#dean thinks sam is the wife because dean is the Man Of The House but when sam is sick and dean takes care of him he is obviously the wife.
spn2006 · 2 months
samdean are married but more specifically they are husband and wife they just keep arguing between themselves over which one is which
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 2 months
Do you have any happy headcanon (about anything)?
I'm in the middle of an episode of stress and depression and I need to relax my mind 😫
Oooh ok, let me think…
-the reason Sam wanted to dress up as Batman as a little kid was because Dean read the comics to him ALL the time, and Sam could just tell that Batman was Dean’s favorite so he wanted to be Dean’s favorite, too
-Dean actually talked Sam into dressing up for some Halloween while they’re adults (in a post-finale everyone lives world), and they get themed costumes with Eileen (obviously Sam’s blurry wife, she will always be Eileen) and baby Dean (maybe like the incredibles family)
-Sam and Dean send out one of those airplane smoke message things every year
Edit: sorry accidentally posted this early, let me continue…
Anyway, they send one out every year to say “Happy Birthday Jack”, and they just hope he sees it from…wherever he is (he does, and he loves it)
-when baby Dean starts to get older, he’s VERY outgoing and he talks to literally all the neighbors near Sam and uncle Dean’s houses. One day, he meets a very nice elderly man named Bob, who, after having a very nice conversation with little Dean, tells him “you can call me Bobby. It’s what my most special friends call me.” And Sam and Dean hear about it later that day and they just look at each other and smile
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pagannatural · 7 months
1.21 Salvation
-John finally, after some 22 years, lets his sons in on his plans and shows them everything he’s got on the demon that killed their mom and Jess.
-John is such a good character. I’m not really interested in liking or disliking him, I just love his part in this story. He reacted to an unimaginable situation in a human way. Who among us can say, really, how we would parent two small children if our wife was brutally murdered on the ceiling by a demon who then burned down our entire house? John truly thought the whole world was a war zone so he made his kids soldiers rather than getting them to safety. To understand John you have to understand that Safe and Normal as concepts were destroyed for him. He wanted to protect his boys so badly that he tried to prepare them and toughen them and train them but he also wanted to shield them so he hid as much as he could from them. He taught them that people were dying and they were responsible for stopping it. He put all of that on their way-too-young shoulders all while refusing to trust them or let them in.
Under all that pressure, Sam and Dean created their own world, their bubble of safety with each other. They give each what they need in the most vital and fundamental sense, nourishing each other in a hostile environment. They share something that no one else could ever understand.
So thanks, John.
-“It’s not your problem, it’s our problem” is an objectively kind and supportive thing to say so I’m proud of Dean for managing to shout it angrily at Sam. Such passion such energy
-Sam looks like a little kid this whole scene where Dean and John are arguing about parenting him. Dean stands up to John again and defends himself. He’s Sam’s daddy now (sorry)
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-John tells Sam “I want you to go to school, I want Dean to have a home” which is hilarious to me because it implies that he thinks of Dean as a homeless man (which he is).
Dean glances at Sam when John says this and then hangs his head. Sam is his home. And he feels responsible for Sam leaving school (which he is).
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-In the car Sam tells Dean “I want to thank you” but the you comes out as “ya”. This happens another time when Sam tells Dean “I still love you” (or something close to that) in s5e11. It’s unusual for Sam. He doesn’t ya his you’s regularly at the end of a sentence. Jared and Jensen both have typical midwestern accents on the show. Jared intentionally changes his speech pattern when he’s possessed, so that words like “wasn’t” or “doesn’t” are enunciated when normally Sam pronounces it like “wud’n” or “dud’n” with a very soft “d.”
Point being, something is causing Sam to shy off of saying these things and making them sound too serious so he says “I want to thank ya” which sounds more casual. When he’s lost in emotion (like later when he throws Dean against a wall and says “don’t you say that”), he enunciates his you’s. I think this is unintentional of Sam and intentional of Jared. Sam’s trying not to scare Dean off or sound too confessional- he’s seen how Dean reacts to that.
-Sam says “even when I couldn’t count on anyone”
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Dean gave him consistency and safety and the knowledge that he was always loved. Dean’s his sanctuary.
-Dean says the house is “burning to the ground, it’s suicide”
“I don’t care” “I do”
Sam is reckless. He has a safe place to land, so he often acts without really thinking through the consequences, and Dean is always there for him. This is the THIRD house fire Dean has protected Sam from. Interesting that Sam asked Jessica, his Dean replacement, “what would I do without you?” in ep1 and she said “crash and burn.” Actually that’s what you would do without Dean :)
-Sam says killing the demon is “all we’ve ever cared about” he doesn’t realize that Dean has always cared more about him than about revenge or justice or whatever else. Dean would rather have Sam. Wild that Sam doesn’t know he’s Dean’s top priority yet. I wonder if he knew that pre-Stanford?
-Sam gets angry when Dean says they can’t bring Jessica or their mom back. It mirrors Dean slamming Sam against the wall in ep1 when he told Dean their mom is never coming back. Sam’s anger melts as soon as Dean speaks and he ends up just kind of grasping Dean’s shirt and pressing into him with this desperate look on his face. They look at each other’s mouths.
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-Dean is accepting of Sam grabbing him and throwing him against a wall, just like Sam handles it in s2 when Dean punches him in the face. They have no normal way to express how intensely they feel about each other so it comes out as violence or care when one is injured. Love and need and pain are inextricable between them- they love each other in ways that are painful. So they just submit to each other like Yes, finally something that feels strong enough. It’s like it’s soothing to express and receive each other’s needs, even as pain. It has to come out somehow.
-Dean says that the three of them are all he has and “sometimes I feel like I’m barely holding it together” Dean doesn’t let himself fall apart, and he wants to fall apart with Sam here, begging Sam to be careful with his life, to understand that he needs Sam. He’s saying Please don’t get hurt, I need you, I’m falling apart.
Sam could kiss him right now. Dean’s not holding it together enough to try pushing Sam away or protecting him from their feelings.
-Dean says “without you and dad, I-” and I think that Dean obviously loves and cares about John but the real issue is that he couldn’t say “without you, I-” on network television because they would have just made out. The mention of their dad brings Sam back to himself. He turns away from Dean and lets go of him with what looks like some effort. Dean looks lost and he’s also still tilting his head up with his lips parted looking like Sam didn’t kiss him. Sam asks him to call John.
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-This parallels when Dean told Sam to call Sarah in 1x19. Dean calls even though he’s still emotionally involved in the conversation with Sam and didn’t finish what he was saying. He’s just admitted something that was difficult for him, and Sam reacted by pulling away, distancing himself, exactly as Dean did when Sam admitted Jessica isn’t the main reason he’s not interested in anyone.
I’m a John-would-kill-Dean truther if he found out about anything untoward going on between his boys, so the mention of their Dad and the fact that he’s in danger would absolutely make Sam force himself away from Dean.
This specific dynamic of Sam pleading with Dean for something and Dean surrendering brokenly to Sam in a Please give it to me Please just take it loop where neither is willing to act makes me want to chew on my own ribcage.
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
Amara: I can feel the love you feel except
It's cloaked in shame
I would like to know what your interpretation of this dialogue, as your more neutral,
I personally ship destiel so my interpretation was it was leaning to dean feeling ashamed for his feelings for Cas and possible internalised homophobia. Amara: I can feel the love you feel except
It's cloaked in shame
I would like to know what your interpretation of this dialogue, as your more neutral,
I personally ship destiel so my interpretation was it was leaning to dean feeling ashamed for his feelings for Cas, not having Cas return his feelings (that reminded me of J. A saying that he didn't think Cas/angels would feel that way, I'm summarizing) and possible internalised homophobia.
There's discourse as wincest shippers think is about Dean's feelings for Sam romantically.  And that's why its cloaked in shame etc
Or is it about the life that dean wants via retirement and wanting to do something else? Like the only qualm I have over this is Amara saying all the love which for me at least indicates a romantic undertone
Okay—so this took me a while to chew on (and I still am tbqh) and I want to preface this by saying nothing I'm saying here is meant to say this is the only way to interpret the dialogue or that dialogue can't represent more than one thing. But I do have a more neutral interpretation for you, anon.
Relevant passage from 11.13 "Love Hurts", where Dean is attacked by a Qareen—an entity that takes on the shape of your "deepest, darkest, desire" in order to get close enough to rip out your heart.
Dean: Find anything? (He turns to see Amara) Qareen!Amara: I understand Dean. Dean: Is that right? Qareen!Amara: the longing in your heart, I feel it too. Dean: (inching towards the knife) Well that’s touching. Consider that you don’t have a heart. Qareen. [...] Qareen!Amara: Who I am doesn’t matter. The real question is who are you? Dean: What do you mean who am I? Qareen!Amara: You’re a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel. Except it’s cloaked in shame. When it comes to this, you can’t help yourself, so why fight it. Just give in.
The very first thing I want to point out here, is that the Qareen clearly perceives Amara to be Dean's "deepest darkest desire"—because it takes on her shape—not Cas's shape, or Sam's shape, or hell—Crowley's shape. If it was concerned with the love Dean was feeling for Cas or Sam or someone else deep down, I think it makes sense to say it would have taken one of their shapes—but it doesn't. It presents itself as Amara. And it presents itself as Amara because the Qareen doesn't represent love at all. It represents dark—often fleeting—desire that is mistaken for love. We see this in a few ways.
First, the episode opens with a wife (Melissa) and husband (Dan) going out for an apparent romantic Valentine's Day dinner. They appear deeply in love at first... but then we find out Dan is schtupping the babysitter, Stacy.
Second, while Melissa is out of the room, Stacy and Dan kiss, and Stacy says, "Ew I can taste her mom lipstick…" only to compliment Melissa's lipstick and act like she loves Melissa when Melissa comes back into the room. Stacy also urges Dan to tell Melissa tonight that he's with her now. Dan calls it heartless to do that on Valentine's day, and says he needs time.
Third, while it isn't caught in the transcript, I noticed when I was watching the episode, in the scene where Stacy is at the house alone, flipping through channels on the TV, we catch a snippet of "Rick and Morty" just as the Qareen, in Dan's shape, comes inside the house to kill Stacy.
Rick: You say it is is how it is, but I think a blind man could see that Beth is looking for the door. I barely have a reason to care and even I noticed. Morty: Come on, Rick! Don't talk about my parents like that! Rick: Listen, Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slow fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty.
Fourth, there's the question of who Dan even actually loves. Does he love Melissa, or Stacy, or neither of them? The Qareen takes Stacy's shape to kill him, which suggests he loves the babysitter, but he's also giving the babysitter the runaround and doesn't necessarily seem willing to commit to her. It seems more like he wants to have his cake in eat it too—get the benefits of his long-term relationship and life together with Melissa, while embroiling himself in a sex-filled affair with someone young and attractive, but who really doesn't come off as long-term partner material (thus our indications of his attempts to stall breaking up with Melissa). He also just... doesn't seem that broken up about Stacy's death.
