#deamon targaryen fanfiction
realmsdelght · 1 year
His Rogue Lady; Daemon Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Summary: how Daemon met his Rogue Lady Note: italics mean they are speaking in High Valyrian. Told from Daemon’s perspective. Also, reader is referred to as Lady Targaryen because she is married to Daemon, her house is not specified. The timeline is very messed up and different from the show/books, in this Viserys wants to wed Daemon to Rhea, not Alyssene There is a flashback in the middle but its marked by separations in the beginning and end Warning: MDNI! a tiny bit of smut, cursing, and blood Word count: 1980
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Daemon Targaryen stood proud, it had been a big night for his knights. 
Blood adorned his face and his Dark Sister, but not his gold cloak. His smirk never left his face, it gave him pleasure to see the fear on the face of the scum of King’s Landing. As much as he liked to see the prisoners off to their cells, and to hear them begging for mercy, he had a more important place to be. Just like Dark Sister, the prince had a thirst for blood, but most days he had a thirst for something else, his soulmate. 
Most people assumed the Rogue Prince would only settle down once his brother forced him into marriage, and he almost did. But that was until he met his heart. Daemon was amazed at how a person can change once you get to know them. What was once a lady of the court that he, and most men, lusted after, had become the most important person in his life. He could remember exactly when his feelings changed from lust to burning passion.
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If the Rogue Prince were a dragon he would have been breathing fire down the halls of the Red Keep, melting the stone and iron down alike. Things had started looking up for him and his brother, Viserys had just recently named him Commander of the Gold Cloaks, and their training with the prince had finally started to pay off. But of course, Otto had gotten into Viserys’ head and he had decided that it would be a good idea to wed him to Rhea Royce of Runestone.
‘How dare he think that woman would be a good choice for a Targaryen Prince,’ Daemon thought. His fiery thoughts were interrupted by the sound of steps behind him. The prince wasn’t sure who would dare attempt to approach him in this state, but he was surprised once he turned around. One of the most beautiful ladies of the court stood before him. Daemon had seen her before with his good-sister Aemma, the Lady was always quiet, but her beauty always attracted the eyes of men roaming the Keep. But the prince had never bothered to speak to her.
“Prince Daemon, I wanted to congratulate you on your betrothal,” the Lady surprised the Prince by speaking Valyrian. 
“There is no need, sweetling. I’m contemplating jumping off the balcony if it means I won’t have to wed Lady Royce,” Daemon walked closer to her.
She smiled, the most beautiful smile the Prince had ever seen, “or you could just push Lady Royce off the balcony before the wedding,” the Rogue Prince felt himself melt as he watched the Lady’s face as she proposed murder. It was in that moment that the prince knew this lady was no sheep, and that he would never let her go.
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The prince rushed towards his shared chambers. After the exhilarating night he had, all he could think about was his wife. He didn’t bother to greet the guard outside his door, he threw it open and one of his guards closed it as he walked in.
“How was your night, husband?” He heard her sweet voice greet him as he walked in.
Daemon was met with the sight of his beautiful wife, only wearing a thin nightgown, holding two goblets of wine in her hands. He walked towards her, taking one of the goblets from her small hand, his other arm went around her waist, pulling the lady closer to him. The Rogue Prince didn’t even bother to clean the blood off his face, he knew his wife preferred him that way, having the spoils of his victory splattered on his face. 
“Wonderful. You should have seen their faces once they saw my gold cloak,” he smirked at the memory.
“I bet it was a sight to see,” she caressed his arm covered by the gold cloak, “my beautiful husband enforcing the laws of the realm, delivering justice with his Dark Sister, making the city’s criminals weep and crumble at his feet.”
“Anything to keep my beloved wife safe,” the man finished his goblet of wine, “How was your day?”
“Boring, as most days without you are,” she smiled at her husband, sipping the last of her own wine, before setting both goblets on the table.
Daemon stepped away from his wife, and started taking his armor off, “well, I heard my love was up to no good today.”
The Lady giggled, approaching her husband and helping him with his armor, “some of the ladies of the court had very strong opinions about why the Prince’s wife hasn’t given him a child yet,” she pulled his gold cloak off, letting it fall on the floor, “of course, there must be something wrong with me, my womb must be cursed. But then one of them said that maybe it was the Rogue Prince’s fault, maybe he preferred his soldiers or whores to his wife. So I told them that my husband fucks me better than their fat husbands could ever do to them,” she moved closer, almost kissing her husband, “and I told them that if they ever spoke about my husband like that ever again I would feed them to Caraxes.”
Daemon faked a gasp, before smiling again, “I do not believe Caraxes would eat meat as rotten as theirs,” his wife giggled, pulling him down for a kiss. His hands moved from her waist to her thighs, slowly pulling her nightgown up, “now I must fuck my wife. Please be loud sweetling, so the cunts of the court can hear you.”
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“Daemon,” the Prince heard his brother call.
He turned around, bowing slightly, “yes, Your Grace.”
“I have urgent matters I need to discuss with you, brother,” Viserys headed into his study, so the two could have privacy.
“Did something happen? Is it my Lady?” The princes started worrying.
“No, no. Nothing happened. But this matter does involve your wife,” the king said, “Otto has brought to my attention that some members of the council are worried.”
The prince sat down, “worried about what?” He was already bored by the mention of Otto Hightower and the council.
“They worry you still don’t have an heir, you have been married long enough,” the King told his brother.
“I don’t give a fuck about what your council thinks.,” the Prince stood up, ready to leave.   
“People have been talking Daemon,” the King tried to reason with his brother.
“We are the blood of the dragon. I do not concern myself with the opinion of the common people,” Daemon said with fire in his voice.
“These are our people Daemon,” Viserys hoped his brother would understand. 
“Very well, you may tell your council that we did not have children because we do not wish for children yet,” the prince walked closer to his brother, “and I do not wish to share my wife yet, even with a child.”
“Gods be good,” the king whispered as he watched his brother’s back as he left the room.
The King had known talking to his brother would not work, but his council, especially Otto, had been adamant about the king talking to the prince. But what the king did not know is that he had given his brother an idea. Daemon Targaryen knew what he had to do, and suddenly the idea of his beautiful wife carrying their child did not seem so terrible.
The Prince strouted towards his chambers, he could not wait to see his wife again, and maybe when he told her the council she would threaten them herself.
“My dear wife, you look beautiful,” the prince said, walking into their shared chambers. The lady sat by her vanity, adorning herself with jewelry for the feast. 
The king was having a big feast for Queen Aemma’s name day, and as always Daemon’s wife dressed her part. Her house’s colors were long forgotten and a black dress with blood-red embroidery adorned her body. Daemon felt aroused seeing his wife in his House colors, her colors now.
“Thank you, husband,” she looked at her prince from the mirror, “how was your day?” She asked. Daemon walked closer to her, he took the hairbrush from the vanity, softly brushing her hair.
“Interesting,” the man started doing small braids on her hair, “I learned the council is rather concerned with our life. And that you need to threaten more people with Caraxes.”
“What do you mean?” She turned around so she could face her husband.
“Viserys approached me today, he told me his council is worried you have not given me a child yet,” the prince told her.
His lady now sported a suggestive smile on her face, “and what did you tell him?”
