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emacrow · 7 months ago
The jealous child, Three Sisters, and Consequences of a foretold prophecy
"I was supposed to be the youngest, I trained all through my childhood to save you all and yet I wasn't the glorified prophecy child that the Three Sisters foretold." Zeus snapped as he thrown his lightning at a poor mountain icy snow top above Olympus, cracking the top of it in half.
"I was supposed to be praised to lead everyone to greatness and glory that would have mortals worshipping us for eons but yet here we are split away from the mortal realms due because Pandora and that blasted human who killed our only remaining hold on the living world!" The clouds trembled deep grey as the sounds of thunder rumbled and crack, before the rains fell hard as Zeus nearly broke the stone table with his fist as he fell onto his knees.
"But even before I knew as time past on, I had cause the very downfall of Olympic Empire that the Sisters foretold if I kept what I'd done hidden away for all these years..."
Nearly all the Gods and Goddesses couldn't believe their ears, most were too shocked or disappointed to move beside Hades who steadily walked toward Zeus.
Hades help him get up from his defeated looking form before speaking.
"You have carried this secrets since the very beginning and I have only eight things to say." He said before, grabbing Zeus by his throat and literally choking the near immortal life outta of him as his black hair nearly ignited in a deep rosey red fire.
"You Cocky Fucking Jealous Son of a Bitch!" Hades growled menacingly as he topple on Zeus helding him to the ground.
"You mean to tell me that Everything we have gone through, all the crap you put everyone through with your terrible Decision making, tragical unforseenable and judgements, most of our demigod children killed or suffer a terrible fate and being trapped along here severed from the mortal realms beside the underworld could have all been avoided if you haven't killed our youngest sibling because you were jealous that you weren't the last born." Hades nearly spate hellflames as the very air cold into negative degrees while Persephone let him take his long held anger out because even her distant mother would agree that was lower then a diseased rat to do such a thing.
Meanwhile Shazam was having the most painfully split migraine, chewing on caramel popcorn as he was writing down some notes on what he was listening on from the Gods and Goddess. To later tell the other heroes about then.
Part 5 << >> Part 7
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glow-in-the-dark-death · 1 year ago
Family Wrath
( Implied SA, not actually SA, POV outsider misunderstandings )
Okay I want all the misunderstandings!
Misunderstandings galore my beloved!
For this intrusive thought that decided to hit me as I was minding my own business-
Danny is the baby that Stephanie gave into adoption when she was young.
Obvi trans Danny,
So after Stephanie realizes just who Danny is she investigates (You can't escape the Bat paranoia training)
But here are the misunderstandings: Ellie and Dante (de-aged)
" Oh my God guys I'm a grandmother! "
But wait there's more!
Danny is how old?! With kids, that are very much not newborns?
" So who's the other parent? "
" Oh some fruit-loop named Vlad, he was obsessed with my mom when they went to college together but she wasn't interested at all & now he's obsessed with me. He really wanted the 'perfect' son but I told him to fuck off not that he cared about what I wanted. So yeah, sorry for rambling-are you okay you look a little pale, is the heat bothering you? "
Danny forgets that peoples first thoughts aren't " Oh yea clone! " Or timeline shenanigans
So what these concerned people heard was " Yea this adult man wanted my mom and when he saw that that wasn't an option he targeted me as a child "
Dante & Ellie are just enjoying the show intentionally creating more misunderstandings and havoc, they hope someone will finally go beat Vlad since they're now too small to beat him.
Dante: " Pappa practically died when I was born. "
Ellie: "Yea I almost killed him too! "
They're technically not lying just using what actually happened in a different context
Alfred after hearing what's going on grabbing his shotgun: " I still have good aim."
Jason/Stephanie: " A little murder is fine, as a treat "
Just more and more misunderstandings happening around Danny with him being none the wiser.