Fifth, there's Melissa herself, who actually knows about Dan's affair but has kept quiet about it. The Qareen takes the shape of Dan to kill her, because her deepest darkest desire is for Dan to love her back. The Qareen itself is only appearing to all of them because, in a lovesick state, Melissa took a "love spell" from a witch that turned sour (the witch despises women who won't simply leave their cheating husbands, and devised the spell to punish the cheaters and the women who run back to them only for them to cheat again). Melissa wanted to make Dan love her again. But that also... makes me question if she actually loves Dan, or whether she just wants him. If you truly love someone, would you be willing to violate their consent like that—by forcing them to love you back when you believe they've fallen out of love with you?
What I'm saying is... I'm not sure anyone is actually seeing who they truly love. I don't think the Qareen can actually see who people really truly love. It only shows them their "deepest, darkest, desire". It shows them what they want at that exact moment in time—a fall into an illicit affair, a desire to force someone to love you back, or in the case of Amara, escape from captivity—from the prison your loved ones have trapped you inside. The Quareen captures—as Rick tells us—something fleeting and primal—just enough to lower the victim's defenses so it can rip out their heart.
Further, Dean himself vehemently rejects the idea that he loves Amara at the end of the episode, and there's a couple of things I'd like to touch on in this dialogue:
Dean: Honestly? You seriously think the sister of God is my deepest darkest desire? Sam: She isn’t? Dean: No! She can’t be! Sam: Why not? Dean: Why? Because if she is that means that I’m… Sam: Means you’re what? Complicit? Weak? Evil? Dean: For starters, yeah. Sam: Dean. Do you honestly think you ever had a choice in the matter? She’s the sister of God, and for some reason she picked you and that sucks, but if you think I’m gonna blame you or judge you…I’m not. Dean: You know that I want her ass dead. Sam: Yes. Of course. And I know you’ve also probably beaten yourself up a hundred times over it, but where has that gotten us? (Long silence) Just how bad is it? Dean: Standing here right now, every bone in my body wants to run her through. Send her back to that hole she crawled out of. But when I’m near her, I don’t know. Something happens and I can’t explain it, but to call it desire or love…it’s not that. I’m screwed man. We wanna kill the darkness. We need to kill the darkness. And I don’t think I can. I’m sorry to do that to you, ya know, but when it comes right down to it…
First, note the sign blinking "Non-Consensual" through this conversation. What Dean wants to do and his actions when he's actually in Amara's proximity are two very different things. This scares Dean, and it invokes the the memory of Melissa's love spell—her trying to force Dan to love her. Sam points to a severe power imbalance existing between Dean and Amara—implies that anything Amara wants Dean to do, she can likely make him do, and emphasizes that this isn't Dean'a fault or his choice. We get other nods toward the non-consensual element of Dean's connection to Amara in 11.06—how Amara seems able to resist how enthralled she is with Dean and still blast him into walls, but Dean can't lay a hand on her. In 11.13, I think we also get a subtle nod to the non-con angle with Dean going out looking to hook up the first day they're in town for the case, even though he just got lucky the night before and it was clearly a rough night. Sam points out this is unusual for Dean. Imo, this points to Dean trying to reassert control over who he is attracted to and who he shows desire toward.
So consider: "When it comes to this [your attraction to me], you can’t help yourself, so why fight it. Just give in."
Second, notice that Dean is ashamed. This also isn't the first time we've seen this. Dean tried to kill Amara in 11.06 and couldn't. He deflected then hid it when Cas pressed him on Amara getting away. He reiterates the shame he feels here by insisting it can't be true that he desires Amara because that would make him complicit, weak, and evil just for starters. I'm reminded of Dan hiding the nanny cam, only to show Dean the footage of him punching a hole through Stacy's chest, pleading with Dean to believe that it wasn't him when it's someone who looks exactly like him. Dean can't control what happens around Amara, but he feels implicated anyway—he hides in shame.
For these reasons, I think the most direct reading here is that Dean is ashamed of Amara being his "deepest, darkest, desire," and I think it's also possible that talk of "love" by Qareen!Amara is misdirection—false love for Amara (fleeting desire for what she represents) mispresented as real love. Of course, something can mean more than one thing, and I think there's many ways to play in the sandbox with this episode and this dialogue, but I do think the chief thing they wanted to emphasize in this episode was that Dean is scared of his connection to Amara, and that it isn't his choice, but Dean feels shame anyway (so much so that he hides it until this episode). Amara wants him to give into his desire, and the Qareen also wants him to (so it can kill him) and mischaracterizes what Dean feels as love just as it mischaracterizes what Stacy and Dan and Melissa all feel as love.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Cocky matchmaker
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Title: Cocky matchmaker
Request fill for @hannibals-favourite-meal​ for my 16.666 followers celebration
Rating: Mature
Summary: Dean takes matters in his hands.
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Plussized!Reader
Warnings: fluff, flirting, idiots in love, mutual pining, mentions of deaths (no description)
16.666 followers celebration masterlist
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“So, get this, Y/N,” Sam tries to get your attention. He doesn’t need to try, though. Your head immediately snaps toward the hunter and your eyes become glassy as Sam smiles softly at you. “I found this old mansion they turned into a motel. They call it the murder mystery motel because almost twenty people got killed at this place.”
“Sammy, your fetish is shining through again,” Dean smirks as you get up to move your chair closer to Sam. “Do you remember the last time we ended up at a serial killer’s place?”
“It’s not a fetish,” Sam makes a face. “I’m just interested in the history of crime and violence.”
“Who killed all the people?” you ask, wanting to turn Sam’s attention back toward you, not his cocky brother. “Sam?”
“The better question is, sweetheart,” Dean snickers as his brother grunts, “what do you mean with almost twenty?”
“Eighteen bodies got found…and a half,” Sam shrugs. “One person is still missing. The detectives are not sure if the man killed his wife and ran, or if he fell victim to the mansion too.”
“You mean he fell victim to some crazy serial killer or a ghost, not the mansion.”
“After everything you saw Dean you still think a house cannot kill a man,” you ask.
“A house doesn’t kill you, Y/N,” Dean explains, “it’s a ghost or a monster. Never the house. Except it falls on your head and squishes you. Then it was the house.”
“DEAN!” Sam mutters. “Y/N was about to eat her lunch.”
“Oh-I’m no sensitive, Sam,” you softly speak while patting his hand. Your touch lingers until Dean clears his throat.
“If you want me to leave for a while, tell me so,” the elder hunter grins.
“What? I—” you nervously shift on your seat as Dean watches you pat his brother’s hand. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Dean sighs deeply. He’s just done watching you and his brother pine for each other.
“If you say so, Y/N. Maybe you and Sammy should check that mansion out. Together.”
“We should?” Sam furrows his brows. “You don’t want to tag along, Dean? I thought you love creepy places.”
“I got a hot date,” Dean lies. “Trust me, checking out a creepy place is the last thing I want to do this week. You got my number. If anything happens, give me a call.”
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“Hmm…this can’t be right,” Sam looks at the address scribbled on a piece of paper and back at the motel in front of him. “Honeymoon Hearts?”
“This doesn’t look like the motel you were talking about,” you feel your cheeks heat up as you look at the motel. “Sam, do you want to tell me something?”
“I—” the hunter frowns. He thumbs through the search history on his phone, huffing as the address is not the same as he noted on the piece of paper. “I don’t know what happened, Y/N. I looked the address up and noted it. But we are…I don’t know where we even are.”
“It looks nice,” you squeal. “Look, they have buffet, a whirlpool, and uh… I bet they got all this romantic crap. Maybe even soft pillows. Don’t you think? I knew you wouldn’t forget about Valentine’s Day. Dean was right!”
Sam smiles softly as you excitedly look up at him. “What did Dean say?” Sam watches you hurriedly walk toward the motel to get the best room. “Y/N? What did he say?”
The hunter sighs. He unlocks his phone again to call his brother. Sam closes his eyes and counts to ten.
“What’s up, Sammy?” Sam can hear the smirk in Dean’s voice. “Did you already make a move? I hope so! I booked the most expensive room for the two of you including a hot tub.”
“What did you do, Dean?”
“Sammy, you are pining for Y/N for almost a year now. It’s Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air,” Dean snickers as Sam groans deeply. “Do I have to give you the talk about bees and flowers again or do you know how to make a move on her?”
“I know how to make a move,” Sam bites his tongue as you walk back toward the hunter. “Which name did you use this time?”
“Mr. and Mrs. …” Dean laughs loudly, “Pine,” the hunter hangs up the phone before Sam can yell at him.
“Sam, that guy said we got a reservation. Dude even got a picture of us,” you say. “Why did you use the name, Pine?”
“Dean tried to be funny,” Sam tries to explain his brother tricked you and him. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to visit the creepy motel.”
“Dude, they got a whirlpool and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates ! I bet they got vibrating beds too. I love a good back massage,” you nod to yourself.
“You do?” Sam licks his lips. “I can give you a massage. My hands are…uh…”
“Your hands,” you stare at Sam’s large hands, whimpering as you imagine feeling them on your body. “Do you…do you like using your hands?”
Sam would like to tell you he dreams of putting his hands on you for months.
“How about we go to the room Dean booked and find out if I’m good at giving back massages?”
“Sam?” you whisper.
“Yeah, Y/N?”
Sam watches you step closer to place your hands on his chest. “It’s Valentine’s Day and I want you to know that I…”
“I like you a lot,” Sam hastily says before you can admit your feelings. “It’s more than that. I mean…would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Sammy,” you giggle, “we are standing in front of a romantic honeymoon motel. I think we can call this our first date.”
“Y/N, I want our first date to be special. I’ll take you out to your favorite restaurant and we can have ice cream. Or we can go and watch a movie.”
Sam looks you up and down, biting his lower lip as his eyes land on your chest.
“Sammy, do you like what you see?” You grin as Sam roams your body with hungry eyes.
“Very much, baby girl,” he cups your face with his large hands, making you shiver. “Can I show you how much?”
He swallows your answer with his lips, taking away all the doubts you had. You wanted to confess your feelings for so long, always afraid Sam doesn’t like your body.
“I like what I see too.”
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When you come back from your short vacation, holding hands with Sam his brother smirks like the cat that got the cream. He proudly puffs his chest, waiting for his brother and you to thank him.
“About time you put your hands on that girl! I feared I must lock you in the dungeon together…”
“Thank you, Dean,” you blow your friend a kiss. “You were right…”
“Sweetheart, I’m always right,” the cocky matchmaker leans back in his chair and puts his feet on the table. “My job here is done. Just use protection…”
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notinthislife50 · 10 months
Chapter 46
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You settled back into your routine, sitting in the backseat, amused by the banter between the boys as they teased each other. Rolling your eyes, you couldn't help but smile at the entertainment they provided.