“I told him that I am not ready to share my beautiful wife just yet,” he knelt down in front of his wife, “but if it is what the people want,” the prince smirked, pulling his wife’s dress up to her thighs. 
“We must give them what they want,” she bent down, slipping her hand down her husband’s trousers. 
“You are a tease, my sweet,” the prince groaned, as she moved her hands.
“I am simply preparing you, husband. You need an heir, don’t you,” she moved her hand again, earning a moan from the prince.
“Then I must spill my seed inside of you wife,” Daemon moved his wife’s hand, getting to his feet. He placed his hands on his wife’s thighs, lifting her on top of the vanity.
“Before you can spill your seed, you must fuck me hard, my love,” she smirked. She pushed his trousers down, freeing his cock. 
“My dear…,” Deamon stopped himself, lifting his wife’s dress to her waist again, “... wife,” he groaned with pleasure as he slipped himself inside of her. 
“Fuck,” the Lady moaned, biting her husband’s shoulder as Daemon pounded her hard.
The prince was sure his wife had drawn blood from him, and that only made him more aroused and in love with his lady. Their shared chambers were filled with groans and moans. His Lady was as feral as the Rogue Prince, she marked his skin deep purple as he took her. Obscenities in both the common tongue and High Valyrian slipped out of the Prince’s mouth only made his Lady moan loader and bite harder. 
Daemon felt his wife clench around him, “I love you, my sweet.”
“I have missed you inside me, my Daemon,” she whispered as she felt herself getting close.
Hearing his wife calling him hers made his cock twitch inside of her, which only made the prince get rougher. The prince pulled his Lady’s hair, making her look into his face, “you will soon carry my heirs,” 
“Maybe that will show the ladies of the court who the Rogue Prince belongs to,” the prince gripped her thighs so hard he was sure his hand would be imprinted on them. Their moans grew louder as the two reached their highs together. 
The couple took their time to compose themselves, being careful not to waste Daemon’s seed and to make sure the lady’s dress was spotless.
The prince and his Lady walked into the Great Hall holding hands, the smile on their faces was brighter than the stars that shone in the sky. The King was happy to see his brother so happy, so pleased he decided to ignore the bruises and bites on his and his wife’s necks, something he knew he would hear about later on. 
As the Lady and her husband approached the high table, Viserys pulled his brother into a hug, “you are late,” the King pointed out, smiling at Daemon.
“I was making an heir,” Daemon smirked as he was sure the whole table had heard what he and his late were doing before the feast. 
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It's never over - Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader
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disclaimer these gifs are not mine, they belong to @targaryensource and divider @dingusfreakhxrrington
Resumo: Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem reader; Lover, You Should've Come Over; a rainha simplesmente vai buscar a mulher dela; angst and happy ending; não revisado ainda.
This story can be read alone but it is also a continuation of my other three works, but especially Place where I belong
So take a look if you want!
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"So I'll wait for you, love And I'll burn Will I ever see your sweet return? Oh, will I ever learn? Oh-oh, lover, you should've come over 'Cause it's not too late"
A Rainha Negra e Syrax cruzaram o céu nebuloso do vale, se forçando contra o vento gelado que vinha de longe e lhe queimava a face. Era seguro afirmar a tormenta no peito de ambas, voavam de forma agressiva e imponente, e embora não fosse possível ouvir sempre que Syrax bradava ao alto era acompanhada por Rhaenyra, um grito alto e raivoso por liberdade das malezas que a cercavam. Daemon causara uma baixa significativa nos verdes, mas sua própria queda era bem mais custosa. Jacaerys era um bom menino, um bom homem agora e viria a se tornar um bom rei, mas estava ferido e como mãe não conseguia não poupar a cria, ele era o seu futuro também. Seus homens a enxergavam como suas mães e filhas, não como regente, se amargurava do pai por não ter à criado com um rei. O pior? temia perder a guerra e com ela a cabeça.
Eram todos bons motivos e boas desculpas para buscar Maryssa, mesmo que a ideia não lhe trouxesse alegria, mas uma velha melancolia abafada pela urgência de possuir ao seu lado uma estrategista de guerra a qual confiaria a própria vida
Não podia causar uma grande comoção com sua chegada e não poderia correr o risco de ver suas crianças, apenas inflaria o medo e dor em seu peito, muitas perdas. Sobrevoando próximo ao ninho da águia começou a silenciosamente, agora, rondar os transeuntes. De fato, era um recanto de paz e pouco demorou para do alto reconhecer um ponto em movimento na paisagem, vinha das colinas a cavalo, ao se aproximar mais o fantasma de um sorriso surgiu em seu rosto, conhecia o balançar daqueles cabelos de longe....Maryssa.
Com a aproximação da grande criatura nos céus, Maryssa percebeu e olhou para cima, por um segundo temeu a invasão, mas mesmo ao longe reconhecia aquele dragão, voara nele há muito tempo abraçada a cintura de sua rainha, parecia ter sido em outra vida e talvez fora.
Maryssa desceu de seu cavalo, o amarrou em uma grande pedra, deu mais alguns grandes passos e esperou o pouso.
So I'll wait for you, love And I'll burn Will I ever see your sweet return? Oh, will I ever learn?
Rhaenyra pousou a certa distancia e caminhou em sua direção em passos largos. Agora, frente a frente, apenas com uma pequena distância entre elas, Maryssa não sabia como reagir, o que poderia trazer a rainha aqui? A derrota e a busca por fugir com seus filhos? Pois ela não parecia a mesma, mais triste e cansada, abatida.
O silencio não durou muito. Abruptamente a rainha fechou a distância, tomou seu rosot confuso nas mãos e com os olhos mais suplicantes e voz tremula pediu
“eu pre-ci-so de você ao meu lado mais do que nunca” Maryssa juntou suas mãos às dela. Isso era sério.
“o que lhe aflige, minha rainha?”
“sinto que vamos perder-“ foi cortada
“Não diga isso” pôs seus dedos sobre os lábios machucados de frio da Targaryen “possui um exército e homens leais”
“nós duas sabemos que nem sempre isso é o bastante” disse afastando a mão “todos os dias tenho lembrar a todos, inclusive a alguns dos meus de me temerem, é cansativo ser a rainha que não querem mas que precisam e eu nunca estive tão só, Maryssa, preciso de minha mão direita, de uma senhora de armas, de uma amiga para me apoiar quando eu ameaçar a ruir, que me faça enxergar a coroa acima da minha dor.....eu preciso de você de volta.....mesmo que eu já não possua um lugar em seu coração”
Rhaenyra com olhos altivos varria o rosto de Maryssa, que agora segurava as mãos, atenciosamente. Está estava confusa, o tom utilizado foi forte, de governante, ela havia de fato endurecido durante esse tempo, sabia que jamais recusaria uma ordem de sua rainha, mas mesmo assim não sabia como responder à sua Rhaenyra, cuja a voz vacilou em meio a tanta firmeza.
