#deadlock x male reader
wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
Can you do yandere and deadlock reacting to S/O accidently getting seriously hurt during a sparring session
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Words: 419
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Sparring sessions had an easy enough layout. First you had to warm up, nothing too harsh. Then it started, only hand to hand at this point. Anything you could do without powers or technology was fair game. And during that time you could hold your ground pretty well, only gaining a few bruises and scrapes.
But Iselin wasn’t worrying, it allowed her to spend more time with you. And she got to hold you after, something rare during the day due to being agents. Hearing the next alarm go off, signalling abilities allowed. Unluckily enough you were against Phoenix, who had great powers honestly, but he didn’t know how to use them and was reckless.
So whenever you went against him or went on a mission with him, Iselin stayed close. But today she couldn’t be as close as she’d prefer, but she knew you could handle yourself. So she let herself watch, meaning she saw everything.
How quickly his fire came to life, and how quickly it spread. Circling the two of you, but it didn’t stop there. Soon it engulfed the arena, and within seconds not even Phoenix could put them out. The overhead sprinklers turned on, soaking the flames into nothing.
Not only was the floor charred to the point of replacement, you laid within it all. Clothing, hair and even skin was charred, groaning in pain when any of it was touched. That set her off.
The familiar whirring of her tech had everyone’s head turning, quickly following as she rushed out of the room and into the arena.
Before she knew a wall had blocked her path, sending her ultimate bouncing back. And luckily, missing everyone. Turning in anger to Sage, who was also looking angered.
“What was that for!”
“I know you two are dating, but you can’t let your anger control you like this.”
Everyone watched as Sage’s words seemed to only anger Deadlock, only for her to shut the device off. Dropping it into the waiting hands of Sage before she rushed off, hauling you into her arms. Keeping you close to herself and away from everyone else, and they let her, stepping away as she walked past.
They knew if she had her way, Phoenix wouldn’t be stuck with more chores. He would be stuck six feet under, but the protocol wouldn’t let that happen, not today. Who knows, if he ends up missing or gravely injured on a future mission, they couldn’t pin it on her. Right?
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beestriker015 · 2 years
Ashe x male gunslinger s/o
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Ashe first met s/o when she and the rest of the Deadlock Gang began hearing rumors of some mysterious gunman causing trouble all across the southern states.
Intrigued by this fellow outlaw, Ashe began searching for s/o in the prospect of having him join up with her gang.
Word traveled quickly as s/o caught wind that the infamous Deadlock Gang is looking for him, much to his amusement.
“Interestin’. Well then…”
He grabs his weapons and twirls them around before putting them in their holster.
“If they’re lookin’ for me, it’d be mighty rude of me to ignore ’em.”
He says with a grin before saddling up and heading off on his trusty horse.
Later on after a successful heist, Ashe finally comes face to face with s/o, who cautiously has his hand near his revolver in case things go south.
“Howdy there ma’am, I take it you’re the leader of the Deadlock Gang? The name’s s/o, I heard it through the grapevine that you were searchin’ for me?”
Ashe is immediately taken with s/o due to his smooth southern drawl and charm, not to mention his incredible good looks.
Trying to maintain her composure and hide her blush, she explains that she wants to offer s/o a place in her gang.
S/o hesitantly pulls his hand away from his gun and thinks for a moment.
After taking Ashe’s offer into consideration, he turns to her with a smile.
“Alright. I reckon joinin’ up with y’all sure as hell beats being all on my lonesome. You got yourself a deal darlin’, s/o is at your service!”
He says as he tips his hat to her, making her chuckle and blush faintly.
“Excellent, you made the right choice. Welcome to the family s/o.”
As months pass since s/o joined up, Ashe’s attraction to him grew stronger and stronger, eventually leading her to fall in love with him.
Eventually, Ashe decided to confess her feelings to s/o and called him to her quarters to discuss something privately.
“Hey boss, is there somethin’ you needed from me?”
“Yes s/o, please take a seat. There’s something I need to tell you.”
Ashe proceeds to take a swig of bourbon before staring directly into s/o’s eyes.
“I’m not going to beat around the bush, I’m in love with you s/o. I was attracted to you ever since we first met, and my feelings for you continued to deepen since you first joined up with us. If you don’t feel the same way that’s ok, you’re a valuable member of this gang and nothing short of betrayal will ever change that.”
Ashe looks at s/o in anticipation of his response as he processes everything he was just told.
“W-wow boss, I certainly wasn’t expectin’ no love confession when you called me in here. I’m gonna be honest with you boss, I feel the exact same way. I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time, but I never spoke up because…y’know…you’re the boss and I didn’t wanna make things weird. What I’m tryin’ to say is that I love you too boss, I mean…Ashe.”
She blushes slightly before a seductive smirk forms on her face as she pulls s/o into a passionate make out session.
After that, Ashe and s/o spend the night together, officially announcing their relationship to the rest of the gang in the morning.
As a couple, Ashe and s/o work well together during heists and always have the other’s back.
Despite s/o being a really skilled fighter and gunslinger, Ashe is still protective over him and if he were ever to get injured, no mercy will be shown to whoever hurt her boyfriend.
Likewise, anyone foolish enough to try and make an attempt at taking Ashe down, whether it be a rival gang or an Overwatch agent wanting to take her into custody, will quickly be dealt with by s/o’s pinpoint accurate shots.
Ashe also has a huge soft spot for s/o’s horse, always helping him with feeding and washing him/her when they have free time, leading to her and the horse forming a close bond.
Dates often include spending alone time and drinking together in Ashe’s quarters after successful heists, as she and s/o can’t really go out for dates due to being wanted criminals.
On their second anniversary of becoming a couple, s/o suddenly gets down on one knee in front of the entire gang as B.O.B. hands him a tiny ring box, causing Ashe to gasp in surprise.
“S/o! W-what are you…”
He cuts her off by opening the box, revealing a very beautiful looking ring.
“I’ve been savin’ up for a long time to get this here ring, and I feel that now’s the perfect moment to do what I’ve been preparin’ for. I love you Ashe, and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you darlin’. With all that said, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”
Tears form in Ashe’s eyes as she nods rapidly.
“I love you so much s/o, of course I’ll marry you!”
She kisses him deeply as their fellow gang members clap and cheer for the two.
Ashe puts the ring on her finger and looks at it with a warm smile, happily reminiscing about the day her gunslinger s/o came into her life.
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onlyfrags · 6 months
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Last Updated: 5/24/2024
| Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content |
If you see someone you want that is not on this list, feel free to send me a request at any time! Just make sure to read the [Request Rules]
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*Untitled* | NSFW x GN Reader (In progress)
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Coffee talk | NSFW X GN Reader (IN PROGRESS)
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Reunions | Gekko X GN Reader (in Progress)
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Self Worth | Iso x Reader (in Progress) Iso is so used to being a weapon for others. What happens when someone reminds him that hes worth more than that now?
After work | NSFW x Reader (In progress) You and Iso help each other relax after another stressful mission
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✿ Yoru X Draconic Radiant S/O | Yoru X Male Reader ✿
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theres-a-body-here · 8 months
his! if possible, i’ll request cole cassidy x reader who’s apart of Talon? thank you so muchhh! and no pressure, if you can’t complete it that’s alright!
You never specified the tone of the fic  😈 😈 😈
Cole Cassidy x Male!reader
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Cole took a deep breath as he clutched his broken robotic arm, trying desperately to ignore the searing pain coursing through the attachment nerves.
His breathing became labored as sweat dripped down his forehead, mixing with the dust kicked up from the explosion that went off in the building. His communication device was broken as well. He couldn't call for the others.
Cole grunts as he attempts to stand, but is stopped as pain shoots through his leg. The pain felt like a thousand needles piercing his flesh, making it hard for him to think straight. He tried to get up again, but his wounded leg gave way underneath him. He looks around and finds Peacemaker, grabbing it.
After a few moments of silence, trying to come up with some sort of plan, he hears a groan a few yards away. Cole quickly turned his head in its direction, his breath catching in his throat.
In an awful way, Cole wished you had died in the explosion instead of having to face you himself. Killing his childhood best friend wasn't something he ever wanted to do.
You were still kicking. Talon's agents always had a nasty habit of not staying dead. Your face was contorted into a grimace as you pulled yourself out of the rubble, Talon armor cracked and tearing into your skin. After a few feet of crawling, Cassidy noticed the loss of your right leg. Despite that, you seemed hell bound on completing your mission.
Stubborn, just as you were in Deadlock.
You halted your movement towards him and met his gaze. Both of you stared at one another in silence. Eyes locked onto each other like two predators who knew each other's moves all too well. A soft wind blew through the broken concrete of the former building, rustling dust around them. No one spoke a word, but the tension was palpable.
Memories flooded back to Cole - warm summer nights spent under Texas skies, holding you close and feeling your laughter vibrate through him whenever he planted a gentle kiss on your cheek. As he looked at his gun, he remembered those moments fondly before tightening his grip on it.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange hue over the landscape as the sky turned dark blue above.
Your eyes darted around, spotting your revolver lying nearby, its cold metal reflecting the dying sunlight. He also spotted the familiar gun, not believing that you kept it after all this time. Cole watched you look at it and then back at him, his heart racing wildly as he realized what might happen next. The weapon lay there like a temptress calling for attention.
"You...had it engraved for me?"
"Consider it a parting gift, darlin'"
You slowly started reaching for the weapon, fingers curling slightly as if to caress it.
Cole swung his arm, pointing his gun directly at you without even thinking about it. This action froze you mid-reach, leaving you staring at him with an unreadable expression.
"Don't shoot me out of panic," you said in a unnervingly calm voice, though whether it was meant as a taunt or genuine plea, Cole couldn't discern.
Cole ground his teeth together, searching for the right words to say without lowering his guard. He kept his sights trained on you, never breaking eye contact even for a moment.
Before Cole could find his voice, you began speaking calmly once more, "Humans need conflict; it's out of love that I want society to grow stronger." Your cold eyes pierce through his very being.
"Talon will strengthen humanity."
He watched as you started reaching for the pistol again, his grip on Peacemaker tightening further.
The world seemed distant to Cole as the sounds of your voice filled his mind, echoing with justifications and explanations for why you ended up here. His ears rang with the weight of your words, making everything else feel far away as you continued your 'speech'.
You truly believed Talon was helping the world.
"Please… darlin', don't make me do this," Cole whispered desperately under his breath, his voice cracking as he fought tears.
Silence reigned once more as the cool evening breeze danced around them, lifting dust devils into the air. The moon crested the horizon, bathing them in pale light.
"My heart and actions are utterly unclouded," you said softly, almost sadly. Then suddenly, you lunged for the pistol, grasping it firmly before leveling it at Cole.
The click of an empty chamber echoed in the quiet desert air, followed almost instantaneously by the sharp retort of a single gunshot.
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ornii · 2 years
Can I ask for a Wednesday Addams x Male Reader where he's a normie at the school but when Wednesday finds out Thornhill sent the Hyde after him, she finds him standing over a thoroughly ass-whooped Tyler? Just absolutely thrashed him and his only explanation is 'He found out.'
This Definitely sounds like if a Young Bruce Wayne grew up in Nevermore. Cause prep time of course, but he definitely sounds like a Young Dark Knight.
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Her Dark Knight
If there is one thing Normies despise, Is their own fraternizing with a Nevermore student, that is unfortunately how this dreadful tale began. It was at around one year to the date that the death of Mother and Father weighted heavy on (Y/n), as their murder was still fresh in his kind, but unbeknownst to many he began a plot of revenge to take back his life against the one to deal the fatal blow against his family, as there will be hell to pay.
(Y/n) Wayne entered the robust coffee shop at the rain, using a black umbrella he covered himself from said rain, entering the establishment he placed it away and walked calmly towards the counter, avoiding any contact with anyone who would even eye him, he stopped at the counter to Tyler, who was still there, oblivious to his presence; it was until he turns around and gets scared by the sudden appearance.
“Holy!— uh, Hey.” He says sheepishly and (Y/n) keeps a oddly calmly demeanor.
“Hello Tyler, the usual.” He said and hands him a platinum black card.
“Black, two sugars.” Tyler says taking the card and swiping, as he hands it back, (Y/n) notices something from the corner of his eye, a shadowy figure sitting at a table, rather indulge in whatever Nevermore has to offer he takes his coffee and leaves, as he exits back into the rain, his eyes turn to the window and he gets to finally spot the figure, a girl who seems so out of place, Wednesday Addams. His eyes meet with hers for a moment but it was only temporary before he walks off. That was the first time he met Wednesday Addams unofficially. The next time was much more, intimate.