One morning, you all sat in baby, watching the payphone.
"Why did he have to phone so early?" you grumbled.
Dean answered the phone, grumbling about catching something from holding the old, dirty payphone.
"Could he be more dramatic?" You huffed, flinging yourself into the back seat.
Several hours later, the boys woke you, informing you that it was time to check into the motel and head to the coroner's office.
At the coroner's office, when the sheet covering the deceased was pulled back, Dean gasped. "Well, those aren't the good kind of hickeys."
Sam nudged him annoyed, and when he looked at you, he smirked, causing you to giggle behind your hand.
Sam cleared his throat, and both of you stopped.
"So, this was an octopus?" you asked, looking disgusted.
"Yeah, a giant one," confirmed the doctor.
"How giant are we talking?" Dean looked concerned.
"About 30 feet," the doctor replied with a smile.
Sam laughed in disbelief. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't giant octopi rare around here?"
"I don't think these were caused by a giant octopus," the doctor explained, pointing out signs that someone had bled the man out and turning the dead man's neck for you all to see.
After leaving the widow's house, you all deliberated whether it could be a vampire. Deciding on a plan, Dean volunteered to speak with the nanny, while you and Sam would search the house when the wife was out.
A while later, Dean called, explaining that you needed to talk to the little girl. Sam, after hanging up, suggested you stay in the car, thinking two people might scare the girl.
"An 8-foot giant stranger won't scare her at all. Sit, I'll go," you ordered Sam.
Approaching the little girl, you knelt down, smiling warmly. "You've got talent. Do you remember me?"
"Yes, but I'm not allowed to talk to you. My mum will get mad," she said nervously, glancing around.
"Why? Is something wrong?" you asked gently.
"I got in trouble because I told the police it was the monster in the closet that killed my dad," she explained before her mum called her inside, and she hurried away.
Turning, you noticed a drawing on the ground that resembled a vampire, much to your dismay.
A while later you sat on the motel bed, utterly perplexed by Sam's unusual reaction during the phone call with Dean.
"What's wrong with you?" you inquired as he hung up.
"Get dressed. We need to go," was his curt reply.
As you arrived outside Plucky's, your expression twisted in disgust. "What in the world is this?"
"You don't have this back home?" Sam quizzed.
"No," you laughed.
"Aren't you lucky?" he scoffed.
Approaching the desk together, you couldn't help but smirk as Sam stumbled over his words, drawing the attention of the cashier.
"FBI. Can we speak to the manager, please?" You pushed in front of Sam, taking charge.
As the cashier walked away, you leaned closer to Sam. "Sammy, what's going on?"
"Nothing. I'm fine. If it bleeds, we can kill it," walking away, engrossed in a wall of drawings.
"Okay," you rolled your eyes, walking in the other direction to look for clues.
The manager approached Sam a few minutes later and Sam asked, "Why do you get kids to draw their worst fears?"
“Well, it helps them express their feelings, that they may not be comfortable talking about," she explained.
When Sam finished speaking to the manager, he looked around frantically for you. Spotting you, he saw you taking photos with a clown, gesturing for him to join.
As he made his way over, a janitor intercepted him. You watched, puzzled, as they conversed.
"Sam," you called as he approached, dragging a clown cheerfully behind you.
He pulled you away abruptly, marching you out the door. "Will you stop touching everything? We're meant to be investigating."
He let go of you, and suddenly it clicked. "Are you scared of clowns, Sam?" you asked, smiling.
"No," he defended.
"You are! Why didn't you say so? I could have gone in there myself," you teased.
"I'm not scared of clowns. Now come on," he snapped, heading off to the car.
"Okay, my mistake," you grinned, following after him.
@deansgirl79 @suckitands33 @deans-baby-momma @dragony937 @linzerrr @deans-spinster-witch @foxyjwls007 @djs8891 @my-obsession-spn @mikaylalala13 @jackles010378 @spnbaby-67
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an important aspect of the fuck van thesis to be clear is that cas often functions as a parody of Sam and Dean and their whole deal. Sometimes I think this is even on purpose. But mostly it's a side effect of setting Cas up to be a failed version of them and inadvertently having him reveal how ridiculous they are. Having someone naively mimic them with all the pretense stripped away inevitably reveals that Sam and Dean are kind of hilarious losers. The pop Girlies aliases are a good example of this. Gas n Sip steve is kind of a subtler one.
When Sam and Dean try to leave the hunting life they invariably find an appropriately manly occupation and stumble ass backwards into a relationship with a willing woman who usually just already has a nice big suburban house waiting for them to step up and be the man of. Cas doesn't get that, (okay he also gets a wife at some point just by stumbling naked out of the woods but that's a topic for a different day) he gets a humiliating retail job and a failed date that wasn't even a real date.
Except Dean at least is explicitly painted as emasculated in his blue collar man's man construction job, and Cas finds honour and purpose in his degrading work. And then as soon as you think about it for five seconds, you realize that Cas is a complete outsider to human society with no knowledge of how to even get a job, let alone the paperwork he needs to apply, and suddenly the fact that he managed to land a shitty minimum wage job at all is cooler than anything Sam and Dean have ever done.
Anyway because I'm sexier than the spn writers I want Cas to be a parody of the Winchesters on purpose. He does what they do but shed of its pretentions, and then is more successful for his honesty. The fuck van is ridiculous but it is only superficially more ridiculous than hooking up with someone in the back of your muscle car. And actually it's a lot more comfortable because Cas has more room and a real mattress. Similarly while much has been said about Dean using hookups as a standin for intimacy, Cas is fully aware that he's seeking human contact as much as sex, and is therefor free to be open and vulnerable and forge genuine if fleeting connections with people.
Similarly this Cas would be a hunter but instead of faking being law enforcement and protecting suburban america, he would stumble into the knowledge that unhoused people are incredibly vulnerable to being preyed on by monsters that hunters never even hear about because no one gives a shit. He can be successful at it because he doesn't have to navigate lying, it's easy to find people who are in the know and are happy to talk openly without being labeled as crazy, and failing that it's easy to find people who will tell you which parts of the city just aren't safe to be in even if they don't know or don't want to admit why. There are episodes of supernatural that reveal whole fuckin monster underground that Sam and Dean are unequipped to deal with and never learn to because they don't actually encroach on the type of people the show is actually about protecting. Cas is in his fuck van doing a deconstruction of the show supernatural and I for one love that for him.
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Comfort in an Abandoned Theatre
Summary - Part 38 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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 Meanwhile in the alley…
Dean waits as patiently as possible pretending to mess with something under the hood of Baby. The longer he waits the more impatient he gets. He just wants to bust into the club, drag his wife back to the hotel and forget the werewolves even exist. But he pushes that desire deep down and reminds himself why he fell in love with Y/N in the first place and that she can handle herself just fine. After what feels like an eternity he sees the backdoor of the nightclub open. He quietly closes the hood and pulls out his gun, checking the silver bullets are loaded. When he cautiously glances back over at the person who emerged from the door his eyes land on your lifeless-looking body in his arms. His heart instantly sinks and all he wants to do is shoot, but he knows he can’t risk hitting you or the man using you as a human shield, or hurting you in retaliation. So instead he just watches hopelessly as you’re led away in the opposite direction down the alley. He knows Jason’s waiting on that corner, so as soon as the coast is clear he jumps in Baby and follows from a safe distance with the lights off. He spins his ring around his finger, trying his best to calm himself down as he watches the man get further away with you. 
Then all too quickly the sound of a gunshot sends him into a panic. The werewolf sprints off dragging you with him. His speed alone is the last bit of proof Dean needs. He can feel his blood almost boiling as he loses sight of the werewolf and you. He slams his hands on the steering wheel in frustration, shouting, “Son of a bitch!” He sees Jason run out from around the corner with his hands up, then he spins around and sees Mark with his gun in his hand by his side. Dean’s face says everything they need to know, he’s beyond angry. 
Mark cautiously walks towards Dean and Jason. “He put something in her drink. She was fine and then she quickly wasn’t. It went downhill real fast in there.”
“So what you thought you’d come out here guns blazing? You could’ve shot her! Or worse you could’ve hit him and caused him to turn her! What were you thinking?” Dean shouts.
“I was thinking I’d kill the werewolf, because that’s why we’re here right? Or did you forget that this is a hunt, Winchester?” Jason spits back. Then under his breath he adds, “This is exactly why I didn’t want to work with a Winchester.”
Dean nods and then storms back to Baby. “Then you’d better just stay out of my way!” He slams the door shut and speeds off down the alley in the last direction he sees the werewolf go. He drives up and down streets looking for anywhere that looks like it could house a pack of werewolves. Among all the highrise buildings and shops, nothing looks even remotely like an average werewolf den. 
After an hour of driving around and no leads, he returns to the hotel. He pulls out his laptop and tries to track your phone. It pings at a theatre building about a block back from the beach. When he searches the building online he finds out it’s been shut down and abandoned for years. He slams the laptop shut and sprints back down the stairs to the car speeding as fast as he can to the theatre. He pulls a park out the front and sends Sam a quick text with his location and the word ‘werewolf’. He puts his phone on silent so as not to give himself away, grips his gun and gets out of the car as silently as possible. It’s been years since he’s taken on a hunt like this alone; he can feel his heat racing as he approaches the decrepit building. He silently peers between the boards on one of the front windows searching for any signs of movement or light; proof that you’re actually in there, alive and still human. He can’t see anything, it’s pitch black inside, but as he turns to make his way to the next window he hears a small howling sound. Almost like a puppy that’s been left home alone all day, it’s sad and a little weak. 
Sons of bitches are breeding! He thinks to himself as he peers in another boarded-up window. Still no luck. It’s just too dark. Damn werewolves and their ability to see in the dark! 
He looks up at the dark sky and crescent moon high above him, before glancing back down at his watch: 1:25. With hours till sunrise and the desperation to find and keep his precious wife safe pulling at his heart,  he makes the decision to go in blind. He can’t wait the four to five hours required to get light, with the hope that they’re nocturnal. Anything could happen in that time, and each worst-case scenario is filtering through his mind as the seconds pass. 
