#dead boy walking [kenny]
mashedmangos · 3 months
They grow up so fast
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morballs · 5 months
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oniikabuto · 1 year
one bed!
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-- sfw --
characters: kyle broflovski, kenny mccormick, stan marsh, eric cartman
a/n: i did this for a different fandom like a year ago. i love the one bed trope i just had to write a new one for south park....,,, lmk if you want part 2
notes: fluff yayyy; gn reader; characters have a fat crush on you live laugh mutual pining;
guys requests are very much open rigjt now pleasseeeekksflkdfnkjs
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— ⛧ k. broflovski
sweetest guy. he doesn't want to take your bed, but you insist.
he also hangs his jacket on the door and keeps his hat neatly on your desk... which is kinda funny and cute that he tries so hard to be neat
freezes up and goes red when you slide into the bed next to him. poor boy is about to melt.
"dude why are you so sweaty are you okay"
"huh- what? yeah, yeah it's cool i'm fine it's..,,,,,,,"
wakes up with a puddle of drool and a wet cheek. he panics and wipes his face and looks over to see if you're awake. you pretend you aren't for kyle's sake. he's so cute.
his nose also does that stupid whistley thing it's so funny
a relatively still sleeper. he just kinda curls up and.. sleeps. sometimes he murmurs something in his sleep.
"cartman.. shut up..",
"what?", you murmur groggily.
"kyle??? are you awake??"
(no response)
genuinely cannot remember any of that when he wakes up.
— ⛧ k. mccormick
it's like 1am and you turn off the movie as the credits roll.
when you look over at kenny, he looks like a baby that had just woken up.
"dude, what time is it..", he murmurs.
"um.. late." you definitely did not mean to have him over for so long.
"do you wanna go home, or like.. stay with me?"
kenny perks up immediately when you offer to let him spend the night. huge, shit-eating grin spread across his face.
"dumbass", you laugh. but you kinda wanted him over, too.
he sits in your room and pokes at all of your plushies while he waits for you to go get a change of clothes for him. ("no way you're sleeping in that eyesore of a parka!")
almost faints when you change your shirt in front of him
youre the only person that can fluster him like that.
sleeps curled up like a little car
makes funny noises
like when a dog is sleeping
you'll wake up with his face in your chest and he'll swear it was an accident. it was not
— ⛧ s. marsh
you were at your desk doing homework and stan was on your bed on his phone, both doing your own thing as music played from your speaker.
it's not until that last math problem that you realize it's late. really, really late. you look over at stan, and he's face-down dead asleep on your bed, phone still in one hand.
you don't want to wake him up and tell him to go home, so instead you take his hat off and leave it on your bedpost.
he's splayed across the bed right in the middle.
how?? are you supposed to move him???
after a moment of deliberation, you hold your breath and roll him over, praying he doesn't wake up.
he does obviously
"ow..???? y/n??"
"shit. sorry. it's late, just go back to sleep. you can walk home tomorrow morning."
"wha- okay"
he's too tired to object
plus he secretly loves being in your bed. it smells like you
snores and breathes kinda funny once in a while
no matter how still he looks when you get into the bed with him, somehow you wake up with his limbs sprawled out like a spider.
in the morning, his leg is on top of you and his hand is on your face.
— ⛧ e. cartman
actually such a bitch about staying over
he definitely tried to distract you so that he would HAVE to spending the night
he just loves spending time with you but he doesnt wanna ask :(
"but the couch will make my back stiff! i'll be soo sore in the morning!"
"just say you want to sleep in my room with me, cartman."
"whaat?? if you insist, i guess!"
makes himself absolutely at home. if you want to sleep in your own bed, you'll have to sleep on top of him or touching him.
he definitely does that on purpose
as much as it pains you to admit it, cartman is actually like really really comfortable.
even if he's squishing you to death
and he claims he has no idea he does that in his sleep
smells like a dove soap bar or like. baby shampoo and its actually really nice
snores like a monster truck engine
leaves his shit all over the floor but also offers to help clean up to impress you
(he cant clean for shit but at least he tried??)
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gloryofroses19 · 6 months
Fly Me to the Moon
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“I just don’t get it.”  Lieutenant [y/n] was only partly lying, she could somewhat understand the appeal. However, she couldn’t have him know that the appeal was mostly him. 
Shooting his passenger a handsome grin, Major John Egan effortlessly followed the bend to the Air Field. “Well I gotta show you some time.”
“Do you, though?” To the untrained eye, Bucky Egan’s driving seemed lackadaisical. Hands resting comfortably at 4 and 6 o’clock, aviator glasses covering his blue eyes, mouth chewing gum and sporting an easy smile, he seemed like a man of leisure. But those who were close to him, knew Major Bucky Egan as anything but careless about those close to him. The combination of his confidence, his steadfast leadership and devastatingly handsome looks in that fur lined jacket, she could begin to understand the attraction of flying. 
It was enough to make her consider, in the lonely dead of night, about inquiring if she could become the first woman in the Air Force just to see him more, Hilter and those flying deathtraps be damned. 
“Of course, there’s nothing like flyin. When I come back we’ll sneak you past Mother Matron Moore and past Kenny.” Waving to the working crewman as he parked, Bucky leaned in conspiratorially. “But we might have to ditch the truck though, wear good walking shoes too.” 
Scrunching her nose up after Bucky finished his thought with a tap on her nose, [y/n] shook her head. “Don’t you get into enough trouble Major Egan?”
Chuckling as he rounded his way to her side of the truck, John held his hand out to help [y/n] out.  “No, besides, it's why you like me, Lieutenant Goody-Two Shoes.” 
“Oh that’s why? I guess I need to rethink my priorities” 
Eyes crinkling happily as she had yet to release his hand from her delicate grip, John smiled. He would miss her when he was up in the cold dangerous sky. Her warmth, her mirth, the safety she provided him.  
“Oh, are there other reasons?” He beams at [y/n], inching closer to watch the sunlight in her gaze. Major Bucky Egan didn’t need other’s praise. Sure, when Bubbles said he was a great fighter pilot or when Buck said he would follow him anywhere, it was nice to hear. But her praise? Hers was enough to fill his heart with a song he could sing forever and how Bucky Egan loved to sing… 
Despite the retort bubbling on the tip of her tongue, [y/n] laughed. “Yes, but your ego is big enough. You don’t need me to inflate it more, otherwise how will your head fit in the cockpit Major?” Tilting her head to the side, [y/n] raises her eyebrows at him. Baiting him into asking for her praise, she had learned early on that he was so transparent around her. It was one of the things that enamored her, never shy, only careful. As if her attention and affection was something to earn and worship.  
“Easy,” Mirroring her head tilt, John added lightly. “I'll just kick my copilot out. I’d even allow him a parachute.” 
The loud shouts of the crew around her was a balm over the burning heat of his grasp and gaze, the reality of this situation reemerging. Removing her hand from his hold, she instead placed her palm on his chest, and not before noticing the flash of disappointment in the Major’s eyes.
“I’ll make you deal, every mission you come back I’ll tell you another reason I like you.”
He had never thought he was the type of man to get weak in the knees but her earnest proposal sure made him reconsider that.  “Now that’s a reason to come back!” 
“Now that’s a reason to stay in the air, don’t need your ego getting any bigger John!” Startling them out of their bubble, Major Buck Cleven slapped his best friend’s back. 
Bucky knew he was living on borrowed time, the lead pilot couldn’t be late to the mission. So, with his final few seconds, he took the hand off his chest. After raising it to his lips, he brushed his lips against the smooth skin before wishing her farewell. 
“Hey Fly Boy,” Raising her voice above the chatter of the crew, she flashed him a smile. “Bring me a souvenir!”
“You got it, Lieutenant!” 
A/N: I appreciate any and all feedback! Hope you guys enjoy!
More Than You Know is an unofficial official sequel
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luvghostie · 2 years
Could you do the main 4 after a fight with their s/o, and how they would make it up to them? (South Park)
GN Reader
TW: Semi-angst, language, and aged-up characters
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When you guys fight it's usually Cartman's fault. He'll bring any sensitive topic to the surface to get back at you. Whether that be something embarrassing or traumatizing he doesn't care. If it makes you angry, that's what matters at the moment.
Whenever the fight gets out of hand the others will step in. Kyle yelling at Cartman for being a dick, Stan telling you that it'll be okay, and Kenny giving you hugs or rubbing your back. This happened at once a week maybe, twice.
After being confronted and proven wrong Cartman runs home. When he reaches his house he cries for hours on end. He cares about you, however, he also knows some things were uncalled for. He shouldn't have brought up such hurtful things. Likewise, Kyle shouldn't have jumped in.
You sometimes hang out with the rest of the group to cool down. They all give their advice and try to help. Some of the advice is awful but you still appreciate the effort. The first thing Kyle always says is, “kill the fat ass.” Of course, you won't, but what the fuck Kyle.
