#dean winchester dad au
inspired by another tiktok I saw. imagine it as your guys’ kid or maybe his kid or something but the toddler is REALLY into cars (just like his father)
dean to his toddler walking in a parking lot: whats that one?
toddler: toyOTA
dean: *smiling* okay, this one?
toddler: *getting excited* hONDA
dean: *containing laughter* yes! And that one?
toddler: inFINITYYY
y/n holding a camera: *also containing laughter*
dean: and this one?!
toddler: ITS…ITS…
toddler.exe stops working
dramatic pause
toddler screech: cHEVYYYYYYYY
dean: YEEEES
y/n now bursting into laughter as Dean runs after his toddler
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tyjo-draws · 1 month
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A little piece I made for my SPN AU where Dean is transmasc and he and Cas are Jack’s biological parents. (Yes, I’m writing a fanfic)
Can you find all the easter eggs?
Also a somewhat self indulgent celebratory piece because I’ve been on Testosterone for a month now 🥳
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deanstead · 3 months
Just imagining little Leo toddling to find Dean one evening, he’s got his nighttime pacifier, teddy bear plushie and trusty cuddly blanket that trails behind him as he looks for his daddy as he can’t sleep and Mama is away (on a hunt, but he doesn’t know) and he finally finds Dean in his batcave watching a film but when Dean sees Leo’s little teary eyes (which are the double of his mamas) he instantly picks up his little boy and brings him over to the sofa and puts on a Batman cartoon and it doesn’t take long for Leo to doze off on his daddy’s chest and Dean falls asleep right there too, with Sam & Leo’s mama finding the two there the next morning as they come back from the hunt
did a thing
Dean sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
Since you and Sam had gone on a hunt, Dean was alone here with Leo. He'd spent an hour in a bed that seemed way too big for just him before he'd resigned himself to the fact sleep was evading him. He'd gotten up and headed to what you fondly called his mancave.
The words on the pages before him were starting to swim around him and he considered closing the book. Then, there was a sniffle that reached his ears.
Dean glanced toward the door.
Leo stood right before the threshold, his teddy trailing along beside him as he held one of the bear's arms, and his tiny comfort blanket sweeping the floor behind him.
His eyes swam with a hint of tears as he sniffled. "Daddy?"
"Hey buddy, what are you doing up?" Dean shifted his demeanor, heading straight for the door to put his son into his arms.
"Can't sleep. No Mama and Daddy." His voice was soft, with a tinge of sadness, and Dean realized he must have gone to the bedroom looking for one of you. "Sleep with Daddy?" Leo continued.
Dean couldn't help the way the corner of his lips tugged upward in a smile as he brought Leo over to the couch. "Of course you can sleep with me."
Dean put on a cartoon, which ironically enough was Batman. He was a little worried it would keep Leo up, but it barely took five minutes in Dean's arms before his eyelids drooped downward sleepily as he cuddled into his father's embrace.
The sun was barely peeking through the clouds when you and Sam got back. "I'm gonna peek in on Leo." You told Sam.
"I'll get the coffee going." Sam responded.
You walked quietly toward Leo's room, pausing when you noticed the door left open and his empty bed. You felt your heart sink and you quickly headed back to the room you shared with Dean.
Consciously pushing down the panic that threatened to wash over you, you headed back out. "Sam, they're not here."
"What?" Sam responded, hurrying out of the kitchen. "That's not..."
The both of you paused at the entrance to the mancave you'd set up for Dean.
Finally, the panic seemed to die down as you finally laid eyes on them.
There was a smile in Sam's voice. "I'll go grab some breakfast."
"Thanks, Sam." You responded, fully aware Sam meant to give the three of you some space.
You turned back to look at them. Leo was cradled in Dean's arms, his teddy tucked comfortably under his chin. Dean had his arms still protectively around Leo's tiny body even though he was fast asleep. Both of their chests rising and falling in tandem.
"Hey you." Dean greeted sleepily, his voice still coarse from grogginess.
"Hey you back." You responded softly, climbing gently onto the couch next to him, careful not to wake Leo.
Dean smiled, pulling his free arm around you. "All okay?"
"Never better." You responded with a smile, settling right next to your boys.
