#deadly virtues
deadly-virtues · 6 months
> Meet The Volunteers
> The Roundsman Chef > And > The Circus Performer
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> The Trumpet Player > And > The Somnologist
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> The Missing Persons Detective > And > The Police Captain
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> The Child Caretaker > And > The Mathematician
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> The Astronaut > And > The Biomedical Researcher
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> The Idol > And > The Street Artist
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> The Mafia Boss > And > The Boxer
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> The Secondary Lead Actor > And > The Magician
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> Aren't you just excited to meet them all? > They are helping the world after all.
> Intro > CH_0 PT_1 [To Be Linked]
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magpiecrown · 5 months
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my dark lord, how the mighty do fall
anyway my favorite christian mythology hc is that the deadly sins were the seven capital virtues before the fall. find a little closeup under the cut 💗
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anonymouscheeses · 6 months
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My messy ass shipping list updated 💜
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And blank if you want to use
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Updated because I keep finding new ships everyday, a wide range was made so i was like y not, and because my opinions have changed just a bit. Just a weee bit
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 6 months
PYRO has won Humility!!!
We have the Seven Heavenly Virtues:
Heavy as Patience (Opposite of Wrath)
Demoman as Diligence (Opposite of Sloth)
Engineer as Kindness (Opposite of Envy)
Scout as Chastity (Opposite of Lust)
Soldier as Charity (Opposite of Greed)
Pyro as Humility (Opposite of Pride)
Sniper as Temperance (Opposite of Gluttony)
What should we do with Spy?
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shwoo · 8 months
Okay here's my headcanons of which Bugsnax characters actually know the Journalist's name. I'm also headcanoning that Lizbert mentioned their name when she told the others she wanted to invite them, and that they tend not to give their name unless prompted. They're a journalist, is that not enough?! (They may also have some personal identity issues)
Lizbert: Knows their name and maybe also their address.
Beffica: Knew their name because she's read all their articles. Pretended not to know at first as part of her facade of detachment, which is why she said "You're that journalist!" when first meeting them.
Clumby: Presumably knows them as something more specific than "obsessed monster hunter who made me have to work late."
Chandlo: Remembered because he is definitely the kind of friendly and outgoing person who can remember anyone's name after hearing it once.
Wiggle: Makes a point of remembering journalist's names. Tends to unconsciously assume that any media person is there mostly for her, so she wants to make a good impression.
Snorpy: Remembered in order to look into them and figure out if they were the heroic truth-seeker kind of journalist or the villainous sensationalist kind. Liked what he found, but still suspected they were a Grumpinati impersonator when first meeting them.
Floofty: Remembers their name, but refuses to use it out of spite.
Gramble: Forgot their name, and either asked them when they met, or asked Wiggle.
Triffany: Terrible with names, apologised and asked them for it when they met.
Cromdo: Told himself he'd remember their name in case they did show up and he had the chance to sell them something, then totally forgot. Asked them what it was when they met, and immediately did the "[diminutive], can I call you [diminutive]?" thing. The Journalist said "Sure," because they didn't really care.
Eggabell: Didn't pay much attention to what Lizbert said about them, since she didn't think they'd take the invitation. Despite having quite a bit of interaction with them and worrying about their health, didn't realise she didn't know what to call them until halfway through her "I just need Filbo and... Filbo's... buddy." line.
Shelda: Tried to remember their name so she could address them by it before they introduced themself, and impress them with her mystical knowledge, but got distracted by everything else that was happening and forgot. Got away with it for a while because of her tendency to refer to people with descriptions when overacting, but exposed herself when she said "Floofty, did you ask the journalist to throw acid at you?" The Journalist made fun of her for keeping up the charade for so long, so she reminded them that Floofty had asked them to throw acid at them, and they'd done it.
Wambus: Took a little while to realise that he couldn't get away with just calling them Stranger forever, and then was too stubborn to admit defeat and ask. The Journalist specifically suggested he use their name after his "I been calling you stranger, but you been around a while" chat, but he still refused to ask what it was, or admit that he didn't already know. Eventually heard Triffany refer to them by name, but she had to do it a few times before he decided that he knew it now.
