#dear god help me ill love him forever
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merakiui · 1 month ago
Oh god I absolutely love Skully he’s my bby and all but sir,,,,,, I AM NOT LETTING YOU SMASH MY CORPSE 😭😭
Imagine priest!Rollo walking in (more like hearing) on Skully fucking a deceased woman’s (who Skully was insanely obsessed with because let’s be honest, that boy cannot love normally) corpse in her casket. bonus points if the woman was someone Rollo loved as well, so Rollo is just as equal parts as angry and disgusted because 1. he doesn’t know who Skully is 2. Skully’s fucking her 3. she’s DEAD and he’s still doing it and 4. they’re in church,, the house of GOD
Ohhhh,,, he is so filthy and disturbed,,, poor Father Flamme, having to put up with this gross stranger. >_< something something Skully who was your loyal servant, who watched from afar as his lady grew ill and bedridden. He would linger just outside your door and listen in as the physician tends to you. He'd leave bundles of fresh flowers outside your door in hopes that you might receive them and the sheer force of his affections would be enough to rejuvenate you. Alas, it was not to be. </3 his dear lady takes her final breath in the gloomy solitude of her bedroom, leaving behind an infatuated servant and his love that could never blossom to fruition. A love forever left unspoken, a confession stifled in the depths of his heart.
Wakes (in the Victorian era) were commonly held in the house, but let's say your body is brought to the church instead.... something something Father Flamme shall bless your corpse,, in the house of the lord, you shall rest peacefully. You're dressed for death, chilled, embalmed, and perfumed appropriately, laid to rest in a wooden coffin surrounded by soft, silken cloth and the prettiest of funeral blooms. Many come to view you and to pay their respects. Father Flamme's heart is heavy. You were so young and still so full of years,, to think your brilliant flicker would be snuffed by illness. Life is too cruel. :(
Skully who can't bear to be apart from you. He's quiet during the wake, absolutely shattered, but in the hours afterwards he finds he can't stand being away from you. The idea that tomorrow you'll be buried beneath the earth and he'll never get to look upon your beautiful face again is much too devastating for him. In his distraught, heartbroken feelings, he breaks into the church late into the night to see you. And there you are, resting in your casket at the altar, the moonlight filtering in through the stained glass.
Oh, he mourns like no man has ever mourned before! He kneels before you and whispers all sorts of things: how he's so grateful you took him in as a servant, how he will forever cherish you and your kindness, how much he adores you, how it's just not fair that you're gone, etc etc... he lifts your cold, stiff hand and places the gentlest kiss upon it. That's really all he meant to do, but he loves you so viscerally and he can't help risking a chaste kiss to your cheek. You died before you could be wed, so it's perfectly okay, right? And even if you did have a lover, it wouldn't mean anything to Skully. He knows that deep down the two of you are meant to be together, both in life and in death.
So he leans into the casket to press his mouth to yours.
And, really, there is no turning back once the point of no return has been crossed. Under the watchful judgement of the lord, Skully shall wed your bodies in unholy matrimony.
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sky-kiss · 1 year ago
Hi there, it's me, your girl, knocking on your door and asking for a tiny fic if you take to this prompt 😊
Strip poker. Lmao no. But maybe. It'd just be Tav getting naked as they lose horribly to him.
Okay actual prompt, sorry. I love possessive Raphael, it shivers me timbers.
What if after he successfully gets the Crown with Tav's help. And Tav thinks they're done forever, and is sad about it during their hurrah meal (THAT HE PROMISED US BUT WE DIDNT GET IN GAME?), but Raphael is very much not done with Tav yet. But plays them along a little, delighting in how attached they seem to be to him.
But also, feel free to do the strip poker adjacent if that appeals more. 😉 Thank you my dear!
A/N: I’m going to be super honest, babe. I almost did the strip poker prompt. 
“This, my dear, to a most successful partnership.” Raphael held up his glass, a beautiful crystal flute that seemed to catch the firelight; held it. Tav didn’t want to guess how rare it was, or how much it cost. Raphael seemed inclined to excess; the meal he’d promised so many moons prior reflected those beliefs. The first wine he’d served was centuries old; the second was even older. The gown he’d left provided, perfectly tailored, was set with enough jewels to sustain a small kingdom. 
Tav smiled at his toast but could not find it in herself to respond. As fine as the night had been, it held a note of finality that sat heavy on her heart. It was the bow on his victory and his crown. After this, they’d go their separate ways. 
It was objectively the correct course of action. Dealing with a devil of any sort was ill-advised; dealing with one so intimately bordered on suicide. 
Raphael smirked at her, cocking his head to the side. The firelight caught him in profile, sharpening already fine features, casting his eyes in deeper shadows. He leaned forward. “My, has the cat finally caught your tongue? Here? At the end of all things?” 
“Not in the least. Only tired.” 
“I could send you back…” 
“No!” The answer was far too quick. The devil arched a brow, smiling with teeth. He folded his hands in front of him, long fingers interlaced. Tav tried not to fixate on them, or the way his thumb shifted, stroking some invisible line across his wrist. “No, that isn’t necessary. It’s only…I supposed a part of me didn’t expect things to end so soon.”
“But it’s been months, my sweet. Are you not tired of the road? The violence?” Lower, a note of teasing crept into his voice. “My company?” Tav huffed. The adventurer sipped her wine to stop her immediate reply. The one the devil undoubtedly wanted. His eyes, bright as hellfire, glowed. “It should grieve me to leave you wanting, little mouse. You need only say that word and…” he snapped his fingers. The candles leaped with new liveliness before fading to a more intimate level. “We might find some new way to occupy our time.” 
“You have hells to conquer.” 
“And what is a conquest without dear friends?” He chuckled, and Tav fought the urge to shiver. The fireplace was far too large for the banquet hall. Avernus was naturally hot. The air in her lungs felt stagnant and overheated. “Admit it. You're curious. What will Raphael accomplish?” 
“I don’t doubt you if that’s what you’re implying.” 
“Never. I would not dream of slandering my talents or your good sense, pet.” He extended his hand, palm up. “But I would never force my suit. You are, as ever, entirely free to make your own choices.”
Tav pursed her lips. The little alarm in the back of her head was screaming. Run, it said, get far from here and far from him. She’d never been good at listening to those notes of reason. Raphael must have seen it too. The devil smirked, the right corner of his lips curling back to highlight the point of his fangs. “I wouldn’t…see us part ways. Not yet.” 
“Mmm. And why not? Indulge this…inquiring mind.” 
