#dean gets shit on a lot in this show tbh
mybrainproblems · 2 years
completely genuine curiosity but like when ppl say that dabb doesn't understand dean, i'm very curious which of his specific episodes they are referring to. bc outside of moriah (where there was a Reason and it's the abraham and isaac of it all), the main episodes i can think of from late seasons where dean is ooc in terms of violence and cruelty...... are not written by him.
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wastemanjohn · 17 hours
i'm not at all bothered about people disliking john because entirely valid tbh and someone else's opinion changes nothing for me. i just think the militant anti john brigade - that is, those that make up textually unsupported and entirely leftfield reasons to dislike him - are really missing out.
the thing is, we've got an absolute buffet of an interesting and irreparably fucked up character here. we could debate the absolute Horrors of john winchester and his a+ parenting for days on end literally from the two seconds of screentime he had. because he does suck! it's totally fair to say that canon john is selfish, neglectful and at best emotionally abusive. now i'm defo no apologist (see username) - but he's also the furthest thing from a cardboard shitty abusive dad. there is serious context for the things he does and the way he thinks.
john's life was hell man. his own dad, for all he knew, abandoned him. he went to war young and almost certainly came back with ptsd. these things alone don't exactly make life easy but then your wife burns to death on a ceiling and you're left a widower and a single dad to a baby and a pre schooler before you're even thirty? then discover that it couldn't even be a plain old housefire but no - there is actual Evil out there and you and your children are not safe and never will be?
the desire for revenge is understandable. the desire to do stupid and paradoxically dangerous things to protect your children are understandable. right, good or healthy? no. but understandable. and that's what makes a good sympathetic character.
basically i think a lot of negative readings of john exaggerate the badness of his intentions and ignore his humanity. it's also understandable that john is not a beacon of emotional regulation. it's also understandable that he cant always balance being emotionally and physically there for his kids with Fighting The Horrors. pour alcohol misuse onto this dumpster fire and you're not getting a perfect person, or a perfect parent. you're getting a broken human who was focused only on keeping his kids safe, alive, protected, and able to protect themselves. sure, he had tunnel vision about it. he did it very badly. he controlled sam as the youngest and parentified dean as the oldest. he made sam feel misunderstood and smothered. he made dean feel completely responsible for the welfare of his brother and dependent on john's praise and approval as his second in command.
john fucked his kids up IMMEASURABLY. he thought he was doing the right thing.
also - remember young john? remember how he's softly spoken and loves his cars and adores his girlfriend and respects his fucking elders and, to quote mary, "believes in happy endings"? remember the doting dad we see for like a minute in the pilot? is that not meant to show us that, had his life not taken the turn it did - he would likely have been an entirely different person? how is the tragedy of that not also completely DELICIOUS??
so why homophobic john? why john who beat dean senseless regularly? why john who gave no shits and wanted his boys to be miserable? why these embellishments that make him someone else, someone with nothing good inside of him, when what canon gives us is so much better?
come on guys. the tragic messy sad angry selfish HUMAN john we got in the show is an absolute treat. why are we making him an irredeemable, unfeeling and uncomplicated asshole who doesn't give a shit about his boys. ya'll saw him spending a good 50% of his screen time crying about how much he loved them right? and sam and dean KNEW he loved them. they also knew, or in dean's case came to realise, that he was a terrible father in many ways. real life is messy and nuanced. families are messy and nuanced. and imo spn got this so right.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Every Supernatural Woman
Supernatural is so mean to women and committed to queerbaiting but it still gives Sam and Dean lovers to kill. The writers kill and villainize them and the fans get the few that remain
wincest and destiel shippers cannot handle the idea of their blorbos having a Woman THREATENING their SHIPS god FORBID
It literally used to be a running joke that if a female character got introduced you knew she was going to die soon because fans would react so negatively to her "stealing" one of the boys away from the big ship, whether it be destiel or wincest
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bredforloyalty · 5 months
Hii would you like to share your favourite fics?? In any fandoms tbh i just trust your taste a lot 🫣
oh i am an animal i don't think i have good taste i have the taste of someone who's always horny and a teeeeny tiny bit fucked in the head jcsgbhy but i'm honored you asked and i'll share<33 you said you don't care if it's more smut or more plot so i didn't worry too much about that 👍
first off, a warning: most of these are explicit, involve incest, rape, child sexual abuse, and more!!! also most of them are on the shorter side + all are male slash! you'll be able to tell based on the pairing and the concept (i'll describe them a little) so just go by common sense and, idk. beware ahaha i'll go from some pairings to assorted and then the rick and morty ones will be under the read more (i feel like i can't leave them out because some of them genuinely made me insane and changed me as a person or allowed me catharsis like very very few fics before and even though it's repulsive to most others i can't deny that. there are big favorites in there. favorites of all time if i'm being fully honest). let's go..
ghost dancer - by the lovely and talented rye @ supersonic1994!!!! noel overdoses on coke. i looove the image of kissing your brother when you think you're about to lose him forever,, does that make sense? love is love is love when one is desperate and if it's deep then it can transcend taboos and boundaries of self and all that shit. you know
things we never see - told through jill furmanovsky, their photographer, noel comes back (after they had almost broken up and he went to san fran without telling anyone). when it comes to them i do love an outsider pov. speaking of outsider pov,
you never notice you are blind - five times alan mcgee thinks he catches something between them and one time he definitely does. it is what it is
i don't really want to know - Nawt consensual, made me a bit sad hehe liam is not sick like him
some that are like, unhealthy jealousy possessiveness dubcon angst and so on: sins like scarlet, fishhook, what am i gonna dream now
hungry til well fed - by the wonderful bug @ deanjohn (and mandymovie)!!! iconic cannibalism fic, just so them
brighter wound - wound blood pain codependency babeyyy
take the things you love - hathfrozen is iconic also.. i loved the heaven fic (you'll find it. if you want) but i want to share this because i like how conflicted sam is about their relationship and about the way dean treats him. smutty though
manhattan for beads - what i wrote down is this is the one where they try and it doesn't work and it's heartbreaking. so yeah candle_beck can be trusted w spn, iconic too
serpent round your heart - one of the first ones i read haha ^^
where the evening splits in half - bug fic also!! all of bug's fics are great do check them out if you're interested in this pairing or dadson at all, seriously.. "Sam says, "I know how you felt about the man." No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t know that Dad was a pig. He has no idea how far down Dean was in the mud with him. How dirty they both were, how much Dad ruined him."