Notando a hesitação, a rainha largou as mãos e deu as costas suspirando “não se preocupe, não voei até aqui esperando sua pena ou que pudéssemos voltar ao que éramos, pois que se dane se esse amor se assim quiser, lady Maryssa “a firmeza se tornou grave e as palavras quase cuspidas “preciso de lealdade e força para se juntar a minha e não há outra pessoa mais apta para isso”
Virando-se novamente em busca de resposta se deparou com sua lady de joelhos com sua velha lamina sobre cabeça, aquela que carregava na cintura, seus olhos fitavam a o chão enquanto falava “já lhe ofereci minha espada em sinal de lealdade uma vez, hoje sob esse céu e sobre essa terra eu faço melhor” confusa Rhaenyra lhe ofereceu ajuda para levantar e sem que ao menos percebesse ela lhe cortou a palma da mão esquerda, rapidamente Maryssa afastou a retaliação fazendo um corte gêmeo em sua palma direita e tomou a esquerda da rainha em um aperto forte “lhe ofereço em sinal de lealdade meu sangue, a minha vida”
A rainha havia encontrado o que tinha vindo buscar, quis sorrir, mas não era o momento, se conteve em apenas se oferecer para fazer uma bandagem em ambas as mãos feridas. Duas marcas que atravessariam o tempo as unindo, queria sonhar com as implicações disso
“alguém sabe da vinda de vossa alteza?” perguntou enquanto a outra lhe enfaixava a mão
“cuidei para que não” a interação parecia artificial ainda, como se pisasse em gelo fino
“e quem irá assumir a responsabilidade pelas crianças?” se permitiu sorrir de leve “a cada dia se parecem mais com a mãe”
A rainha dragão se permitiu ao mesmo, porém de forma mais tímida, sentia tantas saudades delas “princesa Rhaena, mandarei uma carta quando voltarmos. Precisa pegar algo no castelo? Pois se for comigo partimos agora”
Havia tanta pressa e agitação, apesar dos motivos de sua partida, queria abraçar e beijar aquela mulher, expulsar a dor que via em seus olhos, mas não havia tempo para isso durante a guerra, apenas as lembranças servem de acalento.
A Targaryen se pôs a frente andando em direção a Syrax, vez ou outra olhando para trás de soslaio, temia ser um sonho, uma vontade gritando do inconsciente, mas ela estava lá lhe lançando um olhar de reconhecimento.
Subindo com ajuda de Rhaenyra, Maryssa se colocou atras dela e suavemente envolveu com os braços a cintura da rainha, se aproximando e apertando forte. Nada foi dito, mas a rainha suspirou alto e soltou o som de uma risada sufocada. Possuía muitas esperanças para o fim da guerra.....uma delas com certeza era reconquistar aquela que a abraça com tanta ternura.
"It's never over My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder It's never over All my riches for her smiles When I've slept so soft against her
It's never over All my blood for the sweetness of her laughter It's never over She is the tear that hangs inside my soul forever"
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Please let me know if you liked it!!!
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shuichiakainx · 8 months
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“It’s okay.” |Daemon Targaryen x reader
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summary: Daemon ignored your cries for help in a dire time of need until it almost is too late. 
Warnings: Blood, Miscarriage, swearing. 
“You truly have to go?” you ask him while wrapping your hand around his arm keeping him close. “My brother has called on me for business Dove.” You sigh and trace a finger over his cheekbone. Daemon going back to attend to his business meant that the honeymoon phase was now at a definite end. “If I could, I would have stayed here with my beautiful wife.” You grin at hearing him call you his wife and pout once more before walking away from him. “Fine, I will just have to entertain myself then.” Daemon takes in how you fall back on the bed and slowly stalks over to you. “As long as you don’t entertain yourself too much without me.” He captures your lips and slowly everything fades away around you as you kiss him back eagerly. When he breaks the kiss, you smile at him coyly.
“You know Ser Criston would probably be up for entertaining me.” you slip out as he turns his back to you to walk away, knowing it will piss him off. As you expected Daemon is not one to let that comment slide and a low growl leaves him as he sharply turns back to face you. “If he knows what is good for him, he will not dare.” You smile softly at him before blowing him a kiss. He glances once more at you before he disappears out of the door.
Not a second later your maid came into the room carrying fresh linen. “Good morning milady.” You smile at her and stand up to meet her in the middle of the room. You frown at the pain in your back and you massage it lightly for a few seconds before turning your attention back to your maid. “Everything alright milady?” you nod before rethinking your choices. “Would it be too much effort for a warm bath, I am having back pain and...” Your maid interrupts before you can finish your sentence and nods. “Of course, milady let me attend to that right away.”
Half an hour later you’re sitting in the scalding hot water but unless the pain you experience during your monthly the pain is not letting up. Grimacing you shift to find a better position, but you find you cannot find any at all. Your hands continuously knead your back to try and elevate the pain. All in vain as it seems to have the opposite effect. Your eyes seem to be dropping as well and you don’t know if you have Daemon to contribute to that or your body. You quickly wash your body and your hair before leaning your head against the little towel at the headrest. You were exhausted from washing yourself and felt dirty all over again. You just wanted to close your eyes for a minute in the hope all the tiredness would go away.
However, you are shaken out of your sleepy demeanor as your maid noticing your dropping eyelids is quick to get you out of the bath and into bed. “Rest Milady I will come back in a few hours.” She closes the curtains to stop the light from intruding and closes the door behind her, she takes a quick glance at you seeing that you have already fallen asleep a slight concern raises within her.
When you woke for a second time you were slow to get up the pain was unmistakably still there, and you felt like a horse had run over you. Deciding it was time to see the maester you threw the blankets off you. With a frown, you noticed the red spots on the bedding. So It was your monthly you decided that going to the maester was not needed after all and slowly eased yourself from the bed to go clean yourself up. However as soon as your feet touched the ground, you cried out in pain as more blood flowed out of you, your lower abdomen tightened, and your feet could not carry your weight anymore. you lowered yourself to the ground.
“Milady are you alright?” At the sound of your maid entering the room, you looked up over the bed. Tears freely run down your face. “Please get my husband please.” You begged her while sitting in your blood. realization hitting you of why you were bleeding. You had been with child, and you had not noticed, you truly had not known and now it was too late. You looked off at the ceiling of the room hoping, no praying that Daemon was not going to hate you for this. You softly stroked your stomach. You had not succeeded in keeping the babe safe.
Your maid had gotten the attention of another who had been littering in the hallway and had sent her on her way to get Daemon before returning to you. She softly walked closer to you and tried to touch you but as soon as her hand reached out you flinched like you had been hit. “Milady…” her voice filled with pity, and you could not bear to look at her and instead focused on the room behind her. She reached out again and this time you felt a sense of panic overtake you. “Please don’t touch me.” You whimper as you rock yourself back and forth. Blood still flowing from you, you could not bear to look down.
Your breath accelerated as you kept thinking how you had failed the babe, how you and your body had failed Daemon and the little one. “Milady please let me get you more comfortable after that I will back away.” You feverishly shook your head, not wanting anybody other than Daemon. Oh, where was he, he was the only one who can make this all better.
On the other side of the castle, Daemon was listening to the old bores in front of them complaining, always complaining. He looked at his brother the almighty weak king as he sat in his chair. Clearly as bored out of his mind as Daemon was. The only good thing about these meetings was that his lovely niece always kept his cup flowing with wine. He focused back on the bore of a HighTower who was talking about sheep. Oh no his mistake he had moved on to the riveting news of goats. Even better.