During the Celebration of Nevermore, a statue erected in brass was shown, and funded by the Wayne family. You were unfortunately forced to attend from your butler’s request and the town. Standing there was more than boring it was agonizing. But something really livened up the celebration as Nevermore students gather, an explosion! The Statue itself, the water supply was changed with gasoline and the explosion ignited the statue ablaze, students ran and city officials were beside themselves. You stood there, watching the flames, until your ears catch the sound of a cello playing “Paint it black” so beautifully, turning around you notice who it was once more, Wednesday playing so vigorously. Her attention turns to You, as she sees your body perfectly backdropped by the flames dancing in the background. You knew that she had something to do with it, and you weren’t the only one.
“This is a…very Sensitive situation.” Weems said to you, as you stood in her office arms folded.
“A.. sensitive situation? Someone blew up a statue.. any idea who?” You ask, and Weems tries to save face.
“Well.. unfortunately there is, one person—“
“Wednesday Addams.” You say and Weems stops, coming to a quick realization you already knew.
“I’d like to speak with her.”
“I’m afraid I cannot—“
“You’ve allowed more… unless you want the school itself to pay for the statue.” You respond, Weems was in a deadlock.
“…You get ten minutes.”
“That’s all I need.”
Wednesday enters the room via the Authority of Weems, and to spot (Y/n), waiting.
“Took you long enough to show up.” He says, and Weems leaves, annoyed.
“What do you want?” She said and (Y/n) looks around the room.
“Did you know that my Ancestors, and my father, Thomas Wayne helped fund Nevermore and it’s activities? It’s a well known idea that the Wayne’s are an ally to Nevermore and all it’s Body. So, when one student decides to blow up the statue we’re erecting, an issue arises.. I think you know where I’m going with this.”
“I haven’t the faintest clue of your implications, my hands are clean. I suggest you turn your attention to your own, Normies aren’t always as accepting and vomit inducingly open as you seem to be.”
“You see, I had considered that, Nevermores never been as liked as I wish It was… but you, you stand out as much as you don’t want to, it’s obvious you’re hiding something.”
“And what would give you that impression?”
“I am the worlds greatest detective.”
“You’re a Teenager.”
“.. I’m Nevermores Greatest detective..So.. Ready to tell the truth?” He said, Wednesday stares daggers at him for what seems to be forever. Until she finally speaks up.
“Do you know a man named Rowan who went to Nevermore?”
“I cannot say that I do, why?”
“He was murdered two weeks ago and everyone seems to be under the impression he’s alive, but I have evidence to prove he’s dead and it’s all a cover up, his broken glasses were still there when I returned to where he died. He has no visible injures when I encountered him the next day.. doesn’t that seems suspicious?” Wednesday elaborates the tale to (Y/n) who rubs his chin.
“It’s… Hm.. I See, let’s say I believe this, but why cover this up?”
“To avoid a Scandal, the police and Nevermore are both complacent in the coverup.” Wednesday says and (Y/n) calmly walks up to her.
“Okay, you’ve convinced me, I know Jericho isn’t the best place and unfortunately, I believe they’d do something like this, so I’ll assist you, partners?” He says offering a handshake. Wednesday reluctantly shakes his hand.
“Partners.” She responds, with the deal made, the two depart and the investigation began. (Y/n) assists Wednesday in discovering the truth of Nevermore of Craackstone and most importantly, Tyler and Thornhill, and more importantly just what Tyler was.
(Y/n) awaits in the forest after messaging Tyler to meet him, which he arrives, a bit late.
“(Y/n)” Tyler said and he turns to face him, dawned by the moonlight and forest.
“Good, You’re here…”
“Yeah you Uh, Never really call and I was surprised you had my number.”
“I don’t, I just needed to ask around, and someone had it, thankfully it didn’t take long for you after almost killing Eugene.”
“Yeah I… what?”
“Don’t Play dumb, it was you, it was always you, the Hyde… the same hide that killed Thomas and Martha Wayne..” he says coldly, his voice growing in anger, Tyler’s fear slowly changed to annoyance.
“And you thought that, bringing me out to the forest in the middle of the night was going to help you?” Tyler said and (Y/n) faces him.
“Why? Scared vengeance is going to come and haunt you?”
“No… I get a chance to put the Wayne family in the dirt finally, it was your dad that cut Hyde’s out of Nevermores class, and how my mother ended up.. how she was, I see this is revenge.” Tyler said and (Y/n) watches as he transforms into the Hyde, the towering monsters Lanky and malformed body lurches towards (Y/n).
“Luckily, I had time to prep.” He reached into his pocket and hurls small black pellets, it hits the chest of the Hyde and do nothing, they suddenly bursts and explode into black dust clouds, blinding the Hyde for a moment, he swings the gas away and steps out, and sees (Y/n) running, he gives chase after the young man who’s set traps all around the first, he leaps over one and the Hyde runs straight into a snare, wrapping his leg and hanging him upset down, Tyler swings around trying to figure out where he is, suddenly a punch comes from behind, hitting him in the back of the head, he spins to swing to see nothing there. (Y/n) pelts him with punches and kicks that Tyler can’t predict anymore, one good punch to the throat catches him off guard, he was able to grab (Y/n) and toss him into a wall. Tyler claws the rope to get himself down and sees (Y/n) stand up and run again. He gives chase again to another trap. (Y/n) crawls into a log and Tyler does as well, using his claws to attempt to tear into the log, but what he saw was a small black device, which opens up to a painful high pitch sound. The ringing hits his ears and he reels back, holding his head. The ringing in his ears makes it impossible for him to hear.
(Y/n) crawls on top of a branch and leaps off, he lands on the shoulders of Tyler and jams something into his neck, the Hyde howls and grabs him, and slams him into the ground, he stumbles back as he begins to revert back to a more human form. (Y/n) sits up, and walks over to Tyler.
“An agent to nullify your transformation was hard to make. But it was worth it.” (Y/n) cocks back and rocks Tyler with a punch, slumping him down, he picks him up and begins to Ruthlessly beat Tyler to a pulp, he hurls him into a tree and kicks him while he’s down. Tyler throws measly punches that (Y/n) dodges, and continues his own assault.
“You attack Innocent students… murder innocent people… kill my mother and father, and you plan on executing Wednesday as well! You and Thornhill may be Normies, but your variations on the same egotistical cult are the same, monstrous power hungry monsters who wish to see people die for your own grotesque image… but in the end, all men like you eventually die.” (Y/n) drops Tyler down and grabs a heavy stone, and lifts it above him to crush his skull. Tyler can only laugh.
“Yeah… kill me, prove that you’re just as bad as everyone thinks the Wayne’s are…” he said though a bloody smile, deep angry breaths escape from (Y/n), and he just tosses the rock to the side and knocks him out cold, and hogtied him.
“You’re right, im not the Monster everyone thinks I am… you’re going to spend the rest of your life in prison.” He says, his attention was cut off suddenly by Wednesday approach.
“(Y/n)! I need to speak with you, Tyler—…” Wednesday stopped talking as she saw Tyler on the ground, a look of confusion and, pleasure was on her face.
“I found out and took care of it.” He responds and walks over to her, and hugs her.
“I’m… glad you’re safe.” He said, and for the moment Wednesday was taken aback, and slowly wrapped her arms around his lower back into her own, awkward hug.
“I.. I’m glad too..”
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strip4kaneshiro · 3 months
Cole Cassidy x Texan! reader domesticity headcanons
hiii it’s Kay again LOL. My first comeback piece and it’s Overwatch head canons LMAO. Felt some type of way about writing headcanons about real people so we’re moving on to fictional characters as the lord intended. As of rn, I’m fixated on Cassidy, Reaper, and Lifeweaver as my faves. So expect me to write about them TRUST
You and him defo live on a small ranch back in his home state of Texas together
this takes place in a universe where Overwatch is a lil more flexible with him than before, so don’t worry too much about the logistics ok???
Not close too his hometown though ( he’s still wanted there, rip), so you end up choosing a ranch set of land south enough to still be able to reach the coast if wanted. Cole was adamant about being able to take beach road trips
Let’s you do majority of the interior decorating, while he focuses on upkeeping the outdoors of your home
In the process of choosing yalls house and moving in, contrary to popular belief, Cassidy was the super picky one
I swear you had to change real estate agents twice because he wouldn’t stop nitpicking LMAO, but all for good reason, He just wants the best for his darling <3
He will NEVER wake you up earlier than 9 am for any reason unless it’s a doctors appointment or a road trip. Babes just wants to watch you sleep
“Cole! It’s 10:30! You weren’t gonna wake me up?!” You chastise, jumping out of bed and pulling stray hairs out your face
“Now why would I disturb your peace?” and he flashes that damn cowboy charming smile smh i hate him so bad
If your into skincare stuff, he simply watches you in amazement as you go through a multi step routine
Begins asking you to help him, not because he cares much about his skin, but he loves to see you yap about what you love
(Please free this man from the 14 in 1 in the shower)
Bro CANNOT keep his hands off of you for any reason and it makes everyone both envious and uncomfortable
If you’re in the kitchen, hands wrapped around your waist from the side. Doing laundry? He’s leaning on your shoulder and simply watching.
Depending on if Overwatch needs him, he will force them to give him a 14 hour notice so he can tell you. Cole never wants you to wake up confused and alone like how he did Ashe and Deadlock gang
Speaking of, expect to see the, very often in your house. They all just decided y’all’s house was the hangout spot like a bunch of high schoolers
He doesn’t appreciate how Ashe and you team up to tease him
Ended up getting two dogs and a cat with him.
The cat loves you but cannot stand being near Cole unless it’s bribed (male cat)
“Oh, did your wife give you those scratches Cass?” (Baptiste)
Cole begrudgingly acknowledges the scratches on his shoulders and back during a training session.
He forces you to trim his claws and get him a scratching post when he gets back home
If you drink coffee/tea/matcha, he leaves enough hot water in the coffee pot so you can make whatever you choose. Or if he knows, he just does it himself and leaves it for you warm cold (ik some of you r iced coffee fiends)
Cole takes you on shopping trips every couple of months because he loves to spoil you, he even carries all the bags without one single complaint! (He gets to flex his ranch muscles)
Don’t let it be a nice day over 70 degrees, this man will take any chance he gets to have as little clothing on as possible around you (Why he does this we don’t know)
Catch him in a tank top or no shirt at all doing yard work while you lay in a chaise , tanning or quietly reading.
He wouldn’t have it any other way though, he loves working hard for the ones he loves.
So as the day comes to the end, and you come outside with some iced tea for him, he wipes as much sweat as he can off of himself before leaning over and kidding the top of your head.
“I love you, darlin’.” He’ll mutter, before wrapping his toned arms around you and embracing you
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pairing: deadlock cole cassidy x asian male reader (platonic)
req: no | wc: 4.39k
summary: After Overwatch's sting operation in the Southwest gang of the Deadlock Rebels catches one of their head members, someone has to interrogate him. Only so many people are up to the task, however.
warnings: swearing, the use of cole's previous name
a/n: no romance, just thought it'd be fun. reader is asian, raised in latinamerica.
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"Ugh!" An Overwatch employee groaned. He couldn't crack this guy. The very same one smiles at him from the other side of the table. He was like a mosquito, and he hated mosquitos. Each question, each swat or attempted clap, resulted in a jab, a miss or successful bite. It never helped that mosquitos were prominent in his home nation. He figured that, once he moved into the well-kept American Overwatch Headquarters, he would never have to deal with one again.
"Oh, getting tired of me already?"
Boy, was he wrong.
He stands from the table, gripping onto his clipboard and pen angrily with one hand. His other hand was free and he tried his best not throw him a rude gesture, knowing that it would only make him smugger and maybe get him into a little bit of trouble.
The cowboy watches, smile never waning, as the employee leaves the room. Once the door clicks shut behind him and he sets foot on the clean white tiles and cool, air conditioned air of the outside, he lets out his rage. He seethes, grasping at his clipboard and practically pulling it apart. He eyes the vase nearby—no. No, he wasn't going to break it. It was probably worth an entire year's salary.
A door down the hall opens. Out of it, peaks a head and, oh shit, it was him, the genius of the American HQ.
He whistles, "Having trouble, Daniel?"
He's got a small smile on his face. "Oh, no, I'm having the time of my life, boss." He rolls his eyes, though they quickly roll back in place. Fuck. Fuck, he should've given that cowboy the finger. He was getting in trouble anyway. He bows his head quick, "Sorry, boss. Didn't mean it."