 She sighed, shrugging. “Because I’m…fond of you, devil.” 
“Good girl, honesty is always the best policy.” Gods, but he looked insufferably pleased with himself. Raphael leaned back, resting his chin in his palm. He drummed his fingers against his cheek. “It would be dangerous for you to stay, of course, and I could never endanger one so dear to me. Unless…” he let the sentence hang between them, full of potential and thoroughly premeditated. Tav could feel the noose tightening, the hooks he’d set in her flesh from their first meeting tugging at her soul. “A patron makes all the difference in the hells. Were you to swear yourself to me, you might remain.” 
She laughed. “Is that all? Just put myself in your hands?” 
“My hands, my lap, my bed.” His smirk took on a particularly feline quality. “Don’t look so surprised, pet. I kept the Emperor out of that lovely head. Did you think I hadn’t seen what was in it?” 
He made a vague gesture with his left hand, and those lurid imaginings came forward. The dreams that had chased Tav into an uneasy sleep for months: his touch smoothing over her hips. His mouth on her breasts. Touching, and teasing, and…
“Enough.” She swallowed, head spinning. “You’ve made your point.”
“Swear you are mine, devote yourself to me, and I will give all your imaginings form. What is one mortal life compared to pleasure eternal?” He held out his hand again. 
And Tav took it. 
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hyper-jam · 1 year ago
More SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory headcanons I literally cannot get enough of them (part 2 😋😋😋)
This one is probably gonna be fairly romantic and affection focused cause I have brainrot
-Mike gets flustered so so easily because he’s literally chronically bitchless and this is the first time he’s experienced romantic affection EVER however he’s ALSO horribly oblivious and tired so it takes him forever to process flirting and affection half the time but then when he does he just turns bright red and his brain stops working
-Mike gets so incredibly dazed every time Ness kisses him on the lips. A cheek peck or smth is one thing and it will leave him flustered but any and all genuine mouth kisses leaves him completely speechless for a solid second and Ness thinks it’s the cutest thing ever (because it is)
-I saw that whole “Ness has freckles and Mike likes to kiss/count them” thing but literally shut up it is so the other way around cause Mike literally has freckles and Ness would do that shit and it would make Mike feel so warm and fuzzy and just ashsmskkskdkansjsksksjjs and Ness just thinks he’s adorable (BECAUSE HE IS !!!!!!) /lh
-they are such cuddlers they cuddle so much cause Mike is always so sleepy and Ness just loves playing with his hair and watching him as he looks so peaceful because cuddling with Ness actually helps him sleep and on the somewhat common occasion he starts having a nightmare Ness will gently nudge and kiss him awake and comfort him and then Mike can ACTUALLY GET SOME REST FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE DEAR GOD
-sorry I’m so autism abt these guys
-Ness is all abt pet names dear god like Sugar obviously yes but he will literally call Mike anything and everything and Mike will barely pull out a “babe” or a “hon” and that’s like it but Ness is just like “baby, babe, my love, hon, honey, sugarplum, pumpkin, muffin cakes, kitten whiskers, meow meow, pookie, schnookums, puppy, doll, meatloaf, sweetheart, light of my life, I literally love you” and Mike is just like “😦😦😦 wait the fuck did you just call me-“
-they like to hold hands and like Ness is a fast walker so he’ll hold Mike’s hand to help him keep up or if he doesn’t wanna hold hands then Mike will like hang onto his shirt or bag or jacket or whatever else is available so he doesn’t get left in the dust (I’m projecting I’m the short friend who’s love language is physical touch this is literally just me)
-Mike is so physical touch but also gets embarrassed about PDA so he like won’t do much in public but as soon as they get home Mike is like all over him (quite literally like he leans on Ness and cuddles them and shit cause he’s just a little eepy cozy guy) and Ness is more abt the yapping (aka words of affirmation, hence pet names and such) but he also loves physical affection and he knows Mike likes it and it makes him flustered so he’ll purposely play things up and be extra touchy and just ahskslskskdlslsks HELP IM SO AUTISM ABT THESE GUYS
-they are so clingy idc they will text each other for as long as Ness stays up while Mike is working, then they see each other at Sparky’s and Ness forgets they have other tables to worry abt half the time cause they’re so focused on Mike, and then whenever they hang out in private they’re like never more than a few feet away from each other waaaaahhhhhhh
-they both get anxiety when the other doesn’t respond for a while, Mike cause he’s got abandonment/attachment issues, and Ness because Mike is severely mentally ill and him not responding could mean ANYTHING and again they’re also just both clingy asf with each other
-hugs. Such huggers. I know I already said they cuddle but they also hug so so much. Mike always needs a good hug and Ness is more than happy to give him one
-Ness loves playing with Mike’s hair so much. Mike finds it really relaxing and comforting and Ness loves seeing him like that
-they are so so so orange cat x black dog energy GOOD LORD (Ness is the orange cat and Mike is the black dog obviously. Like yes Mike is a soggy cat but he’s also literally just a puppy like look at him)
-I’m being so cringe who let me on tumblr I’m getting too comfortable on here (it gets worse)
-ok i need to stop before i explode
-I love them sm
-I’m gonna shut up now
-thank you and goodnight
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highway-143 · 21 days ago
highway's fic reccomendations:
this is the masterlist for all the fics that i like but dont want to reblog bc it hides my fics eheh
ill add probably almost every day, so make sure to revisit for an updated list!
(saw somebody do this so its NOT MY IDEA i just think its useful)
(list under cut) (ones in red are my tops)
webcam perv 1 and 2 (smut, fluff) l.hs
^ one of my fav fics ever! im in love with the plot, like idk why its so sexy but ughhh ToT
loving you is forever- l.hs (angst, fluff, smut)
^ dear GAWD this one had me crying. three times. per sentence. i literally love it sm its insane ㅠㅠ
under the covers- l.hs (angst, fluff, smut)
^ tears are still falling.... im so fucking destroyed after this one its insane. IM LITERALLY IN LOVE WITH @enhaflixer 's fics its acc so scary.... THE PLOT HAD ME EATING THE WINDOWS, DOING BURPEES ON THE CELING, LITERALLY RUNNING AROUND IN CURCLES SCREAMING I NEED HELP
confessions- l.hs (smut, fluff)
^ okay im boutta CRASH OUT i literally CANNOT with this one RAWR HEESEUNG PLEASEEEEE
perv- l.hs (smut)
^ dear goddddd i nead saving after this one. heeseung TAKE ME NOW XD
on the rebound- p.sh (fluff, smut)
^ this one was so awesome!!! its so sweet and the perfect amount of fluff and smut alsmks im still crashing out its so adorable
fwb- p.sh (smut)
harvest of purity (angst, smut) p.sh
^ no joke i literally cried my eyes out bc why the fuck do i have to have emotional reactions to this shit
still havent gotten over it tho
love next door- p.sh (angst, fluff, smut)
^ this one was awesome! ive been trying to get into angst lately so this was perfect!