Filbo: Forget immediately after being told, and also forgot to ask when they met. Didn't realise they probably had a name until after they'd interviewed him, and didn't want to ask out of awkwardness. Hoped they or one of the others would mention it, but coincidentally, nobody ever did, at least in an unambiguous way. Eventually asked them while they were heading back to the mainland, but continues to call them Buddy anyway.
Jamfoot: Clumby told him their name when she let him know that they were also going to Snaktooth Island, and he forgot their entire existence immediately. Was confused when Clumby mentioned them by name after they returned alive, even after she clarified that they were her ex-employee who went to Snaktooth Island.
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facadep · 3 months
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Heya guys, been a bit dead cuz im a lil busy with life stuff atm, but I'm still here! Here's a lil sketch of a character concept for my Virtue Angel of Temperance! <3 love yáll
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fandomworld9728 · 2 months
In that previous ask... I would love to see a Adam vs Alastor vs Vox battle for Lucifer hand but Vox surprisingly seem to the only one seeing this said fight ridiculous and just wanted to deal with this humanely! It would be nice to see Vox ditch and just went to talk to Lucifer and asked him out on a date and when Adam and Alastor noticed Vox just gave them a disapproving look and flipped them off while Lucifer was being all giddy and blush-y
Oh! And que The sins and Virtues!
(More fun writing for me!~ ^-^ This is a great set up and I love how it's Vox being the mature and reasonable one)
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"Fucking hold still!"
"Ah yes. Because you asked us oh so nicely, we'll stand still and let you hit us."
"Is this guy for real right now?"
Sitting on the steps of the Hazbin Hotel with the other residents, Angel Dust was eating some popcorn and offered to share as they watched the show. Two big bad Overlords and a fallen angel fighting over the King of Hell. And where was their king right now? Up on the balcony outside of his room to have a better view of the showdown.
"We should stop them."
"Charlie, if any of us tried to stop them, we'd just get killed."
"You're right... dad should stop them."
"I hate to tell ya this Charls, but your dad is most likely enjoying the attention. Aren't ya short king?!"
Knowing he's been caught; Lucifer used a portal to join everyone in front of the hotel. With a sheepish smile, he cleared his throat and fidgeted with his cane trying to find the right words. How did one explain to their daughter that having three men you held affections for fighting over you was an amazing feeling?
"Dad! You have to stop them!"
"I will! ...Just a few more minutes? It's not like they can actually kill each other. There are no Angelic Weapons so they'll just reform later."
"But they're destroying everything, and I don't want anyone to get hurt."
"Okay, okay. I'll go stop them." 
This was stupid. How did Vox allow himself to get wrapped up in this fight? Oh, right. Adam had declared he was the best and only choice for Lucifer. All three of them were prideful assholes, he could admit that. However, their king had made it clear multiple times that he didn't want to choose. So… why make him choose?
The only difficult decision he'd have to do was pick who would be the head husband. It wasn't uncommon for kings to have multiple partners and wives. Why would this be any different? Especially in this day and age. Not to mention, they were in Hell! Pretty much anything went.
But they were also possessive creatures. Vox could understand both sides of the issues, logically. However, this was not getting them anywhere. Yelping, the TV demon barely dodged the attacks thrown at him. Dammit, he thought the two had forgotten about him. He needed a new plan.
"Choke on my sick rifts edge lord!" Summoning a black axe guitar, Adam sent a powerful soundwave attack at the stupid deer demon dancing around his attacks.
"Ha ha! It's laughable how you think that would do any damage to me. Or hit me for that matter- wait. Where did Vox go?"
The two sinners shared a look before turning their attention towards the hotel. "Fuck."
Using his powers to travel through his cameras, Vox appeared in front of the hotel. Fixing his bowtie and jacket, he made his way over to the ground still watching the two morons fighting it out.
"Ooo~ Look who left the battle."