midnight midnight - first time, dean hooks up with men so john can take blackmail pics and he gets jealous and yeah, hooray
and you learn how to settle for what you get - sex again but they're fucked up so it's always fucked up. dean never asked for it
like i'm underwater - by the amazing @ kuleaxoxo!! yayyy power imbalance!! "Mister White's showing him off, isn't he?"
monaco - jesse gifts walt the watch. dubcon
i'm asking you to - rape roleplay, ignored safeword
countercontrol - terence fletcher/andrew neiman, "Andrew leaves; but he always comes back. He likes to think that it’s of his own accord. But then he thinks of those paintings of staircases with the optical illusion of the stairs going nowhere except winding into each other, going the same place again and again, and ultimately going nowhere."
beach fag - roman roy/jeryd mencken, "Roman wishes he was a kid with an adult boyfriend."
the serpent under it - aaron stampler/martin vail, look i fucking love primal fear this is post-canon they get together etc. important to me
simple pleasures - edward nygma/bruce wayne, this is a big favorite i can't leave it out because when this was um coming out i was fucking obsessed. it's long i don't even read long fics
there's a head in the refrigerator - michael afton/william afton, this one's sort of self-explanatory..... i felt we needed necrophilia representation here
rick and morty:
bitter and begging - FAVE.. after the jealousy and possessiveness in vindicators 3 (the episode with the avengers copies that morty is enamoured with. who rick slaughters when he's off his shit and then covertly confesses how much he loves morty basically). this one really got me i think i cried because it's all so sad but um. full of love
that's my boy - this is the first of a series, i like that it's the start of.. the sexual abuse and they're still uncertain like i enjoy the in-betweens and when lines are crossed
love is a solitary thing - this one i love so much, it's about morty's fantasies and unrequited feelings for rick
safe - gen, morty starts talking with another morty whose rick rescues mortys from abusive ricks. i always really liked how the multiverse is like a prism? you can explore the different facets of their relationship and the possibilities and the extremes through it, you can have your characters meet their worst and their best versions, i just think selves from different dimensions are a great tool. in storytelling. and eliciting emotions. anyway rovingotter is fucking solid here
hands - a favorite.. the atmosphere... "He wonders if he'll still be sitting here in ten years, handing Rick his screwdrivers, feeling that hot instinctive rush of pleasure at knowing what Rick is going to ask from him before he even asks: bred for it."
the shape you made me - morty's stream of consciousness. i usually don't give stuff like this a chance but when i tell you that this affected me. because fuck it did affect me
the damage has been done - um..... internal cardiac massage fic 🥴
repurposed - "Is it ethical to leave the horrors of the universe at a boy's fingertips?"
and last but NOT least there's this series that i haven't read in full, just a little bit broken, that fucking killed me. tbh! i sobbed at some parts legitimately. maybe that's just on me i don't know maybe it isn't. the first 5 are crazy. admittedly alcoholism runs in my family too (lol!) and their relationship is so tragic.... this fic is about when rick quite literally stole the kid's dreams, concocted an entire plan to erode morty's love of heists and make him stop writing his heist movie script (and having any aspirations or plans outside of rick). when i watched that episode these are exactly the emotions i wanted more of.. it's madness......
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fallingintolife · 1 year
Mother Knows Best
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Request: hi, i'm the anon that requested the sam winchester shopping fic ft dean! i hope you don't mind me requesting another sam one lol ( i don't see a lot of sam ones tbh so when i saw that you write for sam too i got excited :'D ) could the reader be a hunter that ran away from home because they have a narcissistic / manipulative mother ( kind of like mother gothel from tangled ) and started traveling with sam and dean because they felt safe with them , as well as dating sam ? one day while being out it turns out the reader's mother was in the same town , looking for them to try and bring them back home , and reader gets all scared because they don't want to go back which sam and dean notice just some good old fashion angst and hurt / comfort :)
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Abusive mother, panic attack description
Summary: Dean said it best, "Monsters I get. People are crazy!"
Word Count: 1,875
A/N: Let me start off by saying I am so so so so so sorry this took as long as it did for me to post! I really have enjoyed writing on this prompt unfortunately life just got in the way but I hope that you do end up seeing this and reading it. I do hope that it was worth the wait...
Sending love 💕, hugs 🥰, and positive vibes ✨
When it came to being a hunter, there were a few unspoken rules. One of them being that no one asked anyone about their past; such as: how they got into hunting or any personal questions period. So when Sam met you while doing research in a public library for a hunt, which you helped solve, none of those questions were asked. Of course they made sure to test you to make sure you weren't a werewolf or demon or any other monster but after all the tests were negative you came along with them on hunts. At first you stayed in the motel room next door, but after a couple months you stayed with the boys in their room.
You'd been with the boys for eight months now, dating Sam for four of them. Even though Sam and Dean didn't ask you about your past they both had noticed different little habits that you did that showed them that your life wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. Sam noticed that you hated giving your opinion or making any decisions. Dean noticed that any time he would yell or even just raise his voice in the slightest you would go into a complete panic. Noises in general seemed to send you into high alert. You were also very timid, not just in public but even still with them to an extent. And touching. You didn't like to be touched. Dean had gone to ruffle your hair once but after he saw you flinch and even braced for, what he assumed was for him to hit you…they avoided touching you. After that Sam let you initiate any kind of touch or affection that you wanted. He had gathered that you must have been in an abusive relationship at some point in your life and that maybe you were running away from them when they found you.