The meeting was disturbed when one of the big doors opened. A tiny-looking maid came into the room shaking like a leaf. The weak and elderly looked irritated at the disruption, but Daemon almost jumped at the opportunity to make his getaway and visit his lovely wife even if it was for a few minutes. “Well get on with it.” The Hightower cunt snarked at the girl as she moved forwards to the table. “Lady Y/N had urgently asked you to return to your chamber, my prince.” The girl looked down and did not notice the frown on Daemon's face. He had just left you a mere hours ago, which could be urgent. Nonetheless, he stood up from his chair to make his way out of the room.
“I never thought I would see the day that the Targaryen dragon prince is following orders from his wife.” He turns around at those words to face Otto Hightower. “What did you say?” Daemon asks in a low tone. Otto turns with a grin on his face towards the king. “Married for less than three months and already following his wife’s every whim.” The men in the room laugh with him, no they laugh at him, at the idea of adoring his wife and he almost sees red. his brother leans forwards and with a smile says. “Daemon, don’t give in to your wife at once, from experience you will be rewarded more if you keep her waiting.” Visyers winks and gestures for him to return to his chair. Daemon unsurely looks at the girl but decided to save some face with these old donkeys and sits down. “Tell my wife I will be there when the meeting is over.” The girl looks like she wants to say something but at last, decides not to before rushing out of the room. Slowly the talk in the room returns to goats and sheep all the while anger is shimmering behind Daemon's eyes.
The second time someone disturbs the meeting it is your personal maid herself and she looks furious. “Milady needs to my prince.” Before Daemon can even get a word in Otto has taken over the conversation. “Why, is she in need of a good fuck and can’t wait a few more hours.” The rage shimmering for the past hour comes out and Daemon slams his hand on the table with a force that rattles all the cups. “Enough do not talk that way about my wife.” He addresses Otto before turning to your maid. “What’s the matter?” the maid uncertain how to proceed stutters as she thinks over her words carefully. “Milady is in pain and has requested you milord, nobody is to touch her, and I fear for her.” She speaks truthfully.
Panic shoots through his chest and he stands up from his chair with such a force that knocks the chair back. “Is it bad?” the maid slowly nods as she comes closer to him. “Milady is not letting the maester come closer and examine her unless you are there…” her sentence trails before whispering so softly that only Daemon can hear. “I think milady may have lost a babe.”
You were pregnant and he did not know, both of you did not know otherwise you would have told him surely. He swallows almost painfully; worry is clawing at his throat, and he feels close to throwing up. He has ignored you for the past few hours. Deciding that his ego was worth more than his wife, as he did not want to show how much you had wrapped him around his finger all while you were in pain and needed him. leaving your maid behind he ran all the way to your room.
He threw open the doors and his heart broke at the sight of you. You were still leaning against the bed. A group of maester was in standing around you but your attention was not on them. It was on the blood on the floor that was pooling around you. All the blood has seemed to leave your face and he did not like what he saw one bit. He pushed the horde of maesters and maids away and kneeled in front of you. “Y/N, my little dove.” You kept rocking and your eyes did not find his. Your whimpers only contained his name as he slowly crept forwards and touched your face o so gently. Regretting with his whole body for not coming sooner.
Your eyes connected with his and the only thing Daemon could find behind your eyes was despair. “I did not know Daemon, I did not know, I could not keep the babe safe, I failed you.” His heart was already broken when he first took sight of you but now it was crushed as you kept repeating these words like a mantra.  “You did not fail me, little dove, you hear me.” But your eyes were glossed over as tears continued to stream like you were in your own little world far away. He softly but forcibly pulled you into his lap as he stroked your back and grasped your tiny hand in his. “I have failed you.” He whispered against her head as he pressed kisses all over. At the feeling of you going limp in his arms, the panic reached a new level. He forcefully shakes your body. “Y/N? wake up, dove wake up.” His eyes found one of the maesters. “What’s Happening?!”  He picks you up in his arms as he feels his clothing increasingly absorbing your blood. the maester motions him to put you on the bed and they immediately get to work. “Milady has lost too much blood.” within seconds Daemon is pushed outside the room as the realization hits him that he could lose, he could lose you right here and now, knowing that he had failed you, the both of you.
The maester had done their thing and now it came down to you, and your body. If you survived the night the likelihood of you surviving would go up. So far so good as the first light of the sun came through the windows. Daemon had spent the night pacing only to return to the bed for a little while. Praying to anybody that would hear him, to not take his wife away from him. when despair would hit him again, he would start pacing again. He had almost barricaded the door the only one allowed in the room was your maid, who patted your head from time to time and forced some potions in you. Daemon moved to open the curtains allowing light to hit you and maybe help warm you up.
Over the past hours, you finally had gotten a little bit of your warmth back, blood had rushed back into your face, and you looked better than previous but for Daemon it was not going fast enough. He needed to hear your voice and look into your eyes to know that you were going to be okay. He needed you to wake up to tell you how sorry he was. He looked out of the window to take in the first rays of sun before turning around to you.
His breath caught in his throat at seeing that your eyes were open. “Daemon...” you choked out before the tears started flowing. “Shh my little dove, shh.” Within three steps he was at your bedside and within another second his arms were wrapped around you. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” He caresses her back as he rocks them softly. “I am so-“ before you can finish your sentence Daemon cuts in with a kiss to your lips, so delicately and displaying so much comfort, and love you almost feel at peace. “it’s I who needs to say sorry.” Daemon's finger touches your cheek as he looks into your eyes. “Why didn’t you come.” He signs and looks away from you almost like he is ashamed. “Because men are stupid, and I listened to a bunch of old men who have never experienced real love, the way you and I have, in order to not look like you had me wrapped around your finger. All I can do for that now is apologize but I understand if you don’t want anything to do with me anymore, I just need you to know that I love you, and it was not your fault you have never and can never fail me.”
Daemon unwraps himself from you as he stares at the door. You know he wants to do the right thing and leave you alone to think over his words, but he also does not want to leave you alone. And while you are hurt, he did not come like you had wished him to you could not fault him for it, as he had not known what the matter was, more importantly, he had come in the end had he not and you did not doubt it that he had not left your side. Just like you had done before everything went down you wrap your hand around his arm tugging him next to you on the bed. “It's okay.”
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sharararararara · 9 months
Yandere Aemond Targaryen x Older sister reader
WARNING: MENTIONS OF RAPE(not to the reader but to an oc of mine), AEGON BEING WEIRD, Mentions of children getting married, angst( a little?)
(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
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Helaena there you are! Helaena looked at you as you ran toward her, you sat beside your sister who was looking at a bug she had just found.
I don't think it can see... Said Helaena, Why? You asked, slowly getting more curious about the bug she was holding, she did not answer your question, just simply staring at you.
I- um... I mean if you don't want to tell me then it's fine. You spoke, you never really understood why Helaena never talked clearly, She liked to speak in riddles, never giving the real meaning behind them. You never really cared, you sometimes have fun trying to find out what her riddle meant, it was like a game to you.
