tylermileslockett · 5 months
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Atalanta #3 (Centaurs Attack)
As the girl blossoms into a young woman, she grows powerful and wild, like her patron goddess Artemis. And as a loyal devotee of the virgin Goddess, Atalanta also chooses to remain chaste. While trekking the hills of Mount Parthenium, she comes upon two centaurs, Rhoecus and Hylaeus, who, lusting after the girl, give chase. But the centaurs choose their prey poorly, for Atalanta is no helpless maiden, and she turns her fine archery skills upon them with brutal efficiency.
Centaurs (Kentauroi) were savage, lustful, half-man half-horse creatures that roamed the wilds, of Mount Pelion of Thessaly. The line of Centaurs begins with a mortal, King Ixion, who Zeus, suspecting of foul intention with his wife, tricks into laying with a cloud version of Hera. Strangely the race of centaurs are born from this union. For his transgression, Ixion is sent to Tartarus in the underworld for punishment, and tied to a burning, spinning wheel for eternity.
In the myth of the Centauromachy, king Peirithous of the Lapiths, sharing heritage of Ixion as father, invites the centaurs to his wedding celebration. However, the centaurs become drunk off the wine, and attempt to rape and kidnap the women of the party. The Lapiths fight back, and the heroes Jason and Theseus, being invited guests, help to fight off the creatures, finally driving them off.
Another centaur, Nessus, has the distinction of killing the great hero Hercules. When the centaur attempted to rape Hercules wife, Deanira, the hero used arrows tipped with the poisonous blood of the hydra to kill him. But as he lay dying, his blood soaking his vest, he told Hercules wife to use the vest as a love charm.
Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book with over 130 other full page illustrations coming in June to kickstarter.  to get unseen free hi-hes art subscribe to my email newsletter
Follow my backerkit kickstarter notification page.
Thank you for supporting independent artists! 🤘❤️🏛😁
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deansmultitudes · 2 years
Playlist Shuffle!
I was tagged by @septembersghost Thank you! <3
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
True Colors - Cyndi Lauper
Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now) - Phil Collins
Snow - Surl
Champion ft. RM - Fall Out Boy, RM
Maverick - The Boyz
Hann (Alone) - (G)I-dle
If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out - Yusuf/Cat Stevens
King of the Road - Roger Miller
Don't Dream It's Over - Crowded House
December, 1963 (Oh What a Night) - Frankie Valli & The For Seasons
Ah yes, the two genders: kpop and songs released before 1987. I am cackling at the framing structure going on here.
Tagging: @deanirae @skylarkblue @fpwoper @envydean @galaxystiel @cr-noble-writes @imbiowaresbitch @fangirlingtodeath513 @mayalaen @tenderdean
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anti-jack-kline · 5 years
deanirae replied to your post: “Right now the only happy ending for Supernatural I’d accept is Dean...”:
I hate it so much that being alone was one of Dean’s biggest fears from day one and now at the end of the series finally being Alone is the best thing that could happen to him:(((((((((((
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It’s utterly depressing. At least we have the seasons pre-Dabb to go back to. 
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deandelreys · 6 years
deanirae replied to your post “mmm m i love that rest of you are also catching up on how horrible...”
This tea? Yum!
served cold because you all came late to this party!!!