Cartman will sneak out of his house later to see you. When you hear him throwing little rocks at your window you let him in. He apologizes over and over again. Truth be told, he feels horrible for what he did. If you forgive him Cartman will never bring up those subjects again. He loves you a lot and fights happen in relationships.
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Kyle and you don't fight a lot. On the downside, the fights always happen because of his mom. She and you aren't on good terms. She's very open about how she thinks you aren't good enough for her son. That being said, you bump heads more than anyone.
You wish Kyle would stand up for you. Instead, he just sits back emotionless. He thinks you are good enough for him he just doesn't want to argue with his mom. He's always been a momma's boy and doesn't dare go against her word. You love him but you wish he would at least talk to her.
In the middle of a fight, you give up. It's always the same things coming from him. “What am I supposed to say?” and “she's my mom y/n I can't be fucking rude!” as soon as you try to leave he stops you. An argument with Kyle has never lasted more than twenty minutes. Either he apologizes or you do.
“Wait, y/n, I'm sorry,” Kyle said hugging you. “I'll try to talk to her.” most times you wouldn't believe what he said. Yet, he actually did speak to his mom. (with encouragement from Cartman and Stan) the next time you saw Shelia she didn't say a single word to you. Whatever Kyle did you were grateful. No words were better than being told you weren't enough.
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It takes a lot for you and Kenny to fight. Like, A LOT. Whatever pushes that last button causes you to yell at him. Perhaps, it was the fact he was okay with how badly people treated him. Maybe, it was because of how much you disliked his shitty parents. Something finally made you upset to the point it turned into a fight.
Kenny doesn't get heated until you question his love. He cares deeply for you, so hearing such things are bound to hurt. He's worked many hours to give you gifts. He's even stolen items just to see that beautiful smile on your face. “What the hell do you mean I don't love you?!” he asked still muffled.
The boys watched in silence as you argued back and forth. It was almost weird to see it happening. Cartman, Stan, and Kyle just stared at each other questioning whether or not to stop the quarrel. I mean, it's not every day that something like this occurs.
You were fixing to walk away but just as you took a step Kenny died from a flying football. It felt unreal, but it was horrible to see him dead. You witnessed this all the time but that didn't mean it was easier. It was so unexpected Cartman even let out an audible gasp.
A couple of days later Kenny showed up back up to School. You were so happy to see him that you ran to hug the boy. “Oh, Kenny, I'm so sorry for fighting with you,” you said, burying your head in his shoulder. “I missed you so much.” Kenny hugged you back feeling the same way. Now, whenever you fight (which only happens at least three times a year) you always try to end it on good terms just in case.
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Just like Kenny, it's very rare you two fight. Wendy is always the reason it does transpire. You've never liked her and she never liked you either. Stan and she used to have a thing for one another. You assume she still does based on how she acts. Sticking her nose in your relationship, flirting with your boyfriend, and even saying nasty things about you.
Stans made it very clear he doesn't like Wendy to you. You try to believe him but you still worry that maybe he's lying. Your worrying caused the fight to begin. He gets upset knowing you question his loyalty and feelings for you. A year and a half together he anticipated some trust.
Many hurtful things were said to both parties. Unlike Cartman, nothing traumatizing was brought up. Kyle will move Stan away to cool off and Kenny has you sit down. It takes a bit for you to calm down and realize your anxiety got the best of you. You go to find Stan right away and try to make amends. It feels icky knowing you should've listened to what he said.
Stan forgives you and apologizes as well. While you guys were separated he talked to Wendy. He made it obvious the feelings he once had for her were gone. It warmed your heart knowing he did that just to reassure you. As the days passed you began to trust him more and more. No one butted between you and him. If you ever get anxious again don't worry, he'll be there with open arms.
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xotication · 5 months
can we get more on kaneki being an acts of service bf
i thought y'all would get bored of the head cannons but absolutely!!
kaneki hates when you literally try to do anything by yourself. the man genuinely thinks he should be doing everything for you.
he'll wake up early just to make sure he at least has a small snack or breakfast prepared for you.
when you're going out, he'll ask you what you're gonna wear so he can pull the clothes out of the closet for you.
ken always makes sure to keep two pairs of slides in the back of his car just in case you happen to be wearing an uncomfortable pair of shoes that day.
let's say you guys go out & you happen to get a little bit too drunk; boy is immediately telling everyone that it's time for the two of you to go home...
then he'll just fully throw you over his shoulder & take you all the way to the car, despite you flailing & saying you wanna stay a little bit longer.
when you finally arrive home, you're already knocked out in the passenger seat. he'll carefully lift you & carry you in
& you know damn well he's undressing you & putting you in proper clothing for sleepy time.
"wha- what happened to the party? i wanna party kennie"
"there's no more partying baby, it's time for you to sleep okay?"
"mm, okay." & you'd be knocked in seconds.
chivalry is FAR from dead with this man.
i mean he still pulls out your chair for you & scoots you in
he holds your hands when you're walking up stairs to make sure you don't lose balance.
he does that cute lil thing where if you're bending in front of a counter, he'll put his hand on the edge just so you don't accidentally hit your head.
sometimes ken even fills up your cars tank for the week & gives it a good wash too. just as a little reset for you.
or let's say you're at work, he'll bring you lunch because he has your schedule memorized.
even when you're on your break, he'll call you & ask you if there's anything you want him to bring you.
usually you say no, but on the occasion that you do say yes, kaneki SPEEDING to make sure he gets it to you before your break is over.
sometimes when you get home from being out for the day, he'll help you remove your jewelry (i wear a thousand bracelets sometimes so this is so real)
on days that you happen to maybe want alone time, he'll go to your parents house & ask them if they need help with anything. he's beginning to be a handy man since being with you & your fam appreciates it so much.
ken makes notes to get replacements of some of your makeup products or even your shampoo & conditioner
your friends often ask you how the fuck you trained him..
"idk. he came that way.." "where do i buy one.."
ken randomly gives or sends you money so you can treat yourself to whatever it is you might be wanting that day or week.
the man cooks AND cleans..
you always try to help him but he tells you to sit down, he might as well be a house husband.
you love love love your acts of service bf! >.<
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heartsforhavik · 5 months
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MORTAL KOMBAT 1 (ashrah, baraka, havik, johnny cage, kitana, kuai liang, kung lao, liu kang, mileena, raiden, rain, reiko, syzoth, shang tsung, smoke, sub-zero)
UNTIL DAWN (sam, josh, ashley, chris, emily, mike, jessica, matt)
THE QUARRY (laura, max, nick, dylan, ryan, kaitlyn, jacob, emma, abigail)
THE WALKING DEAD (lee, katjaa, kenny, omid, christa, ben, carley, luke, jane, nick, gabe, javier, clementine, louis)
GENSHIN IMPACT (aether, kazuha, kokomi, itto, shenhe, diluc, zhongli, yanfei, raiden shogun/ei, xiangling, navia, ayato, yoimiya, bennett, barbara, ganyu, gorou, yun jin, beidou, kuki shinobu, hu tao, thoma, amber, jean, razor, chongyun, childe, kaeya)
ATTACK ON TITAN (eren, armin, mikasa, connie, sasha, marco, jean, levi, ymir)
please remember to read the rules before requesting!
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creek-dump-blog · 1 month
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This is the first part of my fanfiction 'To The Three of Us.' The rest of the fanfiction will be published on Wattpad and I will be making art for the fanfiction here
My Wattpad
Third Person/Kenny pov:
Whenever something good happens in South Park you’ll be foolish to think it’ll last long. That was Kenny’s mistake.
Kenny tries to steady his thoughts by removing himself from the frantic commotion that happens during the lunch period. He couldn’t let himself slip. He’s dealt with way worse situations but the feeling of isolation is corrupting his life.
Kenny hides behind the dumpster at the back of the school making sure no one is around. He takes out a lighter and cigarette, taking in the rush of smoke filling his lungs to ground his body to some feeling. He slowly recognizes quiet footsteps from his left leading in his direction and tries to stomp out the cancer stick, but the damage is done.
He turns his head to the person on looking at his form and immediately notices the mass of erratic blond hair and messily button-up olive shirt.
“Tweek, what are you doing here?”
Tweek looked down at the cigarette I stomped then replied to my question.
“You know, smoking at such a young age is going to make you die faster.”
I was going to make a joke, but for some reason, I decided to be honest.
“Heh, I don’t smoke for ‘that reason.’ Smoking can actually suppress your appetite, and well, my parents would rather waste money on cigarettes than feed the family.”
“Oh… Well- Do you think this could help?”
Tweek hands Kenny a brown bag with a Tweek Bros. logo filled with a sandwich and a muffin. I haven’t talked to Tweek since the whole “replacing me with him” fiasco so why is he suddenly worried about me?
“What’s with the special treatment?”, I ask Tweek.
Tweek replies saying, “Well, most people know Kyle and Stan give you some of their lunch. I noticed you haven’t been talking to them.”
God, why are people at this school so fucking nosy?! Kenny tried to ignore his resentment and responded.
“I’m fine. I just needed some space from them.”
“What did you eat today?”