You just kept quiet and continued to observe the insect, you loved the time you spent with your sister, even though she never really talked, it was still calming. Aegon did not deserve Helaena, you knew what Aegon does with the maids, and you felt disgusted by him. You don't even want to think what he might do to your sister. Sometimes you wish that it was Jace instead of Aegon, sure Jace can be a bully sometimes, like what he does to Aemond, but you still think he would treat Helaena better than Aegon.
Suddenly a maid ran towards you and Heleana, Princess Helaena your Mother is calling you, said the maid in a hurry.
Helaena sighed, not wanting to go, yet she did not have a choice. She stood up and went to the maid, both of them leaving you behind.
A frown was on your face as you watched them walk away, you were alone again, and you did not have anyone to talk to, and surely you did not want to talk to Aegon, he would be probably drunk or harassing the maids again, and you could not really talk to Aemond since you did not really know where he is, so it's only you and yourself.
You sighed as you stood up, dusting off the dust from your dress. Why not a walk around the halls? you said to yourself as you started to walk.
You had a dragon, named Larix, but you were not allowed to fly on him yet since he is a big dragon, and you might get hurt or worse die, you think that was a stupid rule that your parents made for you since you already flew on him once when you claimed him, but I guess you did not have a choice, it's either waiting until your old enough or will never ride him.
Your parents were protective of you, when they found out that you claimed a dragon they went ballistic, they complained that the dragon was too dangerous for a little child like you, yet they still arranged a marriage between their daughter to their son, even though they are still children, funny right? And sooner or later Aegon will bed Heleana, which is disgusting because they are still children. You felt bad for Helaena and Aegon, even after what Aegon did, you still felt bad for him being forced to marry his sister.
But what can you do? They are Targaryen, it's normal for their house, yet it still is messed up.
Sooner or later, you will get betrothed to some man, you do not really want to get married yet, but what can you do?
You pray to the Gods that the man your parents will betrothed you to someone nice and respectful, and not some old lord who only wants to bed little girls and carry his heirs.
Sometimes you wish that women get the same respect as men in this world, women in this are known as "weak" or "fragile" and only used for pleasure and to carry heirs. They say "women can't rule a kingdom", saying that only a man can, since they are "strong" or "powerful".
When a woman sleeps with a man, they call her a whore, but when a man sleeps with a thousand people, no one blinks an eye.
You had a friend before, from a wealthy house, her name was Esther, she was 14 years old when her father betrothed her to some lord.
At first, she thought that he was nice, but on their wedding night, that lord raped her, she pleaded for him to stop, yet he did not listen.
She died from giving birth to her son, her husband did not care, only remarrying someone else.
You missed Esther, she was your only friend. The last time you saw her was when she visited you, she was 6 months pregnant, she had a fake smile on, hiding her true emotions.
You remembered when you and her were alone in your chamber, she cried in your arms, telling you about how her husband beat her every day when she didn't follow his orders. You were in rage when she told you that, you wanted to speak to her husband, but she pleaded you not to, saying she would only get beat up more.
You remembered how much you cried when you received the letter from her mother, telling you that Esther, your friend, died last night while giving birth to her son.
You never forgot her, and you will never will. She was a good friend, and you wish you could get revenge on her husband for what he did.
You wanted to shout at her father, for making her marry that piece of shit, and for not believing her when she told him about what he was doing to her.
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greenandsorrow · 23 days
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**you can always ask to be tagged!
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sas-soulwriter · 11 months
Deamon Targaryen fanfiction
Smut warning.
If you like it please tell me and i will post more about this story !!!
In a world where Rhaenyra Targaryen is the true heiress, political intrigue simmers beneath the surface of King's Landing.
The Hightowers have been banished, but Alicent remains, harboring ambitious plans. She aims to place her eldest son on the Iron Throne, with her youngest daughter, Elena as her secret weapon.
Elena is supossed to be a spy ,her plan is easy - suducung deamon targaryen ,getting her information and not falling in live
In this story, Rhaenyra married Harwin Strong after the "death" of Leanor. Their children are still considered as Valyrians.
In this word Deamon never seducted his niece and he is her advisor
"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell." - Joan Crawford
Elena met him secretly in a hidden chamber of the large castle. They had been playing this game for several months and the Hightower daughter knew that she was winning.
After all, that's what she always was.
At first she really thought that the prince of the city or whatever they called him would be a challenge, but in the end no one could resist her. One look and even the ice-cold Targaryen prince knelt in front of her.
Or between her legs.
She grins at the memory.  The one thing  she has  to admit is that Deamon Tragaryen knew what he was doing and he also knew that he was damn good at it. Her mother had told her to spy the majesties and get everything out of them that would help her get Aegon on the throne. Of course, she hadn't mentioned that the heiress's advisor could kiss so well.
Admittedly, she hadn't mentioned that her daughter should seduce Deamon, but she didn't have to. Elena knew from the beginning what was expected of her. She knew what was at stake.
After her grandfather Otto and her mother the Dowager Queen were sent back to Highgarden when King Viserys realized that Elena's mother was planning to put Aegon on the throne, her mother came up with a plan. She asked the king, Elenas's father,  if the children could stay in Kingsland in order not to have to turn away from their inheritance and explained the plan to her as being a spy.
Elena was perfect for this. She always remained invisible, no one noticed her and yet she won every game. That's just how you were as a player.
Before she opens the door to the secrt meeting place, she runs her hand through her white Targaryen hair. She wears it open because she has long since noticed that Demon likes it that way.
Now it's time to play. She's going to have fun. She has a plan.
As soon as she entered the room she saw him. Yes, she really has to admit it. Deamon Tragedy was inhumanly beautiful. His eyes sparkled in a dark purple, a real reminder that he was different from normal men. His short hair shone freshly in the candlelight.
Had he prepared himself for her? Washed and dressed in something decent? Why did she like the idea? No, it didn't matter!
He doesn't matter to her!
"Someone's late, Didn't your cunt of a  mother  teach you that punctuality is a virtue"
"Don't call my mother that or I'll cut off your crown jewels."
Deamon smiles, his eyes sparkle even more. "Try it," he challenges
"Don't provoke it"
Deamon steps closer. Elena closed the door. Now it starts. She bravely faces him, raises her eyebrows and looks at him. 
For her, she is the predator and he is the prey. He can't do anything to her. She is much stronger. Much better. That's how she was taught . That's what she believes
Elena knows Demon is just a pompous, arrogant, damn hot idiot who can wield a sword.
There are less than two meters between them. Deamon can reach out and run his hand through her hair. He does. "They look better open. Then you look more like the dragon that you are," he says.
Elena smiles. She has him under her spell
.She knows it. He is lost. He has been from the beginning
"Watch out, Deamon, you'll get burned by this dragon."
This time he doesn't laugh, instead he pulls her face towards him and kisses her hard, pressing his body against hers. She can feel it, even with this simple touch he is aroused.
She takes a a few steps back, Deamon pushes her against the wall, he positions his hands to the left and right of her. Now she was trapped, but she doesn't plan on escaping anyway.
Elena runs her hands through his hair. Yes, he is the enemy but he is also so damn good looking. He feels damn good. His hair is soft and he smells damn good.
Deamon starts kissing, sucking and licking her neck. She could feel how much he wanted her and she hoped he hated himself for it.