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the-softest-bruise · 6 years
ABC survey thingy
I got tagged by the fabulous @lagloriana (about a month ago, oops) (I also think I’ve already done this some time ago but let’s see if my replies are all the same still)
A-age: 25
B-birthplace: near Munich, Germany
C-current time: 11:33 pm
D-drink you had last: english breakfast tea, and I’m about to drink some green tea
E-easiest person to talk to: I don’t think there is one who’s the “easiest” to talk to, I’ve got a couple of friends with whom I can talk fairly easily but there’s really no one I’d consider my other half or soulmate or whatever
F-favorite song: uuuuuh. the 2nd movement of the 7th symphony by Beethoven, especially the part about two minutes in when ALL the instruments start playing and it makes you feel like a battleship is exploding inside your heart, does that count? (no seriously I love that piece)
G-grossest memory: HEADS UP THIS MIGHT BE TMI - not very long ago (within the last year) I accidentally dropped a used tampon into the toilet at work and had to fish it out with my bare hands, it was disgusting
H-hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
I-in love: naw fam, although I kinda did fall in love with someone I met at a party back in April but I never saw the person again so that’s over and I’m finally back to normal again by now yay
J-jealous of people: trying to avoid it but sometimes it still happens and crushes my soul
K-killed someone: only with kindness ;) (that sounds like something a serial killer would say)
L-love at first sight or walk by again: walk by several times actually and maybe, like, wave at me otherwise I’m not getting it 
M-middle name: don’t have one
N-number of siblings: one (half) brother
O-one wish: to be able to make a living from writing books
P-person you called last: the doctor’s office
Q-question you are asked most: “can you check the delivery date of an order for me real quick, I’ve got the customer on the phone” 
S-song you last sang: probably something by Lana Del Rey, that’s what I’m currently listening to in the car
T-time you woke: 9:55am (got a text) (actually three texts in a row)
U-underwear color: black
V-vacation destination: I really would like to visit London some time (or just, like, major European cities in general but London is on the top of my list)
W-worst habit: worrying an unhealthy amount
X-xrays: teeth, hands and head
Y-your favorite food: i’ll have pizza and pasta in all kinds of variations any time but i also won’t say no to most traditional german meals
Z-zodiac sign: taurus
I’m tagging @gottakickitupanotch and @artisticalove and @deanirae and also whoever else wants to, feel free to do this! <3
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heeey-adora · 6 years
this is the first time ive like ever gotten one of these laksdfj;lsdk thank you!!!!!!!!!
❌ - what’s an unpopular opinion you have?
tbh the only one that i can really think of is that i personally dont find the beatles to be that good really? like theyre okay but idk its not worth all the hype around them is 
💯 - what’s something you are extremely proud of right now? 
finally leaving my old job and getting a new one!!
👠 - do you enjoy shopping? 
oh ya!!! my motto (esp to my friends) is treat yo self
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electric-sympathy · 7 years
@deanirae replied to your post: “It would be fun to see a fanfic where Dean time travels to ≤S1 and...”:
i'd love to see a fic like that. altho maybe i see it different but i think dean long has that clarity but crap gets him pulled back bc there's always a sam-made mess he cleans up bc sam wouldnt and dean doesnt have it in him to let the world die in a fire :( but i think he knows very well since at least s10 that sam is a psychopath. i propose deleting sam entirely so dean would get a shot at something so much better
My watch history and rememberance of S10 is really sporadic-- Genuinely asking as a lesser-informed party, what makes you think that?
The narrative is so messy now... It’s hard to figure out if the reason Dean keeps coming back is because wanting to is consistent with his character, in a way that allows us to make conclusions about his person, or if it’s just the writers manipulating him to keep the show going. I mean we know the latter exists but it’s hard to tell where that line is considering they have full control over him. At what point did they break away from proper characterization? Hard to tell.
Anyways, my logic was that the gradual degradation to asshole may have made it harder for Dean to get perspective and helped him lose the ability to realize things could be better. Turn the heat up slowly and the frog doesn’t leave the pot until it’s boiled alive, you know? The frog knows it’s hot and uncomfortable but he doesn’t realize it’s reaching fatal levels. 
Maybe some kind of soul-revealing event where Dean’s is precious and beautiful but Sam’s is just a pile of trash on the ground would be better. LOL
But, in the end we don’t definitively know Dean well enough to be sure that’s the solution, so yeah. Loads of it is up to interpretation I get where you’re at.
The real question is, how do we finagle a deletion of Sam that doesn’t leave Dean feeling guilty/crushed or trying to bring him back? 🤔 
Back in S5 just Sam’s shittiness was enough to motivate him to walk away, but that’s not true anymore so I don’t think mundane solutions would work and besides they’re not as interesting. If anyone has ideas, HMU
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punkascas · 7 years
if i made a network for slavic/eastern european tumblr peeps/spn fans/whatever you fan, would that interest anybody? 
the internet is so english world-centric, and particularly american-centric (tho i do think that’s getting a LITTLE better now maybe??? at least compared to five and ten years ago), that sometimes i just think it’d be nice to have a network of people that’s more specific to a non-american region. 
whachu think?
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castielbigbang-blog · 7 years
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#13: A Study In Cas
Author: @babybluecas Artist: @deanirae Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Pairing/s: Castiel & Dean Winchester Word Count: 18k Warnings: canon specific violence, unhealthy eating habits
Cas called so Dean came. Miles away from the Bunker, months after Dean’s reluctant eviction of the newly fallen angel, the two friends become partners in what could be their last case together before Cas moves on with the new life he’s made for himself.