"No, no, it's quite alright." He offers a chuckle, "Though, I do recall you said you could handle it."
He did say that, didn't he? "I..." Daniel sighs, "I was wrong."
"Don't sweat over it. Piece of advice, you should leave the big bad guys to the experienced guys like me." So those were the BBG's? "That guy's one of the founders, you know?"
"Oh." He was? No fucking wonder.
"Tell you what, you can watch me work." What was so fun about doing paperwork? "I'll crack the guy, today, I promise you."
Oh, that kind of work. That, that was actually a good idea—a great one, in fact. A great learning experience too, he was sure of it. "It would be much appreciated, sir."
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When a new questioner walks into the room without a word, Jesse is puzzled, to say the least. They settled in just as silently, fixing their clipboard, new and free from the previous man's furious scrambling, to be just right atop the table. Their carton coffee cup was placed on their non-dominant hand's reach so they may sip and write at the same time. They write a single thing on the paper, and he notices the ink doesn't smudge, it was certainly a pen better than the previous man's.
Finally, you speak. "Good afternoon." Yet a greeting is all you offer.
Jesse purses his lips. You seemed like a tough nut to crack. "Good afternoon." He replies politely.
"You worked with…ah, what did they call them?"
He stared at you, his eyes narrowed and an eyebrow raised. Clearly, he was unimpressed by your technique. There was no way you didn't know his gang's name, especially after the wreckage that went down and got him arrested.
He didn't recognize your face though. You hummed to yourself, scratching at your beard as though it were a magic eight ball that would be able to give you an answer. "Right," You snap your fingers, "the Deadlock Gang."
"What brings you in today?"
Oh, he doesn't know. Perhaps it was the Southwest Gangs that were putting strain around his apartment block? Or the lack of pie ingredients his favorite diner was in need of. Was it to put in a complaint about the weather? Surely the American government controlled it–
He stared at you plainly in return, keeping his growing disinterest hidden.
"Right, it's probably the sting."
Jesse doesn't allow his face to show emotion, yet it does anyway. In the span of a quick second, his eyebrows raise and lower. A sting?
"Yes, yes, the sting." You mutter deliberately loud to "yourself". "I think that guy is still there. Or maybe they replaced him for a new one?"
Your method of cracking a person, it was through annoyance. He could tell, especially because it was his favorite technique and also the one he'd used on that last guy, the amateur—but it was also the sort of thing he could easily ignore by staying silent. That wasn't McCree's style though.
He chuckles to himself, "I knew I couldn't trust all those guys."
"What was your boss's name? Ashe?"
He almost speaks up. Almost. Ashe wasn't the boss, he and her had equal authority. Although, now that he was captured, she was the only one left to command... unless he was able to get out here. Jesse believed himself to be on the optimistic side. He came up with most of the ideas and Ashe evaluated them, along with that robot butler of hers; although, most of his ideas were shut down. Anyway, what mattered was she wasn't the boss of him. You were just digging for a way under his skin.
That was true, but he couldn't say that. "Sure I did. The new guys offered new conversation. They kept the place lively."
"She liked the firepower, the men, the army. The Deadlock Gang was steadily growing and it certainly didn't sneak under Overwatch's nose." You raise a finger in his direction, "You didn't like that, did you?"
"Especially because you were dealing with so much death?"
Growth was only steady because death lingered around each corner. The death of his men, his friends, his family, haunted his dreams. Jesse didn't want to reminded of it. "I don't know what you're talking about."
You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth. The sound, "tsk", comes clear. He would crack you, soon, the same way you wanted to crack him.
"Tell you what—let's play a game of cards." You pull the deck seemingly out of thin air. It's free of its case already, loose from its shoddy refuge in your pocket.
"What kind of game?" Would it be poker? He fancied himself good at that.
"Dos mayor." You reply.
His Spanish was rusty (or nonexistent). What was that? Two major? Two oldest? Two most powerful? No, that was silly. Bountiful?
"Do you know how to play it?"
He was already fucking up with the name's translation, so clearly not. "No." He replies, truthfully.
"Okay. I'll explain some of the basics." You rifle through the deck for a card–it doesn't take long to find–and show it to him: two of spades. "This is the highest card. Heart, club, and diamond follow." He nods his head, he was familiar with it. The next card you pull out of the deck is a joker, "We don't play with these," You throw the first one, red, off to the side, the black one soon follows. "and, if you have any amount of cards that are the same number or letter, you can throw them together. You think that's enough to play?"
Jesse's eyebrows furrow, "I mean, is there more?"
You shrug, "Yeah. Don't seem all that necessary."
"You're missing many things here." He was in disbelief because of how much you weren't telling him. "Like, objective? Are there rounds or something? If so, how do I win a round?"
"Well, yes, there are rounds. Unlimited amount. Usually you play with four players. Each round is won when each player except for the last one who played a card passes, and–"
"Wait, wait, hold on." He pushes his hands outward, palms first, fingers splayed. "How are we gonna play with two?"
"I deal four hands, thirteen cards each. I choose one, you choose one. We play one game with those two hands. The next game, we play with the remaining two hands. Easy." He nods along, a go ahead. "Anyway, the goal of the entire game is to end up spending all your cards."
He takes a deep breath, takes the information in. Makes sense. "Okay."
"That good enough for you?" You raise a brow.
"Perfectly." He breathes again, to steady himself. Then he remembers, "What're we betting?"
You offer him a single, amused chuckle. "No stakes, no prizes, just a friendly game of cards between two friendly people—right?"
"No," He inclines his head forward, staring at you as if you were out of your mind. "without a prize, what are we playing for?"
"The satisfaction of a victory." You reply plainly.
He couldn't deny, the feeling was good. He'd felt it many times before. But it was "Not enough."
"What could you possibly want?" The question is rhetorical. You don't give him time to answer before you continue with a laugh, "I mean, I know what you want. But listen, doll," His eyebrows furrow. "I can't wipe away your crimes simply because you won a game of cards, same as the way I can't the wipe the blood off your name and hands."
He huffs out in disbelief–or at least that's what he thinks–and says, "And who says I feel guilty about it?"
You're expecting that sort of answer–that outburst–from him. You lean back in your chair, one hand still holding the deck and the other placed relaxed on the table. "Certainly not me."
He moves on from the topic. "Then I'll give you something. I'll answer a question."
Your eyebrows raise, quick but pleased. You lean forward again, attentive now, "Any?"
The fire in his eyes burns. It was a simple game, and he was good at games. "Yes. Or, well, it depends on what you give me."
"What do you want?" He's about to answer when you clarify. "Nothing big, nothing you know I can't grant."
"I don't know what you can grant. I don't know your stature within Overwatch. Well, I do know it can't be anything drastic." He scoffs, "I mean, the big guys are posted up in Switzerland, right?"
"Yeah," You nod, "you'd be right."
Just a friendly game of cards. The satisfaction of a victory. "I could go for a coffee."
You raise a brow. When he doesn't back down, you chuckle and lean, once again, back against your chair. "Okay." You agree.
Jesse watches as you deal the cards. He was never a good dealer, he was more a player. But this, you? You put shame to his gangmates, to his skilled dealers. You moved your hands expertly, shuffling using techniques he'd never seen before. They were flashy, that was for sure, and he could think of many ways that you could smuggle in some cheating here and there—but you promised a friendly game, and you were one of those clean Overwatch agents. Something in him was sure you weren't going to cheat.
Once the hands are dealt, you immediately take the one on your right towards you. He, unlike you, chooses his a little more carefully; though the only care he puts into it is to choose the hand diagonal to the one you chose, the one to his left.
Whichever hand is on which side doesn't matter anymore, as the rest of them are pushed away to clear the center of the table.
Without a word, you begin to organize your hand. He follows suit.
The silence in the room is only cut by the shuffling of cards. He breaks it, though, to begin light conversation, "Pardon me for askin'," He clears his throat, "but why did you call it "Dos Mayor"? I mean you, yer clearly not Hispanic." Being from Texas, he had an idea of Hispanic men. A lot of his peers were Hispanic as well. That's how he knew a little bit of Spanish. He didn't want to group Hispanic folk together, certainly not, but they all looked... well, not Asian.
"What you really mean is why is an Asian man speaking Spanish?" You raise an eyebrow, leaning forward a little to really look at him.
Jesse shuffles in his seat, clearing his throat yet again. The thick air surrounding him is awkward. He didn't mean to judge.
The settling shame of his question is broken by your loud laughter. "I'm just kidding. Really, I get this a lot."
He doesn't look up from his cards when he replies, "Doesn't make it any more righteous."
"You're right, but you're not as brazen as most." You punctuate the word with the wide movement of your hand. He nods curtly. "Well, how about I present to you my life story? I'm an Asian man, yes, but I wasn't born in Asia, nor was I raised much with its culture. Instead, I grew around my environment. I loved my country and I loved its culture. Perhaps I should've never left for America." You shake the thought off. "Anyway, regardless of my lack of Asian culture, Asian folk at my elementary school practically adopted me. They were particularly fans of Dos Mayor. I learned by watching them play. It was our biggest bond."
"That's nice." He doesn't know what to say, but he means those words. If he could convey the warmth of your story in his heart to you, he would.
By time he looks up from his hand, you have yours spread out like a fan so as to see only the important bits of each card. His own were haphazardly spread across his hand; and even though you had the same amount–thirteen and thirteen–his hand was much wider and yours was shorter and neat. Your face didn't give any clue as to whether you were pleased with your hand or not.
His mouth is slightly and dumbly open, not that he notices. He seemed shoddy compared to you. "...how do we start?"
"Usually the three of diamonds would start, but I don't have a three." He kept that in mind. "How about you? What's your lowest card?"
"Four." He says. "Four of diamonds."
"Go ahead and throw it."
Jesse does as you say, picking out the pair of fours in his hand. He raises them from the rest, but before he can throw them onto the table, you stop him. "Wait. Before we start, what's your name?"
He was stupid. He hadn't even told you his name. Neither had you, actually. "Jesse McCree."
His name was plastered on every wall in the Southwest in the form of a bounty poster. Accompanied with the name, came a digital image of his face, a mugshot from his earlier days. He had begun to grow a beard since then, and his hair had gotten shaggier and the brown warmed even more, but those details had also been added digitally. He was surprised you didn't recognize him.
You nodded your head with a hum. Before he can ask you for your name, you ask him another question. "And how many cards do you have in hand?"
"Thirteen." He replies, the confusion clear on his face. Surely you knew that?
"Okay." You reply, small satisfied smile upon your lips.
"What's your name?"
"(y/n)." The smile on your lips grows a tiny bit wider.
He shakes off the weird, miniscule details of your face and your questions, and throws down his pair of fours. Neither of them was the highest, the spade, so you could very well top that with a second pair of fours.
You click your tongue, your smile beings to show your teeth, and throw down a pair of K's, both of them the darn highest.
"Kay?!" He exclaims. "Two kings, for a–two damn fours?"
"Sorry, Jess," You allow yourself a laugh, "it's the lowest I had."
"Lowest I had." He mutters to himself in a mocking tone, a gesture which grants him another laugh. "Sorry my ass."
He rolls his eyes as you continue. The momentary obstruction of vision hides the quick movement of your hands as you throw your cards, beginning a new round. At the sound of the thin cardboard landing on the table, he looks. His eyebrows raise within a millimeter of his hairline, "What the fuck is that?"
You laugh as Jesse protests. "No, no, now hold on, what the fuck is that?" You don't answer. "Come on, man, tell me! What am I even supposed to do?"
"It's a fullhouse." The way you say it, quick and together as though they were the same word and ache pronounced with the back of your throat in a Spanish accent, strikes him weird. Nevermind the pronunciation, anyway. "Let me explain to you combos."
"I'll say them in order of...power. Escalerita, staircase I guess, is five cards in order of power. Say, two, three, four, five, six. Their symbols don't matter. Colorin... Colorful? I don't know. It's five cards of the same symbol. Fullhouse, full house, is three cards of the same number or letter and a pair. A variant, I suppose, is simply a triple without a pair, you'd call that a triple. Bomba, or bomb, is four cards of the same letter or number with a single card of choosing. The simple version is the same thing without the single card, but you'd call it a bomb regardless."
Jesse huffs, "Alright." He knew you'd deliberately left out combos out of your initial explanation to pull that sort of crap on him. He stares down at his hand. At the sight of a combo, an escalerita, he has to make sure his poker face–regardless of the game not being poker–is straight. Nine through king, eight if he wanted to use it but it was already a pair.
"So you pass?"
"Of course I pass, damnit."