SAVE US- p.sh (fluff, smut)
^ as a castaway fan this was literally amazing like i cantttt skshsn crashing out help
the marriage law- p.js (fluff, smut)
^ this one was GOATED. as a harry potter nerd the crossover was hilarious and had a much needed reality check for me lol
teach me- p.sh (smut)
^ stepcest? yes. sexy? yes. probably relatable? also yes
when cameras stop rolling- p.sh (angst, smut)
^ i cried so freaking much at this one. i need serious help
no escape from you- p.sh (smut)
dior girl- p.sh (dark, smut)
^ im literally IN LOVE with this bc its so dark like omllll
creep- y.jw (smut)
^ oml the perverted fics get me alajjshshd
blue birthday- y.jw (fluff)
^ how many times did i cry, you ask? definetly not twice.... or three *cough* four times....
bound in the game- y.jw (smut)
^ aldmksjshd dom jungwonnnnn?!??!?! yes please sir
cuteness agression- y.jw (fluff)
^ literally so fluffy but adorable im crashing out XD
touchè- s.jy (fluff, smut)
kiss me, don't say no- s.jy (fluff, smut)
^ ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAVS i literally cant bc it feels like it would acc happen help
(pray it happens to me omg)
texting bf!ni-ki- n.rk (fluff, texts)
^ literally hilarious XD i laughed so hard omg
I love you 3000- n.rk (fluff, texts)
^ the texts make me laugh a lil too hard XD
the way things go- n.rk (fluff, smut? i dont remember lol)
my biggest opp- n.rk (smut)
^ alskkdjdhf enemies to lovers hits differentttt
not a kid anymore- n.rk (smut)
^ i wish i had male childhood friends.... i mean i have like 3.... but woah not like this ToT
sticky- n.rk (smut)
^ this was acc the first fic i ever read so it holds a special place in my heart ToT
tall- n.rk (fluff, smut)
^ OKAY SO- i love this one SO FUCKING MUCH bc im a tall girlie too (5"10.5) so this literally boosed my confidence sm help XD
fuck, i think i love you- n.rk (smut, fluff)
^ omllllll i actually cant get over how good this was ToT IT WAS SO SEXY AND FUN AND ALSHSJSHSJHDJDHS *dies*
cramp relief- n.rk (smut, fluff)
caught- n.rk (smut)
love box- n.rk (fluff)
^ alsnnsjd so adorableeee!!!!! the emotions omllll
roommates for dummies! -l.hs, s.jy, p.js (smut)
^ RAH i cant with this one its literally so amazing aksbsnsbdbd
tutoring- n.rk + p.js (smut)
^ and this one had me dead bc what the actual hell?!??!
airplane- n.rk + p.sh (smut)
^ this one was ksnsnsjsh im crashing out there are no words XD
girls goon too- l.hs + p.sh (smut)
^ the stepcest is backkkkk and hitting harder than ever.... i love how descriptive this one was lollll
other groups? lol:
black cherry flavored- txt (smut, horror?)
^ this one was literally so chilling. like the suspense was just so good and the buildup? like mhhh it was amazing. also im a sucker for group sex so it slayeeeeddd (haha literally tho XD)
body rythm- c.sb (smut)
^ imagine being the experienced one in the situation... smh SWEETIE PIE GIANT BABY SOOBIN AKSBSJNS
obsession next door- c.sb (smut, fluff)
^ the use of aphrodisiacs YES RAHAHAHAH SO WONDERFUL
kiss and tell- s.mg + j.yh (ateez) (smut)
^ literally the kinkiest thing ive read i swear i will sell my soul for a part 2 ToT
prettiest virgin- j.yh (ateez) (fluff, smut)
^ literally so fluffy but then you get the smut and its like.... woah lol
you wrote that for me, didnt you? 1 and 2- j.yh (smut)
^ so uhmmmmm i think i need dom yunho in my life.... BECAUSE YES PLEASE SIR. the handssssssssssssssss aldjdkjdjd (let me be chokeedddd i swearrrrr)
bibliophile- j.yh (smut, fluff)
the monarch's quarrel- h.hj (fluff, smut)
red wine supernova- h.hj (fluff, angst)
^ OMG THIS IS DEFINETLY A TOP FOR ME I LOVE CONNER SO MUCH <3333 her fics are so good damn
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fairyboy1111 · 1 month ago
A prayer for Asclepius + Digital offering
Kind-hearted Asclepius, the race of mortals is your constant care, countless secrets filled with life-saving wisdom are yours to share
The lot of doctors is your very own brood, for it is in you that the art of healing finds its root
You’ve taught to humanity the skills of your trade, soothing-voiced god, disease’s bright bane
Son of Apollo whose hair shines like gold, you bear in your hand a snake-wrapped rod
And a touch of it is enough to deliver men from pain, wether they are resting upon the earth or sailing across the stormy main
For wherever they may be, you hear all prayers and lend them ready aid, even the gods who dwell in heaven call to you for help
Such is your power that there’s no sickness you can’t cure, such is your sweetness that there’s no request you refute
And although you are deathless, it is said in tales of old that there was once a day where you walked amongst our world
Not yet a member of the blessed ones who live at their ease, but rather a man who prayed to them down on his knees
Born of a human mother who perished before you two met, raised by the centaur Chiron whose wisdom is most great
You learned from him the art of medicine, and so excellent at it you grew that soon there was no ill you couldn’t undo
You could revert death itself, give the deceased their breath back, restore the strength to their limbs and pull them away the underworld’s pitch black
Oh, dear father of all remedies, did you not know that was a terrible crime? Oh, good giver of ointments, did you forget the laws by which we must abide?