Link to Fic: AO3 Link to Art: tumblr
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ivyblossom · 8 years
hello, sorry for showing up on your doorstep all out the sudden, i don't know if you take asks or not, if not then i apologize. but if you do, there's something I'd like to ask because I always value your insight on Sherlock. See, many people insist that John doesn't love Mary at all and even claim he never did which is driving me nuts, because taking into consideration human emotional complexity and the bbc canon, I disagree. And you know John so well, I'd love to see your perspective on this.
Well hello there, stranger, standing here on my doorstep! Please, come on in!
First off: I love the idea that I know John well. He drops by the library from time to time, we go for a pint, I help him with his blog. I’m his sister’s ex, but he and I got along better than either of us did with her, so.
I can’t imagine a version of this story where John doesn’t love Mary. We’re at a point, here after we’ve seen The Six Thatchers but nothing more, where there is a clear suggestion that John is cheating on Mary, and many are shocked and appalled by this. How could ethical, moral-compass John do such a thing? Well: how could ethical, moral-compass John marry someone he never felt any love for? I don’t think he would, and I don’t think he did. John definitely loves Mary.
I think it’s safe to say, in the context of this story, that John and Sherlock are soulmates. They were built with a piece missing in the shape of the other, and each of them become their best and most whole selves when they’re together. This is true no matter who else enters either of their lives, no matter how much either of them loves anyone else. This core construction is permanent and unconditional. It’s practically biological. They don’t even have to like it or want it; it just is. John (or Sherlock!) loving anyone else cannot lessen the reality of this connection, and the foundational bond between Sherlock and John doesn’t lessen the love they feel for other people. Complicate it? Certainly. It may even make it impossible for either of them to properly commit to anyone else. But love isn’t a zero sum game even at the worst of times. 
There is no question in my mind that John loves Mary. He loves the version of her that she wants to be. John gets restless in his marriage before Mary shoots Sherlock and her secrets start to spill out, but that’s not a statement on how much John loves her. No one but Sherlock can fill the gap in John that Sherlock fills. He certainly loves her while she can’t.
If John knew Mary’s whole past, if he had known her before she became Mary Morstan, would he have loved her? Mary tells us he wouldn’t, and it seems she’s right. John is having a hard time accepting the lies Mary tells. He doesn’t like her behaviour or her choices when her past self creeps back. Would he have found his way through his anger and feelings of betrayal and committed fully to his marriage again? Possibly. He isn’t ready to give up on her entirely. 
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John married Mary’s fantasy version of herself rather than her reality, and sometimes reality seeps in. John no longer trusts Mary, and that’s difficult terrain for love. But I don’t think John stopped loving her by the end of The Six Thatchers. He is angry with her, and disappointed, but he still loves her.
Barring any rug-pulling details that force us to change our understanding of her death, perhaps Mary has demonstrated that she was capable of reshaping herself to be the Mary Watson she wanted to be. She might have genuinely become exactly who she pretended to be. And John would have loved her.
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tylermileslockett · 5 months
Atalanta #3 (Centaurs Attack)
As the girl blossoms into a young woman, she grows powerful and wild, like her patron goddess Artemis. And as a loyal devotee of the virgin Goddess, Atalanta also chooses to remain chaste. While trekking the hills of Mount Parthenium, she comes upon two centaurs, Rhoecus and Hylaeus, who, lusting after the girl, give chase. But the centaurs choose their prey poorly, for Atalanta is no helpless maiden, and she turns her fine archery skills upon them with brutal efficiency.
Centaurs (Kentauroi) were savage, lustful, half-man half-horse creatures that roamed the wilds, of Mount Pelion of Thessaly. The line of Centaurs begins with a mortal, King Ixion, who Zeus, suspecting of foul intention with his wife, tricks into laying with a cloud version of Hera. Strangely the race of centaurs are born from this union. For his transgression, Ixion is sent to Tartarus in the underworld for punishment, and tied to a burning, spinning wheel for eternity.
In the myth of the Centauromachy, king Peirithous of the Lapiths, sharing heritage of Ixion as father, invites the centaurs to his wedding celebration. However, the centaurs become drunk off the wine, and attempt to rape and kidnap the women of the party. The Lapiths fight back, and the heroes Jason and Theseus, being invited guests, help to fight off the creatures, finally driving them off.
Another centaur, Nessus, has the distinction of killing the great hero Hercules. When the centaur attempted to rape Hercules wife, Deanira, the hero used arrows tipped with the poisonous blood of the hydra to kill him. But as he lay dying, his blood soaking his vest, he told Hercules wife to use the vest as a love charm.
Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book with over 130 other full page illustrations coming in June to kickstarter.  to get unseen free hi-hes art subscribe to my email newsletter
Follow my backerkit kickstarter notification page.
Thank you for supporting independent artists! 🤘❤️🏛😁
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deansmultitudes · 1 year
9 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @galaxystiel thanks! <3
last song: "Sweet Night" by V (<333)
currently watching: ER and A Town Called Eureka
currently reading: ok so bear with me:
"To Drive the Hundred Miles" by Alec J. Marsh
"Beyond the Story: 10-Year Record of BTS" by Myeongseok Kang & BTS
"The Dying of the Light" (Skulduggery Pleasant #9) by Derek Landy
(yes all currently reading, depend on whether my eyes feel like reading and brain is braining)
current obsession: all the wordle-esque games?
tagging: @deanirae @septembersghost @envydean @fpwoper @fangirlingtodeath513 @cr-noble-writes @imbiowaresbitch @skylarkblue @mayalaen (if you feel like it, no pressure ^.^)
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Was tagged by @corkytheguar thank you!!!!!
Rules: spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url
Anybody Seen My Baby by Rolling Stones
Midnight by Coldplay
Amarantine by Enya
Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey
Numb by Linkin Park
Tourniquet by Evanescence
Hurricane by Thirty Seconds to Mars
If I Can’t Have You by Lana Del Rey
Angel of Darkness by Alex C feat. Yasmin K
Never Let Met Go by Florence and the Machine
Fade to Black by Metallica
Orinoco Flow by Enya
Revolution by Ruelle
The Sound of Silence by Disturbed
Run by Leona Lewis
Eternal by Evanescence
Stand By Me by Ben E King
Seven Devils by Florence and the Machine
I tag @nekophy @petitprincess1 @shadowy-dumbo-octopus @kiddoryder
@lemonykleonella @usagi-chan95 @deanirae @altschmerz-schonheit @ponponponpanda @freakxwannaxbe
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deandelreys · 7 years
deanirae replied to your post “interior designer!dean”
he would be that kind of designer who would become an icon in his field due to talent, devotion and determination. and i bet my ass he’d co-run and actively participate in house makeover shows bc he’d wanna help people
yesssss. and he would date benny who has his own cooking show on the same network. :’’)
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the-softest-bruise · 7 years
looking for new blogs to follow
I just unfollowed 40+ blogs that have been inactive for over twelve months. While I still follow over 200 blogs now, my dashboard is pretty dead at some points. 
A lot of these blogs were my favorites and before I unfollowed them I looked at the archives and liked a ton of stuff. Now I’m a little sad that these awesome blogs aren’t active anymore. Help me fill the void by reblogging this post, so that I can find new blogs to follow. 
I need content for three different blogs - so please, if you post/reblog at least five of the following listed things, like or reblog this post!
main blog: @the-softest-bruise
- art / art history - photography - architecture - history - feminism - science / nature / space - literature - fashion - positivity
first sideblog: @james-baechanan-barnes
- Marvel (especially Captain America) - Harry Potter - Lord of the Rings - The Walking Dead - Supernatural  - Sherlock - meta
second sideblog: @like-ten-million-fireflies
- minimalist interior design - nature - travel / wanderlust - generally aesthetically pleasing stuff
I also need content of the following subjects on my dash:
- writing (tipps, aesthetics, prompts, poetry) - LGBT+, especially WLW related - cartoons - general tumblr humor / memes
If you like/reblog this post I will check out your blog and might follow you if I like what you post, regardless of whether you follow me on any of my blogs first or not. (I do appreciate new followers on all of my blogs though but that’s not what this is about). If you know any blogs that I might be interested in, feel free to send me an ask with the url on any of my blogs, anonymously if you want to. Thanks a lot in advance guys!
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spncanonbigbang · 3 years
Posting Schedule
Below you’ll find the posting schedule for this year’s SPN Canon Big Bang.
Teams: posting instructions will be provided at a later time. Also, a reminder: tomorrow’s the last day to submit your promo posts
Everyone, mark your calendars! :)
Oct 5 - Briston & Solstheimart/Ruby Oct 7 - Kestrel & ThePlaidFox Oct 11 - DWImpala67 & MidnightSilver Oct 13 - Bronwyn  & deanirae Oct 15 - AndThatWasEnough/captain-sodapop & ThePlaidFox Oct 19 - Why_do_you_want_to_know & Solstheimart/Ruby Oct 21 - Lyric & envydean
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