You were starting to open up some though. Sam was really happy to see you for you. He got to see what movies you liked and what kind of books you liked to read, and also just hear you talk about anything and everything.
You loved being with the boys. Even though the hunting itself was scary, living the hunter lifestyle was somehow better than your life before. You didn't remember a lot from when you were young growing up. (probably because your mind thought it was too much and too traumatic…) It had always just been you and your mom. She always hated you. You didn't know why, she simply just did. That was how it had always been. She knew how to cut you down in a second, how to quickly make you doubt yourself, and shit was she a master at guilting you! She knew you; all of your weaknesses and she used them against you anyway and any time she wanted.
The day you had run away was when you realized she had taken all the money you had hidden away and she had found it and spent it; all of it. She has ransacked your room looking for money and when you confronted her about it she didn't apologize, (which part of you knew she wouldn't, she never had before) she actually turned the tables on you, gaslighting you up, and playing the victim. For whatever reason that was when you had clarity: she was a narcissist and no matter what you did it would never be enough. So you ran. Now, eight months later you were traveling with the Winchester's helping on hunts.
You hadn't even been hunting, or rather researching, for long but when they saw you as an asset they let you come along with them. (After some begging and pleading and then the promise of taking them to the best diner in the city…) Sam intimidated you at first but then you realize that he was just a sweet/awkward/loveable goofball. Dean was also very caring towards you. They both made you feel safe, but Sam was your safe place.
Sam had always been so patient and understanding since you both had first met. Sam didn't ask questions or say that you were overreacting or being a drama queen when you would start to panic about something, he would just calmly apologize (which in itself was always quite startling since your mom had never done that once in her life…) and help you calm down. Sam never made you feel like you were a burden or too much, he and Dean on many occasions, would remind you that you were none of those things and they were happy that you decided to travel with them.
You and the boys were on your way back to Bobby's after a hunt when Dean stopped at a diner for lunch.
"Dean, you realize every diner is going to advertise they have the best pie." Sam stated as he rolled his eyes. You tried to hide your laughter, as you hid your face in his jacket.
"Yes and as a pie expert Sammy it's my job to find the best one." Grinning back at Sam, Dean went to the hostess so they could be seated. Just as you were about to joke with Sam was when you saw her. You froze. How did she know you were here? Had she been following you? No no no. This couldn't be happening…
Sam immediately felt you tense. He looked down at you puzzled, when he saw the look in your eyes. Terror and fear. Was there a monster in here? Or…was the person that caused you so much trauma here?
"Y/N?" He felt you tremble against him when you spoke his name but your eyes remained locked on whatever was the cause of your current state. "It's okay baby I've got you. I'm right here. You're safe." Speaking softly to you, he gently wrapped his arms around your back hugging you to him. Your entire body was quaking underneath him. He needed to get you out of here; now.
"Hey love birds, come on table's re-" Dean stopped sentence when he saw you both. His hunter instincts kicked in immediately. He followed your locked gaze to see a woman staring back at you. Dean walked back over to the two of you while looking at Sam.
"I don't know, I just want to get her back to the car." Dean nodded as they all got back in the Impala, this time Sam with you in the backseat.
You knew the boys were talking about you, about wherever had just happened and what to do next but it sounded like they were underwater. Your chest felt like it was being crushed by an anvil and your vision was really fuzzy…
"Y/N!" You tried to focus as you looked up at Sam. He was talking to you, or at least you thought he was because you could see his lips moving. You squinted trying to read his lips, "Breathe. I need you to breathe baby." Oh. You were having a panic attack. You put your head against his chest as you tried to breathe in sync with him. After what felt like hours you began to crash from your adrenaline rush wearing off.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Sammy. I don't- I don't know how she found me. My fault…it's my fault." You mumbled, eyes closing before you could hear Sam ask what you were talking about.
Sam had just gotten you into the motel room that Dean had found just two minutes down the road. You had been in a full panic in the car, having one of the worst panic attacks he had seen you have in a long time. When Sam noticed you were about to pass out was when Dean made the decision to drive to the motel. Just as Sam tucked you in was when Dean walked in.
"She okay?" Shaking his head as he recklessly ran his fingers through his hair, Sam began to pace.
"I don't know. I've never seen her react like that Dean, never. And she, she was apologizing about someone finding her?" Dean walked over and led Sam back to the bed.
"We'll figure this out, okay? She's gonna be okay Sammy." Sam nodded, laying down next to you and hoping Dean was right.
After a couple hours you woke up with a start, sitting straight up.
"Whoa, whoa! It's just me Y/N! It's Sammy." When you heard Sam's voice you immediately leaned into him for comfort as you took in your surroundings. "We're at a motel." You nodded, relaxing a bit. Dean was sitting on the bed watching a western, after twenty minutes went by when you finally spoke.
"My mom. My mom was who…who I saw in the diner." You admitted quietly, playing with your fingers you were more starting down at. Dean raised an eyebrow.
"Your mom was who scared you?" You nodded, still staring at your fingers. Sam gently rubbed circles on your back as he softly whispered, "It's okay. You're safe. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." A few minutes of silence went by when you gathered up the courage to speak.
"When I met Sam in the library, I was doing research about demons. Not because I was a hunter but because I thought, well…kind of…God this sounds awful." A bitter laugh left your lips as you shook your head, tears steadily fell down your cheeks. "I had run into hunters before, heard my share of stories about demons and so I was hoping there was something I missed, something that I didn't test on her right because there was no way she wasn't a demon. I mean who could just treat their child so, so awful unless they were a demon?"
Shit. Sam and Dean had both had it all wrong. You weren't running from an abusive boyfriend. You were running from your abusive mom. Sam pulled you into his chest holding you tightly against him as he tried to calm you.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry." He whispered.
Dean just shook his head in disgust.