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holyfreaks · 2 months
tonight I'm thinking about dean showing up in the pilot with a baby girl in the backseat of the impala, maybe from a one night stand or something. mom's not in the picture. dean's been raising her on his own on the road. sam and john have no idea until he just shows up with a 6 month old chewing on her hand strapped to his chest. sam and dean have to learn how to be together again as siblings or maybe more AND learn how to raise a child together.
going about the end of the world with a four year old. oh and of course they'd raise her in the life bc of how many sons of bitches are out there wanting to grab a hold of her, use her against the boys to get them to do what they want.
towards the end of the series she's been to hell and back (literally) and dealing with becoming a teenager. more specifically, middle aged dean and sam DEALING with a teenager and all her angst.
idk. I'm having fun with the idea
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profoundbondfanfic · 8 months
Mad at your Dad?
Mad at your Dad? By wannaliveindeansdimples Rating: Mature Word Count: 7k
Dean wasn’t sure why he was even scrolling through Craigslist. Especially not the casual encounters section. It was four days before Thanksgiving. Not like he was gonna try and hook up with someone before that shitstorm. After, sure, but not before. He kept scrolling, though, not clicking anything until a title caught his eye. Alone on Thanksgiving? Mad at your dad? I am a 28 year old male felon who has no degree, but has studied enough theologies of the world, behavioral psychology, and philosophy to set your whole family’s teeth on edge—no matter which way they lean, politically, religiously or in terms of neuroses. I drive a van the same age as me that’s got a mural on the side of an angel holding an orgy. I can play between the ages of 20-30 depending on whether I shave. I live off an inheritance, and sell weed on the side. If you’d like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Thanksgiving, but have me pretend to be in a very long or serious relationship (monogamous or polyamorous, whichever sounds most like it would freak out su familia) with you (and/or others), to torment your family, I’m game...
A shortie but definitely worth the time to sit back and relax with this fabulous piece of fiction. Cas is everything you want a mentally healthy endverse!Cas to be, irreverent, smart as shit, and sexy as all hell. The man literally has no shame and it's a joy to witness.
Dean has been pushed past his limit and can't handle his family's medling and his father's disapproval anymore. The ad he sees in the paper seems like the perfect prank.
The best part? Cas gets thru to his family in ways Dean never could and Dean can see through all of Cas' bullshit for the armor that it is. They're both broken, both lonely, and both adorable.
For a happy, funny, quick fix, give this one a read.
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World's Best Dad: Graduation
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Summary: It's Gracie's graduation day and a certain Winchester is in his feels about his baby girl not being a baby anymore...
World’s Best Dad Masterlist
Pairing: single parent!Dean x kindergarten teacher!reader
Word Count: 3,000ish
Warnings: language, mention of a car accident
A/N: Enjoy!
It was early on the June Saturday morning. You sighed when you rolled over and found the other side of the bed was empty. Today was Gracie’s day and while she was more than excited, Dean had been dreading this day for months.
Because today she was graduating from high school and in his eyes, his little girl wouldn’t need him ever again after today. It didn’t matter how many times you told him that wasn’t true. Dean was convinced today was the start of the end.
You shook your head and climbed out of bed, wrapping one of his flannels around yourself before you tiptoed downstairs. Unsurprisingly, he was standing on the back porch with a cup of coffee in hand, watching the light rain shower come down.
But the thing that made you pause was that Gracie was standing beside him, her shoulders moving as she spoke with her hands. She gave him a hug he tightly returned, making her small body look even tinier wrapped up in him. She said something else as he nodded, kissing the top of her head and then she was coming inside, Dean giving you a smile through the back door.
“Morning, munchkin,” you said when she pulled the door shut after herself. “Sleep okay?”
“Yeah.” She lazily gave you a hug, resting her head on your shoulder. “I told daddy to relax but you know how he is.”
“Yes I do,” you said, running a hand over her head. “You don’t need to worry about him. That’s my job.”
“Our job,” she said. “Remind him I’m literally going to college on the other side of town, not the country. You guys will still see me all the time.”
“I know,” you said, rubbing her back. “Why don’t you go shower and then we can do your hair how you want it, okay?”
“Mhm,” she hummed, giving you one last squeeze. “Are we still going to camp tomorrow?”
“Yup. Now go start getting ready,” you said, letting her peel away. “And Gracie?”
“Yeah?” she asked, looking all kinds of innocent in her AC/DC shirt and pink shorts. 
“You relax too. It’s your graduation day. You have a party to look forward to this afternoon on top of that whole being done with school thing,” you teased. She sighed and nodded. “Don’t worry about the speech.”