“Uhhhh…” Why is it so hard to remember? “I think I had one-fourth of a waffle-”
Tweek is shaking frenziedly and pulls his hair hard enough to almost make bald spots on his scalp. Kenny already had a hard time handling Tweek’s uncontrollable frantic movements from afar so Kenny tried to say anything that he thought could help.
“Tweek! I’m okay! Really-”
Tweek dashed away from Kenny, with arms flailing and all, and left the school premises into town.
Kenny watches in awe for a couple of seconds until the bell rings. Kenny almost makes it to fourth period but is quickly interrupted by a dead-flat monotone voice.
“What the hell did you do to Tweek?”
Kenny turns his head to see Craig staring at him with his eyebrows frowning.
“What do you mean ‘what I did to Tweek?’”
“Tweek told me he was going to talk to you and I can’t find him anywhere.”
“Oh,” How the hell do I explain THAT situation? “Tweek gave me food, then he screamed, then he left school.”
“Okay.” Craig flips Kenny and walks to his fourth period class.
Why are they so weird? Eh, I guess that means they’re made for each other.
Kenny woke up the next morning with the mindset of ignoring the two boys. He honestly doesn’t know how to feel about them, especially Tweek, but it’s not like life has gone his way before so it doesn’t.
Kenny notices people staring at the erratic boy walking towards him. Tweek is lugging on his back an enormous backpack filled with who knows what while also trying to carry his school backpack. Kenny also observes Tweek’s face. Tweek somehow looks more tired than before with large eye bags hanging off of his eyes and he’s barely able to stay awake.
Tweek finally makes it to Kenny and says, “Hey Kenny.”
“Uh… hey to you too.”
“Um, I wanted to give you this.”
Tweek struggles to take off the backpack consuming his form and hands it over to Kenny. Kenny unzips the backpack to look at a backpack filled with homemade sandwiches, baked goods, and fruits.
Did he- did he run home screaming and stay up all night cooking and baking just to feed me and my family? That is simultaneously one of the strangest yet sweetest things someone has ever done to me.
“I’ll be out of your hair now,” Tweek trails to his homeroom but Kenny grabs his shoulder and brings them into a hug. Tweek is shaking profusely in Kenny’s arms, but this time Kenny doesn’t care.
“Thank you, Tweek. No one has done something like this to me before.”
Kenny pulls back and sees Tweek look at him anxiously. Kenny could practically hear Tweek doubting himself.
“Really, I mean it. Who knew someone so cute cared about me.”
Kenny wasn’t lying when he said that. Sure, Tweek was twitchy but he had nice soft yet masculine features and Kenny definitely wasn’t disappointed by Tweek’s face going red.
“ALRIGHT! I’ll SEE YOU LATER! BYE!!! Tweek covers his face and trips to his homeroom.
After Tweek’s intervention three months ago, Kenny started hanging out with Tweek and Craig. Kenny initially distanced himself from people because he was depressed about graduation. Pretty much everyone graduating would be leaving South Park (who can blame them, really?) and Kenny didn’t have any money to leave with them.
Despite Kenny’s concerns he still wanted to spend time with the two boys. He genuinely had a good time with them and they in turn somehow tolerated him.
Kenny was currently situated in Craig’s backyard at night, throwing pebbles at Craig’s window trying to get his attention. After a couple of seconds, he sees a light flicker on from one of the windows and hears the window slide open.
“Can I come in?” Kenny whispers to the familiar chullo silhouette.
Craig flips him off.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Kenny whispers back.
Kenny’s times as Mysterion helped him quickly climb Craig’s wall. He lands his feet on the floor and walks to Craig’s bed.
They’ve pretty much made this a routine at this point. Whenever Kenny’s parents would get into a fight (which was often) he would walk to Craig's house and use his telescope to distract himself. Tweek would sometimes join if his parents weren’t coddling him. Even though Kenny didn’t understand space, he did understand the appeal of looking at the vast space to fill your thoughts.
Craig puts Stripe #3 in his cage and sets up the telescope. Craig noticed that Kenny was being abnormally quiet so he decided to speak up.
“Just thinking about things.”
“Like what?”
“Like how I’m pansexual.”
Ah, there goes the classic Tucker charm.
“That’s really all you have to say,” Kenny replied.
“I don’t care.”
“Well, it’s kind of a big deal.”
“Why should it be a big deal? Sexuality is used by both sides as an excuse to ‘other’ each other and I don’t care to continue the trend.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
Craig finishes setting up the telescope and guides Kenny to the eyepiece.
Kenny continues the conversation by saying, “Do you have a crush on someone?”
“Why are we on this topic?”
“Oh come on! You gotta like someone unless you’re aromantic.”
“No. I’m not that.”
“Hmm… is it Clyde?
“Ew. No”
“Is it me?”
Kenny was a little disappointed that it wasn’t him even though he knew his real crush.
Kenny removed his right eye from the telescope to see Craig’s reaction to his next question.
“Is it Tweek?”
Craig’s cheeks and ears were quickly covered in a vibrant red. Craig tried to hide his face with his chullo even though his reaction was obvious.
“U-Uh… I don’t know…”
“Aww! Someone has a crush! I think you should tell him though. You guys work well together.”
Craig didn’t say anything, turning his back to Kenny and wanting to cut the conversation. Kenny didn’t push him and continued to look at the stars through the telescope.
Around midnight Kenny sneaks out of Craig’s house and takes out his phone to text in his group chat with Craig and Tweek.
Orange AirPod
hey guys. You wanna hang out tmw?
Space Cadet
dude you literally left my house like 2 secs ago and it’s fucking late. Stfu
Orange AirPod
meanie >:(
Coffee Bean 
aw ;-; I wish I was there
Orange AirPod
see Tweeky wants to hang out
Coffee Bean
Tweeky? really?!
Space Cadet
fine. We can talk about it at school. Night mcwhoremick. Night Tweekers
Orange AirPod
Space Cadet
Hey that’s my thing
Coffee Bean
what’s with the nicknames? :(
Kenny closes his phone and continues to walk home. He knows he should probably distance himself from them but there are only three weeks of school left so why not?
To make the walk a little more entertaining Kenny sings Butter’s song
“Lu Lu Lu, I’ve got some apples,
“Lu Lu Lu, you got some too!”
What? It was catchy. Don’t blame Kenny.
Kenny sees the outline of his house but then he hears someone running up to him. Kenny turns around and sees a zombie coming close to his face.
“THE FUCK-“ Weren’t zombies supposed to be slow?! His answer was confirmed when the zombie ripped on his flesh and the world went blank.
Huh… nothing ever goes right for me.
My Wattpad
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kenlvry · 2 years
omg can I ask the first time the boys meet the reader they were beat up by the reader for insulting something (e.g their cat or something) or they made a crude joke? Basically almost like Annie Leonhart and stuff xjsjdjjs
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beating up the boys
an; helloooo, anyways i was skimming through my requests and found this, love the concept and cute pic, i screenshotted it hihi, hope you like this! everyone is aged up, 17-18 in craigs you didnt beat him up but yeaaa just read
kenny mccormick
when he first met you , kyle brought you over to stans house where you all hung out. the other two didn't seem bothered by your presence and he asked who you were , kyle introduced you saying you knew tips on the game they were about to play, kenny thought you were attractive and complemented you "damn you got fine ass" kenny blurted that out smirking, the other three knew how you were and you didn't like the perverted comment he made, you straight up slapped him, bro he was shook. no girl ever reacted that way, they always blushed, he was determined that next time you'd blush at him. so he spent weeks flirting with you and by now he realize he got a fat crush on you and just know the flirtings are way more intense.
stan marsh
kenny brought the others to your house because you had a pool and asked if he and the other can play in it, you agreed having known kenny a while now and wanting to meet his other friends. they all came over and greeted you, you were homeschooled so you didn't have that many friends. while they were admiring your house your sphynx cat came over and meowed demanding you feed him, cartman had a cat of his own so he didn't care and kyle wasn't the type to judge a cat, stan however was disgusted, man he made the most foul faces "ew what is that its so ugly why doesn't it have fur?!!" you stopped your tracks and stared at him, kenny knew how defensive you were abt your cat "omg stan say sorry" before stan could reply a hit was blown to his face, you punched him. "get the fuck out and don't even think about swimming in my pool bitch" stan ran away and wanted to say sorry but everytime he saw you at the parks you flipped him off, he tried everything. by the time he bought you flowers just to make you forgive him, he knew he was inlove. the next time he saw you he was all nervous and looked like he was about to puke.