"I've said it once and I'll say it again: demons, hell even monsters I get! But people," He shook his head as he laughed bitterly. "People are crazy."
An hour went by before everyone seemed to settle when you sat up and began to speak.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys from the beginning about what was going on…"
"Hey, there is nothing to apologize for. You didn't have to tell us anything." Shushing you, Sam pulled you back into his lap, gently placing your hair behind your ear.
"Sam's right. Look, whatever happened is in the past. You've got us now." You looked from Dean to Sam confused.
"You mean…you want me to stay?" Sam looked at you befuddled before his face softened.
"Of course, but only if you want to." A smile slowly grew on your face.
"Yes. I most definitely want to." You wrapped your arms around him. Like Bobby had always said, "Family don't end in blood." And these boys, they were your family.
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
im watching this one guy's video essay recaps of supernatural and tbh? i forgot just how good it was in the first 5 seasons. i think the drop in quality definitely coincides with the movement away from dean + sam's relationship being central to the writing because holy shit they had such a good thing there
the revelation that theyre destined to be on opposite sides in the apocalypse war between heaven and hell, followed by the plot exploring the parallels between them and michael and lucifer was so fucking good
dean is introduced to us as a carefree jokester who in reality has had a sense of duty and self-sacrifice ingrained from him since he was a child. his role in mirroring michael, who's sworn to defeat hell no matter the cost really sells just how broken he is. the more we learn about his childhood and relationship with john the more fucked up it gets. he really has nothing outside of being a hunter and taking care of sam and it's very clear that he's aware of it
and the idea of sam as a kid constantly questioning their dad and eventually rebelling against him to leave the hunter lifestyle as a parallel to lucifer falling from heaven was also really interesting. he never fell into idolizing john in the same way that dean did because he never got to spend time with him as father and son, he was too young when john started becoming consumed with revenge
like unironically dean and sam were such interesting well fleshed out characters in the beginning of the show and it's kinda sad that the later seasons lost a lot of that
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jellogram · 5 months
tbh the older I get the more I understand Sam Winchester. Like I know this is the deangirl website but listen. If I was a 22 year old law student who had fought tooth and nail to escape a horrifically abusive and traumatic childhood just to have my golden child older brother show up at my door in the middle of the night and expect me to go find my dickhead father I would slam the door in his face. Like the fandom gave Sam a lot of shit for not being 100% on board with Dean's antics but if I was Sam and my gf had just burned to death a few weeks ago because of this whole situation and then my brother tried to have a prank war with me I think I'd kill him and start a new life in Moldova
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eggybug · 4 months
as we're approaching the end of season 1 here are my notes:
1. dean is literally so baby
2. i used to feel more bad for sam when i first watched. and i hate to blame the victim but a lot of his bs is his own fault.
3. sam and dean get SA'd so many times in the first season alone and im a little pissed they just moved past it like nothing.
4. every time john enters a room with the boys the fall in line and thats so sad wtf
5. dean is so older brother, but he just needs a hug fr
6. john winchester is SUCH a shit father wtf
7. sam looks like john and dean looks like mary and its gonna make me cry
8. the colt showed up season 1?!!? like what?!?
9. meg had the WORST haircut
10. i was raised by a military brat as a father and it honestly shakes me so bad every time they call john sir
11. bobby takes sooooo long to make an appearance
12. am i crazy or did they retcon the bs about the 13 bullets for the colt?
13. no wonder sam and dean fall in love with every woman they meet, they have no real since of stability
14. im SO glad they get less black&white about supernatural things
15. theres NO way they thought meg was the demon that killed there mom. she is noticeably weaker than yellow eyes.
16. at 12:30 in s1e21, the baby in that carriage is noticeably fake and its really funny
17. have i mentioned i can't stand john winchester?
18. sammy's visions are honestly insane but you know whats crazier the whole thing he does to get powers (not saying it because my partner has never seen it and he's on tumblr and i need it to be surprise)
19. the fact that john let sam believe for even a second he's the reason jess and mary died is his fault is abysmal
20. im so proud every time dean stands up to john. his job is to protect sam first and he knows it. but he shouldn't have to do that either tbh.
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reyolfx · 2 months
bro ok lemme get this this straight (or, y'know)
i'm literally just about to yap my way through 8x18 so spoilers ig if you're somehow like me and JUST getting to this shit in 2024
we have this set up for megstiel, they have this chemistry, they reference the "pizza man" and honestly make it seem like it was a lot more than just that one kiss we saw, she even calls cas her unicorn, paralleling herself and cas to amelia and sam
but cas has been brainwashed and is beating the shit out of dean while trying to fight against it in naomi's office which is lit with the infamous bi lighting
dean is on his damn knees, begging cas, tells cas he needs him, and cas overpowers the brainwashing
it is not filmed or scripted in a way that makes it seem like it has absolutely anything to do with ANYONE but dean. not sam, not meg, just dean
so they set up that meg is like basically in love with cas??? or whatever the demon version of love is. and then they kill her off (whole other issue but i am so sick of watching all the women[-presenting beings] get called misogynistic terms, beaten up, and killed, tbh it's really pissing me off - same with black characters and other characters of colour like wow) and have cas break through his lobotomization because of dean, then heal him with a hand cupped to his face, bi fuckin lighting, and then claim he doesn't know what "broke the connection".
what the actual fuck are we supposed to take from this lmao
think i'm just typing it out to try to make sense of it in my head like ok don't get me wrong i get why everyone is obsessed with the crypt scene, wowee, but having it in the same episode as meg basically saying she loves cas? cas shows some fondness and maybe even a bit of interest in her flirting but it's veeeeeery CLEARLY not her that breaks naomi's hold on him.
i feel so torn on this because on the one hand it feels like another example of how when your show is so sexist that you kill off every female character then yeah of course we're gonna read the men as queer when they do everything for each other
but then also the bi lighting was obviously so intentional and the "i need you" and ugh
supernatural you will always make me wanna scratch my brain out i guess
sexist, racist, homophobic ass show with the most beautiful, heart wrenching queer love story of ever, somehow both accidental AND on purpose.
