, it's not hard to ignore. It's akin to being just slightly too warm. Not a huge issue, but there nonetheless.)
That being said, good chemistry and clear interest is a good place to start. He likes when someone's just as down for the game as he is, and gets along well.
From there, he loves someone with confidence, slick with their words, can give what they get and then some. Loves dominant and posessive (to a normal degree) partners that can seem to handle his more bratty nature and show him off. Hands are a big one too, tied with his intense need for touch. Pretty hands, regardless of gender, interest him deeply. He's also a chest and thighs guy, again regardless of gender. Pretty hair and pretty eyes can get him too, and he's pretty partial to deeper voices on just about anybody.
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thenorthblues · 2 months
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@onepiecc asked: [ 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 ]
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) C = Cum (where does your muse prefer to cum/have someone cum) I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) For Shachi
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S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Ohhhhhh boy! This guy's stamina is already pretty high normally, so this also translates over to bedroom shenanigans, on top of having a very high sex drive. As it stands Shachi can go for a good 3-5 rounds on average, and probably get right back up to do something else after about 10 minutes of cuddling and a snack. It takes quite a bit to wear him out thoroughly, and you either need to have an incredible amount of patience, or a stamina to match him. Especially since he tends to get himself off on his own throughout the day.
Now, he wont impose his monsterous stamina on anyone who can't handle it, he knows he's built different on a more extreme end of the spectrum, so he's satisfied with whatever his partner can handle! Doesn't mean they won't find him taking care of himself later though.
(read more due to post length)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Shachi takes very good care of himself!! But he is also a bit hairy. He's not Bear levels of furry, but he has some chest hair along with his armpits, legs and junk. He's not the biggest fan of shaving (the itch afterwards when it grows back is a sensory nightmare) but he does keep things trimmed. It's not a jungle down there, but it's for sure not bare, and its coily like the hair on his head. Speaking of, yes, the carpets match the drapes! Redhead through and through.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Cuddle Bug Extroardinaire. Touch is his #1 love language and it's not exception here. He will snuggle and kiss and make sure you know that he is very pleased and check on you. And once he got his energy back, and his partner doesn't mind, he'll get up, toss a tshirt or something on (he'd go ass naked if there's no one else around) and go either get snacks for you both, or make a full on meal. Singing and dancing in the kitchen and all.
C = Cum (where does your muse prefer to cum/have someone cum)
So, to preface, Shachi is 1) AFAB and 2) Infertile. His chances of carrying a child are extremely low. That's not to say it can't happen, but it is extremely unlikely. It's something he and Law keep an eye on when it becomes relevant for health reasons.
That said, he is incredibly partial to creampies for reasons that get boarder on kink territory when it comes to partners with a dick. He is also very into oral related shenanigans. Something about feeling his partner lose it directly becauses of him gives him a high something crazy.
He is also not opposed to being marked with it, male or female bits, but that may be reserved for more serious partners rather than flings.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
That depends on the partner! Are they a fling, a FWB? Or are they a serious partner?
In the case of a fling, Shachi is openly affectionate if their partner is, but is likely gonna keep things lighthearted and casual rather than being overly intimate. His dialouge remains purely sex related, all surface level.
In the case of something like a FWB, there's gonna be a bit more intimacy depending on how close they are as friends. It also heavily depends on said friend's boundaries. Shachi is naturally affectionate, and with a good, close friend, he could play with the line of platonic ribbing and vaguely romantic language. But in the end, he's keeping it platonic for the most part until made aware otherwise or needs to speak to the other party.
Serious partners get the whole damn package. Shachi will not shut up about how much he loves his partner, how good they make him feel, what he would do for them, pet names, etc. He's all over his partner, and is more inclined to try things to make things exciting for them. Like lingerie, candles, flowers, baths and so on, learning what his partner is into and using that to make them feel as good and as special as possible. And dependng on the partner, they may get quite the brat to deal with because he wants nothing but all his partner's attention.
And afterwards, he's stuck to them like glue until he gets hungry or wants to get some aftercare things for his partner.
As much as he wants to take care of his partner, he also wants to be taken care of, however. Otherwise, he'll feel like he's putting in all this work for nothing, being taken advantage of.
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thenorthblues · 2 months
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@naviculariis asked: [ The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss ]
[ from @naviculariis : 💋 Killer @ Shachi!!!!!! ]
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His reaction is instant. His tail wags quickly behind him the moment shielded eyes land on the blond. A grin spreads across his face along with a light flush and he raises his arms to make a little grabby motion at Killer. The moment he's in arms reach, Shachi slips his cap off and slides his arms around the taller's neck, a pleased noise suspiciously close to a purr rumbling in his chest.
"Fancy seein' you here, handsome." He hums, leaning up on his tiptoes to get closer. Their noses are lightly pressed together while the hybrid's fingers idly twist gold strands between his fingers. "Back for more are you? Can't blame ya for wantin' an encore."
With a goofy waggle of his eyebrows, Shachi giggles a little before leaning into press a heated kiss to Killer's lips. And seas, it would not take much to lure him into a makeout session. A long one.
Shachi: 2/5
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