With his gun full of silver bullets, and drawn with the safety off he tries the door handle carefully, trying to keep quiet. To his surprise, it isn’t locked. He steps inside quietly, shutting the door behind him with care. Inside he notices the floor is carpeted, helping to cushion the fall of his heavy boots and hide his footsteps. Barely being able to see a foot in front of him, he tunes into his other senses. Listening for more howls, movement, and voices. Smelling for the rank, metallic scent of blood, rotting meat, and the distinct and comforting smell of your floral perfume hoping it hasn’t been covered by the scent of mutated dog. As he ventures further down the hall his eyes start to adjust to the darkness making it ever so slightly easier to see and keep him from bumping into anything and making noise. He sees a wide-open doorway to his left, almost like the entrance to a movie theatre or concert hall. He notes the protection a room like that would give a pack, especially one with children, but also the danger of the limited exits for himself as he stalks through the doorway. Keeping his aim steady in front of him, he cautiously makes his way through the dark corridor, noting the lines of stepped-up seating above him on either side. 
Suddenly, an aching pain shoots through his body as someone lands on top of him, causing him to land on his back on the carpet, which isn’t as soft as he hoped. He tries to fight off the man, approximately the same size as himself but his gun is knocked out of his grip. He fumbles around trying to reach for the silver knife in the waistband of his jeans but his hands are pinned above his head. As he looks up at the attacker’s face he notices the sharp fangs on display. He doesn’t need to look at his hands to see the claws, he can feel them cutting into his wrists. He gathers his strength and kicks his legs out, distracting the werewolf enough so that he can rip his hand free. With his free hand, he immediately rips out his silver knife and stabs the werewolf in the side, overpowering him so he can get on top. He slides his knife out of his side and stabs him in the heart, watching as his body goes limp. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he stares at the wolf’s features; they’re familiar. He pulls his knife out of his chest, wipes it clean using the wolf’s shirt and then stands over him. 
“That’s for taking my wife, you son of a bitch!” He says.
He turns to inspect the room further, searching for you in the darkness when he hears the same sad howling from earlier again. He takes a few steps forward, collects his gun inspects it carefully and then calls out gruffly, “I hear you! Come on out!” When he doesn’t hear or see any movement he rounds the corridor and ascends the stairs checking each row carefully. As he approaches the back of the room the howling is replaced with a sound that is halfway between a low growl and sob, but it’s still quiet. He sees a subtle movement in his peripheral vision and focuses on the back row. In the dark, he can make out a small shadowy figure. It’s shaking. He aims his gun towards the figure as he gets closer. From the end of the row, he can finally tell the figure is a small child, he assumes from their tiny stature they can’t be more than five years old. He replaces the safety on his gun and stows it in the pocket of his jacket as he slips into a chair at the end of the row slowly. 
“Hi. My name is Dean, I’m here to help you, what’s your name?” Dean asks softly.
The child just shakes their head and looks at the floor silently. 
Dean tries again, “Was that other man trying to hurt you? Did he take you away from your parents?”
The child shakes their head again. Then eventually groaks out in a tiny voice, “Is he dead?”
Dean slowly nods his head, watching the child intently as they resume their howling and sobbing. 
Shit! The gears start turning in his head as he watches and listens to the child. 
“Was he your dad?” Dean asks. 
The child nods sadly. Dean watches them as he weighs up his options. He knows this pup is a monster, but they’re still a child. He puts his hand on the handle of his gun but can’t bring himself to pull it out. Werewolf or not, it’s a child. If they grow up and start killing people he can always come back and finish the job, or some other hunter can. He stands up. 
“Have you seen a woman in here? She came here with your dad earlier tonight.”
The child nods and points towards the other end of the row. As Dean follows the child’s direction he can’t believe he didn’t notice you there before. He takes in your limp body sprawled out over a few seats. You look so uncomfortable but also unconscious so he guesses you can’t feel or hear anything. Cautiously, he gets up and squeezes past the child to get to you. He pulls you into his lap so you can be more comfortable, even if you have no recollection of it. He just knows if you stay all contorted like that you’ll wake up with all sorts of aches and pains. He lets your head rest on his shoulder as he holds you close to his chest. He breathes a small sigh of relief as he fills your warm, steady breath fan out on his neck and feels your steady pulse. 
He watches cautiously as the child crawls over the chairs to get a little closer. Up close Dean can tell from her feminine features that she’s a little girl. Her face is soft and cherubic, with delicate, rosy cheeks, a petite button nose, wide, innocent, yet red-rimmed and tear-filled eyes, and a natural, gentle pout that gives her an angelic appearance. Her skin is soft and smooth, with a subtle hint of childhood freckles across her nose and cheeks. If not for her being a werewolf he would say she’s beautiful. He almost feels bad for stabbing her father, but as he holds your limp body in his arms he tells himself he did the right thing. Not having any of the right words to comfort the child, but also not wanting to leave them alone he stays silent. He just sits there and holds you waiting for whatever that monster put in your drink to wear off. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Tag list: (Leave a like or comment on this post or let me know below if you want to be added to the tag list for this series)
@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder, @losa12308, @tapedeck-hearts, @luvjaida, @peachtxa, @ambearsstuff, @shadow-of-a-cloud, @slut-for-buck, @iprobablyshipit91, @sassy-pelican, @fallenlilangel99, @heavenlyhopeful0, @nelachu2423, @ladysparkles78
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Show Time - Part 1
Summary: When Sam Winchester calls you for help on a hunt, who are you to say no? Of course, things are a bit more complicated when the hunt involves you being fake-married to his ass of an older brother. How will you survive being a housewife, living in the suburbs, and being married to Dean?
"Say that again," you commanded, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. "Say it again slowly so I know that you know what you're saying."
Sam's lips pursed together and he barely contained an eye roll. "We need you to go undercover as Dean's wife."
"Okay, so you do know what you're asking. Are you feeling okay? Because-"
"Yeah, yeah, we get it!" Sam interrupted you, throwing his hands in the air. "You don't like my brother, you're sarcastic... Can we just skip to the part where you agree? There's a lot to brief you on."
"One quick question." That bitch face never left Sam, but he tilted his head in a 'yeah-sure-quick' fashion. "Why are you the one begging me and not Dean? I mean, where the hell even is he?"
"He's already on the case. The story right now is that he moved in a week early and the wife, you, is gonna join. We had to get him in and doing recon before someone else died."
You sighed and slowly sank down onto the motel room chair. You knew before Sam even asked that you would take the case. Hell, you broke every traffic law on the drive over when he said he needed your help; of course, he forgot to mention that you would have to pretend to be married to Dean Winchester of all people. But you wouldn't sit out when needed, couldn't.
"Alright, Sam, fill me in."
After a two hour debriefing you knew all you could without some extra research in the neighborhood. You were probably looking for a Shapeshifter, possibly a ghoul. Either way, the victims were left brutally murdered. So far two couples had died in the neighborhood, but the deaths were spaced out by a few months. And you also knew a bit more about the area you'd be staying. Sam had been kind enough to buy you a whole new wardrobe, 'stay-at-home-mom chic.' All in all, you were as prepared you could be.
Sam gave you the address and walked you to your car. "Dean's been mingling with the neighbors and invited to a block party tonight, so you'll be able to meet everybody. You're a house wife and Dean's in insurance. Try to get in with the other housewives."
"How 50's," you commented.
"Hence why we needed a girl," Sam agreed.
"Wait, Sam, why Dean?" The confused look on Sam's face told you he had no clue what you meant. "Why am I being fake married to Dean? Why not you? I mean, we're constantly at each other's throats."
Sam shrugged at that. "The neighborhood had seen me earlier when I was checking out the house for EMF. I told them I was the realtor."
And with that you jumped into your car and started towards your new home, where your handsome hubby awaited you.
Your new house, new base of operations, was just as picture perfect as the neighborhood itself. Manicured lawns, decorated porches, white picket fence. It was the suburbia of your nightmares.
The only thing that didn't go with the neighborhood was the sleek black car pulled into one of the driveways. If Dean had one redeeming quality, it was his taste in cars.
You pulled your beater of a truck in next to Dean's and hopped out. You grabbed your duffel back and slammed your door shut, then made your way to the entrance.
"Oh my god, Mrs. Winchester?" A shrill voice shouted from one of the other houses. You turned to the sound, forcing a cheery smile on your face.
You tugged at your cardigan, slightly worried you would instantly be pegged as an outsider. "Hi!" You waved to the blonde woman standing on the porch of the house next to yours. "You can call me Y/N!"
"Finally! A name! Your Deanie has been so secretive about you! We started to think you didn't exist." You forced out a laugh and tried not to frown at the use of the name Deanie. You may have hated the man, but that was still your fake husband.
"Well he probably just wants to keep me to himself. Speaking of, I haven't seen him in a week now, so I'm going to let myself in. I'll see you tonight..."
"Tori," you finished, smiling at her.
She watched as you went to the door of your house, and you tried to be oblivious to it.
You unlocked the door and instantly smelled something delicious. "Honey, I'm home!" You shouted, slamming the door shut behind you.
Loud footsteps approached you and soon Dean Winchester stood at the other end of the hallway. "You've got to be kidding," he groaned. "We didn't know any other chick hunters?"
"Guess not," you said, giving him a flat smile. "You're welcome for coming to help, by the way."
"Look, I'm getting close to figuring out which of these psychos is the actual killer-psycho, so maybe you just head on out and I'll make something up."
"Yeah, 'cause that wouldn't be suspicious," you snorted. "Like it or not, we're stuck together."
"Well I don't like it."
"Yeah, no shit."
You both just stood for a moment, glaring at each other.
You broke first. "Alright what's that smell?"
"Chili for the block party."
"You're making chili?"
"I've got a kitchen!"
"Okay, don't get so defensive," you laughed. "I just thought I was the housewife."
"I thought I was the-" Dean repeated in a mocking high pitched tone, "shut it!" He then stomped his way back to the kitchen.
You rolled your eyes at him and dropped your bag onto the floor. You stood in place a moment, thinking of your next move. As much as you disliked Dean and loved pissing him off, you weren't going to save lives if you were at each other's throats.
Time to be... nice.
You made your way to the kitchen, where Dean was standing in front of a huge pot. It did smell damn good. And the kitchen was beautiful, tan marble counter tops, beautiful mahogany cabinets. You couldn't boil an egg and even you were tempted to cook.
"So what have you learned so far?" You asked, setting yourself on one of tall chairs by the counter.
Dean was silent for a moment, no doubt trying to find something witty to say. But, like always, words failed him and all he was left to do was answer. "Everybody has a different theory about the murders and suspects each other. The Marshalls saw the McRoys hanging out with the dead couple the night they died, but the Smiths thought the Marshalls hated the dead couple. And the Trumans just think the whole neighborhood was in on it."
You were silent as you went over his words, before finally saying, "are those really their names?"
"Well the Trumans are really the Trundles, but the rest are true."
"Jesus," you breathed out. "Anybody seem suspicious?"
"Not particularly," Dean shrugged. "But tonight's the first chance to really test anyone." He nodded towards a large pile of silverware on the counter. "I said I'd provide the forks."
"Smart," you commented, forcing yourself to give the compliment. "I guess I'll go shower and get ready for tonight."