You chuckle and play the five of spades. Alright, he could do that. He played a six, six of hearts. Next, you throw the nine of spades.
You raise a doubtful eyebrow. "You're kidding me, right?"
Jesse sighs. You were already down to four cards and he was on ten! He had to get this combo out. He also had to distract you. "What makes you even think I'm guilty?"
He raises his hands, fingers turned outward on either side, and shrugs. "Serious."
"Because," You begin, leaning forward on your elbows, "Jesse McCree, we can link you to over a thousand crimes by name alone."
He glances down, just for a moment, and manages to catch sight of two of your cards. Two of diamonds, and ace of spades, the ace. He looks down at his own highest cards, two of clubs and a king which belonged to the escalerita. The next two piles will hold two two's and three aces. "Right."
With that exchange, Jesse throws down his two of clubs, confident that your two is lower than his. He'll get to throw his escalerita this next round.
Unbeknownst to him, however, you had more than one two. You throw it down, the two of spades.
Jesse groans. The poker face wasn't even going to matter now. What was he going to do, now that his highest card was part of a combo he so desperately needed? The answer, apparently was nothing as the next two rounds fly by and he doesn't, or he's unable to, throw anything.
A pair, the two highest aces, begins the next round. Jesse gives an annoyed "go ahead" gesture because this next card is your last. It was a two, another damn two; the two of diamonds.
"Fuck!" He shouts unceremoniously, angrily throwing down his remaining cards. They were nine in total. He hides his face in his hands.
"I don't blame you." You say, pushing the pile of discarded cards aside. "I had a great hand, the upper hand. A triple, two two's, two aces. Plus, I've played this game much more. You'll love that lucky moment when you win while your opponents only used one card each, all three of them."
He sighs into his hands, "Yeah."
The next games are all won, expertly, by you. Jesse calls it a problem of luck. Lady Luck, or Fortune, didn't seem to favor him today. She wasn't favoring him lately, as though the latest period of his life was shadowed from her gaze. For one, the Rebels were ambushed by Overwatch, he was captured, and he had been jailed for a week. And now he was losing, losing terribly.
He kept up his promise in answering questions, though, and he was actually being honest. The first couple ones were still odd. The ones following became even more serious.
"Do you like Bob?"
"The robot?"
"Have you seen your parents since joining the Deadlock Rebels?"
The latest one stops him in his mental tracks. "What is your real name?"
"What?" He asks without a thought, in disbelief. He covers it quickly with a scoff, "Jesse is my real name."
"Do you expect me to believe that?" You chuckle, "You haven't exactly hidden your name since the very beginning of your rise to infamy. 'Sides, doesn't "Jesse McCree" just seem like the perfect name for a cowboy?"
Oh, so you agreed with him. That was why he chose it. "I don't mind if you lie." You continue, "Perhaps your name is a tricky subject. I'll take your answer in good faith. I'll trust you."
He hadn't cracked you, neither had you cracked him. If he answered this truthfully, you'd be getting to him. He didn't exactly want to reveal himself entirely to Overwatch. Yet... you were someone trustworthy. You were just one of them, one of their agents, but he trusted you. You had treated him well so far.
"I..." He takes a deep breath to psyche himself up. "My name is Cole."
"Nice to meet you, Cole." You smile at him. It reaches your eyes, crinkles their edges. It lifts your face with a joy he can't quite describe.
"I–" He doesn't expect this type of reaction. "I ain't telling ya my last name. I don't want ya tracking down my parents."
"I understand that, Cole. Thank you."
He nods.
The next game begins with his play, and oh boy, it begins spectacularly. He had the three of diamonds, but he also had two other three's and a pair to accompany them. He throws it down, full house, baby!
His ecstasy quiets when you shut him down with your own full house with a triple six. Still, he considers his play good. He made a dent in his hand.
He passes and you continue with the remaining three. The game continues somewhat normally. He throws a card, you throw one higher, so on, so forth. It seems there are no combos remaining in this game. You're down to four cards, and he's down to three.
You throw an ace to his queen, the ace. Your face remains as normal, with a passive smile, but he can see something in your eyes. Confidence. You were confident that you would win the round.
But no, nuh-uh, Cole wasn't going to let that happen. He throws down the two of diamonds, the highest card, he knows. You threw the rest of them last game.
Then, triumphantly, he raises his remaining cards high in the air and throws them down. A pair, and he was done.
Instead of groaning, just as he had, or throwing the rest of your cards on the pile like a sore loser, or even stomping your foot on the ground, you smile. It's genuine and it shines upon your face.
He doesn't let that bother him. Instead, he snatches your coffee cup off your side of the table and takes a triumphant sip.
Ah! The sweet, sweet taste of victory and coffee, bitter as it is instant and cheap for the office. He doesn't even know if a slice of his favorite pie would top this sweetness right now.
The man–barely a man, still more of a boy–before you was finally revealed to you. On one hand, he was a youth, thriving on attention and victory. On the other, he was the face of a Southwest gang, a rebel in every way.
That was how he wanted to look like. He was different from others, a tough cookie. He kept his hair long, obstructing his face. He was letting his beard grow out. He wore a thick leather jacket, weird in the way that one sleeve was long and the other cut short. It left you wonder what caused it. His cowboy hat would've been worn so that it drew shadows over his eyes. He wore rough, fingerless gloves, and his belt buckle was gold with the shape of a skull.
He wanted to seem strong. He was cool and collected, but that was only when he had the upper hand. Once he didn't, he behaved just as he was, a pissy teenager. He'd grow bolder, angrier, reckless. This was Cole.
When moments came by that "having the upper hand" wasn't a matter of importance, he behaved as he was, because you'd already cracked him. It wasn't because of his name, as he thought. You had given him everything necessary for him to trust you, and that, he had.
He loved his parents, he loved the Southwest. He wanted to keep it all safe, safe from Overwatch and the American government. Something had clouded his view, made him believe that both of those were just nosy, horrible authority. In the way that he cared for these people, you saw that he had a heart.
His victory celebration is interrupted by you speaking up, "Well done, Cole."
Cole tries to come up with something, a witty remark. He can't find it within him, which he finds weird, but he's still running on the high of victory. It doesn't deter him. "Thank you."
"You know, you can still do the right thing."
That makes him perk up. He narrows his eyes at you, "What do you mean?"
"Join us." You smile, "Join Overwatch."
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book-place · 2 years
You From the Future
Warnings: hunting, bad parents, violence, guns, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Dean Winchester x reader platonic, Sam Winchester x reader platonic
Request: Hey friend! I legit go back and read the other request when I’m in need of fluff! And on my drive home from OBX! I love your writing style and If you don’t mind could I please request: Supernatural x Teen!Male!Reader. The reader is the son of a hunting family Bobbie used to recommend around to hunters as an extra set of hands. The Reader and his family are on a hunt with Sam and Dean looking for a Wendigo nest in northern Maine. While I’m the trip Dean sees a lot of himself in Reader, raised to be solider, calling his parents sir and ma’am, forcing away tears when he gets hurt- he sees a machine rather than a 17 year old. After the hunt is over Dean pulls Reader aside maybe gives him the phone number to one of their burner phones they keep for long periods of time and the address to the bunker, hoping one day he’ll show. A week later, the brother walk in and the Reader is here at the bunker hanging out with Kevin Tran, and like gives Dean a greatfull smile, looking less exhausted then Dean had ever seen him. Sorry if it’s long but I love your work ❤️❤️
Request by: @bringinsexybackk69
*not my gif*
Summary: When Dean looks at you, it’s like looking into a mirror of his past
A/N: Sorry this took so long, Bubba- hope you enjoy :) <3
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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As slowly as he could, Dean reached up to wipe his sweaty brow with the back of his sleeve, barely even daring to blink. The loaded flare gun was clutched in a deadlock in his hand; he and Sam had learned after last time that it worked better than the traditional killing method.
Beside him, the slight sound of scuffing let the man know that you were shifting your weight slightly, tense, but ready to fight at any given moment.
Behind you, Sam and your parents could be found in similar positions.
Every once and a while, the heavy footsteps of the wendigo bounced off the cave walls in a way that made it seem like they were coming from all directions, so it was impossible to tell when the creature would be appearing.
The anticipation of what was to come hung thickly in the room, practically suffocating everyone inside.
Though he didn’t have time to think about it, the man couldn’t help the thought from crossing his mind about how your parents were content having you hidden from their line of sight by Sam’s monstrous form, not even seemingly glancing over to check on you. He couldn’t help but have that remind him of…
Then, out of nowhere, a terrible roar was let out and the wendigo walked into everyone’s line of sight, drool rolling down its hideous face as its void eyes stared at all of you in hunger.
Everyone immediately sprang into action, shooting off into different directions and firing maniacally at the beast.
With shocking agility, it dodged all of them in a way that ones in the past hadn’t had when he and his brother had hunted them. This one was different. Smarter.
Panic immediately flooded into his system, doing everything in its power to suffocate him, but he pushed the feelings down- just as he always had- and put on a stone cold mask and began thinking of a way to overpower the beast instead.
He barely even registered the frantic looks on your parents' faces as they tightly gripped one another’s hands, backs to you without so much as a glance back to see how you were doing.
“Dean!” Sam called, motioning wildly with his hands to the large pile of rocks that were behind the wendigo.
The man understood immediately, and apparently you did too, because you rushed up beside him and took out your flare gun, aiming for behind the creature as the Winchester brothers did the same, firing round after round until the rocks came crashing down.
Too many of them came too fast, and the wendigo wasn’t able to stop them and protect itself before it was buried, tearing and breaking its flesh along the way.
Everyone let out a deep breath, shoulders sagging in relief that the creature was gone.
A groan emitted from the back of your throat as you gripped your shoulder. A lone stone had been thrown from the rubble and hit you on a weak spot, breaking skin and sticking into your arm.
The Winchesters' eyes widened and they were quick to try and rush to your side, only to have your parents interfere in the middle, seemingly oblivious to your pain.
Your father laughed, reaching out a hand to shake Sam’s, “That was very smart of you, Winchester.” He complimented with a grin.
Sam gave him a tight lipped smile as his nervous eyes flitted around the man, landing on your slightly hunched over finger as Deans did the same.
“Your son,” Dean pointed, trying to get around your mother.
She just stepped to the side and blocked his path, “Don’t mind him, Dean, he’s fine. Just being overly dramatic.” She wasn’t even trying to keep her voice down, “He thinks it’s the way to get attention.”
He became painfully aware of the way your muscles tensed before your back straightened at her words. Painfully aware of how the back of your hand was quick to fly up to your eyes and rub them slightly, ridding them of unshed tears.
“Are you okay?” Sam called to you over your fathers shoulder, who had also stopped the man from walking over any closer to you.
“He’s fine.” Your father repeated through gritted teeth, shooting you a quick glare before plastering a smile on his face when he caught Sam and Deans eyes.
“Come on!” Your mother cried with a large smile, “Let us buy you two a drink!”
The two men nodded, allowing the couple to go in front of them before waiting for you to catch up with.
“Are you okay?” Sam whispered, glancing down uneasily at your shoulder.
You nodded stiffly, “I’m fine, it’s only a small scratch.” The blood seeping through your clothes said otherwise, but they knew better than to push.
“Y/n.” Your father snapped.
“Coming, sir.” You hastily called back, avoiding your hunting partner's stares.
Because the two families had just met- Bobby had sent Sam and Dean on a hunt with your lot- the boys didn’t know how much they could say about the obvious and serious matter at hand.
The way you were acting was so familiar to Dean. The titles of respect, wiping away tears, the tough love that didn’t really feel like love at all. You were just like him, in the same situation he had been in with his own father.
You were a living, breathing copy of him from the past.
And that thought saddened and terrified the man at the same time.
After hitting a local bar with your family, you had all gone your separate ways, but not before Dean had pulled you aside and gave you a burner phone that had his number and the bunker address on it, making you promise to stop by if you ever needed a friend, or a place to stay.
It was a week later, and the man was opening the bunker door with a sigh, grocery bag in one hand and his keys in the other.
The soft sound of chatter and laughter filled his ears, causing his eyebrows to furrow as he drew closer to the balcony that looked out on the floor below him.
There, at one of the tables, sat Kevin Tran and you, sharing a bag of sweets from the kitchen and talking amongst yourselves happily.
Your eyes turned up at Dean, and he couldn’t help but suck in a breath. Around your right eye was a fresh black and blue shiner, but the smile on your face completely contradicted the wound.
It was a smile full of gratefulness and a promise of staring a new. You were finally free from your parents and you had Dean to thank for it.
“Hey, kid,” Dean called, softly smiling, “Welcome home.”