Feel free to add to my nonsense, I love it, it's fun to read what people come up with
Just an (Intrusive) Idea
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thimblings · 4 months ago
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i keep drawing him looking like he has the upper hand but tbh this is their dynamic more likely marisol is a menace, and the rookanis rot continues bonus:
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Heyyy so if you’ve been around here long enough and payed attention to some of my hints about future posts so here you go!
🦭🌊Selkie au🦭🌊
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So Danny with Jazz are looking through some old family books while Jack and Maddie are at a ghost Hunter convention or something and after like 30 minutes of this Danny finds a very old book, Danny and Jazz weren’t going to read it but the title and a note on the front got there attention
The title itself looks like it was scratched out and is unreadable but the note on the front says ‘For future generations of the Nightingale family’ while Danny is a bit confused about who the Nightingale family is but Jazz looks intrigued and when Danny asks her to explain Jazz says that the Nightingales were their dads OG family name so now their both interested in this book
So they read it and find out that their blood line from their dads side is full of silkie blood and that the ones who found this out hid it from the others in the family and next to the book was a box with a integrate design of seals and waves marked out by silver -{ Plot Convenience }- and as they open it they find three pelts, two fit them perfectly but there is a anther one that is much MUCH smaller than theirs and they just think is was a old relatives and just keeps it in the box
And a few weeks later they are still trying to figure out what to do with this stuff but they hid the book under Jazz’s bed under some extra blanket she keeps under there and his the box under Danny’s bed behind of some old stuff so that if Maddie or Jack find something under one of their beds they don’t find the rest and it was easier from them due to their parents being tired from the Conversation and not really paying attention to what they were doing
But they had to put plans on hold for what to do as Jazz was going to go look at some colleges that she may want to attend for a few days so she leaves but not before she and Danny take out a piece from the portal so they don’t have any emergency’s while Jazz is gone and can’t help
And while Jazz is gone, Maddie and Jack catches Danny changing from ghost to human and Maddie knocks him out and Jack brings him down to the lab and while Maddie is getting things ready for the experiments and stuff, Jack is putting on the restraints and that’s when Danny wakes up and he start to move and get out while pleading for them to let him go and that’s when Maddie and Jack do what the people here in the Dc x Dp love to do traumatize the fuck out of this boy 
And a few days before Jazz is supposed to came back Dani goes to the Fenton home so jazz and Danny can explain what they wanted to ( they texted her saying they wanted to tell her something very important because since she’s Danny’s clone daughter and has his DNA she should have some silkie blood in her and want her opinion on this ) so when she doesn’t see Danny Mama and that’s when Maddie finds her and knocks her out like she did with Danny
As jazz comes home and sees an empty house she just thinks Danny is out with Sam and tuck and her parents are doing something and as she just abouts finishes unpacking she hears a wail and cries that she recognizes as Danny’s voice and big sister instincts ( and a bit of silkie instincts ) kick in and she goes running to the lab
She finds Danny pined down to the table and Dani’s body next to him her body looks like it is going to destabilize any second and that’s when Maddie and Jack notices her and they all start to fight and Jazz manages to knock out her parents and get Danny out of his restraints and he goes to Dani but not before grabbing one of the ecto injections and helping her but due to the damage Jack and Maddie did, she de-ages to about a 1-2 year old
And now that Dani isn’t going to die, Danny and jazz start running to their rooms so they can grab the box and book and some money because they can’t really grab to many things to where their going and run out of the house to a bus stop at the edge of town, where no one goes but buses still stop and they get on and they do this a few more times until they are at a port town and managed to get on one of the fairies is going to a remote island where there is only about 70 people total and as they get there they hide until it is late at night so no one sees them
And they open the box and wrap the pelt around them and little Dani and as they do a pod of seals come closer to them and start making noises almost like their call them back into the water, back home…
And as they start to walk into the water and swim to the pod they know they made the right decision and maybe they can be around humans again
And now onto the DC part of this thing!