"Shower's upstairs."
At that you left the kitchen, grabbing your bag and heading up the stairs.
The entire house was nice, just somewhat bland. It lacked any kind of character. The beige walls and white carpets were a nice change of pace to the usual dark, dirty, and stained ones that decorated every motel room, but it just felt stale. More than a week in a place like this and you'd surely go crazy.
Those feelings did not, however, transfer to the shower. A clean bathroom was not something you saw everyday, hell it wasn't something you saw every month. But damn, this bathroom with it's sparkling white porcelain and tiled shower floor devoid of mold... That was a thing of beauty. The water pressure alone forced a moan out of you.
After taking the longest shower of your life, and never running out of hot water, you changed into something slightly fancier than a sweater and jeans. When Sam had gone shopping for you, he knew exactly what to look for. You slipped into a knee-length, white summer dress, one with small sunflowers decorating the fabric. You had a pair of white shoes to go with it, then made your way downstairs.
Laughter stopped you before you entered the kitchen. You recognized Dean's laugh, it was obnoxious enough, but the others?
Only one way to find out...
You forced a smile and entered the kitchen, eyes going over the two new guests.
"Hey there sweetheart," Dean greeted you. "These two are our neighbors to the right, John and Ross."
"Nice to meet you guys," you said, extending a hand.
"Oh get that out of here! We're practically family!" The one man- John - said, pulling you into a hug.
After getting a slightly less enthusiastic hug from Ross, you moved to Dean's side, who slipped an arm right around your waist, no hesitation. Say what you wanted about Dean Winchester, but the man knew how to put on an act.
"So, Mrs. Winchester-"
"Y/N, please!" You interrupted. "Jeez, baby, did you tell nobody my name?"
"Oh he was so sneaky about you, so hush hush," Ross said. "Most of us thought you didn't even exist!"
You laughed at that and knocked your hip into Dean's in an obvious show of flirtation. "Just trying to keep me for yourself."
"Can you blame me?"
"You two are just too cute," Ross sighed.
"Y/N, do you like to read?" John asked.
You opened your mouth to respond, but were stopped short by Ross. "Oh, honey, the poor girl just got here! You can recruit her for your little book club later."
"Book club?" Dean asked.
"John and all the girls," Ross explained. "You guys meet what, like every other week? It's really just an excuse to drink wine and gossip."
"We're reading War and Peace if you'd like to join. We only started the book a week ago."
"That sounds really nice," you accepted, smiling warmly. "I can only clean the house so much every day. A book and some company would be great."
John gave you a small smile in return, then wrapped his arm around Ross'. "Well, we better get going," Ross sighed. "The party starts in an hour but people always go out early. And I refuse to be the last ones there."
You and Dean saw the two men out, keeping your arms wrapped around each other.
As soon as the door closed you split apart.
"Book club, huh?" Dean asked.
"Sounds like a chance to get some dirt," you shrugged.
Dean nodded at that. He had his hands in his pockets and rocked from his heel to the balls of his feet, face scrunched up in thought. "Uh, one quick thing about tonight..."
"Well, uh, see, I didn't know Sam would be sending you, so I might have, uh, talked a big game to some of the boys in the neighborhood..."
"I told them I had a hot wife who couldn't keep her hands off me," Dean finally got out. "So, you'll have to play it up." For a moment Dean looked ashamed, but after seeing the look of pure outrage on your face, his own features brightened. "And maybe cut the dress a little shorter. I want to see my woman's legs."
With a full out self-satisfied smirk, Dean left you in the foyer, fuming.
If Dean wanted a handsy wife, then a handsy wife he'd get.
You were going to make him regret this.
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 years
Could you recommend some tentacle fics?
You're in luck because we have some self-proclaimed tentacle fic connoisseurs on this blog😂 Here are some favs.
An Unfamiliar Sea by anonymousEDward [Explicit, 108k words]
When a massive hunt drops into Sam and Dean's laps, they go in guns blazing - but what Dean discovers in the basement ends up changing his life for the better.
Alien Cas by MalMuses [Explicit, 111k words]
Dean is an astronaut, and he definitely chose the career so that he could help move humanity forward, not just because he didn't want to sit in an office, thank-you-very-much. Becoming the first human to set foot on Mars was never part of his five-year plan, but he loved his job and couldn't say no when the opportunity arose. He had spent plenty of time thinking about what he was risking never seeing again if something went wrong; his brother, brother-in-law, and the adorable kid they were adopting, not to mention his friends, his car, and pie. What he hadn't considered was what, or who, he might find when he actually got there.
Halflings by Unforth  [Explicit, 103k words]
Ever since his wife Lisa died, Dean Winchester has been willing to do anything for his son Ben. When Ben decided he wanted to adopt a halfling, Dean said yes without hesitation - provided they did so the right way, by giving whichever half-human they decided to bring home the respect and dignity it deserved. Half-octopi Castiel isn't exactly what they were looking for in a pet, but, then, they aren't exactly what Castiel was expecting for owners, either.
My Little Sea Treasure by Hiyochi [Mature, 63k words]
Exotic creatures weren’t really anything new to the world, animals all over the world, undiscovered that are coming about, being tamed to become pets. Only those who were rich or famous had these creatures, the more you had, the higher status. Somehow, Dean Winchester, a simple man, has stumbled across one.
Only a Salt Kiss Remains by InvictaAnimi [Explicit, 28k words]
Castiel is a brilliant cellist who plays by the seaside every day. Lately, though, he’s felt uncomfortable during his practice. His hair stands up on the back of his neck and he catches movement out of the corner of his eye. Of course, when he turns his head, nothing is there. He’s half convinced himself that his loneliness is causing him to go mad, when his admirer finally shows himself. Or itself. Being taken and held hostage against his will by a creature that shouldn’t exist might sound tragic to most people, but not to Castiel. Not in hindsight, anyway. It turns out, the most terrifying and unlikely of circumstances can bring unimaginable joy.
Research Specimen 14652 by Unforth [Explicit, 6k words]
Or: "Cas' just a scientist, Dean's just an octopus, can I make it any more obvious?" sung to the tune of Sk8ter Boi. Or: five times Dean hurt Cas without consent, and one time Cas' consent was enthusiastic. Or: yet another fic unforth has no idea how to accurately tag.
skin deep aquarium by sharkfish [Explicit, 3k words]
Cas moves closer, the end of a tentacle wrapping around Dean’s ankle as his hands tilt Dean’s chin up. “There are things I’m not supposed to tell you.” "I know,” Dean says. “The biology of our genders is different, as is our social behavior surrounding it.” “I know, Cas.” Cas tugs at Dean’s ankle and kisses him like it was hurting him not to. “I’m an alpha,” Cas says.
Squidding around by zation [Explicit, 92k words]
The Yellow-Eyed demon is dead. Vengeance extracted, Sam and Dean decide to try and get out of the hunting business and settle down. So Sam goes back to Stanford, Dean buys a beach house along the Californian coast, and things are simple for a while. Until it isn’t. Or, The one where the supernatural insists on finding Dean and where Dean doesn’t mind all that much. Not when the supernatural has tentacles, bluer than blue eyes, and is called Castiel.
Sweet Prince Castiel Meets the Tentacles of Pleasure by everandanon [Explicit, 98k words]
Imprisoned by his brother and doomed to be married on his twenty-first birthday, Prince Castiel manages to escape his quarters and flee to the magical Looking Glass Lake. There, he makes a wish to meet his truemate, his only hope at changing his fate — and to his surprise, his wish is granted. There’s just one problem. Or rather — there’s eight of them.
Tentacle Husbands by tiamatv [Explicit, 23k words]
“Dammit, Cas, stop it!” Dean complains, laughing. “Okay, seriously, how would the kingdom of Lebanon react if it knew their beloved Prince Castiel has a thing for feet?” Cas gives him a very wry look down the bridge of his nose, and gestures at the swirl of the eight octopus arms moving in the water underneath him. “I’m pretty sure the kingdom, if it were aware, would be much more offput by other things than my enjoying your toes, Dean.”
The Seraph by Hywar [Explicit, 135k words]
Ever since the seraph were discovered, there's been one rule society has had to adapt to: stay out of open water. Powerful, determined and aggressive, the octopus-human creatures are in a league of their own and have no qualms with taking what they want and attacking what they don't. Now, children learn to swim in man-made lakes and beaches are deserted save for researches and the fool-hearted. Dean Winchester is neither of those things. But a hunt has brought him and Sam, his brother, to one of the many abandoned beaches, where Dean is left with no choice but to take refuge in the water. He should be safe, he thinks, he doesn't go too deep - just deep enough to hide himself and to deter his pursuer. He forgot just how fast the damn things could be, and how determined they were once they had their eyes on something.
The Siren and the Sea Monster by Ltleflrt [Explicit, 15k words]
When Cain moves to Washington State, Dean decides to follow him so that he can keep his job as Cain's apprentice. The small town near the sea is Cain's home town, and he has a small beach house that he rents to Dean for dirt cheap, with only a warning to beware of strange neighbors.
What Has Eight Tentacles and Isn’t Allowed to Eat Pie? by Annie D [Teen, 16k words]
Dean watched an anime porn about this once, but real life turns out to be way less interesting. Or, the one where Dean gets turned into an octopus.
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lovetransaction · 1 year
Happy WW Maggie!! If you had to put Sam & Dean in a crossover AU (i.e. put the brothers in a different canon’s universe), what would it be and how do you see them acting in that situation?
This is literally one of my favourite things to do EVER so thank you a million times over for this question Spike <3
Twin Peaks. I'm not sure if I'd include actual TP characters or just replace them with SPN characters but maybe a mix might be better so Dean can get perved on by Ben Horne at One Eyed Jack's. Agent Cooper would be working with Sheriff Winchester (John). Ellen and Jo can run the Roadhouse where Julee Cruise sings. Dean and Sam and Cas would be Laura->Donna->James I think
Ex Machina HEAR ME OUT Mary is the eccentric genius who brings eager smarty pants Sam to her secluded bunker-house to do a Turing test on her latest bestest AI creature Dean, who (unbeknowsnt to Sam) was created to look like a composite of all Sam's porn searches. also Mary fucks all her AI robots esp her current favourite John. i'm a terrible feminist for this bc the movie was intended to be a feminist parable ahahah but anyhow I'm making it queer and probably trans so I think that counts. it ends super bloody ofc 😌
Deadwood. I would write Bobby as Ellsworth ahahahha and he'd marry Rowena after her husband Cain dies (man I forgot both Bobby and Cain were in this show). And Sam and Dean would be siblings who come to work at the saloon and ofc Dean would become part of the whore stable bc I only have one move when it comes to him. Sam would reluctantly become sheriff and bang Rowena until his schoolteacher wife Cas comes to town. Crowley owns the Gem Saloon and is Sam's nemesis until they have to band together against idk. Lucifer probably.