“It’s like my punishment for doing well in school. Get the best grades? Congrats. Go give a speech in front of everybody. I wish I was dumber sometimes.” You laughed, pushing her over towards the stairs.
“Oh, munchkin. I knew you were going to be top of your class back in kindergarten. You have some idiots in your class,” you laughed. 
“I am well aware,” she said, heading upstairs, promising not to use all the hot water which was as unlikely as you winning lottery. You went to the back door, finding Dean still on the porch.
“How we doing, honey?” you asked, approaching his side and wrapping you arms around his waist. He sighed heavily, resting his head on your shoulder, so very much like Gracie had a moment ago.
“She’s not a little girl anymore. I miss when she was a sassy little shit making us fall in love,” he said softly, a smile in his voice.
“That child is still a sassy little shit,” you said, Dean chuckling. “Can I give you some advice? As a daughter with a pretty good relationship with my own dad the past decade?”
“Give it to me,” he said, lifting his head, spinning you in his arms, holding you to his chest.
“Little girls turn into women. Those women have careers and fall in love and have their hearts broken. They drink and curse and have amazing sex and shitty sex and will make so many mistakes in life they’re going to wonder when they become a real adult for a long time until they realize all of us are faking it.” Dean cocked his head, brushing your messy hair behind your ear. “But that woman…she’ll always need her dad. When she needs to vent, when she’s scared, when she needs advice on how the fuck to handle adult life. Gracie’s a young woman now and she’s going to change a whole lot over the next four years just like she did in high school and middle school and elementary school. She’ll be a grown woman but she’s always going to be your little girl. Now she just gets to be your friend too.”
He bit his bottom lip, uncurling it so it fell into a smile, pecking a kiss on your lips.
“I like that. I’m okay with being friends too,” he said, swaying you side to side. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a smart cookie?”
“Well between us, this really hot guy has told me I know a thing or two before,” you said. His eyebrows raised, chin lifting.
“I bet he says things like he was in his head this morning and you just used that magic to make him feel excited about all the new things he gets to do in life with his daughter now, huh?”
“He’s a very good communicator when it comes to praising me,” you said, Dean’s smile turning dirty. “But I think he likes when I tell him how good he is even better.”
“He does like that,” he said, curling into your touch when you traced under his jaw. “Want to go tell me how good and loved I am and make me squirm?”
“Alas, we have a teenage girl getting ready for her graduation inside and she has a habit of walking into our room unannounced. Still.”
He chuckled, brushing his lips over your ear. “Alright. But when the kids are having their party, you and I can sneak off for an hour and have a Baby date, hm?”
“Dirty boy,” you teased, squeezing his ass. “I like it.”
“Me too,” he said, kissing your forehead. “Alright. Let’s go show off our little valedictorian.”
You smiled at Dean and the three slightly bored children sat beside him as you walked across the stage two hours later. You stopped at the podium, adjusting your gown for a split second before clearing your throat.
“Good morning everyone. Students. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Mrs. Winchester, a kindergarten teacher at the school district. For these students up here, most of you know me as Gracie’s mom,” you said, getting a quiet chuckle out of the crowd. Dean gave you a thumbs up, a light blush on your face. “I had the privilege of teaching a number of you all the way back in kindergarten if you guys can remember that long ago. Gavin, Derek. Nice to see you guys aren’t arguing over the same blue chair anymore.”
That one got a louder laugh, as you looked at the students, offering a smile.
“Normally we as teachers attempt to offer a bit of advice as you all go on to a new part of your lives. But I’m going to tell you all a secret instead. It’s a secret your parents all know and have never told you. See, adults don’t know as much as you guys think we do. Like we really do not have a clue,” you said, the crowd chuckling. “We’ve just had more time to make mistakes and figure out what works and what doesn’t for us. We’re all still on that journey and it’s a journey you all get to go on now. Be patient with yourselves in the future because anyone will tell you, it’s going to turn out differently than think it will. But that’s the fun of life too. Sometimes you’re a twenty four year old trying to figure out her new job and how to get two boys to stop fighting over the same blue chair literally every day the entire school year when there were twelve of the exact same chair-”
“Mrs. Winchester it was the special chair though!” called out Gavin, several other students nodding in agreement.
“You’re only telling me this now?” you joked, another laugh rippling through the crowd. “Needless to say, you may go to work single one day and then you might have a five year old set you up with her dad on the next.” 
Gracie was giving you a death glare but you saw a tiny smile underneath it.