"Angel. Good to uh… see you again." Conversations were always so awkward with the spider demon. What with not only working with the owner of his soul but also sleeping with him. And the fact that he never stepped in when Val crossed many, many lines.
He was already in the process of fixing those things, but the damage had already been done. Luckily for him, the princess was a big advocator for second chances and was helping the sinner improve.
The reason for that change had turned his attention to him causing his more natural smile to stretch across his screen. "Lucifer. Apologies for the mess we made. Honestly, I can't even remember the reason I allowed myself to be dragged into that mess."
Taking the fallen angel's hand, he lightly placed a kiss on his knuckles. "Would you do me the honor of going on a proper date with me?"
Everyone was silent at his actions, and while usually Vox would take the prolonged silence as a bad sign, the flustered look on his angel caused his smile to grow. That pretty little golden blush spread across Lucifer's cheeks, stuttered nonsensical sentences spilled from his lips. 
"Can I take that as a yes, your majesty?"
"No, you may not!" Reforming from his shadows, Alastor used his cane to push Vox away from the king. "That reaction is far from consent. Not that you would know anything about consent, now, would you? Especially when told no."
A growl threatened to slip out. How dare he? Thinking he had the moral high ground. "Listen here you piece of shit-"
Something crashing into the hotel and landing next to them pulled their attention away from the start of another fight. Sitting up, Adam shook the debris from his hair. 
"Oh good! Now that we're all here, we can continue this little debate of ours."
"Why? So, we can cause more property damage and kill each other just to do it again after we've reformed?"
"A date! Y-Yes, a date! T-that uh… sounds nice."
Vox could feel the electricity flow through him at the answer. Yes. Yes! Finally! He got to go on a date with his angel. Secretly flipping off Lucifer's other two admirers, he stepped closer to his lovely king. 
"You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear. Adam may have known you since the beginning of Earth's creation, Alastor may have had you before me, but I will not waste this chance and show how happy I can make you. It's been all I've ever wanted since I was just a boy."
"Aww!~ Look at how happy Lulu is."
"It's so great that he's able to find love again."
"And with three guys. One of them being Adam. Huh. What a crazy little loveable guy we have as a brother."
All the Virtues were so excited and happy for Lucifer as they watched everything unfolding from the meeting room they had gathered in. It had been Michael's idea, and he was regretting it. How could those lowly sinners think they were good enough for their baby brother?! And Adam... oh don't get him started on Adam!
Sure, he liked him better then Lilith, but this was the same guy who had taken away what little happiness Lucifer had had during his punishment their Father had deemed necessary. If the former angel thought he was gonna just get to be with their precious little brother he had another thing coming. Him and those other two sinners.
"Uh oh~ Mikey is getting angry again."
"You sure he isn't just jealous?"
"I am not jealous! You're jealous!"
"Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie! You're serious? Lulu called and asked to have a date night at your club?"
"Yeah. Said he was bringing only one of them. That means-"
"Ha! He's just as greedy as me. How many partners does he have?"
"Hey, he deserves the love, Mamm. Don't you guys agree?" Precious Beelzebub trying to keep the peace while also trying to get them excited about this news.
"Does it really matter? It just means they're gonna take his attention away from us."
"You should take a nap, Levi. It might help. Just because Lucifer has some new boyfriends doesn't mean he loves you any less."
"You do know we're going to have to go over there and scare the unliving shit out of them, right?"
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paruo · 19 days
"The path to Hell is paved with good intentions"
don't know your virtue off hand? take a quiz to figure it out.
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celestiall0tus · 6 months
Heavenly Light, Hellish Shadow - The Pandora Box
Here we go everyone. The closest to a miracle box you'll see in my works. Now, let's reintroduce the kwamis:
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Humilitas and Superbia, Humility and Pride.