kyle brofloski
the four of them were out at the mall looking for things to do when you bumped into them, he remembered you because last week you came over to stans house to hang out, kyle was supposed to be there but he got sick. the other three greeted you knowing you for a while now after the meet up, kyle introduced himself to you and apologized for not showing up. he then ask what you four were playing at stans house "oh dude you shouldve come over we all played wrestling and y/n kicked ass" kyle laughed, "damn your all weak af, shes a girl her punches mustve been weak" in a desperate attempt to get closer to you he blurted out the most overused misogynistic joke ever "oh shit i didn't mea-" he felt his cheek sting and realized you had punched him "weak? dont make me laugh" you walked off, the next day he tried everything to get your attention and say sorry, you ignored him and he was in tears bro, he would 'unintentionally' bump into you, would try to help you with homework everything bro. in class while he was staring at you thinking about tactics and he realized how pretty you were. he started blushing like crazy, you now realize how kyle doesn't come and beg you to forgive him rather he stares at you from afar and whenever you made eyecontact he'd look away all smiley
eric cartman
bro is foul, when he first met you he made the most misogynistic joke ever like he cracked so many jokes without even looking at your death face. you just stared at him while he was calling you the other words for female. he realized it was silent and looked over at kyle stan and kenny who was dead silent and nervously looking at the floor "why aren't you laughing?? you know i make good jokes" and then before he could make another sexist joke you kicked him in his nuts, and punched him "fuck you asshole lets see you try making kids 6 years from now" you walk away and stopped "if anyone even wants you that is" you continued, bro the other three broke out laughing you were foul for that 😭😭. cartman wasn't happy, everytime he saw you at school he'd glare and make sexist jokes that were loud so you can here but everytime you stared back he'd stop. he tried everything to get your attention, even at lunch all he talks about is you "shut the fuck up fatass, at this point you might as well make her your girlfriend" cartman was offended but the more he thought about it the more right kyle was. damn, he is lovestruck, no girl has ever did that to him. so now he tries being closer to you, you were friends and you didnt want to be close friends but cartman was desperate, hmmm you wonder why...?
craig tucker
like always he flips everyone off so it was no different when he first met you, you greeted him so nicely but you just get a middle finger "dude what the hell is wrong with you, fucking jerk go stick your middle finger somewhere else" craig was a little shocked you actually fought back, usually people just get offended and stayed silent. "I'll stick it up your moms ass" he said proudly, he thought he was funny for that but you looked sad and your eyes were glassy you ran away wiping your tears discreetly "dude what the hell her mom died 5 days ago, thats the whole reason she came here" kyle said, everyone knew because they greeted you when you first moved in. craig felt so bad, when he saw you in class he tried talking to you but you flipped him off, he took it as a note you were not in the mood of talking, during lunch he tried talking to you again but you flipped him off again!! now he knew what other people felt fr, its been a week now and you don't know how many times you've flipped Craig off now, people started calling you Craig's long lost twin. craig was going crazy over you, he would look at you during class, find time to talk to you and even planning to go to your house just so he can apologize. "craig, stop staring at y/n, just go confess already" Craig got sent back to reality by cartman, and he was right maybe he should go confess. he knew what he felt for you wasn't just because he wanted to say sorry but because he liked you. this Friday he'll both apologize and confess, bro already bought the flowers and everything , you better be ready to be titled as craigs girlfriend
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peachyloveswriting · 2 years
Kyle x reader who has social anxiety?
CLUB CELEBRATION --- Kyle Brovloski
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SUMMARY: Kyle drags you to the club for Kenny's birthday but you're not very thrilled.
Stan and Kenny are standing outside waiting for Kyle and I when we open the front door. Kyle smiles and greets them with a hello while I softly wave my hand. Reaching back Kyle intertwines our fingers before tugging me along beside him. "We're ready to go now?" He asks as he makes his way to his friends sides. All turning, we walk down the sidewalk towards Kenny's truck. It's still on, waiting for us while snow falls all around.
"Yeah. Night out at the club for your birthday Kenny." Stan claps him on the back and smirks at him. "Hell yeah!" Kenny retorts.
We all pile into the truck, squished closely together while Kenny shifts gears awkwardly in front of Stan's open legs. I'm squished in-between Stan and Kyle, my thighs pressed tightly together. I'm surprised they wanted me to come with, especially to a club. Kyle didn't want to disrespect me by going alone which I would've been completely fine with. But he begged for me to go. I didn't want to go for a good reason, being around so many people is nerve wracking. Even just sitting with so many people now is enough to unsettle me. Of course I know these people so I feel comfortable being here and chatting, however the public part is going to kill me.
After the longest ride to the club in the next town over, we file back out onto the snowy streets and make our way towards the entrance. Kenny's the first to make his way to the door, holding it open to the rest of us. "Let's get fucked up tonight, yeah?"
The guys around me cheer before pulling me into the chaos that is the club. Bright lights flash all around and loud electro music rumbles in the background. All around is the loud chatter and shouts of the visitors all around us, their bodies all merged together on the dancefloor. I can feel the tension building, all the half naked women grinding against guys making me nervous. Kyle drags me to an empty booth table. "We're going to go grab a drink. Want one?" He asks.
"I'm supposed to be the designated driver. Remember?" I respond. He stares at me before nodding and leading the guys off towards the bar. I'm left alone in my seat, everyone's walking around the table with purpose. Each one of them eyes me strangely as they pass. It must be strange seeing me sitting here all alone. They probably think I'm weird cause I'm not dressed inappropriately or drinking. That feeling grows unsettling on my shoulders. Setting my hand on the table top I pick at my nails before eventually pulling out my phone as a distraction. It feels like Kyle should have been back by now but trying to get through a crowd would take a while. So I try to keep still, dating the urge to jolt up and look for him by bouncing my knee.
"Excuse me ma'am." I hear over the noise. I glance over to see a tall slender lady with barely any clothes covering her body. She's absolutely drop dead gorgeous. "Are you here alone?" She quires.
My stomach drops and I open my mouth stupidly to speak. I'm not here alone, I'm with friends is what I want to say but nothing comes out. "Ma'am?" She repeats.
"Ah. She's with us." Kyle scoots from behind her and slides into the seat with me, he holds a beer in his hand and takes a sip of it before smiling at me. She nods, observing the other two as they sit down.
"Right. Enjoy your stay." She moves along to the side and disappears from sight. Small chatter between the boys begins to pick up but I sit silent in my corner. The occasional laughter calls for even somewhat relevant smiles or fake huffs of laughter, otherwise i don't say a word. This whole situation is rather uncomfortable and being brought here with so many people watching is horrible. I'm not terribly focused on the conversation at hand until Kyle nudges me.
"You well them what happened babe." He urges me. My stomach churns and a cold cavernous hole opens up inside my chest. I feel so small, everyone's looking right at me while I look on like a deer in headlights. I give a nervous smile.
"I'm sorry. What are we talking about?" If only the floor could open and wallow me whole, I'd gladly never come back. Kyle's smiles falls and his brows crease. 'Well, ok. Let's move on shall me?" He suggests to the others. Very softly his hand slides around my waist and softly squeezes my side. I figure it's a way of reassurance, just to show not to be worried but my heart is already pounding in my ears. Suddenly it feels like the middle of summer and the moisture is choking every breath.
"I'm going to step out for a bit." I whisper into Kyles ear. He looks and smiles with a nod, sliding out of the seat to let me past. All three watch me as I rush around the corner, my small bag slung around my shoulder. Shoving past a small group of people and towards the door, sporadically I shove it open and step into the cold night's air. Taking a deep breath and looking up at the cloudy sky my eyes flutter. The streets are empty around me, save for the few stragglers. Walking towards Kenny's truck, I extend my hand to the door handle. It shakes harshly like a leaf in the wind, something I hadn't noticed until I stepped outside. Firmly gripping the handle I pull it open and toss my bag inside. The quiet around me is reaffirming that no one is watching, I'm alone.
I hop into the passenger side seat an settle in with my legs out the side. The wind blows softly around the truck, the wind somewhat finding it's way into the truck. I shudder. In my rush to get outside I sadly left my jacket inside and now that I'm out here I'm not going back in for a bit. Just the though of going back in makes my stomach churn with unease and nausea creep up my spine. The door to the club opens and a younger couple exits, I find myself hoping that it's Kyle coming to find me though I doubt he would try. he was already having such a great time with his friends and I don't want to ruin that. Pulling my phone from my pocket I stare at the blank screen, there's no notifications. It's always dry, but I want so badly to text him. Even just staring at our messages I can't gather the courage to bother or faulter his mood.
Nervous, I start typing the first words of what I want to say. Abruptly his voice startles me. Shouting, my phone slips from my hand and falls to the floorboard screen up. Kyle leans down and picks it up, carefully studying my words.
With a hand over my chest, I scowl. "Kyle, why would you do that? I nearly had a stroke!" I fuss. The scare makes my chest ache and body shake with adrenaline.Giving the phone back to me with a soft smile he chuckles. "Didn't meat to. You forgot your coat, I was coming out to give it to you before you got cold but, looks like I'm too late." He points out.
Turning the phone off and sliding it back in my pocket, I hum. "Well thanks Kyle, that's sweet." His gloved hands slide over mine, the warmth is stark in contrast. "Scoot over, let me get you warm." He takes the folded jacket from his arm and places it around my shoulder before sliding me over. I turn quietly while he slides in beside me, an arm eventually comes to rest around my shoulder.