“Point being, life’s going to happen fast and it’s going to get messy. Have fun. Enjoy the mess. You don’t know where it’ll lead you,” you said, lifting your chin. “Now I’d like to introduce this year’s valedictorian to you all. She’s a bright student, talented volleyball player, was in more clubs than I could count and she has a reputation among her teachers of always being helpful and kind. And as much as I’ve loved being able to watch all of you grow over the years, I’m a little bit biased and have to say she’s been my favorite. Gracie Winchester, come on up, kiddo.”
She still looked nervous, eyes locked on you, ignoring the clapping as she crossed the stage to meet you at the podium.
“Dad’s in the fourth row. Just look at him if you get scared,” you whispered in her ear as she nodded.
“Thanks mom,” she said, giving you a quick hug. You sat back in your seat off to the side with the other teachers, Mr. Colt leaning over in your ear.
“There’s a bet going on if there’s going to be tears,” he mumbled as Gracie shuffled her papers around.
“No way in hell, dude,” you laughed lightly.
“Oh not on you. Dean. Buy in’s five bucks that he does.”
“I’m not an idiot to take that bet,” you said, curious when Gracie stared at her papers and suddenly flipped them over.
“Hi,” she said, voice a tad higher than usual. “So I wrote a speech and everything but I think I want to go off script instead.”
She didn’t bother to turn back and check with the faculty that she could. Her speech had to be approved a few weeks back so you were interested where this was going.
“For the love of god, Y/N, tell me she isn’t going to drop an f-bomb in this,” said Mike, the high school principal sat directly behind you.
“Oh she wouldn’t dare do that. Let her break a rule for once and see what happens,” you said, Gracie gripping both side of the podium.
“At the start of last summer, I was in a car accident with my dad. A lot of my friends know this. The whole school knew but I never told anyone how bad it was. We almost died actually,” she said, Mike leaning forward. 
“Y/N, please tell me this isn’t going to get morbid…” 
“Shh,” you shushed him. Gracie inhaled sharply, putting on a smile.
“Normally in that kind of accident, my injuries would have been much worse, even fatal sometimes, but my dad put his arm in front of me to protect me the only way he could in that split second. I got hurt but I was okay. He ended up breaking that arm quite badly. He was in different casts and braces for close to five months. He was in physical therapy for nine. His arm is still covered in scars. Only recently has he been able to lift the things he used to, work out the way he once did.”
The room was dead silent, Gracie nodding to herself.
“He’s just a man,” she said softly. “He can be hurt. He’s not superman. Our parents, our families…no one’s indestructible. But I think my mom made a good point when she said to enjoy the mess. Life is going to mess with us wether it’s car accidents or our careers or getting our hearts broken. It’s going to get really messy for us really soon. But I think that’s a good thing. My life’s been messy already but good things came out of it. I know my dad might not be superman but he’ll do his best to be that for me always. I know my mom is as scared of public speaking as I am but she volunteered to go before me today to show me it’s no big deal. I know that my dad used to have a fake smile he’d wear for me because he thought I deserved a much better life and father than him.”
Your eyes skirted to find Dean in the crowd, his gaze locked on Gracie, his eyes wet but otherwise his composure solid.
“He was twenty eight years old and he was wrong about that by the way,” she said, giving him her know it all smirk, Dean grinning as he nodded back. “We’re only seventeen and eighteen years old. If people a decade older, two decades, more, are making mistakes, then we definitely are going to. It’s okay that we do. I can’t wait to make them and think the world is ending. We should all make mistakes so we can figure out what we want in life and find the good stuff instead. At the end of the day, I think the good stuff is all that matters. We don’t need supermans in our lives. Just good people. Plus we all know Batman is cooler and he’s just a dude.”
The crowd laughed, Dean smiling proudly, Gracie raising her chin.
“Want to make a mistake with me later dad?” she asked, a mischievous smile on her pink lips. He laughed deeply and nodded.
“Why the hell not?” he said. 
“Alright,” she said. “I’ll hold you to it. So…” she looked over at you, shrugging. “I’m done.”
“Why did I get into education? Even the good ones scare the shit out of me,” mumbled Mike as he stood and put on a smile. Gracie scooted back to her seat with a round of applause, Colt leaning over.