Humilitas, Kwami of Humility:
Favorite food: Anything
Weapon: Sword
Miraculous: Earrings
Superbia, Kwami of Pride:
Favorite food: Prime Rib
Weapon: Broadsword
Miraculous: Earrings
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Castitas and Libidine, Kwamis of Chastity and Lust
Castitas, Kwami of Chastity:
Favorite Food: Cake
Weapon: Lasso
Miraculous: Belt Chain
Libidine, Kwami of Lust:
Favorite Food: Strawberry
Weapon: Whip
Miraculous: Belt Chain
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Patientia and Ira, Kwamis of Patience and Wrath
Patientia, Kwami of Patience:
Favorite Food: Anything made from scratch and homemade
Weapon: Scythe
Miraculous: Pocket Watch
Ira, Kwami of Wrath:
Favorite Food: Jerky
Weapon: Pitchfork
Miraculous: Pocket Watch
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Diligentia and Desidia, Kwamis of Diligence and Sloth.
Diligentia, Kwami of Diligence:
Favorite Food: Croissants
Weapon: Glaive
Miraculous: Ring
Desidia, Kwami of Sloth:
Favorite Food: Anything quick and easy, requires no effort
Weapon: Staff
Miraculous: Ring
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Caritas and Invidia, Kwamis of Charity and Envy
Caritas, Kwami of Charity:
Favorite Food: Anything
Weapon: Bow
Miraculous: Necklace
Invidia, Kwami of Envy:
Favorite Food: Whatever someone else is eating
Weapon: Bow
Miraculous: Necklace
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Temperantia and Gula, Kwamis of Temperance and Gluttony
Temperantia, Kwami of Temperance:
Favorite Food:
Weapon: Dagger
Miraculous: Anklet
Gula, Kwami of Gluttony:
Favorite Food: Anything and everything
Weapon: Sword
Miraculous: Anklet
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Liberalitas and Avaritia, Kwamis of Generosity and Greed.
Liberalitas, Kwami of Generosity:
Favorite Food: Bread
Weapon: Staff
Miraculous: Bracelet
Avaritia, Kwami of Greed:
Favorite Food: Anything very pricey
Weapon: Spear
Miraculous: Bracelet
Some quick things to get out of the way with my kwamis and this newest batch.
Animosity and Wrath: While these two seem fundamentally close, which they are, Animosity is ultimately hate, not just rage. Hate is often a byproduct of anger, hence why they are so closely related, but Animosity doesn't always need to come from a place of anger, but 9 times out of 10, it usually is. So, Ira is the pure essence of anger and a short fuse, while Orikko is hatred personified.
Sloth and Lethargy: These two were a little harder to explain at first, but ultimately comes down to the definitions of them and their pairs. So, Sloth is the reluctance to work while Lethargy is low energy, but not reluctance. This is further shown in the pairs. Diligence is careful, persistent work while Determination is firmness and unyielding. They are both what leads to Diligence and Sloth, but not them at the same time. So, here's the explanation for them:
Diligentia is the act of the hard work that could take years to accomplish and the keen eye for every detail in the work. Sloth is the refusal to work. Determination is the unyielding force that drives us. Lethargy is that low energy state when we need to relax and take a break.
The Pandora Box:
I wasn't going to call it this, but I like it, so it stays. Now, this is where I say it's the closest you'll get to it being a miracle box because this box contains the jewels of the Sins but is guarded by the Virtues.
Now, the box:
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The box itself is very unassuming. The most notable things about it is the bizarre art/markings and that there is no way to open the box. This is because the box is more of a prison, crafted by the Virtues to hold the Sins. And while the design is near flawless, there is but one flaw to it. While no ordinary mortal can open it, a holder would have access to the contents within. Something the Virtues will keep away from the holders and other kwamis.
The Virtues and Sins are the result of Velze's "death" just as is the creation of Gimmi. They were once a core ensemble of the family as the core beliefs, good and bad, that Velze upheld. The kwamis as a whole embraced them, until the Sins started causing trouble that their virtuous pairs deemed them too dangerous to leave to their own devices, containing them against the wills of their siblings.
Now the Virtues have assigned themselves the task of watching over the Sins and keeping them contained until they are all called back on the final day. At least, that's what they hope.