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uncouth-the-fifth · 1 year
I was reading your stories with Sam (our favorite psychic boy) and something that had me enthralled by all of them was the way he just seemed to ooze out of every word you carefully wrote (all his little personality traits, the kindness, the selflessness, the chivalry , the way he tends to blame himself for even a fallen leaf... EVERYTHING). So I was wondering, do you have any headcanon, curiosity or thoughts on the character? Things that make you see him so clearly when you write about him?
I'm on my way to starting writing stories in this universe (rewatching the series woke me up to the character after all these years), and I find it really interesting to see what others think about, hope you don't mind 💕
okay, confession time: i am a massive fucking nerd. i'm also a hugeeeee Sims girl, and it has given me this disease where I am obsessed with character traits. i used to eat those huge blank "build your character" worksheets WHOLE. i also tend to read a lot of fic from a show before i start writing it, and there were a lot of fics that i chewed on that had a very tasty sam flavor that I stored in my brain. PLUS... heaps upon heaps of meta posts about him. so I guess the way I write sam comes from those things: inspiration from other interpretations of him I really enjoyed, the little Sims traits I have pasted on him, and tbh... a little bit of how I WANT sam to act. i love him at his guiltiest, his most loving, and his weirdest. i don't know if I could really string together some grand interpretation of him, but when i think of sam, i think of this guy who is just so GOOD, no matter how many people or circumstances could've made him the opposite. like i think of that exchange he had with claire, when he explains to her that the reason why he suffers through his shitty ass life is to help people. and when claire says, "that's it?" sam tells her, without hesitation, "that's not enough?" LAWWWWD. i love that boy. that is the most compelling shit ever to me. he's so good it DEFIES FATE, but he's also an annoying little brother, a dweeb, a little bit of a buzzkill, AND he's sexy. it's a weird balance. character of all time 👍 tbh if you're really struggling with getting a grasp on him, i would just make a big ol' google doc of things you associate with him, your favorite sam quotes, paragraphs from fics that describe him well, whatever. mine is color-coded with MLA citations, bc that's what papa would want <3 best of luck, buddieee 💖
(also, this ask made me open up my current Sims 4 save, and these are the traits I gave Sam lmao: good, genius, mentally gifted, morning sim, rebellious, quick learner, then he also has a fear of fire and unfulfilled dreams. and kid dean also raised him so he has the top notch toddler trait too 😭😭😭😭)
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prentissluvr · 3 months
i agree! once i saw someone say this for the first time i was like ahhh yeah that makes a lot of sense. but i also haven't taken much time to go through and watch and fully understand this and my own thoughts because to be so honest that feels draining. i don't have the energy to be thinking in depth about all of the sad and horrible things that happen in this show, i'm just watching it cuz i like it and it's fun. but i agree that dean is one of sam's many abusers and especially if you're really concerned with, as op put it, canonical readings of sam and dean, it's very important to consider and recognize imo. their relationship is clearly an uneven power dynamic and if you can't recognize at least that, big rip ig. i adore sam, that doesn't mean i don't think he's never done anything wrong lol. i do think dean has done worse things tho HAHA.
i will say though, to be completely honest i think some people take this show too seriously or at least some people take this show way more seriously than i do, which is fine but! i'm here for funsies and shits and giggles that's that. i enjoy reading in depth thoughts about this show, and i have my opinions, but in general, i like to keep my blog geared towards lighthearted content, mostly for my own sake of not having to talk about depressing shit unless i want to LOL especially because i'm scared of being misinterpreted and the likes heh, which means i'll spend a long time formulating a post or response to make sure i'm not saying something i don't actually mean or anything like that. and that can also feel sort of draining to me.
it's weird bc i didn't want to ignore this ask because again, i agree and think it's important and don't really want anyone to think i don't agree, but there's the other part of me that was like 😭 and now i have to explain that while i think that, i also prefer to keep my blog geared to the "i'm here just to have lighthearted fun and enjoy myself, this show, and the fandom as much as i can" so i tend to ignore canon LOL. and also like! i'm not a dean hater, at least not all the time (i definitely am some of the time). i hold love for his character, especially my non canonical version of him heh and i think that that's fine! because i think that we don't have to take a tv show that's completely fake 100% seriously (though we should still recognize abuse because i think it's invalidating to those who experience it irl to ignore completely). and like. i still write for dean, but yeah i am not going to be going for completely canonical representations of him, or really any character tbh.
anywayssss sorry this is very long but like i said i tend to get worried about being misinterpreted or saying something inaccurate to how i really think, but i also still wanted to be honest about things! and if anyone hugely disagrees with me about anything i said, that's so allowed as long as you're not mean to me about it <33 folks are more than welcome to block me or to ask kind, considerate, polite clarifying questions! though i may not respond if i feel like it'll take too much energy because like i said! here for shits and giggles and i have sam fanfiction to write <3
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
have you always written for the marauders or did you stumble into it or got inspired or ??? i’m just so curious ☺️
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story time with Lils.
I could give a simple answer to this, very short, and all, but I feel like telling the story of how I got into fanfiction so you’ll get a whole textbook instead.
It must have been like 2009 (catch me speaking like an old person), when I was laying in my grandma’s bed, fantasizing about a self insert into Harry Potter (actual Harry Potter mind you I didn’t know the Marauders, nor was my 9 year old self in love with a Sirius yet) and thinking “Gosh wish I could write that… but I can’t because copyright and it’s illegal.”
Fast forward do 2011-2012, THE FACEBOOK ERA, and your girl stumbles into a fanpage that *literally* was all about reader inserts with certain YouTubers I had an unhealthy obsession with at the time. It was then that Lilly discovered ✨the fantastic world of fanfiction✨. And it didn’t stop.