“Always knew the kid showing up to first grade in band shirts was going to turn out fucking awesome,” he whispered. You grinned, blushing as you looked at your lap. “Dean’s never let me say it to his face but I’ve met a lot of dads over the years. He’s one of the best. Those kids are lucky to have him, and you.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly. “Now tell me who lost in the betting pool.”
The Next Morning
“She is conked out,” said Dean at the highway rest stop. Gracie was passed out in the backseat while you let Chase and the twins stretch their legs over their breakfast sandwiches nearby. You grinned behind your sunglasses as you leaned against the SUV, Dean smirking back as he replaced the cap on the gas tank. “What?”
“I’m just so honored to be in the presence of the best dad like, ever.” He groaned, letting you wrap your arms around his trim waist. “She really fucking loves you, you know. She’s going to be calling you up when she’s fifty years old asking for help. World’s best dad right here.”
“Stop it!” he laughed. “You teased me all of yesterday. You going to torture me today too?”
“You like when I torture you,” you chuckled, batting your eyelashes at him. “It’s payback for not telling me what this mistake Gracie wants to make with you is.”
“Oh it’s nothing too bad. She just wanted to know if we could go get tattoos together.” You raised your eyebrows, Dean pursing his lips. “Mom’s cool with that?”
“It’s her body, honey and she is legally an adult. We told her last night no more curfew, no more a lot of rules. We need to let her start making those mistakes,” you said, Dean smiling softly at you. “But I mean she is a Winchester. I’d be more surprised if she didn’t want a tattoo.”
“She just wants a little dog paw on the inside of her wrist for Toby,” he said.
“She loved him so much. I love that idea,” you said. “We should get another dog. Feels a little too calm in the house the past six months.”
“Let’s look into it in the fall. Maybe a little surprise present for the kiddos,” he said, letting you trace your fingers over the scars on his right arm. “I was thinking of covering it up. Doctor’s say I’m fully healed, no more surgeries needed.”
“You can. Scars don’t bother me though,” you said, Dean watching you dance your fingers up and down. “Just no face tattoos. That’s where I draw the line.”
“Oh well now I have to,” he laughed, nuzzling your cheek as he hugged you. “What about flowers? I can get one for each of the kids and then you’ll have the biggest one obviously cause you’re the momma.”
“On your face?” you laughed, Dean rolling his eyes.
“My arm, smart ass. I’d much rather look down and see a reminder of why I’d get scars in the first place rather than the scars.” You rested your forehead against his shoulder, Dean rubbing your back. 
“Okay. But I’d like you to think of something small I can get for you and the kids. The papa gets protected in this family too.” He hummed, inhaling the scent of your shampoo.
“Thank you for reminding me of that all those years ago,” he whispered. 
“Always.” You heard a groan and spotted Gracie sitting up in her seat, her braid messy as she stared with narrowed eyes. “Well good morning our princess of darkness.”
“So loud,” she grumbled, opening the car door and sliding out. “I’m hungry.”
“Not surprising considering you survived off of cake and chips yesterday,” chuckled Dean. “Come on. Let’s go get you a breakfast sandwich and a coffee. That’ll perk you right up.”
“Coffee?” she asked, following him as they headed towards the rest stop.
“Oh you’re a Winchester. You’re gonna love coffee,” he said. You smiled as you watched them go, resting your head against the SUV.
You didn’t have time to be sad though, Olivia running over and saying the boys stole her hashbrowns.
“Maybe you guys being adults won’t be so bad,” you laughed to yourself. “Someday.”
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pinkiebieberpie · 1 year
Could you pls write hcs of Dean naming his daughter Iris- after the song… and how his his wife reacts to it…💘💘
my lack of knowledge about music is showing, but i can work with that!! 😭😭
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he would be very emotional about this, he is 100% sure it's just the perfect name!!
and he can be very convincing,
wife!reader just started crying when he explained why this name is perfect for their baby girl,
"if you don't like it, that's fine, but..." *20 arguments why you should choose this name*,
after a few minutes of this conversation he will start to joke, like "this is our daughter, she has your charm and a name picked by me!" 😭😭
he's just a silly, adorable and loving dad!!
