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nelsonmurdockpaged · 8 days ago
oh the THINGS I have to say about this scene
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the way dex has spiraled because he's lost his job and lost his julie, his north star. and he holds matt responsible for it all because if Fisk had never sent him to discredit daredevil, none of this would have happened to him.
so it's only fair that matt loses his north star - foggy - too.
of course dex feels no remorse and probably even feels joy for it - he got his revenge, and now he's reduced matt to being just like him: a broken, angry, sad man whose only concern is revenge.
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theshipdiaries · 9 days ago
"All I can say is I love them"
"All I can say is YES"
"Frank Castle, Karen page and Matt Murdock being a little bit of a triangle is a thing"
"He just looks at her and they look at each other and that says everything"
"And that's something that we talked about a lot in the writers room"
They didn't ignore kastle😭 the writers acknowledge their connection and story? THEY ACTUALLY LOVE IT??? This can't be true
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thornbushrose · 8 days ago
My thoughts about Episode 1 of Daredevil Born Again, in no particular order:
Not gonna lie, I kinda hate the fight scene at Josie's. It's too dark and smoky to see the action, and that's deliberate. It's the kind of fight scene where I usually just find something else to do until it's over and I find out who won. When they broke out into the stairwell, I was honestly surprised to see all those knives in Daredevil because I hadn't seen a single knife thrown or land up to then. In the old series -- maybe I shouldn't compare but I'm gonna -- we saw it every time Matt got hit, and it looked like it hurt.
What was with all the running around roofs before that fight? We had established that Benny was at Foggy's place, right, and while this is a comic book superhero story and I'm willing to pretend it didn't take at least thirty minutes to run back to his place and shimmy into that costume that he definitely wasn't wearing under his lawyer suit, you will not convince me that he doesn't know the fastest way to Foggy's apartment from any direction. It felt like a bunch of B reel footage that got stuffed in there to make room for dialogue?
I hate the roofs. In the Netflix series, every time they were on a roof, you could tell they were actually on a freaking roof, in the open air. The ones in this series feel like they were built on a sound stage and probably have CGI skies behind them. I feel insulted.
Boy, Vanessa looks old. Who is styling her, the Crypt Keeper? She's a beautiful woman.
When Fisk mentioned Adam, I wondered if he was talking about the son that he and Vanessa have in the comics, but apparently I was wrong and this is her new lover. The comics son is named Richard.
I feel like the New York City we're seeing is cleaner and more upscale than the one in the previous series. Matt has "come up in the world," I guess. Why are there so many people in the Murdock and MacDuffie office? Do they have junior partners? Where did they get the money for all this in just one year?
I'm cautiously optimistic about the writing. We're being shown, not told, about things. Karen's moment of panic when she hears a body fall from the roof, before she turns and sees it's not Matt was beautiful acting on her part. No dialogue needed. Also, Matt is living the life (he thinks) Foggy always wanted him to lead -- no Daredevil, working with Kirsten, making money. He completely blew up his relationship with Karen, which is on form. In the comics, Karen went to California, became a drug addict and ended up in porn movies before Matt had to go rescue her, so I guess we'll see where that goes.
It's kind of hilarious that in this episode we have Karen, Heather and Kirsten, and mention of Echo, all four of whom were love interests for Matt in the comics. What would Fisk think about Matt sleeping with his "daughter"? Lol.
I hate Fisk, but I hated him in the previous show too, so that's probably a good thing. I'm glad they didn't embarrass themselves by trying to make him too much of a tasteless analog of Donald Trump. The proverbial night is young though, I guess.
I kinda want to be picked up and whirled around like he did to Heather on the sidewalk.
That last scene. The contrast of Matt walking through the city and Fisk standing above it is cool. The visuals were striking. But why. was it. so damn. LONG? The point was made, get over it. Ugh.
I wish there was more score and less pop music. I'm old and not connected to modern music, okay, but isn't that pop music going to seem dated in a couple of years? I also felt like "modern and sophisticated" wasn't really the vibe they needed in that last scene. But whatever. I'm not a music person, don't taze me bro.
This is why I only watched the first episode yesterday, I guess. I needed to ruminate. I'll write you another essay tomorrow about Episode 2.
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ghstbrthr · 1 year ago
⭑ ࣪˖ Muse tag on the graffiti, Sammy baby boy I am holding my breath to get your story line as soon as possible
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So, like... is Fisk running for mayor of New York or Flavortown?
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oakitty · 8 days ago
MY DDBA THOUGHTS !!! spoilers ofc, though its mostly about fan reactions + a bit of meta commentary.
i apologise if its a lil incoherent it is 3am and i should be asleep
bro people are being so negative about ddba for no reason its actually annoying. like yeah of course they were gonna kill foggy??? we all knew that ???? dgmw i love him so much and hope its a fakeout but also. we werent going to get foggy or karen at ALL in the og version, so im thankful we got what we got.
it was reworked when they had already filmed like 6 episodes with the original premise etc, which didnt have foggy or karen, so they needed a reason for them not to be in the majority of the season after the rework.
additionally, in the comic run the title is from, karen gets assassinated by bullseye. so either way someone was dying. and, in my opinion, foggy being/appearing to be dead adds a bit more weight to matt as a character, as he has been known to bottle up his emotions, and since hes also not been fighting/daredeviling (which was his emotional outlet), i feel like when he *does* don the suit once more, it/he will feel vastly different.
(ngl i kinda feel like a lot of the outrage is coming from people who just wanna see stuff out of a fanfic/have had their perspective of the characters skewed a lot from reading lots of fanfic. which. kinda fair cos it has been 7 years. but still. do some critical thinking my guy)(not me dunking on fanfic btw i love fanfic it is the backbone of a fandom i love you fanfic writers)
also as a side tangent, i saw someone (i think it was Coy Jandreau) refer to ddba as being like a new comic run. like, yes, its the same characters, in the same timeline, etc, but now theres a new writer who wants to tell their own story. not wanting to jump in at the deep end with new characters and forgetting old ones, they provide a reason characters that may have been common in the previous run do not appear for *their* run. and as always, with new writers will also come a different storytelling method! genuinely, thinking about it in this way is making me feel more okay/comfortable with the writing differences between the og series and this new one.
ANYWAYS i am really enjoying the show and am VERY excited to see where they go with the stuff about cops misappropriating the punisher logo, the registration act, and to see the best father in the whole mcu again (yusuf khan) (i love that man)
edit: ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION i love bullseye so muuch i want to kill him with my bare hands.
also my sheila (kingpin) 🫶 no one could ever make me hate you
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nauticanews · 6 years ago
Mercury Marine nuevo Verado 400 hp L6
Mercury Marine nuevo Verado 400 hp L6
Mercury Marine añade un nuevo 400 hp L6 a su gama Verado
Durante el Salón Náutico de Miami se presentó el nuevo Verado 400 de la gama Verado.
El Verado de 350 ha sido el motor de mayor potencia hasta la fecha de la marca si exceptuamos el Mercury Racing 400R, un producto especializado para la competición. Un paso al frente, sin duda, en un mercado del fueraborda que no cesa de incrementar su…
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mikethefanboy · 6 years ago
Book Beat quick takes on Odd One Out! The Devil’s Thief! Blanca & Roja! Damsel!
Book Beat quick takes on Odd One Out! The Devil’s Thief! Blanca & Roja! Damsel!
What’s better than an entertaining book? How about an entertaining book with something to say? Every book in this Book Beat review round-up tackles some timely issues from Imperialism, sexual orientation, environment, cyberbullying and misogyny.
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