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turtleofthehollow · 5 months
If the Heavenly Virtues ever make an appearance in Hazbin Hotel, it’d be interesting if it turned out that Luicfer was once the Virtue of Humility before his fall
This is assuming the Sins aren’t all fallen angels as well, and were actually demons from the start, making Lucifer the only one of them that was also a Virtue at one point
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silliestofbilliest · 6 months
Save me 2023 production of Camelot,,, save me
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
> CH_0 PT_1
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> Started
It’s cold… the last thing to remember was that there was something stuck right into the back of █████’s neck, it hurt for a bit before everything then went dark. Though now such an event was blurry, it only being remembered due to the fact that there really wasn’t much else to remember. While he slept, his mind tried to focus on something.
Eventually, it did, but his mind didn’t get to focus for long as soon enough there was a ringing that filled the air. It was loud and hard to ignore, like an alarm clock that wouldn’t shut off. In fact, it was an alarm that didn’t seem to stop. █████ laying on his bed and barely coming to as the sounds of the ringing continue to fill his head. Eventually, it would stop once he finally opened his eyes. Shifting around on the cold bed as from the corner of his vision he could see something moving around. The thing was a person dressed in dark colors, and their hair was up in what looked like a bun tied up with a light red ribbon. Something of which █████ mumbled about as he yawned. Though as he yawned the other walked over to him and moved to try and shake him awake.
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To the touch █████ was quick to turn away and rewrap himself in the blankets he woke up with. Closing his eyes as he could hear something being said. 
"Come on-."
The other sounded somewhat worried but █████ didn’t really care, instead rolling over to lay on his stomach as he right then fell back asleep.
He’d sleep for another while before finally being woken up by the ringing again. This time it was louder, it didn’t just fill his head it felt like he was being shaken awake by just the sound itself. So to get it to stop, he groaned out. “I'm up…” before finally sitting up and rubbing his face. 
Once he was finally up the noise stopped. His head finally being able to think as he looked around. He noticed that the room was decently cold and uncomforting already, something that didn’t seem normal to him. But when he realized that he had woken up in something similar to a doctor's room, that was when he became worried. █████ quickly looking around as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. But when he realized that he couldn’t remember stuff like how he ended up here or even his own name, that was when he started to panic.
His movements were quick, he threw the blanket off himself as he got off the bed, bells jingling from his outfit as he moved around to find something that explained what was going on. Though to his disappointment he found just a few things that didn’t tell him much of anything, a box filled with things like headphones and multiple items made of different textures. As well as a mirror. 
This mirror of which he approached and looked into. Staring at the reflection that stared back at him. 
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When he stared at himself it felt as if he was staring at a stranger. He wasn’t sure if that was him- no it wasn’t him was it? Carefully he reached up to touch his face as he stood there. The longer he stared the more worried he became. Tears starting to build in his eyes as he tried to breathe in and out to calm himself. When he didn’t find that working, he quickly moved to the door of the room, pulling it open and rushing out of the room, following down the hallway that was connected. He needed answers, he needed something to quell the worries he had.
When he reached the end of the hallway, he ran into the sounds of talking and some bits of laughter. It looked like there were a bunch of people here, and when Jester showed up all of them looked at him. There seemed to be no worries from anyone in the group as they all were sitting around. One person leaned back against one of the walls as he looked away from the rest, there two people holding on to what looked like a squirming spider like robot. A taller woman stood off to the side of the couch with a watch that she clicked closed once █████ showed up. Some others weren’t doing much either, the three girls off to the right spoke with each other as one of them watched. And some others were sitting on the couch talking. There also happened to be people sitting on the floor behind the couch, looking up to █████ when he entered. What had seemed to be the same with all of them was something on the back of their necks, something █████ noticed before there were words spoken to him and everyone started looking at him.
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“Now you wake up! You got good sleep, right?” Says the person who tried to wake him up earlier with a smile on his face, moving his hands in certain ways as he speaks, it seems to be methodical like there was meaning to the gestures. █████ could tell the person talking was the one who tried to wake him because of the ribbon that held up his bun. His voice also sounded just like what he heard for that time he was up. It had the same pitch, though now it sounded less worried.