Practical Magic and now that I just typed that I have shorted out my own brain because I wanna write this so fucking bad omg Ketch as Dean's evil boyfriend and Cas? John? either as the police detective and Jack and Kevin as Sam's kids and Rufus and Bobby as The Aunts
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pregnancykink · 1 year
scenario: dean gets out of purgatory pregnant with monster babies. thoughts? (how does Sam react? are they keeping them? is Sam driven crazy horny by the fact that the first time he’s seen Dean in a year, Dean’s very far along in a pregnancy?)
Ugh YES!! (Also if anybody has any fic recs w this scenario pls send em my way). I love this idea so much, and I also think Sam would be so TORN. So many things are going through his head! Firstly jealousy because how come HE didn’t knock Dean up? Their relationship is so messy in the beginning of s8, between the fallout of s7 (the Amy thing for sure) and everything with Benny. Sam constantly with the “oh so not only are you best friends with a monster but you let one knock you up, too?” He’s also like, reeling from the whole Amelia thing I guess (rip samelia it felt so uhhh. I did not like that arc).
Like here’s the thing. I love Sam & Dean but they are not therapized. AND they’re siblings. When they fight, they get nasty. And so Sam says that and Dean probably comes back with some stuff about Ruby. It’s MESSY.
But also. Provided Dean is at least 4 months and showing. SAM IS SO HORNY. I mean Look At Dean. He looks so Good knocked up. Sam is so 🤤 over his body and the things it can do. Picture-perfect fertile wife; my man is constantly on the edge of nutting.
And ALSO. ALSO. Dean is like, mega-horny with hormones and partially like, so pleased to be pregnant; he knows what he’s doing. He can take care of people. He likes having someone dependent on him. He wants domesticity. He wants SAM’S baby. So I imagine he’s also feeling weird about the whole thing. Dean is also the one who, with the exception of Benny, is constantly “a monster is a monster.” He’s let kids go before but I imagine he is very torn up inside about all this. Especially if he uhhhh wasn’t knocked up consensually.
Conclusion: if Dean is less than 20 weeks, I think he probably does get an abortion. He knows the kids are monsters, and he does not want to have to deal with the “will I eventually have to kill my children?” vs. “I know I won’t be able to but other hunters will come after them.” It’s a hard choice. He doesn’t tell Sam. It breaks him in a way. Dean, king of expressing emotions badly, hits that s9 depression beard & drinking problem (uh. Worse drinking problem) before MoC era. Sacrifice still happens because now Dean ESPECIALLY isn’t letting Sam go.
If Dean is more than 20 weeks, they do keep the kids, it’s a fucking mess; as much as I went Dean to play house and Sam to knock him up, I think they probably eventually give the kids up for adoption, maybe with somebody they trust to protect them. Not a hunter, but someone versed in the supernatural. Missouri, maybe…
Anyway, I welcome others’ opinions on this!! My answer was a bit all over the place, admittedly…
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rottencaniness · 1 year
regarding John Winchester—
I firmly believe he had love for Sam and Dean, I just don’t think he knew what to do without Mary or any other person to give him direction. Something constant in his life is his ability to know what to do, in the marines he was given tasks and jobs that he could follow, when Mary was alive she was there to lean on if he needed when it came to the boys, he knew how to be a normal parent with a wife and house and steady job, but when Mary died he lost all of that. I think he did care, I think when he drank a little too much and came home late to see the boys already tucked away per Deans doing his heart ached, he knew he was messing up and a part of him only wanted to scoop the little boys into his arms and hush their sorrows away, show them that they were loved and cared about the way he and Mary wanted them to be. But he wasn’t that family man anymore, he couldn’t hold them or show his love, losing Mary ruined every aspect of his life and changed the way his brain worked, he couldn’t think straight about the boys needs or care because Mary was gone, she was supposed to be there to raise them with him, she was their mother and his wife, he had lost everything when he lost her. The devastation took him over and I think if John had the chance he would go back and do it all over, change his treatment of his sons and make their lives better, or at least try to
And when he died and was left with all the guilt of everything— Mary would wrap him in her arms and whisper that she knew, she knew he tried his best and she knew how bad his grief was, that she understood everything he did and how it all played out, and she listened to his sobs for her and felt his ache when he’d look down at pictures of her that were just barely salvaged out of the fire, because she had the same ache in her chest, they were each others fateful lovers, cupid and god worked together to make them a couple, there was nothing that could come between them — and their boys, their precious sons, they were supposed to be cherished and loved the same way John and Mary loved one another, in their heads they had a life planned for their sons that was safe and joyful, neither of them wanted the misery and despair their sons would be forced to face long after each of their deaths
john didn’t want his sons to be destined to a life of misery and unfairness, he cared for them and loved them deeply
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egipci · 1 year
hi! i love your fics and writings! i was wondering how john might feel about authorities like the police or the military, given the requirements of his lifestyle, and seeing dean's acab attitude, do you think he came back disenchanted from the war? or that being a hunter has changed the way he sees these agencies? or maybe opposing them is just occupational hazards? i mean. do you have headcanons for these things?
hello and thank you, kind anon! That's such an interesting question. You got me thinking about a little scene in the police station after Mary burns, a la Manchester-by-the-Sea, where John is still in shock about what happened and in disbelief about seeing her on the ceiling (because that's obviously not the result of a routine gas accident, though maybe a kind of home invader--- but then again what human can pin a person to the ceiling like that and escape in the three seconds between her screaming and John finding her? So that couldn’t have actually happened) and he's like "I got drunk, I fell asleep in front of the TV, I heard Mary scream, I woke up and I went to see what happened, and as soon as I went into the room it exploded" ---
Or, in the world in which Azazel momentarily possesses him to feed Sam and is found out by Mary (she didn't recognizes him at first!)--- in that world where he remembers sitting down with a beer and watching a movie and then maybe -- moving around the house, going up to that room but not remembering why, feeling out of control of his body or in a trance, or where he has a weird gap in his memory where he just blacked out until his wife screaming woke him up ---
Or, even the world in which he recognizes right away that someone invaded his home and killed his wife--
In all these scenarios it comes down to "I got drunk, and my wife got killed, and you're just... letting me go?" and the police is like "Sorry, man. Accidents happen, it's not a crime to get drunk, and there is no evidence of any foul play here" --- and in all these scenarios he comes away with a deep impression of the ineffectualness of the police, who are letting fuck-ups like him out there getting married and having kids and getting to keep these kids even after such profound failure (and/or not looking for the person who killed his wife). And of course after he speaks to Missouri that disdain takes on an extra layer of pity or condescension, because obviously the police don't know what's out there and cannot for various reasons. And over the course of his hunting career they are mostly a nuisance and an occupational hazard --- and they pose a real threat to his custody over his children -- but they're useful insofar that they give some people closure --- maybe rarely, but it happens.
That tangent aside, I'm also intrigued by little John growing up in Kansas in the 1960s, raised by a single mother, probably lower-middle class, if not just outright in poverty--- sure it's the Sexual Revolution, but I'd be surprised if women like his mother were not harassed/ heavily-policed. The 1960s was also the rise of mass incarceration and a period where, for example, the welfare system utilized police apparatus to monitor "welfare fraud" --- including literally making midnight visits into women's home to inspect if there were a "man in the house," or denying benefits to mothers who had children out of wedlock or who held a job that earned them so little they could barely survive, or where your neighbors who didn't like you could just call the police on you because you should be poor and on welfare but your kids have dolls and new clothes or whatever. Of course these policies disproportionately impacted black and brown people, but white people were obviously not completely shielded from state intervention.
I also think a lot about John's own abandonment issues/daddy issues and the kind of trouble he got into as teenage rebellion or teenage angst or whatever, combined with the fact that he looked like that. Did he have a dad-hole anywhere near the size of Dean Winchester's? Absolutely not --- but he was a young pretty thing, raised by a woman, having to "perform masculinity" in a way to protect himself and his mother, and I'm contra mundi re: this headcanon, but I think part of why he's so cognizant of Dean's sexual appeal to monsters and humans alike is that he himself to some degree was sexualized from a young age and has experienced sexual aggression from men, including but not limited to, police officers. So like, does he have respect for local police? Probably not. (Which is why Bad Boys is nonsensical).
Now, re the military, I think it's not uncommon for people to have some kind of cognitive dissonance in their views about the military vis-a-vis the police, even though the police is increasingly heavily-militarized. Even if you're an anti-police libertarian, the police is bad because it's the state interfering in your life, the military is out there far away fucking with some other people. (If you're a white supremacist, the police and the military are fucking with brown people who need fucking with.) It's interesting too that John joined the Marines 1) not only willingly, but through fraud, when there was already a significant movement against the draft and draft dodgers were prosecuted 2) when over 50% of Americans were against the war, and the percentage was probably much higher among his age group, 3) the Pentagon Papers came out in 1971, around the same time he enlisted. Like--- guy, what were you thinking?! Still, young men and women get duped into the military every day, so, does this make him particularly evil or unethical? I don't know. We (generalizing here), for better or for worse, have gotten really good at separating the US's war crimes from the people who perpetrate them --- intelligence agencies and politicians lie and get Americans killed, or so it goes. It's not uncommon to hear from veterans who deeply regret what they were asked to do while still recognizing themselves and the people they served with as victims. So, does he regret joining? Probably. Does he maintain any loyalty to the military as an institution? Maybe. Does he maintain loyalty to the veterans he served with, or veterans at large? Absofuckinglutely. We don't really have a lot of evidence either way, but we know John spoke of his family in military idiom and understood himself as drill sergeant, which suggests he finds some value in the institution or its methodologies. (See also Dean's running to help Deacon, or his attempt to connect with random Marine man in S1.)
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naoa-ao3 · 1 year
Burning My Back
John ran into a man from his marine days in a diner and they stopped to talk.
"Long time no see." The man says. His name is Jim. John remembers him. He was a few years older than he was. Jim looks older. More so than he should. He asks John about his life. "You got a family?" He asks.
John nods. "Two boys. All grown up now." He says.
Jim smiles. "Sounds nice. I ain't got any. Wife and I tried but. . ." He shook his head and John understands. "Probably for the best anyhow."