Elena closed her eyes. It wasn't difficult for her to enjoy this. Then she took control, guided his head towards hers and kissed him passionately. She lets her tongue slide over his teeth, plays with his own and then moves her hands under his thsohirt. His body is warm, defined and you can feel scars, slight bumps from all his fights
Yes, damn it, she could do that forever, feeling his weight against her, his warmth...
Caught in the act, she quickly separated from him, pushed him away and smiled as if it was all her plan.
"That has to be enough for today, I still have an important hour with the septa.
Deamon growled "Who cares about the septs? Now you're with me. We should keep playing with our fire instead of worrying about any religions, little dragon."
Elena shakes her head "stop sounding like a lovelorn and go find one of your girls, you have so many" Deamon looks at her for a long time.Almost hurt .
At first his look was ridiculously hopeful and then angry. He adjusted his clothes and sys, "It's not like our meetings are important anyway."
"That's how it is. The meetings are nothing. We are just two bodies. That was the agreement"
For Elena,the plan is simple, first she would make Deamon really dependent and then she would get everything he knew out of him. Her brother will sit on the clay and deamosn heart on her trophy cabinet of lovers
Deamon left the room
Elena would definitely not fall in love with him!
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syraxnyra · 2 years
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This clearly shows not to mess with him
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kmiaqueen · 2 years
Question to HOTD’s fans :
Why is Aemond much popular than every character of the show ? Even when I looked for ff Aemond ones are the majority…. I thought that was Daemon ???
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nyrasbloodyclover · 1 year
going to drink rakia and make noodles, pleaseee tell me about your writing process, where you get your ideas, ANYTHING ABOUT WRITING (even if it's not a fanfic) literally anything, what inspired some of your work, the music you listen to while writing PLSSS BE ANNOYING ABOUT IT
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I'll crawl home to her - Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader
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disclaimer these gifs are not mine, they belong to @clixsmxdernxs and divider @dingusfreakhxrrington
Resumo: Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem reader; hozier; angst, fluff; não revisado ainda
I'm not sure if I liked how it turned out, maybe I'll redo it
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Do alto da parca torre em um longo planalto, uma mulher observa o horizonte. Seu rosto é cansado e suas vestes causam estranhamento em seus companheiros de batalha, não era filha de uma casa digna de lembrança, muito menos esposa de um alto cargo, mas mesmo assim sua mortalha de guerra lembrava aquelas dos velhos reis e rainhas.
Sob o olhar de muitos era um ato de desrespeito, mas lhe fazendo justiça, a própria rainha dragão colocara a malha sobre seus ombros, gostava de pensar que o toque de Rhaenyra ainda pesava lá. Olhando para suas mãos sujas de sangue ainda fresco ansiava por sua presença
"Boys workin on empty Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat? I just think about my baby I'm so full of love, I could barely eat"
Após ter certeza que ninguém as observava tomava em suas mãos a de sua amada e a puxou para um quarto ainda mais reservado. O dia havia amanhecido silencioso enquanto todos iniciavam seus caminhos para guerra, havia chegado a hora, era possível sentir no ar o pesar, principalmente naquela sala. A rainha Negra já havia se despedido de seu primogênito, ato que ainda a sufocava, todos que amava estavam partindo e mesmo que o destino fosse de certa forma o mesmo, alguns jamais se veriam novamente.
Por um breve momento apenas se olharam em um silencio confortável, até que a rainha com um soluço o quebrou.
“já me desfiz em lagrimas com a partida de jace, mas parece que ainda restam muitas lagrimas em mim” o tom emulava a alegria, era seu papel manter todos os seus solados dispostos para a guerra, mesmo para os mais íntimos
Levando a mão cálida da targaryen aos lábios, a mulher de um beijo casto também tentando sorrir
“não sofra por mim alteza, não a primeira vez que encaro espadas inimigas, e em seu nome? O faço com honra”
Seu olhar se tornou régio
“agradeço sua intenção, mas não é o momento para me poupar, nossas baixas já são significativas, Daemon também era bravo e caiu em batalha e nós sabemos que muitos outros homens honrados também vão. Não há uma vitória garantida no futuro, só os deuses sabem o que pode vir acontecer” a fitando enquanto inspirava “eu mesma sou uma variável e- exasperada a lady de armas soltou as mãos de rhaenyra  
“Não fale assim! Não vê que agoura nosso caminho? Nem eu nem ninguém permitiria que a rainha legitima seja morta, possuímos mais dragões com montadores, exércitos aliados!”
Mas assim como já havia acalmado criaturas maiores, a rainha segurou seu rosto em ambos os lados, buscando a atenção dos olhos da mulher que agora eram arregalados e nervosos com a nova perspectiva
“então apenas me diga que entende, hm? Que entende o perigo que todos nós corremos, que a coroa e a sucessão correm, não aceito discutir na despedida do que talvez seja a nossa mais longa separação. Apenas me diga isso, meu amor” pediu tão docemente com aqueles belos olhos expressivos que mais uma selvagem criatura se viu domada e sem ressalvas um “sim, entendo” saiu sério dos lábios da outra.
Satisfeita e com pressa a rainha se virou e caminhou em direção a uma das camas do aposento, próxima a ela se inclinou e revelou o que um pano de veludo preto cobria, uma rica e nobre armadura da casa da Targaryen.
“posso saber o que significa isso, vossa graça” seu tom era quase divertido, também não desejava brigar
Virando-se segurando as peças nos braços se pôs diante da lady, colocou as vestes em um descanso próximo e delicadamente começou a tirar a armadura comum de soldado que a cavaleira usava, essa apenas observava os movimentos da rainha.
“quando eu era criança minha mãe me contava como preparava meu pai para suas pequenas batalhas”
“achei que o reinado do falecido rei fora pacífico a sua maneira”
“é verdade, mas há momentos onde uma armadura pode passar uma mensagem mais efetiva que palavras de conciliação. Ela dizia que ato era para dar sorte, uma forma de faze-lo se lembrar dela, mesmo que em campo, uma forma de acompanha-lo a distância” agora já fazia os ajustes na nova armadura.
“acha que eu poderia esquecê-la? Jamais”
“eu acredito” disse sorrindo após fazer o ajuste final, realmente lhe caia bem “gosto de pensar que de alguma forma uma extensão de mim protege seu peito do fogo da batalha” agora tocava o local, se sentia cansada e seus olhos voltaram a marejar, eram tempos cruéis.
Tocando seu rosto de forma melancólica quase nostálgica, sentia que a hora da partida havia chegado de vez, doía “deuses, sentirei falta de olhar para esse rosto”
Pegando para si a mão de nyra a cavalheira aproveitou sua deixa “não importa o que aconteça, eu voltarei para casa” nyra inclinou a cabeça, com um olhar conhecedor “e mesmo que eu tombe isso não ira me impedir”
Agora havia confusão no rosto da rainha
“você me deu honras que não sei se mereço, o comando de uma tropa, as vestes de uma nobre, então lhe confidencio o único pedido que farei aos meus homens que já marcham conhecendo seus possíveis destinos, pois já não faço questão de esconder meu amor e apreço por você Rhaenyra.  Peço que quando minha hora chegar deitem-me suavemente na terra fria e escura, pois nenhum túmulo pode segurar meu corpo, eu vou rastejar para casa, para você”
A rainha respondeu a agarrando em um beijo febril, se pudesse a manteria em seu lado longe de todo o perigo. Queria ter a conhecido antes, queria demonstrar melhor como a amava, queria não temer tanto por sua vida, queria não sentir que a ela caminhava para a morte.