There are rules in life that cannot be challenged, thus Hades was baffled and Zeus was maddened
He struck you down with a lighting bolt from his heavenly vault, putting an end to your life with your mastery at fault
Yet that was not the end of your tale; would you look at you now? A god amongst gods, a constellation of your own up in the sky
You are lord over all physicians now and forever, you gracefully guide their hands and lend them counsels clever
Oh, savior of the suffering, heed my prayer and hear my words, extend to me your gracious hand down from the realms of up above
Grant me your blessing and ward of sickness from my life wherever found, help me with the afflictions of both my body and my mind
Have your beauteous daughter always be a part of my life; lovely-haired health, desired by all
Place upon my life cures in which to find longed-for help; for my flesh pills and syrups, for my soul love and friends
Snatch away your power from those who are drenched in greed, those who want to heal their wallets as their only wish
Those who help not others but only themselves, give them fair punishment so that they may cause no more pain
I pray that you stand by my side when healing takes time; when I need to mind my choices, help me be wise
For even when things cannot be fixed overnight, if you’re holding my hand I know that I’ll be alright
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danidoesathing · 2 months ago
A headcanon of mine is that, contrary to what Heimerdinger claims in episode 4, the Arcane version of Stanwick Pididly was actually just as horrible as his League Counterpart. In my mind, Arcane-verse Pididly still did utterly terrible things under the table and plagiarized his students' research: he was just able to hide it via a combination of an excellent reputation in the Academy, taking full advantage of Heimerdinger's naiveté/ignorance, and in general being more subtle. (Heimerdinger dismissed the rumors because he thought they were trying to destroy the reputation of someone he considered a good man and dear friend-and Pididly's death led to him idealizing the man even further, because he doesn't like to speak ill of dead colleagues.)
Basically, I see Arcane-verse Stanwick Pididly as "Madarame if he actually got away with it".
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ooooh yeah i was always confused about that scene with Stanwick's memorial in ep 4 because like. yeah its a nod to the lore and way to show things this version of the world and the characters were going to be vastly different than the game's canon, but it still felt weird to me how long they lingered on it. like hey heres a guy from the lore! he's dead here. he was kinda ok here allegedly but rip loser. anyway.
it makes a lot more sense that it's more an example of Heimerdinger's naivety and willing ignorance. the fact that the bastard was praised and got statue despite all the awful shit he did. he gets to be remembered as this great teacher when that legacy is built on the back of the people he stole from.
(somehow i doubt that if the same thing happened to Viktor in this timeline, heimerdinger would do much for him either. i could easily see him saying "oooh well uh. sorry i cant help my hands are tied :/ sorry about your life's work tho". At least we know this Jayce would've ripped Stanwick a new asshole, so maybe for his sake its better he died before he could.)
I love the idea of Mage Viktor having multiversal beef with Stanwick after the shit he pulled in the league timeline. like oh you thought you were just stealing credit from this zaunite student and think you're safe from the consequences? well newsflash asshole he became a multiversal god wizard of the arcane in a few other timelines and he still hates ur guts so he kills you in every universe. he's infamous spiteful and holds grudges like its a sport. he has a rule against interfering with timelines with the exception of 1. saving his soulmate and 2. killing your ass. that second one isnt necessary to his plan he just fucking hates you forever and ever. get fucked lmao
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tf2-oneshots · 2 years ago
hey can i request a freedom fries(soldier x spy) fic where spy gets sick and soldier helps him out and makes him soup(thank you in advance!!!)
Yes of course! Freedom fries forever!!
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
Spy coughs into her handkerchief, head turned to the side on her enormous pillows. His princess curtain is drawn to shield his sickly self from being seen. Another cough rips through Spy as she collapses like a drama queen. Medic had tried to heal him, but he refused. The attention from his beloved Soldier was just too good to give up.
Speaking of which, said man is stepping into the room. Spy fluffs her pillows before laying back against them. A hand is pressed to her forehead, demonstrating how utterly frail and weak he is. One more cough might be the end!
“Spy? I brought stew! It’s got beef!” Said stew was made with the help of Heavy. Soldier had made many attempts to add ingredients that, frankly, would have made the whole thing inedible. The whole carrot he wanted to shove into the pot was sliced, the tablespoon of onion powder replaced with a mere fraction, and much more. Spy should really thank the Russian for saving her tastebuds.
“You did? Oh, how kind—“ Another cough. Spy covers her mouth with the lace handkerchief and shuts his eyes with a weak groan. Despite the illness, his mask remained untouched. It would take a catastrophic world ending event for Spy to even consider slipping it off of his face.
“Eat up, son. I’ve seen this disease of yours before. They called it trench cough, and it claimed more men than the war!” Said disease is made up, of course. Soldier’s lead infused brain having made up the disease for his debated time of military service. Spy carefully takes a bite of her meal with the bowl in her lap.
“I’ll be fine, Soldat. I have you.” Spy is stricken with another coughing fit. She turns her head, not wanting Soldier to see his snotty nose. Dear god, is he a child? A sickly little girl in her canopy bed waiting to be doted on by the entire world? The answer is yes, of course he is.
“Forgive me. I feel so weak, but your cooking gives me strength.” Spy easily feeds himself despite acting so faint. Soldier, taking all of this very serious, takes out a bottle of pills.
“Medic said to give you two of these, but you clearly need more than that!” He pours a handful of white pills into his palm and attempts to shove them inside Spy’s mouth. The woman turns away, blocking the hand to not take so many at once. She forces Soldier to open his palm and retrieves two of the instructed medication.
“Do listen to the doctor.” Down they go with another mouthful of broth. Soldier stands beside the bed, back straight and hands at his side. He faces the door, motionless and waiting for Spy to give him an order.
“Darling, please, lay with me. I feel so cold.” Yet his body is burning hot. Boots are slipped off and set at the side of the bed pointing outward. Soldier then takes off his jacket, folding it to a square and placing it on the vanity. He slips into his side of the bed, quick to bring Spy against his chest.
“We will defeat trench cough together, and we will celebrate like its 1776!” Such inspirational words coming from the man. Spy raises Soldier’s hand, kissing his knuckles to not infect him with the cold.
“Oui, mon amour.” Spy turns on a fan Engineer set by her bed. Knowing how warm chested Soldier can be, he picks the high setting. The two snuggle close, content without a cough to be heard thanks to the medicine.
I love drama queen Spy sm -H
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denjivhs · 1 year ago
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match-up for @thecurrator
Your match from Blue Lock is . . Nagi Seishiro!
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❂ i think you and nagi would make such a cute couple. very "dating me is like peeing your pants. everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth."
❂ how did you meet?
you both happened to be at the dentist on the same day. nagi certainly didn't want to be there but he had an aching tooth and reo would simply not leave him alone about it. ("we have a match next week! you cant let this pain distract you!!" blah blah blah.)
he had been so close to dozing off there when his lanky ass caught sight of one of his favorite artists playing on the phone of the person sitting beside him.