As he said that an older man walked over to █████ and spoke with a soft smile, one that seemed to try to be comforting. “You alright kid?” 
He had noticed the crying and was worried about him, his hand reaching out to touch his shoulder until █████ jolted away and started crying louder. Why didn't none of them seem worried about anything!? He started to panic more, his head was spinning as he stood at the end of the hallway. Words were so hard for him to even get out at this point that it felt almost as if he couldn’t speak. Reaching up to grab at the bells on his outfit as he tried to get something out but nothing did come to be said, not for a while. He needed to speak, to say something and tell them all that something was wrong. It was tough to do so but eventually he was able to muster out something as his hands rattled around the bells and then pulled on the collar of his outfit. His voice cracked as he -at this point- screamed what he wanted to tell the others.
“I can’t- ! I can’t- re-member! I can’t remember- my name- or- or where I'm from! I can’t remember anything-!”
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> CH_0 PT_1 END
> To Be Continued
> CH_0 PT_2
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rants-i-guess-idk · 7 months
Each of the hotel members represent a sin. Minus Lucifer.
Alastor represents pride. Need i explain it?
Angel Dust is lust. Again, do i need to explain?
Husk is greed. His entire thing is gambling and gambling is a form greed. Greed is also often associated with alcoholism.
Sir Pentious was envy. Envious of overlords and craving for that power recognition for himself as well. He’s almost painfully aware of the fact that he is weak and compensates it for his constant drive to improve his machinery. And he’s envious of Angel’s and Cherri’s close bond.
Vaggie is wrath. She is incredibly vengeful and angry, even if that passion is sourced from a good place. Her indignation stems from the fact that she was kicked out from heaven by being a good person for sparing a child. Her wrath stems from her desire to one up Lute in that sinners can be good people, and her wholehearted trust in Charlie.
Charlie represents sloth. Her goal is to make the lives of pride ring hellborn and sinners easier. Sloth, by the older definition, is the wanting to have everything basically at your fingertips and have no need to expend any effort. This could also be Alastor’s representative sin, but it’s mostly Charlie’s.
Nifty is gluttony. We don’t much about her as of yet so she will have to do for now as gluttony, or over-indulgence as i call it. Her obsession with cleaning could perhaps constitute for her “gluttonous” attribute.
Where am i going with this? Simple, each one will have to commit the opposite virtue of their sin in order to reach redemption.
Like in the example of Sir Pentious. Sir Pentious was redeemed via his act of kindness, for his self-sacrifice. The virtue of kindness is the opposite to the sin of envy.
So for Husk and Angel to ascend, they will need to learn to be charitable and perform chastity in some form. These go hand in hand, much like it seems that the show is leading towards. It is a large hope of mine for them to ascend together.
For Vaggie to return she will need to learn patience. Have patience in herself and others, have patience in the success of the hotel, in Charlie.
Niffty’s temperance will be her ability to let things go. To let a mess be a mess and not a picture perfect clean house. Messes are inevitable and constant, it is impossible for everything to be scrubbed clean of filth. Turmeric stains are proof of that…
Charlie is going to learn that diligence, that constant work, is what’s going to keep not only the hotel afloat but also keep the pride ring from over flowing. She will work her ass off everyday to make it easier, and at times it will seem to never work but it is. Never give up.
Alastor WILL learn about humility. At some point far down the path of this show will he see that being humble and subtle is most times the better option than openly boasting of his strength. Humility can still be “sinful” in that sense, that his quietness about his strength, his humility, will show more than tell.
In the end all of them will have their ascensions, in one way or another. By acting out the capital virtues at the moments of their second deaths.
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angelicutz · 9 months
Me (an atheist) studying this shi for Hazbin (im gonna have to pirate it cuz im poor)
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 6 months
Ooohh! Sniper won Patience! It was a close tie between him and Engineer!
Now the next one is!
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mask131 · 1 month
Heyo! I know you like talking about the 7 deadly sins (I think?)