"What if someone sees?" It feels weird to be so open about this sort of thing even with really no one around. Though my question might seem stupid just thinking of other people watching again makes my whole body ache.
Kyle looks at me inquisitively. "What would that matter?" he counters. I shrug and look at the floor board. I know it doesn't matter but my nerves are so shot already that I'm not sure I can handle much more. His arm slides down to my waist and pulls me closer before he grabs my other hand with his free one. "Why'd you come out here?"
I sigh and a white cloud leaves my mouth. I feel bad for pulling him away from his night out with his friends even though he came out here just because he wanted too. "I just needed fresh air." I raise my gaze to meet his. "I hate crowds."
A sympathetic frown tips the edges of his lips down. "Is there anything I can do?" He asks. Just like before when we were inside his hand reassuringly squeezes my side. I shake my head. "No. It's just social anxiety, I hate being in places like this." The though of all those people watching and judging me makes me shudder with discomfort.
'I'm sorry. I didn't know." He hums softly. his genuine disappointment bring amusement to my face. Chuckling, I shake my head and smile up at him. "Don't be sorry. It's not you're fault. I can't help it."
A glimmer in his eyes lights up and he grins at me, leaning forwards to press his forehead against mine. His warm breath fans my face as he speaks. "I know. I just feel responsible for you." Very quickly he kisses my forehead and engulfs me in a warm and safe hug. Smiling softly, I hide my face in his shoulder. "Thank you, for being worried."
Kyle pulls back to look at me again. "Don't, I'm supposed to be worried about you. we're dating." His reassurance makes the hold in my chest slowly closes, bringing with it the warmth of a fire.
I snort, resting my hand on his bicep gently. "I'm thankful anyway. I didn't meat to kill the mood though."
"Kill the mood?" He repeats. I nod sheepishly. "You didn't kill the mood. If anything you made it awkward without you there." He whines. 'You should come back inside with me, we can come back out whenever you like." He offers.
Looking down at his hand covering mine, I hum. "Sure." Knowing I didn't ruin anyone's night or cause any problems eases my nerves. AT least now that Kyle knows I won't be going in alone to deal with it myself. He'll be beside me to keep me grounded, so I'm not alone.
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ell-alexanderarnold · 2 years
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Y/n and Trent are both footballers for LFC, she supports him and he supports her but when it comes to criticism only one can have it their way.
Angst & Fluff
“I just wanna see you shine 'cause I know you are a stargirl“
From a very young age you fell in love with football. You wanted to be like the heroes from your city, Steven Gerrard, Kenny Daglish and many more Liverpool legends. But you also fell in love with him, a young scouser from West Derby in Liverpool.
You met each other on a warm summer day in July, you were out kicking ball alone until you saw two boys approaching you. It was Trent and his older brother and they asked if you wanted to play with them and that’s when the story started. Ever since that day you went to his garden playing football against him and it would go on for hours. The years went by and suddenly the both of you were in the academy playing for your dream club and after the Champions League final, Trent asked you to be his girlfriend and you were the happiest girl in the world.
He was getting more and more recognised by the world and media, and you started to compare yourself with him although that was just normal because he was playing in the men’s team and you in the women’s team, but you still wished you were like him.
It wasn’t until now things began to crack in your relationship, you two are really serious when it comes to each other’s performances and always try to encourage and learn from each other. But you always feel like he gets the better off you in those arguments but you think that you are the best critic to yourself. You get that he’s only trying to help you from the experience he has, but you want to make sure that you can handle it yourself.
This weekend you have a big match against Arsenal and you were nervous, which Trent noticed.
“You seem a bit off, what’s wrong?” He asked.
“Just a bit nervous for the game that’s all” You shrugged.
“I understand, just do your best Y/n” Trent said and it came out in the wrong tone.
“I am trying” You told him.
“This time I think you should improve on your-”
“No I’m not doing this Trent” You cut him off and walked away from him.
“I’m just trying to help you!” He explained, but you were too fed up by this conversation you two keep having before every single game.
“And I really appreciate that but I can help myself Trent” You said whilst you were making your way upstairs to your shared bedroom.
You changed into your training kit and as soon as you walked out of the closet, Trent stood by the door.
“Y/n I’m sorry” He shared.
“Fuck off honestly” You walked past him and rushed down the stairs to get ready for driving to the training ground. Apparently Trent was also going so he took his car keys and went out the door before you did. You met his eyes while walking towards the car, his gaze was on you and in response you gave him a warning look not to start an argument in the car, but that failed.
As soon as he started driving you felt the tension in the car and it was like a balloon that you felt would explode at any moment now.
“Y/n can you stop ignoring me please” Trent spoke up and you reached for your headphones in your pocket, not wanting to hear him out on anything he has to say.
When you had arrived you went out of the car quickly to get away from him, you wouldn’t want anyone in the building to see you two fighting like children.
When you got into the women’s dressing room you met your teammate Missy-Bo Kearns, she immediately read the look on your face and said
“If looks could kill, I would be dead by now” She chuckled and you smiled at her.
“Something you want to tell me?” She continued.
“Nah, just woke up at the wrong side of the bed” You lied.
You got out on the pitch and already knew that it was going to be a hard session, mixed with your mood and the exercises you were going to do. The coaches kept telling you that you could do better and that only made it more worse. When you were done you got to the dressing room quick to avoid any comments from the coaches and your teammates.
“Y/n is everything alright?” Missy-Bo said and you were on the edge of crying but you pulled yourself together.
“Yeah I’m sorry, I’m just really tired today”
Another excuse.
“Okay, just hit me up if you want to talk or anything” She said, you nodded and left the dressing room.
On the way home the tension in the car was more tense than before, you and Trent hadn’t talked since you both came to the training ground earlier and it was getting more and more frustrating.
When you approached his house you slammed the car door maybe a bit too aggressive which made Trent more mad, you could see his frustration painted on his face.
“Geez Y/n calm down” He mumbled, you kept waiting in front of the door for him to unlock it.
When he unlocked the door you dropped your things on the floor and ran up the stairs to shower. When you came out of the bathroom Trent stood outside and you guessed that he wanted to talk but you were so annoyed with him. You couldn’t care less about him standing in the way.
“Oh my god can you let me live for a second” You snapped.
“Not when you’re behaving like this” He snapped back and he was not letting go off you.
“Do you know why? Because I’m tired of you, why can’t I comment on your performance or things you should improve on? Tell me Trent” You fumed and pushed him to let go off you. Trent was silent and you finally got out what you have wanted to say for a long time.
For the rest of the night you and Trent didn’t speak to each other and he slept on the couch while you slept in your shared bed. It was nice getting some space from him but you still missed his warmth against your skin.
The following morning you woke up and it was matchday. You prepared yourself the whole morning and ate breakfast, Trent was up as early as you.
”Good luck on the game today” Trent spoke up.
”Are you coming to watch it?” You asked, you weren’t sure if he’d even wanted to go or if he was busy, but it was a big game so a part of you wanted him to come and watch.
“I can’t, got a thing with the team today”
“Oh okay” You responded and pretended not to care but he could read you so clear and noticed your disappointment.
Your squad met up and prepared for the match. You felt anger in your entire body and wanted to kick the ball up in the sky but you had to limit yourself and focus on the game.
“How are you feeling today?” Missy Bo asked, she noticed your furrowed brows.
“It’s Trent, he keeps telling what I should do on the pitch and what I shouldn’t. I’m so tired of it” You ranted out, only the ones who were in the academy from the beginning with you knew that you and Trent are together from a young age. Missy Bo was one of them.
“I see. You can prove him wrong today Y/n! You can do this” She chimed and gave you a clap on your shoulder.
It was not long until kick-off and you stood on the pitch waiting for the referee to blow the whistle.
The game went on well, yet you had a clean sheet and much possession, but it wasn’t until you got tackled and the ref whistled for a foul, a free kick. Your time to shine. You have a good right foot just as Trent has and in that way, you both had practiced much together and learned from each other. If he only was here to watch this.
You got ready to take the free kick, the ball left your foot, spinning exactly like you wanted it and got in the top of the corner of the goal. Boom 1-0.
You got so happy and excited, all of your teammates came running to you and gave you a big hugs. In the corner of your eye you could see a tall man clapping his hands, it was him. You couldn’t believe your eyes at first, Trent came to your game? You were overwhelmed but you had to get your focus back on the game so you just shot him a wide smile and carried on.
You and Liverpool won the game against Arsenal 2-0. You were over the moon, it was your best performance in a while. You got Player of the Match, one goal and one assist.
After the match you got a text from Trent.
Trent: I’m waiting in the car
You said your goodbyes to your teammates and the staff and made your way to the carpark. Before, your body was filled with anger and frustration. Now, your body was filled with joy and happiness. But you still didn’t know what the situation would be with Trent, you saw his car and made a little sprint before the rain came pouring down.
“Hey baby” He greeted you and pecked your lips.