"i love his songs."
nagi rarely ever initiated conversations, or rather, rarely ever put in the effort to do anything, but meeting someone who listened to same sort of music as him irl somehow sparked a hint of enthusiasm in him. he chatted with you quite amicably while you two waited for your turns, mostly about music, then some random talk here and there. you ended up finding out that you live in the same neighborhood.
nagi would not be bothered by your rbf at all (unbothered nonchalant king, you will never catch him being chalant) so breaking the initial ice will not be an issue for him. i imagine you'd develop a friendship by bonding over similar interests and likes, especially in music, anime and movies. also congratulations, you have acquired a new friend— reo mikage! (they come as a package deal, you do not have a way out)
casual hangouts around the neighborhood and in each other's rooms, late night walks to go grab some ice cream while sharing earphones, lazing around in the sun during winters and such activities would be a frequent.
nagi hates earphones, but for you, he never opposed using them, just so that he could listen to music with you.
it would kind of be a slowburn for you guys since it'd take the poor guy forever to figure out that feeling all warm and tingly and zoning out while daydreaming about you was not platonic. hell, if it hadn't been for reo helping him, it would've taken even longer.
❂ nagi would primarily express his affection for you through small gestures. he may seem like a complete airhead but when he wants to, he can be extremely perceptive. way before he had even figured out that he was whipped for you, he had started noticing little details about you. your quirks, your habits, what you like, dislike, what caused that heartstoppingly beautiful, warm smile of yours to bloom— everything.
he never considered himself to be a 'possessive' person or whatever, but the first time he accidentally made you blush? dear god he wanted to just hold you tight and hide you away from everyone else because that unbelievably adorable sight should only be reserved for his eyes.
he's also pretty blunt in general, so he'd tell you whatever he's thinking, including all the out of pocket, shockingly romantic things you'd never expect to hear from someone like him. what can one say though, you've got him good.
❂ miscellaneous: he loves to nap while resting on you. he does it especially when youre crocheting or something. will make up an excuse like "oh let me help you, ill keep the wool disentangled-" pure bs, he is going to fall asleep on your lap in 0.2 seconds.
also, he addresses your plushies in a most proper manner and treats them like your children. also i think has a really imaginative thinking, so he'd definitely join you whenever you'd analyse and break something down with inputs of his own. would be interested in hearing your perspective on the most random things.
❂ songs that would give off your dynamic's vibes: dirty dancer by orion sun, pretty boy by the neighborhood, stop the world i wanna get off with you by arctic monkeys, some by steve lacy.
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Your match from JJK is . . . Gojo Satoru!
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❂ another white-haired character . . 🤭 i know they're both kinda really different but hear me out!!
❂ how did you meet?
au where you start working part-time at this really cute bakery. you usually helped with serving and some other tasks, but one day your colleague happened to fall sick, so you filled in for her at the counter.
and who would walk in but gojo satoru and his hopeless sweet tooth ass.
ever the flirt, he'd definitely try to rizz you up with his natural charm and smooth comments. would ask you what your personal favorite item from the menu is and buy two of them to give you one no matter how much you'd politely deny. def would say something like "cute cupcake for a cute girl."
since the cafe was on his way back home, you found out that he was a regular.
over time a sense of familiarity was established between you two (it was mostly him being an absolute little shit because.. i mean, it's gojo. cmon.) and although he'd never give you a straight answer, he definitely started trying to come to the cafe when he was likelier to run into you.
he'd sometimes catch you daydreaming and make a point to tease you however he could, whether it be over this or your cute judgemental cat bag.
one day mr-gojo-canonically-lightweight-satoru was on his way back home, still rather tipsy from a little get-together he'd gone to that evening when he decided to stop by the cafe, and it just so happened that you were working late that day. oh, the way his eyes absolutely lit up from under his signature shades was beyond endearing.
he couldnt stop rambling about how cute and sweet you are, especially with that 'resting grumpy cat face' and whatnot. even got a little bold and leaned forward to cup your face in his hands in the middle of his adorable drunken rant. infact, if you'd let him, he'd kiss you all over your face and bite your cheeks because he was convinced you'd be sweeter than his favorite mochi.
in all honesty, he had never expected himself to ever feel this way about someone, but meeting you changed everything, and he was gonna go all in because yolo.
❂ miscellaneous: im Sorry but youve just gotten yourself a lifetime subscription to Loud and Annoying! bro is loud. bro is a yapper. bro is sometimes way too tactless and blunt.
but!! bro will make you feel loved and cherished in his own way.
whenever he fucked up, he usually bought you your favorite snacks as an indirect apology. he definitely struggles with being able to say sorry, so you're going to have to be patient with him. it'll take you some time to figure him out, but hey, you got yourself your very own case study, have fun studying him lol.
❂ once he found out that you have a sweet tooth as well, he took you to all the cutest cafes and bakeries around. also tried to bake with you but literally couldn't stop eating the frosting, the batter, even the sugar???? you probably had to beat him up to get him to stop.
satoru would send you videos of black and orange cats together saying 'us.' would also come up with obnoxious nicknames, you're just gonna have to cope with that.
❂ songs that give off your dynamic's vibes: sweet/i thought you wanted to dance by tyler the creator, right here by chase atlantic, redbone by childish gambino, meet me in the pale moonlight by lana del rey, killshot by magdalena bay
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caffeinatedattorney · 11 months ago
This topic caters to me only but I think Bruce and Harvey would be forever changed by pikmin.
I don't think there the playing video games type but in this ridiculous hypothetical, i want to talk about one of my favorite games. Pikmin.
Pikmin 1, 2 and 4 spoilers ahead.
Sooo, pikmin.
For those not in the know, the game is cute and brutal because you are conducting an army of little plant guys who trust your every order to survive. The first game is all about saving each other. The pikmin need you, the player taking the role of captain olimar, to build ranks and defend themselves from predators bigger than them. While you need the pikmin to help you carry things to fix your old ass ship so you don't die from oxygen poisoning in 30 days.
I tthought I was a tough guy, until I lost my first few. Nothing prepares you for it. it feels like betrayal by the game for making you do this, yourself for not planning that far ahead, and the pikmin for not fighting for their lives. The horror, dear reader, even when you know what to do, stays. The psychic and emotional damage.
Any pikmin game will have you fuck up as part of the gaming loop. You WILL lose pikmin, especially on the first game with those fuck ass controls and glitches. The latter ones have ways to mitigate loss via tighter controls and less glitches for the most part, but you need knowledge and desicion making to survive and accomplish your goals, just like irl I suppose lol.
So this is a children's game.