I love reading, but I had always been one to write stories, poems, songs, you name it, I probably wrote it. And so I started writing fanfics as well. First I think it must have been the YouTubers. I also remember reading a Percy Jackson fanfic once, and omg it’s been so long, I don’t even remember the webpage I read it at, but it was like it’s own little blog with its own little colors and stuff, cool shit tbh.
Must have been around 2012 that I started a fanfic of Jack Frost. Yes ladies and gentleman, Jack Frost, he was too cute for 12 y/o Lilly. That one, is absolute cringe if I go back and read it now, but also kinda funny? The reverse harem was so heavy in that one I swear I didn’t even know that was a thing but EVERYONE was inlove with the MC.
Either way, writing longer stories really wasn’t for me back then, so I started writing oneshots. And boy-oh-boy did I love them. I must say “Thank you Bucky Barnes for existing and having me obsess over you.” I must have over 30 one shots written for him. Or more, I have never counted. Some still sitting on my drafts lol.
Then I started writing for Loki and made a small follow along fic of the series, called Time Variant 30578, and I was so proud I finished it (-ish, season 2 just came up and I still have to write for that).
Not that it’s the only thing I’ve finished, I actually wrote a book, it’s a book about a serial-kiIIer, but even if we see his life, the actual unaliving parts are told from the perspective of the victims. Pretty gory, certainly something. But I liked it. That one’s done and sitting in my computer. I still want to find time to edit it and maybe publish it one day, but who knows? Off topic.
Anyway I rewatched SPN and wrote a few shots for one of the loves of my life Dean Winchester. And I have pondered on writing a series for a gender-bend spell type of thing. A short one (but actually short this time, not like GC).
And then, somewhere in between me starting a small business of HP stuff and watching Tick…Tick…Boom! (Which had me obsess over Andrew), and the already smoldering obsession with Ben, I started reading Marauders fics. Discovering the magical world of ✨Poly!Marauders✨
And then I wrote the first part of Gilded Constellations (march this year, probably) and then the second and then the first 12 parts and then I decided to post it and then people showed actual interest?!?! And I kept writing and writing and then I wanted GC to have smut. But I was shit at smut and wanted to practice so The Five Senses was born. After a LOT of research, I kid you not, so much reading fics and even YouTube tutorials lol (on writing guys, that kind of content is NOT allowed on YouTube!). Anyway, writing just solidified my obsession with my boys. And then there was Maraudween, more smut practice but also, I kind of like writing smut at this point? And scary action filled stories??? Right up my ally.
So yeah, in short; I’ve always been a writer, I have always liked Harry Potter and I have been writing fanfics for a while and just recently started writing for the Marauders, but you’re not gonna stop me any time soon.
I like living in my own head, and I love writing stories, and I adore our boys so, you’ll be seeing so much of me you’ll get sick of it lol
Did that answer your question? I feel like one of this teachers that students ask a question to and then tell the entire story of their life. But I feel like I did answer the question.
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fromxxthexxashes · 2 years
My thoughts on Supernatural if it were on different networks/platforms.
ABC: No gore. No brutal murders on screen. So much melodrama. A lot more characters. Many love triangles. Maybe Destiel, but if it was leaning that way they would have had a complicated on and off thing. It would probably play second fiddle to an over complicated romance for Sam.
HBO: More gore and darker themes. More explicit content (lots of seggs). Also F-bombs. Mostly from Dean. Dean’s alcolism and Sam’s demon blood addiction would have been highlighted more and it would be way darker. Destiel would be a thing and they would probably get together pretty early on.
Amazon: So much more blood. Like all the blood and all the gore. Hard core seggs. Also SO SO SO many f-bombs and other taboo curses not allowed on network television. Again, most of them from Dean. Just watch The Boys. It would basically be that, but switch the supes for monsters.
NBC: imagine if supernatural had a baby with a procedural cop/hospital/fire-fighter show. It would basically be monster of the week all the time, with some more romance. Destiel is like a fifty-fifty chance (in the later seasons when the general viewers are less afraid of gay people), but if they were together they wouldn’t get as much attention as Sam’s romance, which would probably be Eileen and everyone would love them, but still.
FOX: It would have gotten canceled after season three.
Netflix: Possibly better VFX, depending how popular it is. Shorter seasons, so way less filler episodes. I feel like it would be way more dreary or way more action packed. They would certainly queer bait Destiel, but I feel like they would be more into it than the cw (Byler vibes yk). Seeing as it is a mostly male show with mostly white leads and no sapphics in the leading role - it would not have been canceled after one season. Also seeing as Netflix wasn’t making their own shows in 2005, the time-line would have been pushed WAY up.
CBS: Less gore. It would be a procedural, monster of the week thing. It would still have its long run time. Way more drama and more suspense. Probably less humor. The only humor would come from some flat jokes or like a beloved comic relief character. Probably lots of copoganda.
Disney channel: No gore at all. Also no death, except rarely mentioned things in the past. John would probably be written as a better father. Dean and Sam would be high schoolers. They wouldn’t kill the monsters, they just put them in monster jail or some shit. Think Wizards if Waverly place (there would probably be a cross over tbh). Sam would definitely be a monster fucker dater. Him and Madison would probably be endgame. Destiel would 100% be a thing, but that’s because they’d make Cas a girl. Cas would still be an Angel, with fluffy white wings and white clothing. Also, no demons, just vampires, ghosts, and goblins and shit like that.
Nickoldian: A) An incredibly overdramatic show on teennick. Think soap opera for teenagers. They would probably make Cas a girl and there would be a love triangle with Sam and Dean. They go to like a private school for monster hunters or something. Horrible ratings. Would barely make it to 2 seasons, but it would a have a very small, but devoted fan base. B) Deeply unserious. It would probably involve Sam and Dean befriending most of the supernatural creatures. It would involve minor comical injuries mixed with mild adult humor (like Icarly and Victorious). It would be Dan Sch*ender era, so, you know, f**t.