Idjits 👟- @ineedmorefanfics2 @roseblue373
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wisteriaiswriting · 3 months
Skye, Deadlock, Harbor and Omen dating a tall male reader who slouches
𝕋𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕊𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕤
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Words: 513
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She loudly points this out everytime she finds you slouching.
Tries to stop this by patting you on the back a few times when she is in reach of you.
Will subtly tease you with different nicknames surrounding large animals
A last minute meeting was called, causing everyone to be hudled around in the living room. You were one of the last few to enter, meaning you were stuck standing behind everyone else. After a few minutes of Brimstone talking you didn’t notice how you leaned over, but Skye did.
As soon as she noticed her hand moved over to give your back a few taps on the back. The signal sent you sending up straight again, eyes shooting towards her.
“Lookin’ good there emu~”
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Majority of the time she won’t actually say anything, instead she’ll just pull on your shirt.
Does this whenever she has the chance to, which has caused some… surprises.
Subtly checks to see if your back is doing fine.
Iselin made her way down the hallway, eyes quickly searching through every open door. Soon enough they landed on you, who was clearly slouching over a desk. So she stepped closer, not bothering to speak. Her hand reached up, giving your shirt a quick tug to pull you up.
“You need to stand up straight.”
“Yeah yeah.”
But as soon as she let go, you leaned back over. Sighing as she reached for you again,
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He’ll accidentally be loud about it.
If he finds you slouching often he’ll start gently pulling your shoulders back.
Will give you a massage if he finds out you're in any discomfort.
Stepping into your room, Varun found you slouching over a box. Quietly groaning as your hand sneaked under your shirt to rub under your shirt. Watching as you were clearly in pain.
“मोती!” Jumping at his sudden voice, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just a bit of back pain.”
Leaning into his touch as his arms wrapped around your waist, soaking in his warmth.
“And why do you think that is?”
“From slouching…”
“Yeah it is, but that means one thing.”
Turning your head to look back at him, confusion spread across your face.
“A massage!”
मोती - Pearl
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I believe he also slouches.
So he knows some of the effects it can have on your back.
He won’t loudly point it out.
Will ask Sage about ways to help
“Y/N,” Hearing Omen’s voice from the doorway had you turn your head, finding him holding a box. “Sage told me these might help.”
Placing them down on the bed next to you, allowing you to look and search through it. There were multiple packets of medication, unopened boxes of different sports like equipment, ice and heat packs.
Omen pulled out a few packets of pills before popping out a few pills, handing them to you with some water. When you swallowed he placed a few heat packs on your back, placing the box on the floor.
Pulling the blankets back up over you as he sat next to you.
“Get some rest.”
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Up Next List (10/1/19)
Requests are finally closed again and I’m pretty sure every single one of you wants me dead X_X After going through the “doubles” (aka similar requests, requests for sequels, etc.) here is the most current up next list! If he request has too many characters, I’ll pick which to fill. If you have not specified a continuity (and its not obvious which) I will pick which one. If you don’t see your request on here, it is likely because it violated the rules (for some reason there were so many requests that did not adhere to the request rules?) These will be filled in the order submitted! And as usual, commissions are always open! At the time of posting there are 4 commissions in line ♥
Thank you for playing! Thank you for being patient! I’m putting this under a “read more” because it’s long and took me over a half hour to list out.
Here we go:
tfp bots tiddy pillow
prowl admitting to feelings
cyberverse grimlock x human s/o
mtmte hoist crushing on human
cyberverse thundercracker x bot s/o
mtmte megs x romance writer s/o hcs
rid2015 grimlock x human s/o
swerve voyeur x human
brainstorm x human s/o oral
tfa blitzwing x s/o fluffy nsfw
swerve x bot s/o praise kink
mer!drift love at first sight
ratchet x s/o comfort smut
galvatron x bot s/o fluffy smut
mtmte rung/roddy/tfp op x s/o breeding kink
reader singing to swerve
megatron x s/o rough
mtmte mmegatron x s/o soft nsfw
tfp blitzwing/tfp soundwave x bot s/o heat kink
tfp wheeljack holoform date night
cyberverse top robot fails
roddymags nsfw
tfp starscream x bot s/o
cyclonus x bot s/o oral
swerve x bot s/o
mtmte megatron x bot s/o slow dance
tfp ratchet x bot reader medbay
tfp optimus cat 
scavengers saved by human
g1 merformers hcs
ll bots touching human
synthen tfp ratchet x s/o hcs
rung x s/o kisses
more selkie swerve
tfa blitzbee x s/o poly
ll bots thirsty tweets
whirl x bot s/o play fight
mer!drift x s/o rut
bayverse optimus x male s/o
bugformers swerve courting
tfa jazz/jettwins/blitzwing x angel s/o hcs
tfp megatron/op/mtmte ratchet x s/o who gets sick
cyberverse megatron camgirl
mer!drift/mer!roddy/mer!wing x male s/o poly
tfa bumblebee x bot s/o
ll liaison turned cybertronian
tfp mer!starscream/mer!knockout poly x male mer!s/o
swerve x s/o edging
whirl x s/o soft
mtmte bots boner hcs
^ different bots
^ scavengers
rid2015 x bot s/o nsfw
tfa prowl dom s/o
cyberverse/rid2015 grimlock x bot s/o sandwich
rodimus x biologist s/o hcs
mtmte dratchet courting human
tfa prowl zoo date
brainstorm x nautica x human nsfw
50s!au swerve x greaser
tfp ultra magnus jealous nsfw
cygate x s/o fluff
mtmte roddy/krok/fulcrum hcs
first aid heat sequel
bayverse ironhide/ratchet/optimus x bot s/o hcs
fort max x bot s/o heat kink
cyberverse bots x s/o
rescue bots x excon bot s/o 
waspinator tittyfuck
swerve x bot s/o oral
cyberverse grimlock x s/o dance
beeverse blitzwing hcs
swerve x reader lapsitting
tfa prowl/jettwins/jazz x s/o coming out hcs
tfa jetfire dommed by human
tfp ratchet x virgin reader
cyberverse soundwave x s/o
jazz x s/o romance
tfp bumblebee x human fluff
whirl standing up for reader
bugformers swerve/cygate x s/o
dragonformers mins x s/o
drift x bot s/o thigh fucking
fort max x thunderclash x bot s/o
cyberverse thunderbee fluff
waking holo roddy with a bj
tfp ratchet x s/o singing/guitar
mtmte megatron x s/o facesitting
mer!dratchet x s/o
thunderclash x s/o
shatter/dropkick x mech suit reader
roddy x bot s/o oral
mtmte megatron/rodimus x s/o conjunx ritual
tfa prowl/tfp arcee/knockout x s/o dance
mer!roddy x mer!s/o rut
rumble/frenzy hcs
rescue bots chase x chief burns
rodimus x s/o laugh hcs
skids soup kiss?
setting off fireworks w/ bots
rung x swerve platonics hcs
naga!tfp ratchet x s/o rut
tfp bots x s/o hip sway hcs
human frenzy dress up
megatron x bot s/o size kink
cyberverse megatron x s/o
roddy x s/o comfort nsfw
tfp ratchet receiving candle
tfp ratchet/mtmte drift/magnus x s/o w/ thick thighs
mtmte bots x s/o dress up
swerve x bot s/o breeding kink
tfp soundwave x mech suit s/o
tfp wheeljack aftercare hcs
ravage x s/o fluff
mins/mags x s/o size kink
prowl x s/o soft
roddy x excon bot s/o
rid2015 bumblebee x s/o oral
deadlock x decepticon s/o
tfp ratchet and smokescreen hcs
rung x bot s/o
cdrw x bot s/o
scavengers x bot s/o
cyberverse hot rod x bot s/o oral
naga!mtmte magnus x s/o rut
cyberverse grimlock altmode nsfw
mtmte bots x s/o scaredof loud sounds
fort max x bot s/o
tfa roddy showing off fir bot s/o
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Time Off
Soldier: 76 x Male reader | since everyone is back on the citrus scale after content ban Lemon / Explicit | 2196 words
Bright fluorescent light flooded your eyes as you pushed open the door to the quaint gas station. Despite its rather limited space, it was crammed with shelves that held rows of colorful snacks and conveniences. Jack stood outside filling the tank of the car, leaning back against the passenger side and gazing into the night. You turned and gave him a small smile before you began to browse the candy shelf. As you read the titles of the sugar filled bars, your mind wondered, thinking of how you managed to find yourself in this position. Of course his duty always came first with Jack. Always did, and even after Overwatch's disbandment, it always will. At least that was the official story. You knew that deep down, the soft spot he held for you could trump any immediate issues and while you didn’t like to exploit this fact often, alone time together was long overdue. If anything, he needed it more than you; stress of his life wasn’t making him any younger. So, after waiting a long time for things to calm down in his “business” life, you mustered up the courage to ask him for time away, just the two of you. Whether he hesitated or not at first was in the past, you two were here now and that’s all that mattered. You sighed, lost in dreamy thoughts of the trip ahead until they were interrupted.
“Sir, can I help you find something?” came the voice of the gas station attendant from behind the counter. It hadn’t dawned on you that you completely zoned out staring at the chocolates and you replied with a simple “No thank you!”. You glanced back at Jack again and while his face was obscured, his chest rose and fell in a telltale manner, indicating that he found your embarrassment amusing. The way the flashing gas station lights shone on his silver hair and how his jacket was unzipped just far enough to grant a peak at his muscular chest made your heart flutter. You swallowed hard, trying to ignore your slight arousal long enough to get you out of the gas station. You hurried through the little store, grabbing your favorite drinks and snacks for the road ahead, payed, and then headed out. Arms lined with bags, you turned and pushed the door open with your rear. Now you had caught his attention.
“Whew, cold night tonight!” you started as you made your way back to the car. “It is. Get anything good?” the tall man questioned, more eager to find a distraction from his heated thoughts than to receive an actual answer. After all, there was a long road ahead of you two still and driving through deadlock gorge required one’s utmost attention. “Look for yourself” you retorted in an innocent tone as you bent over to dump the snacks onto the back seat. As cheesy as it felt, you made sure to stick your ass out as you took time putting them down. The sound of two heavy boots stepping behind you let you know that your cheap move worked and you stood back up. Jack took off his mask, tossed it onto the seat in front of you and moved in close to your ear, lowering his voice “Oh I see something I want alright”. A soft moan escaped your lips and as he pulled your hips closer to himself and you felt the bulge in his pants against your ass. He slipped his hands under your shirt and ran them up your stomach, stopping when he met your nipples. You grinded into his lap until you were met with hesitation on his part. He pulled his arms away, exposing you to the chill of the night once again and causing you to turn in confusion. You realized the problem before you had to ask. Jack was peering at the cashier who was reading a magazine, none the wiser the scene unfolding outside. “That magazine can only keep his attention for so long” you said in a disappointed tone. Jack met the scowl that began to cover your face. “Hmm that’s true” he said while pondering the situation but quickly continued with “follow me” after glancing around. You followed him eagerly around the side of the gas station, and bumped into him when he abruptly stopped in front of a telephone booth. It must have been in disuse for years as seeing such a commodity never happened in the current age. You glanced at Jack cynically, not sure if he was joking or not and said “It’s great, if both of us can even fit in it that is”. “It’s the best I can do, private and it should have some sound proofing” he insisted in an impatient tone while palming the growing bulge in his pants. His eagerness caused a small pang of guilt to hit you due to the fuss you put up since you were the one who aroused him in the first place.
“Alright” you sighed as you pushed the folding door to the side with considerable effort. Once inside, you swiveled on the balls of your feet, minding the cramped walls. Jack let out a soft laugh as you stood there expectantly and he shook his head. “You know, once I’m in there you won’t have any space to turn back around, you should probably do that now” he informed and you blushed, feeling your own cock harden slightly at what his statement implied. You did as you were instructed, turning around again towards the back of the booth and placing your palms on the chilled glass. Jack stepped in behind you and reached behind his back to close the folded doors. You two were now back in the position you found yourself in before and much to your relief, heat quickly filled the small space, warming you up. His hands resumed their position under your shirt, softly running his thumbs over your nipples. Your back arched in response and your shoulders pressed against his chest. Removing one hand from the glass, you snaked your arm around behind you to trace it down the larger man’s lower abdomen. After struggling with the button of his pants for a few moments, you freed his erection and wrapped your strained hand around it, giving it a few gentle strokes and eliciting a hearty groan from him. He returned the favor, one hand reaching into the waistband of your pants and cupping your half-hard dick, the other meeting an asscheek to give it a rough squeeze. You tightened your grip on his shaft and attempted to quicken your strokes but the two of you were pushed too close together.