supernatural masterlist
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pycobutterpie · 8 months
Stranger in my kitchen
Summary: Dean goes full to protective dad mode, as he sees a stranger in his kitchen touching his daughter.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Warnings: firing a gun in front of a baby
Word Count: 1392
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please don't judge me for using a translator for this original text. I wrote it together with my friend Minnie who has added the part of Lu and Y/N. We are so exited to add something to this beautiful community of writing for dean. Also this is my first fanfic ever published outside my inner circle of writing friends. (In our story it also became true, that Dean is Bens real father. And Bobby never died. ;) )
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[Y/N's POV] It was actually a normal day at the Winchesters' house. Dean had been on a hunt with Bobby and should be home soon. Ben was still sleeping his bed upstairs. The two dogs were running around in the garden and also needed a little time to themselves… Baby Cassidy was already awake with her mother Y/N. Cassy was in damn good hands and was currently sitting in a little baby bouncer on the kitchen counter and Y/N was clearing out the dishwasher. But they weren't alone. On one of the bar stools sat a man, not much older than Y/N and Dean, in a smart dark blue suit and white shirt that wasn't completely buttoned up. In his hand was a steaming cup of coffee and on his hand was a ring with a black rectangular stone in it. With the other hand, he nudged Cassy's bouncer and smirked at her. Y/N had just tied her hair up in a bun and was wearing just a top and hot pants as she crouched behind the counter at the dishwasher. Cassy started laughing and just babbled to herself.
[Dean's POV] Hunting. An activity in which Dean felt completely free and could rely entirely on his instincts. It was what he had learned, what he was born for. Making the world a better place, saving lives. The family business.
For once, it wasn't about changing diapers or talking to stuffy principals. No, Wendigos didn't talk and Dean understands Bobby without words. So the men had chased the thing in the nearby St. Jeffreys mine for a few hours and finally sent it to purgatory. It was life like before the unexpected baby happiness. The hunt had been all about instinct, speed and accuracy. That was what Dean had been living for the last few hours.
And that was what he needed now, when he saw a strange man sitting at his kitchen table, holding out his hand for his Cassidy. The strange man was wearing a suit. He was sitting with his back to the doorway through which the hunter had just stepped. An advantage, if only for a split second.
And the pistol was already in Dean's hand, loaded with silver bullets, aimed at the stranger's back.
Dean pulled the trigger immediately.
There were no thoughts clouding his mind. No details that he noticed. Shoot first, ask questions later. That had always been the motto. At least that of John and Dean Winchester. The bullet that Dean hoped would save his daughter went off with a loud bang. Then his gaze was diverted by a person appearing from behind the counter. It was Y/N, who Dean's subconscious had classified as missing before. That's why he hadn't hesitated for a moment to shoot the stranger. Because nobody was allowed to get too close to his little Cassy. No one.
If you had time to look at Dean, you'd see a serious guy with soot and dust on his face, trousers and jacket. A bloody scratch adorned his left cheek, his knuckles were cracked and his palms were scraped open.
[Y/N's POV] Y/N hadn't given any thought at all to the fact that her cousin Lu had announced himself. Twenty minutes before his arrival. Of course, that was typical of him, as always. If he announces himself at all. But she was a good hostess after all, offering her visitor a coffee immediatly. And although he wasn't purely human, she knew he posed no danger whatsoever. Not to Ben, not to her, let alone to Cassy. She had even asked him to help her with some of her research into Cassy's powers and how to secure certain parts of them. But nonetheless, she knew Dean would be back later today. But she just figured the situation could be resolved with a simple round of introductions. But that wasn't the case. Dean came in in the manner of his father and started shooting at everything he didn't know and couldn't categorize. Great…
But Lu was quicker. He had already heard the footsteps crunching on the smooth tiled floor. Because Dean's shoes didn't look particularly clean from the hunt in the forest and so he also heard the safety catch on the gun and then automatically raised his hand towards Dean and the bullet made it out of the barrel of the gun but fell to the floor just before it hit his suit.
Y/N screamed briefly and slapped her hand over her mouth, but then saw how battered Dean looked… "Baby! What happened?" She had also dropped a cup that she had just taken out of the dishwasher and then immediately ran over to Dean, took the gun out of his hand and stuck it securely in the back of her waistband.
Lu had stood up in the meantime and straightened the front of his Armani suit and then looked over at Cassy again and stroked her lightly over her small hand. "Well, it looks like your daddy in a damn bad mood…" He looked to Dean with a grin now, being slightly provocative of course… But that was just the way he was. Otherwise, he was a kind-hearted person, if you could call him that…
[Dean's POV] Dean lips twitched in anger as the guy stopped the bullet just like nothing. That wasn't human. Something like that shouldn't be in this house. Briefly, he froze slightly as Y/N took the gun away from him and remained totally calm. She even seemed taken aback by Dean's reaction. Only slowly did he realize that she could also have an insurance agent visiting or someone from the youth welfare office. But that was out of the question, because the man was totally unimpressed by the fact that he had almost been shot.