”Trent I haven’t showered yet!” You beamed but he didn’t care, he kept kissing you anyways.
“I don’t care, you played so well babe” He praised and you giggled and tried to pull away from his never ending kisses.
“Alright, alright boy we can finish that later. I thought you couldn’t come?” You questioned.
“Well I couldn’t miss a big game could I? So I asked the gaffer if I could go and he approved” Said Trent as he smiled.
“How sweet of you Trent, but one thing now. What have you learned from today’s match?” You implored, wanting to know if he understood your warning from earlier. Telling you how you should play and what to improve on.
”That I shouldn’t tell you how you play. I’m sorry Y/n, only you can change your game” Trent apologised and you took a deep breath, relieved that he realised he was wrong.
“Thank you T. Now drive home, I’m fucking freezing” You announced, happy with him now.
“One goal and a assist, not bad my stargirl” Trent whispered.
“I love you Y/n”
“I love you too though you can be a pain in the ass sometimes” You chuckled and he gave you one last kiss before he started to drive.
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world0fmadness · 2 months
i don’t know what this is to be honest! just games i think the grid would like and how they’d play them ^_^ don’t come into my comment section with “ tHeY wOuLdNt CrY aT a ViDeO gAmE ” i have seen the manliest men cry at deaths in games and so many other things, video games are so capable of making you sob your heart out because of how much time you spend with characters and how well the stories are told <3
warning: god of war ragnarök spoilers, life is strange spoilers, red dead redemption 2 spoilers, telltales the walking dead spoilers
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god of war - god of war ragnarök
i think he’d be SO into the story and would absolutely shed a tear or two when kratos calls atreus “ son ” for the first time instead of “ boy ”! he’d have the biggest crush on freya ( especially in god of war ragnarök when she has her valkyrie armour on and her wings back )
thinks faye was just an absolute poet and is very tempted to get “ to grieve deeply is to have loved fully ” tattooed on himself ( literally me )
loves angrboda and atreus, he thinks they are adorable, his digital children, cries AGAIN when atreus leaves at the end of god of war ragnarök
thinks all of the valkyries’ designs are GORGEOUS ( because they are ) but please don’t go near him with that sigrun boss fight
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stardew valley - animal crossing
get this man a nintendo switch and some cozy games as soon as possible, he’d have the cutest animal crossing village and doesn’t go a day without talking to his villagers
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red dead redemption 2
his arthur would be so dripped out it’s insane, he loves arthur as character, keeps arthur well fed, fucking hates micah with a passion ( don’t we all ) cries when arthur gets diagnosed with tuberculosis and honestly hates playing the last chapters with arthur because he can’t stand how deathly arthur looks, cries again when he dies but is so glad he was able to help john get out ( don’t tell him about the first game okay? )
thinks charles is the absolute best side character, loves his character, his loyalty, his words, and his backstory! might just get a bison tattoo to honour him… has a little crush on sadie and tilly ^_^
has the same horse throughout the whole game and treats it SO good </3 gets the braided mane and tail, feeds it so good, brushes it constantly… is beyond heartbroken when it dies
listens to unshaken by d’angelo from the soundtrack on the regular
telltale’s the walking dead
played every season when they first released, this franchise has caused this man so much heartbreak… thought lee, luke and kenny were the best characters until clementine was grown up! absolutely adores AJ too <3
had to pause and take a breath when clementine got bit, cried so much, took him right back to the first season with lee and he couldn’t handle it… thinks telltale are horrible people for baiting you like that
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life is strange - life is strange: before the storm
i can just see him really connecting with chloe in a strange way… absolutely hates nathan but feels a little bad for him at the end, top pricefield shipper, sacrifices arcadia bay every replay ( he sacrificed chloe once just to see and cried for half an hour at the ending )
would probably be so upset at chloe not being in the life is strange: double exposure trailer, wants to know where she is IMMEDIATELY, but is so proud of how grown up max is
i don’t know… i can just see him really liking toem :,3 it’s relaxing
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he plays it on pc, downloads a custom cat mod and makes it a bengal! refuses to show how much he loves it… meows at least one thousand times and scratches every surface when he’s given the option
absolutely bought the b-12 cat toy that annapurna interactive sold for jimmy and sassy
metal gear solid
i just think he’d be so good at stealth… has a HUGE man crush on snake, won’t ever tell anyone ( everyone knows )
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L.A. noire
again, i don’t know how to explain this one but he’d play it and suddenly start using so many vintage words and slang and tries to over examine everyone’s body language, looks like a psychopath… would be a bit mad at the ending, wants a sequel
firewatch - everybody’s gone to the rapture
i can see him LOVING walking simulators with amazing stories… he especially likes everybody’s gone to the rapture because of the british village setting ^_^ absolutely loves the soundtrack for it too
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devil may cry - gungrave gore
i feel like he’d just go crazy in fast paced games like devil may cry, especially devil may cry 5… is super unimpressed with himself when he gets a low score on a stage :(
had a crush on dante when he was younger, still has a man crush on him ( silver fox dante lovers where are you guys? )
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until dawn - the quarry
i can see him just absolutely LOVING some of the characters ( emma, jessica, sam, ashley, matt, jacob, abigail and laura ) and just absolutely hating others ( josh, mike, emily, nick ) if any of his favourites die he’d probably be incredibly inclined to restart the game! thinks sam is the best character ever
is so good at the QTEs because of his f1 reflexes, it’s unfair
horizon forbidden west
i can just kind of see him geeking the fuck out about robot dinosaurs! he’d probably be hyped for the horizon lego game, wants to play it co op with oscar <3
bought the tallneck lego and built it SO quick, he loves it ^_^ top seyloy shipper and has a huge crush on zoe
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muttsterion · 4 months
Kenny's resurrected in a number of ways over the years. Do you have a favorite?
Probably the one/s where Kenny just shows up even though we the audience are aware he shouldn't be there. Most esp in "Cartman's Mom pt 2" where he literally fades into reality and Stan is just "Oh hey, Kenny!" even if we're aware he was literally obliterated by a train an episode ago. And the "Succubus" episode where there's a scene of the boys waiting all night at the bus stop for Chef and we cut to Kenny dead on the ground yet by the next morning he's alive and well(def just put in their for laughs by M&T yep). For fun do you think he either died was rebirthed and aged up fast enough to walk back to the bus stop unoticed or his corpse just regenerated/revived back up on the spot and he just got up on his own? XD I do love all the ways he's been brought back from just poofing in, to being reborn, to his corpse being pumped full of Worscestershire sauce and embalming fluid if we count that as a revive gone wrong. But seriously always loved the idea of him just being able to poof in from out of nowhere with no explanation. And of course the "NAMBLA" episode and Mysterion trilogy has him being reborn as a baby that quickly ages in an unknown time span(going with either a 24hr period or a week long span myself) but I personally hc that there's different ways he can regenerate and maybe being reborn is the default way yet he can still also just poof in or heal right up from where he died or maybe through some other route not thought of. Just a bunch of fun ideas I like to play with.
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Uh.... Main four plus Butters find one of Kenny's many corpses?
I don’t write for Cartman currently just cause I’m not super confident with his personality yet. But I’ll do everyone else <33
Your daily walk with Stan was such a routine that you never really remembered anything that happened. That was about to change today. It started with the normal loop around Stark’s Pond and then you guys decided to take the long way through the back streets because the conversation was still engaging enough that it deserved prolonging.
You were passing a particular alley when Stan got weird and jumpy. It wasn’t normal for him to start having anxiety and it set off alarm bells in your head. In an attempt to figure out why he was freaking out, you looked around, then down that alleyway. To your horror and shock, Kenny laid, missing his legs, on the ground bear the wall.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed and ran down the alley to see if he was still breathing. He’d clearly been dead for at least a few hours. Stan was frozen, previous hopes that you wouldn’t notice, no longer applicable. He wished that he could save you from the trauma and that he could’ve discovered Kenny alone.
“I can’t believe he’s dead.”
“Stan, fucking call an ambulance or something. Don’t just stand there!” You were on the verge of tears. The smell of blood and death making you nauseous.
After Kenny’s body had been taken away by the ambulance, you sat at Stan’s house, devastated.
“Babe, are you ok?” Stan checked in, softly. You let out another muffled sob through your hands.
“How long did he suffer? How long did he lay there, alone?” Stan pulled you into a tight hug, kissing your cheek to try and lessen your pain. He, himself, hadn’t even processed what he’d seen. But it yielded him the mental space to care for you.
“It was probably quick, my love. I bet he didn’t even feel anything.” You squeezed him tightly and buried your face in his chest. It was possibly the worst thing you would ever see but at least Stan was there, comforting you. Always.
It was the usual, coffee and studying with Kyle, Stan and Tolkien. You guys finished up, in good spirits, and began the walk back towards the suburbs. You all spoke and laughed, excited that you’d all finished your math assignments with a week to spare. Holding Kyle’s hand and listening to Stan and Tolkien babble about Warhammer, you scanned your surroundings, taking in the sunny day.