And imagining that Bruce and harvey played it... I think harvey would thrive in the strategy, cause reaction, pattern memorization. There's two reactions to pikmin loss, either a. You silently mourn them while chanting "idiot, idiot, idiot" while you restart the day. Or you keep on trucking, still feeling like an idiot, but masochistic enough to do as much as you can, and end the day with the loss.
My headcanon between Harvey and Bruce as Autistics is that Harvey is low empathy, high masking while Bruce is high empathy, low masking. I can't justify it, so I won't lol.
Harvey, being a perfectionist, would try to surmount seeing the little guys scream for help and keep going, only to realize he can do better, as a player and as a guide to the creatures. He finds them adorable and it would be unfair to be an ill fitted leader.
But still, they are part of a game. He won't go back in time for one or two. Necessary sacrifice. Fun, but emotionally taxing. He might be getting a headache from planning routes.
Bruce would try to finish the game without any losses. That man lost one pikmin to drowning and didn't touch it for days. The game gave him a headache and he couldn't shake off the guilt of losing the pixelated little guys.
But he has to make it right somehow. He takes his time, running by the time limit, he spends a lot of time looking at the map in the pause screen.
Pikmin 2 wrecks them both lmao. They thought the waterwraith deserves death. Impossible to play around without prior knowledge and serial pikmin killer.
Favorite creatures
Now keep in mind this is hard for me cause I love all the creatures / enemies and find it hard to decide as a baseline lmao.
The joke answer for harvey would be the scorchcake? Cause it's a disk that flips lmao.
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But I think him, being an emotional edgelord would like the destruction and trauma the smoky progg easily causes. Rumored to be a mamuta (I'll explain later but it's basically a god-like creature for pikmin.) that didn't grow properly in it's egg so it curses the land and seems focused on destroying pikmin. The tragedy would intrigue him i think. Pictured below.
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Smoky progg themselves.
With Bruce's, I think he'd like mamuta and the foolix. The mamuta is benevolent, in a way. He can't kill your pikmin and is supposed to be the creator, a god even, for them. With that said, it is still part of the ecosystem, another creature. Instead of killing, it plants your pikmin and you can get them 'upgraded' to flower mode which makes them faster at everything.
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Look at him. So weird, so adorable. Peaceful, a little unnerving.
The goolix is an amoeba thing. Gigantic, single cellular system, doesn't inmediately kill your pikmin unless you fucked up beforehand. Bruce's nerd brain would vibe with it, in my humble opinion.
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This cell likes pikmin
And why not Harv? He'd love the grub dogs. Emperor bulblax, and the literal space dog, the ancient sirehound. Obnoxious, strong personalities, won't hesitate to kill your little guys. Just perfect.
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Emperor bulblax. He reminds me of my dog. Licks everything, naps all day, will eat ants.
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Here is his majesty, mid crime.
And this is the ancient sirehound. He wields all elements, can fly with its ears and has a cool boss fight song.
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Ancient sirehound. He (?) doesn't remind me of my dog.
Overall, pikmin has so many creatures. I doubt most people have clearly defined favorites. I do hate the ones that ressemble 6 legged insects. Too close to home i think.
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Curse you, CurseyouCurseyoucurseyou-
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birdsandlonging-blog · 1 year ago
dear you, (#2)
dear you,
They say you’re only as sick as your secrets and i didn’t want to be sick anymore. I didn’t want to be crazy either but i feel a deep sense of relief with my diagnosis. I don’t mind being pathologized, it soothes me, it helps me make sense of all the madness. It cures me of my love sickness because all of that was just another manic delusion from when my life was unmanageable. I used to be something to be handled like a PR nightmare or worse, something breakable to be handled with kid gloves. I worried so much about wasting all my words on you the way i wasted years of my life with him. But my words are my life’s work and my craft and they live on without you, unlike memories. I detach all the real nouns from them now. I can change the names, remove the people places and things. You had me fooled into thinking that memories could be erased and that i could black them out without oblivion. Just like dry heaving, scratching the itch without having to do the deed. You do the same thing, allowing yourself the indulgence of the fantasy without ever really having to be vulnerable or put yourself at risk. It’s not my fault that you confuse admiration for jealousy. Still i hold myself accountable for everything. Still I’m forever holding the bag but this time i flush it down the drain. I no longer have the mental obsession and you don’t owe me anything. Now when they advise me to get on my knees i no longer hear your voice, i hear the voice of god. I make a clear distinction between the two. I meant it when i prayed for you and wished to no longer be the cause of your happiness, I sincerely hope you find it. “It is in self forgetting that one finds.” You’re not at fault for confusing pity for forgiveness. The pitfalls are still plenty. Your ego still surrounds you even if you are quiet about it. I’m living like a monk now, i don’t need your money. I wasn’t lying when i said that after she said that was the only reason she was staying i had to excuse myself to throw up in the bar bathroom. I was so ill back then that i wanted to punch my reflection, I wanted to kick her teeth in. Instead i stood there shaking, wiping my tears in between key bumps. I told myself i was invincible and independent. I couldn’t let you be the reason for yet another relapse. I watched my heart shape face harden in the mirror, scream into the pillows, let somebody fuck me. I pressed the tiles into my forehead and let my body go limp, get weightless. My second chakra is so weighty i cant help but remain somewhat grounded even when I’m losing touch with reality. She’s so fucking flighty, is that why she can’t stand me? Is it my body or the way I’m so embodied? Just so you know, i didn’t run away, i escaped, i migrated, I’m returning. Maybe you’ll think of me when the geese come back in the spring but it’ll be too late by then.
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grasslandgirl · 2 years ago
68, 55, and 11????
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
uhhh i don't know if this means my fics that are my favorites or other fics that are my favorites so i'm gonna do both <3
over and through by @gilears fic of all time forever. don't talk to me if you havent read o&t and the rest of the extended series.
a song calling for you by @ liebchen on ao3. i wanna live in this fic its so good. im back in my figayda era and its so <333 aaaaagg
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you by @greatunironic aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this fic. life changing moments in literature.
if i only could make a deal with god (i'd get him to swap our places) / daybreak series / slasherverse uhhhhh not to be predictable. but slasherverse so special and so dear to me eternally xoxox
you could have my heart (and i would break it for you) by myself and jamie @gilears the BEGINNING of the savjam figgorgug era <3 forever darling and special and safe in my heart
that was my heart, the drums that start off night and day figayda fic <3 also sentimental bc it brought lauren @mayodad into my life xoxoxoxoxoxo
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
uhhhh right now. unsurprisingly. fig and gorgug and ayda. theyre just. so fun to write. i love to shove them into situations and see what happens. and not really?? most of what i write is what i want to write. the stories i wanna explore and the characters i wanna play with. sometimes i write for my close friends?? things theyve inspired me about and things i know they wanna read as gifts but by and large. my fics are for me and the people i love and everyone else who loves my writing is a beautiful gift !!!