So while on a mission to a remote fishing island because something the fishermen seeing at night and Damian was sent out because the Batfam got mad at him due to him seriously injuring a mugger who was injuring a small animal and now he’s here
As he walks around the island it is around 1 in the morning he notices some sounds around a part of the island no one goes to due to sharp rocks around and as he climbs down that’s when he sees them a seal and their pup swimming around until a large wave causes by one of the boats in the water hit the pup and send them up on the beach and almost immediately Damien goes to help the pup back into the water back to their mother who is swimming close and watching him help their pup
And as he puts the pup back into the water they swim back to their mother and he calls this a good day
The next day around that area he comes back and sees the mother and pup again who seem happy to see him
And this goes on for a few days until a few days before he’s supposed to go back to Gotham he goes to the area to see the mother-pup duo and that’s when he sees them a person around his age with a toddler around 1-2 years old as he is standing there he makes eye contact with the person and…he recognizes those eyes as the mothers eyes and they smile at him as the little girl who he now knows as the little seal pup and runs up to him and holds her arms up expectantly and who is he to deny her so he picks her up and walks over to the mother and now that he is closer he notices the brownish red seal that sometimes came around this here but as a very tall woman who looks to be 18-19 or very early 20s
And they explain who they are ( while Damian is internally simping over the pretty silkie boy, Damian called dips this is his beloved now ) and what brought them here and stuff and Damian makes it his mission to protect them ( and get into a relationship with the pretty boy ) so he stays for a bit longer than the OG mission needed too but the Batfam sent him here so they didn’t have to deal with his actions so if here for a bit longer why would they care
Meanwhile, at the Batcave : running around the headless chickens trying to find out why there youngest isn’t coming back in Gotham when he should have
And now on to the details!
For Danny’s I’m thinking something like this
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And for his pelt
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Mixed with this
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-{ I refuse to believe Danny isn’t a dramatic ass bitch when it comes to fashion }-and here is the hair I’m thinking for him
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And for Jazz I’m thinking this
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And for her pelt this is what I’m thinking
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And hair
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And that’s it! This is inspired my the movie “Song of the sea” that movie has me in a chokehold anyway I hope you guys like it -{ also tumblr kinda kicked me out well I was writing this so if some part are weird that’s why}- Byeeeee
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 5 months ago
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 115
“Seriously old man?” the rumbling voice nearly caused Tim to jump, his eyes darting away from where Ras was sitting, the Al Ghul almost seeming to perk. It was kind of hard to miss the man… teen… being? It was kind of hard to miss the owner of the voice what with how their hair looked like it was on fire. 
They motioned around at well, everything, crimson eyes looking exasperated. “Really?” They were definitely motioning towards him, interrupting Ras when he opened his mouth to talk. “No, I don’t want to hear it, I swear- Did he kidnap you?” That was definitely aimed at him. 
“N-no?” Tim was feeling slightly unbalanced and may be on hour sixty without sleep at this point, if the hour long nap was counted. “I need help finding my not-dad who's lost in time.” 
The being let out a strangled noise that Tim could nearly swear was almost another one, but couldn’t vocalize his slurred thoughts as the dude muttered something, motioning around as though he was tempted to strangle something or someone. 
Ras cleared his throat, looking almost awkward which was how Tim knew he had to be dreaming or drugged. Probably drugged. “Jordan, how good to see you, it’s been so long-”
“Can it Pops,” the being-named-Jordan scoffed, finger pointing towards the Demon’s Head. “Moms still pissed and isn’t coming back any time soon with you still pulling this shit.” 
Tim felt his brain stall, process for a moment, then process some more over what he just heard before his mouth ran before it could catch up. “Ras is married???” 
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felonytaxevasion · 8 months ago
*raises hand* I think in Terrible Popular Worm Fandom people would be really into woobifying the Slaughterhouse Nine and tragic Jack Slash / Number Man Yaoi
After enough brain rot to sufficiently change the popular fan impression of Jack Slash this leads to an influx of "Dad Slash" aus where he "adopts" Taylor or Alec and goes on long therapy speak monologues to everyone who ever wronged them and threatens to kill them but doesn't actually because he's not actually evil just misunderstood 🥺
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bunbunsama · 3 months ago
I love the deliciously heartbreaking & joyous reunion of Rook & their LI after she’s pulled from the regret prison..