“It’s too tight in here for this” you said between eager pants. He savored the sensation of your body for a moment before responding, “You’re right, just relax” and he removed his hands from you, allowing you to bring your own cramped arm back in front of you.
From your position it was hard to turn your neck to see what he was doing as he shifted behind you but by this point you were fully hard and dying to take him. He pulled down your pants and boxers to your knees and placed a hand on your back, pushing to bend you forward slightly. The silence had finally gotten to you as crickets chirped in the distance and only the sound of shuffling clothes and your breathing filled the booth. “Just gonna get right to it huh?” you said in an amused tone, expecting a snarky remark in return. Instead, you were met with a muffled “mhm” as Jack saturated two of his fingers with saliva. After properly coating them, he lowered his hands and spread one of your cheeks with his dry hand, rubbing the slick over your hole. The sudden sensation caused you to tense up and he returned his hands to your hips. “You need to relax” he reminded you in a more assertive tone this time. Taking a deep breath, you released the tension and he returned to gently tracing his fingers between your asscheeks. After making sure that you were calm enough, he placed a finger against your lips and you opened them obediently, taking the digit into your mouth and sucking it. You swirled your tongue around the tip and moaned, excited by the contact but (to your dismay) he retracted his fingers from your mouth after a short while. You lifted yourself onto your tippy toes, yearning for what would come next. He steadied you with one hand on your left thigh, the other pushing the wet finger into your tight ring of muscles slowly. You winced in pain at the sudden intrusion but remained steadfast through the process of him inserting a second finger and scissoring your tight hole to loosen it. The pain slowly melted into pleasure as he pushed deeper into you, fingering your sweet spot. You bit back loud moans as he quickened his pace and you pushed back onto his hands, longing for more.
Sick of the teasing and preparation you pleaded “God Jack, please!” as you took his fingers fully into your ass. “Please what?” he replied, but you knew he knew what you wanted. “Please just fuck me already!” Your voice grew louder, giving little care to if anyone could hear.  With that he spat into his palm and spread it evenly across his thick cock. “Get ready babe” was the last thing exchanged before he lined up his tip with you asshole and gave it a firm push in. The intense feeling of Jack spreading you with one fell motion caused you to clench your hands and you struggled to keep your balance. He pushed you further up against the wall of the booth and bottomed out inside of you, allowing you a moment to acclimate to his girth. As you attempted to catch your bearings he leaned back slightly and took in the site that unfolded in front of him. He let out a pleased moan and then uttered “you look so good with my cock deep in you like this”. The heat of the booth began to choke you and all you managed to vocalize was a faint “uhuh” as your head lolled forward. You swallowed hard as Jack began to pump in and out of you again, gradually picking up the pace. Usually, he’d allow a much longer time for you to get used to his size before continuing, but everything leading up to this moment had been too drawn out for him to wait another minute. He gripped the back of your shirt for leverage as he pushed into you over and over again and the leather jacket that covered his torso slammed into your cheeks repeatedly.
Your pleasure continued to build as he chased his own climax within you, leading you to reach down and quickly tug at your hard shaft. You were completely lost in the pleasure and all the discomfort of the tight space around you melted away. “God Jack don’t stop!” you moaned out and Jack’s pace became more erratic and unsteady, pushing himself over the edge. Hot liquid spilled into your ass causing you to gasp and pump yourself harder. Once Jack came down from his orgasm, he pushed your hand off of your dick and began working you towards your climax, which didn’t take long. You body filled with rapture as you came, white cum painting the glass in front of you. You huffed, trying to catch your breath in the stuffy air as Jack slowly pulled out of you and pushed the door behind open again. Cold air immediately met your sore ass and jolted you up. You shivered as you reached down for your clothes and pulled them back up over you, adjusting yourself before fixing your hair and turning towards Jack (who was also tidying himself up). He wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead before he flashed you a smirk. “Not such a bad idea, was it?” he questioned, clearly satisfied. He was right, but you cheekily replied “Huh? Oh, the booth. Yeah, not so bad besides the cramps and definite bruising”. He chuckled slightly and followed your gaze to the spot on the glass you came on. “Nah, don’t worry about it” he reassured you “Nobodies used this in years and I doubt somebody's gonna care” and with that he motioned at the store clerk, fast asleep at the counter, head rested on his magazine.
Jack lead you back to the car and opened your door for you, motioning for you to get in. You lingered for a moment placing your hand on his and then ducked into your seat. As you adjusted yourself to a position in which you wouldn’t be reminded of your new found soreness, Jack took his place behind the wheel and you looked over at his relaxed posture. “Are you happy that we did this now?” you prodded as you clicked your seatbelt in place. “Couldn’t be happier”. And with that, you two drove off into the night.
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ugh-supersoldiers · 7 years
I Love You
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Characters: Bucky x reader
Summary: ‘I love you’ isn’t a phrase you expect to hear from Bucky Barnes anytime soon, so when those three daunting words slip from your lips on a romantic getaway around Christmastime, your certain he won’t respond well, but he proves you very wrong...
Warnings: SMUT (18+ ONLY), oral (male receiving), unprotected sex, so much fluff dear god, probs bad editing sorry
Words: 3353
A/N: So this is just a random one for everyone whilst I’m on my break until the 17th of December. It’s christmas and smut all in one go. enjoy.
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The sight of a warm fireplace was something that comforted you deeply. The crackle accompanied by the soft light and warmth, it all just made you feel safe.
A blanket wrapped around your shoulders, you sat in front of the fireplace, sipping at a cup of coffee as the pale shine from the moon outside cast a shadow on the wall of the living room.
It was a calm night, the type that made you sleepy at 8 pm as you sipped at a piping cup of tea, the liquid warming you from the inside out. A muffled yawn passed your lips as you stared into fire that cascaded upon the wood in front of you.
It had been Steve’s idea. A romantic getaway around Christmastime to ‘escape’ as he’d put it. You didn’t need to escape, Bucky was enough of a safe haven as you needed, but you weren’t going to refuse an all expenses paid weekend to a cute little log cabin in the middle of the best season of the year.
“I hope you’re not passing out on me.”
You smiled at the sound of the voice coming from behind you, and without turning around you replied, “I’m bored to sleep without you here.”
You listened as the sound of heavy, sock covered footsteps echoed in your ears, approaching you from the side. A kiss was pressed to the top of your head as Bucky sat next to you, rubbing your covered shoulder gently to help heat you up even more with the friction he provided.
You hummed in reply, taking the opportunity to lean your head on his broad shoulder when he sat next to you.
It felt like a dream, being with him. It took you what felt like an eternity to convince him to let you in, to convince him to let you love him. When he finally did, it was like the floodgates had opened and you were able to drink for the first time after being stranded in the desert.
The soft crackle of the fire roared on in the small log cabin you resided in. It was a total long shot when you asked him to come up with you, you figured Bucky would say no. Too many unknowns, too secluded, too this, too that, Bucky was always afraid of something. Not that you could ever really blame him for it.
When he agreed, your heart soared, and you hadn’t been able to wipe the smile off of your face since.
“You look tired.” Bucky noted.
“Not tired,” You said, “Just at peace.”
He hummed in acknowledgement, and pressed your body closer to his. You turned your head in to the crook of his neck and placed a soft kiss there, a spot you knew was sensitive.
Before you, Bucky couldn’t hardly remember the last time someone laid a hand on him without the intent to harm him. Whenever your touch was on his body, it felt surreal to him, and you knew it well.
He sucked in a quiet breath when your lips left his skin, your nose still brushing against his throat. Everything was so calm, so serene. Bucky had all but forgotten the feeling of serenity long ago, but here he was, feeling it like a tidal wave.
“I love you.”
The words passed through your lips ever so softly, as if the mere phrase itself couldn’t be said above a whisper. As the breath of your sentence hit his skin, Bucky’s heart stopped beating for a split second, before it began pounding so hard that he feared you would hear it in his chest.
You sensed his hesitation and instantly regretted saying it. It hadn’t ever been said between the two of you, your love for one another had only ever been of the unspoken variety. And, yet, now it was out in the open, no longer being kept as merely a lingering implicitness in the air when you were in each other’s presence. Now it was real.
Retracting from his now stiff frame, you tugged the blanket up over your shoulders to cover yourself more, like a cozy little camouflage from your own slip of the tongue.
“(Y/N)...” His voice was raspy, his eyes locked dead straight, lingering on the fire that now raged ahead of you.
You opened your mouth, searching for something - anything - to say to him, but nothing could be fathomed. You sat there, staring at him helplessly as silence swelled between you.
It felt like an eternity before his eyes came to meet yours again, the blue irises capturing yours with an emotion that you had never seen from him before. He looked vulnerable.
“Buck.” You choked out, figuring it was better than the element of nothingness that had settled uncomfortably in the room, “I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
Didn’t what? Didn’t mean it? Didn’t want to scare you off? Didn’t think it was the right time to say it?
Every excuse that popped into your head was nothing but a lie to soothe the ache that settled in your heart. But you couldn’t lie to him, especially not about something that you knew to be the truest thing you had ever said to another human being.
You sighed shakily, and continued to stare at him, his gaze as unrelenting as yours. It appeared you were in the midst of an emotional deadlock, neither party wavering in the slightest.
“Why are you apologizing?” He asked.
“You’re not ready.” You said, trying with all your might to keep yourself held together, “You’re not ready and I might have just well and fucked everything up.”
You felt the tears welling in your eyes, but you refused to try and blink them away in fear that it would make them fall down your cheeks instead.
“I never said I wasn’t...” He trailed off, his brows furrowing in confusion.
You cocked your head to the side. Of course he hadn’t said it, but he didn’t need to. Bucky had been to hell and back far too much for one lifetime, love wasn’t exactly something that he was comfortable exploring, right?
“Bucky, it’s okay, you don’t need to say it ba-”
Before you could finish, Bucky shushed you softly.
Confused, you quirked a brow at him, waiting to see what he was going to do ext because he clearly wanted to say something.
But he didn’t say anything, not with his words at least. Leaning in slowly, his soft lips pressed against yours, leaving you no room for any words at all. Shocked as anything, your eyes widened as his mouth moved feverishly against yours, his lips pressed each emotion that he felt onto your skin when his tongue couldn’t produce the words.
His mouth traveled to your jaw, sloppily decorating down to the sensitive area of neck with every puckered formation of kisses that he left in his wake. You were taken completely aback, too shocked to mutter a word in protest as you carded your fingers through his hard, the feeling of him touching you like this was too intoxicating for you to put a stop to.
Your better judgement however, made you place a hand on his chest and gently push him away, giving him a look of pure confusion and concern.
His eyes were wild, pupils having nearly swallowed his bright blue irises. The long hair that had been previously been tied back into a small bun behind his neck had now fallen undone and was a mess from the work of your hands.
“You said I wasn’t ready.” He told you, “And I’m gonna prove how untrue that is right here, right now.”
“What do you mean?”
He paused, as if thinking of the best way to say what was on his mind, before he spoke.
“Let me make love to you.”
Well now that was something you didn’t expect to hear anytime soon. Forget about the coveted ‘I love you’, sex? Sex seemed like a such a ‘far off into the distance’ sort of adventure for the two of you that you didn’t even let yourself think about it. But there were times that you would fantasize against your common sense.
You knew it was bad to think of all of the things that, given his rather extensive history before the war, you knew Bucky could just do absolutely awful things to you if he wanted. And the thing was, it was clear even in this case that Bucky didn’t want to have you squirming under him, begging for a release, not yet at least. It seemed that he wanted to just have sex, he wanted to properly make love to you.
“Are you su-”
“Sure?” He finished for you, “Yeah, doll, I’m sure.”
Certainty wasn’t exactly Bucky’s specialty given his past. In fact, Bucky had been about as familiar with certainty as a newborn is to a mortgage payment, but when you saw the look in his eyes, you realized that perhaps his childlike familiarity with the words ‘I’m sure’ had matured into their years of adulthood.
“Bucky.” You croaked out, tilting your head to the side gently, watching the way a small smile, like artwork, painting itself on his lips, his face the most beautiful canvas you’d ever seen.
His hand reached forward and tucked a stray piece of hair away from your eyes, lingering there as he pressed his palm into your cheek. You leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his right hand on your face and sighing at the contact.
You hadn’t realized how close in proximity you were to him until his nose brushed against yours and your breath hitched in the space it occupied in your throat. His lips were so close that you could practically taste them, and when you finally did, you had to hold back a moan of anticipation.