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
read! i read a lot in general but also i go back and reread fics by other people that i love for inspo and i reread my own fic- both the one im working on and other things ive written- to help myself get into the writing words headspace!! sometimes if i'm really struggling with a character voice or dynamic, ill go back and rewatch/listen/read the source material for inspo, but that's less frequent bc i write so many aus kjsfbnsjbs
send me fic writer's asks from this list!!!!
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scratchybeardsweetmouth · 2 years ago
Thanks for tagging me @lodessa in the WIP Folder Meme and for @youcancallme-ray for the Last Line - WIP Meme! I barely write so I unfortunately have nothing for this but just going to share some notes or initial plans or ideas I had that well, were initially WIPs, and now are just rotting in my folder (or brain) left un-giffed.
Goran Visnjic in every episode of Red Widow - I stopped at episode s01e04
Jorah Mormont in every episode - I stopped at s05e08 and have yet to compile for s05e09
Iain Glen as John Manly in Black Beauty - the last scene where he lets the horse roam
Iain Glen as Sonny McElhone in his undies helping a friend out of his heart stopping 
Tedbecca... (Ted Lasso and Rebecca Welton scenes) (see below the cut)
I kinda wanna tag writers that might actually enjoy the WIP Folder Meme and Last Line - WIP Meme but this reply of mine might be confusing lol! For any writer that does wanna check out that tag game, please see the links in the first paragraph.
########################## tedbecca side by side in one scene 1x01 - welcome to england 1x01 - drinking water after press 1x02 - keeley arrives with lion or panda (extra 1x02, standing in front of press) 1x02 - that's y you're the boss / toy soldier 1x02 - cake from sam's bday 1x04 - ted lasso, my god! 1x05 - ted in rebecca's office with head injury 1x06 - just the man i wanted to see 1x06 - ey boss glad u could join us 1x06 - oh spirits 1x07 - rebecca comforts ted/panic atk 1x08 - meeting milk sisters 1x09 - biscuit boost eggplant suit 1x09 - apology 1x10 - toast 'win whole fucking thing'
########################## tedbecca because you loved me by celine dion
for all those times you stood by me 1x08 - don't want to give him the satisfaction
for all the truth that you made me see 1x04 - who sees who he really is? you're not.
for all the joy you brought to my life 2x04 - walking together outside ted's place 2x01 - that laugh cheering from the box
for all the wrong that you made right 1x09 - rebecca apologizes, 'i forgive you'
for every dream you made come true 2x12 - you too ted! champagne to celebrate?
for all the love i found in you 1x02 - toy soldier
ill be forever thankful baby ---
you're the one who held me up, never let me fall 2x10 funeral, ted continues the song
you're the one who saw me through, through it all 1x04 hug or the start of convo --------------------------------------
you were my strength when i was weak 1x04 hug outside the gala
you were my voice when i couldn't speak 1x08 dart scene
you were my eyes when i couldn't see 1x09 i forgive you
you saw the best there was in me 1x09 eggplant suit
lifted me up when i couldn't reach 2x10 funeral, ted continues the song
you gave me faith 'cause you believed 1x09 apology hug
i'm everything i am
because you loved me
########################## struck by fuckin' lightning
1x01 how you holdin up 1x02 fuck me (biscuits) 1x04 *thank you* (end of gala, reacts to ted) 1x08 dart scene 2x12 you too, ted (congratulations)
########################## if you're with the right person, even the hard times are easy
1x04 gala hug 1x07 panic attack 1x08 you wanna leave? 1x09 rebecca's apology 1x10 carrying something besides biscuits 2x04 "hi ted" 2x10 never gonna say goodbye
########################## himbo moments, rebecca's reactions
1x01 ghosts need to believe in themselves 1x03 branding joke 1x03 owner of the sun 1x03 obama arm wrestle 2x12 "still" water
########################## s01e04 gala comfort s01e07 panic attack comfort s01e05 oklahoma s03e04 oklahoma s01e08 hi boss s02e04 hi ted s02e10 traumas
########################### Gifset of them with these lyrics:
God sent those eyes to get me through the night And all the shadows of the past fade into white When all the memories in my head subside You remain here, you remain dear inside, ooh
We try to understand the way the current flows We find the love and plan that only faith can know And underneath the veil of my wild eyes Is a heart unafraid to let love inside,
--  Godsent by Ben&Ben
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jdgo51 · 10 months ago
JUNE 2, 2024
Our Ever-present God
Daniel Jacobs (South Dakota, USA)
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord rescues them from them all." - Psalm 34:19 (NRSVUE)
"'As a healthy 16-year-old, I never expected for my doctor to diagnose me with anything serious, especially not a mental illness like depression. But that’s exactly what happened. I had been struggling with “feeling down” for the last six months or so, always expecting to snap out of it at some point; but over time it slowly got worse. I started to struggle with suicidal attempts and self-harm. Life began to feel hopeless and empty. Because I felt as though God had finally given up on me, I began to give up on myself.
Then one night during my Bible reading, I began studying 1 Peter 4. As I read, I found new hope and a new reason to be alive. I remembered God’s promise in Deuteronomy 31:8 — God will never leave us. Yes, we may go through times of suffering, but we can grow stronger in faith by relying on God’s power to equip us to get through the struggle.
God is our strength. God is for us, never against us, and says to us, “I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Isa. 41:13, NIV)."' God is always there to lift us out of life's chaos. Know that He will rescue you every time.
"Dear God, help us never to lose hope and always to trust in you." Amen.
Peter 1:1-13
New International Version
"1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
To God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood:
Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
Praise to God for a Living Hope
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, 11 trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow. 12 It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.
Be Holy
13 Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming." We know that through all of these tumultuous times Hod will save you. He is forever with you and provides the way out snd a new tomorrow. Tell everyone of the boundless love of God. Be blessed! Joe
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gabrielmarkanthony · 1 year ago
That dream!
Fuck! I know it was you in it.
Your touch, your voice, you smell it was you!
Subconsciously you’re ready, subconsciously you still love me. So just tell me.
You telling me than ignoring me hurts sooo much because was it the alcohol ? What was the reasoning?