Cartoon Network: it would be a cartoon (duh). No blood or onscreen deaths. Either a spin off of Scooby-Doo or very reminiscent of it. Either way, it would have the vibes of Mystery Incorporated. They would definitely lean more into the “Sam is a nerd” thing. If it was made during recent years, they would incorporate more magic, and Dean and Cas would be together and sickeningly adorable.
Freeform: It would be during the ABC family era technically. They’re teenagers but they’d be played by people in their late 20s. So much melodrama. Way less gore. Lots of dead bodies, but no gory deaths. PLL but instead of stalkers it’s monsters. A lot less humor. Inappropriate relationships.
BBC: it would probably be pretty much the same, except they’re, you know, British.
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lifeisahighway · 9 months
All the new hires/returnees are weak actors and were never a big draw as characters - it really is just nostalgia porn. Rehiring Harry Reid after being blessed with Max Bowden is like hiring Dean Gaffney to replace Daniel Day-Lewis. The wheels will come off the Clenshaw version of EE quickly. The 6 stuff has been a bust. Jay and Honey are running the marathon? Couldn't care less. Boring Johnny is back? The only memorable scene he ever had was his coming out one and it was because of Danny Dyer
i mean i don’t wanna shit on people’s ability to do their job (not right now at least) but yeah, there’s definitely a.. spectrum of acting abilities in the show. yeah it is tbh, and i can only see it getting worse (they’re gonna bring can’t-pick-his-feet-up-when-he-walks max branning back i can feel it 🙄)
lmao that comparison is quite something 😂 harry reid wasn’t that bad but i get your point. i think part of the issue with that stuff is that there isn’t a massive overarching sl now. sure the six stuff is still there but it’s now just covering up a murder which let’s face it, isn’t new. george’s sl looks like it will probably be a big one so there’s that, they’re just in between things atm. but i think where it’s lots of little sls happening it can be kinda hard to get invested.
yeah i can’t say i’m that excited about johnny tbh. i liked sam strike but since him the character has been a bit bland. we’ll see what the new guy does!
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chaos0pikachu · 2 years
please talk about the bl actors you find absolute shit I love controversial opinions
LMAO puta out here tryin to get me cancelled, rejected, cast out, exiled
sure why not, putting this under a cut b/c no one likes seeing bad opinions on ppl they like so enter at your own risk etc etc:
tbh there's not a ton of them b/c I haven't watched as many shows as other folks. Like, watching shows is difficult tbh especially Thai ones which are like an hour long each episode and have a lot of filler I just can't find it in my soul to do it okay. BUT out of the shows I have watched I've been left pretty unimpressed by:
Ohm from Until We Meet Again: I know he's really well liked, but I'm sorry my dude can't act. Flat. I probably have the most firm opinion on him and I just find myself so thoroughly unimpressed. I think what doesn't help is that Fluke is a good actor.
And I don't just mean the crying, like Fluke, Gun, and First are all good criers right? It's a fandom joke at this point but like, that ability isn't what makes them good actors. You can see their experience on screen, in how they embody the characters they play, the subtle changes in their physicality, how they line read, the way they interact with their costars.
I've said before but I find Pharm to be a pretty boring character, but Fluke gives him enough charm on screen that I don't outright dislike him. Meanwhile Dean is just boring. He's BORING. And Ohm doesn't have the skills to make him not boring. Stoic characters are actually really difficult to play, I actually really liked the performance of Wang Yibo in The Untamed b/c without the use of animation LWJ is a difficult character to play b/c he's so internal and stoic outwardly. But Yibo gives him some humanity with his line reads and his eyes (the lantern scene comes to mind) and I don't even LIKE that show.
Ohm just doesn't have the skills to make the standard stoic romantic hero work, he's to flat, he relies to much on his innate physicality to carry the performance. All that said I haven't watched one of his recent shows so maybe he got better idk!
Bright from 2Gether: Idk if this is popular or not and I didn't even like 2Gether but talk about another dude who can't act woof. Bright reminds me of the mixed actors Netflix always casts in their teen romcom sequels that are hotter than the basic white dude love interest but never win b/c why would they? Anyways he can't act, I liked the other dude Win way more. He had great comedic timing and even when Bright was required to act like happy or joyful it came off as ~Acting~
Off from Theory of Love/Not Me: So lemme say that I don't think Off is a bad actor not like Bright and Ohm flat lmao I just think Gun out acts him at like every corner. I think Off lacks charisma but that's so subjective so I don't talk about it much b/c I know ppl love him/OffGun but like, I don't see it much. Idk OffGun is nice, they're nice! But they're just nice. They're chemistry doesn't wow me or blow me away or anything there's something I find really restrained about them? Like they've been working together for so long they feel more like really good friends than that passionate I want and love you type romance. I will say tho I think Off picks some good projects so good for him
Earth/Mix: FML this one's gonna get me okay so like I don't think either Earth or Mix are bad actors but I think they're a bit idk overhyped? I found 1000 Stars mind numbingly boring - except for Mix's char I loved the char but found the performance a bit lackluster - and they're the least interesting part of Moonlight Chicken for me. They remind me of OffGun where they're such good friends and they've only really worked with each other mainly (I know Earth's worked with other screen partners) that I think it's developed some bad acting habits and they're to comfortable. They don't give me that passionate I want and love you type romance. Which for 1000 Stars, totally fine it wasn't that type of show but I really felt that missing bit in Moonlight Chicken.
Mix was trying hard to give bedroom eyes (and I do think he succeeded!) but tbh I didn't feel the sexual tension between them, I didn't feel the "this is a bad idea but I want you to much to care" vibe. I honestly think Earth was a miscast anyway b/c the char is supposed to be almost 40 and he's fucking 28 irl it's as unbelievable as Jennifer Lawrence at 20-something playing a 40-something in American Hustle.