Bucky’s lips were by far the softest ones you’d ever had the pleasure of kissing, and every time you were close to him like this, your head spun because of it. He’d had a lot of practice throughout his years before he was the Winter Soldier, but there was a tentative quality about his intimacy that always astounded you. It was like if he kissed you too hard, he might just break you.
Your arms reacted when your mind seemingly couldn’t, they wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer to you so your chests were flush against one another.
His hands were on your waist, resting on the border of the fabric of your sweater and the small portion of your midriff that had been exposed while you’d moved to get closer to him. You felt the cold touch of his left hand, and the blissful warmth of his right and marveled at how gorgeous of a spectacle it was. His touch was just right.
His right hand slid slowly up the front of your sweater, resting over top of your covered breast, giving it a small squeeze. It was just hard enough for you to let out a gasp, which allowed his tongue entrance to your mouth.
You’d kissed Bucky a lot, more than you figured you would when you first started the relationship. Bucky wasn’t shy about kissing his girl, especially not when he knew that you were an absolute sucker for it. But this kiss was different, it was laced with sexual tension this time. In the past Bucky’s kisses had said “you’re beautiful” or “I care about” or perhaps they lingered with the smallest hint of “I love you” in there somewhere, but this one undoubtedly said “I want you”.
His hand had now slid under your bra, cupping you as he massaged you gently causing a breathy moan to escape from you. It was so new with him and so undeniably exciting to feel his touch like fire on your skin.
You’d fantasized about him so many times that it was hard keep your head in a clear space at moments. You could clearly remember him stepping out of the shower one day, a towel wrapped dangerously low around his waste as water droplets clung to his body.
What an image he was, and completely unaware of just how much he was affecting you. He’d smiled as he’d walked by, making a route to the dresser and grabbing some clothes, in ignorant bliss of the wetness between your thighs as he dropped the towel momentarily to tug a pair of underwear up his low half. It was from behind, but Bucky has a nice ass - you weren’t complaining one bit.
And now you were feeling his hands travel along your body underneath your sweater, feeling the desperate need in his touch. You were so turned on that you weren’t sure how much longer you were going to be able to wait.
Your hands had been preoccupied with his hair, but you dared now to run your one hand down his chest, then abdomen, then trailing down to the belt of his jeans. You heard the small tink of your fingernail hitting the buckle as you moved past it to gently cup him through his pants.
The groan that came from his mouth was music to your ears, a gorgeous melody that must have been constructed by the angels in heaven - and it only encouraged you to want to go farther.
You gave him a firm squeeze, and the same reaction as before illicited from him. A small sigh of content passed your lips as he began kissing you  harder than before.
“Not here.” He moaned out in between the clashing of teeth, “Bedroom, now.”
He hoisted you up, your legs around his waste in desperation as he almost ran into your shared bedroom. The kiss was never broken, lips still connected to one another as his foot kicked the door shut. Padding his way across the room, Bucky’s legs eventually hit the bed, where he promptly rested you on your back.
There was a moment of silence between you, the only noise was the heavy breathing that past both of your lips. He looked directly into your eyes, the intensity there was unmatched by anything you’d ever experienced.
You blinked up at him a few times, taking in his flushed cheeks and swollen lips and messy hair. He looked perfect.
“(Y/N)...” He said, taking in a breath, “I love you too.”
You sighed as a smile came to your lips. As if the moment you were sharing could be any more perfect.
“I know.” You said, tugging at the bottom on his shirt.
He got the message, and tugged it off of his torso in an instant, leaving his upper half completely bare. Your mouth almost watered looking at him, but he didn’t give you much of a chance to admire him, he was on top of you in a split second flat, attacking your neck with hot wet kisses.
You cried out when his hand pressed against your clothed heat. The pressure he was providing was utterly intoxicating.
“...So beautiful...” He mumbled, reaching to the hem of your sweater and lifting it over your head. You bra was next, you arched your back as he swiftly reached behind you and unclipped it, tossing it to the side of the room.
He let himself have another moment to admire you before he quickly took your left nipple in his mouth, pinching your right all the while.
A the moan that left your mouth was borderline pornographic as his warm tongue swirled around your hardened bud. You hand carded through his hair again, adding a gently tug which made him groan against you.
An idea popped into your head, and you decided to act upon it impulsively. In one motion, you flipped your bodies over so you were on top. A shocked but delighted look decorated his features. You were fast to resume kissing him, but this time you had the added motion of being able to grind yourself down on him. And oh god did he like that.
His hands moved to grab at your ass, aiding your movements on his crotch. Even through his jeans, you could tell he was big, bigger than you’d had before.
“Tell me something,” You whispered, trailing kisses down his jaw, “When was the last time you had a woman’s lips wrapped around your cock.”
Bucky’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. He never expected you to have a mouth like that, but he was delighted to hear that come from you. Without waiting for a reply, you traveled in kisses down his chest, placing a few tender kisses to the scar on his left shoulder, and down his abs until you reaches that belt again.
You undid the belt buckle as you nestled between his legs, unzipping the zipper of the jeans and tugging them down his legs. You could tell he was painfully hard under his boxers, and judging by the way he reacted when you stroked him over the fabric, he was near desperate for you.
You didn’t tease him for long, choosing to take the boxers off to and leaving him completely naked in front of you. You grabbed his thick cock in your hand, and gently began to work on him. He threw his head back in pleasure and let out a soft moan.
You licked a strip from the base of his shaft up to his tip, swirling your tongue around his head as his flesh hand held your hair.
“Your mouth is fucking amazing.”
“Pussy’s better.” You laughed, before taking him in your mouth completely.
“Oh shit.” He said, moaning out as you bobbed your head along his shaft, ignoring your gag reflex to fit him in.
“You’re so fucking good.” Bucky said, slowly bucking his hips to match your movements.
Before long, you could tell he was close. You looked up at him, his eyes on your in a fiery desperation, silently telling you to stop. He needed to really feel you.
You released him from your mouth with a lewd ‘pop’.
“Pants. Off.” He nearly whimpered, and your obliged, ridding yourself of your pants and panties before moving upwards so your heat was situated right above his ready cock.
You rubbed him along your entrance briefly, allowing yourself the satisfaction of teasing him for only a second before you sank onto his cock. You each moaned out loudly as he stretched you out deliciously.
You began to move yourself up and down on his shaft, Bucky’s hands on your ass again, grabbing at you and helping you bounce on him.
Strings of ‘fuck, fuck fuck’ came from his mouth as you caught his lips in a heated kiss, running your hands down his chest. You could feel your release creeping up on you, the clenching around Bucky’s dick giving you away.
“Fuck, I can feel how close you are.” He said, taking to importunity to hoist your hips up and thrust into you so you no longer had to do any work. With every thrust he hit your g spot harder and harder until the coil in your stomach finally broke, your orgasm rushing over you harder than ever before.
You cried out in pleasure, Bucky a moaning mess under you as his hips began to stutter until he too found his release, painting your walls with his hot cum.
You collapsed onto him, a panting mess against him, listening to his erratic heartbeat against your ear.
His breathing was heavy as his hand came up to brush the hair out of your face. You looked up at him, seeing the tired smile that rested on his face. You couldn’t help but return it.
You both got under the covers, snuggling up close to one another for warmth as the wind blew the heavy snowfall outside the cabin. You nestled into his side and found peace in the warmth of his arms around you and the gentle kisses he pressed to your forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Jesse McCree x ex!deadlock gang!male reader
Jesse reuniting with his ex (technically not an ex, they never broke up but Overwatch captured Jesse and then recruited him) who got captured and recruited by Overwatch.
United AU where every playable character in the game is part of the Overwatch organization, post initial disbandment.
Requested: No
Word Count: 1,730
Warnings: slightly angsty, swearing, suggested sex, whorknee for no reason
“Jesse?” (y/n) muttered. He was being manhandled by this guy wearing a weird mask and a large black cloak, hiding any skin from anybody looking. His hands were cuffed behind his back and there was visibly no way of escape. The guy with the mask looked down at (y/n), confused as to what he’d said, before he looked back up, brushing it off. Jesse didn’t seem to have taken a notice of (y/n).
“Hey, Reaper, you’re back. How was the old gang going?” He jogged over, mainly looking at Reaper.
They talked for a bit before Jesse finally looked at him.
His eyes shined with recognition and instantly, his lips tugged into a scowl. “Something wrong, McCree?” The guy with the mask, Reaper it seemed, asked.
“No, nothing.” Jesse replied. His eyes lingered on (y/n) for a while before they turned back to Reaper.
“Just the one?” Reaper grunted a yes in return.
“So what’s in it for this guy?” He smiled again, playfully hitting (y/n) lightly on the shoulder.
If it weren’t for the blind on his mouth, (y/n) would’ve started cursing them both out.
“I’ll tell you later.” Reaper replied, pulling (y/n) along the Overwatch headquarters.
Reaper and Jesse engaged in small talk, both purposely avoiding the topic of the Deadlock member currently being held captive by Reaper. The conversation was mainly Jesse telling Reaper events that had happened while he was gone, Reaper not really incorporating into the conversation.
(y/n) was led into this room with a one-sided window on one of the walls. There were two chairs in front of each other and a table in the middle. The room was definitely an interrogation room.
Reaper put him down on the chair, cuffing his arms to the table, and then he left, shutting the door behind him.
Ten minutes later, the door opened, and Jesse came in. He sat down in front of (y/n), wearing some strange blue-tinted glasses.
“The name’s McCree. What’s yours?”
(y/n) raised an eyebrow, using his fingers to point at the mask covering his mouth. Jesse let out a hearty laugh, “Sorry.” He took the mask off (y/n)’s face.
“Can’t you tell, McCree?” (y/n) asked, scowl on his lips. His tone was bitter and his brows were furrowed.
Jesse’s lips pulled into a playful smirk, “I’m sorry, were you some Deadlock grunt I didn’t know?”
“Don’t tell me you--” (y/n) interrupted himself, feeling deadly close to crying.
“What was that, darling?”
That nickname. It was something Jesse always called him, but then again it was something he always called everyone as part of his accent.
(y/n) grunted, gulping down his feelings. “(y/n).”
“You see, darling? That was a nice start.”
Jesse interrogated (y/n) as if they didn’t know each other, as if they hadn’t dated before, as if they hadn’t promised to spend the rest of their days together, however long they had left.
(y/n) didn’t let out any hints or anything when Jesse asked, he didn’t let a single word spill from his lips.
Jesse sighed, eyes locking with (y/n)’s. For a second, (y/n) thought they were full of love and longing. Maybe he did remember him after all.
“Is it because my friends are behind that window?”
(y/n) only raised a brow. Jesse sighed once again, sending a gesture towards the window. “Ok, they’re gone.” He said after a few minutes.
(y/n) finally spoke, eyebrow still raised, “How can I believe you?”
“Baby, I’m not lying.”
Ok, that nickname wasn’t a part of his accent, but it was still plausible that he was just calling him that to ‘loosen up’ or something else.
(y/n) frowned, his emotions were starting to show in his eyes.
Two minutes of awkward silence ensued. Jesse held a pleading face, staring at (y/n) with the eyes he fell in love with.
“I love you.”
Tears pricked (y/n)’s eyes, and he tried blinking them out.
Those three words were full of emotion, full of the love that never faded in those years they spent apart.
“Jesse, I--” (y/n) started, but he was interrupted by Jesse pulling him into a kiss over the small table. The glasses nearly crashed with (y/n)’s face but they hung just a few centimeters away from him.
When they pulled back they both had to take a sharp breath. The kiss was longing and passionate, full of the love that never faltered over the years.
“Are they really-” (y/n) was interrupted again by another kiss, one much shorter and less breath-taking but still as loving and passionate.
“Yeah, they are.” Jesse stated, pulling off the blue-tinted glasses.
(y/n) assumed their purpose was for him to be able to see through the one-sided window.
“I..” Jesse started, but he cut himself off by kissing (y/n) again for a bit of courage. It was a kiss the other could barely respond to as he’d pulled back so fast. “I missed you.. so much, but let’s keep our vows for later.” The cowboy aesthetic laughed nervously before continuing. “Reaper said you have the option for him to recruit you and have you work for us, Overwatch, rather than have you thrown into a high-security jail. What d’ya think?”
“Of course I’ll take that option.” (y/n) replied with a small laugh.
“So for our vows…” Jesse trailed off, signalling for (y/n) to continue. He looked at the other expectantly.
“I love you, Jesse.” (y/n) started. “The gang thought you were either dead or in prison. Then you show up out of nowhere, with a metal arm no less, and steal Echo from us? I didn’t know what to think.” He shook his head, trying to think of words to say.