Encerrando o beijo para respirar ambas continuaram abraçadas, forte, uma podia sentir o coração da outra bater em sua pele, era como se o mundo tivesse parado e apenas o calor do momento existisse. Antes de se separarem, a Targaryen deu mais um aperto na mulher e sussurrou em seu ouvido em tom de promessa “eu a amo mais do que um dia sonhei ser possível amar”
Após cortar com sua lamina o pescoço de tantos homens a mesma mulher se encontrava caída sem forças no chão, respirar doía e podia sentir o gosto de cobre na boca, pensava na sua promessa, parecia próxima agora
"When my time comes around Lay me gently in the cold dark earth No grave can hold my body down I'll crawl home to her"
Porém com o resto de força que sobrava em seus braços se virou e se pôs de quatro enquanto segurava firme o punho de sua espada, pronta para se levantar, pois mesmo a memoria do toque quente e amoroso dos lábios de vossa graça afastava o abraço frio da morte
"When I was kissing on my baby And she put her love down soft and sweet In the low lamp light I was free Heaven and hell were words to me"
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Troublemaker PT. 4 | Daemon Targaryen x reader
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Summary: When I said I would not write another part of troublemaker, oops. here it is. Daemon worrying about his pregnant wife. part 1, part 2, part 3 of the troublemaker serie.
111 AC
“Y/n Targaryen what in the gods name are you doing?” she looked over her shoulder to see your husband and you feel the horse stiffen underneath you. For a split second you have the fear that it will buck and run for the hills, but it calms down enough to shake its head and relax. You softly stroke her neck and praise her for not running away in fear. Anya is a beautiful black mare, who could be clumsy at times, but she trotted and jumped as the best. She did not like men around her much and at times she could have a bit of a temperament, but she was a gentle soul and very curious. As soon as the two of you had meet. She had instantly bonded with you and you with her. She had been a gift from Daemon for your first marriage anniversary. According to him, the horse’s temperament had reminded you of him when he saw Anya for the very first time. He had been away for business and when walking through the stables with a lord he had come across Anya.
“Anya needed exercise!” You yell back at your lovely husband who looks like he had just recovered from a panic attack. He has been way to worried about you for the last few months and today his concern was shining bright as ever. “Get your lovely ass of that horse before you break something, the maester said no horse riding anymore, you need to rest.” You laugh softly but do not make any moves of climbing down instead you direct Anya with your knees closer to Daemon. “He is an old man; exercise is healthy for the three of us.”
You almost feel sorry for your husband, but the maester was old and conservative, you knew your body the best and had seen your fair side of pregnancies in your life. You know that you were not too far along yet to ride a horse and exercise is just as healthy if not more than staying in bed all day. However, your poor husband was not that convinced the exercise part and had asked a maester for advice. Since you had told him you were pregnant, he had not let you of his eye, always fussing over you and making a scene out of it wherever you went. You knew deep down that he was scarred of losing you like he had lost his mother. He would save you in a heartbeat over the child if it came to it and you both knew it. As he had said he did not need child perse, but he could not live without you. Nonetheless you were pretty sure that as soon at the little one was born, he would all but forget about you.
He slowly comes closer, and you saw the worry on his face. “I just worry, for you and the babe.” You smile at him and reach out your hand for him to take while still sitting atop of Anya. “I know but I am not made of glass or sugar for that matter.” Daemon takes your hand and brings it to his mouth placing a gentle kiss on the back of your hand. “Even if you where you would be the strongest type of glass, but it’s a husband’s job to worry.” Before you can reject that statement his arms quickly lift you up from the saddle and he settles you down next to him, tucking you into his side. “However, you are trouble whenever you go, and I rather not find my wife with a broken neck.” You huff and lightly hit his chest. “I am a better rider then you are.” He smiles down at you, and you twist yourself out of his arms. “That you are but you also currently have a condition which has not made you less clumsy.”
Your face flushes with anger and quickly turn around to focus on Anya and ignore Daemons last statement. Anya is not faring much better as she is breathing harshly through her noose and stomping her leg on the grass. Apparently, Daemon has also reached his limit with her. She shakes her head at Daemon and before you can even intervene throws him on his ass right in a puddle of mud. You stifle your laugh as you know look down on your husband who looks at the both of you with a look of shock and acceptance. “I don’t think Anya, nor I approve of you calling me being pregnant a condition.” With those words you turn around leading Anya back to the stables leaving Daemon behind in the mud.
Daemon shakes his head still in disbelief as he watches his little troublemaker walk away with her little helper. He knew he should not have said those words and the universe had found a way to punish him for it. Groaning he lifted himself up to his own two feet and followed your form to the stables like a puppy.
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Everybody you came across today was not meeting your eyes and it was getting old real fast. Because you were concerned that something was wrong with your appearance you had looked in a mirror, but both your hair and face looked perfectly fine. You had racked your brain to try and come up with an explanation for why everybody was ignoring you but the only thing that came to mind was that Daemon had found a way to get himself, and to an extension you exiled again.
You smiled at the approaching lord coming from the council room, which you remembered to be working alongside your husband. But like many before him his eyes widen and immediately turn to the ground, rushing past you like you were hideous. You feel your cheeks flush with embarrassment and anger as you walk into the council room to find your husband. As soon as you enter a silence rolls over the remaining lords halting every conversation. One of them even has the audacity to awkwardly cough while looking at Daemon.
Your husband however unashamedly stares at your chest and slowly you feel horrified as you notice the wetness at the chest of the bodice. You groan softly as your eyes find two wet sticky splotches on your bodice. Your body is leaking milk unbeknown to you. It made sense if you thought about it being at the end of pregnancy, but it does not mean you have to like what your body is doing to you. As if walking around like a duck and not being able to see your feet because of your belly wasn’t enough. Only the gods know for how you had walked around with it. Well, nobody had shamed you all had instead chosen to look away to at least grant you some decency. But you would rather have had somebody tell you, that you were walking around with two bloody milk dots. Men are all so stupid.
“Alright out with you all!” Daemon voice booms through the room as he pulls you into his chest. With flushed cheeks you press your face into his chest. “I have been walking with these for a while now, everybody saw, how stupid. I even cursed out some lords after not greeting me.” Daemon only laughs and softly kisses your forehead. “Well at least they listen to my wedding speech about not looking or even thinking about sexualizing you. You look up at survey the room but the only two people still left are Daemon and you. “Well, you did promise to cut out their guts and feed it to them if they did so it think your point was clear. “He lifts you up and gentle sets you down on the table. “Damn straight, you are mine, all mine.” His lips find the border of where your neck and jaw meet, and he possessively kisses the little spot.
“Uncle Daemon…” the soft voice of Rhaenyra carries through the room, but Daemon does not stop instead he attacks your neck with more kisses. “Oh, never mind.” You hear the secondhand embarrassment in her voice as she took in the sight in front of her, but neither Daemon nor you could care at this moment. Moreover, you have had your share of embarrassment for today and having to have a little chat with Rhaenyra after she had just seen you two was not really on things you wanted to discuss today.