“Holy fuck.” The boys had stopped, Tolkien had spoken. Following their gaze, you saw a familiar orange parka, face down in the grass next to the playground.
“Is that-”
“Kenny.” Kyle cut you off, tugging you closer. Stan ran to investigate, lifting off the hood. He gagged and dropped it suddenly.
“Somebody call the police!” He backed up carefully. Tolkien was already dialing 911. You turned away, shoving your face into Kyle’s jacket, trying to block out the current situation.
Kyle took you home before the police showed up. He turned on a Disney movie and held you tightly on the couch, occasionally kissing your cheek. You were checked out. You tightly held Kyle’s hand, trying to stop replaying that brief moment of when Stan had pulled Kenny’s hood off and all you could see was the blood and brain matter mingled among his blonde hair. But Kyle was holding you so tightly, it was almost painful, and it grounded you enough to appreciate his touch and finally, fall asleep to the movie.
Ok, so, the triple date was awkward. Not so much Wendy and Stan, it was Eric and Heidi. Eric was never on good terms with Wendy and there was clear tension. Kenny was doing his usual best to diffuse it with jokes and casual conversation. The date was definitely cut short by the uncomfortable energy and you, Kenny, Stan and Wendy, left together, getting back into Wendy’s car. You and Kenny agreed to walk back to yours after a quick drink.
It was on the way back when you recognized his parka. You almost laughed before you realised what you were seeing. You screamed and Kenny covered your eyes. It was his body, a pole sticking through his midsection and pinning him to a tree.
“What the fuck, what the fuck, WHAT THE FUCK, KENNY!” You sobbed.
“My darling, it’s ok. I’m here.” He started pulling you home, “I’ll explain when we get back, ok?”
When you were back at your house, you slammed the door shut.
“Was that you? Am I hallucinating?” Tears streamed down you face.
“Sweetheart, you’re not going to believe me. I’m cursed. I die all the time, and keep coming back. And you’re probably going to forget this when I die again.” He was staring right into your eyes. You could tell he was serious but you weren’t sure what to believe. He held his hand out to you and you collapsed into his arms, still sobbing.
Kenny resolved to make doubly sure that you would never see his dead body again. Ever.
“What’s up, hon?” You threw your arm around your boyfriend on your way out of class. He smiled and softly leaned in closer to you.
“Not much, darlin’. I hate that class.”
“I agree.” You laughed, “You wanna go get sushi?” He nodded in agreement and you made your way towards the main street together. It didn’t take too long, and for that you were grateful. You both had another class in an hour.
After you’d gotten your food, you ate as you took a roundabout, scenic route back to campus. That was a mistake.
You almost didn’t recognise the bloody corpse when you saw it, slumped against the back wall of a shop. But the messy blonde hair tipped you off. Your grip tightened on Butters’ hand before you heard retching and Butters pulled away to throw up across the street.
“Honey? Let’s go.” You resolved to suppress everything you were feeling and take care of your boyfriend. You dialed 911 as you led him away. Waiting on the curb for the cops and ambulance to show up, you held Butters as he nearly hyperventilated. Guess you weren’t going back to class. You blocked his view as Kenny’s body was put into the ambulance.
“Let’s go home.” You dragged him up by his hand and walked him to his house. You could feel a cry building up in your chest but you swallowed it, assuming you could go home and cry. But Butters insisted you come in. He couldn’t be alone. You agreed but as soon as you shut the door, you broke down. The both of you cried in each others’ arms until your tears ran dry. At least you had each other.
hope u like <33
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anisrightarm · 2 years
Then there was shawn
Warnings: a dead body??
This is based off of s5 ep.17 of boy meets world, you’re the stand in for Angela (I love her)
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Corey and Shawn were at their lockers getting stuff for Feenys class, Shawn looks at Corey and says “I’ll give you a million dollars if you and Topanga get back together.”
Corey raises his eyebrows and closes his locker, turning to Shawn with crossed arms “You don’t have a million dollars.” Shawn peirces his lips while him and Corey start to walk to mr Feenys class.
“If I have the money is none of your concern, answer the question, if I give you a million dollars will you patch things up with Topanga.” Shawn says to the Brillo haired boy next to him.
Corey sighs ‘this is harder on Shawn then me and Topanga.’ Corey thought. “I’m not the one who needs selling, talk to them Shawn.” Corey states
“I already talked to Topanga, she said two million!” Shawn counters, Corey turns to him with shock on his face.
“Why does she get two million?! And you talk to her but not Y/n?” Corey says the last part lightly but Shawn heard him.
“Because Topanga isn’t my ex, and besides what difference does it make I don’t even have lunch money!” Shawn sighs as the friends pass the janitor Freddie on the way to Mr. Feenys class.
“Look Shawn, I know me and Topanga not being together upsets you, if upsets me! It’s not exactly a party for me either, but you have to leave it alone. Yes I know you’re bummed about Y/n breaking up with you but you have to focus on more pleasant things, Like the space program!” Corey tells Shawn as he rolls his eyes and throws his hands up slightly.
“You don’t get it Cor, you, me, Y/n, and Topanga we’re the only consistent things in my life, besides I’m not gonna go up to y/n and apologize, you’re crazy!” Shawn exaggerated
“You’re giving me a headache Shawn.” Corey says
“My bleeding intestines mean nothing to you?” Shawn states as he bumps into the janitor, Shawn didn’t know when he got by them. “Sorry, didn’t see you there”
The janitor whips his head back to glare at Shawn and continues to push his creepy waste bin. “It looks could kill, I’d be dead-“ “what are you doing in my seat?” Shawn is confused normally he sits in the back now Corey’s making him sit in between him and Topanga.
“I’ll spend a week in the creepy janitors basement if you and Topanga get back together.”
“I’ll spend a month down there if you and Y/n get back together, Turn around Feenys gonna know we’re talking!”
With Topanga and Y/n
Shawn’s obsessed with you and Cor, you know that?” Y/n says to Topanga as they open their notebooks, Topanga places her pencils on her desk as she spoke.
“I think it’s kinda sweet, Corey loves you and Shawn, you know that?” Topanga says as she flips through her notebook to a blank page. “It’s kind of annoying”
Y/ns eyebrows furrowed, why would Topanga say that?
“What’s going on with you panga?”
“Nothing, I’m kinda glad you and Shawn are broken up, you guys are madly in love, me and Corey couldn’t live up to you guys.” Topanga sighs.
“Who asked you guys too?”
“That’s why he broke up with me.”
“What, it’s my fault now?!”
Topanga cringes realizing how that sounded “I didn’t mean it like tha-“ she starts but gets interrupted by Kenny asking to borrow her pencil, Topanga went to give it to him when Shawn jumped in
“A pencil, you’re using the ‘borrow a pencil’ line? That’s older than Feeny! Their not divorced, it’s just a trial separation man! No one has borrowed more pencils than Shawn hunter, No one.” Shawn says as Corey pulls him back in his seat.
“Easy does it buddy”
“Did you see that?!”
“Yeah, it was ugly!”
“He was just asking for a pencil!” Y/n says
Shawn turns to her “I know what he was asking for, and if he asks for it again, I’ll shove that pencil right through his heart, you hear me Kenny?!”
Feeny turns around with a roll of his eyes “we’ll return to the young and restless right after a quick vocal lesson, here it is, shut up!” He tells the class annoyance laced in his voice.
“Mr. Feeny, I’m sure you recall the pain of being stabbed in the back by a girlfriend.” Shawn says
“I didn’t stab him! He stabbed me!”
“Oh come on! I’d stab myself before I ever stab you Topanga.” Corey says
Y/n rolls her eyes “Yeah, right sure you will Corey.”
Corey turns to Kenny “Give me that pencil Kenny.”
“I don’t have a pencil!”
“Alright that’s it! This class will not be more interested in the romantic going-ons of it’s students than whatever the hell I’m teaching!” Feeny slams his scissors on the desk the noise makes Shawn jump.
He tells Corey and Topanga to move to opposite sides of the class room, separating them farther much to Shawns annoyance.
“Mr. Feeny, I don’t think you grasp the importance of ours and their separations!” Shawn says as Feeny rolls his eyes
“No but I can grasp the fact the five of you spend more time bickering then listening to me teach! I’m sick of it! Now anymore outlandish distractions and all five of you get detention! Now sit down and pay attention!” He says as he turns to continue writing Shakespeare on the chalkboard.
Kenny turns to Y/n “Do you have an extra pencil Y/n?” he asks. 
“NO!” Shawn glares at Kenny, suddenly the classroom door bangs open and the janitor empties the trash and points to all of them before leaving. 
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“I didn’t think seniors still got detention.” Corey says as he slides into a desk Y/n nodding along in agreement.
“They do when they act like two year olds.” Feeny says with is hands clasped in front of him.
“They do when they act like two years old” Y/n mocked Feenys words, Feeny lifts a brow
“Miss Y/L/N I suggest you wait to mock someone until they are not standing right BEHIND you.” Feeny says
Y/n lowers her head “Sorry I’m not in my normal seat.”