“Well,” Jesse took (y/n)’s hand in his own metal one and fiddled with the other’s fingers, making (y/n) shudder at the coldness. “..what do you think?”
“My opinion hasn’t changed.”
Jesse smiled, fully intertwining their fingers now.
“But, Ashe has been a total bitch since you were gone. She said you deserved it. I was planning on leaving the gang with some grunts but then Ashe got captured and I became the commander.  We formed a family, Jesse. The other founding members were either gone or dead. I couldn’t just leave after that.” (y/n) sighed, thinking about the rest of the members he’d be leaving behind. “I wonder what they’ll be doing now.”
His eyes drifted off away from Jesse’s face as he thought.
“Doesn’t matter now darlin’. We’re the good guys now.” Jesse cupped (y/n)’s face with his other hand and pulled the (h/c) haired man to look at him.
They laughed a small bit before Jesse continued. “Guess what?”
“They got Ashe too. She’s here.” (y/n) frowned and his eyebrows furrowed.
“I really don’t want to be here now.” He said, making Jesse laugh. Jesse shook his head, waving a dismissive hand.
“She’s much nicer now. Maybe not all that much to me, but I’m sure she’ll come ‘round.” (y/n) grimace at the thought of a nicer, less sassier Ashe.
“So for my vows,” (y/n) snapped back to reality, looking up at Jesse now. “I’ve missed you a whole lot. I even dropped my flirty tendencies. I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. Ashe was really surprised when I didn’t drop any flirty comments when I saw her. I asked her about how you were doing and Ashe just said that you were doing fine. That put me in a worry cause darling, you’re never just fine!”
(y/n) laughed, raising a playful brow.
“How did you handle the gang?” Jesse rubbed circles on (y/n)’s cheek, making the other lean closer into it.
“They complained about me not doing as many heists as before but they never said it to my face. We raised some cowards, Jess. Well, no. We raised them up and then Ashe put them back down. Her rules were hard, either you pay attention to her or you’re thrown out. She took absolutely no feedback.”
“Can’t imagine how hard that would’ve been.” Jesse muttered before taking (y/n)’s lips in his own again.
In the midst of their kiss, both of them heard a cough coming from the window. They turned to face Reaper, tapping his foot on the floor with arms crossed. You could just feel his raised eyebrow and frown. Reaper wore a microphone, (y/n) assumed that was what allowed the cough to be heard.
Reaper gestured for Jesse to leave and come to his room, making Jesse smile nervously. 
Jesse turned to (y/n), shrugging his shoulders and letting go.
(y/n) watched as he left the room and then to Reaper, who was still staring at him. A few minutes into the staring contest the window turned back into one sided.
“What the hell was that?!” It seemed he hadn’t taken off the microphone.
“Reaper, you got a little somethin--”
“You better get to explainin’, McCree.”
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“Reaper told me to lead you to your new room, but..” Jesse gestured towards his room, giving (y/n) a wink. “I feel yours is a little too empty at the moment.”
Jesse opened the door, bowing in front of him as a gentleman would for a lady after opening her car door. “Feel free to call it home.”
(y/n) laughed, stepping in and pulling Jesse in behind him. “We could’ve decorated mine with your clothes.. on the floor.” He replied.
“Are you insinuating we would’ve done the dirty deed, darling?” Jesse said, making (y/n) raise an eyebrow.
(y/n) shrugged, laying down on Jesse’s bed, head relaxing on his hands, after taking off his shoes. “I don’t know, think what you want to think, Jess.”
“I think,” Jesse started, straddling (y/n)’s hips. “.. you weren’t the only one who missed me.”
(y/n) raised an eyebrow playfully, hands automatically moving to hold Jesse’s hips.
“But your little friend down there..” He grinded down on (y/n)’s crotch with his ass. “.. did too.”
“You weren’t wrong.” (y/n) smiled, pushing the other down lightly to lay down on his chest. “But do we have the time?”
“There’s always time for a little quickie. But we'll be welcoming you officially tomorrow so we have plenty of time for more than that. We’ve got plenty for something a little more.. intimate.” Jesse leaned down to press a teasing kiss to the corner of (y/n)’s lips.
“The rooms are soundproofed, darling.” He whispered.
“We’re having plenty of fun then.”
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ronynz · 6 years
Akaashi x reader relationship headcanons
@pinkadronitis hope this works!
You’re (L/N F/N). Student Council President. Fukurodani’s girls’ volleyball team captain. The girl who never falls below #3 in the cohort-wide academic result list. You’ve received, and promptly rejected every confession sent your way.
Akaashi Keiji. Pretty boy extraordinaire. Academically inclined Fukurodani’s male volleyball team Vice Captain. He’s also had more than his fair share of love confessions. (all rejected bc he doesn’t have time to date)
You’re his classmate; the one he has the luck(or misfortune) of having you as his partner for the science project.
Y’all initially don’t talk to each other much, apart from for the project.
Buuuutttttt y'all warm up to each other over the course of the project and eventually y'all are sharing memes and stupid puns, teasing the other and the like.
[Normal people would call that “friendship” but your classmates scorn it. 
I mean, you’re literally putting the 2 smartest and prettiest people in a cohort together? AND BOTH HAVE THEIR SHIT TGT??
About ¾ of the project in, Akaashi realises his feelings for you. And he, holding onto the belief that you’d just turn him away, kept his feelings to himself in fear of rejection. (Aww, poor bby)
Both of your teams catch on (he’s not as subtle as he thinks he is) and [try] to set y’all up
Bokuto eventually steps in as matchmaker and “encourages” Akaashi to confess. 
The day that science project is due, Akaashi walks up to you after class.
He starts blushing and stuttering. You’re confused bc WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?
He highkey stutters his way through the confession. 
ofc you accept. who’d reject this angel? (Cue Bokuto and your teams hooting in the bg)
You are THAT couple no one can beat; the power couple that eats other power couples for breakfast.
you study together, but compete for the top spot in the results list. [It was a tie with both of you deadlocked in 1st place from then on]
you beat all the other couples in those carnivals/fairs/pair races etc etc
y’all attend each other’s matches (as long as you don’t also have a match on the same day)
conversations based on book, movie, song, game and me me references. 
most of your dates are study dates though
but your ideal dates are staying in, versing KuroKen in video games and eating like 3 pizzas per person
your r/s theme song: Army of Two
Bonus: makeout
You spin the ball in your hands. You toss the ball up. Perfect, you think as you begin your run-up. You jump up and the ball connects with your palm. You slam the ball with as much force as humanly possible. The ball flies, and you land. Looking up, you realise the ball landed exactly on the opponent’s service line. A service ace. You, L/N F/N, have won Fukurodani the match point. You are now the top team nationally. 
Looking around, you notice the male team of your school hooting and cheering in the stands. Your expression tightens in disappointment as you realise that Keiji isn’t there. Regardless, you lead your team in thanking the crowd for their support and receiving your spoils of war. 
As you lead the team out of the door, you notice a familiar figure. Your team smirks knowingly and leave to give you your space. Knowing you have absolute privacy, you tackle him in a flying hug. “Keiji,” you breathe against his nape in relief. “My girl, captain of the best team. I’m so proud...” his words get cut off as you press your lips to his.
He kisses back, and your kiss gets sloppier and deeper. He nips at your lips. You trace your tongue on his. He presses his lips harder to yours as you part your lips. Your tongues now battle for dominance in each other’s mouths. Your mouths seemingly attached to each other’s. Alas, humans cannot survive without oxygen. You parted slightly for air. Keiji, leaning his forehead to yours, proposes you guys continue on in the privacy of one of your homes. And so, the pair of you left hastily and headed home.
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 month
Jett neon and deadlock on a date with their shy Reader, and then they are confronted by readers toxic ex who slaps them
Confronted by Toxic Ex
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Words: 744
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"알았어요–" Jett was talking to someone on the phone, but you couldn’t really care. She stayed right next to you while you scrolled through your phone.
“Look who came running back~” Looking up to find two people standing and staring at you, your ex and their new partner. “I can only guess you’ve come back for me, gonna beg or what?”
“Uh, no…”
Their face changed from proud to sour, “What, why!” You pointed to Jett as they stepped towards you, “This is your girlfriend? As if, she likely doesn’t even know you!”
Both of the laughed as your ex pulled you off the chair and onto the dirt, which caught Jett’s attention. “Sorry…” Turning to the pair, “Hey, yeah you two, what the fuck is your problem!”
“Why are you defending them? They just claimed to be dating you, which can’t be true.”
“Yeah it is, but look I get it, you’re jealous of them!”
The two stood in stunned silence as Jett picked you up off the ground, walking you away from them.
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“There’s a puppy – Napaka cute!” As soon as her eyes laid on the small animal she seemed to be vibrating on the spot. “Gusto kong alagaan ito!”
Trying to muffle your laughter as you shooed her off, telling her to go ask the owner. Which she was quick to do, leaving you alone sitting on a bench. Pulling out your phone to scroll through social media, send back a few messages and anything else you had time to do.
That was before a shadow covered you, expecting Neon you smiled as you looked. Dropping instantly when you noticed who is was, your ex.
“Y/N, how have you been?” Asked as they sat next to you, leaning into your space. Even moving across when you move seats. “I just noticed you were around and wanted to say hi, it’s been… so long.”
“Yeah it has–”
“How about we go get something to eat,” Silently reaching over to grab your sleeve, “I really just want to know why you left.” As they spoke they stood up, pulling you up and along. You tried to pull away, trying to find your voice but it felt like the relationship all ove again.
“No, I’m go–”
Suddenly there was a blooming pain in your cheek. Holding your hand up to the warm flesh as you looked back at your ex, who looked pissed.
“You’re not good, how could you be when you’re off dating some idiot!” They seemed unaware of the girl walking up behind him, “I bet they’re not even here, I’m not surprised you ended up da–”
Unable to finish their sentence as their body dropped onto the dirt, finding Neon fuming right behind them. Small bursts of electricity flying off her, until her eyes landed on you. Rushing over while apologizes fell from her mouth, cradling you in her arms for what seems like hours.
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You and Iselin had taken the day off, she found a new restaurant that just opened up and she thought you would enjoy it. Making sure you knew this day was about you, she spent her money on your outfit and anything else for the day.
Soon enough you found you two in the restaurant, a few steps from the host stand as your reservation was in 10 minutes. She only left you for a minute, but that felt too long with what happened.
“Fancy seeing you here Y/N.” Turning around to find your ex, “Did [Friends Name] tell you about the reservation?”
“Surely you’re here for me, theres no way you’re here for someone else.” They stepped closer, which you stepped back from. “You bitch!”
Within seconds their hand made contact with your face, causing your neck to snap to the side. “I made this reservation, spent my money on you, just for you to what? Go with someone else?”
Lifting their hand to hit you again, but they were unable to as their hand made contact with hard, cold metal. “Back off.”
Leaning around Iselin to make eye contact with you, once again unable to as she stepped into their view. “This is who you’re with?” Now speaking to Iselin, “Surely you can do better than Y/N, you know that right.”
She didn’t dignify them with a response, turning around to a nearby staff. Within minutes security had kicked your ex out, leaving you two to enjoy your night out.
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 month
Killjoy Jett and deadlock learning sign language from their mute S/O
Learning Sign Language From Their Mute S/O
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Words: 295
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This girl likely taught herself at least one type of sign language before joining the protocol, but hasn't used in such a long time.
She can hold a full, fluent conversation with you whenever you want.
There are a few days where she’s more quiet than usual, so the day is full of sign language conversations.
Has been tempted to try to make a whole new type of sign language just for you two to talk in.
She is 100% down to teach you a new type of sign language if you ever want.
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Normally with Jett, she wouldn’t remember a lot of what you teach her.
But since it’s for you, she’ll try her best to remember as much as possible. (And to the shock of nearly everyone else, she does!)
This will not stop her from yapping your ear off any chance possible, but on missions she’ll default to sign language.
She will be bragging about this to anyone. (“Well S/O taught me sign language, bet you don’t know it!”)
During your time teaching her, you can find her with websites pulled up, chatting with others to learn and even books sprawled around her room.
You can find her with websites pulled up, talking to others and even books in her room when you’re teaching her.
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It would be more surprising if she didn’t already know some type of sign language.
Likely a different language than you, but that means she’s more than willing to sit down with you for however long it takes.
Since she’s a naturally quiet person she’s more inclined to just use sign language rather than talking to you.
Although she’s constantly trying to improve.
As it turns out, her prosthetic arm isn't the best for sign language.
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