What was wrong with the guy and his mocking grin? Dean looked at Y/N in amazement, because she must have guessed what had happened. He almost nagged at her: "A strange, supernatural guy is trying to touch my daughter. This maybe?" Long slimy fingers trying to hurt a cute baby. But not in Dean's kitchen!
Quickly, the hunter rushed to Cassidy and picked her up from the rocker to his dirty arms. The comforting smell of fresh baby skin and diapers came into his mind and grounded him a little. The little girl didn't quite know whether to be happy or cry and looked a little frightened.
Dean turned his child away from the stranger so that he couldn't touch her again. The protective father turned threateningly to the suit guy: "Get your paws off her or you'll have mine in your face!" He would love to deform that polished face a little, given the stranger's audacity. Dean protectively placed a hand on Cassy's head. Only Y/N's light-heartedness kept the hunter halfway to the ground. Eagle-eyed, he tried to spot something about his girlfriend. Some strange behavior. Was she under a spell? "So, what's this, huh?" he asked, still growling slightly.
[Y/N's POV] Lu stood there grinning, his hands buried in his pants pockets by now and leaning against the counter in the kitchen, really very relaxed and not at all intimidated. He then picked up his coffee cup, spread his little finger and simply watched the spectacle that was unfolding between the two of them. As panicked, angry and heroic as Dean was acting, it really amused the cousin.
Y/N rolled her eyes, but then realized that she should have warned Dean that Lu was coming over. She ran a hand through her hair and then said, "Dean…please… If there's someone in this house, I let them in here, otherwise Evangeline and Bones would have struck. And I told you about my cousin Lu from Vegas back then, didn't I? May I introduce…my cousin Lu from Vegas…yes, Lu is not human. He's a warlock. And yes, I invited him here to think about this magical barrier for Cassy's powers and to talk to him. But that won't work if you just shoot him. He's my biological cousin and I hope we've settled the issue now!", she said with a sigh. "Lu? This is Dean… My fiancé and father of my daughter. He's not usually that pissed off. But with Cassy, he sees red… And he has an aversion to strange men in suits…"
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valeron99 · 1 year
A little bit about mermaid children.
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angelsdean · 7 months
love watching a totally random show and immediately being jumpscared by an spn actor
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lovyabug · 2 months
Maybe im too much like dean winchester bc why do i get soooo upset when i see john winchester hate...like yes he is a piece of shit dad yes he did a terrible job raising his sons and yes he deserves to be hated on sometimes BUTTTT. But. He *IS* still dean and sams Dad. They still love him despite everything. John still loved his sons despite how he treated them. And it just hurts seeing people so quick to call him iredeemable or evil
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nootcatt · 2 months
You can't carry on my wayward son if you keep wanting to write the otp from the new fandom you're in in a spn au.
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cas-coding · 1 year
okay deancas family au because fuck you they can all be happy give me a break
dean aka dad (emma, ben, jack). coaches jack's teeball league and refuses to let anyone but emma drive the impala because she is the only cautious driver who treats his baby right. a mechanic with a passion for car restoration.
cas aka dad (claire) and daddy (jack). likes drawing his family and taking care of the garden outside. has been banned from being in the car while dean teaches the kids to drive because (newly) human cas is a screamer. stay at home dad because they commit credit card fraud and do not need two incomes.
emma aka em (dean) and emmie (jack). twenty-two and enrolled in a college a few hours away. working on a career in social work because of circumstances related to jack's adoption. same height as cas and she mocks him for it every time she visits home.
claire aka clairebear (dean). nineteen and working full time at the same carshop as dean. has wrecked her car several times and is barely allowed to keep driving every single time. will never admit that she used to draw grumpy cat fanart as a teen.
ben aka would rather die than have another nickname. seventeen and freaky good at baseball. goes to therapy weekly and now insists that claire and emma try it as well. didn't like jack at first but bonded with him by cheating at family game night (jack is just distracting enough for ben to snatch some extra cash in monopoly)
jack aka jack attack (ben and claire). five and utterly incapable of eating any food that adults eat, dean has to make him special alphabet soup more than half of the week's dinners. was adopted due to his birth dad going off the rails and (his technically uncle) cas taking him in. do not give him sugar or he will not sleep for the next forty-eight hours.