113 AC
Daemon was enjoying the sight in front of him. you were laying in the hollow of his arm, your hand laying on his chest, while your head was resting on his arm near his shoulder. Sun was coming through the window as the night sky made space for the sun. your belly was slightly in the way, but he did not care much as he could feeling nothing else then being contempt. You were going to give him another heir and he could not be happier your first pregnancy had been a breeze and he had eased up on the worrying bit the second time around but still he liked it best when you were close to him and engaging in too straining activities.
The door to your shared room opened with a little creak and he looked up, trying to make out who was the intruder. His other hand automatically found the knife hidden by the nightstand. However, the sound of little feet made him halt in his actions as he recognized his first-born son. “Dada, I stay?” Daemon felt you stir in his arms as your eyes fluttered open. You looked over your shoulder and saw your little toddler standing there. Immediately a smile crossed your face. Daemon wondered how the little Baelon had been able to make his way out of his crib and find his way towards your room but let it slide as he saw his soon tiredly wiping his eyes.
You had opened the blanket for Baelon and gestured that he should nestle himself between the two of you, scooting just so slightly back his little body could fit in-between the two of you. Baelon did not need any more encouragement as he climbed his way over Daemon legs to nestle himself in-between. His head rested on your chest, and you closed your eyes again as you hand made its way to Baelon’s back, drawing small circles to sooth him. not long after Daemon heard your breathing pattern change and he knew you were back to sleep. He smiled at himself as he ignored the sun coming into the room even further and nestled back in with his little family. Business could wait he had everything he needed right here. Daemon closed his eyes but not before tightening his grip on his wife and his son. 
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Hey dear! I just finished "Troublemaker PT.2" and the part on Daemon teaches reader to dance is really one of my favorites, that said I was wondering if you could elaborate on an imagine/oneshot of her birthday please?( Feel free to ignore)
Drabble: "Mind if I cut in?" Daemon x Reader
I am so sorry for fulfilling your request like four months later. I really hope you still enjoy it nonetheless. You can find my troublemaker series in my masterlist!
106 AC
The day of your fifteenth name day had arrived and to say you were nervous was an understatement. The whole day you had spent cooped up in your room being probed and made ready into the beautiful gown your mother acquired for you. The whole day you have barely had a chance to sit down and your feet were already aching. “They are waiting for you dear.” You look up at your mother entering the room with a big smile on her face. Delighted at being the centre of attention by making all this fuss about you. You try to smile but the smile does not quite reach your eyes as the fear of disappointing your mother claws its way around your throat.
Slowly you walk behind your mother to the banquet hall where the ball is going to be held. It might be childish, but you were stalling. You knew the dancing lessons had not paid off its fruits even when your mother increased the time spend with your teacher. He simply was not patient enough with you to teach it, and often made you feel dumb. Your mother had not helped much with the expectation she had laid on you and the increasing disappointment every time the teacher reported back to her. You could only hope Daemon was there to save you from the horrors of being the centre of attention when you had to open the ball with the first dance. But you doubted it as he had flown out on some royal business earlier this morning.
The doors to the banquet hall opened and instantly the music swelled announcing your entrance. Your eyes scanned the room in search of the blond Targaryen hair, while you saw some shiny blondes, they were not the ones you were looking for. You are breathing quickens slightly and you felt your hands go clammy. Slowly you descend the stairs, looking down at your feet to try not to trip. Congratulations are thrown your way when you make your way into the middle of the room. You try to relax as you socialize with the people around you after all the dancing is yet to come.
As the music almost swelled to an end your mother pushed you towards a handsome boy of your age, he was from a house close to yours. The boy politely asked you to honor him for the first dancer and you nodded back. your nervousness was back in full force and your eyes scanned the room once more. you doubted this boy would be able to help you not make any mistake and embarrasses your whole family in front of all the guests, but Daemon simply was not there. You took in a deep breath and ran over the dancing steps in your head once more. you could do this, Daemon taught you right, you just needed someone who was half as decent as him you guide you through it and not step out of tune.
As the last notes of the song faded away and the group prepared to play a new one you closed your eyes quickly. “Mind if I cut in?” a deep tone interrupts your thoughts, and you open your eyes quickly. Daemon does not wait for an answer as he pushed the boy to the side. He takes you in his arms as he winks at you. “I was not going to miss this, little one.” As the first melodies of the song start, he softly guides you a step back before twirling you around. You smile a real one as the nervousness lessens with each step. Daemon makes sure to complicate the dance even more as he twirls you around.
You almost enjoy yourself until you make a slight mistake. Almost clumsily you step on his feet, but his face does not change for a moment, keeping up his appearance of a young royal prince he just twirls you again. “Daemon, I a-.” He shakes his head and reassures you with a smile. “Do not fret, my feet will survive, troublemaker.”
110 AC
Daemon looks at his wife who is dancing with another man. Caching the light of the overhead candles makes your dress sparkle as you catch the attention of others as you look absolutely radiant. Slight jealousy is rearing its head at the sight of it, but he contains it as you smile happily. It is almost hard to believe that a mere years ago you had loathed the thought of dancing as you believed you had not been any good in it. However, it was only a lapse of confidence as you had felt the pressure of your mother and family to perform in reality you were good and had started enjoying it from there on out.
At the sight of a hand slightly lowering on your body Daemon had more than enough. After all, he only had one dance with you earlier in the evening and he was due for another one. Moreover, another man touching you that way was reserved for one person and one person only. Without even politely asking to cut in he pushed the men aside. Catching you off guard as you stumbled slightly but when you recognized his touch you melted perfectly in his arms. You smiled up at him as he moved you across the dance floor. “Couldn’t resist?” you tease him as you lean up to quickly kiss him on his cheek. “He was touching what was mine.”
Your hand lays over his heart as the two of you stand a little closer than you have to. “Possessive much.” You smirk as he lowers his gaze to you with a smouldering gaze. Not caring if it was appropriate or not, he lowers his lips to yours. You melt against him as you kiss him back. The two having stopped dancing, now blocking others from moving around you as the dance inclines. You hear a cough behind you and with flushed cheeks, you break the kiss. You pull him back into the line as the two of you continue to dance again. “So even my kisses are not good enough to whisk you away.” Daemon signs as he holds you in the proper positions. Much to his regrets.  “Only because you made me love dancing, especially when it is with you,”
Taglist: @targaryenmoony
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sas-soulwriter · 11 months
House of the Dragon Fanfiction
Read my fanfiction on Wattpad
Spy Love (Deamon targaryen ) - Instruction - Wattpad
Or read it on AO3
Spy Love (Deamon Targaryen fic) - ScorpiaOkey - Game of Thrones (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
In a world where Rhaenyra Targaryen is the true heiress, political intrigue simmers beneath the surface of King's Landing.
The Hightowers have been banished, but Alicent remains, harboring ambitious plans. She aims to place her eldest son on the Iron Throne, with her youngest daughter, Elena as her secret weapon.
Elena is supossed to be a spy ,her plan is easy - seducing deamon targaryen ,getting her information and not falling in love!
This is a Deamon Targaryen fic x original Charracter
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