I live, however, in Rook getting pulled out of the regret prison & Viago “Don’t die or I’ll come after you in the Fade” de Riva having their reunion first cause that shit goes hard
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wendeeesaucy · 1 month ago
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Rosemary: Mama y Papa
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trash-tzar · 4 months ago
Wait hold on do you guys not know about Viago's backstory. Is this. Am I sitting on niche Viago lore. Hold on.
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thecrowroad · 3 months ago
Trying to work out my Rook de Riva’s family history, and I’ve gotten distracted by Viago and the Antivan royal family. Who could possibly have predicted.
Previous king: King Natale. He was still ruling in 9:28. Natale had a lot of children - at least 11 legitimate enough to be in the direct line of succession, plus who knows how many bastards. Did not appear to cover himself in glory.
Known children of Natale:
Current king: King Fulgeno II. We don’t know many details about him, but he’s Viago’s father, so can be assumed to be at least in his 60s. Has been on the throne since at least 9:41. Does not appear to be covering himself in glory.
Prince Azrin and Princess Ferenna, who joined forces to work Azrin up from 11th in line for the throne to 4th through assassination of their inconvenient siblings/niblings - including possibly arranging/inducing Estefan’s assassination. Zevran was part of the mission to assassinate them both.
Prince Estefan: probably one of the older sons of Natale? Father of Rinna and apparently a lot of other bastards. His assassination for sleeping with married noblewomen was the one that was duplicated for Dante and Viago in 8 Little Talons.
Other descendants:
Rinna: was sent to the Crows, presumably on the same deal as Viago, at around about the same time. She was Zevran’s (and Taliesin’s) lover, and was assassinated by them as part of Crow Politics (ending the Rosso Noche faction that would have tried to put her forward as a legitimate successor to Natale, getting Eoman Arainai the seat of 8th Talon and reminding Zevran of his place in the House - the inciting incident for Zev taking the contract on the HoF. )
Did Viago know Rinna? They’ve got to be a similar age - was she competition? Is the aftermath of the Rosso Noche conspiracy/faction still a hinderance to his dreams of taking the throne? How unpleasant was it for him when his cousin’s ex/murderer came back as The Renegade and how much has it influenced his politics as a reformist Talon?
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rayewarrrd · 4 months ago
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"i'm going with you," she said. "i want to be a crow."
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brennacedria · 1 month ago
A Follow-Up To @pixiedurango 's Antivan Delivery Service letter and my Sofia's original response (link):
(a letter left with Teia for Viago de Riva)
I've arrived at this "Lighthouse" as you called it. Rook informed me when I got here that the Caretaker had a room prepared, and it is... adequate. You neglected to mention one important detail however.
The Lighthouse itself is in the fucking Fade.
To say I do not appreciate this development would be an understatement. I assume of course, that you were unaware of this; you clearly would not have sent your dear sister, a mage, into an environment of raw magic otherwise. I've spent all of the last three days vomiting from what their Dalish mage says is "overstimulation" from the energies here.
If you need me, I will be in my room at home until your next missives are ready to be delivered. I already have Teia's messages for Rook and Dellamorte. I will wait for yours before taking them, to save myself an unnecessary extra trip.
Your dear sister,
~Sofia de Riva
PS: you also neglected to mention that Dellamorte is an abomination. You will be joining me for supper tonight, and we will be discussing this omission at that time.
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cullenssweatyballsakk · 4 months ago
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rosapexa · 2 months ago
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"And now, i die."
~ Valexa "Rook" de Riva, Queen of dumb ideas
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crowderiva · 5 months ago
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sabrina “rook” de riva // the face of a hero who can get it done
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