Feeny walks to the door
“Where are you going?” Shawn asks
“Well, unlike you I’m not in detention, I have to call your parents but don’t think for a second my absents from this room doesn’t mean you’re not being watched.” With that he leaves the teens alone.
“All I wanted was a pencil.” Kenny says with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Oh shut up Kenny, You’re lucky to even be here!” Corey bites back
“Really because I don’t see it as luck Corey.”
Y/n gets up and Shawn subconsciously follows her movements to the door.
“Where are you guys going?” Topanga asks Y/n
“Well if we’re going to be stuck here I’m going to my locker to grab my Walk-man and a book.” “And I’m getting my cheese products.” 
Shawn goes to twist the knob but it doesn’t turn, he tries again and turns to his friends
“Feeny locked us in here! Can you believe it?!” Shawn throws his hands up in the air.
“Move, Let me try Shawn”
“Ugh! What the hell?”
“Told you.”
She rolls her eyes. “He can’t do that it’s against the Jeniva Detention Convention!” Corey says
Y/n taps Shawn and they run to their desks a few seconds later the janitor appears at the door.
“Hey Jingles! Do you have the key?” Shawn makes a key turning motion with is hands, The janitor holds up a ring of keys.
“Awesome! Can you let us out?” Y/n asks but he walks away.
“Oh come on man!” “This is weird Y/n.” “You think?!”
Just then the map covering the chalkboard snaps up Y/n points to the board in horror
Written in blood ‘YOU’LL NEVER GET OUT ALIVE!’
Everyone looks on in horror.
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“It’s OK. It’s OK.” Corey tries to calm Topanga down, He turns to Shawn with wide eyes and whispers ‘Help me!’ Shawn smirks
“What did you say to him?” Topanga asks
“You didn’t hear me?” 
“Obviously not or she wouldn’t have asked”
“Alright!” Corey says delighted 
“What’s going on!” Topanga asks
Y/n and Shawn turn to eachother nodding “It’s Feeny!”
“It’s not me!” Topanga says not hearing her friend
“No, She means it’s Fenny behind all this!” Shawn says as Y/n nods in agreement.
“How are you guys so calm? How are you guys not freaking out right now?” Kenny asks bewildered at the two.
 “Oh trust I am, I’ve seen too many horror movies to know not to let it cloud my judgment, it’s how you die.” Y/n responds 
“THERE’S BLOOD ON THE BLACKBOARD SHAWN, I don’t think it’s because Feeny ran outta chalk!” Topanga points 
“It’s fake Panga-” “It’s all fake! Feeny’s pulling some elaborate hoax.” Shawn finished for Y/n as she nods
“And why does Feeny do anything? To teach us a lesson. I just haven’t figured out this lesson though.” Y/n says in deep thought.
“You’re nuts! This is NUTS Y/n/n! It makes no sense” Topanga says holing on to Corey who had a smug look on his face.
“It does when you’ve seen as many horror movies as me and Shawn, It’s all classic; The blood, the locked doors, the spooky janitor, and our soon to be first victim.” Y/n and Shawn motion to Kenny who was on the other side of the room
“Huh? Why me?!”
“Come on it’s certainly not gonna be one of us.” Corey says the rest of the group laughing in agreement.
Just then they heard a beat in the hallway, Y/n froze and clung to Shawn as he smirked and looked down at her.
“Alright horror experts, WHAT’S THAT?” Topanga screeched pointing to the door.
“That’s the sound of our beating hearts, it signifies our heightened senses and the fact something horrible is about to walk through that door!” Everyone tenses waiting for the horrible sight.
The door swings to reavel Eric Matthews and Jack Hunter, both Y/n and Shawns jaw dropped to the floor. 
“HIDY, HO everybody!” Eric waves with a stupid smile
“How’d you open the door?”
The question fell upon deaf ears as Jack noticed the blackboard “Echhh, There’s blood on the board.”
“We’ve noticed Jack thank you.” Y/n snaps as she lets go of Shawns arm much to his dismay.
“What are you guys doing here?” Shawn asks his brother.
“Well, Jack and I had a hankering for some hoops, I missed that old John Addams locker room y’know.” Eric explains.
“Diddya see Feeny out there?” Corey asks 
“No not a soul, It was actually kinda creepy.” Jack shudders
“Creepy? Why creepy? Why’s it creepy?!” Topanga frantically asks 
“Uhhhh, I think it has something to do with that weird old janitor.” “We knew it!” 
“Anyways we finished hooping and went to the locker room to change and he was in there pushing his weird squeaky waste basket.”
“That’s not bad!”
“Ohhh, blood came out of the showers.” Eric says as Topanga gasps facing you.
“How was the pressure?”
“Oh really good!”
“This is exactly like that classic me and Y/n saw ‘Blood in the showers’.” Shawn says and Y/n agrees remembering the movie they watched on their 5th date.
“This isn’t the janitor! It’s the work of an evil mastermind!”
“Absolutely Feeny” Y/n and Shawn high-five
“Therefore Kenny has to be our first victim!” Y/n points out Kenny to Eric and Jack who both nod in agreement
“I really wish you’d stop saying that Y/n”
Jack gets up “So what is he trying to do? Feeny always teaches us lessons.” He asks the group.
“He knows detention doesn’t scare us like it used to when we were kids, so he turned the school into a chamber of horrors!” Corey concludes
“Feenys house of horrors” Y/n laughs getting a glare from Topanga
“That doesn’t scare me! Nothing scares me! And Topanga and Y/n don’t belong to you or your best bud Cor anymore. So if i want a pencil I’ll ask for a pencil!” Kenny shoves his finger into shawns chest.
Suddenly the lights turn off and Y/n screams moving closer to Shawn, Then just as fast they’re back on Eric in Jacks arms, Topanga screams and covers her mouth.
“No, No, No, You scream when the lights go off not on, it takes from the first scare.” Shawn says putting a hand on Topangas arm.
She screams again and points, You all follow her arm and see Kenny with the giant pencil in his forehead, his body suddenly slumps to the floor leaving a trail of graphite.
Corey walks up “We’ll always remember he was this tall.” And everyone screams and runs out of the classroom.
PT 2????
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guess who watched the from s2 finale? me, and i’ve got some shit to say (spoilers ahead))
(warning: spoilers + cursing + super long post (summary at the bottom))
-alright let’s go, boyd wyd just standing there
-why are you looking for randall’s body- like- what’s the point in that
-oh fUCk julie’s screaming now
-oh shit it’s gonna be marielle next
-boyd why are you back in that place
-oh fuck she hearing the music??? oh shit is something bad abt to happen??
-yo her nose gon bleed??
-language kenny
-oh fuck boyd brought it that’s not good for his conscience
-too late for whAt??
-tabitha. tabby. the tower is nOt the answer. don’t please don’t
-reggie that smile fake af you better not do something dumb
-jade what are you doin- *gets jumpscared by jade smashing the glass* oh ok
-oh it’s the bartender dude
-jade having the same shit as boyd w/ khatri?? (rip my dude)
-interesting method
-awh no don’t be upset boyd :(
-reggie. oh shit. this can’t go well
-oh fuck who’s he gonna shoot
-jade you brave dumbass
-alright who else thinks that string gonna get cut or some shit
-oh fuck don’t lose your flashlight
-boyd i understand your pain but i don’t think cursing out god is gonna help
-donna oh my gOD what an icebreaker
-awh no poor kristi :(
-boyd!!! it’s marrige!! don’t miss the marrige!!
-oh fuck jade
-what the fuck those kids saying anyway?? ahncewy?? encehwy??
-oh yay it’s another vision
-yo vic them trees move again??? oh hey clinking--
-aaand now he’s alone
-oh my god ellis you’re so fucking adorable
-a literal golden retriever
-boyd istg if you don’t show up to your sons wedding imma hurt you
-*is just dying of fluff overload the entire time*
-uhhh boyd you good
-oh fuck
-oh he’s dead. go boyd
-oh fuck we back here
-yo that old man still there??
-wait hol up- does that mean the same thing happening to jul/elle/randy happened to the old man???
-fuck don’t listen to her
-FUCK she makes a good point
-oh wait oh shit what abt tabby don’t you dARE HURT HER-
-nah man am i the only one concerned abt randall being left alone shit didn’t go well last time
-p l e a s e jim where is your wife
-the buzzing oh shit i knew something was off
-…quiet before the storm???
-my fibromyalgia could not handle those stairs mmMm
-those damn children’s voices
-how that shit even turning smh
-oh we going up
-those windows don’t look safe tabby
-what a beautiful view
-biw (boy-in-white) wdym- oh don’t you dare- OH FUCK TABBY OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK
-oh my god she’s in a hospital room
-wait what
-oh fuck don’t tell me she was in a coma and it was all her imagination
-wait no that wouldn’t track
-oh fuck
-don’t tell me it kicked her out and left her family in there
-don’t do this to me or her
-*incoherent sobbing*
as a summarization: what the fuck
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