John gives him an encouraging look but Jim just smiles and shakes his head. "You know I stayed on and did two more tours after you got discharged. Got myself up to corporal." He says. "Thought I'd make a career out of it. I wasn't good at anything else." John feels for him. "That didn't happen. Explosion got me hurt. Hurt got me discharged." Jim shrugs. "So I came home and got hitched." He stares off into the distance. "I think I scare the wife. I know I did when I first got married. Used to get so mad. Littlest damn thing would set me off. Sometimes nothing. I used to scream and break things. Hit her once or twice even." He looks as though he feels deep shame for that. John's torn between thinking he should and knowing it's unfair to blame him. "By all rights she should have left me but she didn't. She said we'd get through it and you know what? We did. For the longest time we did. We even tried for a few kids." A look of great sadness passed over his face. "Never could though." He pauses and grins at John. "But I guess that's for the best. Lately I've been getting bad again." His smile disappears. "I keep smelling the jungle. I haven't smelled that in years. When I first got back I'd wake up with the smell of napalm in my nose. You ever woke up with that?"
John says he has. When he first got back he spent a few months where he couldn't get the smell out of his system. He has to think now about what it smelled like and suddenly he can remember clear as day. Jim sees this on his face and knows. He smiles sadly. Apologetically.
"What about your wife?" Jim asks.
"Dead." And suddenly it's not napalm or jungle he can smell it's the smoke and ash of his house burning. He can feel the smoke in his throat and lungs and his eyes tear up just a little like he's still trying to see through it. He can almost feel the heat. And he can feel the hatred and worry he'd felt that night. "House fire. Arson."
Jim makes a sympathizing face which is nice but of course he can't really sympathize because that's not the really the truth. "They catch the guy?" He asks.
John shakes his head. "No."
"Any idea who it was?"
John nods and suddenly he thinks that maybe he can tell Jim because odds are that he'll never see the man again and he's so far off the radar that anything he says can't be traced back to him. "I know who it was." He says firmly. "Bastard came after my son. My baby son."
Jim's eyes go wide and he grits his teeth. "Men like that ain't men." Of course he has no idea why Yellow Eyes was after Sam but John lets him fill in the blanks and believe what he wants cause really it doesn't matter.
Then Jim leans forward and says in a quiet voice: "You go after him John?"
John gives him a long hard look and nods.
"You get him John?"
"Not yet."
And Jim nods, he can respect a man doing everything he can to protect his children. And really that's what John's doing. He's got some idea of what Yellow Eyes plans and he wants to keep Sam from it. Damn kid doesn't understand and he's too afraid to tell him the truth. It's so awful he wants to just stop it before Sam ever has to know. And Dean, well he knows he Dean loves his little brother and maybe it's not fair to expect him to protect Sammy like that but that's the way it is. There's a lot of bad in the world and if he could kill it all before it touches his kids he would but he can't and so he'll teach his kids to kill it too. To protect themselves.
"You be careful going after someone like that." Jim says.
John nods. "I am."
"You close to getting him?"
"Getting closer."
They pause a moment and John wonders if he's like Jim a little. Maybe it wasn't Vietnam that got him, maybe it was the fire. He doesn't like the thought but he thinks it must be true. He can almost always feel the flames on his back. Feel the rage towards Yellow Eyes. Feel the desire to save his children, even if it means hurting them in the process. Because he can handle them hating him, it hurts but if it's what keeps them alive in the process he's willing to do it.
Jim looks away and then back. "You ever feel out of place, John? Like you can't find anyone to talk to?"
John doesn't nod because nodding feels self pitying and he's not a man who likes to indulge in that. But he does know what Jim is talking about.
"Didn't think about it for years." Jim says. "Then I went to a buddy's funeral a year ago and it was like someone pulled the plug. I kept smelling the jungle and feeling the heat. Even when it's cold I feel it. Ain't been this bad since I first got back."
At the mention of Heat John feels a searing heat on his back. Maybe he is like Jim and has something bad he can't get out of his system. Maybe it was the fire that got him. Just like the war got Jim. He doesn't like the thought.
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Brought Together by a Five-Year-Old (Dean Winchester x F!Reader) Part 10: The Holidays
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The walk to the L/N household was fairly uneventful, S/N chased a bunny around for a bit and they ran into a few exceptionally cute dogs, in the opinion of Sam, Y/N, and S/N. Dean agreed that the dogs were fine, or whatever, but tried his best to avoid getting fur on him. Y/N had watched him, confused, and he had shrugged, "It's not that I don't like dogs, it's just that they're so messy." 
S/N gasped, while his mother looked at Dean incredulously. "Mr. Winchester, that doesn't matter. Dogs are the best!"
Dean sighed, not wanting to disappoint the small boy that he'd grown to love so much. "They're really cute and everything I just don't like the mess. I try to keep my apartment and car as orderly as I can."
Sam let out a hearty laugh, "Don't downplay your love for 'Baby', Dean. Remember that one time you wouldn't let me ride in her, just because I had a sandwich I wanted to eat on the drive?"
Scoffing, Y/N raised her eyebrows and gave a slightly judgmental smile, "'Baby'? I did not peg you as the type that would name his car. And especially a name like 'Baby'."
Dean rubbed his temples with his hands, trying to refrain from throttling his grinning younger brother, "Yeah, well, it just seemed right when I was fixing her up as a kid so it just stuck." He trailed off not wanting to dive into his life during high school.
The woman waited a moment to see if he was going to continue and when it became clear he wasn't, she shrugged, grabbing her son's hand and turning to Sam with a soft smile, "Our place is just up this block."
Sam nodded in response and the group continued in silence. 
Soon enough, Dean found himself in the L/N house for the second time, and it felt even more like home than he remembered. Sam was complimenting Y/N on the decor and flower arrangements on the front porch when S/N ran up and tugged on the tall man's hand, excited to give the other Winchester brother a tour of his home. Dean felt a pinch of jealousy in his stomach, finding himself hoping that S/N gave Sam a less detailed and passionate tour than he had given to him months before. 
He sighed and pushed down the feeling, along with the intense shame that came hand in hand with the jealousy. He knew he should be happy that Sam got along with Y/N and S/N. If, and this was a big if, he ever did end up with Y/N he couldn't live with it if Sam didn't get along with her and her son. That would definitely be a dealbreaker for Dean. He couldn't have a division between his girlfriend or wife or whatever she could end up being and his brother, and best friend if he was honest. The only other opinion he needed was Bobby's, but he hadn't even made a move yet so he figured it was a bit too soon to introduce her to the ol' curmudgeon of a man he called uncle. 
He broke out of his thoughts to the sight of Y/N standing directly in front of him, delicately waving her hand in front of his face and poorly suppressing a giggle, "Dean, you good, man? You sure do space out a lot."
Dean blushed and shrugged, "Yeah, lately I've had a lot on my mind."
Y/N tilted her head at him, eyebrows furrowed in concern, and lightly placed her hand on his arm, "Is everything alright?"
Blushing and feeling the heat from her hand burning through his shirt, Dean shook his head, "It's nothing worth sharing right now, don't worry I'm fine."
She narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion before sighing, "Ok," She said as she removed her hand. Dean tried desperately not to miss the heat but it felt like his arm had lost all life now that her touch was gone. "Well, while Sam and S/N are busy I'm going to get started cooking dinner. You can hang out here and listen to music or join them or really do whatever you want." 
She stood, waiting for an answer. Dean paused, thinking over his words, "Well, what are you making? I'd love to lend a hand if you don't mind. I'm sure there's plenty to do and you don't need to do it all yourself." 
A dark blush dusted Y/N's cheeks as she smiled, "That would be really nice actually. Am I safe in assuming you know how to cook burgers? You seem like the kind of man who has perfected his burger making strategy, and I was planning on having those as our main course. I'm just making a hodgepodge of all of S/N's favorite foods, so the menu might seem a little haphazardous but he'll love it."
Nodding, Dean smirked and, using the most obnoxiously cocky voice he could manage, responded, "Oh, honey, you're looking at the burger master."
She rolled her eyes and let out a dramatic sigh, though the smile never left her face. "Alright, I have high expectations then, 'Burger Master'." 
She moved past him and into the kitchen, his eyes couldn't help but follow her movements. He swallowed roughly and trailed behind her, feigning confidence and calmness when Y/N turned to face him. She was standing in front of the oven, a large kitchen counter separating her from Dean. 
She began to speak, moving her hands with her words, "Ok, so the meat is in the fridge, I have my own mix of spices that I usually use, but since you're a burger master feel free to improvise with anything you find. S/N is a surprisingly curious child when it comes to food, and will eat just about anything. I'm going to get started on the baked mac n cheese casserole and after that, I'll probably knock out the Texas Toast. Let me know when you're done with the burgers, I might need the extra hands to finish this up. We've got a couple more dishes in the fridge, these are just the ones I figured should be prepared right before being eaten." She had turned away from him at this point, washing her hands while she spoke and drying them before ending her instructions with a small shrug. "Thank you so much for your help, you really don't have to but it's very much appreciated."
Dean smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck before walking over to where Y/N was standing at the sink, "It's really no problem, I'd love to help out. And Sammy can keep S/N busy for a while." The two stood in silence for a moment before Dean realized just how close they were, how easy it would be to lean down and capture her plump lips in a kiss, and quickly turned to wash his hands.
The movement jolted Y/N out of her stupor and she moved swiftly to the fridge, holding it open as if looking for ingredients while willing the cold air to smother the dark red blush burning across her face. 
The two worked in awkward silence, Dean adding his own touch (a sprinkle of cinnamon) to the burger seasonings and Y/N cooking the bacon and melting the cheeses together for the casserole. 
After fifteen minutes of tension, Y/N spoke, "Should I... uh... put on some music?"
Sighing with relief, Dean responded with a strong nod. Y/N let a faint smile grace her features and moved to the other side of the room where a small speaker sat. She pulled out her phone and began scrolling through her music while plugging it into the speaker. Without looking up she spoke, "So, what are you in the mood for, Mr. Winchester?" Dean worried for a second about the use of formalities before he sensed the jest in her tone and relaxed again. Boy, she had a hold on him. 
He cleared his throat, "How about something... classic? And slow? Something jazzy? I actually don't think I'm in the mood for rock right now, shockingly enough." He tried to regret the suggestion but he couldn't find a single part of him that wanted to resist the possibility of dancing around a kitchen to Sinatra with Y/N. Sliding up behind her, spinning her around and scooping her up in his arms. He would never have thought he'd be grateful for the swing dancing section of his high school gym class but man, now he really saw the appeal. 
Not that he'd act on that though. Of course not. Highly inappropriate. 
Y/N hummed with thought, "So, like Nat King Cole? A little Count Basie big band? Some Sinatra-style crooning?"
Dean pondered for a moment before going with the only artist he really knew well from the choices, "Put my boy Frankie on, I can groove to Fly Me to the Moon right now."
Chuckling, Y/N scrolled for a second longer before tapping the screen and setting her phone down, the first soft notes of Strangers in the Night wafting through the air and melding with the warm scent of food being cooked, lighting up Dean's senses and pulling a contented sigh from deep within him. 