But your aunt, your brother, your cousin, your mom, your dad even your grandparents were there. You proudly showed me off to them all. You called your ex you told him it was over, you had zero fear my god were you brave! I had never been more attracted to you. You said “keep the car” i promised to help you find another fuck me!!!! I could have woken up in tears. Ive never had a more positive dream. My ex didnt care. Gabe even waved as we went on a date, my parents loved you, your family loved me. All our fears and qualms were erased.
ARS i know that was you, your subconscious came to me i tried to reach out but consciously you still block me
The time is now my dear, my love, my everything. I love you, i cant stop, i wont stop. And i know you love me too. I know you want this.
Dont be afraid my love. Ill keep you safe in my arms forever
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vulpine111 · 1 year ago
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Dear Archangel Michael,
Please help me fight my COVID infection and make a full recovery. May you lift my spirit of myself and anyone else fighting a serious illness right now. May I come out of this stronger and heal on all levels. I humbly ask you bring my soul comfort and peace. Please bless anyone who genuinely wants to see me fight and win, and deliver me from any remaining enemies praying on my downfall. The element of human connection is pivotal when fighting something like this. Please don't let my soul be starved of the love I need to get through this anymore.
"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." - Psalm 73:26
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pinkseas · 2 years ago
[parasocial bestie] to both responses on ur wip fics; i'm not a writer myself, like in a fic way altho i pour my brainrots out in a narrative way its a Mess, but i get what you mean!! it does feel like the more you stretch a story out there's bound to be a lot of loose ends and gaps you need to fill since you basically expanded it. in a way its how it is with drawing when you do big Big projects, having too much blank spaces over your main subjects without a decent background of the piece can get Annoying.
"i have my overall goal and less of an idea of how to reach it" OKAY BUT PERSONALLY? not even gonna relate genshin than my own original stories i always have this problem and still do, like. having a Beginning and End but literally almost no middle bc theres SO MUCH TO FILL and you have to think how it progresses chronologically And logically how it reaches the ending you imagined. it felt easy, it felt nice and 'complete', until you think of the middle and thats how i have stories that never finishes itself and stick to just throwing ideas around but unsure to put it as its canon or not o)-( so yeah!! the closest i can understand of a Process especially to long narratives.
oh. yeah. i realized i did sorta sent a Bunch of brainrot BUT LIKE PREE MUCH EVERYTHGIN I HAD RELATED TO UM,.. AKFJHD THE XIAO DYING ONE OOPS cus,..... becus ughuhfjfdhgk its like a Big fav for me and am curious (and now i am a lil embarrassed JKAFHSDKFJH) and anyways i have a lot of Impulsive Brainrot Showers,....... scattered in that big one i told u cus of the Potential,....
also ill have u know during the recovery after xiao woke he can be a little cold bc the incident rlly shot down his physical constitution to nature so lumine covers him in a lil blanket over his shoulders that he can walk around with and that imagery is probably an Icon that represents the whole brainrot in general. blanket taco burrito xiao i think. anyway lumine got bored and did crochet, taught xiao how since its easier than knitting that thoma taught her, and the guy spent hours continuously crochetting a sheet like probably miles long till late at night bc lumine forgot teach him how to End the stitching. sweet lovely dumbass <3333
yes yes the expansion and more gaps to fill !!! that def makes sense with art too we are shaking hands rn... and idk when you have the filler/details planned beforehand it can be SO fun but when youre struggling to fill in the gaps. well. Fawk
admittedly cannot relate too too much with having a beginning and end, 80% of the time when i write i start from the middle there's just So Much Middle and then i dont know what goes where or how to connect it or what to make the beginning or end and and. explodes. actually tbf i have a solid beginning idea for both current wips and a half-decent ending for one of them but god help me figure out how the FUCK im gonna end the xiaolumi one i havent even thought about it yet it could honestly go on forever <- my worst nightmare.... stories that are never finished my BELOATHED i definitely get that god we are shaking hands once more
THAT'S ONE OF MY RLY OLD FAVORITE SONGS ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOO. xiao when he sees himself as an object or a tool or a weapon or something horrible but never really a Person and the song captures that so well when you think of him and the uckfingfg.f the fuckifngfg.
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explodes and dies
THE XIAO DYING ONE GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD hold on finishing responding to this first
cold man with a blanket over his shoulders what if i Cried. that is so perfect in every way shape and form dear LORD. and lumi teaching him crochet and forgetting to teach him how to end the stitching is both so cute and so fucking funny dear lord this poor man sitting there for hours going on and on and on........
i have too many thoughts on death and near death and grief. something about xiao not allowing himself to grieve or process that he'd really been dead for a moment there because he survived, it's in the past, what is there to worry about? what is there to think of? it doesnt matter anymore. lumine struggling to come to terms with how close it was, constantly pushing back the what-ifs, if she'd been sooner if she'd been later if she hadn't been able to help him the way she did if zhongli hadn't come if if if if. zhongli, so accustomed to deaths of those so dear to him and moving forward from it, still shaken to the core because no matter how many times it happens you never really get used to it. it doesnt ever get easier. similar to xiao, telling himself over and over that it doesnt matter, all that matters is that xiao is okay, there's no need to grieve or be upset when he's alright. it's pointless.
lumine (and paimon) (and probably also venti lbr) bonking them both on the head because its important to process your emotions, because the fact that xiao isnt dead doesn't just magically get rid of the fear and the grief that the situation created. yes we Are talking about our feelings you stupid fucks ignoring the elephant in the room will not make the elephant in the room disappear. ignoring your feelings will not make them vanish it will only allow them to fester and grow stronger and more destructive!!!!
you'd think that people who've been alive for thousands of years wouldve learned how to express themselves by now but lumine and venti have to really push them through it.
and idk. just. the physical repercussions and what that means for him mentally. the intense feelings of self hate and uselessness amplified by being stuck in bed, amplified by being unable to move and fight and function the way he used to, having to relearn such "basic" things. he would be SO hard on himself about it. he should be better than this, he shouldve avoided it, it never shouldve happened in the first place, he should be recovering faster (nevermind that he is recovering exceptionally quickly in the first place, all things considered. just adepti things). and working through all of that, working through the frustration and the helplessness, being shown endless patience and love and care through it all, i just. mmmmmmmmmmmmmgmnfmngmfngmfdgnmg fuck.
finding himself useful and kept around and maybe even cared for as a tool vs being very suddenly forced to face the reality that even when he cannot fulfill his duty, even when he cant fight, even when he has no "use" and cant fulfill what he sees as his purpose- he's alive. he's cared for. he's loved and learning and moving forward regardless.
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