#deathnote deepdive
vashs-posts · 2 years
This is a deathnote analysis. From me.
There are going to be spoilers...and cursing
Tw: mentions of death (homicide, suicide)
the show is fucking phenomenal. Like holy shit. I think it's the best thing I've ever watched. For the past day and a half i haven't been able to function as a human being.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE light's character. I love that he's greyish black. I love that he thinks he's so fucking right. I love that he does a character analysis on me.
When light says "most people would say killing criminals are bad until they go thru a crime" SPOT ON. and obviously he doesn't kill for petty crimes (atleast in the beginning i guess)
I love that he takes challenges head on. I love that he's arrogant. I love that he isn't doubting any decisions he makes, due to some insecurity or wtv.
I LOVE HIM AND L. I SHIP him and L. So fucking much. WHEN L CALLED LIGHT HIS ONLY FRIEND I COMPLETELY DEFLATED. but i love that L probably meant it, but also was testing light's humanity with it. And light didn't pass. AND I LOVE THAT HE DIDNT.
I love that light, still, despite everything, always tried to protect his family from his bullshit. He never wanted to kill sayu, but he would have. I love that he didn't stop respecting his dad. I love that he still didn't want to disappoint his dad during his death. Amazing. FUCKING FABULOUS.
I was sceptical about the yotsuba plot point in the beginning, but my the end i found that also so lovable. Especially because i couldn't fresking predict what light was going to do?!!!?!? I loved it all so much.
AND I FUCKING LOVED HOW L DIED (I'm sadistic sorry)
I liked near and mello too, but i wished they were introduced earlier in the series, when L was alive. I'd liked it more if L was working remotely with near/mello or something like that. Then atleast the characters wouldn't have come out of nowhere.
Mostly, i would have LOVED IT, if in the end Misa killed Light. HOLY SHIT SORRY IM SO FIRED UP WITH EXCITEMENT, BUT IT WOULD BE FABULOUS IF SHE DID. I wish she was made to be a smarter character tbh. I didn't understand her motivation for loving light as much as she did, to the point of dedicating her whole life to him. She was also a fucking model, those people have it real tough in the industry- so i thought she'd be smart...but i realise I'm wrong about this as I'm typing it. She was smart. Atleast in the beginning. Over time, i guess she was really traumatized by all the kidnapping shit to truly think about Light logically. I think maybe from the start itself she was traumatized Tho. But i think if she would have tried to kill light also, light would have sussed it out. Also i didn't like how it's presumed she k*lls herself in the end.
Also wish matsuda helped more. He seemed useful in the beginning but as time went on and on, he became pretty useless. But him shooting light in the end, i think makes up for that.
Also even, i would have loved if light's dad found out that he was Kira in the end. It would have added more depth to light's character i think.
ONE MORE THING. I love how the moral question of the show is so grey. Like for me its obvious that no one person deserves so much power. But we don't see light do THAT much shit with it. Also it's extremely easy for me to say this opinion, that this is bad. Idk how people who've actually witnessed heinous crimes to their loved ones would react. Idk
IDK!! and it's the best part.
But in the end, Kira becoming a god like figure was always bad. I love that the show establishes him as a bad person from the beginning. But weirdly i rooted for him. Which is extremely odd.
And i LOVE LOVE LOVE how he dies alone. How he goes insane with his justifications. How he calls for people dear to him, just to realise that he's alone. Ahhhhhh
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