He watched, though he tried not to make it obvious, while Y/N swayed to the music, sashaying over to the oven to check on the casserole before grabbing the Texas Toast from the freezer. She must have felt his eyes, because she looked up with a light blush dancing on her cheeks, "Hey, I know, mother-of-the-year cooking right here. It's the only thing I didn't make myself so, honestly, I don't feel too badly." 
Dean choked on his words, nearly dropping the patty he had been kneading, "Oh no I wasn't... I didn't even think about that I just..." He faltered, searching his mind for any excuse as to why he would've been watching her so intently that wasn't based on his ever-growing attraction to the woman.
She tilted her head to the side in confusion, "You just... what?" 
Forcing himself not to think about how adorable she looked, like a sweet little puppy all bewildered and probably a bit worried for him, he must've looked like a blubbering fool. He gained his senses back and finished his thought, hoping beyond all hope he didn't sound too panicked and that she would buy the excuse, "I just was thinking about how long it's been since I've had some good old Texas Toast is all. It's delicious I don't know why I haven't eaten it in ages."
Y/N didn't look quite convinced but shrugged it off and continued placing the pieces of bread on the pan in front of her, "Yeah, it's pretty good. S/N absolutely loves it. How are the burgers coming?"
Dean glanced back down at the burger he had been molding for far too long, having forgotten what he was doing due to the stress of the interaction, "Uh... probably another fifteen minutes and they'll all be cooked." 
He looked back up at Y/N who was smiling brightly as she responded, "Perfect! The casserole should be done in five and these only take about seven minutes. Man, we timed this well." She lifted up the pan and opened the oven, placing the toast inside and checking her watch for the time. 
She hummed happily and shut the oven door. "S/N is going to be so happy~" She twittered before spinning over to the cabinet and fridge to get out buns, condiments, and the few other courses she had prepared earlier. Dean watched as she took a massive serving plate out of the fridge and pulled a face, "Deviled eggs? Really? What kind of kid likes deviled eggs?"
Y/N shrugged as best as she could without dropping the plate, "Honestly, who knows. But S/N loves them, he'd inhale this entire platter if I let him."
Dean chuckled in disbelief, trying to shake the disgust from his face, "He's a weird little kid. A good kid. But weird taste. It's no wonder he and Castiel are best buds."
Relishing the tinkling laugh that he got from that comment, Dean felt his heart warm. He smiled softly and hummed along to the music, watching as Y/N stepped in time with the beat as she set the table. Dean finished preparing the burgers and took the food out of the oven. Y/N smiled at him and put her hand on his arm, damn there was that heat again, "Thank you, really, that was very sweet of you." 
Dean smiled but didn't speak, he didn't trust his voice not to betray how vulnerable he was feeling with her hand on his arm and her eyes looking so deeply and, dare he say it, lovingly into his. 
Sam and S/N entered the room, smelling the aroma of the meal drifting throughout the house. The four sat down to eat, S/N hugging both Dean and his mother in thanks before taking his seat. The room was filled with silence for a solid ten minutes while everyone dug into the food.
Sam was the first to speak up, "This is delicious Y/N, you've got to share these recipes with me. Jess would love this casserole." 
Y/N blushed slightly and swallowed the bite of mac n cheese she had just taken before speaking, "Well, the baked mac n cheese is easy enough. I can text you the recipe if you give me your number later. It's very simple and lasts for a while too so the giant portion isn't really a downside. I can send you any other recipes if you'd like them, but you'll have to thank Dean for the burgers."
Wide-eyed and paused with a forkful of food halfway to his mouth, Sam nodded in realization and turned his gaze to his brother, "I thought these tasted familiar. Good batch of burgers, Dean."
Y/N hummed in agreement and S/N voiced his approval as well. "Mr. Winchester these are the best burgers I've EVER HAD. Can you please come back and make them again?"
Y/N choked on her food with a laugh and Dean turned bright red. He sputtered out a response, "Uh, yeah, of course, bud. As long as that's alright with your mama." He glanced at Y/N who had a small smile on her face. 
She raised her eyebrows, opening and closing her mouth a couple of times before speaking, "Well, I don't see why not."
S/N beamed and returned to shoving food in his face. The adults laughed before easing back into conversation. Before they knew it, their plates were empty, their stomachs and hearts were full to the brim, and it was S/N's bedtime. Y/N picked up the sleepy boy, carrying him up to his room to get him ready for bed. She whispered to the brothers, "I'll be right back, I'm going to put him to bed while he's tired. To avoid him getting too excited to let you guys go and everything."
Sam nodded and Dean gave her a thumbs up. She disappeared around the corner and they heard her light footfall climbing the stairs. Sam immediately turned on Dean, "Dean. You can't deny this. You really can't deny this. I'm actually astonished at how well you two seem to fit together. I really hope you decide to move forward with this at some point. I know you want to wait but please, don't let this girl slip through your fingers." Dean ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, "I see it too Sammy. I feel it. I just... I need to be careful."
Sam thought for a moment, "I know, Dean, I know. I'm just reaffirming the fact that she's basically perfect for you. I know how much you get into your own head and psych yourself out. I know your whole 'I don't deserve anything good in my life' mentality. I'm just reminding you that you do deserve the best of everything. And, in my opinion, that includes Y/N."
Dean opened his mouth to respond when they heard the soft footsteps coming down the stairs again. Y/N emerged from the darkness of the hallway and smiled at the boys before sensing the somber air of the room. She furrowed her eyebrows, whispering intently, "What's going on? Is everything alright?"
The brothers threw on smiles and nodded. Sam looked at his watch, "Oh boy, I should really get going. Since Jess is gone there's been no one to walk the dogs while I've been out. I better get home and take them out, lord I hope they didn't pee on the carpet again."
Y/N stifled a giggle, "Yeah, you should definitely get going then. Thanks for coming to dinner. It was nice getting to know you better. It's very clear why S/N has such a strong affinity for the Winchesters. I swear he wants to be one."
The three adults chuckled softly. Sam grabbed his coat from the hall and opened the front door, standing in the threshold for a moment longer, "I really am sorry to dine and dash but I completely forgot to take the dogs out earlier and Jess will be peeved if there's a mess. Thank you so much for the meal and your hospitality."
Sam waved goodbye, throwing a wink at his brother before jogging down the front steps and into the night. Y/N closed the door and turned to Dean, "He's a good guy." Dean nodded and she continued, "Anyway, thank you for coming. I'm not trying to kick you out or anything because, believe me, it's very nice to have you around, but I have quite a few dishes to do."
Dean bit his lip and waffled back and forth, wondering if he should leave as she requested or if he could possibly squeeze out just a little bit more one-on-one time with her, "I could help." Losing his confidence at the look of shock that passed over her face, he faltered, "If that's alright, of course. I don't mind at all and you'll be up all night doing those by yourself."
Y/N smiled shyly and laughed with a small shake of her head, "You're something else, Dean Winchester. Very gentlemanly. I actually would appreciate that very much, you're right, its a lot of work. I'll wash and you can dry?" She walked over to the sink, already piled high with dishes.
Nodding, Dean maneuvered around the room, picking up the dishes that hadn't been cleared from the table yet and bringing them to the sink. They worked in comfortable silence, and Dean found himself relishing the domesticity of it. He realized he really enjoyed doing menial things like the dishes when he had Y/N by his side. Everything was going smoothly until Y/N leaned over a bit too far when placing a wet dish on the counter where Dean was drying them. She slipped on the water that had gradually coated the floor around the sink and fell straight onto Dean. Time slowed down. Dean watched as the plate fell to the floor, shattering, though the sound seemed muffled as he looked back to the wide eyes of the woman who had just fallen for him, quite literally, and was currently clutching onto the front of his shirt, his hands wrapped around her waist and feeling very natural as they rested on her hips to steady her.
They stayed there, frozen. Dean couldn't help but look from her startled Y/E/C eyes down to her soft lips. He continued to hold her, unaware that she had noticed where his gaze had moved. His trance was broken by the feeling of something pressing against his mouth. His eyes went wide and his grip tightened on the woman's waist as he realized what was happening. He thought, briefly, oh so very briefly, of pulling away, of saving himself, but he couldn't. And didn't want to. He let himself melt into her warmth, closing his eyes and kissing her, holding her tighter and feeling his lips tingle with her every move. She pulled away to breathe and he opened his eyes, letting out a small whine and immediately feeling embarrassed. The feeling was replaced almost as quickly as it came when he found himself staring into the beautiful Y/E/C eyes before him. He felt his breath get caught in his throat and his heart fill up with something, he wouldn't dare call it love just yet. Y/N looked slightly scared but there was something underneath it, he wouldn't dare call that love either but man, he really wanted to. He found himself pulling her closer, their bodies flush against one another and their breathing intermingled. He took one of his hands and cupped her face, his heart melting as she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. He gradually moved her face closer and took her lips in his again. 
This kiss was sweeter. Less frenzied and fearful. They stood, bodies melding into one, lips moving softly against each other. Y/N brought her hands up from Dean's chest to the back of his neck, fingers running in his hair. He took a chance and kissed her with a bit more passion, feeling her fingers tense in his hair, knotting themselves in the short, dirty blonde locks. Dean couldn't deny the heat building low in his stomach at the slight tug on his hair. He could feel the situation escalating, her body pushing up against his in such a pleasing way. He realized then how deep he was. As he was about to pull away, Y/N stopped. She took a step back and ran her fingers through her hair.
"Fuck. Fuck, Dean. Fuck."
Dean couldn't stop himself, he chortled and replied, "Yeah, that's where I thought we might have been heading too."
Y/N's expression morphed from anxiety to a grin. She punched Dean in the shoulder, "You jackass, oh my god." She got serious again and Dean felt his heart drop, "But really, we can't do this. Not now."
Dean nodded, "I should probably go."
Y/N sighed in agreement. The two walked to the door, standing in a heavy silence. Dean opened his mouth but, thinking better of it, closed it again and turned to leave.
As he grabbed the doorknob, he felt a soft hand on his, "Ok, so, maybe just... one more kiss?" 
Dean's heart soared and he grabbed Y/N's face in his hands, connecting their lips and feeling the warmth rush through him again. That was a feeling he could definitely get used to. He held on to Y/N's face until he needed to breathe again. 
Breaking their lips apart and breathing heavily, he held her cheeks and stared into her eyes, amazed at the depths he saw in them and the way her head fit so perfectly in his hands. "I'll see you on Monday?" He whispered.
"Of course." Her response was barely more than a breath but Dean heard it. And it was enough for him. He looked into her eyes for a moment longer before placing a sweet kiss on her lips, a kiss full of longing and feelings and purpose. 
And then, Dean left.
Would they have a lot to talk about later? Yes. But was that on either of their minds as the door closed between them and the night moved on? Not in the slightest. Despite the troubles they both knew were present, Y/N and Dean slept well that night, drifting into dreams of each other with happy hearts.
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14
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