But what about their counterparts, the 7 heavenly virtue's? (The Angels that represent them, or info on their meanings.)
If you don't know a lot about them, or don't want to talk about them you don't have to. I would gladly listen to any info you'd like to share on the sins or another topic of your choice.
I love reading your information posts, so any topic would be welcome. :)
idk exactly why, but your posts are just a very enjoyable read! I love learning about your interests, because you just make them very detailed and interesting I guess?
Thank you for reading this ask I hope you have a wonderful day ✨
Hi! Thank you for your ask - sorry for not answering sooner but my Internet has been up and down, in and out, and so I have limited access to Tumblr.
I am glad you took an interest in these old posts - though I do have to mention how OLD these things are. They did pop up back thanks to the Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel stuff, but yeah I haven't written about topics like the deadly sins in a while.
For the seven heavenly virtues I will say that... It's paradoxal but interestingly, they are not as interesting as you might think X)
I am not going to make a whole ass post about it yet, I am writing that on the top of my head, but here's the thing. The seven heavenly virtues were NOT part of the original Christian doctrine, teaching, religion, and are still not considered today... "canon" I will dare say (religious pun intended).
There are seven virtues in Christian religion (at least Catholic flavored, since that's from where I get my info :p Don't know what Orthodox have to say to that), but they are NOT the seven heavenly virtues. They are the four cardinal virtues and the three theological ones (main difference: cardinal virtues are supposed to come from the humans themselves, we have them naturally in us ; theological virtues are supposed to come from God and thus only religious work can help us get them "out"). They do form the seven virtues of Christianity. But they were not made to match the seven deadly sins. They existed way before the idea of the "seven deadly sins" popped up (remember, it all started as just a tiny monk in his isolated desert writing down about all the flaws and problems he saw young monks suffer from - "Those darn kids" mentality - which led to a whole philosophical and theological process only later picked up by Church higher up. Eight evil thoughts - seven vices.)
But here's the thing. Medieval + Renaissance times had a big obsession with "evil imagery". It was this specific time where Christianity decided to go "Okay, let's stop preaching about being kind and poor and gentle - let's start telling them if they don't behave they'll be roasted alive while toads eat their toes". It was the boom of the Hell depictions, of the devil and demons imagery, of the depictions of the sins of all sorts, the arrival of Purgatory, and whatnot. Now, the seven deadly sins had a HUGE success... Too huge. The Church realized that people knew by heart the seven deadly sins, but literaly didn't know their virtues or care about them. (It's your typical mentality of "Villains are cool, heroes are boring." Just look at Disney movies.) So, to retaliate that, a sort of unofficial list was created, matching the seven deadly sins in goodness. The "seven heavenly virtues". But it is not part of the Christian teachings *per se*. They are part of Christian imagery now, for sure, but originally it was just a sort of... I will dare say publicity stunt mixed with memorizing technique. People were lost with the whole "cardinal, theological" thing - so the Church decided "Okay well let's take this thing everybody likes and YOU DO THE REVERSE OKAY?". And people dug this a LOT (there's the whole Psychomachia genre about poems and novels depicting embodiments of the vice and virtues fighting each other to death).
As for angels that would correspond to the virtues, OH MY! That's nearly impossible to answers X) Already with demons it is complicated because, since demonology was literaly a mix of occultism with literary fashion and cultural fads, everybody had their own take - though at least with this some systems and classifications became more popular than others and imposed themselves in mass culture (even when they don't make sense by the Church's teachings, like the Lucifer/Satan divide). But with ANGELS? People don't even agree on the number of Archangels or on what exactly an archangel is ; so to find a coherent or imposed system of "seven angels" matching this sort of popular-but-unofficial list of "seven heavenly virtues", good luck! X)
Sorry for not being able to say more for now but I hope at least this brief answer will satisfy you in some ways. Maybe one day I'll make a more precise post about it - or if anything I said is unclear or you want me to explain myself on a specific point, don't hesitate to send an ask! My askbox is always open for that
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