Earth also plays mostly stoic characters and I think they often come off as boring. I think he's actually pretty funny? His comedic timing is pretty good but he doesn't get to play fun characters! He doesn't have enough experience to give weight to these old characters they keep casting him as.
I think you can really see the difference in the scenes with First and Mix actually. Mix was better but you could see First was leading those scenes. What's truly frustrating is I think Mix could grow as an actor if he wasn't always paired up with Earth. One of the reasons I think First, Gun, and Fluke are so good is b/c of their experience. They act against other people, they take out there projects at times, being locked in a "pairing/ship" just hurts an actors development imo it's limiting and I selfishly hate it
It also doesn't help that Thai BL usually only has shallow secondary relationships between the main chars and supporting characters. Like, one of my gripes with 1000 Stars is all the supporting cast are severely under developed to the point they really are just avatars for "kind village people" they're more of an ideal than actual characters yes even the doctor who was just the standard "best friend who helps the mains hook up".
not to harp on Kinnporsche but one of the best things about the show is the time it takes to make characters interact with other chars outside of their romances. Pete's friendships with Arm, Tankhun, and Pol feel genuine. The mean girls club of Big and Ken feels real (you know those coworkers, you've HAD those coworkers), Porsche and Chay's relationship feels REAL and sincere and valued, Porsche's relationship with Tankhun is funny yes, but contrasted with how Tankhun acts around Kinn and Korn. Kim's isolation adds to his storyline. Kinn's relationship with his brothers is paralleled with Porsche and Chay's. Vegas relationship with Kinn, Gun, Porsche, Pete even Tawan are all so VASTLY different it's amazing to see.
What also helps is seeing what actors bring out what. Like, Bible is a good example, the energy he has with Apo is different than what he had with Build. Like obviously Vegas "love" for Porsche was fake while it was real for Pete but making that distinction clear in your performance matters. And isn't as easy as folks would think.
ok I'm beat that's all for now folks lol
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laikuh · 2 years
If you have time, can you give a short run-down on why this show is a good watch and why a SPN John Winchester fan might like it? The gifs are making me curious!
hey! sorry it’s taken me a few days to get to this! i would be happy to give a short run-down of prodigal son.
basic premise: malcolm bright, born malcolm whitly, is the son of martin whitly, an infamous new york serial killer known as “the surgeon.” malcolm was close to martin as a child, and even after martin was incarcerated at an asylum, he remained close. both men further bonded over murder and what makes the mind of a serial killer tick as malcolm grew, but eventually malcolm cut off martin to study profiling and join the fbi as a profiler. when the show starts, he’s been fired from the fbi and is now consulting for the nypd under the leadership of the cop who helped him as a kid and that cop’s detective team.
the bad: this show is a knock-off nbc hannibal. malcolm has will graham’s same empathy gift, though it’s packaged differently, he’s just as mentally unwell (if not worse), and his push and pull dynamic with martin is very very similar to will’s push and pull with hannibal in season 3.
it is also a procedural. and i mean, like, really a procedural. like criminal minds level, not like hannibal having to pretend at being a procedural to tell an actual story, just a straight up procedural (don’t take a shot everytime i type the word “procedural”). this means it’s...i mean it feels like criminal minds. and i don’t mean that super negatively generally speaking. i love criminal minds tbh! i have seen most seasons of cm like 4 times, i just never talk about it here bc it would ruin whatever weird artsy incest vibe i’ve managed to acquire on this blog. but i just mean if you think you’re going to get a show as delicate as hannibal with prodigal son, you aren’t. it’s going to be more akin to criminal minds.
it is also very stupid and dramatic. like. shit happens that will make you roll your eyes. it’s ridiculous. it’s over the top. it’s silly.
the good: the acting and the cast is wonderful. the dude who plays malcolm is so good. i mean, so fucking good. and michael sheen needs no words. it’s michael fucking sheen. he’s taking his volturi camp and making it somehow worse, by which i mean better, and he’s just so fun to watch. lou diamond phillips is great as gil. i love both the actors who play dani and jt. bellamy young took me some time as jessica whitly, malcolm’s mother, but she’s grown on me a lot if you assume she is also playing camp instead of serious. and the actress who plays ainsley is...fine. lol. also down the line we also get recurring roles from dermot mulroney, catharine zeta-jones, and alan cumming.
also i mentioned above that it is stupid. but actually i love that it is stupid. i love that it is stupid so much. i think it’s so fun! i love rolling my eyes fondly and thinking, “god, this show is dumb.” it’s campy! it’s having a grand time! i love it for its wildness and think that’s what makes it so enjoyable. let shows be dumb! it’s good for us as a society, i think.
but really, the best selling point for this show is the martin-malcolm dynamic. it’s so juicy. it’s so gross. it’s so tragic. they play off each other beautifully, and tom payne as malcolm really does a perfect job of getting us a crystal clear image of how damaged malcolm is by his experience with his father. how fucked up his love for martin has made him. he’s gone on his dad, his dad is gone on him, and it’s so unhealthy and awful. but it’s also really interesting. i eat up every scene together, and i love how unpleasant it is. malcolm is a very whumpy character, very dean winchester, very will graham. he’s so sad, he has so many daddy issues, he is so broken. we love to see it.
as for your specific question i’ve kind of been avoiding, i don’t really have a reason why a john winchester fan would like prodigal son, as john and martin are not overly similar beyond the damage they’ve caused their oldest children. and even then, john at least was a good person trying to do some good. martin whitley is genuinely a serial killer who is deeply psychotically unhinged. he is trying to do only harm, even to malcolm, even if he thinks otherwise.
tldr: prodigal son is fun and emotional if lacking in originality and realism. it’s a procedural, which means it’s repetitive, and its flair for the dramatics may not be a good fit for some. but if you love characters that are filled to the brim with daddy issues, are super traumatized, and also might be a little in love with their fathers, i think it’s a great pick to watch.
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