uncle sam aka sammy (dean). jack always insists he climb sam because he's so tall. has been made to let emma and jack braid his hair. is always dedicated jack carrier at the zoo because, well, he's the tallest and jack sees the best from sam's shoulders.
aunt eileen aka aunt ellie (jack). taught the rest of the kids sign language and volunteered to come in and show some kids at ben's school basic sign. makes a killer burger that dean will never admit is better than his but knows is better than his. loves tricking dean into wearing plaid so she can get a picture of her husband and brother in law twinning (both sam and dean despise this but cannot seem to avoid it)
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All I really need right now is supernatural fics or edits where Jack is like fuck you guys Sam is my favourite dad and Sam is like wtf is going on but is also near tears because he loves his son.
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pixiealamode · 1 year
Hiiiiiii, I wrote the fluffiest little Supernatural AU fanfic! Please gimmie a read if you need a break from reality. It's even completed!
Dean and Emma Winchester are starting to get bored with the daily slog. Maybe the new neighbors below them can make life interesting? Or maybe Dean messes things up before they even start.
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luna-nigthshade-wood · 2 months
Dean is at peace and happy with having sacrificed his sight in exchange for getting Cas out of the Empty. His family not so much Aka 5 times Dean has to explain his sacrifice to a member of his family and one person that understood all along.
3- Jack
Jack is confused, Dean knows, but at least they are not giving him the cold shoulder like their father. For all that Jack is all-powerful now, they are still not older than six, adding the fact that they probably know what everyone else feelings and thoughts on the matters are. Furthermore, ever since the Deal, Jack has been visiting the bunker more as to spend time with their father and the hunters, so Dean is not even remotely shocked that Jack seeks him out a few weeks after his stunt, if anything he is only confuse it didn’t happen earlier.
Jack finds him one fine evening on the Dean´s cave, while he was devouring a pizza that he managed to sneak in, with Sam not being the wiser. He takes back everything good he has said of his brother, he is pretty sure the youngest wants to poison him.
-Don’t tell, Sam- are Dean´s first worlds, after the flapping of wings followed by Miracle´s barks alert him of Jack´s presence
-Only if you give me a piece- Jack replies, scratching Miracle´s ear if the waiving of the dog´s tail is anything to go by.
-I agree to your terms- Dean replies solemnly, before handing Jack the aforementioned food- So what´s up, kiddo?
-Heaven? – Jack responds confused
-You know, never mind- Dean says, and they stay in relatively silence, until Jack tentative says
-Dad is mad at you- they state, while playing with the crust of their pizza- Why?
-See Jack, well…- Dean responds- Cas… I mean your father is angry because what I did was a terribly stupid and dangerous stunt that could have gotten me killed
-But you knew you would pulled through, right?- Jack asks, and Dean realizes he can choose to lie to placate Jack, which the kid could easily disprove or tell them the truth and possibly upset them
-No, I didn’t- Dean says choosing the truth
-Ohh- Jack responds and just when Dean thinks that he might have to expand on his answer, Jack asks- Why did the Empty agree to make a deal with you and not me? I would have rescued Cas and you and him could have had your happy ending
-Do you honestly think that your father would have forgiven me have I let something happened to you, kid?- Dean questions him,  trying to convey all his emotions into his words- Cas would have smitten me on the spot if he thought I had put you in any unnecessary danger.
-I wouldn’t have gotten that hurt- Jack pouts- I could have helped you
-No, Jack, you couldn’t have- Dean explains- The Empty had been cheated one too many times, if you had interfered, it would have probably taking us both. No, the Empty needed to know that the person it was making its deal with had no power over it.
-Well, but I am sure if we had just explained…- Jack starts
-No, Jack, it wouldn’t have changed a thing- Dean remarks, pulling Jack into a one-arm hug
-But why cant we heal you?- Jack asks with a small voice
-You already tried that, remember? But the ritual prevents for me ever regaining my sight. There would be disastrous consequences otherwise- Dean tells them with a soft tone
-It is not fair- Jack complains
-Hey- Dean says pulling him once more into a hug- I am in peace with my decisions, so you all should be too
-I know- Jack responds- I just wished I could do something more
-Being here with me is enough, kid- Dean responds, and Jack might never understand Dean´s decisions, but they don’t have to, they know that Dean loves them and that is enough
First chapter Ao3
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